Dandelion root - unique healing properties and methods of use. Use of dandelion juice in folk medicine: benefits and composition. Who should not drink dandelion juice: harm and side effects from the elixir

Dandelion (lat. Taraxacum officinale) is a member of the Asteraceae family of the genus Taraxacum. Another name for the plant is “Irish daisy.”

Dandelion has long served additional component human diet. All parts of this plant are used.

Brief botanical information

Botanists believe that dandelion spread from central Asia. The root of the plant is long and strong, taprooted, and poorly branched.

Dandelion leaves are bright green, long and jagged, growing from a rosette, resembling rays.

Dandelion begins to bloom in early spring, covering fields, squares, and roadsides with a yellow carpet. The plant can grow up to 45 cm in height. If the integrity of any part of the plant is violated, a milky-white, bitter-tasting juice is released.

Dandelion absorbs lead and other heavy metals from the soil. In this regard, it is strictly forbidden to collect dandelion leaves near highways, large factories and other public facilities. It is recommended to collect the plant 50-60 km from large cities and at least 500 m from highways and railways.

Chemical composition of dandelion leaves

The young leaves of the plant are a source of vitamins and minerals. They contain about 17% dietary fiber, 56% vitamin A, 12.7% vitamin B1.

The table provides more detailed information about the biological content active ingredients per 100 g of edible part.



per 100 g of product



per 100 g of product

Calorie content45 kcalVitamin C36 mg
Squirrels2.72 gVitamin E3.47 mg
Fats760mgVitamin K779.4 mcg
Carbohydrates9.55 gVitamin PP806 mcg
Alimentary fiber3.63 gPotassium, K399 mg
Water85.75 gCalcium, Ca188 mg
Ash1.9 gMagnesium, Mg37 mg
Vitamin A, RE518 mcgSodium, Na75 mg
α-Carotene365 mcgPhosphorus, Ph67 mg
β-Carotene5.858 mgIron, Fe3.3 mg
β-Cryptoxanthin120 mcgManganese, Mn342 mcg
Lutein, Zeaxanthin 13 mgCopper, Cu175 mcg
thiamine190 mcgSelenium, Se0.6 mcg
riboflavin260 mcgZinc, Zn410 mcg
choline35.6 mgSahara710mg
Vitamin B584 mcgOmega-3 fatty acids 44 mg
Vitamin B60.251 mgOmega-6 fatty acids 261 mg
Folates27 mcgSaturated acids 170mg
Oleic (omega-9) 14 mgMyristic acid 9 mg
Linoleic261 mgPalmitic acid 145 mg
Linolenic44 mgStearic acid 7 mg

Medicinal properties of dandelion leaves

The chemical composition of plant tissue determines wide range medicinal characteristics.

You can select following properties plants:

  • sweatshops;
  • antivirus;
  • anticancer;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • laxatives;
  • fungicidal;
  • calming;
  • antispasmodic;

Medicinal recipes with dandelion leaves

  1. Dandelion leaf tincture (2 tablespoons of crushed leaves per 100 ml of alcohol) helps strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolism, and improve digestion. For asthenic syndrome, the plant is used as a sedative.
  2. An infusion of the plant is beneficial for diabetics as it lowers blood sugar levels. (Pour 1 tbsp of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes, strain)
  3. Juice from dandelion leaves is used in the fight against warts, calluses and corns, and skin whitening.
  4. Tea made from Taraxacum officinale leaves is popular among people with overweight. Thanks to its diuretic properties, the drink helps remove excess fluid from tissues. In obesity, this process is often disrupted and negatively affects other metabolic mechanisms.
  5. For flu, treatment is carried out with dandelion juice squeezed from its leaves. Freshly squeezed juice is preserved with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio and left for 3 weeks in a dark place. Then the mixture is filtered. The medicine is taken 40-50 g 2 times a day.
  6. When an insect bites, dandelion leaves are crushed to a pulp and applied to the bite site, wrapped with a bandage. The compress is changed every 3 hours.
  7. For problem skin use a decoction of dandelion leaves. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material are boiled in 300 ml of water for 15 minutes, filtered and cooled. Wipe your face with the resulting decoction.

Dandelion leaves in the diet - salads with dandelion

In spring, salads are made from young, juicy dandelion leaves.

Their use helps to cure gastritis, cholelithiasis, vitamin deficiencies, and skin diseases.

With regular enrichment of the diet with leaves of the plant, the complexion improves, the skin clears, and the rash goes away.

But due to the bitter specific taste, it takes time for a person to get used to such dishes.

Partial removal of bitterness can be achieved by soaking the raw material in salt water for 30-40 minutes.

After processing, dandelion leaf salad can be consumed as a separate dish or added to dishes with other ingredients.

The taste of the leaves is significantly improved by adding lemon juice. A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice seasoned with black pepper and salt is perfect as a salad dressing.

Vegetable salad with dandelion leaves

Vegetable salad with the addition of young dandelion leaves – vitamin bomb and an excellent choice for those who want to lose extra pounds.

  • Recipe No. 1 – dandelion leaves with garlic

The dish is simple to prepare: pour a handful of fresh juicy leaves with water and add 1-2 teaspoons of salt, leave for 35-40 minutes, then dry and chop. Chop 1-2 medium cloves of garlic and mix well with salt, chop 1-2 lemon slices with peel and add all this to the leaves.

Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of grated carrots, finely chopped sorrel, crushed nuts and season it all with a mixture of olive oil with lime or lemon juice or mayonnaise.

Another very good recipe watch in this video.

  • Recipe No. 2 – dandelion leaves with sauerkraut and egg

Delicious and healthy dandelion salad with the addition of sauerkraut and a chicken egg.

Preparing the salad does not take much time. Chop 100-150 g of plant leaves and 25 g of onion greens and mix with 70 g of sauerkraut and add pre-cooked egg, cut into cubes. Add salt, sour cream to taste, mix.

You can use olive oil instead of sour cream.

  • Recipe No. 3 – Dandelion leaves with sorrel and pork

Salad of Taraxacum officinale leaves with sorrel and pork. Chop the greens (in a 1:1 ratio) and add salt to taste, then add vegetable oil and stir thoroughly.

Sprinkle chopped nuts onto the salad, add natural honey to taste, boiled meat, cut into thin slices.

  • Recipe No. 4 - Dandelion leaves with bacon and croutons

Dandelion is popular in French cuisine. Salad with bacon and fresh leaves of this plant is considered a delicacy and is served in the best restaurants.

To prepare, rinse 40 young dandelion leaves with water and dry, place on a plate. White bread(3 pieces) cut into cubes and fry with the addition of garlic pressed through a press.

Then place the crackers on a paper napkin to remove excess fat. Cut and fry 30-50 g of smoked bacon, place on a plate on top of dandelion leaves, pour over olive oil, add salt, pepper, croutons, pour over acetic acid. The dish can be served to the table.

  • Recipe No. 5 – Dandelion with beets

Dandelion leaves go well with beets. To prepare the salad, boil 1 beet root and cut it into cubes. Wash the dandelion leaves and treat them in salt water. After this, grind.

Mix chopped leaves and beets, add 50 g of grated goat cheese. Season the salad to taste with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. WITH

Sprinkle white on top sesame seeds. The salad goes well with boiled buckwheat.

How to make dandelion salad - video

Is it possible to harvest dandelion leaves?

Usually, medicinal raw materials is, it is precisely this that is harvested as a medicinal raw material. The leaves are consumed fresh or fermented like any other greens.

Contraindications for use

Taraxacumofficinale should not be used if there is blockage. bile ducts and with impaired motility of the gallbladder.

If you have gastritis or ulcers, you should also treat this product with caution, as it causes an increase in acidity.

If consumed in excess, vomiting, diarrhea and allergic reactions.

A relative contraindication is pregnancy and breastfeeding.

So, at first glance, the malicious weed dandelion actually has a number of medicinal properties and is used to prevent and treat many diseases.

In addition, dandelion leaves can be used in cooking

Nature has combined the tasty and healthy in this plant; the main thing is to remember this and use its valuable gifts.

Taraxacum officinale L.

In spring and summer, thousands of dandelions bloom in the most unexpected places, painting everything around in sunny colors, delighting and uplifting, folk medicine Dandelion has long been considered the “elixir of life.”

Dandelion is used to treat anemia, as a tonic and restorative. Medicine has studied and confirmed the antiviral, antidiabetic, antituberculosis, cleansing, anthelmintic properties of dandelion preparations.

Dandelion is one of the most common plants on our planet; it easily adapts to environmental conditions, grows on plains and mountains, in the sun and in the shade, and survives in any conditions; This ubiquity on Earth and the rich content of healing properties explains its widespread use.

In Russia, dandelion is distributed throughout the European part, in Western Siberia, on South Eastern Siberia And Far East, the most common dandelion is officinalis.

Description of the dandelion plant. Dandelion officinalis or common is a well-known herbaceous perennial with milky juice in all parts, belongs to the genus Dandelion - Taraxacum of the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. The plant has a short branched rhizome on top, turning into a vertical taproot up to 60 cm long with a diameter of up to 2 cm; pinnately divided or pinnately lobed leaves, narrowed towards the base, collected in a basal rosette.

Golden-yellow reed flowers - in single inflorescences in baskets up to 5 cm in diameter on long hollow flower stems 10 - 50 cm tall. At night and in damp weather the baskets are closed, protecting the flowers and achenes from moisture; on a sunny day the baskets are open; it blooms in April - July.

Dandelion fruits are light grayish-brown achenes, attached to parachute fluffs, with the help of which they spread easily. One plant can produce up to 3000 achenes. It is also easily spread by pieces of roots when digging, which immediately give rise to new shoots.

Dandelion root, leaves and flowers, and plant juice are used for medicinal purposes. The main medicinal raw material is dandelion root. It contains up to 40% inulin, sugar up to 20%, rubber 2 - 3%, bitter glycoside taraxacin, triterpene compounds, organic acids, fatty oil, flavonoids, alcohols, resins and mucus, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium.

The roots are harvested in the fall in September - October, during the period of wilting of the leaves, less often in April - early May. The dug up roots are cleaned and washed in running water, large roots are cut, then dried in air until the milky juice stops secreting from the cuts. Dry in a dry, ventilated area or in an oven at a temperature of 40 - 50° C. Store in a dry place for no more than 5 years.

In different places, dandelion is also called puffball, milkweed, spurge, cotton grass, barkweed, toothroot, milkweed. The generic name Taraxacum comes from the Greek word tarassoin - "to soothe" - given to the plant for one of its medicinal properties.

Dandelion root beneficial properties and contraindications application

Dandelion root preparations are used to stimulate appetite, as choleretic agent, at chronic constipation, at allergic diseases, gout, spleen diseases, kidney stones, flatulence, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, cystitis, furunculosis and vitamin deficiency.

Dandelion roots are used in the treatment of rheumatism, treatment lymphatic system, adenoids, for obesity, diabetes, for helminthic infestation; Dandelion increases milk flow in nursing women.

Preparations from dandelion root are used for anemia and asthenia; dandelion has a tonic and calming effect on the nervous system and normalizes sleep. For diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis, dandelion helps improve nutrition of the heart muscle.

Dandelion root is used as a bitter, choleretic agent, as a mild laxative, diuretic and sedative, as an antipyretic, diaphoretic, expectorant.

How to take dandelion roots?

To stimulate appetite, for anacid gastritis, liver and gall bladder diseases, for constipation, for gout and renal colic:

Infusion: pour one tablespoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, close the lid, wrap it up, leave for 2 hours, strain, squeeze. Take chilled 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For colds, coughs, furunculosis, skin rashes, acne; to increase milk supply in nursing women:

  1. Infusion of dandelion roots (or roots and leaves): one tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour. Take up to 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Decoction: one tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed roots, leave in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes. Strain, squeeze, add boiled water to the original volume. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Blood composition is normalized when skin diseases, furunculosis.

Dandelion is one of the powerful herbs for increasing milk supply in lactating women, and the milk is enriched with the amino acids contained in dandelion.

For chronic rhinitis, adenoids:

Infusion of roots: one tsp. dry crushed root, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cover, cool, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 - 4 times a day.

For fatigue, lack of strength, stress:

Tincture: pour one tablespoon of crushed dandelion roots with a glass of vodka or alcohol, leave in a sealed container in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain, squeeze. Take 30 drops in a spoon of water 3 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks.

The activity of the digestive glands is activated and gastrointestinal tract, metabolism is regulated, appetite improves, and the overall tone of the body rises.

To remove toxins, harmful substances, cholesterol, from gout, rheumatism, sclerosis:

Grind dried dandelion roots into powder using a coffee grinder. Take 2 g of powder with water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Dry dandelion root extract is used in the preparation of medicines.

For hypertension, insomnia, as a laxative and anthelmintic:

Pour 10 dandelion flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 - 4 times a day.

For eczema:

Infusion: two tsp. pour leaves and roots into a glass hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 8 hours. Take 100 ml hot 3 times a day before meals.

To treat eczema, you can prepare an ointment:

  • Dandelion root powder - 1 part
  • honey - 2 parts

Mix everything thoroughly and use as an ointment on the affected areas of the skin.

In the treatment of eczema and pustular skin diseases, ingestion of a decoction of dandelion root in a ratio of 3:1 parts is helpful.

Fresh dandelion juice is taken as anthelmintic and tonic : 50 ml 1 - 2 times a day.

Dandelion juice diluted in water 1:10 is used in the treatment of eye diseases , conjunctivitis, pain in the eyes. At the same time, it is good to take small doses of plant juice orally before flowering: dilute 1 ml of juice in 200 ml of water, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day - dandelion has an antiviral effect.

Dandelion juice is used externally to lighten freckles and pigmented liver spots on the skin.

To lighten freckles and age spots:

Decoction: two tbsp. l. crushed root, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, strain, squeeze. Wipe the skin 2 - 3 times a day; You can apply lotions for 15 - 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask from fresh leaves dandelion moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin. An infusion of flowers also whitens freckles and age spots.

Dandelion root contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance. Dandelion pollen can cause allergies.
  • It is necessary to observe the dosage of using dandelion preparations. Dandelion has a laxative effect; an overdose can lead to diarrhea.
  • Do not take medications in acute situations with cholelithiasis - blockage of the bile ducts, peptic ulcer stomach.
  • Take dandelion root preparations after consultation with your doctor.

Dandelion root use in medicinal preparations

1. For cholecystitis, cholangitis:

  • chicory root - 1 part
  • tsmina flowers -1
  • dandelion root - 1

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

2. For eczema:

  • buckthorn root - 2
  • chicory root - 1
  • dandelion root - 1
  • watch leaves – 1
  • fennel fruits -2

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, boil for 30 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 3/4 - 1 glass 2 - 3 times a day.

3. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to stimulate appetite:

  • wormwood grass - 2
  • yarrow herb - 2
  • dandelion root - 1

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave with the lid closed for 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

Dandelion root contains medicinal fees during treatment diabetes mellitus.

Watch an excerpt from a wonderful video herbalist Valery Baburin about the properties and uses of dandelion root; In what cases is it necessary to prescribe dandelion preparations:

In folk medicine of Rus', dandelion leaves and roots have always been used for liver diseases, swelling of the legs, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, scrofula.

With the help of dandelion root, all liver diseases, gallbladder diseases, stones in the liver ducts and bladder, dandelion relieves spasms, reduces blood glucose levels. In dermatology and cosmetology, dandelion infusion is recommended to be taken orally for acne, skin rash, boils. As an external remedy, infusions and decoctions are used to remove freckles and age spots.

Dandelion application and use in everyday life

Dried dandelion roots and herb, brewed as tea, are used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

A coffee drink is prepared from roasted dandelion roots.

Fresh young dandelion leaves are used to prepare healing vitamin salads. To remove bitterness from the leaves, they need to be kept in salted water for half an hour - 1 dess. l. salt per 1 liter of water, then rinse cold water, cut. You can add green onions, dill, parsley to the salad, boiled eggs, fill vegetable oil, sour cream.

Such salads are especially used for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, metabolic diseases of the joints, skin diseases, and liver diseases.

The leaves have therapeutic effect due to the content of vitamins A, B, C, P, choline, asparagine, iron salts, potassium, phosphorus, they contain up to 5% protein.

Healing golden jam is made from dandelion flowers.

Dandelion flower wine has been very popular in England for a long time. Ray Bradbury wrote the story “Dandelion Wine”, in which he praised this drink.

In France, dandelion is grown as a salad crop with more delicate and larger leaves. In spring, the leaves are eaten fresh and pickled.

Dandelion gives not only joy with its golden sunny inflorescences and fresh greenery, but also health, starting in early spring, if you know and use medicinal properties dandelion

In the article Dandelion root medicinal properties and contraindications dandelion officinalis we looked at dandelion root beneficial features and contraindications, how to take dandelion roots, how to prepare and use the healing power of the roots, leaves, flowers and juice of this medicinal plant.

Be healthy and happy! Use healing powers nature!

An amazing fact, but 90% of people know about dandelion only that it yellow color, and at the moment the seeds ripen, they are covered with white fluff. The plant is so widespread that it can be found in all regions of Russia except the Far North, so the flower is perceived as a weed that grows everywhere.

This is interesting! In Russian there are other variants of the name dandelion. So, in different regions of Russia it is called svetik, March bush, pustodui, canna, milking.

Only 10% of people know the medicinal properties of dandelion and contraindications to its use. Meanwhile, the usefulness of the plant was known back in ancient times:

  1. Theophrastus mentioned the healing properties of the plant as early as 300 BC!
  2. Avicenna also said that the flower has medicinal properties and used it for self-medication.
  3. John Hill, in his book The Family of Herbs, published in 1812, wrote that a decoction of dandelion roots has a diuretic effect.

Application of the plant

The healing properties of dandelion are recognized by both traditional and folk medicine (we have already written in detail). The plant is used in various cases:

  • treatment of diseases;
  • disease prevention;
  • fight against hypovitaminosis;
  • deworming of the body;
  • cosmetical tools.

Among the diseases that the herb successfully copes with are colds, poisoning, low acidity, diabetes mellitus, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

Japanese scientists have patented dandelion root extract as a remedy used in the fight against oncological diseases. A series of laboratory research, which confirmed the effectiveness of root extract in the fight against tumors.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

During production medicines All parts of this plant are used. Each of them has its own collection and storage technology.

Important! Dandelion, like many other plants, is capable of accumulating harmful substances, such as lead. You cannot collect plants at a distance of less than 500 meters from railway, up to 200 meters from roads, near cities. Plants growing in these areas are not only useless, but harmful to health.


The optimal time for harvesting is late autumn or early spring. Excavated ones, which are also rich in medicinal properties, need to be cleared of soil, thoroughly washed in water, and laid out to dry in the sun. The drying time is 2–3 days, depending on the weather. Then you need to dry the dandelion roots in a drying cabinet. Can be dried indoors for two weeks. Should be stored in paper bags for no more than five years. Starting from the third year of storage, many substances are destroyed and the product loses its properties.


The harvesting time for dandelion flowers depends on the region, usually from May to June. Depending on how these parts of the plant will be used, two main methods of collection and storage are used.

To make jam, dandelions are collected at noon, the flower is open and filled with nectar as much as possible.

If you plan to use flowers to prepare a decoction, proceed as follows. The collected flowers are spread in a thin layer on gauze and dried in the shade for several days. Then they are dried indoors and packed in paper bags.

To prepare tinctures, the collected flowers are poured with medical alcohol and stored in a cool, dark room.


No special contraindications other than allergies have been identified. However, when treating with dandelion, caution should be exercised in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers duodenum;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • predisposition to diarrhea;
  • blockage of the biliary tract.

It must be remembered that dandelion is medicinal plant. It is best to discuss its use with your doctor.

The history of using the flower for medicinal purposes goes back several thousand years. During this time, hundreds of ways to use it were invented and tested. It is impossible to describe them all in one article. Dandelion officinalis is not just weed. This is a treasure trove useful substances, getting rid of many diseases, an alternative or an excellent addition to cosmetic products.

Dandelion is a well-known flower, one of the first to bloom with the onset of spring. For many gardeners it is a nuisance weed. In fact, it is one of the best medicinal plants with cleansing properties. It is often called a liver tonic and blood purifier. In folk medicine in many countries, it is used as a choleretic, diuretic, digestive-improving herb, stimulates appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats. They eat it: young leaves are used to make a vitamin salad, and the root can replace coffee. Dandelion medicinal description plants

Dandelion description where it grows

Dandelion grows everywhere as a weed and is very hardy. Belongs to a large genus of perennials herbaceous plants family "Asteraceae". Botanical name Taraxacum. Among more than 2 thousand species, the most famous is the medicinal dandelion (Taráxacum officinále) or common dandelion. Another name is dandelion or field dandelion.

It grows in temperate latitudes on the Eurasian continent, and North America and is considered the most useful herb, found in the northern hemisphere.

Its bright sunny flowers can be seen in meadows, clearings and edges, rocks, wastelands in late April early May. It can easily take root even in cracks in asphalt and concrete.

According to one version, Europe is considered the homeland. Other botanists consider it native to all temperate regions. Here, dandelions can be found from the Caucasus to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

For commercial purposes, they are most grown in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, and England.

Dandelion officinalis is a herb about 30 centimeters high. The leaves are smooth, with teeth along the edges, oblong, reaching a length of 10 to 25 centimeters and a width of 1.5-5 centimeters. They grow in a basal rosette.

Single flowers are located on a long, bare, hollow inside, pale green stem. Open in the morning and close in the evening. They are very sensitive to sunlight and do not open at all in cloudy weather.

After flowering, they turn into a white ball consisting of seeds, which are attached to the receptacle by thin hairs. Due to their fragile connection, they are easily torn off and carried by the wind over long distances.

The roots are fleshy dark brown outside and white inside. When broken, it releases a white milky substance - latex, which is found in all parts of the plant and has a bitter taste.

It can reach up to 60 centimeters in length and about 2 centimeters in thickness.

Benefits of dandelion: chemical composition

Dandelion contains many substances beneficial to the human body that give it healing properties. The main component is milky juice, which contains taraxacin, flavoxanthin and taraxacerin.

In addition, it contains:

Vitamins A, E, B2, B4, C;


Minerals: manganese, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, boron and others;

Organic acids: oleanolic, palmitic, linoleic, lemon balm and cerotinic;

Fixed oils;



Protein compounds;


It has no saturated fat and cholesterol.

The leaves of the grass are rich in:

Ascorbic acid;








Sesquiterpene and triterpene compounds;


Potassium salts;

They contain luteolin glucoside, inulin, and vitamin K. The inulin content can reach up to 40 percent.

Found in the flowers of the plant:





Vegetable protein;

Essential oil;

Beneficial properties of dandelion

According to chemical composition, dandelion represents richest source many useful substances, and in a very harmonious combination.

It is only worth noting that in terms of vitamin A content it ranks 3rd after fish oil and beef liver. Vitamin A plays an important role in the fight against cancerous formations epithelial tissue, including the oral cavity and lungs. Its content in the leaves can provide 203 percent of the daily requirement.

B vitamins help reduce stress.

Choline helps improve memory.

Foods rich in potassium, balanced with magnesium, help reduce blood pressure and the risk of strokes.

Calcium in high concentrations can strengthen bones and lower blood pressure.

Fiber fights diabetes, reduces cholesterol, the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, help in weight loss. Passing through the intestines, they bind salts heavy metals and remove them from the body.

Inulin helps lower blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetics.

Tannins and fiber impart antidiarrheal properties.

Linoleic and linolenic acids are needed by the body to produce prostaglandins, which regulate blood pressure and body processes such as immune responses and suppress inflammation. Participate in normalization menstrual cycle and prevent platelet aggregation.

Glycosides and flavonoids protect the liver and are useful for strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

Lentinan, a polysaccharide, increases resistance to simple viral infections.

Bitterness gives it a tonic effect and antifungal properties, stimulates the production of bile.

All these chemical substances Individually they may not be so unique, but together they provide unique properties:

Act as a mild diuretic;

Helps increase bile production;

Stimulate appetite;

Helps normalize digestion;

Tones the liver;

Promotes weight loss;

Stabilizes blood sugar.

Dandelion medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the plant have been well known throughout human history. It has long been used to treat jaundice, gout and diseases associated with liver and bladder disease.

WITH therapeutic purpose All parts of the plant are used: flowers, leaves and roots. Present in it chemical compounds endow dandelion grass with such properties as:














Thanks to its medicinal components, dandelion is an excellent drug for treating diabetes. This plant can stimulate insulin production.

It helps get rid of kidney, bile and bladder stones. As additional means The plant can be used in the treatment of anemia.

Dandelion has a stimulating effect on cardiovascular system, useful for arthritis.

Dandelion helps with poor digestion and loss of appetite, supports healthy liver, kidney, and gallbladder function.

The leaves act as a mild diuretic and stimulate the production of stomach enzymes and bile, supporting healthy digestion.

The root acts as a mild laxative and relieves constipation. Flowers are brewed in stagnant conditions.

Modern research has confirmed that dandelion is capable of:

Normalize blood sugar levels;

Reduce triglycerides;

Help in the treatment of bacterial infections;

Normalize alkaline balance in organism;

Reduce high acidity.

The leaves cleanse and support kidney function.

The roots, as a choleretic agent, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promote the breakdown of fats;

White milky juice, having soothing properties, is used to treat various skin diseases.

The juice of the herb tones and strengthens.

What does dandelion help with?

Dandelion is officially approved for use in many countries, including ours. It is mainly prescribed for the treatment of liver diseases such as hepatitis and jaundice. But it can be used in different areas of medicine.

Its roots and leaves enhance secretion gastric juice, stimulating digestion and appetite, helping with anorexia and better absorption nutrients. In addition, a decoction of the roots relieves spasms, cramps and colic. He copes with inflammatory diseases and atherosclerosis.

Dandelion is used for:

Blood purification;

Dissolving kidney stones;

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Weight loss;

Prevention of high blood pressure;

Treatment of anemia;

Reducing serum cholesterol levels;

Diabetes control;

Prevention of cancer.

It copes equally well with constipation and diarrhea, reduces gas formation, heaviness in the stomach when eating fatty foods.

It helps with:


Liver cirrhosis;


Stomach diseases with low acidity;

Potassium deficiency;

Joint diseases: arthritis, gout.

This early spring flower is considered one of the best medicinal plants for detoxifying the body. By stimulating the organs responsible for eliminating waste and toxins, it helps eliminate them from the body.

Nursing mothers brew it to improve breast milk production.

Of particular note are the properties of dandelion in dermatology. Since childhood, many people know that the milky juice of the flower removes warts. It can help cope with:

Pimples and blackheads;





Various ulcers and blisters on the skin;

Bee stings.

In cosmetology it is used for cellulite, freckles, age spots.

Dandelion application

The most important advantage of dandelion is its versatility. The herb can be used in the form of tea, decoctions, infusions, alcohol or vodka tinctures, or in powder form.

Dandelion tea

Brew 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves in a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. You are allowed to drink up to 3 glasses a day.

Dandelion leaf tincture

Prepared at the rate of 1 part dried leaves to 5 parts vodka or 30 percent alcohol. Take 5 to 10 drops three times a day.

A tincture of the root is made in the proportion of 1 part dried crushed root to 2 parts 45 percent medical alcohol. Take 2.5-5 ml 3 times a day.

To prepare a 10% tincture, take 1 part of the root and 10 parts of vodka. Take 10-15 drops three times a day. Can be added to tea.

Infusion of leaves

Brew 2 teaspoons of dried leaves with 150 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink 50 ml up to 3 times a day warm.

Decoction of roots and leaves

For a decoction, a tablespoon or 2-3 teaspoons are brewed into 200 ml and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Take three times a day.

Fresh juice of the leaves is drunk 5-10 ml twice a day, from the roots one to two tablespoons per day.

Dried root in powder form - 0.5-2 grams per day.

Young spring greens are used as a salad ingredient. At this time, the leaves contain a minimal amount of bitterness.

The roasted root is used as a coffee substitute, and the herb is often used to season meat dishes.

Honey, jam and wine are made from flowers.

Contraindications and side effects

In general, dandelion is one of the safest and most well-tolerated medicinal plants.

Sensitive people may develop allergic reactions when coming into contact with the plant. Most likely in people with allergies to ragweed, chamomile, chrysanthemum, calendula, and yarrow.

Avoid heavy consumption of dandelion leaves in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics.

Those with liver problems or gallbladder, before starting to use drugs based on it, you should consult your doctor. If you have bile duct stones, dandelion should not be used.

Because it stimulates digestive system, may cause overproduction of stomach acids in some people. Therefore, those who:

There is a stomach ulcer with high acidity;

Duodenal ulcer (especially in the acute stage);

Gastritis with high acidity;

Intestinal obstruction;

Obstruction of the bile ducts: cholangitis, biliary tract cancer, pancreatic diseases;

Exacerbation or serious illnesses liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer.

Dandelion is a diuretic and can increase the elimination of drugs from the body. People taking prescription medications should always consult their doctor to avoid drug interactions.

These same properties can cause exacerbation of hypertension or heart disease.

It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. You only need to avoid dosage forms alcohol based. Considering possible development allergies or if you are taking any pharmaceuticals, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Harvesting and collection

Although dandelions grow all summer, collecting them better in spring. After flowering they accumulate more bitterness.

Now a few warnings when collecting:

The best leaves for preparing a spring vitamin salad are young, plants that do not yet have flowers. For medicinal purposes, you can pick the leaves during flowering, choosing younger ones. For salad, you can pick the inflorescences when they have not yet bloomed.

Fresh leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, placed in a bag or container with a lid.

Flowers are collected during the flowering period in the morning. As a rule, they close after 16:00 in the late afternoon. Such flowers have healing properties, but small insects love to hide in them.

The roots are most often used as medicinal raw materials. They are harvested in the spring at the beginning of the growing season or in the fall, when the leaves begin to fade, by digging them out with a shovel. Re-harvesting of roots in this place should be done no earlier than after two to three years.

The dug roots are shaken off the ground, cutting off the above-ground part and thin lateral shoots. Then washed in cold water. Then they are left in the air to dry for several days to prevent the release of milky juice.

Drying is carried out in well-ventilated areas in the shade or under a canopy, spreading in a thin layer no more than 3-5 centimeters thick. Drying usually takes about 10-15 days.

It is allowed to dry in ovens or an electric dryer at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 degrees. Store for no more than 5 years.

Sometimes dried roots look flabby, light, from which the top layer easily peels off. This suggests that the raw materials were harvested too early, when the roots have not yet accumulated sufficient quantity nutrients. Such raw materials are rejected.

The dried roots have a bittersweet taste and are odorless. Upper layer light brown or dark brown.

If the prepared raw materials have been stored for several years, then before use you need to ensure their quality. They shouldn't have foreign odor, damage by bugs, rodents, etc. If such defects are present, they cannot be used.

Dandelion in cosmetology

Women are well aware of the beneficial properties of dandelion. Many beauties do not miss the opportunity to use these flowers to nourish, moisturize, and whiten their skin. It effectively fights freckles and age spots.

The milky juice released when cutting any part of the plant removes warts, and Fresh Juice can get rid of pimples and blackheads.

Mask for acne and freckles

Squeeze the juice from the leaves and flowers. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and use instead of lotion twice a day (morning and evening), keeping it on your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse and wipe with kefir, whey or sour milk.

Anti-pigmentation mask from leaves

Grind 6 pieces of young fresh leaves into a puree and add to them 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (if the skin is dry) or 1 egg white(if oily). Apply to face and keep for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and wipe with lotion. The mask helps get rid of freckles and blackheads.

After washing off the mask, to enhance the effect, wipe with sour milk, kefir or whey.

A mask made from a mixture of dandelion and parsley juice helps against freckles and pigmentation. Squeeze the juice from both plants and mix in equal proportions. Wipe your face two to three times a day every day.

Lotion for freckles and age spots

Grind fresh flowers. Take 2 tablespoons and pour 500 ml of water. Boil for half an hour. When cool, strain and squeeze out the herbs. Use instead of lotion to wipe the skin. Can be frozen in cubes.

For blackheads, lotion is made using medical alcohol or vodka. To do this, take the entire plant (flowers, stem, leaves and roots). Clear it of soil and rinse in cold water. Chop and pour vodka in a ratio of 1 part raw material to 2 parts vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.

Leave for 10 days in a dark place and filter, squeezing the raw materials well.

Dilute before use ready-made tincture water (mineral or distilled) in the proportion of 1 part tincture to 2 parts water.

Dandelion is not only a medicinal plant, but also edible. It is very useful in the spring, when the body’s supply of vitamins and minerals decreases. It can come to the rescue and relieve many health problems. But still, we must not forget about contraindications, so as not to harm our health.

Medicinal properties of dandelion and how to brew

In many European countries, as well as in the USA, India and Japan, dandelions are grown on special plantations. Healing juice is made from the whole plant, salads are made from the leaves, and medicinal jam and wine are made from the flowers.

The dried roots are used to make healthy and healthy drink, similar to coffee, but healthier.

1 tbsp. l. crushed roots, pour a glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Drink a third of a glass warm 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh dandelion leaves. Rub the decoction into the scalp and apply along the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head in a towel and walk like this for 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair. This mask strengthens hair well.

Dandelion jam

Collect 500 unopened dandelion flowers. Rinse them thoroughly and leave to soak in cold water for a day. It is better to change the water several times - this will remove all the bitterness. After the specified time, drain the water, add 1 liter of cold water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and squeeze the flowers well. Add 1 kg of sugar and the juice of 2 lemons to this decoction. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Cool and pour into jars.

Acts as an antipyretic. To improve immunity, you can coat cakes with this jam, serve with berries for dessert or with pancakes. It tastes like honey.

I can’t even believe that we pass by this healing plant every day.

Avicenna also treated heart and kidney edema with milky dandelion juice and reduced eyesores. Yellow dandelion flowers contain lutein, which is essential for normal functioning eye pupil. With its deficiency, vision deteriorates and eye diseases develop.

Traditional medicine recipes - methods of preparation and use.

Treatments for rheumatism

First, you need to eat dandelion stems, they need to be eaten raw - as much as the body allows, so as to feel comfortable. It is best to eat the stems on the third day after the flower is released, when the stems become slightly brownish and contain a lot of healing juice. To get rid of the disease you need to consume the stems throughout the season, often this is enough.

The second is an auxiliary remedy: collect and immediately grind dandelion flowers, mix them with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, place them in an open place, but in the shade, for one day, then put them in the refrigerator. After 1.5 weeks, squeeze out the contents and strain. Keep refrigerated. Use arbitrarily, the more, the better. This will not cause harm (restriction is only for those who should not consume sugar).

Eating stems will also be useful for those who constriction of blood vessels or ischemic disease hearts- from 5 to 10 pieces in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 hours before breakfast, chewing thoroughly.

Painful joints with arthritis and polyarthritis can be treated with dandelion flowers. To do this, pick 10 pieces daily, chew them thoroughly into a pulp and swallow. For those who have these diseases chronic form- flowers are dried for the winter, then steamed with boiling water and eaten 1 tbsp. per day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Joint pain. Rubbing tincture of dandelion flowers on triple cologne, infused for 10-12 days, gives a lasting analgesic effect. To do this, collect flowering dandelion heads, place them tightly in a jar, and fill them with triple cologne. They insist, then filter.

If you have problems with thyroid gland To the dandelion leaves you need to add a little seaweed, parsley root or greens, boiled beets and season with vegetable oil. It will be like this strong source iodine for the body, which will definitely improve the patient’s condition.

The large amount of magnesium contained in this plant helps with treatment nervous system, heart, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Healing Dandelion Honey or medicinal jam from dandelion

This honey can treat joint diseases, get rid of gallstones and kidney stones, joint pain, pain in the fingers, improve metabolism, cure osteochondrosis, put in order the main filters of the body - the liver and kidneys. This honey should be consumed within 2 years, although some people find it helpful within one year.

To prepare dandelion honey, flowers should be collected during the first mass flowering, choosing an environmentally friendly place for this purpose, at least 2-3 km from busy highways, in order to avoid heavy metal salts. For one person for a year (from dandelions to dandelions) you need 3 liters of honey. There are several recipes for making dandelion honey, each of them is useful.

Recipe 1.

For 1 liter of honey, collect 350 dandelion flowers along with a green base in the form of a basket, without stems. Rinse the entire flower mass thoroughly with cold water and pour in 1 liter of cold water, place the container on the fire, bring the mass to a boil and cook over low heat for 1 hour with the lid closed. Place the flowers in a colander and when all the liquid has drained, throw them away. Pour 1 kg into the resulting green broth. sugar, bring to a boil and cook again for 1 hour over low heat. 15 minutes before the end, squeeze in the juice of one lemon. Let the liquid sit until the next morning. The honey is ready.

You should take it 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Recipe 2.

Fresh dandelion flowers 200 pcs, place in portions in a sieve, rinse thoroughly with cold water, let it drain. Place all the flowers in a saucepan and add 1 lemon, wash it thoroughly, chop it coarsely and mix it with the flowers in the saucepan. Pour 500ml. water and cook for 10 minutes. over low heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and leave to stand for 24 hours. Then strain the mixture and squeeze well. Discard the flowers and add 750g to the remaining liquid. sugar, bring to a boil with constant stirring and cook for 30 minutes. over medium heat. Prepare jars and lids. They need to be washed well and doused with boiling water. Fill the jars with hot jam and immediately close the lids. Place upside down and let cool.

Recipe 3.

400 dandelion heads, 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar.

There is no need to wash dandelions, otherwise the pollen will be washed off. Place dandelion heads in a saucepan and pour hot water. Let them sit under the lid until the water cools down. Strain, add sugar and cook for 20-30 minutes. When the jam boils, a white scum will appear. It needs to be removed. Pour into prepared jars. For sourness, you can add lemon juice to the jam (just before removing from the stove).

Recipe 4.

400 pieces of dandelion flowers without stems.

Rinse in cold water and leave in it for a day (you can change the water several times during the day). After a day, squeeze out the flowers and pour out the water. Boil 1/2 liter of water and place flowers in boiling water. Boil for about 15 minutes (over low heat). Squeeze well. Discard the flowers, add 1 kg of sugar and the juice of 2 lemons to the remaining water. Cook over low heat, stirring continuously for 50-60 minutes. until the color and viscosity of honey. If after an hour your honey has not thickened, cook for another 20 minutes. You should get about 1 liter. The honey turns out to be very tasty, aromatic and of course healthy. It must be stored in the refrigerator.


This honey It is forbidden should be consumed by children under 19 years of age until the growth of the body’s skeleton, and with it the formation of bones, has finished, otherwise dandelion honey can damage young bone tissue that has not yet formed.
