Treatment of diseases by numbers. Digital codes of hornbeam - treatment of diseases Numerical codes of health

Digital health codes.

Treatment of rheumatism 8 4 5 8 8 repeat 66 times
back pain treatment 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of pain in the knee joint 8 4 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of pain in the legs 8 5 8 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of joint pain 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cholecystitis 9 1 8 0 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of atherosclerosis 3 8 1 5 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of gastric diseases 5 8 0 1 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of duodenal ulcer 8 1 5 1 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of neuralgia 8 0 1 0 repeat 66 times
Migraine treatment 3 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of tracheitis 0 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of heart disease 3 5 3 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia 3 5 3 1 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hypertension 8 4 5 1 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of dermatitis 9 9 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of anemia 3 8 5 1 1 0 repeat 66 times
Cold treatment 8 0 1 5 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of arthritis 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of toothache 9 1 9 9 repeat 66 times
Cataract treatment 8 3 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of glaucoma 3 8 0 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hemorrhoids 0 8 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Health promotion 9 9 1 1 repeat 66 times
Strengthening physical strength 9 8 9 9 9 repeat 66 times

This is taken from the texts of G. Grabovoi. But I decided to post them, believing that knowledge belongs to everyone. Yes, and I think Grabovoi did not invent them himself, but took them from higher spheres.

I checked 8451000 on myself - it works!
I did this while walking, for each step - one figure. Account - pinching fingers.

Here is the instruction "Concentrating on the numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick restoration of a normal state."

Numbers create a certain vibration.

This is only a small part.
If you go on the Internet at the address "digital health codes" you can find a lot of interesting things there. I wish you success.

Numerical series corresponding to groups of diseases

Critical conditions (this includes acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, cardiac arrest, shock conditions) 1258919
Tumor diseases 8214351
Sepsis 58143212
DIC 5148142
Diseases of the circulatory system 1289435
Rheumatic diseases 8148888
Respiratory diseases 5823214
Diseases of the digestive system 5321482
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract 8914254
Endocrine and metabolic diseases 1823451
Occupational diseases 418548
Acute poisoning 4185412
Infectious diseases 5421427
Diseases of vitamin deficiency 1234895
Children's diseases 18543218
Obstetrics, women's diseases 1489145
Nervous diseases 148543293
Mental illness 83454444
Sexual disorders 1456891
Skin and venereal diseases 18584321
Surgical diseases 18574321
Diseases of the ear, throat, nose 1851432
Eye diseases 1891014
Diseases of eubs and oral cavity 1488514
Unknown diseases and conditions 1884321
Norm of laboratory indicators 1489999

"Because the simplicity of the method is its great advantage, I used this approach as the basis for writing a reference book for curing any disease. This book has already been written. It is called "Restoration of the human body by concentration on numbers." It has more than a hundred pages. thousands of names of diseases and for each is given a corresponding numerical series of seven digits.Tuning to any specific numerical series, you heal yourself from the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why such a simple procedure as concentration on a sequence of certain numbers is so effective for curing diseases?
What's the matter here?
The point here is the following. Every disease is a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the work of individual cells, or organs, or the whole organism as a whole. Curing the disease means returning to normal.
So the digital series I have given just provide a return to normal. Concentrating on this particular sequence of numbers, tuning in to this digital series, you are tuning the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, a few words should be said about the vibrational structure of numbers.
Behind each number and each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, then the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the organism to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this numerical sequence itself is the norm.
It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentration on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned according to the sound of a tuning fork.

When using this method, you need to concentrate on a sequence of numbers, or on each number from this sequence separately in turn.
Instead of sequential reading of numbers, you can act as follows. You concentrate first simultaneously on the first and last numbers of the digital series, then on the second and penultimate, then on the third from the beginning and the third from the end, and finally on the central number.

When working with digital series, you can act in different ways, and in what respect. It is possible, moving from one number to another, to concentrate on each number for the same time. And you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times.
By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence changes, a slightly different sound arises, and therefore it acts somewhat differently. In practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved with any duration of concentration.

I draw your attention to the following. Concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it inwardly, see it as absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick recovery to a normal state.

Rtprtpr (251x201, 7Kb)By tuning in to a specific number series, you heal yourself, your loved ones, children, etc. from the respective disease.
If you are helping another person, then at some distance from yourself, imagine the image of this person.
Somewhere between you and the image should be the desired number series. You can simply write these numbers on a piece of paper and put between you. In concentration, your contact with the image should be in a straight line through the numbers. It is very important to remember that when you concentrate on numbers, you should constantly have a thought about the health of this person.

The book consists of 27 chapters. Each chapter deals with a set of specific diseases. In the first 25 chapters, almost all known diseases are covered.
In the 26th chapter, concentrations are given for the cure of unknown diseases and conditions.
After the title of each chapter, immediately after it comes a restoring number series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter.
It can always be used, and especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but it is only known that the disease belongs to this section.
If the diagnosis is known, then the number series immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general series of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number that cures this disease.

As an example, I will give the beginning of the first chapter.
HEART STOP (clinical death) - 8915678

Further, I will give here only the titles of the following chapters with the corresponding restorative numerical series.
CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212.
CHAPTER 17. Obstetrics, female diseases - 1489145.

It may also happen that in case of some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to indicate specifically the chapter to which this disease could belong.
In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I have placed in the book another chapter, the 26th: "UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321".

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts.
I will give them now, and next to each part of the body I will put the corresponding restoring digital series.
1. Head - 1819999.
2. Neck - 18548321.
3. Right hand - 1854322.
4. Left hand - 4851384.
5. Torso - 5185213.
6. Right leg - 4812531.
7. Left leg - 485148291.
And now about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the digital row intended for the head. If a person experiences some painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas.

COLOR THERAPY can enhance the healing effect of numbers.
To do this, you need to write numbers or see the right color.

Abscess - blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism - yellow, indigo
Allergy - light orange, indigo
Alzheimer's disease - blue-violet, azure
Anemia - red
Appetite loss (anorexia) - lemon, yellow
Excessive appetite (gluttony) - indigo
Arthritis - purple, blue-violet
Asthma - orange, blue
Bronchitis - blue-green, blue, turquoise
Blister - milky, milky blue
Inflammation - blue
Hemorrhoids - dark blue
Hypertension (high blood pressure) - green, blue
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - red, red-orange
Headache - green, blue
Flu - purple, turquoise, dark blue
Breast disease - red-purple, pink
Dyspepsia - lemon, yellow
Vision impairment - azure, indigo
Toothache - blue, blue-violet
Infections - purple
Intestinal disorder - yellow-orange
Colic - lemon, yellow
Bone disease - lemon, purple
Skin diseases - blue-violet, lemon
Bleeding - blue-green
Leukemia - purple
Fever (high temperature) - blue
Menstrual disorders - light red, blue-green
Bladder disease - yellow-orange
Muscle pain - pale orange
Nervous diseases - blue-green, green
Burns - blue-green, blue
Tumors - purple, blue-violet
parkinson's disease - indigo
Liver disease - blue, yellow
Pneumonia - red, indigo, red-orange
Kidney disease - yellow, yellow-orange
Swelling - blue, light blue
Cold - red
Cancer - blue, blue-violet
Hay fever - red-orange
Disease hearts - pink, green
AIDS - purple, indigo, red
Rash - turquoise, lemon
Nausea - pale blue
Anxiety - green, blue
Acne - red-violet, red
Ear disease - turquoise
Eczema - lemon
Epilepsy - dark blue, turquoise
Ulcers - green

From reviews on treatment by this method:
1. "My blood pressure was constantly around 160/100. Once it jumped to 200/140. They dictated two rows of numbers to me and said that the first of them (1289435) would improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and the second (1489999) would normalize the main indicators of the body: pressure , composition of blood, urine, temperature, sugar level. The method of treatment is extremely simple. You need to write down the number series on paper and in silence focus on them, repeat or consider. There was no strict time for treatment in her notes. I immediately began such an easy treatment and honestly worked with numbers every day for about a month. You won’t believe it, but I didn’t have any more attacks of hypertension. Not immediately, but the pressure crept down. " P. Markova, Ivanovo.

2. "I myself have been doing this teaching for about a year. And I'm not alone - there are several people united by a common interest. And so, this year we managed to cure 3 people, our acquaintances, using Grabovoi's methods. I don't even want to name diseases - Doctors are surprised that their patients are alive, despite the traditional course of diseases.We apply these methods to the common cold or flu, neuralgic pains, fevers, etc. And always successfully, because diseases disappear within an hour or two. their strength, and then there is either a quick recovery, or - the disease proceeds in a very weak form.
Did you ask if there are people cured by these methods? I answer - yes.
Are there cases where these methods did not help? The answer is also in the affirmative." Vasily F. Kiev


Concentration can be carried out both by the person himself for self-healing, and you can concentrate by putting into concentration the thought of restoring another person through a given concentration.
You can concentrate on the numerical series corresponding to the chapter, immediately, covering all the diseases that are included in a particular chapter, if the disease belongs to the title of the chapter, but there is no exact diagnosis.
If the diagnosis is known, then it is necessary to concentrate on the numbers corresponding to a specific diagnosis.
With concentrations, you can move from one concentration to another and thus understand how to arrange a sequence of numbers in order to create control in the direction of complete restoration of health.
Try to find your own concentration.
This approach extends to the general control system through concentration by numbers. In this case, the concentration can be done sequentially, that is, for example, from the first to the seventh number, or by choosing numbers.
Thus, the concentrations are different and the methods of concentration can be individualized depending on how they are applied. You can apply concentrations at any time, either by memorizing or writing them.


Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Cardiac arrest - 8915678
Traumatic shock, shock and shock-like conditions - 1895132

Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
Malignant bone tumors - 1234589
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
Tumors of the brain (head and spinal) - 5431547
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Skin cancer - 8148957
Breast cancer - 5432189
Bladder cancer - 89123459
Liver cancer - 5891248
Cancer of the esophagus - 8912567
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Cancer of the penis - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Prostate cancer - 4321890
Colon cancer (colon and rectum) - 5821435
Thyroid cancer - 5814542
Ovarian cancer - 4851923

Heart arrhythmias - 8543210
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
Heart blocks - 9874321
Varicose veins - 4831388
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910
Hypertensive crises - 5679102
Hypertension - 8145432
Myocardial infarction - 8914325
Ischemic (coronary) heart disease - 1454210
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomyopathy - 8421432
Cardiosclerosis - 4891067
Collapse - 8914320
Myocarditis - 8432110
Circulatory failure - 85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
Congenital heart defects - 9995437
Acquired heart defects - 8124569
Rheumatism - 5481543
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
Heart failure - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Vascular crises - 8543218
Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - 8145999
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580

Joint diseases - 5421891
Infectious arthritis - 8111110
Gout - 8543215
Rheumatism - 5481543

Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
Lung cancer - 4541589
Tuberculosis of respiratory organs - 8941234
Emphysema - 54321892

Gastritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Hepatitis - 5814243
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract - 58432144
Constipation - 5484548
Colitis - 8454321
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Food allergy - 2841482
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - 5843218
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245
Cirrhosis of the liver - 4812345
Enteritis - 8431287
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 8125432

Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Pyelitis - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Kidney stone disease - 5432143
Renal failure - 4321843
Cystitis - 48543211

Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Leukemia - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714

Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
Diabetes diabetes - 8819977
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
Obesity - 4812412

Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5412514
Helminthiases - 5124548
Ascariasis - 4814812
Herpes infection - 2312489
Influenza - 4814212
Dysentery - 4812148
Giardiasis - 5189148
Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488
Erysipelas - 4123548

Headache - 4818543
Dizziness - 514854217
Infantile cerebral palsy - 4818521
Stroke of the brain - 4818542
Migraine - 4831421
Narcolepsy - 48543216
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
Shingles - 51454322
Brain tumors - 5451214
Tumors of the spinal cord - 51843210
Sleep disorder - 514248538
Traumatic brain injury - 51843213

Alcoholism - 148543292
Drug addiction (substance abuse) - 5333353
Neuroses - 48154211
Epilepsy - 1484855

Impotence - 8851464
Frigidity - 5148222

Warts - 5148521
Vitiligo - 4812588
Gonorrhea (male) - 2225488
Dermatitis - 1853121
Urticaria - 1858432
Microsporia - 1858321
Psoriasis - 999899181
Trichophytosis - 4851482
Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Adenoids - 5189514
Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999
Laryngitis - 4548511
Runny nose (rhinitis) - 5189912
Runny nose vasomotor, allergic - 514852351
Otitis - 55184321
Acute tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321

EYE DISEASES - 1891014
Astigmatism - 1421543
Myopia (myopia) - 548132198
Glaucoma - 5131482
Hyperopia - 5189988
Cataract - 5189142
Strabismus - 518543254
Corneal ulcer - 548432194
Barley - 514854249

Gingivitis - 548432123
Tooth decay - 5148584
Acute toothache - 5182544
Stomatitis - 4814854


The answer is unequivocal - Of course he could! And a lot of crooks do just that all the time.
That is what they are doing to fool people.
And even more so, having mastered the methods of manipulating the psyche and consciousness.
yes, there are some crooks out there..
Entire states (through the media), such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, lie to entire nations, and you doubt that one person could lie.

I remember how he, or someone like him, resurrected a person - conjured something, cast spells, and so on. and then he says - Everything, I resurrected. Now wait, he can appear anytime, anywhere, whenever he wants. maybe time will pass, maybe he doesn't want to, maybe you will see him in the crowd and so on. But he has already been resurrected.

This is such noodles on the ears of people who have immense grief, and they believe in any nonsense in such a state.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

To regain your health, cure a disease, you need to choose a certain order of numbers and encode your disease. And with this in the body you will start the miraculous process of recovery.
The fact that numbers have miraculous properties has been known since ancient times. Such phrases as, for example, "magic seven", "Holy Trinity" or "devil's dozen" arose for a reason. BUT number 7 considered sacred throughout the world. There are 7 notes in an octave, a rainbow has 7 colors, there are 7 days in a week, there are even seven color wonders. In addition, the "seven" is a kind of "threshold" of our logical perception, because, as a rule, we are not able to remember more than 7 numbers, words or objects at a time until we divide them into groups.
Another well-known number is 12 ( "dozen"). There are 12 months in a year, 12 signs in the Zodiac, and there are 12 apostles. Many countries believe that 13 is a bad number ( "Baker's dozen"), and even in high-rise buildings there are no apartments with number 13. What is it: just superstition or things more serious? Is it true that numbers have special mystical properties that influence the fate of a person? Only those who belonged to the top of the ancient states were initiated into numerology or the science of numbers: Indian Brahmins, Egyptian priests.

Numbers hold the key to fate

Numerology based on ancient formulas. According to this teaching, by date of birth, you can calculate "life number" and learn about the strengths and weaknesses of human health.
Calculate this number in this way. For example, you were born on June 3, 1980 (06/03/80). You need to add all the numbers: 0+3+0+6+1+9+8+0=27. Then add up the numbers of the amount you have now received: 2+7=9. This is the number of life, and it is equal to 9. If you get a total of 10, then zero must be discarded and another 1 added. You will get the number 11, which is the last number of life.
What does the received number say?
Number 1. The person who received this figure has a strong-willed, creative and energetic character, although he is often selfish. This is a purposeful person who is able to show even excessive cruelty on the way to achieving it. Therefore it cardiovascular system at risk. He may also suffer from circulatory diseases.
Number 2. People with this life number are kind-hearted, fair and sensitive, they have sharp intuition and a strong sense of humor. They are peaceful. Health problems may arise due to weakened immune system, as well as with vitamin deficiency.
Number 3. This is the number of optimists who have a wide circle of friends. It happens that they offend other people. These people strive for something new and cannot stand the routine. Their weak point is respiratory system.
Number 4. The owners of this life number are hardy, patient and purposeful, accustomed to painstaking work, if they are doing what they love, sometimes a little pedantic. Their scourge - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Number 5. This is the life number of restless and tireless people. The owners of the number "five" certainly need freedom. Only a few of them retain their place of residence, marriage and permanent work. They are prone to diseases of the nervous system caused, as a rule, by an appropriate way of life.
Number 6."Six" is a symbol of compassion and romance. Its owners hate the dispute, the main thing for them is harmony. For the sake of this, they sometimes even compromise to their own detriment. Their weak point is kidneys therefore, they are more likely than others to suffer from diseases in the genitourinary region.
Number 7. The owners of the "seven" are stubborn, do not listen to the arguments of other people and want to learn everything from their own experience. The lack of flexibility of such people often bothers their partners. These people are threatened heart and cardiovascular diseases.
Number 8. People of this life number are characterized by high responsibility, willpower and logical thinking, but often they have problems in marital relationships. Sometimes everything appears to them in black, which, in the end, leads to depression. So they suffer nervous diseases and even mental disorders.
Number 9. This figure is a symbol of positive energy, deep feelings and readiness for self-sacrifice, which others often use, shifting unpleasant things onto the shoulders of the owners of the life number "seven". Such people tend to rheumatic diseases. They should pay special attention to the musculoskeletal system.
Number 11. People with the life number "eleven" are very sensitive, easily injured, hard to lift and do not like difficult problems. In this case, they, as a rule, fall into a difficult situation through their own fault. And in general, they are emotionally unstable in life, so diseases, as a rule, occur in them on a nervous basis. And they are more likely than others to suffer from sexual disorders.

Numerology and vibration

What is numerology based on? It is believed that everything in the world and the entire Universe vibrate, and the numbers from 1 to 9 have a full cycle of vibrations. When the nature of magnetism, electricity and light was discovered in the 19th century, scientists came to the conclusion that the molecules of any substance constantly oscillate, vibrate, like a musical sound.
According to numerology, the universe is a gigantic musical instrument with countless strings that vibrate at different frequencies. In total there are nine main levels of vibration, numbered from 1 to 9, they also correspond to nine notes issued by instruments. Each note represents a place, a person, or an object, and vibrates at its own frequency, adding up to one general note that applies to the entire universe.

What is the health code

Each cell of our body also has its own rhythm, and the totality of cells of a separate organ sets the rhythm for this organ, but it will already be different. From the rhythms of each organ, the rhythm of a group of organs and, finally, the rhythm of the whole organism as a whole is created. The appearance of the disease is evidenced by the deviation of some organ in its rhythm from the norm. This process can be compared to an orchestra: if at least some instrument is out of tune, then the whole piece will sound wrong. The same thing happens in the human body - if some organ vibrates out of place, then this is a sign of its disease. Therefore, in order to recover, you need to tune each cell of the diseased organ to a vibration that corresponds to its healthy state.
This can be compared with the action of sound vibrations, when the installation of a few words, repeated with a certain mood, has a positive effect on the body. In folk medicine, such an attitude is called the "conspiracy of the disease." There is a work of sound vibrations that affect the cells of the body.
Any disease indicates a deviation from the norm in the work of certain cells of the body. To cure the disease with numbers means to return to normal. There are digital series that just return the body to normal. You need to concentrate on a certain sequence of numbers, tune in to a specific digital series, and the body tune in to a state corresponding to a healthy body.

How to heal with numbers

Each number corresponds to a spiritual-energetic vibrational structure. In order for it to correspond to the vibrations of a healthy body (normal), you need to arrange the numbers in the correct sequence. If you focus on such a sequence of numbers, the body will be tuned by analogy with a musical instrument tuned to the sound of a tuning fork.
At the same time, it is of great importance for treatment by numbers has during the concentration to feel and see your body healthy.

Digital series and groups of diseases

1258919 - critical conditions, such as acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure, shock conditions, cardiac arrest
8214351 - tumors
58143212 - sepsis
5148142 - DIC
1289435 - diseases of the circulatory system
8148888 - rheumatic diseases
5823214 - diseases of the respiratory system
5321482 - diseases of the digestive system
8914254 - diseases of the genitourinary system
1823451 - endocrine and metabolic diseases
418548 - occupational diseases
4185412 - acute poisoning
5421427 - infectious diseases
1234895 - diseases due to lack of vitamins
18543218 - childhood diseases
1489145 - gynecology
148543293 - nervous diseases
83454444 - mental illness
1456891 - sexual disorders
18584321 - venereal and skin diseases
18574321 - surgical diseases
1851432 - diseases of the ear, throat and nose
1891014 - eye diseases
1488514 - diseases of the oral cavity and teeth
1884321 - unknown conditions and diseases
1489999 - normalization of laboratory parameters

Choose the number series corresponding to your diagnosis, write it down on paper and memorize it, remembering how it looks on paper.
To create an information field, you need to say the following key settings:
- In cooperation with the Will, Soul and Consciousness of the Creator;
- In accordance with the Eternity of the World;
- In accordance with the Physical Bodies of the One God;
- Divine light from all objects of the Universe!

Now you need to close your eyes and imagine your number series in front of your eyes in the form of large shiny silver volumetric numbers written out on a dark background. The clearer you see before your eyes the written number series, the more effective the treatment will be. If you are treating a child, invite him to imagine his favorite sweets or cookies in the form of numbers, so that he mentally eats them one after another, not forgetting that these are numbers.
Push mentally the central number of the row so that it begins to rotate away from you in a vertical plane. The effect of the treatment will become even stronger.
Give the number a mental command to rotate until you recover.
Repeat this procedure for as long as necessary for complete recovery. Do it in a quiet environment the first time, and then try to meditate with the learned next to a lunch break, a ride on public transport, and any other suitable time intervals. Record the positive results obtained, this will help speed up the healing process.
At the beginning of treatment, if everything is done correctly, there may be some exacerbation. No need to be scared, that's the way it should be. This is the normal course of the healing process, when exacerbation and relief alternate. Continue treatment, and each aggravation will get smaller until the diagnosis disappears completely.

See entire section






2145432 - RESURRECTION, IMMORTALITY, HEALING (when pronouncing these words, cancer cells disintegrate)


14854232190 - UNIVERSAL SYSTEM (can be applied to everything, always, everywhere)



9179841 - I MANAGE MY PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT MYSELF - FREEDOM SERIES - (concentrate at chest level in front of you)






The sign of eternity - 8 can be used in any control to enhance the work, together with the sign of infinity - ∞, or without it.

  • Working with the past: 7819019425.
    When working with the past, the digital series can be represented in any form: in the form of a sphere; verbally, setting the rate of events in the past and writing down the digital series; having set a vector, and in the past to write a number series.
  • Working with the future: 148721091
    91 - a bridge between you now and the event of the future. When planning an event, throw a bridge into the future with a concentration on the desired event.
  • Working with the current time: 71042 or 718884219011...9
    71042 - the event should be right now. Be careful: separate current and present tense.
    718884219011...9 - At some distance, close the digital row with a nine so that the event does not go to infinity. Keep your current goal in mind at all times. You can put a number row in a sphere.
  • Fixing the point of the Future near the physical body: 4971894
    This row can improve the events of your future.
  • Look into the Future without affecting the area of ​​the Past: 889 ....8
  • Fixing health: 719
    Transfer the structure of the norm from the past to the Future and for recovery. The condition is to look through the prism of the Past to the Future.
  • Working with plants: 811120218
    Place spheres with numbers on the branches of the plant. If the sprout has just appeared, then the control should be directed to the point, which is the boundary between the earth and the emerging sprout.
  • Plant restoration: 718884219011...0...9
    (row closes 0 and 9)
  • Working with animals: 55514219811....0
    (0 is written at intervals, it is needed to close the row).
  • Harmonization of the situation and goodwill: 88888588888....9
  • Rigid fixation of the norm: 917253481
  • General harmonization, norm: 297140851
  • Peace of mind: 1888948

    And also before the start of concentrations:

  • Health recovery: 88888488888
  • Wellness for all people 88888588888
  • Absolute norm of health: 1814321
  • Self-healing of the body: 817992191
  • Instant Health Regeneration: 19751
  • Recovery: 91739421794159
  • Working with cerebrospinal fluid: 1489100
    It is used to improve blood circulation, bone, nervous system, relieve headaches, for rejuvenation and obesity. Enter yourself into a two-meter lilac-violet sphere "PERFECTION" for 24 or 48 hours.
    Lay out the number row around the perimeter of the sphere.
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis: 5481321 18548321
    First row: enter into the heart, or into the sphere and into the heart. The heart is the assemblage point.
    Second row: lay out the numbers mentally around the neck from one collarbone to another, like a necklace, so that they glow. Set for 24 hours, or for 2 months, periodically activate them: cause a glow.
    "And the second part - you create a sphere of 2 centimeters, and bring it from below at a distance of half a centimeter from the coccyx, half a centimeter. And the task: without introducing, warm up the entire spine. And there, on perception, it can be like the sun, well, turn the light, everything is warm her purposefully up."
  • The norm of laboratory indicators: 1489991
  • Prosperous childbirth: 212580911
  • For insomnia and excessive sleepiness: 514248538
  • Convert negative to positive: 1888948
  • Harmonious relationships in the family: 285555901
  • Children's commitment to learning: 212585212
  • To harmonize relationships in the team: 14111963
    Visualize a lilac-violet sphere with a number around the perimeter.
  • Establishing harmonious relations with the outside world: 5154891
    Normalization of the psycho-emotional state.
  • Expansion of consciousness: 1888888...9..1
  • Development of visionary perception systems: 881881881
    Expanding the Field of Spiritual Vision
  • Solving questions and problems: 25122004
  • Business stability: 212309909
  • Solving social problems: 8137142133914
  • Normalization of the financial situation: 71427321893
    When concentrating, surround yourself with a digital range, put it in your wallet, present it in your office, in your apartment, put it in documents, in your passport.
  • Prevention of traffic accidents: 11179
    Before you ride, mentally say this row. You can stick it on the car and mentally imagine the place where it is pasted. When you start looking at the units, they move into a fast impulse structure and begin to be visualized as one unit, but above three. Formally they look like four units, but they are written as three.

    Visualize the result: tasks are being solved at great speed.

  • Information source of eternal development: 417584217888
    This is the source of any information, this is the level of eternal development. The silvery glow of this row will go to you, you will get a thought on the question that interests you.
  • FREEDOM number: 9189481
    Let's pretend the world is free. All borders between countries have disappeared, everyone moves freely, no visas or foreign passports are needed, Freedom.

    Terrorist protection system

  • Sniper protection: 8 1 9 3 9 1 7 8 4 1
  • Bullet Protection: 9 1 7 8 1 4 2 1
  • Explosion protection: 7 1 8 9 1 4 3 9 1
  • Drowning protection: 9 1 1 7 1 1 8 8 8 7
  • Protection against poisonous gases: 9 9 8 1 7
  • Protection against toxicological damage: 9 1 8 8 7 9 1 8 9 1 4 7
  • Chemical protection: 3 1 9 4 2 1 7
  • Protection against bacteriological damage: 9 1 9 8 3 1 0 9 1 7
  • Protection against radiological impact: 9 1 2 9 7 1 8 9 1 9 4 1 9 8
  • Melee defense: 9 1 4 7 1
  • Protection from any negative impact: 71931
  • Aircraft flight safety: 1 9 8 3 7 1 9 8

    Regulation of situations in the regions:

  • Regulation of the norm throughout the globe and near space: 19725181
    Around the Earth (row from the north pole down)
  • Management through universal salvation so that there are no problems in the regions: 713210091
  • Reduction of crime risk in cities: 978143218
  • To convert negative information into positive: 19751
  • The control digital series for the withdrawal of weapons of mass destruction to a safe area for humans. (say this series mentally twice a day) 3978
  • Preventing a possible global catastrophe: 98818891

Several methods of working with the book "Restoring Human Health by Concentrating on Numbers":

Numbers are not just mathematical signs, they are the energy of the Creator. A single number or a set of numbers can be treated. You can choose a row from the book in accordance with the disease, put it into a sphere, mentally reduce it to the size of a match head, and enter this healing vibration into the body and leave it there for a certain time.

You can represent numbers and series of numbers in different light and color.

All concentrations must be done in a state of inspiration, that is, having entered the state of the Spirit.

The norm of laboratory indicators:

Open page 191, put your index finger on the code 1489991 , "the norm of laboratory indicators" and cover the book. This way you can work with any disease. Use head code more often: 1819999 .

Overlay the number series 4814489 on the image, the phantom of your lungs in the control zone.

Call a ray from the Creator and begin to focus on the numbers, highlight them, saturate the numbers with photons of light, condense them mentally, and cause the number to glow and the number to vibrate on diseased lungs.

Speak or think of the goal of management: healing from pneumonia. This is the concept of "concentration": compaction of information. Try to feel the glow and vibration of these numbers on your physical body. Prolongation into the future is very important in this work. We worked in this way - look at the situation in the future. That is, the current state is related to the future state, where the future is always the norm. See the rate of your lungs.

This is a type of training. During these manipulations, listen to your body, how sick and healthy organs react to the color in the spheres, to their movement. Fix this feeling in your mind. The color most fixed in memory will restore the necessary events in the future.

Create a sphere of any size.
Arrange the numbers from 1 to 9 along the inner surface.
In the sphere enter a small sphere with a target nested in it
Concentrating, carefully look at all the numbers.
Determine which number stands out: size, color, glow.
Fix it in your mind.
Mentally connect the inner sphere for the purpose of concentration and
fixed number. Enter this number into the information sphere.
Management done and problem solved. When concentrating on a sequence of 7 numbers, you can arrange the numbers on the cube:
- on the edge everything is in a row;
- on two ribs, with a central number on the corner;
- on all sides;
- at the corners.
At the same time, according to your feelings, you can
move these numbers, changing their position so as to reach
maximum effect. You can associate each number with any element of the external or internal environment. You can associate it with plants, minerals, feelings. You can mentally build an angle and place the numbers of any disease on its sides, illuminate the leading (angular) number with light and enter it into the diseased organ (cell). You can compress the angle with numbers into a point and enter it into an organ or into a cell.

You can enter the angle with numbers into a sphere, illuminate it with the Divine Light Source, compress it into a point and enter it into the center of the assembly (heart).

You can imagine a sick person and, according to the diagnosis (or several), select the vibration series from the reference book (Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “Restoration of the human body by concentration on numbers”).
You can create a lot of spheres around a person, and in each of them
insert a number from the vibration series. Scan them into the universe.
Watch and feel how the spheres will enter the body;
which of the spheres will enter faster and which ones will go slower.
and management of any events with
using number rows
1258912 4185412

1257814 7794218
1895678 2145432
of these words, cancer cells disintegrate)
8915678 14854232190
(CLINICAL DEATH) (can be applied to everything, always, everywhere)
1895132 1489999
9179841 14888948
(concentrate on the level
chest in front of you
91371985 1001105010
11981 88197975919


Birthday of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, a sign of harmony:
14.11.1963 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+6+3 = 8

Sign of Eternity - can be used in any controls to enhance work
with or without the infinity sign.

Working with the past: ———— 7819019425.
When working with the past, the digital series can be represented in any form:
in the form of a sphere; verbally, setting the rate of events in the past and writing digital
row; having set a vector, and in the past to write a number series.

Working with the future: ————- 148721091
91 is the bridge between you now and the event of the future. When planning an event, throw a bridge into the future with a concentration on the desired event.

Work with current time: ——— 71042 or 718884219011…9
71042 - the event should be right now. Be careful: separate current and present tense.
At some distance, close the digital row with a nine so that the event does not
gone to infinity. Keep your current goal in mind at all times.
You can put a number row in a sphere.

Fixing the point of the Future near the physical
bodies: —— 4971894
This row can improve the events of your future.

Look to the future
affecting the area of ​​the Past: ——-889 …..8

Health Lock: ——————719

Transfer the structure of the norm from the past to the Future and for recovery.
The condition is to look through the prism of the Past to the Future.

Work with plants: ————-811120218
Place spheres with numbers on the branches of the plant. If the sprout has just appeared, then the control should be directed to the point, which is the boundary between the earth and the emerging sprout.

Plant restoration: ————718884219011…0…9
(row closes 0 and 9

Working with animals: ————-55514219811….0
(0 is written at intervals, it is needed to close the row).

Harmonization of the situation
and benevolence: ——— 88888588888—9

Rigid fixation of the norm: —————-917253481

General harmonization, norm: ———- 297140851

Norm of calmness: —————- 1888948
as well as before the start of concentrations

Health recovery: —————88888488888

Improvement of all people: —————- 88888588888

Absolute norm of health ————— 1814321

Self-healing of the body: ———— 817992191

Instant Health Regen: —— 19751

Recovery: ——————91739421794159

Working with cerebrospinal fluid: ———1489100
It is used to improve blood circulation, bone, nervous system,
headache relief, for rejuvenation and obesity.
Enter yourself into a two-meter lilac-purple sphere "PERFECTION"
for 24 or 48 hours. Lay out the number row around the perimeter of the sphere.

Treatment of osteochondrosis————5481321————— 18548321
First row: enter into the heart, or into the sphere and into the heart. The heart is the assemblage point.
Second row: mentally lay out the numbers around the neck from one collarbone to another, like a necklace, so that they light up. Set for 24 hours, or for 2 months (activate them periodically: cause a glow).
“And the second part - you create a sphere of 2 centimeters, and bring it from below at a distance of half a centimeter from the coccyx, half a centimeter. And the task: without introducing, warm up the entire spine. And there, on perception, it can be like the sun, well, turn the light, all its warmth purposefully upwards.
(Grigory Grabovoi)

Norm of laboratory indicators: ————— 1489991
Safe delivery: ————————— 212580911
For insomnia and excessive sleepiness: ——514248538
Convert negative to positive: —————-1888948
Harmonious relations in the family: —————285555901
The aspiration of children to study: ——————212585212
To harmonize relations in the team: -14111963
visualize a lilac-violet sphere with a number around the perimeter.
Establishment of harmonious
relations with the outside world: —- 5154891
normalization of the psycho-emotional state.
Expansion of consciousness: ————1888888…9.. 1
Development of visionary perception systems: ——881881881
expansion of the field of spiritual vision
Telepathic connection with Grigory Grabov: ———-3582295
The best assimilation of the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi: ————17981
Solving questions and problems: ——————25122004
Business Stability: ——————— 212309909
Solving social problems: —————8137142133914
Normalization of the financial situation: ———71427321893
When concentrating, surround yourself with a number of digital, put it in your wallet,
present in your office, in your apartment, put it in your documents, in your passport.

Road traffic prevention
incidents: —————- 11179
Before you ride, mentally say this row.
You can stick it on the car and mentally imagine the place where it is pasted.
When you start looking at the units, they move into a fast impulse structure and begin to be visualized as one unit, but above three. Formally they look like four units, but they are written as three.

Visualize the result: tasks are being solved at great speed.

Source of information of eternal development: - 417584217888
This is the source of any information, this is the level of eternal development. The silvery glow of this row will go to you, you will get a thought on the question that interests you.
FREEDOM number ——————- 9189481
Let's pretend the world is free. All borders between countries have disappeared, everyone moves freely, no visas or foreign passports are needed, Freedom.

Terrorist protection system
Sniper Defense:——————— 8 1 9 3 9 1 7 8 4 1
Bullet proof: ————————9 1 7 8 1 4 2 1
Explosion protection: ——————— 7 1 8 9 1 4 3 9 1
Drowning protection:——————9 1 1 7 1 1 8 8 8 7
Protection against poisonous gases:———9 9 8 1 7
Protection against toxicological damage: —— 9 1 8 8 7 9 1 8 9 1 4 7
Chemical protection: ————3 1 9 4 2 1 7
Protection against bacteriological damage: —-9 1 9 8 3 1 0 9 1 7
Radiation Protection:— 9 1 2 9 7 1 8 9 1 9 4 1 9 8
Protection against bladed weapons: ————— 9 1 4 7 1
Protection from any negative impact: —-71931
Aircraft flight safety: ———— 9 8 3 7 1 9 8
Regulation of situations in the regions:
Regulation of the norm throughout
To the globe and near space: - 19725181
around the Earth (a row should be located from the north pole down);
Governance through universal salvation, lest
there were problems in the regions: —————713210091
Reducing the crime risk
in cities.: ——— 978143218
To convert negative
information into positive: —— 19751
Control digital series for the withdrawal of weapons
mass destruction in a safe for humans
region. (say this series mentally
twice a day).————- 3978
Preventing a possible global catastrophe: -98818891
at Balakovo NPP
Several methods of working with the book of G. P. Grabovoi
"Restoring human health by focusing on numbers":

Numbers are not just mathematical signs, they are the energy of the Creator. A single number or a set of numbers can be treated. You can choose a row from the book of Grigory Grabovoi in accordance with the disease, put it into a sphere, mentally reduce it to the size of a match head and enter this healing vibration into the body and leave it there for a certain time.
You can represent numbers and series of numbers in different light and color.
All concentrations must be done in a state of inspiration, that is, having entered the state of the Spirit.
The norm of laboratory indicators:

Turn to page 191, put your index finger on the code 1489991, "normal laboratory values" and cover the book. This way you can work with any disease. Use the head code more often: 1819999. While working with the digital series, you can feel the pulsation and vibrations in your finger, hand, and body.

(I feel how a small creature vibrates sensitively under my finger, which enters the finger, hand, and the vibration spreads to the whole body. Compiler of the collection)
Healing from helminthiasis:

1. Enter the number 5124548 into the sphere. As an option: enter each number into a separate sphere.
2.Enter the digital series in the sphere or spheres in the body: in the stomach.
Imagine that there are no helminths. This must be repeated once a week for a long time.
Healing from pneumonia

1. Set the goal of management: healing the lungs from pneumonia:
number series - 4814489

2. Look at the picture of the lungs in anatomy and imagine it in front of you in the control zone, with the goal: healing from pneumonia.
Put in a thought: these are your personal lungs in need of healing in their current state.

3. Overlay the number series 4814489 on the image, the phantom of your lungs in the control zone.

4. Call the ray from the Creator and begin to focus on the numbers, highlight them, saturate the numbers with photons of light, condense them mentally, and cause the number to glow and the number to vibrate on diseased lungs.

5. Speak or think of the goal of management: healing from pneumonia. This is the concept of "concentration": the compaction of information. Try to feel the glow and vibration of these numbers on your physical body.
Prolongation into the future is very important in this work. We worked in this way - look at the situation in the future. That is, the current state is related to the future state, where the future is always the norm. See the rate of your lungs.
Some number lines from
collection of Grigory Grabovoi


Numerical series on predictive-based control
The numerical series was created by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi on May 20, 2005 at the time of the 4th Extraordinary Congress of the DRUGG Party.

71381921 is the geometric center, i.e. person who controls
17938 + 91893 — point of fixing the beginning of control. The first row is the space, and the second row is the task on it.
189317514 — solves all problems for 10 years ahead
8193719831 This series divides the problem into 10 parts. Each digit works with its part at the same time
193751891 fills the problem with knowledge that it is solvable
8931719 519381 - these two rows permeate the problem from two sides and it is quickly solved
81319719 - the vertical row solves all problems, efficiency due to verticality
817219738 - it's like a personal tool - works everywhere and always
3197289718 - regulates the shape of the space. Anti-clockwise control from thought to thought.
391728519 - increases the structure of the solution of the issue, identifies the problem and solves it now
91371895 - guarantees not a repetition of the problem, the numbers are scattered in space and time
9372185319 - everything that is approved by this series will only be correct and harmonious with respect to all
97513181 - this is the most powerful diagnostic series, it considers the task from the other side, it has a loop of mandatory execution
7391891 + 198 - educational aspect, 198 - specifically transfer knowledge
9718318 — transfer of proven knowledge that everything, everything will be just fine
97189179 - how to solve intermediate tasks along the way
398 - solves many problems at the same time, the sphere D5cm with these numbers at high speed from the inside gives a projection of light on a specific problem, solving it, decreases in size
975198931 - for the homeless, the row is pressed in, pushing through the problem associated with housing tasks. Here is the treatment and release of toxins
97185319 - this is a cable, it reveals problems and at the same time solves them
918 - this is a continuation of the previous series, they reveal problems in a person from the beginning of his development
97319819 - it's like a boomerang, with this next I send my accumulated specific experience in solving problems into space, (outgoing)
3917518941 - this series increases my experience, is filled with the experience of other typical tasks and returns to me, (incoming)
918197185 - this series of absolute accuracy, that everything will turn out 100%
81739519, 81739814, 7139189641 - these three rows are freely in the sphere, this is a manager's tool, he is responsible for the transfer of knowledge and the result of work.

The next three rows are the same as the previous ones, but with added 1 . They are already permanent. 81739519 1
81739814 1
7139189641 1

1 9 3 9 8 these 5 rows seem to descend into the target space. it
7 4 9 1 3 huge space-time reserve. Huge
9 7 8 3 1 potential. Solves questions in continuous time and even
1 3 1 1 7 draws out what might pass by
8 1 7 8 1
5 8 0 3
9 1 1
9788819719 - from top to bottom - this is a column of light, it is set exactly on target, the numbers transforming into light solve the problem, there is a universal action
9738197 - this time series is introduced when there is not enough time
937 - we walk according to the situation in this row, south-8, north-9, center-9, again south-1. We walk according to the situation and lower additional time from the previous row, thereby speeding up the solution of the problem. It is used in the rescue of nuclear power plants, rapidly ongoing illnesses
97518319 - contains expediency, advantage, novelty, enhances, accelerates the solution of the problem
93718519719 - a row of Moscow and the Moscow region, a fresh row, integration with nature is also laid
9731817541 - etc. from top to bottom, here it is precisely the form, the endless development of man in the image and likeness of God. Also a form of macro-salvation, macro-adjustment, a series radiates the obligatory eternal development, eternal life

The next three rows work simultaneously.
The first two rows are the control structure, directing movement to the desired task (like a ship among reefs). If 1 and 3 are added to these rows, the rows will work at any time and in any space.
813791 - ideal future
519719 - convert to details now
718981 - work and implementation in the current time.

91738919 - this row firmly fixes the result (notary) and distributes information about the result to all systems of the world
915777918934198 - this series forms a new collective consciousness, where the factor of eternity, undying is the norm, it synchronizes time and space, time is always as much as necessary
978914512791 - the row is located from me to the goal, a certain beam filled with experience in solving similar problems, here time is the engine of progress

All further 7 rows work together:
7189 - first row - transmission through temporary structures, concerns the problem with one digit at one point
51918 - the second row makes a secondary touch and goes further, increasing the speed towards the goal
71981 + - the next 3 rows will be folded. Here we go inside the problem by adding more digits, time series
891 + - this series completely touches the problem from the inside, solves it
72918 = is also a time series
13 digits 1+3 =- add three rows and get the number 13
add 1 and 3 = 4
4 for all 4 sides- spread the result on all 4 sides

1 9 7 2 1

These 2 series are reflected in each other, the entire macro level is reflected in the details of my events - 97183179
9738151 - all my events are reflected at the macro level, the series harmonize everything

931751891 - row improves water resource. To improve water in general, you need to add 1 and 3, as well as north-5, east-1, south-3, west-2
937184319 - the private makes the universal, although the private is still always universal, the universal consists of the private

The next three rows work together again:
9371851791 - the first - work around the world
71198891731 - second row - work in Russia
917318 - this row concentrates the impulse of the two previous rows regarding a personal task, the row controls the world, Russia and its tasks at once. If you add 5 to the rows, management will improve (grade at school)

9718319575148179 - this series starts to work instantly as soon as you look at it, to harmonize everything
9371857195 — prevents possible explosions, scandals, takes into account obsolete problems
9187758981818 - protects even this particular person, even one cell
91753217819719 - transforms thinking into eternal development and technologies begin to work with acceleration
3175142179 – transfer of information, taking into account the prevention of any disasters for 10 years
73918531791 - the series restrains tension, introduces the aspect of relaxation, while the action in management increases, but there is no fatigue
973185419171 - this is a measurement of time in information, the most branched structure is obtained
7185319718419718 – work with the time aspect through acceleration, we get more resources for managing and solving problems
317518412 - increases the intensity of what has already been done, an addition to management. The wave from done regulates earlier systems
73197853141 - equality of all participants in the decisive task of life
97317819 - makes it so that for everyone, for everyone, the future will only be happy
971819 — regulates high-speed information systems. From south to north - acceleration, from north to south - deceleration
817319 - concentrating lens - the light beam concentrates control and begins to return. The row gains strength if it is reflected in some area, then it folds into a sphere and shines in the desired area
971 8 - mechanically add these 3 numbers to the previous row, and the eight keeps the stability of control
97132185191 - a series of internal kindness, omnipotence, works in any social sphere, universal action from one-time management
971391817 – prevention of a global, local catastrophe, any scandal
573189148 - from top to bottom - this is a beam, synchronous control - me and the world. The row is placed vertically above the level of the task, 8 lower gives stability
9171851 - 8 8 1 is added to the series with which you work, and this series is developed a universal mechanism for everyone, for the development of civilization
713218519 - a system of assistance without reference to the place of residence
9175854171 - this series solves problems on a spiritual level. Transfers technology from the point of view of the action of God, Divine technology. The series forms the transmission of the thought of eternal development
93178151 - makes any external information positively directed. By adding 1 and 3, a positively directed series enters any problem and solves it
97318541218 — environmental safety in any place
7135412718 - this series strengthens the approbation of the self-created series, thereby developing the management structure
971185341781 - we canonize all series adapted to ourselves, we reach the level of stability of management of the following tasks
971318191 - this is a hard canonical series, adding 8 - it will be forever. Forever canonizes our actions aimed at eternal development
997889131719 – a series canonizes controls: external, visualization, color, type of perception, individuality
97138519 – assistance system without reference to the place of residence
917318 – social events
821421751 - political events
93171891 - with these three rows, through social, political events, we transmit information about the DRUGG party, we explain the 10 commandments from the charter of the party, we work as technologists for eternal life and always happy
917318918 - this is an instant transfer of information, the faster, the less resistance and distortion
973185141 - is placed before the start of any action to control this row
31975418191 - this row makes emphasis around accent, concentration around concentration. The ring closes and management for any task is directed only to eternal development, eternal life
31758519 - a series of peacefulness, especially for Chechnya and the like. Distribute this information as soon as possible. Peacefulness is present in every person in absolutely sufficient quantities for eternal life.
731854217 - with this row we build control in the physical space. Here we set thinking as a substrate, bring it to an external level, create a dynamic level
An external control sphere of diagnostics is created, which allows you to keep the system under control. It is desirable to keep this concentration of control all the time at home. This row contains the initial action of the task and the final one.

