Medicine for intestinal infection. Symptoms and treatment of intestinal infectious diseases in adults

What pills will help with intestinal infection? Unfortunately, intestinal infection is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And it requires complex, that is, combined, treatment.

Perhaps one day one tablet will be enough to treat an intestinal infection. But now - alas!

This time has not yet come, so you will have to treat an intestinal infection with the good old complex set of drugs.

So different, and all contagious

What is an “intestinal infection”? This phrase hides several dozen different diseases caused by various pathogens.

Well, since they are all “infections”, one thing is immediately clear - they are all contagious. There is one more factor that unites all intestinal infections into one bundle - similar symptoms.

The list of symptoms of acute intestinal infections is as follows:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • heat.

In children, the incidence of intestinal infections is twice as high as in adults, and the disease is more severe in childhood.

What foods can you eat if you have an intestinal infection? In the first two days of illness, it is better not to eat anything at all. It is only recommended to drink as much as possible.

On the third day you can eat rice porridge, cooked in water, without adding oil. Dried blueberries and bird cherry will have a positive effect on the intestines.

Dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables to full recovery You can’t eat for an intestinal infection!

Emergency medications

How to treat this infection?

There are several stages:

  1. restoration of the body’s water-salt balance;
  2. cleansing the intestines of toxins and poisons;
  3. restoration of the population of normal microflora.

To prevent fatal dehydration, you need to take medications to restore the body’s water-salt balance:

  • Regidron;
  • Citroglucosolan;
  • Hemodez;
  • Albumin and other solutions.

At the first signs of an intestinal infection, it is very important to start taking drugs like Regidron or Citroglucosolan.

These drugs will not only help restore lost fluid, but will also replenish the body's reserves of potassium and sodium salts, which are washed out of it along with water.

The solutions should be taken in a few sips, every 10 to 15 minutes, alternating with water.

If this cannot be done, then infusion therapy in the infectious diseases department - colloidal preparations Hemodez or Albumin are administered intravenously using a dropper.

To cope with poisons and toxins that are in a huge number produce “uninvited guests”, you need to drink sorbents. The list of these drugs is quite extensive.

When prescribing sorbents, the doctor is guided by the individual characteristics of the body, symptoms, and age of the patient:

All these drugs are harmless, therefore they are prescribed to both adults and children.

Probiotics in combination with prebiotics will do an excellent job of “restoring damaged intestinal microflora.”

You can also drink them to prevent intestinal infections:

  • Linux;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bificol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Polybacterin and others.

These preparations contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which normalize intestinal activity, help strengthen the immune system, and improve metabolism.

Available in different forms, some in tablet form. They cannot be used together with antibiotics!

These are mandatory stages in the treatment of all intestinal infections without exception, but there are also others, not for all infections.

For the treatment of different types of infections

Antibiotic therapy in adult patients is carried out only for severe bacterial infections such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera.

List of the most popular antibiotics for the treatment of CI:

  • Cephabol;
  • Claforan;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Levomecithin;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Doxycycline and others.

Antibiotics in tablets are prescribed only to children over 8 years of age and adults, and only after vomiting has subsided. For young children, drugs are administered intramuscularly.

Contraindications for use: presence serious illnesses kidneys, liver; pregnancy. A doctor must prescribe antibiotics!

Often prescribed:

  • Helminthox;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Vermox;
  • Nemozol;
  • Dekaris and others.

Antiviral drugs can be prescribed for those types of intestinal infections that are caused by viruses:

  • Arbidol;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Cycloferon and others.

But, as practice shows, in the midst of an illness they are of little use, so it is better to take these drugs for prevention during epidemics stomach flu– this is what people call intestinal infections caused by viruses.

Symptom relievers

In some cases, for any type of pathogen, the following may also be prescribed:

  • antipyretics;
  • antiemetics;
  • antidiarrheals.

The latter drugs are prescribed strictly symptom-based.

Antipyretics are taken at a temperature of 38 degrees and above, which lasts a long time and does not go away on its own.

It is recommended not to lower the temperature below 38 degrees Celsius in either adults or children, so as not to interfere with the body itself fighting infection. An exception to this rule is the development of convulsive syndrome.

The most popular antipyretics:

Antiemetic drugs are prescribed for persistent vomiting that poses a risk of dehydration.

Antiemetics are prescribed, as a rule, for adults; children are recommended to take antihistamines.

List of antiemetic drugs:

  • Metoclopramide;
  • Aminazine;
  • Diprazine and other drugs.

If the urge to vomit is not so frequent and allows a few sips of water to be absorbed, then you should not take antiemetics, since vomiting and diarrhea are natural ways for the body to eject foreign toxins.

Antidiarrheals are prescribed when a person literally cannot get up from the toilet, which also threatens dehydration.

If the diarrhea is not so debilitating, then these drugs are not prescribed for the same reason as antiemetics.

Antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed if the patient has heart problems.

Typically this is:

  • Somatostatin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Trimebutine;
  • Enterofuril;
  • Sulgin;
  • Imodium;
  • Rifaximin;
  • Loperamide and others.

These drugs inhibit intestinal motility, due to which its work is partially restored. The number of bowel movements decreases, the pain in the abdominal area subsides.

The drugs are available in different forms, including tablets and capsules. Somatostatin is a hormonal drug.

Take care of your health, treat yourself competently! Incorrect diagnosis and treatment can lead to problems much worse than the usual stomach flu.

Entrust your health to a professional infectious disease doctor or gastroenterologist. Be healthy!

The symptoms of poisoning and intestinal infection are very similar: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever. For treatment of a disease to be effective, you should know what causes it.

Disruption of the digestive system can cause intestinal infection or poisoning. In the first case, the disease is caused by infectious viruses, rods and bacteria. The cause of poisoning is most often the consumption of spoiled or low-quality products. It is difficult to determine what caused the disease (infection or stale food) without an examination, since the symptoms of both disease states are very similar. The remedies for poisoning or intestinal infection are often the same.

It is extremely important to know how to distinguish poisoning from an intestinal infection, therefore treatment is selected taking into account the cause of the disease. However, you can eliminate the symptoms of illnesses by taking the following medications:

  • sorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • medications to replenish fluids and electrolytes;
  • Sometimes treatment with drugs with antimicrobial action is justified.

How to treat poisoning

The first step when consuming low-quality foods is to cleanse the stomach to remove the food that caused the disease. Sorbent substances should also be used immediately after signs of poisoning appear. Sorbents provide binding and neutralization of toxic substances. They are effective against food poisoning and alcoholic beverages.

Treatment includes taking various means given below.

  1. Activated carbon. An inexpensive, effective remedy that prevents the absorption of toxins from the stomach and eliminates diarrhea. At the first symptoms of intoxication, you need to take 15-20 tablets at a time, then take charcoal every three hours, but reducing the number of tablets. The stomach is washed with activated carbon in soluble form.
  2. Enterodesis. Prescribed for acute intoxication for a course of five days. Improvement will occur after two days of treatment. The product helps restore intestinal functions, normalize stool, eliminate accompanying symptoms(headache). Powder (5 g) is dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water and taken three times a day.
  3. Polyphepan. The product is prescribed to absorb toxic substances and eliminate gases. You can start taking the medicine in case of suspected poisoning, until the first signs appear in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. It is recommended to drink immediately daily norm, and then divide the dose into four parts and take every two hours until the condition improves.
  4. Enterosgel. An effective sorbent, the use of which helps neutralize poisons and prevent diarrhea due to the enveloping properties of the product. Improves kidney and liver function.
  5. Polysorb. It is prescribed for children, as well as during pregnancy. Sorbent for binding toxic substances, allergens, viruses.
  6. Smecty. It is taken in case of poisoning to stop diarrhea and relieve associated symptoms. You can take two packets at a time.

How to treat an infection

Therapy for infectious bowel disease is focused on destroying the pathogen, restoring water and electrolyte balance, and neutralizing toxic substances. As first aid, gastric lavage, enema and sorbents are prescribed.

In order for the method used to treat a stomach virus to be effective, it is necessary to undergo tests and find out the type of pathogen. As a rule, treatment of a viral intestinal disease is carried out with drugs with an antiviral, restorative effect. Bacterial infections require mandatory intake.

Therapy of some types of infection, supplemented by long-term intoxication of the body, weakness, fever, requires taking medications that restore the balance of water and electrolytes, as well as a strict diet, ideally complete fasting. Food can cause further spread of pathogens.

What not to do

To stop vomiting and diarrhea, you should not take antiemetics or drugs that reduce the activity of the stomach and intestinal tract. Absorbing substances in large quantities can cause constipation, which is very undesirable in case of poisoning. This is especially true for activated carbon. The body must cleanse itself of toxic substances that are secreted by pathogenic bacteria; it must be facilitated in this, and not interfered with.


Non-specialists in the field of medicine will be able to establish the cause of the disease only if they clearly know the differences between infection and intoxication (poisoning).

Infectious processes in the intestines appear after a certain time - the incubation period, and the symptoms of poisoning appear within a few hours after eating low-quality food.

The infection spreads mainly to the mucous membranes in the small and large intestines, poisoning affects upper sections digestion (stomach and base of the small intestine).

  1. The temperature during infection does not rise immediately and can reach 40; poisoning is accompanied by temperature only on the first day and it rarely exceeds 37-39.
  2. The infection can last ten days or more; poisoning usually resolves after two to three days.

Food poisoning and infection are equally unpleasant and problematic diseases. The patient requires constant attention and treatment, strict adherence to the dietary regimen and the use of medications. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, taking into account only the symptoms of the disease, largely due to the similarity of the manifestations of diseases accompanied by digestive disorders. To be sure, you need to do a general blood test and submit stool for examination.


Intestinal infection and poisoning are characterized by the same route of entry into the human body - through the consumption of contaminated products. The manifestations of the diseases are also largely similar: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain. In almost all cases. Both pathologies have a cyclical clinical picture: an incubation period, an exacerbation and a decay phase. In both cases it is immediately affected digestive system completely or separate parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

For acute intestinal infections, patients are prescribed a gentle diet. The diet in which they are used changes dairy products, the principle of mechanical sparing is observed.

Recommended eating foods that slow down motor activity intestines and contain more tannin (blueberries, bird cherry, strong tea), viscous products (slimy soups, mashed porridges, cottage cheese and kefir, jelly), crackers and steamed dishes from lean meat and fish. You should not eat fried or fatty foods, raw vegetables and fruits.

Gastric lavage

This manipulation is mandatory in the treatment of food poisoning. Gastric lavage is prescribed regardless of how much time has passed from the onset of the disease, since infectious agents can persist for a long time on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Reducing intoxication(detoxification) and fluid replacement (rehydration)

Rehydration of mild or moderate degree of dehydration in case of intestinal infections can be carried out only by oral (through the mouth) administration of glucose-salt solutions such as glucosalan, citroglucosalan, rehydron.

Normalization of stool

One of the goals of treating acute intestinal infections is to reduce the frequency and normalization of stool.

In this regard, when diarrhea syndrome used indomethacin. The drug is prescribed orally during the first day. Sometimes treatment with indomethacin is repeated the next day. In addition, indomethacin helps eliminate cardiac dysfunction.

For treatment of diarrhea In patients with acute intestinal infections, so-called sorbents have been used for many years. These include carbolene (activated carbon), produced in tablets. Activated carbon can be used in powder.

Similar in mechanism of action and composition to carbolene are activated carbon tablets KM (composition: activated carbon, white clay, sodium salt carboxymethylcellulose). This drug has higher activity. It is taken orally with water.

Activated carbon SKN is similar in composition to KM. He has great activity. It is prescribed internally for adults.

One of the effective sorbents is polyphepane. The drug is obtained by processing lignin, a product of hydrolysis of the carbohydrate components of wood. It is available in the form of granules. Prescribed orally; before use, the drug is thoroughly stirred for 2 minutes in a glass of water.

The most effective sorbent is smecta, in addition, it has a significant enveloping ability. Smecta is known to protect the epithelium of intestinal villi from destruction. The drug is available in powder form in bags. The contents of the package are dissolved in TOO ml of water and stirred. The drug has no contraindications for use; it can be prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers.

Another group antidiarrheal drugs are drugs that have an opioid effect. These include loperamide and trimebutine. Ability to inhibit intestinal motility - characteristic feature opiates. It is prescribed to adults when acute diarrhea in the form of capsules.

Trimebutine has a positive effect on intestinal motility and affects the smooth muscles of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Used in tablets.

A relatively new drug for the treatment of diarrhea, which affects absorption and secretion in the intestine, is somatostatin. This hormone increases the rate of absorption of water and electrolytes into small intestine, reduces stool frequency and stool mass. Available in ampoules and administered subcutaneously.

Acute intestinal infections are accompanied by the development of dysbacteriosis, or this condition develops after the use of antibiotics. The complex for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis includes means for normalizing the intestinal flora - bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, bificol, linex, etc.

Intestinal antiseptics

Currently, 3 drugs of this group are used: intestopan, intetrix and enterosediv.

IN last years For the treatment of diarrheal diseases, ercefuryl (nifuraxazide), which is a derivative of nitrofuran, has been proposed. This drug acts primarily in the intestinal lumen and is indicated in the treatment of diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin.

Popular drug This group is furazolidone. Among the causative agents of acute intestinal infections, the bacteria that are most sensitive to it are dysentery, typhoid fever, and paratyphoid fevers A and B. The resistance of microorganisms to it develops slowly.

Antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs

The following groups of antibiotics are used in the treatment of intestinal infections: penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, polymyxins, quinolones, fluoroquinolones, nitrofurans, combination preparations of sulfonamides with trimethoprim.


Quinolones are divided into two generations: I - nalidixic, oxolinic, pipemedic acids; II - fluoroquinolones: norfloxacin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, lomefloxacin.

From 1st generation drugs Nalidixic acid (neviramone) is used to treat acute intestinal infections (dysentery). Fluoroquinolones are most often used in these cases.

Antibacterial spectrum These drugs are broad and act on enterobacteria, including Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia, as well as staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia, campylobacter, mycoplasma. Dysbacteriosis rarely develops when using fluoroquinolones.

Features of the treatment of certain diseases caused by intestinal infections.

Treatment of yersiniosis

IN special diet patients do not need: food - usual for febrile patients (table No. 15), it is recommended to consume more fluids and vitamins. For patients with predominant signs of liver damage, bed rest and diet No. 5 with a restriction of fats, spicy, fried, salty foods, and spices are required.

Antibacterial treatment indicated only for severe or moderate forms of the disease.

Antibacterial agents used in the treatment of yersiniosis

Cephalosporins are one of the broadest classes of antibiotics. They have a wide spectrum of action and low toxicity. For the treatment of yersiniosis, cefotaxime (claforan, cephabol, cefantral, etc.) is recommended, administered intramuscularly and intravenously; Ceftriaxone (lendacin, longacef, rocephin, cefaxone, etc.), administered intravenously to adults.

Quinolones. There are 3 generations of these drugs. Drugs of the first and second generations are registered in Russia. Fluoroquinolones are characterized by a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. These include ciprofloxacin (Quintor, Tsiprinol, Tsiprobay, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, etc.), ofloxacin (Zanocin, Tarivid, etc.), pefloxacin (Abactal, Unikpef, etc.), norfloxacin (Nolicin, Norbactin, Normax, etc.) , lomefloceania (lomflox, maxaquin). These drugs are most often taken orally or by intravenous drip.


Doxycycline (vibramycin, doxal, tetradox, etc.) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This drug should not be prescribed to children under 8 years of age, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, patients with severe liver pathology and renal failure. Usually taken orally in capsule form.


It is customary to distinguish 3 generations of drugs in this group:

1) streptomycin, neomycin, kanamycin;
3) gentamicin, tobramycin, netilmicin;
3) amikacin.

Aminoglycosides can have a toxic effect on the kidneys and ears. When treating adults, two dosage regimens can be used: traditional (2-3 times a day) and a single administration of the entire daily dose. Patients with yersiniosis are usually prescribed kanamycin, gentamicin (garamycin, gentina, etc.), amikacin (selemycin, farcyclin, etc.). Most of these drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Antibacterial therapy of yersiniosis must be combined with means that restore the impaired functions of the patient’s body.

During fever In order to reduce intoxication and correct water-salt disorders, intravenous drip administration of solutions is prescribed - hemodez, albumin, rheopolyglucin, 5% glucose solution and saline solutions- quartasol, quintasol, chlosol, acesol, disol, lactosol, 0.9% physiological sodium chloride solution.

Along with intravenous administration solutions in the treatment of yersiniosis, the administration of saline solutions orally is used. For this purpose, glucose-salt solutions of citroglucosalan, rehydron, oralite are used, containing salts in physiological proportions and glucose, which improves their absorption in the intestine. Among the agents that reduce intoxication (enterosorbents), activated carbon, carbolong, polyphepan, enterodes, smecta, etc. can be used.

Since there is an allergic component during yersiniosis, antiallergic drugs such as diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, etc. are prescribed. allergic manifestations and in case of shock they are prescribed hormonal drugs- prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc.

At high temperature and in the presence of joint damage, patients with yersiniosis are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, ibuprofen, voltaren).

With pronounced manifestations of intestinal damage and in patients receiving antibacterial drugs, the composition of the intestinal microflora is disrupted. To restore it, various probiotics are used: bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, linex, etc. These drugs are prescribed after completion antibacterial therapy.

To all patients with yersiniosis Vitamins are prescribed, preferably in the form of multivitamin complexes (groups B, A, C, PP, etc.). Hypovitaminosis leads to impaired immunity and reduces the antitoxic functioning of the liver.

In the acute period of the disease, patients with yersiniosis are prescribed drugs against intestinal spasms - nosh-pa, papaverine, platifillin, etc. To normalize digestion, various enzymes are used that facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and promote their more complete absorption in the intestines. Festal, mezim, panzinorm, enzistal, etc. can be used as such drugs.


If the source of the disease is viral infection, then the gastroenterologist recommends medications that have antiviral effect. At bacterial etiology intestinal problems antibiotic therapy is mandatory.

Emergency medications for intestinal infections

Providing first aid and immediately taking tablets for intestinal infections is required in situations where bowel movements occur more than 8 times a day, while the stool is liquid and may resemble in appearance congee, and also when signs of general intoxication of the body are clearly visible.

In this case, it is necessary to accept the following drugs from intestinal infection:

  • Intravenous infusion of an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and glucose.
  • Intramuscular injections of a lytic mixture consisting of 2 ml of Analgin, 2 ml of Papaverine and 1 ml of Diphenhydramine.
  • The use of adsorbents and rehydration preparations in powder form, such as Regidron and Polysorb. This will protect the body from dehydration, and the adsorbent will help remove toxins.

In severe cases, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department of the hospital is required. Medicines for children prescribed for intestinal infections must meet safety requirements, quickly replenish water and electrolyte balance, and also remove waste products of pathogenic microflora from the body within a short time after taking them.

Drug groups

To completely get rid of an intestinal infection, as well as restore strength and return to normal life, you will have to take medications different groups, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease and rehydrating cells.


All types of food poisoning are accompanied by the accumulation of large amounts of toxic substances, so you will need medications that will remove them from the gastrointestinal tract. When absorbed into the intestines, sorbents absorb toxins and remove them unchanged, preventing absorption.

  1. Activated carbon is the most famous drug that can be found in every home medicine cabinet. To obtain the desired effect, you should take several tablets to get rid of the infection in gastrointestinal tract, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  2. Polysorb is a strong adsorbent prescribed for intoxication.
  3. Smecta - in addition to the fact that the product saves from diarrhea, it covers the walls of the stomach with a protective coating and removes painful sensations in a stomach.
  4. Enterosgel is a drug that resembles a paste in consistency, quickly removes bacteria and their toxins, and also helps with intestinal discomfort.


Often the infection is caused by E. coli or other types of bacteria, so without normalizing the diet and intake antibacterial medicine not enough.

  • fluoroquinolones – Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin;
  • tetracyclines – Doxycycline;
  • amphenicols – Levomycetin;
  • Metronidazole.

Therapy with antibiotics is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor when it is detected certain type causative agent of the disease, since these are quite serious drugs, the abuse of which can lead to microflora resistance. Read more about treating intestinal infections with antibiotics →


For intestinal infections, the most common symptom is diarrhea, therefore, to normalize stool, medications that have an antidiarrheal effect are needed:

Taking these medications has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing its tone and peristaltic contractions. The drugs are prescribed orally and drunk after each bowel movement in a dosage of 2 to 4 mg, while the average daily amount should not exceed 16 mg.


When an intestinal infection occurs in adults, severe pain syndrome, which can be removed using tablets. Analgesics should only be taken after you have been examined by a doctor, as drugs can change the clinical picture of the disease, making diagnosis difficult.

To alleviate your condition, you can take medications such as:

Enzymatic preparations

After acute signs of an intestinal infection have been eliminated, doctors advise taking medications for treatment that speed up digestive processes:

Review of popular drugs

There are many tablets and solutions for intestinal infections, but only a doctor should prescribe them. Independent choice medications often turn out to be incorrect, which leads to worsening of the disease.

Self-selected medications for intestinal infections can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Long-term use of sorbents can lead to constipation, which makes it difficult to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Treatment with drugs containing enzymes makes it difficult to determine the cause of intestinal infection, as well as its diagnosis.
  3. Uncontrolled antibiotic therapy is often ineffective due to the fact that the pathogen that led to intoxication has not been identified.

Medicines for children

When the disease occurs in children under three years of age, only a doctor has the right to prescribe medications for intestinal infections, and treatment should be carried out inpatiently to monitor the child’s condition around the clock.

In addition to standard infusion therapy, children can be given the following medications:

  • Stopdiar is a medicine for intestinal infections of the nitrofuran series, which can be used for children from the age of two months. Available in the form of a solution, take one measuring spoon twice a day.
  • Enterosgel is based on polymethylsiloxane, which has an adsorbing effect. Available in tubes, it has a paste-like consistency. The medication is excreted from the body unchanged and is not absorbed, so it can be taken by pregnant women and infants.
  • Smecta– active substance is smectite, which is allowed to be used by children from the first days of life. The drug is in powder form and is available in dosed sachets. Babies under one year old should drink no more than one dose of medicine per day; at older ages, 1 sachet of Smecta can be used 2-3 times a day.

Drugs for adults

The drugs that need to be taken when an intestinal infection develops in adults should not only eliminate the causative agent of the disease, but also prevent dehydration of the body. That is why medications for intestinal infections must be taken in combination.

  1. Gastrolite - belongs to a group of drugs that restore the balance of electrolytes. The medicine also has astringent action and relieves symptoms of diarrhea.
  2. Loperamide is an antidiarrheal drug available in capsules. To eliminate diarrhea, you need to take 2 tablets on the first day, then after each bowel movement, take 1 dose of this medicine for intestinal infections in adults.
  3. Ersefuril is based on nifuroxazide, which is an intestinal antiseptic. Take 4 capsules per day, divided into 3-4 applications.
  4. Linex is a combined probiotic that normalizes intestinal microflora and relieves diarrhea. Course treatment.
  5. Furazolidone is an antimicrobial agent used for dysentery and toxic gastrointestinal infections.

How to restore intestinal flora

Often, after treatment with drugs for intestinal infections, dysbiosis occurs in adults and children, which probiotics help to cope with.

This group of drugs includes drugs that help fight intestinal infections by populating the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microflora: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci.

  • 1st generation – single-component medications that contain one type of microorganisms (Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin);
  • 2nd generation - antagonists with the ability to self-eliminate (Baktisubtil, Sporobacterin)
  • 3rd generation – multicomponent probiotics (Acipol, Linex, Atsilact);
  • 4th generation – living representatives of natural microflora, placed on a sorbent substance (Floritin Forte, Probifor).

Medicines from this group are used in complex therapy intestinal infection in children and adults.

Symptoms of an infectious disease in the intestines are hyperthermia, severe diarrhea, general weakness, abdominal pain and signs of intoxication. Intestinal infection is highly treatable in adults and children with timely consultation with a doctor and taking appropriate medications.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not self-medicate, since severe dehydration Serious complications may develop.

Medicines for intestinal infections. Types, symptoms, treatment and prevention of intestinal infections

An intestinal infection is not one disease, it is, so to speak, a “collective image” of diseases. Doctors identify a group of diseases that have different pathogens, but are accompanied by similar symptoms and the possibility of constructing a similar treatment trajectory.

General signs

The common features characteristic of all types of intestinal infections are: in this case are considered: increased body temperature (it must be said that sometimes the temperature in these cases reaches 39 degrees and is difficult to bring down), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the intestines, etc. The cause of these troubles, as a rule, is banal to the point of tears. These are dirty, unwashed hands, which are a breeding ground for pathogens of intestinal infections. The risk group, as always, is children and the elderly, although young, strong people are not protected from this kind of ailment. This disease can strike at any time. Treatment in such cases begins with a strict diet, and then medications are added.

But to know how to treat, you need to understand what to treat and what actually caused you to get sick.

Let's look at the main medications for intestinal infections.


We will not go into the details of the medical terminology that characterizes various types of infectious agents, so as not to get confused. Superficial characteristics are quite enough for us to imagine the picture as a whole.

So, intestinal infections can be either bacterial or viral in nature. It is impossible to say which species is considered the most dangerous; each of them has its own not the best qualities.

All microbes produce toxins that poison our body. An antibiotic against an intestinal infection will not always be effective. Therefore, it is very important to identify the pathogen.

The most well-known (if not popular) types of infection are:

  • cholera;
  • dysentery;
  • halophilesis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • campylobacteriosis;
  • Escherichiosis caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • rotavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • enterovirus.

Experts do not classify staphylococcal toxin and botulism as intestinal infections. They occupy a niche foodborne diseases, so we are not interested. Damages to the gastrointestinal system caused by protozoa and fungal organisms, which at first glance are similar in symptoms, occupy a separate place, so we won’t talk about them for now.

Intestinal infections are transmitted by people who are carriers of diseases. Therefore, it is better to isolate the patient for a while or, if possible, limit contact with him.

We will consider medications for intestinal infections below.

Bacterial and viral

Each infection has its own incubation period and the period during which the patient remains infectious. In case of bacterial infection in the period of time from manifestation initial symptoms until the stage of their complete disappearance, the patient remains a source of infection.

Viral diseases in this regard are even more insidious: you can become infected within a period of time reaching 21 days after the disappearance of all manifestations of the disease in the patient.

The main part of microbes in such diseases is released from feces, but the remaining part quite successfully penetrates into urine, saliva and vomit and, naturally, is a source of infection for others.

Unfortunately, a person who has had an intestinal infection does not acquire immunity to it. It is important to get tested for intestinal infections in a timely manner.

How do microbes enter the body?

In practice, this means that, having recovered from a certain infection, there is a chance of getting it back again after a short period of time. Microbes usually enter our body through oral cavity. Therefore, consuming foods such as:

  • raw unboiled water;
  • untreated milk heat treatment;
  • dairy products;
  • cream cakes;
  • undercooked meat;
  • raw eggs.

Enteric viruses can spread and by airborne droplets. It must be said that the degree of susceptibility to all of the listed infectious agents is different, but everyone has it. According to medical statistics, the elderly, children and adults with weakened immune systems are most likely to get sick. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor.


The manifestation of symptoms depends on many factors. First of all, this is the degree of poisoning, the type of infectious agent, and the amount of toxins entering the body. Therefore, symptoms can vary from severe to severe scant signs, which are of a general nature.

The incubation period for intestinal infections lasts up to two days. The faster symptoms appear after eating stale or spoiled food, the more severe the disease subsequently becomes. Then other signs appear in the form of weakness in the body, aches, headaches, nausea, and sudden increases in temperature. The further course of the disease may be accompanied by stomach pain, vomiting, which brings temporary relief, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen.

Symptoms may be mixed, or some of the above symptoms will appear separately. Each infection is characterized by a certain combination of these symptoms, which can manifest themselves in different ways.

When and how to get tested for intestinal infections?


The doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis only after studying the clinical picture of the disease, finding out the list of foods consumed and appearance chair. Modern rapid tests of various kinds are used to correctly diagnose the disease.

In difficult cases, a serological method is used: specific antibodies to different viruses and bacteria by ELISA, RA, RPGA and RNGA methods. In addition, doctors have access to PCR diagnostic tests.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are rarely used in these cases.

Symptoms of intestinal infection in children are quite unpleasant, so treatment should be immediate.


Therapy is aimed at removing pathogens and toxins produced by them from the body. Simply put, you need to remove the pathogen and its waste products. Treatment aimed at simply relieving symptoms will not give the desired effect, since the “cause” continues to be in the body. Treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

As we said above, the primary measure in the treatment of intestinal infection is diet. The following must be excluded from the patient’s menu:

  • milk and milk-containing products;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • roast;
  • fat;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • smoked.


Depending on the symptoms of intestinal infection in children or adults, the patient is prescribed any adsorbent drug: Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta several times a day. With all intestinal infections, there is a disturbance in the water-electrolyte balance in the body. Therefore, it is important to replenish fluid loss in the body in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities. That is, an adult, in addition to his usual norm, needs to add up to one and a half liters of fluid per day.

Many are also interested in the question of what tablets to take against intestinal infections.

In these cases, still water, dried fruit compote, and weakly brewed rose hips are useful. The use of ready-made salt preparations (Regidron, Humana, Oralit, etc.), diluted with warm boiled water, also gives good results. If for some reason the patient cannot drink so much liquid, it is necessary to go to the hospital, where the liquid will be administered intravenously.

What will help children against intestinal infections?

If diarrhea and vomiting occur in small child and are repeated repeatedly over a short period of time, you must go to the hospital or call ambulance. For uncomplicated forms of the disease, you can use drugs traditional medicine. Decoctions of calamus roots or infused marshmallow help relieve intoxication. Various herbs (alder cones, cinquefoil root, nettle) are used as a cure for intestinal infections.

Antibacterial therapy is advisable when suspicion of a bacterial infection is confirmed.

But what antibiotic should I take for an intestinal infection?


Norfloxacin tablets are often prescribed. Sometimes stronger drugs are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. For this disease, the doctor can prescribe symptomatic treatment: for manifestations of gastritis, the prescription of Omez and Ranitidine is justified. If the patient is bothered by nausea, Cerucal is prescribed. A mandatory component of treatment will be drugs containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - Enterozermina, Enterol, live yoghurts.


If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions, and the doctor prescribes competent antibacterial and rehydration therapy, then the prognosis is quite favorable. But don’t forget about maintaining hygiene and avoiding foods that can cause intestinal infections again.


It is clear that there is no vaccine against intestinal infections, but it is still possible to, if not completely protect yourself and your loved ones from infections, then at least reduce the risk of infection. This can be achieved by using nonspecific preventive measures, which are expressed in strict adherence to personal hygiene measures, boiling water and milk, and avoiding eating raw eggs. You should also not swallow water when swimming in open fresh water and in the sea; you should not swim where it is prohibited. Carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections may not appear at first, but at the same time result in infection for other people.

Of course, coming to seaside resort, we want to relax and we don’t want to think about what to drink for intestinal infections. But we need to remember about prevention. In this case, your vacation will become truly unforgettable. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of non-thermally processed meat being included in the menu. This ban should also apply to unwashed vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits.

Do you know how to protect yourself from intestinal infections at sea?

First, create optimal conditions for storing prepared foods in the refrigerator. And also exclude the neighborhood ready meals and products with raw meat and vegetables. Get rid of expired and spoiled products in a timely manner. It is worth mentioning separately that feeding a baby undiluted and not heat-treated cow's or goat's milk can lead to serious consequences. Instead of healthy complementary foods, you will have to take medications for intestinal infections.

Thus, we looked at what medications you should take for intestinal infections.

It should also be mentioned that it is mandatory to maintain an appropriate regime sanitization in the house if there is a sick person there. In this case, you should not eat with him from the same dishes or use the same towel. A child who has not yet become ill should be isolated from the patient and closely monitored for his condition. It is hardly possible to avoid contact with the things of a sick person at all when living in the same house, but it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, do wet cleaning and disinfect the toilet, bathroom, things and common items.

Well, the simplest, but no less relevant and effective advice, which mothers and grandmothers tirelessly remind us all our lives from birth: Wash your hands with soap and, if possible, not only before eating.

Treatment of intestinal infections: drugs and first aid for poisoning

Few people are unfamiliar with the situation when indigestion begins. Most often this happens in the summer: in the heat, many go to the sea, river, lakes. And if you don’t follow the rules of hygiene, you can get a rotavirus intestinal infection. Dirty water easily gets into the mouth and ears, especially for children. But you can become a victim of an intestinal infection at home, because the quality of the products does not always correspond to the beautiful packaging or expiration date. Dairy products are often stored in violation of sanitary standards. In hot weather, you should not buy fish or meat unless you are sure that they were processed and kept according to the standards.

Definition of intestinal infection

Acute intestinal infection is an infectious disease of the digestive tract. There are at least 30 types of its pathogens. This is the most common disease along with respiratory viruses, and children are most often affected (about 55% of all cases). For nearly a million of them, the intestinal infection is fatal, according to the World Health Organization. The main symptom is severe diarrhea, which leads to disruption of the body's vital functions.


Viruses and bacteria are the main cause of intestinal infections, including in children. Once in the human body, they begin to actively produce poison - enterotoxin, which, having penetrated into digestive tract, causes poisoning. E. coli can be acquired through water, food and household items.

Intestinal diseases are caused by the following viruses and bacteria:

  • enterovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • dysentery bacillus;
  • salmonella;
  • Vibrio cholera.

These microbes multiply quickly and live for a long time in dirty water, on unwashed hands and food.

Symptoms of intestinal infections

When harmful microflora enters the mouth, it begins to spread rapidly throughout the organs of the gastric system. The incubation period of intestinal pathogens is usually short - from 5 hours to a day. When the toxins have spread, the clinical picture is initially very similar to diseases such as gastritis, enterocolitis, and appendicitis. The following symptoms appear:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • body temperature rises;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • frequent diarrhea (in severe cases with blood and mucus);
  • chills;
  • constant desire to drink.

The most dangerous and serious consequences Intestinal infection for the body is dehydration. Due to vomiting and diarrhea, the patient's body eliminates nutrients and liquid, and are especially poorly tolerated by poisoning and other intestinal diseases small children and old people.

If the pathology occurs in a severe form, then the described symptoms become intensely colored and are added to:

  • frequent urge to urinate (sometimes false);
  • flatulence;
  • a yellow-gray coating appears on the tongue;
  • painful attacks in the intestines intensify.

How to help a patient?

An acute intestinal infection should never be treated independently, especially in children. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. But before that you should take the following measures:

  • we put the patient to bed, placing a container nearby for vomit;
  • if the sick person is chilling, then we cover him with a blanket and warm his feet with a heating pad;
  • select a separate set of dishes;
  • We protect from contact with family members and other people;
  • rinse the stomach with salted water or weak solution potassium permanganate (1.5–2 liters) to induce vomiting;
  • Give the patient only warm drink (boiled water, light tea without sugar, solution with Regidron or Atoxil).

How should you eat if you have intestinal diseases?

When the manifestations of the infection begin to subside, it is not recommended to eat for the first two days; you can only drink liquids. In the future, the patient follows a strict diet until the body’s condition returns to normal.

What foods can be consumed during poisoning? Remember this list:

  • light chicken broths;
  • liquid porridge with water;
  • soups without frying;
  • pureed lean meat;
  • white bread crackers;
  • low-fat steamed fish;
  • omelettes;
  • baked apples without peel;
  • dry biscuits.

Spices and seasonings will have to be abandoned when treating an intestinal infection. The prohibited list included fermented milk products, canned food, radishes, green onions and peas, young corn on the cob, beans, garlic and alcoholic beverages.

What drugs can be treated?

All food poisoning characterized by the appearance of large amounts of toxins in gastric tract. They are carried by blood, and this can adversely affect other internal organs. Therefore, against unpleasant consequences, you should take sorbents. Pay attention to the following medications:

  • Activated carbon: it is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight after the stomach has been washed. The next 6 days - 2 tablets every 6 hours. However, it should not be abused against disorders.
  • Smecta: an indispensable medicine against diarrhea, protects and coats the intestinal mucosa, relieves stomach pain.
  • Enterosgel: paste mixture, removes toxins and harmful bacteria, eliminates pain.
  • Polysorb: has a strong absorbent effect and is also prescribed against intoxication due to intestinal infections.

When treating an intestinal infection, it is mandatory to take probiotics that will fight pathogenic intestinal microflora. These medications include:

Any of these medications normalizes the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and has an antimicrobial effect against salmonella and dysentery E. coli.

At severe pain You can take No-shpa or another analgesic, but this must be done after a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, taking pain medication will affect the correct diagnosis of a particular intestinal infection.

To stop diarrhea, antibiotics Loperamide or Levomycetin are prescribed three times a day. For pregnant women, the more gentle medicine Fthalazol is prescribed, and for children, the antibiotic Cefix helps suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

To prevent intestinal infections and maintain the functions of the digestive organs, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Cautions when treating intestinal infections:

  • Do not try to stop diarrhea and vomiting on your own with medications such as Motilium or Imodium. They cannot be used at the initial stage against the disease.
  • Do not get carried away with various sorbents. For example, activated carbon in excess causes constipation, which is harmful in case of poisoning - do not interfere with the body’s fight against toxic substances.
  • Medicines with an enzyme composition will blur the clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
  • The use of drugs like Almagel will not bring any benefit, since they are not used against intestinal infections.
  • Uncontrolled intake of various solutions with baking soda, potassium permanganate can aggravate the situation.

Features of intestinal diseases in children

Children, especially under two years of age, are most often exposed to intestinal infections, and any product can cause poisoning. Since their immunity is not yet strong, they become infected very quickly. By the way, immunity to such diseases is not developed, so there is always a risk of re-poisoning.

Promotes stomach infections:

  • poor drinking water;
  • lack of sanitary conditions;
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • improper storage of products.

Bacterial intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery) are more common in the summer, and viral ones (rotavirus and enterovirus) – in the winter. General symptoms diseases are the same as in adults. But since the fragile children's body, then the disease can occur in a more severe form:

  • temperature is about 39°C, but can rise higher;
  • headache and weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • the skin changes color: from unhealthy gray to blue;
  • The vomiting almost never stops.

Children lose a lot of fluid through vomiting and diarrhea. At the same time, sodium and potassium salts, which the heart needs, are removed from the body, nervous system, muscles. Especially rapid loss useful substances Children under three years of age are susceptible. Therefore, if there are signs of dehydration, seek medical help immediately: only emergency measures are able to correct the situation.

Remember the symptoms of dehydration:

  • strong thirst;
  • drying of the skin, loss of elasticity;
  • half-asleep state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • infrequent urination, urine becomes dark in color.

The child should be given drinks in small sips at intervals of 10 minutes. To do this, use saline solutions with Regidron or mineral water without gas. You can also drink tea with lemon, chamomile or linden infusion, cranberry or red currant juice.

How to avoid stomach infections?

The following simple prevention rules can help reduce the risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands and follow general rules hygiene (teach children to this).
  • Do not eat dirty vegetables and fruits.
  • Carry out sufficient heat treatment of eggs, meat, and fish.
  • Enrich the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria, thereby strengthening the immune system.
  • Stick to a healthy diet.

Before traveling to the sea, and especially to a tropical country, stock up on medications to boost immunity and prevent intestinal infections, for example, Vetom 1.1. Choose the best remedy only a doctor can help.

Intestinal infectious diseases reduce a person’s immunity for a long time, and it takes time to fully restore all body functions. To make the fight against the disease easier, it is important to promptly seek help from a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications, and not to forget about prevention.

List of tablets for intestinal infections

What pills will help against intestinal infections? Unfortunately, intestinal infection is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And it requires complex, that is, combined, treatment.

Perhaps one day one tablet will be enough to treat an intestinal infection. But now - alas!

This time has not yet come, so you will have to treat an intestinal infection with the good old complex set of drugs.

So different, and all contagious

What is an “intestinal infection”? This phrase hides several dozen different diseases caused by various pathogens.

Well, since they are all “infections”, one thing is immediately clear - they are all contagious. There is one more factor that unites all intestinal infections into one bundle - similar symptoms.

The list of symptoms of acute intestinal infections is as follows:

In children, the incidence of intestinal infections is twice as high as in adults, and the disease is more severe in childhood.

What foods can you eat if you have an intestinal infection? In the first two days of illness, it is better not to eat anything at all. It is only recommended to drink as much as possible.

On the third day, you can eat rice porridge cooked in water without adding oil. Dried blueberries and bird cherry will have a positive effect on the intestines.

You should not eat dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables until you have completely recovered from an intestinal infection!

Emergency medications

How to treat this infection?

There are several stages:

  1. restoration of the body’s water-salt balance;
  2. cleansing the intestines of toxins and poisons;
  3. restoration of the population of normal microflora.

To prevent fatal dehydration, you need to take medications to restore the body’s water-salt balance:

At the first signs of an intestinal infection, it is very important to start taking drugs like Regidron or Citroglucosolan.

These drugs will not only help restore lost fluid, but will also replenish the body's reserves of potassium and sodium salts, which are washed out of it along with water.

The solutions should be taken in a few sips, every 10 to 15 minutes, alternating with water.

If this cannot be done, then infusion therapy is carried out in the infectious diseases department - colloidal drugs Hemodez or Albumin are administered intravenously using a dropper.

To cope with the poisons and toxins that “uninvited guests” produce in huge quantities, you need to drink sorbents. The list of these drugs is quite extensive.

When prescribing sorbents, the doctor is guided by the individual characteristics of the body, symptoms, and age of the patient:

All these drugs are harmless, therefore they are prescribed to both adults and children.

Probiotics in combination with prebiotics will do an excellent job of “restoring damaged intestinal microflora.”

You can also drink them to prevent intestinal infections:

These preparations contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which normalize intestinal activity, help strengthen the immune system, and improve metabolism.

Available in different forms, some in tablet form. They cannot be used together with antibiotics!

These are mandatory stages in the treatment of all intestinal infections without exception, but there are also others, not for all infections.

For the treatment of different types of infections

Antibiotic therapy in adult patients is carried out only for severe bacterial infections, such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera.

List of the most popular antibiotics for the treatment of CI:

Antibiotics in tablets are prescribed only to children over 8 years of age and adults, and only after vomiting has subsided. For young children, drugs are administered intramuscularly.

Contraindications for use: presence of serious kidney or liver diseases; pregnancy. A doctor must prescribe antibiotics!

Antiviral drugs can be prescribed for those types of intestinal infections that are caused by viruses:

But, as practice shows, in the midst of an illness they are of little use, so it is better to take these drugs for prevention during epidemics of stomach flu - this is what people call intestinal infections caused by viruses.

Symptom relievers

In some cases, for any type of pathogen, the following may also be prescribed:

The latter drugs are prescribed strictly symptom-based.

Antipyretics are taken at a temperature of 38 degrees and above, which lasts a long time and does not go away on its own.

It is recommended not to lower the temperature below 38 degrees Celsius in either adults or children, so as not to interfere with the body itself fighting infection. An exception to this rule is the development of convulsive syndrome.

The most popular antipyretics:

Antiemetic drugs are prescribed for persistent vomiting that poses a risk of dehydration.

Antiemetics are prescribed, as a rule, for adults; children are recommended to take antihistamines.

List of antiemetic drugs:

If the urge to vomit is not so frequent and allows a few sips of water to be absorbed, then you should not take antiemetics, since vomiting and diarrhea are natural ways for the body to eject foreign toxins.

Antidiarrheals are prescribed when a person literally cannot get up from the toilet, which also threatens dehydration.

If the diarrhea is not so debilitating, then these drugs are not prescribed for the same reason as antiemetics.

Antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed if the patient has heart problems.

Typically this is:

These drugs inhibit intestinal motility, due to which its work is partially restored. The number of bowel movements decreases, the pain in the abdominal area subsides.

The drugs are available in different forms, including tablets and capsules. Somatostatin is a hormonal drug.

Take care of your health, treat yourself competently! Incorrect diagnosis and treatment can lead to problems much worse than the usual stomach flu.

Entrust your health to a professional infectious disease doctor or gastroenterologist. Be healthy!

An intestinal infection is an unpleasant problem that can happen to both an adult and a child. This disease is fraught not only with the terrible well-being of the sick person, but also with a failure in immune system body. The causative agents of infection in the intestines can be staphylococcus, shigella, salmonella, rota and enteroviruses, fungi and other bacteria, which are especially active in the summer heat. A good half of the patients suffering from intestinal infection fell ill during hot weather. Every year, doctors record a seasonal surge in the disease, but you can “earn” an intestinal infection at any time of the year. In the text below we will figure out how to protect the body from this trouble and what tablets for intestinal infections can be prescribed for the prevention, treatment and relief of the condition of patients.

Intestinal infection is not a specific disease, but a so-called group that includes about thirty diseases. This infection itself does not pose a serious danger and does not threaten the life of either an adult or a child, and complicates life only temporarily. But there are also more serious types of intestinal infections, such as cholera, which can be fatal without timely treatment.

The disease is caused by bacteria and viruses entering the body. Thus, you can “get acquainted” with an intestinal infection by ignoring personal hygiene, eating low-quality or poorly purified food, drinking water that has not been boiled, or communicating with wild animals. The infection enters the body through the nutritional route, that is, through the mouth. Therefore, most often the disease in question affects children who study various objects, try them “to taste” or put dirty hands in their mouths.

As a rule, the disease spreads very quickly and produces vivid symptoms. Regardless of what harmful microorganism caused the disease, all types of intestinal infections have the same expression:

  1. Intoxication of the body (lethargy, headache, weakness in the body, aching joints, fever).
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Abnormal stool (repeated painful diarrhea).
  4. Pain in the abdominal area.

First of all, the disease is dangerous due to rapid dehydration of the body, which is worst for young patients. Since fluid and salts are lost with vomiting and diarrhea, it is important to ensure that these losses are replaced. It is necessary to drink fluids constantly if you have a lung infection or medium degree gravity it could be pure water, green tea, compotes and fruit drinks, in case of severe infection, you need to resort to rehydration solutions, which include Trisol or Regidron. If an intestinal infection gives severe symptoms or the patient is not able to drink on his own (infants, old people, severe disease severity), solutions to maintain water-salt balance are administered in the form of droppers in a hospital setting.

First aid for intestinal infection

If the patient complains of severe weakness, elevated body temperature, repeated vomiting and bowel movements (more than ten times a day), the infection is considered to be at a critical stage and requires emergency and comprehensive care. First of all, medical actions should be aimed at maintaining water balance in the body and relieving pain.

Above, we briefly covered rehydration solutions used to stabilize water balance and restore sodium and potassium reserves. As a rule, these are powdered preparations that require dilution in water. In mild cases, you can use activated carbon, but doctors recommend more modern and effective drugs, like Albumin or Polysorb. These products do not cause harm, help reduce intoxication and remove toxins from the body and pathogenic microbes. If taking medications does not bring relief, this is a good reason to contact a medical facility.

To reduce body temperature and eliminate pain and discomfort, an adult can be given No-shpa or Nurofen, but if the pain is not too strong, it is better not to take painkillers until the doctor arrives, so as not to “blur” the symptoms.” In severe cases they are used lytic mixtures in injections that standardly contain diphenhydramine, analgin and papaverine. However, this mixture is characterized by a strong effect and can only be used by doctors (emergency doctors or in a hospital setting).

Detoxification of the body

To help the body remove toxins and poisons, it is necessary to take sorbents. These are drugs that absorb, “bind” everything harmful substances and then take them out when visiting the toilet. A doctor can prescribe such drugs based on the patient’s age and body characteristics, as well as the severity of the infection. Sorbents are divided into three groups:

  • ion exchange drugs;
  • carbon-containing products;
  • tablets based on natural ingredients.

The first type includes medications that are mixed with toxins and poisons, as a result of which they break down into simple elements that are quickly eliminated from the body. This group includes drugs such as Cholesiviliam, Cholestyramine, Ezetrol and analogues.

Sorbents containing natural components have a different effect on harmful elements. They do not interact with them, but trap bacteria and act as a magnet for them. Most often, such preparations are based on fiber, cellulose, and pectin. This group includes Lactofiltrum, Filtrum-STI, Zosterin and similar drugs.


There is a fourth group of sorbents - mixed-spectrum drugs. The most popular examples of products from this category today are Smecta and Polysorb. The latter is considered a powerful sorbent that does not contain chemical additives, is not absorbed into the blood and does not interfere with the digestive process. Polysorb not only removes toxins from the body, but also prevents the infection from spreading.

Tablets for intestinal infections: basic drugs

To completely defeat not only the symptoms, but also the pathogens, it is recommended to take specialized medications. They will not only relieve discomfort and pain, but also prevent the cause of the disease. There are drugs with different principles of action, which include:

Antibiotics are aimed at removing harmful bacteria from the body when severe forms intestinal infections. In order for a doctor to prescribe antibiotics, he must have tests on hand confirming that the disease has a bacterial source. Most often, Cefix, Levomycetin, and Amoxicillin are prescribed for the treatment of intestinal infections. For the treatment of young patients, antibiotics are offered in the form of syrups.

There are a lot of modern drugs that quickly alleviate intestinal infections.

Diarrhea tablets

As a rule, it is diarrhea that causes the greatest suffering for those suffering from an intestinal infection. At a minimum, the frequent urge to defecate does not allow you to lie down, which is necessary in a painful condition. At most, diarrhea prevents you from leaving the house to go to the pharmacy or see a doctor. There are a number of tablets that have proven themselves in the treatment of diarrhea caused by viral and infectious diseases.

One of the most effective drugs– Levomycetin, which is an antibiotic, but with mild diarrhea helps with a single dose. It kills diarrhea pathogens and works quite quickly. Phthalazole and Tetracycline have an anti-inflammatory effect that blocks the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and has a fixing effect. How antibacterial agent Furazolidone, which also supports immunity, is used. At different types Intestinal infections are also prescribed Stopdair, which is otherwise called Enterofuril. The latter drugs are not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they do not harm beneficial bacteria and do not interfere with digestion.

To slow down peristalsis and stop contractions of the rectum, appropriate medications are used to bring the stool back to normal. These include Loperamide, Enterobene, Imodium and the like.

The drugs that we have listed are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also as powders, suspensions, capsules and chewable lozenges. However, you need to understand that these are not harmless means of stopping diarrhea. All these medications have contraindications, so the doctor must approve their use. It is especially important to remember this for parents of small children, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding young ladies.

Video - All about infectious diarrhea in 5 minutes

Restoring microflora: drugs for the intestines

Treatment of intestinal infections, especially if antibiotics are used, involves removing not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria from the body. This can cause dysbiosis and gastrointestinal problems in a weakened body. To support the digestive track and prevent a new round of the disease, an additional course of medications should be prescribed after the main treatment. They are aimed at normalizing intestinal microflora.

There are two groups of drugs used for therapy:

  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics.

These products contain beneficial bacteria, which “adjust” to the intestinal mucosa. Then they take root and begin to reproduce, reaching the optimal number. Such agents include Profibor, Lactobacterin and others. It will be more effective to take medications that simultaneously contain several types of beneficial bacteria, for example, Bifiform, Linex, Bifilong and the like. Both children and adults can receive such treatment, but only after completing the course of the main drug, since simultaneous positive effects will not occur. The limitation for the use of probiotics is considered allergic reaction the patient has a malfunction in the immune system.

Linex drug in capsules

If the administration of probiotics is not possible, patients are prescribed prebiotics. The principle of their action is different - they do not contain beneficial bacteria, but nutrients for their production. Drugs of this nature reach the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract unchanged and begin their work there, allowing the microflora to return to normal. Popular prebiotics are Livoluk, Prelax, Portlak, Inulin and the like. It is important that these drugs cannot be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, intestinal problems and fructose intolerance.

Table 1. Drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

Avoiding dehydrationRegidron, Trisol, glucose and Ringer solutions, Gastrolit, Citraglucosan
Remove toxinsPolysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon
Stopping DiarrheaLevomycetin, Tetracycline, Stopdiar, Loperamide, Imodium
Killing virusesAmiksin, Arbidol, Anaferon, Rinikold
Killing harmful bacteriaCefix, Levomycetin, Amoxicillin
Restoring microfloraBifiform, Linex, Bifilong, Livoluk, Prelax, Inulin

Let's sum it up

We have listed the most common drugs for the treatment of this unpleasant disease like an intestinal infection. However, a number of them can be used at home without medical supervision (for example, sorbents), while others can be prescribed exclusively by a specialist. We do not recommend using self-selected medications in any situation, but especially if the patient is a child. It is important to understand that self-medication, an incorrect diagnosis and incorrectly chosen pills may not only not work, but also lead to a worsening of the condition.

Even at home, with medical supervision, intestinal infections respond well to treatment, not to mention medical supervision in a hospital. As a rule, two to three days are enough for the patient’s condition to stabilize. Be attentive to your health and do not neglect the qualified help of doctors.
