The first baby tooth: a sign of good luck and protection for the baby. What to do with lost baby teeth: throw away, keep or give to a fairy

Parents have different attitudes towards the appearance of their baby's first teeth.

Some people are incredibly happy about this event, while others prepare in advance for sleepless nights and constant crying.

And here signs associated with a baby's first teeth , few people know. Although it is with their help that you can not only determine what awaits the baby and his family in the near future, but also find out in advance about how his fate will turn out.

A child’s first tooth – signs for the whole family

One of the main signs associated with a baby’s teeth is that the longer and more painfully they grow, the more complex the child’s character will be in the future, the more difficult it will be for others to communicate with him.

Second very interesting sign, which, by the way, is almost always confirmed, is associated with the appearance of the first tooth at approximately 4-5 months. Considering that this normally occurs by six months, this phenomenon is difficult not to notice.

It is believed that after such a surprise, parents will have another one - the appearance of a brother or sister within a year or a year and a half.

But there is no need to be upset that your teeth are delayed. According to signs, the appearance of the first one after 8 months indicates the presence of a special talent in the child, the brightness and originality of the personality.

Sometimes a baby's front teeth grow at a distance from each other. There is no need to be afraid of this. For many peoples of the world, this is a sign of a long and happy life.

It is extremely rare for children to develop teeth even before they are born. This is a real miracle. It is immediately clear that the child was born to perform a very important mission. But at the same time, you shouldn’t expect brilliant actions from him.

His life goal can be performed by him both in middle years and later. The main thing is to understand that the child is special and treat him correctly.

A silver spoon on the first tooth is a sign

Many signs have quite scientific explanation, and the custom of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth is one of these.

Once upon a time, this was a privilege of the upper class. It is clear that the peasants could not afford such an expensive acquisition, but strong teeth also distinguished rulers from commoners.

Perhaps at that time this was explained by issues of care, perhaps nutrition, but the sign of giving a silver spoon for a tooth dates back to those times.

Today the sign has a scientific explanation. Children’s teeth are not brushed, and to prevent the delicate enamel from being damaged by food, it is better to use silver cutlery. They disinfect food and provide additional treatment to the oral cavity.

Only the spoon should actually be silver, and not coated.

If your baby is cutting his first tooth, signs and customs will allow you to immediately learn a lot of interesting things about his subsequent fate and even improve it. You can get acquainted with them using this article.

In the article:

A child's first tooth - signs

Typically, children's first teeth appear between the ages of 4 and 7 months. Our ancestors believed that if this happens ahead of schedule, it foreshadows the mother's bearing another child. At the same time, they especially paid attention to which one appeared first. If it was one of the top ones, it means that the child will soon have a brother or sister just a year younger.

Later, the eruption of the first tooth means that the baby will grow up to be an extraordinary person and will have some kind of talent, an inclination for a certain type of activity. But in some countries they think about it exactly the opposite.

If between the front upper teeth a large slot into which the edge of a coin can be placed is considered a good sign. It means that a child with such teeth will grow up to be a successful and lucky person and will be popular with the opposite sex.

Beliefs about the first teeth say that if their appearance takes longer than expected and generally causes many problems, it means that the child will grow up to be a capricious and irritable person. He will have a tendency to depression, perhaps becoming a bore or a whiner.

Sometimes children are born with teeth, that is, it turns out that the first of them appeared while still in the mother’s womb. In the old days, it was believed that such children would either die soon or survive and grow up when they reached a suitable age. A similar importance was attached to the eruption of the upper canines first. Nowadays, such signs about the first tooth, which grew even before birth, are not given much importance.

Silver spoon for the first tooth

Among the many signs and customs associated with the appearance of a child’s first tooth, there is an ancient belief about a silver spoon. When a child started teething, he was given a gift - a silver spoon. The godparents usually did this, not forgetting to tap the first tooth with this spoon. This tradition is associated with the beginning of complementary feeding and the fact that very soon the child will be able to cope with more than just milk, and a spoon will be useful to him.

The custom of giving a silver spoon when the first tooth comes out promises that all subsequent teeth will be strong and healthy throughout the child’s life. But this is not its only meaning. It is believed that the whole life of your son or daughter will be happy and stable if you give him a silver spoon and tap it on the first tooth.

Sometimes godparents or other relatives gave a spoon in advance. In this case, a chilled silver spoon was placed in the mouth when teething problems occurred, e.g. severe pain appeared, the temperature rose. In order for their teeth to be strong and not hurt, children were sometimes allowed to chew.

Our ancestors believed that during the teething period, children were less protected from the influence of dark forces, so they tried to spend as much time as possible with them, even at night. In addition, this alleviated the child’s condition, because teeth are not always cut without problems.

Beliefs about the first baby tooth falling out

Every child will eventually lose their baby teeth. There are also some signs about this phenomenon that came to us from antiquity. Almost all nations had them, and in Lately several more modern versions have been compiled. One of them is associated with the tooth fairy, for whom a “gift” is left under the pillow. The fairy was invented by a Spanish children's writer.

It is believed that if a lost milk tooth is lost and not given to a mouse, a brownie, or thrown into a fireplace, this promises the child a life away from his homeland and early start living separately from parents. In England they believed that if they did not set it on fire, the new one would become a dog.

If your son or daughter loses a baby tooth, he should give it up right hand through left shoulder with these words:

Mouse, mouse, you have a milk tooth, give me a bone tooth in return!

This must be done on the street, but in a place where no one will pick it up. Forests, fields and similar places are good. In the past, mothers were forbidden to lick the site of a lost tooth, otherwise there would be no place to insert the one that the mouse would bring in return. It was also believed that turning to the mouse accelerates the growth of the remaining molars.

In general, following these signs can make life a lot easier for a growing person, and the influence of many of them extends throughout life, so you definitely shouldn’t neglect them.

In contact with

Despite modern development world, there are many beliefs that came to us from our ancestors. One of these is the belief about baby teeth. Typically, children grow their first tooth at 4-7 months. Depending on how soon this happened, one can judge not only the health of the child, but also the appearance of a second baby in the family, talent and the number of brothers/sisters.

If the first tooth appears is one of the upper ones, it means that the child will soon have a brother or sister

For example, if you cut to 4 one month of age-in Soon there will be another addition to the family. The first tooth came out after seven baby's months there will be a rare gift or talent.

The number of teeth that fill a baby’s mouth before one year of age corresponds to the number of children in the family.

It was also important which tooth erupted first and its location:

Late eruption of the first tooth means that the baby will grow up to be an extraordinary person and will have some talent

There is also bad omens:

  • teeth appear before birth, in the womb;
  • The upper canine grows first, and even worse, two at once.

It is believed that children born with a tooth will soon die or get sick often. And if a large fang has grown, the baby will serve the dark forces.

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In some countries, it is customary to organize a feast for the little “nibbler,” where he is not only presented with gifts, but his future profession is determined.

The baby is covered with a diaper, showered with cereals and sweets, and spells are recited. Around the hero of the occasion they lay out objects that characterize a certain profession, take off the diaper and see what the baby reaches for. If to a hammer he will be a carpenter, to a steering wheel he will be a driver, to a book he will be a scientist, and so on.

Silver spoon as a talisman

Wherever the first incisor appears, for its strength and the health of the entire oral cavity, it is worth tapping with a silver spoon given by the godparents at the sacrament of baptism. Your child will be lucky, strong and happy if you perform this ritual. If the baby’s incisors were difficult to erupt, this spoon was placed on his tummy or allowed to suck. Also, a silver spoon is an amulet and talisman against evil forces.

If the appearance of teeth takes longer than expected and generally causes many problems, it means that the child will grow up to be a capricious and irritable person.

Scientists found an excuse for the magical effects of silver a little later than caring mothers and fathers did several centuries ago. Thanks to silver ions you can get rid of harmful microorganisms and reduce painful sensations. That is why such accessories were considered healing.

The first tooth fell out, what to do?

The next important stage is the loss of that very incisor. Each culture has its own signs and beliefs associated with the loss of the first tooth. But each of them requires a certain ritual so that luck does not pass by. For example, in Great Britain they believe that the first tooth that falls out should be thrown into the fireplace, it will bring good luck, and if this is not done, they will grow wolf fangs. Also, some peoples believe that a person will not go to heaven until he finds all his milk teeth.

Our ancestors believed that during the teething period, children are less protected from the influence of dark forces, so they tried to spend as much time as possible with them, even at night

Many parents prefer to keep the lost incisors of their babies, otherwise the children will begin to live independently away from home at an early age.

The loss of the first tooth can frighten your child, which is why the legend of the tooth fairy or mouse was invented for children. The fairy takes the clove placed under the pillow and brings gifts in return. It is important to remember that calling the tooth fairy is strictly prohibited at Christmas, otherwise she will never come again. You can also call the mouse, throw the fallen incisor over your left shoulder with your right hand and ask for a bone one in return. This must be done on the street, in a field, in a forest, where no one can find it, otherwise someone may cause damage.

There are a lot of signs that help to lift the curtain a little about the future and smooth out the loss for the baby, so you shouldn’t neglect these tips.

What you should pay attention to

There are also many beliefs regarding adult teeth. Special place in a person’s life, they occupy the “eights of wisdom.” Ancient signs call them happy sign, especially if you own all of them at once. This means that you are under the protection of your ancestors. “Eights of Wisdom” are directed to Right way, filled with the bright colors of life, wealth and happiness. Since ancient times, special rituals have been performed to preserve healthy and strong teeth.

The sign says that whoever notices the erupted tooth first will receive an expensive gift for the child.

  • if you chipped a tooth, damage has been caused to you;
  • diastema, or in other words a gap, is a sign of very strong energy.
  • a lost molar means that you will soon lose loved one, and if you feel pain at the same time, then you will soon face a very difficult choice.
  • knocked out - new prospects and opportunities;
  • crumbles or staggers - to a serious illness;
  • gums itch for a quick love date;
  • grinding sounds may indicate heart disease;

Important!! To ensure that your smile is always perfect and does not cause you pain, the ancients advise chewing on a stone during the first thunderstorm in May. And to prevent pain, never spit out the window and get up every morning with right leg! All extracted teeth from an adult must be buried in a field under a tree or in a vacant lot!

Usually teeth are not given much importance. This part human body, as a rule, is least noticeable in the life of the body and does not attract much attention. The only case When a person actually begins to be interested in teeth, it is when they suffer from some kind of disease, hurt, and require therapeutic measures.

But the situation is completely different with regard to teeth when it comes to small children. If official dentistry is rather dry and does not see a big miracle in children’s first teeth, then folk wisdom treat this phenomenon completely differently.

For a long time, our people have treated teething in babies with special trepidation. Numerous signs and customs are dedicated to this event, based on which, based on the nature of how and when the first tooth came out, one can predict the fate of the child or his mother.

Of course, all this is quite naive, but, nevertheless, extremely interesting and exciting. Let's consider what interesting signs there are associated with the appearance of the first tooth in quite recently babies born, what does it mean if a child was born with a tooth and some other interesting beliefs and cases.

In beliefs they give great importance not only the fact of the appearance of the tooth, but also other important nuances: in what place it appeared, on the top or on the lower jaw how quickly it grows, whether the baby’s tooth hurts and whether it causes him discomfort.

Each such event has gathered around some fables and signs that young mothers love to find out.

On a positive note...

So, if a child’s first tooth appears a little earlier than the due date (up to 4-5 months), this means that the mother has yet to give birth to a brother or sister. If the first tooth has grown by upper jaw, then this means that

This girl's parents should prepare for a new baby

The mother's future second child will appear very soon - within just one year from the birth of the first.

If a child’s first tooth appears somewhat late in relation to the average statistical norm, then there is a popular belief that this baby will grow up to be an unusual person. He will definitely be endowed with great talents, abilities, will be hardworking and inclined to any serious activity.

If between the first grown teeth there is a large gap into which a coin can fit edge-on, then, according to grandmothers who love various beliefs, this is an indicator that in the future the child will have no end to representatives of the opposite sex.

On a minor note

True, not all signs associated with the first tooth are so rosy. There are also the exact opposite. For example, it is believed that if the first teeth grow slowly, painfully and cause big problems for a little man, then this indicates that he will grow up with a quarrelsome character, will be grumpy and intractable.

By the way, this sign is completely connected with real psychology - if a child suffers from teething for a long time, parents will try to compensate for his suffering with gifts, toys and other pleasant things, thanks to which he can get used to it and grow up to be an excessive egoist.

It is also considered a rather bad omen if a baby’s fang erupts first. Such children were often considered disadvantaged, associated with evil spirits, they predicted all kinds of suffering and even death at a young age.

In some countries, for example, Africa, a woman who gave birth to such a child could even be kicked out of the village so that she would not bring misfortune and God's punishment on its inhabitants.

A lot depends on the speed of cutting...if you believe the signs

Every caring mother notices how quickly her beloved child’s teeth grow. Several interesting beliefs and signs are also attributed to this fact, which, however, echo the previous ones.

If the teeth grow quickly, without much pain and do not cause noticeable discomfort to the baby, then he will a good man with a rather pleasant character, will be able to get along well with others and will easily find a mate. If the process slows down, then this indicates that the person may well grow up to be quite nasty, will love to quarrel and make scandals, will not be able to find mutual language with many people around.

But young mothers who have seen similar behavior in their children should under no circumstances worry or despair. It is clear that all such stories exist simply for the sake of being; they cannot determine a person’s future. If beliefs are not on your side, then you certainly shouldn’t despair.

What is customary to give for the appearance of the first tooth?

Since this an important event in the family will not go unnoticed by the household (the joint efforts of the young mother and baby will be quite enough for this), then it is not customary to ignore it. The baby is given a certain gift for this memorable event. Most often, according to a rather ancient folk custom, a small silver spoon is given to a child for his first tooth.

Different beliefs differ slightly on who exactly should do this. Initially, such a task was assigned to child's godparents, but most often this point of the ritual is not observed and gifts can be given to absolutely everyone: parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and other more or less distant relatives. You also need to remember here that a spoon is given for a reason. You still need to lightly tap the new “settler” in your mouth with it.

Unlike other customs, in the case of a spoon everything is quite logical and common sense. The fact is that it is during the period of 4-7 months that a child begins to consume other products in addition to milk. Therefore, the spoon will be quite useful to him for these purposes.

Regarding the question of material, silver is considered the purest metal, capable of killing germs and disinfecting the environment in which it is located. It is not for nothing that even a silver cross is dipped into water during baptism. By feeding the baby with such a spoon, parents gain greater confidence that, together with this cutlery, the baby will enjoy oral cavity won't hit harmful microbes and bacteria.

Maternity hospital “teethers”

It also rarely happens that children are born with teeth. U different nations on this score, views differ simply radically. IN medieval Europe such an event meant only one thing (like many others, especially related to any everyday joys) - the child is a fiend of hell, the heavens are angry looking at him and he is absolutely not allowed to live. Therefore, such children were often simply put to death.

But not every region of the world was marked by such barbarity. There were also nations in which such a special child aroused joy and admiration and was considered a great success for the parents. In fact, the only trouble it can cause is pain for the mother during breastfeeding.

Some other signs

There are also other signs related to the baby’s first teeth. Here are just a few of them:

  • if a child was born with one tooth, he will have a great future and become a great warrior (strong, courageous);
  • how many new teeth will a baby grow by the age of 1, how many brothers and sisters will he have;
  • Some peoples believed that late teething would bring happiness to the child.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that these are the main signs according to which the future of the child and his mother can be determined based on the characteristics of the teething process.

Of course, you should treat everything with a smile and understand that real life correlates rather weakly with fairy tales and customs of the Middle Ages. If a young mother likes to amuse herself with such stories, then no one forbids her from doing so. But there’s no point in worrying about “bad” signs either.

Signs associated with the appearance of a child’s first tooth allow the further course of events in the child’s life and in some way predict them.

There are many signs associated with the appearance of a baby’s first teeth.

First tooth

There are many signs associated with the birth of a baby and the appearance of the first tooth:

  • The first tooth erupts starting at four months. If teeth appear earlier, then there will soon be a new addition to your family. The upper first tooth is a sign that within a year the baby will have a brother or sister.
  • There are controversial points about the child's abilities: teething sooner or later. According to some views, the first early tooth indicates the child’s talent, others say the same about the late tooth.
  • When between the upper teeth in front there was a large slot into which a coin was placed edge-on, this indicates the child’s happiness. Such a baby will have popularity and success with the other sex, and will become a lucky person.
  • Difficulty growing, problematic late teeth reflect a future capricious and harmful character. Such a baby will become a depressed and sad person who has difficulty communicating.

It happens that after the baby is born, he already has several teeth. Previously, nothing good was associated with this state of affairs. Children were prophesied short life or a tendency towards dark forces.

Also referred to as the first canines, the eruption of which occurred before other teeth.

Teething is often associated with sleepless nights, so mothers often look for ways to reduce the child’s suffering and find explanations for certain moments in teething.

There is a tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon for his first tooth.

Famous traditions

Various beliefs or signs are associated with the beginning of the appearance of teeth. There is a tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon for his first tooth. The godparents bring it and knock on the first tooth. This spoon represents the end of breastfeeding and the beginning of complementary feeding from a spoon. The belief promises that this step will make the child’s life happy.

There are common cases when such a gift was presented before teething. If this whole process is difficult for the child. A spoon was placed in the child’s stomach or the child was allowed to suck on a wolf’s fang.

Our ancestors thought that at the moment of teething, children were protected from evil; they tried to be close to them more. The baby needs his own amulet to protect him and help him endure the difficulties of teething.

Certain signs and beliefs are associated with the loss of the first baby tooth. Sooner or later, every person loses his first baby tooth; this event is prescribed by certain signs and customs. We remember various folk customs and signs from childhood. One of the beliefs was the tooth fairy, an image of Spanish folklore. According to beliefs about baby teeth. If your first one disappeared, and you did not give it to a mouse or a fairy, then you will soon begin to live separately from your parents, and away from your homeland.

When you give away the first milk, perform a special ritual. If you give it to the mouse, then in a place where it will not be found anywhere, throw it with your left hand over your right shoulder, telling the mouse to take the old tooth and give it a new one. For the fairy, the tooth is placed under the pillow, where in the morning she will give money in return.

Signs about the first tooth will help you figure out what to do with baby teeth to make them strong, and what customs are associated with its appearance.

Popular beliefs

The first tooth erupts sooner or later.

  • This happens early, before 4 months - soon the baby’s mother will become pregnant.
  • He erupted late - indicating the extraordinary talent of the little man. It was believed that the baby would have a rare gift.
  • How many baby teeth appear by the age of 1 year, the number of brothers and sisters he will have.

It was important which tooth erupted first.

  • Any top - a brother will be born soon, if the bottom - a sister.
  • Almost simultaneously, two upper teeth appeared and a gap between them - a good warning. According to ancient signs about children, he will be lucky and will have many partners.

It happens that babies are born with baby teeth. In ancient times, people were afraid of such children and believed that sooner or later they would turn into minions of black forces. Modern medicine explains this phenomenon by genetic predisposition.

  • Rare teeth - a dreamer, he will lie.
  • Frequent - he will become amorous.
  • The daughter/son is grinding his teeth - he is being attacked by demons, around negative energy, which you need to get rid of. Now it's for worms.
  • Teeth take a very long time to come out - the child will be lazy, capricious, and as an adult he will be prone to melancholy.
  • If the teeth appear wide and elongated, the baby will be kind and happy.
  • Short and thin - will be greedy.

Customs associated with the first tooth

The most common ritual is the gift of a silver spoon. It is given as a gift by godparents, according to other signs - the one who first saw the tooth should buy it. A silver spoon should be the first cutlery that your baby uses to eat, he will be attracted to it good health, happiness, wealth and good luck.

Many peoples of the world have a tradition of organizing a holiday in honor of the appearance of the first tooth. On this occasion, a celebration is held and relatives guess - objects that symbolize professions are laid out in front of the child. The child is seated in the middle of these things, they are covered with sheets, sprinkled with wheat grains, and they say in unison:

Grow strong, healthy, intact and white teeth.
And you, baby, grow up healthy, smart, strong and happy!

Now the sheet is removed. Whichever thing the baby takes first, that will be his profession.

Where to put baby teeth

Representatives various peoples there were traditions associated with lost baby teeth. In England, a common ritual was to throw an itch into the fire. This ensured good health and good luck; if this was not done, the dog's fangs would grow.

Many parents choose to keep their children's first teeth, believing this will make the kids happy. If it is lost, then this foreshadows life away from home; the child will begin to live without parents early.

A baby tooth may be given to the tooth fairy, however, this is not folk sign. Tooth Fairy was invented by a Spanish writer.

Did a tooth fall out? - The baby should throw it with his right hand over his left shoulder. The ceremony must be performed outside. According to ancient superstitions, you should not constantly lick your gums, otherwise nothing will grow in this place.

There are many superstitions associated with teeth that help you learn a little more about your child’s future. And also - to turn the process of loss of baby teeth into fun game for children.

Signs and customs will tell you a lot about the first tooth: o further development baby, how to attract good luck and wealth to him. Do not collect information bit by bit - you will find the most valuable and informative here.

Relatives of a newborn toddler like to rush things: everyone tries to be the first to notice changes in his life. The little man's successes are heartwarming. And when the first tooth appears in the baby’s mouth, the parent’s joy knows no bounds!

How to properly celebrate a special event, taking into account the signs known about the first tooth?

During the dangerous, but important period for the baby, coral amulets were hung in the house. A necklace made by a clan elder or a shaman with woven red silk ribbons (9 pieces) tied with knots at equal distances was attached to the cradle.

The sign says: whoever notices the erupted tooth first will receive an expensive gift for the child.

Many argue that it should be a silver spoon (a sign that the baby will soon begin to eat on his own). This metal has cleansing and antibacterial properties.

According to the ancient popular belief a silver spoon is given to the godson for the sacrament of baptism by the appointed godparents (godfathers).

There is one more sign about silver cutlery: tap a tooth with a spoon so that the rest grow well. It most likely happened as a result of checking whether the tooth had come out or not (they tapped the gums with a spoon and listened to see if it would clink.

Armenians have an interesting tradition of honoring a baby, which when translated affectionately sounds like “A tooth is a grain.” On this day, the toddler is given a gift by the one who noticed the incisor.

A serious celebration begins when all the relatives gather in the house for this occasion. While mom is taking food supplies out of the bins, objects from different professions are laid out on the table: a hammer, scissors, a stethoscope, a steering wheel, a jigsaw, a microphone, notebooks, books, and much more.

The baby is seated in the middle of this stuff, the things are covered with a sheet, and then, sprinkled with grains of wheat and barley, as well as sweets, they say:

“Grow strong, healthy, intact and white teeth.
And you, baby, grow up healthy, smart, strong and happy!”

They take off the sheet and wait to see what item the child will pick up first:

  • if he grabs a hammer, he will become a carpenter;
  • If you like the steering wheel, the driver is growing;
  • reaches for scissors - hairdressing talent will develop and the like.

The fun fortune-telling ends with a massive feast with beautiful songs and toasts to the health of the baby.

Some superstitions about teeth are so frightening and absurd that it is better for young mothers not to know about them.

For example, if a child is born with teeth, he will be capricious, domineering and bloodthirsty.

A controversial sign: if a child’s first tooth appears on the upper gum, it means an early death awaits him. However, there are more superstitions that predict an early pregnancy for the mother.

The Slavs determined how many children there would be in the family by the number of teeth in the first-born child, who was one year old. But on medical indicators, the norm is eight teeth. Imagine how many large families there should be in the world.

Russians and Englishmen have different interpretations of the sign about the gap between the front teeth: the Scots believe that such people will go through life happily, but the Slavs endow them with a deceitful nature.

If the baby’s first teeth are wide and even, he will grow up to be good-natured, but small and narrow, he will be a petty, greedy and cunning person.

The conclusion suggests itself: you should not believe in bad omens, but good ones will justify themselves. The main thing is that the child grows up in a happy and healthy atmosphere, and the dairy ones will definitely be replaced by indigenous ones.

There are so many popular beliefs associated with infancy that you should not wait until the first tooth comes out. Signs can tell what a child will be like based on characteristic behavioral and external signs his future parents. By how it develops in the womb, on what day it was born.

Since there are signs and customs associated with the appearance of the first tooth, people also took care of the beliefs associated with the beginning of their loss.

The Slavs have a tradition: the one that falls out is placed in a beautiful box and hidden under the child’s pillow with the words:

“Mouse-mouse, come, take Alenka’s (Vanechka’s) tooth and bring him a gift!”

At night, when your child is sound asleep, carefully replace the box with a gift.

Among modern traditions, the legend of the existence of the tooth fairy has taken root. The meaning of the ritual is the same: the one that falls out is placed under the pillow, and the sorceress takes it away, replacing it with a gift.

The character was invented at the end of the 19th century for the little Spanish king by writer Luis Coloma. For more than a hundred years she has been coming to children.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot give it away on Christmas, otherwise misfortune will happen to her.

How best to beat the loss of the first baby tooth- calling a mouse, a fairy or a brownie is up to the parents to decide. It is important for your child that all his events are meaningful to you. He should always be sure that he will find love and support in his family.

Signs and customs will tell you a lot about the first tooth: about the further development of the baby, how to attract good luck and wealth to him. Do not collect information bit by bit - you will find the most valuable and informative here.

A tooth is cutting through - rituals and customs

Relatives of a newborn toddler like to rush things: everyone tries to be the first to notice changes in his life. The little man's successes are heartwarming. And when the first tooth appears in the baby’s mouth, the parent’s joy knows no bounds!

How to properly celebrate a special event, taking into account the signs known about the first tooth?

During the dangerous, but important period for the baby, coral amulets were hung in the house. A necklace made by a clan elder or a shaman with woven red silk ribbons (9 pieces) tied with knots at equal distances was attached to the cradle.

The sign says: whoever notices the erupted tooth first will receive an expensive gift for the child.

Many argue that it should be a silver spoon (a sign that the baby will soon begin to eat on his own). This metal has cleansing and antibacterial properties.

According to ancient popular belief, a silver spoon is given to the godson for the sacrament of baptism by the appointed godparents (godfathers).

There is one more sign about silver cutlery: tap a tooth with a spoon so that the rest grow well. It most likely happened as a result of checking whether the tooth had come out or not (they tapped the gums with a spoon and listened to see if it would clink.

Armenians have an interesting tradition of honoring a baby, which when translated affectionately sounds like “A tooth is a grain.” On this day, the toddler is given a gift by the one who noticed the incisor.

A serious celebration begins when all the relatives gather in the house for this occasion. While mom is taking food supplies out of the bins, objects from different professions are laid out on the table: a hammer, scissors, a stethoscope, a steering wheel, a jigsaw, a microphone, notebooks, books, and much more.

The baby is seated in the middle of this stuff, the things are covered with a sheet, and then, sprinkled with grains of wheat and barley, as well as sweets, they say:

“Grow strong, healthy, intact and white teeth.
And you, baby, grow up healthy, smart, strong and happy!”

They take off the sheet and wait to see what item the child will pick up first:

  • if he grabs a hammer, he will become a carpenter;
  • If you like the steering wheel, the driver is growing;
  • reaches for scissors - hairdressing talent will develop and the like.

The fun fortune-telling ends with a massive feast with beautiful songs and toasts to the health of the baby.

Some superstitions about teeth are so frightening and absurd that it is better for young mothers not to know about them.

For example, if a child is born with teeth, he will be capricious, domineering and bloodthirsty.

A controversial sign: if a child’s first tooth appears on the upper gum, it means an early death awaits him. However, there are more superstitions that predict an early pregnancy for the mother.

The Slavs determined how many children there would be in the family by the number of teeth in the first-born child, who was one year old. But according to medical indicators, the norm is eight teeth. Imagine how many large families there should be in the world.

Russians and Englishmen have different interpretations of the sign about the gap between the front teeth: the Scots believe that such people will go through life happily, but the Slavs endow them with a deceitful nature.

If the baby’s first teeth are wide and even, he will grow up to be good-natured, but small and narrow, he will be a petty, greedy and cunning person.

The conclusion suggests itself: you should not believe in bad omens, but good ones will justify themselves. The main thing is that the child grows up in a happy and healthy atmosphere, and the dairy ones will definitely be replaced by indigenous ones.

There are so many popular beliefs associated with infancy that you should not wait until the first tooth comes out. what the child will be like based on the characteristic behavioral and external signs of his future parents. By how it develops in the womb, on what day it was born.

Since there are signs and customs associated with the appearance of the first tooth, people also took care of the beliefs associated with the beginning of their loss.

The Slavs have a tradition: the one that falls out is placed in a beautiful box and hidden under the child’s pillow with the words:

“Mouse-mouse, come, take Alenka’s (Vanechka’s) tooth and bring him a gift!”

At night, when your child is sound asleep, carefully replace the box with a gift.

Among modern traditions, the legend of the existence of the tooth fairy has taken root. The meaning of the ritual is the same: the one that falls out is placed under the pillow, and the sorceress takes it away, replacing it with a gift.

The character was invented at the end of the 19th century for the little Spanish king by writer Luis Coloma. For more than a hundred years she has been coming to children.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot give it away on Christmas, otherwise misfortune will happen to her.

How best to beat the loss of the first baby tooth - by calling a mouse, a fairy or a brownie - is up to the parents to decide. It is important for your child that all his events are meaningful to you. He should always be sure that he will find love and support in his family.
