Useful properties of protein. How many calories are in egg white. A secret around the world: how many grams of protein are in an egg?

Egg white is a powerful immunostimulant that has pronounced bactericidal properties. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that has adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foam-like consistency. It turns white during heat treatment. The product improves brain function, participates in hematopoietic processes, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

By nutritional value one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml. Protein has the highest degree of digestibility among animal products (98%).

Beneficial features

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. This is an absolutely dietary product, approved for use during weight loss.


What's the best way to cook egg whites? Cook. This method of heat treatment preserves its nutritional value and beneficial properties. Just 1-2 minutes of cooking is enough to destroy the dangerous salmonella bacillus. Frying protein is not recommended because it disrupts the structure of the product (the denaturation process starts), resulting in a decrease in the energy value of the product. Besides, this method heat treatment leads to the entry of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous to digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, egg white begins to “set” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense consistency at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely hard.

What does egg white consist of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. It contains all the important amino acids for the construction of protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including putrefactive ones.

How long can you store boiled egg? No more than one week. However, to avoid loss useful properties The product is recommended for consumption within 3 days after preparation. Raw eggs are stored in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.


Egg white is a source of easily digestible protein, from which, according to Darwin's theory, the first cellular structures arose 3.8 billion years ago. Proteins play an important role in the human body. Thanks to them, metabolism, respiration and digestion processes are carried out. Protein consists of bones, nails, hair, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and skin. Protein deficiency in the body leads to weakening of the skeleton, thinning of the mucous membranes, deterioration of the protective barrier, and susceptibility to various infections, rapid aging. Egg white has bacterial activity and strengthens cardiovascular system, increases the level of “good” cholesterol. Used externally to treat skin problems, damaged joints, strengthen nails, hair, give firmness and elasticity to the dermis.

Some people consider eggs to be a healthy food and eat them for breakfast every day. Others believe that it is better to look for another source of protein, since they contain too much “bad” cholesterol. It's time to reveal the whole truth about this product. How much should I consume, how much protein is in a chicken egg, and is it inferior to quail eggs in this indicator?

Chicken proteins: high in protein and safe cholesterol

The most important building material human body is a protein. Without it, the growth of muscles, ligaments, bones and tissues is impossible. He helps immune system performs its duties well, supports digestive functions, and participates in metabolism. Without this element, the production of enzymes and hormones will stop. A lack of protein results in loss of muscle tissue, heart problems, weakened immunity, and as a last resort can even lead to death.

A person needs 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of weight per day. It is enough to find out how much protein is in a chicken egg to understand that this is the fastest and most delicious way to “feed” your body with the much-needed substance. At the same time, egg white cholesterol will not “contaminate” the blood vessels, because it is almost instantly neutralized by other components of the egg.

How much protein gets into the body with one chicken egg?

We will answer immediately main question- how many proteins are in 1 chicken egg. Its amount is from 3 to 4 g. The egg laid by the bird consists of 87% water, and 11% of its composition is the main ingredient useful for humans - proteins. The other 2% is minerals and ash.

Not all hens lay the same size eggs. In the retail chain, such goods are divided into categories. The main classification criterion is weight. According to it, the amount of protein in an egg can be as follows:

  • third category (small) - egg weight from 35 to 44.9 g, protein accounts for 23-30 g, protein content - from 2.6 to 3.3 g;
  • second (average) - one egg weighs 45-54.9 g, protein weight - 30-36.6 g, protein - 3.3-4.1 g;
  • first (large) - 55-64.9 g, protein weighs 36.7-43.3, 4.2-4.8 g of protein will be in the body;
  • category “O” (very large) - 65-74.9 g, 43.3-50 g, 4.8-5.5 g (total weight, protein weight and amount of proteins);
  • “giant” eggs that weigh more than 75 g. They contain up to 50 g of protein, and more than 5.6 g of protein.

Protein can be found in many animal products, but eggs top the list. Protein of chicken origin is several times higher than that of milk, beef or fish. And all because it is almost completely (94%) absorbed by the body. We can say that this product contains “smart” high-quality protein that stores all amino acids in the correct proportions. Therefore, the body can use it to build its own proteins. This is the gold standard for protein quality. It is used to compare other sources of this substance (for example, soy and whey). But that’s not the only thing valuable about him. Chicken protein- a real treasure trove of vitamins D, B, K, E, PP. And also under eggshell hidden like this important elements, like magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, fluorine and sodium.

For those who like to count: weighing protein

If you like accuracy and buy homemade eggs (without specifying a category), then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the average option. You can independently calculate exactly how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg. There is nothing complicated about this. To get the most reliable result, you will need a kitchen scale. If you have not yet acquired such a miracle of technology, then just remember: the weight of one egg is 60 g. The third part of this mass (20 g) belongs to the protein.

But don't think that by eating protein you will automatically get the same amount of protein. After all, it also contains water. To find out the amount of protein, you need to take into account the nutritional value per 100 g of product. 100 g of egg white contains 11 g of protein. Thus, 20-30 g contains 2-3 g (maximum 4 g) of pure protein mass.

Now try to guess the riddle: why are there 12.7 g of protein in 100 g of eggs, but only 11 g of protein in the same serving? And all because the yolk is also rich in protein: it contains 2.7 g.

How does the amount of protein change depending on the cooking method?

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating raw eggs. Firstly, you can get salmonellosis this way, and secondly, they claim that such protein is almost not digestible: only half of what is “eaten” with raw egg protein will be used by the body. Meanwhile, if you boil or fry eggs (without adding oil), this will not change the volume of protein. By boiling a couple of soft-boiled eggs, you can get what you need to maintain good health protein norm.

It’s no longer a secret to you how much protein is in a boiled egg. There are about 4 g of them. The same amount of protein is contained in fried eggs cooked in a dry frying pan. But if you fry the eggs in oil, then the protein will become 14 g. In the omelette there will already be 17 g, and if grated cheese is added to it, then 25 g.

Regular or quail: which has more protein?

I must say that chicken eggs there is only one worthy competitor - quail. They are much smaller in size (their weight barely reaches 10-12 g), but the protein reserve in them is greater - 6 g. If we compare the amount of protein per 100 g, then the victory will also go to quail eggs - 13.1 g versus 12 .7 g for chicken.

Quail eggs have another important advantage - they do not cause allergies. Therefore, it can be used as a source of protein by people suffering from chicken intolerance.

As for the giants in the world of eggs - ostrich eggs, their weight is truly impressive - up to 780 g! If you consider that protein accounts for up to 55-60% of the total weight, then it will not be difficult to determine how much protein is in one piece. But this delicacy is not to everyone's taste. There is no need to talk about waterfowl eggs, since they are not usually eaten. It is believed that they can become a source of infection even if they are subjected to heat treatment.

Nowadays it is very common healthy eating. A person can adhere to it with for various purposes: someone needs to get rid of excess weight, someone is just trying to keep themselves in shape, and some, on the contrary, strive to gain weight muscle mass. Chicken eggs are needed to achieve any of these goals. Special attention deserves protein. Everyone has heard that it is not recommended to overuse the yolk, due to the large amount of cholesterol it contains. With protein, the situation is different: you can eat as much of it as you like, but you still need to know the amount. To do this, it is worth taking into account the calorie content of egg whites and at least approximately guessing how many grams of protein are in one egg.

Egg white is a muscle builder

Those people who are actively involved in bodybuilding and fitness pay great attention to muscle mass. To do this, the body must receive protein in the required amount, which is calculated individually.

Products with high content these nutrients quite a lot, but eggs occupy one of the leading places. To calculate how many grams of protein are in one egg, you need to know the approximate weight of the egg itself. Well, if you have it in stock then you can produce the most accurate calculations. But if they are not there, then it is worth remembering that on average one egg weighs about 60 grams, of which 20 grams belong to the yolk. But don't assume that by consuming the remaining 20 or 30 grams you can get the same amount of pure protein. It also contains water, so to find out how many grams of protein are in one egg, we need to take into account the nutritional value per hundred grams of the product. So, one hundred grams of egg white contains 11 grams of protein; based on 20-30 grams, you can get only 3-4 grams of pure protein in one egg.

Athletes know that the body absorbs about 30 grams of protein in one meal. Therefore, in order to get the norm necessary for stable muscle growth, you should eat 8 eggs - and only 1 yolk, and the rest is white.

for low calorie diets

In addition to bodybuilders who closely monitor egg whites, many girls eat egg whites. It is not so important for them to know how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they focus on low content fats, calories and carbohydrates.

They are perfect for this type of nutrition because they are a natural and healthy product and also contain few calories.

The calorie content of egg white per 100 grams is no more than 48 kcal, and the white of one egg contains about 14 kcal.

This is very little, but eggs are a filling food, so including them in a low-calorie diet can help you get rid of constant feeling hunger without damaging your figure.

To remember how many grams of protein are in one egg, as well as calculate its calorie content, you can use a special table.

It will help avoid confusion and clearly calculate the individual daily requirement of protein obtained from eggs and the number of calories required for each individual.

Eggs - useful product animal origin, which many are accustomed to eating for breakfast or throughout the day, adding to salads and many other dishes. This good source protein, but you hardly know how much there is in one chicken, quail or duck egg. Many calorie tables always indicate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, which is not very convenient in the case of eggs. It is much easier to find out and remember how much protein is in a raw, boiled or fried egg, and take this into account when cooking.

Amount of protein in one egg

No reference book contains exact information on how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they differ in origin, size and methods of preparation. If you are not interested in scientific accuracy and you are not going to weigh every chicken egg you take from the refrigerator, remember the following values:

  • 1 small egg (they weigh up to 40 g, where the protein weight is 23-28 g) contains approximately 5 g of protein;
  • in a medium-sized egg (about 45 g) - 5.7-6 g of protein;
  • in large (about 50 g) - 6.5 g of protein;
  • in very large (up to 55 g total weight and approximately 35-40 protein) - 7.3 g of protein;
  • 1 huge chicken egg contains up to 8 g of protein or more, and the weight of such an egg is 63-65 g.

It turns out that you can determine how much protein is in one chicken egg using the simplest formula: the amount of protein is approximately 1/8 of the total mass. This is not the most accurate calculation, but many athletes use it because it is important for them to consume enough protein.

And one more interesting fact about chicken eggs. If you don’t know exactly how much protein is in one boiled or fried egg, you might think that it is predominantly contained in the protein. It is also present in the yolk, and in considerable quantities!

Cooking methods and amount of protein

The amount of protein in chicken, quail and other eggs does not change significantly with in different ways preparations. Let's look at the example of one medium-sized chicken egg:

  • raw - about 5.5 g of protein;
  • boiled - 5.3-5.4 g;
  • fried - 6-5.3 g.

However, everything is a little more complicated, because the digestibility of protein depends on the method of preparation. Regardless of the number of grams of protein in an egg, when consumed raw, no more than 50-60% of the protein will be absorbed. Heat treatment improves digestibility:

  • the protein from a hard-boiled egg will be absorbed by 90-92%;
  • from soft-boiled eggs - by 97-98%;
  • from fried - by 93-95%.

Now consider not only how much the white of one egg weighs or how much protein it contains, but also the method of preparation. It is better to consume the product after a certain heat treatment.

How much does the protein weigh in other types of eggs?

In stores, in addition to chicken eggs, you can find quail, duck and even sometimes ostrich eggs, but how much protein is in 1 piece? Small quail eggs contain a little more protein than chicken eggs per 100 g. On average, each such egg weighs no more than 10-12 g, so in 1 raw or boiled quail egg contains 1.3-1.5 g of protein.

The largest eggs are ostrich eggs. Their weight reaches 750-780 grams, so one such egg contains up to 80-100 g of protein (raw, boiled or fried, almost the same). One protein raw ostrich egg weighs about 450-470 g, but protein is also contained in the yolk.

As for the eggs of waterfowl (ducks and geese), they are rarely eaten due to a possible source of infection, which is not always killed during heat treatment. One duck egg contains up to 10-12 g of protein, and it is approximately twice the size of a chicken egg.

Goose eggs are four times the size of chicken eggs, and each egg contains 22-25 g of protein. Rarely found turkey eggs also exist. Weight 1 pc. is about 80 g, and the protein in it is about 8-11 g.

Food component Contents of 100 g of raw egg Contents in raw egg, 1 pc. (50 g) Protein content (28 g) Contents in yolk (16 g)
Squirrels 12,6 6,3 3,7 2,6
Fats 12 6 0 6
Carbohydrates 0,68 0,34 0,18 0,16
Water 70 35 24 7

Chicken eggs are a fairly healthy food product that is present in the diet of almost every person. The composition is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins of different groups.

How many proteins are in 1 egg (white + yolk)

A significant part of the composition of the egg is made up of proteins - about 13 g per 100 g of product. In 1 piece first category, weighing 50 g - about 6.5 g. The amount of this nutrient in the protein and yolk is different. The yolk contains fewer amino acids, it has more calories, and the protein content does not exceed 16%. The main protein components in the yolk are phosphovitin, livetin, and vitellin.

When cooked, the product does not lose its beneficial properties. Protein content in a boiled egg: 1 pc. – 6 g, in 100 g – 12 g.

The protein contains a protein called ovalbumin (~ 68% of the protein composition), which has antibacterial and restorative properties, the rest is avidin, conalbumin, ovomucin and ovoglobulin. Thanks to a large number beneficial amino acids, the product is perfectly absorbed by the body. Protein content in egg white is 13%, the most most of accounts for water - about 80%.

Fats in 1 egg, raw and boiled

The majority (160 kcal) comes from the yolks - more than 70%. Total share The fat content of a raw egg is 11%; when boiled, this figure remains virtually unchanged. One piece weighing 50 g contains 5.5 g of fat.

Yolks contain 30 g of fat (per 100 g), while whites have zero fat.

The yolk contains many unsaturated fatty acids. Some of them are linoleic, oleic, and stearic, representing, respectively, the groups of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated acids. Due to the cholesterol it contains, daily consumption of the product should be limited to 3 pieces.

Carbohydrates in eggs

For lovers healthy image life and those losing weight should not worry about eating chicken eggs, because their carbohydrate content is less than 1 g. More precisely, 0.7 g. A product of the highest and first category, whose weight reaches 80 g, includes about 0.5 G.

The indicator for the yolk (per 100 g of weight) is 1 g, for the white - 0.65 g. Carbohydrates in the product are represented only by sugars. When cooked, the indicator remains virtually unchanged - 0.8 g per 100 g.

BZHU table - nutritional composition of raw chicken eggs

Eggs - full sources microelements and vitamins. Due to its balanced composition, the product is recommended during the diet, for severe physical activity. It is used to increase muscle mass and burn fat deposits.
