Morning dew dew treatment night dew. What is the benefit of walking in dew?

In the morning you can notice how there is water on the leaves of plants. This is dew. The morning dew is cold. And according to research, it contains a significant amount of oxygen. Let's look at the benefits of morning dew for human health.

But how to get dew? How to collect dew from plant leaves?

You can prepare a container of water and leave it in an open space overnight. You need to make sure that the water is clean and not contaminated by dust, rainwater or air.

List useful properties morning dew for human health:

  1. Refreshes the body

A busy schedule and pressing deadlines that force you to sit late into the night can cause fatigue and weakening of the body. You can drink morning dew to feel energized again.

  1. Facilitates the needing process

Morning dew cleanses the intestines and makes bowel movements easier. That's why some people immediately want to go to the toilet after drinking the morning dew. This is definitely normal and nothing to worry about.

  1. Removes pimples

The high level of oxygen in morning dew makes it excellent remedy skin care that prevents acne. If you already have acne, morning dew can be a solution to this problem. You can simply drink it or wash your face with morning dew.

  1. Prevents sebum from appearing on the face

A problem that is commonly faced is excessive sebum on the face. Therefore, drinking morning dew can reduce sebum secretions.

  1. Clears throat

When a person talks, shouts, or sings too much, his voice may become hoarse. In this case, you can drink the morning dew. In this way, your voice will gradually recover.

  1. Motivates to drink more water

The fresh taste of morning dew can increase your appetite and will also motivate you to drink more water, which is beneficial for the body to avoid dehydration.

  1. Optimizes the body's functioning

Morning dew has become the choice of many athletes as it improves their physical performance. By drinking morning dew, energy is released by 20-30%. Therefore, athletes do not feel tired as quickly as possible.

The body can be optimized by consuming foods with a large amount nutrients, so we recommend reading

  1. Helps kidneys

WITH high level energy, kidneys become healthier. Since the kidneys are responsible for the process of excreting fluid from the body.

  1. Improves motor skills in children

Morning Dew is also known to help children with slow motor development. Therefore, you can apply morning dew to your children's feet every morning and exercise them. Morning dew stimulates walking training.

  1. Reduces redness in the eyes

You can apply drops to your eyes when there is redness or when it is difficult for you to open your eyes in the morning.

  1. Removes toxins from the body

Drinking morning dew can remove toxins from the body. It is common knowledge that nowadays, not everything that enters our mouth or the air we breathe is 100% sterile from germs or toxins. One way or another, there is likely contamination occurring within the body, making detoxification necessary for the body.

A must-read article that detoxifies the body.

  1. Strengthens immune system

Viruses and bacteria are everywhere and are just waiting to attack our body, especially when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, you should always take care of your immune system. And one way to strengthen the immune system is to drink morning dew.

  1. Reduces low-density lipoprotein levels

According to research, regularly drinking morning dew can help reduce low-density lipoprotein levels. Since bad cholesterol can cause a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, along with a glass of morning dew, you can include foods that lower the level of bad cholesterol.

  1. Promotes weight loss

Excess weight has become a problem for humanity, especially for women. Nowadays, people don't mind physical exercise and follow proper nutrition, take supplements. But you can also lose excess weight by drinking morning dew.

  1. Take care of body cells

Our body cells are the simplest structural unit of the body, supporting various functions body. Therefore we must also take care of them. Regularly drinking morning dew helps the body's cells.

Now you know the benefits of morning dew for human health. So why not try drinking morning dew if possible?

Dew - energy of stars on Earth

Incredible, but true: drops of dew, born under the cover of darkness or in the rays of a sunny morning, are the pearls of a unique natural elixir that has absorbed the energy of the stars and the healing properties of herbs...


Our ancestors said: “We all grow up under the red sun, on God’s dew.”

Sebastian Kneipp wrote: “There are great health benefits to walking barefoot in the morning on grass covered with cold dew.”

“The dew of May will also raise the dead. The sun warmed the grass a little, and the sick were carried out. Washed with dew. They collected dew from the grass into bottles and gave them to drink on an empty stomach. The illnesses disappeared as if by hand, vision became sharper, wounds healed.”

When a person stands barefoot on living earth, it is the same thing when a mother holds an infant in her arms. Invisible energies envelop such a person, penetrate and warm all his cells. And this energy is maternal, for the Earth is truly a MOTHER.

Walking on dew is a gift for the body. Walking barefoot in the dew relieves foot diseases - swelling, inflammation. There is no need to dry your feet after walking barefoot. Let the moisture dry on its own. Walking on dew is useful both in the evening before bed and in the early morning. If you start walking on dew from the beginning of summer, then by autumn the body will be sufficiently hardened. A person, walking barefoot on the earth, connects with the entire Universe, it begins to feel him. Illnesses, if present, can leave a person, and even the psyche changes - a person feels calmer, more confident.

How many mysteries does dew have?

Such a romantic phenomenon as dew is the result natural phenomenon sublimation (distillation): water evaporates, the biosphere is saturated with vapors and when the temperature changes, dew falls out - pure distilled water.

Why does dew form both throughout the night and in the morning, because in the early morning it is no longer as cold as in the evening after a hot day? Where does condensation come from throughout the night?

Firstly, the leaves and stems of grass retain the heat gained during the day for a long time and cool down gradually, so that the temperature difference persists for a long time.

Secondly, dew appears only on clean slate, drops of water roll off the dirty surface along with pellets of dust.

The layer of dust creates a smooth surface where it is difficult for dew to gain a foothold, and at the same time acts as an “insulator” that prevents the formation of a dense water film between the wet surface of the leaf and a drop of dew due to the phenomenon of wetting and water tension (“sticking” of moisture particles), and the drop condensation rolls off the sheet again.

As the water moistens the leaf, microdroplets begin to collect into a dew drop:

a clean, damp surface appears where a general water film easily forms;

the pores open, the surface of the leaves becomes rough. Now microdroplets linger on the surface of the leaves, forming visible to the eye drops of dew.

How and why dew becomes healing

Imagine: on a warm leaf there is a drop of dew, that is, distilled water, without any admixtures of any substances. And the tissues of a living stem contain many useful substances.

A leaf soaked in moisture and a drop of dew form a single water space.

Substances from the leaf begin to “drift” through cell membranes into dew drops, because, according to the physical law of osmosis, the salt content in communicating liquids tends to equalize. The beneficial substances of plants pass into dew, which acquires the properties of the cellular fluids of the leaf.

What is the difference between evening and morning dew

Why should dew be collected at midnight and after sunrise? It depends on what needs to be treated. Evening dew, collected at midnight, was used as a soothing (skin irritations and nervous system, in particular for insomnia), as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory agent. It was used to treat psychosomatic disorders - that is, diseases whose root cause is psychological, emotional (some doctors include angina pectoris, heart disease not associated with atherosclerosis, sexual disorders, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as diabetes mellitus). ), neuroses and phobias.

Morning dew was collected and used in the morning if it was necessary to combat inflammatory diseases(loosen acute conditions, do not allow chronic inflammatory processes to worsen.

What is the secret of the healing effects of dew?

Why does dew, which contains a minimal amount of substances from plant tissues, have such an active effect on the body?

The catalyst (a factor that enhances the activity of substances) is the effect to which the dew formed and filled with healing substances is exposed at a certain time of day. Morning dew is exposed to the sun. After the sun's rays pass through the dew droplets, as through lenses, it chemical composition is activated in a special way.

Sunlight is a stream of quantum particles (energy in its pure form), knocking electrons out of the outer orbits of water molecules, after which the water in the dew becomes saturated with positively charged ions, which can actively fight inflammatory agents, stimulating the action medicinal substances live herbs.

There is one more important factor: The sun is able to nourish the dew with its active, stimulating energy, so that attack on inflammation(and we now know that it is always caused by “enemies” - bacteria and viruses foreign to the body) has become more successful.
Electromagnetic field of the moon
Evening dew comes under the influence of the energy of the Moon, so it is collected at midnight, at or near full full moon so that the droplets “absorb” its light.
However, the point is not even in the light as such - everyone knows that the night luminary has not its own light, but a reflected one.It's just coming from the Earth's satellite powerful induction electromagnetic flux, causing, when interacting with the Earth's field, an electromagnetic disturbance, the visible manifestation of which is ebb and flow: water, as a highly mobile substance and a good conductor, reacts to these changes in the electromagnetic field.
What is dew? A tiny particle of liquid on a small leaf, which obeys the same laws as the vast world ocean. At night, under the induction of the Moon, dew drops are saturated with electrons, negatively charged ions begin to predominate in them, which fight free radicals in the body and help us find internal balance, the violation of which causes nervous and psychosomatic disorders.
Why is dew collected only from grass?
Theoretically, condensation can form on any sheet, but the grass has a special leaf structure. Thus, tree leaves have pores located on the lower surface.
And in herbs and others land plants, as a rule, on the upper part of the leaf, because the soil is very close below and it is better to breathe top part leaf.This is why large drops of dew are retained so well on the top porous surface of the grass.
However, the ancient healers prepared their potions not only from the dew that formed in the early morning and after midnight on young fresh grass, but also from dried herbs, prepared in advance at the appointed time for collection.
After the patient turned to them for help, the healers selected the necessary herbs from their reserves and determined by signs, when the dew falls. IN the night before treatment, healers laid out herbs on horizontal surfaces (tables, etc.).If a more concentrated solution was required for treatment, the herbs were pre-soaked.Then the dew was collected in the same way on hygroscopic fabric and wraps were made.
Basics of dew hydrotherapy
Wraps with fabric soaked in dew.
Wrapping is an ancient Slavic method of treating dew, which allows you to most effectively take advantage of all healing properties contained in this natural elixir of health. At the same time, the cold activates the circulatory system, and healing substances from the dew enter the blood faster. In folk medicine, three zones have been experimentally identified with healing effects on which dew then it was confirmed by official medicine.
What to wrap
Legs: for rheumatoid problems, treatment of the genitourinary area.
Hands: arthritis, cardiovascular problems.
Head: migraines, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hair loss, decreased libido.
In addition, wrapping with linen cloth soaked in morning dew can be applied to the entire body.
If you want to get rid of a specific disease, remember that the most healing will be dew collected from plants used to treat your disease. To choose the right herbs, consult a herbalist.
How to collect
Dew is collected using absorbent (linen) cloth (gauze) early in the morning before sunrise or around 12 midnight. The fabric is laid out in the meadow and the grass is blotted with it. Immediately after this, wrap the same cloth for about 5-10 minutes.
It is important that the skin is clean before wrapping. You need to wash yourself the day before, but it’s best to go to the bathhouse with a fresh herbal broom and carry out intracellular cleansing.
Bathing in dew
Our great-grandmothers bathed in dew. Of course, now it is difficult to imagine a girl or woman lying on the grass in the early morning. Although, if there are various herbs in your summer cottage and the area is not visible to neighbors, you can quite afford to be a mermaid and swim in the dew in the morning. After several such procedures, the skin will noticeably rejuvenate and acquire a delicate satin appearance.
The Kupala dew that fell on Ivan Kupala (from July 6 to July 7) is considered the most healing. It's the height of summer, time lush flowering herbs
In the old days, people rode naked on the grass. Women who managed not to grow old for a long time entered the dewy thickets of willow-herb on the Kupala night and tried to get wet through there, and those who were bolder climbed into these thickets naked, shook off fragrant drops from the mauve flowers and washed their bodies with dew. Water balls rolled down the skin, cooled and pacified not only the body, but also the spirit. So bathing in dew is also strengthening nervous system. Dew taken from a chamomile field on a new moon is especially good for the nerves.

Velimudr Tkachev.

We often hear that it is beneficial to walk barefoot in the morning dew. Is this really true? The question is quite controversial...

How is dew useful?
Walking in the morning dew became popular in civilized society thanks to the German priest Sebastian Kneipp, who lived in the mid-19th century. Kneipp adhered to the principles of the so-called natural philosophy, which promoted the closeness of man to nature. He himself practiced morning walks on the dewy grass and claimed that in this way he was able to cure tuberculosis.

The healing properties of this method are actively promoted by oriental medicine. It is argued that morning dew, which absorbs enzymes and pollen from plants that contain a lot of biological active substances, fills the body with energy, improves immunity, relieves stress, heals nervous disorders. Eastern healers explain this by the interaction of the human root chakra with the energy of the Earth through soil and grass.

Plants release the greatest amount of nutrients in the morning. Therefore, morning moisture has an analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effect. As for the evening one, it has soothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Rus', this method of healing has also been practiced for a long time. The Slavs specially collected dew, using it to treat many ailments, and even bathed in it naked, rolling on the grass. It is believed that our ancestors (at least those who lived in rural areas and had peasant origins) were stronger and healthier than most of our contemporaries. But in ancient times, peasants walked barefoot in the warm season.

Experts' opinions
Famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov, they say, himself practiced walking on dew. Some modern doctors confirm that it does have a certain positive effect on the body. So, the morning coolness promotes tone. Dew cools the feet and helps restore thermal balance. Proponents of this technique believe that it cures almost all diseases, including ulcers, varicose veins, kidney stones and gallbladder, gynecological problems... Also, walking in itself is an exercise that improves blood circulation and the condition of the cardiovascular system. On the sole of the foot there are many nerve receptors through which impulses are transmitted to internal organs. It is also useful to simply look at the grass. Green color has a calming effect on vision, and since the nerves located in eyeball, connected with back feet, the process of walking barefoot on dewy grass stimulates the restoration of nerve endings and, accordingly, an increase in visual acuity.

But osteopathic doctor Boris Protasov has an ambivalent attitude towards this “miraculous method”.

“The most beneficial thing about walking barefoot is modern man– prevention and treatment of flat feet,” says the expert. - On an uneven surface, the muscular arch of the foot is trained. On the contrary, it doesn’t work on a completely flat surface.”

Protasov does not deny the hardening effect. As for other “miracles,” he has a skeptical attitude towards them. “There is an opinion that walking barefoot is useful for the prevention of disc herniation in the lumbosacral spine,” says the doctor. - Doctors consider it a delusion: “barefoot procedures” have a beneficial effect on general condition spine, but no more."

When is it contraindicated to walk in dew?
Firstly, do not forget that when walking barefoot, you always run the risk of injury, for example, running into glass or a sharp stone lying in the grass, or some insect might bite you on the foot... Secondly, this activity can turn out to be far from hygienic, especially in urban conditions: who can guarantee that there is no garbage in the dewy grass, that it is not contaminated with gasoline and other toxic substances?

Thirdly, there are also health contraindications. “For allergy sufferers, this liquid can cause allergic reactions or exacerbation of “hay fever,” comments doctor O.A. Solovyova. - In persons with diabetes mellitus Before walking through dew, you must check your skin for microtraumas so as not to cause inflammatory reaction. Walking in dew is contraindicated for persons suffering from inflammatory diseases urinary tract" According to the specialist, before using such “treatment”, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Morning dew turns out to be a very useful natural phenomenon. The medicinal properties of morning dew were used even when the sciences of pharmacology simply didn't exist. And it was with dew - the purest solution of the beneficial substances of the herb - that pharmaceuticals began.

dew treatment

Technically, hydrotherapy with morning dew is very simple: early in the morning or after midnight, go out into the field with a linen or cotton cloth and collect the dew with it. Wrap it around the body or some part. Cold activates blood circulation, the vessels first sharply narrow, then expand, and beneficial substances from the dew pass into the blood.

It is also very useful to walk barefoot through the morning dew and run the palms of your hands along the grass, stimulating sensitive points.

Morning dew is the result of natural distillation; moreover, it does not stick to dirty leaves and rolls to the ground along with the dust. So the skin will be nourished pure water which absorbs useful material from the grass. After all, leaves and dew form a single water space, where the salt content, according to the laws of physics, tends to equalize.
Morning and night dew

It is believed that morning and night dew have a very various properties, which depend on the energy of light: solar and lunar. Thus, morning dew is exposed to the sun, as a result of which it contains a lot of positively charged ions that can effectively fight inflammation. In addition, the sun feeds morning dew with its active energy, so it’s really good to shoot with morning dew sharp pain and treat inflammatory processes

Evening dew, collected after midnight, is saturated by the moon with negatively charged electrons, which fight free radicals in the body, help to find internal balance and cope with stress and nervous disorders. In addition, it is good to use evening dew wraps to prevent heart disease, sexual dysfunction, peptic ulcer stomach.

Wrap your feet in a cloth dampened with morning or night dew if you have joint pain to relieve rheumatological pain and prevent disease genitourinary system;

Wrap your hands if you're in trouble with cardiovascular system, arthritis;

Wrap your heads if you suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, decreased libido, alopecia or migraines.

Dew magic

Who among us has not at least once in our lives admired the reflection of the whole world in a drop of dew at dawn? Amazing world and beautiful, harmonious and divine! Dew is an accumulator of the purest energy of the earth and sun, grass enzymes and pollen. It is a powerful therapeutic agent. Our ancestors knew about this and skillfully used its medicinal properties to correct poor health.

A divine, heavenly gift, dew was considered the nectar of immortality. In Hindu mythology, amrita, a special drink, the elixir of immortality, was called “sweet dew.”

The Chinese Sweet Dew Tree, growing in the center of the world, on Mount Kun-Lun, is also a symbol of immortality.

In Mesoamerica, the same qualities were attributed to the dew that appeared on the sacred cactus. “The Gate of the Sweetest Dew” is the figurative name for Buddhist teachings.

In Kabbalah, dew is a symbol of resurrection: the dead are reborn by the Dew of Light evaporating from the Tree of Life.

On May 1, Celtic girls went to wash their faces with dew and made a wish before dawn.

A girl who washes herself with dew from a hawthorn tree at dawn on the first of May will retain her beauty for a long time.

May dew, inhaled through the nostrils, cures dizziness.

Wise ethnoscience offers a whole set of recommendations for treatment with dew. Only using these methods you need to know that dew is most effective at dawn, when dew is released from plants greatest number medicinal substances. Dissolving in dew, they fill it with healing power and energy.

Dew is called the sweat of the earth, the tears of a mother. Better days The time period for collecting it is considered to be from July 3 to July 16. Rituals associated with morning dew are diverse and diverse. It is collected in clay jars, collected on canvas, dew is knocked off not only from herbs, but also from stones. They run naked among the dewy plants, roll in the dew, and wash themselves with the dew. According to folk signs on the waning moon, collect dew for beauty and to get rid of “illnesses”. In the dead of night they collect dew and speak about the hardness of the bones. On the full moon they wash themselves with dew “to brighten oneself and clear the mind.”

On a waxing moon, it is useful to wash your face with dew for the addition of a family, for thicker hair, for success and prosperity, for good luck and prosperity. In order for the baby to sleep soundly, our ancestors placed a cloth on the grass on top of the plants, which was supposed to be soaked in the morning dew. After that, the baby was swaddled in it. The baby slept in the linen until it dried.

From the seventh of July, from the day of Ivan Kupala, the whole week is filled with witchcraft and dangerous dew. If you collect dew from bushes and herbs in the middle of the cemetery before dawn, read a special spell and, mixing it with tea, water or wine, give your enemy a drink, then he will live for exactly a year.

That’s why I advise you not to treat yourself to anything from someone else’s hands all week, remembering that God protects those who are protected.

On clear nights with a weak wind, drops of dew form on the stems and leaves of plants and on the grass. The appearance of dew is the result of cooling of the ground layer of air. The water vapor contained in it is deposited in the form of small droplets of water. They gradually merge together into large drops, which are called dew. The dew is often so abundant that it even glitters at night, reflecting the light of the stars. “Morning dew is a kind tear, it washes the forest with it and says goodbye to the night.”
In summer, very heavy dew portends clear weather without precipitation. This is reflected in the signs: “Early and evening dew in summer - to a bucket”, “Night dew - to a clear day”, “Strong dew - to good weather”, “Dry dew (that is, absence of dew) - to rain.” Clear, dry weather turns into unstable with rain and thunderstorms, if dew does not fall in the evening: “A quiet, bright night without dew - expect rain,” “Dry grass - expect rain.” Dew loss delays the formation of frost and promotes plant growth. Therefore, signs arose: “Abundant dew foretells a harvest,” “Without dew, grass does not grow.” The French say: “There is dew in April and May - rich mowing in August and September.”
Dew is pure cosmic energy stars reflected on the earth. What is good about dew? The fact that no one needs to be convinced of it magical power. It is enough to try once - and the whole body begins to burn and pulsate, because the energy of the stars and the earth wishes goodness to its children; morning dew literally penetrates into every pore. Diseases, especially skin, fungal, and blood vessels in the legs go away, and the evil eye and some types of damage, for example, caused by twisting hair, are also removed. Morning dew literally remembers the biologically active molecules of all herbs, alternately absorbing the power of the Moon and the morning Sun; absorbs the voices of birds, the wind, the rustle of leaves, the warmth of the earth, and generally duplicates the energy-informational field that feeds all living things and begins to rise from the bottom up, then sinking down, because morning dew is the skin of mother earth. As you know, our body consists of 70% water, and morning dew, affecting a person, reacts with its intracellular fluid and, especially with blood and lymph. Dew absorbs both positive and negative emotions equally well, so before plunging into a dewy meadow, be sure to drive away bad thoughts. You can drink the dew. For this, an accelerated collection method is used, which slightly reduces the life-giving power of dew, but the loss of quality is compensated by quantity. Take a white new sheet and leave it in the sun for one day. Before dawn, it is laid on the meadow, after which the absorbed moisture is squeezed into a basin (in as a last resort, a few white linen towels, pieces of gauze, etc. will also work).
And now a more painstaking, but high-quality method of collecting morning dew - it can be collected with a pipette. If you are lucky, then in the meadow you can find plants with depressions in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case the collection process remains troublesome. Healing power dew stored for future use lasts 42 days. Bathing in dew is also beneficial. You need to start it slowly, “start with bare feet, after four minutes plunge into the waist, after another nine minutes start rolling in the dew (seven minutes), and final stage- washing the face and hair - for four minutes. As a result, the entire procedure should take 24 minutes. I think that no one doubts that dewdrops protect a person, remove damage, slander and other evil spirits, cleanse from illnesses and give strength.

Where does this faith come from? From experience accumulated over thousands of years.
Since ancient times, water collected from morning meadows has been considered clean, almost holy. And especially miraculous properties is still attributed to the dew that appeared on the first day of August (according to the old style) on Mokry Spas. They come for it ahead of time and try to collect it before others. Such dew is called “uneaten” or “undrinkable” water.

Even in deserts, where there is no grass or trees, people collected dew on specially spread cloths and used the moisture squeezed out of them for medicinal purposes.
Constantly walking through the morning dew brings enormous benefits to your feet.
In order to remove the damage caused by twisted hair, you need to keep your feet in warm morning dew for seven days in a row (in no case should you boil it). Each time, some kind of mucus will come out of the legs, and, eventually, something similar to black hair will appear at the bottom of the pelvis. And if it dissolves before your eyes, it means that the damage has gone and in a few days the old diseased skin will come off your feet, and new skin will grow in its place. Bot, the miraculous dew is capable of drawing out all the damage and the evil eye. In conclusion, I want to say that swimming and rolling in the morning dew relieves women from frigidity, and men from impotence.
Plunge into this life-giving moisture and you will see for yourself its healing properties.
