Vacuum abortion: the whole truth about mini-abortion

A mini-abortion is the termination of pregnancy using a special device - a vacuum aspirator with a catheter inserted into the uterus. This gynecological intervention, better known as vacuum aspiration, is considered gentle on women's physical health.

What is vacuum aspiration?

Using a simple instrument consisting of a tip and a suction vacuum, you can create negative pressure in the uterus. In this way, it is easy to mechanically “tear off” the fertilized egg along with the decidua and remove it from the uterus.
The advantages of this procedure are:

  • high efficiency (very rarely there is a need to repeat the procedure or clean the uterus due to an incomplete abortion);
  • low morbidity, since cervical canal is not opened with the help of dilators, and the uterine cavity is not touched by a sharp curette;
  • speed of execution, direct mini-abortion ( vacuum aspiration), without preliminary preparation, takes 30-60 seconds;
  • does not require general anesthesia, although many women prefer to use it;
  • no heavy bleeding, quick recovery.

But there is a limit until how long a mini-abortion can be performed in Russia. This is 21 days of delayed menstruation, that is, 5 weeks of pregnancy, if you count from conception, and 7 obstetric weeks of pregnancy (from the first day of the last menstrual cycle). However, sometimes a little longer periods are allowed. On online forums you can often find stories of women who had a mini-abortion at up to 13 weeks. This is possible when it comes to a frozen pregnancy. Moreover, which stopped developing at 7-8 weeks. That is, the fertilized egg is relatively small in size.

Sex after a mini-abortion is allowed after 2 weeks, if everything went well. By this time there should be no spotting from the genital tract. In addition to sexual activity, in the first two weeks after termination of pregnancy you should avoid saunas, baths (you can only swim in the shower), lifting weights and playing sports. If all this is followed, a mini-abortion will not result in consequences in the form of an infectious process in the uterus (endometritis) and severe bleeding. After 10-14 days, it is advisable to do an ultrasound to make sure that the uterus is completely clean.

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Vacuum abortion is a procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. It differs from surgical abortion in a safer and more gentle approach to surgery. The main indications for a vacuum abortion are unsuccessful abortion, abnormal development of the embryo, chronic diseases incompatible with bearing a pregnancy, and the desire of the patient herself to terminate the pregnancy.

If a woman has decided to have an abortion, she should choose the least traumatic method of ending the pregnancy. But any abortion performed on early stages gestation, is dangerous for the female body and has its consequences. Therefore, before terminating a pregnancy, every woman should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

This is an early termination of pregnancy (usually up to 5 weeks) using a special device - a vacuum pump. Such an abortion is considered less dangerous for a woman, since it qualitatively reduces the risk of post-abortion complications: uterine injuries, infection and bleeding.

It must be taken into account that the longer the pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of complications after an abortion. The size of the uterus and the fertilized egg are still too small before 5 weeks of pregnancy, and if the pregnancy is terminated by vacuum aspiration, then vascular network and the walls of the reproductive organ will suffer minimal damage, and the body will quickly recover.


The procedure lasts no longer than 10 minutes. Therefore, on the same day, the woman goes home and continues to lead her usual lifestyle: she goes to work or study, and goes about her daily routine.

During a surgical abortion, the doctor scrapes the walls of the uterus, manually separating the fertilized egg from them, which increases the risk of compromising the integrity of the uterus.

With vacuum aspiration, the fertilized egg detaches from the wall on its own, and this ends the abortion procedure. The cervix also suffers minimally, since it does not have to be dilated for the insertion of a catheter, and therefore injured.

The manipulation is carried out under local or general anesthesia, so most women tolerate it without pain. Only the cervical dilatation procedure can cause pain. However, the pain will not be much stronger than menstrual pain and can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs.

Healthy women tolerate this procedure with minor losses.

The body recovers faster after a vacuum abortion, since the termination is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still too small and not tightly connected to the mother’s body.


Planning next pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least six months. This is exactly the amount of time the body needs to full recovery. It is recommended to use after an abortion.

If conception occurs earlier than this period, such a pregnancy will become a serious test for the body, and it is often accompanied by deviations from the norm.

Risk of incomplete abortion. Sometimes the pregnancy continues to develop or the destroyed fertilized egg remains in the uterus, decomposing and infecting the woman’s body. This occurs due to incomplete separation of the egg during vacuum aspiration.

Any abortion, including a vacuum one, has the main important drawback - psychological discomfort, but it is impossible to avoid it.

Until what period is vacuum abortion performed?

You can terminate a pregnancy using vacuum aspiration quite early - from the second day of a missed period. According to WHO, vacuum abortion not limited to a period of up to 5 weeks, the most qualified specialists if available necessary equipment This procedure is performed up to 15 weeks of pregnancy.

In any case, vacuum aspiration performed beyond 10 weeks has no less consequences than surgical abortion. And many specialists will not undertake this manipulation at this time.

The optimal period is 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the walls of the uterus, and it can be removed without complications.

Indications for vacuum abortion

The main indications for mini-abortion are:

Most indications for vacuum abortion are not exceptional. In any case, the problem will be considered by several specialists, and they will decide whether the health and life of the woman and the unborn child are in danger, as well as what this risk will be.

Most pathologies are indirect indications to abortion and are subject to discussion. But we must remember that some developmental defects are not immediately detected in the fetus, and if they are detected late in pregnancy, it will no longer be possible to terminate it.

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

The operation is carried out using an electric vacuum pump, which extracts all its contents from the cavity of the reproductive organ.

The procedure is absolutely painless if it is performed under general anesthesia. If local anesthesia is chosen, the woman may experience tolerable nagging pain lower abdomen. The pump creates negative pressure or vacuum in the uterus, causing the fertilized egg to peel off and be expelled.

The vascular network of the uterus is practically not damaged during vacuum aspiration. Also, special dilators are not used for the cervix, which allows maintaining its integrity.

That is, a mini-abortion significantly reduces the risk of developing cervical insufficiency which prevents future pregnancies.

Preparatory stage

Before having an abortion, a woman should consult a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor determines the duration of pregnancy and prescribes necessary examination. Typically it includes:

  • general tests urine and blood;
  • microflora smear;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • blood tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.

The tests listed are mandatory and, first of all, they show whether the patient has any contraindications to abortion.

Carrying out the operation

After finishing preparatory stage The day of the operation is set. Abortion should only be carried out within the walls of a medical institution under the guidance of qualified specialists.

To perform aspiration, the patient sits in a gynecological chair, her legs are fixed in stirrups. The external genitalia are treated with an antiseptic. If a woman has never given birth, the doctor dilates the cervix with a special instrument.

For women who have given birth, this point is skipped. For local anesthesia An injection with the drug is given into the cervix. At general anesthesia the woman receives the medicine into a vein and falls asleep for a short time. After the end of the anesthesia stage, the procedure itself begins.

The doctor inserts the tip of an electric vacuum pump - a cannula - into the uterus and turns on the device. Negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The gynecologist carefully moves the cannula along the walls of the uterus, trying to achieve precise contact with the mucous membrane.

At this moment, the fertilized egg peels off and exits through a tube into a special container. After all the fruiting tissue is removed from the uterine cavity, it begins to actively contract. Once the tip of the pump is removed from the uterus, contractions will no longer be felt.

Some women complain of nausea, weakness and sweating during an abortion. For such a procedure, all this is a variant of the norm.

The final stage

Typically, the vacuum aspiration procedure does not exceed 5 minutes. After the end of the manipulation, the patient is asked to rest for an hour in the same medical institution. The doctor then advises her to take antibiotics to prevent possible infection, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics when pain and spasms occur.

The next day the woman can return to her usual activities. She should visit again after two weeks. antenatal clinic to conduct an ultrasound and undergo tests that will confirm that the termination of pregnancy was successful.


To perform a vacuum abortion there is next list contraindications:

  • acute infections in the body, which increases the likelihood of infection of the genital tract and related complications associated with it;
  • ectopic pregnancy, which cannot be interrupted using a vacuum abortion;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • unconfirmed pregnancy;
  • if 6 months have not passed since the last birth;
  • a period of more than 6 weeks, which significantly complicates the procedure for detachment of the fetus and its removal from the uterus.

Sex life after abortion

After a vacuum abortion, you cannot enter into intimate relationships for 3 weeks. Then it is important to use condoms, which protect the woman from infection and new unwanted pregnancies.

If after a vacuum abortion the symptoms of toxicosis do not go away, and the test still shows positive result, this means that the pregnancy continues to develop. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy after abortion

6 months after the abortion, a woman can plan a new pregnancy if she wants. But before that, it is important for her to visit a gynecologist and make sure that the vacuum abortion performed did not have any consequences on the body.

Many women successfully become pregnant and give birth to healthy children after a mini-abortion, thanks to its gentle effect on the body.

Vacuum abortion is considered to be the least dangerous procedure for terminating an unwanted pregnancy, but we should not forget that this is an intervention in the body that destroys physiological cycle women. No specialist can guarantee 100% the success of an abortion and the preservation of the health of his patient.

Useful video about abortion and its consequences

Vacuum abortion is one of the most modern methods termination of pregnancy. It is usually carried out by special indications or in connection with special wish women. Doctors advise it to be carried out in the following cases:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • infections in the body;
  • rubella infection;
  • serious condition patient's health;
  • embryo development abnormalities;
  • significant metabolic disorders;
  • hematological diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mental disorders;
  • drug addiction;
  • HIV, etc.

This method of abortion is carried out using a special medical gynecological device. Vacuum abortion is considered the least traumatic and does not have too negative an impact on a woman’s health. It leaves behind consequences that are much less pronounced than with other types of interventions, and recovery occurs at a faster rate.

Advantages and disadvantages of mini-abortion

The main advantages of this procedure include:

  • efficiency;
  • minimally invasive;
  • simplicity;
  • painlessness;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • maintaining ability to work;
  • absence of significant damage to the uterus, etc.

Such advantages allow the patient to quickly regain strength without having to register sick leave.

It should be noted, however, that mini-abortion also has some disadvantages. These include the fact that a woman will only be able to get pregnant again after six months. During this period, the structures of her genital organs will be completely restored and will become ready for a new fertilization, as well as the full bearing of a baby. Therefore, at such times, a woman should use proven means of protection. If she does not monitor the onset of conception, then her uterus will undergo a serious test, after which serious complications may already occur.

The disadvantages of vacuum abortion include cases when the fertilized egg does not come out completely. It is injured, destroyed and becomes a source of infection and severe inflammatory process.

It must also be remembered that such a procedure has a certain negative psychological impact on a woman. You should prepare for this in advance. On the recommendation of a doctor, you should take sedatives in advance.

Until what time is a vacuum abortion performed?

Another advantage of this procedure is that you can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy immediately, starting from the second day of absence of menstruation. If ultrasonography and hCG analysis shows its development, vacuum abortion is allowed to be performed. This is very convenient for those women who are planning various trips, events or treatment.

The maximum period when the procedure can still be carried out is five weeks. Some gynecologists do it even at fifteen weeks, but this information needs to be clarified, and, moreover, this period of pregnancy can already lead to incomplete suction of the fertilized egg.

The longer the period that has passed since the onset of five weeks, the more possible complications may be observed. At this time, vacuum abortion will no longer differ much from surgical intervention.

It is worth repeating once again that a period of four or five weeks is optimal for the woman’s health and the usefulness of the procedure. The embryo is still so small that it can be removed without any difficulty.

Stages of the procedure

Vacuum abortion is divided into different stages.

First comes the preparation. The gynecologist carries out detailed inspection, clarifies the timing of pregnancy and decides on the presence of contraindications for the patient.

At this time, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests:

  • HCG analysis;
  • VSK and DK;
  • clinical analysis blood;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
  • microscopy of female genital organs;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ultrasonography.

They allow us to make a conclusion about the state of a woman’s health, her lack of inflammatory diseases or infectious processes of the genital organs.

At the next stage, the actual vacuum abortion is performed. The patient sits on a gynecological chair, her limbs are fixed. If she has not yet given birth, the cervix will be dilated using a special instrument. Then the doctor does local anesthesia. After this, he carries out the procedure using aspiration suction. When the device is turned on, negative pressure is created in the organ, as a result of which it is possible to remove the fertilized egg.

The doctor moves the tip of the device along internal cavity uterus until complete success is assured. He will see that the embryo has emerged through the tube into the allocated container. Such a moment may be accompanied by severe spasms of the uterus and at this time the patient may feel some pain. Occasionally she experiences lightheadedness, malaise, increased sweating. This - side effects procedures and they do not pose any danger to the body. The whole process lasts about five to ten minutes.

Final stage includes observation medical personnel for a woman’s well-being after a vacuum abortion. This lasts for about an hour. The patient is prescribed antibacterial and painkillers, as well as anti-spasm medications.

The very next day she can go to work. However, after fourteen days the woman must come to the attending physician for a check-up and undergo a series of tests.


As already mentioned, this procedure has a number of contraindications. This:

  • doubts about pregnancy;
  • diseases of the female genital area;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • period less than six months after childbirth;
  • infectious process;
  • period more than six weeks, etc.

These various factors can lead to the development of sepsis, severe inflammation or other serious complications.

Consequences, complications

After the vacuum abortion is completed, the woman usually has enough heavy bleeding, often lasting up to two weeks. Moreover, it is accompanied characteristic symptoms painful menstruation with discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back, discharge of blood clots and mild malaise. This usually does not interfere with the performance of normal work duties, but creates some inconvenience in Everyday life.

The most severe complication after the procedure is, as already mentioned, incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. In this case, a severe infectious and inflammatory process may develop, requiring surgical intervention.

A sharp effect on the female body can lead to hormonal imbalance or disruption of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, difficulties with conception may be observed for some time, and in severe cases problems with pregnancy and even infertility.

Recovery after a mini-abortion

After the procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of hygiene to avoid introducing infection into the wound surface.

To do this you need:

  • toilet the genitals at least two to three times a day;
  • wash only in the shower;
  • do not use tampons;
  • Choose pads with an average level of absorbency and change them every two to three hours;
  • refuse to take a bath for thirty days;
  • forget about saunas, steam rooms and baths;
  • do not visit pools and beaches for a month;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • limit consumption of chocolate, foreign fruits, seafood, etc.
  • carry out only daily exercises;
  • stop doing fitness and sports for two weeks;
  • cancel hours-long flights or long train journeys.

All this is required because after a mini-abortion, an open wound surface remains in the uterus, where pathogenic microflora can easily penetrate. It is necessary to keep the external genitalia clean, change pads more often, as they contribute to the spread of infection, and avoid significant stress on the body.

Bleeding that begins immediately after the procedure is suggested by some experts to be considered the first menstruation. Other gynecologists are of the opinion that full periods, which are part of the cycle, usually begin no earlier than a month later, and sometimes later, after a vacuum abortion.

It resumes only after ninety days for those women who already have children and after six months for those who have not given birth.

The first menstruation, which began thirty to forty days later, is usually scanty. If they have not resumed, then after the allotted time it is necessary to take tests for hCG and the level of homones in the blood in order to determine their absence. The reason may be incomplete passage ovum or ectopic pregnancy.

In cases where laboratory and instrumental studies do not reveal any pathologies, it is permissible to wait a couple more weeks.

As the most effective contraception after a mini-abortion, it is recommended to use low-dose ones containing gestagen.

The best of them is Regulon. It suppresses, increases the concentration of mucus in the cervical canal, and also prevents the attachment of the egg to inner surface uterus. Moreover, it helps the full restoration of the uterine epithelium after the procedure.

You should not immediately begin regular sexual activity after a vacuum abortion. The first intimate contact can be made no earlier than fifteen to twenty days. And even then, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse using a condom to avoid infection.

Of course, it is better to be careful when using contraception, which is available these days great amount. However, if conception does occur, a mini-abortion is a very gentle procedure compared to a surgical one. If we compare various methods termination of pregnancy, then it is preferable due to the least harm female body. And yet it should be remembered that even he violates normal functioning genital area, permanently removing it from its normal equilibrium state. Therefore, if a representative of the fair sex wants to become a mother, she needs to be more responsible about her daily sex life.

Vacuum abortion or mini abortion is one of the methods of surgical termination of pregnancy, which is performed by suctioning the fetus with a vacuum suction. The scientific name for vacuum abortion is aspiration.

This surgical abortion can be considered one of the most gentle methods of ending a pregnancy. But this can only be done in the early stages. It is not advisable to choose a mini-abortion at 3 weeks, since at such a short period a method that eliminates any surgical efforts will also be effective. The best time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is at 4-5 weeks.

What is an abortion vacuum?

How to do an abortion? So, surgical abortions, which include vacuum mini-abortion, are carried out using special devices. The main ones are: suction apparatus, cannula, disposable catheter. The main advantage of a mini abortion over other surgical abortions is that the cervix does not need to be dilated. A disposable catheter is inserted into the patient's uterus, the thickness of which will easily allow it to pass inside. A vacuum aspiration device uses a cannula of a certain size, depending on the stage of pregnancy, to perform suction. A vacuum abortion takes approximately 5-10 minutes of a gynecologist's time.

After a mini-abortion, you must undergo an ultrasound, which will confirm that the surgical abortion (vacuum abortion) was effective and the fetus was completely removed from the uterus. If the vacuum abortion is unsuccessful and the fetus cannot be completely removed, additional aspiration is performed or the fetus is curetted.

Advantages of vacuum mini abortion

The undoubted advantages of this method of abortion include:

  • absence of cervical trauma;
  • outpatient surgery (the woman is discharged from the hospital on the same day as the mini-abortion);
  • minimal damage to the uterine mucosa (the uterine cavity heals very quickly);
  • less stress for a woman compared to later ones, when the realization of the existence of a new life inside comes;
  • relatively fast recovery hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle after a vacuum abortion.

And as was said earlier, even though aspiration is a surgical method, such an abortion is still relatively easier for the body than a regular surgical abortion. methods are minimal. You should not be sexually active for 3 weeks after vacuum aspiration.

You should also stock up antibacterial drugs, because the wounded uterine cavity is susceptible to the development of microorganisms that cause all kinds of inflammation. Vacuum abortion is a gentle method, but it takes about 6 months for reproductive function. Therefore, after 3 weeks of abstinence from sexual activity, you need to start it with acceptance hormonal contraceptives to avoid the appearance of .

How to prepare for a mini abortion

A mini-abortion is an operation, and, therefore, you need to prepare for it just as thoroughly as before curettage. In the clinic where the vacuum mini-abortion will be performed, you will be offered to undergo various tests and tests. For example, to perform anesthesia during a vacuum abortion, it is necessary to determine whether the woman can tolerate anesthesia.

Not every surgeon will undertake more late dates pregnancy during a vacuum abortion.

The most important thing in preparing for a mini-abortion is. Abortion at 7 weeks using aspiration will not be performed by any surgeon, not in any clinic. First, you need to have a cannula the right size in order for the fetus to pass through suction.

Mini abortion timing

The most appropriate time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is an abortion at 4-5 weeks. The fertilized egg is not so firmly attached to the uterine cavity. Its suction will take place quickly and, if the surgeon is well qualified, there will be no parts of the fertilized egg left in the uterus. Week 5 is the most “appropriate” time for a vacuum abortion. 6 weeks is also the period when the fertilized egg is well separated from the uterus.

If you are 7 weeks pregnant, most clinics will most likely offer you a curettage rather than a mini-abortion. or mini abortion? Aspiration is possible for a period of 12 weeks under certain operating conditions and the availability of necessary funds. Only such a mini-abortion (at 7 weeks and above) has a high probability of ending in curettage (classic surgical abortion). At week 7, the pregnancy will most likely be terminated using curettage rather than a mini-abortion. The timing determines not only the method of abortion, but also the effectiveness and ease of the method itself. Abortion at 7 weeks by aspiration is not uncommon, but be prepared for complications.

Of course, if it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy, women want to choose the most gentle method that will not affect women's health. But in the case of aspiration, performing an abortion at 7 weeks is simply a delay. Have a vacuum abortion - 6 weeks, no later. That's why it's so important to monitor your sex life. At the slightest suspicion of unwanted pregnancy and unwillingness to give birth, you need to have a vacuum abortion as quickly as possible. After all, methods of terminating a pregnancy at a later date will certainly affect the woman’s health.

Any termination of pregnancy has a negative impact on women's health and psychological state. But there is a more gentle method of performing this operation. This is a mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. It is carried out using a special instrument equipped with a catheter, which is inserted into the uterus.

Despite the obvious advantages of this method, the prefix “mini” does not mean complete absence complications and consequences. In addition, vacuum aspiration has a limited time frame during which it is permitted.

Timing for a mini-abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out in very early stages, almost immediately after the fact of pregnancy is established, when menstruation is delayed by 2-3 weeks. Extremely permissible period– this is 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Earlier carrying out is also undesirable, since the fertilized egg is invisible even modern technology. There is a risk of incomplete removal, which can lead to complications. In rare cases, the doctor fails to “detect” the fertilized egg and the pregnancy continues to develop further.

Indications for the procedure and its advantages

A vacuum abortion is prescribed after the fact of pregnancy has been established and there is no desire to continue it. There are also a number medical indications to mini-abortion, in which pregnancy and childbirth can cause significant harm to a woman’s health.

These include:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • Availability malignant tumors of various origins;
  • infectious diseases suffered after conception that can negatively affect the development of the fetus (influenza, rubella, scarlet fever);
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • rape or other social indicators.

Vacuum aspiration is one of the most effective methods cleansing the uterine cavity after diagnosis. The method is used not only for abortion, but also for other gynecological interventions. It is used to remove elements of the placenta remaining after childbirth, eliminating uterine bleeding varying intensity, incomplete miscarriage, to prevent retention of the remaining fertilized egg in the uterus, if necessary, to cleanse the organ of pathological accumulation of blood.

Among the advantages this method in comparison with the following:

  • efficiency final result– there is virtually no risk that particles of the fertilized egg that can cause inflammation may remain in the uterus;
  • low-invasiveness - there is no need to expand the cervical canal or scrape out the walls of the uterus with a sharp curette;
  • lack of preparatory period;
  • the manipulation is not accompanied by severe painful sensations;
  • possibility of use various types pain relief;
  • relatively low risk of secondary infertility;
  • short recovery period.


Despite the fact that mini-abortion is gentle, the manipulation belongs to surgical operations, so it has a number of contraindications:

  • availability at the time of the event infectious diseases, especially if they are accompanied by fever and chills;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the blood clotting system;
  • Less than six months have passed since the last abortion.

As already noted, vacuum aspiration of the fetal egg is not performed if the gestational age exceeds six weeks, if anomalies are detected in the structure of the uterus or if there are deforming tumors in its cavity.

A negative Rh factor is one of the aggravating factors when performing a mini-abortion. The immune system begins to perceive the fetus as foreign body, producing antibodies that destroy its red blood cells. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of premature or complicated birth increases, hemolytic disease newborns.

Preoperative examination

First of all, it is aimed at establishing the fact of conception. To do this, a complex of data is used. These include the results of an examination in a gynecological chair, the use of a pregnancy test and a transvaginal ultrasound.

At gynecological examination noted increased size and changes in the structure of the uterus, softening of its cervix. A pregnancy test is one of the most reliable ways to confirm its presence. It is based on the determination in the body human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), which is produced only in pregnant women.

Every day the concentration of the hormone increases. When the test is carried out correctly, the reliability of its results is about 97-99%. Typically, the test is done in the morning using overnight urine.

Once pregnancy is determined, general urine and blood tests, tests for HIV and sexually transmitted infections, and swabs from the vagina and urethra are prescribed.

How is a mini-abortion performed?

Carrying out a mini-abortion does not require special preparation.

Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration)

During the procedure, general or local anesthesia is used. General anesthesia is carried out at the request of the patient herself. In this case, she is warned that on the day of the procedure she should not eat or drink anything to avoid vomiting.

Before the procedure, the woman's pubic hair is shaved, after which the patient takes a shower and lies down on a gynecological chair. The external genitalia, vaginal walls and cervix are treated with a special antiseptic. Then gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina and the uterus is fixed with bullet forceps.

A tube connected to a vacuum excoleator is inserted into the vagina. Rotating movements reveal the fertilized egg and remove it. The internal and external genitalia are additionally treated with an antiseptic. The whole procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. After it is carried out, the woman is in medical institution at rest for at least an hour. After this period, if there are no complications, the patient can go home.

Complications and their treatment

Despite gentle vacuum aspiration, rough intervention in natural process the body is fraught with both physical pathologies and changes in the psychological state.

The consequences of mini-abortion are divided into three groups:

  1. Those that arise immediately after it is carried out.
  2. Appearing during the first months.
  3. Long-term complications that develop 2-5 years after the intervention.

Immediately after vacuum aspiration, spasmodic pain in the abdomen may be felt. They are caused by uterine contractions, the body's natural reaction to outside interference. The pain may be complicated by swelling of the vagina. If painful sensations are mild and do not worsen well-being; they are not considered a pathology. Such manifestations go away on their own within a few hours/days after the abortion.

Much more dangerous are abundant bloody issues, which begin 2-3 hours after vacuum aspiration. Excessive bleeding leads to the development of anemia, dizziness, and general weakness. In this case, hemostatic drugs and therapy to enhance uterine contractility are prescribed.

The most dangerous complication– . This is a severe injury to the muscular walls of an organ caused by unsuccessful use of medical instruments. Pathological condition manifests itself severe pain, dizziness, weakness, fever. Urgent surgery is indicated.

Complications that arise in the first weeks after gynecological intervention, relate:

  • incomplete removal of fetal particles from the uterus - remnants of placental tissue or fetal membranes cause an inflammatory process and spotting bleeding (the way out is to re-cleanse the uterine cavity);
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages - can occur even with full compliance with the rules of asepsis, when a mini-abortion provokes existing foci of chronic infections;
  • pathological accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity due to disruption of the outflow (hematometer).

Patients experience a sharp increase in body temperature, pain and bleeding. Treatment is carried out in a hospital using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Any methods of terminating pregnancy at home are strictly prohibited. Even if an early abortion is performed in a specialized medical facility by an experienced doctor, there are certain risks of bleeding or other complications. By deciding to undergo such procedures at home, a woman seriously risks her health, and often even her life.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration

Spotting discharge after vacuum aspiration is normal. Many women perceive them as just another menstruation, which is not true. Their presence is associated with a sharp intervention in the body and the reaction of the ovaries to a drop in the level of progesterone in the blood.

Normally, the duration of discharge should not exceed 7-8 days. After the 3-4th day they become less abundant. If the discharge is very strong, with clots and foul odor, accompanied by dizziness, fever and general weakness, immediate medical attention is required!

The first menstruation after vacuum aspiration occurs approximately a month after the gynecological intervention. This usually occurs after 28-35 days and depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation does not yet indicate that the body has fully recovered after the procedure.

The duration of recovery varies from person to person; it usually takes from three to nine months. Age, the number of previous abortions, the period at which the pregnancy was terminated, and the presence of gynecological diseases are important.

During the post-abortion period, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • control the amount of discharge in the first 3-4 days; to reduce it, take water pepper extract;
  • measure body temperature, if it exceeds 37.5 ° C, consult a doctor;
  • exclude visiting the pool, sauna, solarium, bathhouse;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • maintain sexual rest for a month to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the vagina;
  • visit a gynecologist 10-14 days after a mini-abortion for a control ultrasound.

Fortunately, many women, having undergone a mini-abortion, retain their ability to conceive. IN exceptional cases pregnancy can occur even 6-8 weeks after vacuum aspiration. This is an undesirable period, since the body does not have time to fully recover. Such a pregnancy occurs with complications and often ends in the death of the fetus.

The optimal time for pregnancy is after six months. During this time, hormonal levels normalize and healing occurs. possible damage internal genital organs. Great importance It has correct use. Your doctor will help you choose them.

Before making a final decision about planning to conceive a child, you need to go through medical examination. It is necessary even for those women who have not previously experienced menstrual cycle disorders, inflammatory processes genital organs and other pathologies.

Every woman, when having sexual relations, should know about the dangers of abortion and do everything possible to prevent it. Abortion during the first pregnancy is especially dangerous. It is this that most often leads to secondary infertility and various gynecological pathologies. Vacuum aspiration belongs to the relatively safe methods, but even its implementation will not protect against negative consequences.
