Antihistamines. What antihistamines can you take during pregnancy? Remedies for allergies during pregnancy 3rd trimester

An allergy is a pathological reaction of the immune system to various substances that enter the body - allergens. According to statistics, a considerable number of people suffer from allergic diseases, which can be caused by foods, medications, chemicals, pollen, animal hair, etc. Allergies often appear in pregnant women, but in this situation, treatment options are limited in order to preserve health of the unborn baby. What antihistamines can expectant mothers use?

Antihistamines of different generations

The entry of an allergen into the body leads to the production of a specific substance - histamine, which in a healthy person is present in small quantities in inactive cells. The release of histamine causes allergic reactions, manifested in the form of swelling, runny nose, sneezing, tearing, redness and itching of the skin, rash, etc.
Different generations of modern antihistamines have their own set of characteristics and mechanisms of action

Antihistamines belong to one of the groups of antiallergic drugs and are designed specifically to suppress allergy symptoms. Such medications reduce the amount of histamine released and neutralize its effect.

Antihistamines are classified into three generations

Antihistamines are divided into three groups:

  1. First generation drugs. These drugs are low cost. At the same time, they do not have a long-term effect, so they are taken several times a day, that is, a large dose of medication is required to achieve and maintain results. First generation antihistamines are not intended for long-term treatment, as they can cause drowsy state and cause sedation, which may interfere with a person's normal daily routine. And also, over a long period of use, antiallergens of this group cause addiction to the body, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the medicine. The drugs are available in different forms- tablets, drops, ointments, gels, suspensions, solutions. Prescribed to adults and children for various types of allergic reactions.
  2. II generation drugs. Medicines in this group are more advanced, unlike the first, and have their own advantages - they do not cause drowsiness, do not affect brain activity, for positive result a small dose is required (applied once a day), the effect remains long time. Second generation drugs e addictive and suitable for long-term use (for example, for seasonal allergies). Have various shapes release, like the first generation products. But, in comparison with them, second generation antihistamines have been less studied.
  3. III (new) generation drugs. Medicines of this generation have a targeted effect, which leads to the rapid achievement of a positive result. Moreover, such antihistamines are not addictive, their use in the prescribed dosage (once a day) does not lead to negative changes in the nervous system, and side effects occur in rare cases. The use of drugs in this group is possible together with medications from other groups - the drugs do not reduce the effectiveness of each other. New generation antihistamines are used in different forms to suppress allergy manifestations of various types. Compared to 1st and 2nd generation products, they have a higher price. Like most new drugs, they have not been fully studied, so they have limitations when treating children and pregnant women.

Each of the drugs, regardless of which generation group it belongs to, has its own contraindications and side effects. Therefore, the prescription of antihistamines is carried out only by a medical specialist.

In practice, pregnant women are most often prescribed certain first and second generation drugs.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

Pregnancy can affect a woman's body in different ways. In some cases allergic diseases appear due to a weakened immune system. In others, on the contrary, allergy symptoms are suppressed due to the increased production of the hormone cortisol, which has antiallergic properties, during pregnancy.

But still, not a single pregnant woman is immune from allergies at any stage of bearing a child. Allergic reactions of the expectant mother's body include:

  • dermatitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis, rhinitis - occur in a mild form;
  • Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock - belong to the group of reactions with a severe form.

Rhinitis during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, which in some cases requires the use of antihistamines

The occurrence of an allergy of any severity does not benefit the female body and the fetus, as does the occurrence of any diseases during gestation.

The first trimester is an important stage in pregnancy - at this time all the systems and organs of the future person are formed. At the same time, the placenta, the function of which is to protect the fetus from external negative factors, has not yet been formed by the end of this trimester. Therefore, in the first three months of pregnancy, allergies can negatively affect the development of the fetus or lead to spontaneous miscarriage. The use of any medications at this time, including antihistamines, is undesirable.

The second and third trimesters of pregnancy are safer than the first - the formed placenta protects the baby from antigens and the negative effects of antihistamines. But the deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother, caused by allergy symptoms, also negatively affects the baby in the womb (in some situations, the child may experience oxygen starvation). Also, the chemical components of medications can penetrate the bloodstream and reach the fetus, which does not have the best effect on the development of the child. Therefore, in the second and third trimesters, medications are used with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy and allergy symptoms, a woman should seek help from a doctor. Independent use antihistamines in arbitrary dosage leads to irreversible negative consequences.

Antihistamines for expectant mothers

Currently, in pharmacology there are a considerable number of antiallergic drugs prescribed to pregnant women.

Analyzing the data about each of them, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - reception antihistamines contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in subsequent stages of gestation it is possible only as prescribed by doctors. First generation drugs are often prescribed to expectant mothers due to more thorough research of these medications for their effect on the fetus (for example, Suprastin). Medicines belonging to the second and third generation group are less studied at present and therefore are prescribed to pregnant women less often - such medicines have many contraindications and a number of side effects (Zodac, Zyrtec, etc.).

Table: overview of popular antihistamines

Name Release form Price Active substance Contraindications Side effects Interaction with other drugs Use during pregnancy
(2nd generation drug)
  • pills;
  • drops;
  • syrup.
  • age less than 6 years;
  • first trimester of pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, painful sensations in a stomach;
  • headaches, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • skin rashes and itching.
When the drug interacts with other drugs, the effectiveness of both one and the other may decrease. Therefore, Cetrin is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. The course of treatment and dosage during pregnancy is determined by the attending physician.
(2nd generation drug)
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • powder.
  • the presence of pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • children under two years of age;
  • lactation period;
  • nausea, vomiting, gastritis, dry mouth;
  • headaches, body fatigue;
  • tachycardia;
  • skin rashes.
Concomitant use of Loratadine with other drugs may reduce the activity of this antihistamine. A Loratadine tablet is taken once a day. The duration of use of the medicine is determined by the doctor, but should not exceed thirty days.

(2nd generation drug)
  • pills;
  • drops.
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the medication.
  • aggressive state, irritability;
  • tremor, convulsions, fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • disturbance of visual perception;
  • nausea and diarrhea.
The use of Zyrtec with drugs of other pharmacological groups is possible on the recommendation of a doctor The drug is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis and exceptional cases, as well as in certain doses.
(2nd generation drug)
  • pills;
  • syrup.
  • first three months of gestation;
  • breastfeeding time;
  • the child is less than three years old;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • headache;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • mental disorders;
  • insomnia.
The interaction of Claritin with other drugs does not have a significant effect on their effect. Tablets or syrup are taken orally once a day in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. If the drug does not work within three days, then its use is discontinued.
(2nd generation drug)
  • pills;
  • drops;
  • syrup.
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • the age of the child is up to one and a half years;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • increased activity of bilirubin and liver enzymes.
There is no specific data on the interaction of the drug with other medications - no studies have been conducted. Zodak belongs to the group of drugs dangerous for pregnant women, and therefore can be prescribed in exceptional cases and in a certain dosage by the attending physician.

(1st generation drug)
  • drops;
  • gel;
  • emulsion.
dimethindene maleate
  • less than one month old;
  • glaucoma;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • burning and dry skin;
  • dermatitis, itching of the skin and rashes on it.
Data on the interaction of Fenistil with other drugs are not known. Fenistil is used during pregnancy, but the dose should not exceed more than two grams of the drug per day.

(1st generation drug)
  • pills;
  • ampoules.
  • asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • glaucoma;
  • arrhythmia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • disturbances in psychomotor skills, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • tremors and convulsions;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite;
  • myopathy.
The combined use of Suprastin and other drugs may lead to changes in the effectiveness of the drugs. During pregnancy, treatment with the drug is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Photo gallery: antihistamines prescribed to pregnant women

The drug Cetrin is strictly forbidden to be used in the first trimester of pregnancy Loratadine is used only as prescribed by a doctor at any stage of pregnancy Claritin can be used during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters The drug Zodak begins to act 20-60 minutes after administration, and the result lasts throughout the day Fenistil is used for allergic reactions of the body in limited doses and as prescribed by a doctor
The drug Zyrtec is prescribed to pregnant women in rare cases
Suprastin is used during pregnancy for numerous allergy symptoms, but the dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor

Prohibited antihistamines during pregnancy

Medicines prohibited at any stage of pregnancy include:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Astemizole;
  • Tavegil;
  • Fexadine;
  • Pipolfen;
  • Terfenadine.

The use of any of these drugs during pregnancy may lead to pathological changes in fetal development or spontaneous abortion.

Allergy prevention

To prevent the development of allergies, it is important to comply with a number of requirements:

  • elimination of stress, relaxation and rest. Good mood and a healthy mental state of a pregnant woman allows you to avoid many problems and diseases when expecting a child;
  • restrictions on communication with animals. You should not get pets during pregnancy, but if you already have them and a pregnant woman begins to develop allergy symptoms or has a tendency to this disease, then it is advisable to give them to loved ones for a while;
  • compliance with hygiene standards and rules. Regular wet cleaning, frequent changes of clothes and bed linen, as well as ventilation of the living space prevent the appearance of possible allergens;
  • careful attention to the body’s reactions to flowering plants. Houseplants that can cause allergies should be gotten rid of. And if you have a possible allergy to outdoor plants, it is advisable to temporarily go to another place or reduce going outside to a minimum during the flowering period.

Particular attention is paid to hypoallergenic diets for expectant mothers. They may be different, but the main preventive effect lies in one thing - foods that can cause an allergic reaction are excluded from the pregnant woman’s diet: citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, seafood, exotic fruits, etc. While carrying a baby, you should adhere to the rules of a healthy diet - refuse from hot, spicy, fried, smoked and salty, as well as sweet in large quantities. A hypoallergenic diet for an expectant mother may be more or less strict than this children’s version, and depend on the individual reactions of the woman’s body

Often pregnant women suffer from allergies, so the question arises: which antihistamines are allowed during pregnancy and which are prohibited?

Allergies in expectant mothers

An allergy is the body's reaction to a specific allergen. Allergies go through three stages in the body:

  1. The allergen enters the body, cells of the immune system begin to produce antibodies, which attach to the walls of mast cells under the mucous and epithelial tissues. But the allergy has not yet manifested itself.
  2. If the allergen enters the body again, the antibodies bind. Mast cells release histamine and serotonin, which cause the first symptoms.
  3. Inflammation and vasodilation occur; the patient already feels unwell and begins to take measures.

Allergy symptoms include itching, sneezing, cough, rash, upset stomach, and fever. They define a mild allergy, which is characterized by a runny nose, local urticaria, conjunctivitis, and a severe one, in which the patient suffers from Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and general urticaria.

The most troubled periods in terms of allergies are 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. There may be a painful reaction to the fetus (toxicosis), dust, animal hair, previously familiar cosmetics, etc. If a pregnant woman is already well acquainted with the manifestations of allergies, it is worth warning the doctor and excluding allergens.

In general, it is impossible to predict individual reactions. During pregnancy, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign object. Therefore, the body weakens the immune system for the entire 9 months in advance. This makes women who were not previously susceptible to allergies more vulnerable. But at the same time, the amount of estrogen, progesterone and cortisol in the body increases. They affect the manifestations of any disease and thus can help allergy sufferers forget about their ailment for the entire period of pregnancy.

Naturally, expectant mothers are concerned about any change in the body. Now you can no longer buy the usual product, because in the instructions you can often read: “prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.” Therefore, it is important to always consult your doctor.

The allergy itself will not affect the fetus in any way. In the future, the child may develop an allergic reaction to the same allergens that the mother suffered from during pregnancy, since the disease is inherited. But there will be no threat to the life of the fetus. The situation is completely different if the expectant mother independently prescribed treatment for herself: such decisions can significantly affect various systems of the child’s body.

The fact that an allergy is practically harmless for a baby is not a reason to forget about it altogether. Complications from an allergic reaction can harm the baby and cause a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

Preventing allergies during pregnancy

The best way to avoid allergies is to follow a special diet. It is prescribed from the seventh month, but it is better to stick to it from the first days. The anti-allergenic diet is very simple. It consists of eliminating allergenic foods that many people know about. These are milk, honey, seafood, citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, etc.

Allowed products are also the basis of a healthy diet, which will ensure that both mother and baby maintain normal weight. You can eat porridge, lean boiled meat, vegetables and fruits without restrictions.

In addition to the diet, it is necessary to introduce the following habits: daily wet cleaning, avoid contact with animals and plants (especially during the flowering period).

In addition, when planning a pregnancy or in its first weeks, it is worth going to a consultation with an allergist. You will be prescribed a comprehensive examination and will be tested to identify allergens. If the immune system is weakened, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex.

Allergy treatment

There is no treatment. It is only possible to ease the symptoms. Most often prescribed drugs local action- gel, ointment, etc. Oral medications are prescribed only in the second and third trimester.

Let us remind you that allergies in pregnant women are not dangerous condition, but the wrong medications can be harmful. The use of some drugs is possible only if the mother's condition is more dangerous for the child than taking the medicine. For example, this applies to the popular drug Suprastin.

It is worth noting that many well-known antihistamines for pregnant women are strictly prohibited. Be careful, because they can significantly worsen the health of your unborn child.

The same controversial drugs are pipolfen, allertek, tavegil, claritin, fexadin. They are used only in emergency cases.

Astemizon has toxic effect, diphenhydramine may cause uterine excitability or contractions, and terfenadine reduces the weight of the newborn. All these drugs are strictly prohibited.

Third generation antihistamines pose the least harm to a child.

They do not have a cordiotoxic effect. These are drugs such as levocetirizine, desloratadine, fexofenadine. But you can start taking them only after consulting with your doctor.

You can take cetirizine, but it affects the quality breast milk. The second trimester allows the use of cromolyn sodium, but use is also carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Do not forget that any antihistamines are contraindicated in the first trimester. Only following the rules of prevention and diet can help a pregnant woman in the first three months.

The effect of antihistamines is achieved by reducing the concentration of histamine in mast cells. But there is another way - neutralizing existing histamine. However, no medicine can work effectively unless you eliminate the allergen.

Do not be disappointed in the effect of the drug; it is better to conduct additional tests for allergens. Do not forget that a beloved cat, a dusty room, and poor nutrition contribute to further development allergies.

There are many natural antihistamines. These include:

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It prevents the occurrence of anaphylactic shock.
  2. Vitamin B12 eases dermatitis and breathing in bronchial asthma.
  3. Pantothenic acid will relieve rhinitis.
  4. Nicotinic acid will reduce the reaction to pollen.
  5. Zinc will protect against... But it is taken only in combination with aspartate or picolinate, otherwise anemia may occur.
  6. Oleic acid, contained in olive oil, helps with prevention.
  7. Linoleic acid and fish fat will help in the fight against itching, rashes, runny nose and redness of the eyes.

Any of these remedies should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pregnancy without problems

Obviously, taking antihistamines is a last resort for any pregnant woman. The main thing to remember is that taking any antihistamine medications is contraindicated in the first trimester. In the second and third trimester, a woman can afford some medications, but only as prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, the possible risks and benefits of the product will be assessed. Medicine will be prescribed only if potential harm from the mother’s condition is more dangerous for the child than harm from the drug.

The best is prevention. First of all, visit your doctor and find out about all the possible allergens to which your body reacts. Eliminate them from your life. Do not walk during the flowering period, do not contact animals. Despite the fact that these recommendations seem simple, many women forget about them, because for nine whole months they have to constantly guard their health and that of their child. But the main thing to remember is that with your current efforts you are not only giving yourself have a safe pregnancy, but also ensure your child’s health.

Serious physiological changes occur in the body of a fertile woman. Allergies during pregnancy are formed as a result of high antigenic loads: abuse of foods rich in carbohydrates, many food allergens in products, toxicosis, work associated with the risk of allergies.
Against the background of this condition, various allergic reactions may appear for the first time: skin itching, rash, red spots, swelling, runny nose. The immune response can be triggered by food, contact with a strong allergen (perfumes, nickel jewelry, hair dye, household chemicals, plants of the Asteraceae family, cosmetics).
During pregnancy, the course of a woman's chronic allergic diseases may worsen: allergic rhinitis is more difficult to tolerate, and attacks of bronchial asthma become more severe.
It is difficult to prescribe medications during pregnancy - the embryo is closely related to the body of the fertile woman. The effect of many drugs on fetal formation has been poorly studied in pharmacology, since it is not ethical to conduct scientific tests of drugs on women expecting a child. Therefore, the safety of taking most medications by pregnant women has not been proven.

The effect of allergies on the fetus

The placental barrier protects the fetus from allergic processes that occur in the mother when reacting to an irritant. The fetus does not develop its own allergies. But the baby feels the influence of the maternal immune response due to:

  • deterioration of the pregnant woman’s well-being;
  • indirect effect of tablets on providing nutrition to the embryo;
  • direct harmful effects of medications on the fetus.

Most medications cross the placental barrier, and this can directly affect pregnancy. Accumulating in tissue cells, drugs provoke toxic reactions: developmental defects, miscarriage. Exchanges and functional disorders in infants, including mental retardation.
Medicines affect biological processes in the body of a pregnant woman and indirectly: affect the activity of the placenta, limiting the supply of oxygen, nutrients and removal of waste products, increase the tone of the uterus and adversely affect biochemical processes in the mother's body, preventing the fetus from developing normally.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous in this regard, especially between 3 and 8 weeks. During this period, the embryo's main organs are formed. Therefore, in the initial stages, if possible, it is advisable to completely abandon medications if nothing threatens the health of the pregnant woman.
The adverse effects of allergy medications used during pregnancy are listed in Table 1.
Table 1

Group and name of drugs Effect on the fetus or newborn
Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine)
Taking it in the last weeks of pregnancy provokes widespread tremors in the newborn in the first days of life. Long-term use develops anxiety and increased excitability in the baby.
Cortisone acetate
Cleft palate, insufficient secretion of the adrenal cortex in an infant
Imidazole (Naphthyzin)
Depresses the central nervous system, causes bradycardia (arrhythmia), decreased blood pressure, constriction of the pupils. Special Scientific research No studies have been carried out regarding the effects of these drugs on the fetus, but the occurrence of serious side effects is not excluded, since the drug constricts blood vessels.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, biological changes in a woman’s body lead to changes in the concentration of drugs in the blood. It may increase or decrease depending on the medication. The rate at which drugs are eliminated also varies. different groups from the body. It may increase or decrease. This changes the expected effect of taking some medications for chronic diseases, and the symptoms of the disease in pregnant women become more severe. Accordingly, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of the drug in the blood and, if necessary, adjust its dosage.

Treating a pregnant woman is a difficult medical task. The effect of medications on the fetus is taken into account, as well as the emerging need to select another medicine. The principle of “benefit-risk ratio” is fundamental when prescribing treatment.

How to treat allergies during pregnancy

Doctors give the following recommendations on what to do if a woman is expecting a child or planning a pregnancy and she has genetic predisposition to allergies: fundamental principle– compliance with elimination measures aimed at excluding the onset of the disease.

  1. Remove high levels from diet allergenic products, especially after 22 weeks of pregnancy, even if there was no previous allergy to them.
  2. Eliminate contact with objects or substances that can cause an allergic reaction: pets, cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals, and so on.
  3. Carry out wet cleaning of the home and ventilate it often.
  4. Eliminate excess humidity in the apartment.
  5. Use air purifiers.
  6. Wash bedding frequently and use protective covers for bedding and upholstered furniture.
  7. Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Preventive measures for allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma in pregnant women

At seasonal allergies Contact with pollen should be limited. Sometimes, to completely eliminate contact with aeroallergens during the flowering period of grasses, an option such as isolating the patient in an allergen-free box or moving to another locality is considered - complete climate elimination.
Partial elimination is possible if the following recommendations are followed:

  • do not go outside in dry, hot, windy weather, do not travel outside the city;
  • wash your face often, change clothes after a walk outside, take a shower, especially before bed, wear sunglasses;
  • close windows, wash shoes after visiting the street (pollen is carried with dust on the soles).

The only effective way to eliminate contact with allergens of animal dander (fur) and bird feathers is to remove pets from the house and thoroughly clean the home. If the mother, expecting a child, remains living in the same premises, the effect of the measure taken will not be visible immediately after separation from the animal, but after a few weeks. Prevention measures such as keeping the animal in another room and washing it frequently are ineffective.

Preventive measures for atopic dermatitis in pregnant women

It is important to strictly adhere to the daily routine: eating, resting, good sleep; Do not use household chemicals or other aggressive substances.
Pregnant women with atopic dermatitis need to monitor the condition of their skin and constantly use modern emollients - moisturizing and softening products for the skin. When choosing a product, prefer a line of medicinal cosmetics that is balanced in composition, without fragrances or dyes.
The patient’s skin is affected not only hormonal background, but also the state digestive tract. Irregular bowel movements and constipation form chronic intoxication, which aggravates the course of atopic dermatitis. Correct coordinated work gastrointestinal tract help:

  • choleretic agents;
  • probiotics;
  • drugs that support liver function - Essentiale Forte N, Gepabene, Hofitol;
  • lactulose preparations - Lactofiltrum, Normaze, Duphalac, Lactusan.

If a woman expecting a child takes probiotic medications for a long time, the risk of developing atopic dermatitis in the baby will decrease.

What pills and medications can you take?

Chronic diseases and acute allergic conditions must also be treated during pregnancy. How to treat allergies if you cannot stop taking medications that are more likely to be dangerous to the child?

Treatment of skin allergies in pregnant women

Bepanten is used to quickly restore inflamed skin, as well as to prevent and moisturize dry, cracked skin. Basics active substance drug - dexpanthenol. Pantothenic acid, formed when the product is applied to the skin, heals and restores damaged epidermis, stimulating tissue regeneration.
The drugs in the Bepanten series are not dangerous when used by pregnant women. Infected skin is treated with the aseptic cream Bepanten Plus.
No adverse effects have been reported when using zinc pyrithione preparations (SKIN-CAP) by women expecting a child. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroids and has a wide range of pharmacological effects:

  • relieves skin itching and normalizes sleep;
  • facilitates the course and activity of skin inflammation;
  • reduces the need to use local ointments and antihistamines.

The product is practically not absorbed from the surface of the skin. You can discuss the use of SKIN-CAP cream during pregnancy with your doctor.
To maintain remission, a cosmetic skin care line is used for preventive care when atopic dermatitis“Topicrem”, “Nutrilozhi” based on oleosomal technologies, Lipikar for very dry, atopy-prone skin and other cosmetics (Lipidioz, Desitin, Emolium, Atoderm, Atopalm, Ichthyosoft, Idelt-cream, Trixera, Sedax, Exomega, Glutamol) .
Doctors say that in case of severe skin rash and itching, you can use local glucocorticosteroids for several days latest generation in the form of a cream - hydrocortisone butyrate, mometasone furoate, methylprednisolone aceponate.

Treatment of the respiratory system for allergy symptoms in pregnant women

For the prevention and exacerbation of allergic rhinitis, isotonic saline solutions of sea or ocean water are used. The drugs indirectly reduce the severity of inflammation in allergies: they moisturize the mucous membrane, improve its protective function, and reduce the load of allergens.

Dosed nasal spray Nazaval prevents allergens from entering the nasal mucosa. The basis of the product is microdispersed cellulose powder. When the drug is sprayed onto the mucous surface of the nasal passages, cellulose interacts with mucus and forms a durable gel-like film in a humid environment. A natural mechanical barrier is formed that prevents the penetration of aeroallergens. The positive effect of Nazaval is felt within a few days - the symptoms of the disease decrease. Active drugs are not included in the composition pharmacological substances, it is safe for pregnant women. Nazaval relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis in 77% of cases.
Medical journals contain information about the absence harmful effects on a pregnant woman and fetus after intranasal (through the nose) use of fluticasone propionate for allergic rhinitis.

Systemic (general) treatment of allergies during pregnancy

A large scientific study in Sweden determined that the use of budesonide during pregnancy does not cause congenital fetal anomalies. Therefore, this drug is the first to be prescribed among inhaled corticosteroids. It is possible that there may be a negative effect on pregnancy outcome when taking other corticosteroids. But if necessary, medications continue to be taken during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.

Among short-acting ß2 agonists, Salbutamol is preferred. There is the greatest amount of research on its use during pregnancy.
The therapeutic value of first-generation antihistamines lies only in their sedative effect - they restore sleep and reduce the intensity of itching. They are usually not prescribed to pregnant women as adverse effects may occur.

If necessary, tablets are prescribed - second generation antihistamines - loratadine, cetirizine - for a short course in the minimum effective dose.
Safe for treating cromona. But their useful action low, so their use is not recommended.
During pregnancy, serious allergic diseases may develop that require active therapy. Do not self-medicate, which can trigger the disease and cause dangerous swelling or infection. Consult your doctor.

Trade name of the drug International nonproprietary name Price Release form Manufacturer
Nazaval Plus 365 rub. Nasal powder spray, 500 mg bottle Great Britain
Bepanten Dexpanthenol 498 rub. Cream 5%, tube 30 g Switzerland
SKIN-CAP Pyrithione zinc 846 rub. Cream 0.2%, 15 g France
Budesonide-native Budesonide 326 rub. 0.00025/ml solution for inhalation, 10 bottles of 2 ml Russia
Salbutamol Salbutamol 127 rub. Aerosol for inhalation dosed 100 mcg/dose, 200 doses (12 ml each) Russia
Topicrem 720 rub. Ultra moisturizing body milk, 200 ml France
Lipikar 790 rub. Moisturizing milk for very dry skin, 200 ml France
Mometasone-Akrikhin Mometasone 192 rub. Cream for external use 0.1%, 15 g Russia
Advantan Methylprednisolone aceponate 562 rub. Cream 0.1%, 15 g Italy
Laticort Hydrocortisone 144 rub. Ointment 0.1%, 15 g Poland
Loratadine Loratadine 100 rub. Tablets 0.01, 10 pieces
Cetirizine Cetirizine 60 rub. Tablets 0.01, 10 pieces
Flixonase Fluticasone 740 rub. Nasal spray, 50 µg/dose, 120 doses Poland

During the 9 months of bearing a baby, the female body is not only a cozy “home” for the baby, but also its reliable protection from all external influences.

The appearance of an allergic reaction is an unpleasant phenomenon, but quite common. Modern medicine I learned how to effectively and safely stop almost all manifestations of atopy. Despite the natural protection of the pregnant body from allergic reactions - with the onset of the waiting period for the baby, the production of cortisol, which has an anti-allergic effect, increases - cases of intolerance to any elements and the presence of an atypical reaction to them still occur. When such a reaction occurs (or worsens) in a pregnant woman, you should be especially careful, since another tiny developing organism is inextricably linked with the expectant mother. In addition, many antihistamines are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Antihistamines during pregnancy. Pregnancy and allergies

And although huge changes occur in a woman’s body with the onset of gestation, the expectant mother does not always receive unpleasant gift in the form of an allergy. If there is a predisposition to this disease, with the onset of the waiting period for the toddler, several scenarios are possible:

  • A new life - a toddler in the mother's womb - does not affect the course of allergies in any way. If a woman knows that certain products of the environment (cosmetics, household chemicals, some food products, etc.) cause an atypical reaction in her, then she simply needs to avoid contact with them.
  • During pregnancy, the intensity of allergic manifestations decreases. In some cases, an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol leads to the fact that the allergy “recedes”.
  • Carrying a baby is accompanied by increased allergies. Increased load, which the body of a pregnant woman experiences, in some cases leads to an intensification and exacerbation of diseases that were present even before the birth of a new life in the woman’s womb. Similar ailments include, for example, bronchial asthma.

Triggering an allergic reaction

Why is it that in some cases atopy does not keep itself waiting, while other pregnant women do not even know what an allergy is? What triggers an allergic reaction?

  • The appearance of an allergen. An allergic reaction to something occurs as a result of contact with a provoking component. The role of the latter can be played by pollen, animal hair or insect poison, as well as a cosmetic or food product. Interaction with the provoking allergen triggers a reaction, which results in an allergic response.
  • Repeated “meeting” with an allergen. It is no secret that acute atypical reactions (anaphylactic shock, angioedema) occur almost immediately and after the first contact with the allergen. As for other manifestations of atopy, there is an accumulation effect when, after repeated encounters with an irritant, the production of antibodies begins and a response is formed.
  • Effect of antibodies on mast cells. As a result of the interaction of antibodies and mast cells, their contents are released from the latter, incl. histamine. It is he who is responsible for the appearance of rash, lacrimation, swelling, hyperemia and other “companions” of allergies.

Manifestations of allergies during pregnancy

Depending on the reasons that caused the allergic reaction, it is possible the following manifestations atopy:

  • Rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is the most common and common manifestation of allergies in expectant mothers. It is not seasonal and can occur from the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, congestion appears in the area of ​​the nasal passages, swelling of the nasal mucosa, there is a discharge of watery mucous secretion, and a burning sensation in the larynx may occur.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis. This manifestation of allergy in most cases is combined with a runny nose. Swelling, hyperemia (redness), itching in the eyes and eyelids, and lacrimation are observed.
  • Urticaria is a blistering rash on the skin accompanied by severe itching.
  • Symptoms of bronchial asthma.
  • In more severe cases - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which can lead to suffocation, extensive urticaria.

Manifestations of allergies can not only cause discomfort to a pregnant woman, but also pose a threat to the child in her womb, since there is a risk of oxygen starvation. Taking antihistamines during pregnancy is aimed at alleviating the manifestations of atopy, reducing the discomfort they cause a pregnant woman, and normalizing her condition in general.

Therapy for allergies

For effective fight with allergies and their manifestations is necessary A complex approach. It should include not only taking medications (if necessary), but also measures to prevent relapse of the disease. The latter include dietary correction if atopy is caused by food, minimizing, or better yet completely eliminating, contacts with allergens - dust, animal hair, pollen, chemicals, cosmetic products. Largest quantity Taking antihistamines during pregnancy raises questions and concerns among women. Therefore, to eliminate atopy, you should combine medications with traditional methods relief of allergic reactions.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

When allergies occur in pregnant women, drug therapy is prescribed especially carefully. The doctor assesses the severity of intoxication and determines the need for drug correction, because it is important not only to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, but also not to harm the baby in her womb. What antihistamines can be used during pregnancy, and what therapy should you categorically refuse, even without regard to the waiting period for the baby?

Types of antihistamines

The development of antiallergic drugs has been going on for many years, and with each new generation of drugs, pharmacologists strive to increasingly reduce the level of toxicity of drugs, as well as ensure the selective effect of their active components. What antihistamines can be used by women during pregnancy? There are 3 generations of antihistamines:

  • 1st generation. Medicines in this group have the most extensive effect, therefore they not only block histamine receptors, but also affect the functioning of other body systems. Many of them have a sedative effect - they cause a feeling of drowsiness and reduce reaction. Side effects include dry mucous membranes, and there is a risk of the child developing heart defects. Medicines in this group are Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Pipolphen (Diprazine), Tavegil, Diazolin, Zyrtec, Allergodil.
  • 2nd generation. Medicines in this group, like their predecessors, are also not particularly popular, since in varying degrees, but have a cardiotoxic effect. The difference is the absence of an inhibitory effect on the woman’s nervous system. Among the drugs in this group are Claritin, Fenistil, Astemizole.
  • 3rd generation. This category of drugs includes the most modern drugs that have neither a sedative nor a cardiotoxic effect. However, even these drugs cannot be guaranteed to be safe for a pregnant woman and her baby. Medicines in this group include Desloratadine (Telfast, Edem, Erius), Fexadine.

The work of antiallergic medications is aimed in two main directions - neutralizing histamine and reducing its production.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 1st trimester

As you know, the first weeks of bearing a baby are especially important, since it is during this period that the formation of the future person occurs. That is why even the most seemingly small interventions can have negative consequences. Relief of allergic manifestations during this period occurs without the participation of pharmacological products. The exception is extremely severe cases threatening the life of a woman or her baby. Therapy is strictly prescribed by a doctor and carried out under medical supervision.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 2nd trimester

Having entered the second trimester, thanks to the formed placental barrier, the baby becomes more protected from external influences, including the influence of drugs that his mother is forced to take. However, most antihistamines that can alleviate allergic manifestations, including during pregnancy, penetrate into the systemic bloodstream to a greater or lesser extent. During this period, drug correction of the condition is allowed, but carefully and strictly according to indications.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 3rd trimester

Despite the proximity of the baby's birth, the danger to the baby from the components of antiallergic medications still exists. If a woman’s condition requires intervention, the doctor can prescribe the most gentle medications taking into account the woman’s situation. Before giving birth, taking antiallergic medications should be stopped, as their effect can suppress the work respiratory center baby.

What antihistamines are allowed during pregnancy?

The intervention of antiallergic drugs during the first weeks of gestation is highly undesirable. But already in the second and third trimesters, depending on the clinical manifestations, the doctor may prescribe medicinal correction allergic manifestations.

  • Suprastin. Not recommended for use in the first and third trimesters.
  • Zyrtec. The drug may become a doctor's choice, since animal studies have not shown negative effects as a result of using the drug. Pregnant women did not participate in the studies.
  • Cromolyn sodium will alleviate the condition of bronchial asthma. The drug is not recommended for use during the first 12 weeks of gestation.
  • Eden (erius), Caritin and Telfast. Not proven bad influence components of these medications on the health of the mother and her child, no studies have been conducted. Drugs can be prescribed strictly for health reasons.
  • Diazolin. It is acceptable to use the medication in the third trimester.

Some vitamins will also help reduce some manifestations of atopy:

  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Helps cope with allergic rhinitis.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Reduces susceptibility female body to respiratory manifestations of allergies.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide). Reduces the manifestations of atypical reactions of the body to plant pollen.

One should also take into account the fact that antiallergic drugs themselves can provoke atopy.

Antihistamines prohibited for use by pregnant women

A number of antiallergic medications are strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

  • Tavegil. The medicine is strictly contraindicated, since experimental testing on animals has shown the development of pathologies.
  • Diphenhydramine. The medicine is prohibited even later expecting a toddler, as it can increase uterine tone. As a result, pregnancy may end earlier than expected.
  • Astemizole. The drug is contraindicated for use as it has a toxic effect on the fetus (studies were conducted on animals).
  • Pipolfen. The drug is prohibited for use during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • Terfenadine. As a result of taking this drug, the baby may lose weight.
  • Fexadine. Use by pregnant women is prohibited.

Prevention of allergies during pregnancy

A few simple rules will help prevent the appearance of atopy:

  • Eliminate stress, try to devote enough time to walks, rest and relaxation.
  • If you have not yet acquired a pet, put this question off until the baby is born. If you already have a pet, it is better to give it to relatives or friends for a while.
  • Follow a hypoallergenic diet. Watch what you eat and do not go overboard with allergenic foods (milk, honey, chocolate, citrus fruits, brightly colored fruits and vegetables (for example, strawberries, beets, eggs).
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning and change of bed linen.
  • It is advisable to go out during the flowering period of “allergic” plants; be careful with your indoor garden.

In the presence of skin manifestations of allergies, various mash-ups, ointments and decoctions prepared from the gifts of nature provide good help. Chamomile, calendula, celandine, nettle, string, and clay have proven themselves well.

Unfortunately, if preventive and traditional methods do not bring long-awaited relief, taking antihistamines during pregnancy cannot be avoided. A consultation with a doctor and a competent risk assessment will allow you to choose the optimal therapy.

The prevalence of allergic reactions is increasing every day. This is due to the difficult environmental situation, the quality of food products, and congenital defects of the immune system. Pregnant women are not immune to this problem.

The difficulty in treating such patients is that the doctor is very limited in prescribing antiallergic medications.

In the instructions of many of them, pregnancy is absolute contraindication because of proven negative action for the fruit. For other medications, the period of pregnancy is included in the list of relative contraindications. This means that using such medications is possible only in cases where the benefit to the mother is much higher than potential risk for the fetus. How and when to treat allergies in pregnant women? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Dangerous allergy symptoms

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy should only be done when the woman has a history of severe episodes of the disease. Ignoring such manifestations can not only complicate pregnancy, but also negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Because of this risk, some women refuse the opportunity to have children. In this case, to medical problem a psychological component is added.

If a pregnant woman has an allergy, then it is necessary to tell a specialist about it. antenatal clinic during the first visit.

The gynecologist will collect an anamnesis of the disease and note complaints in the exchange card. After this, the management plan for such a pregnant woman will be discussed with an allergist - a specialist who treats allergic diseases.

As a rule, damage to the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis) or nose (rhinitis) does not require drug therapy. Exacerbation of these diseases is most often observed from the 4th month of pregnancy. The absence of clinical manifestations in the first trimester is explained by the fact that during this period of time endocrine system Women actively synthesize cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone that has an antiallergic effect. A pronounced pathological process in the nasal mucosa or conjunctiva leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of the pregnant woman, but does not cause a significant negative effect on the fetus.

Allergy treatment is justified if:

  • severe form of urticaria;
  • swelling of the mucous layer bronchial tree when there is difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The above conditions are dangerous to a woman’s life. In addition, constant swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the fetal tissue. The consequences of such hypoxia are various disorders in the development of the child’s organs and systems.

Why do allergies develop?

There are several successive stages in the development of an allergic reaction. They determine the severity of clinical manifestations and the severity of the condition. Highlight:

  1. The initial encounter with an allergen, which is most often of a plant or food nature. In recent years, the number of cases of drug allergies has increased.
  2. In response to an allergen, the human immune system produces special protective compounds - antibodies.
  3. Under the influence of antibodies, inflammatory mediators, including histamine, are released from mast cells of the human body into the blood.
  4. Through capillaries, histamine penetrates into the mucous membrane of internal organs, causing characteristic reactions in the form of hyperemia, edema, breathing problems, and others.

Allergy treatment

Treatment of allergic pathology in pregnant women is a complex process. It should be handled exclusively by an allergist. He is able to assess the severity of clinical manifestations, carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, and determine the amount of therapy required.

The first step in treating allergies is identifying the allergen and avoiding contact with it. In addition to this, medication may be prescribed.


Antihistamines are most often used to reduce allergy symptoms. The first representatives of this class of drugs were synthesized back in 1936. Since then, ideas about the genesis of an allergic reaction have changed, constantly being supplemented by new discoveries, but the use of the first generation of drugs still remains advisable. On this moment There are three generations of antihistamines. Their mechanism of action is related to:

  • By blocking histamine receptors. In this case, the drugs bind to specific areas on the surface of the receptors, preventing histamine from depositing on them.
  • Reducing the production of inflammatory mediators by mast cells.

Despite the constant improvement of allergy medications, there are no absolutely safe medications for pregnant women. Any antihistamine should be prescribed only if its benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Such treatment cannot be chosen independently, since the likelihood of harming the unborn baby in such a situation increases many times over.

First generation

First generation antihistamines have a pronounced antiallergic effect, but they are not safe for use during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the molecules of chemical compounds that make up medications are able to penetrate various natural barriers, including the placenta. With the help of such medications, it is possible to relieve acute allergic reactions, such as Quincke's edema or anaphylactic manifestations. Their use for daily use is prohibited by the instructions. Representatives of the first generation of drugs - Suprastin, Tavegil.

Second generation

The second generation of antihistamines also effectively relieves allergic symptoms, while having a smaller number side effects. Their use during pregnancy is limited. The doctor must assess the risk-benefit ratio. If the second criterion prevails over the first, then the appointment may be justified.

The safest chemical compound during pregnancy is loratadine. It provides a quick effect in eliminating allergy symptoms, but does not penetrate the nervous tissue and does not inhibit brain activity. Loratadine is not advisable to use in the first three months of pregnancy, since there is no data on the effect of the drug on the formation of fetal tissue.

Third generation

This generation of antihistamines is by far the most modern. Pregnancy is one of those conditions in which drugs are used with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician. Animal studies show no negative effect on the fetus, but convincing data in humans have not yet been collected.

The third generation of antihistamines includes molecules of levocetirizine, fexofenadine, and desloratadine.

They can all be used in pregnant women, but the need for their use, dosage, and duration of treatment should be determined by a specialist.

To summarize, we can say that antihistamines during pregnancy should be used exclusively under the supervision of an allergist. Their use is extremely undesirable in the first 90 days, when the fetal organs are actively forming. From the fourth month of pregnancy, in the presence of severe symptoms, it is better to use modern medications that will provide a guaranteed therapeutic effect with a minimum of side effects.

In contact with

All kinds of allergies in modern world far from uncommon. It is good that thanks to the development of pharmacology, salvation from this problem is always at hand in the form of drug therapy. But what should expectant mothers do to avoid harming the baby? What antihistamines can be taken during pregnancy? It is not easy to answer this question, and only a doctor can prescribe them, depending on the stage of pregnancy.

What are antihistamines?

Drugs in this group contain special blockers that suppress the effect of histamine in the human body by blocking H1 and H2 receptors. Dosage forms cope well with itching, sneezing, lacrimation, rhinitis, and, in addition to their antihistamine effect, these drugs are used to treat insomnia and severe vomiting.

Today there are four groups of drugs, or rather four generations. When choosing a treatment method, women most often turn to the latter, since this particular group of antihistamines for pregnant women is safer for the health of the unborn baby and has virtually no side effects.

Drugs prohibited during pregnancy

Perhaps we should start the list of allergy remedies with those medications that have a pronounced teratogenic effect on the fetus and are strictly prohibited at any time during pregnancy. This group includes:

  • Tavegil;
  • Betadrine;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Pipolfen;
  • Astemizole;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Astemizole.

Antihistamines allowed during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

Unfortunately, in the first three months of bearing a baby, mothers with allergies will have a hard time, since there are no drugs that do not affect the development of the fetus during this period. All of them can cause irreparable harm to the developing organism.

Therefore, even at the time of planning pregnancy, you should take a course from (if necessary), plan your pregnancy for the safest period (winter - if you are allergic to the flowering of herbs and trees). In addition, you should try to avoid contact with the allergen if possible - use traditional methods (soda, mustard) rather than dishwashing detergents, give the cat and dog to relatives for a while, etc.

Antihistamines during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, doctors are more loyal - since all the main organs of the child are already formed. But this does not mean that you can take allergy medications uncontrollably. The following medications are conditionally permitted: active component in which loratadine and desloratadine are:

Antihistamines during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

A, B, C-therapy
Some vitamins - so-called natural antihistamines - can somewhat reduce allergic symptoms. Taking them allows you to relieve the manifestations of allergies with minimal risk to the unborn child. Here are the most common antihistamine vitamins and the dosages needed to achieve positive results.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). About 1-4 g ascorbic acid per day allows you to minimize attacks of respiratory allergies (rhinitis, mild bronchospasm) and prevent the occurrence of anaphylactic reactions. You should start taking vitamin C gradually - 500 mg per day, gradually increasing the dose to 4 g over ten days. To ensure dosage accuracy, it is recommended to use the crystalline (powdered) form of ascorbic acid instead of tablets or capsules. Vitamin B12 is the most versatile natural antihistamine. Taking it reduces symptoms of allergic asthma, dermatitis and sensitivity to sulfites (egg yolk). To achieve good results, you should take 500 mcg of this vitamin for 3-4 weeks.

Pantothenic acid is effective for allergic rhinitis. It is recommended to start taking it with 100 mg at night. The first signs of symptom relief may occur within 15-30 minutes. If the drug relieves symptoms, the dose can be increased to 250 mg once or even twice daily.

Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) helps reduce the severity of various allergic symptoms. Its most effective use is for attacks of pollen allergies. various plants. Expectant mothers are recommended to take nicotinamide (200 to 300 mg per day) for a month if allergic symptoms appear.

Zinc reduces the manifestation of allergies to various chemical compounds (household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.). You should start taking this microelement with 50-60 mg per day in the form of a complex compound (picolinate, aspartate). Caution: taking zinc in ionic form (not complexed) from inorganic compound, such as zinc sulfate, can cause copper deficiency, leading to anemia. Oleic acid, which is part of olive oil, inhibits the release of histamine. To prevent allergic reactions, it is advisable to cook exclusively with olive oil.

Linoleic acid and fish oil prevent inflammatory processes allergic origin - runny nose, lacrimation, red eyes, itching and redness of the skin, rash. There are no general recommendations for taking these drugs - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. However, during pregnancy you should always consult your doctor before taking any vitamins.

Manifestation of allergies during pregnancy

In pregnant women, allergies can manifest themselves in three forms:

  1. The course of allergic reactions improves due to pregnancy.
  2. The course of allergic reactions worsens due to pregnancy.
  3. The course of allergies does not depend in any way on pregnancy.

In the first case, cortisol, mentioned earlier, softens the course of the allergy, helping women endure its manifestations in a milder form.

The second case is the opposite of the first, and women who have not previously suffered from allergies, after 12 weeks, observe signs of allergic rhinitis - the usual form in the form of a stuffy nose, swelling of the mucous membrane and sneezing. In addition to allergic rhinitis, allergies during pregnancy can manifest themselves in other forms - both mild and severe.

The third option indicates that allergies during pregnancy behave the same way as before. This means that if you are planning to conceive a child and the expectant mother is not aware of allergies, then you should consult an allergist and conduct a series of special tests that, using the technologies available today, will identify allergens and help plan your pregnancy. Typically, allergies worsen from mid to late spring - this is when flowers bloom. most of plants. Treatment of allergies during pregnancy begins with prevention. In addition to visiting a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive examination for the patient, identify allergens and write recommendations for treatment, it is also worth using hypoallergenic diet, excluding from the diet of the expectant mother foods that can cause an allergic reaction. Then allergies during pregnancy and the chances of its occurrence will be minimized.

Treatment of pregnant women for allergies

Taking medications during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution.

Antiallergic drugs are no exception. Treatment of allergies during pregnancy with drugs requires special attention. You should take such drugs only if the benefits of taking them exceed the risks. Constant consultations with a doctor should take place throughout pregnancy, since it is not recommended to take any medications in the first trimester.

Starting from the second and third trimester, restrictions are relaxed. Allergies during pregnancy should be treated with antiallergic drugs only under the supervision of the attending physician, since there is no complete guarantee of the child’s safety. If any allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication, including taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy and overuse antihistamines can lead to irreversible consequences. It is up to the attending physician to decide which drugs to use in treatment.

If an allergy occurs during pregnancy, how to treat it in this case?

  1. Suprastin. In cases where the condition of the expectant mother threatens the health of the fetus more than taking the drug, after assessing the risks by a doctor, it can be prescribed in the second or third trimesters. Self-use is strictly not recommended.
  2. Pipolfen. Despite the fact that it is prescribed by doctors, the drug is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.
  3. Allertek. The drug is used under the same conditions as taking Suprastin. In addition, it is prescribed no earlier than the second trimester.

  4. Tavegil. When tested on pregnant rats, it caused paw defects and heart defects in the pups. The use of this drug, due to its negative effect on the fetus, should only occur during a threat to the life of the expectant mother and there is no opportunity to take another drug.
  5. Claritin. Despite the absence of a categorical ban on use by women expecting a child, it is prescribed under the same conditions as Suprastin and Allertek.
  6. Fexadine. Treatment of an expectant mother with this drug is possible after a doctor has assessed the risks - if the effect of therapy predominates over the risk to the fetus.
  7. Astemizole. Use is not recommended due to toxic effects on the fetus.
  8. Diphenhydramine. At doses exceeding 50 mg, it may cause contraction or increased irritability of the uterus. Use is not recommended.
  9. Terfenadine. The consequence of use may be a decrease in the weight of the newborn.

Regardless of the signs of allergy present or absent in the expectant mother, during pregnancy it is worth paying great attention to healthy image life – frequent walks, refusal bad habits, proper nutrition and staying clean.

You should also avoid stressful situations and heavy lifting. Allergies during pregnancy can result in extremely unpleasant consequences for unprepared women. However, with a planned visit to the doctor and following the instructions given by him, pregnancy will create exactly the feeling that it should - the expectation of a miracle. Be healthy!

Drug groups

All antiallergic drugs can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Hormonal agents;
  • Mast cell membrane stabilizers;
  • Leukotriene receptor blockers.

information Each of these groups has its own advantages and disadvantages in a specific area of ​​application. Thus, antihistamines have little effectiveness in bronchial asthma (BA) and Quincke's edema, but they help well in allergic rhinitis and skin itching. On the contrary, hormonal drugs are particularly successful in the fight against asthma and anaphylactic shock, can be used in the treatment of dermatitis. Two latest groups are used when allergic conjunctivitis, hay fever and bronchial asthma.

Indications for use

Often, women who are pregnant and suffer from any manifestations of allergic reactions are faced with the problem of choosing antiallergic drugs, since taking any of them is allowed only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. It should be immediately noted that before using any drug during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist doctor.

Pregnant women also need to know that among antiallergic drugs there is not a single drug with completely proven safety in use.

Short review

Drug groups Names of medicines Possibility of use during pregnancy Notes
Antihistamines Suprastin (I generation) Can be used in the second and third trimester under strict medical supervision In the first trimester only for strict indications
Loratadine (II) Should not be used during pregnancy and lactation In studies at medium therapeutic doses, it did not have a negative effect on the fetus, but at high doses, some fetotoxic effects were observed
Azelastine (II) Despite the fact that no evidence of teratogenicity was obtained when testing azelastine in doses many times higher than the therapeutic range, its use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation is not recommended
Cetirizine (III) It is recommended not to take it in the first trimester It has proven itself well in studies: neither carcinogenic, nor teratogenic, nor mutagenic effects have developed with its use.
Hormonal(glucocorticoids) Beclomethasone (Clenil) Contraindicated in the first trimester, in the second and third - only when the benefit outweighs the risk Used for asthma. Newborns whose mothers used beclomethasone during pregnancy should be assessed for the presence of adrenal insufficiency.
Betamethasone (Akriderm) Use during pregnancy is possible, however, adequate and strictly controlled studies have not been conducted. Contraindicated - in the presence of symptoms of placental damage The potential teratogenic hazard of using external forms of the drug has not been assessed. Intramuscular administration of betamethasone to rabbits at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg caused developmental defects in the offspring ( umbilical hernias, cleft palate)
Hydrocortisone Can be used in short-term therapy and in minimal dosages Studies have suggested that corticosteroids may cause fetal developmental problems, although there is currently no clear evidence to support these observations.
Mast cell membrane stabilizers and leukotriene receptor blockers Ketotifen With special caution in the first trimester Used to treat asthma
Montelukast (Singular) Only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus No specific studies have been conducted on pregnant women. Cases have been reported of the development of congenital limb defects in newborns whose mothers took Singulair during pregnancy for the treatment of asthma

additionally Of course, most people suffering from allergies are well aware of the list of medications that can be used to relieve symptoms. But still, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is difficult for a non-professional to keep track and understand the constantly expanding variety of antiallergic sprays, ointments and tablets.

Women planning a pregnancy and having a history of allergies are advised to consult with a specialist in advance.

  1. Which allergy medications can be taken during pregnancy and which ones absolutely cannot be taken?

Allergy medications during pregnancy: to take or not

Let's first find out how dangerous allergies are for the mother and unborn child. What can cause more harm, allergy pills during pregnancy or the allergy itself? The disease occurs due to the pathological reactivity of the body. When a foreign protein enters the blood, an antigen-antibody complex is formed. These complexes are attached to the surface of specific basophil cells. As a result, histamine, serotonin and other factors are released from the cells, provoking a specific allergic reaction. Any remedy for allergies during pregnancy is aimed at stopping this particular reaction and does not affect the formation of an antigen-antibody complex.

The complexes themselves do not penetrate the placenta to the baby. Therefore, the mother’s allergies are not transmitted to the baby in any way. The supply of inflammatory factors is also limited, because the placenta is a fairly reliable barrier for them and it is not worth taking allergy pills during pregnancy to protect the child from them. But some manifestations of allergies can still affect the development of the child. This mainly applies to such serious conditions as allergic asthma, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, severe allergic rhinitis or urticaria affecting the entire surface of the skin. A common allergic runny nose, mild rash or conjunctivitis has a more negative impact on the mother’s condition than on the baby. In most cases, it is not allergic reactions that are dangerous for the unborn child, but the medications themselves for allergies during pregnancy that the mother takes.

Allergies during pregnancy: causes

Identifying the causes of allergies is quite difficult. This is a non-standard reaction of the immune system to completely harmless factors. environment. The immune system recognizes ordinary food, pollen, dust, wool as hostile factors, and therefore gives a response in the form of an allergy.

During pregnancy, you may encounter various allergic reactions that were not observed before, or, on the contrary, the allergies that plagued you before are smoothed out. It is impossible to predict this in advance.

Antiallergy medications for pregnant women will help relieve symptoms, but not all of them are allowed. The effect of the allergy itself on the fetus is difficult to determine. It depends on the severity of the reaction. In any case, the poor condition of the mother affects the condition of the child. Serious symptoms such as asthma, severe swelling, cough, laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock can lead to death, and therefore require constant monitoring and treatment.

During pregnancy, allergies can occur as a reaction to the fetus. Immediately after conception, the body may react to the fetus as foreign body, as a rule, toxicosis develops. After some time, the body adapts to the embryo, and the reaction disappears by itself.

If the allergy has already existed before, it can either worsen or smooth out during pregnancy - the exacerbation is associated with the hypersensitivity of the body.

The presence of allergies should not affect the desire to have a child. With proper monitoring and timely elimination of symptoms, there is a likelihood of healthy child big enough. Even the presence of asthma does not interfere with pregnancy and childbirth. However, you need to visit an allergist and get tested for allergic reactions before conception occurs in order to prepare the body for pregnancy.

More information about allergies during pregnancy can be found in the video:

It happens that pregnancy has a positive effect on the body of an allergic person, weakening allergic reactions due to cortisol. In this case, even asthma may disappear. But all allergic reactions will return after the birth of the child.

Allergy is not a disease that can be eliminated once and for all. The immune system will always react to certain irritants if a failure has already occurred. But it is important to stop the symptoms in time so that there are no complications for the mother and child.

Signs of allergies

Allergy symptoms are usually easily recognizable and do not change over time. However, during pregnancy, symptoms may intensify or be complemented by others if there is a severe allergic reaction.

The severity of symptoms depends on the strength of the allergic reaction, the duration of contact with allergens and the individual reaction of the woman’s body to a particular factor.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Runny nose and nasal congestion. When an allergen gets on the nasal mucosa, it begins to swell and irritation occurs. As a result, the woman sneezes often and for a long time, which increases blood flow and increases swelling. Mucus production during allergies is common. Sometimes the swelling is so severe that it requires the use of vasoconstrictors, which are often undesirable to use during pregnancy.
  • Cough. Coughing also often occurs due to allergies, when irritating particles enter the larynx and lungs.
  • Asthma. Asthma is a severe allergosis. During an asthma attack, shortness of breath, lack of air, and panic occur, which cannot but affect the child. Pregnant women with asthma attacks should be closely monitored.
  • Quincke's edema. During a severe allergic reaction, some of the liquid component of the blood seeps into the tissues, causing swelling in the face, cheeks, eyelids, hands and ankles. Swelling can also affect the larynx area, which is especially dangerous as it can lead to suffocation.
  • Anaphylactic shock. The most dangerous symptom requiring immediate medical attention. Symptoms develop within half an hour and can be fatal if left untreated. With anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath occurs, blood pressure, the pregnant woman loses consciousness, and the blood flow to the placenta and fetus practically stops.
  • Rash, itching. Skin rashes can occur on the face, abdomen, arms, and chest. The rash can itch and cause a lot of discomfort.
  • Nausea. Non-specific, but common symptom during pregnancy, when a woman is forced to refuse certain foods due to nausea and vomiting.
  • Burning and itching in the eyes, lacrimation. As a rule, these symptoms appear simultaneously with a runny nose and swelling and are the body's reaction to irritation.

Antiallergic drugs for pregnant women

Taking medications during pregnancy is limited. Antihistamines can affect the fetus and, if taken for a long time, lead to heart defects and other abnormalities.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, organs are formed, so taking any medications is prohibited.

Any medications should be prescribed by a doctor after examining and examining the pregnant woman:

  • Vibrocil. These are nasal drops that have an antihistamine and mild vasoconstrictor effect due to the content of phenylephrine. They can be used a little longer than other vasoconstrictor drugs, but during pregnancy you should consult your doctor and not exceed the dosage and course of treatment. Any vasoconstrictor can affect the nutrition of the placenta, so it is used with caution and only as needed.
  • Suprastin. A common allergy drug, it is often taken as a single dose rather than in courses to relieve swelling and if the potential benefit exceeds possible harm for a child. Taking the drug without a doctor's recommendation and for a long time is not recommended.
  • Cetirizine. The drug relieves all allergy symptoms (swelling, runny nose, rash), but is prescribed extremely rarely during pregnancy, since it does not affect the fetus and causes various abnormalities.
  • Tavegil. This drug is not advisable to take during pregnancy due to its toxic effects on the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe Tavegil if emergency and according to vital indications.
  • Aqualor, Aqua Maris. Harmless preparations for rinsing the nose based on sea ​​water. They cleanse and moisturize the nasal mucosa, wash out allergens, and help relieve runny nose and nasal swelling. They are recommended to be used after every possible contact with an allergen.

Any antihistamine is undesirable during pregnancy due to its negative effects on the fetus and is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor in case of emergency. Taking allergy medications during pregnancy is monitored by a doctor. If side effects are observed while taking it, the drug should be discontinued and replaced with an analogue.

It is impossible to completely prevent allergies, especially during pregnancy, when the body's reaction is unpredictable.

But you can protect yourself from allergies with preventive measures or by at least reduce the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

  • Watch your diet. During pregnancy, you need to be careful about what you eat. Even if there was no food allergy before, various allergenic foods such as honey, exotic fruits, yoghurts with dyes and additives should be consumed in limited quantities in order to determine in time what the body has reacted to.
  • Avoid contact with pets. Pet hair is a strong allergen that should be avoided. It is very difficult to clean an apartment of fur, even if the animal is no longer there, so the allergy may persist for some time.
  • Do not use cosmetics with fragrances and dyes. Any cosmetics can cause allergies. During pregnancy, you need to be careful with decorative cosmetics, herbal lotions, creams with a large number of additives and essential oils.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking during pregnancy is not only harmful, but also dangerous. This is due not only to an allergic reaction, but also to the effect of nicotine on the fetus. Passive smoking is no less harmful.
  • Avoid self-medication. A pregnant woman strives to cure almost any disease with home remedies, but a passion for herbs and juices can lead to a severe allergic reaction.
  • Don't forget about personal hygiene. During allergies, you need to keep your body clean. If you are allergic to dust, pollen, or wool, you need to regularly cleanse your skin, washing off allergens, and also rinse the mucous membranes of your mouth, nose, and eyes. This will help alleviate the woman’s condition and eliminate the need to take any medications.
  • What can a nursing mother drink for allergies? Strong antihistamines of the new generation

There are several reasons for this. These include hormonal changes in the body, and the reaction to the tissues and waste products of the fetus, and the seasonal factor is also added.

Fearing harmful effects on the fetus, women try to avoid taking extra pills. But at the same time they experience discomfort from allergies: difficulty breathing or itching interfere good rest and relaxation. What pills can you take during pregnancy?

A huge number of people face allergies. Men and women of any age are affected; children are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. Therefore, research in this area and the development of new drugs is very active.

Allergy medications, which require multiple doses and cause drowsiness, are being replaced by new generation formulas with a prolonged action and a minimum of side effects.

Vitamin preparations for allergies

Do not forget that not only antihistamines, but also some vitamins can help. And pregnant women usually have a more trusting attitude towards them.

  • vitamin C can effectively prevent anaphylactic reactions and reduce the incidence of respiratory allergies;
  • vitamin B12 is recognized as a powerful natural antihistamine, helps in the treatment of dermatoses and asthma;
  • pantothenic acid (vit. B5) will help combat seasonal allergic rhinitis and reaction to household dust;
  • Nicotinamide (Vit. PP) relieves attacks of spring allergies to pollen.

Traditional antihistamines: allergy tablets

Newly emerging drugs are effective and do not cause drowsiness. However, many doctors try to prescribe more traditional remedies to pregnant women.

For drugs that have been on the market for 15-20 years or more, enough statistical data has been collected to talk about their safety or negative impact on fetal health.


The drug has been known for a long time, is effective for various manifestations of allergies, is approved for both adults and children, and therefore is also approved for use during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, when the fetal organs are forming, this and other drugs should be taken with extreme caution, only if absolutely necessary. During the rest of the period, suprastin is allowed.

Advantages of the drug:

  • low price;
  • performance;
  • effectiveness for various types of allergies.


  • causes drowsiness (for this reason it is prescribed with caution in the last weeks before childbirth);
  • causes dry mouth (sometimes dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes).


This drug does not have the same speed of action as suprastin, but it effectively relieves the manifestation of chronic allergic reactions.

It does not cause drowsiness, so there are restrictions on use only in the first 2 months of pregnancy; during the rest of the period the medicine is allowed for use.

Advantages of the drug:


  • short-term effect (requires taking 3 times a day).


Refers to new generation drugs. It can be produced under different names: Cetirizine, Zodak, Allertek, Zyrtec, etc. According to the instructions, cetirizine is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Due to the novelty of the drug, there is no sufficient quantity information about its safety. But, nevertheless, it is prescribed to pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in situations where the benefits of taking it significantly outweigh the risk of side effects.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness (except for individual reactions);
  • dose 1 time per day


  • price (depending on the manufacturer);


The active ingredient is loratadine. The drug can be produced under different names: Loratadine, Claritin, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Lotharen, etc.

The same as cetirizine, the effect of loratadine on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied due to the novelty of the drug.

But studies conducted in America on animals showed that the use of loratadine or cetirizine does not increase the number of fetal development pathologies.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • dose 1 time per day;
  • affordable price.


  • Use with caution during pregnancy.


Refers to new generation drugs. Produced in different countries under different names: Fexadin, Telfast, Fexofast, Allegra, Telfadin. You can also find a Russian analogue - Gifast.

In studies in pregnant animals, fexadine has shown side effects with long-term use in high doses (increased mortality due to low fetal weight).

However, when prescribed to pregnant women, no such dependence was identified.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for a limited period and only if other medications are ineffective.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action
  • performance
  • reception 1 time per day.


  • prescribed with caution during pregnancy;
  • effectiveness decreases with long-term use.

The drug in capsule form is currently not available on the Russian market. Pharmacies have drops for oral administration and gels for external use.

The drug is approved for use in children infancy, and therefore is often prescribed to pregnant women.

Gel for local treatment can be used without fear, it is practically not absorbed and does not enter the blood. Fenistil is part of antiherpetic emulsions.

Advantages of the drug:

  • safe even for infants;
  • average price range.


  • not very wide spectrum of action;
  • limited release forms;
  • Possible adverse reactions.

These drugs vary in price and form of release (tablets for daily use, injectable drugs for emergency cases, gels and ointments for local application, drops and syrups for children)

Drug name Release form, dosage Volume/quantity price, rub.
Suprastin Tablets 25 mg 20 pcs 150
Injection 5 ampoules of 1 ml 150
Diazolin Dragee 50/100 mg 10 pieces 40/90
Cetirizine Cetirizine Hexal tab. 10 mg 10 pieces 70
Cetirizine Hexal drops 20 ml 250
Zyrtec tab. 10 mg 7 pcs 220
Zyrtec drops 10 ml 330
Zodak tab. 10 mg 30 pcs 260
Zodak drops 20 ml 210
Claritin Loratadine tab. 10 mg 10 pieces 110
Claritin tab. 10 mg 10 pcs/30 pcs 220/570
Claritin syrup 60ml/120 ml 250/350
Clarotadine tablet 10 mg 10pcs/30 pcs 120/330
Clarotadine syrup 100 ml 140
Fexadine Fexadin tablet 120 mg 10 pieces 230
Fexadin tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 350
Telfast tab. 120 mg 10 pieces 445
Telfast tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 630
Fexofast tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 250
Allegra tab. 120 mg 10 pieces 520
Allegra tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 950
Drops 20 ml 350
Gel (external) 30g/50g 350/450
Emulsion (external) 8 ml 360

Antihistamines with side effects on the fetus

Previously used antihistamines had a significant sedative effect, some also have a muscle relaxant effect. In some cases, it has been useful in the treatment of allergies and even, but the effect on the fetus can be extremely negative.

Antihistamines are not prescribed before birth to keep the newborn active.

It will be difficult for a lethargic and “sleepy” child to take his first breath, this threatens aspiration, possible pneumonia further.

The intrauterine influence of these drugs can manifest itself as fetal malnutrition, which will also affect the activity of the newborn baby.

  • Diphenhydramine

may cause contractions ahead of schedule

  • Tavegil

has a negative effect on fetal development

  • Pipolfen
  • Astemizole (Gistalong)

affects liver function, heartbeat, renders toxic effects for the fruit

To avoid harmful effects on the fetus, antihistamines are not recommended for pregnant women during the first trimester. During this crucial period, when all the organs of the unborn child are being formed, the placenta has not yet formed and substances entering the mother’s blood can affect the health of the fetus.

During this period, medications are used only if the mother’s life is threatened. In the second and third trimester, the risk is lower, so the list of acceptable drugs can be expanded.

However, in any case, preference is given to local and symptomatic treatment, antihistamine tablets are prescribed in small doses and for a limited period.
