How to treat an incised wound at home. How to properly treat an open cut wound at home. What is the difference between a scratch, abrasion, and cut?

An open wound is the result of injury skin and deep tissues.


In some cases, such injuries can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • The likelihood of bleeding, which may result in anemia.
  • In some situations, the integrity of vital organs may be compromised.
  • A state of shock leading to organ dysfunction.
  • Development of infection.

Most often, this category of injuries does not pose any particular danger. And when a person begins to treat an open wound right away, the healing process goes much faster. However, there are situations in which the simplest home methods do not help.


Types of open mutilation can be divided into four conditions:

  1. Cut. Its difference from others is its clear, even contours. Typically, such injuries are caused by thin objects with sharp edges, as well as their careless use. Sometimes, if you are not careful, you can injure yourself with a simple sheet of paper. With the right approach, healing a cut will not be difficult.
  2. Chopped. It has a small area of ​​damage, but can be quite deep. You can injure yourself and inflict a puncture wound with a thin, sharp object such as an awl or a nail. This variety can be dangerous, since a puncture injury can cause damage to internal organs or muscle tissue.
  3. Lacerations are ruptures of soft tissues, accompanied by their detachment, blood loss and acute pain.
  4. The surgical type is processed only by a specialist in a surgical manner.

What to do immediately in case of tissue damage

If the injury is minor and the tendon and muscle fibers are not damaged, open wounds should be disinfected with an antiseptic and bandaged. It can be replaced using a plaster if the size of the damage allows.

Stab wound

With this variety, the first step is to treat the open wound and deal with the bleeding. If blood loss cannot be stopped, apply a sterilized bandage until the problem of blood loss is resolved. With this type of open injury, the patient should see a specialist, as the help of a surgeon may be required.

Ragged damage

Treatment of a laceration begins with treating the wound site with hydrogen peroxide. Next, apply a sterile bandage.

In cases where the injury is serious, the victim should not touch the open wound and try to repair it on his own. It is necessary to contact a surgeon who can assess the situation and apply the necessary stitches.

Injuries are classified according to the following characteristic features:

  • Causes of occurrence.
  • Level of injury.
  • Infection rate.
  • Level of microbial damage.

How to treat an injured leg

What to treat and how to do it, the doctor knows best. During the examination, the surgeon determines the characteristics of the injury and symptoms. When a leg is injured, the following symptoms may be pronounced:

  • Sharp pain.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • Tissue defect
  • Leg functions are impaired.

An open wound on the leg, in some cases, can also cause shock, traumatic toxicosis and infections. After a certain period of time after the injury, the area will recover, but the speed of healing will depend on the circumstances under which the injury occurred.

In order to quickly and without complications heal open wounds on the leg that were caused by a sharp object, you should take this process seriously.

Key points that influence the healing process:

  • Competent.
  • Followed rules during the first surgical treatment.
  • Daily and methodical execution of all assignments.

What should be done immediately if there is an open injury to the leg?

If severe bleeding occurs, use a tourniquet or tightly tied cloth. It is necessary to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. If there are foreign elements on the tissues, it is advisable to carefully remove them using sterilized tweezers. A sterile bandage is also suitable for this task.

Sometimes foreign particles can be located quite deep under the skin. In such cases, only treatment of the open wound is performed. Diagnosis and removal of foreign bodies should be entrusted to a specialist who, if necessary, will numb the injured area in advance of cleaning. In addition, the hospital will provide prophylaxis against tetanus.

Having noticed traces of infection, you need to thoroughly but carefully rinse the affected area and apply an antiseptic to it, and only then apply a bandage.

Upper limb cuts

How to treat an open wound on the hand? The principles and recommendations are the same as in the treatment of the lower extremities. The damaged area should be washed with peroxide solution and also use iodine. Do not forget that the medicine should not be applied to the center of the injury, otherwise burns will not be avoided.

I would like to remind you that when open wounds are treated, proper treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. If after a couple of days there are no manifestations inflammatory reactions, there is no purulent discharge, it is reasonable to add Vishnevsky ointment or medications containing streptocide to the treatment.

Perhaps, at this time, the most popular remedy that can quickly heal injured tissue is Panthenol. It contains a lot of vitamin B and normalizes protein metabolism.

Head wounds

Help should begin with treating wounds and abrasions. In this case, it is advisable to exclude such material as cotton wool, since in the future it will be problematic to remove particles remaining on the surface.

If the wound is on the scalp, before treating it, it is necessary to trim the hair so that the injured area is accessible. The areas around the affected area are smeared with iodine or a solution of brilliant green.

In case of severe bleeding, a gauze pad is made and a pressure bandage is applied on top. This area should not be opened or disturbed until the bleeding stops. For pain and swelling, you can relieve the condition with ice or a heating pad with cold water.

How to deal with weeping cuts

In the treatment of weeping injuries, it is necessary to change bandages more often. When performing this procedure, the wound should be treated with a solution of furatsilin. Sodium hypochlorite or liquid antiseptics are also suitable: miramistin, okomistin and the like.

To reduce the amount of discharge, doctors use ten percentage solution sodium chloride. Dressings should be done every four hours. In the treatment of weeping injuries, antimicrobial drugs are used in the form of ointments: streptocidal ointment, Mafenide and Fudizin gel. The medicine should be applied to a sterilized bandage or tampon and the affected area should be treated.

Xeroform powder will help dry the injured area. Its ability to remove inflammation will come in handy during the healing process.

How are open purulent injuries treated?

This type of open injury is the most difficult to treat. With each treatment, it is necessary to remove pus from the damaged area. Drainage systems are used to allow drainage purulent discharge. Dimexide is used as an antibacterial agent.

To stop the necrotic process, doctors prescribe powders such as Trypsin and Himopsin. In order to enhance the effect of treatment, the patient is also prescribed antibacterial drugs, which are taken orally, as well as by injection.


For those who prefer traditional healing and plan to treat open wounds on their own at home, the following remedies are suitable:

  • An aqueous solution of propolis is well suited for the treatment of weeping open injuries.
  • Decoction medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort herb, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow, raspberry twigs, calamus or comfrey root, and calendula flowers.
  • For shallow ones open injuries A medicine made from aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil is suitable. All ingredients are combined in the same volume.

These products do not cause any harm and are quite effective. However, before starting treatment with traditional methods, you should make sure that the patient does not have allergic reactions to these plants.

Of course, when treating open wounds, you should rely on the opinion of specialists. A qualified doctor will be able to prevent the development of complications and prescribe appropriate medications. If you decide to undergo treatment at home, monitor your condition especially carefully in the first days.

If your body temperature begins to rise and painful sensations increase, you should still contact a surgeon who can accurately determine the situation and prevent the development of dangerous forms of the disease.


With an open wound, treatment and the use of antibacterial drugs are required, because if an infection occurs, it can begin to rot. First of all, you need to disinfect the wound and seek help from a medical facility.


An open wound means the destruction of the entire skin and internal tissues. If you do not start treating an open wound in time, the following complications may occur:

  1. Severe blood loss and anemia;
  2. Affected important muscles and organs can cause complications in further treatment;
  3. Blood poisoning.

Symptoms of an open wound:

  • pain,
  • bleeding,
  • soft tissue defects,
  • improper functioning of legs and arms.

It may also occur state of shock patient and the presence of infection. When an open wound heals depends on the severity of the disease and timely treatment.


With timely and correct treatment, wound healing occurs quickly and does not cause complications. If bleeding is severe, seek medical attention and timely treatment wounds with medicinal preparations.

Open wounds are divided into several types:

  1. An incised wound is a cut made by some sharp object.
  2. A puncture wound, there is minor damage, but it is very deep and can affect important internal organs. For example, improper use of an awl.
  3. Laceration wound, this type of injury is formed as a result of ruptures of soft tissue. Characterized by heavy bleeding and severe pain.
  4. A surgical suture occurs as a result of surgical intervention.


To correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must initial examination examine the patient, medical history and cause of injury. After this, he only begins to treat the patient.

The severity of the disease is assessed by the patient’s well-being, pain, and the presence of bleeding. It is also established by examining and questioning the victim what types of wounds were inflicted on him.


For a shallow cut wound, if the tendon or muscle is slightly damaged, it must be treated with antimicrobial agents and covered with sterile gauze. If the cut is small, you can cover it with a band-aid.

A puncture wound needs to be examined and treated by a physician, as surgery is required in most cases. The treatment required here is as follows: stop the bleeding and treat with antiseptics. If the bleeding does not stop, apply a sterile bandage until the bleeding stops. The patient is given an injection of tetanus serum. IN severe cases give oxygen to breathe, and if it is necessary to revive the patient, ammonia.

For a lacerated wound, you need to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. To collect damaged skin, you can consult a doctor so that he can do it correctly and provide timely treatment. Before starting treatment of an open wound, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, the severity of the damage and the presence of infection.

Only surgeons know how to properly treat an open leg wound. Before you begin treating an open wound on the leg that was caused by a sharp object, you need to correctly determine the cause of the damage and the severity of the cut.

Treatment will be effective if a number of measures are taken:

  1. Provide first aid
  2. Treat damage correctly
  3. Take timely treatment and care.

Proper first aid

First you need to stop the bleeding, so a tourniquet is applied. The edges of the wound should be treated with antiseptics and a sterile bandage applied. Foreign bodies must be removed using tweezers; the edges can be pre-treated with alcohol. If there is a wound and there is deep damage, you should not remove the item yourself; it is better if a doctor provides assistance and prescribes correct treatment. To prevent infection of the damage, it is necessary to treat antibacterial agents. After completing all the required procedures, apply a sterile bandage.

What antiseptics are used to treat open wounds: furatsilin or chlorhexidine solution. Streptocide powder also has disinfecting properties. A 3% solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and a 2% solution of chloramine are also used. Iodine is not recommended for use; it can cause skin burns. You can use brilliant green as an antiseptic.

Healing ointments can also be used to treat open wounds. Even a small wound, in the presence of infection, can provoke the risk of disease. After proper treatment of the open wound, it is left alone for two days, then healing ointments can be used. The ointment quickly restores damaged tissue, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions. Doctors advise treating wounds with ointment, after treatment primary care. With timely use of the ointment, not only will the wound heal quickly, but scars will disappear.

List of healing ointments:

  1. Baneocin, recommended for burns and deep wounds.
  2. Levomekol, a very effective ointment, has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Solcoseryl not only has a healing effect, but also reduces pain.
  4. Eplan is an effective remedy for all types of wounds.

To apply healing ointment to an open wound correctly, it is best to apply a thin layer, this is done so that oxygen penetrates. Then the healing of the wound will be accelerated, otherwise, with a thick layer of ointment, rotting may begin.

Subsequently, you can treat the wound with folk remedies, but you must first consult with your doctor so as not to cause the opposite effect. The following herbs and components have healing properties:

  • propolis,
  • willow bark,
  • St. John's wort and plantain leaves.

If the wound is festering, you can use folk method: Apply a freshly cut aloe leaf, it draws out the pus from the wound. Once the pus disappears, the wound can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. Be sure to show the purulent wound to a doctor and consult with your doctor about the use of these remedies. In some cases, only drug treatment will be required. In case of complications, only a doctor can help.

The key to rapid healing of an open wound is timely disinfection of the cut with antiseptics and restoration of muscle tissue. It is better not to self-medicate, but to treat a small open wound and seek help from a doctor. In case of a severe wound, you must call an ambulance or go to a medical facility where they will provide effective treatment from the first days.

With an open wound, treatment and the use of antibacterial drugs are required, because if an infection occurs, it can begin to rot. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to disinfect the wound and seek help from a medical facility.


An open wound means the destruction of the entire skin and internal tissues. If you do not start treating an open wound in time, the following complications may occur:

  1. Severe blood loss and anemia;
  2. Affected important muscles and organs can cause complications in further treatment;
  3. Blood poisoning.

Symptoms of an open wound:

  • pain,
  • bleeding,
  • soft tissue defects,
  • improper functioning of legs and arms.

The patient may also be in shock and have an infection. When an open wound heals depends on the severity of the disease and timely treatment.


With timely and correct treatment, wound healing occurs quickly and does not cause complications. In case of severe bleeding, the help of a doctor and timely treatment of the wound with medications are required.

Open wounds are divided into several types:

  1. An incised wound is a cut made by some sharp object.
  2. A puncture wound, there is minor damage, but it is very deep and can affect important internal organs. For example, improper use of an awl.
  3. Laceration wound, this type of injury is formed as a result of ruptures of soft tissue. Characterized by severe bleeding and severe pain.
  4. A surgical suture occurs as a result of surgical intervention.


In order to correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must examine the patient at the initial examination, the history of the disease and the cause of the injury. After this, he only begins to treat the patient.

The severity of the disease is assessed by the patient’s well-being, pain, and the presence of bleeding. It is also established by examining and questioning the victim what types of wounds were inflicted on him.


For a shallow cut wound, if the tendon or muscle is slightly damaged, it must be treated with antimicrobial agents and covered with sterile gauze. If the cut is small, you can cover it with a band-aid.

A puncture wound needs to be examined and treated by a physician, as surgery is required in most cases. The treatment required here is as follows: stop the bleeding and treat with antiseptics. If the bleeding does not stop, apply a sterile bandage until the bleeding stops. The patient is given an injection of tetanus serum. In severe cases, oxygen is given to breathe, and if it is necessary to revive the patient, ammonia is given.

For a lacerated wound, you need to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. To collect damaged skin, you can consult a doctor so that he can do it correctly and provide timely treatment. Before starting treatment of an open wound, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, the severity of the damage and the presence of infection.

Only surgeons know how to properly treat an open leg wound. Before you begin treating an open wound on the leg that was caused by a sharp object, you need to correctly determine the cause of the damage and the severity of the cut.

Treatment will be effective if a number of measures are taken:

  1. Provide first aid
  2. Treat damage correctly
  3. Take timely treatment and care.

Proper first aid

First you need to stop the bleeding, so a tourniquet is applied. The edges of the wound should be treated with antiseptics and a sterile bandage applied. Foreign bodies must be removed using tweezers; the edges can be pre-treated with alcohol. If there is a wound and there is deep damage, you should not remove the object yourself; it is better if a doctor provides help and prescribes the correct treatment. To prevent infection of the damage, it is necessary to treat it with antibacterial agents. After completing all the required procedures, apply a sterile bandage.

What antiseptics are used to treat open wounds: furatsilin or chlorhexidine solution. Streptocide powder also has disinfecting properties. A 3% solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and a 2% solution of chloramine are also used. Iodine is not recommended for use; it can cause skin burns. You can use brilliant green as an antiseptic.

Healing ointments can also be used to treat open wounds. Even a small wound, in the presence of infection, can provoke the risk of disease. After proper treatment of the open wound, it is left alone for two days, then healing ointments can be used. The ointment quickly restores damaged tissue and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Doctors advise treating wounds with ointment after providing primary care. With timely use of the ointment, not only will the wound heal quickly, but scars will disappear.

List of healing ointments:

  1. Baneocin, recommended for burns and deep wounds.
  2. Levomekol, a very effective ointment, has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Solcoseryl not only has a healing effect, but also reduces pain.
  4. Eplan is an effective remedy for all types of wounds.

To apply healing ointment to an open wound correctly, it is best to apply a thin layer, this is done so that oxygen penetrates. Then the healing of the wound will be accelerated, otherwise, with a thick layer of ointment, rotting may begin.

Subsequently, you can treat the wound with folk remedies, but you must first consult with your doctor so as not to cause the opposite effect. The following herbs and components have healing properties:

  • propolis,
  • willow bark,
  • St. John's wort and plantain leaves.

If the wound is festering, you can use the traditional method: apply a freshly cut aloe leaf, it draws out the pus from the wound. Once the pus disappears, the wound can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. Be sure to show the purulent wound to a doctor and consult with your doctor about the use of these remedies. In some cases, only drug treatment will be required. In case of complications, only a doctor can help.

The key to rapid healing of an open wound is timely disinfection of the cut with antiseptics and restoration of muscle tissue. It is better not to self-medicate, but to treat a small open wound and seek help from a doctor. In case of a severe wound, it is necessary to call an ambulance or go to a medical facility, where they will provide effective treatment from the first days.

Beauty and Health Health

Hardly anyone wants to get injuries and wounds on purpose, but many people get them. The risk group includes athletes, people certain professions, hyperactive children and adolescents; In addition, unfortunately, the cause of injuries is often a simple failure to comply with life safety rules. But here we will not talk about how to avoid injuries and wounds, but about how to heal them faster if they have already appeared.

Means for rapid wound healing

If you immediately treat the wound correctly and treat it correctly, then recovery will go quickly: this must be done as quickly as possible, but carefully, without touching the wound itself, but removing all dead tissue and dirt from it.

Of course, you should consult a doctor, and if there are deep enough wounds or cuts, this must be done - it is better if first aid is provided by a specialist, and if necessary, he will apply stitches and teach how to handle them.

If you can’t see a doctor immediately, you need to treat the skin around the wound with the antiseptic that you have on hand: brilliant green, iodine, etc., and apply a sterile temporary bandage, but no less than 2 hours later you need to do the dressing according to all the rules. In order for the wound to heal quickly and correctly, it must be treated, and for this you need to have everything you need at home: bandages, tools - scissors and tweezers, treated with alcohol; antiseptic solutions and wound healing drugs.

Wounds should be bandaged 1-2 times a day; Dry and wet wounds are treated with different means.

If the wound needs to be washed, use a solution of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide or other aqueous solutions of antiseptics; if the wound is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor; if not, continue the usual treatment step by step, using wound healing products.

The main properties of such products are the absence of toxic components, the ability to stimulate the processes of cell regeneration and collagen formation, and quickly deliver oxygen and glucose to cells. If the wound is wet, do not use ointment - the product should be in the form of jelly: it does not stop healing, while ointment with fatty components forms a film, preventing fluid from being released from the damaged surface.

Jelly is replaced with ointment when the wound gradually turns dry - it is better to take one drug, but in a different dosage form. Now the wound needs a protective film, under which it will heal better without being exposed to the external environment - here even the bandage can be removed. If you can’t remove it completely yet, you can apply it not immediately after treatment, but after 2-3 hours, and gradually increase this time - this way the tissue will still heal faster.

Healing remedies can be pharmaceutical or traditional - in any case, they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Pharmacy wound healing products

From pharmaceuticals Preparations with vitamins or provitamins are often used: for example, retinol acetate or dexpanthenol - provitamin B5. These products come in the form of ointments, creams or lotions, but not in jelly form, so they are not suitable for treating wet wounds.

Preparations containing methyluracil have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate cellular immunity, so wounds heal quickly, but they can only be used on dry wounds - they are also not available in jelly form.

In the 90s, a drug called universal by many doctors - Eplan - began to be produced in Moscow.. This product treats dermatitis, burns, ulcers, radiation injuries, has pronounced regenerating properties and heals wounds - it is produced by Oberon JSC. First of all, the drug actively destroys microbes and increases the activity of phagocytes, so it can be used to treat fresh wounds, but it cannot be applied to bleeding wounds - it is an anticoagulant, and it can reduce coagulation.
Eplan quickly clears wounds of infection, and at the same time does not create barriers to the flow of oxygen into them; There are no toxins, hormones or antibiotics in it. It is produced in the form of a solution, liniment and cream.

Around the same time, the Swiss company Nycomed created a drug based on the blood extract of dairy calves - Solcoseryl, produced in the form of ointment and jelly (its analogue is Actovegin, and it is also available in these forms), and perfectly heals any wounds. It can be used both at the initial stages - in the form of jelly, and during the period of wound granulation - in the form of an ointment.
Solcoseryl protects the wound, prevents germs from penetrating, accelerates metabolism and regeneration processes, and even relieves pain - you need to use it 2-3 times a day, and healing will proceed quickly and without complications.

Folk remedies for wound healing

Folk remedies are used along with pharmaceutical ones, if recommended by a doctor, or when the wounds are small and not serious.

It happens that the wound is small, but does not heal for a long time, and may even fester - resin resin will help cure it coniferous trees. It is better to collect resin in late spring - early summer, from smooth, strong mature trees - no need to make notches. The collected resin is melted and mixed 1:1 with pure butter - it is better to prepare it yourself: beat 0.5 liters of fresh and full-fat village milk in a blender and collect the butter. The resulting mixture is applied to the wound 2 times a day - it heals within a few days.

If you immediately lubricate a fresh abrasion with pure resin-resin from pine, spruce, fir, it will heal very quickly.

For the treatment of abscesses, ulcers, cuts, abrasions, boils, an ointment is prepared from spruce resin, sunflower oil, honey and wax. The ingredients are taken equally, melted in a water bath, mixed and used to lubricate sore spots.

For a long time non-healing wounds There is another effective remedy - ointment made from burdock and celandine. Crushed celandine and burdock roots (20 and 30 g each) are poured into 100 ml of sunflower oil and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, removed, filtered, cooled and applied to sore spots several times a day - after a week the wounds usually heal.

Propolis has long been known for its healing properties– you can also use it to prepare a homemade ointment for healing wounds. You can take any fat base - vegetable or butter, fish or pork fat (5 parts), bring it to a boil in a saucepan and add crushed propolis (1 part). Continue cooking for half an hour, stirring, at 80°C, then strain through cheesecloth, cool and use. You can store the ointment in the refrigerator for a whole year.

Homemade wound balm with juniper tar, turpentine (100 g each), yolks and rose oil (1 tbsp). The butter is ground with two fresh yolks, and then purified turpentine is gradually added, 1 tsp at a time, with constant stirring - otherwise the mixture will curdle. Then add tar and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting balm is carefully poured over the wounds, scooping it up with a teaspoon.

Rose oil can also be made at home: pour olive oil(1 cup) fresh petals garden roses(2 cups), close the container tightly and place in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The mixture is stirred periodically, then filtered and used.

Poorly healing wounds and ulcers are sprinkled with willow bark powder- You can buy it at a herbal pharmacy. Willow has hemostatic, antiseptic and wound-healing properties; You can take the powder orally, especially during fever and fever - 1 g after meals, 3 times a day.

Compresses with tincture of nettle leaves are applied to fresh wounds.. Place fresh leaves loosely in a 0.5 liter bottle or jar almost to the top, fill with 70% alcohol and place in the sun for a week. Strain the resulting tincture and wash the wounds with it before applying a bandage.
Nettle contains many substances that have hemostatic, wound-healing and analgesic effects, so its fresh juice can be poured onto wounds, or napkins soaked in juice can be applied to them.

Yarrow also has similar properties: it promotes blood clotting, destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and pain - its juice can also be poured onto wounds, or a bandage with fresh herbs crushed into a pulp can be applied to them.

Wound healing is accelerated not only due to local effects - it is very important what our entire body is nourished with. For example, the drug Oxyprolan can be used both externally, in the form of a cream, and internally, in the form of a dietary supplement - it also stimulates the production of collagen and accelerates regeneration processes in tissues.

In addition, the diet should contain a lot of natural lean protein and vitamins: fresh dairy products, meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.

Return to the beginning of the Healthy body section
Return to the beginning of the Beauty and Health section

In order for the wound to heal quickly and painlessly, it must be treated correctly and immediately, and then treated with various medical means.

Treatment and treatment should be done as quickly as possible and very carefully, first the dirt and dead tissue is properly removed from the wound, so as not to touch the wound.

What is a wound?

A wound, that is, vulnus, is a mechanical injury of various kinds to a human organ or its tissues, accompanied by destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. It is precisely this destruction that differs from a rupture, bruise, and also sprain; a wound differs from a wound and is the result of tissue destruction. A wound has three main signs: bleeding, as well as gaping and pain, which depend on the nature of the wound itself, the volume of tissue destroyed and the blood supply to the wounded area.

The wound area has walls, a wound bottom and wound volumes; they can be of two main types, that is, accidental or surgical.

Types of wounds

  • Bitten, that is, vulnus laceratum. May be due to an animal or human bite, the features are the same as for laceration, the main point here is scattered, deep and extensive damage, as well as high infection by the microflora of the animal’s mouth.
  • A wound that is crushed or crushed, that is, vulnus conqvassatum. May be formed due to the action of blunt objects, where total surface wide enough, and also in the presence of solid support, that is, other objects or bones. The tissues can have extensive wounds and be crushed, the gap is wide, the bones can be destroyed, the edges of the wound are quite complex, the general pain syndrome is bright, and blood loss is minimal.
  • Chopped, that is, vulnus caesum. It can be formed due to the action of sharp certain objects, such as a checker, saber or axe, in which the wound occurs only perpendicularly or at an angle to the tissues. Here, deep, various general injuries are characteristic, there is a wide gaping, as well as concussion and bruises of tissues, and occupies a middle position between a bruised and an incised wound.
  • The wound is incised, that is, vulnus incisum. May occur when exposed to sharp objects such as a razor, knife, shards of metal and glass. Such a general large wound is characterized by maximum tissue destruction towards the wound channel and other tissues; the edges of these tissues can be smooth, even and complex. Bleeding due to an incised wound is usually significant, the pain syndrome is moderate, and muscles, blood vessels and tendons can also be damaged.
  • Punctured, that is, vulnus punctum. May occur due to deep general penetration of long and sharp instruments such as a bayonet and sharpener, awl or knitting needle. The main feature is the minimal entrance hole, as well as minor tissue damage, the wound quickly sticks together and creates conditions for the development of various infections.
  • Bruised, that is, vulnus contusum. May occur due to the action of hard and blunt object, the surface of the bruise is usually quite wide, often destroyed muscle and human bones, which may be bruised and crushed.
  • Ragged, that is, vulnus laceratum. It can occur when an object is applied at a certain angle to a person’s skin, such an object can be a saw or a transmission, the amount of damage here is significant, skin detachment often occurs, the gap is quite wide, and the hemorrhage is significant.
  • Wound vulnus venenatum. Can be formed by the bite of various poisonous snakes, the main difference from others is the penetration of toxic substances into the wound, which can also form due to radioactive and even household pollution.

Immediate actions in case of injury

General medical and first aid to a person who receives a wound is a complex of various measures, the purpose of which is to eliminate the effect of the factor and remove the threat to human life.

Also, such medical care serves to relieve suffering and prepare a person for transfer to a medical facility for further treatment.

Such actions are among the simplest, and they must be carried out in the shortest possible time right at the scene of the incident; for this purpose, the working personnel must undergo special training and master the most simple techniques, which is of great importance in this case.

The most optimal is considered to be medical care provided to a person in case of injury within 30 minutes after the injury itself; working personnel should be trained in methods of providing medical care for injuries typical for the work of a given organization or company.

The wound is usually accompanied by destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane of a person, wounds may vary in depth, size and shape.

Such general medical care should be provided as quickly as possible and very competently; each type of wound will have its own symptoms, as well as general principles in the form of deterioration of functions, swelling, pain, and so on.

  1. It is necessary to free the victim himself from the dangerous destructive factor, this could be a mechanical action, electric current, water or chemicals that are harmful to humans. To do this, a number of means of providing first aid can be used. general assistance, and you also need to have techniques that are safe for yourself and others, which everyone should know.
  1. The condition should be assessed and the person removed from clothing if it restricts his breathing., if necessary, it is better to take it out to where the air will be fresh. Determining the extent and nature of the damage itself; for this purpose, the damaged area or part of the body is carefully exposed, and then it is immediately necessary to take medical care measures for the person.
  1. Stop bleeding. You need to know that if blood loss is up to 2 liters, then this leads to death; here the rate of blood loss depends on the size of the vessel, the location of the damage and the depth of the wound. How larger size such a vessel, the less time there will be during which blood loss occurs; such bleeding can be venous when the skin is wounded and arterial when an arterial vessel is wounded. If the injury was arterial or even parenchymal, that is, due to organ damage, then you definitely won’t be able to stop it on your own; you need to urgently contact a doctor for this purpose.
  1. Disinfection. It is necessary to immediately and quickly rinse the wound with water or a special solution; if the wound is dirty, then it must be carefully cleaned with hands or tweezers, which must be clean and treated with alcohol. Next, the wound should be washed, this can be done using a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide is also suitable, which should be in every enterprise and company. If the wound was caused by acid on the skin, then wash it with a regular soda solution, and if the wound was caused by an alkali, then it must be treated with a vinegar solution.
  1. Treatment of the skin around the wound itself is required, for this purpose, around the wound at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, smear it with iodine solution or brilliant green. And if iodine is missing, then you can use a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, and an alcohol-containing liquid will also work. Such treatment must be carried out very carefully so that alcohol does not get into the wound; this is a very important condition.
  1. Special pressure bandage for wounds. In order to immediately and very quickly stop bleeding in a person, as well as reduce swelling and create balance in the body, it is necessary to make special pressure bandages in the area of ​​the wound; this can be done using non-synthetic material, although it is best to take the most ordinary bandage, which will sterile and reasonably clean.

Thanks to timely and rational treatment, as well as regular wound management, you can quickly heal mild and even moderate wounds at home.

Only here you need to know all the rules of care and be able to distinguish dry wounds from wet ones, which depends on right choice the most effective means of healing. Traditionally this home treatment consists of regular regular dressings using special means required for quick treatment wound.

If your wound healing is slow and takes too long, you will need to consult a surgeon who will explain the reasons for this phenomenon. You should also periodically visit a specialist so that he can change the treatment regimen in a timely manner.

What is required for home treatment:

  1. Clean oilcloth
  2. Hand sanitizers
  3. Hand soap
  4. Clean good towel
  5. Alcohol-containing solution for treatment around the wound, iodine, brilliant green, etc.
  6. Antiseptic aqueous solution, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin
  7. Be sure to buy tweezers and scissors, which must be treated with an antiseptic
  8. Medicines for treatment
  9. Material for dressing, that is, gauze and bandage, as well as means for fixing the bandage

Before dressing at home, you should wash your hands very thoroughly, wiping them with a clean special towel, then you need to lay out everything required for treatment on an oilcloth. Now you can remove the bandage from the wound and then wash your hands again after treating them with an alcohol solution; be sure to wear sterile gloves when treating the wound.

Now the napkin is removed to cover the wound, and if it is stuck, then it is better to first moisten it with a solution of ordinary antiseptic, the best option This is hydrogen peroxide.

It’s bad to tear off the napkin right away, let it first soak thoroughly and thoroughly, and when the napkin is already removed, treat the area around the wound with an alcohol antiseptic.

When the napkin has already been removed from the wound, the condition of the wound itself should be determined., that is, whether it is wet or dry, the healing process should be rationally checked each time.

When the napkin and bandages are removed, it is necessary to use healing agents; gels and jelly are used for a wet wound, and a special ointment is used for a dry wound. Such treatments and dressings need to be done 1-2 times daily, better in the morning and then at the end of the day, only high-quality products and effective cell growth stimulators should be used here.

When making such home therapeutic dressings, you should pay attention to such criteria as the size of the wound and its depth; as it heals, it should slowly decrease in size.

You should pay attention to changes in the amount of discharge from the wound, as well as its smell and necessarily color; it should not deepen or increase. Also here you should check your sensations, the pain should gradually go away, and the treatment should give a slow and sure result.

Temperature change, general chills and lack of results, skin redness and swelling is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Pharmacy products for rapid healing of various types of wounds

Every person encounters various wounds and abrasions many times in his life, from childhood, when preschool children often have knocked-out knees and other injuries, to an adult who, although rarely, receives various levels of injuries at work.

In young people and adults, such injuries can often occur both at work and just at home in everyday life, making repairs in an apartment or preparing food. It is precisely because of this usual reason Every home should have means to treat wounds, and they should be treated immediately, as infection can get there.

There are many pharmaceutical products that can help a person heal faster and improve their health after injury.

Pharmacy best remedies:

  1. Solcoseryl. Solcoseryl is modern unique means, which is most often recommended by doctors for very rapid healing of various abrasions and wounds in humans. The main and active component here is calf blood extract, that is, a deproteinized hemoderivative required to stimulate collagen synthesis in cells, which is required for rapid wound healing. Solcoseryl was created by scientists from Switzerland, and is produced in two forms, that is, a gel for a fresh wound and an ointment for wounds already covered with a crust, required for protection against microbes. The product will accelerate the regeneration of normal tissues at each stage of healing, and can be used to treat abrasions and wounds, ulcers and others.
  2. Actovegin. It is an analogue of Solcoseryl, the main component here is the same biological unique composition that was taken from calf blood. It is manufactured in two substances, that is, a gel for a deep ordinary wound and an ointment, which is required for wounds with the injured area already closed. So wonderful modern unique drug It is used both for abrasions and wounds, and as a means of protection against blood stagnation and venous diseases in humans. The gel and ointment must be used once a day under gauze or bandage dressings; use by nursing mothers is prohibited.
  1. Levomekol. Levomekol is a classic, unique remedy already known to many in the world; in Russia, Levomekol has long won trust, as it heals wounds well and also serves as an antibiotic. This remedy is effective for the treatment of purulent wounds; it is used for skin inflammation, trophic ulcers and eczema, and 1st degree burns. The ointment is definitely available in every surgical office, where it is used immediately after operations, since this product serves to easily and quickly fuse the edges of the wound, even if it is festering. Used 1-3 times a day, the product has no restrictions on use, and you can buy it in the form of an ointment of 40 grams, which costs up to 90 rubles in a pharmacy.
  1. Eplan. A unique and effective anti-infective agent with a wide spectrum of general action, it is universal, and reduces healing time. The product has many qualities, it can anesthetize and remove swelling, and is used at every stage of the treatment of abrasions and wounds. Can also be used for burns and frostbite, may be suitable even for microbial eczema, herpes, treatment of condylomas and various skin diseases. It is usually made in the form of a solution and cream; the pharmacy also has soaked gauze wipes and antiseptic special wipes; the ointment costs up to 180 rubles.
  1. Baneocyon. The product can be sold in the form of an ointment or powder; it quickly forms crusts for small and medium-sized wounds; the composition is complex and contains antibiotics. It can be used immediately after receiving a wound, but you should first use the powder, and only then the Baneocyon ointment itself, which can be used together with Lanolin. Modern ointment and special powder are used to treat folliculitis and ulcers, as well as eczema; you can use it to treat the navel of children; this ointment costs up to 270 rubles in pharmacies.

Folk remedies for quick healing

Wounds, that is, various injuries to human tissue and skin with shallow depth and weak bleeding, can be treated at home, whereas with deep wound specialist help is required.

As soon as a wound appears, it must immediately be treated with a special solution for disinfection, and You can also use water for this, but you just need to boil it first.

Then around the wound itself you should lubricate the edges, this can be done solution regular iodine or alcohol, now only it is possible to treat this wound in different ways, of which there are many.

The simplest and most effective methods of treatment:

  1. Celandine leaves needs to be kneaded thoroughly and then applied directly to the wound, it is best to use fresh leaves, and if there are only dry ones, then they should be steamed first.
  2. The roots of celandine and burdock are taken in an amount of 30 grams, and after that the mixture is poured with 100 ml of sunflower oil, then this mixture needs to be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and then strained well. The mixture is used to lubricate wounds 2-3 times daily for 12-15 days.
  3. Eucalyptus leaves in the amount of 50 grams you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, and then this mixture is boiled for about 3-5 minutes on average, now the mixture is filtered and 2 liters are added. honey The product is used for baths and lotions; do this daily for 12-14 days or more.
  4. For treatment severe wound can be used liquid honey, which is taken in equal proportions with spermaceti, you can also add 10% calendula ointment. Various honey ointments are excellent for treating weak and moderate wounds, and the ointment is also used to prepare a person for major surgery.
  5. Cushion herb taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. and pour boiling water, the mixture should stand for 30 minutes, and then you need to strain it and add another spoonful of honey. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which you can only take 1 tablespoon orally. daily 3 times before meals.
  6. Shredded root regular legume parfolia is mixed with vegetable oil, and lard or mutton, used as an ointment.
  7. Taken 50 g of rhizome of pharmaceutical kupena, and then crushed and filled with 0.5 liters of water, the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, and after cooling it can be used as a lotion and compress for a bleeding or ordinary wound. You need to work carefully, since the plant is mildly poisonous, so it is prohibited to consume it internally.
  8. Resin collects from a coniferous tree, which is then melted and mixed with cow butter in a ratio of 1:1 exactly, this balm should be used to cover the wound twice daily.
  9. Birch buds need to be left in 0.5 liters of vodka, after 3 days the composition is used for processing. Prepare the whole product differently, Birch buds crushed should be mixed with 2 parts butter, the resulting ointment is used to treat the wound every day.

Precautionary measures

A large number of different injuries are accompanied general bleeding, which entails large volumes of blood loss and infection.

You need to know that you can only treat small and medium-sized wounds on your own, when their width does not exceed 1 cm, otherwise you will need the help of a specialist. If you forget to treat the wound in a timely manner, this will lead to anaerobic and pyogenic infections, and will also cause tetanus and even hepatitis infection.

The infection can then lead to abscesses and cellulitis, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, as well as sepsis, erysipelas, gas gangrene and so on. The patient should also be administered antitetanus serum, and also requires toxoid and various vitamins, plasma and gamma globulin.

The basic principle of treating open wounds is to restore the regenerative function of the skin - nature is designed in such a way that skin cells are capable of self-healing under certain conditions. But this is only possible if there are no dead cells at the wound site - this is the essence of treating open wounds.

Table of contents: Stages of treatment of open wounds Primary treatment in the treatment of open wounds How to treat a weeping open wound How to treat an open purulent wound Creams and ointments for treating wounds at home Folk remedies for treating open wounds

Stages of treatment of open wounds

Treatment of open wounds in any case involves going through three stages - primary self-cleaning, inflammatory process and granulation tissue repair.

Primary self-cleaning

As soon as a wound occurs and bleeding begins, the vessels begin to sharply narrow - this allows the formation of a platelet clot, which will stop the bleeding. Then the narrowed vessels expand sharply. The result of this “work” of blood vessels will be a slowdown in blood flow, increased permeability of the vessel walls and progressive swelling of soft tissues.

It was found that such a vascular reaction leads to the cleansing of damaged soft tissues without the use of any antiseptic agents.

Inflammatory process

This is the second stage wound process, which is characterized by increased swelling of the soft tissues, the skin becomes red. Together, bleeding and the inflammatory process provoke a significant increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Tissue restoration by granulation

This stage of the wound process can also begin against the background of inflammation - there is nothing pathological about it. The formation of granulation tissue begins directly in the open wound, as well as along the edges of the open wound and on the surface of nearby epithelium.

Over time, granulation tissue degenerates into connective tissue, and this stage will be considered completed only after a stable scar has formed at the site of the open wound.

A distinction is made between healing of an open wound by primary and secondary intention. The first option for the development of the process is possible only if the wound is not extensive, its edges are brought close to each other and there is no pronounced inflammation at the site of damage. And secondary intention occurs in all other cases, including with purulent wounds.

Features of the treatment of open wounds depend only on how intensively the inflammatory process develops and how badly the tissue is damaged. The task of doctors is to stimulate and control all of the above stages of the wound process.

Primary treatment in the treatment of open wounds

Before the victim seeks professional medical help, he must thoroughly wash the wound. antiseptics- this will ensure complete disinfection of the open wound. To minimize the risk of wound infection during treatment, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine should be used. The skin around the wound is treated with brilliant green or iodine - this will prevent the spread of infection and inflammation. After the described treatment, a sterile bandage is applied on top of the open wound.

The speed of its healing depends on how correctly the initial cleaning of the open wound was carried out. If a patient comes to the surgeon with puncture, cut, lacerated open wounds, then mandatory he undergoes specific surgical treatment. Such deep cleaning of the wound from dead tissue and cells will speed up the healing process.

As part of the initial treatment of an open wound, the surgeon removes foreign bodies, blood clots, excises jagged edges and crushed tissue. Only after this the doctor will apply sutures, which will bring the edges of the open wound closer together, but if the gaping wound is too extensive, then the sutures are applied a little later, when the edges begin to recover and the wound begins to heal. Be sure to apply a sterile bandage to the site of injury after such treatment.

Note: in most cases, a patient with an open wound is given anti-tetanus serum, and if the wound was formed after an animal bite, a rabies vaccine.

The entire described process of treating an open wound reduces the risk of infection and the development of complications (sepsis, gangrene, suppuration), and accelerates the healing process. If the treatment was carried out on the first day after receiving the injury, then there are no complications and severe consequences not expected.

How to treat a weeping open wound

If there is an excessive amount of serous-fibrous exudate in an open wound, then surgeons will take measures to treat the open, weeping wound. In general, such copious discharge have a beneficial effect on the healing rate - they additionally clean the open wound, but at the same time, the task of specialists is to reduce the amount of exudate - this will improve blood circulation in the most small vessels(capillaries).

When treating weeping open wounds, it is important to change sterile dressings frequently. And during this procedure, it is important to use a solution of furatsilin or sodium hypochloride, or treat the wound with liquid antiseptics (miramistin, okomistin and others).

To reduce the amount of serous-fibrous exudate released, surgeons use dressings with 10% aqueous solution sodium chloride. With this treatment, the bandage must be changed at least once every 4-5 hours.

A weeping open wound can also be treated with the use of antimicrobial ointments - the most effective are streptocidal ointment, Mafenide, Streptonitol, Fudizin gel. They are applied either under a sterile bandage or on a tampon, which is used to treat an open, weeping wound.

Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used as a drying agent - they have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to treat an open purulent wound

It is an open purulent wound that is most difficult to treat - purulent exudate must not be allowed to spread to healthy tissue. To do this, a regular dressing turns into a mini-operation - with each treatment, it is necessary to remove accumulated pus from the wound; most often, drainage systems are installed so that the pus is provided with a constant outflow. Each treatment, in addition to the specified additional measures, is accompanied by the introduction into the wound antibacterial solutions - for example, Dimexide. To stop the necrotic process in an open wound and remove pus from it, specific agents are used in surgery - Trypsin or Himopsin powders. A suspension is prepared from these powders by mixing them with novocaine and/or sodium chloride, and then sterile napkins are impregnated with the resulting product and tucked directly into the cavity of an open purulent wound. In this case, the bandage is changed once a day; in some cases, medicated wipes can be left in the wound for two days. If a purulent open wound is deep and wide cavity, then these powders are poured directly into the wound, without the use of sterile wipes.

Besides such careful surgical treatment open purulent wound, the patient must be prescribed antibacterial drugs(antibiotics) orally or by injection.

Features of the treatment of purulent open wounds:

  1. After cleaning the open wound from pus, Levosin ointment is injected directly into the cavity. This medicine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  2. For medicinal dressings in the treatment of an open wound with purulent contents, Levomikol ointment and Sintomycin liniment can be used.
  3. Baneocin ointment will be most effective in the treatment of open wounds with identified Staphylococcus aureus, Nitacid ointment – ​​for the treatment of wounds with diagnosed anaerobic bacteria Dioxidine ointment generally refers to universal remedy– effective against most types of infections, including against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and gangrene pathogens.
  4. Most often, when treating open purulent wounds, surgeons use ointments based on polyethylene oxide, Vaseline/lanolin modern medicine in the case under consideration refuses.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment is an excellent way to get rid of pus in an open wound - it both resolves infiltrates and increases blood flow in the wound. This medicine is applied directly to the wound cavity 1-2 times a day.
  6. When treating a patient with open purulent wound V medical institution Immunotherapy and detoxification therapy are mandatory.
  7. Ultrasound or liquid nitrogen may be used in the hospital to speed up the wound healing process.

Creams and ointments for treating wounds at home

If the damage is minor and there is no large cavity, then such open wounds can be treated at home using various ointments. What experts recommend using:

  1. Salicylic ointment. This product belongs to the antibacterial category. First you need to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, then apply Salicylic ointment directly to the wound and cover everything with a sterile bandage. Ichthyol ointment can be used in the same way.
  2. Streptocide. This remedy is used only for superficial damage. If you have Streptocide tablets in your medicine cabinet, you need to crush them and cover the wound. Many people use special medical glue BF for superficial wounds, but this is incorrect - treatment with the indicated medicine is a mandatory procedure.
  3. Balm Rescuer. When it is applied to a wound, a thin film is formed, so doctors remind you that before using this balm, you must wash the open wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Solcoseryl. It is available in the form of an ointment - it is applied to a dry open wound, and in the form of a jelly - used in the treatment of weeping open wounds.
  5. Heparin ointment, Troxevasin ointment, Dolobene gel. Used in the presence of a bruise or extensive hematoma at the site of an open wound. Applied directly to the skin, it quickly relieves swelling and hyperemic areas.
  6. Cream Eplan. It is made on the basis of polyethylene glycols and has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of infection of open wounds.

Folk remedies for treating open wounds

If the wound is not widespread and deep, then some folk remedies can be used to speed up its healing. The most popular, safe and effective include:

  • aqueous solution of propolis - excellent for weeping open wounds;
  • a decoction based on chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, garden raspberry branches, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, heather, elecampane, yarrow, calamus root and comfrey;
  • a remedy made from aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil (all mixed in equal proportions) - effective in the treatment of shallow open and dry wounds.

Note: Before using folk remedies in the treatment of open wounds, you must make sure that the victim is not allergic to any of these medicinal plants.

It is best to entrust the treatment of open wounds to professionals - surgeons will be able to timely determine the onset of the development of the infectious process and select effective treatment. If you decide to do therapy at home, you must carefully monitor the condition of the victim. If elevated temperature body, pain at the site of injury of unknown etiology, it is necessary to urgently seek professional medical help - it is quite possible that a dangerous infectious process is progressing in the wound.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

The wounds can be minor, or they can pose a serious danger to a person’s life. – this is a key point in the treatment of damage, on which the further condition and speed of tissue healing depends.

Treatment of the wound - important point for any damage

  • first aid should be provided as early as possible;
  • Before treatment, thoroughly rinse the wound with an antiseptic solution and remove dirt;
  • do not remove foreign bodies from the wound: the removal of objects caught in the wound is carried out by a doctor;
  • disinfect the wound only with well-washed hands or wearing sterile gloves;
  • to prevent infection, treat the edges of the wound with a solution of brilliant green or iodine, but not the wound surface itself;
  • do not apply cotton wool to the damaged area - this can lead to infection;
  • cover the damaged area only with a sterile bandage or gauze; a clean, ironed piece of cotton material will also work;
  • change dressing at least 2 times a day.

You can wash the wound with water only 10 minutes after the bleeding has stopped.

Only minor cuts and abrasions can be disinfected and treated on your own at home, with more serious damage skin and soft tissues, seek medical help immediately.

How to properly treat wounds?

After receiving a wound, it is necessary to as soon as possible properly treat the injury and contact a medical facility. Further treatment wounds is based on the use of medications and folk remedies.

Stab and cut wounds

An incised wound occurs as a result of injury with a sharp object, has smooth edges and a shallow depth. A deep cut wound is called a stab wound. Stab wounds are more dangerous than cut wounds, as they lead to severe blood loss and often cause death.

First aid:

  1. Stop the bleeding. With pulsating discharge of bright scarlet blood from the wound ( arterial bleeding) apply a tourniquet slightly above the injured area; if the blood is dark red (venous bleeding), apply a pressure bandage below the wound. If the injury is on the torso or face, apply pressure to the pulsating vessel using a clean piece of cotton wool wrapped in gauze. If the cut is shallow and there is little bleeding, apply pressure with a full bandage or adhesive tape.
  2. Disinfect the wound. After the bleeding has stopped, rinse the injured area under running water, then with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine, and cover the edges with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol.
  3. Apply a sterile dressing. Apply a germicidal bandage to a small cut on your finger or hand.
  4. See your doctor. If you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, immediately call an ambulance.

deep stab wound show it to a specialist. At the medical facility, the injury will be treated and, if necessary, stitched and bandaged.

  1. Antiseptics.(Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate). Disinfect the damaged area.
  2. Healing bactericidal ointments and sprays(Solcoseryl, Eplan, Vishnevsky Ointment, Bepanten, Miramistin). Promote tissue regeneration and destroy bacteria. →
  3. Antibiotics(Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Prescribed when a wound becomes infected pathogenic microorganisms and purulent processes.
  4. Painkillers(No-Shpa, Nurofen). Relieves pain.

No-spa relieves pain from cuts and other wounds

To make the wound heal faster, use the following products: traditional medicine which will help speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Folk remedies:

  1. Aloe. For small cuts, lubricate the injured area with aloe juice several times a day until complete healing. Aloe – natural antiseptic, moisturizes the skin and prevents inflammation, ideal for treating wounds on the delicate skin of a child.
  2. Calendula. Dilute 1 tsp. calendula tincture in 1 glass warm water. Apply a piece of gauze soaked in the solution to the cut and fix it for 1 hour. Apply the compress daily until recovery.

Do not remove dried crusts from a healing wound - this can lead to scarring.

Puncture wound

With a stab wound, deep layers of tissue are damaged. A puncture wound is an ideal breeding ground for infections, including tetanus. Most often, puncture wounds appear on the legs.

First aid:

  1. Stop the bleeding. Cover the wounded area tightly with a bandage or clean cloth.
  2. Clean the wound. Rinse the damaged area under running warm water and remove dirt with tweezers.
  3. Carry out disinfection. Lubricate the edges with brilliant green or iodine, and treat the wound itself with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Apply a sterile dressing.
  5. See your doctor. A deep puncture wound should be inspected for the presence of foreign objects. Medical attention is also necessary if the wound is caused by a rusty metal object or soil has entered it.

Stop the bleeding first

If there is a foreign object in the wound, do not try to remove it yourself - you can injure the tissue even more.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  1. Antiseptics(hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution). Disinfect, prevent suppuration.
  2. Healing bactericidal ointments(Baneocin, Erythromycin ointment, Bactoban, Bepanten). Disinfect the wound and promote rapid healing.
  3. Antibiotics(Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Suppress the activity of pathogenic organisms.
  4. Painkillers(Analgin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). Relieves pain.

Pain reliever for puncture wounds

If infection with the tetanus virus is suspected, emergency preventive vaccination is carried out. Emergency vaccination is necessary for patients who have not received a tetanus vaccination and those who received it more than 5 years ago.

Do it on time preventive vaccinations from tetanus. Otherwise, if you are injured by a rusty metal object or an animal bite, you will have to carry out emergency prevention illness and put your life at high risk.

Folk remedies:

  1. Propolis. Effective for puncture wounds from which pus is drained. Lubricate the affected area with a piece of gauze soaked in propolis tincture 3 times a day.
  2. Nettle. Fresh Juice Apply nettle to the sore spot once a day in the form of a compress.

Chopped and lacerated wounds

Chopped and lacerated wounds occur due to injury from a heavy sharp object. Injuries may be accompanied by damage to bones, large vessels and internal organs. Often, as a result of a laceration, an area of ​​torn skin is formed, which quickly dies. Injuries often lead to death or disability.

Lacerated wound after being hit with a sharp object

First aid for a chopped or lacerated wound comes down to transporting the victim to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

The injury is accompanied by severe bleeding and extensive damage to soft tissues; applying a tourniquet is not recommended. A bleeding wound deprived of skin has a strong psychological effect on others, which complicates pre-medical primary treatment.

Before the ambulance arrives, you need to apply a thick gauze bandage to the open wound to slow down the bleeding and give the victim a painkiller.

Drug treatment of the injury is carried out after surgery.

Groups of medications used in the treatment of chopped and lacerated wounds:

Ointment for scars Fermenkol

After a chopped and lacerated wound, a noticeable scar remains, so ointment for scars and scars (Kelofibraza, Fermenkol, Contractubex) is added to the list.

Folk remedies:

  1. Onion. Grind the onions into a pulp, wrap in gauze and apply to the wound for 1-1.5 hours. Apply the compress daily. Onion is effective for festering lesions.
  2. Ointment made from honey and fish oil. Mix fish oil and honey in a ratio of 1:3 and apply 3 times a day to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Bite wounds

Bites from animals, especially wild ones, are fraught with rabies and tetanus. Quickly provided first aid greatly reduces the risk of illness.

Be sure to treat the wound after an animal bite

First aid:

  1. Wash the wound with plenty of soap and water as quickly as possible.
  2. Treat the bite. Soak a piece of bandage with hydrogen peroxide and press it onto the bite for 2 minutes. Treat the edges of the wound with alcohol (not higher than 70%), vodka or other liquid containing ethyl alcohol.
  3. To stop the bleeding, apply a bandage; if the bite is small, an adhesive plaster will be enough.
  4. Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Target drug treatment bite wound - reduce the number of microorganisms as much as possible and prevent their proliferation.

Amoxiclav destroys microbes that have entered the wound from an animal

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Lincomycin). They destroy microorganisms that have entered the wound with the animal’s saliva.
  • Antimicrobials(Metronidazole, Trichopolum). Prevents the reproduction and vital activity of anaerobic infection.
  • Immunoprotectants
  • Antiseptics(Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). Disinfect the wound.
  • Antihistamines(Claritin, Diazolin). Prevent allergic reaction on the medications used.
  • Ointments(Solcoseryl, Actovegin). Accelerate tissue healing.

On the first day after the bite, emergency vaccination against tetanus and rabies is carried out.

There are no folk remedies for the treatment of a bite wound, since only pharmaceutical preparations cope with the infection that has entered the wound. Homemade recipes can only be used at the stage of skin healing.

Folk remedies:

  1. Honey. The product heals well and relieves inflammation. Apply honey to the healing wound and cover with an adhesive plaster or bandage.
  2. Plantain. Lubricate the wound with plantain juice 3-4 times a day until complete healing.

Surgical wounds

Surgical wounds- These are the injuries caused by the surgeon during the operation. The lesions are considered sterile. The wounds have smooth edges and after the operation they are carefully aligned with each other using sutures, after which an aseptic bandage is applied to the sutured wound.

Sterile scar after surgery

Surgical wounds require only postoperative drug treatment.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Lincomycin, Erythromycin). Provides prevention of infection.
  • Antiseptics(Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Levasept, iodine solution). Disinfect the wound.
  • Healing ointments(Actovegin, Solcoseryl). Accelerate tissue regeneration after removal of drainage. →
  • Anti-scar ointments(Mederma, Contractubex). Prevents the formation of large noticeable scars.

The best folk remedy for healing postoperative wounds is sea buckthorn or milk thistle oil. Lubricate the skin area with a cotton swab soaked in oil 3 times a day until complete healing.

Gunshot wounds

No general instructions to provide first aid for a gunshot wound - the procedure depends on the location and nature of the injury. Measures must be taken very quickly - a person can die in a few seconds from blood loss.

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Place the victim's body in a supine position; if wounded in the chest, in a semi-sitting position.
  3. Stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet to the limb. If you are wounded in the spine or neck, pinch the damaged artery with your finger.
  4. If a bullet hits the chest, immediately press down the hole with available materials (a fragment of clothing, a bandage).
  5. Cover the head wound with a sterile dressing or bandage.

It is not advisable to provide other measures - this is the task of the medical staff. A gunshot wound requires urgent surgical treatment. After the operation, measures are taken to stimulate recovery processes in tissues.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Lincomycin). Destroy microorganisms that have penetrated the wound.
  • Antimicrobials(Metronidazole, Trichopolum). Relieve inflammation, prevent the formation of suppuration and gangrene.
  • Immunoprotectants(Polyoxidonium, Cytovir-3, Interferon). Strengthen the body's resistance to bacteria caught in the wound.
  • Antiseptics(Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). Disinfect the wound.
  • Antioxidants(Mexidol). Stops seizures and prevents oxygen starvation damaged tissues.
  • Painkillers(Ibuprofen, Codeine). Eliminate pain and improve the patient's well-being.

Ibuprofen - pain reliever

The victim is injected with tetanus serum and gas gangrene. Therapy gunshot wound folk ways is not recommended.

In everyday life, injuries occur frequently. Each first aid kit should contain all the means for providing pre-medical and subsequent treatment of various wounds: a sterile bandage, a solution of iodine and brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, healing ointments and painkillers.

In the form of a cut or wound. Most often, people injure their arms and legs. Young children may fall or get scratched during active play. Adults are cut with knives and scissors. Most often, no one is afraid of a minor injury, but not everyone knows how to properly treat a wound and what complications may arise.

Why are cuts dangerous?

Cuts and wounds can damage a large vessel, artery, or nerve. In case of hit dangerous microorganisms and if the wound is not treated, you can even lose an arm or leg. If gangrene begins or a non-healing trophic wound forms, they can become a life-threatening source of infection. IN medical practice There are cases when a decision is made to amputate to save a person’s life.

At the inflammatory stage, complications such as purulent leaks and phlegmon may occur. This occurs when the pus that forms in the wound does not come out, but into the surrounding tissues or into the cavities between them. If, after receiving an injury, the condition of the whole body began to deteriorate sharply, fever and weakness appeared, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Primary treatment of wounds

Regardless of where the integrity of the skin is broken and how, primary wound treatment is required. For small household cuts, first of all, it is necessary to remove visible contamination from the wound. To do this, you can twist a sterile bandage into a triangle to create a pointed tip, or use tweezers (tweezers) previously disinfected with alcohol or vodka. After cleansing the wound, it should be treated with an antiseptic ( germ-killing drug). Can be used as an antiseptic hydrogen peroxide 3%, iodine, iodinol, chlorhexidine biglucanate etc. Hydrogen peroxide is not only chemically destroys microorganisms, but also brings them to the surface mechanically - due to the formation of bubbles.

In the absence medical supplies they can be replaced with an aqueous 2% soda solution, a concentrated solution table salt, chamomile infusion, vodka. Unless a cut or wound is made with a sterile scalpel, there will always be germs in it. Even postoperative wounds become infected, not to mention household ones. After treatment, the wound must be closed from possible re-contamination by applying a bandage or plaster. If we are talking about very small and shallow cuts, you can stop there.

Deep wound care

If the wound surface is regarded as large, even in the subjective opinion of the wounded person, it is better to seek medical help. Cuts longer than 1.5-2 cm, will take a long time to heal on their own, cause discomfort and, quite likely, will cause complications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. The same applies to wounds that bring unbearable pain (possible damage to a nerve branch), or wounds that are accompanied by profuse, continuous bleeding. Medium-sized wounds and cuts cannot always be treated surgically. But when suturing any wound, it will always heal faster. Medical care in this case includes: treatment of the wound, excision (circumcision) of the edges of the wound, stopping bleeding, suturing. Sometimes sutures can be placed a little later, when the inflammatory process in the wound decreases. The wound dressing must be changed daily. In the first week, a wet-dry bandage is applied, then they switch to ointment ones. In wet bandages use antiseptic drugs. Ointments for treating wounds consist of antimicrobials, and substances that promote healing. For example, ointments such as levomikol, levosin, methyluracil are used.
In parallel, a prophylactic course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed.

Stages of wound healing

There are 2 types of wound regeneration - primary and secondary intention. In the first case, the edges of the wound should be smooth, located close to each other, and there should be no microbes in it at all. Then the cut will immediately be closed by epithelium (skin cells). Process secondary intention characteristic of injuries in which infection and cell death occurred during injury. The essence of secondary intention is that first inflammation begins in the wound, then intermediate tissue forms, and the last stage is scarring.

Inflammation of the wound occurs due to microbes. It is accompanied by swelling of the edges of the wound, an increase in the temperature of the surrounding tissues, and pain. During inflammation, cells are released from the blood that kill microorganisms inside the wound. This is the body's protective response. If the cut is covered with a crust of blood, it should never be torn off, even if pus or serous fluid oozes from underneath it. This crust protects the wound from new microbes and allows the healing stages to proceed sequentially. After a week, the inflammation subsides, and the wound begins to be lined with granulation (intermediate) tissue. During normal healing, after another 7-10 days, granulations turn into a scar.

Sometimes wounds take a very long time to heal or become reinfected. In such cases, surgical intervention, wound revision, antibacterial therapy. This can happen if the wound is treated incorrectly or not treated properly. There is also a risk of the wound becoming infected with dangerous microbes and developing diseases such as gangrene or tetanus.

Any cut, even the smallest one, must be treated. This is the first necessary condition for prevention possible complications. You should not ignore medical help, and if possible, it is better to consult a specialist.

Tell us in the comments about your worst wounds. How did you receive it, how did it heal?
