What does drunken aggression mean? Alcohol aggression. Reasons for increased aggressiveness while intoxicated

Alcoholism can be called the scourge of humanity, since at all times this terrible addiction has brought people a lot of tears and suffering. In a family where there is an addiction to alcohol, there is no need to try to look for normal human relationships, or love, or care. It often harbors anger, hatred, and aggression during alcohol intoxication.

Alcoholics are inadequate people. Their behavior is often impulsive, unpredictable, contradictory, and their mood changes sharply: from complacent to angry. Alcohol causes aggression.

The degree of aggressiveness of people who drink alcoholic beverages is primarily influenced by the amount of ethyl alcohol that enters the body. Drunkards acquire three main characteristics over time:

  1. State deep depression in the absence of the opportunity to drink another dose of strong drink;
  2. Untidy appearance: dirty clothes, puffy face, often bruised or infected with sores;
  3. Revival and joyful sparkle in the eyes at the slightest hint of the opportunity to drink.

A chronic alcoholic often suffers from binge drinking; the binge period lasts for weeks. It is difficult to relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. The patient suffers from a hangover. Depression becomes his constant companion and worsens general state, performance decreases. Ethyl alcohol provokes deterioration of speech, which becomes incoherent and slurred. Alcohol affects brain cells, causing the alcoholic to experience decreased memory. He may get drunk to such a state that he will not be able to recognize even his family and friends, and may commit a crime against them. The wife and children are powerless to pacify a raging alcoholic. And the best way out in such a situation is to call the police.

Causes and stages of alcoholic aggression

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcohol, negatively affects the mental state of everyone without exception, regardless of gender, age, degree mental development, level of culture, financial situation, health status. The body's reaction to alcohol is virtually the same for all people:

  1. The first stage of intoxication is a complacent, high spirits, when you want to smile at everyone, hug and kiss everyone;
  2. Drink more - dissatisfaction with some people around you appears, past, seemingly long-forgotten, grievances, large and small conflicts, unpleasant stories are remembered. The drunk begins to find fault with those around him, insult them, bully them, threaten revenge and reprisals. He can no longer restrain himself, control his behavior, he either laughs or bursts into tears;
  3. Stage severe intoxication achieved by drinking a large dose. It comes the faster the worse person snacks or when mixing various alcoholic drinks. A person who has had too much to drink is literally reborn before his eyes and reacts inadequately to requests from loved ones to no longer continue to abuse alcohol and to stop. He loses his shame, furiously shouts at everyone who seems to him an offender or an enemy, and rushes into a fight, although he himself often has difficulty standing on his feet due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain and loss of coordination. Drunken shouts, offensive gestures, grimaces change a person beyond recognition. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the husband grabs a knife, a gun, matches, believing that around him there are people who hate him, enemies. He completely loses control of himself and in this state easily commits a crime.

The dangers of alcohol aggression

The time it takes for a person to become a chronic alcoholic varies from person to person, but it is not that long. The timing depends on age, gender, physical and mental health, family atmosphere, immediate environment.

Women, children, and teenagers become alcoholics faster than men. Physically healthy people who go in for sports last longer, but they, too, over time can fall into the category of addicts if they get carried away in the pursuit of the “green snake.”

Symptoms by which one can judge whether a dependence on alcohol has formed in the body may first be the disappearance of the gag reflex after drinking alcohol, and later - swelling of the face, from which there is no drug treatment can't get rid of it anymore. They do not disappear from the faces of chronic alcoholics until the end of their lives.

The aggressive behavior of a drunk person is offensive to others and very dangerous. Often, a wife is forced to contact the police to protect her children and herself: the family of a drinker alone cannot fight the misfortune that has befallen them. Frequent stress, fears, scandals, threats, beatings become unbearable, the family falls apart. Often a person who drinks too much or poisons himself with low-quality drinks dies early and can cause the death of other people.

Having sobered up, people can regret their aggression, ask for forgiveness, suffer and cry, seeking reconciliation with those with whom they had conflicted the day before. They are ready to make promises not to lay a finger on anyone, not to hit anyone, they swear that everything happened for the last time and will never happen again. But an opportunity arises - and the loss of a family no longer seems terrible to an alcoholic.

Alcohol aggression very dangerous. In a drunken state, a person does not realize that he needs to stop and pull himself together. Give advice to start new life, it is useless to undergo treatment during drunkenness or a hangover. In most cases, the reaction to an offer will be refusal. The problem must be solved when not a drop of alcohol has been drunk, while sober.

The way to combat alcoholism and aggression

Alcoholism is a serious, difficult-to-treat disease that must be treated. Alcohol addiction does not go away on its own: to eliminate it, you need long-term and persistent treatment and medication.

It is important to persuade an alcoholic to seek help from a narcologist or psychologist, but not to force him to see a doctor. Success will come only when a person realizes that there is an abyss ahead, that he is standing on the edge of an abyss and that he needs to find the strength to return to a normal, sober life.

Having consulted a psychologist, there is no need to retreat. Today, in many big and small cities and district clinics there are drug treatment centers where they will provide professional help to everyone who wishes to overcome their severe addiction to alcohol.

It is very important that next to a patient who is determined to recover, there are close people who will show their participation, monitor the progress of treatment, support, protect them from the temptation to drink, and help them return to their previous life.

Over time, through joint efforts, it is possible to achieve a state where a former alcoholic calmly refuses a glass offered to him, takes care of his family, and enjoys the positive manifestations of life. And perhaps it will help another lost person get rid of alcohol, which provokes aggression.

Life story

We can remember many sad stories related to the topic “Alcohol and aggression”. One young woman married a guy who drank periodically. He did not consider himself an alcoholic; he refused his wife’s entreaties to be more careful and avoid frequent drinking. The wife tried as best she could to convince her husband to lead healthy image life, I hoped that the birth of children would be an incentive for sobriety, but the miracle did not happen. My husband drank himself to death. He beat his wife and children. One of their five children died as an infant. The family broke up. The woman raised four children alone, without receiving any support from her ex-husband: he continued to drink. On a cold winter night, he couldn’t walk home drunk and his hands were frozen. Lives alone. The eldest of the sons, having become an adult, followed the path of his father, got married, and a daughter was born into the young family. Just to rejoice in happiness. But in a state of severe intoxication, the young father voluntarily passed away. Such an incredible price was paid for addiction to alcohol...

Quite often, after drinking large doses of alcohol, people behave in ways that are extremely different from their usual behavior. Aggression while intoxicated is a fairly common occurrence these days. People are exposed to it of different ages– both youth and the adult generation, gender does not matter here. Such people are often simply capable of losing control over their actions, inappropriate behavior will only be a clear confirmation of this. The consequences of this are often quite serious violations in the functioning of many body systems caused by intoxication. These two concepts themselves—alcohol and aggression—have always been closely related. This disease it is necessary to treat, having previously identified the cause of this condition.

Causes of alcohol aggression

Why does some people experience symptoms when they are intoxicated? increased aggressiveness, what to do in this case, how to behave - very important questions, requiring detailed consideration. Based on the results of research by scientists involved in this issue, it became clear that the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages directly affects the human psyche, which is the reason for the aggressive behavior of some drunk people. Depending on the stage of alcohol intoxication, the instability of a person’s character, his control over emotions, words, and actions varies.

After drinking a certain amount of alcohol, a person usually begins to feel euphoria, lightness, and his mood improves. But after a short period of time, all these sensations will begin to fade and they will be replaced by anger, despair and irritability.

It is at this moment that a drinking person becomes most dangerous to the people around him. Often, it is those who are next to him at that time, that is, his family, who suffer. Many actions of family members can anger him or provoke him to act rashly. Often in such a state he begins to remember old grievances, the husband becomes jealous of his wife towards others or throws out accumulated anger on her. Another effect may also be due to injuries suffered by a person, among which the main ones are concussions and any mental disorders. This is where conflicts often begin and threats are made against other people.

There are cases when a person suffering from such a disorder understands the need for treatment, but still shows aggression. The reason for this is withdrawal syndrome, which has a serious impact on the human psyche. When there is a huge craving to take a certain dose of alcohol, hostility, unfriendliness and an aggressive state can always arise. This behavior can also manifest itself in people who behave calmly in everyday life and never show any signs of aggression - alcohol removes hidden feelings out.

Important! The result of constant use alcoholic drinks is the complete degradation of man. In this state, he is not aware of what is happening and does not think about the fact that his actions may cause pain to other people. Constant conflicts quickly become the norm, and if you don’t help a drinking person in time, then harmful consequences can't be avoided.

Studies have shown that aggressive behavior in alcohol intoxication is directly related to the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol. When alcohol enters the body, it causes vasodilation, which only accelerates its penetration into all tissues, but it has the worst and most noticeable effect on nervous tissue. Alcohol, having penetrated the blood-brain barrier, reaches the brain and begins its toxic effect. There are three main factors in this process:

  • Hypoxic effect- Alcohol metabolism requires oxygen, which is ultimately taken away from neurons.
  • Direct toxic effectethanol itself is toxic to nerve cells.
  • Action of acetaldehyde. This intermediate product of the breakdown of alcohol is main reason hangover. It is more toxic than alcohol itself and is poorly soluble in water, which increases osmotic pressure and causes swelling of the nervous tissue. Headache and the deterioration of health during a hangover is his merit.

From the effects of the above factors, many nerve cells die, which significantly reduces the ability to overly drinking man to a normal, adequate perception of the surrounding reality and the ability to adjust one’s behavior according to the situation.

It is believed that alcohol affects that part of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for inhibiting the primitive parts of the subcortex. In the absence of the cortical inhibition effect, control over behavior is transferred to the subcortical regions, which include primitive behavioral reactions, which include aggressive behavior. IN in this case It turns out that it is not the alcohol itself that is to blame, but the peculiarities of a person’s own physiology.

According to psychologists, the mechanisms of aggressive behavior were the norm for human ancestors, but with evolution, the cerebral cortex began to increasingly control animal instincts, and the mind began to prevail over them. Alcohol simply weakens this influence, which is why ancient instincts are released. In addition, alcoholic drinks have an effect similar to the effect of adrenaline, stimulating the nervous system, which further contributes to aggressive behavior.

There is another theory according to which the occurrence of alcoholic aggression is explained not by biochemical, but by social mechanisms. It says that when a person observes others drinking people begins to internalize the pattern of their aggressive behavior. Then, when drinking alcohol, he consciously reduces control over himself, allowing himself such defiant behavior at the subconscious level. This theory also has experimental confirmation - in some experiments, when people were offered a placebo under the guise of alcohol, they began to show aggression, even though there was no alcohol in the drinks.

An important factor is also the fact that alcohol impairs cognitive functions, reduces thinking abilities, impairs the perception of information and memory. Therefore, a drunk person cannot always correctly interpret the words and actions of others or objectively assess the situation. Alcohol drinking experience also plays a role.

Perhaps, the best option It would be considered that the causes of alcoholic aggression are all of the above factors - the hypoxic and toxic effect of alcohol on the brain, the release of primitive instincts, a socially conditioned decrease in control, previous experience and erroneous perception of the behavior of others.

Important! The development of aggressive behavior is mainly observed in people dependent on alcohol. In this case, aggression becomes not an isolated phenomenon, but becomes a constant source of danger for others.

Types of alcoholic aggression

Nowadays, it is not only narcologists who study the behavior of drunk people; psychiatrists are also interested in this issue. They compiled a special classification of forms of behavior observed in alcoholics after taking a certain dose of alcohol, and also identified types of aggression:

  • Physical – use of force against others;
  • Direct - a person openly shows anger and is capable of committing irreparable acts;
  • Indirect - a person purposefully tries to take out anger on a specific object, while being aware of his actions;
  • Verbal aggressive behavior– consists of insulting others;
  • Altruistic– a person seeks to protect someone from threats, real or fictitious, his sense of justice intensifies;
  • Auto-aggression is directed against oneself, is expressed in self-flagellation, and often involves an attempt at suicide.

Gunter Ammon, a famous German psychiatrist, considers the manifestation of any type of aggression while intoxicated to be an attempt by a person to protect himself. After a dose of alcohol, the alcoholic is unable to adequately assess the situation and, as a result, chooses attacking tactics to protect himself from external stimuli.

Ways to combat alcohol aggression in men

The main problem with an aggressive state in drunk people is that they do not realize the danger of their actions. Men in a drunken state will insult others, try to fight with them, damage nearby objects, and sometimes whatever is at hand, including weapons, can be used. A drunk person is unlikely to decide to stop on his own only when he is completely exhausted, so in most cases it is up to those around him to stop his aggressive actions. In many families, wives are left to pacify their husbands when they drink heavily.

There are several recognized behavioral strategies that help calm a drinker to curb his aggression. All of the behavior patterns listed below do not require the use of large physical strength, so they can also be used by fragile women to pacify a drunken husband.

Important! To successfully use any of these behavioral strategies, you need strong self-confidence and a desire to calm a drunk person. loved one. Even a small manifestation of weakness can easily provoke a drunkard into even greater aggression, which will only worsen the situation.

Here are the main strategies:

  • Complete peace of mind. A rather complex strategy that involves talking to a drunk person in an even, calm tone without raising your voice, regardless of provocations and insults.
  • Cold shower . Enough dangerous method, which can be considered decisive and calm requests to stop aggression, use cold water, splashed in the face or a directed stream in the shower - sometimes such actions help to reason with a drunk person and bring him to his senses. However, there is a possibility of the opposite effect - the aggression will worsen. This method It is more often used with verbal aggression, because it will more likely provoke a person who wants to fight to continue his actions.
  • Distraction or full compliance. Quite controversial tactics, but in some cases they work, and they go well together. With a drunk person you just need to completely agree on everything, without being distracted from your own affairs. You can try to divert the drunken person’s attention to other things, even to the next portion of alcohol - the result is important here. In this way, the wife can get the opportunity to sneak out of the apartment unnoticed while her husband is busy with something, at least for a short time.

The methods listed above can most often help temporarily curb verbal aggression, but they generally do not work against physical aggression. The effectiveness of each of them depends on the individual and the case. But sometimes they turn out to be useless or have the opposite effect, and most effective means Only the police squad turns out to be against the aggressor.

What you definitely need to refrain from in situations with aggressive behavior while intoxicated is arguing and sorting things out with a drunk person; you cannot show him weakness and fear. This has never helped any wife cope with a raging drunken husband. Here, the aggression of a drunken person can completely get out of control, and no methods can be used to curb it.

Stories from our readers

Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and all thanks to...

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They are willing to tolerate an alcoholic as long as he is not aggressive, and therefore relatively safe. But when aggression begins to prevail, you become scared for yourself and for your children.

Behavioral changes against the background of alcoholism in the family are especially clearly manifested. According to experts, domestic violence is present in four out of ten cases.

Causes of aggression

Some observers directly link the causes of aggression to the effects of alcohol and indicate what changes occur in behavior:

  • aggressively unrestrained;
  • sexually impulsive;
  • reaching the level of frenzy etc.

Often the cause of aggressive behavior is external factors: real threat, jealousy, etc.

It has been noticed that sometimes aggressive behavior while intoxicated is exacerbated due to previously suffered pathological changes person: mental illness, traumatic brain injuries, etc.

At the first stage of alcoholism, euphoria is gradually replaced by aggressiveness, rudeness and irritability. On the second and last stages the effects of the poison become more severe.

Dysphoric disorders during abstinence manifest themselves in different ways:

  • grouchiness;
  • discontent;
  • explosive nature of emotions;
  • aggressiveness.

What should a woman know?

Since alcoholic aggression in men is more common, experts studied the problem from a different point of view: how a woman can “calculate” the behavior of her chosen one in advance.

Here are the signs of men prone to aggression and violence.

About every third child beaten in childhood takes its toll over the years and this affects the future family. You can ignore this and try to correct the person, persuade him to undergo appropriate treatment. But is it worth it?

It's not just women who break dishes. Most likely, such men have lost their sense of self-control and one day someone from their family may fall into their hands.

Sometimes girls themselves provoke a surge of jealousy. You need to be extremely careful: feelings are one thing, and groundless nagging is another.

These are not all the reasons why you can “calculate” the behavior of your future soul mate. Add alcohol to them and imagine what an explosive “cocktail” of aggression can turn out!

Alcoholism and suicide

WHO cites alarming figures: in every 4-6 cases, auto-aggression and suicide occur in alcoholics. Having summarized the facts, we found that it was pushing us to take a rash step.

Depression and personality disorder.

Psychopathy under the influence of psychoactive substances.

Everyday problems: divorce, threat of losing a relative, hopelessness of repaying debts, etc.
Practices place self-aggressive and suicidal behavior among alcoholics and criminals on the same level. The only difference is primary reasons. But does this make it easier for those who live nearby!

Let's take a closer look at people and try to choose the right partner and friend, so that it will be pleasant to be in company with him, and it will not be dangerous to live next to him.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from alcoholism in one way or another.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

If all drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the use was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given significant results is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all removes the craving for alcohol without hangover syndrome. Moreover he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, there is a promotion going on now, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - FOR FREE!

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By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

Alcoholism is a rather serious social and everyday problem that is relevant for many countries of the world, including Russian Federation. As such, there is no centralized fight against this disease, which makes the problem even more acute. Psychiatrists and narcologists provide prevention and treatment for patients suffering from alcohol addiction. In this article we will talk about such a phenomenon as aggression during alcohol intoxication, since the danger to one’s own health and the health of others depends on the behavior of a person in a state of alcoholic intoxication or, in other words, affect.

Absolutely any person experiences a change in consciousness when consuming alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, which makes the problem associated with aggressive state alcohol-drinking person, relevant for everyone. In order to understand the causes of aggression that arise during intoxication and the mechanisms to combat such mental state, it is necessary to have an understanding of the basic principles of the effects of ethanol or ethyl alcohol on the human body and directly on the central nervous system.

Alcohol has various effects on the body of the person who consumes it, and first of all this factor depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of the body that consumed it. In practice, the degree of intoxication is measured by the amount of alcohol dissolved in the blood in ppm. The norm is considered to be a level below 0.3 ppm, and already above given value alcohol begins to affect the central nervous system, psyche and other organs and systems. Typically, alcohol aggression occurs already when medium degree intoxication, however, in some cases, aggressiveness can be observed even in mild forms of intoxication.

Getting into gastrointestinal tract, alcohol quickly begins to be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, already in its upper sections. After absorption, ethanol enters the portal vein system and part of it is detoxified in the liver due to a special enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. Each individual person has an individual level of this enzyme, and the higher the level, the less pronounced the effect of alcohol, including aggressiveness.

Causes of aggression

The main reason is the neurotoxic effect of ethyl alcohol, which is part of the drink, on the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Under the influence of alcohol, the electro-chemical processes occurring in the brain are first disinhibited, including disturbances in the limbic system, which is responsible for aggressiveness, fear and prudence. During sufficiently strong alcohol intoxication, a drunk person becomes uncritical of his thoughts, actions and deeds, which can lead to various kinds of injuries to himself and others. Aggressive drunk man in a phase of excitement nervous system mentally unstable. Aggression is usually associated with internal psychological problems and conflicts that took place in the past and remained on a subconscious level. In this case, almost any factor can provoke aggressive behavior, since a drunk person cannot be aware of it.

The level of aggressiveness may be even more intense as a result of any organic disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system, for example, due to previous concussions or traumatic brain injuries.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is almost 3 times more common in men than in women, which many experts associate with characteristic features personality and male mindset and character. Also, men are more prone to drinking, since the level of stress in their lives is usually higher than that of women and is associated with career, work, and personal relationships.

Consequences of intoxication

Sometimes it happens that during intoxication a person does not experience anger and does not have excessive aggressiveness, but when the state of intoxication is relieved, the level of aggression increases. This condition is explained by a noticeable decrease in the level of secreted serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for positive emotions. After heavy intoxication, people usually experience severe weakness, malaise and severe discomfort, which cannot but make the alcoholic irritable and aggressive.

Aggression and family

One of the most common reasons the occurrence of domestic drunkenness is a violation of relationships within the family. Factors influencing the increased risk of developing drunkenness in the family are:

  • Short social level life;
  • Unsatisfactory sanitary characteristics of the home;
  • Insufficient education of family members;
  • Living in conditions of constant stress;
  • Material disadvantage.

Many of the above points not only push people to drink, but are also factors in increased latent stress and corresponding aggression during alcohol intoxication. In the absence of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, during drunkenness a person begins to focus on his own problems. To compensate for stress and anxiety, a person turns on protective mental mechanisms that redirect aggression towards people around him.

Correction methods

It is very important to stop a person in time before his condition leads to serious complications And high degree alcohol addiction. Remember, first of all, it is important to understand that a person who is on a binge or is a systematic drinker is a sick person! It makes it easier moral attitude to a person and helps fight this condition.

It is very important not to follow the lead of dependent people, since, first of all, such people are excellent manipulators, even without knowing it.

To treat alcoholism, a patient needs to undergo several courses of psychotherapy or group trainings in order to develop a stable awareness of his own problem - the disease. A person who is dependent on alcohol, like no one else, needs an acceptable level of socialization. More communication, disclosure and analysis of one’s own problem and inferiority help to cope not only with alcohol addiction, but also with aggression and latent stress.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the coding of patients with alcohol dependence. The method is undoubtedly effective, however! It is important that the patient himself understands his problem and wants to fight it, then the effectiveness will be maximum, otherwise coding will be ineffective.

How to deal with an aggressive person when intoxicated

Aggression after drinking alcohol should be perceived as an individual manifestation of human character, and should not be taken to heart. First of all, do not make sudden movements and do not cling to words, remember - a person in a state of passion is inadequate and is not aware of his own words and actions. It is better to keep a distance from such a person so that aggression cannot result in physical consequences. Here is the necessary algorithm of actions when contacting an aggressive drunk person:

  • Keep your distance;
  • Carefully and discreetly remove any available alcohol;
  • Remove objects that are sharp or dangerous in your opinion;
  • Don't argue with a drunk;
  • You should not leave such a person alone, as he may harm himself;
  • Wait for the braking phase (when the drunk wants to sleep) and lay him down so that his arms and legs do not become numb;

If you cannot keep the situation under control, immediately call an ambulance. medical care, since doctors have necessary medications capable of stopping a state of severe intoxication.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is a common problem faced by relatives and friends of a person who has had too much alcohol. Not only with alcoholism, but also with simply exceeding one’s norm, a person is not able to be aware of the emotions directed at the people and events that surround him. This affects the adequacy of the perception of what is happening. In connection with which the question arises, how to calm a drunk person aggressive person. Alcohol aggression is accompanied by problems with self-esteem and a number of pathologies mental nature, problems in the functioning of the central nervous system. All this manifests itself due to intoxication that appears when alcohol poisoning body.

Before answering the question of what to do in case of aggression after alcohol, it is worth understanding why such a condition develops. To date, scientists who are at the head of the study of the issue have confirmed the theory that ethyl alcohol is causing aggression factor. This is due to its ability to directly influence the human psyche u. Depending on the stage it has reached alcohol intoxication, a man or woman does not have stability in terms of character. A person does not keep his word, actions and emotions speak for themselves.

After people overcome a certain barrier in drinking, a person is overcome with euphoria, which is expressed in a wonderful mood and easy attitude to all. However, very little time passes, and you come to aggression in alcoholics or people who have simply had too much to drink. At such a moment, a person can become completely uncontrollable. By this time, euphoria has already dissipated its calming effect, and is replaced by an irritated state, often developing into despair and anger. Such persons, prone to aggression, may raise questions.

At such moments, if aggression is not overcome, a person becomes dangerous not only for himself, but also for others, especially for his family. You can often hear the phrase from wives that their husband drinks and beats. This is the condition we are talking about. In a state when aggressiveness awakens in a person, he remembers the accumulated for a long time grievances.

The resulting attack of aggression can also be based on traumas that a person has previously suffered. We are talking about a concussion or a series of mental disorders. It is difficult to exclude aggression here. Conflicts and threats constantly haunt those around a person who cannot stop drinking.

Alcohol often causes aggression when a person is in the third stage of intoxication. There are times when a patient is looking for a means of liberation from this condition, but calming him down is still not as easy as one would like.

The reason for this behavior is withdrawal syndrome, which has a tremendous impact on the human psyche and the effect is by no means sedative. When taking a certain dose of alcohol, a person gets rid of aggressiveness. But if you use it in excess, hostility and aggression returns. It is important to understand that a situation where a husband drinks every day and becomes aggressive can happen to anyone, even to those women who are married to “God’s dandelions” when they are sober.

Types of aggression

To know how to calm a drunk person, it is advisable to understand what type of aggression we are talking about. Not only narcologists study the behavior of people who prefer to drink and beat, but also psychiatrists who sedatives and help you select. More often there are several types of aggression:

  • physical;
  • verbal;
  • straight;
  • indirect;
  • altruistic;
  • auto-aggression.

The greatest danger is posed by physical and direct forms of aggression. Within physical fitness Aggression manifests itself in the form of the use of force against others. If we are talking about verbal expression, then the person simply gets personal and starts throwing insults.

In the direct form of aggression, a person begins to openly show an attitude; he is unable to control anger. Terrible consequences after drinking alcohol occur in this case. The indirect form refers to a person’s attempt to take out anger on specific person or a group of people, while he has awareness of his actions.

The altruistic form involves an intoxicated person trying to protect another from a threat, whether real or imagined. At such moments you may encounter a heightened sense of justice. Auto-aggression is understood as a type of aggression directed at oneself. At such moments, people are close to committing suicide.

According to Günther Ammon, German psychiatrist, each type of aggression is a kind of human defensive reaction. After the next dose, barriers are erased, which help to adequately assess the surrounding situation. To protect itself from others, the human brain chooses the simplest path - attacking first.

More often, people suffering from a lack of communication and who do not have a full-fledged family are susceptible to aggression while intoxicated. People with personal and work problems pose a danger.

Factors of aggression

To determine how aggressive a person can be while intoxicated, you need to pay attention to some factors, one of which is the absence or presence of alcoholism. More often, people who do not experience such problems drink alcohol only on holidays, and the amount is moderate.

Such individuals are less likely to experience aggression. Even in a state where strong alcohol intoxication, they remain calm towards others.

When it comes to chronic alcoholics, they often show incontinence, especially after drinking. Anything can be expected from such persons, including crime. Alcoholism leads to the destruction of a person’s personality, which creates certain prohibitions and barriers to normal behavior. As a result, we are no longer talking about any moral standards.

In addition to alcoholism, doctors identify additional factors that can cause aggression. These include previous head injuries, the presence of mental illnesses, a quarrelsome nature, and excessive impulsiveness. Worth identifying as potential dangerous people persons suffering from depression who are prone to deviant behavior, even when sober.

Most people adhere to adequate behavior when drunk and are incapable of aggression. But with people who are prone to unexpected actions and actions, you should be careful at a joint party. If a person does not listen to arguments, only a doctor can help him.

What to do

When constantly communicating with a person who is capable of aggression while intoxicated, people are at risk own health, and sometimes life. Relatives of an alcoholic often fall into this category. Everyone uses their own solution to the problem. Some simply leave, some try to find a path to the aggressor, some involve the police to protect themselves and their families in moments of danger.

However, everyone who has encountered a similar problem at least once is looking for an answer to the question of how to remove dependence from a person and thereby eliminate the aggression that manifests itself. It is important to understand that the factor of aggression is direct alcohol intoxication, which means that in order to solve the issue of aggressiveness, it is necessary to resolve the issue of alcohol abuse.

Alcoholism is a terrible and progressive disease that can be considered a drug addiction. A person develops a pathological craving for alcohol over time. Withdrawal syndrome at the same time, a kind of drug withdrawal.

In most cases, alcoholics simply do not understand why they should give up alcohol, being in the illusion that they can quit on their own if they so desire. In such cases, it is difficult to try to deal with the problem. When an alcoholic is not aware of it and does not make efforts to recover, difficulties arise. Attempts to influence such a person become the cause of another scandal.

In this regard, preventive conversations can only be carried out at a time when a person is completely sober and is able to adequately analyze the situation that has developed. You will have to wait a lot of time, but only in this state will a person be able to more or less understand what is required of him.

In this case, working with a psychologist gives an effect. A professional helps the patient understand what is facing him serious problem, which jeopardizes the future. If a person behaves aggressively when drinking alcohol, be sure to first consult a doctor.

Necessary treatment

Before choosing treatment, you should seek advice from a specialist. Without this, success cannot be expected. In some cases, conversations help to understand each other and come to some kind of conclusion. However, it happens that the agreement to restrain oneself is violated the very next day, when the patient takes a bottle. In this case, aggression and alcohol intoxication are repeated time after time. Therefore, it is important that awareness of the problem comes to the alcoholic directly.

At the same time, a consultation with a doctor is required who will help in selecting proper treatment, will prescribe a specific course. In this case, it is important to pay attention to several factors. The choice of a doctor in this matter takes a leading position. Today there are many drug treatment clinics, so there is plenty to choose from. Give preference to a doctor who tries to find an approach to each patient. In the future, such a doctor will help in leading to the correct life path, which will cause you to give up alcohol.

As soon as a doctor is selected and the first consultations are carried out, a program is drawn up that outlines the patient’s treatment and further prevention. When selecting a complex, specialists take into account everything from the age and experience of the alcoholic to a series of tests that tell the state of the patient’s body.

Since medicine does not stand still and is constantly developing, the amount of time spent on treatment is reduced. A few sessions are enough to overcome the attack. After them, the patient already makes a decision about the need to normalize his life. The effect of such procedures lasts a long time, so you will forget about aggression. After the first sessions, patients forget not only about aggression, but also about drinking alcohol.

Don't underestimate the support of loved ones. For a faster and more effective treatment, the participation of the family is required, it is advisable to involve close friends. With the help of such support, a person can be protected from temptations and supported in Hard time. It is important that the doctor, in a conversation with the patient, outlines an action plan, listing point by point what goals the patient will have to achieve. On this kind of map, new tasks and the patient’s priorities are marked, and what has already been completed is removed. It is important that the drinker is in a state where there is simply no desire to drink.

When choosing a clinic, pay attention to places with good reviews on the Internet, or ask friends for recommendations. You should not go to clinics with a bad or unclear reputation, even if they are much cheaper.
