Why is fluid coming from the chest? Causes of discharge from the mammary glands

Female breast begins to develop in adolescence. Transformations taking place in the breast glands occur under the influence of hormones. The lobules of the gland produce milk or colostrum during pregnancy and feeding a newborn. Each nipple has holes through which body secretions are released. Extracts from mammary glands when pressed - a natural phenomenon or serious pathology.

Physiological reasons

It is especially suspicious if the discharge takes on an appearance that is completely different from milk. You need to carefully study the smell and color of the secreted substance. Only a doctor can competently deal with the root cause. The liquid sometimes appears on its own, without pressure. The state of the secretion can be liquid or thick. Particularly dangerous are colored substances from the nipple with an unhealthy aroma.

  • Pregnancy. Yellowish or whitish secretion appears at 7-9 months of pregnancy. This is how a pregnant woman’s breasts prepare to produce milk.
  • In connection with weaning the baby from the breast. Up to two years after the end of breastfeeding, the mother may experience slight discharge.
  • Abortion: artificial or natural (miscarriage). A pregnant woman's body prepares long before the baby is born. Termination of pregnancy often leads to the appearance of colostrum from the nipples.
  • Use of oral contraception and drugs containing sex hormones. These tablets contain hormones that stimulate lactation. As soon as the pills are stopped, the discharge stops.
  • Antidepressants. Side effect antidepressants - the cause of slight secretion when pressing on the nipples.
  • Compressive, tightening, synthetic underwear. Nipple irritation is the main cause of secretion.
  • Menstruation. Discharge on menstruation days is associated with hormonal changes.

If a woman has given birth, she has a functional discharge of a cloudy whitish color. In a nulliparous woman, only clear substances are normal. If the secretion is purulent, bloody or has an unnatural black, green, grey colour or a nasty aroma is a sufficient reason to think about an existing hidden disease.

Pathological causes

Tumors, inflammation, hormonal imbalances in the gland, and pelvic diseases lead to the appearance of a substance from the nipples. Hormonal imbalances appear after consuming certain medicines, oral contraception. Abortion and diseases of the endocrine system are also the root cause of the development of pathologies, after which discharge from the mammary glands is noticed when pressure is applied.

In order not to miss oncology, at the first unexplained appearance of secretion from the nipple, contact a doctor. Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is a sign of pelvic diseases caused by problems with the internal microflora. The most common are dysbacteriosis, candida fungus, polycystic disease, adenitis, and others. inflammatory diseases and neoplasms in the pelvis. Breast injuries also cause inflammation with the appearance of purulent secretions.

The meaning of the color of the discharge

The density and color of the substance that appears from the nipple when pressed is important information for the doctor. Based on these characteristics, the specialist makes assumptions about which disease caused such symptoms.

Clear liquid

Colorless, odorless discharge is natural if it appears before menstruation or after sexual intercourse.

White discharge

The whiteness of the discharge makes one think of milk coming out after childbirth, with galactorrhea. If it is not caused by pregnancy, it may make you think of a pituitary tumor, which sometimes forms after pregnancy. long reception contraceptives.

Yellow discharge

Yellowish secretion from the nipple (sometimes cream color) indicates pregnancy or the appearance of colostrum after childbirth. If a yellowish substance is released before menstruation, especially if the gland hurts, then this is most likely a symptom of mastopathy.

Liquid with green tint

Such an unpleasant color is formed purulent discharge, formed during different types mastitis.

Bloody issues

Bloody substance from nipples - possible sign oncology, destruction of blood vessels in the ducts. Dark and light red discharge has this nature.

Dark liquid

Brown discharge also indicates damage to blood vessels; blood enters the ducts and coagulates there. Brown and darker substances appear during the formation of cysts and other neoplasms of the gland (sometimes of a malignant nature).

When nipple discharge is normal

During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, colostrum is secreted; it clearly appears when pressed and has a yellow color. Colostrum can be produced by early stages pregnancy, when expectant mother has no idea about his situation.

The woman in labor must have varying degrees lactation appears. It lasts throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. When a child switches to a different type of food, the woman continues to produce milk for a long time. Milk production does not stop immediately; when pressure is applied, milk is released up to three years after stopping breastfeeding.

Interesting historical fact: among the Indians, if the mother died infant, he was given to his grandmother. Elderly woman I put my grandson to my breast, the hungry baby sucked on the empty gland for days, and after a while the milk appeared. This is great evidence that you shouldn't stop breast-feeding, if there is not enough milk, with persistent stimulation, lactation will certainly increase in any woman who has given birth, regardless of age. After a miscarriage or abortion, milk often begins to be released. It's caused by change hormonal levels that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. After the hormone balance is normalized, the discharge disappears.

A slight transparent secretion when pressed is typical before the onset of critical days. This phenomenon is caused by changes in the amount of hormones, which is characteristic of the luteal phase of the cycle and some diseases. You won’t be able to figure out the reasons on your own; you need to contact a mammologist, who will prescribe a diagnosis to identify the nature of the symptom.

Changes in hormone balance occur in women who take hormonal pills or medications to treat depression. Physical activity or excessively tight underwear irritates the nipples, causing tension in the chest muscles and discharge when pressed. Transparent or white odorless substances are often normal. The appearance of a nasty smell, pus, blood, staining - all this indicates illness. In addition to discharge, other changes in the chest area are sometimes noted, and the general condition may worsen.

Diseases that cause nipple discharge

  • Mastitis- inflammation of the chest. Inflammation occurs when bacteria enter the gland. This often happens during feeding, when cracks form on the nipples, or when milk is released unrelated to childbirth.
  • Mastopathy– benign formations in the gland (cysts, fibrosis, etc.). Sometimes with mastopathy there is mild pain and secretion from the nipples.
  • Intraductal papilloma. With this disease, papillomas form in the ducts, which are destroyed when pressed. A reddish substance protrudes from the nipples.
  • Ectasia- expansion of the milk ducts. Ectasia is sometimes a physiological condition; it develops when there is swelling in the gland before menstruation or during pregnancy. IN in good condition swelling resolves on its own - this is a normal physiological process. In some cases, swelling becomes irreversible - this is already a pathology. Cysts, fibromas and papillomas form in the stretched ducts. Irreversible ectasia occurs due to hormonal changes after forty years.
  • Galactorrhea– a disease in which pressure from the nipple leads to milk release, but this does not apply to breastfeeding. main reason galactorrhea – hormonal imbalance, excess prolactin. The disease sometimes accompanies diseases of the brain or thyroid gland.
  • Gland cancermalignancy, manifested by asymmetry of the nipples, growth of one breast, deformation changes in the skin, seals and other symptoms.

What to do if there is discharge from the nipples

If unnatural substances appear from the breast, you should not wait or treat with home methods. Self-medication is dangerous for many reasons. First, you need to urgently rule out oncology; only a doctor can do this. The second danger is that folk recipes They often offer warming up the chest, heat compresses, which sometimes really help with some conditions, but with inflammation they will seriously worsen the situation, and sometimes they trigger the growth of a tumor in the body.

What should you not do if you have discharge from your nipples?

  • It is forbidden to warm the breasts by any means.
  • It is forbidden to squeeze out liquid, this stimulates secretions.
  • You cannot take hormones at your own discretion. This also applies hormonal contraception, it should only be taken as prescribed by a gynecologist.
  • You cannot postpone a consultation with a mammologist. In small populated areas If you can’t find such a specialist, then you need to consult a gynecologist, and in rural areas, you can first consult with a therapist.

Diagnosis of diseases

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely ask how long ago the woman noticed the discharge. It is important whether the discharge is constantly present or only occasionally. Important points– the presence of pain, old and new injuries, the woman taking hormones and antidepressants. After a thorough examination, the doctor will instrumental diagnostics: mammography, ultrasound examination. Sometimes ductography is prescribed - an x-ray examination using contrast, which is injected into the ducts. All these diagnostic measures are most effective on the second or third day after the end of menstruation. Before menstruation, the glands swell, so there is an error in the study.

If the doctor has reason to suspect oncological tumor, then a puncture is taken - a sample of tissues and liquids. The resulting tissues are carefully examined using instruments; the detection of certain types of cells indicates a malignant formation.

In the treatment of cancer, it is fundamentally important at what stage of the disease one begins therapeutic measures. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an annual preventive breast examination by a mammologist or gynecologist. No less important are timely gynecological examinations and treatment of endocrine diseases.

Until recently, women were recommended to do breast self-examination. Recently, this recommendation has been canceled - an untrained person is not able to distinguish a pathological formation from a normal lobule of the gland. A trained doctor can use palpation methods, but if you yourself have experienced some changes in the condition of your breasts, play it safe and visit medical institution. Better a false alarm than missing the onset of the cancer process. Avoid breast herbs and taking unnecessary medications, hypothermia and frequent stress are undesirable - all this affects a woman’s health.

Discharge from the bust area is not always a terrible and dangerous phenomenon, since the gland is a secretory organ and therefore the release of fluid from the breast is possible, even if you have not given birth. However similar symptoms always require attention and timely examination.

Any woman should know self-examination techniques, and if lumps or any fluids are detected, make an appointment with a doctor. A mammologist deals with the pathology of such problems.

The appearance of fluid from the nipples outside of pregnancy and lactation may be due to various diseases. Substances can flow from only one gland or from both. They can be clear, yellow, brown, black, green, or even bloody. May be accompanied by pain, enlargement or change in the shape of the mammary gland, and the appearance of lumps. It is in all cases that they come from the nipples of the breast, from the same holes from which milk usually comes out. Such manifestations can be constant, or appear with pressure or pumping. They may resemble water, milk, or be very thick.

Discharge from the mammary glands, causes

If you notice the appearance of stains on clothing in the upper part, first of all you need to find out the reasons, since in some cases they are not dangerous, but in others they require immediate treatment. The exception is if you are pregnant.

Discharge before menstruation, as well as after the end of breastfeeding for several months, usually has physiological reasons and do not require treatment. They will go away on their own; you just need to exclude stimulation of the areolas, as this strengthens them. In such cases, only pain in this area or the presence of compactions should alert you. However, there are also non-physiological reasons for the appearance of liquid masses from the area of ​​the body under discussion.

Ectasia of the milk ducts

This age change breast, which is characterized by expansion of the part of the duct under the alveoli in premenopause and menopause. The nipple is retracted, and the tissue around the duct becomes denser due to inflammation. If such a problem exists, the woman notices thick green masses flowing from the mammary glands. In advanced cases they can even be black.

As a rule, this pathology is not life-threatening, but inflammatory process can cause a lot of discomfort and requires treatment, in most cases surgery.

Intraductal papilloma

This disease is a minor benign tumor, which appears directly in the mammary duct almost at the nipple. This tumor can be palpated in the tissues, and it is not possible to distinguish it from oncopathology without ultrasound and histological examination after removal.

Intraductal papillomas usually affect one milk duct. A woman notices thick, dark, bloody, brown discharge. This happens to those over 35 years of age and rarely bothers young girls. Surgical treatment is mandatory.


Literally translated, this means the flow of milk. With galactorrhea, clear substances appear, in some cases they resemble milk, in others they are yellowish, like colostrum, and thicker. Most often they are caused high level the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production after childbirth.

Hyperprolactinemia occurs in the most various reasons, from reception hormonal contraceptives, to hypofunction thyroid gland or even the presence of prolactinoma, a tumor of the pituitary gland. Sometimes prolactin levels rise involuntarily and white spots appear due to the habit of going without a bra and constant stimulation of the nipples with rough clothing.

Discharge of fluid from the nipples due to hyperprolactinemia is possible even in men.


The female breast is a delicate, easily injured organ. If you hit it, you are at great risk. After an injury, bloody, transparent, brown smudges and the formation of hematomas are possible. If you find any of the above, consult a doctor immediately.


An abscess does not necessarily develop in nursing women; it can also occur in a young woman who has not given birth. The main reason is the penetration of infection into the tissue through cracks and damage to the nipples or the skin around them. In such cases, the feeding organ swells and turns red, it hurts, and purulent masses may appear. But these symptoms are typical for last stages abscess, in the initial stages of inflammation only transparent manifestations are possible. If inflammation occurs during breastfeeding or during pregnancy, an admixture of pus can be detected in the milk.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

This is a widespread pathology of one of the main female organs. Every second woman of childbearing age suffers from it. The disease manifests itself as pain in the chest area at the end menstrual cycle, the appearance of compactions and discharge, which most often yellow color and bother in the second half of the cycle. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a mammogram and ultrasound of this organ, and then immediately begin treatment.

Mammary cancer

This terrible disease rarely causes discharge from the bust area, however, with the intraductal form and invasive tumor growth, bloody smudges are possible. If you find any strange spots on your clothes, run to a mammologist. This form of the disease is very aggressive, difficult to diagnose, and requires the earliest possible treatment.

Pregnancy and breast discharge

The physiological purpose of the mammary gland is breastfeeding. For this reason, staying in interesting position, feeding and some period after this are accompanied by liquid smudges in the corresponding area of ​​the body. Fluid from the feeding organ in pregnant women can leave in the very early stages, but most often this process begins to become more active in the third trimester. Colostrum is a white or somewhat yellowish mass, quite thick. They are not dangerous and do not require any treatment, you just need to improve your hygiene. The pharmacy sells special pads to protect underwear. After childbirth, lactation begins within 3-4 days and real milk appears. After its completion, transparent smudges may continue to bother you for about six months.

Treatment is required only if they are pathological in origin. There is no need to be afraid to consult a doctor, since some serious interventions are not always required. But you need to know what is happening to you.

Small, infrequent discharge in itself, even if you are not a nursing mother, does not portend anything terrible. The color of the discharge should alert you:

If the discharge is clear or yellowish, watery, or contains blood;

If there is constant discharge from one or both nipples.


There may be several reasons why you may have nipple discharge.

Dilatation of the milk ducts(ectasia) is one of the most common reasons discharge from the chest. One or more ducts become inflamed and the duct fills with thick, sticky green or black secretions. Most often occurs in women 40-50 years old.

Galactorrhea- secretion of milk, colostrum or milk-like fluid from the mammary glands. The reasons are an increase in the level of prolactin in the body, as well as other hormonal imbalances in the body as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives, insufficiency of thyroid function, pituitary tumor (prolactinoma), etc.

Mastopathy. In this case, the discharge from the nipples is transparent, yellow or green.

Difficult to install one specific reason the occurrence of mastopathy, but what happens in the mammary gland is known: inflammation, swelling, fibrosis, cystic degeneration. Treatment is aimed at these mechanisms of development of pathological changes in the mammary gland.

Wobenzym is a drug that has a complex effect on both some of the causes of the disease and pathological changes in the mammary gland during mastopathy. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, fibrinolytic effects. In addition, Wobenzym is perfectly compatible with other drugs that are used in the treatment of mastopathy.

Diseases of the pelvic organs(uterus, appendages), as well as the condition after an abortion or miscarriage. How abundant the discharge will be after an abortion depends on how far into the pregnancy the pregnancy was terminated. The shorter the period, the fewer changes have occurred in the body, and the less discharge there will be. Usually bleeding continues for about 2 days, then normal development situations there are only scanty allocations.

Closed injury mammary gland. The discharge may be clear, yellow or bloody.

Purulent diseases mammary gland (accumulation of pus). In this case you will need surgical intervention and antibiotic therapy.

Mastitis(acute infectious inflammation mammary glands). Treatment can be either conservative or surgical, depending on the degree of neglect.

Intraductal papilloma(benign tumor). Discharge from the breast is usually bloody and has a thick consistency. Treatment is surgical with mandatory histological examination of the removed material (to exclude malignancy).

Mammary cancer(malignant tumor). Just like intraductal papilloma, it can be asymptomatic. Particularly alarming signs are the presence of spontaneous bloody discharge from only one breast, as well as at the same time an increase in the size of the mammary gland and/or the detection of nodular formations. However, it is worth noting that cancer is only last on the list of possible causes of nipple discharge.

Paget's disease (special shape Breast cancer) is a tumor that specifically affects the nipple. Signs of this cancer are burning, itching in the nipple area, redness or darkening of the areola, peeling of the skin of the nipple and areola, changes appearance pacifier, bloody issues from the nipple.

At the doctor's

When planning an appointment with a doctor, think in advance about the answers to the questions that he will definitely ask you.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed has bothered every woman at least once in her life. Their appearance can be either a signal of illness or a variant of the norm, depending on the accompanying symptoms and the nature of the secretion.

The appearance of any discharge from the nipples should alert a woman, since in many cases it is associated with the development of more serious illnesses. Special attention You should pay attention to the secretion of an unusual color (green, yellow, bloody) with an unpleasant odor.

If the disease is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, there is a risk of developing serious complications and pathologies such as:

  • development of malignant tumors;
  • progression of the disease, which is subsequently difficult to treat;
  • detrimental effect on lactation;
  • the appearance of cracks in the nipple, which become a favorable environment for the development of infection and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. They are the ones who provoke inflammation of the nipple, which is called telitis;
  • the appearance of inflammatory processes in the gland;
  • The discharge may change consistency and color over time, indicating the emergence of new diseases.

The severity of the consequences depends on the cause that caused the appearance of the secretion.

Possible causes of discharge

The root causes of discharge can be both natural and pathological. In most cases, the color of the discharge indicates the main reason for its appearance.

Green discharge

If, when pressed, a secretion of a greenish tint appears from the mammary glands, then in most cases this indicates the presence of mastopathy - tissue proliferation. The discharged substance has a thick consistency with mucus impurities. In addition to discharge, symptoms such as breast hardening and pain appear.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed may be a sign of one of the forms of mastopathy

You can get rid of this disease by short time with a timely visit to a specialist who will identify the form of mastopathy and the stage of its development. Otherwise, when the disease is advanced, the effectiveness of therapy is significantly reduced.

To the list of required diagnostic studies This pathology includes tests for hormones such as progesterone, prolactin and estradiol.

Transparent selections

A clear secretion released from the nipples is not a symptom of a serious disease. It may appear due to chest trauma (bruises or blows), constant stress and hormonal changes during menstruation. Usually the fluid comes out on its own, without pressing on the chest area.

The separated substance contains cellular enzymes, lymph transudate and all kinds of microorganisms. The discharge should not have a distinct odor, and should not be accompanied by discomfort in the chest and the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms such as pain, lumps and enlarged lymph nodes.

Yellow discharge

Discharge that has a yellowish tint is one of the early symptoms the onset of pregnancy. Watery discharge has a sweet odor and is produced by prolactin. Most often, this kind of secretion appears in the first weeks after conception, in the middle of pregnancy or immediately after childbirth.

The color of the discharge varies from yellow to almost clear liquid. The composition of the discharge includes lipids, proteins and minerals.

Prolactin can provoke the appearance of this kind of discharge not only during pregnancy. They can appear in women of any age, even girls. This occurs when the level of this hormone increases. Deviations can be detected using a blood test, and hormonal levels can be normalized by using prolactin inhibitors.

Release of fluid

The appearance of liquid secretion is alarm signal in cases where it is accompanied by a number of other symptoms:

  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • itching around the nipple, changes in the color of halos and the appearance spider veins in this zone;
  • breast asymmetry, changes in the shape and color of the skin in this area.

If any of these signs are present, you should urgently contact a mammologist to examine the mammary glands and analyze the secreted fluid. Until this time, it is forbidden to squeeze out the secretion on your own to avoid injury and provoking the development of infection.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge indicates bleeding in the ducts, which is formed due to damage to the blood vessels. Disturbances occur both with the growth of tumors and with small cysts in the mammary glands.

Cysts are benign formations, and when they occur, nipple discharge may be brown with a greenish or grayish tint without traces of blood.

The appearance of brown secretion may depend on the age of the woman. For example, at the age of 50, ductal ectasia may occur. With this disease, the discharge has a sticky consistency. When diagnosing, a specialist must check the milk ducts for the absence of a bloody component.

Bloody issues

The appearance of blood discharge indicates the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. Such neoplasms cover small blood vessels mammary gland, so the discharge from the breast becomes mixed with blood.

The danger lies in the fact that even a simple papilloma can degenerate into a malignant tumor. That is why it is important to immediately contact an oncologist if any bloody traces appear to rule out breast cancer.

The following symptoms also indicate the presence of a serious illness:

  • secretion from only one mammary gland;
  • noticeable breast enlargement;
  • pain on palpation;
  • the appearance of dense areas on the gland.

Women over 35 years of age, as well as girls who have not yet given birth, are at risk. In rare cases, discharge mixed with blood may appear during pregnancy, which is associated with abrupt change hormonal background.

White discharge

White secretion secreted from the mammary glands is the main symptom of galactorrhea. Excessive production of prolactin causes the synthesis of milk, which begins to appear in small quantities when pressed.

Discharge from the mammary glands of this kind, which appears when pressure is applied, is not a sign of pathology during pregnancy. In other cases, immediate assistance from a specialist is needed, especially if the secretion is released several months after the end of lactation.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, which has White color, also indicates the presence of problems with the urinary, reproductive, endocrine systems, as well as with changes in the functioning of the hypothalamus.

Dark discharge

More often, dark color The secretions create traces of blood, which give the discharge a black or dark brown tint. This type of discharge indicates the presence of neoplasms in the mammary gland. A dark secretion with a green tint appears when cystic mastopathy or with inflammatory processes in the chest caused by a pyogenic infection.

In the presence of dark discharge from the chest it is impossible to speak unambiguously about any pathological changes in organism. When diagnosing, the results should be taken into account laboratory research, palpation and visual inspection.

Light discharge

If the appearance light discharge are not associated with bearing a child, they are called galactorrhea. This secretion is odorless and appears from both mammary glands.

Its appearance is associated with an increase in prolactin levels, which is caused by the following factors:

  • use of contraceptives;
  • taking medications for the treatment of estradiol without medical supervision;
  • thyroid diseases;

If left untreated for a long time, galactorrhea begins to negatively affect the performance of the ovaries, increases the risk of infertility, causes early miscarriages, and in rare cases affects the occurrence of tumors in the brain.

Bloody discharge

More often bleeding appear with intraductal papillomas, which occur due to hormonal imbalances. They compress nearby vessels, causing internal bleeding.

Other causes of blood secretion from the mammary gland include breast trauma. If a hematoma or hemorrhage occurs as a result of a bruise, a small amount of blood may enter the ducts. Therefore, it is important to inform the specialist about any injuries during the examination.

Sticky discharge

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, which has a thick and sticky consistency, is the main symptom of lacteal duct ectasia.

This disease is age-related and is associated with channel changes, for example:

  • deformation;
  • dilation of the ducts;
  • narrowing of the milk ducts.

All transformations occur in the ducts located close to the nipples. Such changes provoke blockage of the channels and the development of inflammation. The release of a sticky secretion of any color occurs simultaneously with the appearance of a modification of the nipple and lumps of the mammary gland in this area.

Black discharge

Black discharge from mammary gland, which appear when pressure is applied, occur when a cluster of pathogenic bacteria forms in the ducts. The reason for their development is blockage or deformation of the canals. The black tint is given to the secret pathogenic microorganisms and traces of their life activity.

The most common cause of black discharge is the appearance of blood in the milk ducts. It is dead red blood cells that make the color of the discharge mass dark. Blood in the discharge serves as a signal for the occurrence of tumors of any nature. With this pathology, the secretion is released only from the affected mammary gland.

Blood in the milk ducts is a serious signal, therefore, if black discharge appears, you should immediately contact a mammologist for a full diagnosis.

Purulent discharge

Discharge of this type indicates that an inflammatory process with ulcers and abscesses has formed in the ducts. All this is accompanied by pain, swelling of the breasts and the appearance of redness around the nipples.

To eliminate the abscess, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, which usually consists of taking antibiotics and applying compresses. At acute course disease, the doctor prescribes an opening of the inflamed area in order to remove pus and clean the ducts.

Norm and pathology of discharge from the mammary glands

During menstruation, during pregnancy or after abortion, discharge from the nipples may appear, as some types of discharge are characteristic of these periods. It is important to determine the type of discharge in order to exclude possible pathological conditions.

During menstruation

The appearance of discharge during menstruation is due to the work of special hormones that are responsible for lactation. They are the ones who stimulate the production of secretions. The discharge is usually yellow or white in color and can be either with or without an odor. Discharges during this period occur in small quantities, and their occurrence most often occurs at the very beginning of the cycle.

If fluid with other characteristics is released, and the process itself is accompanied by pain and swelling of the glands, then you should be examined for the presence of pathological processes.

During pregnancy

While carrying a child in female body A complete hormonal change occurs, due to which prolactin levels increase. This hormone is responsible for milk production. When it predominates, the mammary glands begin to swell due to the expansion of the milk ducts.

Discharge from the nipples during such a period may appear even with minor exposure to them. On different stages During pregnancy, the secretion has a different consistency: at first liquid is released, and over time the discharge becomes thicker, it acquires a specific yellowish tint and a sweet smell.

Such discharge is called colostrum, which is characteristic of the late stage of pregnancy or postpartum period. They are not a symptom of disease and do not affect lactation in any way.

After termination of pregnancy

In the first few months after an abortion, discharge from the breast may appear, since pregnancy has a strong impact not only on a woman’s hormonal levels, but also on the condition of the mammary glands. The norm of secretion released during this period is yellow discharge, characteristic of the lactation period.

After undergoing medical or surgical termination of pregnancy the immune system weakens, so it appears high risk the occurrence of inflammation and diseases of the mammary glands, such as mastitis and mastopathy. After an abortion, tumors and accumulations of pathogenic bacteria may appear in the breast.

If the discharge is accompanied by pain, redness and other unpleasant sensations, this may indicate pathological conditions, so any changes should be reported to your doctor. This will avoid serious complications in a weakened body.

What should not be done if there is discharge from the mammary glands?

At the first appearance of discharge, you should avoid several actions that negatively affect the condition of the mammary glands:

  • take medications without a specialist’s prescription;
  • wear tight underwear;
  • make warm compresses and other traditional medicine procedures;
  • take a hot shower or bath;
  • use hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, before visiting a doctor;
  • squeeze out the liquid yourself.

Any prohibited actions can lead to a worsening of the condition and can also provoke complications.

When should you see a doctor?

There are a number of symptoms, if they occur, you should immediately contact a specialist:

  • discharge bothers you for more than two days;
  • they contain an admixture of blood;
  • the secretion comes out of only one mammary gland;
  • the discharge has a thick consistency;
  • peeling appears on the skin of the nipple;
  • loss of symmetry (increase in size, formation of dense knots);
  • the color of the nipple and the area around it changes;
  • appear painful sensations in the chest.

The doctor can do everything necessary examinations which include:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • visual examination of the breast (study of color skin and shapes of the mammary glands);
  • palpation;
  • biopsy (to examine lumps and tumors to rule out malignancy);
  • mammography;
  • ductography (to identify pathologies of the milk ducts).

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, as well as any changes in this area should not be ignored. Timely visits to the doctor, diagnosis, and therapy will help avoid complications and serious illnesses.

Video about the causes of discharge from the mammary glands

Determining the cause of discharge by its color:

Normal and pathological discharge from nipples, doctor's advice:

Discharge from the mammary glands is one of the most common complaints with which gynecologists refer their patients to a consultation with a mammologist.

This condition can be the result of either temporary “failures” in the body or a symptom of many diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to draw a line between physiological (normal) discharge from the nipple, which accompanies pregnancy, lactation and other “healthy” periods in a woman’s life, and pathological ones - indicating the presence of a disease.

Physiological secretions

This type of nipple discharge includes the following:

  • Breast discharge during pregnancy, which occurs in both breasts, is cloudy white or yellowish color and are not accompanied by changes in well-being. This is the so-called “training” lactation, which begins in the last trimester and is provoked by the precursors of contractions - painless contractions of the uterus, stimulating discharge from the breast.
  • Lactation after premature termination of pregnancy may look like full-fledged production breast milk, and have the character of minor discharge from the nipples. Usually lasts from several days to a month and depends on the stage of pregnancy at which the termination occurred.
  • Discharge from the breast associated with the start of taking oral contraceptives, which increase the level of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation. Such nipple discharge stops on its own when the drug is changed or discontinued.

Pathological discharge

There are much more discharges from the nipples, which can be classified as pathological, and in each case they indicate the occurrence of some disease.


The most common reason for breast discharge. This disease develops due to hormonal disorders, ovarian diseases, genetic predisposition and other reasons.

The nature of breast discharge with this disease is very variable and differs from woman to woman.

These may be spontaneous and copious discharge from nipples that appear without any stimulation, resembling colostrum or watery liquid, colored yellow, brown or greenish color. Also, discharge from the nipple can only be observed when the nipples are squeezed - as when expressing milk - and can be thick and of a dense consistency.

In addition, mastopathy is accompanied by discomfort, often described as “heaviness,” an aching feeling in the chest. These symptoms worsen after physical activity, stress.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Most often, pathological discharge from the nipples in pregnant women develops due to inflammatory and infectious processes in breast tissue. But this condition can also be a symptom of the presence of a benign or malignant tumor that existed before pregnancy and the growth of which is triggered by hormonal changes in the body.

Such nipple discharge is obviously “abnormal” in nature, which is quite easy to notice even for a non-specialist:

In addition to the above reasons - the presence of a tumor and infectious/inflammatory disease of the mammary glands, discharge during pregnancy can be caused by pathology of fetal development and exacerbation chronic diseases, present before pregnancy.

Hormonal disorders

In diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge from the breast may be observed, since these glands internal secretion take part in the regulation and stabilization of hormonal levels, including the concentration of prolactin in the blood (the hormone responsible for lactation).

Discharge from the nipples due to thyroid dysfunction or prolactinoma (pituitary adenoma) is fully consistent normal lactation– there is a discharge of milk or milk-like fluid without the inclusion of blood or pigments.

In addition to lactation, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are observed, up to its complete cessation.

Persistent endocrine disorders can be provoked bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, long-term use medicines affecting hormonal status, frequent viral infections etc.

Tumor diseases of the mammary glands

For discharge from the breast caused by neoplasms, associated symptoms can vary significantly depending on the type of tumor, its location and other factors:

Tumor diseases (cysts, adenomas, oncological tumors, etc.) can develop for many reasons. Today, the main one is considered genetic predisposition to cancer and the presence of risk factors.

These include:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • unfavorable environmental conditions (working in hazardous industries, living in industrial zones, etc.);
  • unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep and rest, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity, etc.);
  • past abortions.

Treatment of breast discharge

If you have discharge from the breast that is not associated with pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Early diagnosis of tumor and other diseases of the mammary glands significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of complications.

Diagnosis is carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods examinations:

Treatment of breast discharge is prescribed in accordance with the reasons that provoked this condition.

  • Endocrine disorders require correction of a woman’s hormonal status, which is carried out using a wide range of drugs, including hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and ovaries.
  • Treatment of breast discharge pathological nature during pregnancy, it can be postponed until the postpartum period, and before that, maintenance therapy is prescribed to eliminate risks to the fetus. In some cases, termination of pregnancy may be necessary if the doctor has reason to believe there is a threat to the woman’s health and life if treatment is postponed to a later period.
  • Tumor diseases of the mammary glands are pathologies for the treatment of which very wide range methods and means. In each individual case, treatment requires an individual approach and taking into account the nature of the tumor (cyst, adenoma, malignancy, etc.), the age and health of the patient and other factors. Treatment may include conservative methods using medications(including chemotherapy), radiological treatment (so-called radiation) and surgery, during which part of the breast or the entire mammary gland is removed. Combination treatment, in which the prescription includes several areas, is considered the most effective today.