Why you can't massage pregnant women. Can pregnant women have a massage? Relieving tension and pain

Massage procedures help pregnant women maintain emotional balance, improve health and avoid many of the negative consequences of their situation. However, sessions can be carried out only if the health of pregnant women and general well-being allows.

The benefits of any of the massage procedures are the release of happiness hormones, relaxation, improvement of skin condition and activation of metabolic processes. However, whether a pregnant woman can have a massage is decided by the gynecologist, based on the condition and development of the fetus, the patient’s well-being, and the duration of pregnancy. After consultation with a doctor, the type, duration and intensity of the massage course is also determined. Self-prescription is dangerous for the health of mother and child.

Massage during early pregnancy is only possible in the form of light strokes.

Doctors do not recommend resorting to sessions because the expectant mother does not yet experience stress on her back and is able to cope with anxiety on her own. It is also important that in the first 4 weeks the fertilized cell attaches to the wall of the uterus, and sudden and strong movements can interfere with this process. Intense exposure, fast walking, exercise and heavy lifting are contraindicated during this period.

In the 2nd trimester, the child has already mastered the space, and active changes are taking place in the mother’s body. During this period, massage treatments will help cope with fatigue and mood swings, pain, and relieve swelling. In the last trimester of pregnancy, massage will help improve health, prepare for childbirth and maintain emotional stability.

By improving the movement of lymph and blood, the baby develops actively and correctly. Regular massage sessions will help avoid high blood pressure, insomnia, cramps, swelling and shortness of breath. Doctors advise attending only manual massage sessions: hardware, stone therapy, vibration or vacuum massage can lead to negative side effects. It is also prohibited to visit hot tubs, as they can cause uterine contractions, bleeding and risk miscarriage.

Warm baths can be done on the arms or legs, and warm compresses on the neck or back.


There are many contraindications for massage during pregnancy. These include:

  • Hypertension of 2-3 degrees and hypertensive crises;
  • Infectious and colds;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Asthma;
  • Skin damage;
  • High blood pressure and severe swelling (2nd half of pregnancy);
  • Varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • Severe toxicosis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Threat of miscarriage;
  • Acute and severe back pain;
  • Trophic ulcers.

During difficult and late pregnancy, doctors advise to refrain from attending any massage sessions. It is also not advisable to attend a massage if you have previously had miscarriages or premature births.

Massage as a way to improve the health of mother and child

Regular massage treatments can:

  • Improve the emotional state of the expectant mother;
  • Relieve the effects of stress, physical fatigue and overwork;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Improve metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs;
  • Strengthen the immune system and accelerate the production of interferon;
  • Get rid of puffiness.

Sessions in the last months of pregnancy reduce the load on the back and help keep the spine healthy. When performing a massage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The main techniques are light kneading, rubbing and soft, but not deep, stroking;
  • Movements should be careful, rhythmic and without weight;
  • Intense kneading or vibrating tapping is prohibited;
  • Massage is carried out for the back, upper or lower extremities, shoulder complex and neck;
  • When working with the back, special attention is paid to the sacral area;
  • Only light strokes are performed on the stomach;
  • The session lasts from 15 to 40 minutes;
  • Back massage occurs only from a side lying position.

Therapeutic massage procedures relieve pain in the neck and chest, lower back, and relieve congestion. An additional benefit of sessions in the third trimester is relaxation of the muscle corset and improved sleep. A gentle massage using natural oils helps improve your mood and emotional well-being.

You cannot attend massage sessions after childbirth in the first 1.5-2 months, but in the future the procedures will help cope with postpartum syndrome, depression, fatigue and skin changes. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, I massage my sides and stomach.

The procedures are beneficial for the baby because they improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues. This reduces the risk of hypoxia, increases the vitality of the fetus, calms and improves overall health.

Features of massage in the early stages

Carrying out massage procedures in the first trimester is possible from a lying position on your stomach, from a sitting position or lying on your side. The prone position should take minimal time, since pressure can lead to undesirable consequences.

It is undesirable to perform procedures while lying on your back - this can lead to compression of the vena cava by the uterus.

Attending a massage involves some rules that must be followed. It is prohibited to massage on an empty stomach and immediately after a meal: the optimal time is 60-90 minutes after a meal. During the session, the emotional mood is important. A woman should relax, think about the positive, and avoid negative emotions, memories and thoughts. The massage should be performed in a warm room without drafts, but with good ventilation. And after the session, be sure to leave time for rest.

Due to the shifted center of gravity during pregnancy, almost all women have back pain. Fetal development leads to arching of the spine, changes in posture and gait. It must be remembered that this is not a pathology and does not need urgent correction with the help of manual therapy. The body only chooses a comfortable position for carrying the fetus.

Stroking the legs is carried out from the feet to the hips with straight or circular movements. Knead the calves with your thumbs, but do not touch the popliteal cavities. You can relieve headaches, fatigue and cope with dizziness with facial massage. The effect on the scalp calms thoughts, balances consciousness, and relieves fears.

After a shower, you can do a self-massage of the abdomen using natural oils. This is a good prevention of stretch marks. The procedure also helps reduce acidity, strengthen muscle tissue, and improve digestion. A daily light massage will reduce the risk of miscarriage and improve the condition of the reproductive organs.

A general back massage is aimed at relieving pain and muscle tension. When performing it, it is forbidden to touch the spine, sacrum and coccyx, since they contain aborting points. Stimulating this area increases blood flow and triggers miscarriage. Massage procedures begin with soft stroking, then rubbing and kneading.

Back massage in early pregnancy using vacuum cups, hot stones, power techniques and active vibrations can lead to abortion.

Special types of massage and pregnancy

Classic or general massage can be performed from the second trimester under the supervision of a doctor. Vibration techniques are excluded from the session, and all movements take place only along massage lines. The duration of treatment is from 15 to 30 minutes, and in the absence of negative reactions, you can attend 1-2 procedures per week. From the last trimester, procedures can be carried out daily, gradually increasing the time to 45 minutes.

Head massage

The procedure is aimed at improving blood circulation in the scalp, strengthening hair follicles and eliminating headaches. You can perform it from the first trimester, and use a brush made of natural materials as a massager. For severe headaches, use acupressure technique: massage the temples and the area between the eyebrows.

Contraindications to the procedure are high blood pressure, traumatic brain injuries and violation of the integrity of the skin.

Neck massage

A common cause of headaches and back pain during pregnancy is tonic muscle spasm. It leads to impaired blood circulation and congestion. The duration of the session should not exceed 10 minutes, and it is better to entrust the procedures to a specialist. Illiterate treatment can worsen the condition of the pregnant woman. Begin work by lightly rubbing the neck and occipital area. During the massage it is forbidden to hold your breath, and if dizziness or nausea occurs, the session is stopped.

Foot massage

Massaging your feet helps relieve swelling, pain, fatigue, cramps and spasms. If massage is undesirable in the 1st trimester, then from the 2nd trimester sessions can be performed every other day, and in the 3rd - every day. The duration of the study should not exceed 25 minutes.

Massage begins from the foot, then smoothly rises to the lower leg and thighs. Allowed techniques are rubbing, stroking and gentle kneading. It is prohibited to massage the lower third of the lower leg and the inner surface of the thighs: this area is rich in BAP, the impact of which can provoke uterine contractions. Contraindications to sessions are varicose veins and weak outflow of venous blood.

Perineal massage

Massaging this area is only necessary in late pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. Positive effect of the procedures:

  • Preventing ruptures;
  • Increasing the elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • Getting rid of fears and pain before childbirth.

Massage should be carried out only in agreement with the doctor and massage therapist. Incorrect development can:

  • Cause myometrial spasms and premature birth;
  • Infect the vagina;
  • Cause discomfort and worsen the emotional state of the pregnant woman.

The massage technique cannot be called pleasant: it consists of stretching the vagina down and to the sides. To reduce the unpleasant effect, a large amount of oil is used during massaging.

Anticellulite massage

Programs aimed at reducing the severity of cellulite are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. Light stroking will not cope with the problem, but intensive work will increase muscle tone and lead to contraction of the uterus. This may end in premature birth or miscarriage. Doctors advise replacing the anti-cellulite complex with yoga, gymnastics and walks in the fresh air.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage procedures are allowed only if they are performed with soft and smooth movements and coincide with the flow of lymph in the body. Lymphatic drainage massage can be visited no more than a couple of times a week starting from the 2nd trimester. There is no need for them in the first trimester.

Massage procedures during pregnancy are possible only after consultation with a doctor.

This is an important condition for maintaining the health of mother and child. The session time for pregnant women is reduced, and the softest and most gentle treatment is chosen. Any weighting or forceful techniques, vigorous massage, impact on reflex points and increasing the tone of muscle tissue are prohibited. Massage during pregnancy is aimed at relaxation, relieving fatigue and improving blood circulation - any other goals of the procedures are undesirable.

Almost every pregnant woman sooner or later begins to experience certain inconveniences and pain - in the back, lower back, legs... I will share my experience. In the first trimester I suffered from nausea and dizziness. In the second trimester, the nausea went away, but pain in the abdomen and lower back began to bother me. The doctor explained that they can be caused by the fact that the baby inside the mother is trying to take a position that is comfortable for him, moving, stretching the walls of the uterus.
As for the third trimester - by this time the baby was already comfortably located in my stomach, but I was happy early - I began to suffer from pain in my legs and swelling.
Where do these terrible swellings come from? The cause of swelling is excess fluid that accumulates in the body of a pregnant woman. On some days, especially after I had to walk for a long time in the heat, I noticed that the swelling rose all the way to my knees, causing me great suffering.

I would have continued to suffer if it weren’t for the lecture that was given at the antenatal clinic for expectant mothers and their spouses - “Pregnancy and foot massage.” It turns out that legs are a common problem for all pregnant women, almost everyone suffers from pain and swelling. There are several ways that can help deal with leg pain.

The first thing I did was to lie down on the sofa at every opportunity and raise my legs as high as possible - on several pillows. After lying in this position, you will immediately notice how much easier you will feel: the swelling will decrease, the pain will become almost unnoticeable. Cool foot baths also help a lot. And the most important thing that helped me cope with leg problems was massage.

Foot massage during pregnancy: basic rules

1. You need to prepare in advance everything you might need: massage oil, several dry towels.
2. It is advisable to create a suitable environment in the room: you need it to be comfortable and warm, you can turn off the overhead lights and leave only a night light or floor lamp on, turn on pleasant music or an interesting film. Some of my friends also sprayed the room with essential oils, but I think this is unnecessary - during the massage you still have to use aromatic oils that fill the room with the smell of herbs.
3. Explain to your husband that massage is a business that does not tolerate fuss. If time is short, it is better to focus on one type of massage - in our case, legs.
4. If your pregnancy has passed the third month, you should not lie on your stomach during a massage!
5. The entire surface of a pregnant woman’s body, except that which is being massaged, can be covered with towels. Of course, this does not apply to the hot summer months. In general, everything depends on the condition and wishes of the pregnant woman - as it is convenient for her, so it should be.
6. Do not put excessive pressure on the surface of the body: all movements should be light. Every touch should be pleasant to you, it serves to relax. The ideal option is when after a massage you feel the desire to sleep. This means everything was done correctly.
7. Particular attention should be paid to those areas of the legs in which tension is felt and which are prone to cramps. Most often it is the calf muscles, at least that’s how it was for me.
8. You cannot press on the veins - you need to easily slide your hands around them.
9. Some women like to have their feet massaged during pregnancy immediately after a hot bath. This is a double mistake! Firstly, a hot bath is strictly contraindicated for you - you can only take a warm one, or even better, a shower. Secondly, you cannot combine a bath and massage. The fact is that your steamed skin, covered with perspiration, absorbs massage oil much worse, which means that the result of the massage will be far from what you expect. After leaving the bathroom, you need to cool down a little - and only then begin the massage.
10. If your overall health is poor, it is better not to perform a massage. Also try to avoid massage if you are experiencing bleeding or fever.
11. It is better not to massage your feet for longer than 10-15 minutes: this time is enough to alleviate your condition.

I should note that pregnancy and hip massage are inseparable concepts, especially when it comes to the last three months of pregnancy. A well-done massage not only relieves swelling and pain, but also helps you quickly relax and fall asleep - and for me, for example, this was very important, since I suffered from constant insomnia: I was able to fall asleep only in the morning. If my husband gave me a massage in the evening, the problem of insomnia disappeared, and I slept peacefully until the morning.

A few more tips

– When performing a massage, try to sit or lie down as comfortably as possible.
– Let your husband alternate working on your ankles - a couple of minutes on one, then the same amount on the other. A very good technique is to bend and straighten your feet several times, this will help relieve the feeling of heaviness in your legs.
– Don’t forget about the special massage oil. It must be rubbed around the ankles and throughout the foot.

Some of my friends have said that after a massage they have a desire to wipe the oil off their skin. There is no need to do this - the better the aromatized essential oil is absorbed into the body, the more effective the massage will be. How can you tell if the oil has been completely absorbed? It is very easy - the absorbed oil does not leave a greasy sheen on the skin, you do not feel the desire to wipe it off. Absorption occurs over different times - sometimes 20 minutes is enough, and sometimes it may take 6-7 hours. It all depends on the type of oil and its quantity. Therefore, it is best to massage before bed. The oil will be absorbed overnight, and in the morning you will take a warm bath, after which you will be left with the feeling that your skin has become much softer, more beautiful and younger.

How else to alleviate the suffering of a pregnant woman?

If you suffer from swelling and pain in your feet, try wearing shoes half a size or even a size larger than you are used to. Give up high heels! It was difficult for me to do this, because I was used to walking everywhere in stiletto heels. However, once I walked in sneakers, I realized what comfort is! From that moment on, I put all my high heels away and instead bought two pairs of comfortable leather flats that looked good with my stylish “pregnant” sundress, suit and trousers.

Another important point: your shoes should have wide toes, then you can straighten your tired toes in them - you yourself will feel how much more comfortable wide shoes are! Take advantage of this period to enjoy comfortable shoes. After all, no one expects a woman with a big belly to walk gracefully and lightly with the clicking of her heels - you will still have time to suffer in high heels when you give birth. And now - God bless him, with grace! The main thing is that your feet feel good.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love massage. Women are especially prone to this. Even in ancient times, people knew the benefits of this procedure. It was used to treat and even prevent some diseases.

And although massage has a beneficial effect on the human body, the question arises: is it possible to do massage during pregnancy? After all, every mother is ready to give up anything that would harm the baby. However, it is worth noting that there is no need to refuse massage. Interestingly, many experts even recommend doing it.

Benefits of a session for pregnant women

Massage during pregnancy has a positive effect. Its positive results include the following:

  • Rapid disappearance of pain in the back area.
  • Tense muscles relax.
  • The nervous system calms down.
  • Lymph flow improves.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Prevents stretch marks.
  • Raises the overall tone of the body.

The main benefit of this procedure is to improve the functioning of the glands. A it normalizes the level of hormones in the blood. As a result, a woman can more easily cope with sudden mood changes when hormonal changes occur.

It is worth remembering that whether to massage during pregnancy or not is decided by the doctor who monitors the progress of the pregnancy. After all, there are not only general contraindications, but also individual ones., which only a specialist can know about.

Massage Basics

The main criteria that this medical procedure must meet are ease and gentleness of movements. If it is carried out correctly, then during the first procedures you can feel relief from pain in the spine, as well as from tense muscles. Depending on which part of the body is massaged, relief is felt in the neck or lower back.

Regular sessions will help reduce swelling and alleviate it, and also help improve your well-being. They relieve stress and general fatigue. Nutrients are even better supplied to cells along with oxygen.

You can do a massage yourself at home. But before that, it is important to learn it. For example, it can be performed by your loved one. Thanks to this, the relationship with your husband can become even stronger, because this procedure conveys warmth and care.

The procedure has a positive effect not only physically, but also psychologically. After all, by choosing it correctly, you can contribute relaxation and calming of the pregnant woman.

Some people do pregnancy massages using essential oils. However, before using this or that oil, It’s worth checking to see if there will be an allergic reaction to it. Otherwise, the procedure will not bring the desired result. To be completely calm, you can drop a drop of oil into the skin area, and after a short period of time you can see the reaction. If swelling or redness occurs, or the skin begins to itch, do not use this oil.

Properly selected oil has an effective effect. Effective types include lavender, sandalwood and cypress oils. Thanks to them, back swelling is relieved. And to prevent varicose veins, cedar and juniper oil are used.

But how to massage pregnant women and where will it bring the effect? It is necessary to gently influence the area of ​​the back, neck and shoulder girdle. The legs and arms may be affected.

Precautionary measures

What kind of massage can pregnant women do and what should they avoid? It is important to remember that pressing, kneading or using force is strictly prohibited. The hands should be relaxed and directed from the limbs to the head. When you decide to vibrate, you should use only your fingertips. The procedure itself should not take more than 45 minutes.

It is useful to massage the stomach. This benefits both the baby and the mother. However, movements should be careful and light in order to have a calming effect on the baby. The process must be continuous. It is necessary to start movements from the center of the abdomen. The palm is first moved upward, and after that the palm is replaced with the other hand, so as not to stop the movement. Stroking in a circle is also useful. They are carried out clockwise. This is a massage for pregnant women at home.

But what kind of massage can pregnant women get? If the pregnancy goes smoothly, then the pregnant mother can be placed on her back. When she is already in her final stages, a pillow is placed under her head and also placed between her legs. In this case, it is necessary for the mother to lie on her side.

Having answered the question: is massage during pregnancy possible or not, you can proceed to the next step. This is to start massaging your legs and arms. Thanks to this technique, blood flow and the functioning of each system improves. It is worth remembering that the procedure can be carried out when necessary without any special restrictions. It is important only after finishing that the pregnant woman takes foot baths and rests. However, you should avoid areas such as the heel, base of the thumbs and Achilles tendons.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have a back massage? Yes, even experts recommend this. Back massage during pregnancy helps reduce the load on the spine, which is explained by the fact that the breasts and abdomen are growing. When the period increases, the load also increases. As a result the spine begins to bend. The muscles begin to tense more, and the center of gravity becomes displaced. Of course, back massage for pregnant women brings many benefits and makes you feel better. However, it must be done very carefully.

At each stage of pregnancy, massage needs to be done differently. For example, even in the initial stages, mommy can lie on her stomach. This makes it easier to massage your legs, as well as massage your lower back during pregnancy. But when the period reaches 8 months, it is contraindicated to lie on the stomach. The session should take place either on your side or on a chair. The beginning should always be easy. Intense movements should be avoided, especially for those who do not know where the active points on the body are. Back massage is done especially carefully during early pregnancy.

In the early stages

The question arises whether pregnant women can have a massage when they have just started carrying their baby. Although gynecologists advise performing such sessions, they recommend not rushing to carry them out in the early stages. It is worth remembering that this procedure can greatly affect the internal reaction of a woman’s body. This is mainly at the level of reflexes.

Not knowing about the subtleties that massage has during early pregnancy, you can accidentally increase the tone of the uterus with your movements. Because of this, a miscarriage may occur.

There are abortogenic points on the body that should be avoided during the procedure. They cannot be stimulated. However, if you do not have precise knowledge in this area, then you should not conduct a session. This especially applies to the first trimester of pregnancy. Only light self-massage is allowed, as well as light stroking of the back. Avoid massaging the lower back and reflexogenic zones.

Some contraindications

It is worth paying attention to in which case it is better to avoid the procedure. These include:

  1. Severe manifestation of toxicosis.
  2. Diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Skin disease.
  4. High blood pressure.

The gynecologist may indicate other contraindications.

Fatigue, soreness and swelling of the legs are frequent companions of pregnancy, especially in the final trimester. Too much stress falls on the joints and blood vessels at this time. Foot massage, which can be done at home, helps pregnant women well.

Like all procedures, foot massage during pregnancy has its contraindications. Whether pregnant women can have a foot massage depends on your health condition. You should refrain from the procedure if you have:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • heat;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

In these cases, with swelling and pain in the legs, you should limit yourself to resting in a comfortable position. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can lie on your back with a cushion under your lower back and several pillows under your legs. In the second half of pregnancy, when the fetus, lying on its back, begins to compress the inferior vena cava, you can rest while sitting, arranging your legs so that they are slightly above the level of the lower back.

For respiratory diseases with moderately severe symptoms, the question of whether pregnant women can have a foot massage should be decided by the attending physician. If a woman has varicose veins, pregnancy foot massage sessions should be performed by a professional.

Preparing for a massage

If in the first trimester of pregnancy the expectant mother can massage the feet and legs on her own, then starting from the fourth month, pregnant women should have a partner massage their feet. For the procedure you will need clean towels, a special cream or hypoallergenic oil. To massage a pregnant woman, you need to choose a quiet, warm and well-ventilated room. The procedure should be carried out for 20-30 minutes, after which another half hour will be required to rest. Make sure you have the required amount of time available.

General massage technique

Before the session begins, the woman should take a comfortable position with support on the entire back and lower back - if the back is tense, it will not be possible to relax the leg muscles. You need to place bolsters under your thighs and shins.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Light kneading, rubbing and stroking the entire surface of the legs are performed. You should start from the hips, gradually moving down to the ankles.
  2. The next stage is more vigorous rubbing of the thighs and legs with saw-tooth movements.
  3. Try to avoid touching areas where large blood vessels come close to the skin.
  4. Start working the muscles of the ankle joint. During this exercise, the foot is held with one hand, and the muscles are kneaded with the thumb of the other hand.
  5. For frequent cramps, the following technique is useful: grab your toes with your hand and gently pull them towards the instep of your foot. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds.

Each stage should be completed within 3-5 minutes. At the end of the foot massage during pregnancy, massage the foot as follows:

  1. Fix your foot and perform intense rubbing with the pads of your toes to warm up the muscles.
  2. Proceed to kneading each finger individually, moving from the nail to the base of the finger.
  3. Place one hand under your ankle to help your foot relax. With your second palm, perform stroking movements from the heel to the toes and in the opposite direction.
  4. Press one palm against the balls of your sole and place the other on top of your foot. Perform gentle squeezing movements.
  5. Continue with the previous exercise, adding light crunches.
  6. Fix your heel, turning it into a conditional axis of rotation, then smoothly rotate your foot alternately in one direction and the other.

The foot massage procedure should be completed with stroking movements. Each stage should last for 1-2 minutes with short breaks for recovery.

Massage for swelling

Massage for swelling of the legs during pregnancy is best performed in bed, just before going to bed. It is necessary to adjust the temperature and humidity in the room in advance, ventilate the room well and take care of the comfort of the bed, and also prepare a towel to remove excess massage oil.

Foot massage for swelling includes the following techniques:

  • working out the muscles of the legs and feet with circular movements. This exercise is performed with the thumbs; you should avoid touching the area under the knee, places where blood vessels accumulate, and the area of ​​the sciatic nerve;
  • stroking movements of the leg surface from bottom to top;
  • kneading the feet with sawtooth transverse movements;
  • squeezing movements that can be used to stretch the thighs and buttocks;
  • relaxing stroking movements over the entire surface of the feet, since the feet are very stressed during pregnancy.

In addition to massaging your feet for swelling during pregnancy, remember to prevent swelling. Edema can be completely or partially avoided if you follow the simple recommendations of doctors.

Prevention of swelling

Distribute your daily fluid intake evenly throughout the day. Don't drink more than one glass of water every hour, and eat less salt.

If in the first months of pregnancy you can afford not to change your lifestyle, then in the last trimester you should not put excessive strain on your legs. Avoid long walks, jogging, and long trips during which you need to sit in an uncomfortable position. Wear a brace and support garment, as well as comfortable shoes. Take every opportunity to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on a natural surface - stones, grass, sand, etc.

Sleep in a comfortable position. If your pregnancy allows you to sleep on your back, place a pillow or cushion under your feet and legs; in later stages, when lying on your side, place a pillow under your stomach to avoid squeezing the veins. If you do not have heart disease, it is better to rest on your left side - this reduces pressure on the kidneys and accelerates the outflow of urine.

Foot massage for tired feet

Fatigue, frequent feeling of heaviness and aching pain in the legs are not uncommon phenomena during pregnancy. The most common reasons for this are:

  • varicose veins, which can worsen in the early stages due to hormonal changes;
  • flat feet - even if you didn’t have it before pregnancy, in the third trimester due to heavy load the arch of the foot may become deformed;
  • convulsions that occur due to a deficiency of electrolytes in the body. They can occur not only during exercise, but also at rest, causing fatigue and irritation;
  • muscle pain associated with the release of lactic acid due to changes in the position of the legs when walking.

To relieve fatigue and prevent night cramps, which impair sleep quality, it is useful to perform the following techniques:

  1. Alternately pull your relaxed feet away from you, then toward you, holding in each position for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Squeeze your shin with your palms on both sides, then gently move your palms in opposite directions.
  3. Use pressure movements on the calf muscle from top to bottom.

These exercises also help well with impaired thermoregulation of the limbs. The legs of pregnant women often become hypothermic due to narrowing of the capillaries and require special physical activity to restore blood circulation.

Properly performing a limb massage along with a balanced diet, taking vitamins and regulating exercise will allow you to avoid many of the troubles associated with pregnancy and come to childbirth in excellent shape and in good spirits. Be careful about your condition when massaging. Whether it is possible to massage your feet during pregnancy also depends on how you tolerate the procedure. If the procedure makes you dizzy, feels hot, or changes your blood pressure, you should stop the massage and consult your doctor.
