Rules and stages of work with objections. How to deal with customer objections in active sales

There are three most common objections in sales: "it's expensive", "I'll think about it", "I'll call you back". The first - "it's expensive" - ​​is the main one that managers have to work with. Let's analyze and understand what tricks you can use to bypass it and complete the deal successfully.


In fact, the customer's objection "it's expensive" does not always mean that he considers the price to be high. Often it is just a number that does not meet his expectations. Therefore, buyers often ask for discounts. But if you explain to the client why such a price, then in most cases he agrees that it fully corresponds to the selected product.

Phrases that will help start a dialogue with the buyer in order to remove the objection "it's expensive."

“Yes, we sell high-quality and expensive, but we have ... ... (listing advantages)”

“Yes, the price seems high, but……(listing benefits)”

Important nuance: do not object to the client about the high cost of goods. Agree with him, but draw his attention to the benefits of the product that form this price. Ideally, show that in the longer term your product will be much cheaper than competitors.

For example, you give a guarantee for a longer period, which means that if the product breaks down, the client will not have to spend money on repairs or a new item.

The main advantages of this technique:

Stirs up the curiosity of a potential buyer;

Involves him in interaction and cooperation;

Shifts the focus from the price tag to the benefits of the product itself.

Use this technique in 2 steps:

At the first, having heard the typical objection “it’s expensive”, you ask the interlocutor a counter question: “Are you talking about the price or the full cost?”

Once the buyer is curious and asks about the difference, you can move on to the second step!

In the second step, you need to involve the buyer in the comparison process. To do this, you can use a notepad or just a sheet of paper. Divide it vertically into two halves and argue in favor of an unfavorable comparison.

For example, a client is interested in a camera, and he chooses between a branded camera from a manufacturer that you sell and a cheaper Chinese counterpart.

Naturally, the original is much more expensive, and a fake can be purchased at any market at a nominal price. The customer's "it's expensive" objection is understandable, but not justified.

But at the same time, the original is given a 5-year warranty, and the Chinese counterpart cannot even be repaired. And if there is a chance to repair it after the first breakdown, which will take place in a maximum of six months, then the cost of repair will cost a third of the price of the camera.

In the course of reasoning, write down the cost figures that the purchase of a fake entails, and at the end of the comparison show the buyer.

You can make many such comparisons. The main thing is that the comparisons are significant and show the real value of the goods.

Such visual calculations, showing that the miser pays twice, look convincing and switch the attention of the buyer from looking at the price tag to discussing the quality, functionality and other benefits of your product.


This technique should be used as a last resort. But, unfortunately, some managers in response to the objection "it's expensive" immediately begin to offer goods of lower cost.

It's not that you get less profit. Some lower cost items generate more revenue through higher margins.

The question is whether a product of inferior quality can really meet the needs of the customer. When presenting a product, it is necessary to focus on why this product has a lower price. Pay attention to the missing benefits of the product that were in the previous proposed model.


Often real manipulators enter into the “battle for a discount” on goods. They're not just trying to get a lower price for a product by telling the salesperson it's expensive. They are still starting to cite competitors who sell a similar product, but at a price significantly lower than yours.

In such situations, the main task of the manager is to conduct a total comparison of the goods and not to rush to give way in price.

In most cases, the client will convince that the offers are identical, but it is imperative for the seller to ask a number of clarifying questions.

For example, a manager's question might sound like this:

“Tell me, is the product of competitors the same as everyone else’s, plastic, or, like ours, metal?”

“Tell me, is there a built-in meter, just like ours, or does it need to be bought separately, like everyone else?

Such questions should be prepared in advance. If after 5-10 comparisons of properties (depending on the specifics of the offer) the client continues to convince that it is expensive, while competitors have it cheaper, then it is better to apply the following technique.


The technique is quite delicate and must be applied very carefully so as not to cause a negative client.

If the manager could not close the client’s objection “it’s expensive, competitors are cheaper,” then all that remains is to let go of the failed buyer.

The best phrase for this might be:“Then, if I were you, I would buy from competitors.”

It is very important not to close the conversation on this phrase, but to allow the client to take a step back. Because in most cases, there was no offer from competitors.

If the seller correctly emphasizes his expertise through doubts in the offer of competitors, he can easily return the client.

For example, to advise that they pay attention to the terms of the contract (if it is a contractual sale), to clarify the package, to make sure about the conditions of the discount, etc. After all, there can be no better offer than in your company, and you know it for sure.

At this stage of handling a sales objection, the manager’s task is not to “burn bridges”, but to ensure that the client solves his problem at the expense of your product.

We looked at popular techniques for dealing with the “it’s expensive” customer objection. How many of them do your managers use? Provide additional training to your employees and teach them how to use these simple techniques.

Objections (doubts) - natural state a buyer "moving" on the way to closing a deal.

Doubts are often expressed in the form of criticisms, especially in our country, but in reality they hide the desire of the buyer to get more information about the product or service. Every client wants to "save face": to appear knowledgeable, competent, and making the right choice.

Welcome objections! An objection is a sign that you are being listened to, made a purchasing decision and need additional information.

Technique of active sales in the store

Mistakes to make when dealing with customer objections


The axiom is that it is useless to argue with the client.

The dispute forces the client to take a tough position from which it is very difficult to “move” him. It is clear that if the seller meets any "wrong" opinion of the buyer "with hostility", he acts to the detriment of his own interests. Even if the seller politely and correctly tries to convince the client by offering the most strong arguments, it interferes with a successful purchase.

Leaving the situation

This style of behavior is caused by the following considerations: “It is useless to argue with the client. Until he himself makes some decision, it is better not to interfere. In this case, the seller, having heard notes of doubt in the voice of the buyer, stops all activity. The long silence of the seller in this case is regarded by the client as the inability to add anything good about the product. Therefore, doubts intensify and the buyer tends to leave in order to protect himself from unpleasant sensations.


The fate of sellers who are not very confident in themselves or in the merits of their product. Indecisiveness and justifying intonations in the seller's voice sharply reduce the importance of the product in the eyes of the consumer. In addition, the client may decide that the seller is simply hiding some shortcomings from him.

Common seller mistakes:

  • Panic fear of objections
  • Excessive emotionality
  • Not listening to the client
  • Lack of post-situation analysis

Basic rules for dealing with customer doubts

Rule 1

The doubts of the client must be carefully listened to, even if at first glance they seem ridiculous and stupid. Sometimes it is enough for the client to voice his own experiences and fears in order to understand their groundlessness. The seller, who listens carefully to the buyer's objections, makes it clear: “I really care about your opinion, even if it differs from mine. I'm confident."

Rule 2

When responding to customer objections, do not be nervous and annoyed.

Rule 3

If your arguments don't impress the client, chances are you're answering the wrong "hidden" question. In this case, it should be clarified what exactly the fears of the buyer are. In 95% of cases, ordinary objections hide the client's personal beliefs, the logic of which is clear only to him.

“Rushing” immediately to dissuade the buyer, we lose the opportunity to understand the essence of his doubts.

To more accurately determine the true cause of the objections of the buyer, it is necessary to ask clarifying questions.

It is better to use open-ended questions:

v Please tell me what makes you doubt?

v Why do you think so?

v What information do you need to study?

It is optimal to have at least 10 such questions that meet the only requirement - getting an answer to the question: “What true reason buyer's doubts?

Rule 4

The most convincing answer to the buyer's doubts is his own answer. Sometimes this requires the use of specially prepared questions, and sometimes active listening techniques.

Rule 5

When dealing with buyer's doubts, it is necessary to use the “agree and deny” technique. The reception consists of two parts. First, we agree with possible the truth that lies in the words of the client.

“Some buyers feel at first that our products are overpriced…”

“At first it seemed to me that the products of competitors are no different from ours ...”

Such phrases help the client to understand that he is being listened to carefully and partly shares his concerns, which increases the level of customer confidence in the words of the seller. It is at this point that we use the second part of the technique, which introduces additional information for the client and refutes his doubts.

“Some buyers feel at first that our products are overpriced. Then, after a more detailed acquaintance with all the advantages, they change their mind to the exact opposite. Let's see why this happens...

It is important that the first part and the second are not connected with each other according to the principle: “Yes ... but ...”.

Better use phrases:

  • In the same time
  • On the other hand

Rule 6

Before moving on to another argument that refutes the client's doubts, it is necessary to obtain his agreement with the previous argument. If we have not received consent from the client, this means that he has remained on his point of view and we cannot move forward to complete the transaction.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the non-verbal characteristics of the client's behavior.

However, it is better to verify agreement with the help of questions:

  • Do you agree with these arguments?
  • Does it alleviate your concerns?
  • Have I answered all your questions or are some details left unanswered?

Rule 7

It is necessary to sum up the conversation. In this small summary, the client's doubts and those positive arguments with which the client agreed should be present. During the summary it is better to speak in the words of the client. This will allow the client to feel that he is making a responsible decision himself, without pressure from the seller.

Rule 8

Unfortunately, there are cases when, as a result of properly performed work, the client still remains of his opinion and does not want to purchase the product. Don't get upset! If the client "ripens", he will come to us again, because. when the need for a product increases, the client unconsciously strives to buy the product exactly where it was comfortable for him to communicate.

Common seller mistakes:

  • Inability to deal with objections
  • Unwillingness to deal with objections
  • Misunderstanding the true causes of objections
  • Lack of analysis
  • Lack of collective discussion of the most typical and complex objections
  • Transition to personality

Algorithm for dealing with an objection

For example, the question of price arises:

- Why so expensive?


Not with an objection, but with the fact that the objection is important.

I understand that you are thinking right now...

— Yes, I understand, we have to discuss the issue of quality…

— Yes, it is important, we offer latest novelty

- Specify and specify.

  • with alternatives.

- Do you compare our prices with someone else's or did you expect a certain amount? If the client does not understand what such money is for, then it is necessary to explain to him the advantages of your product.

It is at this stage that we can come closer to understanding "intention".

For example, it is necessary to concretize the concept of "quality". This, like happiness, everyone understands in their own way.

  • paraphrasing the words of the client.

It is necessary to maintain “feedback” with the client, because it is easier to keep attention while being in a state of dialogue.

1) "...isn't it?"

2) "Did I understand you correctly that ...?"


Argumentation should be only from the perspective of the interests of the client.

When a client communicates with you, you need to find out what is important for him in choosing a tanning cream.

Example 1:

- "Why is it necessary to use several degrees of protection against rays?"

- "We suggest you start with a greater degree of protection in order to guarantee you an even and high-quality tan, for your convenience we offer you this and this cream, and you will be sure of the effectiveness and beauty of tanning."

Example 2:

- “Why is the company French, and the production is Poland?”

“This indicates that the company is actively expanding and its products are in demand”

That is, we explain to the client why it is good for him.

Summarize or summarize.

At this stage, it is important to know about the "Edge Effect". This means: what you want the person to remember must be placed at the beginning and at the end of the conversation.

Dealing with the Objection: “Too Expensive”

Objection handling technique:

"Too expensive"

I can't affordimagine it. 1) Identification of the difference between the expected and offered price and operate with it - offer more cheap analogue or discount BUT: if 1.5 times more, it is difficult to convince. It's a big amount for me, but I can spend it. 2) Identifying the difference between the expected and offered price and operate with it. 3) Breaking down the price for the period of use (how long to use) The difference between investment and consumption 4) Comparison brought to the point of absurdity (how much do you spend per month on gasoline, transport or telephone? )
  1. Expensive compared to… (we did research)

It shouldn't cost that much.

(A person wants to be convinced that it's worth so much)

1) price-quality is being clarified

2) price-prestige at the stage

3) price-service clarifications

4) price and its


1) product quality, fame, environmental friendliness,

3) price-service

(90% of salons work with us - 8 years on the market)

4) The price includes - expensive quality ingredients, natural oils and herbs

5) How much do you think our reputation and guarantee cost?

Completion of the deal

If you have built a business conversation correctly, paying special attention to collecting information about the client, if you have arranged a presentation of the product in accordance with his interests and characteristics, if you have dispelled all doubts, you do not need to make great efforts to complete the transaction.

However, this is not always the case, in real life options are possible.

2.6.1. Client ready

How to determine that the client is "ripe"?

There are so-called buy signals when:

  • A customer is discussing a purchase with a friend.
  • Possibility of discounts.
  • I agree with the price.
  • Discusses application issues that usually follow after purchase.

When closing a deal, it is better to operate with alternative questions: “Will you pay in cash or bank card?”, “Would you like to pack?”.

2.6.2. The client doubts

This refers to the situation when the client doubts, but it can be "pressed".

Having gone through all the stages, the client says: “I will think about it,” which means:

  • He had doubts.
  • He wants to compare (with something) or consult with someone.
  • Just a rejection.

Here it is important to observe the behavior of the client. If the client has doubts, then mistakes could be made at the stage of identifying the need (gathering information), when you found out the motives or at the presentation stage, when you did not clarify everything or overloaded the client with details that did not interest him.

If questions remain at the completion stage, then there is a chance to convince the client. It is better to operate with alternative questions:

“Tell me, do you still have questions or do you want to consult with someone?”

“Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like and what other questions you have?”

The client can be influenced by the following laws:

  • Law of mutual agreement

“We agreed that…”, “as we agreed…” i.e. draw a positive conclusion.

  • Law as a condition

“Technologically, this is not possible.” People with internal reference are affected like a bull by a red rag. This law should be avoided, it is better to say: “It is more profitable for you, because. ….".

  • Law of Common Practice

Works well for people with an external reference. “So it is accepted, fashionable. Most order this…”

  • Expert Influence

Perhaps in a situation where you refer to your experience: “I am a professional and I can advise this…”, “When I did this for a (prestigious client), he was very pleased.” Expert influence can also be based on statistics: “in Russia, where it is customary to use paints on their own, most often they order it ..”

  • Charismatic influence

It is effective when contact has already been established: “For myself, I would choose this ....”, “You know, I advise you ...”

  • Reward Impact

“By doing this, you will win in that…”

2.6.3. The client compares with competitors.

When a customer wants to compare your company's product and services with competitors, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Comparison needs to be correct. competitors are not bad, they are different.
  2. It must be remembered that it is better to compare with those brands that do not have some property inherent in our products.
  3. Praise your competitor in small things, and they will believe you in big things.
  4. Key phrases: pay attention to ..., we have a difference in that ..., ordinary shampoo is sold even in the grocery ...,

Client leaves

This refers to the situation when the client gives the final refusal and leaves.

It is necessary to offer options for further contact. We again use alternative questions like: “Will you visit us next time or is it better for me to call you back in case of a promotion?”. Offer to take a business card and a catalog.

Deal completion techniques


There are no products without flaws. In addition, any product has one common drawback - you have to pay for it. In the final stage of the sale, to facilitate the decision-making, the client needs to part with the money, once again help to weigh the pros and cons.

Therefore, it is necessary to once again colorfully and briefly describe the advantages that the client saw in the product, dwell on the shortcomings that were identified during the conversation and clearly show that the pros outweigh the cons.

For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • You can proceed to the completion of the transaction if the client freely and uninhibitedly expresses his point of view, looks at the product with interest and listens carefully to the seller.
  • All advantages and disadvantages were previously discussed with the client. When listing arguments, you must use the words and judgments of the client.
  • You should not “miss” in your speech the shortcomings of the product that the client noted. You should use the arguments that the client “dissuaded” himself at the stage of working with objections.
  • When listing the advantages and disadvantages, it is important to use clarity.
  • After each argument, wait for confirmation from the client.

Reducing decision making to a formality

At this stage, you should not use "frightening" words:

  • Money
  • Expensive
  • Professional
  • Buy

To proceed to the completion of the transaction, it is better to use the phrases:

  • We have solved the main issue, now only the details remain. Let me take your order.
  • Now it remains only to apply everything correctly. Look, please, here I put the instructions and the catalog

Alternative question

to complete the transaction directly.

BE SURE TO TAKE CONTACT INFORMATION! (if you feel that the client is our Adherent)

Typical mistakes sellers make when closing a deal:

  • Misdiagnosing client status
  • Failure to complete the deal
  • Thinking of the reasons that do not allow to close the deal
  • Poor knowledge of competitors
  • Fear of competitors
  • Fear of disclosing information about competitors
  • Incorrect reviews about competitors
  • Fear of asking closing questions
  • Fear of asking for contact information
  • Failure to request contact information
  • Lack of homework, for contact information
  • Reluctance to ask for contact information
  • Misunderstanding the importance of obtaining contact information
  • Incorrect reasoning to customers for the need to leave such information

Phrases that help to reasonably answer the incorrect wishes of customers.

  • I can't disobey the director's orders.
  • The administration (director) tells us so.
  • At ABC, together with partners, they conducted research on how best to do this and came to the conclusion that it is better to do this.

Phrases to help convince customers

We love our products.

  • Do you drive a car that you like the look of but the brakes don't work?
  • A Russian car may look the same as an imported one, but costs quite differently.

“Like-dislike” technique (find out what you don’t like and offer an alternative)

Example #1:

Client: This cream doesn't seem to work for me. I should think.

Manager: Understand. Such a decision requires careful consideration, and I am ready to help you make the right decision. You have seen certain advantages in our creams, but you have some doubts. Tell me, please, what did you like the most and what causes doubts?

Client: It's very good what it has healing herbs, but can it be used as a moisturizing and refreshing?

Manager: Let me offer you this cream ... It just has and medicinal properties and moisturizes.

Example #2

Client: This professional hair dryer is very expensive. I should think.

Manager: Yes, I agree with you. The price is really higher than usual. What do you think is the main advantage of this hair dryer over the usual one?

Client: I think it has a powerful motor and lasts longer, but it's kind of heavy.

Manager: Let me offer you this model ... It is quite light, but it will last a very long time and you will not regret that you bought it from us.

"Let me help you" trick

(join and form customer choice)

Example #1

Client: I looked through so many shades of paint. I should think.

Manager: I completely understand you. You told me that now you need to change the image and buy paint for a certain budget. My goal is to help you get it. Can you tell me what exactly is stopping you?

Client: On the one hand, I want a red shade, but on the other hand, it seems to me that it doesn’t really suit my face.

Manager: Let me help you. Considering your short haircut and the color of your eyes, I recommend that you choose from this brown palette. How do you like this shade? I think it will just reflect all your natural beauty.

Example #2

Client: I don't understand why this shampoo costs so much money. What is so valuable about it? I should think.

Manager: Of course, this shampoo belongs to the SPA-series and is quite expensive. But this series is based on sea ​​water with algae and minerals. Let me find the right shampoo for you. Do you have dry and brittle hair?

Client: Yes, I wish they weren't.

Manager: Let me help you. I offer you this ... a unique shampoo with a nourishing effect of hair follicles. Continuous use of it for 2-3 months will improve the structure of your hair. I think you will be very satisfied.

Reception “It usually means…”

(say the client's objection out loud and find a solution)

Example #1

Client: I have heard about this miracle drug before. I should think. Thank you.

Manager: It's clear. Whenever I hear such an answer, it usually means that there is some kind of doubt that stops. Do you think its action is not real?

Client: Well, I don’t know, my friend bought it and it’s all for nothing.

Manager: If you allow, I will tell you how to use it correctly. Perhaps your girlfriend is using it not according to the instructions. Our company just always sells those products that have already been tested and have proven themselves from the best side.

Example #2

Client: Your price is higher than ABC's. I can buy it there for less.

Manager: It's clear. If it wasn't about price, would you buy from us?

Client: Quite possibly.

Manager: Good. You are right, the price of ABC shampoo is slightly lower than ours. At the same time, we offer additional services that you do not receive right now, such as a bonus card, giveaways, gift wrapping, presentations on the use of funds with a sale with a card, and so on.

So while you may be paying more at first glance, you actually save money by buying from us. Why don't we make a purchase and get a bonus card for you right now?

Dealing with objections in sales: 4 reasons and 5 types of customer failures + 7 rules for dealing with objections + 7 ways to get consumer consent.

Those who work in sales know perfectly well that customers simply love to object to questions: “Is there anything you can help with?”, “Show this vase closer?”, “Would you like to try it on?”, “Maybe you are interested in something what else?" and others answer categorically: “No!”

What to do with it?

Just calm down?

But what about earnings?

No need to reconcile!

You just need to understand that handling objections in sales- one of the components of the business activity.

If you know how to attract a client who likes to say "No!", You can significantly increase your income.

Why do you have to deal with objections in sales?

Once in a store, I accidentally overheard a conversation between two saleswomen. One of the girls complained about clients who automatically say: “No”, “I don’t want”, “I’m not interested”, although it is clear that they need help or the offered product.

Then I thought, “It’s true! How many times have I myself told the sellers “No, thank you” to the question: “Can I help you?”, Although I stood for 5 minutes, considering, for example, a skirt and intending to try it on anyway?

Why is this happening?

Why do salespeople constantly have to deal with our sales objections?

Dealing with objections or the reasons why the client says “No!”

I believe that any person who works in sales needs as much knowledge about psychology as possible.

If you learn to understand your customers, dealing with objections will be easy, and the profit received from successful transactions will please.

The main reasons why you have to work with objections in sales:

    Psychological protection.

    Many buyers see sellers as such predators, whose goal is to extract as much money as possible from a gullible customer.

    What's the easiest way to protect yourself? Say "No" right away.

    Unsuccessful experience.

    Let's be fair: far from everyone are professionals in their field.

    You often have to deal with intrusive, unprofessional, tedious service.

    Having received one such experience, you no longer want to repeat it.

    Bad reviews.

    In trading, reputation is the foundation.

    If even a couple of customers speak negatively about you, it will become much more difficult to sell your products and services, and handling objections will become the main activity.

    Internal fears.

    It can be anything: fear of being deceived, overpaying, making the wrong choice, etc.

    Fighting this is very difficult, but if you understand what exactly the consumer is afraid of, you can overcome his objection.

Types of objections in sales

Is it always possible to handle sales objections?

No not always.

Sometimes long-term work with a client does not bring the desired result.

Why is this happening?

Yes, because you did not understand either the reasons for the client's refusal, or the type of his objection.

If you understand what exactly motivates the client to refuse you and how firm his position is, you can immediately weed out hopeless clients and focus only on promising projects.

Types of objections:

    "I said without thinking..."

    Say "No!" much easier than saying "Yes!".

    The client to whom you offered something simply blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

    Try again to repeat your offer, and for sure the answer will be yes.

    "I objected out of habit, but I doubt it."

    The most promising type of clients.

    Your task is to dispel all doubts of the consumer and convince him that the goods / services that you offer are the best on the market.

    “I don’t seem to mind, but I don’t like it ...”.

    Here it is important to find out what exactly does not suit the consumer (price, quality, color, shape, size, delivery terms, etc.), and put forward a counter offer.

    If you find a reasonable compromise, then be sure to make a deal.

    "Maybe, but not now..."

    Here the client did not seem to refuse, but at the same time he did not agree to the deal.

    Most likely, he has good reasons for this: lack of money, time, desire to consider other options, etc.

    You can sell a product / service if you make the most favorable impression of all the sellers.

    "No means no!"

    Hopeless type of objection for the seller.

    The client does not really need the goods and services that you offer.

    The decision was made consciously, so all attempts to convince are a waste of time.

7 Rules for Dealing with Objections in Sales

Each manager over the years of work forms his own rules for working with clients, especially with difficult and uncompromising ones.

Gradually, you will understand how best to act in a given situation, how to deal with the objections of a consumer who needs to sell a product or service.

P.S. If you are in the early stages professional path then you will need the help of more experienced colleagues.

    The buyer is not your rival, it is your partner.

    When you were in the role of a consumer, did you ever get the feeling that the seller sees you as an enemy that must be defeated by all means?

    I have encountered this behavior more than once and believe me, it is very annoying.

    I want to refuse, even if I was initially interested in goods or services.

    If you are faced with objections, you do not need to take out a checker and try to blow off the head of a negligent buyer, you do not need to put pressure on him.

    Treat him like a partner who didn’t understand something, and you need to calmly explain everything to him.

    Prepare for each of your sales, then there will be fewer objections.

    This is especially true not for store sellers, but for sales agents, for example.

    Before you go with your proposal to the office to the buyer, learn about it and about the needs of the company as much as possible.

    So it will be much easier for you to conclude a contract.

    Establish an emotional connection with the buyer.

    First, you must like all your customers, even those who are not very nice.

    Secondly, you must by all means please them.

    The faster you establish emotional contact with the interlocutor, the easier it will be for you to make a deal with him.

    Do not argue with the client, but convince him.

    I think there is no need to clarify the difference between an argument and a sales persuasion.

    Speak calmly and softly.

    And, of course, do not be rude to him, even if he is rude to you.

    Get the gist of the objection.

    You should understand well: the objections of the buyer are just excuses, or he names the truthful reason for his refusal.

    If you caught the interlocutor for excuses, figure out what is behind them and what is the true reason for not wanting to make a deal.

    Eliminate it - earn money.

    Be as persuasive as possible.

    A hesitant, stammering, nervous salesperson has little chance of success at work.

    You must be calm, polite, collected and persuasive.

    Also, believe in what you say.

    Don't shy away from difficulties.

    Did you hear “No!”, immediately got upset and hurried to retreat?

    Then it's better for you to stop selling and do something else.

    A good implementer is not afraid to deal with objections.

Dealing with objections in sales: 7 ways to get a client's "Yes!"

Are there ways to overcome consumer objections and get what they want? Of course there is!

Many have learned in a matter of minutes, after analyzing the client's refusal, to find a way to get his consent.

Do you want to become the same master at your job? Then use one of the suggested methods.

Method nameThe goal you are working towards
1. "Yes, but..."
Make the interlocutor thinkNow I don't have money to buy it.
– Yes, but this action will last for a few more days. Then the price will be doubled.

- I order goods elsewhere cheaper by 100 rubles.
– Yes, but our product samples are much better.

- I've read on the Internet that some customers were dissatisfied with your services.
Yes, but you can't help but notice that positive feedback much more.

2. "And why?" (the question can be asked in other words)Encourage the consumer to engage in dialogue with you- I do not like it.
– What exactly do you not like?

- I do not want!
“Why, may I ask?”

- Not sure.
What makes you doubt?

3. "That's why…"Suggest an alternative solution to the buyerI'm not sure, I need to think.
- That is why I want to leave you my commercial offer so that you can analyze everything again.

I don't have time to talk to you right now.
– That is why I would like to come another time, at a convenient time for you.

Now I'm having trouble with money.
That is why we offer good conditions lending.

4. "But how can I convince you?"
Find out the reasons for the objectionI'm not interested in your offer.
- How can I convince you?
5. "Let's pretend..."Put pressure on the ratio- Not. I already have a supplier that suits me completely.
– And let's imagine that at one time you refused your current supplier, without even really considering his offer. All I ask is that you give me 10 minutes to demonstrate the benefits of our company.
6. Bribe
(the method works only when you offer a quality product / service at affordable prices)
We rely on human love for freebies- No, thank you, our masters work on Golden Curl cosmetics.
- I will leave you some free samples and my contacts so that you can compare our products and the one you are used to.

- I already have a manicurist.
– If you come to our salon, you will be able to receive every fifth manicure as a gift until the end of the year.

7. ComparisonShows you in a better light than your competitors- I've been buying detergent"Clean dishes".
- Let's compare both products: "Clean dishes" costs 100 rubles per 300 ml, our "Anti-fat" product costs 120 rubles per 400 ml. In addition, our tool lathers great and with its help the work will be done faster.

The most common objection that can be heard from a client is the objection: "There is no money." Sergey Kostenkov will tell you how to deal with this in his video:

Dealing with objections: an algorithm of actions from a cool seller

Once a friend dragged me to the training "Working with objections in sales."

I won’t say that this topic was so interesting to me (I have enough training courses and master classes in my profile), but since just that day I was not busy with anything, and my friend also had 2 invitations from her company, but decided to go anyway.

And you know, I didn’t regret it for a second - it was interesting, understandable and useful!

Conducting trainings for our coach Igor is an additional activity, the main job for him is sales (he is looking for clients for his company), specialization is big fish(that is, contracts for huge amounts).

Naturally, in sales, he very often has to deal with objections: “Now I’m not interested in your offer”, “My supplier suits me”, “Oh, it’s so expensive for you, I take it twice as cheap” and others.

Consumers who say "No" without even considering the offer properly - about 80%.

Igor has developed his own algorithm for dealing with objections in sales:

    Give the buyer a chance to speak.

    Rarely does anyone respond to an offer in monosyllables; most feel it is their duty to explain why they don't want to make the sale.

    You should patiently listen to the person in order to understand what exactly does not suit.

    If you come across a laconic friend, you can push the person to a monologue with questions: “Why?”, “What exactly didn’t suit you?” and the like.

    To join the objection of the interlocutor.

    For example, to the objection of the buyer: “No, I was not interested in your offer, your prices are too high”, you answer: “Yes, our prices are really not the lowest, but ...”.

    In this way, you establish contact and demonstrate respect for other people's opinions.

    Answer all questions.

    If you managed to win over the interlocutor and draw him into the dialogue, then patiently and honestly (within reason, of course) answer all the questions of the buyer.

    Even if there are many questions, even if some of them seem stupid to you.

    Encourage action.

    You worked out the first three steps of the sales algorithm flawlessly, so the interlocutor stopped objecting and began to think about what to do?

    Encourage him to action by repeating your offer (preferably in a more attractive way).

    To find a compromise.

    The consumer seems to be not against your product / service, but something does not suit him?

    Your job is to find a reasonable compromise that would be beneficial for both.

Dealing with objections in sales- something that every seller faces.

If you learn how to properly neutralize them, then client failures will no longer scare you.

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Since you are reading this article, it means that you are either a sales manager, or a boss, head or director of the sales department (which will definitely come if you follow all the recommendations and advice given here). Then welcome!

Or you just stumbled upon it by accident in the search, followed the wrong link (which, of course, is also not accidental). You can then close this page, because you do not want to succeed and become a sales guru. Goodbye then!

Well, the wheat has been separated from the chaff, now you can get down to business!

The key to success is the attitude towards a potential buyer!

This is not crude useless flattery, this is not a confirmation of the common phrase “the client is always right”, on the contrary, this is an understanding that the client is often wrong. But we treat him very well, he is our friend and we will communicate with him according to his rules. At the same time, pursuing their own interests. How is this possible?

This is where dealing with customer objections in sales begins.

There are many techniques for dealing with objections, and you can choose a few that are appropriate and appropriate for the situation. We should not forget that all potential buyers are different, and what works for one may not work for others. Therefore, you need to feel and understand people subtly. To do this, it will not be superfluous to talk a little with a potential buyer before you start actively selling something to him.

The client should never understand that he is wrong! The opinion of the consumer is indeed not always correct, it’s just that you, as a successful seller, should never try to “swim against the current” (read: contradict the opinion of the client). You must “swim” with him, and in the process, “turn the tide” in your direction! Do you understand what we are talking about?

Techniques for dealing with objections


B - listen. Listen carefully to what the interlocutor is talking about, do not interrupt or, making a false assumption that you understand what he wants to say, interrupt him. Let the interlocutor express completely everything that he was going to.

P join. This means you have to agree. Choose from the conversation the part or phrase with which you certainly agree. For example, you certainly agree with the client's phrase “I don't like to overpay” or “I'm used to working only with trusted partners”! So show it to him: "I completely agree with you ..." and further down the text (depending on what you agree with).

P - rephrase. Those points with which you disagree must be clarified. You say: "Did I understand you correctly?" and then paraphrase the client's objections.

A - argue (answer). Any protest of the client (it's long, it's expensive, it's inconvenient, it's banal) must always be answered with consent. It is necessary to try as rarely as possible in response to the protest of the interlocutor to answer “but”.

How to be? Very simple! Instead of the ill-fated "but", use "yes, and yet", "yes, and at the same time."


You hear: “Your product is more expensive than Vasya’s,” the sales manager: “Yes, I agree with you, we have a slightly higher price, and at the same time we offer you exceptional service, saving personal time, free shipping, a lifetime warranty ... ". List all the advantages of your proposal (and you should know them like the back of your hand).

And if, in response to the client’s objection: “Your prices are more expensive than Vasya’s,” the seller is uncertain or, on the contrary, answers too actively: “But we have service, delivery, time savings, and so on”! It sounds like an attempt at an excuse. Do you feel? The meaning does not change, but the result is completely different!


Overcoming sales objections sometimes requires a pause. There are times when you should not answer the interlocutor immediately to a “delicate” question, in your opinion. In this case, you can answer that you will definitely return to this issue. Later, the need for a response may disappear automatically. Just do not abuse this technique, so as not to lose the thread of the conversation.

"Exactly those"

At some points, the client's objections take on an aggressive or unpleasant character when he expresses his subjective ideas and fears, and perhaps even accusations. In such a situation, it is advisable to use this technique. For example, to the phrase: “Who needs these insurances anyway? You are only taking money from people!” it is quite possible to answer: “It is those people who said so who later became our most loyal customers.”


The meaning and impact of many comments is reduced if you answer them "in one fell swoop", that is, in one capacious phrase in which all the essential points are concentrated. In this way, endless unnecessary discussions can be avoided.


This is a return to the client of the remark in the form of a question. “Are you willing to sacrifice quality for a low price?”


For example, the buyer says: "your product (your rates, the amount of insurance, the price of the service) is too expensive!". To this question, using the comparison technique, it is advisable to ask a counter question: “Expensive compared to what?”, “What budget do you expect?”

Very often, buyers talk about the high cost, roughly speaking, “from the bulldozer”, hoping for a discount, and when you ask him a specific question “on the forehead”, most often there is nothing to cover, and in response some ridiculous and untrue facts follow, which , of course, as an experienced seller, you will immediately scatter to smithereens.

"Link to authority"

In response to a remark about your company's lack of popularity, recognition or notoriety, provide information about the large well-known partners with whom you cooperate. If there are none yet, then the answer: “Yes, you are right, our company is still only gaining fame and popularity, which is why we value our reputation very much, since long-term and high-quality cooperation with our customers is in our interests” will be very useful.

How to deal with price objections

  • Don't name the price before the benefits. First, the client must want your product or service, and understand that it is really beneficial for him, and only then find out the price.
  • If the buyer asks for a concession or discount, be sure to make a counteroffer. For example, offer additional service or more items.
  • It is necessary to emphasize the advantage over the price. "Quality can't be cheap", "Are you talking about price or value?"
  • Break down the price into small pieces. Example: “The cost of insurance is 5,000 rubles a year, and it’s only 13 rubles 70 kopecks per day. Is this too much to pay for your peace of mind?
  • Point out to your opponent what he is losing by refusing your offer. For example, free delivery, service, consulting assistance and support of an individual manager at all stages of the transaction, the opportunity to become a regular customer, receive discounts and special privileges.

Common Mistakes

  • Turning work into dealing with customer objections. This is the main mistake. After all, it is known that everything you resist - persists! And struggle, resistance, overcoming, dispute - a false way to the desired result. Objections need to be dealt with, not fought!
  • Uncertainty in communication, insufficient knowledge of the benefits of the goods or services offered. When a buyer sees a seller who is unsure of himself, a reasonable question immediately arises: “Is it worth making a deal where the seller is not sure and does not know anything about what he is selling?”
  • Too much information poured out on the interlocutor, as well as too little information.
  • The buyer is asked two or more questions at once.
  • Instead of benefits, a price is immediately announced to a person. And then the emphasis is on price, not on quality and benefits for the consumer.

Literature and cinema to help you

To succeed in sales, to become a guru in your business, practice alone is not enough. There is a lot of literature, reading which will help you learn how to properly handle objections and communicate with customers (and not only).

Feature films became classics of the genre: “Salesmen” (another name is “Americans”), “The Pursuit of Happiness” and “Boiler Room”. excerpts from which are often shown and analyzed in practical trainings on sales techniques.

In one of the episodes, showing the completion of a sale by phone, the hero of the film "Salesmen" uses a tough "choice without choice" technique. The seller of shares asks potential client a question that implies only one of two options as an answer: “Are you married or are you happy?”. Having received the answer: "Married", confusing the client, then he asks a whole series of " tricky questions”, preventing the interlocutor from coming to his senses until he said “yes”.

To the objections of the client that it is desirable for him to consult his wife on the issue of buying shares, the seller asks: “Does the wife always consult with you when she wants to use a discount coupon when she buys brand new boots?” Uses other provocative questions. The sale is made by hard pressing, but the handling of objections in this episode is brilliant.

Basic rules for dealing with objections

  • Confidence in your product or service
  • Knowing all the benefits of the offer
  • Ability to listen, agree, gently retort
  • Sincere goodwill towards the buyer
  • Remember that you can sell anything to anyone
  • Remember that objection is a sure sign of a desire to buy.

Most importantly, attitude

In his book The Subconscious Can Do Anything, Robert Kehoe gives the example of a service business owner who has personal selling more than almost the entire state. The secret was simple: he set himself up only for success. He simply did not believe that any other result was possible, except for a successful one. Every morning, he repeated simple phrases to himself many times: “many sales,” “many smiles.” And so it happened.

Confidence in success, goodwill and inner peace are the three main strengths that will certainly help overcome any objections.

Examples of possible answers

Finally, examples of common customer objections and response options:

Client: "I'll call you back." You: “When people say that, most often they do not have time or they are not interested (not needed, not important) in a product (product, service). It is important for me to understand your mood. A person will see your sincerity and will answer you in kind.

Client: "I need to think." You: “I completely agree with you, you need to think. What did you find interesting about my story? This will help to talk the interlocutor and continue the conversation, talk about the benefits.

At the end of the conversation, if the sale did not take place, it is imperative to set a date for the next meeting or call. At the same time, the general phrase “I will call you back myself” or “I will think about it” is not accepted. You need to set a specific time: “When would it be convenient for you to meet (call you)? On Monday or Tuesday?”, “From 10 to 12 or from 14 to 16?”.

Back in the good old days, people, before receiving a coin, checked it with their teeth. Is it real or fake. The same thing happens in sales, people check your proposal for compliance with the help of objections before making a final decision. That is why objection handling is very important. And this is a great tool not only for sales, but also for marketing.

You are being deceived

They say that if you correctly identify the need and make a good presentation, then the client will have no objections. He will immediately say “Where to pay?”. But is it?! Based on our experience of writing and testing hundreds, we can say with confidence that there will always be work with client objections, even if you have surpassed yourself before and did all the steps correctly.

Next, we will consider the rules for working with objections, the most popular. But now let's decide for what reasons we may encounter doubts and objections. It is very important. After that, you will treat them a little differently. So. The client may object because:

  1. Disagree with your arguments;
  2. Not satisfied with the conditions;
  3. Not satisfied with the price;
  4. No need;
  5. Bad mood;
  6. Wants to assert itself;
  7. Traded;
  8. He wants to leave a "trump card in the sleeve."

This is a list of not all, but quite commonly used reasons why a client objects. And looking at them, you can see that some of them can be worked out, and some cannot. Namely, the first four reasons we can eliminate due to the correct arguments, new conditions, substantiation / lowering the price, creating a need.

BUT! In the cases of the latter four reasons we can no longer fight. Since if the client Bad mood, you even stand on your head, even invite a circus, nothing will change. The same if the buyer wants to assert himself or deliberately bargains to get more good price. Or he deliberately creates the illusion that he has doubts in order to get better conditions at the right time.

You need to understand that objection handling will be different in B2B and B2C sales.

Not in terms of structure. But in terms of words and arguments. I will give examples from two areas. But if you have any difficulties, then write in the comments, I will help you adapt the objection for you for free.

Types of objections

Thanks to the information above, we can identify the types that will help us qualify each objection and understand how to deal with it most effectively. This is one of the most important steps. Otherwise, you try to play football with a basketball and are surprised that it doesn't work out well.


Most often, we encounter this type of objection in sales when working on. With cold calls, we hear these objections at the very beginning of the conversation, when the client wants to end the conversation with such excuses as soon as possible, to make sure that you get rid of him.

Among the excuses can be both short and vague phrases like “We don’t need anything / I don’t need anything”, “Not interested”, “I’m busy”, “No time”, as well as objections that are quite familiar to you. To understand whether this is an excuse or not, it is enough to understand the moment and intonation when the client talks about it. He will show with all his appearance that he wants to get rid of you.

Your task in this case is not to try to argue and argue why you are the best in the world, because the client does not care, he wants to “run away” from you. To effectively work out an excuse, you need to hook the client, to hook.

Ideally, do this by hitting one of the emotions: greed, fear or vanity. It is these emotions that touch the client the best and attract to continue the conversation, even if before that he wanted to end it. Consider the example “We don’t need anything”.

Greed: What if we cut your costs by 20%?
Fear: You are missing a unique opportunity to become the first in the city.
Vanity: Our product is designed specifically for people like you.

Try to hook the client, throw intrigue, in this case you will have effective work with objections. The client should have a thought in his head, and then in the language of “Tell me more”. He may continue to object, but he will start doing it consciously, which means we will move to the next level and work with the objection will continue.


True objection

Out of habit, we write down all objections in this form. True objections are when the client is telling the truth. AT literally this word. If he says “expensive”, then he is really expensive. If he says “I need advice”, then he wants to ask another person for advice. If he says that “There is no money”, then they are not there now or not enough in this situation. Everything is logical and understandable.

There is not one technique for dealing with objections, there are dozens of them. All of them have their place. I will tell you about the three most versatile and effective (in my opinion). On their basis, we write everything.


My favorite technique for dealing with customer objections. This working technique is rightfully called the most universal. It consists of 4 stages. The sequence must be followed. We move from top to bottom. It is important. You can watch the video below or read whichever is more convenient 😉

Algorithm for dealing with objections this case will be like this:

  1. Consent - Yes / You are Right / This may well be / There is such an opinion
  2. Transition - That's why / And / Also / For this
  3. Argument - We give a guarantee of 15 years / Cleaned with a regular cloth and water
  4. Call / question - Take it in your hands and you won’t want to let go / What color do you like best?

From these four steps, we create a universal sequence for working out any objection. For example, to the objection “I don’t like the look of this ax”, we can say “ Appearance and really scary at first. True, when you pick up this ax, you understand that everything is done for people. This rubberized handle prevents blisters and accidental slippage. And this chisel, made of titanium, will crack even a metal pipe. How important is this to you?"

That's why

Laconic version of working out objections. Translate any phrase of the client into your argument with the words “That's why”. This technique is a shortened version of the "Consent ... call" and is relevant in case of a "weak" objection or a small amount of time.

Work on the objection goes in two stages: transition -> argument.

To the objection “We have a supplier”, we say “That is why our conversation will be a good reason lower his price." Or to the objection “Out of stock”, we say “That is why this product is considered a Must Have in the arsenal of any housewife.”


In addition to being an excellent opportunity to work out an objection, this technique also helps to find out additional information. Therefore, we can divide questions into two types: affirmative and clarifying. Consider the options for the objection “Expensive”.

Affirming: How good can be cheap? / If we lower the price, how will customers know that we have great product?
Clarifiers: Who are you comparing to? / Why do you think so? / What is dear to you?

With the right affirmative questions, you can get the client to come to the right conclusion without forcing your opinion on them. And with the help of those who find out, you will understand what the client actually has under objection. For example, the objection “The suspension of this car is too stiff” is not clear. Does this mean you need a very soft suspension or a medium one? So we ask clarifying questions.

Objective Condition

You can call this not objections, but objective reasons why a person cannot make a decision right now. Let's go back to "I need advice." There is an option when a person wants to consult because he doubts himself, and there is an option when a person objectively cannot make a decision on his own. For example, he has a partner, without whose consent nothing is done.

How to find out whether this is an objective condition or not, I will tell below. At this step, you need to realize that there is no point in pecking at closed gates. Because they are not opened to you for an objective reason. And to solve this problem, you need to be able to wait and “keep the bird out of your hands”, that is, take the initiative to control the transaction, but at the same time, without forcing a person to make a decision right now.

Latent objection

The case when the client says “I'll think about it within a week”, but in fact the reason is different. It could be something like “It doesn’t suit me”, “I saw others cheaper” or even “You are a boor”. The most difficult thing in this form is to understand - a hidden objection or a true one.

The definition recipe is pretty simple. You need to start treating this objection as true. And if the client constantly changes objections, then you are moving in the right direction. We need to go in the same direction and work out the objections as true ones.

But if he repeats the same objection over and over, no matter what you say, then we most likely have either a hidden or an objective objection. To find out, we need to ask a clarifying question. For example, to the objection “Expensive”, we ask a clarifying question “If we settle the issue with the cost, then everything else suits you? Would you buy?"

Note! A clarifying question may start differently, for example: “Suppose we solve the problem with ____” or “What if the question with ____ is not worth it.” The main thing is to keep the idea and concept.

After a clarifying question, everything hidden becomes clear. The client in the first case says “Yes, I will buy. But I am not satisfied with the price”, or in the second case says “No, I will not buy. Because I don’t like ______ yet.”

In the first case, this is an objective condition that we need to solve from a rational point of view. In the second case, he will tell you the next true objection, which we begin to work out as usual. If he simply says “I won’t buy”, then it’s enough to find out the reason with the words “Please tell me for feedback, why? It is very important for us.”

Ready solutions

We all love ready-made solutions (I am no exception). Therefore, I have prepared for you the answers to the most popular phrases of customers when they doubt a purchase. Methods for dealing with objections are written in different techniques. Without going into details, take and use.

Very expensive

1. It's very good that you take your budget so seriously. Please tell me, is the price the only thing that confuses you, or is there something you would like to improve in the product/service?

2. That is why those people who do not want to pay twice buy from us.

3. When buying, people want high quality, excellent service and minimum price. And you know, it is impossible to maintain quality and service at a low price. And what is important for you from this?

I will think

1. Clients often say “I'll think about it” when they want to politely say no. Please tell me what exactly you don't like?

2. Yes please. How convenient. Just specify what additional information you need to voice your decision?

3. Tell me, please, do you like our offer in general or is something embarrassing?


1. I will definitely send. Then just answer a couple of questions to understand what offer to send you. Good?

2. I will do it with pleasure after our meeting, at which we will discuss all the subtleties and specials. terms you can get. Do you have an office located on _____?

3. You probably receive a lot of offers every day. I really appreciate your time, so please tell me what is relevant for you now so as not to send everything in a row?

1. I completely admit it. That is why I do not insist on momentary cooperation! To begin with, I only suggest meeting and getting to know each other, so that in the future you will know where to turn if the need arises.

2. Under what conditions would you be interested in working with us?

Discount if you give 30%+, then buy

1. I will gladly give you such a discount if our markup is 2-3 times higher. We do not raise prices on purpose, so that you receive an offer at the best possible price.

2. There were cases when a client received such a discount. In the first case, this is when ____, and in the second case, when _____. If you fall under these conditions, then I will definitely agree on a lower cost for you.

Others are cheaper

1. There will always be someone who offers cheaper. There is only one question, do they save on quality or service, since they give such a price ?!

2. If for you the price is the only selection criteria, and you don’t care about other indicators. It’s better for you to go to them, or let me tell you in more detail how we differ and why our cooperation will be more beneficial for you.

We work with others

1. And by no means am I encouraging you to cancel their services right now. I propose to consider how our capabilities can complement those that you already have.

2. Established connections are good. Just our proposal will be a reason to reduce the price of the current supplier.

Briefly about the main

Dealing with customer objections is an integral part of any business. Both in retail sales, and in wholesale, and in services. Knowing how to work with them is an important skill that will help increase sales. And in order to develop this skill as soon as possible, you need to get together as a team and write out all the possible objections that arise in the process of work.

For each of them you need to register at least three workings (use three techniques from this article). After that, the entire selling staff must learn them. Because knowledge without action is a prize for fools. And you are smart, solid, rich people. So act...

P.S. Be positive about handling objections. Understand the client. Believe that you want him to get your product, because he really needs it. Then the whole process is not in the format “Buy! Buy! Buy!”, but in the format “I want to help you”, which has a positive effect on the conversation.
