Foods rich in fats. Animal and vegetable fats

If you eat too much saturated fat - eating a lot of meat, sausage, dairy products, cheese, chips or muffins - then they will soon begin to be stored as extra pounds in the abdomen, thighs and sides.

Butter or margarine?
IN Lately the oil has been rehabilitated as a nutritious fat. Although by origin it refers to animal fats that do not change much during processing. With margarine the situation is different: it is a completely artificial product. Cheap margarine also contains dangerous trans fatty acids. So, it is better to consume some fat with a soft consistency, but in the form of oil.

What types of fats are there?
First of all, animal fats, vegetable fats and fats are distinguished sea ​​fish. Animals contain mainly saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. These fats are broken down by bile fluid and carried by the blood. They provide energy to cells or, like cholesterol, protect cell walls.

Vegetable fats and marine fish oils contain so-called simple and complex non- saturated acids, which provide energy to the nerves and brain, and also have other positive effects on our body. If you eat too much saturated fat - eating a lot of meat, sausage, dairy products, cheese, chips or muffins - then they will soon begin to be stored as extra pounds in the abdomen, thighs and sides. These are difficult to split fatty acid and are those that lead to excess weight. Conversely, the consumption of simple unsaturated fatty acids (for example, from olive oil) or complex unsaturated fatty acids (from vegetable oils and marine fish) is vital for our body. Only in combination with them are, say, vitamins absorbed.

"Good" and "Bad" Blood Fats
Cells and tissues need fats (lipids) to maintain their functions. Digested fats are digested in the gastrointestinal tract and transported to a specific location by the blood. But since fats are insoluble in water, they bind to water-soluble proteins and thus form lipoproteins ( fat proteins). The more protein and less fat these formations contain, the denser and smaller they become. They are called "lipoproteins" high density", abbreviated LVP. This is the “good” blood fat. If there are more fats or they are associated with a small amount of protein, that is, they have less density, they speak of “low-density lipoproteins,” abbreviated as LDL. These are "bad" fats.

Cholesterol, an essential blood fat for the body, is usually carried by LDL to a specific part of the body and processed there. Residues are transferred back to HDL. If all cells are provided with sufficient amounts of blood fat, they “close the doors.” Unused cholesterol remains in the blood, increasing the fat content there. Finally, it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. These deposits cause narrowing of the blood passages. Blood has to be pumped into the arteries with high pressure. This is arteriosclerosis and, as a result, high blood pressure.

Fat unsaturated acids
Unsaturated fatty acids help break down cholesterol: for example, olive oil lowers LDL levels in the blood without affecting good HDL.

How do folds appear in the abdomen, legs and buttocks?
If the body receives more fats than it needs, it stores them, since it was initially programmed to preserve reserves - fats in fat cells. When these fat cells fill up, then new ones are formed - in places that are well known to you.

Fat is a source of energy
Even if you consume mostly “healthy” fats, remember that they are the most energy-dense of the essential nutrients:
1 g fat = 9.3 cal
1 g carbohydrates = 4.1 cal
1 g protein = 4.1 cal

The positive effects of olive oil, which actually contains only unsaturated acids, have been studied.
Scientists have found that people living in Mediterranean countries, where large amounts of olive oil are traditionally used in the diet, suffer less from heart disease and circulatory disorders than residents of Central Europe.

One of the most important components living cell is fat. This concentrate of energy and vitality of the body helps to survive difficult times and unfavorable natural conditions. Lipids are divided into two large groups: animal fats And vegetable oils. In addition, they are divided into simple And complex, there are harmful And useful.

General characteristics of fats

Fats are organic compounds, responsible for the “reserve fund” of energy in the body. Lipids supply the body with important polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, arachidonic, linolenic, linoleic acid, which are not produced independently in the body. The main classes of lipids are triglycerides, sterols and phospholipids.

  1. 1 Triglycerides. These include saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, consisting of glycerol and three carbon chains. Here are examples of products that contain them in large quantities:
    Unsaturated fatty acids - fish oil, nut oils, seeds, sunflower, olive, corn, etc. – are very important for maintaining the health of the whole body.
    Saturated fatty acids are usually found in animal foods. For example, meat of various animals, cheese and milk.
  2. 2 Sterols present in almost all tissues of animals and plants. Based on their sources, sterols can be divided into: zoosterols (from animals), phytosterols (from plants), and mycosterols (from fungi). The main sterol in the animal world is cholesterol, the most popular and controversial type of fat for the body. It is found in fatty meat, butter, liver, eggs and other high-fat foods. As for plant sterols, the most common of them is sitosterol. Also, the plants are rich in stigmasterol and brassicasterol. This set of sterols is present in soybean oil and rapeseed oil.
  3. 3 Phospholipids. Consist of glycerol, phosphoric acid and two carbon chains. Phospholipids are an important part of cell membranes. They provide the plastic properties of cell membranes, while cholesterol provides them with rigidity and stability. Phospholipids serve as the main source of phosphoric acid necessary for human life.

Fat-rich foods:

The indicated amount is approximate amount per 100 g of product

+ 40 more products with high content fat ( the number of grams per 100 g of product is indicated):
Raw smoked brisket 66 Large saury 20,9 Rabbit 12,9 Gobies 8,1
Dry yolk 52,2 Ham 20,9 Beef 12,4 Chickens 7,8
Pork is fatty 49,3 Herring 19,5 Beef tongue 12,1 horsemeat 7,0
Raw smoked sausage 45 Soybeans 17.3 Turkey 12,0 Dried porcini mushrooms 6,8
Goose liver 39 Pork tongue 16,8 Chicken egg 11,5 Carp 5,3
Egg powder 37,3 Mutton 15,3 Sturgeon 10,9 Pork liver 3,6
Bitter chocolate 35,4 Salmon 15,1 Sturgeon caviar 10 Pork heart 3,2
Goose 33,3 Chum salmon caviar granular 13,8 Beef brains 9,5 Beef liver 3,1
Acne 30,5 Beef udder 13,7 Chickens 8,8 Pork kidneys 3,1
Pork lean 27,8 Quail egg 13,1 Som 8,5 Beef heart 3,0

The body's daily requirement for fats

Modern dietetics indicates that to provide the body with sufficient quantity energy, the amount of fat in our diet should be at least 30%. It is worth considering that 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 kcal. It is recommended to consume 10% saturated fats and 20% unsaturated fats. Acceptable daily cholesterol value for healthy person should not be higher than 300 mg, and for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases - calculated according to the doctor’s recommendations.

The need for fat consumption increases:

  • Heavy physical labor impossible without sufficient consumption fatty foods, which keeps the body feeling full longer, is high in calories.
  • Cold season. The cold forces you to spend additional energy on heating, in addition, adipose tissue perfectly protects the body from hypothermia.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During this period, significant changes occur in the woman’s body, and some of the fat is used to feed the child.
  • A lack of fat-soluble vitamins in the body is a signal from the body about an additional need for fat-containing foods, except, of course, the vitamins themselves.
  • Lack of energy. Decreased libido.

The need for fat consumption is reduced:

  • With increased body weight. The amount of fat consumed must be reduced, but not eliminated from the diet completely!
  • When living in a hot climate, as well as the onset of the warm season.
  • Performing work related to mental work requires carbohydrate foods, but not fatty foods.

Digestibility of fats

As mentioned above, all fats are divided into vegetable and animal. From medical research materials it became known that vegetable fats are absorbed faster than animals. This is due to the fact that their chemical bonds are less resistant to influences gastric juice. Most often, vegetable fats are used to quickly obtain energy. Animal fats keep you feeling fuller long time, thanks to their slow absorption. Statistics show that men prefer to consume more animal fats, while women are fans of plant fats.

Fats and health

Conventionally, nutritionists divide all fats into useful And harmful for the body. Healthy fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that are found in vegetable oils, as well as in oily fish and egg yolk (lecithin). As for harmful fats, these include fats obtained as a result of cracking oil refining, fats that have been subjected to prolonged heating, as well as fats obtained from the processing of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Harmful fats are usually found in margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oil and products containing them.

Beneficial properties of fat and its effect on the body

The construction of cell membranes, the synthesis of sex hormones, the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K are just some of the important functions that fat performs in the human body. Fat protects our body from cold, plays the role of a “safety cushion” for the heart, liver, and kidneys during various bodily injuries, and provides energy during a long hunger strike. In addition, fat is essential for the normal functioning of our brain and nervous system.

Interaction with essential elements

As you might guess, essential elements are substances and compounds that can interact with each other. For fats, these essential elements are fat-soluble vitamins. First in this list costs vitamin A. It is found in foods such as carrots, persimmons, bell peppers, liver, sea buckthorn berries, as well as egg yolks. Thanks to it, our body has the ability not only to resist all kinds of infections, but can also present itself in at its best. Imagine: healthy skin, luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, and most importantly - Good mood!!! And all this is the result of consumption vitamin A.

Now regarding vitamin D. This vitamin provides an invaluable service to our osteochondral system. Previously, when a person did not receive the amount of vitamin D due to him, he fell ill with a disease such as rickets. One can guess what a person looked like at this time without further description. Vitamin D is found in foods such as extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, liver, and it can also be produced by our body, with a sufficient level of insolation. Thanks to exposure to the sun, a person not only tans, but also stores up much-needed vitamin D. But as mentioned earlier, these vitamins can only be absorbed in the presence of a solvent fat. Consequently, a lack of fat can lead to exhaustion of the entire body.

Dangerous properties of fat and warnings

Signs of excess fat

Now we have to discuss such an important for human health problem like excess fat. Because the modern society inherent elements of physical inactivity, then the result this phenomenon there is excess deposition of fat in the body, or simply obesity. As a result of this, the following changes occur in the human body:

  • Blood clotting increases;
  • The processes of formation of liver and gallstones;
  • Atherosclerosis develops;
  • Degenerative processes are observed in the liver, kidneys and spleen;
  • Well, to top off the bouquet, there is an increase in blood pressure, load on the heart, as well as changes in the osteochondral apparatus.

Signs of low fat

Lack of fat consumption affects not only the fact that a person does not receive the amount of energy he needs for life, but it is even more dangerous for the nervous system. As a result of fat restriction, or in case of violations fat balance, a person develops so-called exhaustion of the nervous system. This is due to the fact that the fat-soluble vitamins they eat (such as vitamin A and D) are not able to be absorbed by the body. And the consequence of this vitamin hunger, in addition to the depletion of the nervous system itself, is also atrophic changes from the eyes, problems with nails, hair, skin, as well as problems with the reproductive system. In addition, with a lack of fat intake, there is a decrease in the body’s resistance to all kinds of infections, hormonal imbalance, early aging of the body.

Factors affecting body fat content

The main factor responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body is physical inactivity. This is followed by the so-called lipid metabolism disorder. This disorder, in addition to fat deposits, can also be the cause of early atherosclerosis. Interesting fact : residents of Japan, China and the Mediterranean, consuming large quantities greens and seafood do not suffer from this violation.

The next factor influencing body fat, is stress. Because of it, people stop feeling their body, and it gives them this trick with the appearance of excess weight.

Third factor - hormone. Violation fat metabolism often associated with an increase in estrogen levels in the body.

Cholesterol. Harm and benefit

So much has been said and written about him! For some, cholesterol becomes enemy number 1 in the fight for health and longevity. However, according to many medical sources, cholesterol in optimal amounts is not harmful. It is simply necessary for our body. Cholesterol is necessary for normal blood clotting. It is responsible for the integrity of the cell membrane of red blood cells. Plays an important role in the functioning of brain tissue, liver and nervous system. The body is able to synthesize cholesterol on its own from incoming nutrients. And only a certain amount (about 25%) enters the body with food.

Excessive consumption of fatty foods can lead to the deposition of excess cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. This leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which is main reason starvation of all body cells, access of blood to which was blocked by cholesterol deposits. Therefore, to avoid atherosclerosis, it is necessary to reduce fat intake to a reasonable minimum.

Fats in the fight for slimness and beauty

Sometimes people who want to lose weight completely exclude fats from their diet. At first, a decrease in body weight can be pleasing, but then due to the fact that the body is not getting enough important vitamins and trace elements may appear unpleasant symptoms:

  1. 1 irritability;
  2. 2 dryness skin;
  3. 3 brittleness of hair and nails.

Turns out, healthy fats play an important role in metabolic rate.

To maintain health, it is also necessary to maintain the ratio between fats. In this case, Omega-3 and Omega-6 should be in a ratio of 1:2. And the introduction of vegetable oils into the diet will prevent the formation of early wrinkles and will be an excellent prevention of dry skin and loss of elasticity.

Programs about healthy way life reminds us every day how harmful it is for human body consumption of animal fats. But scientists have not yet definitely proven that animal fats only have negative impact on the human body, and nutritionists around the world still advise consuming this fat in small quantities.

What it is

Animal fats are natural compounds that are extracted from bone, fat and other tissue of animals. They can be obtained from the milk and eggs of mammals, vertebrates, and also from some species of fish. But you should not consider only true fat mass as fat. This composition also includes enzymes that are not visible to the human eye and are part of other animal mass. Animal fats are chemical compound atoms of esters, acids and alcohols. They are the ones who form the calorie content and distribute it across different categories assimilation.

Fat production

In general, animal fats are mostly solids. They are obtained by rendering, that is, the animal carcass is heated to a temperature at which the solid fat melts. As a rule, the mass is heated in special rooms using equipment designed for this purpose. Both hard and soft fat can be processed.

Before sending animal fat for processing, sanitary studies are carried out. If it is subject to disinfection, then it is also sent for processing. The main technical process for processing is the burning process. There are two methods: continuous and periodic. The continuous method uses special lines, which are also equipped with cleaning filters. Periodic heating involves the use of high atmospheric pressure.

There are certain rules when choosing production technology. First, of course, the amount of raw materials is taken into account. It depends on the capacity of the meat processing plant. Secondly, much attention is paid to the quality and composition of raw materials. There are types of fat that have a complex structure and are difficult to influence. Or, for example, the raw material contains very little pure fat.

During production, it should be remembered that animal fat is an excellent accumulator of various odors. For example, if a pig was fed fish mixtures before slaughter, then the fat after processing will have a fishy smell. Foreign odors turn the final product into a defective product, and its value is significantly reduced.

Classification of fats

Fats have their own classification: by type of animal, by variety, consistency, purpose of use, source and method of production.

Animal type. These include organic compounds of marine life, freshwater fish, land-dwelling mammals, as well as freshwater and reptiles.

The grade of animal fat depends on the degree of purification. Like any product, it can be first, second or third grade. The consistency can also be different: liquid, soft or hard.

Fat is extracted from different parts. This can be subcutaneous fat, which is known to everyone as lard, liver fat, bone fat, as well as fat located inside the carcass. The method of obtaining may also be different. Fusing can be dry, wet, using alkali or acid.

Fat composition

Fat is the product with the most high calorie content. However, its value is not in calorie content, but in biological saturation. This is mainly determined by the amount of vitamins D and E, which are dissolved only by fat, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The composition of animal fats is determined by two groups: saturated and unsaturated acids. The most valuable things for a person are not saturated fats and fatty acids. Many of them are synthesized in the human body independently, so there is no need to consume them additionally. Fats are especially rich in unsaturated acids plant origin. That is why they bring more benefits than animal fats. Some of the main unsaturated fats are linoleic and arachidonic acids. They are also produced in the human body, but in extremely small quantities. It is necessary to eat foods containing these acids, as their lack can seriously harm your health.

Types of fats

Fats are divided into several types. There are saturated, unsaturated and trans fats.

Saturated fats are mainly fats of animal origin: various types of meat, milk, cheeses and cottage cheese. Unsaturated refers to the mass that is obtained from plant fibers such as nuts, avocado, olive oil. Unsaturated fats are obtained from certain types of fish: tuna, herring and salmon. Therefore, their meat is highly valued in the gastronomic world.

The latter type includes trans fats. These are the so-called “harmful” fats that clog the walls of blood vessels. We use it with French fries, various smoked products, margarine or deep-fried dishes. You need to be very careful when consuming such products to avoid serious problems with health in the future.

Beneficial features

Every day, millions of people around the world go on yet another low-calorie diet. However, scientists have long found out that giving up fat does not lead to weight loss and can have a bad effect on the body as a whole. The logic is simple. Since animal fats are the most caloric elements in food, then complete failure they will lead to weight loss naturally. However, not all so simple. Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids play a huge role in maintaining all vital important functions body. Here are the main criteria:

  1. Boosting immunity. Products that are found in every person’s refrigerator, such as eggs, lard, butter, contain the most valuable arachidonic acid, which helps the body fight all infections and viruses.
  2. Nervous system protection. Nerve tissue and brain cells contain large amounts of saturated fatty acids. Reducing the consumption of these fats is not recommended, as a deficiency can lead to serious nervous disorders up to Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Normalization of cholesterol levels. It is believed that limiting cholesterol intake is an excellent preventative measure for heart disease and vascular diseases. However most of Cholesterol is produced by the body itself, and its lack can lead to disruption of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Improves structure and appearance skin. Retinol, which is part of animal fat, promotes the healing of minor scratches and wounds on the skin and increases elasticity.

GOST animal fat for food 25292-82. At the time of buying food products It is worth paying attention to the presence of markings. If it is not there, then the fat is prepared according to individual requirements. technical specifications, which are designated by TU markings.

Harm from animal fats

Despite the large list of beneficial properties, you should not get carried away with animal fat. You can easily overdo it with its use, and then harm to health will be fatal. For example, if you constantly use pork fat for cooking, you won’t even notice how much you gain. excess weight. The main danger in excessive consumption animal fats, this provokes diseases of cardio-vascular system. But you can’t refuse it either. The optimal percentage of daily ration for young man should be 40%, for older people less than 30%.

Feed fat GOST

Fat is needed not only for normal life person. Its application in agriculture plays a huge role. Feed animal fat is a raw material obtained from raw materials that are not consumed as food and are used for the production of animal feed. It is used to feed poultry and livestock and has its own production standards. GOST animal feed fat 17483-72. It is these standards that are decisive for its use in the agricultural sector. Technical fat can be of the first and second grade. Before it goes into production, special tests determine the content of various substances in it, which should promote the growth of poultry and livestock.

Rendered fat

The raw material for obtaining rendered fats is the tissue separated during cutting of large carcasses. cattle or birds. This is raw lard. It is cleaned of impurities, blood and other compounds that disrupt the structure, washed and sent for heating.

Rendered animal fat retains a maximum of beneficial elements and vitamins. Rendered fat should be stored in a special closed container so that it does not absorb other odors, and also has minimal contact with water and air, as this promotes oxidation and shortens the shelf life. It is stored at temperatures from minus five to minus eight degrees. Can be stored in glass, wooden, polymer or paper containers.

The range of rendered fats is very wide. Beef, lamb, bone and pork fat is melted. Each type has an individual color and consistency, as well as a melting point.

Beef rendered fat can be identified by its rather pleasant smell and light yellow or yellow color. The melting point is about 45 degrees, so fat is classified as poorly digestible.

Rendered lamb fat is white or light yellow in color. In the molten state it is transparent. The melting point is about 45 degrees and, like beef, it is classified as a poorly digestible fat.

Pork fat has White color or grayish and the consistency resembles an ointment. The temperature at which it melts is 37 degrees.

List of foods containing animal fats

We don’t think about it, but in fact, animal fats are on our table every day. When choosing such products, you should carefully study the label and make sure that the fat content of the product starts from 1%, since products completely devoid of fat lose almost all beneficial features. So, animal fats and a list of products:

  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mussels;
  • crabs;
  • turkey;
  • cream;
  • yogurt;
  • caviar.

At proper preparation animal fats and proteins, which are building material for cells will not be destroyed. The calorie content of the dish will also not increase.

The healing properties of animal fat

Animal fat has long been used as one of the main medicines. All raw materials from which fats and oils could be extracted were considered valuable. Animal fat has special medical properties. It is used as a stand-alone medicine, included in other medicines as a healing element, used for the production of ointments and various solvents.

Animal fat is excellent remedy prevention. It is used for external and internal use. External use is associated with various creams and ointments. Pork fat is used for these purposes. It has an excellent ointment-like consistency and perfectly dissolves other elements. Used in ointments against frostbite and for healing.

Fats are taken internally as a mild laxative. The acids it contains irritate the intestinal walls, moisturize and soften, thereby helping to cleanse the body.

Fats for weight loss

Many people associate the process of losing weight with the complete elimination of all types of fat. It's a delusion. They are necessary for the full functioning of the body. When you lose weight, the body experiences stress and hormonal changes occur. And for the synthesis of hormones in mandatory fats are needed. The main items that promote accelerated weight loss are fish oil, badger oil and shark oil. Their unique composition promotes the formation of fast chemical reactions, which, in turn, speed up all processes.

Girls who care about their figure and watch their diet often wonder how healthy it is to eat certain foods containing animal fat. We all know that without this element our body would not be able to function normally. However, the question arises: how harmless is it to consume animal fats? Let's see how healthy products containing animal fats are.

What about animal fats?

First, let's dive into nutrition: animal fats are saturated fats, which differ from other types in that they do not melt or liquefy when cooked. room temperature. One more distinctive feature is that their molecules are supersaturated with hydrogen. When ingested, animal fat is difficult to digest, and when it enters the bloodstream, it forms fatty compounds that over time clog arteries and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. In addition, chronic consumption of animal fats can lead to obesity or significant weight gain. This occurs due to the fact that animal fats are taken up by the body. solid form, thereby violating the normal one.

Animal fats in foods

If we consider which products contain animal fats, it is worth noting the following: butter, kidney, visceral and white fats, as well as chicken skin and cheese. A large amount of animal fats is also found in, confectionery, dairy products, fatty meat products, meat-containing products instant cooking and chocolate. In order for animal fats to bring only benefits to the body, they should make up no more than 7% of the daily calorie intake. In this case, the body can independently process and remove animal fat.

Fats, carbohydrates and proteins are essential components of our diet. But fats have become slaves to many prejudices and conjectures. They frighten those who want to lose weight and those who have recently decided to become a supporter of a healthy diet.

But should you be wary of fats in food, and if so, which ones? Let's find out!

What are fats and what functions do they perform in the body?

Fats (triglycerides, lipids) mean organic matter that are found in living organisms. They form the basis of the cell membrane and play a very important role in the body along with carbohydrates and proteins. Their main functions:

Saturate the body with energy and improve well-being;

Creating shells around internal organs, protect them from damage;

They prevent hypothermia, as they help retain heat in the body, which they do not transmit well;

Improves the effects of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K;

Stimulates the activity of the intestines and pancreas;

In addition, without fats the brain cannot function.

Types of fats

Fats are of plant and animal origin. Animal fats (poultry and animal fats) called saturated fat, whereas unsaturated fatty acids be contained in the majority vegetable oils.

Saturated fats. They are solid components and are found mainly in animal food. Such fats are absorbed quite quickly without bile substances, so they are nutritious. If you include large amounts of saturated fat in your diet at low physical activity, they will be deposited in the body, which will cause weight gain and deterioration physical fitness.

Saturated fats are divided into stearic, myristic and palmitic. Products containing them are tasty and contain lecithin, vitamins A and D, and, of course, cholesterol. The latter is part of important cells body and actively participates in the production of hormones. But if there is excess cholesterol in the body, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity and heart problems. The maximum cholesterol limit is 300 mg per day.

Animal fats should be consumed at any age to obtain energy and ensure full development of the body. However, we must not forget that excessive intake of saturated fats can lead to the development of such diseases: obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

Foods containing saturated fat:

Meat (including heart and liver);

Dairy products;

Chocolate products.

Unsaturated fats. Such lipids are found mainly in plant foods and fish. They are quite easy to oxidize and may lose their properties after heat treatment. Experts recommend using raw foods with unsaturated fats. This group is divided into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The first type includes components that are involved in metabolism and the formation of healthy cells. Polyunsaturated fats contained in nuts and vegetable oils. Monounsaturated substances reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Most of them are found in fish oil, olive and sesame oils.

Foods containing unsaturated fats:

- (olive, sunflower, corn, flaxseed, etc.);

Nuts (almonds, cashews, Walnut, pistachios);

- (mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, herring, trout, etc.);


Poppy seeds;

Soya beans;

Fish fat;

Mustard seeds.

How to distinguish high-quality natural vegetable oil from counterfeits with harmful impurities?

In the case when the main component of the fat is saturated acids, then the fat will be state of aggregation solid. And if there are unsaturated acids, the fat will be liquid. It turns out if you have oil in front of you that remains liquid even in the refrigerator, you can cast aside doubts - it has the highest concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Trans fats. In everyday life, trans fats are commonly considered “bad” fats. They are a type of unsaturated fat, but we decided to talk about them separately. Trans fats mean modified components. In fact, these are artificially synthesized oils. Scientists have proven that regular use products containing trans fats can increase the risk of obesity, heart and vascular disease, and metabolic deterioration. It is not recommended to use them!

Products containing trans fats:

Fast food;

Frozen semi-finished products (cutlets, pizza, etc.);




Popcorn for microwave oven(if the composition contains hydrogenated fats);


Daily intake of fats

Experts say that the body needs 35-50% of calories daily from healthy fats.

In athletes daily norm there may be more fat, especially if the training is intense and systematic. On average, an adult needs to consume 50 g of animal fats and 30 g of vegetable fats, which will amount to 540 kcal.

When does the need for saturated fat increase?

The body needs saturated fat most in the following cases:

It is necessary to increase the elasticity of blood vessels;

Systematic sports training;

Intellectual loads;

Period of the ARVI epidemic (to strengthen the immune system);

Hormonal disbalance.

When does the need for unsaturated fats increase?

Unsaturated fats are very necessary for the body in the following cases:

In the cold season, when the body began to receive less nutrients;

During intense physical work;

Active growth during adolescence;

Exacerbation of diabetes mellitus;


What oil is best for frying?

Sunflower and corn oil– the most unsuitable oils for heat treatment, since they release carcinogens when frying. It is preferable to fry in olive oil - despite the fact that when heated it loses its beneficial properties, but does not become dangerous.

Sunflower and corn oils can be used only if they are not subjected to heat treatment, as in frying or boiling. It's a simple chemical fact that something that is supposed to be good for us turns into something not good at all at standard frying temperatures.

Cold-pressed olive and coconut oils produce much less aldehydes, just like butter. The reason is that these oils are rich in monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, and these remain more stable when heated. In fact, saturated fatty acids hardly pass through at all. oxidative reaction. Therefore, it is better to use olive oil for frying and other thermal processing - it is considered the most “compromise”, since it contains about 76% monounsaturated fats, 14% saturated and only 10% polyunsaturated - monounsaturated and saturated fats are more resistant to oxidation than polyunsaturated fats .

Fats are an integral element for the full existence of the body. For them to be beneficial, you need to use them taking into account your goals and lifestyle. Only dangerous trans fats should be excluded from your diet.
