A child's daily routine after 1-5 years. How to choose the right daily routine for a one-year-old child? Daily routine and its importance for young children

A 1 year and 5 month old baby is actively striving to understand the world, which he succeeds in doing thanks to good coordination of movements. He does not want to sit still; it is much more interesting for him to jump and run. If a child does not succeed in some things that his peers have mastered, the mother becomes very upset. In order not to worry in vain, you should remember the uniqueness of each child and the difference from others. Knowing the approximate norms of development at this age will also not be superfluous.

Physiological indicators

  • Weight ranging from 8.5 to 12 kilograms is considered normal. A slight deviation beyond the specified limits is not a reason for panic, as it is determined by genetic characteristics. If mom and/or dad are of “small” parameters, then the toddler’s weight may well be slightly below normal, and vice versa.
  • The normal height is considered to be 76.8 - 83.9 cm. Height, like weight, is directly related to heredity.
  • Head circumference ranges from 44.7 to 48.5 cm - this figure is considered optimal.
  • The number of teeth is from 8 to 12, there is a high probability of the appearance of lower and upper canines. Don't be nervous if fangs don't appear. “Probability” is not “certainty” - this means that the fangs will appear a little later.
A baby at 1 year and 5 months is already very active - you need to play outdoor games with him, you can connect children's vehicles for indoors and outdoors to this

Children 1 year and 5 months old are extremely mobile and active, and are hostile to any attempts to limit their freedom of movement, so you should spend more time with them outside.

Child's skills and abilities

A 17-month-old baby can already do a lot to the delight of mom and dad (we recommend reading:). His parents watch with emotion as he:

  • runs in circles, runs and jumps like a bunny, confidently turns while running;
  • walks up steps and over small objects;
  • climbs onto a chair or sofa, armchair and descends from them to the floor;
  • diligently builds a turret of 4-5 cubes;
  • catches the ball thrown to him and throws it to his partner;
  • points with his finger in a book a mouse, a hedgehog, a tree or, for example, a table, and accurately determines their location.

The baby learned several important everyday skills:

  • asks to use the potty (we recommend reading:);
  • he holds a spoon well when eating and tries very hard to eat on his own;
  • already knows how to drink from a cup.

You need to watch the baby’s behavior more closely if he doesn’t even try to do any of the above, although he should already. If he openly neglects training, then you should not hesitate to consult a pediatric neurologist.

A baby at this age can already drink from a cup, which makes his mother’s life a little easier - she doesn’t have to bother with bottles

Speech skills

The most common experience of parents: the baby is almost a year and a half old, but he doesn’t really speak, continuing to communicate in his “bird” language. There is no reason to worry. A 17-month-old child should understand speech addressed to him well, but he will speak later, and this is absolutely normal.

At the age of 1 year 5 months, the child should:

  • show with your finger where the legs are, where the mouth is, where the eyes are, where the ears are;
  • distinguish toys by name and color, combine them into groups and show, upon request, where the cubes are, where the flowers are, where the balls are;
  • understand and perform simple actions well, such as “put down”, “take”, “bring”, “give me”.

Intelligible speech is a purely individual indicator; there are no recipes for acceleration. Some children remain silent until they are three years old, and then suddenly “explode” and immediately begin to produce entire sentences. There are not so few such children, but still more than half of 17-month-old babies can:

  • express your desires and emotions in monosyllables: “give”, “no”, “yes”, “I want”, “I won’t”, “I don’t want”;
  • know the names of family members and show everyone when requested;
  • pronounce names and words “mom”, “dad”, “baba”, “uncle”, “tutu” relatively correctly and clearly (repetition of syllables);
  • construct elementary phrases, but voice them in your own way, somewhat distorted: “let’s go for a walk” (“let’s go talk”), “I want to eat” (“Asya bite”), “give me porridge” (“give Kasya”);
  • imitate the speech of an adult and copy intonation, but at the same time leave a niche for his own speech, understandable only to him and others like him.

Important! If a child is silent, does not respond to words addressed to him, does not respond and does not name objects even in his own language, it is urgent to show him to a speech therapist and an ENT specialist.

Nutrition of a child at 1 year 5 months

Whether to breastfeed a child at this age is up to the mother herself. Pediatricians agree that the restrictions for breastfeeding by age, no, and the theory about the dangers of long-term breastfeeding for the baby himself and his development is nothing more than a myth.

Mother's milk is no longer enough, he needs good nutrition. You should create a menu for your baby and diversify the diet so that you know for sure that he is getting enough.

Approximate diet for a 1 year and 5 month old child:

1 dayDay 2Day 3
Breakfastdairy rice porrige 180 g, half a glass of tea with milk, 10 g wheat breaddairy semolina 180 g, half a cup of cocoa with milk, a slice of bread 10 g with cheesemilk noodles 140 g, half a glass of sweet tea, fruit puree 50 g
Dinnervegetable soup 100 ml, steamed meat balls 40 g, pea puree 90 g, wheat bread 10 g and rosehip infusion 1 cup (more details in the article:)puree pumpkin soup 100 ml, steamed chicken dumplings 40 g, apple-carrot puree 90 g, blackcurrant jelly 1 cup and 10 g rye breadpotato soup with peas 100 ml, fish soufflé 40 g, zucchini and pumpkin puree 90 g, wheat bread
Afternoon snack100 ml kefir, baby cookies100 ml curdled milk, bun 20 g100 ml milk, 1 cracker and apple
Dinnersteam omelette 50 g with cheese, buckwheat porridge 100 g, half a cup of sweet teacottage cheese with prunes 80 g, mashed potatoes 90 g, half a glass of tea with milkbeetroot-apple puree 150 g, buckwheat porridge 100 g, half a cup of rosehip infusion

The baby is slowly switching to adult food: he can prepare soups, meatballs, omelettes, which are also suitable for parents. Such changes significantly relieve mother from everyday worries.

You can stick to this diet for about 1 month, then the diet should be changed. The baby should be breastfed before going to bed. If breastfeeding already in the past, then at night you can give the baby kefir or boiled milk.

Child development through games

Speech games:

  • Encourage your baby to talk short words, copy sounds: “sing a song to the bear, a-a-a-a”, “the train is puffing, chug-chug-chug”, “ask mom for a spoon: give it, mom, give it, give it.” Let him repeat.
  • Ask him to say how a dog barks, how a cat meows, etc. Then the reverse game: who says woof-woof, who says qua-qua, who says kar-kar, and the child must name the animal.

Logic games:

  • “Pick one.” From the scattered items, choose, for example, only yellow or only square.
  • "A simple object." Cut out 2 figures from cardboard and invite the child to put them together into a fungus, a house, and a tree.
  • "To size". Ask to arrange five objects by decreasing or increasing their size.

The familiar “pyramid” is designed specifically for the ability to arrange objects by color, shape and size. This game can be diversified, its components can be used for other games

Please note:

  • "Find a match." Take paired cards. Place half of it in front of the child. Show a card from the second pile and ask to see the same one.
  • "By sound." Hide a musical toy, the baby must find it by sound. Or mom/dad can hide and call the baby.
  • “According to the sign.” Let the child collect round, or soft, or red ones from all the objects in the room.

For fine motor skills:

  • "Cinderella". Pour peas and beans into a box and invite your child to sort them into different piles.
  • "Surprise". Wrap the "secret" in multilayer fabric or paper, let the baby carefully unfold them.
  • "Beads." String pyramid circles or figures with holes onto a cord or rope.

At this age, incredibly active development occurs. brain activity child - the more effort mom and dad make, the better the return they can get. It is necessary to develop both fine and gross motor skills.

Best toys for 1 year 5 months

Games must be enabled children's day(we recommend reading: ). Make sure that there are no small elements in the toys - now the child is extremely curious, and therefore the desire to taste the toy can end in tragedy. The most useful toys:

  • Sorter. A box with windows where you need to put certain figures.
  • Sound. This and musical instruments, and toys with buttons, when pressed they make a specific sound that imitates a cow, dog, cat.
  • Constructor. It is important that the details are rich in color and large in size.
  • Balls from different materials And different sizes. You also need a basket into which you can throw them.
  • Pyramids. We need both classic and complicated ones, in which the washers have more than one hole.

At 1 year and 5 months, the child wants to communicate with peers. Walking outside, sandboxes, playgrounds, swings will contribute to its development.

A one-year-old baby's schedule is different from the daily routine of a newborn baby. This fact is due to the intensive formation of the child. The daily schedule of the optimal daily routine for a 1-year-old child, as before, combines good nutrition, hygiene procedures, street walks, exercise. However, the intervals between feedings, the volume of portions, and the diet change. Some hygienic actions during water procedures can already be entrusted to a one-year-old toddler, and during daily walks the baby becomes more and more awake.

How to organize a one-year-old child's daily routine

In order to properly organize children’s daily routine, it is better to teach them to live according to a schedule from the first months. If from the birth of the baby he gets into the habit of following the regime, then upon reaching the age of one he will not have to radically change. The approximate schedule that parents of a twelve-month-old baby should adhere to consists of two sleeps a day, four meals a day with one afternoon snack, several walks in the clean air, and also morning exercises, educational active games and evening swimming.

What to do if your baby is an owl

Upon reaching one year, it becomes clear what type of cyclical rhythm of life a particular child belongs to. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a child’s routine at 1 year of age, taking into account individual biorhythms. A baby with night owl biological rhythms can be identified by difficulty falling asleep and late morning awakening around 9 o'clock. No need to try to rebuild life cycle of your child, biorhythms are determined by heredity.

It is possible to adjust the time of falling asleep and waking up for an hour or two for a little “owl”. In order for the baby to fall asleep well in the evening, he must spend the day actively and preferably as much as possible fresh air. Towards the evening, the toddler can only be occupied with quiet games. A bath is excellent for calming, relaxing and preparing for sleep, especially with lavender, mint, lemon balm, and if you give your baby a massage after bathing, then healthy sleep secured.

Daily routine of a little "lark"

The standard daily routine of a 1 year old child with early bird biorhythms does not require correction. This biological type of “early bird” often serves as an alarm clock for household members. If you try to teach a child predisposed to early awakening, go to bed a little later, he will still wake up at his usual time. In this case, the toddler’s behavior will be nervous all day, they become lethargic and capricious. Adults have only one solution here - to organize their child’s morning leisure time, providing him with access to his favorite toys or activities after waking up.

Diet for a 1 year old child

Closer to one year of age, the night break between feedings lasts from dinner to the first breakfast. The baby is trying to eat on his own. There is no need to interfere with this process, because thanks to such amateur activities, the child develops useful skills, and there is no need to feed the child against his will. The process of eating takes place in a fascinating cognitive- game form. If a one-year-old baby poor appetite, fruits before the main meal, walks in the fresh air and outdoor games will help improve it.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky recommends “cooperating” with your baby when compiling his menu. The number of feedings should include four main meals and one light snack after lunch, so that you have time to get hungry for dinner. The volume of main portions eaten by a child for breakfast, lunch, dinner varies from 300 to 450 g and approximately 200 g for an afternoon snack. The interval between feedings is no more than 3-4 hours.


During the period of intensive growth of a one-year-old baby, it is very important to adhere to correct mode day. Children at this age not only rapidly develop all their organs, but also develop new abilities every month. Following a daily schedule will allow all biological, psychological and physiological processes happen correctly.

Morning exercises

Full mode good day a 1-year-old child is impossible without charging. Due to excessive activity throughout the day, many mothers believe that morning exercises are not yet necessary. This is not so, because charging contributes to the rapid and complete activation of all vital important functions child's body. Exercises should be aimed at all muscle groups and parts of the spine, including jumping, squatting and bending.

Learning to wash

You need to start teaching your baby to wash himself from the moment he can stand firmly on his feet. You need to start with simple steps: wet your hands under running water, scoop it into your palms, rinse your face and wash your eyes. Then you need to teach the little one to brush his teeth, first with just a brush soaked in water. The child must master the actions with a toothbrush, and only then the use of toothpaste is allowed.


Walk with one-year-old children twice a day in good weather; on frosty days you can reduce the number and duration of time spent in the fresh air. The duration of walks during the day is about 4-5 hours with pauses for sleep and feeding the child. One year old child He is already more active outside and prefers to walk and run than sit in a stroller.

Developmental activities

On age stage At one year of age, the development of a child is aimed both at knowledge of surrounding objects and at the formation of correct speech skills, intellectual and creativity, fine sensory and motor skills. Developmental activities must take place in the form of a game. They should not tire the baby, optimal duration ranges from 7 to 15 minutes per approach according to the baby’s mood.

Hygiene procedures before bed

A child should be taught to use water procedures at a very early age. A one-year-old toddler can already be in the bath on his own under adult supervision. It is especially useful to conduct hygiene sessions before bed. It is advisable to start bathing after the baby goes to the potty. The child’s well-being after soaking in warm water, is improving. It calms and relaxes, which promotes deep sleep.

Baby's sleep per year

One-year-old baby's sleep schedule begins to change age-related changes. The duration of sleep during the day gradually decreases, and the time intervals increase. More and more toddlers are making do with sleeping at night, and getting them to sleep during the day is becoming increasingly difficult. In order for a toddler to fall asleep during the daytime, one of the parents often has to lull him to sleep while lying next to him while the baby falls asleep. To maintain a daily routine, if the child sleeps for a long time, you need to wake the baby.

How much sleep should a baby sleep per day?

The total daily sleep duration of a one-year-old baby is 14.5-16.5 hours. Of this amount of time, about 4-5 hours are spent on daytime rest in the first and second phases of the day. However, each child’s body has individual characteristics, so periods of wakefulness, as well as day and night sleep cycles, may differ slightly even among children with similar biorhythms.

Daytime sleep for a 1 year old child

The correct daily routine of a 1-year-old child should be organized taking into account the amount and duration of bedtime waste during the day. The norm is to rest twice a day, but it often happens that a child sleeps only once. It is unlikely that it will be possible to retrain a one-year-old baby, so it is better to adjust the entire schedule to the individual needs of your baby for rest. To do this, you can increase the walking time by additionally adjusting the feeding hours.

Daily routine of a one-year-old child by the hour

In families where there are already children, parents are familiar with a certain routine throughout the day. It will be useful for young parents expecting their first child to study an approximate schedule of daily activity of babies with distinctive cyclical features of the body's vital functions. The table of the daily routine for one-year-old babies with the biorhythm of “larks” reflects the daily regimen of a child at 1 year old with an early rise:

Schedule elements Time
Climb 6–7 hours
Water procedures 6:00–6:15 or 7:00–7:15
Morning exercises 6:15–6:30 or 7:15–7:30
1st meal (breakfast) 7:35―8:00
Active games, walks in the fresh air 8:05―10:00
2nd meal (second breakfast) 10:05―10:30
Rest 10:35―11:30
Dinner 11:35―12:00
Walk 12:05―15:30
Midday snack 15:35―16:00
Evening party 16:05―19:00
Dinner 19:05―19:30
Night rest From 19:35 to approximately 6:30

Daily schedule table for one year old child with the owl biorhythm. The correct daily routine for a 1-year-old child with a late rise:

Schedule items Time
Climb 8–9 hours
Washing 8:00–8:15 or 9:00–9:15
Morning workout 8:15–8:30 or 9:15–9:30
First feeding 9:35―10:00
Outdoor games, walks outside 10:05―12:00
Second feeding 12:05―12:30
Day rest 12:35―13:30
Dinner 13:35―14:00
Walk 14:05―17:00
Midday meal 17:05―17:30
An evening walk 17:35―20:00
Dinner 20:05―20:30
Night sleep From 20:35 to approximately 8:30


Daily routine for a child from 1 year to 1.5 years

Babies aged 1 to 1.5 years still have difficulty moving in warm clothes. Therefore, during the cold season, they walk little, and the need for fresh air is satisfied while sleeping on the balcony or on the street.

A one-year-old child can take a cup from the table and, holding it, drink independently. At this age, they begin to teach him to use a napkin during lunch and sit down at the table independently.

Age from 1 year to 1 year 6 months
Feeding - 4 times
Breaks between feedings, hours 4.5 - 3.5
Wakefulness, maximum duration, hours - 3.5 - 4.5 Number of periods nap - 2
Total sleep duration per day, hours - 14.5 - 13.5

Daily routine 1-2 years

6.30-7.30 Wake up, toilet, water treatments
7.30-8.00 Breakfast
8.00-9.30 Game - walk
9.30-11.30 Sleep
11.30-12.00 Lunch
12.00-15.00 Game - walk
15.00-16.30 Sleep
15.30-16.00 Afternoon snack
15.00-16.30 Sleep
16.30-17.00 Afternoon snack
17.00-19.30 Game - walk
19.30-20.00 Dinner
20.00-20.30 Game
20.30-6.30 Sleep

Nutrition for a child from 1 year to 1.5 years

Sample menu.

First breakfast
Kefir - 180ml

Boiled milk vermicelli with grated cheese - 150g/10g
Milk - 100ml
Cookies - 10g

Beetroot caviar with prunes - 20g
Cabbage soup pureed in meat broth - 100ml
Liver pate - 50g
Mashed potatoes - 50g
Grated apple - 100g
Black bread - 20

Afternoon snack
Cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar - 40g/10g/5g
Puree fruits (canned fruit for children) - 100g

Vegetable puree (combined) - 150g
Tea with milk - 100ml
White bread with butter - 20g/5g

Daily set of products (g, ml).

Wheat bread - 40
Rye bread - 10
Flour - 10
Cereals, pasta - 25
Cookies - 10
Potatoes - 120
Various vegetables - 150
Fresh fruits - 100
Sugar - 60
Dry fruits, cranberries - 15
Meat, liver - 60
Fish (fillet) - 10
Egg - 1/2
Butter - 15
Vegetable oil - 3
Cottage cheese - 40
Milk - 700
Sour cream, cream - 5
Cheese - 3
Tea - 0.2
Salt - 3

Up to one and a half years of age, it is better to feed children five times a day. If a healthy child refuses the last (fifth) feeding, then he is transferred to a four-time feeding rhythm with an interval of four hours. Whatever the frequency of feeding the baby, the main thing is that it is constantly observed.
The daily amount of food for children from one to one and a half years old should be approximately 1200 g, that is, 240-250 g per meal with five feedings a day.

Using a pacifier at this age is harmful. It subsequently leads to difficulty chewing food and refusal of any food other than liquid food. When receiving pureed foods from a spoon, the baby instinctively makes chewing movements before swallowing it, and thereby prepares to receive dense food lumps.

Dairy play main role in child nutrition. At this age, he is entitled to 700 ml of milk per day, taking into account the amount that is used for preparing various dishes.
Cottage cheese is an essential component of nutrition and can be included in any meal. You can make pudding out of it and add fruit.
Cheese is given in grated form. It can be used for sandwiches mixed with butter or added to pasta.

Eggs Children are given only chicken: either hard-boiled or added to various dishes. Until the age of one and a half years, it is recommended to give only hard-boiled yolk, adding it to vegetable purees. After one and a half years, you can offer omelettes, as in in kind, and with various additives, mainly vegetable (potatoes, green pea, carrot, cauliflower).

Daily norm meat for children under three years old - 85 g. Use low-fat varieties meat (beef, veal, pork), as well as poultry.
It is advisable to give meat dishes in the first half of the day, since they take longer to digest, and those eaten in the evening overstimulate the nervous system, making it difficult to fall asleep.
Children cook broth for first courses or prepare soufflés, meatballs, or steamed cutlets from minced meat. Liver is very useful for a child; it is better to give it in the form of a pate. It is good to add a mild sauce (toasted flour, diluted with broth and seasoned with cream or sour cream) to meat dishes. A vegetable side dish is better.

Once or twice a week, instead of meat, you should give your child fish, giving preference to fish fillets or varieties without small bones.
But you must remember that river (lake) fish with impaired metabolism (exudative diathesis) can cause an exacerbation of the disease in some children. Cod is the easiest to digest.
For children under one and a half years old, fish is prepared in the form of meatballs or steamed, and must be wiped.

Vegetable oil it is advisable to give for the most part raw, adding to vegetable puree and grated vegetable dishes. From animal cheeses to large quantities 1-2 times a week you can give lard (internal lard). Pork (backbone) lard, beef and lamb fats are not recommended because they are difficult to digest.

Vegetable purees It is better to prepare combined ones; the composition of the puree can be changed, taking into account the child’s taste characteristics. It is not recommended to get carried away mashed potatoes due to the large amount of starch making it difficult to digest.
The daily requirement of potatoes is 150 g.
Vegetables used include white cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, green peas, cauliflower, turnips, onion.

Porridge- a very satisfying baby food dish. It should not be given more than once a day. Nowadays porridges are given a more modest place in baby food, since a number of cereals (oats, wheat), from which cereals are prepared, contain phytic acid, which impairs the absorption of calcium from food, which disrupts the normal ossification of the skeleton.

For a child of the second year of life, porridge is cooked semi-viscous. Porridges that require a long time of boiling are first boiled in water and then milk is added.
You can combine porridge with vegetables, fruits, and meat. You can make puddings from porridge in the oven.
Thin and small pasta is used, cooked with milk, seasoned with butter and cheese.

It is advisable that the first and last feedings consist of vegetable or fruit purees, various cereals, cottage cheese or egg dishes. Wash them down better with kefir or milk.
Honey should be given to children very carefully.

It is better to start lunch with a snack in the form of a variety of salads - grated carrots, peeled cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage, green salad, pumpkin. It is advisable to add finely chopped dill, parsley, onion, celery to salads - to develop a child’s taste for green vegetables as early as possible.

Daily routine for a child from 1.5 to 2 years old

7.00 - 8.00 - Wake up, toilet, morning exercises.
8.00 - 8.30 - Breakfast.
8.30 - 12.00 - Morning wakefulness, walk, games, activities.
12.00 - 12.30 - Lunch.
12.30 - 16.00 - Daytime nap.
16.00 - 16.30 - Afternoon snack.
16.30 - 20.00 - Evening wakefulness, walk, swimming.
20.00 - 20.30 - Dinner.
20.30 - 7.00 - Night sleep.

Nutrition for a child from 1.5 to 3 years

A child aged 1.5 to 3 years should have four meals a day - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
Moreover, at lunch he should receive approximately 40–50% of the total nutritional value diet, and the remaining 50–60% is distributed for breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner.
The energy value of products per day is 1400–1500 kcal.
A child needs to receive 50–60 grams of protein per day, 70–75% of which should be of animal origin; fat – 50–60 grams, including about 10 grams plant origin; carbohydrates – 220 grams.
Average amount of first course: for a child from 1 to 2 years old - 120-150 ml.

Quantity meat– from 100 g at 1.5 years to 120 g at 3 years. Usually they use beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit, lamb, and horse meat. Offal products are useful in baby food (they are rich in protein and fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A, have a more delicate structure than meat, and therefore are more easily and quickly digested in the gastrointestinal tract) - liver, tongue, heart. Meat can be prepared in the form of steamed, oven cutlets, stews, or fried minced meat. From sausages not often and in limited quantities To expand the taste perception, you can give your baby milk sausages and some types of boiled sausage (diet, milk, doctor's).

Egg , which is one of the main suppliers of protein, should be given, on average, 1/2 a day, or 1 egg every other day and only hard-boiled or in the form of an omelet, and also used for making casseroles and cutlets.

On the child's menu, if not medical contraindications, should include dishes from seafood and river varieties fish, with the exception of fatty and delicacy varieties (sturgeon, salmon, salmon, halibut) up to 30–40 g/day. Children can be offered boiled or fried fish, freed from bones, fish cutlets, and meatballs. Smoked and canned fish (with the exception of specialized canned food for children), as well as caviar, which is a very fatty and highly allergenic product, are not recommended.

Thanks to fruits and vegetables contains a large amount of ballast substances, including dietary fiber, their sufficient consumption in the daily diet can serve as a prevention of constipation. An important property of vegetables and fruits is their ability to enhance the secretion of digestive juices, which increase appetite. Children from 1.5 to 3 years old are recommended to consume potatoes daily in quantities of up to 100–120 g/day. (including for preparing first courses). If for some reason potatoes are not used in the diet, then they can be replaced in the same volume with other vegetables. And also 150–200 g of various vegetables for making soups, salads, and side dishes. Especially useful: carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, tomatoes. Unlike feeding children early age, in the food of a child over 1.5 years old, it is necessary to constantly include garden greens: parsley, spinach, lettuce, green onions, garlic in small quantities for seasoning soups, salads and main courses. At this age, the vegetable diet is expanded due to the introduction of radishes, radishes, turnips and legumes such as peas, beans, and beans. Vegetable purees are replaced with finely chopped salads, stewed and boiled vegetables, cut into small pieces.

An essential component of a child's daily diet is fruits– 100–200 g/day. and berries 10–20 g/day. Kids enjoy eating apples, pears, plums, bananas, and cherries (the seeds must be removed from them first). Considering the high probability of occurrence allergic reaction citrus and exotic fruits, their introduction into the diet should be extremely careful. Among the berries, black currants, gooseberries, lingonberries, cranberries, chokeberry, sea ​​buckthorn. Some fruits and berries have a strengthening effect, as they contain tannins. These include blueberries, pears, and black currants. This is important to consider if your child suffers from constipation. Kiwi has a pronounced laxative effect, but other fruits and berries eaten in large quantities can have the same effect. Various fruit, berry and vegetable juices are useful for children of all ages, but if clarified juices are recommended for children under one year old, then after 1.5 years you can offer the baby juices with pulp up to 100-150 ml per day after meals.

Any new product that you are going to include in your child’s menu should be given in small quantities (1-2 teaspoons) in the first half of the day in order to be able to monitor the body’s reaction to the tolerance of the “new product”. If signs of an allergy appear, use of this product should be discontinued.

In the nutrition of children over one and a half years old, various cereals. Oatmeal and buckwheat, rich in mineral salts and vitamins, complete protein. It is useful to include cereals such as barley, millet, and pearl barley in your diet.
Children of this age can already eat noodles, vermicelli in the form of side dishes or milk soups, but they should not get carried away with these products, as they are rich in carbohydrates. On average, children over 1.5 years old should be given no more than 15–20 g of cereal and 50 g of pasta per day.

Sugar is also included in the children's diet. It improves taste qualities dishes, but its excess is harmful to the child’s health, as it reduces appetite, can affect metabolism and lead to excessive weight gain. A child aged 1.5 to 3 years can consume up to 30–40 g of sugar per day. This amount includes easily digestible carbohydrates - glucose contained in juices, drinks, and sweets. Foods containing carbohydrates - bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, in the quantities recommended above, will not provide the child with the amount of energy required for his age. The physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and enzyme systems of the child’s body do not allow increasing the volume of a single meal, which means that calorie content can only be replenished with easily digestible carbohydrates. Their use in the diet of a healthy child is necessary, since glucose is an energy substrate for the cells of the brain, liver, and kidneys. But everything should be within reasonable limits. Sweets that you can pamper your child with are marshmallows, marmalade, fruit caramel, jam, marshmallows. Chocolate and chocolate candies should not be offered to the baby, as they increase excitability nervous system and may cause allergic reactions.

One and a half years is the age at which many children begin to show character. For adults, it is important to maintain distance and show “who is boss in the house.” Of course, you shouldn’t punish the baby for the slightest offense and establish a cruel dictatorship in the family: you need to act tactfully, showing maximum patience.

Nutrition for one and a half year old babies

The bulk of the daily diet occurs at lunch - almost a third of all food, breakfast and dinner - about a quarter daily menu, and afternoon snack - approximately 20%. Almost all children by this time have enough teeth to chew food on their own, so you no longer have to grind it, you can just mash it slightly with a fork.

Important! Tender food system The baby is not yet able to digest hard food, so all fruits with hard skins must be peeled. This requirement applies to plums, peaches, apricots, apples and pears. A grown-up baby will be happy to eat grapes, watermelons, citrus fruits, cherries and strawberries. Please note that some children are prone to allergies, so if their cheeks are red, be sure to find out the cause - so you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Although many adults are inclined to transfer a 1.5-year-old baby to a common table, they should refrain from this for the following reasons:

  • The child’s gastrointestinal tract still does not accept fried foods well;
  • Canned foods are prohibited, including canned fish and meat, all kinds of salads;
  • The baby should not eat smoked and salty foods - at such an early age it is easy to disrupt activities digestive system, then it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

In addition to the main products that are already included in the diet (see our previous article), you can add to the menu:

  • vegetable salads, the components of which are processed with a coarse grater, a portion can reach 40–50 g;
  • cauliflower and peas;
  • barley and millet porridge;
  • hard cheese;
  • sandwiches with butter; for variety, you can sometimes offer boiled sausage, of course, of excellent quality.

Every day your baby needs at least 100–130 g of fresh fruit. Try not to limit yourself to one type: the child’s menu should be varied. Be sure to offer your baby compotes in addition to juices and tea; rosehip juice will also be useful.

Important! If possible, feed your child only freshly prepared meals: less likely food poisoning, vitamins are better preserved in food.

Mental development of a child at 1.5 years old

One and a half year old children are well versed in many everyday issues. Moreover, they readily master digital technology: smartphones and PCs, happily viewing photos or answering calls. Naturally, if they have access to these gadgets. Of course, if possible, it is worth limiting the baby in these exciting activities.

By this age, it is advisable to teach the child the following actions:

  • distinguish between protozoa geometric figures- triangle, ball, square;
  • accurately assemble the pyramid;
  • distinguish several colors;
  • draw simple shapes on paper - they are not yet perfect, most often they are zigzags, short lines created with a pencil or pen.

You can often observe how intently a child turns the pages of a book. If there are drawings in it, he can point to the characters and comment on their actions. Try to periodically purchase new literature for your baby, which you then alternate so that your baby always has an interest in books.

Simulation of life situations

The child still has a lot to learn. The formation of his behavior occurs on the basis of the daily activities of family members, as well as strangers whom he observes on the street, in shops and other establishments. Possible options games:

  • caring for a doll or soft toy (for boys);
  • playing with a car that the child drags by a string or drags across the floor;
  • fun in the sandbox - try to buy your baby at least a simple set of toys (moulds, bucket, spatula, rakes).

Play with your child in a store, theater, circus or other role-playing performances, trying to ensure that he receives at least a little new information from each activity.

Child education

The task of adults is to ensure that the child clearly understands the prohibitions and permissions. The main type of influence is the intonation of the voice: affectionate or angry, calm or excited. Healthy child is well disposed, he quickly forgets about conflict situations, is able to instantly switch attention from one event to another. Other features:

  • keen interest in the actions of other people;
  • conflict in joint games with peers;
  • tearfulness during a long separation from the mother - the child is not yet ready to remain without her for a long time;
  • reaction to heard music - children dance or try to sing along.

The baby communicates with pleasure; now he not only listens to what the elders say, but also tries to answer them and readily enters into dialogue.

Daily schedule by hour

Now let's compose exemplary mode a one and a half year old child based on the information presented above. So, the schedule:

  • 07:00 - awakening;
  • 07:00–07:30 - water procedures, the baby washes himself, brushes his teeth under the supervision of his mother;
  • 07:30–08:00 - drawing, trust the baby with thick markers, be nearby to look after the baby;
  • 08:00–08:30 - breakfast, at one and a half years old, many babies are happy to eat themselves, try to teach the baby to eat carefully, without throwing food off the plate;
  • 08:30–09:00 - room cleaning;
  • 09:00–09:30 - reading a book, educational games;
  • 09:30–11:30 - walk along the city streets, visit grocery stores, have fun with other children in the sandbox;
  • 11:30–12:00– return home, wash hands after going outside;
  • 12:00–12:30 - lunch;
  • 12:30–15:00 - quiet time, mother can also rest at this time;
  • 15:00–16:00 - the baby plays independently, it is advisable that the mother is nearby at this time;
  • 16:00–18:00 - a walk, you can go to the park or sit on a bench near the house, watching how the baby learns to interact with other kids;
  • 18:00–19:00 - returning home, cleaning the room, playing with adults;
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner with family;
  • 19:30–20:00 - singing songs with mom or dad;
  • 20:00–20:30 - preparation for swimming, water procedures;
  • 20:30–21:30 - massage, dressing, going to bed.

In those moments when you need to do something in the kitchen, try to puzzle your baby. Instruct him to “feed” a doll or build a garage for cars out of cubes, read a bedtime story to Bear or Bunny, or sing them a song. You will be surprised to notice with what pleasure the baby performs these simple duties. It is at such moments that he learns to take care of others and show responsibility.

Sometimes parents complain that their children are capricious, suffer from lack of appetite, and do not want to go to school. kindergarten, do not do well at school, and do not see that some of these problems are explained by an incorrect daily routine or lack thereof. If a child does not get enough sleep, is not used to eating at a certain time, then this leads to a weakening of his health, nervous system, fatigue. To accustom the child to optimal mode Sleep and wakefulness are needed from a very early age.

Some mothers do not recognize the need to create a daily routine for their one-year-old baby, believing that both bedtime and feeding time should be at the child’s request. But the fact that you do not create an individual daily routine for your one-year-old baby does not mean that it does not exist. It’s just that in this case, the time of sleep and wakefulness, feeding and play for the baby are formed arbitrarily and if they do not coincide with what is convenient for the parents, then they lead to the fact that everyone suffers. A child who doesn’t get enough sleep is capricious and has trouble falling asleep due to overwork; parents who don’t get enough sleep also lose strength and health.

Therefore, each family should create a child’s daily routine in accordance with his physiological characteristics and his lifestyle, Dr. Komarovsky convinces. It is advisable that the wake-up time be common to everyone in the house. Main meals should also take place at approximately the same time for all family members, and additional meals necessary for the baby should be taken at a time convenient for mother and baby. The timing of your baby's nap will depend on the time of meal.

If you stick to the same hour for waking up in the morning, going to bed in the evening and feeding during the day, choosing a routine that is convenient for the whole family, then the baby will easily get used to the routine, which will improve his health and make life easier for parents. But in order for the baby to get used to observing the sleep and wakefulness regime, nutrition and hygiene, it is necessary for the mother to adhere to the same routine both on weekends and on weekdays.

An approximate daily routine for a baby per year and month is recommended as follows::

Daily routine for children from 1 year to 1.5 years:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

Wakefulness: 7-10, 12-15.30, 16.30-20.30

Dream: first 10-12, second 15.30-16.30, night sleep 20.30-7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

Daily regime. Child 1 year 2 months

Menu for a 1 year old child

The first birthday of a baby, which is joyfully celebrated by loved ones, does not mean that immediately after the baby becomes one year old, his sleep and nutrition immediately change dramatically. A child has five meals a day per year, in which he receives from 1000 to 1200 grams of food. The food should be ground, but also include small pieces to teach the baby to chew food. Food should still only be boiled, baked or stewed, nothing fried or smoked.

The basis of nutrition is still milk and dairy products. If the baby remains on breastfeeding, then from one year on you can gradually replace it with regular baby food. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then the preparation of the menu must be approached even more carefully, since only from it does he get everything essential microelements, vitamins, etc. At the same time, it is easier to “overfeed” a bottle-fed baby, which also requires the mother to more carefully draw up a menu.

For the growth and development of a child, first of all, protein is needed, so meat and fish must be included in the baby’s annual menu. Since protein takes a long time to digest, recommendations say that meat or fish dishes give to children no later than lunch.

  • Lean types of meat are chosen - veal, beef, chicken. It must be carefully prepared - boiled or stewed for a long time. Served as purees or pates. Nutritionists suggest giving cutlets and meatballs to children less often.
  • Fish is given in low-fat varieties, such as pollock, cod, etc. at least one hundred grams per week.

The second mandatory item on a child’s menu after one year is porridge. The leaders in terms of health benefits include oatmeal and buckwheat, but you shouldn’t give up rice, semolina, and pearl barley. Porridge for babies is prepared with milk and is usually given for breakfast, adding a little butter(12 gm daily norm).

Speaking of oil: a child should receive no more than 1 teaspoon per day vegetable oil. It must be included in the baby’s diet, as it contains nutrients necessary for development. It can be added to salads or used minimally when preparing dishes.

Vegetables and fruits must be included in the baby’s menu. In a year it is usually mashed potatoes, but you can gradually get used to salads - finely chopped or coarsely grated carrots, boiled potatoes and beets, pumpkin or apple. It is preferable to make vegetable salads from no more than two components; fruit salads can include a little more components.

After the first birthday, it’s time to accustom babies to first courses: soups and broths. Meat broths for children at this age should be light and not greasy. To do this, they are prepared like this: the meat is cooked for 10-15 minutes, after which the broth is drained and a soup for children is prepared from it, and the meat is cooked further

Children love sweets very much and you can offer sweet fruits, cookies, marmalade or marshmallows as dessert. In limited quantities, safe sweets will delight your baby.

Physical development

After a year, the baby becomes more and more active, he quickly increases his motor skills. He walks more and more confidently, can pick up objects that interest him from the floor, squat down and stand up on his own, steps over obstacles and begins to run. To help him consolidate his successes and master new opportunities, it’s time to accustom the child to morning exercises, for which no more than 10 minutes are allotted. Exercises are carried out in a playful way and only if the baby wants it.


At one year of age, there is a smooth transition in sleep and wakefulness to a more active pastime than in infants up to one year old. At this age, the baby should sleep 14-16 hours a day, of which three to four hours are allocated for daytime sleep. Dr. Komarovsky calls a slightly lower figure of 13.5 hours, but this is all within the limits individual differences. Even for one child, sleep needs can vary from day to day.

Therefore, the regime should not be a dogma. It is entirely possible to compensate for the daily lack of sleep in one day by more than early bedtime at night, and on another because bad sleep at night, allow yourself to sleep longer during the day. But this should still be more of an exception; one should strive to go to sleep at the same time. In a year when a child’s activity increases, it is especially important to accustom him to bedtime and wake-up times that are convenient for the family.

In one year, the child sleeps twice a day, one of which is longer. But after a year there is a gradual transition to a single nap. There is no need to rush to cancel one of the bedtimes, you just need to watch the baby. The second nap during the day will depend on the child’s needs: if he is tired or has not had enough sleep, he will fall asleep on his own, and if he is active, then you should not insist, but it is better to put him to bed earlier in the evening, at night.

Continue to maintain your evening bedtime routine. This calms the child and helps him fall asleep easily. At one year old it is already worth teaching a child to fall asleep without his mother - without breastfeeding and rocking.

Children's sleep rules children's sleep, child's sleep

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.1 to 2 years old

After a year, with each month, the baby’s physical activity increases during the day, and night sleep becomes stronger. But in the first 6 months, the child still gets tired quickly, periods of hyperactive behavior give way to lethargy, and he still needs to rest twice a day. Even if the baby does not fall asleep for the second time, it is necessary for him to lie quietly for some time, otherwise the baby may become overtired.

By one year and six months, the child improves his physical and intellectual capabilities, and therefore his abilities and skills expand. He already runs, uses a spoon, can hold a cup, knows the words “can” and “can’t”, etc. Grown up physical strength and strengthening of the nervous system allow him to move on to a single daytime nap. The following daily routine is recommended.

Daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

Daily routine for a child from 2 to 3 years old

After two years, a child is already actively mastering speech, speaking in sentences and actively expanding his lexicon. He's good compared to a one-year-old baby controls his body, can eat carefully, put on and take off his T-shirt and panties himself. During the day the child asks to go to the potty, but at night he is not yet able to do so. Feeding should be four times a day, naps should be once.

A child between two and three years old can already restrain his desires for a short time and engage in some activity. But he is still hyperactive, cannot do monotonous activities for a long time and is easily excited. A baby can do one thing for no more than half an hour, so long periods of wakefulness should be filled with alternating activities.

Daily routine for children from 2 to 3 years old:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (winter) and before lunch (summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

Children after one year really love to bathe, but you can already wash it two to three times a week. If there is a need and desire, then you can do it more often, but in this case the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or oil. After a year, it’s time to take regular care of your teeth. For now, of course, this is the concern of the parents, as well as teaching him to wash himself and wash his hands.

After a year, the child gradually begins to be taught to use a spoon and potty trained.

Walks in the open air

Regardless of the weather, after a year, children should definitely walk outside both on weekdays and on weekends. Even in cold weather, the baby should be in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes a day, and in good weather - the longer, the better.

Experts believe that if the weather and parents’ capabilities allow it, then you should go for a walk twice a day for one and a half to two hours. Now that the child is already walking not only in a stroller, but also with his own legs, a walk gives the child both motor activity, and knowledge of the world. Prolonged stay in the fresh air promotes good appetite And sleep soundly child.

Child and regime – School of Dr. Komarovsky
