How many days do girls and women have their periods - a healthy duration. Why do teenagers have a delay in their periods? Why do girls have a delay?

Several years pass from the onset of puberty to the first menstruation in teenage girls. The formation of the menstrual cycle is a long process that is influenced by many external factors. But a change in the duration or regularity of bleeding does not always indicate a violation of this process.

Features of puberty

The normal onset of puberty is considered to be around 9 years of age. The hormonal background during this period is subject to major changes. The suppressive influence on the central hypothalamus disappears nervous system. This allows GnRH to be released in a pulsating rhythm. This hormone stimulates the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

But the process does not develop simultaneously. At first, hormones are secreted only at night. But gradually their release stabilizes and occurs at certain time intervals.

During puberty, the appearance of sexual characteristics occurs in a certain sequence:

  1. Andrenarche - the appearance of pubic hair, hair growth in armpits, on foot.
  2. Telarche - a change in phenotype in accordance with the female sex - growth of the mammary glands, the appearance of roundness of the hips.
  3. – first menstruation, appears 2-3 years after thelarche.

Violation of this order may be associated with various pathologies.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

Even 150 years ago, the first menstruation began on average at 15 years. Currently, the age has moved to 13 years. But the norm is considered to be the onset of menstruation in adolescents aged 9–15 years. The gap between the beginning of breast growth and menstruation should not be more than 2.5 years.

Establishing the menstrual cycle takes several years. The duration of the first bleeding can be from 2 to 7 days, sometimes it lasts for up to 2 weeks.

Most girls take about 40 days from their first to second menstruation, while women reproductive age this is 21-35 days. In adolescence, a longer first cycle may be observed, which stretches for 60 days. In some cases, the interval may be shortened to 20 days.

Most often, during the first year, the menstrual cycles are anovulatory, and the maturation and release of the egg does not occur. If you perform an ultrasound of the ovaries during this period, you will notice multiple small cysts in them, which are functional character and do not require special treatment. To establish normal ovulatory cycle takes from 8 to 12 years. This stage ends only at the age of 21-22 years.

If there are no signs of puberty

It must be remembered that before menarche they necessarily appear external changes. If there are no signs of puberty, then spotting is not always an indicator of menstrual pathology.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. - inflammatory infectious diseases. If left untreated, increasing signs of inflammation can lead to bleeding of the mucosa. Spotting will appear on linen and toilet paper.
  2. Injuries can occur at any age. Often occurs in girls who are actively involved in sports, for example, in gymnasts when performing exercises on parallel bars and horizontal bars from a direct fall in the perineal area. The severity of bleeding will depend on the severity of the injury.
  3. Foreign bodies in the vagina. Sometimes girls, out of curiosity, can insert small objects into the genital slit and are not always able to remove them back. Long stay foreign body leads to the formation of bleeding erosion.
  4. Tumors are found much less frequently in adolescents than in women of reproductive age. But they can lead to bleeding of varying intensity.
  5. Estrogenization occurs with use hormonal drugs. For example, in a desire to imitate their mother, girls try her pills. Such bleeding does not require special treatment and goes away after the drug is removed.

Types of menstrual irregularities

Malfunction of the menstrual cycle in teenage girls may be a change various characteristics menstruation.

Changes over time:

  • primary – absence of menstruation over the age of 15 years;
  • secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for 4-6 months after an existing menstruation.
  • – rare menstruation, more than 35 days pass between them;
  • polymenorrhea - frequent periods with less than 25 days between them.

Change in bleeding strength:

  • hypermenorrhea - heavy bleeding;
  • – scanty blood discharge;
  • juvenile bleeding.

Disturbance of sensations:

Why do violations occur?

The causes of menstrual irregularities are varied. Each type of change is characterized by individual factors, their callers.

Primary amenorrhea can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (in 50% of cases): delayed sexual development, increased exercise, anorexia nervosa, birth defects developments that lead to pituitary failure.
  2. Diseases of the central nervous system: tumors, empty sella syndrome, brain injuries.
  3. Hyperandrogenism and virilization syndrome: polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, adrenal tumors, .
  4. Ovarian pathologies: chromosomal diseases which lead to gonadal dysgenesis, autoimmune diseases, galactosemia, castration as a result of removal, radiation or chemotherapy.
  5. Metabolic pathology endocrine system: hypothyroidism, obesity.
  6. Congenital anatomical defects: hymen fusion, underdevelopment of the vagina and uterus.

Secondary amenorrhea develops after the appearance of the first menstruation. The length of the menstrual cycle in adolescents is unstable during the first three years. But if 4 years have passed since menarche, or the girl has long turned 18 years old, then it is necessary to determine the cause of inconsistent menstruation. Often failures occur in the form of hyper- or hypomenorrhea, juvenile uterine bleeding.

Most often, secondary amenorrhea develops by the following reasons:

  1. – increased concentration of androgens. Testosterone increases above 0.5 ng/ml, DHEAS more than 3.4 μg/ml.
  2. Hypersecretion of prolactin – above 12 ng/ml.
  3. Ovarian insufficiency - estradiol level below 30 mIU/ml, FSH - above 25 mIU/ml.
  4. Pathologies of the endocrine system and metabolism: hypothyroidism, when TSH is increased more than 4.2 mIU/ml, as well as hyperthyroidism, sudden weight loss, obesity, diabetes.
  5. Neuropsychiatric pathologies: anorexia, bulimia, psychosis, deep stress.
  6. Tumors of the hypothalamic-pituitary and central nervous system.

Manifestations of main pathologies

Unstable menstrual cycle, caused pathological reasons, in adolescents it rarely manifests itself only as a violation of menstruation. An experienced doctor will notice additional signs that are symptoms of the underlying disease.


An imbalance of male sex hormones is a common cause of irregular menstrual cycles. Additional signs that may indicate pathology are the following conditions:

  • hirsutism;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • acne;
  • alopecia, often in the crown area;
  • Virilization - the development of the body corresponds to the male constitution.

Diagnostics makes it possible to detect polycystic ovary syndrome by ultrasound; based on the results of blood tests, changes in the concentration of testosterone and DHEAS are determined. Common cause diseases become or adrenal glands.


Changes in prolactin concentrations in adolescence are much less common than in women of reproductive age. If a girl produces milk, then this is a reason to take a blood test for prolactin. The cause of the disease is often tumors of the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Therefore, such patients are treated by neurosurgeons.

Neuropsychiatric causes

During adolescence, girls begin to evaluate their bodies in terms of sexuality. Wrong perceptions lead to the desire to lose weight or gain weight. But at this age, any experiments with diets are fraught with serious problems, including mental nature. The menstrual cycle in adolescence directly depends on the calorie content, balance and regularity of food intake.

In adolescents, a delay in menstruation can occur when the body mass index drops below 19. Causes sharp decline weight can be not only when following strict diets, but also in patients with celiac disease, Crohn's disease, when absorption is impaired useful substances, as well as in severe pathologies leading to exhaustion. Lack of fats and proteins in the diet disrupts the synthesis of hormones, the absence or occurs against the background of hypoestrogenism. The severity of the violation depends on several factors:

  • calorie content of food is less than 15 kcal/kg/day;
  • violation of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • long-term adherence to a hypocaloric diet;
  • additional physical activity to reduce weight;
  • initial body weight, fat reserves and the degree of their reduction.

Pathological eating behavior in a teenager should be noticed in time by parents. How deeper violations nutrition, the more difficult period recovery.

Juvenile uterine bleeding

The cause of the pathology is the immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. There is a discrepancy between the concentrations of FSH and LH. The endometrium reacts to this with hyperplasia. The uterus is influenced relatively high level estrogens. Several follicles are formed in the ovaries, but they do not mature, corpus luteum No.

The mucous membrane of the uterus is not shed completely and on time. Characteristic long delays from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, after which heavy bleeding appears. It leads to weakness, dizziness, and anemia. The development of juvenile bleeding is provoked by infections, inflammatory diseases genital organs, stress, nutritional disorders, lack of vitamins.

Abnormalities of the genital organs

With vaginal atresia, hymen fusion, menstrual blood does not find a way out. After each menstruation, the rejected endometrium accumulates in the uterine cavity and can penetrate into abdominal cavity. This leads to symptoms acute abdomen. When visiting a surgical hospital, girls must be examined by a gynecologist. At this moment, the reasons for the absence of menstruation are identified.

Treatment approaches for adolescents

If the menstrual cycle of a girl who has only started menstruating a year or two has gone wrong, this is a variant of the norm. An exception can be considered heavy uterine bleeding, which appeared after a delay. At frequent violations inspection and additional examination is necessary. Often violations in adolescence are the first step to pathology reproductive system in adulthood.

Treatment for menstrual irregularities depends on the cause. If there is an anomaly in the development of the genital organs, then an operation is performed to dissect the hymen or vaginal plastic surgery.

Juvenile uterine bleeding belong to the category. During reproductive age, the main treatment is curettage of the uterine lining. In adolescents, this method is used in as a last resort, because injury to the uterus disrupts further reproductive function and can lead to miscarriage in the future. In girls, treatment is carried out using estrogen-gestagen drugs. More often these are combined oral contraceptives, which are taken several times a day according to a special regimen.

If tumors of the brain, adrenal glands or ovaries are diagnosed, then the main method of therapy is surgical removal tumors.

Violation eating behavior treated together with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, depending on the severity pathological changes psyche.

Cycle disruptions that occur against the background of endocrine pathologies require treatment of the underlying disease, which is treated together with an endocrinologist. We must also not forget that failures can occur not only with exhaustion, but also with obesity. That's why great importance has a diet and sufficient physical activity.

Menarche is a girl's first menstruation, usually occurring at age 12. Although sometimes it happens earlier - at 10 years old, and later - up to 15 years. Already from this age, young ladies ask the question: “How many days do menstruation last?”

It can take 2-3 months, sometimes up to a year, from the moment of the first menstruation before the cycle normalizes and enters a stable rhythm. Healthy girls and women have a menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, plus or minus another 2-4 days. If such a cycle is stable, it can be considered the norm in each specific case. The ideal situation is considered to be when menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days.

How long do girls' periods last?

For young girls who have not yet fully completed puberty, meager firsts menses. In this case, either a few drops of light or scarlet blood, or a dark brown “daub” are released. This is normal and can be explained hormonal changes, which in this period occur in a young body.

At the age of 14-15 years, as a rule, the menstrual cycle returns to normal, and menstruation lasts 3-4 days. Already at this time, the girl should monitor the duration of her periods. If menstruation lasts less than 2 or more than 7 days, you need to consult a gynecologist.

When a woman has problems with the genital organs, it can give answers to questions that other tests will not show anything. If your periods are not just missed, but also turn brown, then you need to read what to do.

Menstrual irregularities

Often women note disruptions in the menstrual cycle, but mistakenly believe that this is due to the individual characteristics of the body. They stop monitoring how many days their periods last, ignore the pulling heaviness in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, do not pay attention to nausea and headache. And sometimes they simply do not associate these symptoms with menstruation. However, all these signs of ill health are serious reason consult a doctor. A visit to a specialist is especially important if the menstrual cycle lasts less than 21 days or exceeds 35 days.

Nature has rewarded a woman with strong health, but an incorrect lifestyle, abuse or uncontrolled reception medications and dietary supplements often have the most negative impact on female body. But there are more serious reasons for disruptions in the menstrual cycle. They could be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • gynecological problems: ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the uterus or appendages, cancer tumors on the internal genital organs;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • prolonged stress;
  • serious diseases of the nervous system.

Due to all of the above, in case of serious and repeated cycle disruption, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation.

Scanty and copious discharge

When you know how many days your period should last, all that remains is to pay attention to the quality and quantity of discharge to understand whether everything is in order. Girls with an established cycle and women of reproductive age should have an average amount of clean bleeding for 2-3 days, and at the end of menstruation another 1-2 days of scanty discharge.

Typically, such menstruation does not cause any inconvenience to a woman and is asymptomatic. The presence of brown “sand” in the discharge of blood clots or strong bad smell are a cause for concern.

Knowing how many days your period lasts normally, you need to carefully monitor your own health. And if your cycle is far from normal, and menstruation lasts only 2 days and the discharge is very scanty, this is an alarm signal that the body gives. Such a cycle length may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries or inferiority of the uterine mucosa. The latter is most often caused by chronic inflammatory processes or repeated abortions.

Surprisingly, scanty menstruation also occurs in those women who expose themselves to serious physical activity. It can be as heavy physical labor for a long time, and excessive exercise.

But the reason heavy discharge when it “pours like buckets” for 5-7 or more days, most often they become various pathologies uterus: polyps, fibroids, oncology and endometriosis. It happens that menstruation has been going on for 2 weeks, and the woman is just waiting for it to end.

But if, in addition to heavy bleeding, they contain dark clumps blood, if the lower abdomen constantly hurts, and the interval between menstruation is 20 days or less, this indicates the presence of a serious pathology and a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

How to establish a cycle

An indispensable condition for a woman’s health and normal course menstruation is a good blood supply to the pelvic organs and the biological activity of cells. How long your period lasts and how it passes often depends emotional calm women and their health in general.

Stabilize the cycle (of course, if there are no serious gynecological problems) following a daily routine will help: proper nutrition with daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products; active lifestyle - walks for at least 2-3 hours, skiing, cycling or skating; lack of stress and favorable environmental conditions.

You can help the body by resorting to folk remedies. With scanty menstruation, an infusion of plantain chastuha will help. Pour one teaspoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up and let it brew in a warm place for two hours. Strain, take 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 10-15 days. Repeat the course after 2 months.

Powder from the fruits of alder buckthorn will help to reduce heavy menstruation. 0.2-0.5 grams of powder should be diluted in a third of a glass of water or milk and drunk three times a day half an hour before meals.

The first menstruation (menarche) is an important event in the life of every girl. Menstruation is a sign of puberty and the ability to bear children. Physiological norms provide for the onset of the menstrual cycle at 11-14 years of age. But deviations from standard indicators are a common occurrence during puberty. Why are periods delayed in teenagers, what contributes to this - current issues for growing girls, as well as their parents.

Physiological features of puberty

Puberty of girls begins at the age of 8-9 years and continues until they reach full physiological maturity. Girls are 2-4 years ahead of boys in development. When the first sexual signs appear in the form of hair growth in the armpits and pubic area, the growth of the mammary glands, and an increase in adipose tissue, you can expect the onset of menstruation within 1.5-2 years.

The first menstruation in most cases appears at the age of 11-14 years. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes menstruation appears earlier than expected physiological norm(9-10 years) or later (15-16 years). This fact does not always signal the presence of a problem, but it cannot be ignored.

With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that menarche will occur earlier than in girls of the same age in girls who are physically developed, strong, and also prone to obesity. And, conversely, with a fragile physique, menstruation usually appears no earlier than 12-13 years.

Each organism is individual. The genetic factor plays an important role in the process of puberty. If the mother began her periods at the age of 12-13 years, then her daughter will also have them around the same period. However, modern statistics indicate more early start menstruation in today's teenagers compared to previous generations. A difference of 1 year is a fact recognized by gynecologists.

Even in the absence of complaints about deterioration in health, it is advisable to discuss deviations from the norm with a pediatric gynecologist.

Common causes of missed periods

In the absence of menstruation in adolescents aged 13-16 years, gynecologists suspect a delay that is inappropriate normal indicators physiological development during puberty. The most common reasons for the absence of menstruation in adolescents include the following:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cystitis and other diseases). This fact should be excluded first of all in the absence of signs inflammatory process. It is impossible to ignore any reproductive function disorders during adolescence. An infection that is not destroyed in a timely manner becomes a trigger for the appearance of chronic gynecological diseases. Female infertility often due to the lack of proper treatment.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries often disrupt the natural menstrual cycle. Trauma experienced in childhood can cause reproductive dysfunction in the future. This fact should be reported to the gynecologist at mandatory. You may need to consult a neurosurgeon.
  3. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland) often provoke menstrual irregularities in girls 12 years of age and older. Treatment systemic diseases should precede the examination of reproductive function.
  4. Hormonal imbalance is observed during the period of physiological maturity. Lack of breast growth, rough voice, hair growth male type indicate a lack of estrogen and a predominance of male sex hormones in the body. In this case, hormonal therapy is indicated to correct the imbalance.
  5. Abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs and injuries resulting from mechanical damage or surgical intervention, can cause lack of menstruation. A doctor can detect an anomaly by gynecological examination. This pathology is most often diagnosed in the absence of menstruation in adolescents 15 years of age and older.
  6. Increasing physical activity is a common reason why your period may be delayed. For girls who lead an active lifestyle (going to the gym, dancing, extreme sports), a delay in menstruation of 1 year or more is not uncommon. When performing heavy physical exercise burnt fat layer, as a result, the brain blocks ovulatory function. You need to understand that the puberty period requires compliance with a gentle regime in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  7. Increased mental stress is an equally common fact. Heavy school program, additional classes with a tutor, lack of free time provokes a delay in menstruation due to mental overstrain.
  8. Stress and emotional instability characteristic of this period also explain why periods may be delayed. The first love, difficult relationships with peers or parents leave a deep mark on the vulnerable child’s soul. When the stress factor is eliminated, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  9. A sharp change in body weight, observed when using strict diets, determines why menstruation does not come on time. Limiting the consumption of high-calorie foods at the age of 12-17 years is a widespread phenomenon among adolescents. Anorexia nervosa is a trigger for dysfunction of the reproductive system. Obesity also disrupts the natural menstrual cycle.
  10. Bad habits such as drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking can be the reason why there is no menstruation at 12-17 years of age.
  11. Changes in the climatic zone of residence provoke menstrual irregularities (premature onset or delay). If menstruation is absent for this reason, then there is no reason to worry. The acclimatization period is a temporary phenomenon. After some time, the natural cycle will be restored.
  12. If menstruation has already been regular for several months or even years, and then interrupted, pregnancy cannot be ruled out, despite the patient’s young age. Start puberty requires a special approach to personality development. Building trusting relationships at this time is the task of every parent. A girl should be confident in the support of her parents in any situation. Sex education plays a big role. Lack of knowledge about contraceptive methods leads to irreparable consequences.
  13. Application of some medicines affects the reproductive function of the young body. When diagnosing pathology, it is necessary to exclude the girl from using hormonal contraceptives. They directly affect the absence of menstrual flow.

What is cause for concern?

If at the beginning of puberty there is active hormonal changes, then there is no particular reason for concern. Another thing is menstrual irregularities at 15-17 years old. Amenorrhea at this age can be primary (when there was no menstrual flow at all) or secondary (the absence of menstruation was preceded by a normal menstrual cycle). Any form of amenorrhea can provoke impaired fertility in the future.

How older age girls, the more worrying the fact of absence of menarche is.

The following facts should be a signal to immediately seek qualified help:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, and mammary glands;
  • the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge with the presence of pus and an unpleasant odor;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • nausea, vomiting, general condition disturbance;
  • changes in usual menstrual flow (volume, frequency), appearance of blood clots;
  • delay of 30 days or more.

Any form of amenorrhea requires consultation with a gynecologist.

Perhaps the absence of menstruation is just a temporary phenomenon as a result of hormonal changes developing organism. But it is imperative to exclude the presence of obvious pathology. Timely diagnosis, competent approach and adequate therapy will prevent possible complications in future.

Girls between the ages of 13 and 16 are just beginning to develop their menstrual cycle, and during this period menstruation may be irregular. Cycle timing is disrupted by exposure various factors. A gynecologist can determine how dangerous a delay in a teenager’s periods is, but in most cases, such failures can be prevented by ordinary care and attention to the girl’s health on the part of the parents.

The first menstruation, according to experts, should occur in girls aged 12 to 14 years. A few years earlier, the teenager begins to develop female hormones and formation of the reproductive system. Due to various reasons, primarily heredity or developmental characteristics, minor deviations from the norm may be noted: menstruation may begin at the age of 11, or be delayed a little - then they come for the first time when the girl is already fifteen years old.

If the onset of menstruation occurs earlier (at nine years) or much later (after 15 years), this is already a reason for concern and contacting a doctor.

On average, it takes a year to establish a normal menstrual cycle. In it time is running complete hormonal changes in the body. This process can be affected by both external factors and certain diseases. Therefore, at the age of 12-13 years, there is a delay in menstruation and menstrual irregularities in adolescents.

If this phenomenon occurs for only one month, you can simply analyze the situation, understand the reason for the delay in menstruation, and try to eliminate this factor from the girl’s life. This is the concern of the mother or other older woman in the family.

When a delay or other cycle disorder is repeated several times in a row, it is necessary to take the teenager to a consultation with a gynecologist. It is necessary to understand the reasons for the delay in menstruation and treat the diagnosed disease.

Causes of menstrual irregularities in girls

While the hormonal changes in the body of a teenager are underway, at the age of thirteen or when she has already turned 14, the girl is more susceptible to any influences external environment. The establishment of a cycle largely depends on her lifestyle.

Unbalanced diet

All changes in the body are associated with metabolism. If a teenager eats incorrectly, abuses heavy foods, and uncontrollably eats in establishments fast food, this may affect hormonal background girls and become the reason why menstruation is delayed when the cycle is almost debugged.

Another reason to care good nutrition During this period, a teenager experiences intensive growth. The girl goes not only internal changes in the body, but the figure is also formed, it can become sharply elongated. In order for all these processes to occur normally, a teenager needs useful substances: minerals and vitamins

If a child does not receive them in full during nutrition, for example, due to a passion for weight loss diets, this affects not only his physical development, but because of this, a cycle failure may occur, since in any human body all systems are interconnected.

Excessive exercise

Passion for sports, or even just an overly active lifestyle can affect a girl’s sexual health. The reason is the same: more calories are burned, and there is a lack of nutrients in the body necessary for the development and formation of the reproductive system.

Therefore, with excessive physical exertion, there is also a delay in menstruation. It is better to make sure that the girl’s training schedule becomes gentle about a week before the expected start of menstruation; if possible, it is better to limit training during this period. The main thing is to establish a clear daily routine that will combine:

  • rest periods;
  • good sleep;
  • mandatory walks in the fresh air.

Emotional instability

When a girl is 13, she begins a new round of psychological development. It is also associated with changes occurring in her body:

  • she begins to feel like a woman;
  • her attitude towards boys as representatives of the other sex changes;
  • Critical remarks from friends or parents are also perceived more sharply.

The situation is complicated by the fact that unstable hormonal levels greatly affect the emotionality of a teenager. Any stress, uneven relationships with peers, large study load irritating the child can affect the timing of the menstrual cycle. Delays or even long-term disruptions may occur. In this case, it is better to get not only a consultation with a gynecologist, but also the help of a psychologist.

The specialist will advise how to control the teenager’s emotionality, perhaps prescribe mild sedatives, breathing exercises, will give advice on the girl’s daily routine and nutrition.

Hormonal imbalances in adolescence

In the first two years, while menstruation is just becoming established, there are severe cycle disruptions. In the first case, this may be caused by poor nutrition, emotional state and other reasons for the improper organization of a girl’s daily routine.

All these factors put together lead to hormonal imbalance, when the amount of female hormones - estrogen or progesterone - becomes higher than normal. In this case, not only may there be a delay in menstruation in adolescents, but also the following may appear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • headache;
  • and dizziness;
  • Sometimes fainting occurs.

The cause of the failure may be long reception antibiotics, everything that affects the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones. The gynecologist will help you find the causes of cycle disorders and prescribe complex therapy where the vitamins will be included, homeopathic medicines and a course of hormonal drugs.

Some girls may experience hormonal imbalance when a surge of male hormones occurs in the body. In this case, the gynecologist will select the right individual treatment, restoring normal hormone production.

Late onset of menstruation

The late onset of menstruation in girls is considered to be the arrival of the first menstruation at the age of over 14 years. This indicates delayed sexual development and can be caused by both psychological and physiological reasons.

A girl may have an underdeveloped uterus, disorders in the pituitary gland, and tumors may be the cause. Timely medical intervention will quickly eliminate these problems. Most often, the late onset of menstruation is explained by increased emotionality and lack of weight. This reduces estrogen production and delays sexual development.

If menstruation begins late, then the cycle takes a long time to establish; there may be a delay in menstruation in a 15-year-old teenager, interruptions in the passage of the cycle, long menstruation, which are accompanied by general feeling unwell. During the entire first year, with such development, it is better for the girl to be constantly monitored by a gynecologist.

Absence of menstruation for more than two months

If a girl’s cycle is almost established, but suddenly her periods stop for two or more months, she needs to seek treatment. The cause may be secondary amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea. Must pass comprehensive examination and a full course of treatment.

It includes complex therapy, the basis of which is a hormonal course. It is important and normal development girls, otherwise it may have a negative impact on women's health in future.

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system

The cause of delays in menstruation, if this phenomenon occurs for several months in a row, may be diseases genitourinary system girls. We are talking about infection and the development of the inflammatory process. The cause of infection is bacteria, depending on their location in the body, inflammation covers:

  • vaginal flora – vaginitis;
  • Bladder - ;
  • uterine mucosa – endometritis;
  • renal pelvis – pyelonephritis.

At the slightest symptoms: pain in the area of ​​any pelvic organ, delayed menstruation, general painful condition, apathy, fatigue, increased body temperature - you must immediately contact the clinic.

Ultrasound, urine and blood tests will help specialists establish a clear diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment. The course of therapy will include anti-inflammatory drugs, possibly antibiotics, local and oral antiseptics, vitamins, and, if necessary, hormonal drugs.

During the first two years, girls usually have irregular periods. Hence all sorts of worries and worries associated with the delay.

The importance of menstruation for the body

Menstruation is generally understood as a cyclical phenomenon that occurs in a woman’s genitals every month with subsequent bloody discharge. From the moment of puberty, menstruation appears at 11-16 years of age and ends when a woman can no longer reproduce.

The timing of menstruation is different for every girl. For some, menstruation begins at 12-13 years old, for others even later. This is influenced various reasons: living conditions, physical development, climate, nutrition, past illnesses etc.

The brain regulates changes in menstruation, transmitting impulses to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days.

The cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next.

In the first year, menstruation in girls is just becoming established, so various fluctuations in duration may be observed. Within two years, many girls experience delays. Periods may not appear for several months, and then last more than a week. This is normal.

However, there are times when you should consult a doctor:

  • Menstrual cycle less than seventeen and more than forty days
  • Period lasts less than three or more than ten days
  • Delay in menstruation for more than three months
  • Delays after cycle establishment
  • Appears during menstruation strong pain, nausea, etc.

A girl should be wary of scanty periods with blood clots. If signs of anemia are observed during menstruation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you have one of the above symptoms, you should visit pediatric gynecologist. It is important that after the onset of menstruation, the girl starts a calendar in which she will mark the days of her menstruation and their duration. This will help the doctor determine the cause of possible changes.

Why is a teenage girl's period delayed?

The endocrine system influences a girl's menstrual cycle. Factors that provoke a delay in menstruation:

  • Excessive weight
  • Underweight
  • Colds
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Poor nutrition
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Excessive exercise
  • Changes in climatic conditions
  • Congenital anomalies

At normal operation The girl's ovaries are maturing follicles. If this process is disrupted, there is no ovulation, which leads to a delay in menstruation.
If scanty discharge appear a couple of weeks after menstruation, this may indicate ovarian pathology.

Stressful situations negatively affect the state of a girl’s reproductive system. If the delay is due to high physical activity, then it is advisable to reduce the intensity, or better yet, change the type of activity.

Puberty in girls begins at 8-10 years of age. Sexual characteristics appear: breasts become enlarged, hair appears in the armpits and pubic area. Over the course of 5-7 years, these signs develop. By the age of 15-16, a girl can be considered mature. Sometimes it happens that sexual development is delayed. By external signs the girl changes, but her periods do not appear. Here we are not talking about delay. If menstruation is not observed at 15 or 16 years old, then this is serious reason for a visit to the doctor.
