Dream interpretation kitchen set. How to interpret the dream “Kitchen”. Dream prediction Kitchen

Cooking in a dream is a very kind and nice sign. Why do you dream that a man is cooking and inviting you to the table? If a man you know is cooking in a dream, then this is a clear hint that the dreamer should pay attention to him. This person will be an excellent reliable spouse.

What if you dream that a man is cooking?

The most favorable plot of the dream option under discussion is the one in which a man familiar to the sleeping woman real life, prepares her attractive-looking, mouth-watering food or even the girl’s favorite dishes. This is a clear sign that the character seen is a very worthy representative of the stronger sex. Probably, the girl does not pay enough attention to him and, for example, considers him just a friend. In fact, it is this man who will become her ideal life partner and will make the dreamer truly happy.

If she listens to own sleep, he will never regret it. Of course, this does not mean at all that immediately after you dreamed about him, you should actively begin to show signs of attention to your friend. But you definitely need to take a closer look at him and his behavior. Sometimes girls, having chosen a certain type of man for themselves, pay attention only to those representatives of the stronger sex who fit the chosen parameters. But in this way you can make a big mistake in choosing a partner.

If a woman simply went to bed very hungry and in her dream sees an attractive man preparing food for her, then most likely this is simply a reflection of the dreamer’s daytime desires. You shouldn’t even try to find a special meaning in such a dream.

If the dreamer himself prepares some dishes in a dream and is in a hurry, then you can be sure that all sorts of troubles await him. They will probably tire the person a little, but they certainly won’t upset or upset them. For example, there is a possibility that guests will come to the sleeping person whom he has not seen for a long time. In this regard, there will be a lot of trouble and worry. But a person will certainly be pleased to see distant relatives and friends. After the expected events happen, he will definitely have time to rest.

If the food prepared by a man turns out to be undercooked, burnt, raw, or with other similar defects, then this means that the sleeper will face a series of minor problems and troubles in real life. If you can’t cope with them on your own, then you can safely ask friends and relatives for help in dealing with the obstacles that have arisen. After all, it will be much easier to overcome them together.

What does it portend?

If a man in a dream prepares several dishes at once, for example, first, second, salad and dessert, then this is a good sign. The dream foretells the dreamer clarity of thoughts and calmness. Finally, a person will be able to understand own plans, dreams, goals. A clear picture of the future will form in his thoughts, and an understanding will emerge of how to achieve everything he wants. As a result, life will become much easier for the sleeper, and he will be able to get rid of the anxiety and dissatisfaction that haunts him. In addition, he will understand why he was unable to achieve success earlier.

Interestingly, the interpretation of a dream often depends on what kind of dish the dream character is preparing. For example, borscht can be considered a harbinger of changes in material well-being. Cooking this delicious dish promises a person profit from a completely unexpected and perhaps even strange source. You can safely accept this money and spend it on your own entertainment.

Cooking food in a dream by a man is in most cases great sign, which the sleeper can rejoice at. It is capable of foreshadowing a variety of favorable changes in the dreamer’s life. And in some circumstances - even change financial situation for the better.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a kitchen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a critical situation, which will lead you to a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

For a woman to dream of cleanliness and order in her kitchen is a sign that she will become the darling of fortune.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Freud's Dream Book

The kitchen, like the room, is a symbol of the female genital organs.

But unlike the room, all situations unfolding in the kitchen belong to the realm of sexual ideas and fantasies.

If you cook in the kitchen, you like to repeatedly experience unfulfilled love adventures.

If you eat in the kitchen, you dream of an ideal sexual partner.

A feast in the kitchen symbolizes dreams of group sex and other types of exquisite sexual entertainment.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Being in the kitchen means well-being in the family.

Kitchen spoon - fun.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Family dream book

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, she will become the darling of fortune.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a kitchen in a dream is a sign that preparations are underway in your life for some events that are not necessarily related to home and household chores. For example, baking bread in the kitchen means that you have the opportunity to start a business that can bring good income.

Cooking in the kitchen yourself is a sign that the time has come for you to begin implementing some of your plans.

An untidy, dirty kitchen indicates poor organization of a business or poorly thought-out plans.

A clean, cozy kitchen, on the contrary, indicates that everything is going as it should.

Seeing a stranger in your kitchen means that a stranger may interfere in your affairs.

An unfamiliar kitchen portends that someone’s plans may be revealed to you or that you may take an active part in someone’s plans.

If the stove on which the food is cooked is too hot, this means that the planned business will be associated with strong emotions and will not be without controversy.

Getting burned, cut, scalded, or otherwise injuring yourself in the kitchen is a warning about possible negative consequences some ideas. Be careful and try to control your emotions, otherwise a serious conflict awaits you in the near future.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Being in the kitchen means a thankless job.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Spring dream book

Kitchen - to everyday life.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Summer dream book

Seeing your kitchen in a dream and yourself in it, preparing food, means a stressful state.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Autumn dream book

Kitchen - to despair.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are fussing around in your kitchen promises poor appetite and general weakening of the body after a long and debilitating illness.

Finding yourself in someone else's kitchen means you will actually find yourself in a critical situation that will end in mental depression.

Cleaning the kitchen means well-being and order in the house; a dirty kitchen in a dream foreshadows the unexpected arrival of foreign friends.

Changing furniture in the kitchen means gossip and gossip about you.

Doing renovations in the kitchen - luck will accompany you in everything.

Using a kitchen stove is a sign of close and ardent friendship.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Kitchen Spoon – Fun

Kitchen utensils – A mixer seen in a dream is a symbol of quarrels and conflicts, but if it is broken, it means that after many trials and errors you will find the right way out of this situation. Seeing a microwave oven in a dream means a pleasant surprise or surprise; buying it means good luck, profit, prosperity. If it breaks, this is a sign of upcoming problems and obstacles. If in a dream a girl cannot cook a dish in the microwave or it is broken, it means that the planned marriage may not take place for reasons beyond her control or she will be disappointed in her lover. If in a dream you want to buy a luxury food processor, but cannot afford it due to financial difficulties, it means that in reality you will face obstacles and difficulties in business; if you bought it, such a dream portends you prosperity and family well-being. Seeing a food processor in a dream is a harbinger of hard work that will bring long-term profits

Dreaming of a Kitchen Corner - Sitting and having lunch in a dream from Monday to Tuesday at the kitchen corner means good luck, reconciliation with relatives. If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you see a broken kitchen corner, it means that your family happiness will soon come to an end. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday in which you buy a kitchen corner means that serious troubles await you, but friends will help you avoid them.

Kitchen - Tosca, mild illness- to be in it is trouble in the family

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Esoteric dream book

Kitchen - for household chores.

Clean - pleasant; dirty - unpleasant, boring.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Being in the kitchen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you grief. Such a dream warns of the need to be prepared for anything.

If a woman sees cleanliness and order in her kitchen in a dream, this is a sign of fate’s favor towards her.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Azar's Dream Book

kitchen - worries

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A clean kitchen means profit; dirty - annoyance, no reciprocity.

Big beautiful - for marriage (for a woman), a good wife (for a man);

empty walls, empty - disappointment in connection with marriage (or lack thereof).

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Modern dream book

Seeing a kitchen in a dream means that some unpleasant events will have a depressing effect on your mind.

If a woman dreams of her sparkling clean kitchen, in real life she herself will become the mistress of her own destiny, and her life will be interesting.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a kitchen is a sign that some minor, albeit unpleasant events can have a very depressing effect on you. For a woman to see herself as a housewife in a beautiful, clean kitchen means that she herself will be the master of her own destiny.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

poor appetite and upset stomach.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Kitchen - You see a kitchen in a dream - you have to experience an unpleasant event; due to troubles you for a long time you will be oppressed. You see in a dream a very clean and spacious kitchen - fate will smile on you. A woman dreams that her kitchen is clean and tidy - the dream suggests that this woman controls her own destiny; they obey this woman because they know her domineering character; she rarely makes mistakes, as she has a penetrating mind and rich life experience.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Having your own kitchen in a dream is a successful activity.

Neighborhood - evil gossip.

Huge, of incredible size - a symbol of the soulless, cruel world within you / there will be activities on a grand scale / communication with the press; get into the newspapers, etc.

To see Hell's Kitchen in a dream - conscience awakens / certain matters with administrative officials and founders.

In a dream, not only to see the kitchen, but to feel its smells means suffering from a stomach illness.

The kitchen is in chaos - grief.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Kitchen - symbolizes the mistress of the house, wife, worries; an image reflecting the “creative” and business kitchen (state of affairs), as well as prepared family situations and relationships. Also associated with hell's kitchen (hell) and punishment for misdeeds and vices.

Beautiful, new - marriage for a woman.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Kitchen mean in a dream - Clean and bright - to wealth and success. Dirty means problems. Imagine that you are cleaning the kitchen, it becomes clean and bright.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream book of yogis

Kitchen - digestion.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Modern dream book

Kitchen – Poor appetite, upset stomach

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Creative dream book

You dreamed about the Kitchen, what is it for. 1. For most people, the kitchen is the “heart” of the home, the place from which we go out into the world and to which we return. In dreams, the kitchen can represent the mother or, preferably, the maternal function. This is usually the most energetic place in the house where relationships are strengthened. great amount all kinds of changes. 2. The kitchen is usually warm and cozy. Therefore, her image in a dream represents the aspect of femininity and nutrition. Most cultures have folk tales related to the kitchen. From a spiritual perspective, the kitchen represents transformation and transformation. Moreover, they are more desirable than imposed. Rituals associated with the hearth and fire have always been and still remain important in spiritual development. Further, with today's abundance of semi-finished products, there is a sense in working in the kitchen.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of working as a Mixer in the kitchen - to confusion, which will not bring you much grief, or to communicating with a stupid, but very energetic person.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Ancient Russian dream book

Kitchen - Seen in a dream with all the utensils, it means the happy state of all households; cooking in the kitchen is a sign of women's chatter and gossip; seeing a kitchen on fire portends the death of the cook or cook, or one of the servants.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Home dream book

You dreamed of a Kitchen - needs; creative possibilities. Cleanliness and order in the kitchen - satisfaction.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Jewish dream book

What does Kitchen mean in a dream - A mess in the kitchen. For a woman it will be fun. For a man - to quarrels, swearing and quick reconciliation. Have fun in the kitchen. For a woman - to troubles and worries. For a man - to a headache and receiving an unpleasant message.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Women's dream book

Kitchen - Being in the kitchen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you grief. Such a dream warns of the need to be prepared for anything. If a woman sees cleanliness and order in her kitchen in a dream, this is a sign of fate’s favor towards her.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Kitchen - clean - profit, dirty - losses. Buying new kitchen furniture means that the owner of the kitchen will receive a decent fortune. Clean kitchen utensils - life will focus on the interests of the family for a certain time. Sitting in the kitchen at a table (not empty) means well-being in the family. An empty kitchen table with empty dishes means poor appetite.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream book of catchphrases

KITCHEN - “participate in this kitchen” (business), “bad kitchen” - quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity; "creative cuisine" Proverb: “spoons, bowls, ladle” - vanity, confusion, chaos. “Like frying over low heat” - mockery, sadism; “French gourmet cuisine”, “cook (maid)”, but! - famous chef, professional.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Old Russian dream book

net profit; dirty - annoyance, no reciprocity.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream book for women

Sitting and having lunch in a dream from Monday to Tuesday at the kitchen corner means good luck and reconciliation with relatives.

If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you see a broken kitchen corner, it means that your family happiness will soon come to an end.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday in which you buy a kitchen corner means that serious troubles await you, but friends will help you avoid them.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Idiomatic dream book

“Participating in this kitchen” is a matter of business; “bad kitchen” - quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activities; “spoons, bowls, ladles” - vanity, fuss, chaos; “It’s like frying over low heat” - mockery, sadism.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Dream book for the whole family

Sitting and having lunch in a dream from Monday to Tuesday at the kitchen corner means good luck and reconciliation with relatives.

If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you see a broken kitchen corner, it means that your family happiness will soon come to an end.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday in which you buy a kitchen corner means that serious troubles await you, but friends will help you avoid them.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Online dream book

The dream book interprets the kitchen as a harbinger of the fact that you will be upset over mere trifles, even if they have a negative connotation, your reaction will be exaggerated.

If it is clean and cozy, prosperity in everything awaits you.

Sloppy - you may be verbally offended or suffer losses. This may also portend a visit from friends from distant countries.

You were amazed by its scale - grandiose achievements await you, it is possible that you will be glorified by means mass media; it can also mean your insecurity in modern reality.

You dreamed that you were in a kitchen that was not yours - you would find yourself in a very difficult situation, which will bring you to a nervous breakdown.

You wash it away - prosperity, peace and mutual understanding in the family await you.

You are engaged in its large-scale alteration and re-equipment - fate will be incredibly favorable to you.

New kitchen - another stress will break your inner core, it will take a long time to restore your strength.

Someone else's kitchen in a dream - it will seem that it has appeared hopeless situation, however, this is not actually the case.

Why do you dream of a kitchen?

Universal dream book

What would we be like without a kitchen? Hungry! The kitchen in your dream symbolizes comfort and a hearty lunch, or do you feel tense in the kitchen: you can’t, don’t bother?

Whether you feel joy because you cook food for others, or because you find it hard, boring work that you don't want to do, it reflects your attitude towards life at the moment.

The kitchen is also a symbol of ingenuity. Do you feel like you can create something out of nothing?

If, although you follow the recipe, the dish turns out to be tasteless, it means that something is upsetting you in your life at the moment.

This room symbolizes our vital energy, our creative approach to life. All the elements are represented in this room, starting with fire and enticing air. Kitchen - indicates your active or indifferent attitude to what is happening, upcoming changes related to material ...

Sleep online - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being in the kitchen means wealth and a career. If you cook food in a mortar in the kitchen because there is no boiler, you will lose your wife. Tongues of fire fly out of the kitchen - portends an urgent matter. Repairing or building a fireplace in the kitchen means great happiness and success. Languages ​​…

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Expect a visit from friends. Kitchen - a friend will unexpectedly visit you.

Dream meaning - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Net profit. Dirty - annoyance, no reciprocity. Big beautiful - for marriage for a woman, a good wife for a man. Empty walls, empty - disappointment in connection with marriage or lack thereof.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a well-furnished kitchen is a sign of wealth. Seeing a kitchen without furnishings is a symbol of dislike on the part of the husband. A girl sees an empty kitchen, which means she will marry a rich man. The patient sees the kitchen - to a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What would we be like without a kitchen? Hungry! The kitchen in your dream symbolizes comfort and a hearty lunch, or do you feel tense in the kitchen - you can’t, don’t bother? You feel joy because you cook food for others, or for you...

Kitchen - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seen in a dream with all the accessories, it means the happy state of all households. Cooking in the kitchen is a sign of women's chatter and gossip. Seeing a kitchen on fire portends the death of the cook or cook, or one of the servants.

How to interpret the dream “Kitchen”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A kitchen in a dream is not a very favorable symbol. After a dream in which you saw a kitchen, you may experience a critical situation, which will lead to a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything. For a woman to see...

I had a dream “Kitchen”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Towards successful activities. A kitchen sparkling with cleanliness and order portends a happy and long life. family life. The kitchen is dirty and cluttered - there is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip and dirty intrigues. The neighbor's kitchen - evil gossip is circulating around you. A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with…

Kitchen - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Towards everyday life.

The essence of the dream - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything. If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, it will become...

What does the dream mean - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To hopelessness.

Dream - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A well-organized kitchen in a dream foreshadows prosperity in the house and family harmony. A tattered, unsettled kitchen, on the contrary, predicts need, troubles, troubles, failures, and gossip. Talking about the kitchen in a dream predicts escapades, adventures, a secret conspiracy or a secret meeting for lovers.

What does it mean to dream about a Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“participate in this kitchen” (business), “bad kitchen” - quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity. "creative cuisine" Proverb: “spoons, bowls, ladles” - vanity, confusion, chaos. “It’s like frying over low heat” - mockery, sadism. “French gourmet cuisine”, “cook (maid)”, but! - famous...

The meaning of a dream about Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes the mistress of the house, wife, care. An image that reflects the “creative” and business state of affairs, as well as prepared family situations and relationships. Also associated with Hell's Kitchen, hell and punishment for misdeeds and vices. A beautiful, new kitchen means marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To participate in this kitchen (business), a bad kitchen is a quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity. Creative cuisine. Saying: spoons, bowls, ladle - vanity, fuss, chaos. It's like frying over low heat - mockery, sadism. French gourmet cuisine, cook (maid), but! - famous...

A sign that preparations are underway in your life for some events that are not necessarily related to home and household.

For example, baking bread in the kitchen and cooking it yourself in the kitchen: a sign that the time has come for you to take on the implementation of some of your plans.

Untidy, dirty kitchen: speaks of poor organization of any business or poorly thought out plans.

A clean, comfortable kitchen: on the contrary, it indicates that everything is going as it should.

Seeing a stranger in your kitchen: indicates that a stranger may interfere in your affairs.

Unfamiliar kitchen: portends that someone’s plans may be revealed to you or that you may take an active part in someone’s plans.

If the stove on which the food is being prepared is too hot, this means that the planned task will be associated with strong emotions and will not be without controversy.

Getting burned, cut, scalded, or otherwise injuring yourself in the kitchen: this is a warning about the possible negative consequences of certain ideas.

Be careful and try to control your emotions, otherwise a serious conflict awaits you in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

A kitchen with all the accessories means a happy state of your home.

Cooked in the kitchen - expect women's chatter and gossip.

If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, she will become the darling of fortune.

Interpretation of dreams from

The author of the dream book, Loffa, believes that a kitchen in a dream means friendly gatherings, but if the dreamed room looks sloppy, then the dream has a completely opposite meaning and is interpreted as: a scandal in the family or troubles on a domestic basis.

What if you dream about the kitchen?

The psychological dream book is sure that if you dream about a kitchen, it means that some events have a depressing effect on the dreamer, but in reality they are not too significant and will be quickly forgotten. A dream in which a woman sees herself as the owner of a beautiful, clean kitchen means that she will build her own destiny.

According to Modern dream book, a kitchen seen in a dream symbolizes a critical situation that will lead the dreamer into depressive state. This vision warns the sleeper that he will have to prepare for the worst, but interpreters, instead of despairing, recommend that this person take decisive action and change the situation.

A beautiful, well-equipped kitchen means a rich home, life in which will leave only positive memories for the sleeper. Cooking in a clean kitchen means empty chatter and gossip that will compromise the dreamer.

The summer dream book believes that a cleanly tidy kitchen in a dream only evokes in the sleeper positive emotions, because such a vision evokes thoughts of a cozy home and evening gatherings with the whole family with aromatic tea and delicious-smelling homemade pie.

The autumn dream book has a completely opposite opinion from the rest and is sure that the kitchen is a dream of hopelessness; the dreamer will probably have problems at work, from which he will not see a way out.

The spring dream book is less categorical, but still does not consider the kitchen in a dream to be too much good sign, the authors are sure that she is dreaming about everyday life, from which the dreamer has long been tired.

The dream book of the gypsy Seraphima interprets an unfamiliar kitchen room seen in a dream as the dreamer’s excessive impressionability, as a result of which he gets into various kinds of troubles. If the dreamer was in his own kitchen in a dream, it means that this person loves to do everyday life and even gray everyday life finds something beautiful.

Dirt in the kitchen or disorder indicate losses that the sleeper will suffer due to his inattention or laxity. If the room has been cleaned, it means that the problems that have suddenly arisen will soon resolve themselves.

What does it portend?

According to Miller's dream book, cooking in someone else's kitchen is interpreted as the dreamer's desire to stick his nose into other people's affairs, and the sleeper will soon be punished for his curiosity.

Cleaning the kitchen means that the sleeper’s life will be quite prosperous, but in order to achieve his goal, he will have to put in a lot of effort and patience.

A new kitchen, in which the dreamer feels like a mistress and has excellent orientation, indicates that a woman’s future is only in her hands and she herself is the architect of her own happiness.

A sudden fire in the kitchen warns of misfortune; the sleeper should probably control himself and not get involved in conflicts.

If the dreamer suddenly slips and falls right in the kitchen, this indicates that the situation occurring in reality will drive the sleeper crazy and knock him out of his usual way of life for a long time.

Cooking in the kitchen on a gas stove foreshadows the dreamer's close relationships with others; sometimes such a dream is interpreted as friendly gatherings or a family event.

To summarize what has been written, it should be noted that a kitchen room in a dream is usually associated with personal life the dreamer, however, in some cases the interpretation of the dream has a different meaning and may be associated with the work of the sleeper.
