Shih Tzu haircuts. Grooming of a dog of breed Shih Tzu Shih Tzu short haircut

When children meet a small dog for a walk, which looks more like a revived one soft toy, they can't take their eyes off her. The decorative breed of Shih Tzu dogs belongs to the category of companion dogs. A really cute dog will become you true friend, by nature they are infinitely loving and devoted to their masters. Tibetan lamas gave the emperor of China a shih tzu. For a long time, dogs of this breed could only be kept by the family of the ruler of the Celestial Empire.

A shih tzu puppy, presented by the emperor to a nobleman at court, was considered a special sign of favor. If today dogs are kept for the pleasure of communicating with a cute dog, then in ancient times they helped herd sheep in highland Tibet. Translated from "shih tzu" dog-lion. This is due to the legend that the Buddha was accompanied by two dogs, one of them, a small one, could turn into a lion at the right time, and it was a shih tzu. The second name "chrysanthemum dog" is more suitable for our time, because of the hair growing around the muzzle. The dog's coat is the pride of the breed.

Hair care

The woolen cover covers the entire body of the animal, dropping down to the floor. The structure resembles human hair... Sometimes the wool is curly, with a soft undercoat, or straight, smooth and silky, with less undercoat.

Needed daily care for the "hair" of the dog. The moment you decide to start a Shih Tzu, you must be aware that this "cute creature" requires care in order to look attractive, for this you need:

  • comb out from bottom to top, starting from the paws, then into reverse order... After combing with a brush, we go through it again with a comb. It is better to do this on a special rug;
  • so that the wool does not close the eyes, it is collected in a ponytail with the help of elastic bands (top notes);
  • cut the hair around anus and urinary organ;
  • it is recommended to bathe your dog every 10-14 days, using special shampoos, conditioners and oils. Shampoos for long-haired dogs are suitable, veterinarians recommend an inexpensive series for humans "Granny Agafya";
  • it is better to bathe in a bathroom with a rubberized rug. Avoid getting water in your eyes and ears. It is better to use a sponge to apply the shampoo evenly;
  • it is necessary to accustom the dog to hygiene procedures at an early stage, so that later the dog behaves calmly during haircuts.

Important: Brush the dog every 2-3 days, during molting every day. To do this, you need to purchase a massage brush and a metal comb, preferably double-sided with different sizes teeth.

Hair care is carried out in a complex of measures for the care of eyes, ears and nails.

Shih Tzu haircuts

Miniature sizes (up to 30 cm), button eyes, cute nose and chic wool cover make the Shih Tzu one of the most attractive dogs.

The benevolent and docile nature makes it possible to carry out fashionable experiments on the dog, changing its appearance with the help of haircuts. The vast majority decorative dogs there is one top form of haircut. Shih Tzu wool opens up space for your imagination.

Cutting a shih tzu on your own is quite difficult, patience and skills are required. Among other things, there must be a certain set of cutting tools. The best option haircut for you and the dog professional hairdresser animals, groomer. If you decide to do the "hairstyle" yourself, then you need to purchase:

  • scissors for haircuts 14 cm, filler scissors;
  • a clipper with knives (No. 4-7);
  • trimmer pencil for shaving around the eyes, septum of the nose, ears;
  • hairdryer, better professional;
  • claw cutter;
  • metal combs.

Important: Grooming for dogs of the Shih Tzu breed is an essential element of dog care.

Popular types of haircuts:

  • "Teddy bear". The length of the body coat is 5-7 cm. The head is rounded and long. The fur on the paws gives a slightly round shape, reminiscent of the paws of a teddy bear. The Shih Tzu resembles a living soft toy;
  • "Summer". This haircut will help your dog to survive the summer heat, the most practical and hygienic. The length of the coat on the body is from 3 to 5 cm. The transition lines are smooth. Decorative "pompons" can be made on the legs;
  • "Eastern". Suitable for dog shows. The coat is long and hanging, on the head and tail there are various decorative braids and “styling”;
  • "Korean". On the head and ears they make an even haircut in the "Square" style. Torso and upper part cut short enough. Long hair is left on the rest of the paws.

You can fantasize, leave the "skirt" on the abdomen, make a crest, braid the braids, decorating them with bows and elastic bands.

Some tips for grooming dogs:

  • it is better to cut it on the table, after laying it thick fabric or a rug. Fasten the dog using a leash;
  • start the haircut by combing, as it is necessary to remove the hair that has been matted. Trim in the direction of hair growth;
  • experts do not recommend doing a haircut on wet wool;
  • after cutting the dog is bathed, you can apply special composition which gives shine and elasticity to the coat;
  • wipe the dog with a towel, then dry the coat with a hair dryer;
  • before and after a haircut, you need to treat the tool with alcohol.

Important: The dog's coat will be beautiful if it receives full, balanced diet... For shih tsu, it is important that the diet contains raw meat, preferably beef. Cottage cheese, eggs, cereals are also included in the diet. It is better to choose dry food renowned manufacturers, for small dogs. It is advisable to supplement food with vitamin complexes.

A well-groomed and beautifully trimmed shih tzu will be a decoration and a source of joy for home and family.

Let's figure out the intricacies of the care of this breed, a shih tzu haircut at first glance seems difficult to everyone, but having figured it out, you can take care of the coat yourself at home.

Such a charming and sweet representative of long-haired breeds, like a Shih Tzu, should always look, and what to look like - be 100% well-groomed. After all, this imperial dog is worthy of such care to win at exhibitions and remain in the spotlight.

The fun of having such a "princess" is not cheap, but if you want to have a pet not for exhibitions, maintenance and care is greatly simplified. It is enough to cut the shih tzu periodically, and there will be no problems with the coat as such.

Features of the content of shih tzu

Before starting a dog, pay attention to weak spots- ears and eyes. In general, dogs of this breed have good health but if you don't take care of your eyes and ears, bacteria build up in them.

It is clear that it is necessary to cut the dog, and it is important to carefully cut the places where the hair gets into the eyes and interferes with a full view. If you do not do these hygiene procedures, the dog will simply bump and inadvertently damage the eye sockets.

Ears cover tightly hearing aid, therefore, air ventilation is essential there. For this, the wool is slightly removed from the area of ​​the ears, and it is important to treat the ears with a special solution against microbes.

Unshorn wool is neatly tied in tails - top notes, bows are pinned (the main attributes of the breed), and some also braid on the sides. The pigtailed Shih Tzu is not only a fun sight, but a neat looking dog in terms of hygiene.

The area of ​​the anus requires care, the coat is cut without touching important organs, this is a mandatory procedure.

The nails are trimmed after the hair has been removed between the toes.

You need to wash your dog at home once a week. special shampoo with air conditioning. Comb as desired, usually twice a week is sufficient. For this you need to take a soft brush, a comb with metal non-sharp teeth (massage) is excellent. There is a special comb for parting. The right tools, including scissors, are available at dog shows.

For walks, rings and tape measures are used especially for long-haired breeds. These leashes will not interfere, entangle the coat. For walks or just at home, breeders wear special silk overalls for their puppies. They are sewn with seams outward to prevent wool from clinging to their edges.

It is more convenient to feed the dog from a narrow bowl, then the fur on the face will not be smeared out and the shih tzu will remain dry and clean. Some breeders of show dogs braid, that is, "pack" long hair in papillotes - this is very convenient, the coat is protected from dirt and tangling.

Then they are intertwined again, and before the exhibition they are again untwisted and simply combed, in conclusion, shaping the bangs with a bow.

As you can see, there are subtleties in home care, but there are also pluses - you can get used to it, especially when the result is visible. A well-groomed Shih Tzu is such a charm that it is impossible to resist its charm.

It does not shed, therefore it is suitable for allergy sufferers, its wool structure is similar to human hair.

And the Shih Tzu is an absolutely positive dog, it withstands any procedure for self-care without aggression.

Types of haircuts

Conditionally, shih tzu haircuts are divided among themselves:

  • Exhibition;
  • Home or as they are called - show haircuts.

Exhibition is more complex, and it is better to do it in a professional salon. This is a hygienic procedure that includes cutting the abdomen, anus, paws from the inside, the bridge of the nose and hair removal under the nose and lower lip.

The second type is more a fantasy of the owner himself. Shih Tzu haircut depends on what kind of dog the owner wants to see, as well as on the weather conditions outside. Due to the fact that the breed is remarkably adapted and knows how to relieve the need for a diaper, walking in wet weather can simply be canceled and spent time at home. If necessary, a suitable haircut is selected for the dog. What kind of cut pet, we will analyze the types of haircuts.

The main and most popular hairstyles are shih tzu haircuts:

  • "Under the puppy." The coat is sheared all over the body, including the head; as a result, the coat is shortened by almost half. Suitable for winter weather conditions;
  • "Under the teddy bear", it is called "teddy bear". This is a summer haircut, since hair is left on the body to a minimum, but on the face and head it is longer. At the same time, they try to round off the shape of the head, that's it, the funny teddy bear is ready!

In the second version, one cannot do without hairpins and elastic bands, but if the "bear" is a boy, then at the request of the owner he will be cut off his luxurious head of hair and certainly similarities with teddy bear cannot be avoided. For "puppies" - haircuts are suitable for boys and girls.

It is necessary to trim the dog for exhibitions regularly, but for the house once every 3 months is enough. Puppy or adult dog cut in the direction of wool growth - from top to bottom, with special tools. Basically, you need to use a clipper, sharp scissors, combs, and a trimming knife. Before grooming, it is advisable to bathe the dog and dry it with a hairdryer.

Well, what are we all about exhibitions, but we are talking about exhibitions! Let's remember that not all Shih Tzu participate in dog shows. Most of the representatives of our beloved and such a beautiful breed perform an equally important role - they are the favorites of the family and companions of their owners.

Many owners who decide to end their show career with their Shih Tzu decide to trim their dog. And also there are those owners who never even thought about exhibitions, and they took the dog into the house "for the soul", who simply do not know how to look after long hair dogs. And this is understandable. Moreover, we all know that Shih Tzu are beautiful not only in wool, but also in a haircut too. A Shih Tzu haircut is practical and convenient!

And then the question immediately arises: what should be haircut shih tzu?

There are a great variety of Shih Tzu haircuts. "For a puppy", "teddy bear" (on the body and on the legs the wool is of the same length, otherwise called "Teddy Bear"), "Asian style"- these are just the names of Shih Tzu haircuts that are more popular in recent times... So what haircut to choose ? If you have decided that your dog needs a haircut, I want to give you some tips on where to start. And to accept my advice or not, decide for yourself. Make a little action plan for yourself. It will consist of several items.

If you are reading this article now, it means that you have access to the possibility of searching on the Internet. And this is great! You have a chance to search! "What to search?" - you ask. First, let's search Shih Tzu haircuts... Although I mentioned the names of some haircuts above, many of them do not look the same as seen by different groomers. Therefore, it is always better if you have in stock exactly the image of the Shih Tzu haircut that you like best. And it's better if you choose several Shih Tzu haircuts at once, which, as you think, will suit your dog. And here another nuance arises, which you may not know about: not every haircut will suit your dog! As you know, the Shih Tzu breed in our country is very diverse: you can find in the breed and squat large dogs with large, expressive heads, as well as small, long-legged dogs with small heads... If you want your dog to look harmonious in his new haircut, choose this haircut that will suit her type most of all, and will also be able to hide the anatomy flaws that your dog has. For example, your dog has crooked forearms. Then do not choose a haircut for her, where the dog's paws will be cut short. Either your dog has a small head, then it will most likely fit haircut in asian style... Search the Internet for a photo of a Shih Tzu in a haircut that is most similar in type to your dog. Use for these purposes search engines Yandex and Google, as well as video hosting YouTube, photo hosting, etc. Save these photos (or videos) on your smartphone or tablet, if possible, print the photos. This will be the FIRST POINT of your action plan.

A very important SECOND STEP of your plan is finding a groomer! According to the recommendations, or also on the Internet, you can find a groomer who can make a beauty out of your dog. If what really matters to you is how your dog looks, don't go for cheap! Look for a groomer truly among professionals who have many positive feedback who will be able to trim your dog beautifully, and, by at least will not disfigure your dog. Oh, if you only knew how long I was looking for a groomer who would be able to bring my ideas to life! Moscow is not a small city, but then, in 2012, with that huge number of professionals, I was able to find only 2 (TWO!) People who knew how to do an Asian-style haircut. Oddly enough, at that time no one really knew these haircuts. Many owners preferred the classic Shih Tzu haircut - "like a puppy". And of course, most of groomers simply did not know how to do other haircuts. But this industry is also developing. And currently in Moscow we can find great amount professionals in their field, capable of embodying any whim of the owners! Well, then, having saved a few photos to my phone that corresponded to my expectations, I went to the groomer - Irina Smirnova, which is currently widely known not only among Russian groomers, but also among her foreign colleagues. For me, Irina is a Master with a capital letter! Having entrusted my Irina, I was not at all disappointed! However, see for yourself!

Irina Smirnova (Moscow) - world famous groomer, winner and prize-winner of many Russian and international grooming contests, master of creative haircuts, coloring, grooming teacher, IGA (International Groomers Association, International Association groomers), country leader of IGA in Russia.

As I wrote above: do not put it at the fore low cost groomer services, as well as proximity to your home... Should always come first PROFESSIONALISM groomer! Hair, of course, grows back quickly in a dog, but will it be pleasant for you to "admire" long time the product of the "work of the crooked hand"? But sloppy haircuts are not the worst thing. The entire Internet is replete with stories of how crooked groomers mutilated a dog. Therefore, very carefully choose the master who can make your dog a beautiful haircut! But let's move on to the THIRD POINT of our plan! So, you brought the dog, you have a photo of the models. What's next? And then show the photo or video to the groomer, discuss with him what you want to get in the end. Trust him! If the groomer says that such a haircut will not work for your dog, listen to him, consult with him. Perhaps he will suggest something else that will satisfy you and will look good on your dog. As a regular subscriber of groomer groups on various Internet resources, I can often see what the end result is if the groomer exactly fulfills the wishes of the owner, who does not want to listen to the groomer's opinion. Sometimes you look at such photos and do not know what to do - cry or laugh!

I understand that you know your dog better than the groomer. But he has a lot of experience behind him. Perhaps the groomer sees something that you cannot see. Learn to trust and find a compromise! And if you approached the implementation of these three points of your plan with all responsibility, then I am sure that you will not be disappointed with the result!
Let's once again brush up on all the points of our plan:

1. We are looking for a photo or video of the image (future haircut), taking into account the type of your dog and its shortcomings;

2. looking for a groomer in your area;

3. visit to the groomer, agreeing with him your "wishes"

The history of the origin of these wonderful dogs, with hair on the muzzle in the form of a chrysanthemum flower, goes back to the middle of the 17th century. It is believed that it was then that the Tibetan Dalai Lama presented the Chinese emperor with several Shi Tzu dogs. Translated from Chinese Shi Tzu means little lion.

Since then, for a very long time, these dogs could not be sold, since they could only belong to the emperor and his family. They could only be given by the emperor to those whom he considered worthy. If Shi Tzu was obtained by someone illegally, he was executed.

They say that the first Shih Tzus came to Europe, and from there they spread further, together with the Norwegian ambassador, to whom they were presented in the late 30s of the XX century.

Due to the similarity in the sound of the transcription of the translation, in Russian there are also the names of this breed Shi Tsu, Shi Tsu, etc. But in the official classifier of breeds on the RKF website, the breed is called Shi Tzu.

Grooming is not the only grooming a dog needs. Regular care is also imperative for the eyes, claws, teeth, paws and ears, as well as the anal glands. Most of these procedures can be performed on your own by consulting a specialist. But some, nevertheless, it is better to entrust a professional.

Types of haircuts Shi Tzu

What are the types of Shih Tzu haircuts?

1) Shih Tzu haircut for a teddy bear

2) Haircut Shih Tzu for a puppy

3) Haircut Shi Tzu for a girl or a boy

5) Hygienic haircut Shih Tzu (haircut for a typewriter)

The Shih Tzu is often referred to as an expensive accessory.

There is a great deal of truth in these words, and the Shih Tzu themselves know this very well.

These dogs are exceptionally quick-witted, have great feeling. dignity, self-esteem and self-confidence.

For centuries, the privilege of exclusively emperors, representatives of the breed, are fully aware of the fact that by their appearance they give a special status to any owner.

The main advantage chinese dogs- their luxurious coat.

Thanks to the imaginative thinking of the Chinese who bred the breed, the shchi tzu is often called chrysanthemums or lions.

A miniature doggie can be given any look - a puppy, a teddy bear, a plush toy.

However, with all this, the dog remains a complete representative of its family - fearless, loyal, sharp-toothed.

The animal must be regularly bathed with shampoo and balm, the coat must be treated with special gels and, most importantly, it must be combed daily.

Despite the fact that the work of maintaining the coat in perfect condition is very laborious.

Maintaining the luxurious look of the Shih Tzu requires skill, diligence, and thoroughness. First of all, these qualities are manifested as much as possible when caring for exhibition specimens.

The difficulty lies in the fact that show-class animals are not sheared: their hair is trimmed regularly, but combed daily.

Assumes a thick, long, well-styled hairstyle with buns, beard and parting in the right places.

In this case, only hygienic wool removal is permitted in certain areas.

The requirements for the exterior are tough: only a professional can give the animal the necessary appearance without violating the decorative qualities of a representative of the breed.

For this reason, the wool is sheared. However, in order to preserve the external dignity of the Shih Tzu, different types of haircuts are chosen - those that make the little pet cute and funny.

Haircut for hygiene purposes

A hygienic shih tzu haircut involves tidying up the legs, abdomen, groin area, the base of the tail.

Taking care of the hair around the eyes and nose is especially difficult.

In addition to the need not to injure the pet, you must comply with the requirements of the animal itself.

Dogs have special whiskers and special eyebrows that are part of their personal interface - a mechanism that allows them to perceive signals from the outside world.

An important hairdressing procedure for shchi tzu is clipping the claws.

A chair-parquet doggie can overgrow with spiral claws.

Under long hair, the owner may not notice the danger, and the claws grow into the skin.

Active walking of the animal will allow avoiding the operation and saving on the procedure: while playing on the asphalt, the claws grind off on their own.

Shaped hairstyles

Especially popular is the puppy-style shih tzu haircut. Its main advantage is that its implementation does not require special skills.

The style is simple: all the wool on the body is shortened to one size, approximately 3 cm.

At the top of the head, the fur of the animal is shaped like a beret.

The puppy style gives the dog incredible pleasure on summer days, when wearing long hair requires special patience from shchi tzu.

Taking care of your shih tzu becomes fun.

One of the varieties of haircuts "for a puppy" is similar to the standard of the "modern" poodle, when the dog is left with perfectly shaped trousers on the paws, the hair is removed from the inside on the ears, and a burgher's mustache is formed on the face.

As a result, the master creates the image of not a helpless, sweet baby, but a worthy, well-groomed young dandy.

The second popular style is the teddy bear. Common feature which allows you to give the coat a plush effect - length.

The style presupposes the preservation of fur on the body longer than 5 cm. The hair on the head, muzzle, ears and on the tail is trimmed.

Ears with inside cut out. This measure, on the one hand, performs a hygienic function.

On the other hand, it allows you to give the animal's head a balanced look without protruding incomprehensible formations on the sides.

There are no special standards that would regulate the requirements for the listed shih tzu haircuts.

The main thing in their implementation is to observe the symmetry of the forms and preserve the integrity. skin animal.

You can trim your shih tzu yourself at home.

Grooming a shih tzu begins with hygiene procedures: the animal is washed, dried, and combed.

Then they conditionally outline the cutting zones and determine: on which parts of the body, how long the wool will remain.

If the shih tzu is given the image of a puppy, the cover will be the same everywhere. More often the American standard is used.

On the back, to the midline of the sides, everything is cut to a moire pattern, the paws are left fluffy, only the contours of the lines are emphasized.

The dog takes on a funny look - like a teddy bear with a plush back. A haircut is performed with a typewriter; movements are directed away from the tail.

The lower limit to which the body needs to be trimmed is:

  • on the hind legs - through the line "ischial tubercles - groin",
  • on the front legs - above the line of the elbows.

The second step is to trim the chest and neck. A haircut is performed with a machine from the bottom up.

The stripping boundary is:

  • on the front of the chest, the transition of the neck to the mouth,
  • on the sides - the beginning of the ear.

The paws are trimmed along the lower border of the hocks, tasks:

  • draw out the lower border of the trousers;
  • carefully choose the coat between the toes.

Next you need to trim the tail. This operation is performed in hygienic purposes trim the wool at the base.

At the final stage, thinning is carried out with scissors of wool on the paws, ears, tail. The direction of movement is from top to bottom.

After completing the haircut, the remaining shih tzu wool is combed, styled and decorated with bright accessories.

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