A magical remedy made from goose fat for colds and coughs. Is goose fat really good for coughs?

Goose fat for cough is very often used in treatment. This remedy will help a child or an adult quickly overcome the disease. It contains Omega-3 unsaturated acids. The product is also used for rubbing and thermal compresses.

Goose fat is an effective cough medicine

A common sign of damage respiratory system there is a cough. Since ancient times, goose fat has been used to treat diseases and relieve sore throats. It promotes rapid relief of inflammation upper section respiratory system, makes mucus thinner and significantly improves the process of its removal from the lungs.

There are several rules effective use facilities:

    You can get it yourself or purchase a finished product. If you can’t purchase a ready-made one, you need to take big bird, and during the cutting process get raw fat, but useful product only yellowish color. Next, heat it in a water bath for 3 hours. When purchasing a finished product, it is important to look at its expiration date and composition. Despite long time storage, regardless of temperature, it is recommended to take only fresh product.

    At very severe cough The chest and neck areas are rubbed with fat; it is better to carry out these procedures before going to bed at night, and after rubbing, cover yourself with a warm blanket, blanket or scarf to keep warm.

    Goose fat is often consumed orally, one tablespoon at a time, after waking up before meals. To strengthen positive result You can add finely chopped onions.

    For children, when taken orally, the onion is also replaced with a decoction of lemon. To do this, take a lemon and boil it for 10 minutes, then it is peeled and the juice is squeezed out of it. To obtain the medicine, add 2 tablespoons of goose fat to the juice. The solution is mixed well and given before meals, daily, until health improves.

    When a painful cough bothers you at night, 50 g of goose fat is mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Rub the resulting solution onto the chest and neck, cover these areas with a scarf or towel, and place the child under a warm blanket so that the heat does not evaporate.

External use of goose fat

When a strong, persistent cold cough develops, rubbing with goose fat helps to achieve good treatment results. The product is rubbed into the back, chest and neck of the sick child. These places are wrapped in a warm towel or scarf, and the baby is covered with a blanket on top. Rubbing can be used even for the smallest children.

Here are some recipes using goose fat:

    Recipe with vodka. Mix 50 g of goose fat and 30 ml of vodka, this mixture is applied to chest and the child's back before bedtime. But this recipe should not be used for children under 3 years of age, because some pediatricians are of the opinion that alcohol can be absorbed into the blood through the thin, delicate skin of children, and poisoning of the body occurs.

    Recipe with wax. The fat is mixed with wax in a ratio of 4 to 1. The solution should be stirred until it becomes homogeneous. Then it is heated over low heat, stirring constantly. Rub the baby with the resulting product at night, covering it with a warm blanket.

Taking goose fat internally

The simplest and most effective recipe for cough therapy for children using goose fat is to take it in the morning before meals. To increase the benefits of the medicine, add grated onion to it.

For medicine for children, the product can also be combined with honey, cocoa and aloe juice in equal parts. The mixture is heated, it should be taken 2 times a day, dissolving a teaspoon of the resulting product in heated milk.

Preparing medicine for children:

    pour water into the pan;

    put lemon;

    simmer for 10 minutes over low heat;

    cool completely;

    the juice from the boiled lemon is squeezed into a cold broth;

    add 2 tablespoons of fat.

Children need to take the medicine before meals until recovery occurs.

Children under 3 years of age are prohibited from consuming goose fat internally; only rubbing or compresses with it, but not alcohol, are suitable for them.

After 3 years, children are allowed to take goose fat orally, but not more than a quarter of a teaspoon per day. After seven years, the dose should be increased to a teaspoon. To avoid allergic reaction You will need to constantly monitor the condition and well-being of the child.

Goose fat should not be used in cough therapy for children with overweight, with cardiovascular pathologies and an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Useful qualities of goose fat

This effective remedy promotes quick elimination inflammatory process respiratory tract, it envelops the mucous surface and prevents its injury during severe attacks coughing. Thus, the rheology of the secretion improves, its viscosity decreases and the release of the respiratory tract from it is facilitated.

This product stimulates the immune system and helps the body resist damage. various infections. In this regard, it is used not only to treat coughs, but also to relieve the symptoms of any cold.

The product is rich in useful components, the concentration of which is similar to the content of the same substances in olive oil– himself useful ingredient in any kitchen.

Goose fat can eliminate symptoms of cough without serious harm to human health, normalize the functioning of the immune system so that it is more resistant to negative factors environment and diseases. It is important to remember that before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor about the advisability of using the drug. After all, any product or substance can cause a severe allergic reaction, especially in a child.

One of the drugs home treatment can be called goose fat, which perfectly fights cough, sore throat and sore throat. This remedy is used to treat bronchitis and other serious diseases. Used with milk, cocoa, tea and plain water.

Using the product internally

If you suffer from a dry cough, take the remedy one teaspoon several times a day. The taste of the product is not entirely pleasant, so children often refuse to consume it. But there are many recipes based on it that taste more pleasant. In order to cook delicious medicine, you can use the following recipe:

Thereby simple recipe The phlegm begins to disappear, and the body also strengthens.

Use as a rub

Like many folk remedies, goose fat is great for rubbing the chest, back and feet. But only one folk product rubbing the body will not be entirely effective, and therefore it needs to be combined with other ingredients.

The easiest way is to combine wax with fat in a ratio of 4:1. It is recommended to rub the prepared mixture onto the chest and back. For greater effect, poultry lard is combined with vodka and honey. After rubbing, it is advisable to wrap yourself in a blanket and warm up well.

Other recipes

As mentioned above, treatment with goose lard is not entirely pleasant, and therefore it can be combined with different ingredients and prepare medicines that the child will like. One of these is the following recipe:

  1. Mix goose fat in equal parts with cough syrup, lemon juice, honey and cocoa.
  2. Leave the mixture for at least 4 hours.
  3. Take half an hour before meals.

This treatment can be indicated for both children and adults, because it perfectly fights the symptoms of bronchitis and pneumonia. There is another recipe for preparing cough medicine, however, the finished medicine does not taste very pleasant. It's very easy to prepare:

Use the finished drug before meals. For the treatment of adults, a tincture based on natural product, which is considered very effective for coughs. To do this, you need to mix honey, vodka and goose product in equal proportions. After everything is ready, the mixture is left for a week in a dark place. When the product is infused, it can be used a teaspoon per day. This use of the drug is not suitable for those who have contraindications to drinking alcohol.


Of course, not all people are allowed to be treated with goose fat, since the product also has contraindications. For example, treatment with this method should not be used for obesity. Children should take the drug orally very carefully. And children under three years old are allowed to use it only in the form of rubbing. Of course, do not forget about allergic reactions and individual intolerances.

Bronchitis is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory tract, especially in children. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, which connects the trachea and lungs. In the case when their membrane is covered with mucous secretion, it may be difficult for a person to breathe, and the mucous membrane may become irritated. The most common symptom of bronchitis is a cough.

Bronchitis in children, as in adults, can be acute or chronic disease. Acute bronchitis proceeds quickly and can lead to more serious problems, but short in duration - a few weeks. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses. However, bacteria can also cause a bronchial tube infection.

Chronic bronchitis may be milder than acute bronchitis, but lasts longer - several months. People who have bacterial bronchitis, including children, are at greater risk of getting a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract and lungs called pneumonia. Pneumonia is serious illness, which, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences.

Symptoms of bronchitis:

  • cough;
  • sputum production when coughing, which may be white, yellowish or greenish in color;
  • fatigue and general malaise;
  • dyspnea;
  • when exhaling, you can hear hissing;
  • mild fever;
  • chest discomfort;
  • temperature.

How to treat bronchitis

The following medications are commonly used to treat bronchitis:

  • If it is determined that this bacterial infection bronchi, use antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
  • If there is a fever, take medications used to reduce the temperature (antipyretics).
  • If pain is present, analgesics are used.
  • You need to rest more and drink more fluids.
  • Various cough syrups are taken orally.
  • To relieve cough and intensive care unit sputum is inhaled.
  • Strengthen immune system using natural remedies.

Features of the treatment of bronchitis in infants

Bronchitis often occurs in children, including during the first year of life. Bronchitis is a serious disease that requires special attention because if it is not treated, it may occur serious complications. When bronchitis in a child is caused by bacterial or viral infection respiratory tract, children, as a rule, have a hard time with it because their body is very young, and the immune system is not yet sufficiently developed and strengthened. A child typically becomes infected when adults in close proximity sneeze or cough, causing the viruses to become airborne. Therefore, it is important to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and be sure to wash your hands after blowing your nose.

However, there is no reason to be overly concerned - bronchitis in children can be successfully treated. Of course, treatment for bronchitis should be prescribed by a pediatrician, but in the best possible way Breastfeeding improves immunity in children.

Natural Remedies for Treating Bronchitis in Children

There are many ways to treat bronchitis naturally. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, this is usually achieved by increasing the intake of vitamins food products, especially vitamin C.

Natural remedies against bronchitis in children:

  • increasing your vitamin C intake (you can add lemon juice in tea);
  • orange juice, lemon or grapefruit;
  • inhalation (dilute a few drops of eucalyptus oil in water);
  • goose fat;
  • salt water rinse;
  • sesame seeds (make a mixture of sesame seeds, flax and honey);
  • staying in a salt cave;
  • warm vegetable soup;
  • warm milk with honey.

Honey as a remedy for bronchitis

The use of honey is in a natural way combating persistent cough, the main symptom of bronchitis. Honey has antibacterial and antiviral properties and therefore appears to be effective natural remedy from bronchitis. During bronchitis, it soothes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, facilitates expectoration of secretions and relieves cough. At the same time, honey strengthens the immune system. Add one teaspoon of honey to a cup of tea each time, and you will already be doing a lot to treat bronchitis. You can add honey to a mixture of lemon juice and water.

Goose fat as a natural remedy for bronchitis

Have you heard that goose fat is used to treat bronchitis? But this is a traditional folk remedy for many diseases. Goose fat is rubbed into the chest and back, which are covered with gauze and left on at least for an hour. Treatment is repeated several times a day. Goose fat as a remedy for bronchitis provides excellent results! Additionally, goose fat is generally good for treating any respiratory conditions.

Denial of responsibility: Information presented in this article about the treatment of bronchitis in children folk remedies, is intended for the reader's information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Goose fat has been used since ancient times as a complex remedy. Medicinal properties goose fat helps with frostbite, skin diseases, overwork, decreased immunity. But perhaps what is most widely known is that goose fat treatment helps with coughs.

How to use goose fat?

First of all, we recommend purchasing commercially produced goose fat in pharmacies or from manufacturers you trust. Otherwise instead of wonderful medicinal product there is a danger of getting some kind of fat-like surrogate. However, it is not difficult to render goose fat yourself. Having bought a fresh goose carcass, extract the yellowish raw fat during cutting. The fat is heated in a water bath for at least three hours!

External use of goose fat

For severe colds, goose fat rub is used. The substance is rubbed onto the chest, back and neck of the sick person. The rubbed areas are carefully wrapped in a warm scarf (preferably a down one), and the patient is put to bed. In the form of a rub, goose fat is used even to treat very tiny children.

Internal use of goose fat

The simplest recipe for treating a cough is to eat a tablespoon of fat in the morning on an empty stomach. To make the product more effective, it is recommended to add grated onion. But, you must admit, it is difficult to persuade a child to swallow such a remedy! Therefore, goose fat for cough can be offered to a child in a different form. For cooking medicinal composition you will need lemon. A little water is poured into the bowl and the citrus is placed. Cook the lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, the lemon juice is squeezed into the cooled broth. Add two tablespoons of poultry fat and mix everything thoroughly. Before eating, the patient should be given a tablespoon of the product until complete recovery.

Bearish and badger fat. However, it is not always possible to obtain these funds. In this case, on help will come goose fat.

Goose fat contains polyunsaturated fatty acid, providing normal course all metabolic processes, helping to strengthen the immune system, accelerating tissue regeneration. Due to its composition, poultry fat allows you to remove inflammatory process, thins mucus and facilitates its removal from the lungs. Goose fat is sold in pharmacies, including in capsules, but you can also get it at home by heating raw goose fat in a water bath for 3-4 hours.

How to treat a cough with goose fat

For cough treatment traditional healers They are allowed to take goose fat internally and externally.

When coughing daily on an empty stomach eat one tablespoon of goose fat, and before going to bed, rub the chest and neck area with fat melted in a water bath.

To achieve greater effect, experts recommend using mix of goose fat and onions . Grind the root vegetable in a blender or grate it and mix in equal proportions with poultry fat.

For severe coughs, doctors advise rub the chest and neck area a composition prepared from 50 grams of goose fat and a couple of tablespoons of vodka. After the procedure, the patient needs to wrap himself up and sweat thoroughly.

Goose fat helps overcome the disease, both in adults and children. However, children often refuse to take fat in the ways described above, in this case traditional healers It is recommended to use lemon decoction. To prepare an antitussive drink, boil one lemon in a small amount of water for 10 minutes. After the citrus has cooled, peel it and squeeze the juice out of it. Pour the juice into the lemon decoction, add 2 tablespoons of goose fat and mix well. It is recommended to take the drink 1 tablespoon before meals.

If you want to get rid of a cough, goose fat can be mixed not only with lemon decoction, but also with infusions of plantain, coltsfoot and pine buds.

Goose fat: contraindications

The main advantage of goose fat is the absence of contraindications for use. But despite this, with excess weight and elevated level cholesterol in the blood before taking drugs based on it orally, we advise you to consult a doctor.
