Breathing difficulties with osteochondrosis: treatment and risks. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis: numbness of the face, blurred vision, stuffy ears and others. Can cervical osteochondrosis radiate to the nose?

Osteochondrosis is considered a common diagnosis. The pathology affects many people who have reached 40-45 years of age. Gradual degeneration of intervertebral cartilage is natural process, but often its course accelerates significantly and becomes pathological. Its manifestations can be not only from the spine. Almost the entire body reacts, which depends on the location of the pathology. And often patients are interested in whether the nose can become stuffy with cervical osteochondrosis and why a runny nose appears. It is important to understand these issues in order to promptly determine the presence pathological condition in organism.

Osteochondrosis in the neck is accompanied by a variety of phenomena

Why can the nose be stuffy with osteochondrosis of the neck?

Degenerative pathologies cervical region often accompanied by development additional symptoms. Due to the fact that disc degeneration causes compression of the vessels that pass in the upper part spinal column. Such a violation provokes a deterioration in the functioning of the head organs, which can cause hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation.

The veins responsible for the outflow of toxic metabolic products and excess fluid from the tissues can also be pinched. Impaired elimination of these substances causes stagnation, which provokes swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

There is also an expansion of the lumen small vessels– capillaries. This increases the severity of tissue swelling. In addition, for this reason, an increase in the amount of mucus secreted appears, since the functioning of the apocrine glands, which are responsible for the production of secretions, is stimulated.

Attention! The increased lumen of the capillaries facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, which increases the severity of congestion.

Causes of nasal congestion in osteochondrosis

As already mentioned, breathing problems in a person with osteochondrosis develop due to circulatory problems. This is provoked by hypertonicity of the cervical muscles, which usually develops with degenerative changes in the cervical region.

In addition, a runny nose and difficulty breathing may occur due to the so-called radicular syndrome. It manifests itself not only as a headache and a feeling of obstruction in the throat. Changes in the senses are possible. This is typical for:

  1. Hearing impairment.
  2. Loss of sensitivity of taste buds.
  3. Nasal congestion.
  4. Snore.
  5. Impaired sense of smell.

Such changes occur due to disruption of innervation. This is due to the fact that in pathological process nerve roots are involved. The following factors can also be considered as causes of the pathological reaction:

  1. Traumatization of the spine in the neck area.
  2. Chronic nasal diseases.
  3. Obesity.

These factors are not direct causes. They only increase the likelihood of developing this clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis.

Sometimes osteochondrosis is manifested by nasal congestion

What should you do?

If the patient has developed congestion without objective reasons, then it is necessary to undergo full examination. If the cause of the phenomenon is unknown, it is impossible to determine adequate treatment. It is important for the patient to consult an otolaryngologist (ENT) in a timely manner. He will determine which are the most effective ways diagnostics must be carried out to identify the exact cause of the pathology. The following methods are usually prescribed:

  1. Rhinoscopy.
  2. Doblerography.
  3. MRI of the spine in the cervical area.

These methods will allow you to determine the etiology of congestion. Rhinoscopy can disprove that congestion is caused by osteochondrosis. Therefore, its implementation is mandatory. Dopplerography is necessary to determine vascular pathology.

Rhinoscopy – valuable diagnostic method

If osteochondrosis is confirmed as the cause of the disorder, treatment is necessary. First of all, you need to remove unpleasant symptoms. But you can't use it right away vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, as they are often addictive in patients. They may only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

For symptomatic therapy it is necessary to take medications that will relieve manifestations of the spine. These drugs can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) and muscle relaxants (Mydocalm). Drugs of these groups contribute effective elimination pain syndrome and muscle relaxation. Chondroprotectors will also help improve the condition. They stimulate recovery cartilage tissue between the vertebrae, which has a positive effect on the course of osteochondrosis. These medicines can be used in ointment form, since in this case the medicinal elements with maximum speed will enter the affected area.

Preventive measures

To avoid symptoms of nasal congestion in case of cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to follow some important principles. In order not to confuse this pathology with allergic rhinitis or a common cold, it is important to consult a doctor promptly. To prevent the manifestation of the symptom, it is necessary to properly treat osteochondrosis.

It is necessary to do massages and electrophoresis. Proper nutrition is also important. You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, light meat dishes. Especially important element jellied meat is considered nutritional, as it promotes recovery normal structure cartilage tissue. Regular gymnastics helps strengthen the muscular corset of the back and eliminates compression of blood vessels and roots.

Violations external respiration can be signs of any disease. Therefore, careful diagnosis is very important. You can’t put off visiting a doctor. It will help prevent the development of complications and dangerous consequences. We recommend watching the video for more information:


How to distinguish painful sensations for cardiac pathologies, for heart pain, for osteochondrosis, according to symptoms?

The most common symptom of a cold is a runny nose. There are many methods known to get rid of it (vasoconstrictor drops, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, rinsing using the cuckoo method). But some people believe that there is no point in being treated for a runny nose - there is even a saying: “If you treat a cold, it will go away in 7 days, and if you don’t treat it, it will disappear in a week.” This is a big mistake because infectious diseases without therapy they develop into complicated forms. For example, in... arthritis.

Runny nose and arthritis: where is the connection?

There are a couple of viruses that harm almost all systems in the human body. These are parvoviruses B12 and RA1. They get into the body by airborne droplets. Appear first typical symptoms runny nose - mucous discharge from the nose, stuffy ears, dry cough, weakness, headache etc. An unusual symptom for the described parvoviruses in the initial period is a rash on the face, arms, and legs. This rash is often attributed to allergic reaction on pills taken for colds.

If not cured viral disease in time, viruses spread through the bloodstream and settle in different organs, which leads to joint damage and arthritis.

If a viral disease is not cured on time, viruses spread through the bloodstream and settle in different organs. They often affect the joints and cause arthritis. People call this “cold joints.” Its symptoms:

  • Nagging pain, stiffness, limited movement in the joint.
  • Characteristic swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  • Local increase in temperature over the affected joint.

Cause secondary disease The fact is that viruses settled in the joint capsule provoke a protective reaction of the body. Around pathogenic organisms begins inflammatory reaction, which is dangerous for joints: an autoimmune failure occurs when the body gets confused and, together with foreign pathogens, begins to destroy its own elements, in in this case joints.

The complexity of the situation is that even when the viruses are destroyed, the antibodies will not recede, but will continue to destroy the joints (that is, the cold will go away, but the arthritis will remain). Therefore, it is better not to take the situation to an extreme, treat viral diseases at the first symptoms, without hoping that the cold will “go away on its own.”

If viral arthritis does begin to manifest itself, then complex treatment will be required: taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, applying compresses to the joints, primary immobilization and subsequent exercise therapy, nutritional correction, and taking chondroprotectors.

When does osteochondrosis cause a runny nose?

The opposite situation is possible: joint diseases cause a runny nose. In this case, the cause will be neurovegetative: with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the nerve bundles, carrying signals from the brain. If they get pinched autonomic nerves responsible for the olfactory organs, the following may occur:

Often, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, nasal congestion, itching and burning inside the nose may occur - these are the consequences of osteochondrosis. The root cause must be treated!

  • Insensitivity to odors.
  • Feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Runny nose.
  • Constant sneezing.
  • Itching, burning inside the nose.

All of these symptoms are characteristic of a viral cold or allergy, which often prompts improper treatment. The root cause (osteochondrosis) will continue to develop and provoke complications - migraines, perivascular neuralgia, diencephalic syndrome, complete loss of smell, degenerative destruction of the spinal column, etc.

If you suspect a neurovegetative runny nose, you must undergo a full examination to diagnose accurate diagnosis(for example, rhinoscopy and radiography of the cervical spine). Based on the test results, a treatment program will be prescribed - medications with substances that strengthen cartilage and bone tissue, wearing corsets, physiotherapy, nutrition adjustments, physiotherapy, etc.

Remember: your well-being is in your hands. All the diseases listed in the article are easier to prevent than to take treatment measures later. We need to do prevention colds, pathologies of the joints and spine. It will be useful regular examination at the doctor's. Take care of yourself!

“Unexplained” nosebleeds may be the result of a misaligned atlas (first cervical vertebra).

Most often they (nosebleeds) appear as a result of stagnation venous blood in the cranial cavity and, accordingly, in the nasal mucosa.

When venous blood stagnates and does not drain completely, the venous submucosal plexuses of the nasal cavity are very easily injured, and long, persistent, painful bleeding occurs, often leading to the patient’s bleeding.

Such bleeding, associated with impaired outflow of venous blood, most often develops in the morning - soon after getting out of bed, during hygiene procedures.


The reason is that the “collapsed” (displaced) position of the head relative to the atlas leads to compression of the veins - primarily the vertebral veins, which drain blood from the venous system of the skull.

Accordingly, the blood has nowhere to go, its pressure rises, venous plexuses the nasal mucosa swells and tears easily when blowing your nose or during any manipulations in the nose (something that children especially often do). Bleeding develops.

Often in such patients bleeding begins “like thunder among clear skies”, that is, without any visible connection with anything. I didn’t blow my nose, didn’t do anything - just blood flowed from my nose, that’s all.

Naturally, when blood flows from the nose, all aspects of a person’s life suffer: you can’t go to work or school, you can’t do sports or do household chores.

But these are small things compared to the threat of death from bleeding, or the development of anemia.

Treatment program "Atlas" - returning the atlas to its natural position

The Atlas treatment program includes a procedure for correcting the position of the atlas. This procedure is absolutely safe and has no side effects, and most importantly – allowing you to achieve permanent effect in eliminating discomfort or disease because the cause is eliminated.

During the recovery process, specialists medical center Atlant helps patients get the best results. And if a person follows simple recommendations after the procedure, he will definitely receive a stable and significant improvement in well-being.

Our patients who have been bothered by nosebleeds note that the bleeding either disappears completely or is significantly reduced and alleviated.

The fact is that a correctly positioned atlas stops putting pressure on the veins and vessels of the head. Normal blood flow is restored. And nosebleeds noticeably decrease or go away completely.

Contact the doctors at our medical center for advice!

Osteochondrosis is a common disease that is caused by damage to cartilage tissue and vertebrae. With the development of pathology in the spine, blood circulation and metabolic processes are disrupted, which is manifested by numerous symptoms. Diversity clinical picture requires differential diagnosis. Osteochondrosis causes disruption of the functioning of other organs and systems.

Nasal congestion with osteochondrosis may appear due to impaired blood flow to the head.

Can the nose be stuffy with osteochondrosis?

The disease leads to impaired blood circulation in the head and vasospasm. Blood stagnation and oxygen starvation of the brain occurs. Under the influence of these factors, swelling of the nasal mucosa is formed, which becomes the cause of difficulty breathing. Therefore, periodic nasal congestion may occur. In Group increased risk there are people with chronic sinusitis. Under the influence of cervical osteochondrosis, they intensify inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses, which also provokes relapses of the disease.

Other symptoms

With the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the human body, deformation of the vertebrae and cartilage tissue occurs. This leads to damage to the large arteries and veins that supply blood to parts of the brain. If there is a malnutrition of the cerebellum and inner ear There are severe disruptions in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Because of oxygen starvation nervous tissue in a person suffering from cervical osteochondrosis, multiple disturbances in the functioning of the body are observed, performance decreases and complications arise.

Lumbar lesion

  • Permanent aching pain in the area of ​​the sacrum;
  • irradiation painful sensations to the lower extremities;
  • decreased mobility in hip joint and lower back;
  • sensory disturbances in the legs.

Cervical osteochondrosis

  • Severe headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • hearing loss, tinnitus;
  • prostration;
  • memory impairment;
  • visual impairment;
  • irradiation of pain into upper limbs and shoulders;
  • hand tremors

Lesion of the thoracic region

  • Unpleasant sensations in the legs;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • pain when taking a deep breath;
  • pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades;
  • the skin of the feet is cold;
  • pain in the ribs when moving.

Therapeutic measures

When early detection, cervical osteochondrosis easy to treat. Complex treatment illness is to prescribe courses of massage, therapeutic physical culture, physiotherapy and selection medications. Correction of lifestyle and nutrition is required. To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, hot foot baths, compresses, and copious amounts of hot drinks are prescribed. Kalanchoe or aloe juice and vasoconstrictor drops like “Pinosol” are instilled into the nose and washed with sea water.

Untimely treatment causes complications.

Good day! Symptoms, please help, I’m in despair, I’m worried about tension and heaviness in the neck, stuffy nose, pain in the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, every day! I can’t work, I don’t have enough concentration. I have been sick for about 10 years. IN last years the condition worsened. All symptoms intensify with brain activity (reading books, when I’m trying to learn something). He was treated by an ENT specialist and a neurologist. There was treatment with antibiotics, antiallergic, Nasonex from an ENT specialist. There is no discharge from the nose, I only feel nauseous if I have a severe headache. I had surgery to partially remove the inferior concha (conchotomy) and surgery to straighten the nasal septum, but the condition did not change. The ENT says even after the operation you still have a slight curvature in the area of ​​the middle lower conchae. One of the last treatments from a neurologist: 1. Milgamma 2.0 IM No. 10 2. L - lysine escinate 0.1% - 5.0 ml + 200 saline No. 10 3. Artoxan 20 mg IM No. 6 4 Trental 5.0 + 200 ml IV No. 10 5. Capsicam 6. Neck-collar massage 7. Acupuncture 8. Went regularly to the Bubnovsky (physical therapy) center for 12 sessions 9. Laser therapy and magnetotherapy The last treatment did not help at all. What helps: 1.Training in gym, namely when I lift heavy weights, it helps more when I put the load on my arms, 2. Bathing in a cold spring also helps a little. 3. Bleeding from the neck and head using a cup helps temporarily. 4. Sodium thiosulfate + saline also helps temporarily. 5. The following treatment temporarily helped a little: 1) detralex 2 r/d No. 15 2) noofen 250mg 1x3 no. 20 3) loratal 10mg 1t no. 10 4) l-lysine 5 ml + saline 100 ml no. 10 5) mixidol 2 ml + physical/r 0.4 10 ml No. 10 6) liposome forte 2 ml IM #10 diagnostics: I have MRI images and I can send you the conclusions. Conclusions: 1. MRI of the brain dated 03/04/2015: Picture of stage I encephalopathy with subatrophy of the frontal and temporal lobe cerebral hemispheres. Hypotrophy of both hippocampi. Intracranial hypertension with expansion of the diploetic veins in the internal occipital protrusion, as well as the adjacent saphenous veins. Slight moderate thickening of both frontal, both maxillary sinuses and cells of the lattice labyrinth. Solid inclusion in the right pyramid temporal bone at the level of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 2. MRI of the brain from 02/03/15 signs external hydrocephalus mild degree 3. MRI of the cervical spine dated 02/03/15: signs of protrusions intervertebral discs at levels c5-c6, c6-c7 4. MRI of the lumbosacral region dated 03/02/15: signs of a left-sided posterolateral hernia intervertebral disc at level l5-s1. 6. Color duplex scanning extracranial sections of the brachiocephalic arteries dated 03/02/2015: in the system of common, internal carotid and vertebral arteries at the extracranial level, no hemodynamically significant obstacles to blood flow were identified 7. Uzdg of brachiocephalic vessels with transranial Doppler from 10/12/14: angiodystonia according hypertensive type with moderate venous disticulation along the vertebral plexuses and signs of obstructed outflow from the cranial cavity. Irritation of the left vertebral artery and irritation of the vertebral arteries in the IV segment. Angiospasm of the orbital arteries. The neuropathologist suggested interstitial electrical stimulation using Gerasimov’s method to do it on the neck and head, I’m wondering if I should do it or not. Another neurologist suggested treatment with chondroprotectors. . The ENT says even after the operation you have a slight curvature in the area of ​​the middle inferior concha, is it worth having surgery again to straighten the nasal septum, I think it’s worth a try. What do you think is my diagnosis and what treatment should I take?
