Healthy eating for children: useful rules and habits. Basics of proper and healthy nutrition for a child Basics of nutrition for a healthy child


One of the most important components of children's physical education is proper nutrition of the child. It ensures optimal metabolic processes, has a significant impact on the child’s body’s resistance to disease and the development of immunity to various diseases, increases the baby’s activity, and promotes normal physical and neuropsychic development.

In modern conditions, the importance of nutrition increases significantly due to changes in the conditions for raising a child in the family, the early involvement of the child in fitness, sports, etc.

To ensure continuous growth and physical development, a child requires a full range of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. Rational nutrition is that:

1) The energy value of the food consumed should not exceed the body’s energy expenditure;

2) The daily diet should include nutrients that provide an optimal combination of essential components

PROTEINS – This is the main building material of the body. The child needs it for growth and maintenance of metabolism. The best sources of protein are

CARBOHYDRATES - the main source of energy for the child. They are also necessary for the body to absorb proteins. Carbohydrates are like “fuel” for a child’s body, a kind of “fuel” that helps the child actively grow, move, and run. Good sources of carbohydrates include bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and low-fat dairy products.

FATS – are also necessary for the functioning of the child’s body. Fats serve as a source of heat and energy, play an important role in protein metabolism, and protect vital organs by forming a fatty layer under the skin, which is present in all people. Most foods contain essential fats.

In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the child needs vitamins, minerals, and water. Vitamins and minerals are essential microelements for metabolic processes. They are vital for fighting disease and maintaining good health.


Milk and dairy products.

Milk, fermented foods, and cottage cheese are beneficial for a growing body. Natural milk can be given only after boiling. You cannot boil milk twice. When cooking using milk (mashed potatoes, porridge), it is added raw to the finished dish and allowed to boil once. You should not give milk instead of water; too much of it reduces appetite.


Both butter and vegetable oil should be used, the amount of vegetable oil should be 10-15% of the total amount of oil consumed per day, no more than 2 grams per day. Vegetable oil should be poured over the finished dish; it should not be boiled. Refractory fats – beef, pork, and margarine – should not be used in a child’s diet.

Meat and meat products.

Children should eat lean beef, chicken, and liver.

Fish and fish products

After the child is one year old, he can be fed only low-fat fish, mainly sea fish. For example, cod, hake, sea bass, and pike perch are useful. Fish contains microelements (iodine, phosphorus, food) that are important for the growth and development of the body. Caviar is very useful - chum salmon, sturgeon.


You can feed your child only boiled chicken eggs. Raw eggs can be contaminated with painful bacteria, particularly salmonella.

Bread, bakery products

It is better to feed your child bread made from wholemeal flour due to its high content of B vitamins.

Cereals and pasta

The most valuable in terms of mineral composition are buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as legumes. You can use other cereals - semolina, millet, and pasta. The cereal is boiled in water, then unboiled milk is added, and after boiling, the porridge is removed from the heat and butter and sugar are added. Mixed porridges are useful.

Sugar and confectionery

Sugar should be consumed in moderation and not exceeding the daily allowance. Sugar is an easily digestible carbohydrate; in excess it is harmful to health. The child receives carbohydrates in sufficient quantities from other foods - fruits, cereals, bread. Honey is a very valuable product. Cake with rich cream, chocolate, chocolate candies are undesirable.

Vegetables, fruits, berries, greens

All these products are very useful for children, as in addition to vitamins they contain fiber, microelements, and tannins. Carrots and rutabaga can be used in a child’s diet in raw, pureed form. Boiled beets are very useful. It is better for children to eat fruits and berries raw. Vegetable and fruit purees (baby food), as well as compotes, juices, fresh-frozen and dried vegetables and fruits are useful for a child.


Plays an important role for the proper functioning of the child's body. A one and a half year old child needs approximately 0.8 liters of water per day, and 2-3 years old – 1 liter.

In the second half of the child’s second and subsequent life, you can switch to four meals a day with a large volume of 1300-1400 ml. The range of dishes is expanding.


Vitamin A"

Important for the functioning of the nervous system. Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Has a beneficial effect on vision and skin. Contained in liver, eggs, milk, cheese, carrots, mango. Vitamin A is fat soluble and can be stored in the body. Nutritionists believe that this vitamin in capsule form should be taken before meals.

Vitamin "D»

Necessary for strengthening teeth and bones. Sources of vitamin D are sun rays, liver, dairy products, eggs. The vitamin is fat-soluble and can accumulate in the body, so it requires precise dosages.

Vitamin "E"

Strengthens blood vessels, very important for recovery function. Contained in fish oil, grains, soybean and vegetable oils, eggs and whole grains. Nutritionists believe that vitamin E should be taken before meals.

Vitamin "K"

Necessary for normal blood clotting and good liver function. Contained in green vegetables, cauliflower, soybean oil.

VitaminIN1 ,IN2 ,IN12

The B complex of vitamins is necessary for the normal functioning of nerves, digestion, growth, muscles, to prevent anemia, and maintain healthy blood. Contained in fish, pork, kidneys, eggs, milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, corn. Vitamin B complex is water soluble and must be replenished daily. These vitamins are taken with meals.

Vitamin C

Helps strengthen blood vessels, teeth, hair, gums. It fights infection, heals wounds, and regulates important body functions. Vitamin C is water soluble and needs constant replenishment. This vitamin is taken after meals. Natural sources are oranges, lemons, apples, strawberries, raw cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini.

They play a huge role in the construction and functioning of all organs of the body. minerals.

Calcium. Important for nerves and muscle contractions. Determines the strength of bones and teeth. Contained in milk, cheese and yogurt, cabbage, and herbs.

Phosphorus. It is also necessary for the strength of bones and teeth. It is found in large quantities in red meat, fish, eggs, chicken, nuts and cereals.

Iron. It is necessary for the body to produce hemoglobin, to transport oxygen to cells. Contained in meat, liver, beans, eggs, chicken, nuts.

Potassium. Helps regulate the body's fluid balance, as well as maintain heart rate and coordinate muscle contractions. Contained in vegetables, grains, potatoes.

Magnesium. Activates enzymes in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, plays an important role in muscle contractions. Contained in vegetables, grain oil, figs, corn, apples, nuts.

Iodine. Very important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, found in seafood products.




Composition of complete nutrition for children

One of the most important components of children's physical education is proper nutrition of the child. It ensures optimal metabolic processes, has a significant impact on the child’s body’s resistance to disease and the development of immunity to various diseases, increases the baby’s activity, and promotes normal physical and neuropsychic development.

In modern conditions, the importance of nutrition increases significantly due to changes in the conditions for raising a child in the family, the early involvement of the child in fitness, sports, etc.

To ensure continuous growth and physical development, a child requires a full range of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. Rational nutrition is that:

  1. The energy value of food consumed should not exceed the body's energy expenditure;
  2. The daily diet should include nutrients that provide an optimal combination of essential components

PROTEINS – This is the main building material of the body. The child needs it for growth and maintenance of metabolism. The best sources of protein arefish, chicken, lean meat (beef, veal), turkey, milk, eggs, nuts, legumes.

CARBOHYDRATES - the main source of energy for the child. They are also necessary for the body to absorb proteins. Carbohydrates are like “fuel” for a child’s body, a kind of “fuel” that helps the child actively grow, move, and run.Good sources of carbohydrates include bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and low-fat dairy products.

FATS – are also necessary for the functioning of the child’s body. Fats serve as a source of heat and energy, play an important role in protein metabolism, and protect vital organs by forming a fatty layer under the skin, which is present in all people. Most foods contain essential fats.Good sources of fats are dairy products, vegetable oils, fish oil, and cheeses.

In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the child needs vitamins, minerals, and water. Vitamins and minerals are essential microelements for metabolic processes. They are vital for fighting disease and maintaining good health.Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals.


Milk and dairy products.

Milk, fermented foods, and cottage cheese are beneficial for a growing body. Natural milk can be given only after boiling. You cannot boil milk twice. When cooking using milk (mashed potatoes, porridge), it is added raw to the finished dish and allowed to boil once. You can’t give milk instead of water, too much of it reduces your appetite..


Both butter and vegetable oil should be used, the amount of vegetable oil should be 10-15% of the total amount of oil consumed per day, no more than 2 grams per day. Vegetable oil should be poured over the finished dish; it should not be boiled. Refractory fats – beef, pork, and margarine – should not be used in a child’s diet.

Meat and meat products.

Children should eat lean beef, chicken, and liver.

Fish and fish products

After the child is one year old, he can be fed only low-fat fish, mainly sea fish. For example, cod, hake, sea bass, and pike perch are useful. Fish contains microelements (iodine, phosphorus, food) that are important for the growth and development of the body. Caviar is very useful - chum salmon, sturgeon.


You can feed your child only boiled chicken eggs. Raw eggs can be contaminated with painful bacteria, particularly salmonella.

Bread, bakery products

It is better to feed your child bread made from wholemeal flour due to its high content of B vitamins.

Cereals and pasta

The most valuable in terms of mineral composition are buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as legumes. You can use other cereals - semolina, millet, and pasta. The cereal is boiled in water, then unboiled milk is added, and after boiling, the porridge is removed from the heat and butter and sugar are added. Mixed porridges are useful.

Sugar and confectionery

Sugar should be consumed in moderation and not exceeding the daily allowance. Sugar is an easily digestible carbohydrate; in excess it is harmful to health. The child receives carbohydrates in sufficient quantities from other foods - fruits, cereals, bread. Honey is a very valuable product. Cake with rich cream, chocolate, chocolate candies are undesirable.

Vegetables, fruits, berries, greens

All these products are very useful for children, as in addition to vitamins they contain fiber, microelements, and tannins. Carrots and rutabaga can be used in a child’s diet in raw, pureed form. Boiled beets are very useful. It is better for children to eat fruits and berries raw. Vegetable and fruit purees (baby food), as well as compotes, juices, fresh-frozen and dried vegetables and fruits are useful for a child.


Plays an important role for the proper functioning of the child's body. A one and a half year old child needs approximately 0.8 liters of water per day, and 2-3 years old – 1 liter.

In the second half of the child’s second and subsequent life, you can switch to four meals a day with a large volume of 1300-1400 ml. The range of dishes is expanding.


Vitamin A"

Important for the functioning of the nervous system. Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Has a beneficial effect on vision and skin. Contained in liver, eggs, milk, cheese, carrots, mango. Vitamin A is fat soluble and can be stored in the body. Nutritionists believe that this vitamin in capsule form should be taken before meals.

Vitamin D

Necessary for strengthening teeth and bones. Sources of vitamin D are sun rays, liver, dairy products, eggs. The vitamin is fat-soluble and can accumulate in the body, so it requires precise dosages.

Vitamin "E"

Strengthens blood vessels, very important for recovery function. Contained in fish oil, grains, soybean and vegetable oils, eggs and whole grains. Nutritionists believe that vitamin E should be taken before meals.

Vitamin "K"

Necessary for normal blood clotting and good liver function. Contained in green vegetables, cauliflower, soybean oil.

Vitamin B 1, B 2, B 12

The B complex of vitamins is necessary for the normal functioning of nerves, digestion, growth, muscles, to prevent anemia, and maintain healthy blood. Contained in fish, pork, kidneys, eggs, milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, corn. Vitamin B complex is water soluble and must be replenished daily. These vitamins are taken with meals.

Vitamin C

Helps strengthen blood vessels, teeth, hair, gums. It fights infection, heals wounds, and regulates important body functions. Vitamin C is water soluble and needs constant replenishment. This vitamin is taken after meals. Natural sources are oranges, lemons, apples, strawberries, raw cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini.

They play a huge role in the construction and functioning of all organs of the body.minerals.

Calcium. Important for nerves and muscle contractions. Determines the strength of bones and teeth. Contained in milk, cheese and yogurt, cabbage, and herbs.

Phosphorus. It is also necessary for the strength of bones and teeth. It is found in large quantities in red meat, fish, eggs, chicken, nuts and cereals.

Iron. It is necessary for the body to produce hemoglobin, to transport oxygen to cells. Contained in meat, liver, beans, eggs, chicken, nuts.

Potassium. Helps regulate the body's fluid balance, as well as maintain heart rate and coordinate muscle contractions. Contained in vegetables, grains, potatoes.

Magnesium. Activates enzymes in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, plays an important role in muscle contractions. Contained in vegetables, grain oil, figs, corn, apples, nuts.

Iodine. Very important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, found in seafood products.

Healthy nutrition is very important for a child. Thanks to nutritious and proper food, the body grows and develops correctly. The brain functions normally, the nervous, vascular, respiratory, cardiac and musculoskeletal systems are strengthened and respond adequately to the environment. The basics of nutrition for a healthy child include the right carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and fats, fiber, micro- and macroelements. Don’t forget about the quality of the products and their naturalness. Only the best, because children are our continuation and future.

You always want to please your child with something tasty and sweet, but this is a “slippery slope.” Overfeeding a child leads to a variety of diseases, from damaged teeth to obesity. Remember, calorie intake and expenditure should be the same. That is, if a child loves chocolate and cakes, but also abuses sweets containing fast carbohydrates, sports should be present in his life!

It is important to divide your daily meals into 5-6 parts. Make sure your child drinks enough water per day.

Principles of children's healthy nutrition

Mandatory consumption of slow, healthy carbohydrates - energy, that is, a variety of cereals, should be unconditional. Accustom your children to oatmeal and buckwheat, rice and semolina porridge. Preferably for breakfast.

Add protein foods, which must be combined with fiber for the gastrointestinal tract to function properly. These are meat and fish (fish, by the way, is filled with the necessary elements for the growth and development of the child’s body), cottage cheese, kefir and milk, homemade yoghurts and fermented baked milk. Also nuts and seeds.

Fiber is a wide variety of vegetables; they are rich in such a complex of vitamins that no pharmaceutical product can replenish their quantity. In addition, eating raw herbs and vegetables. The basics of a healthy diet should include fruits, preferably in the first half of the day, as well as diluted freshly squeezed juices and natural fruit and vegetable purees. Don't forget about bread and butter, as fats are an essential component of a child's diet.

For sweets, it is better to consume marmalade and marshmallows, jelly and chocolate, in moderation. An excellent solution would be homemade bars with honey and dried fruits, cereals and cereals. Pamper your kids with cocoa and milk, and don’t forget to praise them after eating a plate of broccoli or zucchini.


about the basics of healthy nutrition for children and adolescents in educational


Parents today rarely think about the peculiarities nutrition of children.

While as most children eat salty chips every day, confectionery products containing large amounts of refractoryfats andsupplements, drink sugary carbonated drinks, healthy baby food is impossible without lean proteins, dairy products, cereals, legumes and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. In some countries, including Russia, today more children than ever are overweight and have allergic diseases. At the same time, having organized proper nutrition for children, parents will be able to achieve that their child will be healthy and in good physical shape.

Children's diets are slightly differentfrom power supplyadults. This is due, first of all, to the great needs of a growing organism. If the child’s nutritional system is built correctly, then the child develops normally both physically and mentally. In addition, proper nutrition of children helps to increase the endurance of the child’s body, improve academic performance and ability to work, and stability To stressful situations And adverse influences from the environment peace, as well as strengthening the body’s immune defense against various infections and diseases . In addition, conscious adherence to the diet, consumption of a variety of foods and dishes from them, with the obligatory use of fruits and vegetables. Proper nutrition is often promotes acquiring and becoming a habit of table manners and eating skills.

The basic principle of building a balanced diet for children isnot only variety, but also the right combination of eating meat, fish, dairy and grain products, as well as fruits, vegetables and berries. A lack or excess of food consumed by a child can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to metabolic disorders, increase excess body weight (even to varying degrees of obesity) or lead to exhaustion. Unfortunately, shortcomings in the organization of children's nutrition are not Always appear immediately, often the negative impact accumulates, A manifests itself already during life (this can happen at any age, depending on the degree of resistance of the body).

Doctors and nutritionists distinguish several main categories of food products in a balanced diet: grains, vegetables, fruits,milk, meat, fish and legumes. These products contain all the necessary substances so that the child’s body can develop normally.

It has been scientifically proven that the prevention of such “adult” diseases as diabetes, hypertension, excess weight and many others should be done from the moment a little person is born.

Peculiarities of children's nutrition: what is the point?

  1. Balanced nutrition of children in terms of the content of essential nutrients, energy, microelements and vitamins.
  2. The nutritional habits of children imply the frequency of meals.
  3. It is equally important to give preference to specialized food products intended for feeding children and exclude from the diet those foods that children should not eat.

In educational organizations, children and adolescents spend from 50% to 70% of their active time of the day; accordingly, it is very important during this period to provide a complete and balanced diet for the child, to ensure his need for basic nutrients and energy.

It is these requirements that the organization of children's nutrition in educational institutions meets, since the approximate cyclic menu available in each educational institution is developed taking into account the principles of healthy nutrition.

Balanced nutrition of children in terms of basic nutrients, energy, vitamins and microelements

The body of children and adolescents has a number of significant features. Children's body tissues consist of 25% proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and 75% of water. The basal metabolism in children proceeds 1.5-2 times faster than in an adult. The average energy consumption per day (kcal) per 1 kg of body weight for children of various ages and adults is: up to 1 year - 100; from 1 to 3 years - 100-90; 4-6 years - 90-80; 7-10 years - 80-70; 11 -13 years old - 70-65; 14-17 years -65-45.

In a sample menu for children and adolescents, the protein content should provide 12-15% of the calorie intake, fats 30-32% and carbohydrates 55-58%.

Much attention in the nutrition of children and adolescents is given to the protein content and its amino acid composition as the main plastic material from which new cells and tissues are built. With a lack of protein in food, children's growth is delayed, mental development lags, the composition of bone tissue changes, resistance to disease and the activity of the endocrine glands decrease.Protein of animal origin should be 65-70% for young children, 60% for school children% daily value of this nutrient.Based on the balance of essential amino acids, milk and dairy products are considered the best protein nutrition product in childhood. The daily protein requirement depends on the age of the child. Protein is needed per 1 kg of body weight: children aged 1 to 3 years - 4 g; 4-6 years - 4-3.5 g; 7-10 years - 3 g; 11 -13 years - 2.5-2 g; 14-17 years old - 2-1.5 g. For children under 3 years of age, the daily diet should include at least 600 ml of milk, and school age - not less than 500 ml. In addition, the diet of children and adolescents should include meat, fish, eggs - products containing complete proteins with a rich amino acid composition.

Fats play an important role in child development. They act as plastic, energy material, supply the body with vitamins A, D , E, phosphatides, polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of a growing organism. Cream, butter, vegetable oil (5-10% of the total amount) are especially recommended.Particularly valuable are fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids - vegetable oils, which must be at least 35% of total amount of fat consumed.

Children experience increased muscle activity, connection with than, their need for carbohydrates is higher than that of adults, and should make up 10-15 g per 1 kg of body weight. In children's nutrition, they are importanteasily digestible carbohydrates,the source of which is fruits, berries, juices, milk, jam, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows. The amount of sugars should be 25% of the total amount of carbohydrates. However, it should be remembered that excess carbohydrates in the diet of children and adolescents leads to metabolic disorders, obesity, and a decrease in the body’s resistance to infections.

Due to growth processes, the need for vitamins in children is increased. Vitamins are of particular importance in the nutrition of children and adolescents A, D as growth factors. Sources of these vitamins are milk, meat, eggs, and fish oil. Carrots, tomatoes, and apricots contain provitamin A - carotene. Vitamin C and B vitamins stimulate the growth process and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Minerals in a child’s body ensure the process of growth and development of tissues, bone and nervous systems, brain, teeth, muscles. Of particular importance are calcium and phosphorus, the sources of which are cottage cheese and fish.

Considering that the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a region with insufficient iodine content, foods fortified with iodine should be included in a child’s diet.

Dietary regimen of children and adolescents.

Compliance with the diet of children and adolescents is of great importance for the body's absorption of nutrients. Preschool children are recommended to eat four to five times a day, every 3 hours, at the same time, distributing the diet as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 25% . At school age, it is advisable to eat four meals a day, every 4 hours, with an even distribution of the daily diet: breakfast - 25%, second breakfast - 20%, lunch - 35%, dinner - 20%.

Thus, an important health event For children-students are served by proper organization of nutrition at school in the form of hot school breakfasts and lunches in after-school groups day, whose diet should be 50-70% of the daily requirement,which parents, unfortunately, pay little attention to.

Recommended for children's nutrition daily use of milk, fermented milk drinks, meat (or fish), potatoes, vegetables, fruits, bread, cereals and legumes, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, salt, inclusion in the dietat least 2-3 times a weekproducts such as cottage cheese, sour cream, poultry, cheese, eggs, natural juices.

Preference should be given to specialized food products intended for feeding children, rye-wheat bread, semi-finished meat and poultry products chilled rather than frozen, meat of at least category 1, dietary eggs, cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 9%, sour cream with mass fraction of fat no more than 15%, fermented milk products containing live lactic acid bacteria (information is indicated by the manufacturer on the consumer packaging), confectionery products, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and legumes.

When organizing meals for children in educational institutions, do not The following food products are used:How:

- waterfowl egg;

- offal, except liver, tongue, heart; blood, liver, raw smoked sausages;

- food products and culinary products fried in fat (deep fat), chips.

- dairy products, curd cheeses, ice cream, condensed milk using vegetable fats;

- koumiss and fermented milk products containing ethanol (more than 0.5%)

- confectionery products with cream containing vegetable protein;

- first and second courses based on instant dry food concentrates;

- carbonated drinks;

- vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot pepper and other hot seasonings and food products containing them, including hot sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces,

- pickled vegetables and fruits;

- natural coffee;

- apricot kernels, peanuts;

- caramel, including candy;

- products, including confectionery, containing alcohol;

- chewing gum;


- dry concentrates for preparing first and second courses.

It is prohibited to prepare such dishes as:

- jellied dishes (meat and fish), jellies, herring mincemeat;

- cold drinks and fruit drinks (without heat treatment) from fruit and berry raw materials;

- okroshka and cold soups;

- Navy pasta (with minced meat), pasta with chopped egg;

- fried egg;

- pates and pancakes with meat and cottage cheese;

- first and second courses from/based on instant dry food concentrates;

- During one day or during adjacent days, not a single prepared dish included in the menu should be repeated.

When organizing meals for children, the menu includes only those dishes that are included in approved collections of recipes specifically designed for organizing children's meals. The menu is approved by the head of the educational organization.

To assess the quality of prepared dishes on a daily basis, each educational organization creates a rejection commission, which consists of at least 3 people: a medical worker, the head of the educational organization or its representative, a catering department official (production manager, chef). Only after each finished dish has been rejected, the results of which are recorded in a special journal, is it allowed to serve the dishes to children. Additionally, 3 cold dishes are artificially fortified with vitamin C.

Each dish on a child’s table must have a certain temperature: in educational institutions: hot dishes (soups, hot drinks, sauces) not lower than 75°C, main courses and side dishes - not lower than 65°C, drinks (jelly, compotes) - not above 14 °C; in preschool educational organizations: hot dishes (soups, hot drinks, sauces, main courses and side dishes) - 60-65 °C, cold appetizers, salads, drinks (jelly, compotes) - not lower than 15 °C.

Breakfast should include a hot dish, incl. dairy; lunch must necessarily consist of 4 dishes: appetizer (salad), 1st hot dish, 2nd hot dish, drink.

To control the child’s nutrition, for the information of parents, every educational organization must post a menu every day, indicating meals, names of dishes, weight of portions: the menu is posted in each group preschool educational organization, in the dining hall of the school canteen.

If a child has allergic diseases with a food component, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or urinary system, the parent should contact a medical professional and the head of the educational institution to adjust the menu, namely, exclude certain dishes or products from the menu for the child.

Catering in educational institutions, This joint efforts of both the administration of educational institutions and the parents of children who attend educational institutions. If parents wish, it is possible to conduct a rating of dishes available in approved collections of recipes, highlight the dishes most preferred by children, and, in agreement with the administration of the educational institution, adjust the approximate cyclic menu in the institution. At the same time, it must be remembered that in this case, part of the cost of feeding children at school must be covered by the parents themselves, with the exception of children who are fully supported by the state.

Developed by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for placement in educational institutions.

Features of baby food

The importance of microelements and vitamins

Proper baby nutrition is the key to good health and well-being. It allows you to provide the growing body with everything it needs. If there are certain malfunctions in this system, then this leads to delays in weight and height, as well as physiological and mental development. Experts say that after 13 years, the consequences of irrational and insufficient nutrition can no longer be corrected only through diet.

Features of baby food

Now we will try to understand a little what basic microelements should be included in baby food, and also list the real problems that may arise as a result of their deficiency. So, it’s worth starting with calcium. This element is involved in the formation of bones, and also affects anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic processes. Sufficient amounts of calcium are found in fermented milk products, milk, beans, fish, broccoli, spinach, parsley, and almonds.

Of course, some of the products that will be listed should be consumed by children no earlier than 3 years of age. This should include all types of nuts, seafood, some types of cheese, tea, chocolate (and all cocoa-containing products). It should also be taken into account that in early childhood there is a fairly high probability of allergic reactions, so special care should be taken with fish, poultry, eggs, red and yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, dried fruits, etc.

Potentially allergenic products

The list of potentially dangerous products is actually extensive, this does not mean that any child will certainly have an allergic reaction, however, one should not neglect the rules for introducing complementary foods, which can also be used for older children trying a certain product for the first time. This simple approach can eliminate a number of problems, both small and quite significant.

Particular caution should be exercised by those parents who have allergies in their family. Proper nutrition for a one-year-old child, of course, will not be as varied as that of a preschooler or schoolchild, however, it should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, and a small amount of fat.

The importance of microelements and vitamins

Continuing to study healthy nutrition for children, we note that a growing body needs potassium, which is found in peas, beans, seaweed, prunes, raisins, potatoes, beef, pork, hake, cod, mackerel, oatmeal, tomatoes, beets, radishes . Without this microelement, normal functioning of the kidneys and muscles is not possible. For the formation and normal functioning of nerve cells and cells of the gastrointestinal tract, cobalt is needed, which is contained in shellfish, meat, fish, and milk.

Copper is needed for the process of hematopoiesis. Its sources are liver, beef, beans, cocoa, prunes, fish, mushrooms, apricots, whole grain flour, sunflower seeds, bananas, almonds, peas. Lack of iodine negatively affects mental abilities, immunity, and thyroid function. This trace element is obtained from seafood, fish, and algae. In addition, children, like adults, need to eat iodized salt.

Also, healthy baby food includes iron, zinc, selenium, plus a complex of various vitamins (A, E, C, group B, niacin, pantothenic acid, D, biotin and others). As you can see, a lot of necessary components must be in food so that the child receives energy from it and develops healthy, strong and smart. A deficiency of even one element can lead to adverse consequences. Timely diagnosis and the use of special vitamin and mineral complex preparations can solve this problem. The most important thing is to pay attention to this in time.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers

Healthy nutrition in kindergarten is prepared in accordance with the norms and regulations adopted in the state. Children receive a certain amount of calories from food that is appropriate for their age. The daily menu is compiled in such a way that the products are combined with each other and bring maximum benefit. Of course, such food may be very different from home food and at first the child will not like it. However, children often then enjoy eating in kindergarten.

The healthy eating of preschool children depends very much on the people with whom they live. It is important for parents or people replacing them to ensure that the child’s diet contains: meat, cereals, milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, butter every day. Fish, dairy products, and eggs should be included in the diet several times a week.

A healthy lifestyle for a preschooler, in addition to a balanced diet, includes physical education, daily walks in the fresh air, maintaining personal hygiene, and good sleep. Each of these elements is a real foundation for developing the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the child must have certain knowledge and his own ideas, which will boil down to adherence to the regime, physical activity, and hygiene. In addition, you should help him master the implementation of all this through accessible methods: brushing his teeth, exercising, washing his hands, etc.

Rational approaches to baby nutrition

Healthy eating standards for children imply that the child should eat in a calm environment. Watching cartoons and engaging in conversation should be postponed until another time. In addition, a variety of tricks to feed the child are a mistaken approach. You shouldn’t assume that a child’s body is stupid; it knows exactly how much it needs.

There is also a point of view that a child should eat as he wishes. The only drawback of this particular approach is that a person’s further educational and then working life is subject to a strict schedule. If you skip a meal, you will later feel hungry and tired, and you may no longer have the opportunity to eat.

Proponents of eating on a schedule consider this system to be excellent based on the experiments of Pavlov, who showed that it is possible to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract so that at a certain moment the secretion of gastric juice begins, so, for example, by the time of lunch, the child will be hungry.

However, the most rational approach would be to listen to the little person, give him food when he asks and not force him if he does not want to eat. When supporting a healthy lifestyle for children, it is worth remembering that moderation is good in any place and business. Therefore, you should not overfeed, as this is a sure way to health problems.

The other extreme is problem eating. It is worth trying very hard so that the baby does not get used to this bad habit. Avoid offers of cookies or candy for comfort forever. This will protect the child from psychological problems associated with food.

The rules of healthy eating for children are quite varied, but they should be known and applied, since eating is one of the most important elements for creating an adequate lifestyle, as well as maintaining health.

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