Alexey's ex-girlfriend from house 2 Karina. The ex-girlfriend of Alexey Kupin shared their love story. Alexey Kupin now

Ksenia Borodina literally forced Alexey Kupin to finally tell Maya Dontsova that Lesha’s ex-girlfriend Karina, whom he met 3 years ago and now considers her “friend,” is going to House 2. Maya was surprised that she was one of the last to learn about this, especially since Kupin has plans to go to the Seychelles alone to watch Maya from the side, perhaps together with the same beautiful and smart Karina... Dontsova stated that, in this case, he would invite his “friend” Ivan Barzikov to the project to see Kupin’s reaction, which provoked a new quarrel.
At front office it turned out that Karina was the ex of not only Alexey, but also Sergei Zakharyash, but Kupin quite harshly forbade both Maya and everyone around her from discussing her past and branding her with shame, recalling that Dontsova herself even had more than one guy on the project.
Alexey explained to Olga Buzova: his relationship with Karina ended at the moment when they became just friends, however, the presenter noted that the girl looked very impressive for “just a friend.”
Then the presenter personally called that same Karina, although she found her playing sports, and found out that Lesha never complains to her about Maya, but she herself doesn’t really like Dontsova’s behavior. Karina assured: she only best friend Leshy doesn’t even claim it, so there’s no need to worry.
Sergey Kucherov and Nikita Kuznetsov unanimously do not believe that Karina is going to the project not specifically to Alexey and do not understand why he “beats” Maya with such actions, who undoubtedly deserves it.

The ex-lover of the project participant told how they met. Karina claims that she initially did not expect anything from this novel and was sure that it would not last long. Only with Dom2Life did the girl open up about her past relationships.

Alexey Kupin and Maya Dontsova
​Photo: DOMA-2 archive

With open hostility, Maya Dontsova met the ex-girlfriend of her boyfriend Alexei Kupin at a television set. A participant in “DOM-2” claimed that the only purpose for which Karina came to the perimeter was to take her lover away from her. No matter how many times the new girl declared that she had no plans for Kupin, it had no effect on Dontsova. While the culprit of the conflict himself is trying to calm both ladies down, Dom2Life talked with his ex-favorite and found out what was behind their relationship.

As it turned out, Lesha and Karina have been communicating continuously for three and a half years. Having failed to make each other happy, the guys came to the conclusion that they would be better off being friends. But it took a month and a half to realize this - that’s how long their romance lasted.

“We met Lesha in Brest. He had competitions, and he came for three months,” recalls Karina. - We met at the club, drew attention to each other, then began to communicate, exchanged numbers. You could say they started dating on the same day.

He immediately hooked me - cheerful, with a sense of humor, lively, talks incessantly... Everything started to spin very quickly, we immediately started walking, going to the movies, spending time in the same company of mutual friends. Everything was going well."

Lesha and Karina met for only a month and a half
​Photo: Social networks

A month and a half later, the girl got ready to go on vacation. Together with her friend and her child, Karina went to Turkey. Ten days at a foreign resort were enough for her to understand that she and Lesha Kupin had no future.

“We began to call each other less, I got in touch less and less. We only had internet in the lobby. We communicated minimally. In Turkey I met an Englishman, I really liked him. He was on vacation with his son. I posted a photo with him on Instagram. Lesha saw this and understood everything. That’s how our relationship ended,” said Karina.

Remembering the breakup, Karina feels neither guilt nor regret, since she immediately understood that the romance in Brest would not last long.

“When Lesha and I started hanging out, I told him that I would soon get tired of him. This really touched him,” the girl continues. - I burn out quickly, you know. We immediately told each other that we were hanging out and that’s it. He is an athlete, travels here and there, no stability, what kind of serious relationship I could talk."

Interestingly, upon returning home, Karina had to see Kupin to give him the suitcase that he gave her for the trip. Having met, they discussed what had happened and decided to continue communication, but in a different capacity. The girl shared with Lesha the details of her affair with that same Englishman, talked about her plans to learn English for his sake... When, after a while, Karina decided to move to Odessa, where Kupin lived, he helped her resolve the issue of housing and things. In a word, he became a truly reliable friend for her.

“I came with my girlfriend, he helped us. - the brunette recalls with gratitude. - He put us up with a friend for a while and helped us with our things. Lesha is very good, he is a wonderful friend.”

Karina has not yet been able to get along with Alexei’s current lover, but she still hopes that over time they will be able to come to an agreement. Maya Dontsova made it clear that communicating with ex-boyfriend does not intend and is ready to break off the relationship at any moment if she feels a connection between them.

Maya is ready to break off relations with Lesha if she feels that he is drawn to Karina

The ex-lover of the project participant told how they met. Karina claims that she initially did not expect anything from this novel and was sure that it would not last long. Only with Dom2Life did the girl open up about her past relationships.

Alexey Kupin and Maya Dontsova
​Photo: DOMA-2 archive

With open hostility, Maya Dontsova met the ex-girlfriend of her boyfriend Alexei Kupin at a television set. A participant in “DOM-2” claimed that the only purpose for which Karina came to the perimeter was to take her lover away from her. No matter how many times the new girl declared that she had no plans for Kupin, it had no effect on Dontsova. While the culprit of the conflict himself is trying to calm both ladies down, Dom2Life talked with his ex-favorite and found out what was behind their relationship.

As it turned out, Lesha and Karina have been communicating continuously for three and a half years. Having failed to make each other happy, the guys came to the conclusion that they would be better off being friends. But it took a month and a half to realize this - that’s how long their romance lasted.

“We met Lesha in Brest. He had competitions, and he came for three months,” recalls Karina. - We met at the club, drew attention to each other, then began to communicate, exchanged numbers. You could say they started dating on the same day.

He immediately hooked me - cheerful, with a sense of humor, lively, talks incessantly... Everything started to spin very quickly, we immediately started walking, going to the movies, spending time in the same company of mutual friends. Everything was going well."

Lesha and Karina met for only a month and a half
​Photo: Social networks

A month and a half later, the girl got ready to go on vacation. Together with her friend and her child, Karina went to Turkey. Ten days at a foreign resort were enough for her to understand that she and Lesha Kupin had no future.

“We began to call each other less, I got in touch less and less. We only had internet in the lobby. We communicated minimally. In Turkey I met an Englishman, I really liked him. He was on vacation with his son. I posted a photo with him on Instagram. Lesha saw this and understood everything. That’s how our relationship ended,” said Karina.

Remembering the breakup, Karina feels neither guilt nor regret, since she immediately understood that the romance in Brest would not last long.

“When Lesha and I started hanging out, I told him that I would soon get tired of him. This really touched him,” the girl continues. - I burn out quickly, you know. We immediately told each other that we were hanging out and that’s it. He’s an athlete, he travels back and forth, there’s no stability, what kind of serious relationship could we talk about.”

Interestingly, upon returning home, Karina had to see Kupin to give him the suitcase that he gave her for the trip. Having met, they discussed what had happened and decided to continue communication, but in a different capacity. The girl shared with Lesha the details of her affair with that same Englishman, talked about her plans to learn English for his sake... When, after a while, Karina decided to move to Odessa, where Kupin lived, he helped her resolve the issue of housing and things. In a word, he became a truly reliable friend for her.

“I came with my girlfriend, he helped us. - the brunette recalls with gratitude. - He put us up with a friend for a while and helped us with our things. Lesha is very good, he is a wonderful friend.”

Karina has not yet been able to get along with Alexei’s current lover, but she still hopes that over time they will be able to come to an agreement. Maya Dontsova made it clear that she does not intend to communicate with her ex-boyfriend and is ready to break off the relationship at any moment if she feels a connection between them.

Maya is ready to break off relations with Lesha if she feels that he is drawn to Karina

The ex-lover of the project participant told how they met.

Karina claims that she initially did not expect anything from this novel and was sure that it would not last long. As it turned out, Lesha and Karina have been communicating continuously for three and a half years. Having failed to make each other happy, the guys came to the conclusion that they would be better off being friends. But it took a month and a half to realize this - that’s how long their romance lasted.
“We met Lesha in Brest. He had competitions, and he came for three months,” recalls Karina. - We met at the club, drew attention to each other, then began to communicate, exchanged numbers. You could say they started dating on the same day.
He immediately hooked me - cheerful, with a sense of humor, lively, talks incessantly... Everything started to spin very quickly, we immediately started walking, going to the movies, spending time in the same company of mutual friends. Everything was going well."​

A month and a half later, the girl got ready to go on vacation. Together with her friend and her child, Karina went to Turkey. Ten days at a foreign resort were enough for her to understand that she and Lesha Kupin had no future.
“We began to call each other less, I got in touch less and less. We only had internet in the lobby. We communicated minimally. In Turkey I met an Englishman, I really liked him. He was on vacation with his son. I posted a photo with him on Instagram. Lesha saw this and understood everything. That’s how our relationship ended,” said Karina.

Remembering the breakup, Karina feels neither guilt nor regret, since she immediately understood that the romance in Brest would not last long.
“When Lesha and I started hanging out, I told him that I would soon get tired of him. This really touched him,” the girl continues. - I burn out quickly, you know. We immediately told each other that we were hanging out and that’s it. He’s an athlete, he travels back and forth, there’s no stability, what kind of serious relationship could we talk about.”

Interestingly, upon returning home, Karina had to see Kupin to give him the suitcase that he gave her for the trip. Having met, they discussed what had happened and decided to continue communication, but in a different capacity. The girl shared with Lesha the details of her affair with that same Englishman, talked about her plans to learn English for his sake...

When, after a while, Karina decided to move to Odessa, where Kupin lived, he helped her resolve the issue of housing and things. In a word, he became a truly reliable friend for her.
“I came with my girlfriend, he helped us. - the brunette recalls with gratitude. - He put us up with a friend for a while and helped us with our things. Lesha is very good, he is a wonderful friend.”
Karina has not yet been able to get along with Alexei’s current lover, but she still hopes that over time they will be able to come to an agreement. Maya Dontsova made it clear that she does not intend to communicate with her ex-boyfriend and is ready to break off the relationship at any moment if she feels a connection between them.
