Background illness in severe psychopathy. Psychopathy. Symptoms of the main clinical forms of psychopathy

A psychopath is an individual characterized by an antisocial pattern of behavior, an inability to empathize and remorse for harming others, self-centeredness, deceit, and lack of depth of emotional reactions. Such an individual does not feel guilty about his own behavior. In addition, psychopathic individuals are incapable of establishing adequate relationships with other human subjects. Psychopathic subjects are difficult to corrective influence, but sometimes their state of “inadequacy” improves somewhat as they grow older.

Characteristics and signs of a psychopath

A pronounced antisocial personality disorder that creates serious barriers to adjustment in society. Often such a deviation of character is not acquired and is finally fixed on puberty stage, after that it does not persist throughout existence.

The described disorder often begins to develop in the pre-pubertal period. Its first manifestations include heartlessness and scarcity of emotions.

According to research, one to two human subjects out of 100 are psychopaths. Along with this, in the criminal environment their prevalence reaches 15-25 criminals per 100. In addition, approximately 10% of the adult population, who are not clinical psychopaths, display psychopathic traits, causing harm to surrounding individuals.

The origin of a psychopath, in addition to social conditioning, is also characterized by a connection with neurobiological dysfunction, due to which the individual suffering from the disorder in question lacks the ability to deeply experience emotions (attachment, joy). However, despite this, such a subject can look “charming” due to the expressed ability to believably imitate emotions.

There is a theory about “beneficial” psychopathy, which claims that a category of subclinical psychopaths can be distinguished, which formally follows the law. Such individuals reach professional heights due to the presence of psychopathic character traits, which others mistakenly mistake for leadership traits. However, this often harms the team in the long term.

The results of large-scale studies conducted in the previous century in the states, psychopathic traits were found in 1% of women and 5% of the stronger half. The prevalence of men among psychopathic personalities is also evidenced by data from studies of behavioral criminals. At the same time, an excellent hypothesis is widespread among scientists: the extent of female psychopathy is underestimated. It’s just that beautiful women have a different manifestation of psychopathic traits, for example, they are often less clearly expressed and are found in psychological violence rather than physical violence.

Not all psychopathic individuals are predisposed to coercion, pressure, violence, but still such subjects are dangerous for society, especially individuals with a criminal past. Their actions are destructive, especially in relation to human nature. A psychopathic personality exhibits exaggerated demands on the surrounding society. Such individuals are characterized by conflict, falling into rage without obvious reason and are often capable of murder.

Psychopaths can be thought of as social predators. This is expressed:

– in the absence of empathy (they feel the pain of other individuals, but do not reciprocate);

– in attempts to manipulate the social environment (they are professional manipulators, crafty and cunning);

- in laziness;

Many people often confuse psychopaths with sociopaths, since these terms mean dissocial personality disorders, and they also have similar manifestations, such as:

– irresponsibility and deceit;

– manipulation of people and their feelings;

– lack of empathy and remorse;

– ignoring the safety of others;

– disregard for social principles and laws.

The difference between the two deviations under consideration is the complete absence of pangs of conscience in psychopathic individuals, while maintaining the ability to plan. Sociopathic individuals are no longer restrained, impulsive, and therefore cannot “get stuck” in one role for a long time.

Psychopaths are often outgoing, charming, or calculating, but they are also more likely to react aggressively, they are characterized by insolence, they are more likely to become angry, and they are also more inhumane and may experience many more emotional outbursts.

Psychopaths often have a complete lack of emotional experience. They don’t understand why people around them are upset, happy, or feel a whole range of emotions. Psychopathic individuals often have good education and permanent place labor. They may develop family ties or enter into romantic relationships. In this case, the environment will not even suspect that their “neighbor” has psychopathic tendencies. In individuals living, so to speak, a “normal” life, the symptoms of a psychopath can be quite vague and most noticeable only among the immediate environment.

If a psychopath decides to commit a crime, he carefully thinks through all the details of the process. He will carefully think through and plan everything in advance. He will carry out his plans calmly and slowly. If a psychopath becomes a criminal, then all his offenses are organized “high-quality”. That is why, due to calmness, pedantry and innate charm, the described category of people make excellent swindlers.

If psychopaths are neat, pedantic and more detail-oriented, then sociopathic individuals are characterized by carelessness and inconstancy. They often do not think at all about the results and reactions to them.

Typically, sociopaths tend to change jobs frequently; they do not have special knowledge or education; it is easier to find them among the marginal layers of society. A sociopathic person can decide in a second to rob a bank and carry out the robbery without any plan.

How to recognize a psychopath?

Psychopathic disorder is considered a rather complex personality disorder because psychopaths often appear “normal,” even charmingb. Due to the mystery and complexity of psychopathy, it can often be difficult to recognize a psychopath.

However, there is still a universal set of behavioral patterns exhibited by psychopaths. The psychopathic personality is primarily characterized by a lack of impulse control, which, together with any semblance of emotional consciousness, leads to acts of hostility. Psychopaths may not always physically harm someone, but they are almost always verbally abusive and emotional.

Psychopaths are on a relentless search thrills. They choose actions that stimulate their insatiable desire for danger. And it doesn’t matter to them whether such actions will harm themselves or other individuals. They also care little about the legality of their actions. The described category of people is prone to. They are skilled “jugglers” of human emotions, actions, and deeds. They are also expert deceivers. They often manipulate or deceive individuals for the sole reason of having fun.

Basically, most psychopaths suffer too much. This category of people considers themselves much more intelligent and influential than they actually are. They like to “attach themselves” to successful individuals, to people with power, because this increases their personal status. They are convinced that they deserve better treatment than other human subjects. Their exorbitant sense of personal importance often leads to cracks in the “mask of normality.” When psychopaths feel that people are not giving them the “important” status, the status of proper attention, they seek to deliberately inflict pain.

Psychopathic individuals are impulsive and irresponsible. Both of these qualities are a sign of the disorder in question. Psychopathic individuals do not notice anything worthy of reproach in their own behavior, as well as in their way of existence. They are characterized by a pronounced desire to avoid responsibility for their own decisions or for the consequences of decisions made.

The category of persons under consideration is, therefore, their actions are determined by whims, current mood, desires. They can deceive, steal, offend only because they want to this moment. Their intimate relationships are often characterized by variability and constant change of partners.

Psychopaths have a deficit of personal ethics. As a rule, they do not adhere to strong moral standards. They act only in ways that are beneficial to them at a particular moment. They have little interest in the fact that others may suffer from their actions.

In addition to the listed signs, a psychopath is characterized by:

– rancor;

– short sleep;

– lack of gratitude;

– inconsistency;

– a lot of unfinished business;

– in minor conflicts, accusing the enemy of vices and lies;

– lack of long-term love affairs;

– extreme hobbies;

– groundless jealousy;

– sexual perversion;

– non-standard thinking.

In the sons of Adam, the violation in question manifests itself in the form of a well-thought-out strategy of behavior in society, masking real facts, success in the professional field, and high activity.

In women, this disorder is manifested in emotional imbalance and incontinence, and depressive moods. They are characterized by callousness and disregard for the feelings of loved ones. Since psychopathic women are dominated by cold calculation based on personal aspirations over other emotions, lack understanding and a sense of love, and are developed, they arouse the interest of many men.

Classification of psychopathic personalities

The disease in question is considered a borderline mental state. They occupy a position between character accentuations and progressive mental disorders.

In order to classify psychopaths, various aspects and approaches can be used. There are constitutional or nuclear psychopathy, which combine types of disorders caused by hereditary pathology, and regional psychopathy, caused primarily by improper upbringing.

In the post-Soviet space, the most popular classification was proposed by P. Gannushkin in 33 years of the previous century.

The constitutionally stupid variety of psychopaths is manifested by limitations and mental insufficiency. They study well. This is the difference from oligophrenia. However, after entering “adult” life, they encounter difficulties due to the need to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities and take initiative.

How to remove a psychopathic man from your life

Today, psychopathic traits are not uncommon among the sons of Adam. When the symptoms of the disorder in question manifest themselves in family relationships, then you will not envy the psychopath’s wife.

In relationships, the psychopathic man is often the despot. It’s normal for him to play with his partner’s feelings. It is quite difficult to remove such men from your life. After all, they always eloquently and repentantly beg for forgiveness, looking sincerely into the eyes, like a skillful actor, or they threaten. Staring intently at a frightened wife is a real pleasure for them. You need to understand that in such tense moments you should not shed tears of resentment, make excuses or insult your husband.

The most sensible solution is to break off the relationship with the domestic psychopath. Since the category of men in question achieves what they want only when they emotionally destroy their victim. Therefore, you need to learn how to behave competently with a psychopathic man:

– in case of any attacks of a psychological nature on the part of the faithful, it is necessary to distance oneself from him, for example, to do something important;

– when breaking up a relationship, you need to be careful, since an unexpected breakup often provokes an outburst of rage and aggressiveness, because in a relationship a psychopathic man is often prone to violence. Therefore, the ideal option for breaking up is to report this remotely, via telephone or using the capabilities of the World Wide Web;

– there is no need to blame yourself, since this is not only a break in relationships, but also saving oneself and loved ones from real danger;

– the plan to break off the relationship with the abusive spouse must be kept secret from him, since he will take all kinds of actions in order to prevent him from doing this.

How to recognize a psychopathic woman

The manifestations of the analyzed disorder in the sons of Adam are clearly noticeable. These are threats, aggressiveness, physical violence. Female psychopaths act more subtly, mainly through psychological violence.

The signs of this disorder in women are determined by differences in the behavioral model, caused by emotional experiences and an unusual idea of ​​​​society and one’s own place in it. The main difference between female psychopaths is their immersion in their own reality and personal experiences. They are often characterized by inappropriate actions and emotional assessment of events.

Also, the disorder in question in the weaker half manifests itself in an asthenic, unstable and excitable type. Psychopathic symptoms in women determine their behavioral manifestations.

Asthenic women are characterized by weakness and defenselessness. Everything constantly falls out of their hands, and as a result they are unsuitable for work. They get tired easily, both from mental work and from physical activity. The considered category of feminis is subject to the influence of others, they do not have their own opinion. They are often made an object of manipulation.

The excitable psychopath is the antipode of the previous type. Such women are stubborn and unyielding, scandalous. They can argue endlessly, defending their opinion. At the same time, this category of the weaker half is considered to be good workers, since they are not devoid of creative potential and responsibility.

The desire for adventures, various kinds of adventures, a beautiful life, unusual actions, and shocking behavior characterizes the unstable type. Women of this type prefer men whose relationship will be full of vivid emotions and an adventure. However, long-term relationships are not included in their plans.

Psychopathy (Greek psyche - soul and pathos - suffering) – a borderline disorder of personality development, characterized by disharmony in the emotional and volitional spheres. This is an incorrect, painful development of character, an anomaly of character, from which both the person himself and society suffer (“deformity of character”). Psychopathy is not a mental illness, but it is not a normal option, nor is it health.

Psychopathy is characterized by 3 main signs, established by the Russian psychiatrist P.B. Gannushkin:

1. The totality of pathological character traits that manifest themselves always and everywhere, under any conditions.

    Stability of pathological character traits - they first appear in childhood or adolescence, less common in adults, and persist throughout a person’s life; periodically they increase (decompensation) or weaken (compensation), but do not completely disappear.

    Violation social adaptation precisely because of pathological character traits, and not because of unfavorable external influences.

Psychopathy is formed by a combination of congenital or acquired early childhood(in the first 2-3 years) inferiority of the nervous system with unfavorable environmental influences (but the basis is precisely the biological inferiority of the child’s nervous system).

There are many reasons for the occurrence of psychopathy, the main ones are the following:

    hereditary factors - psychopathic parents most often give birth to children with a similar pathology (these are so-called constitutional, genetic psychopathy - the most unfavorable option, they cannot be corrected even with proper upbringing);

    alcoholism and drug addiction in parents;

    various factors that negatively affect the fetus in the intrauterine period of development (alcohol, nicotine, drug intoxication of the mother, taking medications, poisoning with anything, mental trauma and infectious diseases, especially viral ones, nutritional deficiencies, severe toxicosis of pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, placental abruption and etc.);

    birth injuries, asphyxia during childbirth, prolonged difficult labor, application of forceps, etc.;

    traumatic brain injuries, brain infections (meningitis, encephalitis), severe poisoning in the first 3 years of a child’s life;

    long-term debilitating illnesses in the first 3 years of life;

    disadvantages of upbringing (atmosphere of scandals, drunkenness, single-parent family, permissiveness, etc.)

Psychopathy should be distinguished from character accentuation.

Accentuation of character(Latin accentus - emphasis and Greek charakter - trait, feature) - these are mildly expressed deviations of character, sharpening of certain personality traits. This is not a disease, but one of the normal variants.

The concept of accentuated personalities was developed by K. Leonhard.

With accentuation of character (as opposed to psychopathy):

    social adaptation is not impaired (or the impairment of adaptation is minor and temporary);

    features of accentuation do not appear everywhere and not always;

    a person is aware of his shortcomings and tries to avoid situations that affect him, and with psychopathy there is an uncritical attitude towards himself and his own behavior.

Both psychopathy and character accentuations with similar manifestations are called the same.

Manifestations of psychopathy are diverse. Despite the rarity of pure types and the predominance of mixed forms, it is customary to distinguish the following classic types of psychopathy:

    Explosive (excitable) psychopathy . From the early childhood The child exhibits loudness, slight excitability, motor restlessness, light sleep with frequent awakenings, and twitching. Then the following main pathological features appear:

    1. irritability and short temper, lack of restraint,

      bouts of uncontrollable rage,

      mood disorders (sadness, anger, fear),

      aggressiveness, vindictiveness, despoticism,

      tendency to quarrels and fights (aggressive reaction like a short circuit “stimulus-reaction”),

      the desire to assert oneself at the expense of the weak,

      self-centeredness, cruelty, etc.

Behavior at school is uncontrollable; such a child cannot be taught discipline. Does not show interest in classes, studies poorly, does not feel the distance between himself and the adult. Most people have been drinking alcohol since adolescence, and their pathological character traits become even more pronounced (this is the group with the highest risk of developing alcoholism). They can be energetic and active. Among them there are gamblers (as a rule, this takes on a painful nature). Conflicts with others run through their entire lives and cause disruption in social adaptation: they are intolerant at school, in the family, in the army, at work.

With excitable psychopathy, those around him suffer more than the psychopath himself (although in fights he also suffers).

    Hysterical psychopathy . The first personality deviations appear in children at 2-3 years of age or in preschool age. Children are capricious, touchy, active, inclined to talk, imitate adults, imitate them; easily remember poems, jokes, anecdotes overheard from adults; They are impressionable and emotional, often the idols of the family. They have high self-esteem.

Hysterical psychopathy is characterized by:

    the desire to appear larger than it actually is;

    desire to be the center of attention;

    an unquenchable thirst for recognition;

    selfishness (living at the expense of others), selfishness, indifference to others;

    posturing, actions designed for external effect;

    tendency to lie, fantasize;

    the importance of assessing others;

    ability to gain trust and rapport

Such children and adults usually have a good memory, uninhibited thinking, and quickly master a new profession, but they are not characterized by perseverance and hard work. They only like what comes easy. They prefer professions where they can be visible. They have big problems with honesty and integrity (they should never be trusted to manage money). Like all weak individuals, they are cowards, they will betray and sell everyone, because... They love themselves more than anything in the world. Prone to alcohol abuse.

    Unstable psychopathy , in which there is blatant irresponsibility and lack of permanent attachments; people with such a character easily get married, easily leave, often change their place of work, place of residence (“rolling stones”), these are people who live for one minute.

4. Asthenic psychopathy .Its main features are:

    timidity, shyness, timidity;

    lack of self-confidence;

    lethargy, decreased activity;

    vulnerability, mimosis;

    increased fatigue, by the end of the lesson their attention is scattered, unable to perceive new material.

An asthenic person at home must rest for a long time before doing homework. Usually such children do not have friends, they cannot call and ask for lessons, or they are embarrassed to do so. Parents should constantly help them with homework. They are very worried before any important event - an exam, a performance, etc. A slight complication in their life situation causes them to have neurotic reactions such as neurasthenia. They cannot carry out assignments or hold positions associated with great responsibility and the need to manage other people. Moreover, failures in such cases are very painful.

5.Psychasthenic psychopathy . S.A. Sukhanov called psychasthenics anxious and suspicious individuals. Their main features:

    indecision, suspiciousness;

    tendency to doubt, difficulties in making decisions;

    tendency to introspection, mental chewing gum;

    a feeling of inferiority, but at the same time pronounced pride and increased appreciation;


    communication difficulties

Since childhood, such people are fearful, impressionable and anxious, and are characterized by low physical activity. At school age, anxiety intensifies, they painfully endure reprimands, repeatedly check the correctness of solutions to problems, and take the longest to complete tests in class (they double-check!). at the same time, most of them are of the thinking type and have good intelligence. They have an inquisitive mind, a desire to meticulously get to the bottom of things, they are excellent performers, they ask a lot of questions (but only to their people), but the call to the board is painful. The “weakest” point is the need to make a quick decision or complete work in a short time .

Psychasthenic psychopathy is the option when the person himself suffers the most, and not society (they spend their whole life in a heroic struggle with themselves).

6.Paranoid psychopathy .Its distinctive features are

    suspicion, suspiciousness;

    a high degree of readiness to form highly valuable ideas (most often ideas of jealousy, litigiousness, and invention);

    selfishness, self-confidence, lack of doubt;

    belief in one's infallibility;

    intransigence, activity in defending one’s idea

    heightened self-esteem.

    Schizoid psychopathy has the following features:

    unsociability, isolation, isolation, secrecy;

    phlegmatic, but also capable of outbursts of emotions;

    emotional coldness, dryness;

    lack of empathy;

    greater proximity to nature and books than to peers (such people are always aloof, often lonely);

    in friendship - constancy, importunity, jealousy;

    one-sidedness and inflexibility of judgment (a person can be boring, corrosive)

    Cycloid psychopathy, the main symptom of which is a constant change in mood (either high or low) with cycles from several hours to several months.

    Pathological drives , which include kleptomania, pyromania, sexual psychopathy (in which sexual satisfaction is achieved only in a perverted way), including:

    homosexuality (attraction to people of the same sex);

    sadism (satisfying sexual feelings while causing pain to a partner);

    masochism (satisfaction of sexual feelings when pain is caused by a partner);

    pedophilia (sexual attraction to children);

    sodomy, bestiality (sexual attraction to animals);

    exhibitionism (satisfaction of sexual feelings by exposing the genitals in front of people of the opposite sex) and others.

Various psychopathic personalities quite often come into conflict with others. By creating conflict situations themselves, they make it even worse for themselves, because... during a conflict, an additional psychogenic effect occurs and a psychopathic reaction may develop with an exacerbation of abnormal character traits (the teacher must take this into account). A psychopathic reaction occurs suddenly, in response to insignificant (for a normal person) events (for example, someone accidentally touched someone while passing by), as a rule, it is inadequate, most often expressed in the form of protest, indignation, anger, malice, rage and even aggression.

3.Neuroses and neurotic conditions in children and adolescents

Neuroses are the most common group of neuropsychiatric diseases in children. The manifestations of their neuroses are very diverse.

The cause of neuroses is interpersonal conflicts (neurotic conflict). Neurosis is a form of mental adaptation (with the manifestation of signs of maladaptation). It is always conditioned constitutionally, associated with the characteristics of the psyche, and not with the nature of the traumatic situation. The form of neurosis in a person does not change throughout his life. The neurotic form of response is established in childhood as a manifestation of overcompensation of some quality when significant relationships with the microenvironment are disrupted and has a childish connotation. There are no organic changes in the brain during non-existence.

An important feature of neurosis is that a person is aware of his illness and strives to overcome it. The ability to adapt to the environment is retained.

There are three main forms of neurosis:

      Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) - the most common form of neurosis. In the development of neurosis in children and adolescents, the main role belongs to stress or chronic psychological trauma , most often associated with conflicts in the family (quarrels between parents, alcoholism, their divorce, a conflict situation due to the lack of work of spouses, a sense of social injustice - the inaccessibility of much that other peers have) or protracted school conflicts. Has the meaning and the wrong approach to education (excessive demands, unnecessary restrictions), as well as poor health child due to frequent illnesses, contributes to the development of overloading the child with various activities , primarily intellectual (increased teaching load in specialized schools, additional classes in clubs, etc.). However, the factor itself of intellectual (as well as physical) overload in childhood and adolescence, although it can cause overwork and asthenia of the nervous system, in the absence of a traumatic situation, it usually does not lead to the development of asthenic neurosis.

Asthenic neurosis in its expanded form occurs only in children school age and adolescents (initial and atypical asthenic reactions are observed in children of early, preschool and primary school age).

The main manifestation of neurasthenia is the condition irritable weakness, characterized by On the one side, increased lack of restraint, a tendency to affective discharges of dissatisfaction, irritability and even anger, often aggression (excessive reaction to a minor issue), and with another- mental exhaustion, tearfulness, intolerance to any mental stress, rapid fatigue. Passive defense reactions are excessively expressed. At the same time, volitional activity is reduced, a feeling of futility arises against the background of over-responsibility, a depressed mood, there is dissatisfaction with oneself and everyone around, depression - severe melancholy, accompanied by a feeling of despair and anxiety, there may be attempts at suicide (suicide).

With neurasthenia, autonomic disorders are always present: palpitations, a feeling of heart sinking or interruptions, pain in the heart area, a tendency to vascular fainting (with a rapid change in body position), a decrease or increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath, increased vomiting reflex, decreased appetite, shallow sleep, cold hands and feet, sweating (hyperhidrosis), which contributes to the child’s colds, which in turn aggravate the course of asthenic neurosis.

      Hysteria (Greek hystera - uterus) - in frequency it ranks second after neurasthenia. Occurs in infantile, hysterical individuals with poor mental adaptation (often with a pyknotic somatic constitution), often in a traumatic situation associated with a contradiction between what is desired and what is actually achievable (low academic performance, inattention from peers, etc.), with damaged pride, with dissatisfaction with their position in the team. Its forms are varied and are often disguised as various diseases(“big liar”, “big monkey” - this is how this type of neurosis is figuratively called). Its forms reflect two well-known animal (and children’s) types of reaction in the face of danger - “imaginary death” (freezing) and “motor storm” (frightening, avoidance, attack) – seizures (type of epilepsy). A hysterical attack usually occurs in the presence of spectators and is aimed at attracting their attention. Partial fixation can manifest itself as functional paralysis and paresis, disorders of pain sensitivity, coordination of movements, speech disorders (stuttering, soundlessness up to complete muteness), attacks of suffocation reminiscent of asthmatic ones, etc. “Flight into illness” plays the role of a kind of pathological defense of the individual from difficult situations. situations, justify the child’s poor performance or eliminate the need to go to school.

      Obsessive-compulsive neurosis. It occurs more often in asthenics, people of a melancholic nature. It is believed that definite obsessive-compulsive neurosis cannot arise before the age of 10. This is due to the achievement of a certain degree of maturity of self-awareness of the child’s personality and the formation of an anxious and suspicious background of the psyche, on the basis of which obsessive phenomena arise. In younger children, it is advisable to talk not about neurosis, but about neurotic reactions in the form of obsessive states.

There are two types of neurosis:

    - obsessive anxiety neurosis(phobias). Their content depends on the age of the child. Children have more younger age obsessive fears of infection and contamination, sharp objects, and closed spaces prevail. In older children and adolescents, fears associated with the consciousness of their physical “I” dominate. For example, obsessive fears of illness and death, fear of blushing (ereitophobia), obsessive fear of speech in people who stutter (logophobia). A special type of phobic neurosis in adolescents is no expectation, which is characterized by anxious anticipation and fear of failure when performing any habitual action (for example, fear of giving oral answers in front of the class, despite being well prepared), as well as violation of it when trying to perform it.

    - neurosis of obsessive actions. However, obsessive states of a mixed nature often occur. In this case, the mood tends to decrease, and autonomic disorders occur.

    Children often have systemic neuroses :

    - neurotic stuttering - disturbance of the rhythm, tempo and fluency of speech associated with muscle spasms involved in the speech act. It occurs more often in boys than in girls.

    - Mutism ( lat.mutus - silence) is a disorder predominantly of school age (rare in adults), because The child’s developing speech is the youngest function of the psyche, and therefore is more often broken under the influence of a wide variety of harmful factors.

    Children with mutism need to be treated with care - not to punish, not to ridicule, not to insult, not to put them on the board until they speak.

    - neurotic tics– a variety of automated and unusual elementary movements (blinking, licking lips, twitching head, shoulders, various movements limbs, torso), as well as coughing, “grunting”, “grunting” sounds (so-called hospital tics), which arise as a result of fixation of one or another protective action. Most often observed between the ages of 7 and 12 years. Tics can become obsessive in nature, in which case they are a manifestation of obsessive-compulsive neurosis ;

    - anorexia nervosa– refusal to eat;

    - neurotic sleep disorder – disturbance of falling asleep, depth of sleep with night awakenings, night terrors, as well as sleepwalking (somnambulism) and sleep talking.

    - neurotic enuresis – unconscious urinary incontinence, mainly during night sleep ;

    - neurotic encopresis – involuntary release of feces, which occurs in the absence of disorders and diseases of the lower intestine. As a rule, the child does not feel the urge to defecate, at first does not notice the presence of bowel movements, and only after some time does he feel an unpleasant odor. Most often occurs at the age of 7–9 years, more often in boys.

    Treatment methods for neuroses are based on a combination of pharmacological therapy with various types of psychotherapy.

    Buyanov M.I. Conversations about child psychiatry. – M.: Education, 1992

    Buyanov M.I. Fundamentals of psychotherapy for children and adolescents. - M.: Education, 1998

    Doroshkevich M.P. Neuroses and neurotic conditions in children and adolescents: Textbook for students of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions / -Mn.: Belarus, 2004

    Enikeeva D.D. Borderline states in children and adolescents: foundations of psychiatric knowledge. A manual for students. Higher Ped. Educational institutions.-M.: 1998

    Fundamentals of psychological knowledge - Textbook. Author-compiler G.V. Shchekin - Kyiv, 1999

    list the most common signs of violations cognitive activity, emotional and volitional activity.

    name border mental states in children.

    explain the need for knowledge about such conditions for the teacher.

    characterize different types of psychopathy

    Having analyzed the causes of psychopathy, give recommendations for their prevention.

    give the concept of neurosis.

    talk about the types of neuroses and their prevention.

Questions submitted for independent study:

1. Factors for the risk of mental illness in the era of scientific and technological revolution: urbanization, physical inactivity, information revantation, etc..

Weiner E.N. Valeology: a textbook for universities. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – pp. 68-74; 197-201.

Additional block of information.

The living conditions of modern man differ significantly from those in which he became a biosocial being. In the early stages of the existence of Homo sapiens, he led a lifestyle close to natural. In particular, he was characterized by a high level of physical activity, which in itself corresponded to the neuropsychic stress necessary in the struggle for existence. People lived in small communities, lived in an ecologically clean natural environment, which could be replaced (but not changed) by the entire community if it became unsuitable for life.

The development of civilization went in the direction of property stratification and professional specialization of people, necessary for mastering new tools, increasing the length of training and gradually lengthening the period of specialization of part of the population. From the perspective of the life of one generation, all these changes occurred rather slowly, against the backdrop of relatively slow changes in the habitat, low population density and while maintaining a high level of physical activity. All this did not represent any special requirements for the human psyche that went beyond the requirements established in evolution .

The situation began to change with the beginnings of the development of capitalism and progressive urbanization, and most radically in the second half of the 20th century, when human lifestyle began to change rapidly.

Urbanization(Latin urbanus – urban) – socio-demographic process, which consists in the growth of the urban population, the number and size of cities, which is associated with the concentration and intensification of technogenic functions, the spread of a changed urban lifestyle

Urban population growth is sharp increased the density of person-to-person contacts.. Increased speeds of human movement lead to an increasing number of interpersonal contacts, and to a significant extent - with strangers. From a mental point of view, these contacts often turn out to be unpleasant for a person (the danger of developing distress). On the contrary, family relationships have a beneficial effect, if, of course, the relationships between family members are good. However, unfortunately, favorable family relationships occupy only 20-30 minutes a day in the family, according to statistics. There is often a disruption of traditional family ties.

Certain factors of a noticeably changed external environment have an undoubted influence on the psyche of modern man. So, The noise level has increased significantly within the city limits, where it noticeably exceeds acceptable standards(busy highway). Poor sound insulation, TV, radio, etc. turned on in your own apartment or in your neighbors. make the influence of noise almost constant. Unlike natural ones (wind noise, etc.), they have a negative effect on the entire body and on the psyche in particular: breathing rate and blood pressure change, sleep and the nature of dreams are disturbed, insomnia and other unfavorable symptoms develop. Such factors have a particularly strong impact on a growing child’s body, and the level of fear in children increases more clearly.

A special place in radioactive contamination plays a role in disruption of a person’s mental state(the nervous system is very sensitive to its effects), electromagnetic pollution in the form of radiation from a tangle of wires and electrical appliances (makes a person more aggressive). On the emotional sphere of a person Some forms of rock music also have an extremely unfavorable effect, which are characterized by a monotonous rhythm, emphatically emotionally intense coloring of the soloists’ voices, increased volume above normal levels and a special spectrum of sound.

It should be taken into account that the person himself is a source of weak electromagnetic and other physical fields. Perhaps a large crowd of people (and this is typical for a city) generates electromagnetic waves of various characteristics, which at an unconscious level can have a negative effect on the brain.

Indirect influence on the state of the brain and mental health also has chemical pollution of the atmosphere(an increase in carbon monoxide in the inhaled air worsens gas exchange in the brain tissue and reduces its functional characteristics, etc.).

Destruction of the natural human environment(which itself is a particle of nature), replacing it with an artificial environment made of stone and concrete, containing isolated spaces, etc., deforms the human psyche, especially the emotional component, disrupts perception, and reduces health potential.

The scientific and technological revolution led to a decrease in the share of physical labor, that is, to decreased level of physical activity(development of physical inactivity). This circumstance disrupted the natural biological mechanisms in which it was the latter that was the final link in life activity, therefore the nature of life processes in the body changed and ultimately the stock of human adaptive capabilities and its functional reserves decreased.

According to Academician Berg, over the last century, energy consumption for muscle activity in humans decreased from 94% to 1%. And this indicates that the body’s reserves have decreased by 94 times. Physical inactivity is especially unfavorable in children during the period of maturation of the body, when energy deficiency limits not only physical development, but also psychological (including intellectual). There may be a need for doping, first psychological, then medicinal, and quite possibly narcotic.

Physical inactivity turns off the final link of the stress response – movement. This leads to tension in the central nervous system, which, given the already high information and social overload of modern man, naturally leads to the transition of stress into distress, reduces physical and mental performance, disrupts normal brain function.

Modern life is associated with exceptionally large flow of varied information, which a person receives, processes and assimilates. According to some data, every 10-12 years the volume of newly acquired information in the world corresponds to that which was accumulated over the entire previous history of mankind. This means that modern children need to learn at least 4 times more information than their parents did at the same age, and 16 times more than their grandparents. But the modern human brain has remained almost the same as it was 100 and 10,000 years ago. This creates the preconditions for information overload. In addition, reducing the time for processing new information increases neuropsychic stress, which often causes negative reactions and conditions leading to disruptions of normal mental activity. At the same time, the brain tries to protect itself from excess and unfavorable information, which makes a person emotionally less sensitive, emotionally “dumb,” less responsive to the problems of loved ones, insensitive to cruelty, and then to kindness, aggressive. In some cases, this is already observed in young children.

The considered risk factors, characteristic of most cities, are associated with the so-called diseases of civilization - diseases widespread among economically developed countries: hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, gastric ulcer, diabetes, metabolic diseases, bronchial asthma, neuroses, mental disorders, etc.

List the main health risk factors associated with the scientific and technological revolution.

Explain the negative impact of urbanization on human mental health.

Describe the connection between physical inactivity and human mental health

Describe the effect of excess information on the human psyche.

Give the concept of diseases of civilization.

– congenital or acquired defect in the functioning of the higher nervous activity. Mental disorder is expressed in a person’s lack of basic emotions: affection, love, empathy and compassion. Psychopaths do not feel shame and do not repent of their crimes. This is why such people often become criminals.

A psychopathic person lacks real emotions, he constantly tries to replace them with something

Reasons for the development of psychopathy

Psychopathic disorder can develop as a result of both internal and external factors.

There are 3 main groups of psychopathy due to its occurrence:

  1. Nuclear (constitutional). Psychopathy is inherited or occurs as a result of damage to the fetus, before birth. The influence of the environment is also important, but it influences the formation of the defect to a lesser extent.
  2. Organic (mosaic). The onset of the disease is caused by cerebral-organic insufficiency. The role of external factors depends on the degree of this anomaly: the less pronounced the deficiency, the more significant they are.
  3. Edge and post-processual. Pathology occurs as a result of interaction with the environment. The appearance of psychopathy is influenced by psychogenic, situational, reactive and neurotic reasons. The role of biological factors in the formation of the disorder is insignificant or completely absent.

The groups of causes that give rise to psychopathic disorders do not affect the type of pathology and its characteristic symptoms. In most cases, the etiology of psychopathy is mixed.

Types of psychopathy and their symptoms

Regardless of what form of psychopathy is observed in the patient, it is always accompanied by characteristic signs:

  • violations of social adaptation;
  • development of stress personality disorder;
  • disharmony of behavior and personality in general;
  • the presence of deviations from childhood or adolescence;
  • behavior that does not fit into the norm and mental illness;
  • problems with social or professional productivity.

The generally accepted classification of psychopathy includes 9 large groups: asthenic, schizoid, paranoid, hysterical, epileptic, cycloid, unstable, antisocial and constitutionally stupid disorder.

Each type of pathology has its own characteristic features.

Asthenic subtype

Asthenic psychopathy characterized by timid, shy, indecisive behavior. This psychotype combines self-doubt with painful, hypertrophied pride. Asthenic psychopaths have difficulty withstanding changes and innovations in their lives and are very sensitive to any external stimuli.

The responsibility, diligence and discipline of such people allows them to achieve career growth. Leadership positions, however, are not suitable for asthenic psychopaths: they are unable to make independent decisions and take initiative.

The asthenic subtype tends to analyze and control everything that happens to him, but his thoughts and plans are always far from reality. Asthenics often suffer from obsessive thoughts and ideas, and are characterized by increased anxiety and suspiciousness.

Schizoid subtype

Schizoid psychopaths– closed, secretive individuals, divorced from reality. They are characterized by emotional duality: such people experience their own problems very acutely, and at the same time show complete indifference towards other people, including loved ones.

Schizoid psychopathy is characterized by unconventionality and extravagance. This psychotype has his own opinion about the world around him, which does not fit into generally accepted concepts. Among schizoid psychopaths there are many creative individuals and scientists - people for whom an original view of things is important.

Schizoid psychopaths do not tend to form permanent connections with other people. They treat others with disdain, often with hostility. Their activity is very selective: such people are inactive in making decisions everyday problems, but persistent and tenacious in achieving personal goals.

Paranoid subtype

Paranoid psychopaths distinguished by the formation of highly valuable ideas. Unlike crazy ideas, they have specific content and are confirmed by facts or events. However, the essence of such ideas is based on subjectivity and a one-sided view of things, so they often make no sense.

Due to his one-sided view of things, his ideas are considered crazy, so, as a rule, no one listens to him

Paranoid psychopaths are stubborn, self-confident, vindictive, suspicious and extremely touchy. They are distinguished by one-sidedness of hobbies and thinking, inability to tolerate criticism, and a strong desire for self-affirmation.

People of this psychotype are prone to conflict behavior. Lack of recognition and criticism of them leads to confrontation with other people. Paranoid individuals often organize “fights for justice”: they write letters of complaints to various authorities, and file lawsuits for any reason.

Hysterical subtype

Hysterical psychopathy is manifested by the patient’s desire to attract the attention of people around him. The behavior of such individuals is demonstrative, theatrical, expressive and always very pretentious. To be the center of attention, hysterics shock other people with their appearance, behavior or stories.

Hysteria is typical for children who try to attract attention to themselves, but do not know how to do it correctly

Pathological lies- the main characteristic of hysterical psychopaths. They exaggerate their merits and experiences, embellish the events that happen to them, and often invent situations that never happened. Lies can expose hysterics not only in a positive light: in order to gain attention, they do not hesitate to slander themselves.

Hysterical personalities are mentally infantile, characterized by superficial judgments and feelings. They are prone to suggestion and self-hypnosis, and often play a certain role. Such people lack critical thinking, their ideas and thoughts often contradict themselves.

Epileptoid subtype

People with epileptoid psychopathy are irritable, excitable, and prone to aggression. Outbursts of anger and rage occur regularly, most often for no reason or for an insignificant reason. After the epileptoid psychopath calms down, he repents of his behavior, but in a similar situation he acts in exactly the same way.

Psychopathic epileptoids stubborn, inflexible, vindictive, always convinced that they are right. Depending on their mood, they can be gloomy and pedantic, or flattering and sanctimonious. Such individuals are prone to arguments, scandals and nit-picking, and are unable to compromise. Due to their inability to get along with other people, they often change jobs and almost never start long-term relationships.

Epileptic psychopaths often break the law while in a state of passion. During an attack of anger, they are capable of any crime: beating, rape, murder. Also in this subgroup there are marginal individuals: alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, perverts, homeless people.

Cycloid subtype

Cycloid psychopaths– these are people with a certain level of mood, which is determined by biological factors. There are 4 subspecies in this group:

  1. Hypothymic, or constitutionally depressive type. Characterized by gloomy mood, unsociability, chronic discontent. Such people are prone to constant self-criticism, despite their diligence and conscientiousness. They always expect the worst, always consider themselves wrong, and do not like to express their opinions.
  2. Hyperthymic. This is excitable psychopathy, also known as “constitutional excitability.” People of this subgroup are positive, active, proactive and energetic. They have great self-confidence, are often optional and undisciplined. They are not afraid of failures, they are prone to adventurism and promiscuity.
  3. Cycloid. Characterized by constantly changing mood: from hypothymic to hyperthymic and vice versa. The duration of one period can vary from 5-6 hours to several weeks. The patient's behavior depends on the current mood.
  4. Emotive/reactive-labile. A subtype of the cycloid type, characterized by excessively rapid changes in mood. The condition changes every few hours or an hour, for no apparent reason.

The cycloid subtype is prone to constant dissatisfaction with the environment, depression, as well as loss of appetite and apathy

Psychopaths of the cycloid type, regardless of the subtype, are not prone to cruelty, aggression and antisocial behavior. Most often these are law-abiding citizens with strange behavior.

Unstable subtype

Volatile psychopaths– weak-willed, suggestible, easily susceptible to the influence of others. Their behavior and actions depend not on personal attitudes and goals, but on the environment, on external circumstances.

An unstable personality type is undisciplined and tends to ignore the obligations assigned to it. Because of his desire to please other people, he takes on a lot, but most often does not fulfill his promises.

Depending on the environment, an unstable psychopath can become a marginal person or a respectable member of society. He always needs a strong leader to guide him and show him what to do.

Antisocial subtype

Antisocial psychopaths– people characterized by emotional dullness. They are equally indifferent to censure and praise, and have problems with the simplest social emotions. Shame, remorse, fear, sympathy are unknown to these individuals.

Antisocial psychopaths do not feel any sympathy for the people around them. They are often indifferent and cruel even to those closest to them: their father and mother, their pets. They are not inclined to start relationships and do not care about anyone but themselves.

This subtype of psychopathy is more prone to cruelty than others. They enjoy torturing animals and other people, both mentally and physically. In order to hurt others, they do not need to be angry or in a state of passion. This type becomes criminal more often than others.

Constitutionally stupid subtype

A personality type characterized by mental disability. In origin, this type of psychopathy is nuclear: constitutional stupidity arises from the moment of birth, as a result of pathologies of fetal development or heredity.

Unlike mental retardation, individuals with constitutionally stupid psychopathy can study well at school and university and have a good memory. Problems arise when applying knowledge in practice: deviating from a memorized pattern, they get lost and cannot reproduce the necessary sequence of actions.

Roughly speaking, these are mentally retarded people who cannot repeat anything after a certain period

In the constitutionally stupid subtype, there are 2 large subgroups:

  1. "Unclear" or "Parlor Dementia". Unoriginal people who think in clichés and platitudes. They tend to repeat obvious things after other people. They often don’t understand what they are talking about and like to use unfamiliar terms.
  2. "Philistines" who do not have intellectual needs or requests. They are not interested in learning new things and developing. They successfully cope with simple, monotonous work that does not require mental effort.

Constitutionally stupid people love to follow fashion and are easily swayed by propaganda and advertising gimmicks. They are prone to conservatism due to their inability to adapt to new things. Despite their meager intelligence, they often have great self-esteem, considering themselves smart and creative individuals.

Features of psychopathy

Psychopathic-like behavior is more common in men than in women. According to statistics, men are 5-6 times more susceptible to this condition. In recent decades, this gap has been gradually decreasing.

Children suffer from psychopathy much less frequently than adults. Despite the fact that signs of pathology can be noticed as early as 3 years of age, most often this condition is found in adolescents over 14 years of age.

In men

Symptoms of pathology in a male psychopathic personality are varied. This is due to the fact that men are much more likely to suffer from psychopathy than women.

The main features of male psychopathy include the following:

Men tend to try to manipulate other people

  • love for other people;
  • depiction of feelings not experienced in reality;
  • tendency to cause physical harm to others;
  • difficult relationships with loved ones;
  • constant violations of the law, minor or major;
  • cruelty towards all living beings.

Psychopathic men are much more likely than women to commit criminal offenses in the heat of passion. They are also more likely to experience physical or sexual violence against family members and other close people.

Among women

Female psychopathy is characterized by less cruelty and aggressiveness compared to males. Among the features of psychopathic behavior in women, the following are distinguished:

  • tendency to kleptomania, theft;
  • hypocrisy, constant pretense;
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs;
  • sexual promiscuity, promiscuity;
  • vagrancy, begging.

Psychopathic women tend to have a promiscuous sex life

Women are much less likely to physically harm others. They are more prone to pretense and hypocrisy than men, and more often try to maintain normal relationships with loved ones.

In children

Childhood psychopathy can manifest itself at an early age: starting from 2-3 years of a child’s life. Symptoms become more noticeable with age, so this condition is most often diagnosed in adolescents over 12 years of age.

Features of the manifestation of psychopathy in children are as follows:

  • indifference to other people's feelings;
  • cruelty to other children and animals;
  • lack of remorse and guilt for bad deeds;
  • conscious desire for risk, lack of fear;
  • violation of prohibitions, moral principles and laws.

Psychopathic child indifferent to his performance, he does not seek to take responsibility. He cannot be frightened by the possibility of punishment or shamed for bad behavior. Such a child does not care about the feelings of parents and other people around him. All that interests him is himself and the satisfaction of his desires.

In children, psychopathy often manifests itself as cruelty towards their peers.

Due to their tendency to harm animals and other people, psychopathic children are often registered with the police. As one grows older, if this condition is not corrected by a psychiatrist or, a full-fledged psychopathic personality is formed.

Diagnosis of psychopathy

People tend to confuse psychopathic disorder with simple hysteria, with antisocial behavior. To find out whether illness or bad character is to blame for a person’s behavior, a psychotherapist performs the following diagnostic procedures:

  1. Conversation with the patient. The psychotherapist conducts a consultation with the person, communicates with him, asks questions. Based on the person's communication style, behavior and responses, the doctor makes conclusions about whether the patient is a psychopath.
  2. Communication with loved ones. The specialist contacts the patient’s relatives or friends. He asks questions about a person’s behavior, his inclinations and hobbies, living conditions and relationships with people around him.
  3. Collection of anamnesis and documentation. The doctor studies the records in the patient’s medical record and learns about past illnesses. He also takes a reference from the place of study or work, communicates with law enforcement agencies if the patient is registered.

In some cases, when the picture is unclear after the initial examination, psychological tests may be necessary. Doctors use Haer testing, Levinson Self-Report Psychopathy Questionnaire, PCL-R and MMPI questionnaires.

A diagnosis of “psychopathy” is possible only after a person reaches adulthood.

Treatment of psychopathological syndrome

The psychopathic condition is treated with the help of nootropics, symptomatic drug therapy and psychotherapeutic techniques.

Drug treatment

Treatment of psychopathic syndrome is carried out with the help of nootropics and psychostimulants. Supportive symptomatic therapy is also relevant.

Psychostimulant to neutralize the central nervous system

Drug groupsEffect on psychopathyExamples of funds
NootropicsNormalize cerebral circulation, improve memory and intelligence. They are used for organic brain damage, as well as for constitutional stupidity.Picamilon, Nootropil, Phenibut
PsychostimulantsThey are used for nuclear and mosaic psychopathy, neutralize organic lesions of the central nervous system and developmental pathologies.Vyvanse, Ritalin, Dexedrine
TranquilizersRelaxes, calms, relieves anxiety, stress, panic. They are used for strong emotional manifestations of the disease, for aggressiveness.Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine
Sedatives with natural ingredientsRelieves stress and irritation, calms. Allows you to cope with anxiety panic attacks, paranoia, hysterics and aggressiveness. Used as symptomatic therapy.Persen, Novo-passit, Valerian extract
Chemical sedativesCorvalol, Bromcamphor


NormotimicsRelieves sudden mood swings characteristic of the cycloid subtype. They also help control aggression.Valpromide, Carbamazelide
Antipsychotic drugsIncreases concentration, relieves stress and tension. Used as symptomatic therapy.Haloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
AntidepressantsThey stimulate the production of neurotransmitters and help overcome depression in hypothymic cycloid disorder.Melipramine, Trizadone, Fluoxetine
B vitaminsStrengthens the nervous system, allows you to get rid of stress, depression, psychosis, and increased aggressiveness.Angiovit, Compligam B, Pentovit


If the emergence of a psychopathological condition led to external factors, the doctor can correct this condition with psychotherapy.

The main methods used are:

  1. Individual consultations with the patient, personal communication with the doctor.
  2. Drawing therapy, modeling, other creative activities.
  3. Game activities using role-playing plots.
  4. Family consultations to solve intrafamily problems.

Family consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist is normal practice

Collective and group therapy, used for other mental disorders, is practically not used for psychopathy.

– a personality disorder that often masquerades as a “difficult character.” These behaviors arise as a result of biological and social factors. The psychopathological condition can be corrected with the help of nootropics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and psychotherapy.

When meeting an unusual, unpleasant or frighteningly strange person, people are surprised or indignant, explaining the behavior of the interlocutor with poor upbringing, bad character or the whims of an egoist. The impressions from such meetings will be so different that it is impossible to assume absolutely different people something in common. And yet there is a unifying principle for these situations. Its name is psychopathy. Communication with a person suffering from such a personality disorder is not always unpleasant. Sometimes such people even evoke admiration and genuine interest. But life next to such an individual cannot be called calm and balanced. It is always an existence “on the edge”. And on the verge of what - depends on the type of psychopathic disorder inherent in this or that problem person.

Biological and social causes of psychopathy

So what is psychopathy? Disease? Caprice? Bad character or the consequences of poor upbringing and environmental influences? There is some truth in all assumptions. But regarding this type of “sickness of the soul” (this is how the term is translated from Greek language) is still under debate. There is no consensus yet on the causes of this condition and its varieties. Even the term “psychopathy” itself is not entirely unambiguous, which is not very good for trying to give an accurate definition of the phenomenon. This expression is quite often used to refer to various mental illnesses. But other sources define psychopathy as a dissocial personality disorder.

Psychopathy can be classified as a so-called borderline condition. This may also be a characterological deviation that prevents normal functioning personality in society, makes a person’s behavior sometimes “strange” and sometimes simply unacceptable. But close to this “border” are also progressive mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease. Although there are no signs of organic brain damage in psychopaths. They often display extremely high intelligence.

Maybe it's just the consequences negative influence external circumstances? Or was it his irresponsible and short-sighted upbringing that made him this way? One can partly agree with such statements. Important factors for the development of psychopathy is really the negative (psychogenic) influence of the environment in which the individual developed and is located. In addition, there are no irreversible personality defects in people suffering from psychopathy. If environmental conditions change to more favorable ones, their mental anomalies are smoothed out.

But there are also certain characteristics of the body that make it possible for the development of psychopathy.

There are three reasons for the occurrence of this pathological condition:

  1. In the presence of hereditary characteristics (biological factor), the emergence of nuclear or constitutional psychopathy can be assumed.
  2. Acquired organic deficiency can cause a condition called organic psychopathy (mosaic psychopathy). Life circumstances still play a significant role in this case.
  3. In the case when biological factors play a very small role in the formation of a personality disorder, we can say that regional psychopathy arises. The occurrence of psychopathy depends on the characteristics of the general life situation and psychogenic factors.

Is it possible to raise a psychopath?

Psychopathy is observed in every hundredth child

In young children, you can observe signs that portend the possibility of diagnosing psychopathy:

  • Frequent quarrels and fights;
  • Stealing or damaging things that belong to other people;
  • The desire for constant “violation of prohibitions”, sometimes running away from home;
  • Lack of guilt;
  • Indifference to people's feelings and suffering;
  • Spectacular display of emotions for the purpose of manipulation;
  • Irresponsibility;
  • Pathological desire for risk;
  • Indifference to punishment;
  • Extremely active desire for pleasure.

It will be difficult for such a child, and subsequently for an adult, to adapt to society. And here a lot depends on upbringing and the conditions surrounding a person. If life circumstances traumatize a growing person, this can lead to antisocial behavior in the person in the future.

A characteristic feature of psychopathy is imbalance of emotional and volitional spheres with complete intellectual integrity. If favorable living conditions are created for a person with a similar illness, then his behavior will normalize. However, changes in behavior will not be the final “recovery.” A person with such a state of mental health is always “on the edge.” At the slightest destabilizing situation, a breakdown is always possible.

What unites and what distinguishes manifestations of psychopathy

Individuals suffering from a psychopathic disorder, despite quite obvious differences in behavior and characters, exhibit general symptoms this state:

  • Disharmonious behavior that is noticeable in all areas of life and relationships;
  • Problems arise in childhood and then become fixed;
  • Personality disorder causes deterioration in social and professional productivity;
  • Conduct disorder causes distinct adjustment disorders and personal distress.

The final classification of conditions that are various manifestations this “disease of the soul” has not yet been established.

Most sources identify the following main types of psychopathy:

  • psychasthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • excitable (explosive);
  • hysterical;
  • paranoid;
  • schizoid;
  • epileptoid.

Psychasthenic psychopathy characterized high level anxiety, fearfulness and self-doubt, sensitivity to traumatic situations.

Asthenic psychopathy manifests itself as increased timidity and shyness. Such people are extremely impressionable. They experience particular confusion when the environment changes, while acutely feeling their own inferiority.

Excitable psychopathy(explosive psychopathy) causes a person to be very high degree irritability, powerful outbursts of emotions, uncontrollable anger and rage. The personality experiences constant mental stress.

Hysterical psychopathy(hysterical psychopathy) is always an excessive demonstration of significance and superiority over others. Such people constantly act, they love external effects. This type of personality disorder sometimes makes a person prone to sexual perversion (sexual psychopathy).

Paranoid psychopathy. The main sign of this state is the desire to form “extra-valuable ideas.” Such people have rather narrow interests and thinking. They are self-centered, suspicious and jealous. The passive-aggressive version of this disorder is manifested by a tendency to quarrelsomeness, intensified by the “struggle for the truth.” This is a milder manifestation of paranoid psychopathy: psychopathy with a tendency to litigiousness.

Schizoid psychopathy makes people consider themselves very sensitive and vulnerable. This does not prevent them from being emotionally limited despots, somewhat autistic and very pedantic.

Epileptoid psychopathy. The manifestations of this condition are similar to the characteristics of personality changes in epilepsy. A person is dominated by a melancholy and angry mood, explosiveness along with inertia of thinking. Irritation is constantly present in behavior.

You can read about the treatment of psychopathy and its manifestations in our next article. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Do not be ill!

Psychopathy (from the Greek psyche - soul and pathos - suffering, illness) - a pathological personality, a deformity of character, resulting from the deviation of human development from normal under the influence of unfavorable conditions of the internal and especially external environment.

Unfavorable conditions of the internal environment: heredity, unfavorable intrauterine development;
Unfavorable environmental conditions: improper upbringing, bad influences.

Clinical symptoms.

Psychopathy is not a disease in the strict sense of the word; it develops gradually and remains inherent in man throughout his life, expressed in poor adaptability to changing environmental conditions, imbalance, weakness of self-control and increased reactivity.
This is a persistent but dynamic state, variable in quantitative terms: under favorable conditions, a more or less long period of time occurs when the person suffering from psychopathy has almost no signs of it.
On the contrary, under unfavorable environmental circumstances or the occurrence of any painful changes in the body, an exacerbation of psychopathy occurs, to the point that for a more or less long time the psychopath’s behavior is completely disorganized, the so-called pathological(most often the so-called psychogenic) a reaction that already has the character of a mental disorder.

Psychopathy is characterized by a very high tendency to form this kind of pathological reactions: mental irritation ( mental trauma) even a not very strong force, with which a person of normal mental makeup can cope well, causes a temporary mental disorder. This kind of instability of a psychopath, as well as the difficulty of adapting to the environment due to the excessive development of some and insufficient development of other aspects of him mental personality(disharmony of his mental makeup) make him a person who constantly suffers and makes others suffer.

Forms of Psychopathy.

Depending on the type of disharmony and personality development in patients, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Explosive (explosive, excitable), the main features of which are irritability, leading to bouts of uncontrollable rage, increased drives with an inability to restrain them, extreme quarrelsomeness and conflict.
  • Paranoid, which are characterized by a constant consciousness of their great superiority, the special significance of their personality, an increased critical attitude towards the environment and suspicion.
    Those suffering from this form of psychopathy tend to notice minor shortcomings in the environment, attach meaning that is unusual for them in reality (“overvalued ideas”), persistently strive to eliminate them, spending a lot of time and energy on this, bothering them with complaints and statements. Often this false, increased “activity” leads to litigiousness and squabbles; patients believe that they are being “revenged” for being “fighters for truth”
  • Hyperthymic, characterized invariably high mood, instability of aspirations and interests, increased sociability, distractibility and superficiality of thinking.
    They are constantly active, but not very productive, active, fussy, talkative, easy to make promises that are rarely kept; They are characterized by constant, but superficial optimism (“sunny natures”), an increased need to communicate with people with whom they get along very easily and quickly become friends.
  • Depressed , with constantly low mood, gloominess, gloominess, unsociability, silence.
    They are “incorrigible pessimists”, they see only the bad in everything, they grumble, they are dissatisfied with everything, they are monotonous and monotonous in behavior, they have difficulty switching to anything new, and they are always somewhat tense.
  • Asthenic, with increased exhaustion, sensitivity, slow recovery of energy and performance, and inability to make prolonged efforts. They are characterized by a constant awareness of their own insufficiency, an increased tendency to introspection, and self-doubt. They are often shy, easily worried and lost, and easily vulnerable.
  • Hysterical, with unnaturalness, pretense, theatricality of behavior, instability of desires, aspirations, motives, which are greatly influenced by others, due to their increased suggestibility.
    They are superficial in their judgments, fickle in their affections, and tend to take what is apparent and what they want as reality. Their entire psychopathic makeup bears the stamp of childishness and underdevelopment. They always strive to be in sight, to appear in a light favorable to them, and do not hesitate to lie, boast, or show off to achieve this. They are extremely fickle in everything, enthusiasm is easily replaced by despair, sympathy by antipathy. In difficult situations for them, they easily become confused, sometimes have pathological reactions with simultaneous crying and laughter (“minor hysterical attack”), stuttering, all kinds of “paralysis,” etc. (see Hysteria).
  • Psychasthenic, with pronounced self-doubt, with constant doubts, indecisiveness, lack of self-confidence, a tendency to introspection, weakness of desires, poverty of feelings and a tendency to obsessions.

The above description does not exhaust the variety of psychopathy.
Psychopath-like states that arise as a consequence of a previous brain disease should be distinguished from psychopathy.One of the most important differences here is that in changes in the mental make-up of a person (“character”), the beginning of pathological changes in personality can be approximately determined (dated); in its development it is possible to more or less accurately establish a “turn”, a change.


There are no special methods for diagnosing psychopathy.
At initial examination the patient needs to consult a psychologist;
EEG-electoencephalography to exclude organic brain pathology;
Laboratory tests of blood and urine.


Psychopathy, even pronounced, can be significantly mitigated by the right educational influence, corresponding to the nature of this psychopathy, sometimes with the addition of modern medications.
However, all these activities should be carried out only by experienced specialists; “Amateur” healing of psychopathy can lead to its deepening and complication.

Typically, psychopaths do not consider themselves to be suffering from pathology and very rarely consult a doctor.
There is no specific treatment for psychopathy. Rather, symptomatic treatment is used. First of all, it is necessary psychotherapy, and long-lasting. Sessions are often used abroad group therapy , long psychoanalysis (for years).

You need to be very careful with drug treatment . Often drug treatment may lead to undesirable results. Treatment of psychopathy with medications is usually carried out in case of severe aggression, irritability, hot temper for no reason, when the patient does not control himself and may be capable of committing a crime.
If pathological character traits are so pronounced that they complicate the life of the patient and his environment, it is necessary to persuade relatives and friends to see a doctor.
From medicines First of all, those that reduce aggressiveness and irritability are prescribed:

  • Antidepressants, Tranquilizers, Neuroleptics (with a tendency to aggression, with sleep disorders)