Games monster high love cocktail. Monster high cocktail games

Take a love potion class at the coolest online game for girls “Games cocktails Monster High.

Love cocktail

The beautiful Cleo De Nile is already for a long time meets with the handsome school son of the Gorgon Medusa herself, Deuce Gorgon. The couple is always romantic and practically inseparable, but a week ago Dew left for important matters to Scarizh with his mother and never contacted his beloved Cleo. The beauty was not used to such inattention, the monster’s indignation knew no bounds and the girl decided to brew a love potion that would return her lover’s attention and force him to constantly be with the girl. Making a love potion is not so easy; the recipe is very difficult and requires a lot of ingredients. The beauty urgently needs your help, as she cannot prepare a magical cocktail on her own.

At your disposal will be a large flash kitchen where you will find everything you need. To complete a task from this free online games You have an unlimited amount of time to complete Monster High cocktails. Use only high-quality and fresh ingredients, otherwise after drinking such a drink, Deuce will not love Cleo anymore, but he will simply feel sick. Experiment by mixing, shaking the components of the drink, not forgetting about accuracy. We hope that this flash potions lesson will be very interesting and exciting for you and you will get a lot of energy positive emotions. The game will play a cool melody, if you turn up the volume on your speakers, your gaming mood will become even more positive.

In order to start playing now this exciting toy without registration for girls, you just need to click on the bright icon with the inscription Play on the right side playing field. An ordinary computer mouse will help you control it.

Our beauty Kdeo De Nil got a job as a bartender in a trendy monster club. And the game “Monster High: Cocktails” will help her achieve cherished dream. Now she has accepted an order from her lover Deuce Gogon, and has decided to serve him a drink that will awaken reciprocal feelings. But she has completely forgotten the ancient recipe and is therefore forced to act at random. All the components of this magical potion are placed on shelves.

Help her navigate correctly and choose the right ingredients. But remember, your mistake is fraught with serious problems for the client. Up to death from drinking a cocktail. Think logically and everything will work out for you. After all, you yourself are unlikely to offer your friend a drink with cockroaches and other nasty things. Choose what tastes best, and the result will not be slow to appear. The game “Monster High: Cocktails” will make you feel like a sorcerer and wizard, who is subject to your deepest aspirations. We wish have a fun holiday and pleasant impressions.

What could be better than a delicious cool cocktail on a hot summer day? Yes, that's probably it the best remedy quench thirst. What if you add something unusual to this cocktail to make you fall in love with yourself? young man? Then this drink can help create love in a couple. Today you will be able to play the role of one of the students of the Monster High school, namely Cleo de Nile, and try to independently prepare a love cocktail for her beloved Deuce Gorgon.

Games in the Monster High Coloring Pages section bring to your attention a colorful flash game for girls, Monster High Cocktail Games, in which you will learn how to make your own cocktails from a variety of ingredients in order to make a guy fall in love with you. Spend your free time in the company of the famous Cleo de Nile and Deuce Gorgon and try to help young people plunge headlong into the wonderful feeling of love. the site wishes you success in this magical endeavor!

Tips for passing:

After this entertainment loads on your monitor screens, click on the button labeled Play to begin playing it. Now you will find yourself in the bar of the famous restaurant in the city of fears, Scarizh. Here Cleo de Nile will act as a bartender, and your task will be to help Mummy’s daughter prepare a love cocktail for her first visitor Deuce Gorgon, with whom she herself is madly in love.

In order to make a cocktail, you need to fill the container with the necessary ingredients, mix everything well and pour the contents of your container into a glass. Now let Deuce try your cooking. Did everything go well? If not, then you can start creating your love cocktail again.
