How to have a fun weekend - the best ideas and options. How to spend your weekend

At the end of the work week, everyone wonders where and how to relax on the weekend. But beyond the common, and most importantly, not too burdensome and original ideas(sit comfortably in your favorite chair, watch TV, do household chores, go shopping or talk to a friend on the phone) things don’t work out.

And the next weekend becomes a “nothing special” day. Such rest does not bring benefits and throws off the rhythm. And you shouldn’t reassure yourself that two days is too little for complete relaxation.

It’s in your hands to change everything, if you have the desire. Just don’t forget that the main rule have a nice rest- forget about work. And about home as well. There’s no point wasting your already short weekend on another general cleaning or creating an exotic culinary masterpiece. Devote your weekend to something that will help you relax. Do you think that you can truly relax only during a long vacation? Does your colleague’s question about how your Sunday went leave you somewhat confused, forcing you to recall point by point the list of “to-dos” that you were able or did not have time to complete? Then this article is for you.

The success of any vacation lies in planning

Take a piece of paper, close your eyes and just dream about where and how you can relax on the weekend. Undoubtedly, the choice will depend not only on your desires, but also on the time of year. Think and correctly decide on the purpose of the future weekend. What do you want most now? There is no need to make grandiose plans right away. Start small and make a list that might look something like this:

  • go on an impromptu trip through the streets of your hometown;
  • attend an event in cultural, sports and leisure centers (theater, cinema, concert venue, art gallery or museum, sports match);
  • arrange a SPA weekend, visit a makeup artist and hairdresser;
  • relax in an aqua park or a regular swimming pool;
  • sing in front of an audience in a karaoke bar;
  • rollerblade around the main square of the city;
  • sign up for an equestrian club and take a country ride on horseback.
  • go with friends or loved ones on a bicycle trip to the nearest, interesting from your point of view, city or to the forest for a “quiet” hunt (options are possible: a bicycle ride through the picturesque surroundings of your hometown or in a park may include searching for mushrooms or a picnic in a clearing in the shade trees).

The bulk of the proposed ways to best relax on weekends relate to the spring-summer period. Hot sun, fine day, great mood- all these are indispensable companions of the warm season. But you also want to relax in the middle of autumn or winter. By the way, it is the seasonal lack of ultraviolet radiation that negatively affects our body, causing us to experience depression and loss of strength. To increase your vitality and lift your spirits, you should not neglect relaxation during the cold season. If it’s winter, then your list can be supplemented with quite accessible and fun activities:

  • remember your childhood and ride down a hill on a sled or tubing;
  • master skiing or snowboard, ride a kite on a frozen lake or river;
  • run through the forest or park on cross-country skis;
  • go to the skating rink with friends.

This list can be continued for a very long time. The number of items in it depends only on your desires and preferences. It is worth noting that such a vacation will not cause much damage to your wallet, will perfectly cope with the blues and bring new colors to life. The experience you get from any of the above ways to spend your weekend in a fun way will stay with you for a long time and inspire you to do great things throughout the week.

Discover your city and experience the beauty

How long have you deviated from your usual route - work, home? How well do you know your hometown? Can’t you remember when you just wandered through its shady streets without any purpose, dreamed under the shade of trees in the park, admired the evening lights? This means it’s time to remember your carefree youth and give yourself the opportunity to turn back time. Arranging a short impromptu trip around the city where you live is quite simple. Leave the car at home, put on some old sneakers - and go ahead, towards the impressions!

And although your legs won’t have to rest, your soul will fully enjoy the view of long-familiar and not so familiar places, and will absorb the spirit of a modern metropolis not only at a time when it is filled with the hectic events of everyday life. After all, you’ve probably already forgotten what the city looks like during the quiet hours of the weekend, when there is no noise and fuss around, and friendly smiles are increasingly flashing in the usual kaleidoscope of human faces. Here he is - a little sleepy on Saturday morning, and here he is festive and elegant on Sunday evening, and now he looks like a woman who, putting on her favorite robe, leisurely leafs through a book, sips coffee and enjoys quiet hours of idleness. Well, is it tempting? Then what are you waiting for?

Remember your childhood, when a trip to the neighbor’s yard seemed like an adventure, an event full of incredible discoveries. Believe me, your city can present you with a lot of surprises and open up from a new, unknown side. You just have to drive a few stops, bypassing the usual routes, and a famous stranger will appear before you, just waiting for the moment when he can tell you about his secrets and secrets. On such a trip, you may come across an interesting coffee shop or a small cozy restaurant.

If you decide to explore new routes with your significant other, then a properly and on time romantic dinner will be the perfect end to the weekend. By the way, this little trip You can improvise or decide in advance where you would like to go, guided by the city map. Just listen to your inner voice and go for a long and pleasant walk.

When was the last time you went to the theater or cinema? Is it already difficult to remember? So what are you waiting for, already on Thursday wondering where to go next Saturday? Look at the city poster. Why not take a couple of tickets to a new show and go to the theater with a friend, girlfriend or child? Experience the beauty, because nothing inspires more than the opportunity to enjoy the true art of acting.

Have you already visited the art gallery, where a new exhibition has appeared very opportunely? If not, then go without hesitation. After all, relaxing and at the same time receiving pleasant impressions from a good performance, an interesting exhibition or a new film is not only right, useful and educational, but also so cool! They can become a fond memory that will help you get through the next work week until the next weekend.

Weekend with benefits for the body

Still, the best thing for a woman is the rest that allows her to become even more beautiful. So why lie on the couch once again, aimlessly asking yourself where to go, if the answer suggests itself? Leave all the boring household chores, worries and troubles for later. Believe me, no one will die of hunger if mom doesn’t cook something masterpiece for lunch, but simply puts yesterday’s cutlets on the plates and buckwheat porridge. Or you can even ask your spouse to arrange a romantic dinner. It’s enough just to whisper to him about what reward awaits him at night, and it’s done. Rest assured, your husband will not only feed the children dinner, but will also set the table for your return, not forgetting the champagne and flowers.

Allow yourself to relax in the experienced hands of a massage therapist, experience the incomparable pleasure of SPA treatments, change your hairstyle, get a manicure-pedicure, get a light summer tan in the middle of winter and experiment with makeup. In order to feel rested and full of strength, subtly change your style and hear from your loved one how beautiful you are, and from friends receive well-deserved compliments and questions about where you went this weekend that you managed to acquire such a fresh look, just That's all you need to visit a beauty salon.

You can create for yourself and those around you the illusion that you have actually visited a resort and spent time comfortably on the snow-white beaches of some exotic island. Go to the water park! Rest In a similar way good if you want to be with family, friends and children. With all kinds of water attractions, Jacuzzis, saunas, slides and diving boards, there is something for everyone. Such rest can be called active. And what can give you strength and vigor better than a well-spent Saturday afternoon, if it is planned in advance and correctly!

A fun and stress-free weekend for the whole family

For those who love to sing, it will be quite easy to answer the question of where to relax on the weekend. Of course, in a karaoke bar! Moreover, this is not only an opportunity to cover the entire repertoire of your favorite performer, but also a chance to relax with friends. Talk over a cup of coffee, laugh and have fun. Remember how as a child, standing in front of a mirror with a makeshift microphone, you imagined yourself as a star, applauded by enthusiastic fans. A large group will help you feel more confident if you feel uncomfortable speaking in public. They are your friends, which means they will definitely support you.

By the way, this way to relax in a fun and relaxed way is also suitable for those who want to please their child. Why not go with him to a children's cafe that has karaoke? Sing the “Baby Mammoth Song” or “Leopold the Cat Song” together, and then enjoy watching your baby have fun with other children. Such weekends will remain in the memory for a long time, bringing a smile to the lips when remembering a special funny moments. And if you capture all this on a photo or video camera, you will have the opportunity to relive the wonderful moments.

In warm sunny weather, it’s a good idea to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in a nearby park. Walk along the paths of cozy squares, enjoying the play of light and shadow in the foliage of the trees. Or remember your old dream and learn to roller skate. True, this type of vacation will be safer if you take with you one of your friends who is confident in this method of transportation. Weekends are great. But still, do not forget about the sense of self-preservation.

By the way, ask your child for help. Perhaps he will be the one who will help you master videos. You will have another point of convergence of interests, and you will be able to say with confidence that this weekend brought you not only the pleasure of a pleasant pastime, but became another way to get closer to your child.

Horseback riding: horse or bicycle?

If you like horseback riding or you have simply dreamed of learning to ride a horse for a long time, but put off realizing your dream until later due to lack of time, then for you the most correct answer to the question of how to relax on the weekend is to visit an equestrian club. This adventure can be a one-time event, or it can mark the beginning of serious horse riding. Of course, this type of vacation will require some investment from you - equipment and an entry fee. But just imagine the pleasure you will get by learning to interact with these noble, intelligent and beautiful animals. How will your posture change?

Horseback riding will help you remember that no amount of everyday life can make you slump your shoulders wearily. This is the only way, with your head held high and the posture of an august person, should you go through life modern woman. Horseback riding outside the city will help you relax, enjoy the beauty of nature and get such a positive charge that will last for the entire working week. And for those who experience an overwhelming fear of these proud animals (yes, everyone has their own phobias), help will come iron Horse.

Probably one of the most popular ways to spend a weekend in the summer is to leave the bustling metropolis and spend time in the lap of nature with family or friends. But why not make it more difficult? Or rather, give it a certain touch of adventure or make such a trip not only fun, but also useful. No, we are not talking about occupational therapy or coordinated weed control in a summer cottage. We agreed to forget about community service. Your goal is only to relax, because that’s what weekends are designed for.

All you need is to change your usual way of traveling in a car or on a commuter train to a bicycle. Decide on the route in advance and look at the maps so as not to get lost and correctly calculate your own capabilities. For those who are not very sure that they can handle a long bike ride, you can divide the journey into two stages: do half the journey by car, bus or train, and half by pedaling and exposing your face to the wind and sun. This holiday is suitable for those who love extreme sports. If the terrain allows, you can always arrange a small competition in cross-country driving.

A bike tour outside the city is not only a way to have an active holiday, but also a chance to breathe fresh air and get a wonderful tan. And if you come up with Interesting games or try to surprise your friends and family with a new recipe for cooking barbecue, then this way to spend the weekend will become your favorite. And it doesn't matter what you do. Whether you fly a kite with your children, build castles out of river sand, have a competition to see who can swim to the other side the fastest, walk through the forest picking berries, or just lie back and enjoy the company of friends, you are truly relaxing.

If you choose a bike ride as an opportunity to spend your weekend in an unusual way, be sure to take care of a first aid kit and a map. It is likely that you will not need them. But on any journey, even such a short one, you need to be prepared for any surprises, so that in case of trouble you don’t rush around, not knowing where to run for help.

Winter has opened its snowy arms

Don’t think that if it’s winter, snow has fallen and a light frost pricks your skin, then you need to sit at home and dream about the onset of warmth. Of course, sometimes you really want to spend the weekend, sitting comfortably in a chair and throwing a warm blanket over your shoulders, indulging in your own thoughts and plans, reading a book you bought a long time ago or watching an old movie. But two weekends in a row, spent in this way, can inspire such unbearable melancholy and melancholy that you want to howl like a wolf. Therefore, the time of year is not an obstacle to active relaxation fresh air. For those who still don’t know how to have fun on weekends in winter, there are also plenty of ways to relax and take your mind off thoughts about work in the company of friends or family.

For example, you can go to the nearest sanatorium for a couple of days, where you will have comfortable rooms and all kinds of procedures, entertainment and fresh air. But this will require some costs, and you will have to take care of booking tours, buying tickets, and so on in advance.

If you prefer the opportunity to make your wildest dreams and desires come true over a comfortable holiday, then a winter weekend for you can turn into a real adventure. Do you want to try something new and unknown? A ski walk through the winter forest is a great chance to enjoy snow-covered landscapes and clean frosty air. Photography enthusiasts will be able to add a lot of interesting photographs to their portfolio. And such a walk will be beneficial for your health. Just don't go on a ski trip alone. You will be much more fun and safer in company. You can take a short break and sit by the winter fire.

Many people pay a lot of money to vacation on famous ski resorts. And you can afford to ski from the slopes of ravines without spending almost anything. Sea vivid impressions the wind hitting your face and snow-covered trees flying past will allow you to get a boost of energy, good mood and a dose of pure adrenaline. By the way, and a light tan from winter sun will suit you.

For a couple of evenings, forget that you are serious adults, and sledding will help you return to childhood. Just for a moment imagine the breathtaking feeling of flight as the sled flies down the mountain. The unadulterated happiness you experienced as a child will return, turning an ordinary weekend into a trip in a time machine. So why not call your friends right next Saturday with an offer to go and ride like a breeze from the highest mountain?

By the way, progress has also touched winter activities. A snowmobile and snowmobile ride is a godsend for lovers of extreme winter activities. You can arrange races or simple friendly competitions. Don't be discouraged if you don't have the necessary equipment. Many recreation areas provide rental services for sleighs and snowmobiles. So you won’t have any problems with transport.

You can master enough the new kind winter recreation - snowboarding. Of course, it is difficult to comprehend this science alone. In addition to a special board and a sense of balance, you will need advice from those who already know how to ride. This means that this way of spending the weekend can be repeated until you feel confident on the slope. When you learn to avoid obstacles, you will get real satisfaction from the fact that you not only had a rest, but also learned something new.

Don't forget about the usual winter fun - ice skating. Here you can choose either an indoor skating rink, the frozen surface of a natural reservoir or ice paths under open air in the city park. By the way, invite your children to go with you, they will only rejoice at the opportunity to relax with their parents, and in such an interesting way. You will see how the eyes little son and the little girls will shine with happiness and pride for being introduced to such adult fun.

It is worth noting that it is not at all necessary to have your own skates, skis, sleds or snowboard to relax on a winter day. Many sports equipment rental shops will provide you with everything you need for a small fee. All you need to do is choose the right clothes and take a thermos of hot tea with you so that you can take a sip or two and catch your breath between rides.

Yes, and in order not to think about where to go for a snack with your children, take sandwiches. Of course, you can solve the issue of food in a cafe, but to do this you will have to interrupt the entertainment, change your shoes, and so on. It’s much more pleasant and easier to have a little snack on the go and fly forward again, exposing your face to the winter wind. How surprised you will be by the appetite of a child who, just this morning, capriciously refused a healthy and nutritious breakfast!

The best way to combat boredom and routine is active recreation. And you don’t have to wait for a vacation to relax and get a boost of energy for your soul and body. Often, a long wait for the cherished two weeks results in the fact that they fly by in an instant, and you do not have time to fully enjoy such a short period of freedom.

Agree, the feeling that a trip to the sea is just a dream, beautiful, but so short, often accompanies the first working days after returning. This is due to the fact that we do not know how to properly relax in our hometown or village. Therefore, fill every minute of your life with meaning, giving joy to yourself and your loved ones. Then every weekend will turn into a holiday. And you will never be bored or start the work week in a bad mood.

Everyone has their favorite places to go. What about those parts of the city you've never been to? Weekends are a great opportunity to sign up for an excursion, go to a local history museum, or simply wander through unfamiliar streets.

2. Gather friends

True, in the cold season you don’t always want to walk in the snow and piercing wind. The solution is to gather friends. Just like that, without any reason. And it’s even better to invent this reason: the New Year’s rehearsal, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, the release of a new episode of your favorite TV series. Are you short on ideas for themed parties?

3. Disassemble and sell old things

Many people have a bunch of retro junk collecting dust at home, which can either be donated to those in need, or sold at a profit on Avito or eBay. And now it's time to do it. While you're sorting it out, indulge in memories.

4. Arrange a photo shoot

The days fly by and you can't even remember what you did last weekend? Try to capture every pleasant moment of your life in a photo.

Choose something complex and beautiful, buy everything you need at the store and get started. Try to decorate the dish as in a restaurant, light candles that have been gathering dust in the closet since last New Year, mix an unusual cocktail. The weekend is a holiday that is always with you.

6. Spend time with children

Weekends with children are good chance return to childhood for a short time without being branded an infantile eccentric. Go to a new cartoon in a cinema, a children's show, a zoo, a planetarium, an aquarium, a museum of entertaining science, toys or sweets (yes, not all museums are dedicated to boring things). If you don’t have your own children, you can “borrow” them from friends or relatives.

7. Take care of your health

Think about what you would like to change about yourself, what in your body gives you the most discomfort, what doctors previously recommended to you. And then you can either go to the gym or choose exercises for yourself.

8. Build a collection

And it doesn’t matter what it will be: a herbarium, a collection of minerals, insects or cups. Creating a collection doesn't have to be expensive. The same plants and stones are easy to find literally under your feet.

9. Make a family tree

This is also a great opportunity to chat with distant relatives whom you haven’t called for a long time. There are resources on the Internet that can help you find your ancestors. What if no one knew, but you are a count?

Get some quiet time with a good book. And if you don’t want to spend money on new books, try raiding the nearest shelves for bookcrossing. Surely there will be something to your liking there. Just don't forget to leave something on the shelf too.

The task is extremely simple: go into a bar, drink a glass of beer or a shot of something stronger and move towards another drinking establishment. All this, of course, in the company of friends. You can continue either until you lose the ability to move, or until you run out of money.

12. Learn something new

IN major cities There are plenty of courses and coaches that can teach you anything. And if you don’t want to spend money on teachers, you can be patient and learn a new skill with the help of tutorials from the Internet.

13. Do geocaching

Geocaching is a quest on a global scale. Geocachers place capsules in the most different places and leave instructions on how to find “treasures” on their website. To find a “treasure”, you need to solve a riddle, and to solve a riddle, you need to know well the history of the place in which it is hidden. There are probably at least a couple of such “treasures” in your city. As soon as you become more adept at finding them, you can start laying new capsules yourself.

14. Improve the interior

Why not rearrange the furniture? It's time to change something in this life. And on weekends there is just time to decorate your home and make the environment more comfortable.

15. Place a time capsule

Collect small things that you have memories of in a box, write a letter to yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years and put it somewhere away. It is not even necessary to bury the time capsule in the ground; it is enough to seal the box so that it cannot be opened without breaking it, and put it in the far corner.

16. Have a movie marathon

Pick three favorite TV shows or movies that you've been wanting to get to for a long time and watch them non-stop. Popcorn, pizza and other goodies will complement the experience.

You can go to a farm outside the city, to a petting zoo, go to a pet store, or just visit friends who have a pet. A sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.

18. Make something with your own hands

Handmade things are valued much more than factory-made ones, especially in the era of mass market. You can start with greeting cards, soap, candles - all this does not require any special skills or special artistic talent. And there, maybe you can make money from crafts.

19. Go on a trip

There is also a lot of interesting things in neighboring cities! Museums, estates and simply beautiful historical buildings are just waiting for you to get to them.

20. Start keeping a diary

21. Become a gardener

You can arrange a small flowerbed near your house and be happy every time you pass by it. And in the cold season, try to grow something on your windowsill.

In summer the parks are full open lessons dancing: they give you the opportunity to move around and meet new people. Besides, all year round dance schools offer free trial lessons. If you don't like it, you have nothing to lose.

23. Organize your photos

Select the photos that are really important to you and order a print from a photo salon. Whatever they say, this way of preserving memories is both more pleasant and reliable than gigabytes of photo archives in computer memory. And you can make a photo album yourself.

24. Do charity work

Cleanup work ceases to be a tedious obligation if you organize it yourself. You can also become a volunteer at a shelter, help your disabled neighbors, go donate blood and encourage your friends to do all this. Help people and feel like a good person.

25. Relax

And this doesn't just mean lying on the couch all day. For quality relaxation, it is better to master meditation techniques or yoga. Or, at worst, soak in a warm and fragrant bath.

Weekend... This word sounds like music to everyone, with the exception of only the most notorious workaholics who are ready to work without breaks. For most people, the weekend is a period when they can take a breather, get some sleep... and then spend most time for grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. What if you try to slightly modify the script? And at least sometimes leave the weekend just for relaxation and fun time with family, friends and loved ones.

So, how to spend your weekend? To keep you in a good mood, try to get all your work problems out of your head. You shouldn’t take work home in hopes of “pulling up your tails” a little over Saturday and Sunday (of course, we’re not talking about rush jobs). Because if you spend the entire weekend or even part of it, working on various tasks, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a proper rest. And if you decide to rest, then you will be haunted by remorse for time is running, and you won’t get down to work. Also, you should not constantly scroll through certain work moments in your head. Let the weekend become a time of rest from work, because in this case, by Monday you will gain strength and rush into battle with renewed vigor! And the efficiency of your work will be much higher, and you will accomplish much more than you would have done in the past two days at home.

Weekend in the city

How to spend a weekend in the city? There are many ideas for this case. Start by studying the city's posters - perhaps there is a film or play on at the cinema or theater that you have been meaning to see for a long time. Or maybe it’s time to buy yourself or your household a few new things? Then you should visit shopping mall, where you can not only buy everything you need, but also have a snack before further adventures. Those who are thinking about it can be advised to go to the zoo or circus, watch an interesting cartoon in the cinema, eating it with popcorn and juice, or visit some game center with an abundance of all kinds of entertainment, dear to the heart of any child. If the weather outside is good, then it’s time to go to the park, take a walk and take the children on the rides (by the way, many modern rides can also be used by adults, so you are guaranteed a dose of adrenaline). You can also go to the skating rink or rollerblading. Don't you know how?

And if you don’t have any mood to get out of the house and go somewhere, then give yourself a real lazy day. All you need is a cozy blanket, a CD with your favorite movie and a plate of something delicious. You can spend such a weekend at home either alone or with your family - this will bring everyone in the household even closer together.

Weekend in nature

How to spend a weekend in nature? Of course, such a pastime is more focused on the summer months, although if you wish, you can get out of the city in any weather (with the exception of rain and severe frost) - there will always be something there, you can play snowballs and sculpt snowmen - this is an excellent option for a family weekend that both children and adults will remember for a long time. In spring you can look for the first flowers and collect bouquets, admire the awakening of nature and rejoice that winter with its snow and frost is left behind! Autumn is a great time for the most beautiful and vibrant photographs against the backdrop of a golden-fiery carpet of leaves. If you are still wondering how to spend a weekend with friends or family, then going out of town together is what you need. You can rent a house at a suburban recreation center or even organize a two-day hike with an overnight stay in tents, or you can get out for one day - in any case, you are guaranteed a dose of good mood and vigor! And for lovers of active recreation, a bike ride or even horse riding is perfect.

Weekend with loved ones

How to spend a weekend with your loved one? You can arrange a real one without waiting for February 14th. Go to a cafe or hang out at home, spoil each other pleasant surprises and confess your love again. And even if your chosen one is not particularly sentimental and romantic, such a weekend will not leave him indifferent. You can also go for a walk with your loved one and simply wander through the alleys of the park, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes. If you have similar musical tastes, you can go to a concert of your favorite artist.

Although you can spend the weekend with your loved one without leaving home at all. A pleasant movie on DVD, cooking lunch or dinner together, a relaxing bath, candles and declarations of love - this is the kind of weekend you and your loved one will want to repeat again and again!

First you need to understand that lying on the couch is not an option, it is a boring activity, the same as sitting at the computer and playing new games. It’s better to do something interesting and exciting, at the same time you can learn a lot of new things. Next, you need to promise yourself that you will spend every weekend productively, and will not be lazy and sit at home in front of the computer monitor. Life passes unnoticed, and you are wasting time sitting in front of the TV or computer, don’t you really want to go to another city and see the sights or just take a walk in the park?
You need to get used to new sensations, and there are several goals: firstly, you will learn a lot of new things and experience new emotions, and secondly, you will have many topics to communicate with others. Below we will talk about in different ways spending your weekend with real benefit.
Article content:

How to spend a weekend with your loved one

Most women want romance, but men do not always strive for it and want to do something ordinary and standard; if hints of romance are not perceived by a man, you need to act differently. On the weekend, come up with a plan for what you will do, preferably something very romantic. In the morning, bring your husband a delicious breakfast in bed; of course, it’s not standard, but it will make a great impression. Next time the man will do the same because he will understand what you want. Then you can lie in bed, watch an interesting and romantic film, and then give your loved one a massage or go to the bath with essential oils. You can buy lavender or rosemary oil, but rosemary is stimulating and increases sensitivity, so be careful.
You can improve the atmosphere in the bathroom with candles, beautiful glasses of champagne or wine, classical music and so on. In the evening you can take a walk in the park or go to a cafe, but this is very standard, it is better to go to the roof of the house and sit there with a bottle of champagne. Thanks to this, you will improve the quality of your relationship, see your lover from the other side, and see how he reacts to the care shown. It is advisable to organize such days at least once a month and constantly change the plan of events so that it does not become boring. Of course, a man may not say whether he enjoyed the evening, so look at his reaction and behavior the next day.
Try to spend your weekend the way you want. Work takes energy and strength, you need to recover, and romantic evenings have a very good effect on your state of mind and emotions, you can prepare and recharge for next week so you can be more productive and know you'll have a great time again.

How to spend your weekend profitably (20 options)

1) Start going to exhibitions, concerts, museums and theaters;
2) Find an interesting forum, make new acquaintances there and communicate more with people (less preferable option);
3) Go to the country house or to the forest, take a walk in the fresh air;
4) Travel to another city or fly to another country (takes a lot of time);
5) Have a photo day, take photos of everything you see, or find interesting place for filming and take some memorable shots;
6) Go visit those you haven’t seen for a long time, find out how they are doing;
7) Go to the pool or gym;
8) Read a book that you have been wanting to read for a long time;
9) Go on a hike;
10) Go to the cinema or watch several films in a row at home;
11) Call your friends and figure out what to do this weekend;
12) Go to a mosque or temple;
13) Take a car ride throughout the city and the most interesting places;
14) Go on attractions;
15) Go shopping and buy new clothes;
16) Participate in a sweepstakes, contest or promotion;
17) Skydive or hang glider;
18) Come up with a business plan and start developing your own business
19) Take a walk along the seashore or river;
20) Study the list of restaurants in the city and go to several of them, compare the quality of service.

How to spend a weekend with a child

Children love to compete with each other and play new games, but it is advisable that adults come up with the rules of the game. You can organize competitions and come up with a prize so that children actively compete and want to win, otherwise you will not interest them. If you're on a picnic, you can arrange a juggling competition, for example, with potatoes. Of course, this is very difficult, but since children show interest in everything unknown, they will begin to master juggling, especially if there is an attractive prize.
If you are gathered in nature with a large group, you can arrange team games and competitions, play games: third wheel, Cossack robbers, and so on. Children also love excursions; if you tell them about insects, plants, animals and birds, they will listen to you carefully and believe every word you say. Organize a plasticine modeling competition, for example, ask the children to make a huge bear, be sure that they will like it. If they get dirty in it, don’t worry, in the next article we will tell you how to do it correctly and quickly.

Mothers who often walk with their children in the park can easily find something to do for them. Give your child colored chalk and ask him to write his name on the pavement or the first thing that comes to mind. He will be very passionate about the process, and you will be able to watch him and be happy that the child is finally engaged in an interesting activity. Feed the city birds, show your child that birds love to come into contact with humans. If you are walking with the whole family, you can show your child the playground and help him with pull-ups, let the father lift the child to the horizontal bar and give him the opportunity to hang a little, but you need to be very careful. In the future, the child himself will try to climb onto the horizontal bar. Experiment and come up with new activities for your child, but don’t forget that he also needs to rest.

Wondering how best to spend your weekend? First ask yourself: do you want to just lie on the couch watching TV or do you need active recreation? Much depends on how exactly it goes work week. The psychotype of a person is also important. One person likes to spend the day off at the computer, while the other wants to do something interesting, active, extreme. That is, personal preferences come first.

There is a proverb: “He who rests well works well.” The way it is. Complete rest is collateral productive work. So just promise yourself that you will spend every weekend interesting and useful. It is advisable to say goodbye to laziness. Those who choose TV or computer cannot enjoy the colors of life to the fullest. So don't waste your precious time in vain. It’s not for nothing that time is called the only resource that cannot be replenished.

Think now about how you would like to spend your weekend, how do you plan to relax to the fullest? Perhaps you want to go on a mini-trip, or you dream of roller skating. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. Be filled with new and new sensations, emotions, impressions.

How to spend a weekend: ideas, methods, options

So, have you already decided why you need days off at all? Relax? Wonderful. So say “yes” to complete active recreation and unforgettable entertainment. If you want to find out how to spend your day usefully, then you will definitely have to forget about the sofa and “have to” choose something interesting and unusual. Great ideas for spending a day off:

  1. Go to another city. Such a short trip will definitely give you new impressions. There are no cities in which you cannot find at least some attraction. Therefore, go to the station, take a train or bus ticket and go to new sensations. It is not necessary to stay overnight in an unfamiliar city; you can try to return home on the same day.
  2. Organize an adrenaline rush. Extreme weekends are the choice of active young people. With this approach, you can easily dilute your routine life with new experiences. Alternatively, you can go rollerblading, ice skating, skateboarding, snowboarding, horseback riding, play paintball, or skydive.
  3. Have a children's party. How long have you gone with your kids to the zoo, circus, or puppet theater? This is useful not only for children, but also for you. This is your chance to plunge into the world of a carefree childhood. And then, the opportunity to be alone with your child does not always arise. Don't have your own children? You can play badminton with your nephews and nieces, Board games etc. Do not doubt, the time you spend surrounded by children will be very beneficial for your soul.
  4. Organize a cleanup day. Any yard or park needs timely cleaning. And working in the fresh air always inspires. You can attract friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Rest assured, after such a weekend you will want to enjoy life even more. And most importantly, you will find yourself very useful person, which is also important.
  5. Pay attention to sports. IN healthy body lives healthy mind. Go jogging, join a fitness club, gym. Perhaps one day this hobby will quickly become a habit, and you will want to always take care of your body.
  6. Relax in nature. Forays to a river, lake, or forest clearing are always associated with barbecues. Quite a good option. And you will eat deliciously and have a good rest. You can even organize a real camping trip with tents, etc. While relaxing in the lap of nature, do not forget to walk barefoot on the grass and sand. Take as many photos as possible.
  7. Meet with friends, colleagues, relatives. Heart-to-heart conversations are important for many. You can meet someone in a cafe, or you can invite guests to your home, or go to visit yourself. This is a great way to take your mind off things. Creative people you can make gifts with your own hands. Your friends and family will be very pleased.
  8. Treat yourself to a cultural weekend. Have you visited a museum or theater lately? Admit it. But now there are so many productions, so many interesting exhibitions. Enlightenment has never harmed anyone. You won’t forget about such a vacation, and there will be something to talk about.
  9. Pay attention to your hobby. There are so many hobbies that we never have enough time for. A day off is a great option to finally find time for your hobby. Just take one day (or at least a couple of hours) to do what you love so much.
  10. Engage in self-development. There are free webinars and seminars. You can visit them and enlighten yourself. And if you wish, you can find “live” trainings. You can use them to solve some of your problems. And just reading the book will be useful. Self-development is the best investment.

Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced times, many of us do not have time to relax. And in vain. You shouldn't work on your day off. Fortunately, there are plenty of ideas on the topic “How to spend the weekend.” Therefore, plan in advance what and how you will do this coming Saturday and Sunday. Knowing how to spend your weekend, don’t put pleasure on the back burner. It is advisable to spend your day of rest in such a way that you remember it for at least a week, or better yet, for the rest of your life.
