What organ is located under the foot? Active points on the foot: therapeutic therapy without pills. Contraindications for acupressure

Chinese doctors have long and successfully used the points responsible for human organs to treat people. For example, more than 70 thousand nerve endings are concentrated on the sole of the feet. Foot like a map internal organs, which can even be used to diagnose their pathologies.

Biologically active points are associated with work different systems and organs, influencing which can help get rid of pathologies. Therefore, it has always been considered useful to walk barefoot on grass and earth to get a boost of energy and prevent many diseases. On our feet there are projection zones of many internal organs, by acting on which we can improve our well-being.

Massage is important not only for treatment, but also for prevention various diseases. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, start studying the sole map yourself.
Knowing the projections of the internal organs on the foot, you can give yourself a massage.

Before starting the procedure, warm up your feet, walk around, stand on tiptoes, take baths with salt, and then follow all the massage rules.

Rules for a full foot massage

To improve your health, try this procedure do it every evening before bed.

Before the massage, knead your soles and give them a warm bath. Walk barefoot, rise on your toes several times

Take any comfortable position:

  1. Bend one leg and place it on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Place your foot on the seat of the chair.
  3. In the fetal position in a chair, with your leg lightly resting on the edge of the chair.
    If for health reasons you cannot sit down as described, take the position in which you feel comfortable doing the massage.

Carry out the massage with warm hands.

First, knead the entire sole.
Massage with fingers of both hands, knuckles, fists.
It is recommended to massage the entire feet.

Rub the entire foot with stroking movements, then begin to press on each active point (3-7 seconds), moving from the toes to the heel. Also use techniques such as pulling (when massaging your fingers), tapping (with the edge of your palm), pinching, and kneading.

Knead your toes very gently: from the nail to the base.
Treat each finger separately.

Massage the ankle and ankle with soft circular movements.

If during the procedure you find painful points, then treat them with special care, remembering to alternate pressure with a pause. This means that the organs for which they are responsible are not in order.
Massage painful projections for at least a minute until the pain disappears.
And for the entire massage of each foot you need to spend about 3 minutes. The result of a properly performed massage is the disappearance of pain.

Before starting a massage, look contraindications. There are very few of them.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Exacerbation of diseases.
  • Venous thrombosis. Embolism.

Both the right and left feet are divided into 5 zones, which are formed by 4 lines. Each area on the foot corresponds to certain areas on the body and the organs located in them.

The location and meaning of the active points on both feet are identical. The projections of paired organs (for example, eyes) are located on the right and left feet, respectively.

The meanings of the points on the right and left legs are different. It is recommended to massage the projection area of ​​the heart on the left foot during severe anxiety or stress.

The meanings of the points located on the right and left feet are different.

The meaning and location of the points in this part of the foot are the same for the right and left legs.


The points of the last zone are also identical in location and meaning for both the right and left feet.


Spot or acupuncture massage gained popularity due to its minimal list of contraindications, ease and effectiveness. You can even conduct sessions at home - you can find the location of the desired point using one of the atlases or acupuncture maps. Reflex points of the foot are associated with many internal organs and systems, and working them out can not only improve your mood and well-being, but also launch natural regeneration processes.

Chinese ethnoscience is based on a targeted effect on certain areas or points. The influence of the impact is explained by the relationship at the nervous and energetic level between the point and a specific organ.

The popularity of acupressure of the feet is that there are more than 7,000 nerve endings on the sole. Workout allows you to get a complex effect and affects almost all systems of the body. Acupuncture, acupuncture and other reflexive practices are part of the philosophy and method of influencing the body using special needles. Classical acupressure the legs are carried out only with the hands.

The left foot reflects the organs located on the left side of the body. The right one is connected with the corresponding organs of its side. The points on the foot that are responsible for the paired organs are located symmetrically to each other.

The toes are connected to the head:

  • central part thumbs- with brain function. This area is a place of concentration large quantity points, and upon exposure, the pituitary gland is activated;
  • Fingertips are tied to paranasal sinuses nose, so when your feet get cold or wet, a cold appears;
  • The base of the index and ring finger- this is the projection of the eyes;
  • Base of the middle finger and little finger - projection auricle and hearing organs.

The central part of the heels is a projection of the ovaries and gonads. Upon appearance pain at this point we can talk about inflammatory processes V reproductive organs. On the outside of the heels there are points responsible for the sciatic nerve.

The projection of the heart corresponds to the area located in the front part of the arch of the left foot. Slight left-sided lameness and tenderness in this area may be a warning sign of a heart attack. The projection of the spine is located on the arch of the foot. Vigorously rubbing the area reduces fatigue and back pain.

What are the points?

Acupuncture points massage on the feet is distributed along 14 meridians. Each of them contains one point of 3 different types:

  • Excitation point. Massaging it improves performance of cardio-vascular system;
  • Calm point. With the right influence, peace and relaxation sets in and improves emotional condition, neuropsychic tension is eliminated;
  • Balancing points on the feet or harmonization points are responsible for the condition of the organs related to the meridian.
  • Massaging the balancing points should be done carefully and with moderate pressure, otherwise discomfort may occur. If pain occurs, the session is stopped.

How to do acupuncture foot massage

Indications and contraindications

Acupressure is also applied to the feet. It allows:

  • Improve blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • Improve the functioning of all systems and organs;
  • Eliminate stress, depression, nervous tension;
  • Strengthen the body, improve the functioning of the immune system.

Acupuncture helps to get rid of many diseases or reduce their manifestation. It is used to treat headaches, hypertension, diseases of the reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorders etc.

Contraindications to the session are:

  • Tumors;
  • Inflammation of the joints;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • The presence of a fungal infection, warts or large moles on the skin;
  • Acute phase of mental disorders.

During pregnancy and lactation, you must first consult with your doctor about the possibility of attending a session.

Preparing for the session

The preparatory process plays an important role and helps the client relax and trust the master. Create a pleasant atmosphere in the room: dim the lights, light an aromatic lamp or candles, and turn on meditative music. Before starting the procedure, the feet are steamed in a bath with medicinal herbal decoctions and oils, then apply a little cream or medicinal lotion to the skin, make classic massage stop.

Classical technique

The treatment begins with massaging the most active points on the foot, located on the toes. Each of them has 3 reflex zones: the base, the area of ​​the middle joint, the area of ​​​​the beginning of the nail plate. Pressure is applied alternately to each zone, starting from the nail area of ​​the thumb. The movements are repeated 5-9 times. Then they move on to working on 4 points located on the center line of the foot. After this, work begins with 3 reflex points, lying on the inside and outside of the heel. Foot acupuncture has important points on the Achilles tendon. Impact on them is necessary, but must be gentle to avoid injury.

Then they pass the palm along the outer surface of the foot from the base of the toes to the shin. The movement should be slow and deep, repeat it 7 to 12 times. The session is completed by massaging the points located in the area of ​​​​the junction of the foot and lower leg.

Technique for heel spurs

It is recommended to massage a heel spur at home in the morning - this will reduce pain and restore mobility to the foot. The session is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • After classic stroking, apply pressure along the heel from top to bottom and back;
  • Apply circular movements along the heel for 1-2 minutes;
  • Using circular movements (using the edges of the thumbs), knead the heel for about 2 minutes;
  • Massage the heel with your fingers, using a shifting movement;
  • They stroke intensively for several minutes.

The session is completed with soft stroking movements along the lower leg and the entire surface of the foot. After the massage, it is recommended to put on a warm sock for a few minutes and relax.

Technique for hallux valgus deformity

You can cope with an unpleasant illness with regular massage. Sessions can be carried out in the morning and evening, and for prevention it is advisable to use the technique on healthy legs. For the massage you will need a little moisturizer. Begin working out by turning the thumb clockwise and counterclockwise for 1-2 minutes. Then thumbs hands apply pressure alternately on the areas between the toes. The time to work on each foot is about 3 minutes. After this, the ligaments and muscles of the thumb are massaged.

Then the foot is lowered to the floor and 4 toes are raised: the big one should fit snugly to the floor. The exercise is repeated about 15 times. Next exercise: move your thumb to the side without using your hands.

Cover your thumb with your palm and gently lift it up. Hold in this position for about 3 seconds with maximum muscle tension. Release the pressure. Massage the bones thumb The legs are completed with soft and intense stroking of the foot and all toes. Each technique is performed for 2 to 4 minutes with increasing intensity.


Foot massage can be performed at home at any time. feeling good and no contraindications. Before an acupuncture session, it is advisable to take a hot bath or steam your feet in a bath, and then lubricate the skin with warm cream or oil.

Begin the foot massage by vigorously rubbing the sole: the direction of movement is from the heel to the toes, and the working time is up to 2 minutes. Then rub your fingers in a circular motion. After this, apply a gentle traction technique.

Proceed to rubbing the side surface and lightly twisting the foot. These techniques release spasmed muscles, improve joint mobility, and relax tissue. When performing the technique, the occurrence of pain is unacceptable. When working with the foot, alternate stroking, rubbing, and pinching are used. If painful points appear during the treatment, then you need to gently press on them, easing the pressure until they disappear discomfort.

To improve the functioning of the respiratory system, massage the fingertips with vigorous circular rubbing. The direction of movement is clockwise. The functioning of the urinary system is improved by clockwise massaging the central part of the arch of the foot. To normalize intestinal function, the area where the arch and heel meet is washed. And to cope with headaches, improve concentration and increase emotional stability Press on the pain points on the outside of the foot, between the bones of the 4th and 5th toes.

Thanks to Chinese medicine, treatment by massaging a specific point on the organs on the foot has become widely known. It is known that the human foot is a kind of control panel for the body, on which biologically active points associated with internal organs are concentrated. No wonder walking barefoot on freshly cut grass or small pebbles brings a pleasant sensation. During this process, a mechanical effect occurs on the points of the foot, which stimulates the corresponding organs, improving blood flow and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Acupressure is a simple and affordable method of healing

Acupressure technique is younger sister acupuncture, it involves all the same points into which acupuncture needles are inserted. However, acupressure does not accept the use of piercing objects, which guarantees a softer and safer, but at the same time effective treatment. In this case, metal needles are replaced by your own fingers or the hands of a massage therapist.

Biological points on the foot

Based on theoretical knowledge extracted from traditional Chinese medicine, we note that on the soles of the feet there is a peculiar scheme of biologically active points and zones of influence on each of the existing organs. Over time in human body waste and toxins accumulate, preventing normal blood circulation and thereby provoking various diseases. This way you can influence active points on the foot, stimulating work and creating balance. general condition the body as a whole.

By massaging your feet you can remove nervous stress, state of fatigue and psycho-emotional arousal, strengthen defense mechanisms the whole body, improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, cure gynecological diseases and much more.

Reflexology as a method of non-drug treatment

Reflexology is a non-drug therapy method that is firmly established in Western medicine. Foot massage will help not only the sick, but also healthy people who want to strengthen their immunity and nervous system. By influencing the points on the foot that are responsible for the organs, you can effectively influence the functioning of the body: to reduce coughing attacks, you just need to massage the trachea point; to normalize the digestive process, you can gently massage the points of the stomach and intestines. A narrow strip of the whole inner surface the foot is connected to the spine. By systematically influencing these points, you can alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, myositis, lumbago.

By pressing on the points of the corresponding organ, you can relieve, for example, a rapid heartbeat, influence the urinary system and even cure chronic diseases.

Varieties of biological points

The points on the foot that are responsible for the organs have their exact location. Their location is determined on 14 lines, also called meridians. Each meridian has its own name: “Master of the Heart”, “Governor” or “Three-Step Heater”.

There are three types of points on each meridian:

  • The point is exciting (one on each meridian), its activation stimulates the performance of organs associated with a specific meridian.
  • Harmonizing points. The impact on these zones, located at both ends of the meridian, relaxes and creates harmonious functioning of the organs related to this type meridian.
  • Calming point (one for each meridian). Creates a feeling of the most pleasant and painless massage, calms the nerves, relaxes the body.

Projection of internal organs on the feet

Every organ human body can be reflected on the “canvas” of the feet. To get the clearest picture of the projection of each organ, you can imagine the feet located next to each other, and the person depicted on them facing forward.

  • Thus, the toes will reflect the head area, while massaging the pads of the fingers affects the back of the head, and the upper surface from the side of the nail affects the face.
  • The inner edges of the sole will reflect the midsection and spine, the outer arch of the foot will correspond to the face, and the tips of the toes will correspond to the back of the skull.
  • Both heels correspond to the buttocks.
  • The ankle joint reflects the genitals.
  • The shoulder points are with outside heels in the area of ​​the little toes.

The principle of massage

During the massage, pain points may be detected that signal the weakening of a particular organ; more attention should be paid to these areas. It is important to understand that pressing on the acupuncture points on the foot alone will not help your health; it is necessary to touch the neighboring areas with massage, even if they do not produce painful sensations. During the massage, you should alternate pressing on pain points and pauses between them. The result of proper treatment of the pain area should be the disappearance of any unpleasant sensations. Each such point is warmed up for at least a minute.

Emotional and spiritual connection

The points on a person’s feet are connected to almost all internal organs, glands and limbs in his body. In addition to fulfilling their physiological purpose, the organs are responsible for the emotional and spiritual development person.

For example, the spleen, projected on the left foot, contains traits traditionally attributed to women - grumpiness and anger. The heart area is located on both feet, and yet it is reflected more on the left foot, which is a confirmation of the emotional feminine essence. Similarly, livers are present on both feet, but the projection of the organ predominates on the right foot, which is associated with rough masculine qualities, a lively disposition, anger and perseverance. The same applies to other organs, so for physical health and spiritual purity, you need to monitor the health of each organ.

Where to start with foot massage?

To improve the health of the entire body and prevent diseases, it is necessary to carry out a full comprehensive foot massage. It is advisable to carry out the procedures every evening immediately before bedtime.

Before performing a massage, you should stretch your feet for a few minutes by walking barefoot, rising on your toes, or alternating the transfer of body weight from the outer ribs of the feet to the inner ones. To complete the warm-up, you can take a warm foot bath.

For self-massage, you should take a comfortable position in order to most completely relax your legs:

  • Push your foot so that your foot is comfortably positioned on the chair.
  • Bend your leg so that your foot rests comfortably on the thigh of your other leg.
  • While lying on your back, lift and bend your leg.

A few simple rules for self-massage

The massage should be carried out with warm hands, having previously warmed up the massage oil in them, so that the points on the foot responsible for the organs are gently but effectively kneaded. You need to work on your feet with both hands, using all your fingers, alternating massaging them with your knuckles and fists, moving from the tips of your toes to the heel.

  • During this time, the sole should be treated most thoroughly, while the fingers can be gently and gently kneaded, moving from the nail to the base.
  • Each finger needs to be massaged separately.
  • Don't forget about your ankle and ankle, gently massaging them in a circular motion.
  • Can be alternated various techniques: pinching, light blows, rubbing, stroking, intermittent touching.

At the end of the procedure, it will be useful to walk on a massage lumpy mat, shifting from foot to foot and alternating the transfer of the body on each leg.

Contraindications for acupressure

  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Severe fatigue.
  • Skin diseases on the feet in the form of suppuration and lichen.

Massaged points on the foot that are responsible for the organs may not give positive effect when serious illnesses requiring immediate medical care. The use of acupressure techniques may be useful in additional treatment, pain relief and strengthening of the body as a whole.

How to get the greatest effect from the procedure?

  • First, you should take the most comfortable position in a chair, on a bed or on the floor.
  • You can turn on relaxing music, distract yourself from external irritating sounds, and turn off your phone for a while.
  • Determine first desired point. If massage is performed for the first time, a diagram of points on the foot can help with this.
  • Lightly pressing on the desired point, you should make circular movements, while not moving your finger from the biological point.
  • The duration of manipulations should be no more than 5 minutes. The result of such a massage usually occurs quickly and has a long-lasting effect.

Foot: points, organs that are directly connected to them - additional useful techniques

  1. In a small box measuring 50*50 cm filled with pebbles or legumes, you can do barefoot walking in place for 10-15 minutes. In summer, walk barefoot on grass, sand, and pebbles as often as possible.
  2. A contrast shower for feet is an excellent addition to acupressure, and it also hardens the body well.
  3. Figurative breathing. In a sitting position, relaxing the body, with free and easy breathing You should shift your attention to your feet, imagining that breathing is carried out by them. This kind of meditation can be continued for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Compresses with honey have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and skin, preparing massage points to further actions. After treating your feet with honey, you should put plastic bags on them and cotton socks on top. It is advisable to carry out such applications in the evening: overnight the skin of the feet will absorb useful elements honey, and by the morning your feet will become silky, calluses will disappear, and you will feel better.

The points on the foot that are responsible for the organs are actually not so much responsible for them as they stimulate them. Acupuncture points are energy centers, the impact of which activates a particular organ.

Acupuncture zones of the foot

Energy centers that influence the functioning of organs are located throughout the body. However, their massive concentration is observed on the feet, hands and ears. The soles of the feet are leaders in this area.

The foot bears the weight of the entire human body. Accordingly, here the maximum is projected energy flows the entire body, and the sole of the foot is the control center of the body, where each organ, as a structural part of the body, has its own area the size of a dot. The Chinese, having created their theory of combining the energy of yin and yang, through long practice, determined the location of point projections of organs. Since then, people all over the planet have enjoyed the fruits of their centuries-old labor, healing themselves and others.

All points on the foot have their own logic of location and are combined into blocks according to their location in the body.

They are arranged as follows.

  1. In the fingers and adjacent areas there are projections of organs located in the head. At the same time, the centers of responsibility for frontal part heads. The nose, eyes and ears are projected onto other areas of the fingers.
  2. On the front of the foot there are centers that regulate the activity of the organs of the upper body: bronchi, lungs, heart.
  3. On the feet, in their very center, lies the zone of responsibility for all organs located in the abdominal part of the body, that is, for the organs of the digestive system.
  4. In the pre-calcaneal part there are concentrated points that control genitourinary system, as well as the legs and pelvic area.
  5. The heel regulates and maintains the condition of the genital organs.

Acupuncture of the foot makes it possible to influence the entire body, which does not reduce the role of other centers in maintaining human health.

Methods for activating organs through the feet

All methods of influencing the body through the sole can be divided into two parts: professional and amateur. IN medical institutions use various ways activating the work of organs through the feet.

In practice oriental medicine There are also more extreme methods of influencing energy centers, for example, cutting the skin in in the right place. Acupuncture effects include the use of leeches, which are applied to certain places on the body. The sole of the foot is not suitable for all acupuncture methods. Most often used different kinds massage.

How to influence acupuncture of the sole

If a person does not have a specialized education, but wants to take care of his health himself, then the following methods of influencing the energy centers of the sole are available to him.

  1. Massage the sole in certain areas. Such a massage can hardly be called acupressure, but it has a stimulating effect on the organs. In this case, you can rub the entire sole or concentrate only on that part of it that is responsible for a specific organ. Main healing principle massage: identifying pain points. You need to try to achieve pain that extends away from the point of impact. Such a reaction is a signal of trouble in some organ. These are the points that should be addressed first. However, influencing only pain points is not enough for health; it is necessary to massage neighboring areas that do not give pain signals. It is best to alternate exposure to painful and non-painful neighboring points. Therapeutic effect usually occurs soon after the pain in the area disappears. Massage should be carried out in courses daily, preferably before bedtime. The duration of each procedure is about 5 minutes.
  2. Impact on the soles using a random method. Its difference lies in the fact that when acting on the feet, there is no specific goal of stimulating one or another center. Walking on small pebbles, grass, sand has a general strengthening effect, improves mood and self-esteem. Shoes with protrusions on the insoles are designed for the same effect.
  3. Thermal effects on the entire foot or part of it. Warming foot baths are designed not only to warm up the body, but also to promote recovery through thermal stimulation of the places where energy centers are concentrated. Foot baths can be successfully replaced with pepper or mustard, which are poured into a sock when putting it on at night.
  4. Thermal effects can also be targeted. To do this, a small stone is heated to a tolerable temperature and applied to the acupuncture center. If the stone is small, then you can attach it with a plaster while it cools; if it is large, then you need to stand on it.
  5. Stimulating the centers with iodine. After massaging the desired energy center of the sole, you need to lubricate this area with iodine, and wash your feet only after a few hours.
  6. Exposure to honey. This product can be successfully used for external use. In addition to honey massage, there are also honey compresses. It has a stimulating effect on tissues and organs. The soles of your feet should be smeared with honey, wrapped in plastic and put on socks on top. It is best to do this at night.

When stimulating the acupuncture centers of the feet, one should remember that too strong impact may lead to undesirable results. To minimize the likelihood of such consequences, it is necessary to take breaks between procedures, and treatment courses limited to 7 days.

Many centuries ago people noticed interesting fact: Those who walk barefoot a lot usually feel good and are noticeably healthier than others.
There are more than 70,000 nerve endings on the human feet, forming reflexogenic zones that connect areas of the foot with certain internal organs and with physiological systems. On the soles projection zones internal organs are located very close to each other and have clear boundaries. Reflexologists view the sole of the foot as a map of the human body.

Each zone of the surface of the foot corresponds to a specific organ. Right foot matches right side body, and the left to the left side. The pads of the four nail phalanges of the toes (except the pads of the big toes) are connected to the frontal and maxillary sinuses. That's why wet feet are the most typical reason colds, which are accompanied by a runny nose and headache. The eye zones are located in the fold of the second and third toes. It is enough to walk barefoot a little, and a person’s visual acuity will improve and normalize. intraocular pressure. The forefoot and the lateral surface of the feet on the plantar surface are the locations of the zones inner ear, throat and bronchi. The heart zone is located in the front of the arch of the left foot. In older people, a day or two before the development of a heart attack, a slight left-sided lameness often appears, which the people themselves often notice (“Something has entered the leg...”). If you feel the left foot, then if there is a problem, the heart area usually responds with pain. In the depths of the arch of the feet there are areas of the kidneys, adrenal glands, stomach and solar plexus- organs whose activities should not depend heavily on physical activity person. There, nearby and only on the right foot, is the liver zone. Sedentary image life has a relaxing effect on the areas of the kidneys and liver, which generally contributes to the development of diseases of these organs. At the same time moderate exercise stress keeps these areas in good shape. Almost in the center of each of the woman’s heels there is a large, rounded one of the ovarian zones, connected with the ovary on the same side of the body: the left - with the left, the right - with the right. It was noticed that long before the appearance nagging pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms, many women find it painful to step on the heel of the leg on the side of which odnexitis begins. Zone fallopian tube stretches along the Achilles tendon on the outside of each leg and also reflects the condition of the pipe.

Foot massage is very important for improving health and preventing various diseases. Each point of the foot is “responsible” for its own organ and “reflects” its condition. For example, coughing attacks can be mitigated by massaging the tracheal point. Points of the stomach, intestines, small intestine directly “send” signals to the area of ​​everything digestive tract. Pressure on the eye point helps relieve fatigue and strain from the eyes. A narrow strip of the inner surface of the sole, connected with the spine and its ligamentous apparatus. By systematically massaging the area of ​​these points, you can cure osteochondrosis, radiculitis, lumbago, and myositis. By pressing on the point responsible for the heart, you can relieve palpitations, rapid breathing and restore vigor. Daily rubbing of the area of ​​the points responsible for the genitourinary system relieves cystitis, even those that have already become chronic.

Acupressure of the feet is more effective as a preventative measure.
To improve the health of the whole organism as a whole, achieve preventive and healing effect A full massage of both feet is necessary. It is advisable to do it every evening, before a night's rest. Before the massage, walk barefoot for a few minutes, stretching your feet: rise on your toes, trample, alternately transferring the weight of the body from the inner ribs of the feet to the outer ones. Then take a warm foot bath. An important point self-massage is a comfortable position that provides relaxation of the foot:
- sitting, with a bent leg, when the foot lies on the thigh of the other leg;
- sitting, with the leg on a support, when the foot is located on the seat of the chair;
- half-lying, half-sitting on a chair, when the leg rests lightly on the edge of the chair;
- lying on your back with a bent leg raised.
It is better to perform a massage with warm heated hands. Initially, it is necessary to act on the entire space of the foot. You need to massage your foot with the fingers of both hands, using your fists and knuckles to do the work. Direction of movement: from toes to heel. During a general massage, the plantar part should be massaged most deeply. Do not press on the toes, but gently knead them: from the nail to the base. Each finger is massaged separately. The ankle and ankle are massaged using circular movements. All movements should be soft and not forceful. The massage technique alternates rubbing, intermittent touches, stroking, light strokes and pinching. During the general massage you can find pain points. These are risk zones that show which organs you have are weakened and which should be treated with special attention. It is not enough to press only on the painful points. It is necessary to influence the " neighboring organs”, even if they do not give pain point signals. Pain points need to be massaged especially carefully. Pressing on pain point and pauses should alternate. The result of correct pressure on the point is the disappearance of pain.

General massage each foot should be performed for at least three minutes, and each pain point should be kneaded for at least a minute.

What does foot temperature mean?
Wet and cold feet indicate a lack of energy in the stomach area and small intestine, as well as dysfunction thyroid gland. Dry and cold feet indicate insufficiency of the cardiovascular system and changes in the brain. Wet and hot feet indicator elevated temperature for inflammatory processes and pulmonary infections. Dry and hot feet - most often in people suffering from excessive thyroid function and increased acidity. If right foot warm, and the left one is cold, then you should pay attention to the work of the heart.
