Camphor alcohol 10 application. How to use camphor alcohol in the ear for otitis, for acne, for joints, for coughs? Price for camphor alcohol


Popular remedy for use at home and in folk medicine is alcohol solution camphor. It is widely used in the treatment of acne, joint pain, dilates blood vessels and has a warming effect. In cosmetology, alcohol is used in masks and other products for the treatment of acne.

What is camphor alcohol

For studying useful properties medicines, it is worth learning in detail that camphor alcohol is a remedy with a herbal composition. The basis is camphor, which is organic compound. The medicine itself is colorless clear liquid with a specific aroma. This medical product has instructions for use, which must be strictly followed so as not to harm the health of yourself or your child.

Camphor alcohol - composition

The composition of camphor alcohol includes: racemic camphor, 70% ethanol and water; There are 20 mg of camphor per 1 ml of liquid. The solution has:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • antimicrobial;
  • local irritant;
  • pain reliever;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • has a warming effect.

Ethyl alcohol in combination with camphor has irritant effect on the nerve receptors of the skin when applied, which improves the movement of blood through the vessels and enhances the metabolic process in all tissues of the body. The product is used only externally, through compresses or by mixing with other medicinal substances. Camphor applied externally is partially absorbed by the blood, oxidized and excreted unchanged by the respiratory and biliary organs.

Camphor alcohol - application

According to the instructions, the use of camphor alcohol is indicated for:

  • myalgia, sciatica, neuralgia;
  • otitis media in a child;
  • rheumatic pain;
  • arthritis, joint pain;
  • bedsores and preventing their development.

A compress of camphor alcohol is used to treat colds, bedsores, and joints. At home, you can treat your ears with camphor oil and use it to relieve acne and acne. Camphor is actively used for cosmetic purposes - to regulate sebaceous glands scalp to enhance hair growth.

Contraindications for use of the product are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • allergy;
  • wounds and scratches on the skin;
  • eczema and dermatitis;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of application;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • frequent seizures.

Side effects of the medicine:

  • allergy;
  • hives;
  • skin irritation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Apply alcohol with camphor additives topically for rubbing, lubricating, and instilling into the ears. Overdose may cause agitation nervous system, tachycardia and seizures that are treated symptomatic therapy. You cannot combine camphor with other medications or alcohol. The medicine is stored in a dark place without access to sunlight; the bottle should not be heated above 25 degrees Celsius.

Camphor alcohol - use for ears

Camphor alcohol is actively used in folk medicine for the ears and is used for auxiliary procedures. The remedy treats inflammation in the ear, otitis media, and swelling. In the best way How to treat the ear with camphor alcohol is to use a compress. The product is diluted with water in equal proportions so that the medicine is in pure form did not cause burns, itching or redness of the parotid area.

The resulting heated liquid should be moistened with a gauze or fabric swab, squeezed lightly, and placed around the auricle. You will need to put compress paper with a hole for the ear on top, and a piece of cotton wool on it. The resulting compress is secured with a scarf or bandage. A properly made design retains heat for a couple of hours; it can be done twice a day - morning and evening.

To cure otitis in a child with camphor oil, you can drip diluted medicine inside, but only after medical consultation. Another way to treat ear pain in adults is an alcohol bath. You need to lie on your side, drip a warm mixture of alcohol and water inside, lie there for 20 minutes and insert a cotton swab so that the liquid does not spill out. Keep your ear warm.

Camphor alcohol for acne

In cosmetology, camphor alcohol is used for acne on the face. They wipe the skin with it to dry out inflammation. You can use a 2% solution at night. With regular use, acne dries out, spots disappear, and new pimples do not appear. A side effect may be dry skin, so it is not recommended to use alcohol on your face every day.

Camphor alcohol - use for bedsores

Due to its property of improving blood circulation, camphor alcohol is used for bedsores. By this effect it can be compared with sea ​​buckthorn oil, because both products are capable of restoring tissue and enhancing metabolic processes. To prevent bedsores, use thick camphor oil and apply it to the entire body or problem areas, excluding open ulcers.

Camphor alcohol for colds

Camphor alcohol has a mild thermal effect against colds and perfectly eliminates inflammation and cough. Heat the product to human body temperature, dip gauze or a wide bandage into it, wring it out and place it on the chest. Place compress paper or a piece of polyethylene on top and wrap it with a scarf.

Camphor alcohol for joints

Camphor alcohol is used as a rub for joints, eliminating pain in the legs or arms of older people. You need to mix alcohol with analgin, iodine and ethyl alcohol, grind with the mixture sore spot and wrap it with woolen cloth. Another treatment option by rubbing is the first mixture supplemented with golden mustache, cinquefoil and menovazine.

Camphor alcohol for hair

In addition to treating acne, camphor alcohol is used in cosmetology for hair. Here are some application examples:

  1. Shampoo made from two yolks will help against excessive oily hair. camphor oil, ground to foam.
  2. Stimulates hair growth and cleanses the scalp with a couple of drops of oil added to a balm or conditioner, which is applied to the strands and wrapped with a cap. After 15 minutes the mixture is washed off.
  3. Mask for hair growth - a mixture of two egg yolks, lemon juice, sesame, camphor and castor oil.
  4. A mixture of camphor and coconut oil, which needs to be heated, mixed with aloe juice, will get rid of dandruff. essential oil tea tree and honey. The mass is applied to the root zone and washed off with water.
  5. Massaging the scalp eliminates dry hair and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Price for camphor alcohol

You can buy the medicine without a prescription at any pharmacy or online store at a low price. approximate cost the drug will be like this.

Analeptic drugs.



  • camphor,
  • Vaseline medicinal,
  • medical paraffin,
  • lanolin anhydrous.


  • 10% solution of camphor in sunflower oil.

Alcohol solution:

  • camphor,
  • alcohol 90,
  • water.


  • 20% solution of camphor in peach or olive oil.


Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Virion NPO (Russia), Volgograd Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Dalkhimfarm (Russia), Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kaliningrad Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kurskpharmacy (Russia), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Permpharmacy (Russia), Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rudolf and Family (Russia), Samaramedprom (Russia), Tatkhimfarmpreparaty (Russia), Tver Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Tula Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Pharmaceutical Factory St. Petersburg (Russia), Pharmacy (Kursk) (Russia), Fitofarm-NN (Russia), Ecolab (Russia), Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia) )

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic, irritating, analeptic, enhancing metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, agitation, delirium, convulsions.

Indications for use

Muscle pain, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, arthritis, prevention and prevention of bedsores, heart failure, collapse, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy, poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotic drugs.


Tendency to convulsive reactions, epilepsy, insufficient lactation, acute endocarditis, aneurysm of large vessels.

Directions for use and dosage

Externally in the form of rubbing.


No data.


No data.

special instructions

Instructions for use

Active ingredients

Release form


Active ingredient: racemic camphor Excipient: ethyl alcohol 70%.Concentration active substance(mg): 100 mg

Pharmacological effect

Means plant origin. When applied externally, it has antimicrobial, local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects; at parenteral administration- analeptic, cardiotonic, vasoconstrictor and expectorant effects. By stimulating the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, it reflexively improves the trophism of organs and tissues. When administered subcutaneously, it stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers medulla oblongata. Enhances metabolic processes in the myocardium, increasing its sensitivity to the influence of sympathetic nerves. Increases the tone of venous vessels, increases blood flow to the heart, coronary blood flow, blood supply to the brain and lungs. Excreted from the body through Airways, promotes the separation of sputum.


After subcutaneous administration, camphor penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier, and is excreted in breast milk. It is excreted by the kidneys (70%), as well as through the lungs (20%) and with bile (10%).


Arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica, sciatica, skin itching, prevention of bedsores.


Hypersensitivity, violation of integrity skin, eczema, dermatitis, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of intended application; tendency to convulsive reactions. With caution Pregnancy, lactation, childhood.

Precautionary measures

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Considering the high permeability of camphor through the BBB, the placental barrier and in breast milk, the use of camphor during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) must be carried out with caution.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, camphor alcohol is applied to the affected and painful areas in the form of compresses, rubbing 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​7-10 days. Prevention of bedsores: treatment of the skin 2-3 times a day.

There is probably a bottle of camphor alcohol in every home medicine cabinet, because the this medicine widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Otitis media, bedsores, acne, arthritis are only some of the diseases for which camphor alcohol is highly effective.

But, despite its plant origin, an alcohol solution of camphor has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it can only be used strictly according to indications. Taking this into account, we propose to consider in detail the composition, pharmacological properties How and why this product is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The active ingredient of the drug is camphor, which has natural origin, since it is obtained by distilling camphor laurel wood.

Of the additional ingredients in this product, only ethyl alcohol and distilled water are present.

The drug is available in the form of an alcohol solution with a pronounced camphor aroma in glass bottles with a capacity of 25 and 40 ml.

Pharmacological properties

Camphor alcohol has antiseptic, irritant, analeptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the drug activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues.

When used externally, the drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which prevents the development purulent complications, reduces inflammatory process in tissues.

Also, when applied externally, camphor irritates the nerve endings, causing a “warming up” effect, thereby reducing the severity of pain syndrome, for example, with myalgia or arthralgia.

Thus, we can say that an alcohol solution of camphor is universal remedy which is struggling with pathogenic bacteria, reduces pain and inflammation, activates metabolic processes and microcirculation in tissues.

External use of the drug is indicated for the following pathological conditions:


  • allergy to the ingredients of the drug;
  • open wound, dermatitis or eczema at the site of application of the drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • age under 12 months.

The attending doctor can prescribe an alcohol solution of camphor only if the expected result is higher than all the risks. But today there are more safe means, which are not inferior in effectiveness to camphor alcohol.

Side effects

Despite the naturalness of the ingredients of the drug, when used externally, patients may experience such side effects, such as irritation at the site of application and allergies in the form of urticaria, dermatitis, hyperemia, swelling and itching.

More often observed side effects in patients with subcutaneous administration of the drug, namely dizziness, headache, fat embolism and infiltrates in the injection area.

Cost of the drug

The cost of camphor alcohol, depending on the region of the country and the manufacturer, ranges from 15 to 50 rubles per bottle. It should also be noted that the drug is an over-the-counter drug, so it can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Camphor alcohol is mainly used for otitis and sulfur plugs.

The effectiveness of camphor alcohol when used for the ears is that it eliminates local manifestations of the inflammatory process, such as pain and congestion. But it should be noted that this drug recommended for use as additional means, and the basics of treatment.

Otitis is an inflammatory process that can be localized in both the external and middle or internal auditory canal. With this disease, patients complain of pain in the ear, which has the character of lumbago, discharge from the auditory canal, hearing loss, tinnitus, which may be accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication.

For otitis media, camphor alcohol can be instilled into the ear or compresses can be made with it.

IN official instructions The drug does not indicate that it can be used in the form of ear drops.

If we talk about whether it is possible to drip camphor alcohol into the ear, then there are some nuances, since alcohol can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the ear canal. Therefore, experts recommend diluting the drug to a weaker concentration before instillation.

Directions for use for otitis media

  • To prepare ear drops from an alcohol solution of camphor, it is necessary to dilute it with chilled boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Before using even a diluted drug, you should consult your doctor to rule out perforation. eardrum since this is absolute contraindication. The resulting solution is heated to body temperature and instilled into sore ear 2-3 times a day, 1-3 drops, after which extra medicine remove with a cotton swab or turunda.
  • To do compress with camphor alcohol, It will also be necessary to dilute the product with water and warm it to body temperature. After this, a piece of gauze is folded into 5-6 layers, a hole for the ear is cut out, soaked in solution and placed on the ear so that Auricle ended up in a hole prepared in advance for her. Wax paper must be placed on top of the gauze, which also has a hole for the ear. The last layer of the compress will be made of cotton wool, on which you can apply a bandage or plaster. A compress on the ear with camphor alcohol is applied for 3-4 hours.
  • Tampon with camphor alcohol effectively eliminates the inflammatory process and is an excellent alternative to ear instillation. To do this, a small tampon is formed from a piece of cotton wool, which is soaked in camphor alcohol and lightly wrung out, after which it is placed in the ear canal for 15-20 minutes.

Is it possible to instill camphor alcohol in the ears of children? This question is very often of interest to mothers who have encountered otitis media in children. So let's figure it out.

Since a child’s skin is more delicate and prone to irritation or allergic reactions than that of adults, it is recommended to replace instillation of camphor alcohol in the ears with a compress. Moreover, even a compress on the ears can cause allergic reaction or irritation, so you should periodically check the condition of the skin under the bandage.

Bedsores are ulcers that form on areas of the skin with poor circulation due to compression. Most often, bedsores are observed in the buttocks, sacrum, back of the thighs, along spinal column and on the back of the head.

For bedsores, this drug can be used for prevention.

To prevent bedsores, areas of the skin that can be highest pressure, should be washed with laundry soap and dried with a soft towel. Clean and dry skin should be wiped gently with a cotton swab soaked in camphor alcohol. It is also allowed to apply a mixture of camphor oil and camphor alcohol to the skin for bedsores.

Regular implementation of such activities will reduce the risk of bedsores.

Camphor is not used to treat bedsores because it will increase painful sensations in the area of ​​skin damage and will slow down healing.

Using camphor alcohol for acne on the face

Camphor alcohol for acne is an effective and simple remedy that is widely recommended not only traditional medicine, but also by dermatologists.

Before you start using an alcohol solution of camphor, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, since improper use this tool threatens unpleasant consequences for skin.

Camphor alcohol is practically not used in its pure form for the face, but is included in various combined agents. To your attention the simplest and effective recipes acne remedies with camphor alcohol.

Chatterbox with Levomycetin and camphor alcohol

In a small mortar you need to grind 5 tablets of Streptocide and 2 tablets of Levomycetin, then dissolve the resulting powder with 40 ml of alcoholic camphor and 15 ml salicylic alcohol. The mash is applied to cleansed facial skin once a day at night. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Combination anti-acne product

Boric, salicylic and camphor alcohols are mixed to a homogeneous consistency in a ratio of 2:1:2. You should wipe your face with this product morning and evening for two weeks. The course of treatment can be repeated after 10-14 days.

**** *MOSCOW PHARM. FACTORY* *ECOLAB, CJSC* *Ecoline, LLC* Dongguan Weihang Electrical Product Co.,Ltd. BARNAUL PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY Borisov Medical Preparations Plant, RUE Dalkhimfarm JSC IRBIT CHEMPHARMZAVOD, JSC IODINE TECHNOLOGIES AND MARKETING, LLC Microgen NPO FSUE Ministry of Health and Social Development Russia/PharmV MOSCOW PHARM. FACTORY, CJSC NOVOSIBIRSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY Novosibkhimpharm JSC OMSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY Permpharmacy, JSC Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory, JSC Samaramedprom, JSC ST. PETERSBURG BAKPREDPRIYATIE Synthesis AKO JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty JSC TVERSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY, OJSC Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, LLC Pharm. factory of St. Petersburg, JSC FITOFARM-NN EKOlab (JSC) UNIFARM Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory, JSC

Country of origin


Product group

Dermatological preparations

Local irritant of plant origin

Release forms

  • 40 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs. bottle 40 ml

Description of the dosage form

  • Alcohol solution for external use 10% Alcohol solution for external use 10% transparent with the smell of camphor

pharmachologic effect

Herbal medicine. It has an analeptic, cardiotonic, vasoconstrictor and expectorant effect. Stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata. Enhances metabolic processes in the myocardium, increasing its sensitivity to the influence of sympathetic nerves. Increases the tone of venous vessels, increases blood flow to the heart, coronary blood flow, blood supply to the brain and lungs. Suppresses platelet aggregation. Excreted through the respiratory tract, it promotes the separation of sputum.


Permeability through the BBB and placental barrier is high; secretion with mother's milk is high. Excreted by the kidneys - 70%, through the lungs - 20%, with bile - 10%.


  • 100 ml camphor 10 g, ethanol 70% up to 100 ml camphor 10 g

Camphor alcohol 10% indications for use
