Has anyone really recovered from a hernia of the lower back. We treat hernia in the lower back without surgery. Traditional medicine recipes for intervertebral hernia

More than half of the world's population suffer from diseases of the joints and spine, and every year these numbers only increase. Doctors note that these ailments are increasingly affecting the younger generation, which indicates an unfavorable prognosis for the spread of these diseases in the future. To begin with, we will figure out what an intervertebral hernia is and what are the main methods of its treatment, and then we will dwell on ways to get rid of the disease without surgery.

Herniated disc is a defect in the intervertebral disc that develops as a result of rupture of the annulus fibrosus and protrusion of a part of the nucleus located in the center of the intervertebral disc. This protrusion is capable of squeezing the nerve roots and, depending on the size of the defect, lead to serious health consequences.

There are a lot of reasons for the development of the disease, it can be advanced forms of osteochondrosis, trauma and specific diseases of the connective tissue that contribute to the development of a hernia. Considering that the greatest load falls on, then the intervertebral hernia is most often localized in this department. At the same time, both men and women aged 30 to 55 are equally at risk. It is extremely rare for intervertebral hernias to occur in children, usually a congenital pathology. In older people, the risk of developing the disease decreases with age, due to the loss of elasticity of the intervertebral disc, which naturally leads to a decrease in motor function in the spinal column.

Non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia, is it possible?

As medical practice shows, surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias is indicated only in 5% of cases, in the rest it is perfectly treated with conservative methods, and we will dwell on them in detail. Like any other disease, a herniated disc contains a period of exacerbation and a period of remission. In the acute phase, there is intense pain caused by a pronounced edema of the nerves pinched by a hernial defect, respectively, treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the local pain syndrome and the inflammatory process.

The recommended drugs in this case are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, which relieve local muscle spasm, thereby reducing local pain and swelling. Novocaine blockades help relieve pain well, their only drawback is that they do not have a long-lasting effect (the pain disappears only for 30-45 minutes). In severe cases, steroid medications are prescribed. Vitamins are always recommended for use, especially of group B. Given the specificity of the development of the hernial process, it is advisable to prescribe chondroprotectors, they contribute to the elimination of degenerative processes in the tissues. A positive effect is given by drugs from the group of antioxidants, which improve the condition of the nerve fibers in the pinched zone.

Non-surgical treatment methods

It must be remembered that any types of treatment should be started immediately after the passage of the phase of exacerbation of the disease, when the pain syndrome is completely eliminated. Always refer to qualified doctors for a comprehensive examination and accurate diagnosis. Any incompetent measures can lead to complications of the disease. Illiterately prescribed treatment can cause surgery as the only possible option.


Acupuncture refers to the traditional methods of Chinese medicine, in which special needles are used to influence the human body. Acupuncture is considered one of the most effective types of treatment for spinal hernia. The principle of its action is to accelerate the recovery processes by means of point stimulation with needles of certain areas on the body. This technique has been actively used for several millennia, but it is important to approach the activation of the body's internal reserves very carefully. Modern acupuncture techniques are very diverse, so only a specialist should select them. To date, acupuncture is successfully used in combination with the intake of pharmacological drugs. Another well-proven method is laser acupuncture, which allows, through the use of a laser beam, to influence the biological points of the body without damaging the skin.

Ultrasound treatment

This technique has unique properties that allow to increase the body temperature in the area of ​​application, which helps to reduce edema in the tissues, and the effect of powerful ultrasonic waves on muscle tissue accelerates metabolic processes. All this together gives an excellent positive result, in the absence of an acute phase of the disease.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is gaining more and more popularity in our country, however, not everyone is shown it. It can be carried out only after a comprehensive examination and taking into account all possible risks and complications. Based on the results obtained, a qualified chiropractor can relieve the patient from recurrent pain, correct the partial displacement of the vertebrae and reduce the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid).


The course of massage procedures is indicated exclusively outside the exacerbation phase, in order to enhance local blood circulation and improve metabolism in tissues, which helps to relax muscles in the area, significantly reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Today there are several effective types of massage: classic, acupressure, cupping, reflex and other types. The appropriateness of the use of any type is determined by the doctor.

Spinal traction

Traction of the spinal column is considered a rather old method. However, over the years of its successful use, it has not lost its relevance. The essence of the technique is to artificially create traction in the spine, thereby eliminating muscle spasm, displacement of disks and pain syndrome. The most gentle and effective method is the underwater version of traction, water contributes to additional muscle relaxation, which gives a more pronounced effect. The procedure is carried out not only with the use of ordinary water, sometimes baths with mineral waters are used for this. This method can have the maximum therapeutic effect on the lumbar spine.


Non-surgical treatment of the spine is impossible without a complex of physiotherapy exercises, individually selected for the patient, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease and only during the period of remission of the disease. Swimming is optimal for these purposes, it has no age restrictions and perfectly relieves muscle spasms from the spinal column, relaxing the nervous structures and eliminating the local inflammatory process. To prescribe a personal set of exercises, contacting rehabilitation centers is best suited. They specialize in these problems, which means they have a variety of modern equipment and highly qualified specialists who are able not only to choose a personal course of classes, but also to show you how to carry them out correctly.


The treatment course of medicinal leeches allows you to eliminate an acute inflammatory symptom. The hirudin contained in the saliva of leeches contributes to the natural anticoagulant effect. This course of therapy allows you to enhance local tissue regeneration, increase immunity, relieve inflammatory and pain syndrome. Hirudin promotes active saturation of blood with oxygen, which enhances metabolism in tissues, reducing their swelling.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine does not give a quick effect, especially if it is used as an independent method of treatment, however, in combination with various methods, it can work wonders. Basically, folk remedies are used locally, in the form of lotions, ointments and compresses.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, strict bed rest will become an effective remedy; it is better to buy a special orthopedic mattress for this purpose. In addition, it is recommended to wear a corset or bandage, which will fix the spine in the correct position, thereby relieving muscle tension, and with it the pain syndrome. When the exacerbation is successfully overcome, a complex treatment should be used, including a combination of various methods, only in this way it will be possible to avoid surgery.

Vertebral hernia - result damage to the disc between the vertebrae acting as a shock absorber. When its annulus fibrosus breaks and the nucleus pulposus flows out, characteristic protrusion... The main reasons such phenomena are:

  • ... In youth, cartilage tissue contains enough fluid and collagen to maintain its function and strength. However, age-related changes lead to cartilage dystrophy, increasing the likelihood of rupture of the intervertebral disc. Aging of the body is inevitable, but physical inactivity and features of professional activity(sedentary work) contribute to the development of osteochondrosis.
  • Injuries. As a result of a bruise or just careless movement, cracks and tears may appear on the intervertebral disc.
  • Hereditary predisposition. The fragility of cartilage tissue can be genetically inherent, therefore, care should be taken and preventive measures should be taken if a herniated disc is a family diagnosis.

Cartilage dystrophy is also promoted bad habits and an unbalanced diet... and poor collagen food- a common cause of the development of osteochondrosis. A smoking negatively affects the condition of bone and cartilage tissue, hindering assimilation nutrients.

The main symptom vertebral hernia is pain, since a change in the anatomical shape of the spinal column due to protrusion of the disc is the cause pinched nerves... At the same time, it is not only the adjacent area of ​​the spine that hurts. For example, a hernia of the lumbar spine often leads to pinching sciatic nerve and development... Pain sensations in this case spread from the waist to the heel.

As the disease progresses, other of its manifestations appear. signs:

  • Vertebral syndrome- the result of constant muscle tension with a hernia. Characterized intense pain and various disorders and mobility. Muscle spasm leads to curvature of the spine to one side and prevents full extension in the lower back, and the gait becomes uncertain.
  • Radicular syndrome is a consequence of a violation of the innervation and nutrition of tissues when the spinal nerves are pinched. The lumbar spine is associated with the pelvic organs and muscles of the lower half of the body. It is noted weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, their partial paralysis and loss of sensation. Intermittent claudication is common. From the side of the pelvic organs are noted violations processes of bowel and bladder emptying, gynecological diseases, decreased libido and impotence.

In advanced cases, untreated lumbar spinal hernia leads to paralysis of the lower extremities. That is why treatment should be started at the very first signs of the disease.

How to heal a hernia without surgery

Surgery for a ruptured intervertebral disc is an extreme measure. Required only if available serious complications not amenable to conservative treatment. In most cases, the following therapies are successfully applied.

Drug treatment

The main task of the doctor who diagnosed an intervertebral hernia is to relieve pain and inflammation. For these purposes, the following groups of drugs are used;

  • Analgesics. Depending on the intensity of pain, appropriate drugs are prescribed. So, with moderate pain, it is enough Paracetamol or Aspirin... If they are ineffective, stronger drugs such as Pentalgin and Nurofen... If the pain is unbearable, the attending physician may prescribe narcotic drugs (for example, Proxyphene or Tramadol).
  • To relieve inflammation it is advisable to use non-steroidal drugs Indomethacin and Diclofenac... They also successfully manage pain.
  • Muscle relaxants Tolperil or Mydocalm by acting on the central nervous system, they eliminate muscle spasms and, accordingly, also reduce pain.
  • B-group vitamins must be prescribed, contributing to the maintenance of the functions of the nervous system. You can take complex drugs or do intramuscular injections.

Additionally, various external agents are used in the form ointments and gels... They are applied to the affected area and have analgesic, anti-inflammatory or anesthetic effects.


After the elimination of the acute symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine, physiotherapy is necessarily prescribed. Especially effective massage using

Intervertebral hernia is usually called pathological changes in the structure or shape of the fibrous ring of the vertebra. These changes can be with rupture of the membrane or protrusion of the disc. This disease is very serious, especially in the case when the nucleus is displaced, it can get into the spinal canal and injure the nerve.

Very often, for the treatment of an intervertebral hernia, surgical intervention is required, in some cases, when the patient sought medical help on time, other types of therapy can be dispensed with.

An intervertebral hernia can form anywhere on the spine, most often in the thoracic, cervical, or lumbar regions. You can recover from this disease with the help of massage, physiotherapy exercises. There are also many folk remedies, but before choosing a method of treatment, a thorough diagnosis by an experienced doctor is necessary.

Why does an intervertebral hernia occur?

The disease can occur for various reasons, the most common are:

  • trauma;
  • hard physical work;
  • bad habits;
  • sedentary work;
  • untreated;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • dysplasia of the hip joints in babies under one year old.

The formation of an intervertebral hernia can be subsequently trauma. It does not appear immediately, in some cases it is discovered several years after the injury.

Dysplasia in childhood, if improperly treated, carries with it many concomitant diseases, including a skewed pelvis, and a hernia of the spine appears already in adulthood.

Osteochondrosis is a disease that occurs as a result of aging of the tissues of the spine, and the intervertebral discs become inelastic, as a result, the formation of a hernia under any load.

In people with bad habits, for example, smokers, the supply of oxygen to the blood is disrupted. As a result, all organs and tissues do not receive the substances necessary for normal functioning. The spine also suffers, so people with bad habits are prone to all sorts of diseases.

In the absence of physical activity, the muscles of the back weaken, all the weight falls on the spine. In addition, the metabolism slows down significantly, and it works like a piston. Low mobility affects the development of osteochondrosis, as a result of which a hernia may develop.

Symptoms of the disease can be different depending on the location of the hernia and its size. Very often the patient is unaware of his illness. This lasts until the neoplasm uses nerve endings.

  1. In patients with a hernia that does not touch the nerve, aching back pain is possible, which is perceived as a symptom of osteochondrosis.
  2. In cases where a nerve is pinched, the patient experiences constant and severe pain, as well as numbness of the limbs. Sometimes pain in the legs is felt - this is a symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain is so severe that it is impossible to take a step, as the feet become very sensitive.
  3. In cases where an intervertebral hernia occurs in the cervical region, numbness occurs in the upper body, and pain is given to the thigh.
  4. Pain in the legs is a symptom of a hernia of the spine, often the sensations spread mainly to one of the limbs.
  5. Painful sensations occur when sneezing or coughing, even if the patient remains motionless. If a nerve is injured, a tingling sensation may occur in the limbs.

What types of hernia can be cured without surgery

With timely treatment, it is possible to completely restore the intervertebral disc and its functions, even in cases where the hernia protrudes. With this diagnosis, surgery is not required.

When the disc protrudes with a rupture of the shell of the nucleus, it is possible to relieve the patient of pain sensations with the help of conservative treatment in 80% of cases. However, if conservative methods in this case do not bring results, paralysis of the limbs, dysfunction of the internal organs of the small pelvis and a constant feeling of pain are possible.

If an intervertebral hernia is accompanied by a complete rupture of the membrane of the nucleus, it becomes impossible to cure it without surgery. With the help of a surgical operation, the functions of the vertebra can be restored, but it will not be possible to restore it as before.

Conservative methods of treatment of vertebral hernia

When treating a herniated disc, it is important that the patient does not overload the back and is at rest. Today, in addition to surgical methods for treating an intervertebral hernia, there are conservative ones. These include:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • yoga;
  • spinal stretching;
  • electrical stimulation of nerve endings;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • massage;
  • bioelectronic communication method.

For the treatment of intervertebral hernia, the following groups of drugs are used:

Pain relievers non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

  • Diclofenac
  • Ibuprofen
  • Ketonal
  • Indomethocin

These drugs relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Opioid analgesics

  • Butorphanol
  • Pentazocine
  • Buprenorphine
  • Tramadol

These drugs are designed to relieve severe pain.

Neuralgia medications

  • Baclofen
  • Clonazepam
  • Sirdalud
  • B vitamins.

Muscle relaxants

  • Vecuronium
  • Rocuronium
  • Pipecuronium
  • Mivacurium

This group of medicines is designed to relieve muscle spasms.

Injectable cortisone: given in the pain area. The tool relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Can be used concomitantly with corticosteroids.

Spine Stretching Procedures

The patient is fixed in special medical equipment, resembling a table, on which the distance between the vertebrae is increased, due to which the pressure between the discs decreases and the hernia ceases to contact the nerve endings. Such equipment has a significant therapeutic effect on the spine.

Electrostimulation of nerve endings

Using special equipment, an electrical impulse is passed through the skin in safe doses. These impulses are able to relieve pain and stimulate nerve endings. This procedure is very effective in eliminating the pain that occurs with a herniated disc.

Electrical stimulation is performed without anesthesia, since it is not accompanied by any pain. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not effective for chronic pain syndrome.

Physiotherapy procedure - ultrasound, designed to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. High-frequency sound waves, acting on the problem area, stimulate blood circulation, restore tissue elasticity and relieve muscle spasms. As a result, hernia symptoms are reduced, and the healing of damaged discs is accelerated.

This method of treatment can be combined with other methods. Ultrasound sessions are as effective as manual therapy, with the help of them motor functions are restored and pain disappears.

Bioelectronic treatment

With the help of a special device, nerve impulses are read, processed and reversed in order to relieve pain. This method of treating an intervertebral hernia is non-surgical and painless.

By choosing this method of treatment, you can avoid taking potent pain relievers, which have many side effects. In addition, using this method, you can determine the slightest changes occurring inside the vertebra.

Correction with corsets and bandages

Depending on the location of the injury, corsets and bandages are selected for the patient, which relieve the load from the spine. A spine corset or brace supports the damaged area, restricts its mobility and prevents it from affecting the nerve endings.

Exposure to heat and cold

At home, you can alternate between heat and cold on the damaged area with compresses. Heat stimulates blood flow, enriches cells with oxygen for their regeneration. With the help of a warm compress, muscles are relaxed and pain is relieved.

For a compress, you can use any available means: bottles of warm water, towels ironed with a hot iron, electric heating pads. Heat therapy is effective for moderate pain relief.

Cold can also help relax muscle tissue. You can take ice packs and wrap them in a towel, which you attach to the sore spot.

The exposure time to heat or cold should not exceed 15 minutes. Alternate compresses are effective: first warm, then cold.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recover from a herniated disc at home, but you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. However, before treating this disease with surgery, you can try other means to alleviate the general condition and the ability to lead a normal life. Before choosing a method for treating a herniated disc, it is imperative to consult with a neurologist and orthopedist.

Video: how to get rid of an intervertebral hernia

Whether it is possible to treat a spinal hernia without surgery depends on the degree of disc displacement and the characteristics of the affected area. The disease affects the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Neoplasms in this area cause pain and numbness in the limbs. Non-surgical treatment of herniated discs is very effective, but requires an integrated approach. Therefore, it is important to seek qualified medical help in time.

An intervertebral hernia is a pathological neoplasm due to the displacement of the nucleus pulposus of one of the intervertebral discs. If the nucleus of the disc begins to move under the influence of excessive load, then it can enter the spinal canal and injure the nerve endings located in the spinal center. Displacement occurs due to the destruction of the annulus fibrosus and disc protrusion. As a result of such a pathology, a complete disc rupture may even occur.

The cause of the disease is considered the destruction of the structural components of the spinal column with poor nutrition. And also the lack of important mineral complexes, congenital anomalies of bone tissue, improper load, a sharp change in weight, complications due to sports injuries.

Clinical symptoms

The signs of the disease are influenced by the size of the neoplasm, the angle of displacement and the location of the location. In medicine, there are cases when a person does not even know about a hernia. This is due only to the complete absence of painful sensations and the small size of the hernia, which can be cured with conservative methods.

Symptoms of a disc herniation in the lumbar spine:

  • Pain is localized in the lumbar region and intensifies during exercise;
  • Numbness in the innervation of the pinched root is possible;
  • from the side of defeat;
  • Involuntary or difficult urination, irregular painful bowel movements;
  • Potency develops in men;
  • Numbness and tingling in the groin area;
  • Abrupt changes in blood pressure;
  • In severe cases, dystrophic processes of the muscles of the lower extremities are diagnosed.

The main symptom of a hernia is severe pain in the focus of the pathological neoplasm. This is caused by pinching of the nerve endings due to strong displacement.

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A herniated disc in the cervical spine is accompanied by numbness in the upper body, arms, neck, and hip pain.

Signs of intervertebral hernias in the cervical spine:

  • Painful sensations in the shoulder joints;
  • Headaches, dizziness, hypertension, as well as a combination of these symptoms with each other;
  • Pain transmitted to the hands;
  • Loss of sensitivity in the fingers.

Symptoms of a hernia in the thoracic region are disguised as completely different diseases that have no connection with the spine. Patients mistake the pain in the upper abdomen for stomach problems, and the tingling sensation in the left side of the chest for heart problems. And only diagnostics can determine the neoplasm and facilitate the treatment of a hernia of the spine without surgery.

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Treatment without surgery

You can get rid of a hernia of the spine using a conservative and surgical method. However, according to a study by Vroomen et al. In 73% of cases, patients can heal herniated discs without surgery after 3-4 months of regular therapy. Due to this, the surgical method is considered as a last resort in severe injuries.

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Non-surgical treatment of a hernia of the spine combines several methods:

  • Ultrasound therapy:
  • Electrical stimulation of nerve endings through the skin;
  • Sprains of the spinal column;
  • Local cooling (cryotherapy);
  • A set of physical exercises:
  • Orthopedic bandage or corset;
  • Alternative spine treatment.

When choosing the right treatment regimen, the main rule is the complete absence of pain in the patient. The entire complex must be discussed with a doctor and exclude possible contraindications that are available in almost all methods of correcting an intervertebral hernia without surgery.

Drug treatment

The use of drugs is necessary to reduce inflammation, prevent pinching of nerves, and also to eliminate pain. Therefore, the goal of this method is to return freedom of movement.

To get rid of an intervertebral hernia without surgery will help the use of:

  • Non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs), which are used to reduce inflammation and pain in a spinal hernia.

NSAIDs are used in tablet form or as ointments. The introduction of non-steroidal drugs with puncture is also quite effective. The greatest anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by: Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac sodium, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. NVDPs quickly improve the patient's condition and provide an opportunity to take a break from pain and discomfort. However, drugs have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, increase the likelihood of a peptic ulcer.

  • Muscle relaxants with central action.

They are aimed at relaxing the muscular frame of the back, eliminating the spasmodic syndrome that causes severe pain. You need to understand that relaxation drugs are able to remove protective tension. Therefore, relaxants are prescribed individually for each patient.

  • Analgesics of central action.

Narcotic pain relievers have strong side effects and are prescribed only for severe pain. To reduce the detrimental effect on the body, doctors recommend using topical ointments and gels when treating a vertebral hernia. Drugs for neuralgia, which effectively eliminate pain and discomfort, but at the same time, narcotic pain relievers of central action are much safer.

  • The novocaine blockade method used to relieve acute pain and is the fastest and most effective way.

The pronounced effect lasts about 20 days. It is not recommended to use the blockade method repeatedly, since it is not possible to cure a hernia of the spine in this way, and the introduction of an analgesic into one area 4-5 times leads to atrophy of the ligaments.

  • Corticosteroid injection is an effective method used to eliminate inflammation.

But it is a hormonal agent and requires careful use. Injections do not compensate for natural cortisol, but supplements it in stressful situations and inflammatory processes. Recently, the method is often used to get rid of a herniated disc without surgery.

Ultrasound and electrical stimulation

Treatment of an intervertebral hernia without surgery with ultrasound is considered an effective and painless method of affecting the displacement area. The procedure is aimed at reducing inflammation, accelerating blood circulation, increasing tissue plasticity and eliminating spasms in the back muscles. Ultrasound effect is perfectly combined with other types of therapy, and also promotes healing of a damaged disc without surgery and makes it possible to get rid of bouts of excruciating pain.

The method of electrical stimulation is able to remove the sensations of pain and discomfort. Treatment of intervertebral hernias is based on the effect of a permitted dose of electricity on the damaged area. Current pulses are able to remove painful sensations by stimulating nerve endings. The procedure is painless and does not require the use of anesthesia. However, this method is not effective enough to get rid of chronic back pain.

Spine sprain

Spinal stretching should not be considered as a separate method of treatment, since this method can only get rid of an intervertebral hernia in conjunction with medications, exercise therapy and manual therapy. The approach to treatment must be extremely careful under constant medical supervision, otherwise serious complications may arise. But correct therapy significantly lowers the pressure in the intervertebral discs, due to which inflammation and pain syndrome are significantly reduced. With a hernia, methods of vertical or horizontal stretching are used.

Vertical stretching has a simple exercise technique. In order for the spine to stretch, it is necessary to hang on the horizontal bar, and the rest of the work will be done by the patient's own weight. This method is perfect for self-study and has the most positive reviews. For horizontal stretching, tables for stretching the spine are used, which increase the distance between the vertebrae, this reduces the impact on.

Exercise therapy

Is it possible to cure an intervertebral hernia with a set of physical exercises at this stage, the attending physician will tell you. Each patient has individual injuries with a hernia of the spine and treatment without surgery has its own characteristics.

The exercise program of exercise therapy is compiled taking into account the clinical characteristics, the stage of the disease and the physical condition of the person.

It is necessary to get rid of an intervertebral hernia gradually with the help of correct loads, evenly distributed over the entire back. They will help restore mobility, flexibility and stability of the spinal column. Exercise therapy classes are designed for the patient's endurance, and exercises can be performed at home or under the supervision of doctors in the exercise therapy office.

Observation by a doctor is a prerequisite, since it is very dangerous to treat a spinal hernia without surgery, and improper loading can cause the intervertebral disc to fall out. Even with positive dynamics of the disease, the intervertebral disc recovers much more slowly during increased vertical compression. It is caused by severe stress and concussion of the spine. The best solution is to avoid vertical loading.

We adhere to an integrated approach in the treatment of intervertebral hernias, we use all available non-surgical techniques, classic and innovative. This helps to quickly and permanently relieve the patient of pain, return to his usual life. Our doctors practice a unique technique created by Dr. Bobyr - defanotherapy.

  • An integrated approach, lasting improvement.
  • Doctors with over 15 years of experience.
  • Dr. Bobyr's unique method is defanotherapy: relieving pain after the first sessions.

Often, the first thought of a person who has been diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia is: “Okay, now I have to do a spinal surgery! If something goes wrong on the operating table, I will remain disabled for the rest of my life. ” Therefore, to begin with, let's talk about some of the myths regarding surgical treatment.

Myth number 1. Intervertebral hernia - indication for surgery.

In fact, in about 75% of cases, the disease is successfully treated without surgery, which, in fact, is what the doctors at the Bebyr Clinic do. Indications for surgery arise only in certain cases:

  • Non-surgical treatments did not work for 6 weeks.
  • Numbness of the skin, muscle weakness persists.
  • It is difficult for the patient to stand and walk.
  • Incontinence of urine and stool.

The operation should in no case be carried out in the following cases:

  • In order to detect a herniated disc. The diagnosis must always be clearly established before the operation.
  • There are reasons to doubt that it is the hernia that is the source of the pain.
  • If you are concerned about chronic pain in the spine, the causes of which have not been established.

Myth number 2. Surgery for intervertebral hernias is very difficult, after which it takes a long time to recover, they can lead to serious complications.

It used to be that way. During the surgical intervention, it was necessary to cut many muscles, destroy part of the vertebra. Sometimes this made the spine unstable and had to be reinforced with metal structures with screws.

Currently, minimally invasive techniques have appeared. The operation can be performed without an incision, through one puncture in the lumbar region. The surgeon, using an instrument with a diameter of about 7 mm, carefully makes a tunnel in the tissues, then removes the herniated disc through the intervertebral foramen, where the nerve roots pass. For this, general anesthesia is not even needed: the patient is conscious during the operation and can talk to the doctor. During such operations, spinal anesthesia is used: the medicine is injected between the vertebrae into the space surrounding the spinal cord.

But even with the advent of such modern technologies, only a small number of patients develop indications for surgical treatment. In most cases, conservative measures can be dispensed with.

The longer you ignore the symptoms and postpone the visit to the doctor, the more the changes in the disc grow, the more likely it is that surgery will be required.

Non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias

There are many remedies that can help relieve the pain of herniated discs. But this alone is not enough. It is necessary to eliminate the cause. Therefore, the treatment must be comprehensive.

Medication methods

Usually, the treatment of intervertebral hernias begins with medication. In most cases, they help relieve symptoms and improve the condition within a few weeks. Used medications such as:

  • Pain relievers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The most famous representatives of this group: ibuprofen, naproxen.
  • If the pain is very severe, excruciating and persists for a long time, the doctor may prescribe narcotic analgesics. Such measures rarely have to be resorted to. Usually NSAIDs in combination with physiotherapy and manual techniques help to effectively cope with the symptoms of intervertebral hernia.
  • Anticonvulsants, which are used to treat seizures, can sometimes relieve herniated discs.
  • Often, against the background of pain, muscle spasm occurs, which contributes to additional compression of the nerve roots, impaired microcirculation, as a result, the pain syndrome increases. In such cases, drugs from the group of muscle relaxants are used.

For persistent pain that is not relieved by NSAIDs, the doctor may suggest a blockade. Directly in the place where the pathologically altered intervertebral disc and compressed nerve roots are located, anesthetics are injected glucocorticosteroids - hormonal drugs that suppress inflammation and pain.

A blockade is both a diagnostic and a therapeutic procedure. If the doctor correctly identified the source of the pain and injected the medicine in the right place, the patient's condition quickly improves. If the pain persists, then its source has been identified incorrectly, and it must be looked for elsewhere. If necessary, the blockade can be repeated after a while. Although this procedure is effective in treating symptoms, it does not affect the cause of the disease.

Helpful hints. You can try to manage your pain before seeing your doctor:

  • Take a pain reliever. Before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions, make sure that you have no contraindications, and you are taking the correct dose.
  • Use cold. For example, an ice pack or a towel dipped in cold water can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation and swelling in the deformed disc area in the early days.
  • In the future, you can use heat, for example, a heating pad. It helps to improve microcirculation, relieve muscle spasm.
  • Stay active. If your back hurts, lying in bed all day is not the best solution. Because of this, muscles are weakened, recovery processes are slowed down. You can rest in bed for half an hour, and then go for a walk or do household chores. Avoid strenuous physical activity and work, during which your pain intensifies.

Other conservative methods for the treatment of intervertebral hernia

Medical treatments in most cases help relieve pain, but in fact they are symptomatic, that is, relieve symptoms, but are not aimed at the root cause of the disease. Therefore, they need to be supplemented with other techniques. Treatment should be comprehensive.

Physiotherapy (exercise therapy)

The spine needs movement, otherwise the muscles that surround it will weaken, this can lead to slower recovery and even worsening of the condition. The specialists of the Bobyr Clinic select an individual course of medical gymnastics for each patient.

With intervertebral hernias, therapeutic exercises should be gentle, the loads are strictly dosed. They switch to active exercises only after the symptoms have been arrested. In addition, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his functionality, concomitant diseases.

Physical activity is strictly contraindicated in acute severe pain, severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, fever, acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

A correctly designed program of physiotherapy exercises for intervertebral hernias helps:

  • to reduce the load on the intervertebral discs and other elements of the spinal column;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • activate natural processes of self-healing, regeneration;
  • improve blood flow to the affected discs and nerve roots;
  • strengthen the spinal column and improve mobility in it;
  • prevent complications, repeated exacerbations of the disease.

Yoga can be considered as a kind of physiotherapy exercises for intervertebral hernia. At the same time, in addition to physical activity, there are breathing practices and meditations. Studies have shown that yoga practice helps to cope with chronic back pain, lower back pain, and improve spinal function.

Manual therapy

By pressing and stretching, a specially trained specialist - a chiropractor, restores the correct configuration of the spine, relieves muscle spasm, and normalizes muscle tone.

After manual therapy sessions, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs take their normal anatomical position - "fall into place". Pinched nerve roots are released. This is a very effective method of treatment in some cases, it helps to avoid surgery.

But a lot depends on the experience, the level of qualification of the chiropractor. It should definitely be a doctor, a person with a medical education, versed in anatomy, physiology and underwent special training. Wrong, inept actions can harm or even lead to disability. Trust the doctors at the Bobyr Clinic: we employ experienced chiropractors and other specialists.

Contraindications to the use of manual therapy are: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, infections, fever, malignant tumors.

Soft manual techniques

Osteopathy and other soft manual techniques are somewhat akin to manual therapy, but the effect is as soft, gentle, physiological as possible. The main thing is not strength, but the correct direction of movement of the specialist's hands, the restoration of natural anatomical and physiological relationships. Soft manual techniques have many positive effects: they relieve pain, improve mobility, normalize metabolic processes in tissues, blood flow and lymph outflow, relieve muscle spasms.

An osteopathic doctor is a specialist whose hands have acquired a special, increased sensitivity in the process of long-term training and practice. They can feel the subtlest pathological changes that even modern diagnostic methods cannot detect. A specialist in gentle manual techniques knows how these disorders can be corrected.

Basic tools of an osteopath: light movements, turns, pressure. Work with the patient's body is carried out at a very subtle level. It is more than just a cure. The doctor eliminates the root cause of disorders in the spinal column, restores health to the patient.

Osteopathy and other gentle manual techniques help:

  • cope with pain;
  • tidy up muscle tone;
  • improve blood flow and lymph drainage;
  • restore the correct anatomical relationships and improve the functioning of the spine;
  • eliminate the factors, root causes that lead to compression of the intervertebral disc;
  • start the natural processes of self-healing, self-healing in the patient's body.

Osteopathy is work not only with the spine, but also with the entire musculoskeletal system of the patient. Disorders in one organ can be caused by causes that are located in a completely different place. For example, with intervertebral hernias, these can be pathologies of the joints of the legs, flat feet, muscle spasm due to improper posture, etc.

Classic therapeutic massage

In case of intervertebral hernias, a classical therapeutic massage of the back, lower back, cervical-collar zone, head, legs and buttocks is used. It also helps to normalize muscle tone, cope with pain, reduce tissue swelling, restore normal blood and lymph flow, activate metabolic processes and local immunity.

The first sessions of massage therapy are usually short. Gradually, their duration and intensity of exposure increase. If pain or discomfort occurs, the procedure is stopped. The main goals of a massage therapist when working with a patient suffering from an intervertebral hernia:

  • Relax spasmodic muscles and, on the contrary, strengthen weakened ones.
  • Strengthen blood flow to the spinal column, affected intervertebral discs, nerve roots.
  • Provide an adequate outflow of lymph, eliminate puffiness.
  • Stimulate the production of biologically active substances in the tissues.
Moreover, massage is a very pleasant procedure. During it, "hormones of joy" - endorphins, can be released. They help to further relieve pain.

Massage is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Wounds, inflammation and other skin lesions.
  • Severe, sharp pains.
  • If the hernia is very large, if it has sequestered.
  • Acute infections, inflammatory processes.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Acute heart failure, a strong increase in blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Severe condition of the patient.

In the Beaver Clinic, a special type of massage is practiced - cupping massage. It enhances blood flow to a deformed disc, stimulates the release of biologically active substances, normalizes the outflow of interstitial fluid and lymph, relieves swelling and enhances natural recovery processes. Our practice shows that cupping massage perfectly complements the classic one, helps to quickly improve the patient's condition. We have this procedure carried out by medical workers who have undergone special training.


Physical therapy for herniated discs can help fight pain and muscle spasm. Various procedures are used: electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, paraffin applications, exposure to ultrasound, high-frequency waves.

At the Bobyr Clinic, shock wave therapy is used - a modern method that helps with intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis and have practically no contraindications. They help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve nutrition and activate recovery processes in the intervertebral disc, and restore mobility in the spine.


Reflexology is a set of treatment methods based on the idea that there are special biologically active points and zones on the human body. By acting on them, you can improve the condition of the internal organs, the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, including the spine.

There is research evidence that acupuncture (acupuncture) can help fight herniated discs. Although the results are rather modest, this method is often useful in complex treatment, helping to improve the effect. Acupuncture is a very effective method of pain relief.

Post-isometric relaxation

Post-isometric relaxation is a very effective method of dealing with back pain through muscle work. This technique is used at the Bebyr Clinic to combat various pathologies, including intervertebral hernias.

The essence of the method is that muscle relaxation occurs after a short period of tension. Due to this, spasms are eliminated, muscle tone is normalized, blood circulation and lymph drainage are improved.

Dr. Bobyr's author's method: defanotherapy

The Bobyr Clinic is a specialized clinic that deals exclusively with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Everyone here knows about the pathologies of the spine, and Dr.Bobyr even developed and patented the author's method of treatment - defanotherapy. This is a soft manual technique, which is based on a traction-impulse effect on the spine.

Compared to other types of treatment, defanotherapy has several advantages:

  • The method includes manual influence and a complex of psychophysical exercises, with the help of which the deformation of the spine is eliminated, a strong muscular corset is formed around it, which will hold the spinal column in the correct position, and protect it from overload.
  • Defanotherapy has a long-term effect, because the specialist not only relieves pain and other symptoms, he restores the normal anatomy and function of the spine.
  • The impact of the hands of a specialist is extremely soft, delicate, physiological. Moreover, its effectiveness is often even higher than when using manual therapy.
  • Unlike the same manual therapy, defanotherapy has practically no contraindications. This is a completely safe and painless technique.
  • Usually, in order to completely solve the problem with the spine, several sessions of defanotherapy are required. It helps to significantly shorten the treatment time. The initial effect usually becomes noticeable after 2-3 sessions. Many patients report that they feel better after the first session.

At the moment, the defanotherapy method has received high marks from our colleagues, both in Russia and abroad. Doctors from different cities of Russia come to the Bobyr Clinic to master this technique.

Can an intervertebral hernia be prevented?

A herniated disc is an inevitable consequence of degenerative processes in the spine, which increase with age. Some people are genetically less prone to this condition, some more. And yet there are factors that you can influence. By following some tips, you can slow down the degenerative process and reduce the risk of back pain:

  • Lift loads off the floor correctly. The joints of the legs should work, not the lower back.
  • If you have a sedentary job or have to work for a long time in a monotonous tense position, you should periodically take breaks and warm-ups.
  • Sign up for a pool or gym. But do not forget that physical activity should not be excessive.
  • In the office, you need to properly equip the workplace. Find a comfortable chair.
  • If you are overweight, you need to try to bring your body weight back to normal.
  • If you smoke, you need to give up the bad habit. And for this, not only the spine will thank you.
  • In general, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Many of our patients return to active life and work as soon as possible. Make an appointment!

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