Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages: reviews, consequences. Termination of pregnancy in the early stages Is it possible to have a medical termination of pregnancy?

Not all ladies are delighted with the news of an upcoming pregnancy. There are many reasons for this, ranging from unplanned conception to poor health. To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, today there are several ways. Medication is considered the safest. This method eliminates major surgical intervention. It is better tolerated both physically and psychologically. In our article we will talk about how it happens drug interruption pregnancy. You will also be provided with information about possible contraindications and the consequences of pharmacological abortion.

Description of the procedure

Medical or pharmacological abortion is a procedure aimed at ending an unwanted pregnancy without serious consequences. surgical intervention. It is carried out with the help of certain drugs. Their action is based on blocking the production of progesterone. This hormone is produced in a woman’s body and is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. After taking the pill, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Medical abortion, medications for this procedure and its implementation - all these issues have been discussed by doctors for a long time. However, only since the end of the last century has there been a real opportunity to carry out pharmacological abortion effectively and relatively safely for a woman’s health. Specialists from France have developed the drug Mifepristone, which belongs to the group of antiprogestins. In the early 80s, large-scale research into this drug as an abortion medication was launched in Geneva. A few years later, they began to put it into practice in France.

Numerous medical studies show that women prefer pharmacological abortion for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is a fear of surgery. Secondly, this method allows you to hide unwanted pregnancy from relatives and friends.

Advantages of pharmacological abortion over surgical abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy, the timing of which is described below, has a number of significant advantages. We have already mentioned some of them earlier. What other positive aspects are worth paying attention to?

  1. No need to take painkillers.
  2. Fast recovery period.
  3. No chance of damage uterine cavity, development adhesive processes or other gynecological complications.
  4. Medical abortion resembles heavy periods, so psychologically a woman perceives it as a natural process.
  5. There is no need to go to the hospital.
  6. No risk of infection viral diseases(AIDS or hepatitis).

To find out all the nuances of how medical abortion occurs, it is better to consult a gynecologist. The specialist will answer your questions and give useful recommendations.

Acceptable deadlines

Pharmacological abortion can be performed until the 6th week of pregnancy, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. The effectiveness of the procedure increases noticeably when used on early stages. Otherwise, other interruption techniques (eg, vacuum aspiration or surgery) may be necessary.

What drugs are used?

The doctor selects medications for the procedure. At the same time, he must take into account the individual characteristics of the female body. The drugs used today can be divided into two conditional groups. The first includes “Postinor” and “Escapelle”. They are used for emergency contraception.

"Postinor" is available in tablet form. Its active ingredient is levonorgestrel. Once in the body, it causes certain changes in the endometrium, interfering with the process of egg implantation. On the other hand, levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation. According to the instructions, Postinor must be taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred. First you need to take one pill, and after 12 hours - the second. During the first few hours, its effectiveness is 95%. Within a day, this figure drops to 58%.

Escapelle has a similar effect, but contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel. Therefore, taking the medication is limited to one tablet. This is where the differences between the two means are limited. They have the same effect on the ovulation and fertilization processes.

The second group of drugs includes Mifepristone and Pencrofton. Their use is justified in case of pregnancy, the duration of which does not exceed 6 weeks. They are used after implantation of a fertilized egg. Therefore, before prescribing these medications, it is necessary to conduct a series of clinical studies.

In the role active substance mifepristone is used. Its penetration into the body blocks the activity of progesterone, significantly increasing the contractility of the myometrium. As a result of these processes, the cervix begins to expand, expelling the fertilized egg. Below we will consider how medical abortion occurs using last group medicines. Mifepristone and Pencrofton are most often used for this procedure.

Possible contraindications

There are a number of circumstances under which medical termination of pregnancy should not be performed. Reviews from gynecologists warn that it is better to refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • long-term treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • lactation period;
  • ectopic first pregnancy.

Medical termination of pregnancy is not recommended for women over 35 years of age. The drugs used may cause sudden change hormonal background.

Preparation for the procedure

Pharmacological abortion is a serious procedure that must be performed under the supervision of a doctor. After signs of an unwanted pregnancy appear, you should contact a gynecologist for a preliminary examination. The doctor performs an ultrasound to determine approximate period conception. After this, the woman must give written consent to medical termination of pregnancy.

The medications for the procedure are selected by a gynecologist. Before an abortion, a pregnant woman must also undergo several tests, including a smear for flora. If you suspect cardiovascular pathologies A cardiogram may be required. After this, the doctor sets a date for the abortion. Before this, it is better to give up heavy food, alcohol and smoking 24 hours before.

Stages of pharmacological abortion

After receiving the test results, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. How does medical abortion occur?

In the absence of obvious contraindications, the doctor gives the woman the drug to drink. As a rule, these are 3 pills of 200 mg each. The next visit to the gynecologist is recommended after 36 hours. At this stage, the fetus is expelled from the uterus. For this purpose, the woman is given prostaglandins and must be instructed about the possible consequences. Sometimes she is asked to stay in the clinic for a day to monitor changes in her condition. The woman can be sent home provided that she adheres to the recommendations of the specialist, and if any unpleasant sensations arise, she immediately contacts him.

The first control ultrasound is performed 3 days after taking the drugs. If fetal remains are visualized in the uterine cavity, the doctor decides exactly how to proceed. A second control ultrasound is scheduled after another 2 weeks. If necessary, the gynecologist gives a referral to analyze the hCG level.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery after the procedure lasts about a month. At this time you need special attention relate to health and well-being. Increased temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, spotting after medical termination of pregnancy - all these symptoms should be a reason to visit a doctor.

After a pharmacological abortion, a woman’s body undergoes serious changes. Recovering hormonal background, the reproductive sphere is reconstructed, immunity decreases, and the risk of developing inflammation increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of yourself and give the body time to normalize the functioning of its basic systems.

For 14 days after an abortion, you should avoid visiting the bathhouse, having sexual intercourse, playing sports, and using tampons. If you follow these tips, you can hope for successful recovery of the body.

Is bleeding after an abortion normal or pathological?

Negative consequences of medical abortion are extremely rare, but they are still possible. One of them is bleeding.

The appearance of blood clots after taking the first pill is considered normal. Over the course of 5 days, the discharge is usually profuse. After this period, they become more scarce and then stop altogether. For some women, spotting continues until the onset of their first menstruation.

Their character depends solely on the individual characteristics of the organism. At first they may be scarlet in color, then dark and brownish towards the end. It is necessary to control bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy and monitor its volume. Using more than two pads per hour is considered a pathology.

If there is severe bleeding or abrupt cessation you need to immediately contact a gynecologist. If this is not possible, it is necessary to call a team of medical workers.

Complications of medical abortion

Pharmacological abortion is considered relatively safe procedure, but it is not without its shortcomings. After taking medications, you may experience adverse reactions, among which:

  1. Painful discomfort. IN in this case it all depends on the characteristics of the body, the threshold of its sensitivity. Before the procedure, the doctor must tell you about possible pain. To eliminate them, antispasmodics and analgesics are usually prescribed. It is not recommended to take medications on your own; you should consult your doctor.
  2. Nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may also accompany pregnancy itself. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are caused by prostaglandins prescribed by the gynecologist. Such side effects are rare, but they go away on their own.
  3. Temperature increase. The consequences of medical termination of pregnancy of this nature are caused by taking medications. As a rule, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and persists for no more than 4 hours. If unpleasant symptom does not disappear, most likely it is a consequence of the inflammatory process. You should tell your doctor about changes in your health, who will prescribe appropriate therapy.
  4. Diarrhea. This is a short-term side effect that does not require specific treatment.
  5. Hematometra. This disorder is characterized by the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. Its development is preceded by a spasm of the cervix of the reproductive organ. The disorder can be eliminated with the help of medications.

The listed pathologies rarely accompany medical termination of pregnancy. Reviews from women who have undergone this procedure confirm this statement. Pharmacological abortion leaves virtually no noticeable consequences if done by a qualified specialist and in the absence of contraindications.

Service cost

Where is medical abortion performed? This question worries many women. Almost everyone provides this service today. medical institutions. It is recommended to seek her help in the hospital where your attending gynecologist works.

The final cost of the procedure may vary depending on the drugs used, the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist. A certain role in this issue belongs to the woman’s stay in the hospital after the gynecologist performs a medical termination of pregnancy. The price of the service can range from 7 to 11 thousand rubles.

Medical abortion (termination of pregnancy with pills) - the newest way termination of pregnancy in the early stages without surgery.


Modern censorship does not recommend advertising means and methods of emergency contraception and abortion, considering this immoral. But gynecologists say that it is much more immoral to perform abortions on later or abandoning newborn children in maternity hospitals. So, let's not be prudes, and let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of terminating a pregnancy in the early stages.

The essence of medicinal abortion is the use of drugs specially created for this purpose. hormonal drugs Mifepristone, Mifegin, Mifepristone and others.

What is medical abortion

If earlier interruption unwanted pregnancy was carried out exclusively surgically, then now, for more than twenty-five years, emergency medical contraception is possible. For this there are special medical supplies, taking which it becomes possible to prevent pregnancy without surgery.

How does such an abortion occur? This type of abortion is carried out through the action of pills that cause rejection of the fertilized egg without the direct intervention of a gynecologist. Influenced substance present in a tablet, the effects of progesterone are blocked. In other words, the doctor does not use surgical instruments and, therefore, cannot damage the uterus or cause infection, which is especially dangerous for nulliparous women.

Medical abortion does not differ in symptoms from natural (spontaneous abortion), which is why it is called medical provocation of miscarriage. Women experience spotting within 2 days, and the lower abdomen hurts like contractions. Additional symptoms- nausea, diarrhea, mild weakness, slight increase temperature.

Other names for the procedure: medicinal, chemical, pharmacological, velvet abortion, drug provocation of spontaneous abortion. It is often called safe, although this is not entirely true - there are still some risks, but we will talk about this later.

Grounds for termination of pregnancy: is it necessary to have an abortion?

In the early stages, while the fetus is in the embryonic stage, there are no permissions from doctors, spouse, etc. not required. The woman makes the decision to have an abortion herself. The reasons for such a difficult step are usually:

  • A serious illness, an untreated infection, bad heredity in the child’s father or the woman herself.
  • The opinion is that a child takes a lot of time and effort, and food, clothing and baby supplies require considerable financial expenses.
  • Fear of condemnation from a man, relatives, others, if the child has to grow up without a father.
  • Domestic unsettlement, financial aspect, lack of prospects in life.
  • The need to continue education, the desire to pursue a career, especially if it is related to appearance or freedom in relationships or movement.
  • The desire for a carefree, non-committal life.

Before you decide have a medical abortion, think carefully about whether your arguments are worth the opportunity to have a baby. If the reasons are really serious, do not delay, immediately contact a gynecologist.

Timing: when can you have a medical abortion?

Each country sets its own deadlines for medical abortion. For example, in the USA this type of abortion is allowed only up to 7 weeks (from the first day of menstruation). The College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Britain recommends medical abortion at different stages: 1) up to 8 weeks, 2) 9-13 weeks, 3) up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

Russian doctors believe that such an abortion is optimal before the sixth week of pregnancy. There is information that in Russia a medical abortion can be performed up to 9 weeks of pregnancy (this is not prohibited), but many doctors do not risk taking on such responsibility. In their opinion, after 6 weeks, taking the pills is dangerous, because a miscarriage that begins can cause bleeding or inflammation caused by the remnants of the placenta in the uterus. In the later stages, mandatory mechanical cleaning (curettage) of the uterus is required, regardless of the reasons for the miscarriage.

From the above we can conclude: Than formerly a woman If you contact a gynecologist, the more effective the procedure will be and the less likely it is for complications to occur. Therefore, if pregnancy is unwanted, you should go to a gynecologist immediately if you suspect conception.

Is medical abortion safe? Can it be done at home?

The Internet is replete with articles talking about medical abortions at home. But if everything is so simple, why aren’t abortion pills sold in pharmacies? The answer is unlikely to please you. Despite the apparent ease of the procedure, it cannot be considered completely safe.

  • Although medical abortion carries minimal risks, it still disrupts the course of normal process pregnancy, abruptly interrupts the active hormonal changes associated with preparing the woman’s body for bearing a child.
  • This seemingly safe abortion has contraindications.
  • Only an hCG test in combination with an ultrasound can confirm the presence of pregnancy.
  • In some situations, the pills do not work and the pregnancy continues. A gynecologist should monitor the process.

It cannot be done at home. Moreover, you cannot buy abortion pills on the Internet, in pharmacies, or by hand, based on an advertisement. There is a huge chance of buying counterfeit drugs that will not lead to interruption and can cause poisoning. Abortion drugs can only be purchased by a representative of a clinic licensed to perform medical abortion. Each tablet is strictly registered with the state.

Possible complications after velvet abortion with pills

Incomplete abortion , when the fertilized egg is not completely released or remains completely. In this case, the doctor will prescribe vacuum extraction or full curettage of the uterus - a regular abortion. A complication can be assumed by the presence of discharge. If menstruation has not started 48 hours after taking the medicine, you should consult a gynecologist.

Inflammation in the uterus and appendages . May occur due to the spread of infection from genitourinary tract. The temperature rises, the stomach hurts incessantly. May be unusual for critical days discharge.

Problems with the uterus. Lochiometra (ichor, serous discharge in the uterus), hematometra (blood in the uterus), subinvolution of the uterus (slow recovery of the organ). In this case, there will be abdominal pain, problems with critical days etc.

Prolonged bleeding up to 2 weeks . In approximately 3-5% of women, pill abortion causes hormonal disbalance- the cycle becomes irregular, bleeding between periods is not uncommon. Other types of abortions guarantee failure in 12-15% of cases. The reason is neuroendocrine disorders leading to amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), which is a consequence of impaired ability of the endometrium (uterine lining) to recover. And if after taking abortifacient pills the hormonal balance is easy to restore, if the deep layers of the endometrium and muscles of the uterus are traumatized surgical method abortion, it will not be so easy. For a woman who has given birth, the cycle will return to normal in 3-4 months; for a nulliparous woman, restoration of functions will take at least six months.

Do not forget that hormonal imbalance after an abortion is not only problems with menstrual periods. These include metabolic disorders, sudden obesity, the appearance of cellulite, acne etc. The woman’s character deteriorates, she feels bad, looks worse and cannot get pregnant. If such signs appear after a medical abortion, you need to urgently get tested for hormones. The list of tests, based on the signs, will be indicated by the gynecologist.

Contraindications. How to reduce the risks of abortion with medications

As noted earlier, you cannot resort to this type of abortion if the pregnancy has exceeded six weeks. In addition, if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, then medical abortion is completely contraindicated. Treatment outside intrauterine pregnancy carried out surgically.

This type of abortion cannot be used if:

  • anemia;
  • existing uterine fibroids;
  • disorders of hemostasis (blood formation functions) due to the risk of severe bleeding.
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • severe liver diseases;
  • at hypersensitivity to misoprostol, mifepristone;
  • porphyria.

Contraindications include adrenal and renal failure and bronchial asthma. Mifepristone disrupts the balance of adrenal hormones needed to treat asthma by blocking them. Medicines used to treat such pathologies also become ineffective.

To avoid any problems, you must:

  • Get examined at the clinic to ensure availability normal pregnancy. Signs ectopic pregnancy may completely coincide, but pills for medical abortion in this case will not work and the ectopic will develop, even to the point of rupture of the tube.
  • Confirm gestational age using ultrasound . If this is not done and in fact the pills will be taken later acceptable time limits, you will still have to go for curettage, which is akin to a regular abortion.
  • Check for contraindications to taking pills and generally induced abortion.
  • Get tested after taking the pills to ensure that the pregnancy has terminated and that there are no remaining fertilized eggs in the uterus. In 2% of cases, abortion is ineffective - the pregnancy is not interrupted under the influence of the pills.

Before a medical abortion, the doctor will ask you to sign informed consent for the procedure. Without this document, it is impossible to have an abortion - it would be a violation of the law. At the same time, you should not think that the clinic abdicates responsibility for complications. Consent simply confirms that you undertook this procedure voluntarily and were warned about the possible consequences.

Benefits of medical abortion

If we compare several types of abortion, medication has a number of advantages over all others:

  • The main advantage of emergency contraception is the non-invasiveness of the procedure, which eliminates complications that are possible with surgical abortion. Since there is no mechanical effect on the walls of the uterus, the organ will definitely not be damaged - this protects against infertility. In addition, the endometrium of the uterine cavity is not damaged, which allows for rapid restoration of menstruation.
  • It is possible to terminate an unwanted pregnancy from the very beginning of a missed period. No need to go to the hospital.
  • High efficiency. The effectiveness of the non-surgical method is about 96%.
  • Full control of the patient’s condition at all stages of the procedure. Selection safe dosage drug taking into account the woman's health. Possibility of choosing a drug based on action and cost. There is no need for anesthesia.
  • Safe emergency contraception without surgical intervention - it is not scary or painful. Due to the absence of damaging effects on the reproductive and reproductive systems, there is no need for further treatment. There are practically no complications after such a procedure if it was carried out correctly.
  • The penetration of infection is excluded, adhesions are not formed, and the development of gynecological complications occurs in isolated cases. There is no risk of contracting hepatitis or AIDS. There is no risk of secondary infertility.
  • Psychologically, medicinal abortion is perceived much more easily by women, therefore, from a moral point of view, given the minimal period of pregnancy, it can be called morally gentle.

This is truly the most gentle type of abortion, although, of course, there are still some risks. Often women encounter problems with their cycles; the problem is solved by prescribing hormone replacement therapy. With other types of abortion, the consequences are more serious - up to possible infertility - in this case, long and expensive treatment will be required.

What does the examination before a gentle abortion include?

After a woman finds out about her pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will conduct a preliminary examination. Before a medical abortion, the gynecologist:

  • Will clarify information (history) about the patient’s health, including previous and existing diseases.
  • Will conduct gynecological examination bimanual (manual using mirrors) method to clarify the duration of pregnancy, exclude ectopic pregnancy and others gynecological pathologies that can cause harm during examination.
  • He will tell you about the dangers of abortion and possible complications(this is required by Russian legislation and medical ethics).
  • Next you will need to donate blood general analysis, coagulogram, RW analysis for syphilis, hepatitis B and C and HIV, smear for flora (presence dangerous infections) and undergo an ultrasound, which allows you to determine the stage of pregnancy.

How the procedure works

In the absence of contraindications, the gynecologist prescribes the woman the selected drug in tablets, which should be taken 2 hours before meals. After reception of this medicine You can’t eat for another 2 hours.

A pregnant woman, in the presence of a gynecologist, takes 1 - 3 tablets of the drug (depending on the chosen medication), and then goes home. If the tablet begins to act, after 1-2 days, discharge appears, as during menstruation. This indicates rejection of the fertilized egg. During this period it is possible discomfort, similar to painful critical days. If debilitating pain and prolonged bleeding are observed, the doctor will prescribe painkillers and hemostatic agents. If symptoms unusual for menstruation appear - fever with chills, weakness, sharp pain lower abdomen, significant bleeding, etc., you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. In such cases, curettage of the uterine cavity may be required, i.e. in essence, performing a routine abortion.

Next, the first control is carried out ultrasonography 3 days after the patient took the medicine. The gynecologist must make sure that no traces of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. Such residues rot and infect surrounding tissues, causing heavy bleeding and other complications after abortion. If residues are found in the uterus, the doctor decides on further actions.

A repeat examination is carried out after a week: the day of the visit is prescribed by the doctor. If necessary, additional analyzes can be carried out, for example, determining human chorionic gonadotropin. Please note: spotting may continue for 2-3 weeks - this is normal.

In some cases, the examination procedure can be simplified. For example, if a woman has already taken some tests and been examined by this gynecologist. Much also depends on the drug chosen.

Important conditions: tablets during breastfeeding, etc.

  • If a woman becomes pregnant while intrauterine device, the gynecologist must first remove the contraceptive. Medical abortion can be performed immediately after the procedure.
  • Abortion of pregnancy with pills is not recommended smoking women over the age of 35, since in most cases they have problems with blood vessels.
  • If there is inflammation in the genitourinary area, treatment can and should be carried out simultaneously with medical abortion, so as not to spread the infection.
  • When taking mifepristone and misoprostol while breastfeeding, you need to express milk for 24 hours. These drugs pass into milk and how they affect the child is not yet known.
  • A new pregnancy after a medical abortion may occur in the next cycle, so after the procedure you should abstain from intimate relationships for 2 weeks.

What drugs are used for abortion pills

The doctor selects the drug individually. In Russia, various combinations of drugs are approved for use: mifepristone (it is often incorrectly called mefepristone or mefipristone) or its analogues - mifegin, pencrofton, myfolian, RU 486, as well as misoprostol and its analogues - cytotec, cytotec. There are also approved abortion pills - Mifeprex. Methotrexate can be used as an injection.

Mifepristone is a synthetic antagonist of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It blocks its effect on the uterus, as a result of which the endometrium, which lines the uterus from the inside and keeps the embryo safe, becomes thinner. The embryo can no longer be held in the uterus, it has nothing to feed on, so its growth and maturation are disrupted. This causes termination of pregnancy. Mifepristone is used in combination with small doses of drugs - prostaglandins, which cause contractions of the uterus, which accelerates the rejection of the fertilized egg.

Misoprostol is an artificial analogue of prostaglandin E. It softens the cervix and causes it to contract. This is how the fertilized egg leaves the body. This drug is also used in other areas of medicine, for example, in gastroenterology for the prevention of stomach ulcers.

Methotrexate is very strong drug. This is the antagonist folic acid, used for medical abortion in patients who do not plan to have more children. This medicine is used in gynecology and to treat certain types of ectopic pregnancies. It is also a popular drug in oncology and rheumatology.


Regimen for taking pills for medical abortion here and in Europe

There is no universal scheme for medical abortion with these drugs. Each gynecologist chooses a method he has tested, which gives the best result without complications. An obligatory point is to assess the woman’s condition (age, number of births, body weight, hormonal levels, etc.). Therefore, information on dosages of medications for termination of pregnancy is provided for informational purposes only.

So, in the instructions for mifepristone, to terminate a pregnancy up to 9 weeks, the recommended single dosage of 600 mg of the drug is 3 tablets of 200 mg. Food reduces the effectiveness of any medicine, so you need to take the tablets before meals or after 1.5 hours. After two days, you need to take 2 more tablets of misoprostol (400 mcg). As mentioned above, you can only take abortion pills in the presence of a gynecologist.

In Europe, a different scheme applies. To terminate a pregnancy up to 49 days, a woman is given 200 mg of mifepristone, followed by another 400 mcg of misoprostol after 48 hours. For a period of up to 63 days, the dose of misoprostol is increased to 800 mcg, but the drug is administered into the vagina or offered to be absorbed under the tongue. If a miscarriage does not occur within 4 hours, the gynecologist prescribes a second dose of misoprostol - 400 mcg. Naturally, such dosages significantly affect the patient’s hormonal status.

In the early stages of 9-13 weeks, European doctors prescribe a single dose of 200 mcg of mifepristone, with vaginal administration two days later of 800 mcg of misoprostol. If this does not produce an effect, continue treatment with misoprostol 400 mcg. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times, every 3 hours.

Pregnancies over 13 weeks are terminated according to the same scheme, but if abortion does not occur, after 4 attempts with misoprostol, wait 3 hours and repeat the dose of mifepristone, supplementing it with misopristol after 12 hours. As you understand, Russian doctors do not undertake such experiments, worrying about the condition of their patients.

Medical abortion scheme in the USA

In the USA, on the contrary, the scheme is more gentle. In early pregnancy, it is recommended to take 200 mg of mifepristone, followed 48 hours later by 800 mcg of misoprostol orally. Moreover, when the pregnancy is up to 60 days, the effectiveness of abortion is 98.3%.

In addition to these methods, it is possible to perform a medical abortion by combining an injection of methotrexate with misoprostol taken orally or in the vagina. This scheme requires more time and if the pregnancy continues, the risk of fetal abnormalities is high. When using misoprostol without methotrexate, a huge dose of the drug is required and miscarriage occurs over a long period of time. At the same time, the likelihood of a complete abortion is reduced. For these reasons, these schemes are not used in many medical centers.

How much does a medical abortion cost?

In each clinic, abortion using pills costs differently. But you should not choose the cheapest option, as in fact it will turn out to be the most expensive. Typically, medical centers indicate the full cost of the procedure, including ultrasound, the cost of pills and consultations. Some clinics resort to cunning, indicating the cost of an abortion in the price list without examination.

In our clinic the price of medical abortion with examination excluding discount will be like this:

There is currently a great discount on early term abortions! Ask your administrator for details.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy

To avoid this problem in the future, you need to seriously think about contraception. The most popular types include:

  • Barrier (condom);
  • Intrauterine devices;
  • Birth control pills.

It is important to note that the selection contraceptives carried out by a specialist strictly individually. The IUD can be inserted immediately after a medical termination of pregnancy.

Every woman has the right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy or give birth. Thanks to the emergence of such a painless method of terminating pregnancy in the early stages, medical abortion does not threaten infertility or complications. The main thing is to go to the clinic on time and not delay the examination.

Attention! Abortion is harmful to a woman's health!

The most gentle way to perform an abortion is medical termination of pregnancy. It is practically safe for health and emotional state women. To carry it out, drugs are used that provoke the expulsion of the fertilized egg.

What is medical abortion?

The term “pharmabort” usually means the artificial termination of an ongoing pregnancy using medications. The method completely eliminates surgical intervention. During this procedure, the patient takes pills in the presence of a doctor. Under the influence of the components of this drug, the death of the embryo occurs. This completes the first stage of medical abortion.

After a certain time, the woman takes another drug. Its components provoke increased contractile activity of the uterine myometrium. As a result, the rejected fertilized egg is expelled and an abortion occurs. This procedure has a number of advantages relative to other methods (curettage,):

  • no trauma to the uterus;
  • rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • low risk of complications;
  • does not require anesthesia.

Medical termination of pregnancy - timing

When answering a woman’s question about how long a medical termination of pregnancy can be carried out, doctors say 6-7 weeks. Pharmaboration can be carried out no later than 42–49 days from the moment when the first day of the last menstruation was noted. At the same time, the effectiveness of this procedure decreases over time, and the likelihood of complications increases.

Doctors say the optimal time for medical abortion is up to 4 weeks. The fertilized egg does not have time to securely attach itself to the uterine wall, so it is rejected and released better and faster. In addition, the hormonal background has not yet been fully established, the restructuring of the body has not been completed, so it will be easier for it to return to its previous state, before pregnancy.

Medical termination of pregnancy - contraindications

The main indication for such an abortion is the desire of the woman herself. However, not all pregnant women and not all cases can undergo a medical abortion. In addition to the time frame indicated above, there are other contraindications to the implementation of medical abortion:

  • history of allergic reactions to medications;
  • liver failure;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • pathological bleeding;
  • active inflammatory process in a woman’s body;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • suspicions of;
  • oncological processes;
  • lactation process;
  • administering corticosteroid therapy;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system.

How does medical abortion occur?

Talking about how the pharmabort is performed, the doctor explains the stages of the procedure. Beforehand, a woman needs to undergo a short examination, which is prescribed on the day of treatment:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus;
  • microflora smear;
  • blood test for syphilis.

After receiving the results, an appointment is made exact time when a medical abortion is performed, the timing of which is indicated above. During the second visit, the doctor talks with the woman again, clarifies the seriousness of her intentions, and whether she has changed her mind. The patient is then given the drug, which she drinks in the presence of a doctor. Under the influence of the drug, endometrial growth stops, and the muscle layer begins to contract. The woman is observed for 2–3 hours, after which she leaves the clinic.

The patient is given a tablet of another drug that stimulates uterine contractions. It is taken after 36–48 hours, as directed by the doctor. Under the influence of the drug, the dead embryo is expelled out. Only after this is the medical abortion considered complete. A woman records bloody discharge.

Medical termination of pregnancy - drugs

A woman, even if she wants, cannot carry out a pharmaceutical abortion on her own - pills for its implementation are not sold in the pharmacy chain. When performing a medical abortion, drugs are used with a high content of hormones, so they are issued by a doctor in a medical facility. To carry out medical abortion, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antigestagens– suppress the effect of natural gestagens at the receptor level. A representative of this group is Mifepristone, Mifegin. For pharmaboration, 600 mg of the drug is used.
  2. Prostaglandins– enhance the contractility of the uterine myometrium. Most often from this group they use Mirolut. 400 mg of the drug is prescribed. Taken 36–48 hours after the antigestagen.

How do you know that the pharma abortion was successful?

Complications are possible with any medical procedure, so women often ask doctors how to understand that a medical abortion has failed. For the purpose of exclusion possible violations after 14 days, the woman must visit the clinic and undergo a control ultrasound. The doctor must make sure that the fertilized egg and its remains have completely left the uterine cavity. They examine the organ itself, determining its size. In a woman, the doctor clarifies the nature of the discharge, the presence and severity of pain. Often, after a pharma abortion, the test is positive - this is due to altered hormonal levels.

Menstruation after pharmaabortion

Normally, menstruation comes after pharmaabortion within 28–30 days. Taking abortifacients has virtually no effect on a woman’s hormonal background, so menstruation is not disrupted. However, in some cases there is a change in the volume of discharge: it can be scanty or excessively abundant. Thus, a small amount of discharge after medical termination of pregnancy may be due to:

  1. Small dilatation of the cervix during an abortion means that fragments of the fetus cannot come out normally, accumulating in the uterine cavity.
  2. Incomplete abortion - the fertilized egg is not completely rejected, and the fetus continues to develop.

Bleeding is observed within 2-3 days after pharmaabortion. Normally, it lasts up to 10–14 days. The fertilized egg is separated in parts, so the discharge lasts a long time. Their volume exceeds the number of menstrual ones. You need to be careful about the volume, making sure that they do not go into . Signs of such a complication are:

  • a large amount of blood released from the vagina - in half an hour sanitary napkin(“maxi”) is completely soaked;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • increase in the number of heart contractions;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Sex after pharmaboration

After the pharmaabortion has been carried out, the doctor explains to the woman what not to do and what rules to follow. At the same time, special attention is paid to intimate life. Doctors do not recommend that women have sexual intercourse until the bleeding stops. Otherwise there is high risk infection reproductive system. On average, the period of abstinence should be 2-3 weeks from the moment of abortion.

Pregnancy after pharmaceutical abortion

A properly performed pharmaceutical abortion does not affect reproductive function. after such an abortion, pregnancy is possible already a month later, in the next menstrual cycle. Considering this fact, doctors strongly recommend protection. Often women regret what they did and want to get pregnant again. In addition, there are cases where the interruption was carried out by medical indications, so a woman wants to get pregnant again quickly.

The reproductive system needs time to recover, so you should refrain from planning a pregnancy for 6 months from the moment the medical termination of pregnancy was carried out. During this period, doctors recommend using. In this case, it is better to give preference to mechanical ones (condom), since the use hormonal drugs may affect hormonal levels.

Medical abortion: description of the procedure, consequences, recovery

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy with the help of drugs, without gynecological intervention. It is carried out at the request of the woman, for a fee, according to the accepted scheme and only in clinics licensed to carry out this procedure. There are quite a lot of these in Russia now.

When is the procedure possible?

Until what period a medical abortion is performed is described in official medical documents- this is 6 weeks, in Russia. Moreover, the period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation.

Specifically, no more than 4 weeks should pass from the day of conception (usually ovulation). This is 2 weeks of missed period. But the sooner the procedure is performed, the greater the chances of success.

How to find out early that pregnancy has occurred? You can take a blood test for hCG 1-5 days before the start of your missed period. Or do home test, but always with high sensitivity. There are test strips that show the correct result even 5 days before the start of a missed period. Moreover, their cost is low, about 50 rubles.

However, be prepared for the fact that before the start of a delay in menstruation, even if hCG level confirms that you are pregnant, no one will perform an abortion on you. Neither medicinal nor surgical. It is necessary for an ultrasound to confirm the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus. And before the delay begins, he is not yet visible there.

How to terminate a pregnancy using pills and its disadvantages

A woman needs to find a clinic where this procedure is performed and make an appointment with a gynecologist. After confirming intrauterine pregnancy and the appropriate time for the procedure, he will tell you how a medical abortion works in the early stages and issue an information consent, which the patient must sign.

Next, she will be given a drug that she must take in the presence of a doctor. It is advisable to stay in the clinic for a couple of hours after this, but in practice women are usually quickly sent home, since the medicine is well tolerated and rarely gives side effects. These medical abortion pills are called Mifepristone. After taking them, a very small number of women immediately experience a miscarriage. For the majority, the state of health does not change. But spotting, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear.

After 36-48 hours, the woman should take another drug - Misoprostol. Again, according to standards, this should happen in a clinic, under the supervision of a doctor. And after taking this medicine, after 20-30 minutes strong cramping pain, bleeding. At this time, the woman must be in the clinic. If she vomits, that's one of the side effects Misoprostol - may be required additional dose drug. Usually within the next 2-3 hours the fertilized egg comes out. True, you may not notice it, since there will be a lot of clots. As soon as the pain subsides a little, the woman is allowed to go home.

After 7-10 days, it is necessary to do an ultrasound to make sure that there are no complications during termination of pregnancy in the early stages, and they consist primarily of incomplete miscarriage. If particles of the fertilized egg remain or it continues to develop, vacuum aspiration is suggested. Even if the woman has already decided to leave the child. The fact is that due to the use of Misoprostol and the severe spasms that it causes, the child develops numerous developmental defects, such as defects of the skull, foot (horsefoot), etc. And that’s not all possible consequences medical abortion. A common complication severe and prolonged bleeding occurs. By the way, this complication after vacuum aspiration it is observed much less frequently. The woman is forced to take hemostatic drugs. This all limits her ability to work.

Medical abortion also has contraindications:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • adrenal, hepatic and renal failure and some others. For example, a doctor may refuse this service if a woman has a large myomatous intramuscular node, since active contractions of the uterus that occur after taking Misoprostol can lead to tumor necrosis.

Cycle restoration, sex life, contraception and new pregnancy

Discharge after a medical abortion lasts about 10-14 days, longer than during normal menstruation, or even after a surgical termination of pregnancy. At the same time, it is possible to determine whether the uterus is completely cleared of membranes only by ultrasound results. If yes, menstrual cycle will recover quickly. Thus, menstruation after a medical abortion in the early stages usually begins within 28-35 days. However, ovulation may already be in the middle of this cycle, so it is very important to immediately start using reliable contraception. Many people are also interested in when they can have sex after a medical abortion, and after how many days. Doctors recommend only after the discharge has completely stopped, that is, after 10-14 days. But we will focus on the issue of contraception.

Modern doctors recommend for women living with one regular sexual partner an intrauterine system (IUD) or oral contraceptives ( hormonal pills). In this case, the spiral can be installed directly on the days of bleeding after an abortion. The main thing is that by that time there are no membranes left in the uterus. That is, you need to do an ultrasound, and if everything is fine, you can talk to your doctor about which intrauterine system you need would be better suited, buy and install it. Intrauterine systems are installed in last days menstruation when cervical canal slightly open to make the procedure easier and more painless.

Oral contraceptives can be started in the first 5 days after a miscarriage. Strictly according to the instructions. Then contraceptive effect will be good and will come quickly (how quickly depends on the day of the cycle on which you started taking the drug). Besides, hormonal contraceptives will help restore hormonal levels. Doctors often prescribe them to be taken after an abortion for at least three months, and even before planning a pregnancy, if there are no contraindications to the pills.

Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in this way on your own without seeing a doctor?

Many women are not entirely satisfied with this option of abortion. Expensive... And again, you need to go to the doctors. Therefore, they try to independently purchase drugs that, in their opinion, should “help.” Since the drugs necessary for medical abortion are not available on the market, they buy what is available. And this is Oxytocin. It is sometimes used for incomplete abortion or to intensify labor contractions. But in early pregnancy, this drug alone will not help. It will only lead to very painful contractions of the uterus, possibly bleeding. But it is very unlikely that a miscarriage will occur, especially a complete one. And the remains of membranes in the uterus are a direct threat of blood poisoning.

For this reason, in order to avoid serious complications, you should not induce a miscarriage yourself at any time.

Medical termination of pregnancy is a modern and safe method. Though this procedure and does not require surgical intervention, it is very important to know how it goes and what complications can occur, what the rehabilitation period looks like after taking medications.

What is a medication method?

It is a non-invasive procedure for early pregnancy termination - similar to a spontaneous miscarriage. Has the following advantages:

  • efficiency - 95%;
  • no risk of injury to the uterus during surgical procedures;
  • low risk of infection;
  • there is no danger of “earning” hepatitis or HIV, which can happen during surgery;
  • there are no health risks associated with anesthesia;
  • Influence at female body minimal, so such manipulations can be carried out even during the first pregnancy;
  • low level of stress, which prevents the creation of traumatic situations that can harm the female body.

This procedure does not require a hospital stay for a long time; after taking medications, you can go home. However, it is worth remembering that only a specialist can prescribe medications.

Because the this method abortion is quite new, many still resort to vacuum abortion, however, it is worth remembering that in this case the degree of intervention in the body and the risk of complications will be higher.

Timing of medical abortion

The timing is determined by the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015, which states that drug intervention can be carried out until the ninth week of pregnancy. However, in most European countries maximum term defined 7 weeks.

Why are these particular deadlines determined? It is worth noting that in the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to develop human features and the formation of organs and the umbilical cord begins. By the sixth week, the placenta has already formed and the organs continue to develop. At the eighth week, the fetus has a human appearance, during this period the blood vessels of the placenta are formed, and for this reason, taking medications during this period can cause severe bleeding.

In Russia, for medical termination of pregnancy, the following pills are used:

The average cost of the procedure is from 15,000 rubles, depending on the clinic.

Are there any contraindications

This procedure also has a number of contraindications. For example, you should not take drugs from this group in the following cases:

  • if the pregnancy is more than 6 weeks;
  • with ectopic pregnancy;
  • at acute form renal and liver failure;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of fibroids;
  • after long-term use corticosteroid drugs;
  • in case of intolerance to Mifeprestone.
  • during lactation - in this case it must be interrupted for at least two weeks;
  • women over 35 years old;
  • if there are scars on the uterus after surgery.

Permission to carry out a medical abortion can only be given by the attending physician after a thorough examination of the patient.

How is the abortion procedure performed?

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, she first goes to her gynecologist, who conducts diagnostics to confirm the pregnancy, sets the date and contraindications. Also at this stage, the doctor may recommend a medical termination in case of abnormalities in the development of the fetus: if pathologies are detected or if the mother feels such that she cannot bear the child.

If there are no contraindications to childbirth, but the woman still does not want to give birth, she is given a short amount of time to think. If the woman nevertheless decides to terminate the pregnancy, the doctor determines whether there are contraindications to this procedure.

Medical termination of pregnancy consists of several stages.

Stage one

A woman takes 3 tablets (dosage: 600 mg). Moreover, throughout the entire stage the patient must be under the close supervision of a specialist.

The duration of the stage depends on the body's response to the drug.

Ideally, it lasts no more than six hours: during this period, the woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and spotting may appear - this is a normal reaction to the drug, since the process of rejection of the fertilized egg occurs.

After successful completion of the drug, the woman is prepared for the second stage of the procedure.

Second phase

It begins 1.5-2 days after taking the pills. Moreover, it is not necessary to go to the doctor: if you feel normal, it is enough to take the pills at home. It is important to remember that in the second stage bloody discharge and there may be more pain, so it’s worth taking a day off from work. If pain syndrome will be too strong, you can take painkillers.

Important point: you need to buy only certified medicines, since the life and health of a woman depends on it.

Actions after taking the pills

A few days after taking the medication, you need to contact a gynecologist: the doctor will examine you, check whether the medicine has worked, whether there are any remnants of the fertilized egg left in the body, or whether rejection has occurred. To avoid unpleasant consequences It is necessary to undergo a control ultrasound.

If egg remains are found in the uterus, the doctor prescribes further treatment.

After 1.5-2 weeks, they are examined again and an ultrasound is prescribed. If the ultrasound does not give results, the doctor may order a blood test to determine the level of hCG.

It is important to remember that when performing a medical abortion in the early stages, the success rate of the procedure is more than 95%, but if you apply later, there is a high probability of an incomplete abortion, as a result of which a vacuum will have to be performed.

After completing the activities, you should adhere to several important rules:

  1. Use contraceptives during sexual intercourse, since a new pregnancy can occur even before the start of menstruation. Moreover, it is undesirable to have sex earlier than 2-3 weeks later.
  2. You should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  3. Avoid visiting saunas and baths.

What could be the consequences?

With such an abortion, complications usually occur in no more than 3-5% of cases, but they still happen. You need to be able to distinguish between them, since there are mild complications, such as slight abdominal pain and rare bleeding, and serious problems, if they appear, you should consult a doctor.

For example, slight pain elevated temperature, which lasts for several hours after diagnosis, chest pain is a normal reaction of the body to a medical abortion. You need to take a pain reliever, such as Analgin or Ibuprofen.

But if the high temperature does not decrease for six hours or more, this may indicate infectious process. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Though infectious complications and are not typical for this form of abortion, however, there is a group of people who are at greater risk than others:

Recovery after abortion

After taking the pills, the menstrual cycle is not disrupted, but it is quite difficult to predict when they will start again - the timing of the procedure also matters here (in the early stages the cycle is restored faster).

The first period can start in 1-2 months, but a lot also depends on the patient’s condition. If your period has not started after 60 days, you should definitely consult a gynecologist for advice.

Despite its effectiveness and minimal complications, medical abortion is not an ideal solution, since any intervention internal environment person may have consequences. To avoid them, you should think about contraception and family planning in advance.

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