Heart contusion: danger of injury from a blow to the chest. A blow to the heart and head. Why is record high atmospheric pressure dangerous? The more the more dangerous

Snowfalls, frosts, winds - we are used to everything. This time nature has prepared another test for the residents of Central Russia. According to forecasters, a weather record may be set today: atmospheric pressure will rise to the highest level this century - 763.6 mmHg.

Forecasters note: on days like these, the health of city residents is at risk. Doctors agree with them.

The risk of ischemic strokes and cerebral hemorrhages, as well as heart attacks, increases. Well, just hypertensive crises and angina pectoris, says neurologist Mikhail Moiseev. - On days like these, the number of requests for medical help from neurologists and cardiologists traditionally increases.

According to experts, such weather has the greatest impact on hypertensive patients - people with chronically high blood pressure. Elderly people are especially at risk - they usually have problems with the cardiovascular system not only limited to hypertension, which means that in such weather they are likely to feel unwell.

In such weather, hypertensive patients experience decreased performance, headaches, tinnitus, and even a red face (one of the signs of high blood pressure).

And the worst thing in this situation is that most people here don’t monitor their blood pressure and don’t even know what blood pressure is normal for them,” says Vladimir Khoroshev. “And for people with blood pressure disorders, such weather has an almost 100% impact. About 30–35% of them have severe consequences in the form of strokes and heart attacks (not necessarily now, perhaps in the future). In healthy people, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure can predispose them to hypertension or hypotension.

How to protect yourself?

The first and most important thing is to look after your health, says Vladimir Khoroshev. - In particular, measure your blood pressure twice a day. And, of course, watch the weather forecast. If you have hypertension, it is better to consult your doctor, and he will prescribe you medications for such cases.

With high atmospheric pressure in hypotensive people (people with chronically low blood pressure), it can either increase (then they feel even better than on other days) or decrease.

If you have a tendency towards low blood pressure, then on such record-breaking days you can drink a cup of strong coffee in the morning to slightly increase your blood pressure, said Vladimir Khoroshev.

He noted that the impact of weather anomalies may be gradual. For example, today you may not feel that there is anything wrong with your blood vessels, but the next time such abnormal weather conditions can seriously harm your weakened health.

By the way, today's weather affects more than just your blood pressure. Drowsiness, apathy, weakness, aching sensations and even unmotivated anxiety are just some of the “gifts” that such weather can give not only to hypertensive patients, but also to completely healthy people.

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Energy drinks are gaining popularity among teenagers and young adults, and doctors continue to count the health toll on the next generation.

A new study finds that energy drinks in doses of two cans per day are dangerous for the cardiovascular system.

Scientists say these doses of stimulants can cause tachycardia, chest pain and more serious problems requiring hospitalization.

In the United States, 31% of teenagers 12-17 years old regularly indulge in energy drinks, and among young people 18-24 years old this figure is already 34%. US CDC experts are very alarmed by these figures.

“Energy drinks have become too popular in the last decade. Half of consumers buy energy drinks to overcome fatigue, increase concentration and attention, mainly for active night rest and entertainment,” says Dr. Ian Musgrave, a pharmacologist at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

In the latest issue of the International Journal of Cardiology, scientists said that caffeine and other plant-based psychostimulants added to such drinks pose a serious threat to the cardiovascular system, not to mention sugar and synthetic additives.

The more the more dangerous

The study looked at patients admitted to South Australian emergency departments in 2014-2015.

According to the authors, 70% of young patients with tachycardia and chest pain had previously consumed some kind of energy drink, with 36% of them doing so within 24 hours before hospitalization. Many managed to drink 5 cans of energy drink, and a few unique people managed to consume 12 cans in a day!

Researchers have calculated that the risk of serious side effects increases sharply when drinking 2 or more cans of energy drink per day. One jar passes without consequences for most people, but the authors strongly advise not to test this day after day.

Energy drink + alcohol = heart attack

Dr. Musgrave says drinks with alcohol and caffeine are the least tolerated.

In November 2010, the FDA warned seven manufacturing companies that their products would be removed from the US market due to health risks. FDA experts were concerned that manufacturers' claims about the safety of such drinks were incorrect and misleading to consumers.

“The first problem is that alcohol makes you less able to make informed decisions about taking energy drinks. The second problem is that alcohol slows down the metabolism of caffeine, which is why the concentration of this alkaloid in the blood can reach enormous levels,” warns Musgrave.

According to Australian scientists, combination drinks with alcohol and caffeine should be banned.

“You probably don’t want to drink seven cups of espresso one after another, but a can of energy drink is welcome. Meanwhile, it contains exactly the same amount of caffeine. This is risky even for a healthy person, not to mention people with cardiac problems,” they say.

Contusion accounts for up to seventy percent. A heart exposed to a shock, depending on how severe the damage has occurred, can cope with the consequences on its own or will require the help of doctors. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to waste time if the diagnosis shows the need to undergo treatment.

Features of injury

If a closed injury occurs in the area of ​​the left side of the chest, then the possibility of heart contusion cannot be ruled out. This problem has such features that it is not always possible to guess about it; cardiac contusion is determined by examination. It occurs as a result of the application of mechanical force to the chest, which is transmitted to the heart.

The heart is an organ in which there is a continuous circulation of blood flows, coordinated operation of the valves, and a functioning conduction system that transmits impulses from pacemakers to the chambers. The consequences of a traumatic blow depend on:

  • from the force of this action,
  • what phase of heart activity was at that moment,
  • direction of impact.

The disease code according to the international classification scale (ICD-10) is designated S26 (heart injury).

In some chambers, movement may be slowed down or even stopped during a sudden mechanical impact. During this time, blood flow continues to the heart. The blood in the chambers of the heart responds to a sudden impact with a hydrodynamic phenomenon, which can create a danger to the health of the heart.

The following reactions to impact are possible:

  • overcrowding of cells,
  • their overload
  • stretching of cavities and changing their sizes,
  • compression of departments,
  • damage to the heart by the ribs,
  • blood flow dissociation,
  • heart displacement,
  • sharp functional disorders can provoke mechanical damage to the heart:
    • myocardial damage,
    • valve damage.

Classification and forms

Experts identify two types of clinical manifestations that can be caused by a blow to the heart:

  • angina pectoris,
  • infarct-like.

Determining which clinical type the symptoms of a particular patient can be attributed to immediately gives a hint about treatment tactics. To exclude the possibility of developing a contusion in a heart attack-like case, the amount of therapy performed by the infusion method is limited. In the first case, such a restriction is not provided.

Heart contusion can be divided into components:

  • contusion of the heart muscles,
  • contusion of coronary vessels,
  • bruised valves
  • combined bruise.


A cardiac contusion can occur if there is a blow to the chest in the area where the heart is projected. This action is possible:

  • in case of an accident:
    • falling from height,
    • shock wave,
    • in an emergency - hitting the steering wheel with your chest;
    • in production - when working with heavy objects, when a tool kicks back or another unforeseen situation occurs;
    • hydrotrauma,
    • hit with a stone
  • or as a sports injury:
    • kicking the ball in a football game,
    • during a martial arts match,
    • other accidental injuries.


Heart contusion can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • interruptions in cardiac activity,
  • pain in the chest area,
  • heartbeat,
  • shortness of breath, in some cases suffocation;
  • cyanosis,
  • pain similar to the sensations of;
  • expanding the boundaries of the heart,
  • the pain factor manifests itself either immediately after the injury or several hours later;
  • the appearance of uncharacteristic noises, dull tones are heard;
  • decrease in blood pressure over the course of a week,
  • if there is a violation of the papillary muscle, for example, its rupture, then a rough systolic murmur will be heard;
  • loss of consciousness,
  • with serious damage to the heart from a stroke, heart failure with congestion may develop.

Violations may occur:

  • heart vessels,
  • spasm of the coronary arteries,
  • hemorrhages in the muscles of the heart,
  • rhythm disturbances,
  • for minor injuries: microhemorrhages, hematomas;
  • when a traumatic blow of great force is possible:
    • ruptures of valve elements,
    • damage to the heart muscles.

There may be signs:

  • cold sweat,
  • anxiety,
  • loss of mind,
  • swelling in the heart area,
  • causeless horror
  • tingling feeling in the fingertips,
  • pulsation of large veins.

We will tell you further about ECG and other methods for diagnosing cardiac contusion.


The specialist listens to complaints and uses a stethoscope to dry the heart. To clarify, do research:

  • An electrocardiogram reflects the electrical impulses of the heart. If the results of this method show a normal result, then you can be sure that there are no serious negative consequences of the bruise.
  • Echocardiography is indicated in cases where there are signs of hemodynamic compromise. In situations of bruise, transesophageal examination is used.
  • Holter observation – recording of heart impulses throughout the day. Makes it possible to understand what factors are associated with possible deviations from normal readings. The patient wears a portable sensor attached to the body and keeps a chronological record of activities, loads, and mood.
  • Laboratory research. Tests are carried out for the content of substances that may indicate that the myocardium is damaged:
    • MB isoenzyme,
    • troponin.


To provide assistance to a patient with a heart contusion, he is admitted to a hospital. Treatment takes place in intensive care units, unless urgent surgery is required. The treatment program is carried out under close monitoring of changes in the patient's condition.


If necessary, the following activities are carried out:

  • to restore the ability of the myocardium to contract,
  • treatment of hemodynamic disorders,
  • antiarrhythmic therapy,
  • improvement of metabolism,
  • rehabilitation measures.


Depending on what disorders occurred as a result of the injury, specialists may prescribe:

  • drugs that relieve heart pain, these can be:
    • droperidol (with saline solution),
    • (with physical solution),
    • omnopod,
    • morphine,
  • antiarrhythmic drugs:
    • isoptin,
    • trasicore,
    • panangin,
    • potassium chloride,
  • for heart failure:
    • diuretics,
    • cardiac glycosides,
    • medicines containing potassium.


  • If mechanical damage to the walls or valve elements occurs in the heart, the patient will need urgent surgical assistance.
  • In case of transverse blockade (complete), measures are taken for electrical cardiac stimulation.

Folk remedies

For bruises, traditional methods are successfully used. A heart bruise can pose serious threats, so self-medication is unacceptable.

With the permission of a specialist, you can use:

  • Cold and rest help the bruised area.
  • Applying plantain helps relieve the effects of a bruise.
  • The same thing, only crushed wormwood is applied.
  • Make a solution with laundry soap, apply a bandage soaked in this solution to the bruise.

The following video will tell you about the potato method of folk treatment for heart contusion:


Prevention of heart contusion with all possible consequences will be to exclude the possibility of injury to the chest in the area of ​​the heart. Safety precautions must be followed:

  • Drivers should always wear their seat belt.
  • Installers at a construction site must fasten themselves to structures to avoid falling.
  • When playing sports, remember that the heart area must be protected from shock.

Complications and consequences of heart contusion

A heart bruise is a severe stress for the body. This causes a significant blow to various systems. The consequence of injury may be symptoms of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy.

Often, when a serious injury occurs, it is the heart contusion that causes death, although it may be undetected. This situation occurs in three-quarters of fatal injuries. After treatment in a hospital, when surgical intervention was required, if there was circulatory arrest, the probability of death is high, up to 88%.

Protect yourself from heart attacks and high blood pressure in the heat. After all, untimely medical care claims lives in 75 percent of cases.

“High degrees” on the street brings a lot of problems to hypertensive patients and heart patients. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the basic rules of survival in conditions of unbearable heat.

Cardiologists note that more and more patients are complaining of tingling in the heart, difficulty breathing, dizziness and headaches. As it turned out, it was the temperature going beyond 30 degrees that caused such a depressed state. We will give some useful tips to those who are at risk and cannot stand the heat.

Be sure to carry Corvalol and Corvaldine with you to be on the safe side.

Stay in the shade as often as possible and do not neglect hats.

If you can’t escape the heat even at home, and you don’t have air conditioning, then you can hang a wet sheet on the door to the room. You can open the window slightly or turn on a regular fan, but under no circumstances allow drafts to appear. Otherwise, a runny nose and cough will be added to heart problems.

Drink as much fluid as possible. It is better to avoid sweet soda, energy drinks and coffee. Caffeine will make the heart work even more. Focus on green tea, mineral water (preferably still), water with lemon juice, and a decoction of mint leaves.

No alcohol, not even a glass of beer, alcohol severely dehydrates the body and dilates blood vessels.

Instead of heavy and fatty foods, include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible.

Be sure to take a shower every day, but never a cold one. Otherwise, a sharp temperature change can provoke, at best, convulsions and excessive stress on the heart, and at worst, pneumonia, hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, or exacerbation of radiculitis. Water at room temperature is the best option for daily water procedures.

First aid for a heart attack caused by heat, before the ambulance arrives: give 2-3 tablets of nitroglycerin, but if the heartbeat does not decrease, take a validol tablet under the tongue; pain in the heart will help relieve aspirin and baralgin, which must be chewed; lay the core so that the legs are higher than the head; It is better not to perform a heart massage on your own; if the patient has arrhythmia, this procedure will only worsen his condition.

By the way: normal working pressure during heat is 120/80, pulse rate is from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

Cleanse the body with beetroot juice

Beetroot juice contains large amounts of vitamin A, sodium, calcium, chlorine, vitamin B6, sulfur, iron and potassium. That is why beet juice is considered a powerful body cleanser. Moreover, the strength of its influence is so great that the juice can cause rapid heartbeat, increased temperature, paralysis of the vocal cords, so it is recommended to consume freshly squeezed beet juice in moderate quantities and in a mixture with other juices, for example, apple, carrot, cucumber.
Beetroot juice is recommended for:
- Anemia;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Menopause;
- Skin diseases;
- Poor vision;
- Menstrual disorders

General weakness;
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
- Overweight.
The combination of beet juice (1/4) and carrot juice (3/4) is an excellent hypoallergenic remedy. For these purposes, it is recommended to consume about 200 ml per day. juice
Moreover, a mixture of beet and carrot juices tones and has general strengthening properties.
Beetroot juice diluted with water is used to stimulate liver function.
Don't panic if beets turn your stool and urine red. This is fine.
Beet greens are rich in carotenoids and minerals, so they are also juiced and added to vegetable juice mixtures.
