The influence of the moon in different phases on the psyche and human health. How the moon affects men and women

The lunar phases have an effect not only on the ebb and flow, but also on the well-being of a person. The answer to the question why the moon affects a person lies in its effect on water and liquid media. The water in our body is also influenced by the gravitational field of the moon.

How the moon affects humans

The moon's cycle is 29-30 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • new moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • full moon;
  • waning moon.

A new moon is a period when fluid, under the influence of gravity, moves away from the head and rushes to the internal organs. For this reason, some people may feel dizzy and mildly weak. This action is short-term, after it the waxing moon phase rises in force.

Considering how the growing moon affects a person, it is important to note the following factors:

  • an increase in internal energy and a surge of strength;
  • the functions of the body are improved and renewed;
  • blood rushes to the cerebral cortex;
  • in the middle of the phase, the work of the respiratory organs is activated;
  • The rush of blood and energy gradually descends from the upper organs to the lower ones.

Each phase has its own impact on the physical and emotional state of a person. Even in ancient times, doctors distinguished how the full moon affects a person. The state of health of people on the full moon worsens, bleeding in the wounded increases, and people who are too emotional and mentally unhealthy become more anxious or, on the contrary, depressed.

Full moon and waning moon

The Full Moon is a hot season for doctors and law enforcement officials. Modern research shows that during this period there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the risk of injury increases, stressful situations are more difficult to endure, and the risk of side effects from drugs increases.

According to statistics, 30% of heart attacks occur precisely on the full moon, and it also increases the number of suicides. British law enforcement officers are increasing the number of police and road inspectors on patrol during the full moon. The energy accumulated in the waxing moon phase can play a bad joke with a drunk person, so it is better not to drink alcohol on a full moon.

In the waning phase of the moon, the energy of the body decreases, as if compressed. A rush of fluid occurs to the head and soles of the legs, which causes heaviness in the legs, provokes aggravation and drops in blood pressure. This is a period of moderation in all physical needs, very suitable for diets and medical fasting.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon, by changing its phase, can affect people's lives. Using modern technology, scientists have found that these theories are justified.

Scientists' research on the effects of the moon on humans

Scientists came to such results by observing with the help of special devices and analyzing the data obtained. And this means that popular beliefs about the Moon were not formed from scratch.

Folk omens about the Full Moon

It is believed that if on a Full Moon at night a person sees the Moon through a window and sleeps in its light, then he can get seriously ill. Therefore, folk wisdom recommends covering the windows with curtains as tightly as possible. The full moon is associated with illness in another sign: if you already feel unwell, then you cannot look at the full moon. It is believed that otherwise the illness will be very long.

On the Full Moon, it is recommended to especially diligently avoid quarrels so as not to part with the person at all and not break off the relationship. Astrologers attribute this to the maximum concentration of energy on such a day, which can make you act impulsively.

There are both love and family omens about the Full Moon. For example, if a girl on the Full Moon washes the floor three times, this ceremony will help her get married soon. Another love ritual on the Full Moon is to tie a male and female sock together. Then they must be placed under the pillow. Soon you will definitely meet your love.

The happiest, according to the observation of the people, are those marriages that are concluded during the first three days after the Full Moon. Also, general happiness can be attracted by watching the shooting stars together on the Full Moon. And if a child is born on the Full Moon, then he will be strong and healthy.

If you properly tune your energy, then you can not only attract love, but also, using the power of the Full Moon, get rich.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers believe that the Full Moon is not the best day of the month. First of all, they recommend that you be more attentive to your body and be more careful with objects, especially piercing and cutting objects. Exerting a strong influence on all living things, on this day its effect is such that wounds heal worse than usual, and all chronic diseases tend to aggravate precisely on the Full Moon. The same goes for mental illness. And the beliefs about the Sabbath and witches are also not accidental: it is on this day that healing (and not only) herbs are filled with especially strong energy.

So, she will accept a lot of opinions about the Full Moon, but their essence is in one thing: energy can be used extremely effectively, even to attract wealth, which everyone can do. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.05.2016 06:19

The full moon is the strongest time in the entire lunar cycle. On this day, you can achieve what you want ...

January 19th, 2018

The moon is the closest celestial body to us, our faithful companion, which, despite its relatively small size by cosmic standards, has a tremendous influence on the nature of the Earth and man.

Due to its proximity to our planet, the Moon by its gravity causes the ebb and flow in the seas and oceans. Huge masses of water move every day, driven by the moon. Our body, as you know, consists of a large amount of water, so the Moon exerts its influence on it by its attraction. The moon causes a kind of "biological ebb and flow" in our body.

The influence of the moon

The rhythms of the moon are not always very noticeable, however there are periods in the lunar cycle when changes in human behavior and reactions are especially felt. Studies have shown that healthy people with a more stable psyche are not particularly susceptible to the changes that the moon can cause.

If a person's psyche is not completely stable, the Moon has great importance on his behavior and emotions. For example, the aggravation of all kinds of mental disorders is often associated with the full moon, when the energy of the moon is at its maximum, and our satellite is visible in the sky in all its glory. On a full moon, an increase in activity is observed, and a person's emotions are at the highest point of rise, so conflicts are not uncommon.

Lunar days, in turn, also affect the behavior and general condition of a person. The lunar (synodic) month averages 29.53059 days. Thus, according to lunar calendar Yu , a calendar month can consist of 29, or 30 lunar days.

It is also not surprising that the moon affects the female body. It is no coincidence that the female cycle lasts on average 28 days, just as long as the lunar cycle. Approximately during this time, the Moon manages to completely go around our planet and visit every zodiac sign.

The moon has an important effect on the living organisms of our planet, for example, some marine animals lay eggs only during certain periods of the lunar cycles.

Influence of the phases of the moon

The moon has 4 phases, each of which lasts about a week. The first phase starts with new moon, and the third phase - with full moon... The moon grows for two weeks and decreases for two weeks. Changes of the lunar phases are considered not the most favorable periods, especially the moments of the new moon, when there is too little energy, and the full moon, when there is too much energy.

The growing Moon assumes the presence of energy, therefore, these days there may be a lack of strength, there may be malfunctions in the body, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and wounds heal more slowly. Despite this, on the growing moon, it is advised to start new business that will take some time to complete.

The waning moon, on the contrary, is associated with a waning of energy. During this period, it is advised to complete the work begun. Our reactions begin to slow down, and activity diminishes every day. During this period, it is best to get rid of everything unnecessary, such as excess weight, health problems and cleanse.

Lunar phases is not the only cycle of the Moon that should be considered when scheduling certain events related to beauty and health. The lunar calendar is also based on the Moon's passage through the signs of the zodiac. The moon, like the sun, goes through the zodiacal cycle, but, unlike the sun, it manages to pass it not in a year, but in just a month, staying in each sign for an average of 2.5 days. Thus, the days of the lunar calendar can refer to the days of the four elements: earth, water, air and fire.

How to take care of your skin?

Summer is approaching and now especially every woman wants to look young, fresh and beautiful. Luna offers a few simple rules, following which you will certainly experience good results. Remember that everything has its time!

If you want to learn how to follow the advice of the Moon, you need to remember that with the growing Moon your body absorbs energy, absorbs everything that comes from outside, and on the waning Moon, on the contrary, it gets rid of everything unnecessary, the body is set up to purify.

Thus, various procedures for nourishing and moisturizing the skin (nourishing masks, creams) should be carried out on the growing moon. On the waning moon, the skin lends itself better to cleansing, therefore, all procedures related to the removal of acne, blackheads, freckles or spots are best done in the second half of the lunar month, that is, on the waning moon. The best times for skin care are the days when the moon is in earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo... Getting rid of acne and other problems - on water days: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

The best time for nourishing and moisturizing masks: June 14-16, July 11-13, July 21-23, August 8-10, August 17-19.

Getting rid of skin problems: June 27-29, July 7, July 25-26, August 3-5, August, 30-31 August.

Homemade face masks (recipes)

Nutrition for dry skin. 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato flour, 1 yolk. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with hot, then immediately cold water. The mask very refreshes, nourishes, smoothes the skin.

Oily skin nutrition. 1 grated apple, 1 egg white. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. Well nourishes the skin with vitamins, shrinks pores, refreshes.

Nutrition for normal skin. 50 g yeast + a tablespoon of warm milk. Grind to a thin gruel. Apply on face with a greasy layer for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water without soap. This mask tones the skin, nourishes it well and makes it elastic.

Cleansing dry skin. 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cleansing oily skin. 1 teaspoon of calendula infusion in alcohol, 0.3 glass of water, wheat flour. Mix all the ingredients until the consistency of liquid sour cream, apply on face for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask takes a long time to rinse off, so you will need a lot of water. It perfectly cleanses oily skin, making it smooth, and helps against inflammation.

Cleansing normal skin. Half a banana + 1 tbsp. spoon of milk. Mash a banana with milk until a gruel is formed, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

How to get rid of blackheads? One of the options for getting rid of acne is an aloe leaf mask. Take 3-4 sheets, rinse and chop them with a knife or meat grinder. Mix with water (about a quarter of a glass) and simmer for 3 minutes. Cool, apply the mixture of leaves strained through cheesecloth or a sieve on the face for 15 minutes. After straining with water, rinse the gruel from the face.

How to get rid of freckles? 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, juice of 1 lemon. Saturate a napkin, apply on face for 20 minutes, periodically changing napkins. Rinse your face with warm water. This mask whitens the skin well, gets rid of freckles.

When and how to sunbathe?

In summer there is a lot of sun, very dry air, in cities - full of dust and dirt, which will certainly settle on your face. All of these things negatively affect the skin of your face and body, so it needs constant and gentle protection.

The sun without any measure is a true enemy of the skin, especially the delicate skin of the face. However, tanning is firmly in fashion and does not want to "leave" it. Well-tanned skin slims the body, makes the silhouette more graceful, which is why many women want to tan so much, often forgetting about precautions.

To get an even and beautiful tan, without damaging the skin, you should tan early in the morning or after 5 pm, when the sun is not so scorching. It is also best to sunbathe on the waning moon, but if the moon is not in fire signs. On a young moon, the skin often dries out, which means that its aging and the appearance of wrinkles are accelerated.

Remember to sunbathe wisely and not overdo it. Sunbathe in the open sun for no more than 15 minutes, then move into the shade. Sun protection should not be neglected, especially if you are outdoors all day. Even sitting in the shade on a sunny summer day, you will be sunbathing.

It is best to sunbathe during the following periods of this summer: June 23-29, July 2-8, July 22-26, July 29 - August 4, August 21-22, August 25-31.

How to properly care for your hair?

On average, hair grows about 1 centimeter per month and to make it beautiful and attractive, you need to put a lot of effort and patience, because not everyone is naturally given perfect curls. Luna can help you with hair care if you follow all of her tips.

All hairdressers know that the influence of the Moon on the hair is quite noticeable, and the result may depend on which day you come to the hairdresser. Also you can choose the day according to the desired result. For example, would you like to grow your hair or, conversely, would you like to keep your hair cut as long as possible? Here are some of the tips Luna has to offer:

It is best to get a haircut on the waxing moon only if you want to speed up your hair growth.

If you want your hairstyle to remain unchanged for a long time, it is better to get a haircut on a full moon. Especially in the days of Leo or Virgo. The full moon is a stressful period of the whole month, and intense energy accumulates in the ends of the hair, so in order to get rid of it, it is better to cut off the ends at this moment.

When the moon is waning, it is generally better not to visit the hairdresser. During this period, energy is consumed, so if you make a haircut, much more energy can be consumed.

Good days for hair cutting

Not all lunar months boast a full moon in Leo or Virgo. This happens only in February and March, so you should pay attention to the position of the Moon in these signs during its first and second phases, that is, during the growth of the Moon. These are the most successful days for visiting a hairdresser:

Best days for haircuts and other hair manipulation: June 12-16, July 9-13, August 7-10.

If you can't wait for auspicious days to go to the hairdresser, try to at least avoid the worst days when the moon is waning and at the same time is in signs such as Pisces or Cancer. These days:

Worst days for haircuts and other hair manipulation: June 27-29, July 24-26, August 3-5, August 21-22.

If you dye your hair, you should also do it on the waxing moon. It is noticed that the paint then lasts much longer, while maintaining saturation and brightness. If you touch up on a waning moon, the paint will quickly wear off and the result will be disappointing.

To make your hair shinier and healthier, it is recommended to constantly nourish it with masks and rinses. Due to the influence of the environment, they lose their luster, become brittle and lifeless.

Hair care rules

1) Hair must be protected from the sun, so try not to go bareheaded in summer. Do not go out in the sun with a wet head after swimming in the pool or sea, be sure to wear a hat. Cover your head also when going to the bathhouse or sauna. At the same time, the hair burns out and deteriorates.

2) Do not use a very hot hair dryer or hot water when washing your hair. Temperature can destroy the hair structure. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair and rinse your hair with cool water at the end of the wash.

3) Comb your hair regularly several times a day for 5 minutes. You can also self-massage your head with your fingers. Gently massage the scalp in a circular motion so that the skin moves with your fingers. These procedures allow blood to flow to the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles.

What to do to make hair grow faster? Alcoholic infusions from nettle and birch leaves help well. To prepare such an infusion, you need to collect the leaves on the growing moon, fill them with alcohol and leave them in a transparent bottle in the sun for a month. After that, rub the infusion into the scalp.

If your hair is oily, you can make masks on the growing moon that suppress the formation of sebum. For example, mix 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of rubbing alcohol, and 1 teaspoon of water. After washing, massage into scalp for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If your hair is dry, you can nourish it with burdock and olive oil. However, remember that you don't need to use too much oil. You can also make the following mask-wrap: Mix a teaspoon of grated burdock roots with 0.5 cups of olive oil and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then boil over the fire for about 15 minutes, let cool, strain and rub the tincture into the scalp. Wrap your head in a protective cap, leave the mask for 2 hours. This mask is best done on the days of Leo or Virgo on a waxing moon or full moon.

Nail care

To keep your nails looking neat and well-groomed, you can regularly seek help from a manicure specialist, or you can take care of your nails at home. Unfortunately, many people complain of brittle nails, but the cause of this ailment may hide somewhere deeper and not depend on the influence of the external environment.

If you follow some simple rules and file and process your nails on certain days, while not forgetting to take care of your hands, your nails will get much better.

It is best to do your nails on Friday after sunset and best on days when the moon is in Capricorn. This summer, Capricorn does not fall on Friday, so do your nails on any Friday (except for unfavorable days), or on these dates:

If you have an ingrown toenail problem, you can fix it on the waning moon. Do not cut off your nails on the days of the waxing moon, so that they do not quickly grow back again.

Worst time for nail care (Pisces or Gemini days): June 7-9, June 27-29, July 4-6, July 25-26, August 1-2, August 21-22, August 28-29.

Nail care rules

1) Do not expose your nails to constant exposure to cleaning agents and detergents. Wear gloves to protect the skin of your hands and nails during all household chores.

2) Avoid overdrying the skin, carry hand and nail cream and lubricate your hands with it periodically if you feel dry.

3) When applying nail polish, use a protective base. Let your nails rest after removing the polish for a couple of days, only then apply a new polish. Use only a quality varnish cleaner.

4) Rub a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar, and cranberry juice into your nails once a week. This mask for nails allows them to become more elastic and shiny.

5) Do nail baths. 250 ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt, soda and shampoo. Dip your fingers into the bath and hold them for 15-20 minutes.

6) Use special creams and gels to remove cuticles.

7) Try to practice your nails on Capricorn days or on Friday after sunset (except on negative days).

The moon is called the mirror of the earth for a reason. The influence of the moon on the emotional state of a person, his health, deeds has been felt for many centuries. The situation has not changed in our days. Those who take into account the lunar calendar in their lives are able to tune themselves in the right way and plan things in such a way so that everything goes well.

Negative and positive manifestations

The moon moves around the earth, and its position changes in relation to the sun. These movements are the cycles of the moon, each of which affects the well-being, psyche, and actions of people. The influence on a person has different manifestations. Each of us has moments of complete calmness and days when it is impossible to refrain from impulsive actions. Sometimes one hears: "Today he is not himself" or "He seemed to be replaced." All this is the influence of the moon on a person.

A study of the influence of the moon on humans suggests that people react to a change in phases no less than to a change in the sun's cycles. Scientific evidence confirms that there are many energetic "points of contact" between two heavenly bodies.

Plans, behavior, actions

Each of the four lunar phases has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the behavior and well-being of a person.

1. The first phase is compared to a spring mood, when forces awaken and it seems that a miracle is about to happen. These days, the brain is working at full capacity and giving out crisp, clear thoughts. The plans drawn up now will be thought out to the smallest detail, in the future they will be easy to implement. Potential opportunities are high, you need to take advantage of this.

At this time, you can deal with the treatment of the head, eyes, ears, throat, nose. All measures - therapeutic and prophylactic - will be effective. The time is right for gardening too. Trees planted at this time will actively develop and give a good harvest of fruits.

2. The second phase is comparable to summer, when everything blooms, grows and the feeling of happiness overwhelms you. This is a sign that a very good time has come. Success can come in any field of activity. If there are work-related plans, they will come true. Looking for a new place to work is the best time. If you have a journey ahead, it will bring you a lot of positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. It will be a real vacation that will improve your physical and mental well-being.

If you want to improve the body, this period is more suitable for the treatment of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. On the garden plot, it is worth doing the transplantation and reproduction of plants. The emotional state now allows you to resolve old conflicts, talk calmly, discuss everything and achieve mutual understanding.

3. During the full moon, the body is actively spending energy. At this time, irritability, insomnia, and fatigue are felt. Not a good time to drink alcohol. This period is characterized by a large number of unpleasant situations: accidents, traffic accidents. The period is unfavorable for surgical operations and any intervention in the body. Even in the garden at this time, it is permissible only to loosen the soil and fight weeds, other manipulations will not bring benefits to the plants.

4. Moon in the third phase - the time of completion of previously started cases. The human condition is more balanced, the mind takes over the emotions. At this time, there is a decrease in appetite. This is the right time to go on a diet and fight extra pounds, if there is such a need. At this time, people are quite sociable, they easily make contact. But it is better not to find out the relationship with close and dear people. There is a possibility that too much importance will be attached to some completely insignificant things. But the usual friendly gatherings in a pleasant company will please everyone.

5. The influence of the moon on our life in the fourth phase is more connected with negative manifestations. This is especially true for health. A person gets tired very quickly, slowness and lethargy replace energy. Immunity is weakened, there is a possibility of catching a cold, which will be protracted. The psychological state is so complex that any trifle can get mad and lead to an unreasonable outburst of anger. At this time, it is very easy to form a wrong opinion about a person, to offend others. If possible, it is better to try to avoid communicating with people and be alone with yourself, distract yourself from bad thoughts.

Health and wellness

The influence of the moon on the human body is due to the fact that sometimes there is no end to cheerfulness and it seems that mountains can be moved. Indeed, a huge number of cases are being redone. And on other days there is such a breakdown that it is impossible to force yourself to get off the couch.

Knowing that the influence of the moon on health is very strong, you can foresee certain factors in advance, plan your schedule, calculate strength. You can prepare for the upcoming negative days by taking a preventive course of necessary medications if you have chronic diseases.

1. On the new moon, people are more likely to experience mental disorders, food poisoning. These days it is especially useful to carry out cleansing procedures, and this applies to both internal organs and skin. It is useful to take a warm bath with aromatic salts and relax. On these days, the likelihood of stroke and heart attack is much higher than on others. It is better to postpone physical labor, intensive workouts in the gym will not bring any benefit either. It's much wiser to do some relaxing yoga these days. This period is more successful than others in order to part with bad habits. The process will be much easier.

2. With the growing moon, you need to strengthen the immune system, pay attention to training in the gym, and you can choose any direction, even the most intense. Everything will be good. You need to pay attention to nutrition. Do not forget that the extra piece of cake will be deposited at the waist.

3. When we see only one half of the lunar disk, the second phase begins. Of the medical prescriptions for this period, those that are aimed at improving the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and intestines are suitable.

4. On a full moon, you need to be careful in all respects, and health is no exception. The moon and its influence these days are limitless. Insomnia, headaches, loss of energy are characteristic signs of these days. It is recommended during this difficult period to drink more fluids, giving preference to soothing teas and herbal decoctions - they will help relieve stress.

Alcohol is strictly forbidden: you will not feel well from it, and you can also get serious poisoning. This time is not suitable for operations, as there is a high risk of severe bleeding. Refusal from physical activity will only bring benefits. It is better not to overload the stomach with food to avoid digestive problems.

5. The influence of lunar days in the third phase is manifested in the fact that the body responds well to treatment. The waning moon contributes to the fight against chronic diseases. Proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, light physical activity, good sleep in this case will also help. During this period, you can go to the dentist, do the planned operations.

6. In the fourth phase of the moon, health can worsen, and the reason for this is a weakened immune system and a slagged organism. You need to drink more fluids and eat fruits rich in vitamins.

The influence of the moon on a woman can remind of herself at this time. It will not be superfluous to take care of your women's health and go to the doctor.

Taking into account the influence of different phases of the moon on health, you can always adjust your medication intake, visit doctors and keep your health under control.

There is no person in the world who, at least once in his life, did not gaze into the night sky and admire the magical beauty of the moon. The moon attracts the attention of every member of the human race. It is interesting even to those people who consider themselves to be one hundred percent materialists. Even they, when looking at the moon, try to see something incredible and extraordinary.

The influence of the moon on human life is not a myth or fiction, but a scientifically proven fact. How does this happen and what is this influence? Let's consider this question in more detail and try to find the correct answers.

Why and how does the moon affect human life?

It should be noted that the moon affects not only the life of an individual, but also the entire planet as a whole. The moon is a satellite of the Earth, which means that it constantly revolves around the planet, reflecting sunlight on its surface. The gravitational field, attracting large volumes of water, affects the world's oceans, creating ebb and flow.

As you know, the human body consists of a large amount of water. Scientists argue that the Moon affects the human body in the same way as it does on the waters of the oceans, causing it to ebb and flow. Therefore, our mood and well-being depends on which phase the main satellite of the Earth is in.

The lunar cycle can be roughly divided into five phases:

  • new moon;
  • the first phase (1-7 days);
  • second phase (8-14 days);
  • full moon;
  • third phase (15-22 days).

How does the moon during the new moon affect a person's life?

During the new moon, our energy resources are at zero level. The gravity of the moon increases, the body weight becomes less. The fluid that was previously in the head area goes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body. During this period of time, people with mental disorders become more aggressive. A person can feel:

  • weakness;
  • constant need for passive rest;
  • significant breakdown.

The New Moon has a much stronger effect on men than on women. They become nervous, irritable, impatient, aggressive, and may complain of pain in the region of the heart and headaches.

Women, on the other hand, become lethargic and exhausted. During this period, the amount of physical activity should be reduced. If you go to the gym, then workout on the new moon should be lighter than usual.

Cleansing the whole body is the best activity for both men and women when the moon is in this phase. At this time, the skin absorbs moisture well, useful microelements, etc. Experts advise taking warm baths, cleansing the skin of the body and face with scrubs, and limiting the use of food and alcohol that are heavy for the body.

The first phase: the influence of the moon on human health and life

During this period, which begins the day after the new moon and ends a week later, the moon grows every day, and the forces grow with it. The energy level rises and the mood improves markedly. During this period of time, any undertaking, even the most insane and unrealistic, will have a much greater chance of successful implementation than on a new moon, second, third phase or full moon.

The moon in the first phase contributes to the establishment of good habits in our subconscious mind. If you want to acquire some new useful habit, then you should start right now. With regard to physical activity, then they can be done more intense. Now the moon promotes meditation, the development of various breathing practices.

How the moon in the second phase affects a person

This period begins on the eighth day after the new moon and ends a week later with the full moon. The moon has a very positive effect on human health and life, gives him a lot of energy and positive emotions. But do not forget that unused potential in the future can cause depression, nervous breakdowns, excessive emotionality or apathy. Therefore, you need to act now, and not postpone your plans indefinitely!

During the second phase, the body's metabolism is noticeably accelerated. Particular attention should be paid to the abdomen and chest.

Strength, intense training now is exactly what a person needs to feel one hundred percent! If you wanted to increase the load on the body and perform some new and difficult exercise - do it!

What to look out for on a full moon

If men are actively influenced by the new moon, then the full moon has tremendous power over women. This is due to the fact that the fair sex are more emotional creatures than the strong half of humanity. Girls on this day may feel less confident in their abilities. At the same time, they may experience some inexplicable, but positive emotions.

And they suffer from increased activity. The day drags on for a very long time, it's hard to sit in one place and focus on important issues. Many suffer from insomnia and nightmares.

Moon phase - full moon

As for the internal forces, there are many of them on this day. But the problem is that many people waste their potential on stupid fights, showdowns, etc. On a full moon, you should not:

  • solve serious issues;
  • conduct important negotiations;
  • take part in public events.

On this day, a person feels a special attraction to members of the opposite sex. Do not give in to temptation, because then you can really regret it. Better to spend time in meditation, light film, nice music.

How does the moon affect a person when it is in the third phase

The moon in the third phase, which lasts from 15 to 22 days, does not have a very positive effect on a person: mood worsens, physical strength wanes. During this period, it is not recommended to start new businesses or make plans for the future. All your attention should be focused on:

  • finish previously started cases;
  • summarize;
  • realize mistakes.

If you had some kind of short-term project, then during this period it should bring noticeable results.

The third phase is the waning moon

During this period of time, chronic diseases may worsen. If you feel unwell, do not ignore this fact, but take the necessary measures as soon as possible. Experts advise not to plan any operations during this period. There is an opinion that at this time the blood does not coagulate well, although this has not yet been scientifically proven.

A few words about the study of the influence of the moon on human life

Although scientists have been trying for several centuries to finally figure out exactly how the moon affects the lives of people, and to bring complete clarity to this issue, no one has yet succeeded in doing this.

✔ Back in the 18th century, midwives noted that childbirth and the level of their ease directly depend on which phase the moon is in. Scientists from Italy tried to prove this fact, but they were only able to be convinced that most children are born precisely on the full moon. Why is this happening? Scientists have no answers to this question yet.

✔ Indian doctors have also done some research. For two years, they, registering the next heart attack in a patient, looked at what phase the moon was in. It turned out that 20% more patients are admitted to the hospital with this diagnosis on a new moon than on a full moon.

✔ Journalists of the popular magazine Current Biology conducted a study several years ago, thanks to which they were able to prove that on a full moon, the duration of an adult's sleep is reduced by an average of 20-25 minutes, and the quality of sleep deteriorates by a third. This is explained by the fact that during the full moon, the level of melatonin decreases markedly.

✔ Many women believe that their menstrual cycle is influenced by the lunar calendar. But anthropologists from the United States have succeeded in refuting this belief. For three years they followed the women of one Indian tribe, which is located deep in the forest, far from civilization. These girls do not use contraception and do not use electrical devices that can interfere with their biorhythms. No evidence has been found that the moon affects menstruation.

Some scientists not only believe that the moon affects people, but also feel this influence on themselves, while others believe that this is all fiction and the moon cannot influence our life in any way. Alexander Ivanov, who is the head of the observatory at the Kuban State University, claims that the effect of the full moon on human behavior and health has been proven by 85%. Believe it or not? Everyone decides for himself.

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