Pain and cramps in the stomach - what to do and how to relieve colic. Stomach cramps and vomiting: possible causes of organic and functional pain

Stomach cramps are a powerful involuntary contraction of the stomach muscles, which leads to severe, prolonged pain. Constant spasms lead to weight loss, because the food entering the body simply does not have time to be absorbed by it. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of contraction of the stomach muscles is widespread among adults.

  • Causes of spasms

    As a rule, stomach spasms are a consequence of malfunctioning nervous system or metabolic problems.

    Spasms can also be caused by:

    • stress
    • hypothermia
    • intoxication
    • long breaks between meals
    • starvation
    • eating too much food
    • eating large quantity spicy, fatty, fried, sour foods
    • drinking large amounts of coffee, strong tea, and alcoholic beverages

    An allergic reaction to certain foods can also contribute negatively.

    Symptoms of stomach cramps

    The spasm can last from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours and occurs mainly when the stomach is empty. Contraction of the stomach muscles often leads to nausea and even the appearance of cold sweat on the forehead, sometimes the victim feels heaviness in the stomach and bloating. During a spasm, a person involuntarily tends to lie on his back and, bending his knees, press them to chest. Eating during muscle contraction is not possible.

    Traditional medicine methods for relieving stomach spasms

    If a stomach spasm occurs, the first thing that can help is a heating pad and drinking warm liquid. ethnoscience also knows a lot of techniques for getting rid of spasms and alleviating their symptoms. Below are some of them.

    Proper nutrition

    Remember, if you are suffering from cramps, it is important to watch your diet. You will have to give up some seasonings, namely: pepper, mustard, garlic and horseradish. Try to limit your consumption of coffee and strong tea. Eat mostly boiled food. Don't eat fatty foods.

    Therapeutic baths

    Pine baths will benefit you if you suffer from cramps. They have a wonderful relaxing and calming effect. The duration of such a bath should be 15-20 minutes, while the ideal water temperature is 34-35 degrees.


    Choose a couple of exercises for yourself from physical therapy, aimed at inhibiting gastric motility and set aside a few minutes of time every day to perform them.

    Treatment with anise

    1. take half a star anise
    2. pour a glass of boiling water over it
    3. drink the resulting infusion while it is still warm

    Medicinal tincture

    1. take three stars and grind them
    2. then fill the raw material with 300 milliliters of vodka
    3. after this, add two tablespoons of fennel seeds and two tablespoons of cumin seeds to the solution, after crushing them thoroughly
    4. then infuse the drug for seven days
    5. when it is infused, consume it in portions of 15 grams in case of a spasm
    6. During use, the drug should be taken with water

    Medicinal rice decoction

    1. first make a light one congee
    2. add some dried ginger root powder to the decoction
    3. the proportions must be maintained so that there is a pinch of ginger per glass of broth
    4. The finished medicinal product must be drunk completely while it is still warm

    Treatment with tangerine peels

    1. dry the tangerine peels
    2. take 40 grams of dry peels and 20 grams of dry ginger root
    3. mix and chop the ingredients well
    4. Pour one dessert spoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave the preparation to infuse for ten minutes.
    5. use the resulting remedy in case of spasm

    Medicinal mixture

    1. take two tablespoons of creeping thyme and two tablespoons of dandelion officinalis
      dilute these ingredients with a tablespoon of fragrant rue and wormwood
    2. add three tablespoons of viburnum and dogwood to the resulting mixture
    3. after this, pour three tablespoons of the herbal mixture into a liter of boiling water
    4. Use the resulting decoction every day in portions of 30 grams
    5. From the same herbal collection You can make your own alcohol tincture using next recipe:
    6. take three tablespoons of the mixture of the above herbs
    7. pour the mixture into a dark bowl
    8. fill the raw material with 500 milliliters of alcohol
    9. then infuse the product for seven days
    10. consume ready-made tincture three times a day in portions of 25 drops


    If you are suffering from cramps, then you should pay attention to your sleep pattern. You must give your body the opportunity to rest properly. Full sleep and following a daily routine will save you from painful contractions of the stomach muscles.

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    Stomach cramp is pathological condition caused by a sharp increase in tone muscle fibers its walls. It is accompanied by pain, which can be localized either in one particular part or “capture” several sections and the duodenum at once. When cramps occur in the stomach, it is better to find out their cause by consulting a doctor, as they may signal serious violations in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Reasons for education

    “Problems” in the functioning of this organ manifest themselves as short-term contractions of its smooth muscles. The resulting pain can last only a few minutes or drag on for hours.

    Pain is not the only symptom with spastic contractions of the stomach. They can cause nausea, diarrhea and general distress digestive tract.

    Existing international classification diseases divides stomach cramps into several categories:

    • Strong pain ( acute stomach) is designated as R 10.0.
    • Painful manifestations in the upper abdomen - R 10.1.
    • Other cramps, including in children - R 10.4.

    The cause of painful manifestations may be different conditions, but most often they are associated with neurological disorders and malfunctions of the digestive system. This:

    • stressful situations;
    • alcoholic or food poisoning;
    • prolonged hypothermia;
    • lack of routine in meals, for example, skipping meals or eating too much at one time;
    • smoking before meals;
    • caffeine abuse;
    • allergic reaction to any products;
    • love of spicy or rough food;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • impact medicines, causing irritation of the gastric mucosa.

    At risk are people who are depressed and emotionally unstable. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, ulcers or duodenitis, can also be responsible for stomach cramps.


    Manifestations of gastrospasm can be: sharp pain, and gradually increasing. It is accompanied by abdominal discomfort, possible attacks of vomiting and nausea, which end in apathy and weakness.

    Spasmodic contractions of the stomach often provoke spasms of the abdominal muscles, which makes the patient want to “curl up” (pull the knees up to the chin). Every person similar pains manifest themselves in different ways, for example, in some they form on an empty stomach, in others - after eating. In the second case, this is a clear sign the presence of an ulcer or pancreatitis. The spasms caused by the ulcer last from half an hour to an hour after eating, subsiding as it is absorbed, and do not make themselves felt on an empty stomach.

    Another type of pain is pylorospasm, which is caused by stressful or tense situations. In this case, immediately after eating, contraction of the pylorus of the stomach occurs, accompanied by nausea or vomiting. The pain goes away only after the organ cavity is freed.

    Pancreatitis causes cramps immediately after eating and radiates to the lower back or right hypochondrium (liver).

    Other symptoms of stomach cramps:

    • When cramps are accompanied by a high temperature, this indicates possible food poisoning. It is often caused by expired or low-quality products, poorly washed vegetables and fruits. In this case, the person feels wave-like attacks of pain, his temperature rises and his bowel movements are disrupted, which may be accompanied by intestinal bleeding.

    TO When the cause of stomach cramps is food poisoning, you must consult a doctor. At high temperature Emergency medical attention may be needed.

    • When stomach cramps are accompanied by belching that has a sour taste, this is a sign of gastroduodenitis. This is the name for inflammation of the walls of the stomach and duodenum. This disease manifests itself periodically, sometimes worsening, sometimes subsiding over several months. Pain is felt at the level of the navel and epigastric zone.
    • Nervous spasms are felt by emotionally unbalanced people. Soreness appears in minutes severe stress, for example before or after speaking in public or an exam, during a strong fright. Cramps may be accompanied by intestinal upset and increased gas formation. Symptoms can be relieved by taking sedatives or gastric emptying.

    WITH spasms are quite common manifestations of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, caused, for example, by a change in diet or quality of nutrition. In this case, they do not pose a danger to the body, but if they show signs of cyclicity, they begin to change their strength and duration, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

    Cramps that occur after eating

    A number of reasons can lead to such a stomach reaction, and it manifests itself in different ways. Cramps after eating are often accompanied by:

    • loss of appetite;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • nausea.

    The most a common factor the appearance of such symptoms is elementary overeating. When there is too much food in the stomach, it is forced to stretch its walls, which leads to pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

    The pain response also contributes to:

    • “craving” for sour or fatty foods;
    • the presence of worms;
    • emotional disorders;
    • constipation;
    • food poisoning.

    AND Sometimes people confuse colic and spasms, and these are manifestations of different symptoms. For example, colic feels like a sharp pain at the navel level. If you press in this area, it goes away. Spasms, especially those caused inflammatory processes, can be so painful that a person does not allow himself to be touched.

    Stomach cramps accompanied by diarrhea and nausea

    Abdominal pain in itself is an unpleasant thing, but when it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

    Video about the causes of stomach pain and accompanying nausea:

    Similar side symptoms may appear:

    • If you have irritable bowel syndrome or have taken low-quality or exotic food, pain appears after about 1 hour. They are accompanied by diarrhea and increased gas formation, but the symptoms quickly disappear after cleansing the stomach.
    • Nausea and painful stomach cramps can be caused by inflammation in the gallbladder or its ducts. Symptoms appear after ingesting salty, smoked or fatty foods.

    TO when spasms are accompanied severe nausea, you need to contact a specialist and undergo diagnostics.

    These symptoms can be eliminated with the help of a properly selected diet and the use of sorbents.

    Possible consequences of gastrospasm

    Rare spasmodic pain in the stomach does not lead to serious problems, as they are caused by temporary factors, for example, overeating for New Year's holidays or getting to know unusual exotic foods. In this case, you can wait it out by going on a light diet.

    When spasms begin to bother you with increasing regularity, then in the absence of treatment and proper nutrition, a small inflammation can become a big problem, for example:

    • stomach erosion;
    • ulcer of the duodenum and digestive organ;
    • perforation;
    • gastrointestinal cancer;
    • atrophy of the walls of the stomach and many others.

    "Problems" in digestive system visible in changes in appearance. This is how nails begin to peel, hair falls out, complexion changes, and a person can lose or gain weight.

    You can avoid stomach problems by getting it diagnosed.

    Types of diagnostics

    The opinion of gastroenterologists agree that with timely examination, study of medical history and detection of the causes of the disease, in almost 80% of cases a correct diagnosis can be made.

    Nowadays, research on stomach cramps is divided into 3 types:

    1. Hardware diagnostics includes:
    • X-ray using barium;
    • gastroscopic examination with tissue biopsy.
    1. Diagnosis using urine, blood and digestive juice tests. In this case the following is carried out:
    • Complete blood test to detect any inflammation.
    • Establishing the acidity level of digestive juice.
    1. Identification of the causes of spasms by exclusion, for example, they are extremely rare or do not appear at all in stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and a number of other diseases.

    After identifying the causes causing stomach cramps, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

    Drug treatment

    For any problems with the stomach, the doctor first examines the patient’s diet and quality of nutrition and either corrects it or prescribes a diet. Stomach cramps are no exception.

    Sometimes this is enough, but often the problem can only be eliminated with a course of medications. Before starting treatment, the patient must:

    • refuse heavier foods;
    • stop eating fresh bread and pastries;
    • give up fried foods and smoked foods;
    • do not use hot spices and salt;
    • do not drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
    • give up tea and coffee.

    D Even cold or hot food can cause cramps, so it should be extremely warm.

    Upon appointment drug treatment The doctor relies not only on the diagnosis, but also on the general condition of the human body. The most frequently prescribed drugs:

    • No-spa - for cramps, take 1-2 tablets three times a day;
    • Datiscan is prescribed within 15-20 minutes. before meals from 0.05 to 0.1 g per day three times;
    • Baralgin – up to 2 tablets up to 3 times a day.

    If the cause of spasms is bacteria, then the doctor prescribes antimicrobials: Erythromycin, Azithromycin and others.

    To improve drug treatment, a specialist may prescribe reflexology and physical therapy. Homeopathic remedies They can also affect the causes that cause spasms in the stomach, but their use should be agreed with a gastroenterologist.

    At home, if there is no medicine at hand, the spasm can be relieved with an infusion of mint or chamomile with St. John's wort, but this does not cancel an appointment with the doctor. Eliminating pain does not mean eliminating its cause. Only a specialist and high-quality diagnostics can determine it correctly.

    When your stomach is twisted into a knot and the pain does not allow you to straighten up for more than 5 minutes, the question arises of what to do about stomach cramps. By entering this query into search engines, a person receives a lot of advice, mostly of a “popular” nature. Guided by his reluctance to stand in line to see a gastroenterologist, he begins to use the most accessible and least “scary” of them.

    For stomach cramps, traditional methods can help, but consultation with a doctor is necessary

    In some cases, the pain actually goes away, and a person remembers this episode (and not always) only a few years later, at an appointment with an oncologist. In other cases, after a while the pain becomes so unbearable that you have to seek urgent care. medical care; and only occasionally it is possible to do without all these dangerous complications. What's the matter?

    The difficulty is that spasm itself is only a symptom that can manifest itself when various diseases. In this case, spasms have different localization, strength and character. To understand this, we recommend reading the article about - this will help you better understand their nature and quickly get the necessary help.

    There is no need to search on the Internet for how to relieve stomach spasms if, in addition to abdominal pain, you have at least 1 of the following symptoms:

    • weakness;
    • dizziness;
    • vomiting, especially with brown contents or scarlet blood;
    • a state close to loss of consciousness;
    • significant increase in heart rate;
    • yellowness of the whites of the eyes and/or skin;
    • bleeding from the vagina;
    • blood in the urine or dark urine;
    • if pain develops while taking painkillers or hormonal drugs.

    Advice! It is no less urgent to call an ambulance if the pain is very severe or appears on the same day that the person received an abdominal injury (some conditions, such as a ruptured spleen, do not appear immediately).

    When a consultation can be delayed by 1-2 days

    1. If the pain developed after severe stress or emotional experiences, and the person (including a child) is emotional, tends to worry for a long time, and is suspicious, then it is possible that the stomach spasm was of a stress-related nature. If this condition does not recur, consultation with a specialist may be postponed.
    2. If spasmodic pain developed after an error in diet (even if it was a few cups of tea/coffee per day) or overeating, after normalizing the diet everything went away, you can also postpone your visit to the doctor.
    3. If the pain went away, it was not accompanied by any disturbance general condition, nor vomiting of contents other than recently eaten food or yellowish liquid, nor diarrhea.

    Algorithm of actions that cannot harm

    So, you have determined that dangerous symptoms you are not observed, and going to the doctor can be postponed for a while. Why not for long? Perhaps stomach cancer in the ulceration stage manifested itself as spasmodic pain, the stomach tissue has been destroyed to a certain depth, and the further process will be asymptomatic. So it is necessary to exclude organic pathology, that is, one in which destruction of organ structures occurs.

    You can use a warm heating pad if spasmodic pain is not pronounced and is not accompanied by an increase in temperature

    The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. You need to: count the pulse (it should not be more than 100 per minute at the height of pain), measure blood pressure (it should not be lower than 100/60 or higher than 140/90 mm Hg), measure body temperature (it should not be more than 37.3°C). If anything is different, you need to call your local doctor or an ambulance.
    2. If everything is normal, you can lie down and apply a warm heating pad to your stomach.
    3. At blood pressure above 100/60 mm Hg. you can take an antispasmodic tablet or use similar drug in the form of candles.
    4. You can take the drug prescribed by your doctor for.

    Warning! You cannot irrigate the intestines and take painkillers.

    Diet for stomach cramps

    In order for the pain to go away and not recur, you need to follow the principles of dietary nutrition.

    1. We exclude:
      • rough food;
      • alcohol;
      • animal fats;
      • strong tea;
      • spices;
      • pickled dishes;
      • salads with mayonnaise;
      • hot bread;
      • coffee;
      • smoking.
    2. We eat:
      • soups with vegetable broth;
      • boiled eggs, fish, meat;
      • low-fat fermented milk products;
      • skim milk;
      • boiled vegetables;
      • non-acidic fruits.
    The diet must be followed for at least 90 days.

    Folk remedies

    These recipes for the treatment of stomach cramps can be used with effect for any cause of this condition:

    1. Pour 2 teaspoons of dried mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. This infusion is diluted 1:1 with water and drunk a day as tea;
    2. Take 2 tablespoons of nettle, meadowsweet and St. John's wort, place in an enamel bowl (preferably a teapot), pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour, after this time, drink a glass of this infusion immediately. Drink the rest during the day, depending on tolerance, in 3-4 doses.

    Doctor's actions

    The doctor will listen to complaints, examine the patient, ask clarifying questions, and palpate the stomach. Most likely he will need data additional research– analyzes and instrumental studies. The doctor will prescribe treatment based on the data received.

    The presence of a spasm in the stomach indicates various malfunctions occurring in digestive organ. As a rule, this pathology occurs against the background of periodic contractions gastric muscles, provoking painful sensations. The duration of the attack can range from several minutes to two to three hours. In addition to the painful syndrome, spastic contractions can cause disruption in motility, as well as gastrointestinal secretion, which affects the functioning of the entire digestive tract. Taking into account the ICD 10 code, spasms can be classified into categories such as: R 10.0 - acute abdomen, R 10.1 - the presence of pain in the epigastric region, R 10.4 - all kinds of pain and colic in children. To get started correct treatment, you need to seek medical help, undergo an examination and determine the cause of the pain.

    If stomach cramps are detected, the cause of their origin should be found out. Taking into account the provoking factors, the doctor may prescribe symptomatic medications to relieve pain and discomfort. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

    Various factors can provoke such spastic contractions. Stomach cramps occur due to a neurological or digestive disorder. You should not start treatment on your own. See your doctor and get checked full examination. Get tested if necessary.

    Frequent stomach cramps, cramps and diarrhea are a consequence of the following provoking factors:

    • alcohol, food poisoning;
    • frequent, prolonged stressful situations;
    • constant intake of coarse, spicy or fatty foods;
    • poor nutrition, hypothermia;
    • smoking, especially on an empty stomach;
    • coffee on an empty stomach or in large quantities;
    • application of certain medications;
    • occupational intoxication.

    Spasm of the pylorus of the stomach occurs in people with an unstable emotional background and a predisposition to depression. Most often, the stomach begins to ache after stress or when vegetative-vascular dystonia. Stomach cramps after eating may occur due to illness gastrointestinal tract: duodenitis, ulcer, gastritis.

    Pathogenesis and symptoms

    Gastrospasm is a disorder motor function stomach, manifested painful sensations. Severe abdominal cramps appear against the background of a decrease in the threshold point of excitability of the nervous visceral system, accompanied by tone vagus nerve. Functional intense spasm in the stomach occurs most often in people aged 20 to 35 years, which is explained by non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition.

    There are 3 main stages of pathology: partial, total and limited contraction.

    Total contraction occurs due to pathologies of the nervous system or gastrointestinal tract. Partial contraction is a reflex phenomenon and involves a large area of ​​the stomach. Limited reduction occurs due to bad habits or occupational intoxication.

    A characteristic symptom of gastrological spasm is acute and increasing pain. Basically, discomfort occurs in the epigastric region, and malaise manifests itself. In some cases, this condition is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, intense pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, apathy, weakness, nervousness and colic. Additional manifestations of this disease is chills and flatulence.

    It is important to understand that gastrospasm occurs differently in patients. Symptoms and the nature of manifestations depend on the causes of the pathology, as well as the characteristics of the body. For this reason, the therapeutic course is prescribed by a gastroenterologist on an individual basis. This takes into account the patient’s sensitivity to drugs, the intensity of sensations, the duration of the disease and other factors.

    Gastrospasm during pregnancy

    Before taking symptomatic medications, it is necessary to determine the cause of the ailment. During pregnancy, cramps can accompany various pathologies - from ordinary indigestion to gynecological complications. Disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract are observed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. This is due to the fact that the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the internal organs. In the first trimester, such sensations occur due to the restructuring of body systems.

    Frequent companions of pregnant women are flatulence, constipation, heartburn, discomfort in the lower abdomen, decreased gastrointestinal tone and spasms. When the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are displaced, full motility and peristalsis are impaired, resulting in stagnation and subsequent fermentation of food masses. Fermentation and active bloating begin.

    How to relieve stomach spasms during pregnancy to alleviate the condition? During this period, the use of many medications is contraindicated, which significantly complicates treatment. It is prohibited to take any medications without consulting a doctor. The medication taken can harm both the health of the expectant mother and the child.

    As a rule, gastroenterologists prescribe diet therapy to pregnant women, which in most cases helps to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to avoid overeating, consume more dairy products and plant foods. It is important that the intestines are emptied on time. This prevents stagnation feces in the lower gastrointestinal tract. During pregnancy, during cramps, it is forbidden to take laxatives, as they contribute to the development of uterine hypertonicity.

    Specifics of spasms in babies

    Newborn babies often suffer from abdominal pain. Spasms can affect the intestines and stomach at the same time. Similar sensations arise from various reasons. One of the most common precipitating factors is maternal nutrition. At breastfeeding It is very important that a woman follows a strict diet. When consuming low-quality food or products that cause increased gas formation, spasms can be observed not only in the mother, but also in the child.

    Infant transferred tounadaptedformula milk, may experience colic at first.This is due to a lack of an enzyme such as lactase, which affects the process of breaking down food. As a result, the baby does not gain weight well, gases begin to accumulate in the stomach, and diarrhea predominates. After feeding, bloating occurs immediately.

    If during the first three months of life a newborn has pain in the abdominal area, most likely he has pyloric stenosis. This pathology represents a one-time continuing education spasms in the sphincter located between duodenum and stomach. Clinical picture: regurgitation, dehydration, vomiting, anxiety, poor sleep.

    To relax smooth muscles in newborns, doctors prescribe: Bobotik, Espumisan, Plantex, Sub Simplex and dill water. Anise, dill and fennel oil help a lot, as well as antispasmodics containing peppermint. Some pediatricians recommend taking the M-anticholinergic drug Prifinia Bromide. No-Shpu is recommended to be taken from the age of one year.

    Features of treatment for adults

    The examination includes the following procedures: radiography, ultrasonography, gastroscopy, endoscopy. As already noted, the method and course of treatment should be selected individually by a gastroenterologist, taking into account the age, weight and condition of the patient, as well as the causes of the pathology.

    First of all, the gastroenterologist will prescribe you therapeutic diet, which prohibits the use of such products as:

    • cocoa, coffee and strong tea;
    • soda, kvass, alcoholic drinks;
    • fried, fatty, salty and smoked foods;
    • baked goods, fresh baked goods;
    • too cold, hot food;
    • spices, marinades, herbs;
    • sausage, sausages.

    The need for medications is determined based on the diagnosis. The following antispasmodics are prescribed: Baralgin, No-Shpa, Papaverine, Akabel, Datiscan, Gangleron.

    Four generations of probiotics help well:

    • first: Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin;
    • second: Sporobacterin and Baktisubtil;
    • third generation: Acipol, Linex, Acilact, Bifiform;
    • fourth: Florin, Probifor.

    In some cases, antimicrobial agents are required: Levofloxacin, Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, and Clarithromycin.

    If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, visit a gastroenterologist. Don't delay treatment. Otherwise, complications may develop. Timely treatment– the key to a quick and successful recovery.

    Cramping pain in the stomach is a disorder of the organ. It is accompanied by short-term contractions of smooth muscles. Their strength increases and decreases in waves. This causes pain called stomach cramps.


    Cramping pain is always associated with the individual characteristics of the body. They may appear for the following reasons:

    • organic (they are consequences of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, most often elderly people are exposed to them);
    • functional (they develop with neuralgia or malfunctions metabolic processes and in most cases are observed in young people).

    The main reasons that provoke organic pain in the stomach are ailments of the digestive system. They cause various kinds of dysfunction. Pathologies, causing seizures cramping pain:

    • ulcer and erosion of the stomach;
    • inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
    • inflammation of the duodenum.

    Determining factors favoring functional abdominal pain:

    • violation of the diet (overeating or starvation, irregular meals, abuse of fatty, fried and spicy foods, sudden changes in diet);
    • poisoning of various nature (food, alcohol);
    • abuse of strong coffee or tea, intake medicines, allergies;
    • tobacco smoke, the presence of neuroses, a long-term state of depression, excess weight, bruises, injuries.

    Signs of spasms

    With cramping pain in the stomach, the symptoms manifest themselves as painful, squeezing sensations. They usually disappear on their own after a short period or after taking medications. The increase in spasms occurs gradually. Extinction occurs in the same order. The stomach hurts in attacks.

    Stomach spasms may cause nausea and vomiting. Severe pain in the stomach can provoke spasms of the peritoneal muscles. Because of this, the person is unable to stand upright.

    In this condition, tension in the abdominal muscles and protrusion may occur (due to high gas formation). This is accompanied by weakness and chills.

    Bowel irritation can also cause cramping stomach pain, loose stool or constipation. If the irritants are too strong, then convulsive contraction of the pylorus (a special digestive muscle that, regardless of the digestion process, constantly contracts) begins to develop. This causes stomach cramps.

    Cramps occur less frequently after eating than during empty stomach. If they occurred on an empty stomach, then most likely they were provoked by a stomach ulcer, pyloric spasm or pancreatitis.

    Treatment of cramping pain

    Cramping pain and stomach cramps can be minimized by using the technique rational nutrition and stress control.

    The following should be excluded from the diet:

    • fresh and hot baked goods;
    • fried, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked dishes;
    • strong tea and coffee;
    • hot and cold dishes;
    • rough food;
    • spices, salt and seasonings;
    • alcoholic drinks.

    The diet must last for at least 3 months. You definitely need to stick to your diet. You should eat food in small portions up to 7 times a day. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink warm skim milk.

    • stick to the daily routine;
    • perform moderate physical activity;
    • get a good night's sleep;
    • try to minimize stressful situations.

    How to relieve a spasm when it appears? Stomach cramps can be treated with medications. Treatment will differ depending on the cause of their appearance. Antispasmodic drugs are used (Drotaverine, Spazmalgon, No-shpa). They help relieve spasm of smooth muscles. The use of prokinetics promotes the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing the movement of organ walls. In some cases, it is necessary to reduce the acidity level. To do this, use drugs that reduce secretory functions:

    • H2 blockers histamine receptors(ranitidine);
    • aluminum-magnesium antacids;
    • proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole).

    If stomach pain is associated with disorders of the nervous system, then the use of sedatives (valerian) and antidepressants is required. These drugs have a narrow spectrum of action. Some drugs (Iberogast) may have complex treatment cramping pain in the abdomen. For organic cramping stomach pain, treatment is prescribed after examination and identification of the pathology that provokes it. Treatment must be comprehensive. It lasts for a long time. It is also important to follow a diet and a proper lifestyle.

    Complete therapy for cramping pain may include reflexology, homeopathy and herbal medicine. How to relieve a spasm using traditional methods? Effectiveness traditional treatment stomach pain is always highly individual. For its removal, the following have proven themselves to be excellent:

    1. Mint tea. 2-3 tsp. dry herb plant should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. After 30 minutes the product is ready for use. It is drunk warm throughout the day, diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, mint has a calming effect on the nervous system.
    2. If the pain needs to be relieved quickly, it is recommended to take motherwort juice. 1 tsp. fresh juice must be diluted in ¼ cup of boiled warm water and have a drink.
    3. For severe spasms, it is recommended to use a mixture of nettle, St. John's wort and meadowsweet flowers. Dried plants take 2 tbsp. l. and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The herbs should be infused for 60 minutes. After this, drink 1 glass of infusion. The remaining product is divided into 3-4 parts and taken throughout the day.
    4. Massage in the stomach area is great for relieving cramps.
    5. An infusion of chamomile and immortelle flowers will help relax the gastric muscles and relieve inflammation. 2 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water into the herbal mixture. Leave for about 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 21 days.
    6. A mixture of honey and fresh carrot juice perfectly relieves pain from stomach cramps. You can simply chop the carrots on a fine grater and add a little honey. Consume the mixture 30 minutes before meals.
    7. An infusion of carrot seeds is good for relieving pain. 1 tbsp. l. seeds are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos.

    Cramping stomach pain causes, symptoms and treatment are individual in each case. But if pain syndrome lasts more than 7 days, there is an increase in temperature or blood in the stool, then you should seek help from specialists.

    Cramping abdominal pain caused by various pathologies gastrointestinal tract, require quite long-term treatment. In this case, there is a risk of developing all kinds of complications. Preventing a disease is much easier than recovering from it later. Proper, balanced, regular nutrition is one of the most important requirements in the prevention of stomach cramps.

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