Encephalogram for a medical examination for a certificate for work. Electroencephalography for a driver's license - is the procedure mandatory and how to go about it? Why is an EEG performed when obtaining a driver's license?

From March 31, 2014, in connection with changes in the order of the Department of Health on undergoing periodic medical examinations of drivers and driver candidates, examinations by psychiatrists and narcologists must be carried out at dispensaries at the place of residence.

According to the Letter from the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated April 5, 2012 N 14-5/10/2-3374, an EEG (electroencephalogram) is mandatory when receiving a psychiatric report: without this document you will not be given a signature and stamp at the dispensary on the certificate form for the traffic police.

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Electroencephalography (EEG)- a method for studying brain activity by recording the bioelectrical activity of certain areas of the brain. This study provides general idea about the functioning of the brain. Using EEG, it is possible to identify disturbances in certain areas of the brain and the type of bioelectrical activity. And also this is the only method diagnostic examination, which allows high accuracy distinguish epilepsy from other paroxysmal conditions and identify the presence (absence) of convulsive readiness when driving a vehicle.

Diseases detected using EEG:

  • epilepsy, convulsive conditions;
  • brain tumors and injuries;
  • disturbances in the blood supply to brain tissue;
  • metabolic disorders in the brain;
  • lesions due to infections of the central nervous system;
  • age-related changes in brain activity;
  • disturbances in the processes of sleep and wakefulness;
  • violations mental development in children;
  • neuroses, etc.

Indications for electroencephalography:

Contraindications for EEG

Electroencephalography is completely harmless, so there are no restrictions, except for recent head injuries (cuts, stitches, large scratches, etc.).

Preparing for electroencephalography

You should not take anything before undergoing the procedure. pharmacological drugs- they can affect the pattern of electrical activity in the brain. The head should be clean and free of hair styling products. The patient should not experience anxiety (nervousness and excitement cause changes in the EEG readings).

Description of the procedure for performing an EEG of the brain

Before an EEG is performed, a special mesh cap with electrodes is placed on the head to capture electrical signals from the brain and process them on an EEG machine. To obtain detailed information about the brain's reactions to various stimuli, functional tests are performed:

  • test with hyperventilation: during it you need to breathe deeply and frequently for some time;
  • photographic proof: short exposure to bright light flashes;
  • test with opening and closing eyes;

All these techniques are completely painless and safe.

Electroencephalography results

Forming a conclusion takes from 15 to 20 minutes. Hand-delivered full results EEG showing areas of recordings.

You can get addresses, phone numbers and operating hours of dispensaries by district from our medical centers.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will talk about a new regulatory legal document -. This order comes into force on March 26, 2016 and regulates the specifics registration of medical certificates to receive or replace driver's license.

Let's consider what doctors and examinations the driver needs to undergo, where this can be done, and how long a medical certificate will be issued. Let's get started.

The new order regulates many issues that previously arose among drivers.

Payment for a driver's medical certificate

First of all, the new document clearly states that the driver must receive a medical certificate at his own expense, and not at the expense of the employer:

5. Medical examination is carried out at the expense of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers).

Which doctors do you need to see to get a medical certificate?

Starting from March 26, 2016, the list of doctors and examinations required to obtain medical certificate. main feature is that the list is different for different vehicles:

6. Medical examination includes examinations and examinations by medical specialists, instrumental and laboratory tests:

1) examination by a general practitioner or examination by a doctor general practice(family doctor);

2) examination by an ophthalmologist;

3) examination by a psychiatrist;

4) examination by a psychiatrist-narcologist;

5) examination by a neurologist (mandatory for medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of categories "C", "D", "CE", "DE", "Tm", "Tb" and subcategories "C1" , "D1", "C1E", "D1E". For drivers of vehicles (candidate drivers of vehicles) of other categories and subcategories of vehicles, an examination by a neurologist is carried out on the direction of a general practitioner or general practitioner (family doctor) in the case identifying symptoms and syndromes of a disease (condition) that is medical contraindication, medical indication or medical restriction to drive a vehicle);

6) examination by an otorhinolaryngologist (for vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of categories “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1” ", "C1E", "D1E");

7) electroencephalography (mandatory for medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) of categories “C”, “D”, “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb” and subcategories “C1”, “D1” ", "C1E", "D1E". For drivers of vehicles (candidate drivers of vehicles) of other categories and subcategories of vehicles upon the direction of a neurologist in the event of symptoms and syndromes of a disease (condition) that is a medical contraindication to driving a vehicle );

8) determination of availability psychoactive substances in urine (if a psychiatrist-narcologist identifies symptoms and syndromes of a disease (condition) that is a medical contraindication to driving);

9) qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in blood serum (if a psychiatrist-narcologist identifies symptoms and syndromes of a disease (condition) that is a medical contraindication to driving).

For a visual representation, consider the given data in table form:

A, A1, B, BE, B1, M

C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1, D1E, Tm, Tb

General practitioner or
general doctor
only by referral from a physician
only on the direction of a neurologist
Determination of the presence of psychoactive substances in urine

only with a referral from a narcologist
Qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in blood serum
only with a referral from a narcologist
only with a referral from a narcologist

Another important innovation. Since March 26, 2016 medical certificate is issued for 1 year.

In conclusion, I would like to note that from July 1, 2016, a new form of medical certificate for drivers will be introduced in Russia, but I will talk about it in one of them.

Good luck on the roads!

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I passed in May 2015. Can I use the certificate until 2017?

The certificate indicates its validity period. Until the end of this period, it is valid.



I correctly understood that changes to the certificate form come into force on July 1, 2016, the procedure for passing doctors from March 26, 2016, and during this period (from March to July) it is used old uniform? And is it valid until 07/01/17?

Just today I had my medical. commission in Moscow. The list of doctors was complete. Will there be any unnecessary questions about why not according to the law in the future?

Anastasia, Hello.

1. That's right. New order passing doctors is already in effect. Inquiries new form will be issued from July 1, 2016.

2. Certificates that are issued now are valid for 1 year.

3. There shouldn't be any problems.

Good luck on the roads!


In addition to the question dated March 31, 2016 09:22 from Elena-42. When issuing certificates, real chaos occurs. In the mental hospital they simply blatantly refuse to admit people without encephalography in order to rip off extra money from people for this procedure. I personally was told by the head doctor of the psychiatric dispensary, after my appeal to the Health Department of the city of Mytishchi, that “she absolutely does not care about order No. 344 of Skvortsova” and she is guided only by the LETTER OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIA DATED 04/05/2012 N 14-5/10/2-3374 , and I can contact the prosecutor’s office, she doesn’t care either!

In my opinion, they are just mocking people! I wrote a request to the Ministry of Health and am waiting for a response.

Good afternoon What about order 302N, App. 2, paragraph 27, annual inspection of an employee in the position of driver? Does he need to undergo an EEG?

Good afternoon You will need to submit a medical certificate for a driving school within a month. Permanent registration in Crimea, there is temporary registration at the place of stay for 1 year, issued recently - June 7, 2016. Question regarding the mental health and drug dispensary... At the driving school they said that it was pointless to go to Crimea and take an extract from there because in any case, Moscow must make a request for confirmation and this will take a lot of time and fuss. It seems like it can be done at the place of registration and residence, but the catch is that temporary registration in Moscow must be for at least six months, but mine has only just been issued and therefore they may refuse. Is it so? If so, what is the best thing to do in my case? Thank you for your reply!

Yulia, Hello.

The requirement you specified is not in the regulatory documents. If you have temporary registration in Moscow, then you can go to drug treatment and psychoneurological clinics in this region. There shouldn't be any problems.

Good luck on the roads!

Maxim, good afternoon! The driving school asked to bring the original certificates from the PND and ND, and they were collected by the therapist at the medical center, where the main certificate was issued in form 03-B/u. The driving school motivated this by the fact that “the traffic police requires it.” Please tell me, are there any grounds for transferring the certificates themselves from the PND and ND to the traffic police? Or is this all doubtful and unfounded, and there is nothing to be afraid of?

Good afternoon, Maxim.

I applied for a medical certificate to replace the IV after its expiration date at one of the medical centers. I have category B. Got a card. With this card I went through 3 doctors and received a certificate in form 003 VU. But the fact is that I did not see a psychiatrist or a narcologist. When contacting the traffic police, will I be required to provide a separate report from a psychiatrist and a narcologist? I already have the certificate in my hands. Is it necessary to undergo these specialists?

Hello, Maxim! What kind of medical certificate is issued to drivers of tractors and other self-propelled vehicles?

Dmitry, Hello.

You are required to provide the traffic police only with medical certificate 003-В/у. Requirements for other medical documents are unreasonable.

Good luck on the roads!

Denis, Hello.

It may turn out that the specified medical institution issues certificates illegally (without the appropriate documents, etc.). If this turns out to be the case, then all the certificates issued to them may be invalidated, and all driver’s licenses issued on them as well.

However, in this case, seeing a psychiatrist and narcologist will not help.

For now, you have a valid medical certificate and you can use it to replace your license.

Good luck on the roads!

Irina, Hello.

The medical certificate for tractors and self-propelled machines must be described in a separate order of the Ministry of Health. However, I was unable to find this document. Apparently it was not published, i.e. There is currently no special certificate.

They say that in some regions they issue a regular medical certificate which states that the driver can drive tractors and self-propelled vehicles.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. To pass the driver's commission for category B, the psychiatrist asked production characteristics, household and district characteristics, request from the traffic police and EEG. I am not registered. Does he have the right to demand all this?


All comments are off topic. The main point of the problem is that people began to be fleeced, and even during a period aggravated by a crisis of everything: work, wages, housing and communal services, etc. Let’s look at the dynamics: Soviet time(when the health of the population was monitored very carefully) medical certificates for drivers were issued for 5 years. Then, when they started taking money for them, for 3 years, then for 2 and now for 1! Listen, let’s take it for one week, and you’ll see that the number of cars will decrease and the traffic jams will disappear, since those who “don’t fit into the market” won’t have any money. It seems that this is one of the manifestations of a hybrid (multi-faceted) war against the state of Russia, expressed in the systematic incitement of dissatisfaction with the actions of the authorities, which will be redirected from those who provoke it to the president, with the aim of destabilizing the situation and seizing power by certain elements associated with foreign intelligence services , for a final solution to the Russian question.

Gulnur, Hello.

I cannot answer your question, because... with work regulations psychiatric institutions do not know. Check with your doctor on the basis of which he requires these documents.

Good luck on the roads!

To Vladimir: A normal driver needs a certificate once every 10 years, but if you are deprived of your license every year, then it’s your own fault that you have to get certificates more often.


Good afternoon, my sister is undergoing a medical examination to replace her license. The narcologist asked where she works (and she works at a winery and does not drink alcohol), having found out her place of work, she sent her to take a CIDI test. She must pay for it, or the doctor must write out directions?


Good afternoon.

I want to open category A, I have category BC license, when passing the commission I was told that a full commission with all doctors is required. But I only did A. Will the OER MREO State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia be able to request a full certificate or will only cat. A be enough?

Natalia, Hello.

Write in more detail what kind of test this is.

Dmitriy, Hello.

With the existing certificate, your driver's license will be changed to a license in which only category A will be open. There will be no categories B and C.

They will not request a full certificate from the traffic police; they simply will not transfer the old categories. They will be returned only after you provide a certificate for category ABC.

Good luck on the roads!


as they explained to her, that she needs to take a blood test, it will take eight days. The result will show whether she drank for the last two months or not (roughly speaking, whether she is an alcoholic or not). This test does not scare my sister, she does not drink, what scares her is that it costs (analysis)3300

Natalia, of course, we are talking about quality and quantification carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in blood serum. The driver is required to undergo this test upon the direction of a narcologist; the procedure is paid for at the driver’s expense. It can be completed only in specialized medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence or place of stay of the person being examined, which have a license to carry out medical activities for the provision of services (performance of work) in “psychiatry-narcology” and “ laboratory diagnostics" or "clinical laboratory diagnostics".

Good luck on the roads!


Good evening, Maxim! There is a certificate of form 003-в/у. There is no column for a psychiatrist or a narcologist. Do you need certificates from these doctors when replacing your license with the traffic police?

Dmitriy, Hello.

When replacing a license, the traffic police only needs a certificate 003-в/у. This certificate is issued only on the basis of certificates from a psychiatrist and narcologist. The traffic police do not require intermediate certificates.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon. I am making a certificate at the driving school, but PND and ND at the place of residence, but should I bring anything from the medical commission of the driving school to these medical institutions? Or can I apply for certificates for the commission myself? It’s just written about a medical card, but at the driving school they said you take certificates from Monday and Friday and bring them to the commission. This is an unclear point. Thank you


Good afternoon

you need to replace the DDP in another region at the place of application. There is a medical certificate dated August 2015, issued at the place of registration. As you know, its validity is 2 years. Is it possible to get a license with it in December 2016? The traffic police answered without hesitation that no .If it is not possible/possible, then normative document is there any answer to this? thanks!

Ilya, Hello.

The option that your driving school suggested is quite possible. Just get certificates from dispensaries. There are usually no problems with this.

Good luck on the roads!

Tatiana, Hello.

Medical certificate is suitable for exchange driver's license.

If the traffic police refuse to issue you a license, request a written refusal and submit it to the prosecutor's office. for a traffic police officer will be 20,000 rubles.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon

Tell me, where can I get a certificate for the traffic police, which is issued according to the new rules?

In medical licensed institution.


Hello, Maxim.

Due to the increase in the number of accidents caused by drivers with health problems, Special attention began to pay attention to the availability of a medical certificate.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

Especially unpleasant consequences bring attacks of epilepsy, which can occur suddenly while driving on the roadway. The presence of such a disease can be detected or excluded by a special examination - electroencephalography.

Changes in legislation clearly regulate doctors and examinations that drivers must undergo.

General provisions

An attack of epilepsy is accompanied by loss of consciousness. This happens so quickly that neither the passengers sitting next to them nor other participants have time to react properly to the changed situation. traffic.

Especially severe consequences may occur if a driver who has lost consciousness is driving a vehicle with a large carrying capacity or used for passenger transportation.

Therefore, the legislation clearly stipulates the categories indicated in the driver’s license, according to which its owner has the right to drive certain types Vehicle.

The need for electroencephalography may be prescribed by a neurologist when undergoing a round of doctors to obtain.

The basis for this may be certain signs of behavior and appearance candidate for a medical certificate for a driver's license.

After the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that not only the examination results are given to you, but also their transcript.

What it is

The electroencephalography procedure involves recording the electrical activity of brain cells.

At pathological changes it changes, and differences appear from the state of a healthy person.

EEG reveals not only epilepsy, but also the consequences that occurred after traumatic brain injury, convulsive syndromes, brain tumors, pathologies of the vascular system.

Electroencephalography is used to diagnose these conditions due to the fact that its cost is not too high, the time required is about 20 minutes, and it does not require special training, is safe.

Its implementation is not complicated and the methods are well studied by medical personnel.

Electrodes serve as conductors from the patient's brain to the status recorder. They register bio electrical activity brain neurons.

The device records these signals and constructs a special graph - an electroencephalogram.

Based on this graph, the doctor performing the decoding draws conclusions about the presence of diseases in the examined patient that are dangerous when driving a vehicle.

The procedure is completely painless and non-invasive. Doesn't occur discomfort. The patient is seated on a chair close to the device.

A special mesh cap made of silicone fibers is placed on his head. Electrodes are attached to them.

Ultrasonic waves reach the diagnostic plate and deform it.

Damaged head tissue and tumors reflect waves somewhat differently than healthy ones. The diagnostic method is based on this.

When you turn on the device, waves appear on the computer monitor, displaying the work of the brain.

They are recorded and printed on paper. The presence of a disorder will become noticeable by the nature of the impulses.

Pulses are recorded special device- encephalograph.

The encephalogram of the brain for a driver's license is deciphered by a specialist who performs the examination. He must have appropriate qualifications and experience.

The results are given to the patient. The driver who draws up a medical record must submit them for review by the doctor who referred him for this examination, or by the therapist, who must make a final conclusion about his state of health.

No special preparation is required before the examination, which distinguishes it favorably from similar tests. Rather, you should refrain from drinking stimulants.

Also, before carrying out the analysis, you should monitor your emotional state. Arousal can have an impact on brain activity.

Metal objects can also affect the results, so they must be removed before starting the procedure.

If diseases are identified that are contraindications for driving, the patient should take care of his health and, after recovery, try again to obtain a medical certificate and obtain a driver’s license.

Who does it apply to?

In 2019, only drivers with categories C and D, or those applying for them, are required to undergo electroencephalography.

According to the latest legislative guidance, drivers who have or are applying for category A and B are not required to undergo this test.

The Order of the Ministry of Health instructs the traffic police not to accept a medical certificate for categories C and D, which does not contain information about undergoing electroencephalography.

However, drivers visiting doctors to obtain a medical certificate may be referred by a neurologist for a brain examination using electroencephalography.

This decision becomes mandatory, otherwise the medical certificate will not be signed.

In 2019, the list of doctors that a driver must visit depends on the category of vehicles that the driver has the right to drive.

Doctors that the driver must undergo are:

  1. Oculist.
  2. Psychiatrist.
  3. Expert in narcology.
  4. Therapist.

For medical examination Some categories include a neurologist. It is this that the doctor and psychiatrist have the right to additionally prescribe electroencephalography.

The examination should reveal the presence of:

  • epilepsy;
  • seizures;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • states before fainting;
  • concussions;
  • the presence of tumors or cysts in the brain tissue;
  • stroke or pre-stroke condition;
  • neuroses;
  • strong age-related changes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • disturbance of proper sleep;
  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • mental retardation.

Electroencephalography will reveal the implementation of operational influences, after which concentration of attention when operating a machine is impaired.

Such violations can lead to unexpected situations while driving - fainting, loss of consciousness, convulsions. Hypertensive crisis may cause a mini-stroke.

If these pathologies are identified, you will have to undergo a rehabilitation course and be tested again.

Type of medical certificate for drivers or driver candidates - form No. 003-Vu.

The new certificate 003-В/у does not require entering information about the examination.

Where to go

You can do electroencephalography:

District clinics do not always have appropriate equipment.

If the clinic does not do electroencephalography, then they give a referral to a psychoneurological clinic at the place of registration of the driver.

If you have the opportunity to do the test at a local clinic, you should be prepared to stand in a long line. Therefore, you should sign up for this procedure in advance.

When deciding to do this in paid clinic You should definitely find out whether she has a license not only to issue a medical certificate, but also to conduct the specified analysis.

Otherwise, it may turn out that the certificate will be issued, but the traffic police will not accept it. If there is a license, then the certificate will have the same status as that issued by a government agency.

Before choosing a medical institution, it is advisable to find out how modern it is diagnostic equipment and highly qualified medical workers.

The certificate must be certified by the signature of a competent person and the seal of a medical institution.

How to take an electroencephalography of the head for a driver's license

Electroencephalography, required for a medical certificate for a driver's license, can be taken at any medical institution provided it has the necessary equipment.

In what cases is it prescribed

According to existing legislation, in 2019, when obtaining a medical certificate, electroencephalography is required for drivers who have or plan to obtain a driver’s license with categories C and D, as well as their subcategories.

In other cases, the decision on the need to do this study is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist who takes part in the preparation of a medical certificate.

Until he receives the appropriate conclusion, his signature will not be affixed.

The basis for this decision is the driver’s alarming symptoms and complaints:

  • existing occasional fainting spells;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • dizziness;
  • pain;
  • difficulty falling asleep and inadequate sleep, which leads to the inability to get proper rest;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • mental health problems:
  • recent operations;
  • injuries received;
  • concussion.

The doctor may notice inappropriate behavior, slow reactions, and unexpected outbursts of aggression. All this is a reason to prescribe electroencephalography.

Without the examination, a medical certificate will not be obtained and a driver’s license will not be obtained.

What is the price of the procedure

If you undergo electroencephalography with interpretation in a paid clinic, then you should focus on average price several thousand rubles, which, in particular, depends on the region.

Provided that it is completed simultaneously with visiting all necessary doctors, the price may be reduced.

Information about the cost of the study can be obtained on the websites medical institutions using a calculator. If it is not available, you can find out the data by calling.

If the driver of the vehicle is an employee whose duties include driving a vehicle, then he is obliged to pay for the medical certificate and, including electroencephalography, himself.

If the employer shows good will, then, of course, there is no point in refusing.

Is it possible to do it for free?

Free electroencephalography can be done only at the district clinic at your place of residence if it has the necessary equipment.

But the queue, even with a pre-registration, can last a very long time. This is often unacceptable when designing medical card for drivers.

Examination procedure

Electroencephalography is a safe and proven procedure. It takes very little time - no more than 20 minutes.

You must appear at the chosen medical institution at the appointed time. In the office, the employee conducting the study, having seated the patient on a chair, will put a special cap on his head and fix it.

Special sensors are attached to the cap, with the help of which information about the functioning of the brain will be transmitted to a nearby diagnostic device - an electroencelograph.

It records data from sensors that will become visible on the monitor. This data is then printed on paper in the form of a wavy line.

Based on the encephalogram, the doctor draws up a conclusion.

No special preparation is required for this procedure.

However, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. You should not drink drinks containing caffeine before the procedure.
  2. Use hair styling products.
  3. Do not come to the examination hungry.
  4. Get a good night's sleep the night before.
  5. Discard all negative thoughts.
  6. Do not drink alcohol the night before.
  7. To wash hair.

You need to tell your doctor what medications you take regularly.

What to take with you

To do an electroencephalography in a medical institution, you only need to take your passport with you.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Electroencephalography examination results are not completely accurate. Any minor circumstance can affect them.

Of course, it is not difficult to refrain from drinking coffee in the morning and beer the night before. It will not be a problem to wash your hair before the procedure.

But it’s not always possible to stop worrying or get a good night’s sleep. This may have a negative impact not in favor of the driver.

A contraindication for the electroencephalography procedure is a recent head injury.

In this case, traffic police officers will receive a proposal for a deferment.

When the effects of the injury or concussion have passed, it will be possible to conduct a study. It will not be possible to completely abandon it.

Video: what is electroencephalography

Important aspects

In 2019, doctors first fill out not a certificate, but a .

Only after all the results of the doctor's visits and examinations have been entered into it, a medical certificate is filled out. The certificate is signed by the general practitioner.

When changing a driver's license, a medical examination is carried out to identify changes in the driver's health.

What is regulated

Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

Driving a vehicle is a difficult and very responsible task. In addition to a document confirming that a person has special skills, electroencephalography is required for a driver’s license. Until 2014, in order to obtain a certificate confirming the satisfactory condition of the driver of the vehicle, it was also necessary to undergo examination by several specialized specialists.
The relevance of the driver's license was confirmed by the presence of records from an ophthalmologist, neurologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. The form, certified by the signatures of these doctors, indicated the absence of serious brain disorders, diseases and addictions chemicals from its owner.

Regulatory framework for changes in the medical certificate

The change in requirements for road users led to the appearance of Order No. 344-n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015. According to this regulatory document, the EEG study was included in the list of tests in the medical certificate for obtaining a driver’s license. And in 2018, drivers applying for categories C, CE, D, DE, Tm, Tb and subcategories C1, C1E, D1, D1E must have an EEG for reference to the traffic police.
Why was this complex examination necessary? The rapid increase in the scale of passenger and freight transport and the number of road users has caused an increase in the number of accidents and dangerous situations. An electroencephalogram, which studies the electrical activity of the brain, can help prevent accidents and improve road safety. Research can confirm:
  • The presence of functional (vascular) or organic (benign and malignant formations) pathologies.
  • Convulsive (epileptic) or neurotic readiness.
  • Cognitive disorders.
  • Age-related changes.
  • Pathologies resulting from injuries.
  • Functional changes caused by disruption of circadian (daily) rhythms.
Electroencephalography can be done without prolonged preliminary preparation. The MRI study previously carried out to document health problems required preliminary testing of the driver and the administration of a contrast agent.
If a person has recently experienced a head injury and has unresolved hematomas or large scars, then an EEG study is not performed.

Procedure for conducting an EEG study

The only limitation before the EEG procedure is complete failure on the eve of the procedure from taking potent or narcotic drugs, alcoholic and tonic drinks, energy drinks. Followed by:
Contact a public or private clinic.
  1. Show your passport.
  2. In the EEG examination room, with the help of a nurse, put on a helmet and clips.
  3. Sit or lie down, relaxing your face and neck as much as possible.
  4. Follow the instructions of the nurse examining brain activity for 5-10 minutes.
Within 20-30 minutes after the end of the study, you can receive the result.
An encephalogram for a certificate from the traffic police is valid if issued on form 003-В\у. The medical certificate has a limited validity period of 12 months.
The procedure can be done in clinics in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. The clinic's ownership determines how much the driver will have to pay for this test. The price varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles. The EEG document is valid throughout the Russian Federation. But you can simply buy a form with an EEG, which will save time for busy drivers.

Electroencephalography of the brain (EEG) for a driver’s license is an indispensable manipulation for issuing licenses of type C, D, Tb, Tm and their subcategories, replacing the document at the end of the validity period or after deprivation for a misdemeanor. It will show whether the driver has any contraindications that prevent him from being allowed to drive.

The doctor can also send anyone who wants to drive a car or motorcycle for an EEG if there are indications for it. The procedure is carried out in any clinic where there is equipment and a specialist. In most cases, you have to pay for it from 2500 rubles. up to 4000 rub. And the conclusion is valid for no longer than 1 month.

Read in this article

What does an encephalogram of the brain show?

An encephalogram of the brain shows:

  • disruption of metabolic processes in its different parts;
  • consequences infectious diseases, if they remain;
  • age-related changes in brain cells;
  • vascular disorders that can lead to stroke;
  • pathologies that cause seizures, memory loss (including epilepsy);
  • neuroses and neurosis-like conditions (insomnia, etc.);
  • chronic headaches;
  • the driver has a history of skull injuries, concussions and their consequences;
  • insufficient intellectual development;
  • mental disorders.

The hardware method determines general state brain, determines whether a person can be trusted to drive a vehicle, or whether it is dangerous due to the likelihood of seizures, loss of consciousness at any moment, and other abnormalities.

Do I need an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police?

Not everyone who plans to drive a car needs an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police. The need or lack thereof depends on the type of transport.

The legislative framework

For whom the procedure is mandatory is stated in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344-dated June 15, 2015. It defines the procedure for undergoing general medical examination and categories of drivers or candidates undergoing EEG are established. There is a requirement that in order to obtain rights they must present a certificate in form No. 003в/у.

In addition, there is also a Government Decree “On admission to driving a vehicle”. In paragraph 26 Chapter III said:

Russian national driver's licenses are issued to persons who have reached the level established by Article 26 Federal Law“On Road Traffic Safety” of age, having an appropriate medical certificate, having successfully passed the exams provided for in paragraph 9 of these Rules.

And Ministry Order No. 831 of 2010 on the previous type of medical certificate for registration of a temporary residence permit was cancelled.

When absolutely necessary

The procedure is needed if the driver needs the following categories of rights:

  • C, CE, C1, C1E;
  • D, DE, D1, D1E;
  • Tb, Tm.

EEG is done by those who are going to drive a truck weighing more than 3.5 tons, including with a trailer. Drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams will also need it. It does not matter whether the equipment belongs to the motorist himself, or whether he gets a job as an employee in an organization. An EEG is done by those who receive a license for the first time or who are already working as drivers in one of the given categories of cars.

Who can't do it

Drivers of all other categories of transport will not need hardware brain testing. These are those who take their driving license:

  • passenger car;
  • motorcycle, moped;
  • trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • self-propelled equipment.

For them, the procedure is not included in the list of mandatory ones.

Watch this video about what an EEG of the brain shows:

Is an EEG required for category B?

Order No. 344-n states that an EEG is not needed for category B, unless during an examination the doctor has additional suspicions about the patient’s health condition. That is, for drivers of passenger cars, manipulation is not an obligation.

But they must be examined by a general practitioner or GP, a psychiatrist and an ophthalmologist. If one of the listed specialists refers a candidate for a Type B license to an electroencephalography, he will have to do it. Otherwise medical document will not be issued, and the person will not receive a driver’s license, or he will be deprived of the document.

Is an encephalogram needed to replace a driver's license?

The Order also specifies who needs an encephalogram to replace a driver’s license:

A medical examination is carried out in relation to: ... drivers of vehicles in connection with the replacement of a driver’s license after its expiration, or in connection with the return of a driver’s license after the expiration of the period of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles in the event that a mandatory medical examination is required in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, or in connection with the return of a driver’s license after serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities (in case of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles)…

It is necessary to do an EEG when replacing a license if it is a document for category C, D, Tb, Tm and the corresponding subcategories. Drivers of cars, motorcycles, and other types of transport who are changing their driver's license with an expired statute of limitations or who were previously deprived of it, if they were sent by one of the required specialists, are also eligible for examination. The same applies to those who have lost their document by court decision.

Why do you need a certificate from the traffic police with a psychologist’s report?

The driver of any vehicle must be a person who will not be overtaken by an attack of epilepsy, mental confusion, or other dangerous condition. And they can be identified with the greatest accuracy only using EEG. A driver whose brain, nerves and psyche are not entirely healthy is capable of voluntarily or unwittingly causing an accident. Its consequences will be especially dire if we are talking about a heavy truck, a bus or trolleybus full of passengers.

Careful monitoring of driver health helps make roads safer.

Where to get an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police

The person being examined has a chance to choose the place where an EEG can be done for reference to the traffic police.. But the following must be taken into account:

  • If medical organization, to which he applied, does not have official permission to carry out the manipulation, the results may be declared invalid;
  • a document from a psychiatrist is valid only if the examination was carried out in state clinic at the place of registration of the future driver.

Accredited medical centers of the traffic police

Accredited medical centers The traffic police can be called those who have the right to issue medical certificates for drivers, confirmed by a document. But this information should be obtained directly from the clinic. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own clinics, which people unrelated to it can visit for a fee.

If a candidate for a license decides to undergo an encephalogram at one of these centers, the results will be accepted by the traffic police. After all, this is either a municipal or a reputable private institution; it is unlikely that manipulation is carried out there without a license. But with the EEG result, you should still go to a psychiatrist working in a public medical institution at the patient’s registration address. Only he has the right to decrypt it and issue permission to drive the vehicle.

Private clinics

An EEG can also be performed in a commercial hospital if there is a machine and a certified doctor. The clinic must have the appropriate license. After the procedure, materials are presented to a psychiatrist from a state medical institution at the driver’s registration address. This specialist draws up a conclusion about this aspect of his health.

City hospitals

In the clinic at the registration address, EEG is not always available due to the lack of the required device and a specialist. Then you need to go to another medical institution, where there is both, as well as official access to carry out the manipulation. But with the materials generated based on its results, as in previous cases, you need to go to a psychiatrist working in a government agency in the city where the driver is registered.

Psychoneurological centers

EEGs are also done in mental health centers. If the institution is budgetary and there is no doctor in the “native” clinic, then the conclusion for a certificate of license can be obtained from a psychiatrist working there.

But sometimes in such a center only an electroencephalogram should be done. And go with her to see a specialist at your clinic for an opinion.

Where to get an EEG in Moscow for the traffic police

You can undergo an EEG in Moscow for the traffic police in the following institutions:

Psychoneurological dispensaries in the capital should be searched on the city’s Open Data Portal. They also perform examinations there.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before the procedure, the patient must:

  • within a couple of days, give up coffee and other stimulating drinks, including alcohol;
  • wash your hair and do not use hairspray, gel, or hair foam;
  • at least get enough sleep the night before;
  • do not be nervous.

You should not eat immediately before the EEG, but you should not be hungry either. Last appointment food before the procedure should be a couple of hours before it. If the patient has a cold, the EEG should be rescheduled. If you need to take medications regularly, you should inform your doctor. Perhaps some of them (anticonvulsants, sedatives) will have to be canceled the day before.


The procedure is painless and will take about half an hour. It goes like this:

  1. the patient is placed in the office on a couch in a comfortable position;
  2. electrodes are attached to the head, occupying almost its entire surface;
  3. during manipulation, the device reads and records signals sent by brain cells;
  4. As a result, an electroencephalogram is formed, which is a broken line.

The manipulation is performed in darkness and silence. During this time the patient should be relaxed.

Watch this video about how an EEG is performed:

How long does an encephalogram last for information in the traffic police?

There is not a word in the legal documents about how long an encephalogram is valid for information in the traffic police. For the driver's commission, the fresher it is, the better. After all, theoretically, a candidate could undergo the procedure and then suffer a head injury that would prevent doctors from declaring him fit to drive a car. It is best to take the EEG validity period to be up to 2 weeks. For some specialists it is valid for up to 1 month.

Encephalogram for reference in the traffic police: price of service

An encephalogram for a medical certificate from the traffic police may differ in price depending on where it is performed - its price reaches 4,500 rubles and more. And sometimes the procedure can be done without paying money.

Is it possible to do it for free?

You can get an EEG for free only at a budget medical institution at your place of residence if you have a referral from a doctor. But in this case you will have to sign up in a queue. And most likely you will have to wait at least a month, and somewhere more.

The same situation applies when visiting a specialized dispensary. You can undergo the procedure there for free. But if the candidate wants to do this quickly, the doctor must directly refer him to the medical facility. And on accompanying document The “Urgent” mark is required. But this is only possible with a serious illness.

Comparison of prices in a psychoneurological clinic in Moscow and a private clinic

More often, you have to pay for an EEG to obtain a certificate for a driver’s license. If you go to a psychoneurological clinic, which is supported by the state, it will cost 2000-3000 rubles. When performing the procedure in a commercial clinic, its cost will increase in most cases to 3500-4000 rubles. In some of them, EEG is offered with delivery of results to your home, then the certificate will cost 4,500 rubles. or a little more.

It will not be possible to avoid the procedure if it is prescribed by law. The driver’s refusal will result in him not receiving a medical certificate, and therefore no license. But you shouldn’t shy away from EEG also because it good opportunity check your health and catch possible illness at an early stage.

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