Physical education leisure in the preparatory group Topic: “Winter fun. Entertainment “Winter gatherings” in the preparatory group. Scenario

"Winter Olympic Games" Sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory group

Winter Olympic Games»

Senior and preparatory group

Goal: to provide optimal motor mode children during entertainment.

Teach to use motor skills and abilities acquired by children in physical education classes;

Develop endurance, agility, strength, speed;

Foster a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

Equipment: small ball, skittles, medicine balls, hoops, tunnel, white paper.

Progress of the holiday.

Hello, dear guests of the holiday!

We are pleased to welcome you to our Winter Olympics.

Two teams take part in our competitions - a team of children preparatory group and senior group children team. Let's greet them with applause.

(Sounds sports march, the teams enter the hall and change formation. Then they go to their places).

Before the competition starts, let's get to know our teams.

Team senior group -

Our team: "Strong"

Our team is cheerful and brave,

Ready for the competition! Hooray!

Team preparatory group -

Our team: "The Big Guys"

We won't give up without a fight,

Let's enjoy the competition now!

The best team will receive a prize

Hey, our enemy, watch out!

Participants, fans, please pay attention for a minute!

Who is present here in the hall?

Who strictly counts the points?

Well, of course they are...

Our strict... Jury!

Let's get to know them!

(Introduction by the panel of judges).

Good morning sports path, Dear friends! We are starting our Winter Olympic Games!

1. Relay "Knock down the icicles".

Teams have 5-6 people. The first player runs to the landmark, picks up a small ball and throws it at the pins (once). And returns to his team. The next participant starts the relay race.

So that the hour of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster,

Friends, we invite you,

Get to the relay race quickly.

2. Relay “Run without hitting the snowdrift”.

Teams have 5-6 people. Medicine balls are placed in front of each team. (drifts). At the signal, the first participant runs, runs around like a snake "snowdrift" and returns to his team (directly). The next participant continues the game.

So, friends, we continue

We have a large supply of ideas.

And who are they for?

Of course for you!

3. Relay "Let's go sledding"

Teams are divided into pairs. Children stand in pairs, holding hands, one in front, the other behind. They run to the landmark and return to their team, passing the baton to the next pair.

Are you guys brave?

Dexterous, skillful?

This must be proven

Come out and play.

4. Relay "Collect snowballs".

Teams line up opposite each other. To the left of the teams there are snowballs in a hoop. At a signal, children begin to pass snowballs to each other in a basket that stands to the right of the team.

5. "Name winter sport» .

6. Relay "Through the Ice Tunnel".

The teams crawl into the tunnel.

7. Relay "Who can run faster on the ice floes".

Teams cross the ice floes (White paper). Run back and pass the ice floes to the next participants.

Ours has come to an end Winter Olympic Games. But who is the winner today?

The floor is given to our jury.

The jury's word.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Our competition is over.

Here is what I would like to wish you at last:

Let you have these the starts will be remembered,

May all adversity pass by,

May all your wishes come true,

Organization: GBOU School No. 1368 OP No. 2

Location: Moscow

Description of material: The proposed summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers, senior teachers, and teachers of after-school groups.
Target:To consolidate children's knowledge about winter phenomena in nature. Create a need for healthy way life.
- Contribute to the development of children's creative activity;
- Consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, folk signs;
- Activate and expand your vocabulary,

Develop interest in winter games-competitions;
- Develop physical qualities: agility, speed of reaction;
- Learn to play in a team, act on a signal and together;
- Foster feelings of collectivism and mutual assistance;

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations about winter, reading fiction, acquaintance with proverbs, sayings about winter, observing seasonal changes, learning outdoor games in accordance with winter themes.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition; Speech development; Physical development; Social and communicative development.

Equipment: large hoops (2), medium hoops (2), cones (2), cubes of two colors (according to the number of children), snowball tokens of two colors (according to the number of children), scarf.

Progress of entertainment:

The teacher asks a riddle: Guess who is the gray-haired housewife?

Shaking feather dusters - over the world of fluff?

Powdered the paths, painted the paths

Did you give joy to the children and give them a sledding ride?

Vosp.: Which ones do you know? proverbs and sayings about winter ?

I invite you to the country winter games and entertainment!

Reb.: And even if it’s frosty and blizzard, snow is flying from all sides..

But no one will stop us from playing and having fun.

Playback: Let's remember what month it is? What month of winter is this? What is it called among the people (prosinets)? Why? And the other winter months? (jelly, snow) Why?

Winter has brought a lot with it...

Reb.: Winter has come with frosts, with frosts, with blizzards

Snowdrifts under birches, white and white under spruce trees

Play: Let's play V game "Winter" (having heard the command “snow”, the children clap their hands; on the command “blizzard” they spin around themselves; “snowdrift” - they sit down).

Guys, do you know what happens:

Game "What Happens..."

1. Silvery, cold, smooth... (Ice)

2. Prickly, elegant, green... (Christmas tree)

3. Fierce, cold, snowy... (Winter)

4. Sharp, sharpened, metal... (Skates)

5. Small, fluffy, flying... (Snowflake)

6. Big, fierce, sleeping... (Bear)

Vosp.: Well, we’ll go to the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles. To walk through the forest without getting lost, take snowballs from me. Those who have blue snowballs are one team, the guys with white snowballs are another team.

Reb.: There is snow, there is snow, all the roads are covered with snow.

All roads, all paths, cannot be passed, cannot be passed.

Playback: What can you drive?

Game "Reindeer Sled" (2 teams in columns of two. The first pair runs in a hoop to the cone and back and passes the hoop to the next pair)

So we came to the forest... In a clearing in the forest there is a painted house

Winter lives in that house and the children are waiting for a visit.

Game "Build a house" (cubes of two colors, two teams)

The appearance of the bear

And why make so much noise? You know that the bear is sleeping...

Since they didn’t let me sleep, you’ll play with me...

But first answer me whether this happens in winter or not:

The game “It happens or it doesn’t happen”

The sun shines brightly, it warms strongly,

The snow is falling in large flakes,

A gray bunny jumps in the snow,

The days are short, the sun shines little

The squirrel collects cones and nuts,

People make feeders for swallows, nightingales,

The hedgehog is sleeping

Buds are blooming on the trees

A blizzard is blowing

The mother bear gives birth to cubs at the end of February.

Snowdrops are blooming

It's raining heavily

Game "Bear" Once we were walking in the forest and met a bear

He lies under the tree, stretched out and snoring.

We walked around him, woke up the clubfoot,

Come on, little darling, get up and quickly catch up with us!

The bear says goodbye and leaves

Reb.: It’s winter in the forest, it’s white in the forest, there are snowdrifts around

As if with white fur, the forests are covered with snow.

Reb.: Winter gave scarves to the trees in the little forest

She dressed them in fur coats and cheered herself up.

So I have a handkerchief. Let's play..

Game "Burn, Burn Clear"

Our walk through the winter forest has ended. You played well and met a bear.

Let the frosts crackle, the blizzard swirls in the field

Well, our children are not afraid of the cold.

Sports entertainment in the preparatory group “Winter Fun”.

Age: 6-7 years
Location: gym

- promote cognitive development child, developing abilities in performing physical exercises;
- instill in children the spirit of competition;
- develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance.
Equipment: emblems for two teams; selection of melodies (more sporty march; other melodies


Spun above the ground. Winter has its round dance again.

May health, joy, strength Winter sport will bring it to us.

We will all say: "No!" cold. We don't care about frost.

We will be friends with skates, with a stick, a puck and a ball.

It's time for us to meet Winter, We can't live without it.

A snowman comes in:

I hear fun, din,

Come to kindergarten soon!

Play winter games

Have fun and dance!

Tell me, what games can I play in winter? (children's answers).

You said everything correctly, you know a lot of games.

I see you are all healthy.

Are you all ready to run and jump?

Well then, everyone pull up,

Get ready to warm up.

And today we will warm up with snowballs.

Game "Shootout" - Two teams play, on both sides of the “snowdrift”. (The middle of the hall is marked by a snowdrift). Each child has a snowball.

At a signal, children begin throwing snowballs into their opponents’ territory.


Develop dexterity and attention

Competitions will help us.

Let's get started fun starts,

Let our teams compete.

We greet our athletes with loud applause!!!

Children are divided into two teams: “Snowmen” and “Ice”.

Snowman: Attention! Attention! A telegram has just been sent to our hall.

Leading: I wonder who it's from?! All our athletes and fans are there.

Snowman: (unfolds the telegram) This telegram is a decree from our mistress Zimushka - Winter.

Leading: Quickly read what is written there.

Snowman: (reads out the telegram) “I, Zimushka - Winter, mistress of the North, blizzards, frost and northern winds, I ORDER everyone at the “Winter Fun” holiday:

    have fun, don't be sad;

    support athletes by clapping, shouting and stamping their feet;

    “cheer” not only for your own team, but also for the opposing team;

    athletes to be agile, fast, strong and smart.


Leading: Well guys, are you ready?

Children: Yes!

Snowman: First task"Greetings". Dear captains, you need to introduce your team in a very interesting and clear, commanding voice.

(representation of teams: name, motto, emblem)

Leading: The next task is called"Felt boots"

(Each team receives felt boots, big size. The first participant puts on felt boots. At a distance, modules are placed in the form of a snake. Task: walk the distance back and forth in felt boots, pass to the next participant, and so on, the whole team.)


Those who are braver

Who is faster and braver?

We invite you to the game

Under the name" hockey" - roll a snowball into a hoop with a stick.


Girls - attention!

Boys - attention!

There is for you Another,

Fun task -"Funny Penguins" - move around holding the ball between your legs.

Snowman: . I love to ride downhill
I'm flying down faster than a bird.
Well, drag yourself up.
Guess who I am? (sled)
Early in the morning it snowed.

The clearings were covered in snow.

Can each person sit down

Now on the sled -"Ice sled" - ride a toy.

The teams sit on chairs. And the doctor enters the hallAibolit.

Hello children!
How do you feel, what are you complaining about?
I love when children are cheerful and healthy.
Do you know what to do,
To be healthy and strong?
Children: Yes, you need to do exercises and play sports.

Aibolit: You are so slim and nice. You probably eat well and properly. I will now find out if you are eating right.
Game “If you want to be healthy, eat right” (game with fans)
Aibolit names the products (pear, chips...), throws a snowball to the player. The player catches a snowball and answers harmful or useful product for good health.
Aibolit: Well done, guys! We had fun playing. Laugh more and have fun. Smile at each other and try to be healthy. And for me, guys, it’s time to rush to the next kindergarten.

Leading: There was a breeze, there was a smell of cold,
Like Winter - Winter waved her sleeve.
White fluffs flew from a height
Snowflakes are falling on the trees and bushes.

The next competition is called"Collect a snowflake ».

(At the end of each distance, opposite the team there is a snowflake, cut into 6 parts. Assignment to the participants: everyone on the team runs to the end of the distance, takes 1 part of the snowflake, returns to the team and so it is necessary to move and collect the entire snowflake. The team that is the first to collect it correctly wins snowflake).

Snowman: The entire path glistens with snow.
I'm skiing fast!
The wind flies by
Taking my scarf behind my back.

Our next task is called"Ski Race" .

(Children stand with their feet on paper skis and, at a signal, walk on them to the landmark and back. The participant who completes the task first wins).

Presenter: Relay "Strongmen" (tug of war).

Which team is the strongest?

Well, guys, pull yourself up!

Stand next to each other!

One, two - they took it!..

Snowman: In sports, as in life, everything flows, everything changes. Some champions replace others, new competitions replace old ones.

Leading: Sport is not only about records. This is, first of all, a launching pad to the country of health, vigor and Have a good mood. I ask the champions of our competitions to prepare for the solemn moment - the award ceremony.

We had a great time.

You won by right.

worthy of praise and rewards,

And we are happy to give you prizes!

Snowman and Presenter: Goodbye! See you again, friends!

Winter holiday in senior group. Scenario

Purpose: The entertainment will be useful for young, novice educators; the material is intended for older children.
Entertainment "Winter Fun"
Senior group
Identify and systematize children’s ideas about winter. Learn to form adjectives from nouns. Cultivate love for native nature.
Activate the words in children's speech: December, January, February, inquisitive, blizzard, ice, blizzard, bitter frosts, frost.
Envelope (letter from Pochemuchka), crossword puzzle, picture “What did the artist mix up?”, cut-out pictures “Seasons”. 1. On the children’s table are cut-out pictures “Seasons”. Children collect pictures and name the seasons.
- How did you guess that it was winter?

2. When I was going to kindergarten, the postman handed me a letter, the names of our kindergarten and our group. A letter from an inquisitive boy Pochemuchki. (Reading the letter).
-What is winter?
- How many months does winter have?
- What month does it start from?
- Tell a poem about December:
Ending a long year
December itself is coming to us!
He brings snow, blizzards
And they ate in bright toys.
It became hungry in the forest:
Look at the fox!
The fox is on the hunt -
She can't catch a hare!
So that there is no trouble,
The hare confuses his tracks.
The forest fell asleep under the kingdom of ice,
It's getting cold.
- What is the name of the second month of winter? (poem about him)

Open the calendar -
January begins.
In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.
Snow is on the roof,
On the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
The stoves are heated in our house.
Smoke rises into the sky in a column.
Look at the calendar:
January is starting!
He walks in a warm fur coat,
New Year takes him with him.
A hare gallops in a white fur coat,
The forest hides him securely -
The trail of drifting snow is covered up.

A capercaillie walks in the snow.
And the frost is cracking and angry.
Snow is swept away by the fox's tail.
Moose, foxes, wild boars
They are waiting for spring in the gray forest.
- The last, third month of winter? (poem about him)

From the snow, throwing on a shawl,
February is moving through the forests.
The blizzard is angry, the blizzard is whistling
A gray wolf is prowling through the forest.
A fat black grouse is walking,
Waiting for the snow to melt.
And the magpies burst into chaos:
- We would say goodbye to winter!
Colors morning dawn
The bullfinches are singing,
The tits are looking for food,
Waiting for spring forest birds!
The winds blow in February, the snow blows,
Ice sparkles on the river,
A blizzard roams the earth,
She can't sleep in February.

- What is the weather like in winter?
- What winter phenomena do you know?
- How do animals live in winter?
- And the birds?
- How can we help “our smaller brothers”?
- Why do we love winter? (Games, funny New Year's celebration).

4.Solving the crossword puzzle.
- I will ask riddles, and we will enter the word - the answer - into the crossword puzzle.

1) He flies in a white flock.
It sparkles on the fly.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth (snow).
2) Who started the rigmarole,
Makes a white bed
Does the field put you to sleep?
This is a snowy...(blizzard).
3) Everything around is white and white,
There was a lot of snow.
There are forests and houses in white caps.
White walks... (winter).
4) As soon as you touch them, they scream
More than frightened goslings.
They fly in one direction
But they don’t want to go to another one.
Proud in posture,
But not swans, but... (sleigh).
5) The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm (snowflake).
5. Physical education minute.
Outdoor game "Snowflake"
The players disperse around the hall. To the signal “The wind blew, the snowflakes swirled!” children spin around in place. With the words of an adult, “Snowflakes - the little fluffs got tired on the fly, stopped spinning, sat down to rest,” they squat. The game repeats itself.
We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
Spin around, we're not averse to it.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.
Let's all stand together in a circle -
It will turn out to be a snowball.

6. Game exercise: “Come up with a word”
- From the words frost, cold, wind, snow, ice, form words that would answer the question, which one?
- What can you say “frosty” about? (Day, air)
7. Game exercise: “Why doesn’t it happen?”
Children look at the picture: winter, blizzard, bending trees, a boy in shorts and a Panama hat.
- What did the artist mix up? Why doesn't this happen?
8.Bottom line.
- What signs, proverbs and sayings about winter do you know?
January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
January - Father begins the year and calls winter.
The month of January is winter, sir.
February - blizzards and blizzards flew in February.
February is a fierce month, he asks how you are wearing shoes.
February is heavy with blizzards, and March is dripping.
December ends the year and begins winter.
December paves, December nails, and the frost tears at your ears.
The path is narrow in winter, but the path is short in spring.
February the sun turns to summer.
9.Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind”
Children perform movements in accordance with the text. The game is played 2-3 times.
Snowflakes, snowflakes are flying in the wind,
Snowflakes, snowflakes want to fall to the ground,
And the wind blows stronger and stronger,
The snowflakes are spinning faster and faster.
Suddenly the wind died down, it became quiet all around,
Snowflakes flew into a big
(Easy running in different directions
Running while turning around
Run towards an adult and squat on the floor next to him.)

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher.Guys, today I invite you to talk in very interesting topic. It consists of two words: the first word is “fun”. What do you think this word means?(Children's answers.)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.Fun is an old word that means games, fun, jokes. Second word -"winter" and it turns out... “winter fun”

Teacher.Winter fun... What then do these words mean?(Children's answers.)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers(winter games and entertainment) and invites you to learn more about winter activities that have long been loved in Rus', both by children and adults.

Teacher.First, we will play with you.Didactic game "Associations".When shown a picture, children name it(snow, mittens) and the teacher invites them to choose words associated with this word.

Snow – winter, cold, snowman, snowballs...

Mittens - walk, hands, warmth...

Teacher.Let's remember the sayings about frost:

- “Take care of your nose in the deep frost”;

- “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand”;

- “Wearing a winter coat and frost is a joke.”

Teacher. What interesting things can you do outside in winter? (Children's answers.)

The teacher reads a riddle about a sleigh to the children.

I ride it until evening.

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself

And I hold my horse by a rope.


(Display of the painting “Sledding”).

A teacher’s story about one of the ancient pastimes in Rus' – sleigh rides: “Winter in Rus' lasted quite a long time, it was both snowy and cold. In the old days, in the summer, did everyone travel on what? (cart, carriage) The wheels were spinning, the carriage was moving. But in winter the wheels often failed. Why do you think? (Children's answers: they got stuck in the snowdrifts.) And people came up with the idea of ​​moving carts and carriages from wheels to runners (skis). So they moved much faster."

Comparison of ancient sleighs with modern ones (Children analyze the similarities and differences between ancient sleds and modern ones).

The teacher offers a logical task “Who in Rus' was not harnessed to a sleigh?” (From the proposed pictures with animals, children must choose the correct answer)

Teacher. “Which animals were used in different regions of Russia”(horses, dogs, deer). Photo demonstration

Vocabulary expansion: harness, “troika”, bells.

Teacher.Guys, mIs it possible to ride or ride a sleigh without animals?(Sleigh ride down the hill.)

Examination of F. Sychkov’s painting “On the Hill”. Children answer the question: “What interested you in the picture? »

Teacher. “Whose tracks are these? »

Children. skier

Conversation with viewing paintings about skiing types sports(ski racing, biathlon, ski jumping).

Teacher. Now I suggest you guess another riddle

The river flows - we lie,

Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates)

Examination of K. Somov’s painting “Winter. Ice rink".

Historical reference

“This is one of the most famous old paintings about urban skating. The landscape in it is very beautiful: indeed, in St. Petersburg in winter you can see such a golden sky as depicted in the picture, and a pattern of dark branches of tall trees, creating a decorative effect of smoky lace against the golden background of the sky. The painting is built in the form of a triptych, that is, it is divided into three conventional parts. The action opens on the left side, where we see a gentleman and a lady walking sedately in red clothes, with a white fur muff and a high white headdress. Her appearance clearly stands out against the background of the silhouette of her companion walking next to her. In the central part, a lady and a gentleman glide carefree across the ice, and on the right, a deserted alley goes into the depths of the picture, the distant prospect of which awakens the imagination and calls into the distance. At the skating rink, in this part of the picture there is a fallen skater, he lies in a funny and absurd pose. Somov cannot do without some sly mockery of his heroes.”(Text taken from the site:

Teacher. Where can you go ice skating? How is ice formed?

Looking at photos from various types skating rinks(natural - on the river; specially poured - on the street and in the Sports Palace)

Teacher.What types of skating sports do you know? (Children's answers).

Dynamic pause

You are frost, frost, frost (rub your forearms with your arms bent crosswise )

Don't show your nose! (index finger threaten winter, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist. )

Go home quickly (waving alternately with the right and then with the left hand ),

Take the cold with you! (They make movements with their hands, as if they are pulling on a rope. )

And we'll take the sleigh (the back is straight, squat down and “take” the sled ),

We'll go outside (marching in place ).

Teacher.TOWhat kind of games with snow do you guys know? (building a fort, playing snowballs, making a snowman).


Why look for it in the mountains?

You will find it in the courtyards.

From year to year, from century to century

Bigfoot lives here.

He's on the yard heel

Stands holding a broom in his hand.

He amuses the kids all day long

Bucket pulled on one side.

(A. Shlygin)

Pure saying “Winter”:

Ma-ma-ma - the snowy winter has come.

Eg-eg-eg - everything was covered with white snow.

Ki-ki-ki - we love to play snowballs

Ry-ry-ry - I'm sledding down the mountain.

Oz-oz-oz – the frost stings our cheeks.

Lu-lu-lu - I love snowy winter.

Teacher. what kind of winter is it?? (final brief conversation on the first part of the lesson)(children’s selection of bright adjectives – snowy, white, cheerful, joyful, frosty) and invites you to admire paintings by Russian artists about this amazing time of year.

Teacher.Guys, today it’s as if we were on a big, interesting winter walk. At the end of the lesson, let's make a picture about our winter activities. Now I suggest you go to the tables, where wax crayons, paper and scissors and glue are waiting for you. I started drawing a picture(show background) , but it’s somehow very empty and sad here. Have you guessed what I want to offer you? Why are your sheets small? What are scissors for? Let's all make a collage about winter fun together.

Independent work children at tables.Children draw, according to their ideas, children or adults participating in some winter fun. Then cut out and glue the image to the background.
