How is the sale of an apartment carried out? How to properly sell an apartment: order and stages. Selecting special programs in the bank

By selling his apartment without involving realtors, the owner can keep control over all stages of the transaction and save a significant amount of money on paying for the services of a real estate agency. But at the same time, selling a home without the help of a specialist will take a lot of time and requires care when performing each action.

Stage 1. Pre-sale preparation

Often, the timely preparation of documentation for the sale of housing is the most important procedure. The speed of the transaction and its legal purity depend on the completeness of the package of necessary papers.

Advice: To collect the required documents, it is recommended to engage an experienced lawyer or contact the property rights registration authority. Specialists will provide assistance in compiling a complete list of papers so that the seller can complete the purchase and sale of the apartment on his own.

The owner must carefully check whether all papers are filled out correctly and check for typos, blots and errors. The set of documentation that must be prepared before contacting the registration authority for the transfer of ownership includes:

  • certificate of ownership of the object of sale or other title paper that confirms that the owner of the property is a specific person (seller);
  • civil passports or other documents confirming the identities of all owners of real estate, including birth certificates of minors who do not yet have a passport;
  • cadastral passport for the apartment from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (or technical passport);
  • marriage registration certificate and notarized consent of the spouse to alienate the apartment. This paper is not necessary if the property being sold is not the joint property of the husband and wife;
  • permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if among the owners of the apartment there is a person who has not yet reached the age of majority;
  • a certificate from the house register or apartment card, which reflects information about all persons registered in the apartment. This paper has a limited validity period, so do not request it in advance. It is better to prepare it after all other documents have been collected.

Attention: Depending on the nuances of a particular transaction, other documentation may be required, the list of which should be found out in advance.

At the same time as preparing the documents, you need to try to make the property for sale look more presentable, as well as check out. These actions will significantly simplify the entire procedure, since cozy and vacant apartments are of great value on the market.

Read also: Inheritance by will: obligatory share in the inheritance

Stage 2. Finding a buyer

This step means that the owner must evaluate his property and put it up for sale at the desired price. You should focus on the price range of similar objects offered by the market. The location of the object being sold, its current condition, as well as the presence of the necessary infrastructure should be taken into account. Finding a buyer means that it is necessary to find a person who is willing to purchase an apartment at a compromise price. If the sale period is limited, then the cost should be slightly underestimated, and if the sale is not urgent, it should be increased.

Important: When drawing up a real estate purchase and sale agreement, you should take the necessary precautions to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Stage 3. Signing the preliminary agreement

A preliminary agreement between the seller and buyers provides both parties with certain guarantees for the further completion of the transaction. The document confirms that the owner will not change his mind about selling the apartment, and the acquiring person will not change his mind about buying. Simultaneously with signing the preliminary agreement, the buyer makes an advance payment, the amount of which is also stated in the document.

Also, the parties to the transaction can sign an agreement on a deposit (advance payment), which is drawn up instead of a preliminary contract if the seller and buyer have already agreed on the basic conditions. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account that a deposit and an advance are different concepts. Therefore, you should use the correct term when signing a document to avoid problems in the future. The concept of “advance” means that the amount paid in advance will be returned in full to the buyer if, for any reason, the transaction fails. When a sale or purchase is canceled unilaterally, the party that violated the contract will pay penalties. If the seller refuses to complete the transaction, he must return the funds contributed by the buyer in double amount. If the fault lies with the buyer, then the seller does not return the amount received.

Information: The preliminary agreement is drawn up in free form. It must contain the passport details of the parties (details of the legal entity, if it is one of the parties to the transaction), their registration addresses, information about the property, the duration of the obligations and the amount of the advance (deposit). At the end of the document the signatures of the participants and the date of conclusion of the agreement must be affixed.

Stage 4. Carrying out calculations

When a transaction for the purchase and sale of an apartment is drawn up, all settlement operations are carried out simultaneously with the signing of the relevant document (preliminary or main agreement, deposit agreement). Also, payments can be made when signing an act of acceptance and transfer of the object from the seller to the buyer. Funds can be transferred in cash or transferred to a bank account.

Recommendation: If a transaction is carried out by individuals independently, then it is best to make payments using a deposit box. This option guarantees that the amount of funds specified in the contract will be transferred to the seller, and the buyer will receive ownership of the apartment. Depositing money is carried out under the supervision of a bank employee. Before this, the seller can recalculate the deposited amount. After all documents for the transfer of ownership from one person to another have been submitted to the registration authority, the seller can receive money.

Stage 5. Signing the contract and registering the new owner

An apartment purchase and sale agreement must be concluded using a standard form of agreement or with a notary. If the parties have not previously encountered such a situation, then it is better to entrust the preparation of the document to a notary, lawyer or experienced realtor.

When making transactions related to real estate, it is important to know how to formalize the purchase and sale of an apartment. To organize everything as correctly as possible, many people need a detailed step-by-step guide. For reasons for profitable sale of an apartment in 2019 in Moscow or another city, check out what step-by-step instructions and buying and selling an apartment in 2019 look like.

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Registration of purchase and sale of an apartment

Before determining how a transaction for the purchase and sale of an apartment is drawn up, let’s look at what such an agreement represents. Registration of a purchase and sale transaction is an agreement under which the seller and buyer make an exchange when the apartment is exchanged for a certain amount of funds. All completed transactions of the real estate for sale are characterized by a clear sequence.

The agreement comes into force immediately after the documentation is signed by the parties. However, if the owner of the apartment is no longer involved in anything, it doesn’t end there for the designer. Let's consider what needs to be done for the procedure to be successful.

On one's own

Conducting an apartment purchase and sale transaction independently has a number of advantages. In this way, you can easily control such a process, and also significantly save money on the services of a notary or other intermediary. At the same time, in order to formalize the purchase and sale of an apartment on your own, you need to have some knowledge in this area; you will have to delve into the regulations in detail, which can significantly delay this procedure.

At the notary

A notary has the right to help formalize the purchase and sale of an apartment. Then he will be legally responsible for concluding the deal and will be able to tell all the pitfalls of the procedure. However, you will have to pay a substantial amount for his services.

At the agency

The 2019 apartment purchase and sale agreement can be organized with the participation of an agent. A realtor will help not only draw up the documentary component of the transaction, but can also find a counterparty, as well as advise on all issues related to the sale of real estate.

Transaction options

When determining how a transaction for the purchase and sale of an apartment occurs, it should be stipulated that both the entire premises and its share can be alienated. Both transactions have their differences. Let's look at the features of how each of them is carried out.

Buying and selling an apartment

Purchase and sale is carried out in writing. The acceptance certificate is also attached to the contract. Before drawing up the main document, a preliminary agreement is often signed, as well as a paper indicating that a deposit has been given.

Purchase and sale of a share in an apartment

The rules for the alienation of a share of the premises state that if such a part is sold in shared ownership, then notarization of the transaction is required. If the premises are in sole or common ownership, a simple form of agreement is also suitable. An exception will be the allocation of a share to the spouse from the sole property.

The process will take place taking into account the following features:

  • the owner must provide documentation for the object;
  • You will need to issue a separate invoice for utility bills;
  • before selling your share to an outsider, you must offer to buy it to other citizens who own the remaining shares;
  • a warning about the sale of a share is issued in writing.

Buying and selling between relatives

Agreements between relatives are drawn up in the same way as those drawn up between strangers. Usually such transactions are fictitious, since relatives do not give each other any funds.

This method is often used as an alternative to making a will.


Carrying out this or that action always entails the question of how quickly the procedure will be completed. The duration of drawing up the agreement will depend on the method chosen for its conclusion (independently or with the involvement of 3 persons). But the registration period will take up to 18 days.

Requirements for the content of the contract

In the introductory part of the document, the details of the parties are written down; if it is a legal entity, in addition to the name, the organizational and legal form is also indicated. Further, the subject of the contract is considered a mandatory element in the text itself. It says in detail about the object: its type, type of ownership, address, area, etc.

Another prerequisite is the price. It is written in rubles or the ruble equivalent of a certain amount in currency. Sometimes the documentation also states the obligation of certain citizens to deregister. The text also talks about persons living in the premises, who retain the rights to use square meters. If the buyer has any restrictions on the use of the property, this must also be stated in the contract.

In addition to the above points, without which the document is considered invalid, the agreement may also contain additional conditions that vary depending on the specific circumstances. These include:

  • how and when payments will be made;
  • description of the condition of the premises;
  • when the transfer of property will actually take place;
  • absence of encumbrances on the site;
  • procedure for liability in case of violation of the provisions of the agreement;
  • force majeure, etc.

Required Documentation

When determining what is needed for an apartment purchase and sale transaction, the stages of which include registration of the transfer of ownership in the Rosreestr database, different documents will be required from the parties for the MFC.

Papers for the seller

If you are interested in how to properly formalize the transaction, the main document from the seller is a paper confirming the rights to the property. You also need:

  • technical or cadastral plan of the premises;
  • if the owner of the object or one of them is a minor, you will have to take permission from the guardianship authorities;
  • identification paper (if necessary, power of attorney);
  • if the operation is performed by one of the spouses, the consent of the other;
  • certificate of absence of debts;
  • extract from the house register.

Buyer documentation

To register the policy, the buyer will also need to take:

  • passport (for minors, birth certificate);
  • statement;
  • marriage certificate and consent of the spouse (if the transaction is concluded by one of them);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (the parties independently agree who will pay it).

The agreement should be brought in 3 copies: 1 for each party, and one remains with the registration authority.

Where to contact

Materials for the purchase and sale of an apartment are submitted to one of the following authorities:

  • Registration Chamber;

Actions before concluding a deal

Before a purchase and sale transaction takes place, you need to seriously prepare for it and check all the components.

Verification of apartment owners and seller

The existing stages of the transaction involve initially checking the seller of the property. It is necessary to determine who is the owner of the premises and whether he is selling it. Particular attention should be paid to cases of selling an apartment by proxy. This is the most common method for scammers. It is important to make sure that the document is genuine and that the owner of the square meters is aware of the planned transaction.

Authenticity of documents

When an agreement is concluded, only the originals of any materials or their notarized copies should be required from the counterparty.

Today, everything can be faked, even a copy of a passport or a power of attorney, so it is important to carefully study all the documentation.

Availability of an encumbrance on the apartment

Before purchasing real estate, it is important to make sure that there are no encumbrances on it: it is not listed as collateral, a loan, or there are no rights to it from third parties.

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights, which you will receive through the widget:

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to a property, which you will receive through the widget:

The procedure for registering an apartment purchase and sale transaction

The procedure for selling and buying an apartment requires a certain sequence of actions. After double-checking the counterparty and all documentation, you can proceed directly to concluding the agreement itself.

Conclusion of an agreement

The procedure for drawing up an agreement for the sale of housing usually involves signing a standard document. The parties regulate the process of concluding a transaction independently, therefore they themselves have the right to choose how to draw it up, what to register and where to take it for registration.

Transfer of apartment

The purchase and sale of premises is accompanied by its transfer. It can take place on the same day as the document is signed; the agreement itself can specify the date when the apartment will be transferred by the responsible persons. Upon completion of such a procedure, a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up.

Transfer of money

Often, when buying and selling real estate, sellers often require a deposit. Its transfer is documented by receipt. The parties decide among themselves how the remaining amount will be transferred. To perform such actions, many people find it convenient to use this option, such as placing money in a cell. This will ensure the confidentiality of the parties, and will also serve as a guarantee that the seller will be able to receive his money only after fulfilling all obligations stipulated by the agreement.

Another reliable way is bank transfer. But also if a person uses the services of realtors, the transfer of funds can be organized through an agency. It will act as a kind of intermediary who will be able to ensure that both parties fulfill all their obligations and only after that the settlement is made.

State registration of transfer of rights to an apartment

Despite all the signed documentation, the new owner will finally have ownership of the property only after registering the purchase and sale transaction of the apartment. Where to go and where you can register property rights has already been mentioned, these are the justice authorities; MFCs also provide similar services.


To register square meters and receive a certificate confirming this fact, you will need the following materials:

  • passports of all participants in the operation;
  • power of attorney (if necessary);
  • permission from the guardianship authorities (if one of the owners is a minor);
  • cadastral passport;
  • title documentation;
  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

In what cases can it be refused?

The apartment is registered if all necessary documents have been submitted. This may be denied if:

  • the application does not comply with the established format;
  • the materials contain incorrect data, there are erasures, corrections, etc.;
  • papers were submitted by a person who does not have the right or power of attorney;
  • the state duty has not been paid;
  • the application has not been signed;
  • contradictions between declared and previously registered rights have been identified;
  • there is legal proceedings concerning the claimed object;
  • seizure of real estate or prohibition to perform any legally significant actions with it;
  • when selling a share of property, there is no refusal of its other owners from the priority purchase.


  • do not give too much of a deposit and do not forget that a receipt must be issued;
  • do not agree that the seller specifically understates the purchase price in the documentation, otherwise in the future only this amount can be collected from him;
  • it is important to check all the papers, even if the purchase will be made from the developer;
  • Initially, it is best to draw up a preliminary agreement.

If you don’t know all the nuances, it often makes sense to seek help from specialists. A correct contract is a guarantee of the ability to apply for protection of your rights in court.

Possible risks when buying an apartment

For information on the risks that may arise due to the purchase of real estate, see the video below.

What you should pay attention to

When a transaction is made, you should be especially careful. It is important to understand that one incorrect action can lead to the loss of a lot of money, as well as to the deprivation of a person’s living space. It is very easy to make a mistake here, and sometimes it is impossible to correct it. Please carefully check all provided papers, the counterparty itself, and if possible, use the services of a lawyer.

New rules for selling an apartment

Legislation does not stand still; adjustments are constantly being made to regulations. To properly conduct a purchase and sale transaction, the following innovations should be taken into account:

  • the sale of a share must be registered with a notary;
  • a similar rule applies when dividing property; all documentation is subject to notarization;
  • if the ownership of the sold apartment is less than 5 years old, the transaction is subject to a 13 percent tax (exceptions include inheritance of property, its rent and privatization).


The following positive aspects can be highlighted from the real estate manipulation under consideration:

  • an agreement can be drawn up between any people, including between relatives;
  • the paper is allowed to indicate any additional conditions that will help regulate the process of execution of the contract in more detail
  • It will not be easy to challenge a well-drafted document.


As with everything, here you can highlight its shortcomings:

  • the complexity of the procedure, which requires a lot of time and knowledge;
  • there is a chance of falling for scammers;
  • Additional costs may be incurred for the services of realtors, notaries, etc.

Useful video

Is it possible to sell an apartment without visiting a notary’s office, as well as how the purchase and sale of an apartment without a notary will take place, see the video below.


Buying real estate is a labor-intensive and serious process that requires special attention from the parties. It must be carried out in accordance with all the rules established by the regulations by signing the appropriate agreement. However, if everything is done correctly, it will not be so difficult to sell or purchase a new object. It is important to remember that rights to it will arise in full only after such statements are entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

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How does the purchase and sale of an apartment take place? What is the procedure for it? How to understand the documents? How not to be left without an apartment and without money? Realtors claim that only they know the answers to these questions. And that without their help an ordinary person cannot cope.

In our opinion, realtors greatly exaggerate their importance, and we will justify our position below.

Our website lays out the entire process of preparing a transaction, preparing documents, concluding a purchase and sale agreement, organizing mutual settlements and registering rights to real estate. All stages of building a deal are shown in Will open in a pop-up window."> STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS for the Seller and for the Buyer of the apartment, for and for the markets ( a graphical interactive diagram of the instructions will open in a pop-up window via the link).

Organize correctly and safely process of buying and selling an apartment, and, in fact, anyone can carry it out on their own. It is not at all necessary to call a realtor and pay him a lot of money. Don't believe me?

Think for yourself. Do realtors easily cope with this task? Undoubtedly. Both agents in real estate agencies and private independent realtors ( of which there are many in the vastness of Russia) complete transactions with apartments regularly. Where do they teach us? real estate profession , that is, organizing and conducting real estate transactions? That's right - nowhere. That is, of course, the agencies themselves can quickly explain to a beginner what and how to do, and sometimes there are paid courses in “real estate skills”, where they train “professional realtors” in a few days. But these “specialists” do not have any serious fundamental educational base. Why?

The answer may seem surprising to many. The thing is that a realtor is not so much a real estate specialist as a PRO-YES-VETS! The same as a seller of cars, office equipment or, for example, jewelry. And his work in the agency is assessed solely on the results of sales. Sold an apartment ( more precisely, transaction services) - earned your interest, didn’t sell - didn’t earn it. The quality of these services and the qualifications of the agent do not affect the amount of the fee.

A car salesman also knows a thing or two about cars, but a car mechanic really knows a lot about them. The same applies to realtors. Basic knowledge in the field of real estate allows them to successfully sell their services, organize and conduct transactions. But they are involved in the development, verification of documents and resolution of legal issues professional lawyers, which realtors themselves turn to regularly.

Why shouldn’t any participant in a transaction with an apartment repeat the same thing on their own?

Basic knowledge of how carry out the purchase and sale of an apartment correctly can be obtained for free on this site ( see STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS above). And it is better to ask certain questions of a legal nature not to realtors, but. Their fundamental education and legal practice in real estate give more reason to trust their words.

Concerning risks in transactions with apartments, they are always there. This is an axiom, and you have to come to terms with it. The assurances of real estate agents that with their participation all risks will disappear, to put it mildly, do not correspond to reality. This assurance merely helps them sell their services. At the same time, no real ( material, financial) Realtors do not bear responsibility for the consequences of the transaction. At most, they can return their commission and apologize. These are the realities of the market.

What to do? How to avoid risks when buying and selling an apartment? But no way. That is, it is impossible to avoid them completely. And here reduce their level to a minimum – this is a completely feasible task for everyone. In the same way, no one can guarantee that they will not get into an accident while driving a car. But every driver can reduce the risk of an accident if he follows the driving rules.

Exactly rules for organizing transactions with apartments and form the basis of our Opens in a pop-up window."> STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS. With its help it is easy to figure out how exactly and in what sequence An apartment purchase and sale transaction takes place. The algorithm of actions is clearly shown in the diagram ( in a pop-up window) – separately for the primary and secondary markets. And the accompanying materials on the site help to understand the nuances and legislative basis of such transactions.

Services for independently conducting housing transactions

The practice of the real estate market shows that in recent years more and more transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments are taking place without the participation of real estate agencies, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, with the development of the Internet, more publicly available information has become available, which previously was only available to realtors ( For example, apartment databases today available to everyone).
  2. Secondly, the central government body responsible for registering rights to real estate - posted on its website online services , allowing anyone to obtain, free of charge or for a nominal fee, all the necessary information about the apartment and its copyright holders. For more information about these services, see the link provided.
  3. Thirdly, they began to work all over the country multifunctional public service centers under the brand "My Documents". And in these centers, among other things, they issue certificates and extracts necessary for conducting an apartment purchase and sale transaction, and they also accept the entire package of documents for registration. It is understood that all these actions are performed by the Seller or Buyer of the apartment personally, and not through an intermediary agent.

Hence the simple conclusion: the state itself is increasingly creating comfortable conditions for so that every citizen can solve their housing problem independently, and complete a purchase and sale transaction without the participation of intermediaries. And real estate agents, objectively, are now needed only by those who are simply too lazy to strain their brains and understand this issue. And also for those who have an extra wad of money to give to a realtor for those actions that everyone is able to perform themselves.

In recent years, real estate transactions have become a private phenomenon. Their owners seek to sell apartments for various reasons, one of which is the inability to maintain several apartments due to low earnings. They have to pay high taxes disproportionate to the profit they receive from renting it out. In addition, the cost of utilities increases from year to year, which serves as the basis for getting rid of an extra apartment.

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General concepts

In addition, he may refuse to fulfill obligations if the buyer does not fulfill his obligations.

He has the right to demand from the buyer confirmation of his intention to carry out the purchase and sale transaction in the future.

What it is

As for the acquisition of property rights by way of donation, the action is confirmed by a donation agreement.

The former copyright holder can challenge the gift agreement in a judicial body, which will lead to the loss of the apartment and the money paid for it.

During the procedure, the basis for transferring an apartment from the point of view of legal law is:

Each participant in a transaction related to the sale of an apartment that has been inherited is exposed to certain risks. An apartment received as an inheritance can be sold if the appropriate documentation is completed.

The buyer must check them to avoid falling into fraudulent schemes. They are developed and put into action by unscrupulous people who do not disdain anything.

As for the seller’s risks, the most common is the loss of a potential buyer if the procedure for collecting the required documents is delayed.

If he concludes a contract, receives an advance payment, and at the same time registers to receive funds, then he will protect himself from any risks.

Where to begin

As a rule, the search for a buyer falls on the shoulders of the apartment owner who intends to sell it. The transaction will be completed successfully if a potential buyer is found who is ready to buy the apartment.

The best option would be to conclude a preliminary agreement and make an advance payment, properly executed.

The purchase and sale agreement must include clauses containing:

The concept of the “purchase and sale transaction” procedure is provided for in the provisions. It belongs to the category of the most common grounds, as a result of which civil legal relations arise.

With its help, participants in economic transactions translate personal civil legal capacity into life activities.

Its forms are diverse, due to which the actions of the transaction allow the disposal of movable and immovable property at the discretion of the owner.

Main stages

Before starting a purchase and sale transaction, you need an apartment in order to establish its value, for which an analysis of prices on the real estate market is carried out.

The seller must accurately determine the cost of the apartment, so that later he will regret setting the minimum price for it.

For those interested in the question of how a purchase and sale transaction takes place, below is the procedure for its implementation.

To issue it, the seller must:

According to generally accepted rules, the buyer submits an application along with documents for the apartment to the FKP Rosreestr branch at the location of the apartment in order to register ownership with the subsequent issuance of an official certificate.

On the day of the transaction, interested parties must present all documents to the Office of the Federal Registration Service, sign an agreement, and submit an application to register the transaction.

Acceptance of documents is accompanied by the issuance of a receipt indicating all accepted documents. It notes the date of issue of the certificate of ownership issued to the buyer.

A contract for the purchase and sale of residential space can be drawn up in any form in writing. The transaction is regarded as concluded from the date of registration of property rights by the Federal Service for Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

The parties to the transaction sign a purchase and sale agreement, which is also submitted to the above-mentioned authority for registration.

The FSRKiK Department registers the transfer of ownership and then issues a certificate. Due to this factor, there is no need to notarize the agreement.

At the discretion of the participants in the purchase and sale transaction, it can be certified by a notary, if such a measure was provided for in the preliminary contract or agreement.

When registering a purchase and sale transaction through a notary, the following actions are performed:

  1. Verification of the identity of the participants in the transaction who contacted him.
  2. Establishing the legal capacity and capacity of the parties to the transaction.
  3. Explaining to the participants in the purchase and sale transaction the meaning and significance of the agreement.
  4. Checking whether the content of the agreement corresponds to the intentions of the participants.
  5. Establishing the legality of a purchase and sale transaction.

All types of notarial actions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the act. It provides for the procedure for completing the transaction and provides a list of required and related documents.

Registration procedure

In accordance with the new rules for preparing documentation, purchase and sale transactions are subject to mandatory notarization if real estate or some part of it is being sold.

This rule has been in effect since the beginning of the current year and applies to the procedure for selling a share of real estate that belongs to a certain category of persons.

These include:

An important role is played by the presence of several copyright holders for an apartment, since each of them has the right to claim a certain share of it.

If any conflict is brewing in their relationship, then any of the copyright holders can file a claim with a judicial authority to challenge the sale and purchase transaction. The norm is provided for in the provisions of the Civil Code.

Video: algorithm for conducting a transaction when selling real estate

Important nuances

During the transaction, civil rights and obligations are established between its participants. They may change or stop. The result of the transaction is the signing of an agreement.

The norm is provided in the instructions -. Many citizens are interested in how to conduct an apartment purchase and sale transaction on their own without intermediaries.

According to the standards of legislative acts, a transaction of any kind must be carried out on the terms stipulated by the contract.

It certifies the validity of the completed transaction, as a result of which the apartment is transferred from one person to another on the right of ownership.

Its conditions arise from the legality of the legal action in obtaining the desired result by the participant in the transaction.

These include the following conditions:

  • legality of the content of the transaction;
  • the legal capacity of the participants;
  • correspondence of will and expression of will;
  • compliance with the form of the transaction.

Citizens must comply with the above conditions, because failure to fulfill one of them will lead to recognition of the transaction, unless other conditions are provided by law.

When selling real estate, every Russian citizen is required to pay a tax, the amount of which is 13% of total income.

It includes all types of income they receive, including income from the sale of real estate. But at the same time, they are entitled to receive it when purchasing residential space.

If the apartment belongs to several persons, then each of them has the right to claim the share being sold.

If a conflict situation arises, any of the copyright holders can file a claim with a judicial authority to challenge the completed purchase and sale transaction. The norm is provided for in the provisions of Article 250 of the Civil Code.

It notes that the owners of a certain share of ownership have a preemptive right to acquire the share being sold.

If the apartment was received as a result of inheritance, then you need to clarify the date of the testator, that is, the previous copyright holder.


The grounds for establishing, changing and terminating the rights and obligations of citizens entering into certain types of transactions are explained. For example, the instructions of Article 454 of the Civil Code explain the procedure for carrying out a transaction.

The act establishes the legal fact of committing significant actions, one of which is a transaction. It manifests property relations, both between legal entities and individuals.

They arise among legal entities - commercial institutions that act as a means of a market economy with high efficiency.

Selling an apartment is difficult. Both experienced realtors and lawyers just starting out understand this. What can we say about a person who, only at the cost of his own efforts, is ready to take this important step alone. But nothing is impossible. This article will tell you step by step how to sell an apartment yourself.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

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On your own or with a realtor – what are the risks?

Many people ask the question: how to sell an apartment without a realtor? Is this real, is there enough strength? Maybe it would be better to hand over all matters to a professional agent and not worry again? Of course, you can delegate all matters to a specially hired person, or you can handle everything personally. Both cases have their obvious pros and cons.

As for the positive aspects, they are obvious. Without attracting extra people, you can get good monetary benefits. The seller receives all the profit. And either the price of the apartment already includes the commission that a realtor could receive, or the cost is underestimated by the same percentage, since the savings are already obvious.

In addition, precious time will not be spent searching for the person you need, since you must trust the real estate agent as you trust yourself. Fraudsters may be hiding under the guise of realtors; if you still have doubts about a specialist, then it is better to refuse his services. Suspicion can only be raised by communication over the phone, and not in an agency; first meeting on neutral territory or lack of positive recommendations. We gradually approach the advantages of concluding an agreement with an agent and, accordingly, the negative aspects associated with selling an apartment on your own.

Risk, nerves and time – this is perhaps the main thing behind such a step. Time is money, and this expression is more than appropriate. The disadvantages include months or even quarters spent on independent actions. If we talk about anxiety, then it is also present during legal support of a transaction, what can we say about acting alone? In addition, you can miscalculate your strength and spend it in a less than optimal way by setting priorities incorrectly.

The danger of refusing a professional lawyer is fraught with incorrect execution of the transaction or the possibility of falling for scammers.

How much does your apartment cost?

It is necessary to accurately calculate the cost of the apartment by carefully studying the real estate market. You need to consider options for selling similar housing and its cost. Both significant factors and minor nuances can affect the valuation of an apartment.

Footage- the main criterion for evaluating an apartment; it significantly affects the price. An apartment with a larger area will always be higher in price. The total area includes living quarters, kitchen, hallway, and bathroom. The convenience of the layout and the number of rooms will be taken into account.

Apartment location also significantly affects the price. The center and prestigious areas are always more expensive. The outskirts and suburbs are valued less, regardless of the quality of the housing itself. Circumstances such as the presence of a nearby metro, transport accessibility, and urban infrastructure also have an impact.

Repair and decoration are also important factors. But is it necessary to make repairs immediately before selling? According to experts, recently completed renovations increase the selling price of an apartment by an average of 10%. It is necessary to clearly calculate whether the costs will be worth it. Calculate the cost of materials and specialist services

It is better to make spot cosmetic repairs, eliminating the main, conspicuous defects (glue up peeled wallpaper, erase traces of leaks on the ceiling, paint over rust, etc.).

Such moments as technical condition of the house and its type. The difference between the cost of an apartment of similar size, located in an old building and in a new building, will be significant. After all, in an old house there are old communications. Although "Stalin" buildings are valued higher by some people than "Khrushchev" buildings due to their high ceilings and large windows.

The floor is important if it is the first and last. Their sale is possible only if the price is reduced.

Often the price is influenced legal issues, for example, utility debts. Safety, for example, a protected area and the presence of a concierge, can become a significant nuance.

Appraising an apartment is also possible using an online calculator on many real estate websites. They take many factors into account and determine the average price.

We are preparing the apartment for sale

It is important to understand that a potential buyer will take into account not only the apartment itself, but also order in the house itself. It is necessary to understand that there should be no garbage in front of the door to the entrance, the elevator must work and not leave the impression of a dirty corner. The lights on the stairs should be lit, and the stairwells should leave a favorable impression.

The apartment must be cleaned, the kitchen must be clean, and the bathroom must work properly and preferably be odorless. It’s better to throw out unnecessary things or sell them – an uncluttered apartment looks more spacious. This applies to the balcony and hallway - they are cluttered, they don’t look so presentable. Check the operation of taps, radiators, interior doors, reliability of switches and curtain rods. Pack personal and out-of-season items - this will only help the upcoming move, and the buyer will appreciate the minimum number of items in the rooms.

Preparation of documents for sale

- a necessary part of the transaction. How to sell an apartment without an agency, if a realtor is the best versed in all the legal intricacies? The collection of title documents falls entirely on the shoulders of the seller:

  • Certificate of registration of the seller’s ownership of the apartment with the attachment of the grounds for the transaction - purchase and sale agreement, donation, etc. Upon receipt of the apartment, the result is a contract of transfer of ownership. These documents are needed to ensure that the seller has the right to dispose of his property.
  • Technical passport issued by BTI. It consists of a floor plan and inventory data. Since 2012, it has been replaced by a technical plan, which displays all the characteristics of the apartment.
  • Cadastral passport with an attachment of the internal layout of the premises. It contains information about registered redevelopments and the exact size of the rooms.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights.
  • An extract from the house register (form No. 9), which reflects information about the number of people registered in the apartment.
  • Documents confirming the absence of debt: a copy of the financial and personal account or a corresponding certificate.
  • Written consent of the spouse to the transaction if the apartment was purchased after the marriage was registered. It could also be a prenuptial agreement.
  • Permission for the transaction from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the owner is a minor.

It is necessary to carefully study the documents, checking all data with the actual state of affairs.

Proper advertising

Buyers should inquire about the sale of the apartment. An advertising campaign is limited only by budget. It could be printing and posting advertisements, advertising on the Internet, in newspapers and on local TV.

Advertisements in the newspaper should be published regularly, with equal frequency. Information on websites must be current and constantly updated.

A professional photographer can take high-quality photographs of the apartment. Please note that photographs must be taken from different angles and show all relevant details. You can look at similar photos or put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. What could he be interested in? They will advantageously complement a clear and understandable advertisement, which should contain the points that encourage the buyer to become interested in this particular apartment:

  • data on the number of rooms
  • indication of the total and living area of ​​the apartment
  • area of ​​rooms and kitchen
  • information about a separated or combined bathroom
  • presence of a balcony
  • address and floor
  • nearest metro stations
  • detailed comments
  • Contact details

The ad should be concise, but at the same time stand out from the rest. It is necessary to emphasize positive or non-standard features. Use short phrases and words, avoid unnecessary and unclear abbreviations.

Phone and email are needed for prompt communication. A call or letter can come at any minute and you need to be prepared to communicate or correspond. Know all the necessary data, talk about the advantages and do not hide the disadvantages of the room.

How to properly demonstrate an apartment

It is necessary to agree on the exact time of the showing, since there may be several buyers. If plans change, take the time to notify visitors in advance. It is better to hide valuable and expensive things, as well as documents. When buyers first visit, inspecting the rooms will not take much time. However, many questions may arise to clarify all the necessary details. Polite and honest answers to questions will attract and endear you to the other party.

Tell us about the features of the apartment, taking into account the personal characteristics of the buyer. For young parents, a nearby kindergarten, school, and clinic will be important. Boys and girls will be interested in entertainment places, transport, and parking. Information about neighbors may also be important.

The price can and should be adjusted at auction. A competitive price will not scare off potential buyers. It is not necessary to sell the apartment to the first buyer; perhaps a mutually beneficial offer will interest several people, and you will be able to make a choice. It is better to conduct negotiations on territory that is comfortable for you.

Conclusion of a preliminary agreement

The buyer has been found and both parties need to record their intentions. The conclusion of a preliminary agreement will confirm serious intentions.

Often the buyer deposits a certain amount to secure the transaction. This is an important point, since the buyer can find a cheaper option, and the seller can find a more profitable client. Financial payments must be accompanied by a mandatory receipt.

Payment by the buyer in advance does not oblige the conclusion of the contract. The advance can be returned at any time, and the advance agreement can be terminated. A deposit must be distinguished from an advance.

The deposit agreement is an annex to the preliminary agreement. From a legal point of view, subsequent refusal to sell the apartment may entail negative consequences for the seller in the form of payment of double the amount. The consequence for the buyer is that he may lose the amount he paid as deposit.

It is necessary to write down the technical characteristics of the apartment, the exact address, and the pre-agreed price. As for the timing, not only the period of sale itself must be agreed upon, but also the actual vacancy of the premises, as well as an extract from it. It is also necessary to record the condition of the apartment, the property that remains to the buyer, the time of handing over the keys and their total number. If these essential points are not recorded in writing, they must be discussed in detail orally.

Here is a sample preliminary purchase and sale agreement that you can recycle and use.

Bank safe deposit box

Payments with real estate can be carried out using both cash and non-cash payments. It is better to use the most convenient and safe option when making payments between individuals - safe deposit box. This guarantees that the seller will receive the full amount upon completion of the transaction, and the buyer can expect to receive ownership after handing over the money.

Depositing funds into a safe deposit box occurs under the control of a bank employee. Immediately before this operation, the seller can count the money and check its authenticity. The bank itself can also do this. The funds are invested in a special package, the integrity of which is verified by the parties. Having glued the package, the parties put their signatures on it certifying this fact. After the transaction is completed, the seller takes the money.

Drawing up a purchase and sale agreement

After the banking procedure, paperwork begins. Most often, a purchase and sale agreement is concluded with a notary, and then the documents are submitted for state registration. The notary checks the compliance of documents with legal norms, verifies the legal capacity and competence of the parties to the transaction, and records the authenticity of their signatures.

You should definitely pay attention to the amounts specified in the contract, the method and period of transfer of money, passport details of the parties, and the deadlines for vacating the apartment. Transaction costs must also be allocated by the parties and recorded. An important point is the mention of the procedure and period for concluding and signing the acceptance certificate of the premises by the parties.

We offer one that can be taken as a basis.

From this moment on, obligations arise, but not a transfer of ownership. Refusal of the deal at this stage will result in a new agreement or legal proceedings. Before registering the agreement, its cancellation occurs by submitting an appropriate application to a notary, which records the change or termination of the agreement and notes this in the register.

To register the contract, it is submitted to the registration chamber along with statements from the seller and buyer. Once property rights have been registered, the contract cannot be annulled. The registration period is about a month. After this, the transaction enters into legal force by making an entry in the Unified State Register of Rights.

Transfer of apartment

The step-by-step instructions for selling an apartment yourself have come to its logical conclusion. Its last stage will be the direct transfer of the apartment. After receiving a duly registered purchase and sale agreement, the housing will be released and deregistered, that is, the actual and legal release of the apartment.

Check-out from the apartment occurs with the help of the passport office on the basis of the presented purchase and sale agreement. When removing items from the premises, you must sign a transfer acceptance certificate. All controversial issues regarding utility bills must be resolved and the keys must be handed over.

Features of selling an apartment while simultaneously purchasing another apartment

In a transaction that involves the simultaneous sale of an apartment and the purchase of another residential property, careful preparation is required. Such alternative transactions are quite complex in practice. The first thing you need to do is get an advance for your apartment and transfer an advance for the one you are going to buy. The terms must be clearly agreed upon and satisfactory to both parties.

Often this scheme is used in mutually beneficial exchanges of a larger for a smaller area or vice versa, as well as in the resettlement of communal apartments. As a rule, a change of area occurs - with the exchange of equivalent housing. In case of additional payment, the exchange takes place between apartments of fundamentally different sizes. The most difficult transactions are those in which two apartments are purchased instead of one or vice versa. The difficulty lies in following the exact procedure for such a transaction, which can consist of a large number of steps.

So, let's look at the chain in order

  1. Finding a buyer for your apartment. As confirmation of his purchase actions, he pays an advance or deposit. The agreement for such cash payments is usually concluded for a month.
  2. Searching for a new living space. This can be done already at this stage.
  3. Transfer of an advance or deposit as security for a transaction. The contract specifies the conditions for its return.
  4. Collecting documents for both apartments, checking them, preparing sales and purchase agreements. The details of the transaction are discussed, including its date and place. The details of registration of the purchase and sale agreement are clarified.
  5. Calculations must be clearly stated and carried out. The money is placed in a safe deposit box. The deposit is made by the buyer of your apartment, and the seller of the other apartment receives them. The required number of cells will be determined by the total number of apartments.
  6. At the same time, concluded and signed purchase and sale agreements are submitted for registration.
  7. All apartment sellers can withdraw their money from the lockers only after receiving registered sales agreements. Monetary transactions between the parties are confirmed by receipts.
  8. The procedure for transferring apartments and signing acceptance certificates takes place one by one. The terms are specified in advance in the contracts. The sellers of the last available apartment must transfer the premises first.
