Camphor oil - application and instructions. Use of camphor oil in folk medicine and cosmetology. Camphor oil - uses and properties Camphor oil during pregnancy

In the article we talk about camphor oil and its use medical workers and cosmetologists, we talk about the effect on the skin, hair, eyelashes, especially for pregnant women and children. You will learn how to relieve pain from mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands, cure colds, otitis media, and also relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Camphor essential oil is isolated by steam distillation from camphor laurel wood. Growing area: China, Japan, Indonesia. The product is characterized by a strong, concentrated odor. Cosmetology and medicine usually use its white variety.

The herbal remedy has pronounced medicinal properties:

  • When applied to a problem area, it is quickly absorbed by the epidermis, stimulates nerve endings, stimulates blood circulation, cardiac activity, and restores protective functions body.
  • Active oxygen contained in camphor molecules destroys the cell membranes of microorganisms, causing pain and inflammatory processes.

Thanks to these features, the product accelerates tissue healing, enhances metabolic processes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What is it used for?

The use of camphor oil is advisable in the treatment and prevention of diseases internal organs and mucous membranes. Inhalations and compresses are made on its basis. It is also used as a base oil during therapeutic massages. A few drops of camphor will reduce stress, apathy, and overwork - which is why it is so in demand in neurology.

Herbalists prescribe camphor compresses to relieve pain after tooth extraction. For headaches, it is recommended to massage your temples by moistening your fingers with this product.

Thanks to positive effect, the product is added to various creams, masks, ointments, compresses, lotions for hair and skin. It is used as an aromatic additive in men's perfume.

In cosmetology

The product is used for acne, to eliminate scars, smooth out wrinkles. It has the following beneficial effects:

  • deodorizing;
  • cleansing;
  • pain reliever;
  • nourishing;
  • regenerating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • brightening.

Camphor improves complexion, accelerates metabolism in cells, smoothes the surface of the epidermis, and also stimulates the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Recommended for owners oily skin- stabilizes the secretion of fatty glands, and also regulates the protective functions of the epithelium.

For face

Cosmetic masks and facial lotions made from camphor oil have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, eliminate inflammation, and narrow enlarged pores. It is effective in the fight against wrinkles: it reduces the depth of nasolabial folds and prevents age-related changes.

If you are concerned about excessive oiliness on your face, use the product in its pure form. The method of application is very simple: moisten a cotton pad with oil, and then wipe your face, focusing Special attention T-zone and inflamed areas of the skin. Unabsorbed residues product light blot with a paper towel. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your face using a soft foam cleanser without scrubbing particles and remove makeup from your face.

For mature skin

The product helps restore skin elasticity, restoring its beautiful and healthy appearance. But here you need to be patient - after the first procedure you will definitely not look 5 years younger. To do this, you need to use the lotion regularly for at least 1-2 months.


  1. Camphor oil- 3 drops.
  2. Grapeseed oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl.

How to use: Place the mixture in your palm and warm it a little with your warmth. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté area. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. You don't need to wash your face, just do it in the morning.

Result: Reduces the number of facial wrinkles around the eyes, straightens nasolabial folds.

Whitening agent


  1. Camphor oil - 3 drops.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a dark glass bottle.

How to use: Wipe problem areas with the mixture. Do not use on the skin around the eyes.

Result: Relieves pigmentation on the face. Evens out facial tone.

For hair

Camphor soothes the scalp, disinfecting and relieving inflammation, improves blood circulation. It helps activate metabolic processes and restores the structure of damaged hair.

Most often, shampoos and masks with camphor are suitable for hair prone to oiliness and hair loss. Funds contribute to the normalization of activity sebaceous glands, strengthen hair follicles.

The product is rarely used in its pure form. It can be rubbed into the scalp to speed up hair growth and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. However, it is better to combine camphor with other ingredients.

For eyelashes

Below is a recipe using two oils. It is recognized as an effective remedy for strengthening thin, brittle eyelashes.


  1. Camphor oil - 3 drops.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Using an old mascara brush, apply the mixture to your eyelashes. Leave it overnight. The course of therapy is 1 month.

Result: Prevents eyelash loss by restoring their original thickness.

Use in medicine

Camphor oil has a cleansing and wound-healing effect. Effective for neuralgia, muscle inflammation (myositis), arthritis, and for the prevention of bedsores. The product is often used in the treatment of asthma, epilepsy, gout, bronchitis, cough, rheumatism, etc.

For colds

To quickly get rid of a cold accompanied by a cough, take a bath by adding 10 drops of camphor. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The water should not be too hot.

Mustard plasters will also be useful. Rub with oil first chest. Rub until the skin becomes red. Then install the mustard plasters. For children under 10 years old, use a piece of cotton fabric instead of mustard plaster.

For a runny nose, homemade drops from tincture of propolis, sunflower and camphor oils will help. Take 1 teaspoon of all ingredients. Place 3 drops into each nasal passage. The same recipe is indicated for sinusitis: relieves swelling, reduces headaches.

For otitis media

From ear pain A gauze swab soaked in camphor will save you. Lightly heat the product in a water bath, soak gauze with it, and insert the turundas into the ear canals. Be sure to wrap your head in a woolen scarf. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.

Do not try to replace camphor oil with alcohol, otherwise you may seriously damage eardrum. There is also no need to instill the substance directly into the ear. The price of such a decision is a burn, which will complicate the treatment of otitis media.

For mastopathy

For benign breast formations, camphor-based compresses are useful. They, of course, are not a panacea for the disease, but they can speed up recovery. It is best to discuss any means that you plan to use to treat this serious disease with a specialized doctor.


  1. Camphor oil - 3 tbsp.
  2. Alcohol - 3 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix alcohol with oil 1:1, heat slightly.

How to use: Take a piece of gauze, roll it in several layers, soak it in a warm mixture, and then apply it to your chest. Put on a tight-fitting cotton T-shirt over the compress and try to keep it this way from evening until morning.

Result: Has a calming effect. Relieves pain in the mammary glands.

For mastitis

Compresses will help relieve inflammation on initial stage diseases. Mastitis is most often caused by bacterial infection. Camphor in in this case is only an auxiliary therapeutic agent.


  1. Camphor oil - 1-2 tsp.
  2. Baby cream - 2-4 tsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Lubricate your breasts with the resulting mixture, being careful not to touch the nipple area. Cover with cling film. Do not overtighten the mammary glands. Keep the compress on for as long as possible.

Result: Has a warming effect and relaxes breast tissue.

For lactostasis

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in one or more areas of the mammary gland. This condition manifests itself as thickening of the gland tissue. To prepare this folk remedy, you will need honey of a liquid consistency. Carry out the procedure before going to bed.


  1. Cabbage leaf - 1 pc.
  2. Camphor oil - 1 tsp.
  3. Honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Lubricate cabbage leaf butter and then honey.

How to use: Apply the compress to the affected breast, cover with cellophane on top, and secure with a warm scarf.

Result: Has an analgesic effect.

For hemorrhoids

To soften the inflamed skin of external hemorrhoids, lubricate the area around the anus with the substance. Do not rub the product too vigorously so as not to touch the hemorrhoids.

At internal hemorrhoids saturate the tampon with oil, carefully insert it into anus. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Do the procedures twice a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.

For children

Doctors allow the use of camphor oil for children over 2 years of age. Compresses or rubbing are acceptable. If you want to treat a cold in a child under one year old, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Incorrect treatment can cause pneumonia.

During pregnancy

The use of oil for pregnant women must be justified from the point of view of preserving the fetus. The drug has high permeability through the placental and blood-brain barriers, which regulate the metabolism between the brain and blood. Consult your gynecologist before use.

During the lactation period, the use of the product is also not recommended, since it easily passes through the ducts into the breast milk.


Camphor oil has the following contraindications:

  • tendency to seizures, epilepsy;
  • acute inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • lack of milk during breastfeeding;
  • dilatation of large vessels, aneurysm;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

The product can cause irritation and allergic reactions, urticaria, so it is not recommended for use by people with eczema, dermatitis, and other skin lesions. Please read the instructions for use carefully, there are warnings about side effects. In case of overdose, dizziness and headaches may occur.

Also remember that the oil cannot be used internally, only externally.

About the fact that camphor oil is good remedy has been known for a long time, it is effective for otitis media, colds, cough, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. It is recommended for use even by young children (with the exception of children under two years old). Can camphor oil be used during pregnancy and is it risky?

Useful properties of camphor oil.
Camphor oil contains quite a lot active substances, providing it with disinfecting, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and others beneficial features. The drug is mainly used as a medicinal product white. It is effective against skin damage, purulent wounds, colds.

This healing product Used effectively in aromatherapy for its soothing and relaxing properties. Due to its pronounced aroma, camphor oil is often used to scent rooms. Aromatherapy with camphor oil has amazing ability treat nervous disorders, depression, relieve tension and fatigue accumulated during the day, improve and maintain good mood and even strengthen the immune system. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to combine it with basil, citrus, neroli, myrtle, chamomile and frankincense oils.

Camphor oil, pregnancy and lactation.
Due to its high permeability through the blood-brain (regulation of metabolism between the blood and the brain) and placental barriers, this product easily passes into breast milk. Hence, it must be used very carefully during pregnancy and breastfeeding and only after consultation with a leading specialist.

Camphor oil for lactostasis.
Very often, in the first weeks of breastfeeding, women experience lactostasis or blockage of the ducts of the mammary glands, leading to inflammatory process, which is accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations aching quality, general weakness. So, the use of camphor oil can significantly alleviate the mother’s condition, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Cold compresses from this will help with this plant product. The compress is placed only on the affected milk lobes, and not on the entire breast area; parchment paper must be placed on top and secured with a warm scarf (only the sore breast!). It is advisable not to restrict the healthy half of the chest with clothing and keep it open. Leave the compress on until the next feeding, before which you must wash your breasts. The baby must first be applied to the sore side of the chest. After feeding, perform a gentle self-massage of the breast with cold camphor oil.

To treat lactostasis, it is good to apply a cabbage leaf to the affected part of the breast, which has previously been lubricated with honey and camphor oil. Do the procedure at night.

Camphor oil for mastopathy.
Hormonal disorders are often the cause of breast diseases. One of these is mastopathy. Today in therapy such benign formations successfully include camphor oil. It is used mainly in the form of compresses. For these purposes, you need to mix in equal proportions camphor alcohol and oil, slightly heat in a water bath. Prepare a piece of gauze in advance (for both breasts), roll it up in several layers, soak it in the mixture and apply it to the mammary glands, put on a tight-fitting cotton T-shirt on top. It is recommended to leave the compress on throughout the night.

You can also massage with camphor oil before going to bed.

Remember this remedy If the rules of use are not followed or the dosage is exceeded, it can, on the contrary, become harmful to the body. Therefore, before using it directly in the treatment of a particular ailment, consult a specialist.

The substance is extracted from wood, the source is the camphor tree, another name is camphor laurel.

The plant grows throughout the area East Asia, found on Black Sea coast, Caucasus. The tree also grows in southern Europe, South and North America.

Wood cannot be used for construction, it is only effective for making souvenirs or crafts. The products retain a pleasant aroma for a long time.

In ancient China, camphor laurel was revered; if the tree died due to human fault, the attacker was punishable by death.

Today oil is produced from wood, but mostly the synthetic version is found on sale. It is not easy to find a natural product.

Experts believe that there is no particular difference between natural and synthetic oil - they have the same effect. At the same time, natural product more intense chemical composition, it contains many useful elements.

Contains oil contains terpene oil ketone, safrole, pinene, bisabolol, phellandrene, camphene, pinene, cineole, limonene.

Camphor oil during pregnancy


The oil has broad action and is used to treat diseases of internal and external organs. Internal use is prescribed only by a doctor; it is dangerous during pregnancy.

The main benefits of camphor oil are as follows:


Camphor oil has a fairly high permeability through the placental barrier, for this reason its use for the treatment of diseases is possible only after consultation with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy.

When used externally, it should be used with caution; contraindications must be taken into account.

Taking camphor oil internally during pregnancy is prohibited.: V medical practice There are known cases where a child died when a pregnant woman accidentally ingested camphor.


Camphor oil can be used in cosmetic preparations. After consultation with a doctor, the aromatic product is prescribed for external use.


Doctors advise not to use the product in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance;
  • skin diseases such as eczema;
  • epilepsy.

Cannot be used a remedy for the treatment of hearing loss that has arisen as a complication and is accompanied by hearing loss.

Methods of use

In case of an overdose of camphor oil possible, redness of the face. It is worth paying close attention to the doses indicated in a cosmetic product, for example, a hair mask.

How to use the product during pregnancy? Let's look at the situations step by step.

Cough treatment,. If the doctor sees the need to include camphor oil in treatment, he will prescribe a dosage.

Aromatherapy. During pregnancy, you should not get carried away with aromatizing the room with camphor. There will be no harm from a single use, but it is better to postpone aromatherapy using camphor oil during pregnancy.

Cosmetology products. It is not advisable to make homemade recipes with oil, and there is nothing dangerous in store-bought products. You can make hair masks, use shampoos and creams containing camphor.

Let us remind you once again that indoor application dangerous during pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

Many people are concerned about the effect of camphor oil on the fetus. No need to worry if you had to use the product externally. The main danger is in internal use.

It is advisable to use a natural product, it is important to consult your doctor regarding dosages and duration of treatment.

If there are more safe methods treatment of bronchitis, otitis or cough, it is better to use them. Usually only the doctor adjusts the treatment process.

Don't rely on advice from friends when using any product during pregnancy. Every body is different, so you need to be careful.

So, camphor, like the other medicinal product plant origin , can cope with various diseases.

Moreover, during pregnancy it can cause harm to the fetus, especially with overdoses and improper use.

If you have any doubts, consult a doctor accompanying a woman during pregnancy.

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Camphor oil during pregnancy

Once again about aromatic oils during pregnancy

Aromatherapy and pregnancy:
cautionary tale

I have been pregnant for 4.5 months now, and therefore, of course, I am more careful than ever when making soap and using aromatic and essential oils.

After hearing several scary warnings about essential oils (and my daily work with them), I went to my friend, aromatherapy specialist Kayla Fioravanti, for advice. She kindly agreed to write a few words below about aromatherapy and pregnancy.

The use of essential oils during pregnancy remains a controversial issue that is discussed by many people in the field of aromatherapy. The most common questions we get asked about aromatherapy during pregnancy are those who became pregnant while developing their own line of soap, aromatherapy, spa or other body care products.

Different aromatherapy experts have different opinions about prenatal aromatherapy. Some believe that essential oils should be avoided completely during the first trimester, others believe that they should not be used at all during pregnancy, and others do not believe that they should be avoided at all.

Personally, I worked as an aromatherapy practitioner during two of my three pregnancies. I have handled, mixed and worked with essential oils every day without any negative effects on my pregnancy or children. I have also used aromatherapy during massages, baths to relieve stress, pain, fatigue, morning sickness and ease contractions - quite successfully.

In order to confidently use aromatherapy during pregnancy, it is very important to understand the reasons for the contraindications and warnings for aromatherapy.

Fears surrounding aromatherapy during pregnancy stem from historical cases in which essential oils have been misused, either intentionally or accidentally. All cases of side effects during pregnancy refer to women who drank large doses of essential oils. No serious aromatherapy specialist would ever recommend taking essential oils internally. In fact, I believe that essential oils should never be ingested under any circumstances.

Aromatherapy practitioners always caution their clients about pennyroyal oil because of a case that occurred in the US where a woman drank a large dose of pennyroyal to induce an abortion; this incident was fatal for her (Gold and Cates, 1980). One of four cases in which pregnant women accidentally drank camphor oil instead of castor oil resulted in the death of the child (Weiss and Catalano, 1976).

There are no cases of harm to a woman or child from inhalation or external use during pregnancy or childbirth. Other reported cases where pennyroyal and parsley seeds were taken in large doses caused toxic liver poisoning, resulting in the death of the child. There are two other cases where women took equally large doses of pennyroyal (100-200 times the recommended dose for external use), in both cases both mother and child remained unharmed.

It is because of such cases that there are contraindications and warnings against essential oils.

All over the world a large number of midwives and nurses have become certified and/or registered aromatherapy practitioners in the last ten years. In England, aromatherapy has been widely used in maternity wards since 1987. After 22 years of consistent use of aromatherapy by midwives and nurses in England, it can be concluded that if there was information about the dangers of topical or inhalation use of essential oils during pregnancy, they would have become known, but such information is still not available.

The most recent case of a pregnant woman ingesting essential oils resulted in the midwife being fired and her license revoked, but neither mother nor baby were harmed. In North Wales, midwife Sandra Hughes, who was studying aromatherapy, mixed some sweet almond oil with a few drops of lavender and one drop of lime in a plastic cup and left it at her patient's bedside. She intended to use the mixture to massage the patient, but when she left, the woman drank the contents of the cup. The mother and child were immediately examined, but no adverse effect was found. Interaction and correct application essential oils are very important.

In fact, essential oils have been used by pregnant women for thousands of years. Most perfumes contain essential oils or essential oil components along with synthetic fragrances. At the same time, you will not see warnings against use during pregnancy on perfume packaging. The chemical components of essential oils have historically been used in the production of aromatic oils without causing negative consequences during pregnancy.

For example, nutmeg essential oil is one of the ingredients used in the preparation aromatic oil Green tea. Below you will find nutmeg on the list of “essential oils to avoid in the first trimester,” but it is a component of a common fragrance oil that pregnant women around the world use every day without negative effects.

In the field of aromatherapy, it is generally accepted to act with the least amount of risk.

Please note that during pregnancy, women's sense of smell becomes more acute. For them, you should always reduce the dose of essential oils by half. The highest percentage of essential oils in aromatherapy products is 2%. Proceed according to which essential oils a woman finds unpleasant or off-putting during pregnancy. I have found that most pregnant women find essential oils with... high content unpleasant hormones during the first trimester of pregnancy.

My theory is that a woman's body is warning her against essential oils with properties that she does not need. this moment. I have also found that women really enjoy the smell of hormonal essential oils during PMS or menopause. A woman’s nose seems to lead her to the oils she needs at a certain period of her life.

There is no documented information on whether essential oils cross the placenta, but due to their low molecular weight and negatively charged molecules, it can be assumed that they do. The placenta acts as a barrier to positively charged molecules, while negatively charged molecules pass through (Maickel & Snodgrass 1973). Because of this, it is extremely important to choose the right essential oils during pregnancy.

For example, juniper and Spanish sage can be very harmful during pregnancy. These oils are not commonly used in aromatherapy, but they are a good example of why aromatherapists take precautions. Essential oils Juniper (Juniperus savina) and Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) contain the complex sabinyl acetate, which has a teratogenic effect (the ability to interfere with normal embryonic development), which was found in experiments on laboratory animals (Guba 2002).

Many essential oils are believed to have an emmenagogic effect (induce uterine contractions that affect the menstrual cycle), and that they are dangerous to use during pregnancy. However, many aromatherapists believe that the emmenagogic effect is not enough to affect a stable pregnancy. The differences of opinion are related to the woman's pregnancy history. If a woman has had miscarriages before, it is always better to play it safe and avoid essential oils with emmenagogic effects.

When purchasing essential oils, always check them carefully using their Latin name in combination with the usual one. This will help you be confident in their composition and safety. It is extremely important to understand the difference between different essential oils, for example, clary sage is very beneficial for labor pains, but clary sage is contraindicated during pregnancy. For this reason, aromatherapy specialists use Latin names to designate essential oils. For example, clary sage is Salvia sclarea, and Salvia officinalis is sage. For the greatest degree of confidence, you should use both names when selecting and testing an essential oil.

The safest essential oils to use during pregnancy are citrus fruits, including bergamot, lemon, lime, sweet orange, tangerine, grapefruit and tangerine. They have such a low molecular weight that they all dissipate into the air soon after use. There are no contraindications or warnings against using these oils during pregnancy.

Occasionally, they may be found on a list of essential oils to avoid during pregnancy, but only when an aromatherapist treats all essential oils with caution and generally avoids using them during pregnancy. The only caveat that applies to all citrus essential oils is that they may be phototoxic, meaning they may increase the risk of sunburn when used undiluted. But since any essential oil should not be used in concentrations higher than 2% for pregnant women, there is no safety concern.

I highly recommend using grapefruit essential oil for massage during pregnancy. This is the only citrus essential oil that is not phototoxic, so even this precaution can be forgotten. They are uplifting, soothing, have astringent properties that make the skin feel great, help retain moisture, and are generally known to be safe in all cases. If you need to add one essential oil during a massage, then grapefruit is the safest and most versatile oil that can be found on the market.

Common oils that should be used with caution during pregnancy

Emmenagogic essential oils: basil, carrot seeds, German and Roman chamomile, Italian fennel, clary sage, juniper berry, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, rose, rosemary, peppermint.

Safe throughout pregnancy: bergamot, lemon, lime, sweet orange, mandarin, grapefruit and tangerine.

Avoid in the first trimester: palmarosa, Italian fennel, peppermint, carrot seeds, nutmeg, bay, anise, cinnamon, sage, myrrh, juniper, lovage, Roman and German chamomile, cajeput, peppermint, lemon balm, marjoram, rose oil, rosemary, clary sage, vetiver, basil, oregano, black pepper, sandalwood.

Essential oils that should be completely avoided during pregnancy: juniper, Spanish sage, angelica, calamus, buchu, wormwood, davana, wormwood, mustard, savory, jaundice, jaundice, brown & blue & white camphor, horseradish, blue cypress, turmeric, bitter fennel, Bulgarian geranium, frost mint, star anise, juniper oil, latana, Spanish lavender, common waxweed, basil, Brazilian sassafras, parsley seeds, santolina, sassafras, tansy, thuja, dill, yarrow, tarragon, cumin, camphor, eucalyptus latifolia, hyssop, pennyroyal, spearmint, rosemary, marigold.

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Camphor oil has a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. It is capable of:

  • stimulate the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • accumulate heat in the area of ​​direct impact on tissue;
  • destroy pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that cause an active, acute inflammatory reaction;
  • quite effective in relieving pain;
  • stimulate local and systemic immunity;
  • improve cellular nutrition.

The result of using camphor oil is partial or full recovery functional activity of an organ, in this case the ears.

Camphor oil can be used in various variations: in the form of compresses, tampons, or in its pure form instilled into the affected organ. The only thing worth remembering during treatment is the amount of solution, its concentration, contraindications and side effects. Otherwise, not only may the patient not recover, but all sorts of complications may arise.

In addition to the fact that otitis media can be treated with camphor oil, it has been proposed folk remedy It is recommended to combine with a number of other oils in order to increase therapeutic effect: almond, sea buckthorn, sunflower and others.

Instructions for use

The composition of camphor oil is quite diverse and includes a number of active substances:

  • pinene;
  • camphene;
  • limonel;
  • ketone;
  • safrole;
  • phellandrene;
  • bisabolol.

How to treat ear with camphor oil? Methods recommended for various types, differ from each other. In case of inflammation of the external part, a small volume of the drug should be injected into ear canal. Before use, the bottle should be heated for some time in a water bath to 37-38 ºC for greater patient comfort and better effects. active component on fabric. The patient lies on his side with the affected ear up, and two or three drops of oil are injected into the cavity with a pipette. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day, the duration of pharmacotherapy is determined by the attending physician.

The procedure for applying the bandage is as follows:

  1. Fold gauze or a wide bandage in several layers, the result should be a square that can cover the entire ear and a small area around the auditory organ.
  2. In the resulting piece of fabric, it is necessary to make a hole through which the patient’s ears would go.
  3. The napkin should be slightly moistened with warmed camphor oil and applied to the desired area.
  4. To preserve heat and fix the bandage, apply plastic film, a cotton scarf, or a scarf. You can also wear a headdress on top, such as a knitted wool hat.

The duration of the procedure is at least two hours, for better results you can do it at night.

Use of oil during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, during which the use of any medications raises a lot of questions and doubts. So is it possible to drip camphor oil into the ear during pregnancy? No way.

Firstly, during gestation the hormonal background women, her body becomes very sensitive to all physical or chemical external irritants. Camphor oil during pregnancy very often causes allergic reaction accompanied by swelling, itching and other symptoms.

Secondly, the drug easily penetrates the placental barrier into breast milk, which can adversely affect the development and condition of the baby.

Also, do not forget about the stimulating and irritant effect drug. Excessive overstimulation of a woman, increased tone of the uterus, increased heart rate worsen the state of health and the course of pregnancy itself, cannot be excluded premature birth or the threat of miscarriage.

If there is pain, congestion, or obvious inflammation, you must immediately contact a physician or obstetrician-gynecologist for a referral to an ENT specialist. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate and safe treatment.

Application for children

Camphor oil must be used with extreme caution. Therapy depends on the age of the young patient.

Until two years of age, dripping camphor oil into the ear or making compresses is strictly prohibited. The fact is that vapors and a concentrated solution can have Negative influence on the thin, unformed tissue of the baby, which will lead to general intoxication and burns of the mucous membranes or skin.

From 3 to 6 years old, it is not advisable to instill camphor oil into the ear; it is better to use bandage turundas soaked in weak alcohol solution. The risk of developing allergies will be minimized, while the antiseptic and warming effects remain in full.

From the age of 7, you can safely instill warm camphor oil into a child’s ear at home, however this method treatment should be agreed with the doctor and should only be an addition to antibiotic therapy. Without antimicrobials in children with not yet fully formed immune system The disease often becomes chronic.

In this case, special attention should be paid to such contraindications as convulsive syndrome and epilepsy; the medication is likely to cause another seizure. When itching, burning, severe pain in the ear area, treatment must be stopped.


Some contraindications for use were described above. However, to complete the picture, it is necessary to highlight the full list:

  • individual intolerance, the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • history convulsive syndrome, epilepsy and similar pathologies;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin and mucous membrane to organic compounds;
  • age up to two years;
  • Availability acute phase inflammation, suppuration.

The most likely complications are:

  • urticaria - a group of diseases allergic origin, the sign is redness, rash, itching;
  • decreased hearing acuity or its complete loss - appears due to the progression of the underlying pathology;
  • intoxication of the body - in case of overdose, improper use or use in childhood.

Camphor oil is affordable and effective remedy However, before starting treatment, you must carefully read the instructions. They can quickly get rid of the feeling of ear congestion or shooting pain.

Useful video about putting drops in the ears
