Find a factory in China. Search for manufacturers in China. China Electronics Industry

The development of any civilization depended on the availability of reliable year-round passable transport routes. Traditionally, regions and cities located on the largest river or sea routes developed faster. Naturally the majority plants and factories in China also located along the coast or in the area of ​​the largest river ports - mainly the eastern coast of the country from South to North. The eastern provinces were always closer to the outside world, guessed the wishes of “overseas guests” and could reduce the time and financial costs of the client for cargo delivery.

The central and western parts of China followed a largely agrarian development path. Over the past decade, the Chinese government has been implementing subsidy and tax incentive programs for factories in China located in these provinces. Also, the PRC already has a well-branched railway system that completely covers these previously difficult-to-reach regions. The presence of modern airports, high-speed roads, developed railways, coupled with government subsidies, have made the western and central regions attractive for the operation of factories in China.

Search for a factory in China

In addition to transport accessibility, the priority development of factories in the eastern region of China was facilitated by a good raw material base,
a constant influx of cheap and extremely able-bodied labor from the villages, as well as a certain moment of syndication. Each province, in addition to general goods, specializes in the production of a certain type of product, which makes it easier search for the plant or factory you need in China.

Such production division increases competition between neighboring factories in China, and also in some way insures the Russian client against a low-quality manufacturer - if the factory does not fulfill its obligations or does not fully fulfill them, you can transfer your order without much damage to financial, time and physical efforts to a neighboring factory.

Factories by province of China

Factories in Guangdong Province (Guangzhou and Shenzhen)

Light industry (most factories in China produce clothing, fabrics and shoes). Electronics. Everyday goods.

Factories in Shanghai

Automotive, mechanical engineering and chemical industries, computers and consumer electronics, instrument making, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, shipbuilding, printing.

Factories in Zhejiang (Hangzhou)

High-tech electronics, cellular communications and modern gadgets.

Factories in Jiangsu (Nanjing)

Construction materials, textile production, chemical industry, heavy industry, mechanical engineering, electronics.

Factories in Tianjin

Automotive, mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, textile industry, metalworking, petrochemicals.

Factories in Anhui (Hefei)

Textile and food industry, building materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering.

Factories in Chongqing

The largest factories in China for the automotive industry, auto parts, motorcycles, air conditioners. Chemical, mechanical engineering and metallurgical industries.

Mini factories from China

Complicated relations with Russia’s western neighbors have increased the already annually growing volume of imported goods. There are several obvious advantages of both mini-productions in general over large factories, and mini-productions from China in particular:

  • Minimum energy and resource consumption. Mini factories from China are focused on small production volumes, therefore reducing energy costs.
  • Mobility and no need to rent space. Mini-productions from China, having worked on a given site, can easily be moved to another area, without renting large areas for their placement.
  • Fast self-sufficiency. The consumer market is extremely unstable: what is in demand today may not be in demand tomorrow. With low costs of mini factories from China, the production cycle is carried out quickly, so a sharp decrease in demand will not have critical consequences.
  • Price. Mini factories and factories from China are distinguished by low cost not only for the purchase itself, but also for commissioning work and components.
  • Transport component. Thanks to the developed delivery scheme from China to Russia, both by sea, railway and road, delivery of a mini plant from China is carried out in a short time and at minimal prices. It is also easy to find any components in Russia.
  • Easy to use. All mini-productions from China are equipped with a plan for future production developed and calculated by the manufacturer. You can easily make your own adjustments to such a plan. And any Russian mechanic can service mini factories from China.

Companies and firms in China

Today in China there are many firms and companies that help foreigners do business with China. Some of them actually fulfill their obligations in good faith, thereby already earning a positive reputation among both foreign clients and Chinese manufacturers. However, as in any rapidly developing sector of the economy, where there are prospects for a healthy successful business, there are also opportunities for fraudsters.

The colossal linguistic and cultural differences between Russia and China cannot be resolved by hiring a translator. The fact is that this is a completely different mentality, a diametrically opposed understanding of life and production processes, relationships and permitted boundaries between partners, as well as views on the prospect of long-term strong relationships. You need to understand that even the legal norms prescribed in contract with China, will be interpreted differently by you and the owner of the plant. Therefore, the presence of a reliable intermediary in China cannot be underestimated. However, unfortunately, today the market is oversaturated with scammers or simply unprofessionals among trading companies in China or intermediary firms. When choosing an agent in China, it is imperative to check his competence and experience in conducting trade transactions with the PRC.

ARKES will help you find a factory or factory in China

Our company is meticulous about its personnel. Our employees are highly specialized in all industrial sectors of the Chinese market. We focus on workers who have long-term practical experience working with factories in China, rather than theoretical managers who negotiate only by phone. ARKES has offices in Moscow, China and regions of Russia. Being a Russian company, we also registered our company in China to give our clients the opportunity to be in the legal framework of the PRC, and, in the event of a controversial situation, to be able to force the manufacturer to fulfill all the terms of the contract (Chinese companies simply ignore decisions of the Russian court).

We search for goods or production in China, control production, customs clearance and delivery of any cargo from China. For searching for a factory or plant in China We use not only official databases of Chinese manufacturers, but also more valuable personal databases, formed from the experience of cooperation of our specialists with each manufacturer in China. The office in China allows us to carry out checking any Chinese factory at all stages of production. Due to our large transport volumes, our shipping and rail partners offer us exclusive rates so we can reduce shipping costs. delivery from China our clients. And the rich personal experience of our logistics department with most customs posts of the Russian Federation gives us the opportunity to carry out smoothly and without incidents customs clearance of goods from China.

We continue to work to make the business of our Russian clients in China even more stable and successful. Leave your application or write to us This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, describing your wishes and vision of your plans for production in China. Our specialists will definitely contact you and offer you the most profitable and interesting solutions. We know most of the factories and factories in China personally, and we know how to negotiate with them.

The Open China company provides services for organizing visits to factories and manufacturing plants in China. - another good reason to establish business relationships. Thousands of manufacturers from all over China and other countries offer to familiarize themselves with products, the supply of which you can negotiate on the spot. But questions arise: how conscientious and reliable will the supplier be?

You can buy original goods at low prices from the manufacturers themselves, who sell their products without intermediaries.
Search for plants and factories in China consists of three stages:

  • compiling a list of manufacturers beneficial for cooperation;
  • checking registration documents and market reputation;
  • establishing contact.

If doubts arise about the reliability of the manufacturing plant, then it automatically drops out of the list of potential partners. At your request, Open China specialists will inspect Chinese manufacturing plants according to the stated criteria.

At the first stages of the audit, plants and factories and feedback on working with them are monitored. To check the quality of the goods, specialists pre-order product samples. The location of the head office in China makes it possible for a company representative to assess the capabilities of the plant by visiting the production itself and studying the situation on site. All data received provides grounds for establishing a relationship or sending the plant to the “black list”. The search for a factory in China ends with the provision of all the necessary information: website, contacts, prices for goods and terms of cooperation, information on registration and certificates, delivery methods.

Traditionally, each province specializes in the production of certain products. The search for a manufacturer's plant in China begins with studying large enterprises. They are located in industrialized provinces. You can find a factory in China for the production of clothing, shoes, and electronics in the southern provinces of China.

Furniture factories in China concentrated in Guangdong province. The industrial center of the province - the city of Guangzhou - is known as a trendsetter in furniture fashion throughout the world. Major international exhibitions are held here, bringing together lovers of beautiful and inexpensive furniture from all over the world.

The main flow of the Chinese garment industry is in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian. Clothing factories in China from these provinces they supply their products directly to foreign customers or Chinese intermediaries. Some companies provide the opportunity to make custom orders. Children's clothing factories in China also actively cooperate with foreign companies and organize direct deliveries.

Direct supplies of Chinese shoes- These are traditionally the provinces of Wenzhou and Guangdong. The best shoe factories in China can be found in Wenzhou, the capital of the Chinese shoe industry. It is home to about 5,000 footwear and leather goods manufacturers who export their products to more than 100 countries.

Main textile factories in China located in the free economic zone of Shenzhen. The possibility of supplying large volumes and super-low prices for export attracts large suppliers from other countries to Shenzhen.

Open China specialists give recommendations on working with Chinese manufacturers and provide the best way to deliver goods from China to any region of Russia. Registration of documents, customs clearance and other accompanying activities are included in the complex of transportation services. The proven schemes of the Open China company for the delivery of goods by sea, road, rail and air transport minimize your costs and speed up the time of the entire process.

It is somewhat similar to searching for suppliers, but it is not the same thing, there are some differences. There are much fewer manufacturers than suppliers and resellers, since suppliers can be both small private enterprises and small companies that have nothing to do with production, respectively, the prices of such companies are much more expensive, and there is also a high risk that you may be deceived . When searching, you need to pay more attention to checking the company, the authorized capital of the company, etc.

You can independently find a manufacturer in China on one of the following sites

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in Russian
in English
in Chinese
Search manufacturers on
in Russian
in English
in Chinese
Search manufacturers on

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in Russian
in English
in Chinese

If you encounter problems while working with websites on your own, you can contact our company for help.

The main function of our company is aimed at searching for manufacturers in China, analyzing data in the field of procurement management, developing and planning new schemes, taking into account the selection of optimal solutions. As a result of the analysis, we select the most suitable partners for cooperation in China.

Algorithm for choosing a reliable manufacturer:

Information about a Chinese manufacturer can usually be found using information directories, trade magazines, price lists, and special attention is paid to the Internet. Success ultimately depends on the reliability of manufacturers. When making a purchase, it is necessary to take into account the activities of the manufacturer’s company, the competitiveness and quality of the products produced.

How to check? There are several ways to check companies, none of them provide 100% guarantees, but together they help reduce the risk of fraud. For example, look at the name of the company, if it contains words such as “export”, “import”, “trade”, “international”, etc., then most likely it is not a manufacturer, but a reseller. Or look at the company's address; if it lists an office, then it is not a manufacturer. Call the company, say that you want to visit their facility, most scammers do not contact you anymore after such words. You can also come to the Celestial Empire yourself, visit the manufacturer, negotiate and make sure that this is not a hoax. But this is also not easy, since you can find not just one manufacturer, but several, located in different parts of the country. For example, when starting your search, you need to know that the largest industrial enterprises in China are located in the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian. But this is far from limiting the geography of Chinese enterprises; nowadays you can find manufacturers in other areas, for example, the provinces of Anhui, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Shandong, and Liaoning are now rapidly developing. There are other ways to check the manufacturer: you can look at the year the company was founded, production volumes and annual turnover, study the main markets, request quality certificates, and so on. But it’s still better to entrust this matter to professionals, thereby protecting yourself from all kinds of risks.

Our company carries out a thorough search, analyzing data, selecting only reliable manufacturers. But even if you decide to choose a manufacturer yourself, you will also have to correctly conclude a sales contract, with which the specialists of China Premium Logistics will also help you.

After processing your application, our specialists will find manufacturers that meet your needs, then provide you with a list of them, and will also help you find the necessary equipment that meets the criteria: price, quality, production time, reliability. From this list you can already choose exactly what suits you best.

Instructions for finding a factory in China! (The most clear article on the Internet!!!)

So, I’m glad to welcome you to our portal 1ogistic ( Together with CheckCHina.RU, we decided to tell you a step-by-step plan of action in finding the factory you are interested in in China, at the same time showing you what kind of work or what difficult task we take on when performing this service for you.

The diversity of Chinese production cannot leave the buyer, i.e. You are indifferent. Here you will find fabrics, furniture, sanitary ware, earthenware, ceramics, building materials, various equipment, as they say in China you will find EVERYTHING you need! Let’s assume that you have already decided what you want to transport from China, BUT you don’t know where exactly to find it in China. You have a question about finding a FACTORY in China, which is what we will talk about next.

Let's write a small plan on this issue, so to speak, we will clearly write down all the steps to reach the goal, so as not to “WASTE” a lot of money)

    Find where in China, i.e. in which provinces your product is produced.

    Prepare for yourself a list of factories with your products located in this province.

    Monitor factories using a list of black companies and look at reviews on the Internet.

    Enter into correspondence with a representative of this factory (it is enough to know English, sometimes Chinese).

    Order samples from the factory.

    Go yourself or send a trusted person to the factory to finally make sure of its reliability.

    Conclude a contract with the factory (if direct).

    Use the services of a third-party company so that it enters into a contract with the factory and sells you the goods in Russia (if not under its own contract).

    Order quality certificates if necessary.

    Sign contract.

    Monitor the shipment of your goods.

Let's try to describe in detail our already formed and clear action plan.

Chapter 1. Find where in China, i.e. in which provinces your product is produced.

There is nothing complicated here, either you understand China and roughly guess what this or that province is famous for, or you start surfing (Google, dripping) on ​​the Internet in search of this information.

Here is a list of provinces in China (by clicking on each you can find out what each of them is famous for):

  • Beijing
  • Tianjin
  • Chongqing
  • Shanghai
  • Inner Mongolia auto. district
  • Guangxi Zhuang Aut. district
  • Ningxia Hui Aut. district
  • Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region district
  • Tibetan auto. district
  • Prov. Anhui
  • Prov. Gansu
  • Prov. Guangdong
  • Prov. Guizhou
  • Prov. Liaoning
  • Prov. Sichuan
  • Prov. Fujian
  • Prov. Hainan
  • Prov. Hubei
  • Prov. Hunan
  • Prov. Hebei
  • Prov. Heilongjiang
  • Prov. Henan
  • Prov. Jilin
  • Prov. Jiangxi
  • Prov. Jiangsu
  • Prov. Qinghai
  • Prov. Zhejiang
  • Prov. Shandong
  • Prov. Shanxi
  • Prov. Shaanxi
  • Prov. Yunnan

Chapter 2. Prepare for yourself a list of factories with your products located in this province.

“List of factories” - to actually come to such a list, you need to spend one, two or even three days. So that you understand, when you plunge into the world of Chinese Legal Forms, not everything you find will be a production (i.e. Factory), I can say with great confidence that there will be one or two factories on your list, and everything else What you will see will be trading companies, resellers, traders, Taobaovites and God forbid swindlers and swindlers (I’ll say more than 50% of these at once).

How to search for our factories on the Internet?

    The first thing we need to know before we start our search is a small list of portals that will help us. By portal I mean a website that contains all the necessary contacts of “factories”. Here is a list of such sites (I tried to arrange them by popularity):

1)Social networkwww.CHeckCHina.RU(Why did I put CheCHi in first place? - Because it is a social network of agents and factories from China, class “A”, here you can be sure, What They won't throw you away because all transactions are insured by the portal itself, the agent will not begin the transaction until he makes a deposit)

2) old, probably one of the first projects that brought together a large number of agents, factories and trading companies from China, but no one here will give you confidence in honesty and integrity)

3) of 2nd point)

4) of 2nd point)

Instructions for alibaba and similar:

All these sites are aimed only at English-speaking people, both from the manufacturer and from the buyer.

You must be a specialist to correctly express your thoughts in English, based on knowledge of the specifics of the product you are looking for.

How to contact the factory?
After you have found the product you need and selected the manufacturers you are interested in, you need to send a request to the manufacturer. This is very easy to do; each manufacturer has a link to contacts on their portals. If the e-mail is not specified, then you should go to the manufacturer’s website and find the e-mail address already there.

When will I receive a response?
Typically, a response to a well-written request, indicating the full technical specifications of the product, takes 2-3 days from Chinese manufacturers.

If we consider CheckCHina.RU, then such difficulties will not arise here; the maximum that will take up your time is registration, and even then it takes no more than 5 minutes.

For the rest, you get confidence in the transaction, the reliability of the supplier, instant response from the supplier (if it is online), and right here you can look at the store of a specific agent and maybe find your product there.

I also almost forgot to say that if you want to “dig” very deep, then you will have to use the Chinese-made search engine Baidu.)))

Step by step, each company thoroughly checks for the presence of a website, email address and telephone number. If all this is available, the address is saved. At the same time, we observe and find how the product of interest is spelled correctly in Chinese. When the name is known in Chinese, again all this is thrown on “Google” and “Baidu” the search produces a completely different result. We start all over again, website, @mail, phone. What we found we kept. Then we compose an “appeal” in English and Chinese. Distribution begins.It happens that out of ten addresses no one answers.

Chapter 3. Monitor factories using a list of black companies and look at reviews on the Internet.

On the sitewww.TrueWays.ruThere is a list of companies that have been blacklisted for one reason or another, it is updated as people email us their own bad experiences at work, or if we find some unpleasant news about a particular company.

Also, to once again protect yourself, you can search for information on the factories you found. I’ll say right away if you find information like: the supplier no longer answers, they sent money, but the cargo did not arrive, gave the shipment number and no longer picks up the phone, when the question about visiting the factory came up, the supplier began to merge and say that now is not the time and in that spirit . HOWEVER YOU ARE TEMPTED BY THE CHEAP PRICE OF A SUPPLIER WHO HAS A NEGATIVE REVIEW WRITTEN ABOUT, LOOK FOR A PROVEN, RELIABLE AND HONEST!!! IT'S COMPLEX, BUT IT'S REAL!!!

Chapter 4.Enter into correspondence with a representative of this factory (it is enough to know English, sometimes Chinese).

To communicate with the factory, in 90% of cases it is enough to know English. How to properly conduct a conversation, dialogue, negotiations, call it what you want, but the Chinese are cunning people and want to earn no less than you, so it will be more like a bazaar where you can bargain well if you have this skill))) . Let me start again: How to properly negotiate with Chinese entrepreneurs? Yes, this question worries you most of all, I just want to say, use the services of our companyTrueWays Logisticsand don’t worry about it, but I’ll try to explain everything in order.

    Make sure that the supplier has exactly the product you need, you must understand that you are talking about the same thing.

    Send him a detailed specification, a certificate, something that determines his exclusivity over similar products.

    You shouldn’t immediately start talking about how much, what about the price, etc.

    Try to ask more about the factory, how long you have been working, etc.

    Find out to whom the goods have already been shipped, to Russia, to Europe, which companies?

    Is it possible to provide product samples?

    What are the factory's volumes?

    Where is? (how far from the port or airport?)

    Smoothly move on to the price if you understand that the factory actually exists.

    The Chinese like to base their price on volume; the only question that interests them is what size of purchase you are a client, believe me, he will be upset if you are a one-timer or your volume = pavilion in the Kashira yard)) it’s better not to tell him about it))

    The Chinese will reduce the price if you provide him with a sales plan (and he will reduce it very well (2 times))))

Here are the main points in the dialogue with the Chinese manufacturer, of course this is not all, but you understand that here you can discuss this ad infinitum, because everyone’s dialogue is structured differently, and the conversation can flow into a completely different direction, in short, an individual approach is needed and knowledge of the Chinese mentality.

Chapter 5. Order samples from the factory.

Order samples from the factory? -It doesn’t seem complicated) At first glance.

If you think about it this way, a very large percentage of Chinese make money by fooling Russians, Europeans and Americans, in other words, by playing the sucker. They usually make money from small scams, such as saying that samples will cost 120$ (delivery), you throw money wherever he says, and then not a word is heard. And how many times will you send money to someone unknown? 2? 3? 5? 10? times, and this is no longer a small sum if you fall for the tricks of scammers every time.

This is where you need a trusted person in China to come, look, pay, etc.

If this is not the case, then either you are lucky, or you may unwittingly become a “Sucker”.

If you are lucky and the supplier sent you samples, then wait no less than 1.5 weeks (budget optionEMS). Can be done faster in 3 days(DHL, FEDeX, PoniExpress),but it is not cheap and not all product categories. If it’s very urgent and inexpensive for you, callTrueWays Logistics, they'll come up with something there.

Chapter 6. Go yourself or send a trusted person to the factory to finally make sure of its reliability.

If the samples have arrived and their quality matches your requests, then do not rush to sign a contract with the supplier. First you need to send a trusted person to the factory or go there yourself.

Typically such people offer the following services:
— Negotiating prices and payment terms
— checking and assessing the reliability of a business partner, auditing factories
— quality control and order execution time
— developing and maintaining contacts with interested suppliers
— searching for solutions to problematic and controversial situations with the Chinese side
— collecting and sending product samples

Such a person will send you photographs from the factory, tell you what he saw, what he asked, what he heard in response, and simply either reassure you or disappoint you.

But don’t forget that you need a person with good experience, and not just from the street. The average price of such a service is from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles + travel and accommodation costs (if he is very far away, he will have to spend the night in the province).

The first enterprises in China appeared quite a long time ago. The industry began to develop rapidly in 1978. At the same time, economic reforms were carried out. First of all, they affected changes in rules regarding exports, attracting investments, as well as taxes. As a result of all the changes, the state became a leader in the production of many goods.

Brief information

In 2009, China's economy reached its peak. The state became the main exporter of goods, pushing Germany aside. Today, products made in China are presented in a large assortment and can be found in many stores. Factories in China are developing along with European production.

Many companies differ from each other in their profile. Moreover, they differ in territorial location. For example, in the southern part of China there are those factories that specialize in sewing clothes, as well as in creating equipment. The most famous producing provinces are Shenzhen and Guangzhou. In the north and east, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering are opened.

An important criterion when opening factories is the closest proximity to the raw material base. Other nuances are also taken into account. We are talking about cheap labor, the availability of sales markets, transport accessibility, and the availability of energy resources.

Industrial development

Many are surprised, but until the mid-twentieth century, the Republic of China had a poorly developed economy and production. In terms of its development, the state lagged behind European ones by almost 100 years. After 1949 the situation began to change. The industrialization of industry and agriculture began to develop rapidly. Over 50 years, more than 350 enterprises and factories were opened. Production volume increased by 40 times. In terms of the number of open production facilities, China currently occupies a leading position. More than 350 industries are developing in the state. The pace of development is so fast that the government is making attempts to curb it. This is done specifically to ensure that there are no sudden jumps in the global economy that could lead to a crisis.

Metallurgical industry

In addition to open shoe factories in China, as well as an overdeveloped textile industry, the metallurgical industry functions well in the republic.

The country ranks first in the production of ferrous metals. Its territory contains reserves of iron ore, coking coal and alloying metals. They are considered to be quite important raw materials.

In addition to ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy is also developed. China has many deposits of copper, tin ores and other rare substances. Due to the fact that factories must have modern technologies, factories are predominantly located only in the most developed areas.

Light industry

The food and textile industries are developing in China. The second is represented by factories in the north (wool, flax and hemp production) and south (silk and jute). China ranks first in the export of clothing made from cotton fabrics. However, fakes and counterfeits occur periodically.

Light industry plays an important role in the development of the country's economy due to the constant export of large volumes of products.

Food industry

In China, tea factories are open in large numbers. They represent a separate segment in the food industry. The enterprises are located in the southwest. The industry has been developing since the 80s of the last century. Currently, China is considered the largest exporter of seafood, fish, fruits and vegetables. As for the tea industry, since the 19th century the country has been considered the main supplier of tea. All factories are located historically. This is due to the fact that raw materials need to be processed immediately after collection.

Textile industry

The main industrial power of China is concentrated in the Shanghai region. Textile factories process cotton, silk, and synthetic materials. Thanks to this, all created products have low costs.

How is the Shanghai region different from any other textile producing area? Because this is where high-quality products are created. Guangzhou produces knitwear that is suitable for making casual wear. The production of fabrics for sports products is also established here. In the Shanghai region, more complex fabrics are produced. For example, those needed to create costumes. In addition, the creation of jacquard knitwear has been established here. In addition to fabrics, sewing accessories are manufactured here, there are testing laboratories, and textile engineering is developing.

Which provinces are included in the Shanghai region?

There are practically no clothing factories in Shanghai. However, large textile companies have offices here. The city is “responsible” for the import of products due to the fact that it has a seaport. In addition, international exhibitions are held here.

The production of furniture and non-woven products has been established in Hangzhou. A silk museum is open in the city.

Shaoxing is considered the center of China's textile industry. Not only fabrics and clothing are produced here, but fur coat factories are also open. China is famous for its products. On the territory of Shaoxing, knitwear, blended, cotton, suiting fabrics, as well as those suitable for making curtains, are created. Textile centers are open. If you wish, you can order a large batch of fabrics here, or buy certain samples in bulk.

These provinces are considered the largest in the Shanghai region.

Shanghai area work

Factories in the Shanghai region are constantly being improved. Larger enterprises that create products for export make the highest quality products. Most of the existing factories produce cheaper and lower quality products. It is created for the domestic market. Unfortunately, there are practically no factories here that can compete in quality with Turkish or Italian enterprises.

Factory locations

The largest number of factories in China are located in its eastern part. What is this connected with? Given that transport can move well here, there is a raw material base. There are villages nearby, and, accordingly, there is a labor force. The Chinese have a high efficiency.

In addition to general goods that all residents of the country need, products of a certain type are manufactured. Each plant is assigned to a specific type of product. Thanks to this, searching for factories in China is quite simple.

If you compare the States and Europe with China, you will notice that this part of Asia began to develop recently, but rapidly. Previously, the signature “Made in China” on goods was a sign of poor quality; it was not as common as it is today. At the moment, the entire range is sold at an affordable price, but also has good quality.

Where and what is produced? Let's look at the large provinces:

  • Chongqing. Cars and motorcycles are produced here.
  • Zhengjiang. Factories for the production of electronics, communications and technology have been opened in the province.
  • Tianjin. Cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and Chinese biosynthetic products are being created.
  • Jiangsu. Metallurgical plants are open here. The manufacturing industry is developing. In addition, clothing factories have been opened. There are quite a lot of them in China.
  • Shanghai. The main profile is electronics and instrument making. Thanks to the possibility of shipping, factories related to the operation of ports were opened.
  • Guangzhou and Shenzhen. There are clothing and shoe factories here. Electronics is developing.

Search for factories

Many entrepreneurs who order products from China want to receive quality goods at a low price. Importers want to reach real suppliers, but most often they come across intermediaries. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a factory in China that actually produces this or that product. Why? Next, let's look at the main reasons.

Mini-factories producing specific goods

If you need to find a factory that produces ordinary goods, then it is quite possible to find the real coordinates of the supplier. To do this, you will have to constantly monitor online trading platforms. If there is a need to find a factory that creates, for example, self-stirring mugs, then this is unrealistic. Such plants are considered rare and there are few of them in China. They have a small capacity and employ no more than 30 people at the factory. Therefore, when searching for their real address, you can only find intermediaries.

Lack of information on English resources

Any importer interested in purchasing Chinese goods first of all looks for a supplier on the largest English resources. Often, factory workers do not know English, so it will not be possible to post information about themselves on foreign websites.

Moreover, plant administrations prefer to work with local trading companies. This is due to the fact that it is believed that it will be much more expensive to employ a person who speaks a language other than his native Chinese than to cooperate with an intermediary.

Lack of online marketing

In order to increase sales, it is necessary to attract the interest of foreign importers. Competent promotion requires not only special skills, but also funds. In order for a factory in China to operate profitably, marketing measures must be carried out correctly. However, factory workers cannot do this directly without specially hired people.

Therefore, small factories are lost against the background of large ones. Even if they are presented on foreign trading platforms, they respond to users for a long time and rather sluggishly. This scares away potential buyers.

Production of counterfeits

Large companies produce goods whose quality is beyond doubt, but mini-factories often make counterfeit products. This situation occurs especially often when valuable things appear on the world market. Many Chinese factories copy such products and sell them quite cheaply. You can suspect that a particular workshop is making a counterfeit by the fact that representatives of the importer cannot enter the plant.

As a rule, those companies that create counterfeit goods work only through intermediaries. Therefore, it is impossible to find their real address.
