Runny nose, unpleasant taste in the mouth. Unpleasant taste in the mouth and its causes. Treatment of bad breath

Bad taste in the mouth, appearing for no apparent reason, quite often indicates possible pathology. However, it is not always similar symptom indicates the presence of some disease. It is necessary to pay particular attention to the nature of the symptom and its duration. If this discomfort does not go away within several months, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What is accompanied by?

Quite often, an unpleasant taste in the mouth accompanies gastroesophageal reflux, sinusitis, and infectious diseases. salivary gland. In addition, the cause of this condition can be poor compliance with oral hygiene rules, as well as taking certain medications. Most often, the taste is also accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which worsens a person’s quality of life.

Causes of the disease

A taste in the mouth may be a sign inflammatory process or infectious disease of the sinuses, upper respiratory tract, tongue and oral cavity, that is, they are a symptom of a wide variety of pathologies in the human body. An unpleasant taste may indicate a disease gastrointestinal tract. Taste appears most often with the following pathologies:

In addition, the following factors can trigger the appearance of a taste in the mouth:

  • Dehydration.
  • Infections and pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Various drugs.
  • Erosion of the oral cavity.
  • Failure to comply with oral hygiene rules.
  • Pathological processes in the sinuses.
  • Sjögren's syndrome.
  • Smoking.
  • Oncological neoplasms.
  • Viruses.

Serious pathologies

There are also more serious pathologies which can cause a taste in the mouth. If this phenomenon occurs regularly and over a long period of time, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of diseases such as:

  1. Severe infection.
  2. Stroke.
  3. Oral cancer.

Often an unpleasant taste appears in a woman during pregnancy. This occurs due to the active production of a hormone that rebuilds the body to its new state.

Let us consider below the main causes of taste in the mouth in more detail.

Associated symptoms

An unpleasant, strange taste in the mouth is alarming symptom and may indicate the presence of pathology in the human body. As a rule, this sign does not appear as an independent symptom, but is accompanied by certain concomitant phenomena.

If a patient has a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it tends to spread to other organs. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms, for example:

  • Flatulence.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Heartburn.
  • Cough.
  • Impaired intestinal motility.

Problems with the salivary glands

If you have problems with salivary glands The picture of the course of the disease is somewhat different. IN in this case a person notes following symptoms:

  • Dry mucous membrane.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth.
  • Fever bodies.
  • Painful sensations in the area of ​​the face and mouth.
  • Redness on the neck and face.
  • Swelling of the face and neck.

Diseases of the nose and sinuses

Diseases of the nose and sinuses also have specific signs. For such pathologies, typical manifestations are:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Unpleasant sensation in the throat.

With serious illnesses, the symptoms are more pronounced and more intense. With a stroke, mouth cancer and severe infection, in addition to an unpleasant taste, other symptoms may appear:

  • Sudden and unjustified weight loss.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Depressed breathing.
  • Loss of the senses, namely hearing, vision and smell.

Why there is a taste in the mouth, a doctor should figure it out.


There are several main types of unpleasant taste in the mouth. It can be sour, bitter, sweet, salty, purulent, chemical and metallic. Each of them indicates certain diseases. Let's look at them in more detail.

Sour taste in mouth

Quite often it is not a sign of pathology. It can appear when eaten sour product and be a consequence of the aftertaste. You can get rid of this condition by rinsing your mouth clean water and washing away food debris from the tongue.

The cause of a sour taste in the mouth can also be oxidation of installed crowns and dentures. This can happen as a result of using low-quality materials for prosthetics. Prolonged wearing of inferior materials in the mouth leads to damage from saliva, food and metabolism, and bacteria.

Medicine also describes cases where a sour milky taste was the result of problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the stomach and esophagus can provoke the symptom, for example:

Digestive disorders lead to major changes in organism. In addition to the sour milk taste in the mouth, the patient experiences: weakness, nausea, belching, fatigue. As well as pain in the abdominal area.

What other bad taste is there in the mouth?

Bitter taste

Almost everyone experiences a bitter taste in their mouth at least once in their life. This is a fairly common occurrence. This symptom may indicate pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, as well as diseases of the esophagus and intestines. Exacerbation can occur with the following diseases:

  • Intoxication.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • State of stress.
  • Taking certain medications.

Symptoms usually worsen after a person has eaten, in some cases they occur in the morning. If bitterness in the mouth appears regularly, you need to consult a specialist to identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Purulent taste

Most often, a purulent taste appears in the mouth with a palatal abscess. Medicine records this symptom during the following dental pathologies:

  1. Alveolitis.
  2. Periodontitis.
  3. Periodontitis.

The taste of pus may appear not only in the mouth, but also in the throat. Diseases of bacterial origin such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, adenoids, can provoke the formation of ulcers.

What else can cause the taste of blood in the mouth?

  • It can be triggered by injuries to the mucous membrane - if the saliva turns red, you need to conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity. Damage to the mucous membrane can cause overbite inner surface cheeks or tongue.
  • Dental diseases are the most common reason the appearance of blood in the mouth. This could be gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, or any other ailment that causes inflammation.
  • Taking certain medications - antibiotics, antihistamines, iron-containing products and vitamins - causes a metallic taste, which is often confused with the taste of blood.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals - mercury, lead, copper or zinc.
  • Severe pathologies internal organs- pneumonia, tuberculosis and malignant neoplasms respiratory tract. Streaks of blood or fresh blood appear in the saliva of patients when they cough, after emotional or physical stress.

Salty taste

Often salty taste in the mouth can occur due to non-compliance with the rules of oral and dental hygiene. Along with other signs, this may indicate various pathologies in the body, such as:

  • Impaired kidney function.
  • Sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • Infectious
  • Taking medications for treatment bacterial infections.
  • Regular dehydration of the body.

Sweet taste in mouth

The taste appears after a person has eaten something sweet, which is logical and normal. Pathological this phenomenon considered when a sweet taste appears after a person has eaten something salty or spicy. This symptom is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Chemical poisoning.
  • Poor insulin synthesis and impaired carbohydrate metabolism, characteristic of diabetes mellitus.
  • Disruption of nerve endings.
  • Smoking.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and various dental pathologies.

Soda taste

This symptom may indicate a disorder in the biliary tract and liver. In addition, the taste of soda in the mouth indicates pathologies in the intestines. If the taste of soda is combined with sweetness, this indicates an exacerbation of diabetes.

The causes of taste in the mouth in women are presented below.

Other factors that can lead to a soda taste include: pregnancy, overeating, taking certain medications, taking hormonal medications, etc. When there is an excess of iodine in the body, a characteristic taste also appears. This condition is usually accompanied by vomiting and fever.

What does the taste of iron in the mouth indicate?

Metallic taste

This is a fairly common phenomenon, the causes of which can be very diverse. Often a metallic taste appears in the mouth when consuming large quantity mineral water, which contains iron. The same goes for drinking untreated tap water. If you eat from metal utensils, a specific taste may also appear. However, the most common factor leading to this symptom, is taking certain medications.

Dental crowns can also give a metal or plastic feel to your mouth. If you do not follow hygiene rules when wearing dentures, you may also experience an unpleasant taste and odor from your mouth.

A metallic taste can also occur for less harmless reasons. There are a number of pathologies that can lead to this state:

  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anemia.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Oral diseases.

In this case, to eliminate the symptom, you will need to treat the cause of its occurrence.

Taste of mold

Aspergillosis can cause a moldy taste in the mouth. This infectious disease affects the lungs, skin, sinuses, etc. The fungus can spread not only in food, but also in unclean, dusty rooms. In case of illness there may be moist cough, general malaise, shortness of breath, chills, decreased appetite and sleep disturbance.

To prevent the appearance of a taste in the mouth, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene in general and the oral cavity in particular. If the taste is persistent and its severity increases, you should consult a doctor.

The appearance of a taste in the mouth does not always indicate the appearance of any disease, but if it persists for a long time and is felt constantly, then you should pay attention to this phenomenon and consult a doctor.

Bitter taste in mouth

A bitter taste in the mouth usually occurs. with exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases or as a result increased load on them (abuse fatty foods, alcohol).

Almost every person has felt the taste of bitterness in the mouth at least once in their life; such an unpleasant symptom is difficult not to notice. Most often, such a taste appears in diseases of the liver, gall bladder and its ducts during periods of exacerbation, or with periodic excessive load on these organs (heavy meals, especially fatty foods, alcohol abuse). A bitter taste may appear in the mouth and in diseases of the intestines and stomachs, in which their motility and the process of food passage through the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted.

There are many diseases that can lead to the appearance of this symptom. Most often this is biliary dyskinesia, but can lead to bitterness in the mouth food poisoning, taking certain medications and even stressful situations. For diseases digestive system This unpleasant taste in the mouth usually bothers people after eating, appearing some time after eating. It is not uncommon to experience a bitter taste in the mouth after waking up in the morning.

U healthy people the appearance of bitterness in the mouth after eating may be associated with eating foods that have choleretic effect, for example, nuts, especially pine nuts, watermelon, mushrooms, or after a heavy feast with fatty foods and alcohol. A bitter taste in the mouth in the morning may appear after a large dinner the night before, shortly before bed. You need to have dinner no later than 2 hours before going to bed, since at night the digestive processes slow down, which contributes to the stagnation of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

If the appearance of this symptom is not an isolated case, but worries you constantly, then you should contact a gastroenterologist for examination. But it is also better not to ignore rare cases when a bitter taste appears in the mouth; this may be the first “bell” that you need to think about the health of the liver and protect it from stress.

Sweet taste in mouth

Complaints about a sweet taste in the mouth go to the doctor much less frequently than, for example, complaints about bitterness in the mouth. Sometimes, if there is a malfunction of the liver, pancreas, as well as with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it may not be the bitter taste in the mouth that bothers you, but the sweet one. In addition, such a symptom may be one of the signs of a disorder carbohydrate metabolism in the body, so if a sweetish taste in your mouth bothers you long time, you should consult a doctor. If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs, then you may need to visit a dentist, since dental problems can also cause this symptom.

A sweet taste in the mouth may be a sign of pesticide or phosgene poisoning. If you suspect poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.

Salty taste in mouth

At infectious diseases salivary glands, saliva may acquire a salty taste. Sometimes such a symptom appears in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, since the mucus produced in large quantities during sinusitis also enters the oral cavity. After recovery, the salty taste in the mouth will disappear on its own.

If, in addition to the salty taste, you are also bothered by dry mouth, then most likely this indicates dehydration. At the same time, it is not enough to quench your thirst once; you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily.

Poor oral hygiene can also cause a salty taste. This is due to the fact that the plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth and tongue has a salty taste. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly brush not only your teeth, but also the surface of your tongue at least 2 times a day.

Very rarely, a salty taste in the mouth occurs as a result of taking certain medications, such as those used to treat illnesses. thyroid gland and during chemotherapy in oncology.

Sour taste in mouth

A sour taste in the mouth is often accompanied by heartburn and is a symptom of stomach diseases with high acidity. gastric juice.

The appearance of a sour taste in the mouth, often accompanied by heartburn, may indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or. Typically, such diseases are accompanied by a number of other symptoms, which force them to consult a doctor.

If, apart from a sour taste in the mouth, there are no other symptoms, then you should consult a dentist, since the problem may arise as a result of wearing dental crowns made of base metals, diseases of the gums and teeth. In addition, low-quality crowns, dentures and fillings can cause metallic taste in the mouth.

Bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy

In organism expectant mother Already from the first days of pregnancy, changes occur that affect various organs and systems. Therefore, the appearance of a “foreign” taste in the oral cavity is not at all uncommon. By the way, the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, which a woman often notices even before she finds out that she will become a mother, has long been considered one of the first signs of pregnancy.

The appearance of bitterness in the mouth may be associated with minor disturbances in the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, and a sour taste, accompanied by, often appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. Usually these unpleasant symptoms do not threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby and disappear after childbirth, but if they nevertheless appear and cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, then you should definitely bring this to the attention of a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

If an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, you should consult a physician and undergo an initial examination - blood tests, ultrasonography organs abdominal cavity, if necessary - EGDS. If diseases of the digestive organs are detected, the patient will be referred to a gastroenterologist; endocrine glands- see an endocrinologist. It is also worth contacting your dentist and checking the condition of your oral cavity.

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A taste in the mouth for no apparent reason serves good symptom indicating the development of pathology. However, such an unpleasant taste in the mouth does not always indicate the presence of an illness. The patient needs to pay attention to the duration of the process. If the stench continues for several months, the patient should consult a doctor.

Often, an unpleasant taste in the mouth appears due to gastroesophageal reflux, salivary gland infections, sinusitis, as well as poor oral hygiene and the use of certain medications. Together with taste they celebrate and foul odor which makes life difficult.


An unpleasant taste in the mouth hides its causes in inflammation and infection of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses, mouth and tongue. This symptom manifests itself from various pathological processes in the body. A foul taste can be caused by the progression of gastrointestinal disorders. An unpleasant sign appears in the following diseases:

  • esophagitis;
  • flatulence;
  • ulcer.

Doctors also highlight a number of other etiological factors the appearance of a sign, namely:

  • bacteria and infections;
  • dehydration;
  • medicines;
  • mouth erosions;
  • improper oral hygiene;
  • damage to the sinuses;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • smoking;
  • tumors;
  • viruses.

Taste in the mouth can also appear from more serious and severe pathologies. If a symptom appears frequently, the patient should consult a doctor, since the manifestation may be characteristic of the following diseases:

  • oral cancer;
  • severe infection;
  • stroke.

An unpleasant taste is typical during pregnancy. In women, this phenomenon occurs due to the production of a hormone, the appearance of which leads to such changes in the body.


Unpleasant odor from the mouth occurs due to various reasons. Each pathology has its own characteristics. In this regard, clinicians distinguish between types of signs:

  • sour;
  • bitter;
  • purulent;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • soda;
  • metal;
  • mold.


A strange taste in the mouth is not a good sign and can signal a pathology in the body. Since the symptom most often manifests itself in serious diseases, along with the foul taste and smell, the patient is overcome by other unpleasant symptoms.

With gastrointestinal disease, signs of the disease spread to other organs. To identify pathology digestive tract You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • stomach pain;
  • flatulence;
  • cough;
  • heartburn;
  • stool disorder.

In case of problems with the salivary glands, the patient develops other signs in the body. The patient complains of:

  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • high temperature;
  • pain in the face and mouth;
  • red spots on the face and neck;
  • swelling of the neck and face.

Symptoms may also appear in the nose and sinuses. Such a disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • fatigue;
  • high body temperature;
  • headache;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • tonsillitis.

Due to the fact that the symptom may indicate more serious illnesses, stroke, infection or mouth cancer, then the signs appear more intense and more characteristic. Inform the person about availability serious illnesses there will be such indicators:

  • labored breathing;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of vision, hearing and smell.

Sour taste in mouth

The feeling of a sour taste in the mouth does not always indicate the formation of pathology. Often this taste appears after eating, as food particles remain in the mouth. Regular rinsing of the mouth with purified water helps relieve this symptom.

Another reason for the appearance of such a symptom may be oxidation of dentures or crowns. This process occurs if the devices are made of low-grade material. At long-term wearing in the oral cavity they are damaged by metabolic products of bacteria, food and elements present in saliva.

However, in medicine there are also cases when a sour milky taste indicates pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Often this symptom is caused by diseases of the esophagus and stomach, such as:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • diaphragm hernia.

With an upset stomach, significant changes begin in the patient's body. Taste may indicate this sour milk in the mouth. Along with this symptom, the patient complains of belching, nausea, stomach pain, weakness and extreme fatigue. Such signs often indicate gastritis or pancreatitis, which must be diagnosed and treated immediately.

Bitter taste in mouth

Bitter taste in the mouth is a fairly common manifestation that is familiar to almost every person. It often manifests itself in diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pathologies of the intestines and esophagus.

The bitter taste can become worse under the influence of the following factors:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • poisoning;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress.

The symptom begins to progress after each meal, sometimes manifests itself in morning time. If bitterness appears in your mouth, you should definitely seek help from medical institution and get examined.

Putrid taste in the mouth

There are cases when, with a palatal abscess, there is a taste of pus in the mouth. In medicine, the manifestation of this symptom has been noted in the following dental diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • alveolitis

In addition, the symptom can be disturbing not only in the mouth, but also in the throat. Can lead to the formation of pus in the throat bacterial diseases, for example, sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the adenoids.

Salty taste in mouth

Very often, a salty taste appears due to poor dental and oral hygiene. Like other symptoms, it indicates the appearance of diseases in the body. As a rule, the sign indicates the following pathologies:

  • salivary gland infections;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • drugs for bacterial infections;
  • constant dehydration of the body.

Sweet taste in mouth

An incomprehensible taste with a sweet character occurs not only because a person has just eaten a cake or candy. After eating sweet products, it is quite logical that there will be such a taste, but if the sensation appears after eating salty ingredients, then this indicates pathology. This sign is typical for:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • poor insulin production and impaired carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • dental diseases and respiratory tract infections.

Soda taste in mouth

The characteristic taste of soda in the mouth is a particular sign of dysfunction of the liver and bile ducts. It may also be due to intestinal dysfunction. If a patient has a taste of soda in the mouth along with sweets, this indicates the progression of diabetes mellitus.

This taste and smell can be caused by overeating, pregnancy, taking various medications and hormonal agents. Taste can also appear from excess iodine in the body. In addition to the foul odor, increased level iodine is also indicated by an increase in body temperature and a gag reflex.

Metallic taste in the mouth

The symptom can be caused by many reasons. Most often, this symptom is caused by excessive consumption of mineral water with a large amount of iron ions. The same manifestation can occur in a person who drinks untreated water. Also, the taste is formed from the dishes from which the patient eats. The most common cause of symptoms is the use of medications.

An increased sensation of iron or plastic in the oral cavity appears in the presence of dental crowns. Improper handling of dentures leads to the appearance of a foul odor and taste, which causes significant inconvenience.

All of these reasons are harmless compared to those listed below.

A metallic taste in the mouth appears with the following pathologies:

  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity.

To eliminate a symptom, the patient needs to identify the causes of the symptom.

Mold taste in mouth

A moldy taste in the mouth occurs due to the development of aspergillosis. This is a disease that is formed under the influence of infectious damage to the skin, lungs, paranasal sinuses and other organs. Mold can spread not only in food products made from flour and cereals, but also in dusty rooms. If a person is overcome by this illness, then in addition to the unpleasant taste of mold there is added general malaise, cough with sputum, chills, shortness of breath, poor appetite, as well as sleep disorders.

To prevent the appearance of any taste in the oral cavity, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of oral hygiene. If the symptom does not subside or other unpleasant manifestations occur, you should contact a medical facility, as it is better to be aware of the condition of your body.

Taking care of health is the responsibility of every person. Not only visual changes or pain, but also a taste or excessive viscosity in the mouth will help you understand that some changes have occurred in the body that require attention. Should I worry and when?

Most often, a specific taste occurs in the morning, when a person has just woken up and has not had time to spend hygiene procedures or have breakfast.

If this symptom is an isolated phenomenon, then there is no need to worry, nothing threatens the body, but if the taste appears frequently, then it is time to think about undergoing an examination. Because taste in the mouth, especially unpleasant, can be a symptom of serious diseases.

Cause for concern!?

If a taste appears in your mouth every morning, then you need to listen to what the body wants to tell you. How to understand and determine whether a serious problem was the cause or just a lack of hygiene?

It is important to remember here that saliva is always present in the mouth; it is this that helps to recognize various tastes.

If there is no threat to health, then the person will not feel anything at all, but some dental diseases may cause a specific taste.

At the same time, this same signal is a reason to check for the presence chronic diseases throat, such as pharyngitis or laryngitis. ENT - diseases accompanied by a taste in the mouth - sinusitis and rhinitis.

Taste as a way to determine the problem of the body

In most cases, it is enough to rinse your mouth with a special liquid or brush your teeth for the taste in the mouth to disappear, but sometimes it is constantly present, the main reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

Each problem makes itself felt in different tastes, for example, salty, bitter. You need to know what they are signaling so that you can take appropriate action without delay.

Everything is sprinkled with salt - lips, mouth, and tongue...

One of the most common causes of a salty taste in the mouth is prolonged dehydration. Lack of water in the body leads to the accumulation of salts, which over time manifest themselves in a characteristic taste.

In addition, the taste of salt can be felt when:

  • some infectious diseases, for example, the upper respiratory tract or salivary glands, it is important to remember that if dryness is present, the first thing a person should do is to increase their fluid intake;
  • poor oral hygiene also causes a salty taste as it accumulates on the teeth;
  • extremely rarely a salty taste in the mouth is a result taking medications.

Causes of sweetness in the mouth

Sweet taste appears less frequently, but is a symptom of:

  • liver problems;
  • pancreas.

A similar taste in the mouth indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and is also a sign of impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Dental problems can cause a similar taste, but a full examination is necessary in any case, since this same symptom is a harbinger of poisoning, which should not be left without medical attention.

Bitterness in the mouth

Taste of bitterness in different intensity manifestations are frequent, and everyone without exception has felt it at least once. If the bitter taste does not disappear, then the main reasons may be:

  • liver problems;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • side effects of drugs.

In addition, bitterness signals problems with digestion, diseases of the esophagus and intestines. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis manifest themselves with exactly the same symptoms, so seeing a doctor cannot be delayed.

Stressful situations and excessive eating can cause bitterness in the mouth. Dental cause the appearance of bitterness may become oxidative process.

It's so sour, it's setting my teeth on edge

The main reason for a sour mouth is heartburn, which in turn indicates the presence of a number of gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcers and gastritis.

If, apart from a sour taste in the mouth, there are no other symptoms, then the cause may be base metals, as well as diseases of the gums and teeth.

Taste of iodine in the mouth

The taste of iodine in the mouth often appears after eating. This is considered normal, but if there is no reason, you should consult a doctor.

A similar taste after sleep can become a symptom of enamel damage, or.

Taking hormonal medications can affect the appearance of taste.

Liver problems are also a cause of iodine taste.

A piece of iron in the mouth - what is the reason?

The appearance of an iron taste in the mouth should not be ignored, since there can be many reasons for this. Appeal to In this case, it should be mandatory for a specialist, since only a doctor will find out the exact cause of this symptom.

The reasons are as follows:

  • hazardous production - working with copper, zinc or other metals;
  • excessive consumption of mineral water can also have a similar effect;
  • taking medications;
  • anemia and other blood diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stomach problems;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes.

All of this can cause an iron taste in the mouth. However, pregnancy, especially the first trimester, is manifested by this aftertaste. That is why only diagnostics will help you find out the exact cause.

A sore throat in the mouth and on the tongue

Set on edge - feeling slight numbness and viscosity appearing on the tongue and in the oral cavity as a whole.

The main reason for the appearance is increased acidity, dental problems, including oxidation of iron dentures and crowns.

Root destruction also causes this unpleasant feeling. A trip to the dentist is mandatory in this case.

When your mouth becomes completely tasteless...

The most unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity:

If such an unpleasant taste appears in isolated cases, then there is no need to worry seriously, it is enough to undergo a course of treatment with enzymatic preparations that will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes, however, if it is constantly present in the mouth, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the problem may be more serious than a person thinks.

Diagnostic approach

The basis is an analysis of the taste of saliva. When contacting a specialist with complaints about a particular taste, the doctor will definitely ask about what saliva tastes like, since it is this that is an indicator of many problems in the body.

Additional for staging accurate diagnosis the specialist will give a referral for examination, for example, gastroscopy, smears, urine and blood tests.

Associated symptoms

It is impossible to unambiguously determine what symptoms will accompany an unpleasant taste in the mouth, since they are determined by the main cause of its occurrence - the disease. It could be:

  • blood during hygiene procedures in the case of;
  • painful sensations in the stomach, if we are talking about problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mood swings and hormonal levels may indicate pregnancy.

The main thing that can be advised to a person who has a taste in the mouth is to show attention and not delay visiting a doctor.

What to do in such situations?

If the problem has made itself felt, it is necessary to understand whether it is permanent or whether it arose sporadically. After this, it is necessary to examine the oral cavity, including the tongue, since there may be plaque on it, and therefore bacteria.

If the taste has disappeared, there is nothing to worry about, but if it remains or intensifies, it is necessary to undergo full examination to identify the cause.

Thus, it is necessary to take care of your health and try to ensure that there are no foreign tastes in your mouth, since they indicate problems that the body is experiencing.

Saliva produced by the salivary glands healthy body does not have a specific smell or taste.

Important! The appearance of a persistent unpleasant taste in the mouth may indicate problems in the functioning of internal organs.

Causes of bad taste in mouth

Photo 1: An unpleasant taste in the mouth can only be felt on the tongue. May bother you immediately after waking up or only after eating. The reasons for the appearance of bitterness, sweet sour, salty taste may vary depending on exactly when and how it is felt. Source: flickr (galactichero).

Bad taste in mouth in the morning

Every person experiences an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning. It appears due to the activity of bacteria that accumulate under the tongue and release sulfur. Usually, to get rid of this problem, it is enough to carry out oral hygiene procedures.


The causes of morning bitterness in the mouth can be:

  1. Problems in the functioning of the gallbladder or pathological changes, causing the reflux of bile into the esophagus. The feeling of bitterness can be caused by diseases such as cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, acute cholangitis, and gall bladder cancer.
  2. Excessive evening eating, which leads to difficult digestion and putrefactive processes.
  3. After taking antibiotics There may be a bitter taste in the morning. This is due to the process of destruction medicine not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. A concomitant disease is dysbacteriosis.

Sour taste in mouth

A symptom of a gastrointestinal disease such as gastritis is a sour taste in the mouth in the morning. In addition to the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, factors of acidity in the tongue may be:

  1. Gastroesophageal refluxfrequent illness, accompanied by the release of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. Arises this pathology due to prolonged exposure to a horizontal position.
  2. Stomach ulcer accompanied by a sour taste, as this disease is characterized by increased production of gastric juice.
  3. If the functioning of the cardia is impaired(the valve that prevents gastric juice from entering the esophagus) there is a bright sour taste. Concomitant disease- Chalazia cardia.
Note! A sour taste in the mouth after waking up may appear after injections of nicotinic acid.

Sweet taste

Important! If you experience a sweet taste after a night's sleep, you should definitely consult a doctor. Sweetness in the mouth can be a symptom of diabetes.

Causes of unpleasant taste after eating

The appearance of an aftertaste after eating may be due to various factors.

Photo 2: Using metal spoons and forks causes a metallic taste. Source: flickr (Serega062).

The appearance of acid in the mouth may indicate the following diseases:

  • chronic or acute stage gastritis;
  • diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity: caries, periodontal disease.

Causes of unpleasant taste on the tongue

In the oral cavity there are many bacteria and fungi that multiply intensively as a result of epithelial renewal, feeding on dead cells.

Important! Appearance unpleasant odor accompanied by a white coating on the tongue indicates weakening immune system body.

Bitterness that occurs directly on the tongue indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Concomitant factors for the appearance of bitter taste are:

A clear sign of dehydration will be the appearance of a salty taste on the tongue.. This is due to the rapid removal of minerals from the body.

What to do

If a sour taste in the mouth is accompanied by pain in the epigastric region, heartburn and belching you should contact a gastroenterologist.

If the sour taste is not accompanied by other symptoms, then it will be enough to make adjustments to your lifestyle:

  • give up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • eat in small portions;
  • exclude salty, sweet and fatty foods;
  • eat vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities;
  • clean the oral cavity of food debris (especially in the evening).

Effectively eliminate sour taste A decoction of flax seeds or chamomile flowers will help.

Photo 3: On last weeks During pregnancy, a woman may experience a constant sour taste in her mouth. This phenomenon is considered normal and goes away immediately after childbirth. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

To eliminate bitterness in the mouth the doctor prescribes medications, helping to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

For quick fix the first signs of an unpleasant odor and bitter-tasting saliva You can use choleretic herbal preparations.

If bitterness appears after stressful situation or nervous overstrain, you can drink an infusion of hawthorn or motherwort.

When sweet-tasting saliva appears You should review the food you eat:

  • It is temporarily necessary to stop consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, processed foods and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • After each meal you should rinse your mouth weak solution soda with salt.
  • Rinsing with a decoction of sage or chamomile will also help get rid of the sweetish taste. Eating citrus fruits will help refresh your mouth and get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment is highly effective and minimal side effects . If you follow the recommendations of a homeopathic doctor and correct dosage, you can achieve quick disposal from unpleasant sensation in the mouth.

A drugPurposeSymptoms

Eliminates morning bitterness in the mouth.
Putrid discharge, each consumption of food is accompanied by a bitter aftertaste.