Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth: their role, indications for removal, treatment and types of procedures. Do I need to cut out drone brood? Do I need to cut it?

A disease like acute appendicitis known to almost all adults. Inflammation of the appendix can develop at any age, as in infant, and in an elderly person. In most cases, appendicitis can only be treated surgically, that is, an operation is performed. And many patients become scared in advance and therefore a completely logical question arises - is it really always necessary to remove the inflamed organ or are there other methods of treating acute surgical pathology? To understand whether an appendectomy is necessary in each case, you must first know what happens when acute appendicitis develops.

What role does the appendix perform in the body?

Appendicitis is an inflammation of an organ such as the appendix or appendix. This organ is considered vestigial, that is, it has lost its basic significance in the process of evolution. The appendix is ​​attached to the cecum of the large intestine; its size is usually about 7 cm, but there is evidence of an appendage several centimeters long, as well as a size of more than 20 cm. Most people have a typical location of the appendix, which allows one to immediately suspect acute appendicitis based on characteristic clinical symptoms. signs. But it also happens that the appendix descends into the pelvic region, extends posteriorly, or grows onto other organs. In this case, the inflammatory reaction can produce Clinical signs, similar to other pathologies of the abdominal cavity.

Debates about whether it is necessary to modern man this vermiform appendix has been going on for a long time. Some scientists even believe that it is possible to remove this organ in advance, without waiting for it acute inflammation through minimally invasive endoscopic intervention. But still, most doctors are inclined to conclude that the appendix, due to the lymphoid tissue located in it, can be considered a certain organ responsible for immunity. The appendix is ​​of particular importance as a protective organ in children and adolescents under 16-18 years of age. In adults, the appendix is ​​a reservoir that contains microorganisms beneficial to the entire intestine; if necessary, they are distributed to other organs. That is, there is no need to remove a normally functioning appendix in advance.

Why does inflammation of the appendix develop?

What causes acute appendicitis is not completely known; more precisely, the causes of this disease differ from each other in each patient. Under the influence of these provoking factors, a spasm of the muscular layer of the appendix occurs, and the evacuation of the contents in the organ is disrupted. And this creates certain conditions to increase swelling and pressure in the organ. The blood supply and nutrition of the mucous layer are disrupted, first aseptic and then, in most cases, purulent inflammation of the walls of the appendix develops.

You can also identify a group of risk factors, in the presence of which the likelihood of developing inflammation increases. This is poor nutrition, that is, a small amount of fiber in the diet. Factors that provoke the disease also include immunodeficiency states, dysbacteriosis, psycho-emotional stress, hypothermia, and congenital anomalies of the cecum.

With acute inflammation of the walls of the appendix, a catarrhal process first develops, that is, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous layer appears. At this time, it is possible to determine the first signs of the disease, that is, pain in the epigastrium and umbilical region. Appendicitis with catarrhal inflammation continues for 10 hours, then there is a transition to the phlegmonous stage, that is, the development of a purulent process begins. It is at this stage that the patient is usually admitted to the hospital, since the pain becomes constant, symptoms of intoxication arise, and the typical picture of appendicitis can be quickly determined.

When is surgery necessary?

If at the phlegmonous stage the diagnosis of inflammation of the appendix is ​​beyond doubt, then surgery is always performed almost immediately. If the inflamed appendix is ​​not removed at this stage, all sorts of complications arise. That is, the purulent process continues to develop, the walls of the organ melt, their necrosis occurs, and as a result of this, the contents of the organ enter the abdominal cavity and peritonitis occurs. This complication negatively affects the general well-being of the patient and can cause sepsis, that is, blood poisoning. The operation for peritonitis lasts quite a long time, followed by a long recovery period. With peritonitis, the percentage of deaths also increases, especially for elderly patients and debilitated patients.

In a small number of patients, the catarrhal stage does not progress to phlegmonous. That is developing inflammation subsides on its own, pain goes away, recovers general health. In this case, the operation may not be performed, but the surgeon must be sure that the disease has reversed. The pain may subside when necrosis of the walls of the appendix occurs, that is, the nerve fibers die. Therefore, this option of disappearance or reduction of the clinical picture of appendicitis must also be taken into account.

It is possible to accurately determine whether surgical intervention is necessary only on the basis of tests, observation of the patient, which is carried out in medical institution. Therefore, patients with suspected inflammation of the appendix are always sent to the hospital in advance. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, the patient is discharged home.

In almost 40% of cases, the diagnosis of appendicitis is in doubt, but since the pathology can be complicated by all sorts of serious disorders in the body, a diagnostic operation is performed. That is, the abdominal wall is opened and the internal organs are examined. Often this reveals inflammation of the appendages in women, infiltrates or an abscess, a decision to further treatment is accepted based on the identified changes. If acute inflammation of the appendix is ​​not detected and no other acute pathology causing pain, then in most cases the appendix is ​​removed. By performing an appendectomy in advance during a diagnostic operation, the surgeon will save the person from possible inflammation appendix in the future.

How is the operation performed?

Any surgical intervention causes panic in most people; a sick person is afraid to go under the knife and undergo anesthesia. And therefore, many patients are interested in whether surgery to remove appendicitis is dangerous, what complications should be expected, and what can be done to avoid surgical treatment.

Appendectomy in most cases is performed for emergency reasons, this is necessary to reduce the likelihood of developing serious complications. The operation is carried out in two ways, that is traditional method or using endoscopic equipment.

  • Classic surgery involves a layer-by-layer incision abdominal wall and in cutting off the inflamed appendix. If there are no other changes in the abdominal cavity, then with ordinary appendicitis the operation time is estimated at one hour. After such an intervention, the patient’s health is quickly restored, the wound heals and heals over several weeks. Appendectomy is a simple manipulation that most students perform in their final years of college and therefore should not be afraid of.
  • Endoscopy is a new minimally invasive type of surgery that uses special devices with optics, inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small incision. Endoscopic intervention differs from traditional the smallest number complications, short recovery period. Whether it is possible to perform endoscopy if appendicitis is suspected, the surgeon decides individually in each case, focusing on indications and contraindications.

Anesthesia should not cause concern. When performing surgery to remove an inflamed appendix, both local and general anesthesia are used. The dosage of drugs and their type are selected individually, and the period after anesthesia is most often complicated only by vomiting and drowsiness. As a rule, such a deterioration in health goes away within a few hours. Much in carrying out an appendectomy and in the absence of complications depends on the patient himself. To prevent simple, acute appendicitis from causing unnecessary complications, you need to know and follow several rules that will help the surgeon quickly identify the disease and perform a simple operation.

What should a patient observe if appendicitis is suspected?

Acute appendicitis is dangerous, first of all, because of the possibility of rupture of the inflamed organ with subsequent development of peritonitis. In this case, a completely different operation is performed and is followed by a long recovery period. With appendicitis, there is a risk of other health complications; to avoid this, you need to follow simple rules.

  • If you experience pain and other symptoms characteristic of appendicitis, you should consult a doctor in the first hours of your illness. You can also call ambulance on house. Timely appendectomy is one of the conditions for the absence of complications.
  • If abdominal pain appears, you do not need to immediately resort to various painkillers; this will blur the clinical picture of acute inflammation and it will be difficult for the doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Painkillers or antispasmodics can only be used on the recommendation of a surgeon.
  • Before you are examined by a doctor, you should not drink much and you should refrain from eating for a while. If surgery is performed, anesthesia is easier to tolerate on an empty stomach.

Acute inflammation of the appendix should always be treated. If the operation is not performed on time, then a lot of complications arise with unfavorable outcome for the patient. The sooner surgical intervention is performed from the onset of pain, the easier the subsequent recovery will be for the sick person.

Papillomas are neoplasms on the body that appear as an indicator of the presence of the human papillomavirus or HPV in the body.

Sometimes they are small and almost invisible, but more often than not, papillomas really interfere with life, cling to clothes and cause pain. on the body, how this is done and what if you neglect removal - we will find out further.

Human papillomavirus can develop in a number of ways: various reasons However, the main thing is insufficient attention to hygiene procedures. Neglecting hand washing or contraception during sexual intercourse are the most common culprits in the development of HPV. Doctors also identify some other reasons:

  • long-term treatment strong medications, in particular, antibiotics;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful state;
  • long-term infectious diseases;
  • alcohol addiction.

The presence of the above situations in a patient does not guarantee the development of HPV, but only increases the risk of the disease.

Danger of illness

To determine whether papilloma is dangerous, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study. The fact is that today more than 70 viruses are known of this type- not all of them are dangerous. However, if you do not pay the necessary attention to the disease, then, as it progresses, it can pose the following health hazards:

  • inflammation;
  • constant painful sensations;
  • transmission of the virus to the baby at birth;
  • “degeneration” of neoplasms into a malignant tumor;
  • development of cancer.

Regardless of which area of ​​the body suffers from papilloma, if the neoplasm causes discomfort and especially pain, this is a direct indicator to consult a specialist.

Is it necessary to get rid of papillomas or can they disappear on their own?

The nodules, which appear as an indicator of the presence of HPV, form growths that resemble a rooster's comb. They can increase in size, but they cannot decrease. However, medical practice shows that in rare cases, warts go away on their own:

  1. Young age. Usually, experts do not recommend removing papilloma from a child, because it can simply disappear when he gets older and the immune system is fully formed.
  2. Stressful background. If the cause of the neoplasm was prolonged stress or depressive state, that is, there is a possibility that deletion will not be required. The situation is similar with short-term infectious diseases or a temporary decrease in the body’s protective functions.

Please note that papillomas can be different types. For example, if we have a papilloma that has a stalk or is one of the genital warts, then it probably will not disappear on its own: surgical intervention will be required.

What happens if you tear it off

The most impatient and inattentive to their health are ready to remove the growth manually, without fear of pain. This must not be done under any circumstances!

The fact is that an unexamined wart may well turn out to be malignant tumor. In addition, with mechanical non-professional damage, a benign tumor can degenerate into a malignant one. Let's consider other cases of wart tearing:

  1. It came off by accident. Large growths that constantly rub against clothing may come off due to careless movement or other external influence. As a rule, this situation occurs in the neck and is accompanied by severe pain and sometimes bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and, if possible, take the papilloma with you.
  2. I broke away on my own. There are times when the papilloma was still there yesterday, but today it is no longer there. IN in this case This means that the body itself coped with the virus and the papilloma came off. Such deliverance is painless and unnoticed, there is no reason to panic.

Even if we have a keratoma in front of us - a benign neoplasm - we cannot remove it ourselves under any circumstances. If the patient is concerned about the growth, it is better to seek help from a professional.

Do papillomas need to be removed? The doctor will tell you

The opinion of experts regarding the removal of papilloma is unanimous: if the growth causes you discomfort, take care of its examination and removal. However, it is not always necessary to remove growths: benign neoplasms, which do not interfere with a person in any way, can remain quite safely on his body.

When should papillomas be removed?

Let's consider a number of cases when the removal procedure is inevitable:

  • growths that are constantly injured by clothing or jewelry;
  • location on mucous membranes (tongue, mouth, throat);
  • in particular in the eyelid area;
  • large neoplasms that grow over time;
  • plantar warts.

Even in the above cases, a comprehensive study is first required and only then treatment and removal.

Subtleties of treatment of papillomatous elements

Patients are often afraid to go to a dermatologist or surgeon for help, as they are concerned about various questions regarding the treatment procedure. Let's look at the most common of them below:

  1. Does it hurt to remove? Painful sensations directly depend on the removal method and pain threshold patient. However modern methods Anesthesia makes the procedure as painless as possible - even in intimate areas.
  2. Is it dangerous to remove? You can get rid of a wart under professional supervision by a specialist absolutely safely and quickly. Self-removal is unacceptable, as it can pose a health hazard.
  3. Is it possible to treat at home? Treatment at home is only possible if two conditions are met. Firstly, the papilloma has already been studied and it is known that it is not malignant. Secondly, the size of the tumor is small.

The main feature of the treatment is that it must take place in 100% sterile conditions, eliminating the possibility of contamination, dust, and microbes getting into the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Need for medical supervision

Medical supervision is required in several cases:

  1. First stage. When treatment has not yet been prescribed and the nature of the papilloma has not been determined, medical control is very important, since there is a risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.
  2. Treatment stage. Medical control is especially important at the treatment stage, especially if it is carried out in.
  3. Pregnancy. Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a specialist for HPV detection and its pre-treatment.
  4. After removal. In this case, control is needed if the patient has discomfort after removal.

Do not neglect consultations with specialists, especially in situations where the tumor bothers you, hurts, causes discomfort or changes.

How to get rid of formations

Modern medicine offers a whole range of methods for removing papilloma:

  • Laser. Laser therapy ensures removal of the wart at the root without leaving any traces.

  • Electrocoagulation. Removal occurs using high-frequency current.

  • Radio wave therapy. Removes tumors using the Surgitron device.

  • . In this case, the papilloma is treated with liquid nitrogen by freezing.

As a rule, the patient can choose the removal method independently. However, in special cases, the specialist recommends one or another method for better treatment.

Is papilloma treated with traditional methods?

There are many traditional methods treatments that help successfully fight papillomas. However, their use is not always permissible. Please note the following conditions:

  1. The neoplasm has been proven not to be malignant.
  2. There is no pain during treatment.
  3. The wart size is no more than 0.7x0.7 mm.
  4. There was a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

As a rule, at home it is possible to get rid of papilloma in 1 month, and the first results are noticeable after 10–14 days of treatment. If there is no result or you experience discomfort and pain during cauterization, then the procedure should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Disease prevention

Prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, pay attention to the following simple prevention methods:

  1. Prevention. Always use contraception, even during oral and anal sex.
  2. Hygiene. Follow the rules of hygiene, including hand washing, when visiting public places - swimming pools, gyms, etc.
  3. Observation by a doctor. Annual regular checks with a specialist will help detect the infection at its early stages of development.

Also today there are special vaccinations that protect the body from HPV. They are not a panacea, but they help fight this complex and dangerous virus throughout life. Timely contact with a specialist - The best way prevent dangerous influence HPV and maintain your health.

The tonsils (palatine tonsils) are lymphoid accumulations that perform protective and hematopoietic functions. Paired organs are located deep in the throat behind the palatine arches and are one of the key components of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring. They represent an immune barrier that prevents pathogens from entering the respiratory tract.

Is it worth removing tonsils? Frequent relapses of ENT diseases, abnormal structure of organs and their hypertrophy are direct indications for removal of the palatine tonsils.

The absence of tonsils can negatively affect local immunity and general reactivity of the body.

For this reason surgery carried out only in extreme cases in the presence of serious pathologies.

What is tonsillectomy?

Tonsil removal is a simple operation during which partial (tonsillotomy) or complete (tonsillectomy) excision of lymphadenoid formations occurs. Surgical manipulation is resorted to only in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and tissue hypertrophy. Until recently, tonsillectomy was performed exclusively under general anesthesia, but with the advent of gentle techniques for excision of soft tissue, the procedure is more often performed under local anesthesia.

Is it painful to have tonsils removed? A large number of nerve endings are concentrated in lymphoid formations.

For this reason, the tissues to be operated on are numbed before surgery. In otolaryngology, there are at least 5 different methods for removing palatine tonsils:

  • mechanical ectomy - excision of soft tissue using a scalpel and a metal loop under general anesthesia; is performed mainly in the presence of serious complications (peritonsillar abscess, hypertrophy of the tonsils);
  • cryodestruction - a procedure for freezing and removing lymphoid tissues under general anesthesia;
  • liquid plasma ectomy - partial or complete excision of the tonsils using a plasma “knife”; this is one of the most non-traumatic ways of performing the operation;
  • ultrasonic removal - cutting out affected tissue using an ultrasonic emitter; during the procedure, the damaged vessels are simultaneously “sealed”, which prevents severe blood loss;
  • laser ectomy is a simple operation for excision of lymphadenoid formations followed by coagulation of small vessels.

It should be noted that tonsil removal may cause postoperative complications. Rehabilitation helps reduce the likelihood of septic inflammation, during which the patient must undergo antibacterial and immunostimulating drug treatment.

When is a tonsillectomy performed?

Do I need to have my tonsils removed? Only a qualified specialist can judge the appropriateness of the procedure. In the absence of serious indications, tonsillectomy is not performed, which is associated with a decrease in the resistance of the entire organism.

During the 5-year laboratory research American experts have established that the palatine tonsils are an immune laboratory. It is here that a thorough analysis of foreign agents entering the body from food and air takes place. All potentially dangerous microorganisms are neutralized by paired organs, which prevents the development of infectious complications.

When might surgery be required? In most cases, surgery is performed for tonsil dysfunction. Frequent relapses of purulent tonsillitis and abnormal tissue structure pose a threat to human life. If conservative treatment does not eliminate pathogens in the lacunae and follicles of the tonsils, they are removed to prevent the generalization of catarrhal processes.

Arguments for"

Secondary immunodeficiency is one of the key reasons frequent relapses of ENT diseases. When catarrhal processes become chronic, the palatine tonsils become constantly inflamed, which leads to the proliferation of lymphoid tissue. In this case, removal of the tonsils allows you to eliminate the main site of localization pathogenic microorganisms and thereby prevent severe post-infectious complications.

Do I need to remove my tonsils? Tonsillectomy is performed by otosurgeons only in cases where pathological changes in tissues in the future can lead to negative consequences. Several important arguments can be given in favor of the operation:

Should tonsils be removed or not? It should be understood that human body- a coherent system in which there are no unnecessary components. Surgery is performed only if there are serious indications. If the patient experiences relapses of ENT diseases more than 4-5 times a year or the proliferation of lymphoid tissues makes breathing difficult, surgical intervention is simply necessary. In all other cases, they try to eliminate pathological processes in the palatine tonsils with drug treatment.

Arguments against"

Should tonsils be removed or treated? The presence of bad breath and discomfort in the throat cannot be considered among the weighty arguments in favor of surgery. Yes, after excision of the tonsils, the above symptoms are eliminated, but together with the person’s immunity.

Lymphoid formations are a barrier that prevents the penetration of any foreign agents into airways. In the absence of tonsils, foci of inflammation are localized in the tubal tonsils, which creates the preconditions for the development of secondary infectious diseases. It should be understood that after tonsillectomy, patients may encounter the following problems:

Women with tonsils removed have a more difficult time during gestation (pregnancy).

Scientists have found that the palatine tonsils indirectly affect the functioning of the hypothalamus.

Removal of tonsils is one of the reasons for insufficient production of female hormones. Their deficiency leads to worsening toxicosis and increasing the risk of developing congenital pathologies The child has.

Should palatine tonsils be removed during development? chronic diseases? Lymphoid formations produce specific proteins that take part in the deactivation of pathogens. Their excision will inevitably lead to an increase in infectious diseases.

It is for this reason that many specialists try to get by with partial removal of the tonsils, cutting out only those tissues where the pathogenic flora is localized.

Dispelling Myths

Should tonsils be removed if chronic tonsillitis develops? Some patients are terrified of the possibility of having a tonsillectomy. This is largely due to a lack of understanding of the specifics of the procedure, its effectiveness and possible consequences.

Before weighing the pros and cons of surgery, there are a few common myths you should dispel:

  1. tonsils are removed from everyone who suffers from chronic tonsillitis - to surgical intervention resort only if canning therapy is ineffective and relapses of the pathology occur more than 4 times a year;
  2. excision of the tonsils is a procedure requiring general anesthesia - general anesthesia provided only when performing a classic operation with a scalpel and a metal loop;
  3. excision of the tonsils completely deprives immunity - non-radical surgery (ablation) with partial removal of lymphadenoid tissue has practically no effect on general and local immunity;
  4. During surgery, large blood losses occur - during tissue excision small vessels thromboses quickly, and large ones are “sealed” during electrocoagulation, which prevents significant blood loss.

Excision of tonsils in children under 5 years of age increases the risk of developing dysbacteriosis, secondary immunodeficiency and nutritional diathesis.

Should tonsils be removed for preventive purposes? Excision of tissues involved in the synthesis of protective cells negatively affects the reactivity of the entire organism. For this reason, the operated patient may be sick more often than before the tonsillectomy. To reduce the risk of developing infectious pathologies, in anticipation of seasonal diseases, it is advisable to take preventive measures.


Infections promote development pathological processes and proliferation of lymphoid tissue cells. This is why patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis often experience enlargement of the palatine tonsils. To prevent tonsillectomy, you need to follow simple rules for the prevention of infectious diseases:

  1. consumption of vitamins - retinol (A), tocopherol (E) and folacin (B12) helps strengthen general immunity, which reduces the risk of developing infections by 2-3 times;
  2. the use of immunostimulants - in anticipation of seasonal diseases, it is advisable to take immunostimulating drugs, the components of which stimulate the production of interferon - a protein that takes part in the destruction of viruses and bacteria;
  3. timely dental treatment - carious teeth lead to changes in pH levels in the oropharynx, which creates optimal conditions for the development of infection;
  4. if you treat your teeth in time, the risk of developing tonsillitis will be reduced by at least half;
  5. balanced diet - regular use fortified foods (vegetables, fruits) and protein foods stimulate the body's immune activity.

Ignoring the above recommendations creates the preconditions for the development of infection in the upper respiratory tract. In case of chronicity inflammatory processes the risk of hypertrophy of the glands increases, which is the basis for surgery.

Partial removal of almonds does not reduce the risk of tissue regrowth.

Is it possible to remove tonsils quickly and painlessly? In cases where surgical intervention is unavoidable, the specialist selects for the patient the best way removal of palatine tonsils. The choice of a specific technique is determined by the degree of spread of infection, the depth of tissue damage and the patient’s medical history. Some of the safest and most painless methods of excision of tonsils include laser, plasma and radio wave therapy.

Many parents are sure that cutting out the tonsils is the last thing to do, because without them the child will catch colds even more often. Is this true or not?

Blame the immune system

We need tonsils in order to neutralize infection that enters the body with food, water or air. This is the first guard post immune system. But if the body is weakened, and a lot of bacteria have entered the mouth, the tonsils cannot cope with their work, become inflamed, reddened, swollen and a sore throat begins - acute tonsillitis, as doctors say.

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A sore throat is always an indicator that the child’s immune system is weakened. Because everyone happens to drink cold water, but not everyone gets sick after that. Everyone freezes sometimes, and everyone has streptococci and staphylococci in their mouths, but not everyone gets a sore throat. And everyone’s palatine tonsils are dotted with lacunae, but not everyone develops in these lacunae purulent plugs. So treating a sore throat is not only about eliminating the local source of inflammation in the throat, it is primarily about strengthening the immune system.

But sometimes an acutely onset disease takes a sluggish, protracted course. The sore throat seems to have been cured, there is no high fever and no terrible sore throat, but some time after the illness the child begins to “chop” again, and in the evenings the temperature rises to 37.1-37.3°. And this condition lasts for weeks, while white dots appear in the tonsils - plugs. That is, that same chronic tonsillitis occurs, which, if left untreated, can lead to surgery on the tonsils.

Our grandmothers' medicine

Chronic tonsillitis must be treated as soon as possible, without relying on the fact that it does not interfere with life and will someday go away on its own. Start with “grandmother’s remedies.” They are effective, affordable, and children tolerate such treatment well.

  • Three times a day after meals, you should gargle with chamomile infusion (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave, cool, filter through gauze) or infusion of fruits and rowan berries (brew 1 teaspoon of berries in a glass of boiling water, leave and filter) . The little ones can rinse with regular warm tea. also disinfects.
  • Three times a day, half an hour before meals, give your child a dessert spoon of honey. You should not immediately drink honey with water; you should hold it in your mouth for 1-2 minutes, slowly dissolving it.
  • If your child can suck on a sugar-free slice, offer him this medicine. In the fall, a patient with chronic tonsillitis should eat a glass of berries every day - sea buckthorn, lingonberries, cranberries or. In winter, eat more oranges and tangerines, drink tea with lemon.
  • Connect aromatherapy. For example, you can pour boiling water over lemon in a child’s room, then he will breathe a healing aroma. Or you can pour boiling water over a clove of garlic and breathe in the smell through your mouth for three to five minutes. It is enough to carry out such wet inhalations with garlic once a day.
  • If you are not allergic to the star, pick up the balm with a match and throw it into a teapot with hot water. Essential oils eucalyptus, mint, cloves, cinnamon, which are part of this balm, have antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, harmonize the functioning of the immune system. The steam should be inhaled through the mouth for one to three minutes. One such procedure per day is enough, and the entire course of treatment is five to seven procedures.
  • Except local treatment, aimed at relieving inflammation in the pharynx, it is imperative to strengthen the child’s immunity. Strengthen his diet with vegetables and fruits; white cabbage, carrots, garlic, green and onion, berries, citrus fruits, apricots, apples... But carbohydrates - chocolate, sweets, flour products, as well as milk and eggs are better to limit for now.
  • Watch your sleep - your child should definitely get enough sleep!
  • Walk more, do exercises together, do physical exercise.

The last word of science

But “grandmother’s remedies” are often not enough; in order to cope with chronic tonsillitis, you have to go to the clinic for procedures. For example, washing the lacunae of the tonsils is very effective. The doctor uses a special syringe under pressure to inject antiseptic substances into the lacunae-pits and wash out the purulent plugs. And after washing, lubricates the tonsils with a 2% solution of iodine or lapis.

Widely used physical methods treatment of chronic tonsillitis: microwave therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, ruby ​​laser, UHF electric field, ultrasound treatment with biological active substances...Which method outpatient treatment The attending physician will decide whether it is suitable for your child.
There is only one way out - a scalpel

And yet, despite the presence conservative methods treatment, sometimes the doctor believes that the tonsils need to be removed. The fact is that an infection from the tonsils spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body. And the tonsils are connected to 97 organs, including such important ones as the heart, kidneys, liver... Chronic tonsillitis can cause diseases of cardio-vascular system, bronchopulmonary, urinary. The adverse effect of a chronic focus of infection in the tonsils on the blood coagulation system, on endocrine and metabolic processes, on the functioning of the adrenal cortex, on the occurrence of allergic conditions - bronchial asthma, microbial eczema - and collagen diseases such as rheumatism, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus is known... Not to mention diseases of the middle ear - otitis media, which can cause hearing loss.

And although parents’ fears that the child will still catch colds often after removal of the tonsils are not without foundation, the doctor, having compared the “severity of the evils,” chooses the lesser.

Signs that may cause a doctor to consider surgery:

  • frequent headache;
  • pale skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rapid fatigue and decreased performance: the child avoids playing with peers, has become lethargic and capricious;
  • cervical The lymph nodes constantly enlarged, painful when palpated;
  • discomfort in the heart area, joint pain;
  • putrid odor from the mouth.

And again immunity

Postoperative period no less responsible for parents than surgery for a doctor. It is very important to strictly follow all appointments.

Before the child returns from the hospital, you need to prepare clean bed linen, ventilate the room, and dim the bright lights.

To prevent swelling of the larynx, it is recommended to place an ice pack or cold water on the wound area, especially in cases where the parents took the child home after an outpatient operation - partial removal of the tonsils.

In the morning and evening, the patient should measure the temperature and record the thermometer readings.

Even if the child is not prescribed bed rest, he must be under adult supervision at all times. Take a closer look at his appearance and behavior in the first days after the operation: are there any complications from the effects of anesthesia...

You should not drink or eat hot foods for two weeks after throat surgery. Also limit those foods that require intense chewing, fried and spicy foods. Bleeding must not be allowed.

You should also avoid physical stress, exposure to the sun, do not allow your child to take hot baths - only a warm shower... And you should definitely sleep during the day - sleep restores immunity, you need to help the body cope with the stress received as a result of the operation.

The recovery period will take a month. When recovery from surgery is behind you, begin hardening. The child, of course, still has a barrier to infections in his mouth - the so-called Pirogov’s palatine ring, but if the tonsils didn’t save him, then this ring won’t save him either, since his immunity will be reduced. The easiest way to strengthen it is to sleep plenty, walk a lot, move a lot and toughen up.

Which children are predisposed to chronic tonsillitis:

those who were deprived breastfeeding; survivors of rickets and tuberculosis intoxication; having carious teeth; those suffering from exudative diathesis; having enlarged adenoids, deviated nasal septum, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses; those who have a hereditary predisposition to nasopharyngeal diseases; those who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, who have had a sore throat, measles, or scarlet fever.
