What causes a Yorkshire Terrier to cough? Yorkshire Terrier coughing. Possible options for the development of illness in York

Cough Yorkshire Terrier, chihuahua and pomeranian- one of the common diseases in dogs. If you don't know the cause of your pet's cough, contact veterinarian. Because before starting treatment it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. IN veterinary clinic Through examination and diagnosis, the cause of the cough will be determined.

Coughing in dogs is often caused by diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract.

Possible diseases that cause coughing in dogs:

    impaired functioning of the respiratory system;

    tracheal disease (can be infectious or non-infectious);


    laryngo - pharyngitis;

    collapse - narrowing of the trachea;

    various types of cardiac pathologies;

    allergic bronchitis;

    entry of foreign bodies into the bronchi;


    lung tumors;

    Chronical bronchitis;

    acute bronchi;


Collapse, laryngitis, laryngitis - pharyngitis are diseases of the upper respiratory tract that cause coughing in dogs. These diseases, in addition to coughing in the Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, cause loss of appetite, deterioration in the general condition of the body, weakness, lethargy, enlargement lymph nodes and loss of voice.

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract in dogs include: tumors in the lungs; acute, allergic and chronic bronchitis; pneumonia.

Causes of diseases that cause coughing in Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, and Chihuahuas:

    adenovirus infection;

    entry of a foreign body into the pharynx;

    eating cold food or water;

    in winter, eating snow;

    frequent and continuous barking, in case a large number of dogs live together;

    tight collar;

    mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by prokaryotic microorganisms. Mycoplasmas are one of the components of the permanent flora of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in dogs, as well as the genital tract, but with reduced immunity Mycoplasmas cause systemic infection and cause coughing in Yorkie, Pomeranian and Chihuahua puppies.

Signs of diseases that cause coughing in dogs:

    If a dog has a wet and strong cough, paroxysmal, but at the same time general state the body does not change, your pet’s health is good, and coughing attacks begin when swallowing large quantity air or during awakening - these are signs of acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis very often accompanied by pneumonia.

    If a Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua or Pomeranian has a dry cough, almost silent, there is sneezing and a small amount of fluid coming out of the nose - these are signs of chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis in dogs can be accompanied by complications: pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema...

    If your pet has an acute cough after an injection of a drug or an insect bite, this is a sign of allergic bronchitis.

    If the cough is accompanied elevated temperature, deterioration of health, loss of appetite - signs of bronchopneumonia.

    A common cause of cough in dogs is the entry of foreign bodies (plant seeds, particles of spikelets) into the bronchi. If during a cough the dog is unable to remove a foreign body from the respiratory tract, this can lead to chronic bronchitis, since foreign particles become overgrown with mucosal cells over time and coughing will be a constant reaction to this irritant.

As can be seen from the above, coughing in dogs can be the cause of many diseases of the respiratory system, but not always; sometimes a cough can be a sign of heart failure.

Before you treat your Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Biewer, or Chihuahua for a cough, determine the correct cause. After all, a correct diagnosis is the first step to your pet’s recovery!

09.11.2018 by Eugene

Owners of Yorkshire Terriers can often encounter problems such as coughing. It is similar to a choking cough, with a characteristic grunting sound. It should be noted that this phenomenon should not frighten the dog owner. The reason for this is the specific structure of the muzzle, which leads to suffocation and coughing attacks, while it seems to you that the dog is choking and needs help. However, this is not the only reason why your Yorkie is coughing, and today we will try to understand this issue in more detail.

Causes of coughing attacks in Yorkies

We have already described the first reason: the structure of the muzzle is similar to other dogs. Now let's discuss the rest:

This is important to know! Sneezing in reverse side very common among Yorkies, but is completely harmless. This can happen due to an emotional outburst or fur getting into the throat.

A coughing attack provoked by this reason goes away on its own; the only thing it can provoke is a one-time urge to vomit.

However, if your pet is suffering frequent attacks cough, it should be urgently shown to a specialist, that is, a veterinarian. Only he will be able to correctly determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Symptoms to watch out for

It’s worth saying right away in order for your dog to be your friend. long years, it needs to be monitored and looked after. When attacks occur severe cough You should immediately examine the animal’s mouth and measure its body temperature. The following symptoms also indicate the development of life-threatening diseases for the dog:

Noisy breathing can be heard, the dog wheezes when inhaling;
is being viewed active work muscles chest and abdomen during the dog’s inhalation and exhalation;
the animal opens its mouth wide to inhale and exhale;
there is an increase in body temperature;
the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue acquire a bluish tint;
A dog barking sounds different.

How are coughing attacks treated?

We would like to remind you once again that self-medication can lead to life-threatening consequences for the animal, so this matter should be entrusted to a veterinarian. Only he, after examining and identifying the cause, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

So, for example, if the cause of the cough is a common cold, then the specialist will prescribe medications that fight all the symptoms. With the correct dosage and compliance with the doctor’s instructions, your Yorkie will feel improvements very soon.

However, the most common cause is tracheal collapse. Indeed, if this pathology develops, it is impossible to avoid coughing and wheezing when breathing. If this disease is detected on early stages, then your pet will be prescribed drug treatment, but in advanced cases, only surgical intervention can help.

What to do if your Yorkshire Terrier is coughing for no reason

We have put together a number of recommendations for you that will help you cope with a physiological cough attack:

1. You need to provoke the dog to breathe through its mouth; to do this, simply pinch your Yorkie’s nose.
2. If a coughing attack occurs, do light massage throats. This will help your muscles relax and breathe normally.
3. If the cough is provoked by any stress, calm the dog down with special medications. These medications must be selected strictly under the guidance of a veterinarian.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you and that you will be able to cope with your Yorkshire Terrier's coughing spells with ease. However, remember: the causes of these attacks may be serious pathologies and illness. Therefore, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian, and under no circumstances self-medicate, because this could cost the life of your beloved dog.

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Cough in small breed dogs (Yorkie, Spitz, Toy Terrier).

Cough miniature dogs a common occurrence. And if suddenly your pet begins to make fits of abrupt or deep buzzing sounds when exhaling, especially debilitating at night, this is a signal that he is seriously ill. A cough can be a symptom of many health problems.

Viral respiratory diseases in Yorkies and Spitz

Unvaccinated puppies and dogs with weak immune protection during contacts, especially at exhibitions. Otherwise, this type of cough is called kennel cough.

The main thing is not to start the process and start treatment on time.

Inflammation of the trachea as a result of excitement or smoke inhalation (passive smoking) in Yorkies and Spitz dogs

Small breeds, such as the Chihuahua, Yorkie or Toy Terrier, are extremely excitable and may reflexively react with a defensive cough to the next “ breakdown"or a nearby smoker.

  • peace;
  • weasel;
  • air purification from nicotine;

Tracheal collapse

This specific chronic disease is most common among dwarf breeds dogs: Spitz, poodles, Yorkshire terriers. But a dachshund can suddenly “cackle like a goose” in a state of overexcitement or when the tension on the leash becomes too strong. Anatomical deformation of the trachea, expressed in the narrowing of its lumen, is a consequence of softening cartilage rings. This congenital (genetic) defect leads to sagging of the tracheal membrane during inhalation or exhalation (depending on the location of the collapse - in the thoracic or cervical part of the trachea), which, in contact with the mucous membrane, causes a cough. This diagnosis is made by a veterinarian after hardware diagnostics. Often this pathology does not manifest itself clinically throughout life and is detected only after the syndrome is triggered by secondary motivating factors: diseases of the upper respiratory tract, heart failure, overfeeding.

  • weight loss for obesity;
  • use of a leash-harness;
  • drug therapy for respiratory inflammation;
  • installation of an implant (stent) in severe cases;
  • taking immune strengthening agents (echinacea, dandelion, hydrastis (canadian goldenseal))

Brachycephalic syndrome in Yorkies, Spitz, and Toy Terriers

Shih Tzu, Pekingese, and pug are breeds that belong to the group of brachycephals, dogs with a shortened skull, and have a natural predisposition to it. Their flattened muzzle with a short nose is the culprit for suffering from snoring and a specific cough, which can begin at 3-4 months. In addition, such a reflex act tends to intensify in warm, humid weather.

  • physiological factor does not require treatment, but in for preventive purposes it is necessary to exclude situations that provoke coughing: stress, fever, high physical activity;

Heart failure

Cardiac cough as a consequence respiratory failure representatives may appear small breeds dogs after six years. The animal coughs, as if choking.

If any pathologies are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and carry out appropriate treatment.

Yorkie puppy coughing

Worms in dogs

Symptoms of a Yorkie with worms are often similar to the symptoms food poisoning. Often the dog is worried and grabs itself with its teeth in the anus area.

If you suspect your Yorkie has worms, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, as it is necessary to accurately determine the type of helminths. Expulsion of worms should be carried out exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Under no circumstances should you change the dosage yourself, as a small dose may be ineffective, and a large dose may be fatal for the dog.

READ ALSO: Treat barking cough in children

Helminth infections are very dangerous for Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Large cluster helminths in the intestines can cause intestinal obstruction or even intestinal rupture. All helminths secrete toxic substances that can cause allergies and immune disorders.

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Yorkie cough. Otitis

A Yorkie's cough is most often associated with severe hypothermia, but can be infectious in nature. Special viral disease, quite often observed in Lately- the so-called “kennel cough”, which most often affects dogs that are in close contact. Instillation of interferon into the nose, as well as antibiotics (Biseptol and ampicillin) very quickly cure a Yorkie's cough. Usually the disease resolves without complications.

Inflammation of the ear canal (otitis). Most often it occurs when water or a foreign body gets into the ear. An advanced case may be inflammation of the middle ear. If left untreated, otitis may become protracted. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Sign of inflammation: the dog shakes its head, scratches its ears, there may be purulent discharge and bad smell from the ear. Otitis media is very painful for a dog, so see a doctor at the slightest sign of illness.

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I know that this topic has already been discussed, but ours is a little different.

2 months ago my Yorkie (soon 2 years old, large-4.5 kg, boy) started coughing

At first they didn’t attach any importance to this, since it was unusual, but in the end, after two weeks, they decided to take him to the doctor (do a blood test and x-ray)

X-ray showed this:

Doctor's words and treatment:

sent us to a cardiologist (we haven’t gone yet because we’re waiting for us to stop giving aminophilin, and carrying him in the car when he feels bad and he’s coughing for now, we’re afraid) because his heart is enlarged

some compactions in the lungs, the analysis showed the total level of leukocytes at upper limit norms, but at the same time some of the indicators are significantly overestimated - the conclusion is that inflammation is occurring

as a treatment - cough syrup, mucaltin 3 times a day tablet dissolved in a teaspoon, a quarter of euphyllin 2 times a day, half ampicillin 3 times a day.

We give everything 5-6 days, but there is no improvement. the dog lost his voice. he barks very low since childhood, but at first the barking became high-pitched, and then disappeared completely, he tries to bark, it is clear that he is unpleasant and only makes wheezing

has a runny nose, snores at night and generally makes wheezing sounds

The question is, have we been prescribed the right treatment and what to do next? (our doctor, whom we trust immensely, but still, says that we need to continue giving antibiotics for up to 10 days, and mucaltin and syrup can be given for so long - up to six months - until everything goes away with the cough).

The dog is sick for the first time in two years, so I’m stressed ((((

plus another small question: how could he catch the infection if he was vaccinated?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Cough in dogs is a fairly common reason for visiting a veterinary clinic.

To find out the causes, the animal undergoes a series of examinations, allowing not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to prescribe adequate treatment. During diagnosis, it is very important to distinguish between problems associated with respiratory system and various cardiac pathologies.

To the main diseases, causing cough include: pathologies of the upper respiratory tract - laryngitis, farengitis, tracheitis and narrowing of the trachea-collapse.

READ ALSO: Treatment of allergic cough drugs for children

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract also lead to coughing: acute, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia.

Laryngitis and laryngopharyngitis are accompanied by cough. as well as lethargy, loss of appetite, enlarged lymph nodes, loss of voice and can be caused by various infectious agents (adenovirus infection), mechanical pressure on the wall of the pharynx (foreign body), prolonged continuous barking (stay in the kennel), ingestion of cold food, water, snow, collar pressure, etc.

Non-infectious diseases of the trachea include narrowing of the trachea -

- intratracheal obstruction ( foreign bodies, tumors, granulomas, abscesses, polyps);

- extratracheal compression (tumors, increased thyroid gland, lymph nodes, dilatation of the esophagus, abscesses, hematomas);

— congenital hypoplasia of the trachea (English bulldogs, Boston terriers);

- local tracheal stenosis (congenital, consequence of injury).


ACUTE BRONCHITIS- often accompanied by pneumonia.

An important symptom is a strong, paroxysmal, moist cough, manifested against the background of the general wellness dogs. The onset of an attack is typical upon awakening, inhalation of a large volume fresh air and swallowing accumulated mucus.

More details

Pets cough for so many reasons. Some of them are very minor, and some of them are life-threatening. A cough can happen, for example, both due to water entering the larynx when drinking, or without external reasons, if this is the first sign serious problems with the heart or lungs. Below are the most common reasons cough in pets, but not all.

How does a veterinarian determine the cause of a cough?

When asking owners about their animal's cough, the conversation starts with the same questions every time. Doctors call this anamnesis. Does the dog really cough? What breed of dog? How long does the animal cough? What age is your pet? Is the cough hard and dry, or wet and productive with expectoration of sputum? When does an animal cough the most, when the dog is active or does the cough occur while resting or lying down? Is your pet becoming lethargic or more depressed than usual? Is the problem seasonal? Does the animal also sneeze and have nasal discharge? When was the dog last examined and what was discovered? Is your pet gaining weight or losing weight? Any other changes you have noticed in your pet?

These questions provide a basis to begin investigating the causes of the cough.

Examination of the gums reveals whether they are pale or bluish or if there are ulcers or bleeding.

Your pet's tonsils need to be checked. Enlarged tonsils often cause coughing. Inflamed eyes and a dry, crusty nasal tract often accompany kennel cough, while massage of the animal's trachea causes coughing with tracheitis, tracheal collapse, and tumors in the tracheal area.

Checking the animal's neck will also make it possible to find out whether it has an abnormal pulse, whether it is present in jugular vein The pet's abdomen should also be examined for fluid and an enlarged liver or spleen, which would indicate a cough associated with heart failure.

Sometimes dog breeders encounter this problem when the dog coughs as if he was choking and is trying to regurgitate something. Pets, especially purebred ones, need care no less than small children. From this material you can familiarize yourself with the main symptoms and causes of cough in dogs.

What are the symptoms?

If your dog is coughing as if he is choking, then first you need to understand the symptoms. When pets of large or small breeds cough heavily and constantly, spit up drool, foam and grunt, this may indicate serious illnesses. Experts identify several signs that are considered evidence of certain problems.

Therefore, before giving your pet any medications, you should diagnose his health condition and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • if a dog burps, mucus may come out of his nose at the same time;
  • cough in dogs may be accompanied by weight loss;
  • the dog ceases to be active as before, he becomes lethargic and even depressed;
  • during active activities and exercise, your pet breathes evenly;
  • foam may come from the mouth, the pet may vomit;
  • if the dog is in a lying position, his breathing quickens;
  • the pet wheezes and sneezes.

If the dog coughs as if choking, wheezes, sneezes, or vomits white foam, then it urgently needs to be taken to the veterinarian. The owner should first of all pay attention to the condition of the pet’s gums; perhaps they are bleeding, ulcers have appeared on them, or they have turned pale. Often, coughing in dogs occurs in parallel with an increased temperature. And if the dog wheezes and sneezes, you should also check the lymph nodes, they may be enlarged.

In addition, the breed of the pet, as well as its age, play an important role in this case. As practice shows, pets of certain breeds are sometimes susceptible to certain diseases.

What are the causes of cough

Why does the dog cough? Most breeders mistakenly believe that coughing in dogs is nothing more than a common cold. But this is fundamentally wrong, and write off bad feeling a pet should not be used for this reason.

Viral cough

One of the most common reasons why a pet may cough is a viral cough. Usually this disease manifests itself as kennel cough or tracheobronchitis. As practice shows, infection is transmitted quite quickly as a result of contact with an infected pet. It only takes a minute of contact for your pet to get sick.

At the very early stage, the dog will cough, as if he is trying to burp something. After some time, the pet vomits white foam. The first thing you should do is take your pet to a specialist; subsequent treatment is carried out only after a complete examination of the patient by a doctor.

  • At home, dry cough in pets is treated with antibiotics;
  • an animal's irritated trachea can be treated with special anti-cough medications;
  • if the dog wheezes and vomits white foam, treatment can be carried out using medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • when your pet loses its appetite and refuses food, prevent contact with other pets;
  • for enlarged tonsils, doctors usually prescribe the use of expectorants (video author - Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

Mechanical damage and foreign bodies

It often happens that the pet not only coughs, but also wheezes, and blood comes out of the mouth. Apparently, in in this case the cause is the presence of a foreign object in the body. All breeders know that animals often swallow various things, but they are usually digested in the stomach. So, if a dog wheezes and blood comes out of his mouth, then this happens quite rarely. The cause may be damage to the central nervous system or rapid swallowing of food, which is especially important for pets of small breeds.

A similar cough may also occur as a result of collar strangulation. In addition, the cause may be a tumor or the presence of fluid in the respiratory tract. One way or another, the only thing you need to do is seek help from a specialist.

The main symptoms are as follows:

  • the dog may try to burp;
  • the dog wheezes, vomits, sometimes foam;
  • the animal sneezes;
  • saliva and blood are released from the mouth;
  • the dog does not want to eat or drink;
  • foam may come out of the nose (video author - dog-channel.tv).

Allergic cough

The puppy and adult Sometimes the cough only appears at certain times of the year. If this is the case, then most likely your pet simply has an allergy. However, the cause of the appearance of the symptom can also be the animal’s reaction to the bites of various insects. Moreover, the reason allergic cough It may well be dust or some substances in the diet.

Just giving a dog or puppy a drug to relieve allergy symptoms is not an option. In order for the treatment to be most effective, it is first necessary to find out why the allergy appeared. Of course, this is difficult to do at home. If your pet is allergic to food, then this can be understood by changing the diet. However, only an examination by a veterinarian will allow you to quickly obtain a more accurate result.

The main symptoms of an allergic cough are given below:

Cardiac cough in dogs occurs due to damage to the heart mitral valve. Because of this disease, fluid begins to collect in the pet’s lungs, which puts very strong pressure on the trachea. Besides, cardiac cough may manifest as a result of dilated cardiomyopathy, which is characteristic of large varieties. If you are the owner of a puppy or small dog weighing up to 7 kg, the likelihood of such a disease is extremely low.

The main symptoms are given below:

  • V abdominal cavity liquid began to accumulate;
  • the gums have acquired a bluish-gray tint;
  • the animal's activity has decreased significantly;
  • the dog wheezes and develops a dull cough;
  • the intensity increases (video author - Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

Cough due to cancer

Sometimes the problem may occur as a result of the pet developing cancer. As a rule, in this case the breed does not play a role; the problem usually manifests itself in older age. There can be several types of tumor, and treatment options depend on this. For example, if your dog has a primary or secondary tumor, it may feel better if you give him steroids. In any case, you should not give any medications yourself without a doctor’s prescription.

How to treat a cough in a dog if the cause is type 1 adenocarcinoma:

  • when activity and mobility decrease, veterinarians usually prescribe bronchodilators;
  • if the animal exhibits shortness of breath, then steroids can help solve the problem;
  • for arrhythmia the best option Treatment will be bronchodilator drugs.

Prevention of cough in dogs

If a dog vomits foam and sneezes, what should the breeder do? Treatment of cough in dogs should be carried out strictly based on the results of an examination by a specialist who will first identify the cause. As for the breeder, he must take preventive measures on time; this is the only way to reduce the risk of disease.

Prevention of cough, as a symptom of “kennel” cough, can to some extent be timely vaccination. Prevention of dirofilariasis - regular treatment with drops against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

Video “For what reasons do dogs cough?”

You can find out the answer to this question from the video (the author of the video is Russian Toy Michelle - care, sewing clothes, shopping).

And due to the structure of the muzzle, they periodically frighten their owners with a characteristic cough. In this case, the Yorkie coughs as if she was choking and may even grunt slightly. This is a physiological phenomenon and should not frighten the owner. The fact is that the structure of a dog’s muzzle is somewhat different from other breeds. Hence the occurrence of periodic suffocation, which causes a coughing attack. At the same time, a complete feeling is created that the dog is choking and trying to regurgitate something.

But not only the structure of the muzzle can cause coughing in Yorkies.

Yorkies can cough for a variety of reasons.

Among the most common conditions that cause the development of kennel cough are the following:

Sometimes Yorkies manage to sneeze in the opposite direction, i.e. inside the pharynx. The condition can be triggered by a strong emotional shock - the joy of meeting the owner - or a lump of hair getting into the nasopharynx.

Important. Such a cough does not threaten the dog with anything dangerous. The attack passes in just a few minutes and the worst thing it can end with is that the Yorkie will vomit the swallowed fur.

Frequent coughing attacks require the dog owner's attention. In this case, the pet must be taken to the vet immediately. Only a specialist can install accurate diagnosis and choose appropriate treatment for the condition.

Symptoms that indicate a pathological cough

In order not to miss the onset of a serious illness, your Yorkie must be closely monitored.

With a pathological cough, the dog opens its mouth wide, and its body temperature changes.

The following symptoms will indicate the development of pathology to the owner:

  • noisy dog ​​breathing;
  • during inhalation and exhalation, too active work of the muscles of the chest and peritoneum is observed - the animal’s stomach sinks strongly, and the chest expands significantly;
  • when breathing, the Yorkie opens its mouth too wide;
  • the dog may experience a rise in general temperature;
  • when examining the mouth, the bluish color of the mucous surfaces and tongue is recorded;
  • there is a change in the timbre of the voice (the Yorkie begins to bark differently).

If such symptoms develop, the dog must be urgently shown to a veterinarian.

Treatment of pathological cough in Yorkies

Define the real reason Only a doctor can treat a Yorkie's cough. The prescribed therapy will depend on the final diagnosis.

When a pet is diagnosed, he will be prescribed various symptomatic medications. The doctor will select the dosage regimen and dosage. If you follow all the recommendations, your Yorkie's cough will go away quite quickly and without developing serious consequences.

If foreign objects are detected in the dog's respiratory tract, the doctor can remove them. Doing this yourself is highly not recommended, since the owner can injure the nasopharyngeal mucosa and worsen the general condition of the pet.

If your Yorkie starts coughing, you should take him to the veterinarian.

But the most common disease in Yorkies is tracheal collapse. If pathology develops, it will not be possible to avoid the development of coughing and wheezing that accompany the breathing process. If the disease is detected in the early stages, it can be treated quite successfully. conservative therapy, but in advanced cases surgery can help the dog.

How to help York with a physiological cough attack

What to do if your Yorkie coughs just like that?

  • Pinch his nose. In this case, the dog will be forced to open its mouth and take a breath. In most cases, this technique helps the dog get rid of the cough.
  • During an attack, lightly massage the animal's throat. This massage will help relax the tense tracheal muscles and allow the dog to breathe normally.
  • If the cough is caused by stressful situations, then the pet can be given water sedatives. The veterinarian should select the medications.

If your Yorkie coughs a lot, you can gently massage his throat.

If your Yorkie suddenly coughs, don’t panic. If he does not have additional pathological symptoms, then the cough will go away on its own without harming the dog. Plus, you know how to make it easier.
