Why does a child have a yellow tongue? 3. Types of plaque on the tongue in children - when is treatment required? Yellow coating and inflammation of the tongue

Any parents worry about certain disorders in their child’s condition. If a yellow coating is found on a child’s tongue, panic often begins. It should be noted that this phenomenon is more often physiological factor. To eliminate it is necessary to take the necessary hygienic measures, use drug therapy not required.

On the other hand, the presence of a yellow coating may indicate the formation dangerous pathologies, which, in order to avoid complications, require mandatory timely treatment. Therefore, when such a condition appears, unpleasant symptoms cannot be ignored; it is necessary to contact a specialist who will help determine the cause of the plaque and, if necessary, prescribe adequate therapeutic measures.

Plaque accumulates on a person's tongue, regardless of age. This happens against the background of food debris settling between the papillae. This creates favorable conditions for the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The main components of plaque are:

  • salivary fluid;
  • dead epithelial cells;
  • directly bacteria, their metabolic products;
  • leukocytes;
  • leftovers food products.

The presence of plaque is considered normal if it is in small quantities, its color is almost transparent with a white tint, and the surface of the tongue should be clearly visible. A yellow tint appears in the presence of certain pathologies or after consuming foods that have a coloring pigment. These include:

  • yellow, orange vegetables, fruits;
  • colored store-bought drinks;
  • sweets, yogurt, creams confectionery containing unnatural dyes;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • seasonings are yellow.

Parents are able to independently find out that an unnatural plaque has formed after using the above products, knowing the following signs:

  1. The unnatural shade appeared immediately after eating.
  2. Plaque is easily removed with toothpaste and a brush, no secondary formation is observed.


A thick, dense plaque that persists for a long period of time accompanies an unpleasant odor from the mouth, and more often indicates the formation of certain pathologies that are actively developing in the child’s body.

The tongue is an organ of the digestive system, the presence yellow tint often indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hepatitis, colitis, ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and others). Such violations are accompanied by complaints from the child of loss of appetite, pain in the abdominal area, under the ribs, and stool disorders.

A number of other reasons have been identified that manifest themselves in the formation of a yellow coating on the tongue:

Overeating, consuming large quantities of fatty foodsThis kind of unhealthy diet gives heavy load on the digestive organs. After a few hours, the child develops nausea and a feeling of dry mouth. As a result, the formation of a yellow tint of plaque
Infectious pathologiesThey manifest themselves at high temperatures, which causes a yellowish coating to appear. If the increase in temperature is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, the plaque acquires a brownish-yellow tint, and small bleeding cracks form.
Inflammatory reactions (glossitis, stomatitis, caries, gingivitis)Disorders of the mucous membranes often occur. For example, stomatitis provokes the formation of aphthous ulcers
Somatic diseasesThis includes serious pathologies associated with genitourinary system, kidneys, autoimmune disorders, diabetes. The presence of such problems causes general intoxication of the body, disruption of metabolic processes, resulting in the accumulation of plaque
Intoxication of the bodyAbnormal liver abnormalities and rapid dehydration are detected
JaundiceThis pathology causes yellowing of the tongue itself and adjacent tissues. This phenomenon is present with the development of hemorrhagic, physiological jaundice

Video - Yellow coating on the tongue in children


Manifestation of characteristic clinical picture depends on the type and cause of the provocateur:

  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • deterioration or total loss appetite;
  • bowel dysfunction: diarrhea, constipation;
  • general malaise;
  • unstable mood, tearfulness, apathy, irritability.


Without examination and diagnostic measures, it is difficult to accurately determine the cause of the disorder. The attending physician prescribes the following diagnostic methods:

  • general examination of stool, urine, blood;
  • biochemical analysis blood to detect the concentration of glucose, bilirubin, protein enzymes, and other biological markers;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • endoscopy of the stomach and intestines.

The initial examination of the child begins at the dentist. If the cause cannot be determined, consultation with other specialists will be required. Often it is enough to change your diet. The fragile body of a small patient is sensitive to various violations showing it characteristic symptoms. Pathological disorders of any kind require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a yellow color appears on the tongue, which is caused by not taking coloring foods or an infection, you need to seek help from a pediatrician. After the examination, the child may be referred to a dentist, gastroenterologist, hematologist, endocrinologist or other highly specialized doctor.


Before prescribing therapy, it is necessary to accurately identify and eliminate the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon. The most important thing is to observe basic standards of personal hygiene and remove plaque by mechanical action. The appropriate course of treatment must be selected exclusively qualified doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications.

Doctors say that treating plaque without eliminating the cause will not give the necessary results. Treatment measures should be aimed at eliminating the main pathology, then the plaque will disappear on its own.

Drug therapy

Diagnosis of liver diseases requires the use of the following drugs:

  1. Choleretic medications normalize the outflow of bile, eliminate the sedimentation of cholesterol salts, and prevent the formation of stones ( Allohol, Lyobil, Berberine, Vigeratin, Nicodin, Flacumin).

  2. Drugs that increase the tone of the bile excretion channels improve contractile function gallbladder: Sorbitol, Magnesia, Choleretin, Cholecystokinin.
  3. Drugs that restore liver cells at the chemical level: Hepatosan, Heptral, Karsil, Legalon, Sirepar, Essentiale.

  4. Antiviral drugs are effective in therapy viral hepatitis: Velferon, Intron, Reaferon.
  5. Antispasmodics - for severe pain syndrome. Most effective drugs: No-Shpa, Spazmalgon, Drotaverine, Sparex.

The bacterial origin of the pathology is treated with antibiotic drugs. In case of intoxication of the body, exposure to adsorbents is required: activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Filtrum, Enterosgel. Sometimes a long course of treatment is prescribed, which causes an imbalance normal microflora. To restore it, the following is prescribed: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

Glossitis- an inflammatory process in the tongue, diagnosed quite often. A number of signs are observed: dry mouth, burning, pain, swelling. Pathology is caused by tongue injuries, poor hygiene, allergic reaction, consumption of burning food. To eliminate the problem, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs groups of tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, macrolides. Such drugs are effective in inflammatory processes of the biliary tract. Self-administration is not recommended.

Attention! Dosage of all medicines for children is calculated per 1 kg of body weight.

Oral hygiene

To eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, it is necessary to take some methods to remove the accumulation mechanically:

  1. During oral hygiene, the child should pay attention to the tongue. It is recommended to use toothbrushes with a grooved surface on the back.
  2. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  3. Do not eat foods containing unnatural dyes. Eliminate fatty foods from your diet.

Yellow plaque can appear against the background of pathological and physiological reasons. If parents find their child unpleasant symptom in the form of plaque and do not find any connection with the food products used, then there is an urgent need to seek help from a pediatrician to identify the provocateur and prescribe adequate therapy.

The appearance of plaque may indicate the development of various serious pathologies associated with the digestive system, liver, and other vital organs. Therefore, examining a small patient with a coating on the tongue is considered mandatory procedure when examined by doctors general practice. Parents can conduct an independent examination of the baby, but it is not always possible to accurately determine the cause. During the inspection, certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. Inspect in sunlight.
  2. The examination should take place of the entire organ, including the sides, the root of the tongue, and the sublingual area.

Normally, the tongue should be pinkish in color, the coating should be transparent with a whitish tint. If the presence of anomalous phenomena in the form of increased density, you need to see a doctor.

Parents should examine their child's oral cavity from time to time. This measure will make it possible to timely detect pathology and take the necessary therapeutic measures.

The relief, color and coloration of the tongue change throughout a person’s life. In children the norm is a pale pink tongue without a thick layer of plaque. Dense yellow, orange and brown deposits may indicate both poor oral hygiene and the development of internal or local diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why a yellow coating appears on the child’s tongue together with a doctor.

Why does a coating appear on a child’s tongue?

Plaque consists of food particles, saliva, dead cells of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, leukocytes, bacteria and their waste products. It accumulates on the tongue of every healthy adult and child and does not indicate a disease if it has a whitish tint and covers the taste organ with a thin layer: the relief of the tongue should be visible through the film.

In the photo you can see the state of the child’s tongue, normally and with pathological formation. white plaque:

A yellow coating can appear on a child’s tongue for several reasons:

  • Most often the formation white-yellow coating caused by poor hygiene. The baby should be taught hygiene procedures immediately after the first teeth erupt. Bacteria develop especially intensively at night, when activity decreases salivary glands, therefore, evening brushing of your teeth and tongue with a toothbrush and toothpaste should become an integral part of preparing for bed.
  • The appearance of yellowness on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity may be a consequence of consuming certain foods. In this case, pigmentation appears immediately after eating, is easily removed with a brush and does not reoccur. Products that stain the tongue yellow: fruits and vegetables (carrots, apricots, persimmons, pumpkin, pineapple, orange), sweets and drinks with artificial food colors, some types of tea and coffee, seasonings (curry, saffron).
The yellow color of the tongue may be associated with the use of certain medications: cardiac glycosides, Enterofuril, Furazolidone, Akrikhin.

At pathological changes In a child’s body, not only the color of the plaque can change, but also its consistency: the deposits become thick and are difficult to remove from the surface of the tongue. Such symptoms are almost always accompanied by a sharp unpleasant smell from mouth. If these signs are detected, you should immediately show the child to a doctor, as they may indicate:

  • development of infectious diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration;
  • jaundice;
  • dental diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • overeating;
  • kidney diseases;
  • somatic and autoimmune pathologies.

Why does an orange coating appear on the tongue?

The coating on the tongue can be not only yellow or yellowish, but also orange, as in the photo. The orange color of the tongue in children and adults indicates that oral cavity stomach contents enter. This phenomenon is typical for exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity, pathologies of the esophagus, reflux disease, the initial stage of peptic ulcer.

In addition to the specific orange color of the tongue, the child may develop a strange taste in the mouth, periodic heartburn, and belching. Such symptoms should not be treated external manifestations, but the underlying disease.

Yellowish coating on the tongue of infants

In infants, a white or yellowish coating on the tongue often appears during the hot season. If it is not accompanied by other symptoms, then the baby is normal.

According to children's doctor Komarovsky, when white-yellowish deposits appear on the baby’s tongue, you need to increase the amount of liquid he consumes and protect him from overheating. But if the plaque acquires a brighter color, becomes more abundant and denser, you should definitely consult a doctor. The cause of this phenomenon may be gastrointestinal diseases, malfunctions of the gallbladder, intoxication of the body due to an infectious disease or frequent constipation.

If a yellow or white coating appears on the tongue of an infant or child over 1 year of age who is still breastfeeding, the cause of the disorder must be sought in gastric or intestinal imbalance. If there is constipation, heartburn, or vomiting, the menu of the nursing mother should be analyzed and adjusted. If a yellow coating appears on the tongue of a child over 2 years old, does not disappear for more than two days and is not associated with ignoring hygiene rules, it is necessary to show the baby to a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of plaque on the tongue

To assign effective treatment, the doctor must determine the cause of the yellow coating on the child’s tongue. First, a full examination of the baby is carried out: the doctor examines the oral cavity and the surface of the tongue, conducts a physical examination of all organs and systems (tapping chest, palpation). To clarify the diagnosis, one or more laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Culture from the nasopharynx.
  • FEGDS.
  • Coprogram.

Based on the diagnostic results, a treatment regimen is determined aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that provoked the appearance of plaque. Local treatment consists of intensive oral hygiene and nutritional correction. According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, professional cleaning In most cases, teeth are not required; thorough regular brushing of teeth and tongue at home is sufficient.

If plaque has formed due to poor nutrition, it is necessary to adjust the baby’s diet:

  • Products containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, and thickeners should be completely excluded from the menu.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of fat the child consumes and prevent overeating.
  • Children's diets should be enriched with cereals, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is important to monitor the condition of the child’s intestines and avoid constipation.
  • If the baby is breastfed, it is necessary to monitor the mother's diet.

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of plaque on a child’s tongue, parents should include in his diet foods that provide normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to ensure that the child regularly and carefully conducts hygiene procedures for oral care. Children under three years old have their teeth brushed by adults; the procedure is carried out 2 times a day. A child over 3 years old who brushes his teeth on his own should be taught to:

  • When brushing your teeth, it is necessary to remove plaque from the tongue using toothbrush or a special scraper, as in the photo;
  • After each meal, you should rinse your mouth with a pharmaceutical antiseptic or clean boiled water.
To avoid the appearance of a yellow coating on the tongue of a breastfed baby, the mother must monitor her own menu. For newborns transferred to artificial feeding, you need to choose a suitable mixture that will ensure proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Komarovsky states that if the mixture is chosen correctly, the baby should not experience constipation.

To avoid infection of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, it is necessary to carefully clean the baby's dishes, pacifiers and toys.

The tongue is an organ that is a kind of indicator that tells a person whether everything is in order with his health. Even with very feeling good A coating may form on the tongue. The condition of this organ in an adult can determine the presence of certain diseases.

The language of a child whose body is not yet “burdened” bad habits, severe pathologies, in good health It has pink color , there are no deposits on it.

But babies also have digestive problems, poisoning occurs, and gastrointestinal diseases occur. And such a “marker” as language will help determine the cause of the developing pathology.

Causes of yellow plaque

We are talking about reasons that may indicate incorrect eating habits and signal serious problems at work. child's body.

Natural causes

A yellow coating does not always signal the onset of a disease. It may indicate that your baby has eaten a treat or drunk a drink that contains artificial yellow dye.

Some natural products Same have a yellow color, and when they are eaten, the child’s tongue turns yellow. This is a temporary phenomenon that disappears without a trace after a few hours. What can cause the formation of yellow plaque when the baby is completely healthy?

  • Caramel, yoghurt, chips, kirieshki, ice cream, cakes, pastries(with yellow pastry cream), lollipops.
  • Tea with artificial additives, carbonated drinks (Fanta, Coca-Cola, etc.).
  • Spices, seasonings with which food is flavored.
  • Fruits vegetables, the flesh of which is colored yellow and Orange color(persimmon, carrots, tangerines, pineapple, etc.).
  • Some medications And vitamin complexes (ascorbic acid in dragees, Revit, Furazolidone, cardiac glycosides, Enterofuril, etc.)

There is no reason to panic in this case. You need to observe the baby's behavior. If he is energetic, mobile, calmly reacts to external stimuli, has a healthy appetite, and body temperature is within normal limits - this condition is temporary. But foods and drinks containing artificial chemical colors (especially kirieshki and chips, in which the salt level is also “off the charts”) will sooner or later cause digestive problems.

The child may receive severe poisoning; provoke such severe pathologies as gastritis, enterocolitis, heartburn, ulcers, etc. with unhealthy food and drinks.

How to determine that yellow plaque in this case is not a signal of a serious illness :

  • The plaque appears immediately after drinking yellow-colored drinks or food.
  • Deposits on the tongue can be easily cleaned with a toothbrush.
  • After drinking a few glasses clean water, the plaque layer becomes thinner, then disappears completely.

There is no need to force your baby to drink several glasses of water in one gulp. It is enough for him to drink water gradually, without eating any food at this time. There is also no need to put a toothbrush in your mouth. It is better to show your child by example how this can be done while brushing their teeth. When parents with a frightened expression on their faces force their offspring to do something unusual, he himself will begin to be afraid and think that the parents have health problems, not him.

Pathologies that cause a yellow coating on the tongue

To the reasons that become harbingers serious illnesses, one of the signs of which is a yellow coating on the tongue, include:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Overdose medicines.
  • Gastritis(may be accompanied by heartburn and belching).
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Liver diseases.

Factors that provoke the formation of a yellow coating on the tongue may indicate that it is “out of order” digestive system(intoxication, dehydration) or that the baby is developing a certain disease.

Food poisoning

Stale, low-quality products containing pathogenic microorganisms, quickly cause a painful “response” in the child’s body. Accompanied by poisoning the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Colic in the stomach.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Weakness, lethargy, dizziness.
  • The skin becomes pale, blueness appears under the eyes.
  • Thirst.
  • Lack of appetite.

Used for treatment enterosorbents(drugs that absorb toxins and waste products from the intestines and exit naturally through defecation) glucose-salt solutions(replenish the lack of fluid in the body) and large amount of liquid: compotes, fruit drinks, tea.

Drug overdose

In such cases, the baby may feel very bad, and then everything depends on the timely reaction of the parents. If a child swallowed the medicine several hours ago, it has already entered the bloodstream.

It is important not to miss the moment when the medication has just entered the stomach. Then the situation can be corrected by inducing artificial vomiting and flushing the stomach with plenty of liquid. But, unfortunately, it happens differently. We urgently need to call " ambulance"and hospitalize the baby.

Overdose of a drug manifests itself through signs:

  • Nausea, vomit, tremor limbs.
  • Increased temperature.
  • Confusion, dizziness.
  • Strong weakness.

Treatment measures must be carried out in a clear sequence, quickly and competently. The main task of doctors is to cleanse the body of chemical substances, disabling all internal systems.


The sensations caused by this disease when acute attacks, may torment the child for several days.

Gastritis is inflammation of the inner walls of the stomach; the process affects the mucous membrane lining the organ from the inside. Then the exacerbation passes and a deceptive feeling appears that the baby has recovered. But if gastritis is not treated, the attacks will return.

Disease manifests itself through symptoms:

  • Pain in upper area belly– in the epigastric region (occurs a few minutes after eating).
  • Heartburn and belching(signals that a small amount of food has entered the esophagus; a large amount of hydrochloric acid is released in the stomach).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • On palpation epigastric region child complains of pain b.
  • Weakness.

During treatment are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs , sorbents, enzyme preparations for heartburn. Compliance diet menu allows you to significantly alleviate the child’s condition. The coating on the tongue may be yellow or gray.


The inflammatory process in the large intestine (colitis) and small intestine (enteritis) is called enterocolitis. With this disease intestinal motility is impaired, the function of digesting food and moving it through the intestinal loops is disrupted. The baby feels very bad, complaining of:

  • Bloating and tenderness of the abdomen.
  • Persistent stool disorder(liquid diarrhea).
  • Headaches, insomnia.
  • Weakness, increased fatigue.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring intestinal functions and eliminating inflammatory process. Appointed antibacterial drugs , antispasmodics, enzyme medications, sorbents, prebiotics.

Liver diseases

A yellow coating appears on the tongue because of increased amount bilirubin in the blood - a pigment formed as a result of the breakdown of erythrocytes (blood cells). The indirect type of bilirubin, which is a toxic substance, enters the liver, where it is converted into a direct form that can be dissolved. In this form, it is easily excreted from the body along with feces.

Disruption of metabolic processes in the liver leads to excessive accumulation of bilirubin in tissues that affects the child’s body through the following signs:

  • Weakness and promotion temperature bodies.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.
  • Yellowish tint to the skin, sclera of the eyes.

Yellow skin and a coating of the same color on the tongue can signal the development of a disease popularly called “jaundice” (hepatitis). An urgent examination of the body is necessary. Treatment takes place in an inpatient setting.

In some cases, a yellow coating on the tongue indicates eating habits, in others it signals severe pathologies. You need to carefully monitor the child's condition. If the yellow coating on the tongue is accompanied by others warning signs, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Epithelial cells on the surface of the tongue are constantly exposed to sufficient aggressive factors: sour food, temperature changes, bacteria. That is why their lifespan is not long and after they are exfoliated, young cells appear. If the processes of changing cellular layers are excessively active, then the upper layers do not have time to peel off and remain on the surface of the mucosa in the form of plaque.

Plaque on the tongue may indicate serious illness

Another factor in the formation of plaque can be microorganisms. Children often do not pay enough attention to oral hygiene, as a result of which microscopic particles of food can remain between the lingual papillae, which become a place for active reproduction of bacteria. Taking antibacterial drugs often provokes the growth of pathogenic microflora in the mouth (fungi), some varieties of which are quite brightly colored.

Causes of plaque on the tongue

There are many reasons why various coatings on the tongue may appear: from the banal consumption of foods that can change the color of the tongue, to serious problems health problems requiring immediate medical attention.

The very first thing you need to do when you discover strange coatings on a child’s tongue is to remember what the baby ate in the last 24 hours. Very often, sweet carbonated drinks, caramels or other sweets contain active dyes that can give the oral mucosa the most exotic shades: crimson, purple, green, orange and others. Even natural berries and fruits can radically change the color of the tongue. Therefore, there is no need to panic right away. You should ask the child to brush his teeth and tongue, and then evaluate their condition and color. If the plaque has not changed or has reappeared without connection with food intake, then this is a reason to urgently visit your pediatrician.

So, what kind of plaque on a child’s tongue happens, what can cause its appearance and how to treat it, we will consider further.


White plaque can be found in the oral cavity of a baby most often. This phenomenon also happens normally when, after a night’s sleep, a thin white coating without an unpleasant odor is found on the tongue, disappearing after hygiene procedures and not causing any discomfort or unpleasant sensations.

In the photo: white coating on a child’s tongue

The appearance of a dense whitish plaque, which is extremely difficult to remove from the surface of the tongue and does not disappear after brushing your teeth, may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis or dysbacteriosis). This phenomenon is often accompanied by bad breath. In addition, children may present complaints that may indicate gastrointestinal pathology:

  • abdominal pain of various localizations;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorders;
  • change in appetite

In order to get rid of such white plaque, it is necessary, first of all, to examine the digestive system and eliminate even the most minor violations in her work.

In infants up to 2 months of life, thrush or oral candidiasis is a common occurrence in a nursing mother, especially after taking antibiotics or an error in diet. With this pathology, abundant cheesy deposits appear on the tongue and cheeks. white, which are easily removed, and small ulcers are found underneath them. After starting treatment for thrush antifungal agents and treating the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions, the tongue and other mucous membranes are quickly cleaned and regain their previous appearance.


A gray coating on the tongue can be a sign of some infectious diseases. For example, with scarlet fever, on the very first day the mucous membranes become covered with a dirty gray coating, which, starting from the tip of the tongue, gradually disappears and reveals a “raspberry tongue” - enlarged papillae on a bright red background, which is very reminiscent of raspberries.

With diphtheria, gray filmy deposits can be found on the root of the tongue, which are difficult to separate. Such plaques spread to the mucous membranes of the throat, palatine arches and are accompanied by coughing and attacks of suffocation.

Treatment of such infectious diseases is carried out only in a hospital setting. After healing, all plaque on the tongue disappears.

Dehydration in a child can also lead to the formation of a gray coating on the surface of the tongue. At the same time, the mucous membranes look dry and dull. Replenishing the required volume of fluid quickly eliminates this symptom.


A dense yellow coating on the tongue indicates pathology of the liver or biliary tract. Often in children, diseases of the biliary system occur without a clear clinical picture, and the presence of bile stagnation can only be suspected by a change in the color of deposits on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

If a child has a yellow coating on his tongue, he should urgently consult a doctor and undergo an examination. internal organs and biochemical composition of blood.


The orange color of the tongue is a marker that acidic contents from the stomach enter the oral cavity. This happens with exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, with reflux disease, with pathology of the esophagus and initial stages ulcer development. In this case, the child may additionally complain of an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth, belching, and occasional heartburn. Treatment will consist of eliminating the underlying cause.


The appearance of a green coating on the mucous membrane of the tongue often frightens parents, especially if it is found in a newborn or infant. Most common reason such a phenomenon is candidiasis - a fungal infection of the oral cavity that occurs due to imperfections immune defense in the body of a 1-year-old baby or while taking strong antibacterial drugs.

This plaque has varying color intensities and can spread to other parts of the oral cavity, found on the cheeks, palate and lips. After removing it, you can see the red surface of the tongue with small blisters or ulcers that cause discomfort to kid.

Start to treat green coating only after consultation with a doctor. Therapeutic measures will consist of taking special drugs with antifungal action and local antiseptics for the treatment of thrush and the prevention of bacterial complications.


A brown tongue in a child is not such a rare occurrence. There can be many reasons for this:

  1. Severe diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by inflammatory changes, stagnation of bile in bile ducts, disruption of digestive processes.
  2. Constant dehydration of the child's body due to high temperature environment or not drinking enough fluids.
  3. Insufficient intake of B vitamins.
  4. Taking certain medications: antibiotics, antiseptic solutions, concentrated herbal decoctions.

It is very difficult to establish the exact root cause of the appearance of such a dark plaque. This can only be done by an experienced doctor, who, after additional examinations, will be able to prescribe the optimal treatment.


The presence of a black coating on a child’s tongue looks quite scary, and there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Bacterial sore throat is often accompanied by the appearance dark raids on mucous membranes up to black. In this case, the child will have signs of inflammation in the tonsils: red throat, heat, pain when swallowing, weakness.
  • Hidden forms of diabetes mellitus that lead to persistent impairment acid-base balance in organism. Excess acid or acidosis will cause darkening of the tongue.
  • Taking some antibiotics causes the growth of pathogenic microflora in the mouth, which causes the mucous membranes to become permanently stained black.

Treatment of such plaque will consist of eliminating the causes that caused its appearance. After the sore throat is treated, canceled medications or identified and compensated diabetes, such a symptom will most likely go away on its own.


A blue tongue is a sign of blood stagnation. Very often, various diseases of the cardiovascular ( birth defects heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure) and nervous system(hemorrhages, cysts, epilepsy) lead to the fact that blood flows through the tissues more slowly than necessary - cyanosis or cyanosis appears on the limbs, lips and tongue. Therefore, if you notice such a symptom in your child, you should urgently contact your doctor for advice.


In order to prevent the appearance of plaque on a child’s tongue, there are a number of preventive measures, which many experts emphasize (for example, Ukrainian pediatrician Komarovsky):

  1. The room in which the child lives should always be clean, well ventilated and humidified.
  2. You should not prescribe antibiotics to your child yourself. The use of such medications must be strictly justified.
  3. It is necessary to closely monitor the baby's health. When the slightest symptoms, indicating a possible disease from the internal organs, you should urgently seek medical help.
  4. Limit your child's consumption of sweets containing synthetic coloring pigments: sweet carbonated drinks, candies, chewing gum. This will not only prevent the appearance of active staining of the tongue, but will also preserve the health of delicate children's teeth.

If plaque does appear on the tongue, there is no need to try to remove or treat it yourself. Consult your doctor about possible reasons such a phenomenon and necessary treatment his.

The tongue often indicates the state of the body. A yellow coating on a child’s tongue is cause for concern caring parents. What is the reason for its appearance and should you be afraid when you see a yellow coating on your baby’s tongue?

What it is?

The surface of the tongue consists of many layers of epithelium. The pink color of the tongue confirms the health of the child. Normally, a light whitish coating is allowed, consisting of food debris, salivary proteins, microscopic remains of the vital activity of microorganisms living in the oral cavity. The plaque may disappear and acquire a variety of colors. If the surface of the child’s tongue has turned yellow, parents should understand the origin of this change.

The resulting plaque may indicate a developing disease


The most popular reasons include:

  1. Inadequate oral care. Most parents instill in their children the skills of brushing their teeth, completely forgetting about the language. It is the tongue that is the filter that delays the penetration of microbes into the oral cavity, and it is necessary to clean it. The procedure is unusual, but the child can easily master it and maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity on his own.
  2. Getting food dyes on your tongue. Many products contain active food colorings, coloring the tongue. Lollipops, tea, oranges, and persimmons can cause yellow plaque to appear.
  3. Food spices and seasonings of bright yellow color (curry).
  4. The use of medications that give yellow. For example, furazolidone.
  5. Abundance of fatty foods.

These are the most harmless factors. Try to remove any yellowish discoloration with a toothbrush. If this is not possible and the yellow plaque does not disappear within 5–7 days, you should pay attention to possible concomitant factors that indicate the onset of the baby’s illness.

Possible diseases signaled by yellow plaque in a child

Plaque can appear not only due to the consumption of coloring foods or drinks and improper care, but also due to the development of certain diseases.

  • In combination with heartburn, flatulence, and belching, plaque indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Are common infectious diseases. With any type of inflammation, the child’s body temperature rises, the surface of the tongue becomes dry and acquires a yellowish tint.
  • Poisoning. The tongue in this case turns yellow from dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting and elevated temperature child's body.
  • Liver pathologies or gallbladder. Color is given by bilirubin, an increase in the level of which may be an indicator serious changes in liver function, the presence of jaundice. Nausea, pain in the upper abdomen, combined with a discolored surface of the tongue, indicate possible improper circulation of bile.

Parents of newborns and infants should pay special attention to the color of the tongue. A changed color may indicate physiological jaundice, stomatitis, or incipient thrush. A baby with a plaque that has formed must be shown to a doctor.

A coating on a baby's tongue may be the beginning of stomatitis.

Necessary examinations

To identify the cause of yellow plaque, the pediatrician may prescribe various examinations:

  • blood, urine, stool tests;
  • consultation with a gastroenterologist;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive organs.

Necessity diagnostic procedures the doctor will determine based on general condition baby, parents' complaints.

To ensure that the appearance of yellow plaque does not come as a surprise, inspect your child’s oral cavity more often. Simple hygiene procedures and timely consultation with a doctor will help preserve your baby’s precious health.
