Vaccinations against the human papillomavirus. Vaccination against human papillomavirus: features and rules of vaccination. How safe are HPV vaccines?

Vaccination against papilloma reduces the risk of growths. benign tumor(it is also called HPV), which appears on the mucous membranes or on the skin. The formation looks like a papilla, covered with a dense membrane. Such vessels can appear even at the birth of a child. But sometimes their nature is explained by infection with a viral infection. The genitals are most often affected. The number of species includes about 100 varieties. Some go away on their own, and some are dangerous.

A little about papillomas

Usually, papillomas form in patients who have a weak immune system. A person with strong immunity, even if he becomes infected with this disease, he practically does not notice it, and it goes away on its own with few symptoms.

Another thing is infected patients with weak immunity. Papillomas are removed surgically, but they can provoke the development of diseases. For example, cancer of the cervix, nasopharynx, vulva, anus, oral cavity.

Infection occurs as soon as the adolescent begins active sexual life. It is at this point that the body becomes most vulnerable to sexual infections. Statistics show that every year about 470,000 patients from all over the world are affected by this disease. Of these, 80% are third world countries.

Of course, you can get infected not only through sexual intercourse. Typically, patients with this diagnosis come to the clinic with symptoms in the anus, oral cavity - i.e. where the contact took place. But transmission of the virus can occur through a simple handshake. Since the infection is spread by contact. If in maternity ward sanitary standards are not observed, then the papilloma can penetrate during contractions and be transmitted to the child.

Despite the fact that the infection is of a contact kind, a condom does not always save from such a disease, because the disease is not only transmitted sexually. Any skin contact can cause tumors.

But the infection does not get into the blood. Usually, the deep layers of the epidermis become a kind of home for the virus. And the virus itself begins to multiply inside the cells. Places with high humidity can be a carrier of infection. Namely: baths, saunas, public beach, swimming pools. Those. - exactly those places where a person has practically no clothes, and he himself is in a damp environment.

How did the vaccine against papilloma originate?

Theoretical work on the disease began in 1940. The Russian scientist L. A. Zilber was in prison. There he researched cancer. Then he put forward the theory that tumors are provoked by a virus, but the virus itself is just an initiator in the formation of growths.

Based on the knowledge of L. A. Zilbert in the 1980s, a practical study of the problem began in the USA. At the same time, three research institutes worked simultaneously on the vaccine:

  • Georgetown University Medical Center;
  • the University of Rochester;
  • national institute cancer USA;
  • the University of Queensland (the only university that was not in the US, but in Australia).

In 2006, the first trials of a vaccine against HPV virus. It was released under the Merck&Co brand and was named Gardasil. A year later, the vaccine has spread to 80 countries around the world. In the same year, another company, GlaxoSmithkline, began its own development of an HPV drug. And in 2007 the vaccine was already certified.

The papillomavirus vaccine prevents infection with two types of the virus (number 16 and 18). These varieties provoke about 70% of cervical cancer in all countries (including third world countries).

Who gets the HPV vaccine and how?

Female individuals become the object for the development of tumors. Therefore, vaccination against papillomavirus is included in programs to strengthen immunity:

  • in the United States, it is mandatory to vaccinate a female individual who is 11 to 12 years old;
  • in France, girls are vaccinated from the age of 11;
  • in Germany this age ranges from 12 to 17;
  • In Austria, HPV vaccination is mandatory from 9 to 17 years of age.

The instructions for the drug indicate that the vaccine is indicated for women from 9 to 25 years old who have not yet had the opportunity to become infected with the virus. Even if they have had sexual experience.

Vaccination is divided into three stages. At the same time, at least two months should elapse between the first and second stages. And between the second and third stages - at least four months. If a pregnant woman is vaccinated, then final stage transferred to postpartum period(terms are discussed with the doctor). But it is better to vaccinate your body after childbirth.

How effective is the vaccine

As a result of the tests, it was found that the vaccine against papilloma is safe for humans, if vaccinated correctly, in compliance with sanitary norms. Both vaccines that prevent Virus #16 and Virus #18 are effective if given before the subject is exposed to the virus strain. In this regard, it is better to vaccinate the object before the first sexual experience.

The vaccine was developed to prevent the disease. But it is not able to treat the disease itself, when the process of infection has begun.

In some cases, the drug can prevent the occurrence of genital warts in males. In addition to this disease, the vaccine reduces the risk of cancers(including penile and rectal cancer). But research is not entirely objective. This is due to the fact that the percentage of cancers in men is much lower than in women. And research is not carried out due to the fact that the money invested will not pay for itself.

Homosexuals have a significantly higher risk of contracting HPV than straight men. And those homosexual couples that practice role reversal are more likely to be affected by the infection than other partners. This is due to the fact that homosexuals have sexual intercourse through the anus or oral cavity. Namely, there is a favorable environment for the reproduction of papillomas.

Screening cannot replace the HPV vaccine. It is desirable to carry out these two procedures, synchronously specifying the sequence with the doctor. Statistics show that those females who were vaccinated developed protective antibodies in 99% of cases. And countries that practice this method of preventing papillomas have reduced cervical cancer by 63%.

Side effects and various reactions to the vaccine

Like any medicine, the human papillomavirus vaccine has its own side effects:

  • there may be pain at the injection site for several days;
  • the area around the injection may itch, swell and redden;
  • in some cases, patients experienced an increase in body temperature;
  • sometimes patients felt tired after the administration of the drug.

These symptoms general reaction immune system for the virus strain. Nothing wrong with that. But since such symptoms do not occur in all patients, it is better to inform the doctor about your ailments.


In our country there is no mandatory vaccination program against papillomas. This is done on a purely voluntary basis. Therefore, before getting vaccinated against papillomavirus, you need to consult a doctor.

But, in any case, the vaccine is contraindicated:

  • for persons who have intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  • if the patient has allergic reaction after one of the stages (first or second) of vaccination;
  • leakage acute illness(influenza, SARS, etc.);
  • sharp exacerbations during a chronic illness.

The problem with pregnant women divided doctors into two camps. Some believe that it is possible to get vaccinated against HPV during pregnancy, but only the first two stages. And the third is transferred to the postpartum period. But other doctors believe that the vaccine should be done either before the conception of a child, or after his birth. And this is only if the partner has not infected his partner with papilloma.

When patients have acute leak diseases, vaccinations are postponed until full recovery. In this case, the patient is advised to refrain from sexual intercourse.

Public opinion "for" and "against"

Any vaccine, no matter how effective it is, always “breaks” people into several camps. Among them there are those people who see the effectiveness of the drug. And there are those who oppose this method of preventing disease. But there are those who are looking for profit in this.

Within the territory of former USSR, in particular in Russia, the vaccine against papillomavirus is not included in the course of mandatory vaccinations. Therefore, all responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the parents, whose child will soon begin sexual activity. But in European countries and the United States, this caused a real confrontation.

On the one hand, the American National Cancer Institute believes that vaccination of the population saves women from such unpleasant procedures like biopsy, invasive manipulation and PAP smears. They believe that papillomavirus vaccinations have significantly reduced mortality for last years. In Russia, doctors only mentioned this when the editors of “ Russian newspaper held a round table.

But, on the other hand, some conservative organizations and religious communities took the side of the parents. The precedent has been that the mandatory implementation of such vaccinations for adolescents deprives parents of their rights.

Another argument against compulsory vaccination was that adolescents, having received protection from such a disease, will begin early sexual activity. Since the fragile consciousness is arranged differently. The feeling of security will lead to the fact that he will forget about using an elementary condom during intercourse. Health insurance companies also opposed mandatory vaccination of the population. But from their point of view, the cost of the drug is too high.

Prevention and treatment of papillomas

The formation of papillomas indicates that the body's immune system is in a weakened state. Therefore, in order to prevent a relapse, you should keep your body in a fortified state:

  • do sport;
  • use an additional complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • make forays into nature;
  • develop a diet.

If you are a fan of meat and fatty foods, you just need to reduce the amount of junk food. Add fresh vegetable salads to your diet. In general, it is better to eat a little, but often.

If the growths began to appear on the body, in no case should they be torn off on their own. Broken blisters can spread the infection to other areas of the skin. If the disease has just begun to manifest itself, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. You can not wait until the growths increase in size and become covered with a rough crust.

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to identify the source of the disease. It may not only be gynecological diseases, but also various kinds of intestinal diseases, gastrointestinal tract, cancer problems. This must be done in specialized medical institutions. Therefore, when warts began to form on the body, the doctor first observes the symptoms of the disease. And only then prescribes treatment.

To heal the body from disease, it is prescribed complex treatment which includes:

  • getting rid of viral infections;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • removal of tumors.

Growths are removed using the following methods. Namely:

  • laser;
  • nitrogen;
  • radio waves;
  • chemical coagulation.

These methods are quite effective, sterile and do not leave scars.

But there are several other ways to solve the problem. For example, electrocoagulation. The effectiveness of the technique is the complete elimination of papillomas. After the operation, there are no traces - the skin becomes clean and smooth.

Another method is the introduction of special interferon agents into the infected focus itself, which trigger the work of immunity in this area. This method works effectively with ozone therapy. The virus falls asleep for 5-10 years, and the body produces antibodies during this time.


Papillomas - in our time very serious problem. And this is due primarily to the fact that adolescents enter into sexual activity very early. If from ordinary sexually transmitted diseases can save a condom, then in the case of papillomavirus it will not help. After all, the infection is transmitted through any open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. And the vaccine can reduce the risk of provoking such dangerous diseases like cervical cancer.

The drug is not included in the mandatory vaccination schedule, therefore it is done in our country exclusively on a voluntary basis. Although in the US and EU countries it is mandatory for teenage girls. This causes some protests from conservatives and religious communities.

About 80% of the population becomes infected with the human papillomavirus during their lifetime. There are many HPV serotypes. Most are relatively harmless - they may be asymptomatic or cause minor problems, such as single warts and papillomas on the skin. But there are also dangerous serotypes:

  • HPV 16 and 18 are oncogenic, that is, they can cause neoplasms (malignant tumors)
  • HPV 6 and 11 - the cause of genital warts

Thus, in a person infected with HPV:

  • Condylomas may occur - outgrowths on the skin, the removal of which is quite laborious and painful
  • Precancerous changes may develop, such as cervical dysplasia in women
  • There is high risk oncological diseases genital organs (in women - the cervix, less often the vulva and vagina, in men - the penis, anus, rectum)
  • Others develop more often and are more difficult to treat infectious diseases genitals

Oncogenic HPV serotypes cause a total of about 70% of all detected cases of cervical neoplasms, and serotypes 6 and 11 provoke 92% of all warts.

The immunity that comes with natural HPV infection is not strong enough to suppress the infection. Vaccination against the human papillomavirus is an opportunity to preserve your health, and sometimes life, by preventing possible infection and the development of tumors.

Vaccine Opportunities

HPV vaccine - biological preparation, which helps to form persistent lifelong immunity against human papillomavirus.

Is not live vaccine, but only fragments of the virus shell, that is, infection from the drug is completely excluded. At the same time, it causes the body to produce full-fledged antiviral antibodies, which further protect against the disease.

You can get vaccinated against HPV and cervical cancer with two drugs:

  • Cervarix (Belgium) includes serotypes 16 and 18
  • Gardasil (Holland) provides prophylaxis for 16, 18, 6 and 11 serotypes

Despite the difference in composition, both vaccines provide reliable immunity against all HPV serotypes due to cross-immune reactions.


The vaccine was created using recombinant technologies. These drugs have the highest safety profile. Numerous studies confirm that the vaccine can be used almost without restrictions. In the US, more than 10 million women have been vaccinated against HPV; In Russia, Cervarix and Gardasil have been successfully used since 2006.

  • Everyday practice shows that there are no serious side effects with the introduction of the vaccine. Sometimes there may be a slight transient reddening of the skin at the injection site.
  • The HPV vaccine does not contain the DNA of the virus, which means that it does not overburden the immune system. Potential risk complications after its introduction is extremely small
  • The safety of the drug is confirmed by the fact that it is approved for use even by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Allowed to be vaccinated simultaneous reception other medicines, without changing their doses and regimen in any way
  • Children can be vaccinated simultaneously with other vaccinations according to the National vaccination calendar.

Vaccination can be carried out in patients of both sexes, but it is especially recommended for women (as a group at high risk of cervical formations).

The main indication for HPV vaccination is age from 9 to 25 years (immunization up to 45 years is acceptable). It is optimal to vaccinate during this period, before HPV infection, best of all - before the onset of sexual activity. This will provide 100% protection against the virus and the consequences of its activity in the body: warts, genital warts, precancerous changes and neoplasms.

At the age of 26 years and older, there is a fairly high probability that a person is already infected by at least one HPV serotype. This vaccine is prophylactic, that is, it does not cure an existing viral infection. However, vaccination for people over 26 is still recommended, albeit with slightly different goals:

  • Complete protection from infection with dangerous serotypes if the person is not already infected with any of them
  • In the case of HPV vaccination in the presence of the virus, protection against infection with those serotypes with which the person is not yet infected
  • Facilitate the treatment of HPV infection that you already have
  • Prevention of the development of malignant forms of tumors in the presence of HPV infection

How is the procedure carried out

  • The injection is performed intramuscularly (deltoid muscle - shoulder)
  • After the procedure, you do not need to comply with any restrictions and change your lifestyle
  • Three injections of the vaccine are required for a sustainable effect (for the Cervarix vaccine at the age of vaccination up to 15 years - 2 doses). The interval between the first and second injections is 1-2 months (depending on the drug), between the second and third - 6 months
  • Stable immunity against the virus is formed within 4 weeks after the first injection of the drug. After three injections, it remains for life

Advantages of vaccination against human papillomavirus in MEDSI

  • We use modern vaccines, the effectiveness and safety of which is confirmed by international clinical trials involving hundreds of thousands of people
  • Medicines are always in stock - no need to wait for them to be available
  • We have the ability to preliminarily establish the presence of oncogenic HPV serotypes in the body. This is especially true for people who want to get vaccinated after age 25.

Prevention of cervical cancer is based on two pillars: regular screening (which we wrote about in the previous article "Testing for HPV") and vaccination. Both whales are limping on all flippers, so the statistics of morbidity and mortality still look sad. Today we will try to answer the most common questions about HPV vaccination.

1. Who should be vaccinated?

This question is the subject of fierce battles among experts. Agreement reached on only one point: it is necessary to vaccinate children and teenagers, Ideally - before puberty, because the vaccine can prevent infection, and not drive away the virus that has already settled. In October 2012, WHO officially added the HPV vaccine for girls to the WHO immunization calendar.

This means that all countries of the world that have recognized the primacy of WHO (the Russian Federation recognizes) must include this vaccine in their national calendars. Optimal age 9–13 years are currently considered for vaccination. There is still controversy regarding the vaccination of adults. In our country, vaccination is recommended (but, alas, not mandatory) for girls and women under 45 years of age.

As of May 15, 2018, 1 80 countries around the world have included the HPV vaccine in their national immunization programs for girls. The vaccine is universally approved in the US and Japan.

There are currently three options to choose from.

Cervarix- protects against the two most "evil" types of HPV (16 and 18). About 70% of cervical cancer cases are associated with these types of virus. The vaccine can be given to girls and boys aged 9-10 years (two injections: introduce and repeat after 5-13 months). If the child is already 15 years of age at the start of vaccination, three doses should be administered during the year (the first injection, after 4-10 weeks - the second injection, and after 5-12 months from the start of vaccination - the third).

Gardasil- protects against four types of HPV: 16 and 18 (highly oncogenic) + 6 and 11 (cause genital warts). Girls and boys aged 9–13 years are given two doses of the vaccine (given and repeated after 6 months). From the age of 14, three injections are recommended (introduction, after 2 months and after 6 months). An accelerated vaccination program is possible: introduction, after a month and after another 3 months.

If the child has already begun to live sexually, then vaccination is carried out three times, regardless of age.

Preparing for registration in our country new vaccine Gardasil-9, which protects against 9 types of HPV (allowed in the US since December 2014). The vaccination schedule will be similar 2 .

3. How effective is it in general?

Bulletins on vaccination are regularly published on the WHO website, including in Russian (May 2017). They are written by large teams of experts after a thorough study of the most complete evidence base.

Modern research shows that a full course of vaccination before the onset of sexual activity reduces the risk of developing HPV-associated cancer by 99%. Even a single administration of Cervarix gives 100% seroprotection against HPV-16 and HPV-18 for 4 years 3 .

There has been no discussion in the world for a long time “is vaccination against HPV necessary?” Experts are discussing only the question “is revaccination necessary?”. Today it is considered not necessary. Although long-term research is still underway. For Cervarix and Gardasil, protection lasts at least 10 years. This is an excellent result.

In Australia, thanks to mass vaccination with Gardasil, already after 3 years, the incidence of genital warts decreased by 73%, precancerous diseases of the cervix decreased by 38%. After 10 years, HPV-associated diseases are practically not registered on the mainland.

4. Do I need to get tested for HPV before getting vaccinated?

A big misconception is that the vaccine can only be given to those who do not have HPV infection, because "if you introduce the virus, it will only get worse." Firstly, there is no virus in the vaccine - neither live nor weakened. These are proteins of the viral envelope, to which the body begins to react with the production of antibodies. So it will not be possible to “infect” or worsen vaccination.

For all vaccines against HPV infection, the ability to induce cross-immunity to other variants of the virus in addition to HPV-16 and 18 has been proven, it works especially well for types 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. Of course, vaccination works best in "naive" - those whose body has not yet become acquainted with the virus, but those who have already encountered the infection can receive protection.

That is why there is now more and more talk about the need to vaccinate women who have recovered from cervical precancerous diseases (CIN). Life is long, it is quite possible to re-infect with HPV.

5. Can there be side effects?

Currently, millions of people around the world have been vaccinated against HPV. It is known that sometimes there is redness and soreness at the injection site. Rarely found slight increase temperature, headache and dizziness, nausea, fainting.

The WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety regularly reviews data on the safety of HPV vaccines, with the most recent conclusion in January 2016: the available data do not raise health safety concerns 4 .

Although vaccination is the best way prevention of HPV-associated diseases and cervical cancer, it does not allow to cancel routine cervical screening. First, some rare cases of cervical cancer are not associated with HPV. Secondly, protection against HPV is good, but not absolute. However, by analogy with other vaccinations, although vaccinated people can get sick, they practically do not have severe course disease or complications.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


1 Data source: WHO/IVB Database, as of 15 May 2018. Map production Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB), World Health Organization.

2 Petrosky E, Bocchini JA Jr, Hariri S. et al. Use of 9-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: updated HPV vaccination recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015; 64:300–4.

3 Safaeian M et al. Durable antibody responses following one dose of the bivalent human papillomavirus L1 viruslike particle vaccine in the Costa Rica vaccine trial. Cancer Prev Res, 2013; 6:1242–1250.

4Background documents and presentations presented during the SAGE meeting in October 2016.

It has different subspecies, that is, strains. Some of these strains are capable of provoking the development of oncological diseases, most often cervical cancer in.

Ongoing studies have revealed that oncogenic strains of the virus in some cases lead to cancers of the rectum, vagina, and penis. The likelihood of developing these dangerous diseases is greatly reduced if a person is vaccinated against HPV.

What causes papillomas?

And the mucous membranes of the human body are formed as a result of infection with one or more strains of HPV. Infection occurs quite easily, often through sexual contact or household way. Therefore, almost 90% of the world's population are carriers of this smallest microorganism.

Infection does not yet indicate that warts, papillomas or genital warts will necessarily appear on the body. In order for the virus to begin to develop in epithelial cells and cause their pathological growth, its activation is needed.

This process quickly starts with a significant decrease in the work of the immune system, with severe dysbacteriosis, prolonged stress, hormonal imbalance.

Papillomas can be either single or multiple. With the appearance of one formation, there is a high probability of the formation of a dozen others, since when the initial papilloma is injured, the virus quickly spreads through the skin.

A great health hazard is represented by genital warts growing in the genital area. It is these formations that are most often caused by oncogenic strains of the virus.

Types of HPV Vaccine

In order to prevent human infection with oncogenic HPV strains, prophylactic vaccines have been developed.

They do not include live viruses, the composition is presented organic matter, which are necessary for the production of antibodies to HPV. Vaccines also contain yeast, antibiotics, and a number of preservatives.

After the introduction of the vaccine, the work of immunity begins to produce antibodies, in the future they do not allow the virus that has entered the body to gain a foothold in the tissues of the body.

To date, only two types of vaccines are widely used to prevent infection, these are:

  • Gardasil. The introduction of this drug provides protection against 16, 18, 6 and 11 HPV strains.
  • Cervarix. Protects the body from infection with 16 and 18 microorganism types.

It has been proven to influence the development of cervical cancer. Viruses, designated as 6 and 11, lead to the appearance of papillomas in the anus, on the external genital organs, and on the walls of the vagina. Such formations can become malignant.

Vaccines are a suspension that is packaged in disposable syringes. Both Gardasil and Cervarix are used to vaccinate adolescent girls and young women. The drug Gardasil is also recommended for vaccination, as it can prevent the development of penile cancer.

It must be understood that the invented vaccines are prophylactic, that is, they cannot cure an infection already existing in the body. In this regard, several recommendations for the introduction of the vaccine have been proposed.

Preparations should be placed no later than 26 years. The best time to vaccinate is adolescence, that is, from 10 to 13 years. In Russia, prophylaxis is usually carried out for girls before they reach the age of 12.

Similar Choice age category due to the fact that at this age children usually do not have sexual activity and, therefore, they have no risk of infection with oncogenic strains of HPV. It has also been proven that the body of adolescents responds better to vaccination and this makes it possible to achieve lasting protection.

If vaccination is necessary for young people under 26 years of age, it is recommended that they be tested first. The identification of strains of the virus such as 6, 11, 16 and 18 makes vaccination pointless.

But in recent times studies are being conducted that suggest that the use of vaccines already against the background of infection allows you to recover faster. Therefore, Russian doctors recommend that Gardasil or Cervarix be given to women under the age of 35.

Human papillomavirus vaccine schedule

Full formation of immunity against oncogenic strains of the virus occurs with the introduction of three doses of Cervarix or Gardasil.

The standard scheme for administering these drugs is usually used:

  • Gardasil is vaccinated according to the scheme 0-2-6. This means that the first dose is given when the patient needs it, the second dose is given two months later, and the last dose is given six months after the first vaccination.
  • Cervarix is ​​also vaccinated three times according to the 0-1-6 scheme. The second dose is administered at least one month after the first, the last one six months after the first vaccination.

An accelerated vaccination is also possible. In this case, Gardasil is put down according to the 0-1-3 scheme, Cervarix according to the 0-1-2.5 scheme.

Sometimes patients, due to unforeseen circumstances, miss the next vaccination - the second or third. In such cases, it is not necessary to start the vaccination again.

The second vaccination is carried out as soon as possible, and the last is done after 4 months with Gardasil or 5 months later with Cervarix.

Immunity against HPV is formed after two doses of the vaccine, the third injection of the drug is necessary to consolidate the level of antibodies developed by the immune system.

You also need to know that these two types of vaccine, that is, Gardasil and Cervarix are not considered interchangeable. That is, all vaccinations must be carried out with one selected or prescribed drug. Gardasil allows you to develop antibodies to 4 strains of the virus, and the second vaccine only to two.

How is it entered?

Any HPV vaccine is administered only intramuscularly, this is necessary so that the drug enters the bloodstream not immediately, but in parts. Such an introduction allows the immune system to produce the right amount of effective antibodies.

The injection of the drug must be placed in the shoulder or thigh. It is in these places of the body that there is a sufficiently developed muscle layer and the least subcutaneous fat, which ensures good absorption of the drug.

If the vaccine is injected into a vein, then the rapid intake of all components will ensure a high activity of the immune system, the destruction of antigens and the absence of the formation of antibodies.

Subcutaneous injection leads to too slow delivery of the vaccine into the blood, which also prevents the formation of right level antibodies. Such an introduction is also dangerous because of the possibility of the formation of a subcutaneous seal, which resolves for a very long time.

Vaccination of people has the right to carry out polyclinics, district hospitals, private medical centers. Preparations should be administered by a specialist who has a certificate for this species medical activities.

Possible Complications

HPV vaccines currently in use contain only synthetic and organic components. The absence of live viruses in the composition of the drug ensures its good tolerability.

Sometimes after Cervarix or Gardasil injections the patient may feel local reactions to these drugs, they are expressed:

  • Slight itching during the first hours after vaccination. Itching covers the injection site.
  • The appearance at the injection site of a slight swelling, redness or swelling.

These reactions are possible with the introduction of any vaccine and, as a rule, they completely disappear in the first two to three days without the use of medicines. Sometimes a lump appears at the injection site, which indicates that a small dose of the vaccine has entered the subcutaneous fat layer. For some people, this seal resolves for several months.

In rare cases, vaccination with HPV drugs causes headaches and fever up to 38 degrees or more. If these symptoms appear, you can drink an antipyretic or pain medication. Help to normalize well-being, drugs such as Paracetamol, Nise, Nurofen.

The development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock only a few people have been vaccinated with Gardasil or Cervarix. If a person has a history of allergic diseases, then two to three days before the introduction of the vaccine, it is recommended to take antihistamines- Fenistila, Telfast, Erius.


Gardasil and Cervarix are used as HPV vaccines throughout the world, and therefore research into their effectiveness is ongoing.

It has been proven that vaccination in almost 99% of cases provides the desired production of antibodies. After a full course, the probability of infection with oncogenic strains of the virus is reduced to almost zero.

But it must not be forgotten that specific immunity formed only against 16 and 18 or 16, 18, 11 and 6 strains of the virus. The introduction of Gardasil and Cervarix does not protect against other subtypes of HPV.

HPV vaccination is designed to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer. And the creators of the vaccine quite succeeded, but we must not forget that oncological diseases also occur for other reasons.


An absolute contraindication to the introduction of the vaccine is intolerance to one of the components that make up the product. Re-vaccination is not carried out if a severe allergic reaction occurred during the first administration of the drug.

Relative, that is, temporary contraindications, include acute diseases or a relapse of an existing chronic pathology. In these cases, not only the first vaccination is delayed, but also subsequent revaccinations.

The cost of the preventive program

The drugs Gardasil and Cervarix are quite expensive and therefore not all subjects Russian Federation may allow them to be included in the free vaccination schedule.

Paid vaccinations are offered by most medical institutions and usually in these centers they offer special programs. These vaccination programs consist of three shots and pre-testing to detect HPV strains already in the body.

The price of the vaccination program with Gardasil in most institutions is 27 thousand rubles, with Cervarix - 19 thousand.

When it is necessary to be vaccinated against the papillomavirus, the following video will tell:

The human papillomavirus is dangerous infection, the main route of transmission of which is sexual contact. Some strains of HPV can cause cancer. At the same time, even condoms are not able to fully protect partners from infection with papillomavirus. In this case, medicine offers more reliable way to avoid infection - vaccination against HPV.

Vaccinations allow you to protect yourself not only from those that provoke the development malignant tumors, but also protect against other common strains. So, 16 and types are capable of causing cervical cancer, as well as cancer of the penis or anus in men. 6 and 11 strains provoke the appearance of warts and papillomas on the genitals. Vaccines are designed to fight these types of HPV, but cannot protect against other strains.

Today, two types of HPV vaccines are officially registered in Russia:

The protective effect of vaccinations is based on the content of weakened papillomavirus compounds in them. The body reacts to them by producing antibodies, which further prevent the possibility of infection with already real strains.

Which vaccine is best

Both drugs protect equally well against highly oncogenic types of the virus, which are considered the most dangerous. However, Gardasil has more wide range action and prevents infection with other, albeit not so dangerous strains of HPV. Also, a significant advantage of this vaccine is the ability to be vaccinated in women during lactation.

When vaccinated, it should also be taken into account that Cervarix was tested only on girls. While Gardaxil is also approved for use in boys and men, the vaccine will reliable protection from genital warts arising in the genital area, cancer of the anus and penis.

Does it work in the presence of HPV

Vaccination is given in preventive purposes, for this reason it will be ineffective with existing papillomavirus strains. AT this case the vaccine will have no therapeutic effect. However, it is able to protect against HPV strains that a person has not been infected with. Therefore, it makes sense to vaccinate, but only after the treatment.

Who is vaccinated

The most effective vaccination will be in adolescence, when young people have not yet had sexual intercourse. This ensures that the body has time to work when weakened HPV compounds appear, without fear of being infected with real strains. In some countries, it is common practice to vaccinate girls only, but boys can also be vaccinated.

Until what age do

The Ministry of Health of Russia recommends that parents vaccinate their children from the age of 12. At the same time, the World Health Organization makes other recommendations, setting the vaccination age from 16 to 23 years. In some cases, the vaccine may be given earlier, but it is important that the age of the child is at least 9 years old for a girl and at least 10 for a boy.

How vaccination is carried out

Before vaccination, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of HPV if the person has already had sexual intercourse. It is especially important to identify highly oncogenic strains of papillomavirus, if they are present in the body.

In order for vaccination to be successful, it is necessary to adhere to the scheme for using the drug. As part of the vaccination complex, 3 vaccines are administered at different time intervals. Yes, d laCervarixthe interval between doses 1 and 2 is about 4 weeks, and the last stage of vaccination occurs after 6 months. It is permissible to reduce this time to 3-4 months after the first injection. ForGardasilre-introduction is done 1.5 months after the first vaccine, the third injection is also carried out six months later.

The first dose of drugs significantly reduces the risk of infection with papillomavirus, but its effect is not enough to develop a strong immune response. Therefore, it is important to follow the order of vaccination and to put each vaccination in turn. If the segments between them are too short, this may affect the effectiveness of the entire procedure.

If for some reason a person could not complete the full course of vaccination, you can catch up at any time. After the first injection, the remaining vaccinations can be delivered without restarting the course. However, this must be done before the age of 26.

Where is the vaccine given?

The injection is given intramuscularly in the forearm or thigh. The introduction of the drug subcutaneously does not give any effect, and when used intravenously, the substance enters the bloodstream, which can cause a strong immune response.

If necessary, the HPV vaccine can be combined with other vaccines - against hepatitis B, polio, etc. However, in this case, injections must be made in different places.

During pregnancy

During the pregnancy period, women are not recommended to be vaccinated. If the girl started the course antiviral injections, and at this time pregnancy occurred, it is better to deliver all undelivered vaccinations after the birth of the baby, since the lactation period is not a contraindication for vaccination. If a woman becomes pregnant immediately after the administration of the drug, no treatment or observation is required, since the drug does not adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Contraindications for vaccination

The vaccine is safe and very effective in use, so there are practically no contraindications for its use. A few factors that can aggravate the effects of vaccination include:

  • allergy to the composition of the drug, this is the only absolute contraindication;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • influenza or SARS;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

After successful treatment, time restrictions can be lifted and vaccination can be carried out.

Possible Complications

Vaccination practice shows persistent positive results all who received the drug. Since vaccines do not contain the DNA of the virus, they do not pose any danger of infection to humans. Vaccination is well tolerated, sometimes with slight redness in the injection area. Similar symptom passes quickly and does not require special treatment.

Other, rare side effects include:

  • temperature rise;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • allergic reaction;
  • muscle pain.

These complications should be treated symptomatically. So, at a temperature, you can use antipyretics, for example, Paracetamol or Nurofen, which will also act as analgesic drug. Usually, side effects are short-term, disappearing after a few hours.

Where to get vaccinated

Vaccination is carried out as public clinics and cancer centers and in private medical institutions. In addition, the patient has a choice of where to vaccinate: in the clinic or at home. The latter option is very convenient and safe, since the procedure does not require special equipment.

Vaccine price

Prices for this procedure vary depending on the region and the specific clinic. The vaccines themselves are sold at the same price to all medical centers, as they are produced by one supplier. Prices for Gardasil range from 5.5 to 8.5 thousand rubles, and Cervarix will cost less - 3.5-5.5 thousand. However medical institutions can carry out an extra charge, so the cost of the procedure often starts from 10 thousand.
