Psychological support for convicts who are disabled. On the issue of psychological support for those sentenced to life imprisonment in the context of reforming the penal system. Section II. Training in the field of social

The main tasks of social work in a correctional institution are:

Organization and provision of social protection for all categories of convicts, especially those in need (pensioners, disabled people, those who have lost family ties, transferred from correctional colonies, the elderly, those suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, those without a specific place of residence, patients with incurable or intractable diseases);

Assistance in ensuring acceptable social and living conditions for serving the sentence;

Assistance in the social development of the convicted person, including improving their social culture, developing social needs, changing normative value orientations, increasing the level of social self-control;

Helping convicts find a socially acceptable environment for them, a point of social interest (work, family, religion, art, etc.).

Development and strengthening of socially useful connections between the convicted person and the outside world;

Assisting the convicted person in obtaining assistance from specialists.

The organization of social work with convicted disabled people begins with identifying and recording persons of this category. When studying them, it is necessary, first of all, to establish: their state of health, the presence length of service and the right to receive a pension after release, family ties, specialties, motivation and goals of life, the most characteristic mental states and behavioral abnormalities.

Disability pensions are issued after the convicted person is recognized as disabled, which is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on recognizing a person as disabled, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1996 No. 965, and in accordance with the Classifications and temporary criteria used in the implementation of medical social expertise approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 1997 No. 1/30.

A medical and social examination of a convicted person is carried out upon his written application addressed to the head of the public service institution regulating these issues. The application, referral and other medical documents confirming the violation of his health are sent by the administration of the institution where the convicted person is being held to the territorial institutions of the state medical and social examination service. To compile individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person, examination of convicts in institutions of the state medical and social examination service is carried out in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution where convicts sent for examination are serving their sentences.

If a convicted person is recognized as disabled, a MSEC certificate in the established form is sent to the correctional institution and stored in the personal file of the convicted person. An extract from the certificate of examination at the institution of the state medical and social examination service of a convicted person recognized as disabled is sent within three days from the date of establishment of disability to the body providing pensions at the location of the correctional institution, for assignment, recalculation and organization of payment of a pension. And an extract from the examination report on the results of determining the degree of loss of professional ability and the need for additional types of assistance is sent to the correctional institution and stored in the personal file of the convicted person. In case of release from a correctional institution of a convicted person whose disability has not expired, a MSEC certificate is issued to him.

Payment of pensions assigned to those sentenced to imprisonment is made from the date of sentencing, but not earlier than July 1, 1997 and in all cases not earlier than the day from which the pension was assigned.

To organize the payment of pensions to convicts who received a pension before their conviction, the administration of the correctional institution sends to the body providing pensions a list and a certificate for each convict about his stay in the correctional institution. The body providing pensions checks the information specified in the list and, if necessary, requests pension files and other documents required to open payments.

After the release of a disabled person from places of imprisonment, the pension file is sent to his place of residence or place of stay at the request of the body providing pensions, based on the application of the pensioner, a certificate of release from places of imprisonment and a registration document issued by the registration authorities. And after all the necessary documents are collected and completed, he will again receive a pension.

When working with convicted disabled people, a social work specialist relies on their inherent positive qualities (their experience, knowledge, general erudition, etc.) in order to neutralize the negative features of the disease. This can be achieved if we proceed from the basic principle of social work with this category of convicts - to make their lives active. Since people with disabilities pay special attention to their health and try to find ways to maintain it, organizing a series of lectures and conversations on medical and social topics is important. In the correctional institution's club, library, and in detachments, corners or stands with special medical and educational literature, clippings from periodicals, health and educational posters designed for convicted disabled people can be equipped: “How to maintain health,” “How to cope with a serious illness.” , “Society needs your experience and knowledge,” etc.

Health education is an integral and integral part of activities medical service, carried out in close cooperation with educational, cultural and social work. Since an important aspect of the entire work of a correctional institution is that a person who can independently adapt to the conditions after release must return to society. Sanitary education work is carried out using various forms and methods: lectures, conversations, consultations, loud reading of literature and radio broadcasting, publication of sanitary bulletins, wall newspapers, memos, use of slogan posters, slides, filmstrips, photo exhibitions, demonstration of films, etc.

When selecting work for convicted disabled people, it should be borne in mind that when choosing a profession, the role of working conditions increases, that disabled people of groups I and II are involved in work only at their request. Effective labor rehabilitation of convicted disabled people is achieved by maintaining a measured work rhythm that does not allow rush jobs, storms, or arrhythmias in production activities.

The organization of social and hygienic measures includes constant monitoring of the health of convicted disabled people, medical care, prevention of psychopathological deviations by engaging convicted disabled people in socially useful activities.

From the point of view of health prevention, this category of convicts is unacceptable sudden changes way of life in connection with the transition to another species labor activity or exemption from work due to illness. Such sudden changes cause states of stress that the body cannot always cope with. Involvement, taking into account the state of health, into any types of socially useful activities: assignments to participate in socially useful work without pay, provision of paid work on a part-time basis. Involvement in the work of amateur organizations. Involvement in carrying out one-time assignments. Appointment of responsible persons from among them for any specific area of ​​work on a voluntary basis.

It is effective to create mutual assistance groups by social work specialists and ensure the activities of assigned convicts from the social assistance section to serve convicts with disabilities, who can participate in carrying out activities to ensure proper household, sanitary, hygienic and other necessary affairs for disabled people.

To maintain a certain level of intellectual functioning, it is important to involve disabled convicts in self-education. The preservation of psychophysical functions is achieved through feasible activities and occupational therapy, the development of intellectual interests, and the constant expansion of erudition.

Employees must teach disabled people how to organize their leisure time, which they will need in freedom, especially those who will be sent to homes for the elderly and disabled. The organization of free time and leisure for convicted disabled people should pursue two goals: creation the best conditions to restore physical and mental energy and maximize their free time in activities that contribute to the development of their social interests. For this purpose, convicted disabled people are involved in mass cultural work, participation in amateur performances, design of visual propaganda, work of the editorial board, promotion of books, repair of existing book stock, and self-education. It is also advisable to involve the category in question in physical education and sports (competitions in chess, checkers, arm wrestling, etc.).

Organizing and carrying out preventive measures with them, including, along with purely medical measures, also socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical measures, is also of no small importance for preparing this category of convicts for life in freedom.

Special attention must be paid to the psychological and practical preparation of convicted disabled people for release from correctional institutions.

Preparatory work is being carried out with persons who do not have family or relatives to send them to homes for the elderly and disabled after their release from the correctional facility. It is important not only to properly prepare the relevant documents, but also to tell the convicts what these institutions are and what the order of life is like there. There are special norms and rules of behavior that must be followed. It is important to clarify that in institutions of this type Constant control has been established over compliance with the order of movement of wards by management, doctors, and the police officer on duty.

It should be noted that in order to provide disabled people released from correctional institutions with appropriate clothing and footwear, measures are being taken to distribute and ensure receipt various types assistance coming from various non-governmental organizations.

For those who cannot be sent to nursing homes, in the absence of family and relatives, measures must be taken to provide them with a home or establish guardianship after their release from the correctional facility. Disabled persons who are unable to independently go to their place of residence after release must be accompanied by medical staff.

Of great importance in the organization of social work in general, in the correctional institution of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the preparation of convicts for release, is the legal consolidation of this activity. The preparation of convicts for release is legislatively enshrined in Chapter 22 of the Criminal Executive Code, which is entitled “Assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences and control over them,” including convicts with disabilities.

Preparations for the release of persons serving sentences in correctional institutions begin no later than 6 months before the end of the term of imprisonment.

Activities to prepare convicts for release include several stages:

1. Registration of convicts released at the end of their sentence;

2. The main element of preparing convicted disabled people for release from correctional institutions is documentation. This is to provide convicts released from correctional institutions with all the necessary documents. The main document, without which it is impossible to resolve any issue related to the resocialization of a convicted person, is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Issues of obtaining passports are relevant for all categories of those who have lost them for various reasons.

3. Restoration of socially useful connections of convicts (sending requests to the police department for this purpose, correspondence with relatives, etc.). Of particular importance in this case is the interaction of a social work specialist with the heads of detachments, as well as employees of other departments of the correctional institution;

4. Conducting individual conversations with each person being released, during which life plans for the future are clarified. In addition, the procedure for employment, the rights and responsibilities of citizens during the job search are explained, issues of household arrangements, etc. are clarified;

5. Registration of social cards for each convicted person with mandatory issuance upon release. Both specialists from the administration of the penitentiary institution and other services participate in drawing up a social map. Maps are compiled in order to ensure a complete record of persons released from the institution for submission to the authorities local government, employment institutions, social protection of the population, health care and other institutions and organizations at the place of residence;

6. Payment for the convict’s travel to the destination upon release. If necessary, escort to the train and purchase of travel documents are provided;

7. Development of methodological materials containing information necessary for those released on issues of social services, medical care, paperwork (passport, disability, registration at place of residence), employment, social support. This methodological material allows a person being released from a penal institution to form certain knowledge about social reality.

9. It is also necessary to identify convicts who have the right to receive a pension and take timely measures to provide them with pensions after release. Pension legislation distinguishes two types of disability pensions: labor pensions; state pensions.

Basic documents that need to be prepared by a social work specialist to assign pensions:

Statement by the convicted person;

Convict's passport;

Certificates confirming the place of stay or actual residence of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

Documents on labor activity - work book; a certificate of average monthly earnings for periods of activity for calculating the amount of pension benefits;

Documents establishing disability and the degree of limitation of ability to work;

Information about disabled family members, death of the breadwinner; confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner; that the deceased was a single mother; about the death of the other parent;

Other documents (their submission is possible if necessary). A social work specialist draws up the necessary documents and sends them to the pension authorities, monitors the timely transfer of pensions and takes measures to eliminate deficiencies. If the convicted person does not have work book and other documents necessary for the assignment and recalculation of pensions, requests are sent to search for these documents. If work experience cannot be confirmed or there is no work experience, a state social pension is assigned upon reaching the age of 65 years for men and 55 years of age for women, or a state social disability pension.

An important formal element aimed at the successful resocialization and social adaptation of a convicted disabled person being released from a correctional facility is the preparation and issuance of a “Memo to the Released Person.” Its structure may include: advice from a psychologist; rights and obligations of released citizens; information about the release procedure; information about the employment service; about pension provision; about going to court; about the provision of possible medical assistance; useful information (about free canteens, night shelters, social assistance services, dispensaries, helplines, passport services, etc.)

Thus, social work with convicted disabled people in correctional institutions is a logically structured system of social activities. At the same time, the practical preparedness of disabled people for release is of great importance. Its effectiveness is of significant importance in solving social, everyday, labor rehabilitation and their social adaptation to life in freedom.

Questions for self-control

    What are the main problems of convicted disabled people in correctional institutions?

    Expand legal norms social work with convicted disabled people in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Describe the main directions and forms of social work with convicted disabled people in correctional institutions.

Kuznetsov M. I., Ananyev O. G. Social work with convicts in correctional institutions: textbook. a manual for beginners in social work of the penitentiary system - Ryazan, 2006.

Luzgin S.A. Centers for psychological, pedagogical and social work with convicts as a domestic model for organizing their correction and resocialization in correctional colonies: Textbook. – Ryazan, 2004.

On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ.

On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people: Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ.

On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ.

Social work in penitentiary institutions: Textbook / ed. AND I. Grishko, M.I. Kuznetsova, V.N. Kazantseva. – M., 2008.

Social work in the penal system: Textbook/S.A. Luzgin, M.I. Kuznetsov, V.N. Kazantsev and others; Under general edited by Yu.I. Kalinina. - 2nd ed., rev. – Ryazan, 2006.

Social work with convicts: Textbook / ed. IN AND. Zhukova, M.A. Galaguzova. – M., 2002.

Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (1997).

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996).

Chapter 12. Features of the activities of public associations of disabled people

12.1 Concept and types of public associations of disabled people

Current stage of development Russian society characterized by increased activity of citizens within the framework of voluntary associations in order to defend their social, political, professional and other interests. In this regard, public associations of disabled people acquire special significance.

In their work, they are directly guided by the vital interests, values ​​and priorities of the people within them and, thanks to this, act as the most suitable representatives of this category of citizens in relations with other institutions of society.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, “everyone has the right to association; freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed; no one can be forced to join or remain in any association” (Article 30).

These constitutional provisions are specified in many federal laws. According to Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations” of 1995 No. 82, a public association is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter.

According to Article 7 of this law, public associations can be created in one of the following organizational and legal forms: public organization; social movement; public fund; public institution; public initiative body; Political Party.

A public organization is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens (Article 8).

A social movement is a mass public association consisting of participants and not having membership, pursuing social, political and other social causes. useful purposes, supported by participants in the social movement (Article 9).

A public fund is one of the types of non-profit foundations; it is a non-membership public association, the purpose of which is to form property on the basis of voluntary contributions, other receipts not prohibited by law and to use this property for socially useful purposes (Article 10).

A public institution is a non-membership public association whose goal is to provide a specific type of service that meets the interests of the participants and corresponds to the statutory goals of the said association (Article 11).

A public initiative body is a non-membership public association whose purpose is to jointly resolve various social problems, arising among citizens at the place of residence, work or study, aimed at meeting the needs of an unlimited number of persons whose interests are related to the achievement of statutory goals and the implementation of programs of the public initiative body at the place of its creation (Article 12).

A political public association is a public association, the charter of which should include, among its main goals, participation in the political life of society through influencing the formation of the political will of citizens, participation in elections to state authorities and local governments through the nomination of candidates and the organization of their election campaign. , participation in the organization and activities of these bodies (Article 12.1).

According to Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” of 1995, public associations created and operating to protect the rights and legitimate interests of disabled people, providing them with equal opportunities with other citizens, are a form of social protection of disabled people. The state provides such public associations with assistance and assistance, including material, technical and financial.

Based on the interpretation of the norms contained in the laws, public organizations disabled people are one of the organizational and legal forms of public associations. These are recognized as organizations created by people with disabilities and persons representing their interests, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of people with disabilities, provide them with equal opportunities with other citizens, solve problems of social integration of people with disabilities, among whose members are people with disabilities and their legal representatives(one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardian or trustee) constitute at least 80 percent (Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, 1995).

The main goal of state support for public associations of people with disabilities is the creation and provision of legal, economic and organizational conditions, guarantees and incentives for the activities of such associations aimed at the rehabilitation and self-realization of people with disabilities, their integration into society, providing them with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as protection of their legitimate interests.

Based on the meaning, goals and main directions of policy regarding people with disabilities, state support for public associations of people with disabilities is carried out on the basis of the principles:

The priority of common humanistic values ​​in the activities of public associations of disabled people;

Recognition of the independence of public associations of people with disabilities and their inalienable right and role in the development and implementation of state policy regarding people with disabilities, in the protection of their constitutional rights and legitimate interests;


Articles in two parts Underby the editorsthe doctors philological sciences, professors A. E. Eremeeva Part... the company holds disabled people in the state, and work perform... and organization socially-cultural activities ( pedagogicalSciences). Abstract of the dissertation...

Social work in penitentiary institutions of modern Russia is actively developing as a special type of activity to provide social assistance and support, and provide social protection for convicts. For this purpose, departments for socio-psychological work, groups for social protection and recording of the work experience of convicts have been created in correctional institutions for persons detained in them, the employees of which, when solving the tasks specified by regulations, are primarily guided in their activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Convicts with disabilities have a state-guaranteed right to the provision of qualified medical and social assistance, the implementation of various types of restorative and rehabilitation measures of a medical nature, including through medical and medical-social examination.

The purpose of legislation on social protection of disabled people is to provide them with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. Provided in regulations Social protection measures for disabled people are the obligations of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. Legislation on these measures and forms of support for people with disabilities applies to all categories of citizens, including convicted persons serving a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment. At the same time, the special nature of the execution of deprivation of liberty (that is, the organization of a special penal process, including the stage of release and post-penitentiary resocialization) and preparation for release is determined by the sign of disability of the individual serving a criminal sentence.

Activities to provide convicts with social assistance, support, protection for the purpose of their correction and resocialization during the execution of a criminal sentence, as well as adaptation to society after release, is a priority of social work in a correctional institution, especially with such a category as convicted disabled people

The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, adopted in 1955, state that “the legislator should ensure that prisoners, during and after serving their sentences, retain the maximum rights in the field of social security, social benefits and other civil interests.” Preserving the maximum rights in the field of social security for convicted disabled people, as recommended in fundamental international documents, is an expression of the principles of humanism and social justice in penal law as it relates to social security. (Social work in the penal system: Textbook / S.A. Luzgin, M.I. Kuznetsov, V.N. Kazantsev, etc.; Generally edited by Yu.I. Kalinin. - 2nd ed., corrected - Ryazan, 2006.)

The most important laws that are important for social work and the penal system with convicted disabled people include, first of all, the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (1996), which fixes as a task of the penal legislation of the Russian Federation, along with others: “providing assistance to convicts in social adaptation.” This rule of law applies to the entire mass of convicts serving criminal sentences, including convicted disabled people.

One cannot ignore such an aspect of social work as medical and sanitary provision for convicts. In accordance with Article 101 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, treatment and preventive institutions are organized in the penitentiary system for medical care of convicts, and the administration of the correctional institution is responsible for fulfilling the requirements to ensure their health protection.

In correctional institutions you can meet convicted persons with disabilities: vision, hearing, amputees, general and occupational diseases. They have the opportunity to regularly receive medical care in a correctional institution; they can be placed in an inpatient medical unit of a colony, as well as in a special hospital or medical correctional institution. Keeping this category of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty requires the creation of certain conditions, proper care for them, as well as material costs.

Disabled people of groups I and II serving a sentence may, in addition, based on medical reports, receive parcels (deliveries), parcels, as well as purchase food and basic necessities from the funds available in their personal accounts, in the amount of one established minimum wage with taking into account the allowances provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Individual convicts are involved in assisting disabled people in caring for them.

Currently, convicted disabled people (if they wish) are employed in production facilities of penal institutions or enterprises of various forms of ownership that cooperate with penal institutions, based on their employment opportunities and necessarily their desire, taking into account the requirements of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation and Labor Code RF.

Penal legislation provides for working convicts with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as elderly convicts, certain benefits:

1) increasing the duration of annual paid leave to 18 working days;

2) involvement in work without pay only at their request;

3) increasing the size of the guaranteed minimum to 50% of their accrued wages, pensions and other income.

Convicts who have lost their ability to work while serving a sentence of imprisonment have the right to compensation for damage in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Convicts with disabilities, like all convicts, have the opportunity to communicate with each other and with other convicts, staff, and attend all awareness-raising, social, cultural, and physical culture and sports events held by the administration of the correctional institution. They have the opportunity to visit the library, as well as watch TV shows at the allotted time according to the daily routine.

In every correctional institution, all convicts, including disabled people, have the opportunity to receive basic general education, secondary education, vocational education, and also creates opportunities distance learning in colleges and universities.

Many positive examples from the activities of the penitentiary system can be cited when convicted disabled people themselves actively participate in the conduct of leisure cultural, mass, physical education and sports events, as well as in the activities of public amateur groups to assist penitentiary administrations in various directions activities.

Meals for convicts with disabilities of groups I and II are provided free of charge according to the increased standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation (general, dietary) and are organized depending on their mobility in the canteen of a correctional institution or in a designated place in the accommodation premises. Clothing for convicts with disabilities of groups I and II is also provided free of charge. Care for convicted disabled people can be carried out by people specially assigned by the administration of the penitentiary institution for this purpose from among the convicted persons themselves. They help such convicts in all matters related to the need to maintain personal hygiene and public sanitation. Convicted disabled people have the right to state pensions on a general basis. Payment of pensions to them is carried out by social protection authorities at the location of the correctional facility by transferring pensions to the personal accounts of convicted persons.

When preparing for release, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of such categories of convicts as disabled people of groups I and II, the elderly, pregnant women with children, as well as foreign citizens.

So, in accordance with Article 180 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, at the request of convicts who are disabled people of groups I and II, as well as convicted men over 60 years of age who did not have a permanent place of residence before their conviction, and convicted women over 55 years old, who are released from places of imprisonment, The administration of correctional institutions sends requests to social protection authorities to place them in homes for the disabled and the elderly. Persons without children traveling to homes for the disabled or elderly are provided with tickets to the location of the institution.

Thus, all of the above confirms the existence of legal norms in the penal system of the Russian Federation that establish the foundations of social work with convicted disabled people in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which are reflected in: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; regulations of the Ministry of Justice of Russia regulating issues of social work; regulations of the Federal Penitentiary Service, its main departments and departments; local regulations adopted by the administration of correctional institutions of the penal system on issues of social work.

All social work with convicted disabled people during their stay in correctional institutions is carried out by its employees (primarily social workers, medical workers, squad leaders and psychologists). In Russia, social work in the penitentiary sphere as an independent type of professional activity began to take shape in 2001. This is due to the transformation of penal policy towards humanization, i.e. respect for the rights of convicts, ensuring optimal conditions serving their sentences and returning to society.

Representatives of public organizations and religious denominations may be involved in this work, providing assistance in this work of the penal system. Practice shows that managers, as well as social, educational and medical services of correctional institutions, on the basis of cooperation agreements concluded with various organizations, primarily create opportunities for weakly protected categories of convicts, which include convicted disabled people, to receive social assistance from them.

The main tasks of social work in a correctional institution are:

Organization and provision of social protection for all categories of convicts, especially those in need (pensioners, disabled people, those who have lost family ties, transferred from correctional colonies, the elderly, those suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, those without a specific place of residence, patients with incurable or intractable diseases);

Assistance in ensuring acceptable social and living conditions for serving the sentence;

Assistance in the social development of the convicted person, including improving their social culture, developing social needs, changing normative value orientations, increasing the level of social self-control;

Helping convicts find a socially acceptable environment for them, a point of social interest (work, family, religion, art, etc.).

Development and strengthening of socially useful connections between the convicted person and the outside world;

Assisting the convicted person in obtaining assistance from specialists.

The organization of social work with convicted disabled people begins with identifying and recording persons of this category. When studying them, it is necessary, first of all, to establish: their state of health, the presence of work experience and the right to receive a pension after release, family ties, specialties, motivation and goals of life, the most characteristic mental states and behavioral abnormalities.

Disability pensions are issued after the convicted person is recognized as disabled, which is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on recognizing a person as disabled, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1996 No. 965, and in accordance with the Classifications and temporary criteria used in the implementation of medical social expertise approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 1997 No. 1/30.

A medical and social examination of a convicted person is carried out upon his written application addressed to the head of the public service institution regulating these issues. The application, referral and other medical documents confirming the violation of his health are sent by the administration of the institution where the convicted person is being held to the territorial institutions of the state medical and social examination service. To draw up an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, examination of convicts in institutions of the state medical and social examination service is carried out in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution where convicts sent for examination are serving their sentences.

If a convicted person is recognized as disabled, a MSEC certificate in the established form is sent to the correctional institution and stored in the personal file of the convicted person. An extract from the certificate of examination at the institution of the state medical and social examination service of a convicted person recognized as disabled is sent within three days from the date of establishment of disability to the body providing pensions at the location of the correctional institution, for assignment, recalculation and organization of payment of a pension. And an extract from the examination report on the results of determining the degree of loss of professional ability and the need for additional types of assistance is sent to the correctional institution and stored in the personal file of the convicted person. In case of release from a correctional institution of a convicted person whose disability has not expired, a MSEC certificate is issued to him.

Payment of pensions assigned to those sentenced to imprisonment is made from the date of sentencing, but not earlier than July 1, 1997 and in all cases not earlier than the day from which the pension was assigned.

To organize the payment of pensions to convicts who received a pension before their conviction, the administration of the correctional institution sends to the body providing pensions a list and a certificate for each convict about his stay in the correctional institution. The body providing pensions checks the information specified in the list and, if necessary, requests pension files and other documents required to open payments.

After the release of a disabled person from places of imprisonment, the pension file is sent to his place of residence or place of stay at the request of the body providing pensions, based on the application of the pensioner, a certificate of release from places of imprisonment and a registration document issued by the registration authorities. And after all the necessary documents are collected and completed, he will again receive a pension.

When working with convicted disabled people, a social work specialist relies on their inherent positive qualities (their experience, knowledge, general erudition, etc.) in order to neutralize the negative features of the disease. This can be achieved if we proceed from the basic principle of social work with this category of convicts - to make their lives active. Since people with disabilities pay special attention to their health and try to find ways to maintain it, organizing a series of lectures and conversations on medical and social topics is important. In the correctional institution's club, library, and in detachments, corners or stands with special medical and educational literature, clippings from periodicals, health and educational posters designed for convicted disabled people can be equipped: “How to maintain health,” “How to cope with a serious illness.” , “Society needs your experience and knowledge,” etc.

Health education is an integral and integral part of the activities of the medical service, carried out in close cooperation with educational, cultural and social work. Since an important aspect of the entire work of a correctional institution is that a person who can independently adapt to the conditions after release must return to society. Sanitary educational work is carried out using various forms and methods: lectures, conversations, consultations, loud reading of literature and radio broadcasting, publication of sanitary bulletins, wall newspapers, memos, the use of slogan posters, slides, filmstrips, photo exhibitions, film demonstrations, etc.

When selecting work for convicted disabled people, it should be borne in mind that when choosing a profession, the role of working conditions increases, that disabled people of groups I and II are involved in work only at their request. Effective labor rehabilitation of convicted disabled people is achieved by maintaining a measured work rhythm that does not allow rush jobs, storms, or arrhythmias in production activities.

The organization of social and hygienic measures includes constant monitoring of the health of convicted disabled people, medical care, prevention of psychopathological deviations by engaging convicted disabled people in socially useful activities.

From the point of view of health prevention for this category of convicts, sudden changes in lifestyle are unacceptable in connection with a transition to another type of work activity or release from work due to illness. Such sudden changes cause states of stress that the body cannot always cope with. Involvement, taking into account the state of health, into any types of socially useful activities: assignments to participate in socially useful work without pay, provision of paid work on a part-time basis. Involvement in the work of amateur organizations. Involvement in carrying out one-time assignments. Appointment of responsible persons from among them for any specific area of ​​work on a voluntary basis.

It is effective to create mutual assistance groups by social work specialists and ensure the activities of assigned convicts from the social assistance section to serve convicts with disabilities, who can participate in carrying out activities to ensure proper household, sanitary, hygienic and other necessary affairs for disabled people.

To maintain a certain level of intellectual functioning, it is important to involve disabled convicts in self-education. The preservation of psychophysical functions is achieved through feasible activities and occupational therapy, the development of intellectual interests, and the constant expansion of erudition.

Employees must teach disabled people how to organize their leisure time, which they will need in freedom, especially those who will be sent to homes for the elderly and disabled. The organization of free time and leisure for convicted disabled people should pursue two goals: creating the best conditions for restoring physical and mental energy and maximizing their free time in activities that contribute to the development of their social interests. For this purpose, convicted disabled people are involved in mass cultural work, participation in amateur performances, design of visual propaganda, work of the editorial board, promotion of books, repair of existing book stock, and self-education. It is also advisable to involve the category in question in physical education and sports (competitions in chess, checkers, arm wrestling, etc.).

Organizing and carrying out preventive measures with them, including, along with purely medical measures, also socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical measures, is also of no small importance for preparing this category of convicts for life in freedom.

Special attention must be paid to the psychological and practical preparation of convicted disabled people for release from correctional institutions.

Preparatory work is being carried out with persons who do not have family or relatives to send them to homes for the elderly and disabled after their release from the correctional facility. It is important not only to properly prepare the relevant documents, but also to tell the convicts what these institutions are and what the order of life is like there. There are special norms and rules of behavior that must be followed. It is important to clarify that in institutions of this type, constant control is established over compliance with the order of movement of wards by management, doctors, and the police officer on duty.

It should be noted that in order to provide disabled people released from correctional institutions with appropriate clothing and footwear, measures are being taken to distribute and ensure the receipt of various types of assistance coming from various non-governmental organizations.

For those who cannot be sent to nursing homes, in the absence of family and relatives, measures must be taken to provide them with a home or establish guardianship after their release from the correctional facility. Disabled persons who are unable to independently go to their place of residence after release must be accompanied by medical staff.

Of great importance in the organization of social work in general, in the correctional institution of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the preparation of convicts for release, is the legal consolidation of this activity. The preparation of convicts for release is legislatively enshrined in Chapter 22 of the Criminal Executive Code, which is entitled “Assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences and control over them,” including convicts with disabilities.

Preparations for the release of persons serving sentences in correctional institutions begin no later than 6 months before the end of the term of imprisonment.

Activities to prepare convicts for release include several stages:

1. Registration of convicts released at the end of their sentence;

2. The main element of preparing convicted disabled people for release from correctional institutions is documentation. This is to provide convicts released from correctional institutions with all the necessary documents. The main document, without which it is impossible to resolve any issue related to the resocialization of a convicted person, is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Issues of obtaining passports are relevant for all categories of those who have lost them for various reasons.

3. Restoration of socially useful connections of convicts (sending requests to the police department for this purpose, correspondence with relatives, etc.). Of particular importance in this case is the interaction of a social work specialist with the heads of detachments, as well as employees of other departments of the correctional institution;

4. Conducting individual conversations with each person being released, during which life plans for the future are clarified. In addition, the procedure for employment, the rights and responsibilities of citizens during the job search are explained, issues of household arrangements, etc. are clarified;

5. Registration of social cards for each convicted person with mandatory issuance upon release. Both specialists from the administration of the penitentiary institution and other services participate in drawing up a social map. Cards are compiled to ensure full accounting of persons released from the institution for submission to local government bodies, employment institutions, social protection of the population, health care and other institutions and organizations at the place of residence;

6. Payment for the convict’s travel to the destination upon release. If necessary, escort to the train and purchase of travel documents are provided;

7. Development of teaching materials containing information necessary for those released on issues of social services, medical care, paperwork (passports, disability, registration at the place of residence), employment, social support. This methodological material allows a person being released from a penal institution to form certain knowledge about social reality.

9. It is also necessary to identify convicts who have the right to receive a pension and take timely measures to provide them with pensions after release. Pension legislation distinguishes two types of disability pensions: labor pensions; state pensions.

Basic documents that need to be prepared by a social work specialist to assign pensions:

Statement by the convicted person;

Convict's passport;

Certificates confirming the place of stay or actual residence of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

Documents on labor activity - work book; a certificate of average monthly earnings for periods of activity for calculating the amount of pension benefits;

Documents establishing disability and the degree of limitation of ability to work;

Information about disabled family members, death of the breadwinner; confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner; that the deceased was a single mother; about the death of the other parent;

Other documents (their submission is possible if necessary). A social work specialist draws up the necessary documents and sends them to the pension authorities, monitors the timely transfer of pensions and takes measures to eliminate deficiencies. If the convicted person does not have a work book and other documents necessary for the assignment and recalculation of a pension, requests are sent to search for these documents. If work experience cannot be confirmed or there is no work experience, a state social pension is assigned upon reaching the age of 65 years for men and 55 years of age for women, or a state social disability pension.

An important formal element aimed at the successful resocialization and social adaptation of a convicted disabled person being released from a correctional facility is the preparation and issuance of a “Memo to the Released Person.” Its structure may include: advice from a psychologist; rights and obligations of released citizens; information about the release procedure; information about the employment service; about pension provision; about going to court; about the provision of possible medical assistance; useful information (about free canteens, night shelters, social assistance services, dispensaries, helplines, passport services, etc.)

Thus, social work with convicted disabled people in correctional institutions is a logically structured system of social activities. At the same time, the practical preparedness of disabled people for release is of great importance. Its effectiveness is essential in resolving issues of social, everyday, labor rehabilitation and their social adaptation to life in freedom.

Questions for self-control

1. What are the main problems of convicted disabled people in correctional institutions?

2. Expand the legal norms of social work with convicted disabled people in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Describe the main directions and forms of social work with convicted disabled people in correctional institutions.

Kuznetsov M. I., Ananyev O. G. Social work with convicts in correctional institutions: textbook. a manual for beginners in social work of the penitentiary system - Ryazan, 2006.

Luzgin S.A. Centers for psychological, pedagogical and social work with convicts as a domestic model for organizing their correction and resocialization in correctional colonies: Textbook. – Ryazan, 2004.

On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ.

On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people: Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ.

On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ.

Social work in penitentiary institutions: Textbook / ed. AND I. Grishko, M.I. Kuznetsova, V.N. Kazantseva. – M., 2008.

Social work in the penal system: Textbook/S.A. Luzgin, M.I. Kuznetsov, V.N. Kazantsev and others; Under general edited by Yu.I. Kalinina. - 2nd ed., rev. – Ryazan, 2006.

Social work with convicts: Textbook / ed. IN AND. Zhukova, M.A. Galaguzova. – M., 2002.

Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (1997).

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996).

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Medical and psychological support for convicts who are disabled

Psychological Sciences

Kovachev Oleg Vladimirovich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

In 2014, more than 20 thousand disabled people were kept in correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, including about 10 thousand disabled people of group 1.

One of the main goals of the “Concept for the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation until 2020” is “to humanize the conditions of detention of persons in custody and persons serving sentences of imprisonment, to increase guarantees of respect for their rights and legitimate interests.” Therefore, in correctional institutions of the Russian Federation it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to respecting the legal rights of convicted disabled people.

We are working to improve the forms and methods of medical and psychological work with convicted disabled people.

The purpose of this work is to equip employees of the penitentiary system with knowledge on the most important issues of medical and psychological support for convicts who are disabled.

It examines the directions and forms of medication, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic assistance and support for people with disabilities, and the features of serving this category of convicts.

The article discusses some aspects of medical and psychological support for convicted disabled people. The social connections of convicts have been studied.

Relevance: theoretical research and practical experience they are convinced that the positive attitude formed in correctional institutions under the influence of the system of modern pedagogical, psychological, psychotherapeutic and other technologies and the ongoing personal changes rarely pass the test of strength when faced with the deforming influence of unfavorable factors. Employee assistance in solving this problem is unsystematic, episodic, and often unprofessional. All this largely determines relapse and other negative social manifestations of a post-penitentiary nature.

It is known that a person who has fallen into the sphere of influence of a correctional institution, temporarily isolated from society and limited in connections, significantly worsens his medical, social and psychological status, without having a real opportunity to independently defend his interests and dignity, to satisfy minimal needs at all stages of isolation from society, starting from pre-trial detention (detention) until the last day of stay in a correctional institution.

An analysis of the social connections of convicted disabled people with relatives showed that 56.4% of convicts maintain social connections with relatives in general-regime correctional institutions, and only 42.3% of convicted disabled people in high-security correctional institutions. convicted disabled person psychological support

Receiving parcels and deliveries. 19.3% of convicted disabled people in general-regime correctional institutions receive parcels and deliveries more than once, which is almost 8% less than in high-security correctional institutions. 19.5% of convicts in general-regime correctional institutions and 17.6% in high-security correctional institutions do not receive parcels or deliveries at all.

The right to visits with relatives and other persons. During the year, 53.1% of convicted disabled people in general-regime correctional institutions and 57.1% in high-security correctional institutions did not have short-term visits. 15.2% of convicted disabled people in general-regime correctional institutions and 21.2% in high-security correctional institutions had only one short-term visit. The majority of convicts in correctional institutions of both types of detention did not have long-term visits, namely 63.2% of convicts with disabilities in general regime correctional institutions and 54.5% of convicts in high-security correctional institutions. The right to telephone conversations. During the year, 18.7% of convicts in general-regime correctional institutions and 22.5% of convicts in high-security correctional institutions exercised the right to telephone conversations more than 4 times. Most of the convicted disabled people did not express a desire to call. In general regime correctional institutions there were 54.5% of such convicts and in maximum security correctional institutions 45.6%.

The right to receive and send letters. In general regime correctional institutions, 63.9% of convicts with disabilities regularly correspond, 24.2% occasionally correspond, and 11.9% of convicts do not correspond. In high-security correctional institutions, 56.1% of convicts regularly correspond, 20.4% occasionally correspond, and 23.5% of convicts with disabilities do not correspond.

We believe that medical and psychological support for convicted disabled people must be provided in all types of institutions and bodies of the penal system. The mechanisms for implementing this task and the experience of constructing such a system are actually the subject of further research.

This work is an attempt to systematically present a new direction in the practical activities of correctional institutions, as well as the still developing branch of penitentiary science and the specialization of a new academic discipline.

In previously published works, only some theoretical and practical problems medical and psychological work with convicts. Meanwhile, its significance is increasing and requires deep, systematic study.

It can be noted that convicted disabled people need various types of constant assistance, support and protection. Medical and social work with them is a priority and mandatory for a specialist; it takes on the nature of support, comprehensive services with the involvement of medical workers, psychologists, social workers, educational workers, representatives of social protection authorities and non-governmental public organizations.

Proposed forms and methods of research implementation. The results of the study will be used by practitioners in the performance of their official duties. It is also expected that the results of scientific research will be used in the system of professional and service training. personnel and in the educational process of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.


1. Current problems of modern penitentiary psychology. Tobolevich O.A., Sochivko D.V., Pastushenya A.N., Sukhov A.N., Serov V.I., Datiy A.V., Shcherbakov G.V., Pozdnyakov V.M., Lavrentieva I. .V., Shchelkushkina E.A., Savelyeva T.I., Gavrina E.E., Smirnov A.M., Dikopoltsev D.E., Adylin D.M., Kuptsov I.I., Pivovarova T.I. . Monograph / Scientifically edited by D.V. Sochivko. Ryazan, 2013. Volume 1.

2. Voronin R.M., Datii A.V. Medical and social work with disabled men held in general regime correctional colonies // Personality in a changing world: health, adaptation, development. 2014. No. 1 (4). pp. 67-74.

3. Datii A.V. Scientific and methodological support of an experiment to improve the medical and sanitary provision of convicts // Bulletin of the penal system. 2012. No. 9. pp. 16-21.

4. Datii A.V. Problems of medical provision for convicts // Personality in a changing world: health, adaptation, development. 2014. No. 1 (4). pp. 52-60.

5. Datii A.V. Characteristics of HIV-infected people sentenced to imprisonment (based on materials from the 2009 special census) // Applied legal psychology. 2014. No. 1. P. 100-107.

6. Datii A.V., Bovin B.G. Analysis of the dynamics of intentional murders and the number of people convicted of murder in Russia // Applied legal psychology. 2011. No. 2. P. 23-29.

7. Datii A.V., Voronin R.M. Problems of organizing medical support for convicts and employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Applied legal psychology. 2014. No. 2. P. 155-156.

8. Datii A.V., Ganishina I.S. Characteristics of drug-addicted convicted women who sought psychological help // Bulletin of the Kuzbass Institute. 2014. No. 2 (19). pp. 68-76.

9. Datiy A.V., Ganishina I.S., Kuznetsova A.S. Characteristics of drug addicted convicted men who sought psychological help // Bulletin of the Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. 2014. No. 2 (13). pp. 21-25.

10. Datiy A.V., Dikopoltsev D.E., Fedoseev A.A. Internet conference “Transformation of educational colonies into institutions for the detention of persons who committed crimes as minors” // Applied legal psychology. 2011. No. 3. P. 181-182.

11. Datiy A.V., Kazberov P.N. Review of the dictionary of penitentiary psychology “Crime and punishment from “A” to “Z” (under the general editorship of Doctor of Psychology D.V. Sochivko) // Applied legal psychology. 2010. No. 3. P. 193.

12. Datiy A.V., Kazberov P.N. Creation of basic (standard) psychocorrectional programs for working with convicts // Applied legal psychology. 2011. No. 1. P. 216-218.

13. Datiy A.V., Kovachev O.V., Fedoseev A.A. Characteristics of HIV-infected convicted women in general regime colonies // Bulletin of the Kuzbass Institute. 2014. No. 3 (20). pp. 66-74.

14. Datii A.V., Kovachev O.V. Characteristics of HIV-infected convicted men in general regime colonies // Bulletin of the Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. 2014. No. 3 (14). pp. 11-15.

15. Datiy A.V., Kovachev O.V., Fedoseev A.A. Characteristics of convicts with social significant diseases// Electronic bulletin of the Rostov Socio-Economic Institute. 2014. No. 3. P. 21-32.

16. Datii A.V., Kozhevnikova E.N. Current problems of applied legal psychology // Applied legal psychology. 2014. No. 4. P. 165-166.

17. Datiy A.V., Pavlenko A.A., Shatalov Yu.N. Internet conference “Improving health care provision in the penal system” // Applied legal psychology. 2012. No. 1. P. 178-179.

18. Datiy A.V., Selivanov S.B., Panfilov N.V. Experience in creating an information and analytical base for social and hygienic monitoring in the system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia // Hygiene and Sanitation. 2004. No. 5. P. 23.

19. Datii A., Teneta E. Characteristics of HIV-infected convicts in institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Law and Law. 2006. No. 12. P. 40-41.

20. Datii A.V., Trubetskoy V.F., Selivanov B.S. Internet conference “Prevention of socially significant diseases in institutions of the penal system” // Applied legal psychology. 2012. No. 2. P. 151-152.

21. Datiy A.V., Fedoseev A.A. Criminological and psychological characteristics convicts with socially significant diseases // Personality in a changing world: health, adaptation, development. 2014. No. 2 (5). pp. 69-79.

22. Datiy A.V., Fedoseev A.A. Characteristics of convict women with tuberculosis who sought psychological help // Electronic Bulletin of the Rostov Socio-Economic Institute. 2014. No. 1. P. 16-27.

23. Datiy A.V., Fedoseev A.A. Characteristics of convicted men with tuberculosis who applied for psychological help // Electronic Bulletin of the Rostov Socio-Economic Institute. 2014. No. 2. P. 35-45.

24. Datii A., Khokhlov I. The problem of providing anti-tuberculosis care to convicts in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Law and Law. 2006. No. 11. pp. 23-24.

25. Datiy A.V., Yusufov R.Sh., Ermolaeva T.V. The role of clinical diagnostic laboratory research in the diagnosis of tuberculosis // Clinical laboratory diagnostics. 2010. No. 9. P. 35.

26. Lapkin M.M., Kazberov P.N., Datiy A.V. Medical and psychological support for citizens in fire areas // Applied legal psychology. 2010. No. 4. P. 158-163.

27. Machkasov A.I. Implementation of compulsory state life and health insurance for employees of the penitentiary system. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences / Kuban State agricultural university. Krasnodar, 2010.

28. Pintyashin E.V., Polyanin N.A. Problems that arise for convicts, depending on their informal social status // NovaInfo.Ru. 2015. No. 30.

29. Smirnov D.A., Selivanov B.S., Datiy A.V. Some aspects of health care provision for convicts in colony settlements // Criminal executive system: law, economics, management. 2008. No. 1. P. 20-21.

30. Rakhmaev E.S. The Law of the Russian Federation “On institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment” is 15 years old // Man: crime and punishment. 2008. No. 3. P. 15-17.

31. Sochivko D.V., Savchenko T.N. Eighth scientific and practical seminar “Applied legal psychology” problems of mass consciousness: management and manipulation at the border of the legal field // Applied legal psychology. 2014. No. 2. P. 145-149.

32. Teneta E.L., Datii A.V. Some aspects of the characteristics of HIV-infected convicts in institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia // Criminal executive system: law, economics, management. 2007. No. 2. P. 32-34.

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Among those deprived of liberty, there are rarely people in whom aging is a natural physiological process of a gradual decline in psychophysiological functions, withering of the body and personality changes, which is called normal old age. Normally aging convicts are characterized by high physical and mental activity, developed compensatory and adaptation mechanisms, and a high ability to work. The individual elements of senile pathology they have are successfully compensated for by experience, developed logical thinking, stock of knowledge, etc. Working with them, if they have positive aspirations, value orientations, and broad interests, does not present much difficulty, although it requires taking into account their age characteristics.

Elderly convicts are very heterogeneous in terms of education level, work experience, health status, marital status, number of criminal records and total time spent in prison. Most of them have developed a low culture healthy image life and irresponsible attitude towards one’s health.

Elderly people who have been repeatedly convicted, as a rule, have a low general educational level. Most often, they received their education in colony schools under the influence of the administration and did not further educate themselves. Some of them have significant work experience and the right to receive a pension upon release from correctional institutions, which allows them to be confident in their future. The majority do not have sufficient work experience or the right to receive an old-age pension due to the fact that their time at large in the intervals between arrests was insignificant.

All this causes them uncertainty about their future, as well as a specific senile disease - gerontophobia (fear of old age and hostility towards it), which is especially aggravated in the lonely, as well as the sick and physically infirm. They have complete loss prospects, experiencing a state of senile frustration, uselessness and confusion about the future. Aging, in this case, is characterized by the following patterns:

1) heterochronicity, i.e. unevenness and timing of changes occurring in certain processes and psychophysical functions;

2) a variety of changes that are difficult to account for;

3) specificity, i.e. the individual uniqueness of aging in each convict.

This obliges social workers: firstly, to take into account the general features and characteristics of elderly convicts and, secondly, to carry out a differentiated and individual approach to them when implementing various technologies and measures of psychological and pedagogical influence, taking into account the general patterns of aging and the individual uniqueness of the old person’s personality.

The main mental illnesses affecting the elderly are: senile psychoses, senile dementia, requiring certain prevention. Senile dementia (dementia) is an irreversible process, since the causes of this disorder are organic character associated with a specific lesion syndrome. Functional senile psychoses are a personal phenomenon in which the main cause of the disease lies not in organic changes in the higher nervous system, but in changes in the social status of the individual associated with old age.

Old age in its development goes through a number of stages: retirement, old age, decrepitude, each individual having their own age limits and characteristics of the course that need to be known for organizing social work with them.

Along with elderly convicts, disabled convicts are serving their sentences in correctional institutions. The total number of disabled convicts in Russian correctional institutions currently does not exceed 5% of the total number of convicts. In most cases, these are persons who, before being convicted and sent to prison, received an assessment of their ability to work and health status from state expert medical commissions at their place of residence, but there is also a category of convicts who became disabled while serving a criminal sentence.

The reasons for the disability of convicts can be very different. Among them there are a number of main ones:

1) hereditarily determined forms;

2) associated with intrauterine damage to the fetus, damage to the fetus during childbirth and in the earliest stages of the child’s life;

3) acquired during the development of an individual as a result of diseases, injuries, and other events, including in places of imprisonment, resulting in a persistent health disorder.

The social environment of disabled convicts in correctional institutions is no different from the environment in which other convicts find themselves. In correctional institutions you can meet convicts with disabilities: vision, hearing, amputated limbs (no legs, no hands), as well as people with disabilities due to general and occupational diseases. This category of convicts in correctional institutions can be combined into separate units.

Disabled prisoners have the opportunity to regularly receive medical care in a correctional institution; they can be placed in an inpatient medical unit of a colony, as well as in a special hospital or medical correctional institution. Keeping this category of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty requires the creation of certain conditions, proper care for them, as well as significant material costs.

The organization of social work with elderly and disabled convicts begins with identifying and recording persons of this category. When studying them, it is necessary, first of all, to establish: their state of health, the presence of work experience and the right to receive a pension after release, family ties, specialties, motivation and goals of life, the most characteristic mental states, senile anomalies. When working with elderly convicts and people with disabilities, one should rely on their inherent positive qualities (their experience, knowledge, general erudition, etc.), and neutralize negative age-related characteristics and characteristics of diseases.

This can be achieved if we proceed from the basic principle of social work with this category of convicts - to make the life of these persons active. Elderly people are impressed by the fact that correctional officers consult with them, listen to their opinions, trust them to carry out responsible personal and collective assignments, etc.

According to the Criminal Code, convicted men over 60 years of age and convicted women over 55 years of age, as well as convicted persons who are disabled people of the first and second groups, can be employed only at their request in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine on labor and the legislation of Ukraine on the social protection of disabled people. Therefore, when involving this category of convicts in productive work, it is necessary to take into account the physiological capabilities of the aging organism and general state psychophysical functions (memory, perception, thinking, imagination, attention).

It is also necessary to take into account the motives of their work activity, based on the habit of work activity (boring without work); a sense of public duty (team, employees asking for help); the desire to provide for oneself financially; feeling of interest in the success of the team. When selecting work for elderly and disabled prisoners, it should be borne in mind that over the years, when choosing a profession, the role of working conditions increases and the importance of its attractiveness decreases somewhat. Effective labor rehabilitation of elderly convicts and disabled people is achieved by maintaining a measured work rhythm that does not allow rush jobs, storms, or arrhythmias in production activities.

Penal legislation provides for working convicts with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as elderly convicts, certain benefits:

1) increasing the duration of annual paid leave to 18 working days;

2) involvement in work without pay only at their request;

3) increasing the size of the guaranteed minimum to 50% of their accrued wages, pensions and other income.

Particular attention should be paid to organizing free time and leisure for elderly and disabled prisoners. Organization of leisure time should pursue two goals: firstly, creating the best conditions for restoring physical and mental energy; secondly, the maximum use of free time in activities that contribute to the development of their social interests. Employees are required to teach the elderly and disabled how to organize their leisure time, which they will need in freedom, especially those who will be sent to homes for the elderly and disabled.

Every elderly or senile convict or disabled person must clearly understand where he is going after his release, what awaits him, what conditions will be created for him and how he should behave in them. Persons who are frail and decrepit, people with disabilities who are unable to independently go to their place of residence after release, are accompanied by medical staff.

Often, upon returning to his previous place of residence from a correctional institution, a former convict finds new tenants in his apartment, unaware that in fact this housing has another owner, who, by law, retains the living space. The mechanism for the loss of housing by those sentenced to imprisonment is that after a certain time, the housing and communal services office, going to court, seeks the eviction of the tenant who does not pay utility bills, although he is in prison. Thus, the imperfection of legislation leads to the continuing practice of convicts losing their legal right to housing of which they are the tenant.

The consequence of this situation is that elderly and senile convicts and disabled people often end up in social shelters - institutions where lonely old people live who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to live independently. In institutions of this type, constant control over the order and movement of wards is established by management, doctors, and the police officer on duty. There are special norms and rules of behavior that must be followed.

The results of a study conducted by T. Volkova showed that among those living in such boarding schools there are those who have recently been released from prison, as well as those who currently have a criminal record. Thus, 42.8% had one conviction, 5% had two convictions, 14.3% had three, 4.8% had four convictions, 9.5% had five or more convictions. It is natural that some representatives of this contingent show their asociality in these institutions. Asocial and antisocial orientation of the individual, long stays in places of deprivation of liberty, senile dementia, lack of qualified psychological and medical care, unsettled social life in the aggregate serve as a source of antisocial behavior of former convicts of elderly and senile age.

In conclusion, it should be noted that social work with elderly and disabled convicts in places of deprivation of liberty is carried out taking into account legal, individual psychological, socio-psychological, as well as psychological and pedagogical factors that create the necessary conditions for the rehabilitation and social adaptation of this category of convicts. At the same time, special attention is paid to their practical preparation for release from prison, as well as social, everyday and labor rehabilitation.

At the request of convicts who are disabled people of the first or second group, as well as convicted men over 60 years of age and convicted women over 55 years of age, the administration of the institution executing the sentence sends a proposal to the social protection authority to place them in homes for the disabled and the elderly.

With the consent of a disabled person or an elderly person who did not have a permanent place of residence before his conviction, the administration of the correctional institution decides on the issue of sending him to a home for the disabled and elderly on the territory of Ukraine, where the colony is located. For this purpose, no later than two months before release, the necessary documents are submitted to the social protection authority (personal statement of the convicted person, extract from medical card in the prescribed form and passport, characteristics for the period of stay in the institution).

Interaction with the pension fund has been established. With them, most issues that do not require an on-site visit are resolved over the phone, without any difficulties; any problem within their competence can be resolved.


1. Almazov B.N. Methods and technologies of work of a social teacher: Textbook. aid for students higher schools, institutions / B. N. Almazov, M. A. Belyaeva, N. N. Bessonova, etc.; Ed. M. A. Galaguzova, L. V. Mardakhaeva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 192 p.

2. Aivazova A. E. Psychological aspects addiction /A.E. Aivazova. - St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Rech", 2003. - 120 p.

3. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology. Third edition, stereotypical / G.S. Abramova. – Ekaterinburg: “Business Book”, 1998. – 368 p.

4. Alferov Yu.A. Penitentiary sociology and re-education of convicts / Yu.A. Alferov. Domodedovo: RIKK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1994. – 205 p.

5. Aminev G.A. and others. Toolkit of a penitentiary psychologist / G.A. Aminev. Ufa, 1997. – 168 p.

6. Andreeva G.M. Psychology of social cognition / G.M. Andreeva. - Aspect-Press Moscow 2000. – 246 p.

7. Anthology of social work [Collection in 5 volumes] vol. 2. M: Svarog., 1995. – 398 p.

8. Bagat A.V. Statistics: Textbook. allowance/ A.V. Bagat, M.M. Konkina, V.M. Simchera et al. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 368 p.

9. Belyaeva L.I. Institutions for juvenile offenders in Russia / L.I. Belyaeva. Belgorod: "Higher School". 1998. – 135 p.

10. Bodalev A.A. Workbook practical psychologist: A manual for specialists working with personnel / A. A. Bodalev, A. A. Derkach, L. G. Laptev. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001. – 640 p.

11. Brazhnik F.S. Penitentiary law /F.S. Hawkmoth. - M.: Norma, 1994. – 176 p.

12. Volgin N.A. Social policy: Textbook / N.A. Volgin. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2003. – 736 p.

13. Goneev A.D. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / A. D. Goneev, N. I. Lifintseva, N. V. Yalpaeva; V.A. Slastenin. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 272 p.

14. Dedov N.P. Social conflictology: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions /N.P.Dedov, A.V.Morozov, E.G.Sorokina, T.F. Suslova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 336 p.

15. Druzhinin V.N. Experimental psychology: Textbook for universities / V. N. Druzhinin. – 2nd ed., add. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – 319 p.

16. Eremeeva T.S. Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: Educational and methodological manual for students of the specialty “Social work” / T.S. Eremeeva. Blagoveshchensk: Amur State. univ., 2005. – 118 p.

17. Eremeeva T.S. Organization of social work with various groups population /T.S. Eremeeva. – Blagoveshchensk, 2002. – 27 p.

18. Zainysheva I.G. Technology of social work: Textbook. aid for students Higher educational institutions / Ed. I.G. Zainysheva – M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS Center, 2002 – 240 p.

19. Zubarev S.M. Theory and practice of monitoring the activities of penitentiary system personnel/S.M. Zubarev, Moscow, 2006 – 51

20. Ignatiev A.A. Criminal executive law / A.A. Ignatiev, M.: New lawyer, - 1997. – 304 p.

21. Kataeva N. A. Social work in a microdistrict with teenagers prone to crime / N.A. Kataeva, Kirov: “Vyat-slovo”, 1997. – 166 p.

22. Levin B.M. Current problems of deviant behavior (fighting social diseases) /B. M. Levin. M.: RAS Institute of Sociology., 1995. – 200 p.

23. Lukov V.A. Social design: Proc. allowance /V.A. Lukov. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional/V.A. Lukov. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. humanit.-social. Academy: Flint, 2003. – 240 p.

24. Marilov V.V. General psychopathology: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments /V.V. Marilov. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. - 224 p.

25. Mokretsov A.I. Prevention of conflict situations among convicts. Methodical manual /A.I. Mokretsov. – M.: FSIN of Russia, FGU Scientific Research Institute of the FSIN of Russia, 2006. – 75 p.

26. Naumov S.A. Moral, legal and labor education of convicts held in educational colonies: Educational and methodological material / S.A. Naumov, V.I. Pozdnyakov, S..A. Semenova, G.V. Stroeva; edited by Doctor of Law E.G. Bagreeva. – M.: Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2005 – 32 p.

27. Nikitin V.A. Social pedagogy: Textbook. aid for students higher schools, institutions / V.A. Nikitin. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 272 p.

28. Novak E.S. Social work abroad: Textbook / E.S. Novak, E.G. Lozovskaya, M.A. Kuznetsova. - Volgograd. 2001. – 172 p.

29. Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection: Textbook for university students/A.A. Osipova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002. – 512 p.

30. Panov A.M. Reference manual for social work / A.M. Panov, E.I. Kholostova. M.: Yurist, 1997. – 168 p.

31. Pishchelko A.V., Belosludtsev V.I., Psychological and pedagogical problems of strengthening the legality of penal authorities / A.V. Pishchelko, V.I. Belosludtsev, Domodedovo: RIKK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. – 1996 – 83 p.

32. Pronin A. A. Problems of human rights: Program of academic discipline.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2002. – 56 p.

33. Safronova V.M. Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: textbook. aid for students higher education. establishments /V.M. Safronova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – 240 p.

34. Sablin D.A. Human rights: Textbook / D.A. Sablin. – Orenburg: OSU, 2004. - 166 p.

35. Smirnov A.M. Prospects for the development of social work with those sentenced to long terms of imprisonment / Smirnov Alexander Mikhailovich. - 2002 – 7 p.

36. Filipov V.V. Reforming the penitentiary system: materials of the international conference / V.V. Filipov. Minsk, 1998. – 108 p.

37. Firsov M.V. Psychology of social work: Contents and methods of psychosocial practice: Textbook. aid for students higher schools, institutions /M.V. Firsov, B.Yu. Shapiro. - M.: 2002 p. - 192 p.

38. Kholostova E.I. Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance /E.I. Kholostova. – M.: INFRA – M, 2004. – 427 p.

39. Kholostova E.I. Social work with older people: Textbook / E.I. Kholostova. - 2nd ed. M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K°”, 2003. – 296 p.

40. Kholostova E.I. Technologies of social work / Textbook under general. ed. prof. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA – M, 2001. – 400 p.

41. Khokhryakov G.F. Paradoxes of prison / G.F. Khokhryakov. M., 1991. – 224 p.

42. Khukhlaeva O.V. Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychological correction: Proc. manual for higher students ped. schools, institutions/O.V. Khukhlaeva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 208 p.

43. Shchepkina N.K. Scientific and organizational basis for the education of convicts /N.K. Shchepkina. Blagoveshchensk: Amur State. University, 2006. – 190 p.


1. Women released from prison as an object of social work

2. Social work with women released from prison

3. Features of social work with women released from prison



Appendix A. Persons with whom released young women prefer to spend their leisure time

Appendix B. Program "School of Preparation for Liberation"


Until now, imprisonment remains one of the widely used types of punishment. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a significant number of articles providing for this type of punishment. Criminal punishment, including imprisonment, such as special shape State coercion is intended to ensure the restoration of social justice, the correction of the convicted person, and the prevention of the commission of new crimes.

Relevance: initially, criminal punishment is not intended to violate social ties. On the contrary, the goals of punishment are completely opposite and their achievement is impossible without strengthening the individual’s ties with society. The need to isolate a criminal is determined by the goal of preventing the possibility of him committing new crimes, as well as creating conditions for targeted corrective influence on him.

At the same time, no matter how humanized deprivation of liberty is, no matter how the “fetishism of bars” is softened, no matter how specific prison elements of deprivation of liberty are reduced to a minimum, it still remains the measure that most affects the entire complex of life manifestations, the entire sphere of interests personality, and the most sensitive, most severe intrusion into the personality of the offender. However, the initial purpose of punishment is not to change the personality of the criminal, but to establish social norms.

Penal institutions for women today should represent a civilized institution, and, therefore, embody the achieved level of spiritual culture, normative and value regulators in the system of material production, social life and social relations. The discrepancy between the material and living conditions of organizing the execution of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment and the anatomical, physiological, psychological, and moral characteristics of female youth is one of the reasons contributing to the emergence and development of maladaptation of women who have served their sentences in isolation from society.

Problem: consultations with convicted women in order to prepare them for release and prevent relapse, high-quality social protection and social security for women upon release from prison, taking into account the high vulnerability of women to maladjustment and other women's problems.

Object: women released from prison.

Subject: essence, principles and methods of social work with women released from prison.

Goal: to identify the main theoretical approaches to building the professional activity of a social worker, to determine its main directions, principles, methods and role of social work with women released from prison.

Objectives: to identify the main theoretical approaches to building the activities of a social worker with women released from prison.

Analyze the main areas of activity and functionality of a social worker and social services with women released from prison.

Analyze the basic principles of social work with women released from prison.

To determine the most effective, humanistic-oriented methods of social work with convicted women released from prison.


1.1 Social and legal status of persons released from prison

Staying in social isolation has a strong impact on a woman’s personality and her future fate, since often the consequence of serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment is disadaptation, which implies a decrease in the ability of women to adapt in the post-penitentiary period to existing norms of law and morality, and living conditions in freedom. As a result of maladjustment, the forms of interaction between a woman and the social environment are disrupted, which prevents her from forming an adequate response to life situations and self-realization.

The Penal Code of the Russian Federation states that the grounds for release from serving a sentence are: serving the sentence imposed by a court verdict; reversal of the court verdict with termination of the case; conditional early release from serving a sentence; replacing the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient punishment; pardon or amnesty; serious illness or disability; other grounds provided for by the law of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation /17, Art. 172/. Persons who have served their sentences bear the responsibilities and enjoy the rights that are established for citizens of the Russian Federation, with the restrictions provided for by federal law for persons with a criminal record /17, Art. 179/.

Also, Chapter 22 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation outlines assistance to convicts from serving their sentences and control over them. Responsibilities of the administration of institutions executing sentences to assist in the work and everyday life of released convicts:

1) no later than two months before the expiration of the term of arrest or six months before the expiration of the term of restriction of freedom or imprisonment, and in relation to those sentenced to imprisonment for a term of up to six months - after the sentence enters into legal force, the administration of the institution executing the punishment, notifies local government bodies and the federal employment service at the convicted person’s chosen place of residence about his upcoming release, the availability of housing, his ability to work and available specialties;

2) is carried out with the convicted person educational work in order to prepare him for release, the convicted person is explained his rights and obligations;

3) convicts who are disabled people of the first or second group, as well as convicted men over 60 years of age and convicted women over 55 years of age, at their request and presentation by the administration of the institution executing the sentence, are sent by social protection authorities to homes for the disabled and the elderly / 17, Art. 180/.

Providing assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences:

1) convicts released from restriction of freedom, arrest or imprisonment for a certain period are provided with free travel to their place of residence, they are provided with food or money for the duration of the journey in the manner established by the Government;

2) in the absence of clothing necessary for the season or the funds to purchase it, convicts released from places of imprisonment are provided with clothing at the expense of the state. They may be given a one-time cash benefit in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) provision of food, clothing, issuance of a one-time cash benefit, as well as payment for travel for released convicts are carried out by the administration of the institution executing the sentence;

4) upon release from serving restrictions of freedom, arrest or imprisonment of convicts who, for health reasons, require outside care, convicted pregnant women and convicted women with young children, as well as juvenile convicts, the administration of the institution executing the sentence shall notify them in advance release of relatives or other persons;

5) convicts specified in part four of this article who are released from correctional institutions, as well as juvenile convicts under the age of 16 years, are sent to their place of residence, accompanied by relatives or other persons or a correctional institution employee / 17, Art. 181/.

The rights of released convicts to employment and living arrangements and other types of social assistance. Convicts released from restriction of freedom, arrest or imprisonment have the right to employment and living arrangements and to receive other types of social assistance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts/17, art. 182/.

The legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for assistance in employment and everyday life, as well as the procedure for providing assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences in correctional institutions of the penal system.

The administration of the correctional institution interacts in resolving issues of labor and everyday life of persons released from serving a sentence with local government, internal affairs, guardianship and trusteeship, health care, education, social protection of the population, the commission for minors and the protection of their rights, formed by the local authority self-government, and the federal employment service at their chosen place of residence.

The organization and implementation of measures to provide assistance in the employment and everyday life of persons released from correctional institutions are entrusted to employees of the social protection group for convicts with the participation of squad leaders, psychologists, employees of special accounting departments (groups) and other interested services, to provide consultations on the most topical issues If possible, specialists from territorial social services may be involved.

Preparations for the release from places of imprisonment of pregnant women, as well as women with young children, are carried out by employees of the social protection group for convicts in contact with medical workers IU. The possibility of registration and employment of those released, as well as the placement of children in preschool children's institutions at their chosen place of residence is being clarified.

In cases where the issue of labor and household arrangements for released pregnant women, as well as women with young children, cannot be resolved at their chosen place of residence, measures are taken to establish their family ties. The possibility of their registration, employment, as well as the placement of children in preschool children's institutions at the place of residence of relatives is being clarified.

In relation to released women who have young children with them, patients with acute illnesses or with exacerbation of chronic diseases, employees of the social protection group for convicts, together with medical workers of the correctional institution, assist in placing such children in institutions of the state or municipal health care system at their chosen place of residence.

Convicts released from correctional institutions who need outside care for health reasons, pregnant women, women with young children, minors under the age of 16 are sent to their place of residence, accompanied by relatives or other persons or a correctional facility employee /9, clause I/ .

1.2 Social problems of women released from prison

Due to the fact that a convicted woman each time has to adapt to new conditions, her adaptive capabilities are significantly reduced and she is sometimes unable, in conditions of freedom, to adequately neutralize the negative consequences of being isolated from society. As a result, most of the liberated women are unable to adapt to either the micro or macro environment of freedom. That is, maladjustment of these individuals is observed.

It is also impossible to deny the fact that a negative consequence of serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment by women is the lack of desire among some categories of those released to adapt to living conditions in freedom, as well as the lack of desire to engage in socially useful activities. Crime forecasters include in this category people who have not taken the path of correction, are neglected in social and moral terms, and have mental disabilities.

Those released from punishment differ significantly in their personal qualities from other citizens who have not been punished, which leads to unlawful behavior on the part of those released. The impossibility of resolving problems that have arisen with the help of real legal means, the desire to solve them by any means, the lack of faith in official institutions that can resolve the difficulties that have arisen quickly and effectively lead a person to re-commit a crime.

The lifestyle of liberated women often does not meet the requirements of a positive social environment and contradicts its guidelines, as a result of which a psychological barrier arises between a female person and the social environment, aggravating the social alienation of a liberated woman. In order to overcome this condition, the specified person seeks support and mutual understanding among his own kind. Upon release, the released person seeks connections with those whom he met in prison, whose influence he experienced long time, whose psychology and views he absorbed (see Appendix A)

A woman’s inability to overcome complex, non-standard situations in a legitimate way leads to her focusing on the problem of individual conflict with the environment and suppresses social and collective feelings. The final stage of personality maladaptation is disorganization of personal behavior. Deprivation of liberty, with its restrictions on movement, weakening of social ties, and lack of information, is one of the main factors determining the process of maladjustment. Disadaptation of women who have served a sentence of imprisonment is a change in their social attitudes and personal characteristics, which occurs as a result of serving a criminal sentence and impedes adaptation to the conditions of the social environment.

Immorality. Mental maladjustment of women who have served a sentence of imprisonment manifests itself in a violation of the perception of space and time, in the appearance of negative mental states. It is a consequence of a person’s internal conflict or conflict with other people. During this period, the criteria and values ​​of the surrounding world change among people of this category, and psychological reorientation is carried out. In this state, a woman quite often experiences dreams, false judgments, overvalued ideas, anxiety, fear, emotional lability, instability and other unusual phenomena.

The actions of a former convict often conflict with the law, resulting in a lifestyle characterized by a negative attitude towards work and other civic responsibilities, the commission of offenses, and the restriction or cessation of socially useful communication. As a result, about 40% of women, having once been in prison, then commit criminal offenses again. Moreover, 21% of females have three or more convictions to imprisonment.

Alcoholism and drug addiction. The main reason liberated women's addiction to alcohol is a violation of their adaptive capabilities, arising from a bad reputation and associated with problems of their employment and establishing a full-fledged life. Individuals who, for subjective reasons, are unable to cope with anxiety or tension are prone to drinking alcohol. The presence of certain character traits (easily suggestible, vulnerable, lack of ability to overcome life difficulties and others), a special contingent of the social environment largely determines the use of alcoholic beverages by women.

Prostitution and lesbianism. Prostitution contributes to the deformation of family relationships, the degradation of the personality of women engaged in this “trade,” and the inculcation of cynicism and calculation in human relationships. This antisocial phenomenon demoralizes not only prostitutes, but also those who come into contact with them.

Social services are not currently dealing with this problem, although there is already some experience with the “In Defense of Childhood” (DZD) movement, created in April 1994 and registered by the Russian Ministry of Justice. The main goal of this movement is to attract the attention of the authorities and the public to children's problems and organize the prevention of prostitution.

Suicide and nihilism. It should be emphasized that the consequences of women being in MLS can manifest themselves not only in their criminal behavior, which is the most common, but also in other dangerous forms. Cases of suicide among released women were no exception. Women who have been released from criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment are characterized by suicidal thoughts, especially at first. This circumstance indicates that social stigma leaves a big imprint on the personality of women who have served their sentences in isolation from society. For some women, the stigma is more painful and therefore worse than the punishment itself.

For women who have been prosecuted, it is sufficient for a long time mistrust persists. The increased demands placed on a woman by the social environment lead to a sharp rejection of her from her usual environment, which makes it especially difficult for those who have broken the law to return to society. Such an attitude of people towards a person who has committed a crime is quite natural until such time as he proves his correction.

Homelessness and employment. One of the indicators that determine the success of adaptation in the post-penitentiary period of women who have served a sentence of imprisonment is whether they have a permanent place of residence. For women who have served their sentences in prison and do not have a fixed place of residence, the likelihood of returning to an illegal lifestyle increases. Such women, as a rule, do not have the desire to create their own family or establish a full-fledged life, which is unnatural for young people, but natural for many former female convicts. This fact is of great significance due to the fact that serving a sentence in isolation from society entails a weakening, and often complete loss of socially useful connections among females. Recognition by the Constitutional Court of the right of convicted persons to living space had a positive effect on the preservation of housing for this category of people.

According to survey results, 45.3% of managers of industrial enterprises in various sectors of the national economy believe that in the current economic situation there is no possibility of correcting offenders. The enterprise immediately faces the risk of a decrease in labor productivity, a drop in the quality of its products, the need to provide housing, and in some cases the possibility of the corrupting influence of previously convicted people on the workforce. Negative social phenomena have intensified in work collectives, which are expressed in the desire to tear away from their midst unstable people prone to crime, including people released from prison. It should be noted that such trends have the greatest negative impact on the prevention of recidivism.

Article 13 of the Law “On Employment” of April 19, 1991 classifies those released as persons enjoying increased social and legal protection. According to the joint instructions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Employment Service, these persons have the right of priority employment through employment centers. By registering, in cases where they are unable to find a job, they can acquire the status of unemployed. As a result, those released have the right to receive unemployment benefits for 12 months, the amount of which depends on their salary while serving the sentence, but not less than the minimum wage.

At this point, we can conclude that the regulatory framework for social work as a whole is fully and effectively developed. Following the requirements of the relevant laws, high-quality assistance to women released from prison is quite possible. But despite theoretical developments social and legal aspect of assistance to women released from prison, in real life there is an increase in social problems associated with this contingent of citizens. What are the discrepancies between the theoretical analysis of problem solving and the actual implementation of theory into practice? Most likely, a big role in this is played by both instability in the political science and economic development of relations between the state and society, and weak financial situation social services.


2.1 Development of the institute of social work in the penitentiary system

Social work with persons released from prison directly involves competent social work in the penitentiary system, in particular in preparing convicted women for release. Social work in the penal system has recently begun to be heard in a single context. In connection with changes in penal policy towards humanization, the ideas of respecting the rights of convicts, ensuring optimal conditions for serving a sentence, and returning a full-fledged person to society have become relevant.

Today, the experience of social work in Russian correctional institutions that carry out sentences of imprisonment is very, very small. And therefore, there is still a lot of work to be done to study aspects of activity and introduce specialists so that social work brings the desired results. To date, groups for social protection and recording the work experience of convicts, of which a social work specialist is a member, have not been introduced everywhere, and convicts turn to other employees of the institution for help. Distracted by solving the social problems of convicts, on the one hand, they are not able to provide qualified assistance, since they do not have the proper education, and on the other hand, they will not be able to fully fulfill their duties. This means that the need to resolve problems is not satisfied, which causes internal tension for convicts, increases the feeling of trouble, and complicates the correctional process.

After release, a person must find a job to avoid committing an offense again. However, practice shows that self-employment is almost impossible. What state and public structures can provide real assistance in finding employment for those released from prison? Are benefits possible from the state in relation to an organization that employs a former convict? Due to long terms of serving sentences in places of deprivation of freedom from the residence of relatives, many convicts lose their previous social connections. Upon release, they not only do not have a place to live, but also do not know which locality to go to live. When entering a correctional institution, some convicts do not have passports in their personal files. Restoring documents causes certain difficulties, since passport offices do not always respond to requests from correctional officers, and convicts distort information about themselves. In addition, the passport can simply be left at the place of residence.

The deep socio-political crisis in modern Russia has led to serious negative consequences, primarily in social sphere, revealing a person’s vulnerability from economic, social and political degradation due to the deterioration of his living conditions, the inability, for reasons beyond his control, to reveal and realize his labor, moral and intellectual potential.

Social work, as is known, is aimed, first of all, at activating the potential of one’s own vital forces and capabilities of a person or group of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. In this regard, individual social work, which is defined as the use of all opportunities that help a person adapt to specific social conditions of life and help clients develop their own life program, acquires exceptional relevance.

A special role in the implementation of social work with various categories of the population, in particular with women released from prison, is played by territorial social centers, social services. Experience shows the high performance of many territorial centers. They manage to focus attention on such problems as organizing various forms of material assistance to particularly needy groups of the population, promoting their self-sufficiency and their achievement of financial independence; provision of various types of psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical and social, legal, rehabilitation, preventive and other assistance, wide range family counseling services; implementation of a number of measures to protect the rights of children, transfer them for adoption, guardianship and trusteeship; providing information to citizens about their socio-economic rights, etc.

The indisputable advantage of the centers is that they help to establish various forms of social work, taking into account the interests and needs of various categories of the population, in direct contact with them and at the most accessible territorial level for them. The principle of promoting self-help is of decisive importance, meaning that by providing assistance and services to the client, social workers must encourage him to realize the potential of his own strengths and capabilities, restore his capacity and active social functioning, relying on his own strength. This makes it possible not only to provide social services, but to provide high-quality, person-oriented customer service, based on the concept of self-help, the inclusion of the client’s personal capabilities in social protection mechanisms.

2.2 Psychological and pedagogical features of social work with women released from prison

Women in the overwhelming majority of cases experience separation from the family and its disintegration much more strongly. The family most often plays the role of a deterrent that prevents illegal behavior. Disruption of family ties as a result of being in prison leads to changes in the behavior of women in various life situations. The loss of family has a negative impact on women, as feelings of confidence, self-respect, and dignity are weakened. Such women are characterized by passivity in overcoming asocial aspirations and habits, which determines the greatest degree of degradation of their personality. In this regard, the marital status of women who have served a prison sentence is of particular concern.

The personality orientation of convicted women reveals specific needs, motives, goals, perspectives, and value orientations that reflect their narrow, limited spiritual world. Limited interests lead some convicted women to the inability to critically assess their capabilities, which leads to high or low self-esteem.

The negative impact of places of deprivation of liberty on the personality of women is determined by shortcomings in the organization of their work activities. The Penal Code of the Russian Federation names socially useful work as one of the means of correcting convicts (Part 2, Article 9 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation). The labor activity of convicts is mandatory also due to the need for self-sufficiency of women deprived of liberty. However, at present, the duty of the OJ to work is not always ensured by a real opportunity.

Not every young woman, due to her individual psychological characteristics, is capable of working as a seamstress or sewing equipment adjuster. Many of the women surveyed have no desire to master these types of professions. The correct choice of profession by young people largely predetermines the system of value orientations of the individual. Naturally, such forced labor hinders the achievement of the goals of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment and aggravates the situation of young women who are isolated from society. At the same time, after being released from the prison camp, females, as a rule, do not work in the professions acquired in the colony. Since there is no other specialty, many of them begin to lead an antisocial lifestyle.

Isolation is a psychosocial stressor and, sharply reducing the body’s adaptive capabilities, leads not only to the development of many neuropsychic and somatic diseases, but also, under conditions of prolonged chronic stress, reduces labor productivity, increases the frequency of interpersonal conflicts, and their criminogenicity. A rapid and radical disruption of life plans through social isolation gives rise to a complex of specific manifestations called the “deprivation of liberty syndrome.”

In women with a high degree of maladaptation, severity, increased sensitivity, and a low level of intelligence are quite pronounced. They are characterized by the manifestation of asthenic emotions and feelings, low social motivation. Material interest is the main motive for their behavior. The leading need is material. They have almost no resistance to post-penitentiary negative consequences.

Women with an average degree of maladjustment are characterized by indifference in relationships with others, irritability, envy, straightforwardness, and rigidity of thinking. They have a predominance of asthenic emotions and feelings, self-expression is the leading motive of behavior. The main needs in life are having a family, a feeling of safety and security. Persons in this category have a reduced resistance to the negative consequences of being in prison.

Women with a low degree of maladaptation are characterized by unsociability, conformity, unprincipledness, and irresponsibility; average level of intelligence, as well as emotional lability. Stenic emotions and feelings are manifested to the greatest extent. The dominant needs are to create a family, self-improvement, and increase the educational level. The leading motives of their activities are cognitive and affiliative motives. These women are quite resistant to overcoming the negative consequences of social isolation and are more active in solving various kinds of problems in conditions of freedom.

Based on this point of work, we can conclude that despite the state’s guarantees in the social and legal aspect, it is very difficult for liberated women, i.e. It is almost impossible to find a job on your own. The reasons for this are problems among women related to marital status, childbirth, etc. Also, the attitude towards former convicts on the part of employers leaves much to be desired.

The training system for social workers should ensure the training of specialists who can establish interpersonal relationships with the client, influencing both society, the living conditions of a person, and himself, stimulating him to realize his internal potential, to be socially active. Only in this case will it be possible to create an effective social protection system, skillfully restore interaction between people, and improve their quality of life.

Social workers must take into account the fact that being in prison causes a complex of mental states in women in the form of melancholy, frustration, despair, and hopelessness. Such mental states to a certain extent affect physical state body, which in turn further suppresses their psyche. Without the opportunity to truly satisfy their physiological needs, convicted women often live in a world of fiction and fantasy. At the same time, a feeling of distrust in the selfless help from power structures, and people in general, causes rejection from society and reliance on one’s own strengths, which, when faced with the social injustice of real life, further suppresses any interest of the former convict in improvement as an intrapersonal one. family and public (Appendix B).


3.1 Prevention of maladaptation of women released from prison

Social work involves adapting the social protection system to changing socio-economic conditions, including networks of social service institutions, expanding the list of social services provided to women, supporting non-state forms of social assistance, and training social work personnel. Continuous improvement of the organization of social protection based on the formation of new social technologies; a differentiated approach, targeted social assistance directly related to the specific needs of the recipient - this is the task of modern society. All activities must be based on a regulatory framework. Laws are an important factor in effective social work.

Prevention of personality disadaptation reflects the general principles of crime prevention. Preventing maladaptation of women who have served a sentence of imprisonment is a set of interrelated measures of government bodies, social work institutions and the public aimed at reducing and neutralizing the negative phenomena associated with their stay in isolation from society.

Correction of convicts is an important task of the state, and public participation in its solution is an important criterion for the effectiveness of reforms in the penal system. Of no small importance in connection with the prevention of repeated crimes is the activity of the emerging patronage service, boards of trustees, parent committees, social work in the penitentiary system and with persons released from prison. One of their most important functions is to neutralize the negative consequences of serving a sentence, ensuring continuity in consolidating the results of correction among persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment. This interaction would also contribute to broadening women’s horizons, forming adequate self-esteem in women, and developing their adaptive abilities.

In this regard, it is advisable for religious organizations to provide assistance not only to those women who are in social isolation, but also to those who have been released. In the first, most difficult period of life for the latter, religious organizations could take them under their control, provide them with shelter, food, and women, in turn, could serve in the church or engage in other religious activities. It should be noted that the Concept for the reorganization of the penal system provides for the development and strengthening of ties between convicts and public, religious and other organizations. The reorganization process provides for the improvement of forms of participation of public associations in the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishments.

3.2 Humane treatment and socio-legal counseling for women released from prison

Women's knowledge of legal issues is very limited. They do not know the organization, principles of operation of the legal system, norms of criminal, criminal procedural and penal legislation. In order for criminal law norms to have a deterrent effect, the population must know them or at least have some idea about them, therefore one of the functions of a social worker is educational work in the field of law with persons released from prison.

For women, the fact remains unknown that Art. 1070 of the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for damage caused by illegal actions of the bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecutor's office and court. The basic principles of this responsibility declare that harm caused to a citizen as a result of an illegal conviction, illegal prosecution, illegal use of detention or recognizance as a preventive measure, illegal imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of arrest or correctional labor is compensated at the expense of the state in full, regardless of the guilt of officials.

It is advisable to more actively cover these problems in the media. The population should also be made aware of the difficulties that convicted women have to experience when they are isolated from society, as well as after their release. Very few released females know that there is a Law of the Russian Federation that allows you to appeal an unjustified refusal to hire to court.

It is necessary for the population to develop a humane, tolerant attitude towards persons who have served their sentences in prison, especially women. Considering the problem of preventing maladjustment of women in the post-penitentiary period, it is necessary to emphasize that an important area is the organization of leisure for these persons. Aimless pastime is a strong criminogenic factor, since it contributes to the emergence and consolidation of antisocial views, attitudes, and deformation of the lifestyle of women released from prison. In this regard, it is important for underage girls to focus on useful and socially significant pastime. This can be achieved by creating a cultural and sports complex at the place of residence, which would unite the efforts of cultural, educational and other institutions, educational institutions in organizing meaningful leisure time.

Along with this, it is expected to involve persons who have served their sentences in various clubs, circles, sports sections. At the same time, it is necessary that the worldview of the leaders of such clubs, circles, sections change in relation to convicted girls, which would facilitate the organization of useful pastime for a larger number of female minors.

Due to the fact that for young adults who have served a criminal sentence, the most pressing problem is creating a family, it is advisable to involve them in dating clubs that are organized in the service of the family. Currently, such services operate in almost all cities of the Russian Federation. This will make it possible to neutralize the criminogenic factor caused by the aimless pastime of this category of people.

The microenvironmental level of preventing maladaptation of women who have served their sentences in isolation from society provides for the implementation of specific measures aimed at a specific social group - women, in order to reduce and neutralize the negative phenomena associated with serving a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment. One of these measures is the fuller implementation of the principles of differentiation and individualization of punishment for women.

Considering the prevention of maladaptation of women as a system, it should be emphasized that an important role in it belongs to the subjects of prevention, especially specialized ones. These are state, law-making and law enforcement bodies, social work institutions, public organizations, whose activities professionally or in the performance of public duties are aimed directly at combating antisocial manifestations and crime.

It is necessary to increase attention to the problems of adaptation of women released from prison, sensitive and highly qualified socio-psychological assistance in solving mental post-penitentiary traumas, reliable material support for this category of women, constant care, love and affection.


In conclusion, we can say that the regulatory framework for social work as a whole is fully and effectively developed, but reality speaks of poor compliance between theory and practice in social assistance and support for women released from prison. A big role in this is played by both instability in the political, economic development of relations between the state and society, and the weak financial position of social services.

Social work with women released from prison contains the following groups of tasks: assistance in difficult life circumstances; maintaining women as full members of society in accordance with existing regulations; promoting the creation of conditions for personal development, both material and moral, with the help of the state. But in modern society The stereotypes of the socialist regime for this category of people still dominate, which is traumatic for the weak, maladapted soul of a woman released from prison. Here it is necessary to educate the population about the need for humanity, care and all kinds of support for people who have stumbled, to understand the essence of their problems and to try to resolve them. Social work with women who find themselves in difficult life situations that they cannot overcome on their own should be carried out by a system of social services and specialized social institutions. The nature, duration, types, and volume of social assistance in these institutions must correspond to the individual situation, for example, financial assistance, provision of temporary shelter, consultations, rehabilitation services, etc. Each specific case has its own special technology, methods and resources of social assistance to those in need. Supporting women released from prison as full-fledged members of society can be ensured by measures for socio-psychological rehabilitation, retraining and retraining for more in-demand professions, information about available vacancies, social resources, about the essence and technology of family planning, legal and any other assistance in protecting their rights. A set of measures is needed to develop a scientifically based program with the involvement of social work specialists so that the new requirements for increasing the role of individual self-sufficiency and its adaptation to the new system would be effective. Focus on independent decision their personal problems, appropriate legal education and the possibility of retraining are necessary condition realizing oneself as an individual. In general, we can draw the following conclusion. The current state of social assistance and support for women released from prison is very weak. The transitional conditions from old to new ideologies of the political regime, the instability of the economic aspect of Russia gives rise to selfish tendencies in people, caring for themselves and interacting only with those from whom they can expect help in the future, because now almost no one believes in stability.

This is associated with a large percentage of corruption in the echelons of power, which results only in the formal socio-legal and material support of weak and vulnerable sections of the population, including

One of the most socially vulnerable categories in a correctional institution (PI) are elderly and disabled convicts. They have a complex set of intractable social problems and needs that pose a threat to their equal existence in the correctional institution, which they cannot resolve on their own. These convicts need various types of constant assistance (material, moral-psychological, medical, legal, penitentiary-pedagogical and other), support, and protection.

Social work with them is a priority and mandatory for a specialist; it takes on the nature of support, comprehensive services with the involvement of doctors, psychologists, educators, and representatives of social protection authorities.

Among elderly convicts, there are rarely people in whom aging is a natural physiological process of gradual decline in psychophysiological functions, withering of the body and personality changes, which is called normal old age. Naturally aging convicts are characterized by physical and mental activity, developed compensatory and adaptation mechanisms, and a high ability to work.

Often, convicts who show significant pathological deviations in the aging process associated with various diseases, violations of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms, and disharmony are serving their sentences in a correctional institution. life processes and their manifestations. The restructuring of the mechanisms of higher nervous activity that occurs during aging forms the basis of age-related changes in human mental activity and behavior. First of all, this concerns such a complex phenomenon as intelligence. In old age, the most important becomes the ability to solve problems related to the use of already accumulated experience and information. IN emotional sphere there is an uncontrollable tendency towards hostility and aggressiveness towards others, and the prediction of the consequences of one’s actions and the actions of others is weakened. Among psychological processes, which are most affected by age-related changes, is the weakening of memory. Age-related changes can significantly change a person’s mental makeup and personality. Among the characteristics considered typical for old age are conservatism, a desire for moral teaching, touchiness, egocentrism, withdrawal into memories, self-absorption, which in the case we are considering is aggravated by imprisonment.

Elderly convicts are heterogeneous in terms of education level, work experience, health status, marital status, number of criminal records and total time spent in prison. Most of them do not have sufficient work experience or the right to receive an old-age pension. All this causes them uncertainty about their future, as well as a fear of old age and a hostile attitude towards it, which is especially aggravated among the lonely, as well as the sick and physically infirm.

A social work specialist must take into account the general features and characteristics of elderly convicts and carry out an individual approach to them when implementing various technologies and measures of psychological and pedagogical influence, taking into account the general patterns of aging and the individual identity of the elderly person.

Along with elderly convicts, disabled convicts are serving their sentences in correctional institutions. Big number convicted disabled people are often sick or have chronic diseases, half of them experience difficulties in household services and cannot do without outside help. An impressive part of the considered category of convicts is not only socially maladapted, but also deprived of social connections. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the main of all social problems at the personal level - disability for objective reasons - cannot be resolved completely, therefore, rehabilitation and educational measures should be supplemented with psychological assistance in changing attitudes towards the state of one’s health and searching for opportunities for self-compensation and self-realization in the current circumstances .

In penitentiary institutions, conducting social work with convicted disabled people is to one degree or another hampered by their social limitations, which must be taken into account social worker:

  • ? physical limitation, or isolation of a disabled person. This is due to either physical, sensory, or intellectual and mental disabilities that interfere with independent movement or orientation in space;
  • ? labor segregation, or isolation. Due to his pathology, an individual with disabilities has extremely narrow access to jobs or no access at all;
  • ? poverty. These people are forced to exist either on low wages or on benefits that cannot be sufficient to ensure a decent standard of living for the individual;
  • ? spatial-environmental barrier. The organization of the living environment itself is not friendly towards the disabled person;
  • ? information barrier. Disabled people have difficulty obtaining information, both general and relevant directly to them;
  • ? emotional barrier. Unproductive emotional reactions of others regarding a disabled person.

Convicts who are disabled serve their sentences in correctional institutions of various types and regimes. In most cases, these are persons who, before being convicted and sent to prison, received an assessment of their ability to work and health status from state expert medical commissions at their place of residence. But there is also a category of convicts who became disabled in the process of suppressing the criminal offenses they committed and during the execution of criminal punishment. Examination of the latter is carried out during the process of serving the sentence by territorial expert and medical commissions at the location of the correctional institutions.

A medical and social examination of a convicted person is carried out upon his written application addressed to the head of the MSE public service institution.

The application of the convicted person, the referral to the medical and preventive medical examination of a medical institution of the penal system and other medical documents confirming health problems are sent by the administration of the institution where the convicted person is being held to the territorial institutions of the state medical and medical examination service. To draw up an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, examination of convicts in institutions of the state service MSE is carried out in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional facility where convicts sent for examination are serving their sentences.

If a convicted person is recognized as disabled, an MSE certificate in the established form is sent to the correctional facility and stored in the personal file of the convicted person.

An extract from the certificate of examination of the civil service institution of the ITU of a convicted person recognized as disabled, as well as the results of determining the degree of loss of professional ability to work, the need for additional types of assistance, is sent within three days from the date of establishment of disability to the body providing pensions at the location of the correctional institution, for appointment , recalculation and organization of pension payment. In the event of release from a correctional institution of a convicted person whose disability has not expired, an ITU certificate is issued to him.

In his work with elderly and disabled prisoners, a social work specialist focuses on their inherent positive qualities (their experience, knowledge, general erudition, etc.) in order to neutralize the negative features of the aging process or chronic disease. This can be achieved by making their life active. Therefore, special attention should be paid to organizing the free time of this category of convicts (they will need this skill in freedom, especially those who will be sent to homes for the elderly and disabled). To maintain intelligence at a certain level, it is important to involve these convicts in self-education. The preservation of psychophysical functions is achieved through feasible activities and occupational therapy, the development of intellectual interests, and the constant expansion of erudition.

A significant place in working with elderly and disabled convicts in a correctional institution is occupied by the organization and implementation of health-improving and preventive measures with them, including, along with measures of a purely medical nature, also socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical measures.

Sanitary educational work is carried out using various forms and methods: lectures, conversations, consultations, loud reading of literature and radio broadcasting, publication of sanitary bulletins, wall newspapers, memos, the use of posters, slogans, slides, filmstrips, photo exhibitions, film demonstrations, etc.

According to Art. 103 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, convicted men over 60 years of age and convicted women over 55 years of age, as well as convicted persons who are disabled people of groups I and II, can be employed only at their request in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and social protection of disabled people. Therefore, when involving this category of convicts in productive work, it is necessary to take into account the physiological capabilities of the aging organism and the general state of psychophysical functions (memory, perception, thinking, imagination, attention). The penal legislation provides for working convicts - disabled people of groups I and II, as well as elderly convicts: certain benefits:

  • ? increasing the duration of annual paid leave to 18 working days;
  • ? recruitment to work without pay only at their request;
  • ? increasing the size of the guaranteed minimum to 50% of their accrued wages, pensions and other income.

Particular attention must be paid to the psychological and practical preparation of elderly and disabled convicts for release from correctional institutions.

Preparation of convicts for release includes several stages:

  • ? accounting of convicts released at the end of their sentence;
  • ? The main element of preparing elderly and disabled convicts for release from correctional institutions is documentation. This is to provide convicts released from correctional institutions with all the necessary documents. The main one, without which it is impossible to resolve any issue related to the resocialization of a convicted person, is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Issues of obtaining passports are relevant for all categories of those who have lost it for various reasons;
  • ? restoration of socially useful connections of convicts (sending requests to the police department for this purpose, correspondence with relatives, etc.). Of particular importance in this case is the interaction of a social work specialist with the heads of detachments, as well as employees of other departments of the correctional institution;
  • ? conducting individual conversations with each person being released, during which life plans for the future are clarified. In addition, the procedure for employment, the rights and responsibilities of citizens during the job search are explained, issues of household arrangements, etc. are clarified;
  • ? registration of social cards for each convicted person with mandatory handing over upon release. Specialists from both the administration of the institution executing the punishment and other services participate in drawing up a social map. Cards are compiled to ensure full accounting of persons released from the institution for submission to local government bodies, employment institutions, social protection of the population, health care and other institutions and organizations at the place of residence;
  • ? payment for the convict's travel to the destination upon release. If necessary, escort to the train and purchase of travel documents are provided;
  • ? development of methodological materials containing information necessary for those released on issues of social services, medical care, paperwork (passports, disability, registration at the place of residence), employment, social support. This methodological material allows a person being released from a penal institution to develop certain knowledge about social reality;

It is also necessary to identify convicts who have the right to receive a pension and take timely measures to provide them with pensions after their release. Pension legislation distinguishes two types of disability pensions: labor pensions and state pensions. After the release of a pensioner from places of imprisonment, the pension file is sent to his place of residence or place of stay at the request of the body providing pensions, based on the application of the pensioner, a certificate of release from places of imprisonment and a registration document issued by the registration authorities.

Basic documents that need to be prepared by a social work specialist to assign pensions:

  • ? statement of the convicted person;
  • ? passport of the convicted person;
  • ? certificates confirming the place of stay or actual residence of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • ? insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • ? documents on labor activity - work book; a certificate of average monthly earnings for periods of activity for calculating the amount of pension benefits;
  • ? documents establishing disability and the degree of limitation of ability to work;
  • ? information about disabled family members, death of the breadwinner; confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner, that the deceased was a single mother; about the death of the other parent.

A social work specialist draws up the necessary documents and sends them to the pension authorities, monitors the timely transfer of pensions and takes measures to eliminate deficiencies. If the convicted person does not have a work book and other documents necessary for the assignment and recalculation of a pension, requests are sent to search for these documents. If work experience cannot be confirmed or there is no work experience, a state social pension is assigned upon reaching the age of 65 years for men and 55 years of age for women, or a state social disability pension.

Every elderly or disabled convict must clearly understand where he is going after release, what awaits him, what conditions will be created for him and how he should behave in them. Frail and disabled persons who are unable to independently go to their place of residence after release are accompanied by medical staff. Preparatory work is being carried out with persons who do not have family or relatives to send them to homes for the elderly and disabled after their release from the correctional facility. It is important not only to draw up the relevant documents, but also to tell the convicts what these institutions are and what the order of life is like there. It is important to clarify that in institutions of this type there is constant monitoring of compliance with the order of movement of wards by management, doctors, and the police officer on duty.

For those who cannot be sent to nursing homes, in the absence of family and relatives, measures must be taken to provide them with a home or establish guardianship after their release from the correctional facility.

An important formal element aimed at the successful resocialization and social adaptation of convicts of retirement age, disabled people and the elderly who are being released from a correctional facility is the preparation and issuance of a “Remote Person’s Memo.” It includes: advice from a psychologist; rights and obligations of released citizens; information about the release procedure, the employment service, pensions, and going to court; about the provision of possible medical assistance; useful information (about free canteens, night shelters, social assistance services, dispensaries, “helplines”, passport services, etc.).

Thus, the provision of social assistance to convicts of retirement age, disabled people and the elderly in correctional institutions is a logically structured system of social activities. At the same time, the practical preparedness of this category of those who have served their sentences for release is of great importance. Its effectiveness is essential in resolving issues of social, everyday, labor rehabilitation and their social adaptation to life in freedom.

Control questions

1. What main areas of social work with convicts in correctional institutions can you name?

  • 2. What are the specifics of social work with juvenile convicts?
  • 3. What are the main forms of social work with convicted women in correctional institutions?
  • 4. What are the features of social work with elderly and disabled convicts in correctional institutions?


Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 262 “On approval of the Regulations on the social protection group for convicts of a correctional institution of the penal system.”

Kuznetsov M.I., Ananyev O.G. Social work with convicts in penitentiary institutions: textbook, manual for beginners in social work of penitentiary institutions. Ryazan, 2006.

Social work in the penal system: textbook, manual / S.A. Luzgin [et al. J; under general ed. Yu.I. Kalinina. 2nd ed., rev. Ryazan, 2006.

Social work in penitentiary institutions: textbook, manual / ed. prof. A.N. Sukhova. M., 2007.

  • Kuznetsov M.I., Ananyev O.G. Social work with prisoners in correctional institutions. Ryazan, 2006.P. 61-62.