How does salmonellosis occur? Salmonellosis, what is it? Symptoms and treatment regimen. Prevalence and adverse outcome

Sudden diarrhea, with severe pain in the abdomen, profuse vomiting and general malaise– these are not only symptoms of food poisoning!

You may have contracted salmonellosis, an intestinal infection that threatens to complicate the functioning of almost all internal organs. Salmonellosis is especially dangerous for the elderly and children.

Since salmonellosis has symptoms similar to other infectious diseases, it is important to know how to distinguish the symptoms of salmonellosis from the manifestations of other infections and how to help the patient before contacting a doctor.

Do I need to take antibiotics? Will they help folk remedies during treatment?

This acute infectious disease is caused by a rod-shaped bacterium. It is salmonella that causes the symptoms typical of this disease.

The severity of the disease depends on the type of bacteria: in total there are more than two thousand of them; in Russia there are about 500 varieties of salmonella that are dangerous to humans and animals.

These bacteria are almost not susceptible to environmental conditions and can remain active for more than six months even in sea ​​water, and in soil and dust indoors - up to one and a half years.

As soon as salmonella enter a favorable environment, they immediately begin to actively multiply. The only way to kill salmonella is to disinfect foods or thoroughly heat them.

Routes of infection

The primary source for this infection is cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, and poultry.

They themselves are asymptomatic, but the pathogen is contained in their biological secretions: urine, saliva, feces, even in milk. When servicing animals, transporting and processing carcasses, there is a high probability of human infection.

Very often, human infection occurs through chicken eggs, or more precisely, through fragments of chicken feces contained on their surface. There are especially many cases of salmonellosis in summer time, since warm weather is favorable rapid growth bacteria in a nutrient medium.

It’s not for nothing that salmonellosis is called the most dangerous summer disease.

The disease is transmitted between people through dirty hands; other routes of infection, including household ones, are practically not dangerous to humans.

Incubation period

Once in the human body, salmonella can manifest itself either after a few hours (6 or more) or up to 3 days - this is the incubation period of salmonellosis. During this time, bacteria need to overcome the acidic environment of the stomach and enter small intestine. From this moment on, the symptoms of the disease begin to increase.

Salmonella waste products begin to enter the human blood and it carries toxins throughout the body, causing both intestinal symptoms and dysfunction nervous system.

Because salmonellosis has such a long incubation period, doctors often cannot distinguish it from food poisoning.

Even in the absence of signs of illness, a person becomes a carrier of the infection and can be dangerous to others. Therefore, it is important to always comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, because asymptomatic form salmonellosis is also dangerous for others.

General symptoms

Signs of the disease vary depending on what form of salmonellosis a person has, but almost always the disease occurs as follows:

  • a rapid rise in temperature to 39C or more, accompanied by general malaise, as well as headache and dizziness;
  • pain in the gastric region, which quickly leads to vomiting with food fragments;
  • after evacuation of the stomach contents, the vomit becomes mucous;
  • diarrhea with characteristic foamy and watery stools greenish color, feces contain mucus;
  • the liver area is enlarged.

These are the first signs of salmonellosis.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the disease can take the following forms:

  1. gastrointestinal form: its symptoms are described above, it is the most common;
  2. typhoid form: manifests similarly, but gradually the symptoms increase - the fever lasts for a week, intoxication does not decrease, the patient’s consciousness is confused, by the end of the first week a typhoid-like rash appears, which gradually disappears over a few days;
  3. septic form: observed very rarely, typical only for the elderly, newborns and people with weakened immune systems. The disease is severe, from the first days the condition of patients worsens until it becomes critical.
  4. asymptomatic form: so-called bacterial carriage. Clinical symptoms There are no diseases, but tests reveal salmonella.

First aid: treat correctly

Treatment of salmonellosis is aimed primarily at combating dehydration and eliminating toxins.

In case of a mild form of the disease, it is necessary to: rinse the stomach weak solution soda or potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to drink one or two glasses of the solution and provoke vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue with a spatula or the back of a tablespoon.

Additionally, you can use a cleansing enema, which will remove the bulk of bacteria directly from the intestines. drink a large number of fluids to prevent dehydration and remove toxins.

Since a patient with dehydration loses not only water, but also salts, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, then drink plain water not enough for treatment!

The best choice in this case is to use special saline solutions (Regidron). If water is not retained in the body, but provokes vomiting, then you need to drink little by little, but very often - several tablespoons of liquid every five minutes.

Instead of rehydron, you can drink a salt solution, which includes a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda per liter of water. use of various sorbents (starting with simple activated carbon) will significantly reduce the time for symptoms of salmonellosis to appear;

Additionally, antidiarrheal therapy can be started. observe special diet. Its main task is to minimize any impact on the intestinal mucosa injured by inflammation.

As additional measures it is allowed to brew herbs: in the first days - antidiarrheal mixtures (oak bark, walnuts), in the following days - anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, mint).

Please pay Special attention! At the slightest suspicion of salmonellosis in children aged 3 years or younger, any self-medication is prohibited!

You must immediately contact an infectious disease specialist or call an ambulance. Any form of salmonellosis at this age is a direct indication for immediate hospitalization.

What not to eat if you have salmonellosis

You should completely exclude from your diet foods that cause fermentation in the intestines. This is, first of all, milk, vegetables with coarse fiber some fruits that have not undergone heat treatment (among them citrus fruits, plums, grapes, pears).

Of course, we will not allow any fast food, herbs and spices, sweets, or baked goods. Cocoa, coffee, and soda should be excluded from drinks. Ideally, you should drink only rehydron solution or clean still water.

Duration of the disease

Treatment acute condition(for mild and moderate forms of infection) takes 1-2 weeks. At this time, the patient is shown absolute bed rest.

As soon as the stool and temperature return to normal, the diet and regimen can be somewhat relaxed. In severe cases, bed rest is extended to three or more weeks.

Is it necessary to see a doctor?

In many cases, adults can do without a doctor and without hospital treatment. If the symptoms of salmonellosis decrease with an appropriate diet and therapeutic measures, then the body copes with the disease itself.

However, if you are concerned about repeated vomiting and incessant diarrhea, then you need to go to the infectious diseases emergency department. In this case, you will most likely have to undergo treatment in a hospital: such severe dehydration cannot be dealt with at home; droppers are needed.

It is also necessary to contact a specialist if you suspect you have a typhoid (septic) form of salmonellosis, which cannot be cured outside a hospital setting.

Note: In case of gastrointestinal form, antibiotics are contraindicated! Do not self-prescribe medications!

In addition, most Salmonella species do not respond to antibiotics, which is why they are not often used in complex therapy.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Despite the well-described signs of salmonellosis, it is impossible to determine it at home. Moreover, no doctor can diagnose you without conducting clinical studies. To do this, you need to take tests of stool, vomit, and urine.

Remains of food eaten by the sick person are also taken for examination. However, due to the duration incubation period, this is not always possible.

A bacteriological study inoculates those groups of bacteria that are contained in the material samples, so the most indicative and reliable tests will be those taken in the first days of the disease. The infectious disease salmonellosis is best determined by examining stool.

How dangerous is salmonellosis?

The degree of its danger depends, as you already understood, on the type of disease occurring and on the age of the patient. There is also a high probability of complications in the absence of proper treatment.

Among the most severe consequences: the likelihood of death with typhoid and septic variants of the disease, meningitis and pneumonia, toxic shock and infectious psychosis, disruption of the nervous system, heart failure.

Even with complete recovery, unpleasant consequences can still haunt a person. for a long time.

They require long-term monitoring and possibly treatment: a violation of the intestinal microflora, it requires taking enzyme preparations, dysbiosis after the end of the acute period of the disease (prebiotics are restored), during treatment and 30 days after recovery it is necessary to follow a diet.

Especially severe consequences of salmonellosis occur in preschool and school age. The disease necessarily manifests itself after recovery as chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

A specialized diet prescribed by a doctor must be followed for at least three months after the end of the acute period.

How to protect yourself and others

A person remains contagious for some time after complete recovery. Typically, after acute forms, salmonella is excreted in the feces for another 15 days to 3 months. If bacteria are sown in tests later than this period, then we are talking about chronic bacterial carriage.

Despite the fact that a recovered person receives immunity to salmonellosis, he can become ill with it again if the causative agent is another type of salmonella.

Salmonellosis is one of those diseases that is easier to prevent than to treat. Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene will avoid infection in almost 100% of cases.

Preventive measures must be carried out by all family members on an ongoing basis, not only when one of the family members is suspected of being a carrier of the pathogen.

To prevent parents and children from becoming infected and getting sick, the following tips should be applied:

  1. regularly examine your pets at the veterinarian (we are talking not only about cats and dogs, but also about large cattle, horses, sheep, goats, etc.), do not eat raw eggs and meat with blood: the product must undergo heat treatment;
  2. if you need to add raw eggs to some dish, you need to wash them very well with soap, removing fragments of feces from the surface;
  3. Unpasteurized milk must be boiled;
  4. do not eat prepared food in places Catering, the purity of which is questionable, this advice is especially relevant for the summer period;
  5. The most important rule is to wash your hands before eating, after interacting with animals and at any opportunity. It is advisable to use laundry soap.

Salmonellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the Salmonella genus. People and animals are susceptible to the disease. The immunity of an adult (and animals) is sufficiently protected from the development of salmonellosis, but sometimes situations arise when it is defenseless against the pathogen ( severe exhaustion, entry of a large number of pathogens into the body).

Bacteria getting into oral cavity, exposed to saliva. It can then be destroyed by gastric juice in the stomach. If there are surviving pathogens, they are already destroyed by the immune system. If a person has diseases of the digestive tract or weak immunity, then salmonella reaches the desired habitat.

There, the bacterium penetrates the walls of the organ and begins to destroy it, at the same time its larvae enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. They can take root not only in the digestive tract, but also in the lungs and brain.

Salmonella is highly survivable. It can exist outside the host’s body for up to 1.5 years. Boiling kills the bacteria in 1-2 minutes. Sub-zero temperatures only prolong the life of the bacteria. Disinfectants capable of destroying the pathogen immediately.

Salmonella can enter the human body from a sick person, animal, or contaminated food. The bacterium can also be found in dust and raw water. The first symptoms of the disease may appear after 5 hours or 3 days (depending on how the infection occurred and where the pathogen settled).

The danger of the disease lies not only in the destructive effects of salmonella on organs. Pathogens produce strong toxins that have a detrimental effect on the body. Even after the bacterium dies, it continues to release toxic substances.

After salmonellosis, a person develops a protective reaction to salmonella, which lasts up to 12 months. The peak of the disease occurs in the summer. In hot weather, food is not always stored properly. Intake of raw water increases. The bacterium remains active due to a favorable environment for it.

Causes of salmonellosis

Salmonellosis begins to develop when bacteria (at least 1 million) enter the body. If the immune system is weakened and does not resist salmonella, then it takes root and begins to multiply. How can you become infected with salmonellosis?

Source How does infection occur? Notes
From an infected personWhen shaking hands, hugging, kissing.If an infectious person cooks without washing their hands, the bacteria can get into the food.
From an infected animalWhen stroking and playing. Through pet toys.Cockroaches and flies on their legs can spread bacteria.
FoodUnbaked or undercooked foods. Poorly washed vegetables, raw eggs.The pathogen can get on food when cutting on a dirty board, or from animal fur.
Raw waterThe bacterium can live in raw water for up to 6 months from the moment of entry.Unboiled water will not allow you to thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and hands. River and swimming pool water may also contain the pathogen. And if accidentally ingested, it enters the body.
Household itemsWhen using personal hygiene items for the patient. Through household items (dishes, pen, book). In case of poor disinfection of objects used in hospitals and clinics.They can be transmitted along with the purchase of items in a store if they have previously been in the hands of a person with salmonella.
By airThey settle from the patient’s hands or when he sneezes, onto furniture and then move along with the dust.Infection by air This happens quite rarely, since the dust particles do not contain the required amount of bacteria for infection.
Poor hygieneLack of hand washing after visiting the toilet and before eating.It is necessary to wash not only your hands well, but also the dishes.

For greater safety, you should try to avoid public eating places and buy ready-made baked goods in dubious places. Salmonella does not affect the taste of products, and it appearance. Therefore, it is impossible to recognize whether food is spoiled or not with the naked eye. It is also unknown who prepared the food and under what conditions.

First signs

Salmonellosis (symptoms in an adult that occur first, this is a signal to urgently call emergency assistance) requires rapid initiation of therapy. A visit to the clinic is not advisable, as there is a high probability of infecting other patients.

How salmonellosis manifests itself at the onset of the disease:

These signs arise due to severe intoxication of the body. Mostly they appear within 24 hours from the moment of infection (no later than 72 hours). Based on this, you can roughly determine when and where the infection occurred.

Symptoms of salmonellosis in adults

Gastrointestinal salmonellosis

Salmonellosis (symptoms in adults when the disease occurs in the gastrointestinal form are usually pronounced) in more than 98% of cases is localized in the digestive tract.

This type The disease can develop in 3 forms:

With the 2nd and 3rd severity of gastrointestinal salmonellosis, the 2nd and 3rd days of the disease are considered the most dangerous (critical). These days it is necessary to prevent dehydration and bring down the temperature in a timely manner. When worsening general condition, loss of consciousness or too low pressure, you must urgently call an ambulance.

Generalized salmonellosis

With a generalized form of the disease, salmonella can affect different organs, not only digestive tract. The disease begins as severe poisoning. The first 2-3 days are observed frequent vomiting and loose stools (this stage may be absent or mild).

These symptoms then subside and a period of fever ensues. The temperature stays at 40 degrees, during the day it can drop sharply and rise again to a high level or is constant. Because of this, small capillaries on the surface of the skin burst, and a red, small rash forms.

The liver becomes enlarged, blood pressure decreases and the pulse slows. Breathing is shallow and interrupted. The patient may hallucinate and become delirious. There is severe exhaustion and weakness.

The patient can remain in a feverish state for up to 21 days. The disease is difficult to treat, and many antibiotics do not work. Often the disease progresses to pneumonia or bronchitis.

Typhoid-like form

Salmonellosis of this species is extremely severe and can be fatal. During the first 3 days, the patient experiences vomiting and loose stools, and the temperature rises to 38 degrees. On the 4th day the symptoms change.

Loose stools and vomiting stop, the temperature rises to 40 degrees and can last up to 30-45 days. By the end of the 1st week, a red rash appears on the abdomen, caused by high fever and an enlarged spleen and liver. It lasts for 2-3 days. The skin, due to poor liver function, acquires a yellow tint.

The disease is difficult to treat. A long feverish state brings the body to complete exhaustion. The abdomen remains enlarged throughout the entire illness due to changes in the size of the internal organs. The patient has been delirious for a long time. After recovery, lifelong immunity is developed.

Septic salmonellosis

Salmonellosis, symptoms in an adult, when the disease occurs in a septic form, is important for everyone to know, then there will be a chance of cure, often has a fatal outcome.

Elderly people and AIDS patients are susceptible to this type.

The onset has characteristic, striking symptoms of salmonellosis (vomiting, loose stools and abdominal pain). On the 3rd day the signs subside, leaving elevated temperature up to 40 degrees. It can change up to 5 times during the day, ranging from 37 to 41 degrees. The period of fever can last up to 6 months.

Purulent processes develop in the body. If treatment is untimely, death occurs due to suppuration of the entire body. If the patient recovers, complications remain for life. The functionality of the affected organs is not fully restored. Difficult to treat.

Bacteria-carrying species

Bacterial-carrying salmonellosis develops when infection occurs with a small number of bacteria and with strong immunity. The body fights the disease and there are no symptoms.

But a person is a carrier of salmonella, which can be excreted in feces for up to 3 months (depending on the state of immunity, the period of illness can be reduced to 2 weeks).


When diagnosing salmonellosis, it is necessary to identify at what stage the disease occurs and what type it is. To do this, at the first manifestations of the disease, you need to call an ambulance. The examination is carried out by an infectious disease specialist, inpatient conditions. If the disease is not severe, then after diagnosis, treatment at home is prescribed.

Procedures for diagnosing salmonellosis:

To exclude infection of family members, they also take a blood test and a coprogram. If an infected object is detected, diagnosis may take less time. The procedure for identifying the pathogen can take up to 10-14 days. At this time, the patient is rehydrated and the temperature is brought down. In severe cases, strong antibiotics and drips with saline solutions are prescribed.

Treatment of salmonellosis with drugs

Salmonellosis (symptoms in an adult, as well as the diagnosis, allow the doctor to prescribe medication therapy) is not always treated with antibiotics. Depending on the patient’s condition and type of disease, a prescription will be prescribed. therapy (mild forms of the disease can be treated at home):

1. At the first symptoms, gastric lavage is performed. At the same time, it is cleansed of possibly contaminated food, toxins and bacteria. The procedure requires a 2% soda solution, at least 3 liters, at room temperature. For mild salmonellosis, this procedure is sufficient.

2. When salmonellosis is severe, but there is no stool, a cleansing enema is necessary.

3. If loose stools are observed for more than 5 days, then fixative medications are prescribed (at the beginning of the disease this is not possible, toxins and bacteria are excreted in the feces):

  • enterofuril;
  • calcium gluconate;
  • indomethacin

4. Preparations for cleansing the body of toxins and salmonella residues. They also normalize stool and reduce the amount of vomiting.

Prescribed funds:

  • smecta;
  • polysorb;
  • enterodesis.

5. With frequent vomiting and loose stools, be sure to replenish the water-salt balance.

For this we use:

If the patient cannot take solutions due to a serious condition or constant vomiting, then the following drugs are administered using a dropper:

  • trisol;
  • salt;
  • hemodesis.

The procedure is performed in a hospital setting.

6. In severe forms of the disease, antibiotics are required. But salmonella is not susceptible to many types of drugs.

Antibiotics that help fight bacteria:

  • ampicillin;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • Salmonella bacteriophage.
  1. Means to reduce fever and relieve pain symptoms:
  • paracetamol;
  • analgin;
  • no-shpa.

8. Means for normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs. They normalize stool and relieve residual pain in the abdominal area. The food consumed will be completely absorbed without overloading the digestive tract.


  • festal;
  • mezim;
  • panzinorm.

9. It is advisable to maintain bed rest and not make sudden movements.

10. Gentle nutrition is prescribed. The diet is followed until complete recovery.

In joint treatment with medications, you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs. They will strengthen the body and shorten the recovery period. Their use is discussed with the infectious disease specialist.


At severe dehydration Replenishment of water reserves in the body is necessary. Otherwise, the blood becomes thick, and toxins are retained in the body. Popular for restocking medicines(were listed above).

To ensure complete absorption of the drugs, it is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 sips at a time. The procedure is done at intervals of 5-7 minutes. In the first 5 hours, up to 1.5 liters of the product should be drunk. In the following hours, it is enough to drink 180-200 ml per hour.


During treatment and after recovery, you must follow a special diet. In the first days, food should be liquid and have a fixative effect. Food should not overload the digestive tract and be easily digestible, but sufficiently high in calories. It is not recommended to consume foods that cause an increase in gas formation in the intestines.

Portions are allowed in small sizes and can be consumed every 3 hours. Be sure to drink large amounts clean water and fruit drinks. This way the body will quickly cleanse itself of toxins and completely replenish all fluid lost during illness.

Authorized Products

Salmonellosis (symptoms in an adult determine his condition, according to which an infectious disease specialist can prescribe restrictions on food intake) is more quickly treatable when proper nutrition. First of all, the permitted food is specified.

Meat is necessary for the body to function properly. But it is considered quite heavy food. During illness, lean meat and lean fish, boiled and rolled (meatballs, steamed cutlets), are allowed.

To restore iron, you need to eat boiled, pureed liver (beef or chicken). It can be consumed together with porridges (rice, buckwheat, barley), boiled in water with a small amount of salt. At the beginning of the disease, the finished dish should be rubbed through a sieve for easier digestion.

Low-fat fermented milk products, in the form of yogurt and kefir. It will speed up the process of colonizing the body with the necessary bacteria for normal operation digestive tract.

Fruits can be consumed boiled, as well as vegetables. For quick absorption, they need to be ground in a blender or grated. Jelly and compotes are made from the berries.

As for flour products, wheat bread in a dried state or in the form of crackers is allowed. You can salt them slightly (just a little). Drying is also allowed.

Watermelon for salmonellosis is necessary during the period of illness. It quickly cleanses the body of toxins and replenishes lost nutrients.

In case of a mild form of the disease, a diet is necessary during the treatment process; in case of a severe form, it is observed for another 15-30 days after recovery. The return to the previous diet occurs gradually. Without overloading the gastrointestinal tract,

What should you not eat?

Products prohibited for consumption, especially during exacerbation of the disease.

Be sure to check this list with your doctor, since depending on where the salmonella was localized, this list may be supplemented:

If you follow fractional meals and a list of prohibited and permitted foods, the digestive tract will recover faster. If your condition improves, you should ask an infectious disease specialist or therapist about changes in the menu.

Possible complications, prognosis

If the disease was detected early and was mild, it is possible to recover without complications or consequences. If the disease was severe, the result depends on compliance with all treatment measures.

If you consult a doctor late after salmonellosis, complications may arise:

Salmonellosis may develop again if treatment is not fully followed. In this case, the symptoms may not be clearly expressed due to a severe weakening of the immune system. In adults, the disease can occur in a latent form, which poses a danger to others.

Video about salmonellosis

Elena Malysheva will talk about salmonellosis:

Salmonellosis is a polyetiological disease, the development of which is caused by different types bacteria of the Salmonella group.

Difficulties with diagnosis may arise due to the fact that the pathology can occur latently, without causing illness in the patient. But there are known cases severe course illnesses when serious gastroenterological diseases developed.

Salmonella rods can settle and multiply in the body of both animals and people. They are very resistant to environmental influences, therefore they are able to maintain their vital functions in completely different conditions.

Salmonellosis can affect people all over the world, but it is most common in metropolitan areas and developed countries.

Characteristics of the pathogen

Salmonella belongs to the genus of gram-negative, motile, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria. They are able to maintain their viability in different conditions external environment:

  • in water – no more than 5 months;
  • in the ground - about 1.5 years;
  • in meat – up to 6 months;
  • in carcasses poultry– about 12 months (but sometimes more);
  • in milk – up to 20 days;
  • in kefir or yogurt – about a month;
  • V butter– approximately 4 months;
  • in cheese – up to a year;
  • in egg powder from 3 to 9 months;
  • in eggshell – from 17 to 24 days.

Salmonella die when exposed to high temperatures, but they are able to remain viable for 5-7 minutes of boiling. It is especially difficult to destroy these bacteria if they are located deep within the layers of a large piece of meat.

These microorganisms are resistant to salting and smoking, and freezing meat or fish even helps to extend their life. Today, there are hospital strains of these bacteria that do not die completely even with antibiotic therapy and antiseptic treatment. Salmonella is carried by livestock, birds, and some wild animals. In them, as in people, the pathology can be completely asymptomatic. However, not all animals are susceptible to salmonella infection, but only those whose immune systems function rather weakly. Consequently, healthy representatives of the fauna almost never suffer from salmonellosis.

Once salmonella enters the bloodstream, it begins to spread throughout the body, infecting internal organs and fabrics. A person can contract the infection when caring for an animal, cutting meat or eating it. Birds infected with salmonella pollute external environment droppings, upon contact with which a person also becomes infected. But the carriers of these microorganisms are not always animals - people can also carry the infection. Animals can carry salmonella for several months, people - from 3 weeks to several years.

Salmonellosis is mainly transmitted through eating meat or eggs, but there have been cases of Salmonella bacilli getting into drinking water. The bacterium is also easily spread through the milk of an infected animal. In large cities, these microorganisms can become airborne and enter the human body after inhaling dusty air containing Salmonella bacillus. Infants and preschool children, as well as elderly people and people with immunodeficiency are especially susceptible to these representatives of pathogenic microflora. Despite the fact that after suffering salmonellosis a person develops immunity to it, the body’s protective reaction is temporary and lasts no more than a year.

Incubation period

The incubation period of salmonellosis can range from 6 hours to 3 days. On average, it lasts about half a day or a day.

No matter how much time passes from the moment of infection, the course of the disease will not change. If an infected person shows the first symptoms, they will increase as the pathology develops. But provided that it was asymptomatic from the very beginning, then it may not manifest itself in any way in the future. This is much worse, since in such a situation the person will be a source of infection for others.


Clinical manifestations Salmonellosis in adult patients depends on the form in which the pathology occurs. There are 5 of them:

  • gastrointestinal;
  • typhus-like;
  • asymptomatic;
  • bacterial carriage;
  • septic.

Each of these forms has its own characteristics of manifestation, which you need to know about, because no one is immune from salmonellosis.

Gastrointestinal form

This is the most common form of salmonellosis, which has a fairly pronounced clinical picture. First of all, the patient exhibits acute signs intoxication of the body:

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • cephalgia;
  • febrile (38-39 degrees) or pyretic (39-40) fever;
  • chills and trembling throughout the body.

Clinical picture disorders in the gastrointestinal tract progress rapidly:

  • at first the patient suffers from pain in the stomach, near the navel;
  • it opens after a while profuse vomiting, while in the vomit, incompletely digested food particles are clearly visible;
  • after some time, the vomiting becomes watery, and bile impurities may appear;
  • The patient experiences diarrhea with greenish stool and mucous, foamy inclusions.

On physical examination, dryness and the presence of white plaque on the tongue, as well as abdominal pain on palpation. When pressing on the abdomen, its bloating is noted. This form salmonellosis is also accompanied by an enlargement of the liver and spleen.

The cessation of diarrhea occurs 3-5 days after the onset of the pathology, but during this time it can lead to dehydration of the body. To avoid this, the patient should drink as much as possible.

Others unpleasant consequences diarrhea due to salmonellosis are:

  • metabolic disorders in the patient's body;
  • large loss of mineral salts;
  • convulsions;
  • hypotension;
  • syncope or lightheadedness;
  • attacks of vertigo.

As a rule, symptoms of salmonellosis disappear after 5 days, but complete recovery can take from 10 to 14 days. This form of the disease has 2 degrees of severity:

  1. A mild degree is characterized by the absence or slight increase in body temperature. The patient may experience occasional bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Often, by day 3, the symptoms of the pathology completely disappear.
  2. Severe degree, which is characterized by a longer period of illness (3-5 days). The patient experiences frequent vomiting and diarrhea, a sharp decline blood pressure and loss of strength.

The severe degree of gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis is similar to the features of the manifestation of dysentery.

Typhoid-like form

The initial symptoms are almost the same as with the gastrointestinal form, but after a while the clinical picture begins to resemble the symptoms of typhoid fever. For a week, the patient suffers from fever and general intoxication of the body. The patient may become delirious and begin to experience hallucinations.

On the 6-7th day of illness, a red rash appears on the stomach, which disappears after 2-3 days. The patient's tongue becomes gray-brown, the skin turns pale, the liver and spleen become enlarged. The patient suffers from frequent attacks of flatulence, and his stomach is constantly swollen.

This form of salmonellosis is quite difficult to defeat, so complete recovery can be expected only after a month or a month and a half.

Asymptomatic form

This form of salmonellosis occurs when a small amount of salmonella bacilli enters the human body. Due to a strong immune system, pathogens are neutralized without causing harm to health. This is the reason complete absence symptoms.

Bacterial carriage

After becoming infected with salmonella, a person can be its carrier and spreader without knowing it. The stick is excreted along with feces for 3 months, but this period may be shorter.

Septic form

This is a fairly rare type of salmonellosis that mainly affects older people, people with weakened immune systems and newborn infants. This form of pathology is characterized by a prolonged feverish state, hyperhidrosis, chills and tremors in the body, the development of jaundice and abscesses in tissues and organs.

The septic type of salmonellosis is one of the most dangerous because it exists high risk lethal outcome. It is explained by the fact that suppuration in tissues and internal organs leads to the development of sepsis, which occurs in a chronic form.

Complications of salmonellosis

Salmonellosis is dangerous not only for its symptoms and the ability to involve various internal organs in the pathological process. In the absence or untimely initiation of treatment, serious complications may occur.

  1. The gastrointestinal form of pathology can be complicated by the development of collapse or hypovolemic shock. This pathological condition is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, syncope, pallor skin.
  2. Development of acute
  3. Suppuration in joints, bones and soft tissues.
  4. Purulent abscesses in the spleen and liver.
  5. Endocarditis.
  6. Impaired functioning of the kidneys, urinary system, etc.
  7. Brain abscess.
  8. Development of peritonitis.
  9. Less commonly, salmonellosis can cause the development.

In most cases, salmonellosis ends full recovery, but in rare cases it is fatal.

Salmonellosis in children

In newborn babies and young children (1-3 years old), salmonellosis infection is much more acute and severe than in adults. This is explained by the fact that their immunity is not yet strong enough to fight pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the more rapid development of dangerous abnormalities such as dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions caused by them.

Important! If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, the condition of a sick child can significantly worsen within several hours after the first warning signs of the disease appear.

Salmonellosis in newborns is characterized by dominance common symptoms over signs of defeat gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the child becomes lethargic, apathetic, and is tormented. intestinal colic, he has no appetite and, accordingly, he loses weight. The baby may not have vomiting, nausea or diarrhea, but an infection rapidly spreading throughout the body can cause the development of meningeal syndrome.

Salmonellosis during pregnancy

Salmonellosis in pregnant women has its own causes and manifestations.

  1. During pregnancy, the immune system is significantly weakened, which facilitates the free penetration of Salmonella bacilli and other microorganisms into the blood.
  2. Dehydration and general intoxication of the body occurs much faster, which often leads to increased symptoms of toxicosis.
  3. Salmonella can overcome placental cells to infect the fetus.
  4. Most medications used to treat salmonellosis are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

Based on this, therapy for salmonellosis in pregnant women should pursue two goals: to be as effective as possible and as safe as possible for the fetus. To avoid severe complications, treatment of pathology before the 5th month of pregnancy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.


A preliminary diagnosis is made based on complaints, as well as the number of cases. As a rule, salmonellosis affects a whole group of people at once, which becomes one of the main reasons why a doctor may suspect that patients have this particular disease. But to confirm the diagnosis, the patient will still have to undergo certain tests:

  1. Bacteriological examination of stool and vomit samples. also in mandatory Part of the food product that could have poisoned the patient is examined.
  2. A serological test that detects the presence of antibodies in the patient’s blood to Salmonella bacillus.

    Salmonellosis: treatment

    If the disease is severe, the patient may be hospitalized. Usually, hospital treatment indicated for elderly people, infants, persons with weak immunity, food industry workers, pregnant women and medical personnel.

    In most cases, the therapeutic approach involves the use of:

    1. Diet therapy. It involves the complete exclusion from the diet of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa: spicy, salty, smoked, hot, spicy.
    2. Antibiotic therapy, which is carried out exclusively in extreme cases. As a rule, it affects those groups of patients who are hospitalized in a hospital.
    3. Rehydration and detoxification. Patients are prescribed drugs based on saline solution (Regidron) and enterosorbents ( White coal, Enterol).
    4. Probiotics (Hilak Forte, Bifiform, etc.).

    Diet for salmonellosis

    Particular importance is attached to diet in adult patients, since it significantly reduces the intensity of the symptoms of salmonellosis. During inpatient therapy, dietary table No. 4 is prescribed, but if the patient is treated on an outpatient basis, he is recommended to give preference to:

    • food that is quickly digested, in small portions, trying to avoid overeating;
    • apples, bananas, carrots, potatoes;
    • fermented milk products;
    • berries (in particular blueberries and cranberries);
    • lemon (in small quantities);
    • lean meat and fish;
    • steamed food;
    • watermelons;
    • white breadcrumbs;
    • water, green tea, fruit compotes and jelly;
    • broths;
    • light soups;
    • semolina porridge;
    • rice, buckwheat;
    • porridge without oil and salt;
    • dairy-free mashed potatoes.

    In the first days of treatment, you can only drink water, and then the patient is allowed to include boiled and baked foods in the diet.

    How to speed up healing and restore intestinal microflora

    To recover faster from illness, the patient should follow these rules:

    1. For 30 days from the date of initiation of therapy, it is necessary to continue following the diet.
    2. You can take enzymes from the first day of the development of the disease (Mezim, Festal, etc.).
    3. If excessive vomiting occurs, you can take Cerucal or Motilium tablets.
    4. For intense stomach pain, Vis-Nol, papaverine or No-Shpu capsules are excellent.
    5. If the patient suffers from attacks of flatulence, Espumisan or Kolikid can be used.
    6. After diarrhea stops, the patient is prescribed drugs that restore intestinal microflora: Linex Forte, Bifidobacterin, Bifiform, etc. The duration of taking these drugs should be at least 3 weeks.

    Herbal medicine can be added to the main treatment. Decoctions of oak bark help a lot, pomegranate peel, bird cherry fruits. These plants have an astringent effect. After using them, it is advisable to start taking infusions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties - chamomile, sage, plantain, St. John's wort, etc.

    Rehabilitation and prevention

    The prevention methods presented below are classified as nonspecific. The duration of hospital stay for patients with a localized form of salmonellosis is about 2 weeks, and for a generalized form - about a month. Two days after the end of therapy, the patient must undergo a bacterial test. It is repeated twice, and if there is no Salmonella bacilli in the human body, they are allowed to work.

    Persons working in the food industry are subject to medical examination, which lasts about 90 days. During this period of time, a stool examination is carried out, and positive results analysis, the patient must be removed from work and isolated from other people for a period of 15 days. In this case, the patient is transferred to another workplace, and during the period of his work he undergoes a five-time examination of a stool sample and a single examination of bile. If salmonella excretion continues for another 3 months, the patient is transferred to another job, after which within a year clinical researches continue. A stool sample is examined once every 6 months, and a year later a bile sample is examined five times. The interval between analyzes is 1-2 days. If the results are again positive, the patient is removed from work, but if they are negative, he is returned to his previous workplace.

    To prevent salmonellosis infection, it is necessary to thoroughly cook eggs, meat and fish. Also, do not forget about personal hygiene. There are no other methods by which salmonella infection can be prevented, since to date no specific preventive measures have been developed.

Salmonellosis is an infectious disease of the digestive system that occurs as a result of infection with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, accompanied by severe intoxication and dehydration, sometimes occurring as typhoid fever, or with septicemia. The most dangerous in terms of salmonellosis are thermally poorly processed eggs, dairy and meat products. The course of salmonellosis can occur in a gastrointestinal or generalized form; bacterial excretion without clinical manifestations is possible. The diagnosis of salmonellosis is made when salmonella are detected in the patient’s feces and vomit.

General information

Salmonellosis is an infectious disease of the digestive system that occurs as a result of infection with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, accompanied by severe intoxication and dehydration, sometimes occurring as typhoid fever, or with septicemia.


Salmonella is a genus of gram-negative, motile, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped microorganisms. Relatively stable in the environment. They can remain viable in water for up to 5 months, in soil for up to one and a half years, in meat for up to six months, in poultry carcasses for up to a year or more. They last for about 20 days in milk, a month in kefir and four in butter. Salmonella can remain alive in cheese for up to a year, 3-9 months in powdered eggs and 17-24 days on egg shells. Salmonella die after 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 70 ° C. They can withstand boiling for some time if they are in the thickness of a large piece of meat. When boiled, eggs die within 4 minutes. In milk and meat products, salmonella not only persists, but also actively multiplies, without affecting the organoleptic properties of the products. Microorganisms are quite resistant to salting and smoking, and when frozen they increase their lifespan. Currently, resident (otherwise hospital-acquired) strains of Salmonella have been isolated that have high degree resistance to antibiotic therapy and disinfectants.

The reservoir and source of salmonellosis is livestock, poultry, and some wild animals. In animals, the disease can occur with clinical manifestations or asymptomatically. Healthy animals do not get salmonellosis; individuals with weakened immune systems are prone to this. Salmonella penetrates the bloodstream of such animals and infects organs and tissues. A person becomes infected when caring for sick animals, slaughtering them, or eating contaminated animal products. Birds with salmonellosis can contaminate their surroundings and food with droppings. In some cases ( individual species pathogen) the source of infection can be a person. Animals are contagious for several months; humans can transmit the infection within a period of several days to three weeks; sometimes carriage persists for years.

Salmonellosis is transmitted primarily through the fecal-oral mechanism by food. Meat and dairy products and poultry eggs play a major role in the epidemiology of salmonellosis. The water route of infection occurs when salmonella enters sources drinking water for livestock in livestock farms. Household contact often has important epidemiological significance in cases of nosocomial infections. In urban conditions, airborne dust transmission is possible.

Humans are highly susceptible to salmonellosis. The severity of the developed infection depends on a complex of factors, both external (the number of pathogens that have entered the body, their antigenic composition and biological characteristics) and internal (the state of the human body’s defense systems, associated pathologies, in particular the digestive system). The infection is most severe in infants (especially premature infants) and the elderly. Post-infectious immunity is unstable and lasts no more than a year.


According to clinical picture and extent of spread infectious process divided into gastrointestinal, generalized salmonellosis and bacterial excretion. The gastrointestinal form differs in localization into variants: gastric, gastroenteric and gastroenterocolitic.

Generalized salmonellosis can occur in two variants: typhus-like and septic. Bacterial excretion can be acute, chronic or transitive.

Symptoms of salmonellosis

The incubation period for salmonellosis can last from several hours to two days. Clinical manifestations depend on the variant of the disease. The most common form is the gastroenteric variant of salmonellosis. Characterized by general intoxication and impaired water-salt metabolism. The disease begins acutely, with an increase in temperature and an increase in signs of intoxication (headache, muscle aches, weakness). Then a spasmodic pain occurs in the abdomen with a predominant localization in upper sections belly and umbilical region, nausea and frequent vomiting. Soon diarrhea sets in, the feces quickly become watery, foamy, smelly, and sometimes have a greenish tint. Diarrhea and vomiting vary in frequency depending on the severity of the disease. The abundance of fluid released during vomiting and defecation leads to the development of dehydration.

A physical examination reveals pallor of the skin, despite the fever, sometimes there is cyanosis, the tongue is dry and coated, and bloating. On palpation, rumbling and moderate pain are noted in the abdomen. When listening to the heart there is tachycardia, the sounds are muffled. Soft pulse, tendency to arterial hypotension. Moderate oliguria is often noted. With severe dehydration, convulsions may develop, mainly in the lower extremities.

With the gastroenterocolitic variant, by the second or third day the volume of bowel movements decreases, mucus and streaks of blood may be found in the stool. Palpation of the abdomen reveals pain and spasm of the large intestine; defecation may be accompanied by tenesmus. The gastric variant has the mildest and short-term course and is relatively rare. It is also characterized by an acute onset, less pronounced intoxication, and repeated vomiting. The pain is localized mainly in the epigastric region, diarrhea does not develop. In the gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis, the severity is determined by the severity of intoxication and dehydration syndromes. The degree of intoxication is usually characterized by body temperature, which can vary from low-grade fever to severe fever.

The generalized form can occur in a typhoid-like form, with gastrointestinal phenomena often observed initially. Subsequently, as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea subside, fever and signs of intoxication increase ( headache, insomnia, severe weakness), while the fever becomes constant or wave-like. When examining a patient, sometimes elements of a hemorrhagic rash on the skin may be noted; on days 3-5, hepatosplenomegaly is detected. Characterized by moderate arterial hypotension and relative bradycardia. The clinical picture resembles that of typhoid fever.

The septic variant of salmonellosis also often begins with a gastrointestinal clinic, subsequently giving way to severe persistent relapsing fever, tachycardia, chills and intense sweating as the temperature drops. Hepatolienal syndrome occurs. The disease is severe, long-lasting, and can contribute to the development of secondary lesions purulent inflammation in the lungs, kidneys and bladder(pyelonephritis, cystitis), endocarditis, abscesses and phlegmon. Sometimes inflammation of the iris is noted.

After suffering from salmonellosis, regardless of its form, some patients continue to excrete the pathogen (bacterial excretion) for up to a month. If bacterial discharge continues for more than three months, it is considered chronic. Severe complications with a high probability of death include infectious-toxic shock, which is accompanied by pulmonary and cerebral edema, cardiovascular, renal and adrenal failure. Generalized forms are fraught with development purulent complications.

Diagnosis of salmonellosis

For diagnosis, the pathogen is isolated from vomit and feces (in generalized forms, the pathogen is detected in blood culture). Sometimes bacteria can be isolated from gastric and intestinal lavage waters and bile. To identify the pathogen, culture is carried out on nutrient media. Serological diagnosis is carried out using RNGA, RCA, RLA, ELISA, RIA.

The degree of dehydration is determined based on the analysis of data on hematocrit, blood viscosity, acid-base status and electrolyte balance. If complications of salmonellosis develop, consultation with a cardiologist, urologist, nephrologist and other specialists is necessary, depending on the type of complication.

Treatment of salmonellosis

Patients with a severe form of the disease or those prone to developing complications are subject to hospitalization; in other cases, treatment is carried out at home. It is advisable to initially carry out measures to wash the stomach and intestines (siphon enemas, enterosorbents). Then the water-salt balance is corrected, taking rehydration measures. Dehydration of the first and second degrees is corrected with the help of frequent fractional ingestion of saline solutions. More severe dehydration may require intravenous infusion therapy with isotonic polyionic solutions.

Detoxification therapy colloidal solutions or 10% dextran solution is carried out only after restoration of water-electrolyte homeostasis. Signs of pronounced metabolic acidosis are an indication for use intravenous administration sodium bicarbonate.

Antibiotic therapy is indicated for the generalized form of the disease. Fluoroquinolone drugs, chloramphenicol, and doxycycline are prescribed. To treat gastrointestinal forms of the disease, antibiotics are used only in cases of infection that is resistant to other therapeutic measures. In the gastrointestinal form, the administration of enzyme preparations (pancreatin, dry bile) has a good effect. IN acute period the disease, patients were prescribed diet No. 4, after subsiding intestinal manifestations - №13.

Prevention of salmonellosis

General prevention of salmonellosis includes measures to ensure sanitary and hygienic conditions during the keeping and slaughter of livestock and poultry, processing of carcasses and products of animal origin, and preparing dishes from them in catering establishments and food production. As well as measures to control the incidence of diseases in farm animals and birds. Individual prevention consists of careful culinary processing of products of animal origin, observing food shelf life.

Mer specific prevention salmonellosis (vaccination) is not provided due to the antigenic heterogeneity of the pathogen and instability of immunity. Emergency prevention in the source of infection during nosocomial outbreaks, it is produced using a therapeutic Salmonella bacteriophage.

Salmonellosis is infectious intestinal disease which occurs under the influence of a certain bacterium. Anyone can become infected with this disease. Dangerous bacteria may be contained in foods that a person consumes regularly (chicken eggs, milk, meat and butter). You can also catch salmonellosis through contaminated water. And if you do not detect the presence of bacteria in time, then severe intoxication and dehydration of the body occurs.

Most often, children under one year old, as well as adults, encounter this disease in the warm season. Sometimes salmonellosis affects entire groups of people who have consumed contaminated foods. The disease lasts for a long time, and if a person does not take any therapeutic measures, death can occur. Therefore, it is so important to know how to treat salmonellosis in order to prevent such a disease from affecting the entire body.

Initial stages of treatment

For mild salmonellosis, which occurs in the gastrointestinal form, it is prescribed ambulatory treatment. On the part of the body, there is a disruption in the functioning of the intestines; a person experiences diarrhea (no more than three times a day) and vomiting.

At the very first signs of poisoning, you need to do a double gastric lavage. About 15 minutes should pass between these two procedures. Moreover, after the first wash, you should take any sorbent. But it is best to use Polysorb. Depending on the severity of symptoms, enterosorbent will need to be taken four times a day. Additionally, it is recommended to use saline solutions (Regidron) to maintain water-salt balance.

In order to support all the basic functions of the intestines, you need to take some kind of probiotic agent (Bifiform). And this medicine is drunk for twenty days. Food on the very first day of discovery intestinal infection It's better not to take it. But you can drink warm chamomile tea, as well as a decoction of calendula and sage.

To maintain bowel function, Bifiform is taken

If a deterioration in health begins to be observed, especially for a child, then the patient is sent to the infectious diseases department. First of all, this applies to children with weakened bodies, as well as to people suffering from severe and medium shape salmonellosis.

At this point, treatment is started antibacterial drugs. After a course of such medications, probiotics are necessarily prescribed. They help restore bowel function and are taken for three weeks.

The regimen and duration of therapy will depend on the patient’s age, the stage of the ongoing inflammatory process, and the presence of concomitant other chronic diseases. Typically the duration of treatment is 21 days. To enhance the effect, herbal medicine is added to the medication intake. But only if the person does not have an allergic reaction to medicinal plants and herbs.


Salmonellosis in adults is often treated with medications. Most often, the treatment regimen looks like this:

  • appointment of Fluoroquinolone and Quinolone;
  • use of nitrofuran drugs;
  • use of Cephalosporin.

A medicine such as Rifaximin is also prescribed. It destroys harmful microbes, but only acts in the intestinal lumen. Despite the effectiveness of many antibiotics, experts prefer to use them less often. But if salmonellosis begins to develop in a severe form, then you cannot do without them. The most commonly used antibacterial drugs are Azithromycin, Cefotaxime, Ciprofloxacin.

It is prohibited to take anabiotic agents on your own.

They should be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. After the condition improves, antibiotics are replaced with intramuscular injections.

For the gastrointestinal form of the disease, it is undesirable to use antibiotics. In this case, medications inhibit the process of removing toxins and salmonella from the body, as a result, intoxication of the body increases and treatment slows down. In such a situation, gastric lavage and a cleansing enema are first prescribed. Then enterosorbent agents are prescribed, which will remove toxic substances. Such drugs include:

  • Smecta,
  • Polyphepan,
  • Enterodesus,
  • Enterokat.

To eliminate the inflammatory process occurring in the intestinal mucosa, it is most often proposed to use the drug Indomethacin, released in tablets (dosage 50 mg). The medicine is prescribed at the very beginning of the development of salmonellosis. It must be taken three times a day. Additionally, calcium gluconate is consumed once a day.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, Indomethacin is taken

If the disease takes on a septic or typhoid form, then treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. In this case, a dropper is always prescribed, as well as medications that help get rid of symptoms such as frequent diarrhea and vomiting up to several times a day.

When your stomach hurts severely during salmonellosis, you can take No-shpu or Papaverine. And if there is increased gas formation, then you are allowed to take an Espumisan tablet. After the diarrhea stops, it is necessary to restore internal environment intestines. For this we use:

  • Atsipol,
  • Enterol,
  • Bifidobacterin.

Restoring the body in case of dehydration

One of the stages of treatment for salmonellosis is the fight against dehydration. The basis of this treatment is saline solutions. They can be purchased at the pharmacy (Oralit, Regidron, Tsitroglukosolan) or prepared independently. To do this, you need to take 20 g of glucose and 1.5 g of potassium chloride per liter of water.

Compote made from dried apricots and raisins is also very useful. In this case, half a teaspoon of soda and three grams must be added to it. table salt. This drink perfectly combats dehydration that occurs against the background of salmonellosis. It is consumed in small quantities, three sips every five minutes. Gradually the volume of liquid can be increased.

In order to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora, it is necessary to monitor nutrition. The correct diet will need to be followed for at least thirty days. Spices and smoked foods, fatty meats and canned goods, sweets and whole milk should be avoided. You need to be careful with mushrooms, fruits and vegetables in their raw form.

Additionally, you need to take medications such as Mezim Forte for two weeks. Enzyme medications supply the body with necessary elements that restore the functions of the intestines and stomach. If, due to salmonellosis, severe and frequent vomiting occurs, which further contributes to dehydration, then the attending physician recommends using Cerucal or Motilium.

Diet for salmonellosis

At drug treatment A prerequisite for complex therapy is adjusting your own nutrition and drinking regime. The patient must restore the damaged water-electrolyte balance. To do this, you need to constantly drink clarified tea without adding sugar, saline solution or mineral water in small sips.

Following a diet for salmonellosis speeds up the recovery process

You definitely need to watch your diet. This necessary condition, helping to restore normal functioning all organs of the digestive system. Many products during the treatment of salmonellosis can provide irritant effect on the intestines. And such food will have to be completely abandoned. As a result, the following is excluded from the daily menu:

  • black and White bread;
  • whole milk;
  • animal fats;
  • seafood;
  • semi-finished products and sausages;
  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks.

Vegetables and fruits should be consumed only in boiled, stewed or baked form. The basis of the diet should be foods that are easily digestible. These are fermented milk products, mashed banana, baked apple, boiled potatoes and carrots, steamed fish cutlets and lean meat. It is useful to add cranberries and blueberries to the menu, and you should choose compotes and jelly as drinks. White crackers, light broths, rice and buckwheat, boiled in water.

Features of treatment of children with salmonellosis

When such a disease affects children, then the treatment regimen is the same as for adults, but the dosage of medications is reduced several times. In the very first hours when salmonellosis is detected, a child needs to be given plenty of water. This will help remove harmful toxic substances from the body. Water, compote or green unsweetened tea should be given one teaspoon every five minutes.

If your child is severely dehydrated, then your doctor may prescribe a glucose drip. In some cases, when the disease occurs with an increase in temperature, antipyretics and even antibiotics can be used. But only a specialist determines the dosage. Trying to cure childhood salmonellosis is risky.

It is allowed to give the child a cleansing enema. During the day, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not make sudden movements. It is recommended to give him light herbal infusions of chamomile, dill and rose hips.

Additionally, parents should monitor the child’s diet during the treatment period. At the same time, he will have to stick to the diet longer than an adult. And all because the weakened children's body it will be difficult to cope with the load placed on him digestive system. Therefore, meals should be fractional, and all products must first be crushed and given in the form of purees. Overeating is strictly prohibited.

Traditional medicine in the fight against salmonellosis

You can treat salmonellosis at home using traditional medicine recipes. But first you need to consult with your doctor and get his approval. Most effective means Self-therapy is considered:

  • plantain infusion;
  • tincture of walnuts;
  • chamomile infusion;
  • peppermint oil.

Plantain infusion will help cure salmonellosis. You need to take a tablespoon of pre-crushed plant and pour a glass of boiling water over it. This medicine will infuse for 15 minutes, after which it should be drunk in small sips.

Plantain infusion helps with intestinal infections

Walnut tincture will help cope with intestinal infections. To prepare it you will need a glass of peeled fruits and two glasses of vodka. All components are mixed together, placed in a container with a lid and placed in a dark place for three days. The finished medicine is taken every two hours, ten drops. Children can also be given this remedy, but five drops each, after adding a little boiled water to them.

To strengthen immune system and increase the overall resistance of a weakened body, you can prepare a chamomile decoction. For one tablespoon of flowers of this plant, take one glass of boiling water. The composition is simmered over low heat for about ten minutes, after which it is taken four times a day, two tablespoons after meals.

It will help to get rid of pain and discomfort in the stomach during the treatment of salmonellosis. essential oil mint. It is used externally. It will be enough to massage the abdomen, which will improve intestinal motility and thereby eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Apply a few drops of peppermint oil to the palm of your hand and rub them in a circular motion into the umbilical area.

Preventive measures

To protect yourself from subsequent salmonellosis infection, you must follow some recommendations. Hands should be washed before every meal. When cutting meat or fish products, you need to ensure that the knife and cutting board are thoroughly disinfected. You can pour boiling water over them before use.

You should not eat meat that is poorly cooked. If such a product is cooked, then the cooking process itself should take at least an hour. You can't drink raw eggs. And if such a product is used in cooking, it must first be washed with soap and water.

It is not recommended to visit public eating places that raise some doubts. Especially in the summer, when salmonellosis bacteria simply become more active. You need to be careful when buying milk from strangers.

All products should be stored only in the refrigerator, and ready meals are always located separately from raw products. And if you stick to these simple rules, then it will be possible to protect against the recurrence of intestinal infection.

When faced with salmonellosis and wondering how to treat such a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. To cope with such an illness, you will need drug therapy and be sure to follow a diet. Only complex treatment will help eliminate intestinal infection.
