Symptoms, treatment and prevention of agitated depression. Mental disorders. Prevention of depression. How to maintain psychological health for adults and children? Psychoprevention programs for depression

Anna basis

Depression, previously called melancholia, is accompanied by three disorders: mood, thinking and movement. Society underestimates the seriousness of the problem, but it serious pathology. She's in the way full life the sick person, his close relatives and friends. At the beginning of the 21st century, doctors note a decrease in the age of sick people, which is explained by the rapid pace of life, disruption of work and rest, poor diet and some other factors. Let's try to figure out what the symptoms of depression are and how to deal with it.

Causes of depression

Like any illness, depression does not occur unexpectedly. Over a certain period, individual for each situation, it develops and gradually changes not only consciousness, but also physical state. Depending on the factors influencing the formation of the pathological condition, two types of disease are distinguished.

Reactive depression, characterized by a short time period during which negative changes occur. It is provoked by external stimuli that force a person to experience acute emotions. Such situations include:

a loss loved one,
divorce or wedding,
change of social status or job,
birth of a child,
change of residence,
natural disasters and similar factors.

Endogenous depression, gradually developing under the influence of internal processes occurring in the human body. The reasons for the occurrence of this type are the following:

endocrine, neurological and other diseases,
taking some medicines,
violation of the daily routine,
decreased physical activity,
alcohol and drug abuse.

The causes of depression directly affect treatment. External and internal factors are eliminated in different ways, which is important when starting therapy. You should not expect the disease to go away on its own. To a greater extent this applies to the endogenous species. Without competent psychotherapeutic or medicinal correction Possible deterioration of the condition and the occurrence of concomitant diseases.

Symptoms of depression

The initial stage of the disease can easily be confused with fatigue, vitamin deficiency, premenstrual syndrome and other conditions that do not require serious medical intervention. However, general symptoms depression to watch out for. They are divided into four groups:

Emotional: depressed mood, sadness, melancholy, irritability, heavy forebodings. A person suffers from low self-esteem and a feeling of personal inadequacy, and engages in soul-searching and self-torment. Suicidal thoughts come to mind. Feels like constant anxiety for the life and health of loved ones.
Behavioral: desire for self-isolation, decreased social activity, loss of interest in others, development of alcoholism and drug addiction.
Physiological: sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased sexual desire, permanent fatigue, muscle weakness, weak painful sensations in the stomach, back, heart area.
Thinking: inability to perform usual actions, decreased concentration, inhibited reactions to external stimuli, pessimistic thoughts, loss of meaning in life.

Symptoms of depression in men also include aggression and outbursts of anger or, conversely, complete immersion in internal experiences. The latter poses a greater danger because it more often leads to attempted suicide. In women, the disease is accompanied by tearfulness, fluctuations in body weight, the development of bulimia and anorexia due to dissatisfaction. own body. Due to the rejuvenation of this disorder, more and more young people are experiencing signs of depression. Symptoms in adolescents are not much different from common manifestations, however in early age the pathological condition is much more often accompanied by thoughts of suicide and prompts a person to seek solace in alcohol, drugs and immersion in youth subcultures.

Postpartum depression

IN separate chapter It is worth describing the symptoms of postpartum depression. Often, during happy and joyful moments in life, which include the birth of an heir, an anxious and tearful state arises. Research shows that 15% of women suffer from this in the first days after childbirth. On the second day, the mother in labor experiences hormonal changes that interfere with the proper functioning nervous system. By the fourth day, when discharge from maternity hospital, these fluctuations reach their peak. Therefore, finding herself in a familiar environment, but in an unfamiliar role, a woman experiences unpleasant feelings.

Natural changes in the body are accompanied by fear for the newborn, fear of harming him and the inability to properly care for the child. This fully applies to women who have become mothers for the first time and those who have undergone difficult childbirth. At normal course postpartum period within a month, the condition returns to normal, the baby and mother get used to each other, and fears recede into the background. If you cannot cope with anxiety, there is a high probability of developing depression. The disease can be recognized by the following factors:

Sleep and appetite disorders.
Loss of sense of time.
Inability to solve everyday problems.
Decreased libido to the point of complete aversion to the partner.
Panic attacks, hysterical manifestations.
Painful sensations unknown etiology in the stomach, back, head.

Treatment of depression

Doctors still have not agreed on a single method of treating depression. There are cases that can be corrected without the use of medications. Unfortunately, such situations are rare, so if symptoms of depression are identified, there is no need to delay contacting medical worker to prescribe appropriate therapy. More often it consists of a combination of several methods. The following treatment methods are currently available:


The treatment package may include:

Acupuncture, magnetic therapy and some types of manual massage.
Sports and physical therapy.
Phototherapy, music therapy, art therapy.
Yoga and meditation.

A positive outcome of the disease directly depends on the patient’s mood. During the period of therapy and rehabilitation, you should avoid negative thoughts, adjust your daily routine and diet, and treat people in a positive way. Self-treatment depression implies an exclusively positive outlook on the world and the implementation of prescribed procedures. At this difficult moment, the entire family comes to the rescue. Critical remarks about a person who is depressed are unacceptable, since at this time he already suffers from low self-esteem. When communicating, advice on how to get out of this state, manifestations of love and empathy are preferred.

Drug treatment for depression

Some people avoid taking pharmacological drugs, but in case of severe psychological pathologies this is a necessary measure. Drug treatment for depression is prescribed by a doctor, and the regimen is selected depending on the severity of the disease. Self-administration of psychotropic drugs, even those sold in pharmacies without a prescription, is unacceptable.

To treat depression in women and men, antidepressants are used in individual dosages. IN adolescence gentle medications are used or the daily dose is reduced. While taking antidepressants, symptoms of depression decrease, and if you follow the recommendations of your doctor, they disappear. Most often, the first thing that returns to normal is sleep. Nightmares, night worries and causeless awakenings go away. Irritability and tearfulness decrease, mood and physical condition of the body improves. To achieve a lasting result, a course lasting at least two months is required, sometimes it lasts a year. Moreover, the first improvements are noticeable within one to two weeks.

In severe and complex cases, tranquilizers or benzodiazepines are used. They are classified as narcotic substances, so they are used in hospital settings. For home treatment drugs are purchased from limited quantities according to a doctor's prescription. Funds with this strong impact are prescribed at the beginning of treatment for depression, until antidepressants begin to show their full effectiveness. After reaching therapeutic effect tranquilizers are canceled. Taking such drugs is addictive, which is extremely undesirable. This complicates the course of depression and can become a separate disease.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of depression

For the treatment of advanced, protracted or recurrent depression electroconvulsive therapy. This is an aggressive method of treatment, and the prescription is justified in case of ineffectiveness medications. As the name suggests, the procedure is based on the impact electric current. As it passes through the brain, convulsive states lasting two to three seconds occur. As a result, substances are released that have a positive effect on mood and psychological state.

Softer methods of physiotherapy include electrosleep. Low-frequency current pulses are supplied to the brain and trigger inhibition processes. This effect improves sleep, calms and increases blood flow to tissues. The process of darsonvalization, that is, the use of a rapidly decaying high-frequency current of low strength, is also effective. Its impact on scalp relaxes the head, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the brain. In addition to the listed methods, physiotherapeutic treatment of depression includes manual and hardware massage and oxygen therapy. The latter is carried out in a special chamber and helps saturate the brain cells with oxygen.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of depression

With mild and average shape depression and upon detection comorbid disorders psychotherapy shows high effectiveness for individuals. Full result is achieved through a combination of pharmacological therapy and conversations with a doctor of appropriate specialization. The psychotherapist helps to understand the cause of the painful condition, identify tasks that require an early solution and identify the degree of mental damage. The positive effects of three psychotherapy approaches are scientifically confirmed:

Psychodynamic, based on identifying and resolving intrapersonal conflicts.
Behavioral, aimed at eliminating behavioral disorders and understanding the motivation for lifestyle changes.
Cognitive, combining both of these techniques. This method is more effective because it simultaneously eliminates internal problems and their external manifestations.

How additional methods family counseling is used. During therapy, work occurs with family members and building interpersonal relationships, because it is difficult to overestimate the importance of established connections with loved ones. Proven themselves on the positive side group classes, designed specifically to help people with depressive disorders. Stories and reviews from fellow sufferers can shorten the time drug treatment depression.

Prevention of depression

IN for preventive purposes A set of measures is used that can protect against depression or reduce its manifestations. The basis of this complex is constant participation in public and personal life. A person who has no unfilled time experiences a full range of emotions throughout the day. Thanks to this, he is much less susceptible to depressive disorders than a person isolated from society and engaged in continuous soul-searching. Of course, everyone needs time for good rest. This period can last exactly as long as necessary for full recovery physical and mental resources. Also, here is a series good habits that can prevent the occurrence of the disease:

Balanced nutritious nutrition.
Physical activity and.
Communicating with pleasant people, making new acquaintances and maintaining old contacts.
Maintaining a sleep schedule, preventing insomnia.
Finding on fresh air, home ventilation.
Hobbies, interests and an interesting, in-demand specialty.
Elimination of alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoking.

If you notice symptoms of depression, consult your doctor for treatment. Do not use psychotropic drugs on the recommendation of friends, as such therapy will not bring the desired effect. In addition, some prescription drugs are highly addictive, psychologically and physically addictive, making it difficult to further treatment depression.

So, we looked at the symptoms and treatment of depression in women, men and adolescents. In their main features they are similar, so it is not too difficult to determine the onset of the disease in yourself or loved ones. It is important to be attentive to your mood and behavior, and, most importantly, remember that depression is treatable!

December 21, 2013, 2:04 pm

Prevention of depression is very important and necessary for everyone, because it is a serious mental illness that affects both the person himself and his loved ones. A depressive state is characterized by isolation, self-doubt, loss of interest in everything, even thoughts of suicide. It is almost impossible to cure such a disorder on your own. It is important to consult a specialist. However, like any other disease, depression is easier to prevent than to treat. What will help with this?

Causes of depression

In order to understand how to avoid depression, you need to know what it is and what its causes are. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a disease from a normal bad mood. However, there are symptoms that help with this. If 4-5 of them are observed simultaneously within 14 days, then there is a reason to consult a specialist:

  1. Depressed throughout the day.
  2. Significant weight gain or loss.
  3. Constant fatigue and lack of vigor.
  4. Abrupt shifts excited state inhibited.
  5. Constant feeling of guilt.
  6. Thoughts about suicide.
  7. Indecisiveness.
  8. Loss of interest in life and daily activities.
  9. Drowsiness or insomnia.

It is especially important to know why mental disorders occur in order to avoid critical situations and maintain your health longer. emotional health. Basic:

  • past violence - physical, emotional or sexual;
  • conflicts with loved ones;
  • dissatisfaction with your job;
  • inability to set and achieve goals;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • death or loss of a loved one;
  • self-doubt, loss of self-esteem;
  • overreacting to mistakes;
  • changes in life, both good and negative: wedding or divorce, job change or loss, graduation educational institution or retirement;
  • serious illness;
  • bad habits– smoking, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction;
  • prolonged stress, constant physical and emotional overload;
  • regular lack of sleep.

It is important to know that the female half of the population is more prone to depression than the male half. IN Lately This disease is increasingly being diagnosed in children and adolescents, so everyone should know how to avoid spring depression.

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Prevention of depression

Each person is an individual, therefore universal recipes There is no such thing as helping everyone. People differ in how they were raised, what profession they have, lifestyle, habits, and living conditions. Character, personality traits, interests and preferences can vary dramatically. What is useful and pleasant for one may be completely unacceptable for another. Therefore, advice on the prevention of depressive conditions in each case can only be given by a specialist after diagnostic examination. However, there is a list general recommendations that will help maintain physical and mental health and avoid depression:

  1. Positive mindset. The ability to enjoy life and look into the future with hope will help you overcome seemingly serious problems. Even in the most difficult situation you can find some positivity. You just need to try. Thus, a difficult divorce makes it possible to avoid constant quarrels and scandals, find time for yourself, and start a new relationship. In addition, any situation provides an opportunity to gain invaluable life experience.
  2. Increased self-esteem. Find and remember your strengths and positive traits. Enjoy the little things. Learn to be happy with what you have, and not regret what could have been.
  3. Set realistic goals. They must be achievable and easy to implement. This will make it easier to avoid disappointment and self-doubt.
  4. Proper and regular nutrition. Food greatly influences a person’s condition and mood. Both undereating and overeating cause harm. The result is anorexia or obesity, and the result is problems with self-esteem. Therefore, a thoughtful and balanced diet is the key to good physical and mental health.
  5. Rejection of bad habits. Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction, and gambling change a person’s values. As a result, addiction and low self-esteem are a direct path to depression.
  6. Regular exercise. They stimulate the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness, which serves as an antidote to depression. This doesn't have to be a daily hour-long jog before work. Going to the pool, brisk walking, playing volleyball in the yard, or going for a walk before bed are great options.

Relax Fast pace modern life, economic and everyday problems create conditions for the formation chronic stress, against the background of which anxiety and depressive disorders develop, which create fertile ground for the progression of diseases internal organs.

Patients suffering from depression are most at risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, complications peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. These problems cannot be ignored; it is important to pay attention to the manifestations of anxiety and depression in a timely manner.

Anxiety- the normal reaction of the human body to unfavorable life circumstances. But if it occurs without a reason or, in its severity and duration, exceeds the real significance of the event and leads to a decrease in the quality of life, then this condition can be regarded as pathological.

Anxiety disorder characterized by manifestations of internal tension, inability to relax and concentrate, which may be accompanied by feelings of internal trembling and increased sweating. Patients show increased anxiety in daily work and make pessimistic forecasts, and they often have trouble sleeping. Phobias, or fears, are also manifestations anxiety disorders.

Main signs of depression

  1. Depressed mood, which occurs almost daily and most day, especially on early hours, and lasts at least two weeks regardless of the situation. In this case, the mood can be depressed, sad, accompanied by anxiety, concern, irritability, apathy, tearfulness, etc.
  2. A feeling of decreased (loss) of interest and pleasure in activities that were usually associated with positive emotions.
  3. Unmotivated decrease in energy and activity, increased fatigue during physical and intellectual stress.
  4. Decreased self-esteem, self-confidence, feelings of guilt and humiliation.

Very often, patients exhibit simultaneous manifestations of both anxiety and depression. The manifestation of individual symptoms may vary and is associated with the manifestation of diseases of cardio-vascular system or digestive tract.

To reduce negative influence stressful situations on human health is very important to adhere to recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, the main components of which are:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Physical activity.
  3. Compliance with work and rest schedules.
  4. Quitting bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction).

A healthy lifestyle is impossible without harmony of thoughts and actions. Do not create stressful situations, do not allow aggressive behavior, irritability, negative emotions - this is harmful to your health. Be friendly, learn to manage your emotions. Use your time for rest wisely. Full sleep, positive emotions, communication with nature will help you restore your strength. Do not count on the deceptive anti-stress effect of alcohol and cigarettes - they do not solve the problem, but only intensify negative impact stress on health.

Remember simple tips who will help get out of acute stress:

  1. Anti-stress breathing. Slowly take a deep breath through your nose; At the peak of inhalation, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale as long as possible. This is a calming breath. It consists of a relative reduction in inhalation, prolongation of exhalation and a pause after it. In fact, the exhalation should continue until it is twice as long as the inhalation, and then the duration of the pause increases. Control your breathing for 4-5 minutes. Try to imagine that with each take a deep breath and with a long exhalation you partially relieve stress.
  2. A minute of relaxation. Relax the corners of your mouth, moisten your lips. Relax your shoulders.
  3. Drink water in small sips.
  4. If possible, leave the room, walk, breathe rhythmically and be sure to prolong the exhalation (two steps - inhale, three steps - exhale, pause).
  5. If possible, turn on soothing music, the one you love.
  6. Chat on some abstract topic with the person who is next to you. If no one is around, call your friends. This is a distracting action that is carried out “here and now” and is designed to displace the internal dialogue filled with stress from your consciousness.

If you feel constant irritation, anxiety, depressed mood and sleep disturbances, tell your doctor about it. These pathological conditions associated with a change in the balance of certain biologically active substances in the brain and modern medicine has the ability to correct them.

Depression needs and can be treated through the use of special drugs, both pharmacological and herbal medicines, as well as antihomotoxic drugs, which will be prescribed to you by your attending physician. The arsenal of methods for correcting depressive and anxiety disorders today is quite extensive. Modern techniques The use of therapy in the treatment of anxiety and depression does not cause dependence or side effects.

Research has shown that eliminating anxiety and depressive disorders helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment of diseases of internal organs. It is very important to follow the recommendations of your doctor. It must be remembered that the effect of anti-stress and antidepressant therapy can be observed gradually, over a period of 2-3 weeks. Do not stop taking the medications prescribed to you on your own! When communicating with your doctor, clarify all the issues that concern you, and do not hide your concerns.

Your active participation in treatment is very IMPORTANT. Remember, only from you and your attitude towards own health the success of treatment depends. Be healthy!

Depression has been called the plague of the twenty-first century. The comparison with the terrible epidemic did not arise out of nowhere. According to medical forecasts, by 2020 depression will take first place among diseases, surpassing even the flu, colds and cardiovascular diseases.

And this despite the fact that a large number of people do not go to the hospital for depression, but try to cope with the disease on their own. Sometimes it’s successful, and sometimes it’s the other way around, worsening your condition.

The depressive state differs from the simple manifestation of negative emotions in duration. As a rule, doctors diagnose depression if depression persists for more than 2 weeks. Main manifestation depressive state is that a person loses hope and faith in the future. Normally, even if a person feels very bad, he believes that this is temporary, and in the future everything will be fine. But depression says otherwise. The person does not see a bright future. He is sure that his problems are forever.

Depression is not a manifestation of human weakness. This is a disease that requires specialist intervention. Although people still have not identified the correct attitude towards this problem. How many of you will treat stomach or heart pain on your own? So why, when we are depressed, do we allow ourselves to accept advice from incompetent people without making allowances for our own individuality?

It is generally accepted that female depression occurs more often than men's. Experts attribute this to hormonal levels women. But when calculating the percentage of depressive manifestations, it should be remembered that men tend to hide depressive symptoms for aggression or drinking alcohol. This makes diagnosing the disease difficult. In addition, men can throw themselves into work, extreme activities, and gambling. Even the desire to find peace in outside relationships can be considered as a search for a way out of a depressive state.

As a rule, depression begins with denial - Don't want

  1. do the job (even if it was your favorite one)
  2. communicate with people (it's just not interesting)
  3. do everyday things
  4. eat, sleep, rest, walk...

Signs of Depression

Main symptoms of depression

  1. Bad mood . A depressed state, melancholy, a feeling of depression and boredom, a gloomy mood - these are some of the first symptoms of depression
  2. No desire to act . There is no mood to carry out your plans and all sorts of things, or you have to get ready for a long time before carrying them out. There is a matter that requires special attention, but there is no desire or intention to fulfill it. You know that something important needs to be done, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it. Nothing and no one interests you and nothing makes you happy. You don't want to see or hear anyone
  3. Fast fatiguability . Even small ones physical exercise can lead to very rapid fatigue. After work there is nothing to do or strength to do. In cases of depression there are cases chronic fatigue throughout the day.

Additional symptoms of depression

  1. Difficulty concentrating, especially in the presence of extraneous stimuli. For example: the TV or the conversation of strangers in the room interferes with reading. It happens that you read and do not understand what is being said, it is not easy to grasp the meaning of what you read and you have to repeatedly re-read many places in the text due to extraneous thoughts in your head. When communicating with other people, it has become difficult to find the right words, thoughts get confused and concentration decreases
  2. Unusual indecisiveness during everyday tasks, both in everyday situations and in the professional sphere, after decision taken. My self-confidence has disappeared somewhere
  3. Negative revision of your entire past . Example: “I haven’t achieved anything in my life, I’m not doing what I would like to do, I’m living with the wrong person, I’m not happy with my life.” A person feels superfluous and unnecessary both in the family and at work
  4. You may be overcome negative thoughts about one’s own worthlessness, both in personal life and in the professional sphere
  5. You may be overcome destructive thoughts , aimed at self-destruction and self-criticism. They can even encourage suicide. You may feel a sense of hopelessness, hopelessness and meaninglessness in life.
  6. Insomnia or sleep disorders . Manifestations of this symptom may include difficulty falling asleep, even when a person is “deadly” tired, frequent awakenings during night sleep, awakening in the middle of the night followed by insomnia
  7. A person can easily Appetite may decrease greatly or disappear altogether . It happens that there is no appetite to such an extent that the smell of food causes attacks of nausea.

Relationship between depression and somatic diseases


  • Provokes somatic diseases (CHD, arterial hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
  • Aggravates the course somatic disease(intensification, expansion of somatic, pain, asthenic, vegetative symptom complexes, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath)
  • Complicates the treatment of somatic disease
  • Reduces patient participation in healing process and rehabilitation programs
  • Affects the degree of performance

Causes of depression

The main cause of depression is stress. Stress is constantly around a person. Small and large - you will never know which situation will turn out to be the straw that overflows the cup of patience.

Of course, there are global situations that cause depression due to their hopelessness: the death of a loved one, loneliness, breaking up with a loved one, family breakdown, job loss, unfulfilled plans, identification terrible disease. Some of the situations listed are quite understandable.

But their depth can be so great that situations cannot pass without leaving a trace on the human psyche. In this case, the person needs the help of a doctor. And this is as obvious as the treatment of any serious disease. You can't rely on time. In this case, time will play against the person, because... Every day the depression will deepen.

There is a lot to be said about treating depression. Features of treatment depend on many indicators: age, cause, somatic condition. The most important thing to remember is that the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Depression can and should be fought. Victory over depression is guaranteed provided that the person wants to be a winner.

Prevention of depression

Preventing depression is important for different people age categories. Simple rules help avoid depression

Proper nutrition!

During the first signs of depression, you need to eat something tasty and healthy, since the body needs warmth, it needs additional calories. But this does not mean that you need to relax, and you can allow yourself any amount of a wide variety of food. You just need to be able to pamper yourself with something very pleasant and tasty. We must not forget about vegetables and fruits, as well as healthy products, rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. Vitamin A and C are very necessary in such situations. It is useful to use vitamin complexes.


Physical activity causes the release of special substances into the blood: endorphins, which are called hormones of happiness. Just a few minutes morning exercises will give you an explosion of positivity for the whole day. Try to move more during the day, walk more, play sports. Physical education and sports classes are a must. In this case there are no bad and good views. The main thing is that the movement is desirable and brings satisfaction.


You can support your body with various natural stimulants: herbal teas, balms, rose hip decoction, etc. Many people drink tea and coffee for these purposes. This can really tone you up, but, most importantly, do not overuse such drinks. Chocolate triggers the production of serotonin. Internal heat can be supported by ginger.

Wonderful images!

Try to make everything around you beautiful: nature, environment, people. There should be order on the desktop. Things should be pleasing to the eye. Go to museums, exhibitions more often, listen to pleasant music. You can use color therapy: During the cold season, use red more often. Yellow and Orange color will increase energy. The color blue can evoke comfort and calm. Try to surround yourself with bright, beautiful things.


Communicate with family, loved ones, friends, with those who are pleasant to you.

Make plans!

Let your attitude towards the future be planned. Plan hobbies, choose clothes and jewelry. Going to the hairdresser, playing sports, making large purchases, visiting. May your wishes be planned, long-awaited and fulfilled.

Give yourself pleasure and then depression will never defeat you!

Self-diagnosis of depression

The first thing you should pay attention to! If you have at least 3 symptoms, both main and additional, then depression is occurring.

1. Mild depressive disorder

If you notice any 2 main symptoms and at least 2 more non-main symptoms of depression, then you have depression in mild form. Your condition is causing you concern. You experience to a certain extent difficulties in the social environment and professional activities.

2. Moderate depressive disorder

If you notice 2 main symptoms and 4 more non-main symptoms of depression, then you have moderate depression. At this stage of the development of the disease, tangible difficulties arise in social life and professional activities.

3. Major depressive disorder

If you notice 3 main symptoms and 4 or more non-main symptoms of depression, then you have severe depression. IN in this case social life and activity is practically reduced to zero.

Take care of your mental health. Depression doesn't start overnight! If you are diagnosed with depression, the symptoms of which are listed above. If you felt it early signs If it is moderate or severe and lasts long enough, then you need to visit a doctor - a psychiatrist or psychologist.

You can make an appointment in advance

  • see a psychiatrist (room 218, 2nd floor of the clinic)
  • tel: 41-5-24 (reception)
  • to a medical psychologist (room 311, 3rd floor of the clinic) - tel: 42-0-29

We are located at: With. Bichura, st. Sovetskaya 38

Opening hours of the State Budgetary Institution "Bichurskaya Central District Hospital": from 8-00 to 16-12 hours.

24-hour helpline of the psychological and psychotherapeutic service of the Republic of Belarus - 668-311

Federal Fund for Support of Children and Adolescents - 8 800 2000 122

Medical psychologist of the State Budgetary Institution "Bichurskaya Central District Hospital": Ekhlakova NA

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Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects the sick person and those close to him. A person with depression becomes sad, withdrawn, insecure, unable to lead a normal life and loses interest in everything. In most cases, it is very difficult to get out of depression on your own, and therefore such a patient needs the help of specialists.

Causes of depression

The main reasons for the development of a depressive state are considered to be problems in personal life: dissatisfaction with one’s job, conflicts in the family, separation from a loved one and other contributing factors. People who are most susceptible to developing depression are those who are insecure and take everything too personally. Moreover, women are more susceptible to depression than men.

Emotional overload, physical fatigue and prolonged stress, insomnia also contribute to the development of depression.

Signs of Depression

In some cases, it can be very difficult to distinguish a disease from a bad mood, but there are several main signs that indicate the presence of a mental disorder in a person:

1) suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts;

2) strong self-doubt;

3) acute feeling of loneliness;

4) anxiety;

5) despair;

6) negative emotions;

7) insomnia.

Sometimes a depressive state manifests itself as a malaise, and then the patient begins to be bothered by heart pain and abdominal pain, which in themselves are not a disease. A person with depression is capable of any action, so his mood often changes throughout the day. He feels unwanted. Sometimes apathy gives way to irritability and vice versa. At night, the patient is often tormented by insomnia, and there may be a fear of death or suicidal thoughts. Any discord in the family or at work in this condition can lead to dire consequences in the future.

Treatment of depression

Depression is treated with medicines. A patient with depression is prescribed a course of antidepressants that can relieve negative emotions. In each case, medications are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s condition and the severity of depression. In addition, a course of psychotherapy is prescribed, where the patient tells the doctor about his emotions, feelings and experiences and learns, with his help, to get rid of them on his own. For severe attacks of depression, electroconvulsive therapy is performed. The support of loved ones, their attention and care, and the opportunity to find support in them are also very important.

Dolphin therapy (swimming with dolphins) has a good effect in treating depression. Dolphins emit ultrasound, which has a positive effect on the human psyche. This method of treatment is suitable for various mental disorders: neuroses, states of shock, stress, etc. It is especially suitable for young children.

Trips to a resort or to the sea also help lift your mood and relieve stress. The main thing is a change of scenery, an opportunity to forget about problems at least for a while.

Treatment of depression is long-term and takes a certain period of time, so it is easier to prevent the disease than to get rid of it later. Prevention of depression plays an important role here.

Prevention of depression

In order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to follow certain measures to prevent depression. Even before depression develops, a person feels anxious, withdrawn, irritable, or apathetic. If at this moment you follow certain psychological recommendations, you can avoid the development of the disease even at the very stage of its formation.

First of all, you need to learn to manage your emotions and think positively.

You need to look for a way out of any situation and learn from it positive sides. For example, even during a divorce, you can find favorable moments for yourself: the opportunity to find a new relationship and avoid annoying scandals, as well as gain life experience.

It is necessary to increase your self-esteem: think about yourself positively, with respect, celebrate your strengths and qualities, and put them above your shortcomings. You need to learn to enjoy what you have, to celebrate every little thing.

You cannot take on too much responsibility and try to please everyone, as well as swear at the slightest reason.

You should set achievable goals and objectives that are easy to turn into reality in order to avoid future disappointments and feelings of self-doubt.

You need to be able to separate work from rest and combine them. When you come home, you need to leave all the problems at work and give your body a chance to rest. Constantly focusing on problems will only make things worse. Bad mood and will cause negative emotions.

Children and adolescents are more susceptible to developing mental illness. Therefore, to prevent depression, they consult with psychologists, which can be attended by parents and loved ones. It is very important to let your child know that he is loved and valued, and that he can always find support in case of any problem.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the formation of depression. A complete and balanced diet is the key healthy body and mental health. Moreover, both undernutrition and overeating play an equally detrimental role on the body. All this leads to disruption normal operation body (obesity, anorexia) and, as a result, to low self-esteem. Constant fatigue negatively affects general state humans, and contributes to the development of many diseases.

The most important factors in the development of depression are bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, smoking. All this leads to personality disorder and changes a person’s value perception.

Therefore, as a preventive measure for depression, it is necessary to consult with adolescents on the dangers of smoking and alcoholism, and tell them about the benefits healthy image life.

Exercising will help produce large amounts of endorphin hormones and increase your self-esteem. This could be swimming, brisk walking, running, exercise equipment and many other sports. Even light gymnastics in the morning it can lift your mood for the whole day.

Joint trips to the park, cinema or dinner with loved ones will help to find harmony in the family and create trusting relationships between all its members. At home or at work, each person should have his own space in which he will feel comfortable and confident. For example, you can decorate your desktop with pleasant little things from home that will create a harmonious environment and please the eye. At home, you can create your own corner where you can calmly be alone or sit in silence.

You should never be shy to ask for help; on the contrary, a person who takes on too much is most susceptible to stress and negative emotions.

At the first signs of depression, you need to seek help from an experienced specialist who will help you get out of a depressed state and learn to enjoy life again.
