Ted Andrews animal language. Human aura. Methods of protection and influence. Introduction. Learning Animal Language

According to the author, many of us have seen or felt the auric fields of other people, and you don’t have to be a mystic to understand auras. Everyone is capable of this. You just need to acknowledge its existence and be attentive to your feelings.

Thanks to the simple exercises in this book, you will learn to read the aura. This skill will change your life in many ways, making it easier and more interesting.

Determine your totem

A complete description of the magical properties of animals, birds and reptiles.

Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal kingdom. Coyotes are eager to teach you how to adapt to your circumstances. Leos embody strength and courage. Otters remind us of the importance of play. Animals have many lessons to teach humans, but before you can learn from them, you must learn to identify your natural totem.

The book offers methods for recognizing and interpreting signs sent by the natural world. The author describes the spiritual and energetic significance of more than one hundred different animals, birds, insects and reptiles. When you determine which animal is your totem and establish contact with it, you will be able to look at yourself in a new way, skills and abilities that you could only dream of will become available to you.

You will find yourself filled with inspiration, strength and energy. The better you learn to understand your totem, the more new things you will learn about yourself and your as yet undiscovered capabilities.

How to see and read the aura

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)

Dedicated to Katie and the girls

Tad Andrews is a professional writer who studies and teaches metaphysical and spiritual sciences. Throughout the country he conducts seminars, symposiums, scientific conferences and lectures on various aspects of ancient mysticism. Ted Andrews is engaged in the analysis of past lives, the interpretation of the aura, numerology, the study of Tarot cards and Kabbalah, considering all these methods to develop and improve a person’s inner potential. He has clairvoyant abilities and is a certified spiritual medium, specialist in general hypnosis and acupressure. He also studies and uses herbs as an alternative treatment. He is the author of several books and constantly collaborates with a number of metaphysical journals.

Chapter 1. What is aura

Every person has an aura. Any of us has seen or felt the auric fields of other people. The problem is that most people do not pay attention to these sensations or misunderstand them.

Mystics from all parts of the world talk about the glow that they see around a person’s head. But in order to see and feel the aura well, you don’t have to be a mystic. Every person can learn this. There is nothing magical about this process; you just need to acknowledge the existence of the aura and be attentive to your sensations. To do this, you will need to learn and understand something, practice with some time, and be persistent. Below you will find questions regarding the aura. If you can give an affirmative answer to one or more questions, then you have already felt the energy of the aura.

Children see and feel the aura very well. They often express these feelings in drawings. Around the drawn figures, children depict shadows of unusual colors, thus conveying the subtle energies they see.

Very often, such drawings cause exclamations from adults: “Why is the sky around your mother purple?”, “Why is your cat green and pink?”, “Why did you draw your brother blue?” The drawings do not mean that the cat actually looks green and pink from the child's point of view, or the brother actually looks blue. The child simply felt these colors of the aura and then expressed his impressions with the help of colored pencils. Unfortunately, such comments only contribute to the fact that this sophisticated perception in the child is subsequently turned off.

There are many definitions of aura. Meanwhile, first of all, it should be noted that the aura is an energy field surrounding all animate and inanimate objects. Any object consisting of atoms has an aura, that is, an energy field surrounding it. Each atom of any substance consists of electrons and protons that are in constant motion. These electrons and protons are vibrations of electrical and magnetic energy (see Figure 1). The atoms of living things and plants are more active and vibrate more strongly than the atoms of inanimate objects. Therefore, the energy fields of trees, plants, animals and people are more easily identified and perceived.

Rice. 1. Energy vibrations of atoms

Have you ever felt the energy field of the aura?

(If you can answer “yes” to any of the questions below, then you have felt the influence of an external energy field in your aura.)

1. Do you feel empty when you are around certain people?

2. Do you associate any particular colors with people? (For example, can you say about someone: “I always think of him as yellow.”)

3. Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you?

4. Has anyone ever given you instant sympathy or dislike?

5. Have you ever felt how another person feels, regardless of their behavior?

6. Have you ever sensed the presence of another person before you actually heard or saw them?

7. Can certain sounds, colors and smells make you feel more comfortable or, conversely, uncomfortable?

8. Do thunderstorms make you nervous and irritable?

9. Do you feel that some people inspire and energize you more than others?

10. Have you ever, upon entering a room, felt stiff, nervous or irritated? Did you want to stay in some rooms for a long time? Did you want to urgently leave a particular room?

11. Have you ever ignored or rejected your first impression of someone and later found out that it was correct?

12. Do you think that it is more pleasant and comfortable to be in some rooms than in others? Can you tell the differences between one room and another? Have you noticed how your brother/sister's (parents, children's) room differs from yours in this regard?

The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body in all directions. The aura is three-dimensional. In a healthy person, it forms an ellipse or egg shape around the body (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Human aura

The aura completely surrounds the physical body. It is three-dimensional and in a healthy person has the shape of an ellipse. The shape, size, color and brightness of the aura indicate the individual characteristics of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Typically, the average person's aura extends from the body to a distance of 8-10 feet. I heard that the auras of ancient teachers could extend from the body to several kilometers. This is believed to be one of the reasons for their ability to attract large numbers of followers anywhere. It is worth noting that it was often customary to depict teachers and mentors of humanity with a halo. The halo is the part of the aura that is easiest for the average person to see (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Halo

The halo can be seen in most artistic depictions of ancient mystics and mentors. It is easiest to distinguish the radiation of the aura around the head. The better your health, the higher your spiritual development, the stronger the light radiation coming from your body. The halo is often considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment.

And although information about the size and power of the aura of ancient teachers has not been confirmed, it is known for certain that the healthier a person is physically and spiritually, the stronger his energy will vibrate, and the further the aura will spread from his physical body. The more vital your aura, the more energy you have to carry out your plans. The stronger your aura, the less likely you are to be affected by external forces.

Dedicated to Katie and the girls

How to see and read the aura

Published by Llewellyn Publications Woodbury, MN 55125 USA; www.llewellyn.com

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

about the author

Tad Andrews is a professional writer who studies and teaches metaphysical and spiritual sciences. Throughout the country he conducts seminars, symposiums, scientific conferences and lectures on various aspects of ancient mysticism. Ted Andrews is engaged in the analysis of past lives, the interpretation of the aura, numerology, the study of Tarot cards and Kabbalah, considering all these methods to develop and improve a person’s inner potential. He has clairvoyant abilities and is a certified spiritual medium, specialist in general hypnosis and acupressure. He also studies and uses herbs as an alternative treatment. He is the author of several books and constantly collaborates with a number of metaphysical journals.

Chapter 1
What is aura

Every person has an aura. Any of us has seen or felt the auric fields of other people. The problem is that most people do not pay attention to these sensations or misunderstand them.

Mystics from all parts of the world talk about the glow that they see around a person’s head. But in order to see and feel the aura well, you don’t have to be a mystic. Every person can learn this. There is nothing magical about this process; you just need to acknowledge the existence of the aura and be attentive to your sensations. To do this, you will need to learn and understand something, practice with some time, and be persistent. Below you will find questions regarding the aura. If you can give an affirmative answer to one or more questions, then you have already felt the energy of the aura.

Children see and feel the aura very well. They often express these feelings in drawings. Around the drawn figures, children depict shadows of unusual colors, thus conveying the subtle energies they see.

Very often, such drawings cause exclamations from adults: “Why is the sky around your mother purple?”, “Why is your cat green and pink?”, “Why did you draw your brother blue?” The drawings do not mean that the cat actually looks green and pink from the child's point of view, or the brother actually looks blue. The child simply felt these colors of the aura and then expressed his impressions with the help of colored pencils. Unfortunately, such comments only contribute to the fact that this sophisticated perception in the child is subsequently turned off.

There are many definitions of aura. Meanwhile, first of all, it should be noted that the aura is an energy field surrounding all animate and inanimate objects.

Any object consisting of atoms has an aura, that is, an energy field surrounding it. Each atom of any substance consists of electrons and protons that are in constant motion. These electrons and protons are vibrations of electrical and magnetic energy (see Figure 1). The atoms of living things and plants are more active and vibrate more strongly than the atoms of inanimate objects. Therefore, the energy fields of trees, plants, animals and people are more easily identified and perceived.

Rice. 1. Energy vibrations of atoms

Have you ever felt the energy field of the aura?

(If you can answer “yes” to any of the questions below, then you have felt the influence of an external energy field in your aura.)

1. Do you feel empty when you are around certain people?

2. Do you associate any particular colors with people? (For example, can you say about someone: “I always think of him as yellow.”)

3. Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you?

4. Has anyone ever given you instant sympathy or dislike?

5. Have you ever felt how another person feels, regardless of their behavior?

6. Have you ever sensed the presence of another person before you actually heard or saw them?

7. Can certain sounds, colors and smells make you feel more comfortable or, conversely, uncomfortable?

8. Do thunderstorms make you nervous and irritable?

9. Do you feel that some people inspire and energize you more than others?

10. Have you ever, upon entering a room, felt stiff, nervous or irritated? Did you want to stay in some rooms for a long time? Did you want to urgently leave a particular room?

11. Have you ever ignored or rejected your first impression of someone and later found out that it was correct?

12. Do you think that it is more pleasant and comfortable to be in some rooms than in others? Can you tell the differences between one room and another? Have you noticed how your brother/sister's (parents, children's) room differs from yours in this regard?

The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body in all directions. The aura is three-dimensional. In a healthy person, it forms an ellipse or egg shape around the body (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Human aura

The aura completely surrounds the physical body. It is three-dimensional and in a healthy person has the shape of an ellipse. The shape, size, color and brightness of the aura indicate the individual characteristics of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Typically, the average person's aura extends from the body to a distance of 8-10 feet (One American foot is equal to 30.48 cm. - Note ed.). I heard that the auras of ancient teachers could extend from the body to several kilometers. This is believed to be one of the reasons for their ability to attract large numbers of followers anywhere. It is worth noting that it was often customary to depict teachers and mentors of humanity with a halo. The halo is the part of the aura that is easiest for the average person to see (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Halo

The halo can be seen in most artistic depictions of ancient mystics and mentors. It is easiest to distinguish the radiation of the aura around the head. The better your health, the higher your spiritual development, the stronger the light radiation coming from your body. The halo is often considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment.

And although information about the size and power of the aura of ancient teachers has not been confirmed, it is known for certain that the healthier a person is physically and spiritually, the stronger his energy will vibrate, and the further the aura will spread from his physical body. The more vital your aura, the more energy you have to carry out your plans. The stronger your aura, the less likely you are to be affected by external forces.

If external influences can easily harm a person, it means that his auric fields are weak. This state of the aura can lead to a person being much more susceptible to outside manipulation and starting to get tired faster. A weakened aura can cause a person to experience feelings of failure, health problems, and a loss of ability to function effectively in many or all life situations. As you will learn in this book, control of your environment begins with control of your energy. Methods for strengthening and increasing the auric field for various purposes are described in the last chapter.

The aura, or energy field, of a person includes two aspects. Firstly, the aura, as described in traditional metaphysics, is made up of the energies of your subtle bodies. These subtle bodies are layers of energy of varying intensities that surround and permeate your physical body (see Figure 4). Their main function is to assist in coordinating and regulating the activities of the soul in the material world. The features of subtle bodies are not discussed in this book. It is enough if you simply consider them an integral part of the auric field.

Rice. 4. Weak and strong aura radiations

The stronger the aura and its vibration, the better your health and the less likely you are to be affected by external forces.

Secondly, an integral part of the auric field are the energies emitted by the physical body itself. We will focus on them.

It is nice to live in a time when modern science and technology have the ability to detect and control any energy fields, and especially those that belong to the human body. According to modern science, the human body consists of energy fields. Energy radiations coming from the body include electrical, magnetic, sound, thermal, light and electromagnetic fields (see Fig. 5). Some of these energy fields are created within the body. The body receives other fields from the outside, and then they are transformed. This process occurs due to the natural interaction between energy fields. We will describe this interaction in detail in this chapter. It can be thought of as a special kind of natural osmosis between your energies and the energies of the world around you: you absorb the energy of plants, trees, flowers, animals and even the earth itself.

Rice. 5. Energy radiation of the physical body

There are various energy fields that emit from and surround the physical body. These include light, electrical, thermal and thermal, sound, magnetic, electromagnetic and other fields. There are scientific ways to measure these bodies. They help prove that the human body is an energy system.

In the ancient customs of Native Americans and other peoples of the world, the significance and power of natural totems arose, among other things, from the fact that by combining with the energy of this totem, a person increased his own energy. The closer the contact was and the more precise the attunement to the totem, the stronger the person became. In Chapter 4 we will look at the dimension of the aura, and you will see that by direct contact with the earth or elements of nature, the aura becomes stronger and larger. Try influencing the aura while standing on the ground with bare feet and shoes. You will notice tangible changes.

The energies of nature are easily absorbed and transformed by the human body. A common form of healing and recuperation is a trip to the sea. The maritime climate contains four basic elements of life: Fire - the sun, Air - the sea breeze, Water - the sea and, of course, the Earth. The human body is able to absorb and transform these elements into healing energies that strengthen its entire energy system - physically and otherwise. Communication and contact with the four natural elements restores energy balance in a person.

However, the aura does not only consist of energies absorbed and transformed from the elements of nature. There is also a subtle interaction between the human body and the energy fields of the heavens (see Figure 6).

Rice. 6. Subtle bodies that make up the aura

Radiations from heavenly bodies - as is often described in astrology - are also absorbed by man and converted into sources of his energy. Some planets can influence a person more than others. Keep in mind that each of us has our own unique energy system, and the way it interacts with the subtle energies of the environment is individual for each of us. Either way, it only takes a little training and self-observation to improve your perception of these energies and learn to handle them more productively.

You need to know how your auric field interacts with external forces and energies. You must understand how your aura affects other people and how their energies affect it. You should learn to identify the boundaries and strength of your energy fields, as well as the times when it is important to strengthen, balance and cleanse your aura. You must learn to sense when your aura is losing energy. To feel good, both physically and otherwise, you need to be aware of both these subtle energies and the more tangible energies in your body.

Aura properties

You will begin to better perceive and be aware of your aura if you understand what its main properties are.

1. Any aura has its own individual frequency.

Any energy field is unique. It is impossible to find two completely identical energy fields, only similar ones exist. The aura may include sound, light and electromagnetic fields, but their power and intensity will vary from person to person. Each person has his own individual frequency.

If the frequency of your aura is close to the frequency of another person, a natural harmony arises between you. You get along much easier with such people. It is often believed that this harmony is a sign of the existence of relationships in a past life. It is quite possible that in some cases this is true, but often the reason for harmonious relationships lies precisely in the similar structure of the aura. Such people have similar frequencies on the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual levels, and this does not depend on past life relationships.

On the other hand, there are people whose aura frequency is very different from yours. Because of this, you may have an instant dislike for that person, a feeling of discomfort, anxiety in their presence, etc. Often, the subtle first impressions you receive (or make on someone) reflect the way in which which tunes your aura to the frequency of another person. The unpleasant sensations that arise from this do not always mean that the person is bad; Most likely, at this stage, the two energy fields - yours and his - did not resonate with each other. The initial dissonance may turn into harmony when you meet this person after a long time. This often happens in cases where relationships develop according to the principle of attraction of opposites.

With practice, you will learn to regulate and change the frequency of your aura, which means you can easily adapt to other people and easily establish relationships with them. Such skills are associated with ancient werewolf techniques. You must be able to coordinate the energy of your aura with the environment and the auras of other people. As a rule, this process occurs naturally and is often a mild form of self-defense. By learning to consciously control it, you will be able to interact with other energy fields to the required extent - gently or intensely.

2. Your aura constantly interacts with the auric fields of other people.

Your aura has strong electromagnetic properties, so you are constantly emitting and absorbing energy. Every time you come into contact with another person, an exchange of energies occurs (see Fig. 7). You can give away some of your energy (electrical property) and absorb some of their energy (magnetic property). The greater the number of people with whom you interact, the more intense the energy exchange occurs.

Rice. 7. Energy exchange during the interaction of auras

If you are not aware of this exchange, then by the end of the day you can accumulate a lot of energetic garbage: you will probably feel empty, you will experience out of nowhere emotions, strange thoughts will begin to scroll through your head. We've all had days when we feel like we've gone a little crazy. The reason for such feelings is not so much in ourselves, but in the energy that you have accumulated from contact with other people during the day.

We all know people who have a devastating effect on others when interacting with them. Talking to them, even on the phone, can be exhausting. When such a person walks away or hangs up, you often feel as if a hole has been punched in your stomach. This type of energy exchange is harmful: it only drains energy from your aura. The exercises in the last chapter will help you balance your aura daily, maintaining its vibration and preventing this type of interaction.

3. The human energy field can also interact with the energy fields of animals, plants, minerals and other objects.

All objects, animate and inanimate, have energy fields due to their atomic structure. The energy fields of animate objects are stronger and much more easily detected than those of inanimate objects, but both can be used to strengthen your individual energy field.

Being in nature balances and cleanses the aura. The custom of hugging trees should be recognized as wise and useful: trees have very active energy fields, and they dynamically interact with the energy fields of people. Each tree, like each person, has its own individual frequency. Interacting with different tree species produces different results. Sitting under a willow tree for 5-10 minutes will relieve headaches. The result of a person’s energetic interaction with pine trees is purification: these trees draw out and absorb negative emotions from a person’s aura, especially guilt. (In this case, no harm is done to the pine trees, since they absorb these negative energies and use them for themselves as fertilizer.)

Now crystals and stones have become popular again. This happened due to their electromagnetic properties. The energy released by crystals and stones is easily absorbed by the human auric field. Chapter 4 provides exercises for measuring the aura. They will allow you to conduct an experiment that will give you the opportunity to verify the results of the influence of crystals and trees on the aura. Hold a crystal in your hands for a few minutes or hug a tree for a few minutes and then measure your aura. Compare the results with the original measurement data. You will see that your aura has increased in size.

Animals also have auras, and they also affect you. Studies have been conducted in several areas of the country to determine the impact of pets on elderly and sick people.

Stroking animals not only helps lower blood pressure, but also balances the aura and stabilizes physical, mental and spiritual energies. Remember the peculiarity of the interaction of people with totems, which we mentioned when discussing the first property of the aura. It is also relevant in connection with the third property of the aura, which is being discussed now.

4. The longer and closer the contact, the better the energy exchange.

Your aura leaves its imprint on everything you interact with. It could be another person, part of the environment, or even an object. The longer and closer the contact, the clearer the imprint will be. Due to the electromagnetic property of your aura, you magnetize places and objects. Once you get used to sitting on a particular chair, you leave imprints of your energy around it, it becomes “yours.” If you had your own room as a child, then you know that its atmosphere was different from the atmosphere of your parents' room or your brother or sister's room.

Your aura charges the environment with the type of energy that is in harmony with your own energy. Many people cannot sleep anywhere other than their own bed. Other beds do not have the types of energy that would be comfortable for them. The adjustment period to beds, clothing, new homes and other things is the time it takes for your aura to magnetize and attune the environment or object to your energetic frequency.

A child's blanket or favorite soft toy becomes magnetized with the energy of his aura. A toy or blanket absorbs energy. Interacting with a blanket or toy is a way for a child to recharge, restore balance and get in touch with his or her own core energy. That is why, when a child holds or cuddles a toy or blanket after a difficult day, they have a calming effect on him. Children use energy reserves stored in a toy or blanket. They are always upset when their favorite items are put in the washing machine because they feel that when they wash the toy or blanket, it is cleared of the accumulated charge of energy.

The same principle works in connection with scarves and rugs for prayer and meditation. They are charged with energy of a certain frequency, corresponding to the process of meditation and prayer. Thus, every time a scarf or rug is used for these purposes, its energy is activated, and a person is able to enter and maintain a meditative state much more easily.

The basis of psychometry (reading vibrations from objects) is the result of the direct interaction of a person’s aura with the aura of an object. The longer a person has been in contact with an object, the more the object is charged with energy similar to the energy of its owner. If a receptive person then picks up this thing, he will be able to read energy imprints that will allow him to understand the essence of its owner.

The longer you are exposed to certain types of energy, the more they affect you and the more you are affected by them. If a person's energy field is stronger than yours, it can cause either resonance and a positive response in your field, or the opposite reactions. Therefore, pressure from your friends is a powerful influence. The energy of an entire group is stronger than the energy of an ordinary person. The closer the contact between a group and an individual, the more the person's aura harmonizes with the aura of the group and reflects its characteristics.

Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal kingdom. Coyotes are eager to teach you how to adapt to your circumstances. Leos embody strength and courage. Otters remind us of the importance of play. Animals have many lessons to teach humans, but before you can learn from them, you must learn to identify your natural totem. This book offers techniques for recognizing and interpreting signs from the natural world. The author describes the spiritual and energetic significance of more than one hundred different animals, birds, insects and reptiles. When you determine which animal is your totem and establish contact with it, you will be able to look at yourself in a new way, skills and abilities that you could only dream of will become available to you. You will find yourself filled with inspiration, strength and energy. The better you learn to understand your totem, the more new things you will learn about yourself and your as yet undiscovered capabilities.

A series: Rhythms of the Earth

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by liters company.

Part I. Symbols in the natural world

Realizing that visible bodies are only symbols of invisible forces, the ancients worshiped the divine power contained in the inhabitants of the natural world... The sages of the past studied living beings, realizing that God can best be understood by becoming acquainted with His greatest creations - living and inanimate nature. Every creature existing on earth is a manifestation of some properties of divine intelligence or power...

MALLEY P. HALL "The Secret Teachings of All Ages"

Chapter 1. The spiritual and magical role of nature

There was a time when humanity perceived itself as part of nature, and nature as part of itself. Sleep and wakefulness were inseparable from each other; the natural and the supernatural merged together and harmoniously combined with each other. To express this unity, people used images and symbols borrowed from the natural world.

In ancient times, shamans and priests were the keepers of sacred knowledge about life. These people felt connected to the forces of nature and to natural cycles. They knew how to pave the way connecting the visible and invisible worlds. They helped people remember that all trees are sacred, and that all animals speak to those who know how to listen.

Ancient priests and sorcerers took on the guise of animals - dressing in skins and putting on masks - which symbolized the possession of a special gift. Wearing these sacred robes, they performed rituals in accordance with the cycles of nature to awaken the productive forces of the Earth. At the same time, every animal they encountered, as well as any other element of the environment, could become a reminder for them of what they needed to learn and how they should change their own lives. In this way, the connection of the natural and the supernatural was achieved, revealing the true essence of both worlds.

Despite the fact that these rituals may seem primitive and even meaningless to modern people, they have not lost their power even today. And the laws that make this possible - physical and spiritual - continue to operate. Different societies have expressed these laws in their own ways, but perhaps the most aptly expressed is the ancient Hermetic law of correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

The point is that everything in the world is connected to each other and has meaning. We cannot separate the physical world from the spiritual, the visible world from the invisible. As one famous mystical treatise says: “This Principle gives man the means to explain many of the incomprehensible paradoxes and hidden secrets of Nature... The ancient representatives of the Hermetic philosophy considered this principle one of the most important tools of the mind, with the help of which man was able to look beyond the barriers that close us from the Unknown... [this] allows a person to move with understanding from the Known to the Unknown.”

This is why the study of natural totems plays an important role in understanding how the spiritual world influences our existence. A totem is any natural object, creature or animal with whose characteristics and energy we feel a close connection throughout our lives. We can use images of animals and other natural totems for self-knowledge and to study the invisible worlds. One should not think that these images and totems are creatures with a mind of their own, but on the other side of the natural world there really are certain archetypal forces, whose qualities and properties determine the appearance and behavior of animals and other living beings.

When we recognize a natural totem and pay enough attention to it, we thereby respect the essence hidden in it. We open up and tune into this essence. Thanks to this, we can take advantage of its power or “magic”. Natural totems - especially animals - are symbols of the special types of energy that we manifest and maintain throughout our lives. The animal becomes a symbol of the special influence that the invisible spiritual world has on our lives. The characteristics and actions of these totems can reveal much about our innate abilities. By studying the totem and attempting to connect with it, we are able to tap into its archetypal energy when needed.

Sorcerer in ritual attire

This famous rock painting has become a symbol of shamanism. Ancient man, surrounded by mystical forces, reacted to them through imitation. Man tried to harmonize the divine and human principles. The priests used totems and symbolic images as support when facing the mystery. Through dance, appropriate costume, etc., the priest or priestess fully identified himself with the deity and his energy. Such reincarnations attract invisible beings who help a person go beyond the limits of the material world. Wearing the skin of an animal was a way of honoring its spirit

Land animals have always had a special, clearly defined symbolism. They represented the emotional side of life, reflecting, as a rule, qualities of character that had to be overcome in oneself or, on the contrary, developed. They were also symbols of power - those forces that are closely connected with the invisible world and which we can learn to manifest in the material world.

Birds have traditionally been considered symbols of the soul in many cultures. Their ability to fly reflects our ability to move to new levels of consciousness, establishing a connection between the earth and the heavens. When a particular bird becomes our totem, it allows us to experience a state of expanded consciousness and a continuous flight of fantasy.

Animals that live in water can also become our totems. Water is an ancient symbol of the astral level of being and our creative abilities. Various fish and other aquatic life forms symbolize manifestations of intuition and creative imagination. In addition, they can act as the embodiment of the feminine side of our being.

Insects are also part of nature and can be our totems. These include the bee of abundance and fertility from Egyptian myths, the praying mantis from the legends of the African Bushmen, and the spider woman who created our universe from American Indian tales. They all play a very important role in the spiritual system of nature.

Studying the animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, etc. that you encounter in their natural habitat or in a zoo and reading books about them will help you better understand the circumstances involved. You can learn a lot about the types of energies that you are most likely to confront and that you are best able to manifest during your daily life. You will learn to attract those energies that will allow you to cope with life situations most effectively.

Nature has endowed all of her creations with an innate ability to adapt. This allows the animal to live in a certain place and have certain habits. There are both physical and behavioral adaptations. A typical example is the way some animals adapt to cold, when some animals grow thicker fur, while others simply migrate.

An animal such as a mountain goat has a well-developed adaptive ability to survive in mountain conditions. Its legs are adapted to ensure that it holds firmly and reliably on rocky surfaces. It also has more red blood cells in its blood, which helps it cope with the cold temperatures high in the mountains. Learning how our totems adapt to their environment to survive and applying the same principles can help us cope with the circumstances of our own lives.

The purpose of this book can be formulated as follows.

It will help you identify your natural totems.

It will help you learn to respect their energies, tune into them, and use them more effectively in your life.

She will help you discover your hidden capabilities and discover your identity through identification with your totem.

It will help you apply the skills and adaptability that your totem has to your own living space.

She will help you master the language of nature (physical, spiritual and magical) in which she speaks to you every day, understand and apply what she says. This, in turn, will teach you to have a deeper respect for life in general and allow you to manage your own life much better.

A true shaman, as a true connoisseur of nature, works throughout his life to reconnect conscious human life with nature and spirit through totems and rituals. Images of animals and other living beings help us go beyond our ordinary state of consciousness so that we can more easily tune into invisible worlds and entities. The first step to this is to realize that the images of animals that exist in your mind are indeed part of objective reality, residing at some higher levels of existence.

Symbolism of totem animals

The characteristics and habits of these animals can tell a lot about our inherent abilities and talents.

The main difficulties for most of us arise when trying to interpret these images. You need to learn to work with the information you receive in order to establish a connection with the spiritual world. Do not accept the first natural totems you come across. Research each of them carefully. You will learn how to do this later in this book.

Don't give up on a totem just because it may not seem as formidable or majestic to you as your Ego would like. In the kingdom of totems, the frog has no less strength and wisdom than the lion or the eagle. Nature tries to show us every day that All life forms have something to teach us.

Unfortunately, humanity has lost its subconscious connection with the laws of nature, and with this loss the true essence of magic has been lost. When we learn to listen again to what nature has to say, we will let go of our outdated ways of perceiving. We will discover that everything that exists on earth is full of meaning and imbued with a universal life force. This is exactly what nature teaches to those who want to learn from it.

Chapter 2. Opening your consciousness

The idea of ​​the existence of spiritual entities and that they are capable of helping people in the material world is present in almost all religions.

The Greeks spoke with spirits and gods through oracles and priests. The African Bushmen have rituals during which people move in imitation of animals such as antelope and praying mantis. Native Americans portrayed animals during dance and ritual to connect with the spirit world.

In our modern, rational society, all this is usually treated with ridicule. However, spiritual entities - such as angels, saints, ancestral souls, fairies, elves, demons and even spirit animals - fill our ancient myths and holy books. When beliefs are so widely accepted, it's something to at least think about.

If we look at the numerous descriptions of such creatures, we can come to the conclusion that they are as different from each other as the people we meet every day. Each of them has its own function. Very often these spirits help us discover our innate abilities or protect us in difficult times. They use their energy to help us heal, find hope, and improve ourselves.

One of the most common forms that helping spirits take to communicate with people is the appearance of an animal. Ancient people tried to understand supernatural phenomena by studying the natural world. Gods and goddesses were often depicted as animals. In this book we will explore how the forces of nature - in the form totemic animals - act as a link between the spiritual and the physical.

A totem is any natural object or living creature whose energy you feel connected to throughout your life. In this book we will focus primarily on spiritual animal totems, looking in detail at their symbolic aspects. Studying spirit animals plays an important role in understanding how the spirit world manifests itself in your material life.

We can use totem animals and their images to understand ourselves and explore the invisible worlds. It must be remembered that there are primeval forces that hide behind them, supervise them and manifest themselves through these creatures. Despite the fact that these prototypes cannot be considered creatures with their own minds, each of them has certain qualities and properties that are reflected in the behavior and habits of the corresponding animals.

With the help of totem animals, shamans reunite conscious human life with the natural world and the realm of the spirit. The animal image helps the shaman move beyond normal, waking consciousness and reach a state in which he or she can more easily tune into unseen worlds and entities. By discovering your spirit animal, learning about it, and gaining the skills to connect with it, you can tap into its energy when needed. With the help of an animal, you will be able to establish a connection with special primordial forces and systems and more effectively comprehend the patterns of your own life. When you show respect to a totem, you also honor the essence hidden within it - a special spiritual substance that uses the image and form of the animal to communicate with you.

Ancient priests and priestesses used totem animals as a kind of intermediaries when meeting with the world of spirits. They imitated animals, dressing in appropriate ritual robes and imitating their dance movements, in order to use their power in the material world. The animal became a totem. It turned into a symbol of a special kind of energy. When they turned to this totem, paying homage to it, the archetypal energies hidden in it became part of their lives.

You too can learn to access the power of totems. At the same time, you will begin to study the language of nature and open your consciousness towards its secrets. However, first you must establish which animal could be your totem.

There are certain methods to identify your personal spirit animals. Most of them are quite simple. Almost all you need for this is observation and your creative imagination. This book will teach you to discover these qualities in yourself.

Most people tend to neglect their ability to create imaginary images. They are missing out on a lot. Imagination can help us perceive information from other worlds, help us heal, and even facilitate the manifestation of the prophetic gift.

Through creative imagination, we begin to see the spiritual energies surrounding and interacting with the material world. What we consider to be a play of the imagination is, on levels of existence beyond the sensory world, an objective reality. Imagination allows us to expand our consciousness and learn new ways of perceiving.

It awakens the highest forms of inspiration and intuition, allowing us to achieve greater understanding of the circumstances of our lives and the spiritual energies that influence them. Images created by the imagination connect us with the spiritually creative world. Creative imagination will help you identify your spiritual totems and awaken their energies in your life.

When you connect with your spirit animals, you will begin to understand your own life much better. You will be able to look at yourself from an unexpected point of view and take a fresh look at reality. You will find yourself filled with inspiration and begin to approach life's challenges more creatively. The better you understand your totem, the better you will understand yourself.

Do you know who your spirit animal is?

The questions below will help you determine which animals may be your totems.

What animals or birds have always aroused your admiration? Admiration speaks of deep energetic resonance. Animals that fascinate us can teach us something.

When you went to the zoo as a child, what animal did you go to first? Children are by nature more open-minded, and therefore they are able to more easily identify an animal that plays an important role for them.

What animals do you most often see in their natural habitat? Animals that often catch our eye in the city or in nature have special meaning for us. We can learn something from them, at least methods of survival in the area where they live.

Which of all the animals in the world interest you most right now? As a rule, we usually have one or two species of animals, the interest in which does not wane throughout our lives. But sometimes we suddenly and inexplicably become interested in other animals—when they have something special or important to teach us.

Is there an animal that you are afraid of? This animal challenges you. If you manage to establish a relationship with him, then the source of fear will become a source of strength for you. Some shamans are convinced that fears can take the form of animals, and if we have the courage to confront them, they will turn their energy not against you, but against the life circumstances that interfere with you. Such an animal becomes our shadow totem.

Have you ever been attacked by an animal? It was once believed that if a shaman survived an attack by a wild beast, then this beast was his spiritual totem, and the attack itself was a test.

Do you have dreams involving animals, and are there any dreams about animals that you remember for the rest of your life? This is especially important if such dreams are repeated. Children often dream about animals, and special attention should be paid to these animals. They often represent the child's spiritual totems.

Basic provisions of the doctrine of totem animals

Totem animals are known by different names. They are called helping spirits, energy animals, power animals, etc. But, regardless of the name, in almost every culture some common properties are attributed to these animals.

1. Every animal has a powerful spirit.

2. This spirit can either be the spirit of the animal itself, or a being that uses the appearance of the animal to convey information to people.

3. Each animal is endowed with special abilities. Studying his abilities will reveal to you qualities that you can develop and use in your life. Remember that every animal has its own purpose.

4. An animal of power, which remains a person's totem for life, is, as a rule, a wild animal, not a domestic animal. There are a few exceptions, but even in these cases we are talking only about a channel of communication with a real animal of power. For example, a dog can help establish a relationship with a wolf, coyote, or some other wild animal from the canine family. The cat can serve as a channel of communication with wild felines such as panthers, lions, tigers, etc. Many people start with domestic species of spirit animals, thus laying the foundations for interaction with their more powerful cousins.

5. Please note that it is not the person who chooses the totem animal, but the totem animal who chooses the person. Many people think that they can simply choose any animal and start building a relationship with it. As a rule, in such cases, the person’s ego intervenes in the process. A person chooses the animal that seems most attractive and strong to him, and not the one that actually harmonizes with his inner essence. As a result, he fails and becomes disillusioned. No animal is better or worse than any other. Each animal is endowed with its own unique magic. It is always much better to master the magic of a mouse to perfection than to try unsuccessfully to comprehend the magic of an eagle. You will achieve success only with the animal that comes to you on its own.

When I was about four years old, a wolf spirit came to me. Then I slept in the same room with two older brothers and a brother who was two years younger than me. That evening my father took my older brothers to a baseball game and I had to sleep in a room with just my little brother. I was already lying in bed when I suddenly saw lights on the wall in front of me. First, a light fog appeared, and then an elderly woman entered the room, leading a wolf. I began to scream shrilly and call for my mother, who came running and burst into the room. I shouted something about a wolf and a woman, but she just smiled tenderly and covered me with a blanket, tucking it in from all sides, repeating that I just had a terrible dream.

However, I knew for sure that this was not a dream, since the woman and the wolf were standing behind the mother, about three feet away from her. Mom calmed me down and asked me not to scream, but to try to go back to sleep so as not to wake up my brother Tom. After some time she left.

As soon as mom left, the woman and the wolf came closer. They both seemed to be smiling, but at the time it didn't matter to me. I started calling my mother again. She opened the doors and again tried to tell me that there was no one in the room, and that I had all dreamed. This time she invited me to sleep in her bed and said: “They can’t get to you here.”

Her words had no effect as the old woman and the wolf followed us into her room. I covered my head with the blanket and tried to pretend they weren't there.

From that time on, I often saw a wolf, and at times a woman who called herself Grandmother. Gradually I got more and more used to them, but I didn’t tell anyone about them, because I knew that no one would believe me. Years passed before I was able to realize who these creatures were. I still see wolves often, in dreams and visions. One day I was lucky enough to meet a wolf in the forest.

6. You must develop a relationship with your totem. When communicating with him, show him respect. Learn to perceive the world as he perceives it. Animals do not get used to humans right away. They must learn to trust you and your shortcomings, and you must learn to trust him and his shortcomings. This takes time, patience and practice.

7. In order for the magic of your totem to help you and act effectively, you must treat it with respect. The more you respect your totem—the more meaning you give it in your life—the more powerful and effective it becomes. You can express your respect for the totem and establish a closer connection with it in the following ways.

Hang pictures of your totem animal on the walls in your home (it’s best if you draw them yourself).

Buy figurines depicting your totem and decorate your home with them or give them to friends. These fetishes serve as a reminder of the power and spirit of your spirit animal.

Read books about your totem, try to learn as much as possible about it.

Give attention and time to organizations involved in the study and protection of wildlife; If possible, provide them with financial assistance.

Arrange ritual dances in honor of the totem, they are a powerful channel of communication with it. Try to imitate the movements of your spirit animal. If your totem is a turtle, learn to crawl like a turtle. If your totem is a lion, then learn to sneak up on your target like a lion. If your totem is some kind of bird, imitate its jumps and flapping of its wings. Imagine yourself as this animal, showing its inherent qualities in various life situations. Remember that imagination creates a real connection between you and your totem.

8. Having learned to work with the magic of your totem, you will have the opportunity to communicate with other representatives of the animal kingdom. It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to one totem. Every animal can teach you something or bring something into your life that others cannot. Interaction with your main totem animal can teach you how to communicate with other totems, each of which will help you in different life situations. When you need to become stronger, you can summon the image of a bear and use its energy. When you need speed, you will connect with the energy of the cheetah. With the help of your power animal, you will learn to attune to the energies of other animals and beings.

9. Although usually only one or a few totems are most powerful for you and accompany you most of your life, other animals can also play a fairly important role at certain periods in your life, helping you cope with specific difficulties. Sometimes you may have a totem for just one day.

Some totems accompany you for several years and then leave. Others appear only when you are engaged in creative activities. You may need different totems for different areas of your life. There is no limit to the number of totems you can interact with. But the key condition is the ability to fully communicate with at least one totem animal. Thanks to this, your sphere of perception will expand, and it will be much easier to establish contacts with other totems.

As a child, I often dreamed of owls. Then, at the age of about twelve, such dreams began to occur less frequently. Before I graduated from high school they stopped completely. Years later, I dreamed about the owl again. I asked her where she had been all this time.

“I can’t teach you anything when your heart is closed.” I remember looking at her with bewilderment and I am sure that the owl smiled back at me. “I am invisibly present next to you, and I will return when the heart opens and what, with your consent, closes it disappears. All this time you needed others more than me.” Then I noticed some movement behind the owl and saw numerous large cats - panthers, jaguars and tigers - that I had dreamed about so often since I was a teenager. After that, the image of my father appeared in my mind, and I very clearly remembered the sensations that I experienced when, as a child, I played at his feet. At that moment I woke up. From then on, I began to regularly dream about the owl again - always at a distance and always silent - usually in dreams in which I returned to childhood.

In 1989, my close friend, the healer Kuenda, taught me some owl lessons. Tears welled up in my eyes and my throat tightened. Scenes of death and funerals began to pass before my eyes one after another. I knew then that my father would soon pass away, but I did not want to admit it.

Two months later, my father died of cancer. And the owl began to appear regularly in my dreams again.

10. The same totem can belong to many people. I know several people who are associated with wolf magic. At the same time, the archetypal energies of the wolf manifest themselves differently for everyone, since each person is unique and inimitable.

Often the same totem is used by people connected by close relationships. This totem becomes a guide that helps make relationships stronger and more effective. The totem can protect a married couple. Not only couples can use one totem. Often, members of a healing or meditation group choose one totem animal, which determines the direction of their activities.

The wolf is a spirit animal for me and my wife. He can work with each of us individually, but sometimes we interact with him as a couple. Several years ago, on the eve of my birthday, my wife and I took a canoe trip to northern Ontario. At midnight on my birthday we were awakened by the distant howling of wolves.

We were very surprised, since at this time of year it was extremely rare to hear wolves. The howling, from time to time, continued throughout the night. Each time it resumed, it was heard from the other side. This was one of the best birthday gifts I have ever received.

Another time we also made a trip to the Superior National Wildlife Refuge in hopes of making physical contact with the wolf that was our totem. People visit Superior year after year and never encounter a wolf, but we felt that if the wolf really is our totem, we should believe in luck and try our luck. When we were about to leave, having experienced complete disappointment, a beautiful wolf came out of the forest and stopped ten meters from us. He turned his head and directed his gaze directly into our eyes, and it seemed to us that it lasted an eternity. He then crossed the area and followed us into the shadows of the trees before disappearing back into the forest, leaving us shocked and happy.

Meeting with a totem animal

The exercise below will help you meet your spirit animal. For this you will need your creative imagination.

Don't worry that the images that come to you may be just your imagination. You can't imagine an animal in detail if it doesn't mean anything to you. When performing the exercise, it is important to relax and get rid of all possible expectations. Allow the totem to appear in front of you. Let him choose you before you choose him. The more you learn about it and meditate on how it could impact your own life, the easier it is for you to access its energies.

Ready to communicate with your spirit animal

The ability to attract the energies of your spirit animal using your creative imagination plays an important role in awakening its magical powers

Your natural totem could be a bird, a mammal, or even an insect or reptile. Research and study your natural totem, read as much as possible about it to make it easier for yourself to connect with it. But don't take the first animal that comes to your mind as a totem. Imagination is a wonderful tool, but if used improperly, it can lead you astray. Give your totem a simple test.

How do you feel when you see this animal?

What emotions and sensations does it evoke in you?

What thoughts does it make you think?

Have you been interested in this animal in the past?

What does your heart tell you?

Don't rush to give up on him just because he doesn't seem attractive enough to you. A totem may be ideal for you, but you will not know this until you carefully study its qualities and basic properties. Consult, but don't limit yourself to, the alphabet guides in this book for help. Go to the library or search online and do some research on your own. Ask yourself what this animal means to you personally and how it can help you in your life circumstances. Once you learn about an animal, you will begin to respect it, and this will be the first step towards mastering the language of animals.

If, after a thorough study of the totem, you find that it does not suit you, do the exercise again. Sometimes when you try to imagine a totem, it may show you its fangs or otherwise frighten you.

In this case, remember that the totem cannot harm you, and that you can interrupt the process of contemplation at any time.

Remember also that frightening images are most often just projections of our own fears. They can also reflect resistance to something. Sometimes we are surprised by our habit of rejecting everything that cannot be logically explained at the moment. In the minds of most people, to a certain extent, the idea is programmed: “Better a devil, but someone you know, than someone you don’t know.”

When you begin to explore the inner worlds and their manifestation in the outer world through nature, it can cause some anxiety. Feelings of vulnerability, insecurity and uncontrollability often arise. If you encounter fear or resistance while doing the exercise, think about your pet and imagine taking it with you. It will calm you down and its energy always radiates love and provides you with protection in the inner worlds.

When doing exercises like the following, people often wonder if what they are experiencing is a true shamanic journey. This is partly true, but the difference lies in the depth of the experience. During a real shamanic journey, you are completely immersed in it, directly perceiving all the sensations. During such a journey, what happens usually depends little on the will of the person. In the meditation exercises below, you rather imagine how you experience a particular situation. With time and experience, meditations like these can open the door to the real journey.

Most exercises to determine your totem follow a certain pattern.

1. Relax (it is advisable that nothing distracts you, turn off your phone, you can turn on calm music, lie down or sit down, whatever is more comfortable, and try to relax your whole body).

2. Imagine that you are entering a cave or a hollow tree.

3. Move out of the cave or hollow tree into a meadow or open space.

4. Try to evoke in your soul the feeling of peace that nature usually instills in you, feel its strength and beauty.

5. Allow the totem to appear in front of you.

6. Let the animal talk to you. Pay attention to its movements, the sounds it will make, its color - this will give you a certain idea of ​​​​its magical power.

7. Thank the animal for appearing to you. Ask that within a week it shows you real, tangible evidence that it really is your totem (perhaps you will see an image of this animal on a stone, maybe you will come across a figurine or picture, or maybe you will see it on TV).

8. Return to the cave or hollow tree and go outside.

9. Take four to five deep breaths - return to reality.

10. Now you can start studying your totem animal.


When performing such exercises, it is sometimes very useful to use tambourines and rattles in order to tap out a slow and steady rhythm.

At the very beginning of the exercise, I advise you not to try to create images in your imagination, but simply sit for a while and feel the rhythmic beats of the tambourine with your whole body. This will help you relax and bring your body rhythms into resonance with the tambourine. You have to let the tambourine lead you. If you don't have a tambourine or rattle, you can use some soft music that sounds unobtrusive and is repeated many times.

Make sure no one disturbs you. Turn off your phone, lock your doors, and/or do whatever is necessary to avoid being interrupted. Take a comfortable position. You can sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you, just make sure that your back is straight so that blood can circulate freely along the spine. Close your eyes and start breathing deeply. Then begin gradual relaxation. Focus on each part of your body one by one, sending warm and soothing sensations there. Start from the feet and gradually move to the top of the head. Take your time. The more you can relax, the more effective the exercise will be. Don't worry if your mind starts to wander. Just return to where you left off and continue the exercise. When finished, begin to imagine the pictures described below.


You will soon find yourself getting lighter and lighter. The light gradually dims, and you seem to be enveloped in a warm, dark cloud consisting of your energy and thoughts. You are warm and comfortable, you feel completely safe.

Gradually, an amazing picture opens before your mind's eye. You find yourself on the shore of a pond with crystal clear water. The blue sky stretches above you, and the horizon is covered with a light haze. You can see the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time. You don’t understand whether it’s morning or evening, but it doesn’t matter; The only thing that is obvious to you is that in this unsteady timelessness on the border between day and night, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinning.

To your right at the edge of the pond is a waterfall. Cool splashes fly from it in all directions and form a haze. In the place where the waterfall comes into contact with the water surface, ripples appear, distorting all reflections. This gives everything around an unreal appearance.

You look at the green grass around you and the distant trees. Silence surrounds you. It’s as if nature froze in calm anticipation. You look back at the waterfall and notice something dark behind it. You walk in that direction, and when you get very close, you see a cave half hidden behind a waterfall. You carefully walk through the streams of water and find yourself in the silent darkness of the cave.

To your surprise, the cave is illuminated by the dim light of torches. Their light warms the hall that opens to your gaze. This room seems familiar to you, and you get the feeling that you have been waiting here for a long time.

At the far end of the cave there is a tunnel, which is also lit by torches. You look over your shoulder at the trees on the other side of the waterfall, and then you walk deeper into the cave. It's just as warm and comfortable as the entrance, and as you approach the far tunnel, you feel a little dizzy and let out a small chuckle. For the first time in many years, you feel like a child again, ready to discover and explore the amazing riches of the world.

You enter the tunnel and begin to move slowly along it. It's well lit and you're not scared at all. Reaching out your hands, you touch the walls and are surprised at how warm they are. It seems as if the blood of the earth itself is flowing along these walls.

You move on. Gradually the tunnel expands and becomes more spacious. Torches are now found less frequently, but for some reason it becomes even brighter. You then pass several torches that are not lit. You stop and touch them to make sure they went out a long time ago. Then you look ahead and realize what's going on. The tunnel has become so wide that sunlight penetrates almost fifty meters into it.

You can see what's outside the tunnel. In the distance you can see a river and a meadow covered with thick green grass. Sunlight sparkles on blades of grass covered with morning dew on a hot summer day. Beyond the meadow you can see the edge of a dense, dark green forest. After only a moment's hesitation, you run the last fifty meters and jump out of the tunnel into a sunlit meadow.

The sun's warmth touches your face, and under your feet there is soft, tender grass. You smell the tantalizing scents of honey and spring wildflowers. The air is filled with sweetness. You throw your head back and spread your arms wide. You spin around and laugh with happiness.

On the river bank you notice a large ancient oak tree. At its foot grows incredibly thick and green grass. You run to him and sit under a tree. You lie on your back, stretch out and roll on the grass, feeling its softness and inhaling its sweet aroma. Then sit down again and see a chair-shaped stone next to the tree.

You sit on it and find that the seat completely follows the shape of your body. You giggle in surprise. Then you take a deep breath and, sitting on this chair, look around. It's very quiet here, but you know there are a lot of wild animals around. For a moment you are filled with envy of the wild animals and birds that can continuously enjoy this beauty.

Sitting on a stone chair, you admire the beauty of nature. It seems that with every breath you are merging with her more and more fully.

But suddenly you freeze, holding your breath. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed some movement at the edge of the forest. You stop breathing. Movement appears somewhere behind the trees. Perhaps you will be able to see an inhabitant of these places. It can soar into the sky above your head or just walk out into the meadow. You sit quietly and wait for an animal to appear in your field of vision soon. Don't rush him. Let it appear to you of its own free will and, coming closer, meet your gaze.

Never before have you seen anything more amazing. These animals have always seemed strange and unpredictable to you. But you feel no fear as they come closer to you, only surprise and vague recognition. This must be a dream! But then, as if in response to your thoughts, the animal makes a sound or makes a movement, and at that moment understanding comes to you. You begin to remember how it has come to your aid in the past. Now you understand why you always admired him. And then the animal begins to move towards the tunnel. After a pause, it turns around and looks at you, as if telling you that it is time to leave. You stand up and follow him. At the entrance to the tunnel it stops and waits for you. Now it is very close; a few more steps and you will be able to touch it.

With a careful, smooth movement, you extend your hand towards it, but before your hand touches it, the animal recoils and rushes back to the forest. At the very edge it stops and casts another farewell glance at you, and then disappears into the thickets.

You understand. It will take you time to establish a relationship. You have a lot to learn from each other, but for now you must be patient. With a sad smile on your face, you enter the tunnel and return to the waterfall.

After emerging from the cave and passing through the waterfall, you look into the crystal water. Through the ripples you see your reflection in it, and next to it the reflection of your totem animal suddenly appears. You freeze in surprise, and then laugh joyfully and thank him for appearing to you. After this, the reflection of the animal disappears, and everything around begins to dim. You find yourself back in the warm darkness of your consciousness. Now the image of the totem is firmly imprinted in your soul. After taking a few deep breaths, you come back to reality.

Chapter 3. The mystery of predator and prey

The average person is rarely aware of his connection with the world around him and his influence on it. Most people live in confined spaces of cities far from wild or untouched nature. Our trees and lawns are neatly trimmed. Food is sold already prepared and packaged. Many people have only seen animals in pictures or on TV. The only representatives of real wild animals with which city residents can come into contact are those that have adapted to life in the city - squirrels, raccoons, blackbirds, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that most people do not feel part of nature. Our connection to nature is very limited, and our need to care for it is usually even more limited. Some people still retain some interest in nature, but for many, reverence and understanding of nature are completely absent. The world for them is something distant and abstract, and the creatures that inhabit it have no other purpose than to satisfy our needs.

I devoted seven years of my teaching career to working on a special, alternative educational program in the old district of the city. We accepted for training teenagers with behavioral problems, academic problems, social problems and financial difficulties, and gave them the initial skills to enter the workforce. Most of our students were not capable of studying in a regular high school and would probably never have received a certificate of education. Many had criminal records. Some could not read or write at all. Almost all of them had never been anywhere further than where city buses could take them.

During my last year in this program, I organized a number of excursions. One of them was a trip almost eighty kilometers from the city to the Cincinnati Zoo. Only a few of our students had been to the zoo before, and then only in early childhood. The reaction was amazing.

I have never seen such genuine surprise, awe and excitement. Every time I looked around, students would run up to me and, out of breath, describe the amazing creatures they had just seen. They pulled me in different directions with the words: “Come here, look!” The teenagers' eyes, which were usually cold and indifferent, now sparkled with joy. Those students who were always gloomy and withdrawn expressed their emotions violently. Previously, aggressive teenagers seemed open and friendly.

And all of them, who tried so hard to prove their maturity and inaccessibility, got the opportunity to partially experience the miracle of childhood knowledge of the world, which they had lost or never had.

This affected each of them directly. On the way back on the bus there were new lively conversations: the guys argued, discussing their favorite animals. Gradually, the conversations died down, and the students moved on to silent contemplation, trying to comprehend what they had to endure.

Unfortunately, as they approached the school, their condition changed. The looks again became indifferent and boring. Some students began to get nervous and restless. Conversations resumed, but they were no longer so carefree. The students began to act as if they were embarrassed by their behavior at the zoo and their childish admiration at the sight of animals. They began to show off in front of others and try to show themselves as more callous and cynical than they really are.

However, despite everything, the trip left behind memories that these people will be able to keep for the rest of their lives, and made them understand that the world may not be at all the way they are used to perceiving it. She showed them that by going beyond their usual environment, many interesting discoveries can be made. Later I realized that my students had experienced a real culture shock.

They were not ready to dive into the unknown world of animals. They, of course, knew that zoos existed and saw animals on TV, but this is not the same thing. The visit to the zoo caused them surprise and confusion, but most importantly, it allowed them to take a fresh look at the surrounding reality. The world has changed. It was no longer limited to concrete boxes and city sidewalks. It turned out to be much larger and more complex than they imagined, and it left an indelible mark on them.

This story showed that most people had distorted ideas about the natural world. Animals are something distant and completely alien for most people. Their behavior and habits seem strange, mysterious and have nothing to do with human life. In modern mass consciousness there are a huge number of false ideas about animals and the natural world.

Perhaps the most mysterious aspect of the natural world is the mystery of the relationship between predator and prey. Most people believe that all animals are divided into those who kill and those who are killed. In fact, in the animal world, most of its representatives belong simultaneously to these two categories. Sometimes the predator itself acts as a prey. The snake swallows the frog, and then it is killed and eaten by a red-tailed buzzard. As we explore the predator-prey relationship and learn about its natural and spiritual meaning, we begin to understand that there is magic in the animal kingdom, and that all species in an ecosystem - animals and humans - are connected in amazing ways.

Predators and prey exist everywhere. A predator can be called someone who has the ability to hunt other living beings. People tend to admire the beauty, strength and majesty of predatory animals. We praise their unbridled freedom. Birds of prey were symbols of the power of military leaders and terrifying harbingers of battle.

In the natural world, there has always been a struggle between predator and prey, the reward for victory being life. Owls hunt mice. Small songbirds catch insects, and falcons hunt small birds. In the process of hunting, a predator requires time, patience and skill. Hunting sharpens all the senses. The strongest, most careful and skillful survive. By trying to evade predators, animals become tougher and smarter.

When you interact with spiritual totems from the natural world, the magic and power of the predator awakens within your own soul. If you truly understand this, it will make it possible to use their magic in any life situations. The predator lifestyle has four major lessons for humans. Each of these lessons is associated with a specific type of magic.

On a mystical level, each of them can correspond to one of the four cardinal directions and one of the four elements. Of course, these correspondences are very conditional. Consider them simply a starting point for understanding. In addition, this diagram reflects the balance that exists in the mysterious world of predators living in the wild. Understanding these lessons is key to making your life more creative and spiritual through interaction with spiritual totems.

A lesson in life, death and rebirth

Magic: Creativity

Element: Fire

Direction: South

Life and death are two great mysteries that are still surrounded by numerous superstitions. Life is very difficult for most people to understand, and death is very difficult to accept. Birth and death must be viewed as processes of transition, and not as final states. They are the most significant changes that happen to us, but they are far from the only ones.

Change occurs on many levels and at different times in our lives. Change is always good. They mean the beginning of something new, but despite this, people are always afraid of change, instinctively feeling that change is a little death. Fear of change is a reflection of the fear of death. It is this fear that prevents us from exploring new paths.

Many ancient traditions have rites of passage, symbolic rituals of birth, death and rebirth. A person “dies” after going through one stage of life, only to be reborn when moving to a new stage of development. Every day we are forced in some way to abandon the old and create something new. Our life circumstances require this from each of us.

When you interact with spirit animals, this mystery becomes clearer. Having learned to recognize these processes in the rhythms of life and the behavior of your totem, you notice that the mystery of death and rebirth occurs in your life every day. You will learn to part with your past much more easily and start something new.

The existence of predators in the wild can teach us how to let go of the fear of death without losing our love of life. Representatives of the natural world do not worry about death. They just live. If they are threatened with death, they desperately fight for life and do not give up until the end. Every day and every moment is accepted by them as they exist. They live every day as actively and intensely as the next. The meaning of life lies in the endless present. The past does not exist, and the future will take care of itself. Every day represents a new creative process in which the animal's natural energies are used with renewed vigor.

Many people believe that predator behavior is the epitome of cruelty. In fact, this is not entirely true, since there is a deep, essential connection between predator and prey, killer and prey. There is a term in ancient Kabbalistic teaching that explains this well. "Tzimtzum" means God's self-restraint. For the sake of love for his creation, God refuses pity for him. The highest mercy inevitably involves the imposition of a severe sentence.

“As a free act of love in which God reveals his essence for the process of creation... beyond the control of mercy. If God, while administering justice, allowed himself to show pity, then this world would not be the same as we know it. Out of pity, a lion would not hunt a deer and would die of hunger, condemning to extinction all the predators whose lives depend on his hunting skills. We would not eat other living things and perhaps stop eating apples out of compassion for the tree. But in fact, the interaction of life forms on the planet creates a unique balance in nature. A lion kills its prey only when it is hungry. Only man kills for fun. According to the immutable laws of the universe, the lion administers justice flawlessly. But the person doesn’t.” Predators teach us that there is no life that does not end in death, and no death without rebirth. Death is the bridge between old and new, between loss and gain. They also teach us that all life is sacred.

As we interact with our personal totems, we begin to see how their lifestyle as a predator in the wild mirrors our own lives. You will notice the parallels. There is a time for eating, and a time for rest. Time to play and time to hunt. Once you realize this, you will learn to take advantage of the opportunities that fate provides you. Learning what your totem feeds on (whether it be another animal or a plant) will help you understand the cycle of death and rebirth in your own life.

Shamans often deal with paired magical energies that are in a state of balance. For example, those who work with owl magic tend to also study skunk magic, since the skunk is the great eagle owl's favorite prey. A peregrine falcon hunts a duck. The blackbird digs up worms. A pack of wolves kills an elk. Hunting connects hunter and prey in a complex, intimate relationship.

When studying the combined qualities (magic) of predator and prey, the energies of death and rebirth become more accessible. The balance of the totems (predator and prey) will help you understand the natural rhythms of the processes of death and rebirth and use them more effectively. Interaction with the energies of predator and prey, acting as totems, will make life changes less chaotic and destructive. As a result, your life will become more creative and effective.

The magic of creativity and creation involves the ability to use the processes of “death” that occur in your life as opportunities for rebirth. To do this, you need to learn to adapt to life cycles - ups and downs - and benefit from them. As you can see, each animal has its own natural cycle, that is, there are periods when the animal is more or less active. If an animal is your totem, then using its rhythms and natural cycles in your own life will allow you to become more successful.

This is the main reason why this lesson corresponds to Fire, and its cardinal direction is south. Fire is both a destructive and creative force. He cleanses and burns away everything unnecessary so that the gold can shine again. This is the mystery of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Fire symbolizes the heart, the hearth of passions and love, which helps us recreate our lives every time.

A lesson in life, death and rebirth

The turkey vulture demonstrates this lesson well. This bird can feed on carrion, and in this way it protects other animals and the environment from infection. Thus, she maintains the cycle of death and rebirth

This is the basis of regeneration and resurrection, and it is the first lesson that allows us to use the fire of our experience to create positive change in our lives.

Magic exercises

1. This simple meditation/visualization is very effective. To complete it, you must study the habits of a predator and its most typical prey. If you already have a totem that is a predator, then you can use it, if not, then choose a predator in the animal world that has always aroused your admiration.

Visualize a bad habit, a bad situation, or any other negative aspect in your life as an animal that your predator usually preys on. Then imagine yourself as a predator. Imagine swallowing a bad habit, breaking it and becoming stronger as a result.

You must take into account the predator's natural hunting cycle. If your totem hunts mainly in the dark, perform the exercise at night. If he hunts during the day, do it during daylight hours.

Spend only five to ten minutes a day on this exercise, but do it with your heart and soul in the process. After a week, you will begin to notice changes. You will find that you become stronger, healthier and more responsible as a result.

2. There is another variation of this exercise that can also be used to make changes in your life. You will again need images of predator and prey. However, in this case, the sacrifice will symbolize a change that you want to implement, or something that you want to achieve, but you have not yet been able to do it. The change must be visualized in the form of an agile and fast prey animal that has managed to elude you until now.

Visualize—imagine—how you are hunting, sneaking, stalking your prey. Feel the joy of the chase and the incomparable feeling when the desired prey is finally in your teeth. After this, imagine yourself stronger, happier and more satisfied.

Sometimes the changes we want to make are so complex that they require several steps to implement. Each stage can be represented in the form of a prey animal, which becomes larger from stage to stage. For example, if your predator is a red-tailed buzzard, then the first stage can be visualized as a mouse, the second as a snake, and the third as a hare.

Determine the realistic time frame within which you would like to fully complete the change, as well as the time frame for implementing each of the stages. Visualize the actions of predator and prey for about five minutes a day until each stage is completed, and then move on to the next. You will be surprised how quickly and easily you will achieve your goal.

Lesson in adaptation

Magic: Werewolf

Element: Water

Side of the world: West

Adaptation is the natural ability of an animal to live in a certain place and lead a certain way of life. Adaptation can be physical and behavioral. A fox will use its long ears to dissipate heat in the summer and its bushy tail to shield its face and nose from the cold in winter. This is a physical adaptation. Black-tailed deer will always choose new paths and routes to food sources, rarely using the same one twice. Thus, by making his movements less predictable, he escapes from predators. This is a behavioral adaptation.

In both cases, the goal of adaptation is the survival of the species. However, if the predator turns out to be too much adapted to specific conditions, it is in danger of extinction. An example is the slug-eating kite of southern Florida, which feeds only on large melania snails. With the reduction of swampy areas, the food supply of the kite has been depleted, and now this species is on the verge of extinction.

The opposite example is the coyote, which can eat almost anything. That is why it can be found in cities, steppes, mountains and deserts. It hunts a wide variety of game or feeds on carrion. He may even rummage through garbage containers in search of food. Its ability to adapt to its environment and find food and shelter anywhere allows it to survive and increase its population.

Most predators occupy an intermediate position between these two extremes. Most are able to adapt and change their needs if conditions require it. The way your totem adapts to its environment indicates how you best adapt to your current life circumstances.

Different animals adapt differently, even those that live in the same area. For example, in hot climates, animals may be more nocturnal. If your totem is one of these, then this may indicate that you will work more efficiently at night. Other animals that live in hot climates have large ears that help them dissipate excess body heat, such as the sand fox or hare. People whose totem animal is the fox and who have difficulty withstanding the summer heat will feel much better if they tuck their hair behind their ears. Since the fox dispels heat with its ears, people associated with fox magic find that this method helps them too.

Other animals in hot conditions may use rapid breathing to dissipate excess heat. People with such a totem must learn new ways of breathing that will help them cope not only with the heat, but also with the intensity of passions and maintain composure.

Learning about your totems' survival techniques will show you the animal behavior and physical properties you need to focus on to learn how to more effectively adapt to changing conditions. If your totem is the kestrel, you may need to pay more attention to subtle movements in your field of vision. Most birds of prey respond well to movement. A kestrel can spot a crawling beetle from a height of thirty meters. By learning to track subtle changes, you will be able to instantly see and use the benefits that appear in any life situation.

Once you have identified your totem, find out how it adapts to its environment. Then practice applying the same types of adaptations to your own living conditions. This totem will show you the best ways to adapt successfully.

This lesson is best suited to the element of Water and its cardinal direction - west.

Water is often associated with intuition, dreams and travel (travelling on water is one of the most ancient forms of transporting goods). She is an element that gives us the opportunity to control our emotions with the help of imagination. Water can absorb and accumulate life energy.

Water takes the shape of its container and follows the path of least resistance. We must also be able to change like water currents. We must learn to ride the waves without letting them overwhelm us. Water that does not flow sooner or later begins to rot. This reminds us to constantly use our natural ability to move and change according to need.

Imitating the adaptive abilities of your totem is a step leading to werewolf magic. Werewolfism is an innate property of every person. In the story I told about the students on the field trip, the change in their behavior on the bus on the way back was a natural example of adaptation. They began to move from a joyful and carefree mood to the qualities they needed to survive once returned to their environment.

Every day you change your energy background, adapting to circumstances. Even as a child, you learn when and how to smile. You know when to be serious or focused. You have learned to understand what actions and conditions make you vulnerable. Werewolfism is not simply turning into an animal, as was often told in ancient myths and legends. This is the ability to change the flow of your energy in order to meet the demands of the situation.

The easiest way to get into the desired state is to use the properties of your totem. A werewolf is someone who knows how to change his energy by identifying himself with his totem animal. The werewolf is able to adapt to change - pleasant or not. He knows how to creatively get out of seemingly hopeless life situations.

Lesson in adaptation

The red fox is a perfect illustration of this lesson. The fox's ability to camouflage and concentrate allows it to survive, despite the active hunting that has been going on throughout its existence, and despite human encroachment on its territory

The ability to control your consciousness to tune into the energies of your totem and adapt to them - imitating its habits - will help you solve problems much more effectively. Remember that your totem will not appear to you if it has nothing to teach you. Imitating the adaptive behavior of your spirit animals and applying it to your own life circumstances is the first step to transforming your life.

Magic exercises

You do not need to know your personal totem to complete this exercise. This exercise is mainly designed to ensure that you can adapt your energy field - your aura - to achieve certain effects.

An ancient magical principle states that energy can be controlled by thought. Where you focus your thoughts is where your energy will flow. With the help of a certain way of thinking we can change the shape, color and intensity of our aura. The exercises below can help you develop this ability. This is preliminary work in order to eventually learn werewolfism.

Stand against the wall and imagine that the steel is the same color as it. Mentally imagine how you merge with it and become part of it. Try to do the same against the background of a sofa and other objects of different colors and textures.

Practice imagining yourself invisible. One way to facilitate this process is to try to imagine your aura as a fog or smoke that surrounds you and completely hides you.

Once you feel confident in completing the tasks described above, use them in a crowded place (at a party, etc.). Before entering a room, make yourself invisible or sit somewhere and pretend that you are part of the furniture.

The results are always very interesting. You will be surprised by the comments you hear. Often something like this may sound: “Oh, I didn’t notice you were here,” or: “When did you come? I didn’t see you come in.” Plus, you'll be amazed at how often people will bump into you, apologizing for not noticing you when you pretend to be part of the furniture or wall. With experience, you will learn to be visible or invisible at will.

A lesson in using your potential

Magic: Realization

Element: Earth

Side of the world: North

Each animal is unique in its own way. Each type has its own characteristics, its own strengths and weaknesses. The natural properties of your totem reflect your own innate abilities, which you can develop and use.

The animals that are our totems represent our mirror image. They show us the lessons we need to learn and demonstrate which abilities we can most easily develop. Thanks to them, we can better understand ourselves and our life circumstances. The animal becomes a symbol of the special power that you are able to demonstrate. It is the magic that heals you and your life, and the power that you can access to help make your dreams come true.

Once you have identified your totem (this book can help you with this), begin to explore it. Study its features and habits. You can develop these same characteristics in yourself to make your life easier and happier. In this way the animal will become your teacher. Just as predator and prey become stronger and more cunning by training their survival skills, you too begin to change and evolve.

When a totem animal appears in your life, treat it with due respect. Learning your totem's individual hunting techniques will allow you to understand your own abilities to learn, survive, and develop your full potential. This will show you the most effective ways to interact with the magic of realization.

Predators do not let their prey disappear. The cougar or bear eats their fill and then buries the leftovers for later use. Others, such as the wolf, will overeat, knowing that food may not always be readily available. Each of us can learn from predators the habit of not throwing anything away. Such behavior reminds us that we must use our abilities to the fullest and not waste what we have.

Most predators hunt alone. If your totem animal is one of these, it may mean that you too will be most effective in developing and using your abilities without outside participation. Other predators use cooperative hunting methods. Wolves hunt in packs, and even desert buzzards form groups to hunt.

My friend from Colorado, Keen Kwitugwa, runs an educational program called Hockquist (Falconry). He uses his buzzards to teach classes on predator and prey behavior, but U.S. Department of Wildlife officials often ask him to accept other birds of prey for rehabilitation.

When I first met Keane, he was working with a golden eagle whose parents had been killed, so no one had taught him how to hunt. Keene used the buzzards to teach the golden eagle hunting skills so that it could eventually be released into the wild. I was amazed at the cooperative hunting techniques used by the two falcons when I first saw one of Keane's public displays. One flew low, driving the hare into the open, and the other attacked from above to increase the pressure on the victim.

People whose totems are able to perform coordinated actions must learn to use the same patterns of behavior in their own lives. Prairie dogs live in large groups and are excellent architects. Each of them arranges its home in its own way, guards it and barks about danger to other members of the group.

The prairie dog may not be considered an attractive totem, but its abilities are unique and should not be underestimated. People who have made the prairie dog their totem will be able to develop these abilities and use them in their life circumstances. To do this, they need to learn collectivism. (For more specific information about the individual abilities of the prairie dog and other animals, see Chapter 11.)

The skills and abilities your totem needs to survive will help you manage your life more skillfully and competently. To successfully hunt, predators require the ability to run quickly, sit in ambush, or interact with each other. The method your totem uses can be your method if you learn to apply it successfully in your life.

As for the animals that are hunted, they also defend themselves in very different ways. Some provide their safety through numbers, such as prairie dogs or musk oxen. Others use special devices for protection, as is the case with the armadillo or porcupine. Some rely on their ability to camouflage themselves and become invisible. Many animals survive because they are always on the alert. Remember that you need to consider the predator and its most typical prey. Both have qualities that you would benefit from developing in yourself. Both of them can teach you things that can be useful to you in life.

The better you understand your totem's personality and habits, the better you will be able to identify your own innate abilities that are often hidden from you. When you become aware of these abilities and then use them in your daily life, you are showing respect for yourself and the spirit of your spirit animal. It is at this point that you will begin to realize that implementing what you need is not as difficult as you thought.

In order for you to be yourself (partially identified with your totem), you must do what you need to do. If you are persistent, you will realize all your needs and desires. Falcon is a falcon. He behaves like a falcon, not like a duck. If he fails to catch prey, he does not worry or worry. He just shows tenacity and perseverance. He doesn't change. He tries to become a more successful predator because that is the only way he will achieve results.

It is the fear of being themselves that prevents most people from realizing their dreams. Sometimes it can be a fear of rejection from other people. Sometimes it's the fear of failure. And sometimes this happens simply because their whole life is organized in such a way that they live in a way completely alien to their true essence. When we feel fear, we are more likely to ignore opportunities or miss them when they arise. When we are true to ourselves and our instincts, we will have nothing to fear.

Recently to the nature center named after. Brackner in Troy, Ohio, where I volunteer, a young red-tailed buzzard was brought in for rehabilitation. His wing was broken. Among other things, my duties include cleaning the cages and feeding the animals. In order to clean cages, many animals have to be removed from them, especially if they are undergoing rehabilitation.

This young falcon never shows fear. After he is returned to a clean cage, he ruffles his feathers violently and widens his eyes, as if to show that, even wounded and caged, he is still as magnificent and strong as ever. When you reach for him, he hits you with his claws quickly and hard. Even through a thick glove, his claws sometimes penetrate inside and dig into the hand. This falcon is always true to himself.

Despite a broken wing and being kept captive in an environment alien to him, he remains true to his natural instincts, not trying to turn into something he is not. It is these qualities that allow him to survive in the wild. And they are the ones who make it so majestic and beautiful!

A lesson in using your potential

The woodchuck has the unique ability to create branched burrows with multiple entrances and exits. It may also slow down its metabolism as the weather gets colder (hibernate). People whose totem is the marmot can learn, if necessary, to fall into a state of such “temporary death”

When you become yourself and start using your strengths, your life becomes much easier. There is no need to try to become something you are not. Animals never get hung up on repeating actions that are doomed to failure. They don’t put on airs and don’t pretend to be someone they don’t know. When you begin to be true to your higher self, people around you will begin to feel the greatness emanating from you. This is how your true essence is revealed.

The lesson on using your potential corresponds to the element of Earth and the cardinal direction – north. This element symbolizes wisdom, patience and prosperity. Part of this lesson is that we can get everything we need from Mother Earth. By remaining true to ourselves, we will have everything we need. Mother Earth is where we come to learn, grow and develop. This is where we learn to free ourselves from our limitations. This is where our search for the holy grail begins, that is, the search for our true essence and the best way to manifest it in our lives.

An ancient mystical principle says: “When you know yourself, you know the world!” This commandment is the basis of the third lesson of predators. If we know ourselves and the treasures hidden within us, we gain access to the treasures of the Earth.

The abilities of any animal are unique. Just like every person's potential is unique. There are many philosophies, systems and teachers that can help us become more aware of our innate abilities. We shouldn't limit ourselves to just one. Each of them can give us something.

This lesson and its magic involve gaining knowledge from whatever sources are available to you. You acquire knowledge, rethink it, synthesize various systems - that is, use them in a way that is ideal for you. Only then will you be able to fully realize yourself.

Most people fail when practicing magic because they try to manipulate the people and situations around them. Magic works best when we use it on ourselves. Be yourself and do what comes most naturally to you, and then you won't have to manipulate the world. You will find more joy, satisfaction and happiness in yourself, and the world will increase them.

A falcon that fails to catch a rabbit does not try to become a stoat or a raccoon. He learns to use his natural abilities - eyes, speed, strong claws - more effectively. Every time he hunts, he becomes stronger and wiser. Even if he does not achieve results, he does not feel insecure. He'll just put in more effort at the next opportunity. He instinctively knows that he will always have other options. When we begin to understand and use our own talents, we instinctively realize that we will certainly have opportunities to express them. If the falcon does not catch the rabbit, it may catch a snake or a mouse.

A Lesson in Responsibility

The eagle, which has long been considered a symbol of the highest spiritual vision, is a powerful illustration of this lesson. He is at the top of his food pyramid, and his life depends on the balance of species at its lower levels. The prey the eagle eats is often poisoned with pesticides. This does not always lead to the death of eagles, but it often affects the quality of the eggs they lay. The shell becomes too fragile and the offspring do not survive. Humans are also at the top of the food chain and we need to take a closer look at this relationship

Our totems help us recognize opportunities. They help us define who we are and how we can succeed. Their individual properties reflect our own innate abilities. When we learn to live to the fullest of our strengths, we realize that the world has everything we need to be happy. Miracles begin to happen so often that we cannot attribute everything to a random coincidence.

The skills your totem uses to survive or catch prey can help you become more conscious of the Earth and become more aware of it. By allowing your totem to teach you and help you awaken your hidden abilities, you are better attuned to the world around you and can more fully benefit from its benefits.

Magic exercises

1. The first exercise is designed for self-awareness and introspection more than any other. Check out your totem's unique abilities. The references given in this book and your own research should help you identify two or three special qualities of your totem.

Take a few minutes to relax and look back on your life, starting from the present moment and working your way back into the past. Mentally dividing your life into five-year segments, try to determine when you successfully demonstrated the qualities inherent in your totem. Try also to remember those periods of your life when you could or were able to demonstrate these qualities to your advantage. This will help you develop a rapport with your totem, and also be more conscious of the next time an opportunity arises.

2. To learn this lesson and learn to use its magic of realization, you must be able to accept the gifts of the Earth. Everything we have is available to us and is often offered to us. Every day fate presents us with gifts, but we either refuse them or simply do not recognize them. We have lost the ability to accept the gifts of the Earth. This is what predators can teach us.

Unfortunately, we were taught that development is impossible without suffering. We were taught that we should not be selfish. Our religious teachings and our society tell us that we should only give. Therefore we refuse to accept anything. We do not realize that in order for our desires to come true, we must be able to receive. People are given a compliment, and they respond with something like: “Well, this old thing is not worth praise!” or, “Oh no, I’m really out of shape today.” People offer us help, and we say, “No, thank you. I can handle it myself.”

If we do not accept even the little things - compliments, help, etc. - the universe does not send us anything more significant. It is with the ability to accept the small that the magnetic attraction begins, attracting more significant things into your life. Try to take whatever is offered to you over the next few weeks. Observe how often this happens and how often you would like to refuse offers. Don't feel guilty or try to evaluate how you can repay the favor. Just accept gifts joyfully and easily. In the future, you will have plenty of opportunities to express gratitude in a more appropriate and appropriate way.

The predator knows how to get. If the earth gives him the opportunity to find prey, he, without hesitation, grabs it. If he doesn't do this, he will remain hungry. When you learn to recognize and appreciate your potential, you will have even greater opportunities to realize it.

A Lesson in Responsibility

Magic: Prophecy

Element: Air

Side of the world: East

The complex web of relationships that connects everyone and everything—predators and prey—is best demonstrated through trophism, or the process of feeding. Plants convert sunlight into energy, which then travels through the food chain. Plants get nutrition from soil and sunlight. Grasshoppers eat grass. Frogs eat grasshoppers and so on.

Energy is transferred from prey to predator. That is why in many cultures it is traditionally believed that when a person tastes the meat of an animal, its energy and essence becomes part of that person. Any form of life feeds on some forms of life and in turn is eaten by others. This creates a strong and deep connection.

Every action you take leads to a loss of energy, which is spent on breathing, maintaining heat in the body and other natural functions of living beings. Therefore, as energy moves up the food chain to higher trophic levels, the number of individuals at each level decreases. There can never be as many wolves as deer, or as many swallows as insects. Predators are always in the minority.

Humans are at the very top of the food pyramid, and this should give us pause. Given that we are ravaging the earth and exterminating many species of animals, polluting the soil and air, what state is the energy of food in when it reaches us? The extermination of animals, destruction of their habitat, environmental pollution, use of pesticides, etc. disrupt the natural balance of predators and their prey.

This affects the state of human society just as much as it affects the natural world. Like the relationship between predator and prey in nature, every human action causes a reaction in all worlds - positive or negative. The predator-prey relationship should teach people that every action comes with responsibility. There are relationships beyond the limits of our perception and understanding.

Most ancient cultures recognized this relationship. Every living being was revered, and human life was considered no more sacred than any other form of life. Before, during and after the hunt, special rituals and ceremonies were performed. At the heart of these rituals was the awareness that there was a close connection between man and the spirit of the animal.

During some rituals, participants asked permission to hunt. Other rituals were meant to show respect and gratitude to animals and to give thanks for food. People often hung animal bones on trees or piled them on the ground near the place where the animal was killed as a sign of gratitude and as if asking forgiveness for taking its life.

Gradually, people begin to realize the interconnectedness of all living things. There are many ways in which other life forms - animals, plants and minerals - enrich our lives. They have utilitarian value, such as giving us food, clothing, and the like. Besides this, they teach us a lot and are simply pleasing to the eye.

At some stage of our development, we should look beyond our usual picture of the world. When we become aware of the diversity of life, we gain a deeper understanding of how our actions affect the well-being of all other beings. We are not isolated from the world. There is a close connection between us and the rest of the world.

This higher vision is the magic of this lesson. That is why it corresponds to the element of Air and the cardinal direction – East. Air and the east symbolize creativity, inspiration and higher forms of perception. Air connects earth and heaven. It is a symbol of universal unity. It unites all life on our planet. No one can exist without air. It reflects invisible relationships that cannot always be seen, but they are always present.

The element of Air teaches us to control the work of the mind and see connections between earth and heaven, between animals and people and between everything that exists in life. As we will learn in the second part of this book, all birds are to some extent associated with the element of Air. They teach how to rise to the height from which you can see the entirety of the relationships between living beings. Birds of prey especially have a lot to teach us.

When you learn to recognize these relationships, you can trace the impact of actions and events on the past or future. Your prophetic gift may awaken. Prediction is the ability to obtain information about the future or other unknown events. Most psychics who give accurate predictions are able to do so because of their ability to see relationships. Psychics are able - no matter what means they use - to see the pattern of behavior that led a person to the state in which he is at the moment. Because people rarely change their behavior patterns, the percentage of correct predictions for those who are able to see these patterns can be quite high.

The Lakota Sioux Indians revere an ancient saint named White Buffalo. The legend tells how she appeared at a time when the Indians did not know at all how to live. When she appeared, she began to talk to people in a special magical wigwam built especially for her. She gave the people a sacred pipe and taught how, with its help, they could always choose the right direction. The bowl of the pipe represented a buffalo and all people, and its mouthpiece represented everything that grows on the earth. She taught the Indians how to use the pipe and taught them the sacred mystery of universal interconnectedness that the pipe symbolized.

She taught them how the pipe would help them turn their lives into continuous prayer, so that everything could become one - the earth, the sky, two-legged, four-legged, winged, trees, grass and all living things.

This lesson that predators and prey give us - like the lesson of the White Buffalo - teaches us that all things, people, events and times are interconnected. When we are able to see these connections and follow them into the past and into the future, we are using prophetic magic.

Magic exercises

1. In any relationship, three things are most important: silence, respect and participation. Relationships teach us silence. Silence allows us to listen and perceive the true essence of the relationship. It enables us to understand when to speak and act.

Relationships also teach us respect for the lives of others and to only take life when truly necessary. Relationships also teach us participation. They indicate how we can best live with each other. This exercise will give you the opportunity to take on the role of predator in a relationship. Let your totem guide you into your past. You will focus on all the relationships that are most important to you. Observe yourself objectively in these relationships and allow your totem to show you whether you acted as a predator or a victim in them, or combined both roles.

As a result of such research, you should recognize the behavior pattern that you usually use. Once you have identified this pattern, allow your totem to bring you back to the present time. Then give him the opportunity to show you the one important quality he can teach you to maintain balance in your relationship. Allow your totem to merge with you to heal and restore balance, and allow you to see the world through completely different eyes.

2. Choose an incident from your life today. This could be an event, an outburst of emotions (positive or negative), or something that has impressed you over the past three months. Focus on this situation, close your eyes and imagine how your totem is approaching you.

Let your totem transport you to the day when this event occurred. Observe what is happening and mentally reproduce it. Then let your totem take you a little further into the past to see what caused this event. Do this at least four times.

Some people often make large leaps in time when doing this exercise. They go back five, sometimes ten years, and mentally replay events from the past that seem completely unrelated. However, there is almost always a connection. An emotion or behavior during a past event may be part of the pattern that led to the recent experience.

Just watch. When you return from the past, you will still have time to reflect and make connections. Allow your totem to bring you back to the present, leaving those events behind. You may want to talk to your totem, but instead ask it to connect with you over the next few days to heal and empower you and bring clarity to the situation. It is helpful to write down what you experienced during the visualization. Notes will help you isolate the essence of events from the invisible mental world and understand their meaning.

Don't be disappointed if you don't get results at first. Be persistent. By developing your relationship with the totem through such exercises, you will learn not only to explore the past, but also to travel into the future.

You can use the same technique to determine the impact of current events on your future. This task is somewhat more difficult because it can sometimes be difficult to maintain objectivity. Many people project into their mind's eye what they would like to see, instead of having the courage to look at the real consequences of what is happening.

Start by exploring the past. Once you have achieved sufficient success with this, you can move on to using this process to trace the so-called ripple effect that determines the future. You will learn to do this not only for yourself, but also for others. It can also be used to understand how your past lives are connected to the present, as well as to make connections connecting the present to future lives.

Be persistent and practice. Remember that developing a relationship with a totem beast requires patience and time. Each time it will get easier and easier. The more you respect and interact with your totem, the more new discoveries you will make.

Chapter 4. Interpretation of natural signs and signs

Ecology is a science that studies the interaction of living beings and the environment. We cannot gain power over nature, but we can learn to understand it in order to use this knowledge to our advantage. It is the ability to understand and explain natural phenomena that allows us to recognize future events.

People all over the world have always believed in omens to one degree or another. They held a strong belief that making changes in nature would bring about changes that could happen in their own lives. This is due to the ancient law of correspondence that we discussed earlier. What affects us on one level also affects us on another. Divine forces speak to people through nature and its various manifestations.

In order to read omens, we must learn to use the innate ability to resonate with the elements of nature that we all have but have become less aware of. As you master animal language, you will begin to see relationships and patterns in nature and animal behavior, and draw analogies to what is happening in your life.

To do this, first of all, you need to have an idea of ​​the world around you and the animals living in it. Having an understanding of the rhythms of life and the habits of animals, you will know what behavior is normal and natural for them, and what you should pay close attention to. You must realize that there are no random events or coincidences - that all things, people and animals matter to you. You must understand that the supernatural world is often reflected in the natural world.

The main difficulty is to explain how these signs of nature relate to what is happening in your own life. You must constantly learn to see connections, but at the same time try not to pull correspondences and analogies out of thin air.

When interpreting the signs of nature that appear in your life, it is easy to become superstitious. Most people believe that omens and superstitions are one and the same thing. The interpretation of signs is based on knowledge of the environment and the animals living in it. If this behavior is outside of what is natural, it may reflect some changes happening in your life. Remember that if you have a solid knowledge base, you will not have to invent correspondences in interpreting the signs of nature. They become noticeable on their own.

Superstitions are unfounded beliefs on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the significance of an event or object. Superstitions are often accompanied by unaccountable fears. As a rule, superstitious people often perform various actions in order to avoid misfortune. In this case, relationships and correspondences are established between nature and human life that are absolutely not true.

Superstition associated with Valentine's Day

It has long been believed that a woman can determine the type of man she will marry by the first bird she sees on Valentine's Day.

Sparrow is a happy man.

Dove is a kind-hearted man.

Woodpecker - a woman will never marry.

Klest is an irritable and angry man.

The bluebird is a happy man.

Malinovka is a sailor.

An owl is a man who will not live long.

Falcon is a professional military man or a brave man.

Blackbird is a priest, pastor or religious leader.

A goldfinch is a rich man (especially if it was a goldfinch with yellow plumage).

In fact, these are all just superstitions. Depending on what birds live near a person’s home, there is a high probability of seeing the same birds every day and never seeing others. As for the unusual behavior of a bird, it may indicate some unexpected or unusual situation awaiting a person in the near future, and not a future life partner. However, such fortune telling can be good entertainment on Valentine's Day.

The best example to determine the difference between signs and superstitions is the behavior of the short-eared owl. Residents of various settlements often experience times when a huge number of rodents or other small animals suddenly appear in their homes. In some areas, field mice suddenly appear and infest the entire area. People often associated this with future misfortunes, disasters and even inevitable punishment. The foreboding of trouble, expressed by the unusually increased number of rodents, intensified even more when a flock of short-eared owls suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere appeared near the house.

To a superstitious person who does not have the necessary knowledge, this may seem like a really scary sign, especially considering that rodents and owls have long had a bad reputation. People with good knowledge of both species of these animals explain this situation in a completely different way.

There are years when the numbers of many species of predators and their prey drop sharply, and years when their populations grow unusually. Many rodents are subject to cycles of boom and bust in their numbers, which often coincide with the cycles of the predators that hunt them. Short-eared owls often gather in whole flocks to profit from a rich treat. Thus, the appearance of rodents and owls is not a reflection of impending disaster or misfortune. On the contrary, their appearance is a blessing and helps restore balance in nature. Other birds also have this ability. For example, the California gull is a bird that Salt Lake City Mormons depicted in marble for saving their crops from being destroyed by crickets.

As your knowledge develops, you will notice increasingly deeper and less obvious patterns. But the connections between what you perceive in nature and what you experience in your own life should not be invented out of thin air. You must be careful not to let your desire to predict the future override your common sense. And although it is usually safe to assume that events in nature can and usually do reflect some information about events in your life, only a solid base of knowledge will allow you to be confident that you are not deceiving yourself.

The most common errors in interpretation occur due to your fears. With the rise in field mice and the sudden appearance of short-eared owls, some people may feel that their lives are about to turn into a nightmare. Since even today many have retained primitive ideas about owls as evil messengers of the devil, nothing else can come to their minds.

Excessive numbers of field mice and owls signal the beginning of a cycle of rapid population growth. Simultaneous growth should restore balance. But this kind of explanation is possible only on the basis of knowledge. To a person who has knowledge or takes the time to study what he observes around him, the natural world can explain most events in his life.

Of course, it is much easier to see in nature what you want, rather than what actually exists. Many perceive every natural phenomenon as a supernatural sign. In fact, it makes sense, as a rule, to decipher those phenomena that somehow do not agree with your knowledge of nature.

When you begin to study and observe the surrounding nature, you will become familiar with its patterns. Pay attention to the species of animals you encounter and their usual habits. The more you learn, the more easily you will be able to recognize something unusual. If something happens that does not fit into your ideas about nature, then this means that nature is asking you to pay attention.

Mastering animal language requires you to become aware of the fact that nature most often communicates with you in a natural way. A person who wants to clearly express his thoughts uses various means - language, voice and facial expression, tone, volume, etc. Sometimes there are special intonations in the voice that emphasize the importance of the message. Nature and its inhabitants also know how to speak to us in this way. If the message is important, then tangible, although often subtle, changes occur in the surrounding nature.

Interpretation of signs

Nature communicates with us constantly. Through images, colors, textures, smells and various manifestations of animal life, it conveys information to us about the world and our lives. Nature symbolism will change according to its meaning, so you need to know its nature meaning.

Each animal has distinctive features, its own movements, body shape and color. Each of them enters into their own unique relationships with people. Many of them are listed in the dictionaries that you can find in this book, but they provide only general guidelines. You must compile your own dictionary. Different groups of people speaking the same language may use different dialects and have different pronunciations. The same applies to animal language. You should learn the dialect that suits you best.

In ancient Rome, certain officials were engaged in recognizing and interpreting natural signs to obtain divine advice before making political decisions. These people were called augurs. "Julius Caesar was a respected augur." Despite the fact that initially members of a special commission who predicted the future from the flight of birds were called augurs, gradually this term began to be applied to any person who used the behavior of animals for predictions. Similar predictions of the future based on the behavior of birds and animals were known in ancient Rome as auspices.

Ancient augurs studied nature. They learned to interpret her signs and understand her language. Each augur had his own specialization: some worked with birds, while others worked with animals and natural phenomena. Regardless of their area of ​​expertise, each augur was required to use certain terms and develop new understandings of nature.

If you are going to learn animal language and develop your auspicious ability, then you must learn to relate to nature in a new way. Nature speaks to us every day, but only a few truly hear it. If you were talking to someone and they didn’t hear you, then soon you would completely stop talking to such people. If you really want to master the language of animals, then you must restore the channels of communication with nature. You must notify nature that you are ready to listen to her again.

To restore communication and develop the ability to auspiciously, it is necessary to go through ten successive stages. You can take them in any area - in the city, in the forest, in the swamps, in the mountains, in the field, etc. By consciously interacting with the area in which you live, you send a message to the universe, and first of all to nature itself that you are now open to communication. And all that is needed to understand what nature has to say is a willingness to listen to it. These are the stages.

1. Establish direct contact with nature. Take a walk in the forest or in the park. When walking along the shore of a reservoir, take binoculars with you. Look for wet areas in the area. Listen and look at nature, even when you are just walking around the city. Try to recognize birds by their singing. Try to identify different types of trees by the shape of their leaves.

2. Start by exploring the nature that directly surrounds you. And although it may seem to some that there is almost no nature in the city, the chipmunk deserves no less attention than the grizzly bear. Plants have long been considered symbols of human mystical abilities, and each of them endows him with its own unique qualities. Below are lists of trees and flowers and their corresponding basic properties. For more information, you can refer to my earlier book called The Magical Name.

3. Pay attention to the landscape. As you'll read in Chapter 5, landscape can tell a lot. It can be as symbolic as the lifestyle of the animals that inhabit it. What does the shape of the area around your home say about you? What is the soil texture? Is it pleasing to the eye and to the touch? Ask yourself, what qualities are needed to live in such an area?

4. The three most common signs that were interpreted by the ancient augurs were considered: (a) the appearance of birds and animals; (b) screams, chirps and other sounds produced by them; (c) feathers, fur, stones or any other material fetishes. You too must pay close attention to the physical signs of nature. They are often among the most important elements of the auspices and can become powerful amulets.

5. When you are in nature, it happens that some thing suddenly attracts your attention. On some days you can highlight the special aroma of flowers. On other days, the continuous cawing of crows may attract your attention. Some other time you may be interested in a particular tree. Everything that you pay most attention to when you are in nature conveys some kind of information to you. Notice it all, welcome it and take note. Then research and analyze. What qualities and properties are associated with this? Perhaps these properties will be a reflection of the qualities that are beginning to awaken in you, or those that you need to awaken. Ask yourself: “Where and how can I use these qualities? What does this say about me and my life?

Symbolism of tree properties

Orange – clarity of emotions, healing of mental trauma.

Birch - new beginnings, working with your past, insight.

Hawthorn – fertility and creativity, magic.

Elderberry – birth and death, revival of the Fairy Kingdom.

Beech - tolerance, knowledge of the past, lack of excessive criticism.

Heather – inner healing, immortality and initiative.

Cherry – death and rebirth, liberation from illusions.

Elm – willpower, intuition.

Oak – strength and endurance, willingness to help, integrity.

Spruce – new awareness, healing, intuition.

Honeysuckle – application of knowledge from the past, insight, change.

Willow – magic, healing, inner insight and dreams.

Cedar – healing, cleansing, protection.

Cypress - understanding the role of sacrifice.

Maple – balance, practical application of extrasensory abilities.

Walnut tree - facilitating transformation, following a special path.

Hazel - hidden wisdom, the ability to dowsing and predictions.

Aspen – determination, overcoming fears and doubts.

Holly – protection, overcoming anger, spiritual strength.

Palm tree – protection, tranquility, favorable opportunities.

Sycamore – communication, love, ability to accept.

Lilac – spirituality, awareness of true beauty.

Pine – balance of positive and negative emotions, creativity.

Apple tree – magic, youth, beauty and happiness.

Ash – sacrifice, sensitivity and highest wisdom.

6. As you learn to better observe nature and apply the information you receive, it is useful to pay special attention to color schemes. Do you pick out flowers or plants of a particular color or are you constantly confronted with them? What color birds attract your attention? Does the color of the animal you meet make a significant difference? Remember that color can be a very important guide to the types of energy you may feel. As you will learn later, animal color can provide deep insight into the characteristics and energies manifesting in your life. Color conveys a lot of information about the energies of the totem and the possibility of their application in relation to you. The black color of the raven's feathers can serve as a symbol of mysticism or the ability to bring light from darkness. A red fox you meet could mean the awakening of kundalini.

Symbolism of the properties of flowers

Basil – unity, discipline and rigor.

Begonia – balance, psychism.

Gardenia – purity of actions and thoughts, emotional help.

Clove – deep love, healing, self-love.

Dahlia is the highest development, self-respect and self-esteem.

Geranium – happiness, healing and renewed joy.

Hyacinth - overcoming melancholy, gentleness and kindness, inner beauty.

Hibiscus – femininity, sexuality and warmth, the birth of something new.

Gypsophila – modesty, prettiness.

Gladiolus - receptivity to God's will.

Morning glory – destruction of the old, spontaneity.

Iris – inspiration, purity of the soul.

Cactus is a manifestation of brightness and beauty.

Calendula – fidelity, longevity, devoted sacrifice.

Clover – luck, love and loyalty, kindness.

Lavender – magic, love, protection, healing and insight.

Lily – birth, righteous thoughts, humility.

Snapdragon – willpower, creative expression, clairvoyance.

Buttercup – self-respect, the power of words.

Daisy – awareness, creativity, inner strength.

Narcissus – the power of inner beauty, clarity of thoughts.

Sunflower – convenient opportunities, self-expression, happiness.

Rose – love, endurance achieved in silence, passion.

Rosemary – strength, clarity of thought, sensitivity.

Violet – modesty, happiness and satisfaction, mental sensitivity.

Also, studying the symbolic meaning of colors will help you in your ability to decipher the signs of nature, since color is a visible expression of energy.

Remember that there are almost no pure tones in nature - only shades - so be more flexible in your interpretations.

It is completely natural if you come across animals that have only muted or variegated colors. Keep in mind that most animals have colors that help them survive. More subdued colors may reflect a form of camouflage that serves to protect the animal.

Be sure to ask yourself the question: “What does this color mean for the animal?” Ask yourself whether you want to develop the positive properties of this color, or whether you want the color to remind you to do something about its negative meaning.

The list below will give you a deeper understanding of colors and their symbolic meanings. The bibliography lists several books that will also help you in determining the meaning of a particular color.

7. In addition, it makes sense to pay attention to the number of animals you meet. An ancient symbolic tradition is associated with numbers, as well as with colors. Numbers can help you determine the best areas to use the energies of your totem. They can also help you better understand what nature is trying to tell you.

For example, while in nature, you may see three crows flying overhead. After some time, you may see crows several more times, and again there will be three of them. Some consider the crow or raven to be a symbol of darkness and great emptiness, but the number of birds seen changes the interpretation. The number “three” symbolizes creativity and new birth, so the three crows you see may mean that a rebirth will soon occur in your life, a way out of the void, the birth of light from darkness.

The mysticism of numbers can help you understand the language of animals. The more you open your mind to mastering nature's expanded "vocabulary" - the properties of colors, numbers, plants, animals, etc. - the more it will communicate with you, and the better you will understand it. Does it happen that you regularly see the same animals in the same numbers? Does an animal or bird, such as a crow, react to you by croaking or making other sounds? If so, how many times does she make these sounds? Is there some kind of system to these sounds?

Pay close attention to the appearance of animals that you have almost never seen in the wild before. This is especially important if they suddenly begin to regularly catch your eye. There were days when I came across a red fox several times on my way, either on foot or by car. Since the fox has the ability to camouflage itself and is usually difficult to notice, its appearance - especially more than once - was significant. So I analyzed the symbolic meaning of the fox, the number of encounters I had with it, and the direction of its movement. All this really helped me understand the difficult life situation in which I found myself at that moment.

Learning the meaning of numbers, and especially numerology, will help you expand your “vocabulary” for communicating with nature. When getting acquainted with numerology, special attention should be paid to single-digit numbers from one to nine. The table below will introduce you to some of the meanings of the numbers:

(All two-digit numbers can be reduced to one of nine single-digit numbers by adding two digits. For example: 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.)

8. The next way to form the foundations of mastering the language of animals and the ability to auspiciously is to focus attention on the direction in which the animals appear. As we already discussed in the previous chapter about predators and prey, each direction or side of the world has its own meaning and meaning.

Different societies associated certain qualities with each side of the world. Some of these connections have turned into superstitions. For example, it was believed that a bird cry heard in the morning immediately after waking up, coming from the north, foreshadowed trouble. The cry of a bird heard from the south promised a rich harvest. The cry of birds, coming from the east, testified to great love, and from the west - to great luck.

As your relationship with nature and wildlife develops, you can ask your totems to appear from the side of the world that is most significant to achieving their goal. To do this, you must clearly know what each side of the world symbolizes. If some animal appears in front of you from a certain direction of the world, then it can help you develop qualities directly related to this direction. For example, if you associate the east with healing, and a red fox appeared in front of you from the east, then you have the right to assume that this will help your healing.

To more accurately decipher this sign, you need to consider the individual qualities and properties of the animal. Since the fox is associated with the ability to camouflage and be invisible, this may mean that it is time to start healing what has been hidden from you.

The table below shows the qualities most often attributed to each cardinal direction. You are not required to accept this system. Set up your own matches. Then, when an animal from this side of the world appears in front of you, you will know what role it plays in your life.

In addition to the four cardinal directions, you also need to pay attention to the position of the animal in relation to you. Has an animal appeared to your right or left? Does it move from left to right or from right to left? Is it heading towards you or away from you? It all matters.

The right side is generally considered to be more masculine and active, while the left side is considered more feminine and receptive. If an animal appears to your left, this may mean that its energies still need expression. If on the right, then this may indicate that the animal’s energies have already found a way out. If an animal crosses your path from right to left, then this may indicate that its energies are penetrating your life; perhaps even originating within you. However, you must determine the exact meaning of these signs for yourself.

For at least five minutes every day for a week, practice meditation on these connections. With this you program your mind to understand. In addition, you thereby convey to nature recommendations for establishing communication with you. (More details about this meditation are given in paragraph 10.)

9. Another way that nature will speak to you is by the type of animal activity. To understand what information it is trying to tell you, you must know the behavior style characteristic of the animal.

When you see that the animal is barely moving, this can serve as a reminder to you that it is time to take a break or rest from your activities. If you see squirrels playing and chasing each other instead of preparing supplies, this may alert you to the need to make time for their own entertainment. On the other hand, if you observe two animals fighting each other, this may indicate conflicts that are already present or may soon arise in your life. The type of animal and the way they fight will help you pinpoint where conflict is most likely to manifest itself in your life.

There are four large dogs living in my house - two golden retrievers, a German shepherd and a mongrel who thinks he is a golden retriever. Each dog has its own character. Each of them, through their behavior, periodically lets me know what I should expect in my life.

The oldest is the golden retriever, which is considered the leader. The dog knows about this and does not try to prove its dominance. Other dogs sometimes make attempts to push her aside when they pass through the door or get food. She always remains calm. She always remains a real lady. At times when animals behave this way, I sit down and try to change my mind. Often this means I just have to be patient and wait. The dog's behavior reminds me that my position is not in danger.

Another golden retriever named Cheyenne loves to be outdoors and play. This dog always stays a little aloof from the others. If she wants to chat and play, she sits opposite me and starts hitting me with her paw. No matter what I may be doing, she keeps insisting. If hitting me with her paw doesn't help, she starts gently biting my feet or goes up to the bedroom and grabs one of my socks, and then throws it from side to side in front of my eyes. If this also does not work, then she begins to fuss noisily with other dogs under my feet. This behavior is a signal to me that it’s time for me to take a break from work and unwind a little. This often means that I get too caught up in work or only interact with other people for business purposes.

My German Shepherd named Akasha likes to think of herself as a queen. She hates when other dogs don't pay attention to her or when other dogs pass ahead of her. When we first adopted our mongrel Avalon, Akasha took on the role of mother. Unfortunately, at times she becomes very aggressive towards Avalon, sometimes even overly aggressive. When this happens, I sit down and analyze in what life situations I might have been overly aggressive or unceremonious. Most often I can easily understand this.

As for the mongrel named Avalon, she helps other dogs to always be active and playful. She likes to show other dogs that she can do things they can't. She constantly teases and angers everyone, carries and hides things. When she becomes completely uncontrollable, looking at her, I remember how important it is to always remain a child at heart.

With experience, you can learn to see connections between animal behavior and your own life. The more you know about the lifestyles of the animals you encounter, the easier it will be for you to do this. Effective results can be achieved both when interacting with wild animals and when communicating with your pets.

10. The final stage of learning animal language and auspices can be called perhaps the most important. If you want nature to talk to you and give you signs, you must ask her to do so. You have to make a conscious effort to tune into nature.

Meditate outdoors. Send thoughts and prayers to Mother Nature, asking her to show you signs and communicate with you. Every time you go outside, pay attention to everything you see, hear and feel, as well as all the smells you smell. Try to discover connections between what you feel and your life circumstances. Experience tells me that the best way to become friends with someone is to ask for help. When you ask a person to do you a favor, you are showing respect for him and what he can do. You recognize that this person has unique abilities. Ask nature to teach you to speak its language. This is the best thing you can do for her and for yourself.

When you tune into the wavelength of your spirit animals, you will be able to establish a certain way of communicating with them. One of my totems is the falcon. Over the years I have developed the ability to see and hear falcons wherever I go. When I go on a journey, I always ask the falcon to grant me insight so that I can foresee possible dangers. I always ask the falcon to let me know that it has heard my prayers by showing itself to me immediately after I set off. The Falcon never failed to meet my expectations. I always managed to see several falcons that appeared along the road during the first hour of my journey. They may sit on road signposts, on tree branches hanging over the road, or simply fly high in the sky. Every time I see a falcon, I greet it and pay my respects to it.

Sometimes I have to travel after dark. Since falcons do not fly at night, I ask the falcon to send me another totem animal to let me know that I am protected and my journey has been blessed. I may see deer, owls, or other nocturnal animals, and their numbers will let me know the falcon is watching me.

As you develop a relationship with your totem, you can ask it to appear to you in a certain way to convey specific messages, developing a kind of code language. For example, I ask the falcons to tell me where the police are on the highway, or if there is a traffic jam ahead. When I see a falcon while driving, I pay attention to whether it is looking at me, behind me or in front of me, whether it is soaring in the sky, whether it is to the right of the road or to the left, etc. Over the years, we have succeeded create a surprisingly rich “vocabulary”. This method has never failed me and I have always received very accurate information.

Chapter 5. The meaning of different types of terrain

As noted in the previous chapter, one of the ways you can come to understand nature and what it communicates to you through the animal kingdom is by studying and analyzing the symbolism of its habitat.

The type of terrain in which animals can be found and observed is essential to your understanding of the role they play in your life as totems. Different types of ecosystems reflect different aspects of our soul. We can get a lot of information about our internal state if we study the types of terrain with which our lives are in one way or another connected. In many cultures, various forms of landscape have symbolic meaning. By studying the area in which we live, we can learn a lot about our own life situation. To do this we must consider:

Individual elements of the ecosystem, such as trees, flowers, soil, etc.;

The main representatives of the animal world;

Climatic conditions and peculiarities of changing seasons;

Symbolism associated with the geometric shape of natural objects;

The predominant color scheme.

These are just some of the aspects that need to be explored. Within the framework of this book we do not have the opportunity to explore all the variety of factors and their hidden symbolic meaning. We will try to give you a general idea.

In the East (especially in India and Tibet), studying the symbolism of geometric shapes - be it the shape of a room, courtyard or park - helps a person to properly build his life. This science is called yantra, or geomancy. And although in Western traditions the word “geomancy” is often understood as a method of fortune telling, it has a much wider application for harmonizing the environment.

Today, the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, the goal of which is to achieve the highest harmony with nature, has become widespread in Western countries. This is achieved due to the fact that the principles of design, architecture, ecology and mysticism are taken into account when arranging furniture and arranging a room. Despite all the mysticism surrounding it, feng shui arose from simple observations that the environment has an effect on people, leading to healing or illness.

The Chinese, like many other peoples, saw a dynamic relationship between the appearance of an area and the lives of the people who inhabited it. They believed that nature reacts to any change, and this is reflected in human life. Feng Shui is a language of symbols that correspond to the type of habitat - be it a rural area or a large city, and this language works even at the level of a single garden plot or room. A feng shui specialist believed that the shape of an area could leave an imprint on a person's life, influencing his character or well-being.

In the art of Feng Shui, all elements of the landscape are endowed with symbolic properties. Mountains become watchdogs and rivers become snakes. Trees symbolize longevity and protection, and flat, riverless plains are considered areas devoid of energy. Studying the symbolic properties of the landscape in interaction with totem animals can provide a lot of information.

This principle can be used for both rural and urban environments. In the city, multi-storey buildings replace mountains, and roads represent rivers. The size, shape and color of buildings affect the natural flow of energy and provide a lot of information about what kind of energy will manifest in your life. This can also help you in what direction and at what angle the streets go to each other.

Behind my house there is a small hill, on top of which there are several apartment buildings that resemble the backbone of a dragon. My home is separated from these houses by thick, bright green vegetation covering the hill, which would indicate to a feng shui specialist that this place has high energy. This place is home to various animals - raccoons, opossums, crows, woodpeckers, owls and many other birds and small mammals.

Unfortunately, last year the city authorities demanded that apartment owners clear the hill of trees and bushes. After they cultivated the area, it took less than a month for it to become lush again, despite their best efforts to control the growth of the plants. Everything showed the flow of positive energy in the area, even the new trees stretching upward. This reinforced the impression that a powerful, good dragon had settled near my house.

Symbolism of types of terrain

By exploring the shapes and character of the area in which you live and the habitats of your totems, you will learn a lot about yourself and the role that the totem plays in your life. Explore the landscape of the area where you meet and observe wild animals. Try also to identify some of their symbolic qualities. This will help you appreciate the importance of the area's native wildlife. To successfully deal with this, you must learn to use creative imagination and common sense along with psychic and practical knowledge. The descriptions below will help you with this.

Urban environment

In modern society, most people choose large cities as their place of residence. If you are a city dweller, this will not prevent you from learning to understand nature and master the language of animals. Urban environments, like any other type of place, can teach us their own unique lessons.

Often these lessons are related to the ability to live in human society and demonstrate qualities such as versatility, flexibility and adaptability. Explore the variety of people, conditions, and similar features of your environment. Consider the outline of the shape of your city. What does its shape represent? Which direction is the main city building (city administration building) facing: east, west, north or south? Which way is your town house facing? Remember that the cardinal directions have their own symbolism.

What shape does your house or yard have? For a feng shui practitioner or someone with practical skills in landscape interpretation, a rectangular or square shape is usually the best. This form indicates the balance of energies. What can the features of the streets closest to your home indicate? A higher location of the backyard compared to the front is generally considered more favorable. Do trees and shrubs grow near your house? If yes, then this indicates healthy energy. Remember that cities have their own metabolism. People living in them acquire many of the qualities characteristic of their homes, yards and streets.

Cities also have their own wildlife. Animals that were able to survive and live in the city are distinguished by their ability to adapt. Be careful about making hasty judgments about urban animals. Even a rat as a totem animal can become a powerful ally and teacher for you. In Chinese astrology in particular, the rat has properties that range from funny to meticulous and often change directions. As with any animal, all distinctive features of urban animals must be carefully studied.

Parks and other green areas

For city residents, parks and other green areas are essential for maintaining at least some contact with nature. They are symbolic reminders of growth and development—miniature manifestations of the natural world.

A park or garden is a fenced area of ​​nature. Nature there is tamed and under control. The park is also a symbol of feminine energies, the ability to create and care for life. To understand the significance of a park or garden in your life, local plants and the animals that visit there are essential. They generally show how well you are aware of and harness your inherent creative energies and abilities.

Just as your garden grows and bears fruit, you notice growth in related areas of your life. If you are an indoor gardener, at some point you may want to move your flowers outside the walls of the house so they can grow freely and freely. They can also be a means of attracting animals and making contact with them. This will strengthen your connection with nature and animals.

Caring for plants in a park or garden serves as a means of conveying a symbolic message that you are open to communication with nature and ready to accept what it has to offer. This is an outward manifestation of your desire to talk with nature. Someone will definitely say: “I can’t grow anything. Every time I plant something, the plant dies.” Death is part of nature and should not be a cause for despondency. It could also mean you're putting in too much effort or trying to grow something you haven't learned how to grow yet.

This, like any other serious work, requires patience. Believing that you can quickly and easily establish contact with nature and master the language of animals can only lead to disappointment. Remember that seeds need time to germinate and take root. But also remember that when you seek to connect with any aspect of nature, you open the door to connecting with the entire universe.

Home and dwelling

Your home and the animals that live in and around it can tell you a lot of information about your life. Do you keep animals at home? What main qualities and features characterize them? What kind of relationship did you have with them? It's amazing how many irresponsible pet owners there are. If you cannot manage your pet responsibly, your interactions with wild animals will be even less successful.

Your home is also a reflection of the processes occurring in your body and soul, and has a huge impact on you. Which rooms do you spend most of your time in? What shape are these rooms? What is the furnishings like in these rooms? Do they have order and cleanliness? Are they full of things? Is there anything superfluous in them? They are warm? Cozy?

They should be a place where you feel comfortable and safe. The more at ease and calm you feel, the easier it will be for you to establish communication with the animals living near your home. How do you feel when you open the front door of your home? What is the first thing you feel when you go out into the yard?

If you're about to move into a new home, it's helpful to pay attention to what birds and animals are in the area. Where exactly you see the animals also matters. If they gather most often and in large numbers in the area in front of the house, then this may serve as a reflection of the “façade” that you present to society, or that part of your soul that is open to the general public. If animals congregate most often in your backyard, this may reflect aspects of your personal life that you hide, your inner spiritual qualities. Every detail of your home, its appearance and interior can become guidelines for understanding yourself.

For example, if squirrels often gather in front of your house, this may indicate that you tend to appear to everyone as a very busy person - working a lot, attending social events and leading an active lifestyle. If squirrels are most often seen in your backyard, it may indicate that you are involved in an activity that is not visible to most people.

The forest is a very ancient mystical symbol. The symbolism associated with the forest is often complex and ambiguous, but it is always associated with the feminine principle in the universe - birth and creation.

Every forest contains wild animals in abundance and many plants that do not resemble domesticated plants. Of course, it is difficult to find forests in which there are no signs of human presence, but it is always useful to periodically go into the forest to be alone for a while. It frees our mind.

Forests are symbols of the subconscious. They represent hidden, untapped resources that we can access. People who are afraid of the forest may notice that they are actually afraid of freedom, their subconscious and their creative powers.

In the forest there are rules of life that are completely alien to city dwellers. It allows you to learn the lessons of the relationship between predator and prey much faster. The forest, one way or another, is a place where our creative inclinations can be reborn and flourish magnificently, without being subject to any restrictions from society and other people.

swampy area

The swampy area is characterized by rich flora and fauna. In particular, the marsh is a habitat for many waterfowl. As you will learn in the second part of this book, waterfowl represent the ability to rise above one's emotions and passions.

The swamp is also a symbol of rotting and disintegration into its constituent elements. Decomposition is part of the process of change - before something new can be built, the old must be completely destroyed. A swamp can serve as a reflection of active alchemical processes occurring in your life, especially if your totem is one of those animals that live in wetlands.

In the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Sir Gawain is the man who finally achieves his goal in finding the Holy Grail. Most of the trials that befell him took place in the swamp. For those whose totems are swamp animals and birds, it is useful to read the story about Gawain.

Meadows and valleys

The grasslands are also home to many animals. As a rule, rivers flow through them, on which the fertility of the soil depends, therefore, along with the symbolic meaning of meadows, it makes sense to study the symbolism of rivers. An abundance of thick grass and wildflowers gives the landscape a soft edge.

The soil of the grasslands is usually very fertile because it receives its nourishment from the flooding of the rivers, so the totems that live in this area help you understand how to make your life more complete. Don't forget to study the prevailing colors of the meadow and the types of flowers that grow there. Remember that grasslands are places where there is silence and gradual, subtle growth occurs.

Valleys have long been symbols of new life, new abundance and were considered a zone favorable for creative development. The totems living in this area will help you in this development. According to legends and traditions, priests of pagan gods often lived in the valleys.

Mountains and rocks

Mountains often serve as the personification of a person’s inner strength and greatness of spirit. The animals that live in the mountains will show you ways to discover your own spiritual power. The vertical position of mountains is traditionally a symbol of masculinity. Their gigantic size and shape represent male sexuality, expression and assertiveness. For the Chinese, mountains were a symbol of strength and nobility. Legends of dragons were often associated with mountain ranges.

Mountains can serve as a reflection of the internal alchemical process occurring in our lives. The spirit animals you meet in the mountains will show you the means you can use to control this process. Many myths tell about voids inside the mountains, in which the burning and tempering of the spirit of those who get inside takes place. Hollow mountains and their interior space were described as the land of the dead and the abode of magical or fairy-tale characters. Mountains remind us that our spirit is capable of overcoming any obstacle.

The highest mountains were often imagined by people as a pillar of the world, establishing a connection between earth and heaven. Shrines were often built on mountain peaks, which served as a place for people to communicate with the gods. Mountains are symbols of supreme meditation, spiritual greatness and union with the spirits of saints.

As for rocks, in myths and fairy tales they are traditionally depicted as obstacles that had to be crossed. They are often symbols of the true Self. Depending on its shape and type of stone, each rock has its own unique properties. Rocky areas, especially high in the mountains, were often considered the abode of gods and goddesses, as they were completely inaccessible.

On the other hand, they can symbolize integrity, stability and endurance. Mountains and cliffs are places from which we can see new perspectives. Many people cannot resist the temptation to climb and stand on the rocks in order to admire the surrounding landscape, despite the danger.

Clay soil

A terrain whose surface during certain periods (for example, after rains) consists predominantly of clay, as well as animals living on clay soils, are also associated with a certain symbolism.

Clay is a combination of the elements of Earth and Water, symbolizing the process of transition or transformation.

Clay is the material from which something new is born. This is an intermediate stage of manifestation of the material world. Such a location indicates the emergence of a new stimulus in some area of ​​your life. The totem animal will help you identify this sphere.

Clay can also serve as a reminder that it is time to re-energize and strengthen our direct connection to the earth. The appearance of a particular totem can provide guidelines indicating how best to accomplish this. Clay usually symbolizes a favorable opportunity for new beginnings.

On the other hand, too much clay or animals stuck in it may warn you against such things. Are there any obstacles in a certain area of ​​your life? Are you marking time? Perhaps you feel stuck in a quagmire of old emotions and are not ready to grow and move forward?

Oceans, seas and rivers

Water has always been a very important symbol for humans. Many myths and legends tell that life originated in the world's oceans. Modern science speaks about the same thing. The ocean is a symbol of the womb, motherhood and the feminine principle, and the totems associated with it have similar symbolic properties.

Any body of water is constantly in motion and reflects the variability of our own lives. Totems that live in water can teach you to always stay afloat - even during the most drastic changes.

The ocean and large seas are symbols of the subconscious and everything unconscious. The totems associated with them can help us awaken the deeper levels of the mind. Water is a reflection of our spiritual life and our emotions. The properties of water in seas, oceans and rivers (temperature, salinity, degree of pollution, etc.) can convey a lot of information about these aspects of our essence.

Rivers have an ancient symbolic connection with the animal world and the passage of time. Rivers are places where animals come to drink. The movement of water in a river often serves as a metaphor to describe the transience of time. Totems related to the river or simply encountered near the river can often help you interact with the past and/or future.

The flow of the river symbolizes the continuous process of development. The quality of river water, the speed of its flow and the totem animals associated with the river will help you determine the areas of your life where changes are currently taking place, and will teach you how to carry out this process correctly.

When learning the language of animals, we begin by studying their behavior and appearance. But we don't stop there. If we truly want to understand how divine powers manifest themselves through nature, we must study the environment in which the totem is found, along with its natural habitat, if it is different from where you encountered it.

Throughout your life, you encounter different climates, types of terrain, and a wide variety of animals. All this conveys some information to you. By answering the questions below, you will be able to understand what nature is communicating to you through the animal kingdom. This will help you turn your knowledge of animal language into predictive ability.

What features does a totem animal have? Does it make seasonal migrations or permanently live in a certain area?

What is its natural habitat, and what does it indicate?

What symbols correspond to the habitat in which you met your spirit animal?

In what climatic conditions does it feel most comfortable? Where does it usually spend the winter?

What information does your environment tell you about you and your life?

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Determine your totem. A Complete Description of the Magical Properties of Animals, Birds and Reptiles (Ted Andrews) provided by our book partner -

Ted Andrews

Determine your totem. A complete description of the magical properties of animals, birds and reptiles

Ted Andrews is a professional writer engaged in research and teaching in the field of esotericism. Throughout the country he conducts seminars, symposiums, scientific conferences and lectures on many aspects of ancient mysticism, with particular attention to the popularization of esoteric materials in order to make them accessible and useful to everyone.

Tad is a certified hypnosis and acupressure practitioner and is involved in the study and use of herbs as an alternative healing modality. He is actively involved in holistic healing. In addition to playing the piano, Tad also uses Celtic harp, bamboo flute, shamanic rattles, Tibetan bells, Tibetan singing bowls and quartz crystal bowls when using individualized healing techniques to achieve higher states of consciousness. Tad has clairvoyant abilities and is engaged in the analysis and synthesis of past lives, the interpretation of auras and dreams, numerology and Tarot cards. In addition to writing books, he is a regular contributor to a number of metaphysical journals, publishing articles on a variety of topics.

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Other books by Ted Andrews

Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls

Dream Alchemy: Shaping Our Dream to Transform Our Lives

Enchantment of the Faerie Realm

The Healer's Manual

How to Do Psychic Readings through Touch

How to Heal with Color

How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides

How to See and Read the Aura

How to Uncover Your Past Lives

Magical Dance

The Occult Christ

The Sacred Power in Your Name

Sacred Sounds: Transformation through Music and Word

Simplified Magick

Words of gratitude

Too often, what seems insignificant at the moment is perceived later as a real miracle. As a sign of great admiration, love and gratitude, I dedicate this book to the following people.

To Healer Kuenda for her love, precious friendship and for introducing me to the magic of the owl.

Ann Konik for her infectious enthusiasm.

Kinu Kwitugwe, who taught me how to use the magic of the falcon and falconry, in the process of teaching.

Nature Center named after. Brackner and everyone who works there for the opportunity to conduct research and communicate with animals in close proximity. Special thanks to them for permission to photograph the animals living there and use these photographs in this book.

Special thanks to Mark Mazzei, Debbie Brill and Terry Menock at the Nature Center. Brackner, for their help and valuable recommendations.

To my sister Teresa for her love of animals and working with them.

Pagan Alexandra for her constant participation and invaluable contribution to this work.

Constance Hill for her wonderful illustrations and editing.

And especially to the person who knows why the polar bear will lead us “to the east of the sun, to the west of the moon.”

Introduction. Learning Animal Language

My life has always been inextricably linked with nature. I was lucky enough to spend most of my childhood among forests, lakes, rivers and fields. Animals always appeared to me in my dreams and were present in my real life. They helped me make life decisions and even spoke to me during difficult times in my life.

I saw a wolf in the wild and we looked into each other's eyes. I met elk, bear, porcupines and otters in the forest. I have held falcons, owls and even a golden eagle on my arm, and once I was bitten by a fox. I fed the hawks and watched in admiration a deer roar on a distant hill.

Every morning I woke up to the crowing of roosters, and crows once helped me find my way when I was lost. I have held a fragile seahorse in my hands and seen a green moray eel swim away from me.

And I never tired of being amazed at the wonders of nature, its diversity and especially what it told me about my own life when I came into close contact with it. I kept trying to understand what she was trying to teach me. I know that nature speaks to us if we are willing to listen. Each animal has its own story to tell. Every flower blooms, reminding us of the need to be creative in life, and in the whisper of the foliage of every tree, the inexplicable mystery of existence is heard.

As a lifelong student of mysticism and educated in literature and linguistics, I have found references in most of the sacred books and mythological stories of many peoples to divine powers communicating with people through nature. I realized that humans were once part of the natural world, just as the natural world was part of them. Communication with animals and nature was not the privilege of a narrow circle of priests and shamans. All people have the right to communicate with them.

Nowadays, you can often hear people talk about their desire to “be closer to nature”, “to return to the earth”. The truth is that we have never moved away from it. We have always been connected with nature, and she with us. All our actions affect it, and everything that happens in nature affects us. Unfortunately, most people choose not to notice this or are simply unable to realize it. The saddest part of all this is that when we refuse to respect nature, we thereby disrespect the innermost part of our “I” that still feels connected to it.

I am part of the natural world. As part of it, I am responsible for my actions and therefore need to know as much as possible about the environment in which I live. The better I understand nature, the better I understand myself. Some may think that in this way I am turning into an amateur naturalist, but in fact I am just trying to speak the language of life.

If you are planning to move to another country, you need to learn the language of that country in order to be able to live and work there. The more you delve into the complexities of the language, its dialects and subtleties of use, the more successfully you will integrate into this society. The easier it will be for you to make new friends, build a career, etc.

The natural world is what surrounds you. We can't escape it anyway, and if you really want to live life to the fullest, you need to master at least some of its languages. The simplest and most fascinating is the language of animals.

There are many myths about a magical time when there were no barriers to communication between people and animals. People lived in harmony with animals and spoke their language. This expressed the unity of the divine and human principles. There were no concepts of “wild” or “tamed” back then. Animals and people could talk to each other, sometimes people learned the language of animals, and sometimes animals learned human language.

In our quest for rationality, we have reached the point where we began to perceive nature and its elements as certain objects separate from us, intended only for study. For many, this purely scientific approach to nature has destroyed the mysticism and spirituality that have long shrouded the natural world. The aura of mystery was destroyed.

However, it is not science that should be blamed for this, but solely ourselves. After all, every new discovery should be perceived as another reason to admire the splendor and diversity of nature and the many-sided miracle of life. The successes of scientists should remind us of how closely intertwined our lives are with all phenomena of the natural world.

The animal world can teach us a lot. Some animals are specialists in adapting to existing conditions. There are situations when we simply need such skills. Other animals never get cancer. Wouldn't it be great to penetrate their secrets? Some animals have an amazing voice, while others know how to sit absolutely motionless in ambush, waiting for the right moment. Some animals can be called, without exaggeration, the embodiment of strength and courage, while others can be learned from playfulness and cheerfulness. The animal world shows us potential capabilities that we could develop in ourselves if we wanted. But in order to adopt this knowledge and skills from animals, you must first of all learn to speak their language.
