Analysis of the poem “Stranger” by Blok. Research work "Specific features of the use of means of artistic expression in A. A. Blok's poem "Stranger"

Stranger (1906)

The poem was written during a difficult period for Alexander Blok in personal life, when his wife, L.D. Mendeleeva, began an affair with his friend, poet Andrei Bely. It was born from wanderings around the St. Petersburg suburbs, and specifically from impressions from walks in the holiday village of Ozerki. Many real features and signs in the poem are from here: the restaurant, the dust of the alleys, the barriers.

The genre of the work is a story in verse. The plot is a meeting of the lyrical hero with a Stranger in a country restaurant. The main theme is the clash of dreams and reality.

The composition is based on the principle of opposition - antithesis. The dream is opposed to harsh reality. Compositionally, the poem consists of two parts. One part (the first six stanzas) shows the reality of the vulgar world, the second part (the last seven stanzas) depicts the romantic ideal. These two worlds are incompatible for Blok. The world of his dreams is fragile and thin, devoid of real outlines. But this world is his only salvation and opportunity to remain himself. Alexander Blok gives this world, inspired by the image of the Stranger, to his readers.

The poem begins with a description of a spring evening. However fresh breath There is no feeling of spring at all - the poet calls the spring air noxious. The first part is filled with prosaic details. This is the dust of the alleys, and the boredom of country dachas, and the pretzel of a bakery, and tried-and-true wits who “walk with the ladies among the ditches.” The author uses rude language (the lackeys stick around sleepily), depicts unpleasant sounds(children's crying; woman's squealing; creaking oarlocks). Vulgarity infects everything around with its corrupting spirit. And even the traditionally poetic image of the moon appears here in a distorted form:

And in the sky, accustomed to everything,

The disk is bent senselessly.

In this part, the author deliberately piles up difficult-to-pronounce consonant sounds. For example: “In the evenings above the restaurants, / The hot air is wild and deaf”: pvchrm ndrstrnm grch sigh dk ghl. And instead of the assonances typical of Blok’s poetry (repetition of vowel sounds) on a-o-e, which add melody to the verse, we hear dull alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds) and assonances on i (hot air is wild and dull; a woman’s squeal; a disk is bent), which hurt the ears.

In this world, instead of the sun, “the pretzel of the bakery is golden,” and love is replaced by walks of ladies with “tested wits” (who probably repeat the same jokes every day). “Tested wits” walk with the ladies not just anywhere, but “among the ditches.” The image of the restaurant is also symbolic - it is the embodiment of vulgarity. The author depicts not just an evening restaurant, but a space where “the hot air is wild and deaf,” where a “spring and pernicious spirit” rules the general gloom. Here boredom, drunkenness and monotonous fun took on the character of a repetitive and meaningless rotation. The phrase “And every evening” speaks about the whirling of life in this automatic wheel. This phrase is repeated three times, like the conjunction and - this achieves the feeling of a vicious circle (And the spring and pernicious spirit rules the drunken cries; And a child’s cry is heard; And a woman’s squeal is heard). The author uses all verbs in the present tense. This world is disgusting and scary. In literally everything, the lyrical hero feels a repulsive disharmony of sounds and smells, colors and feelings. He finds consolation in wine:

And every evening my only friend is reflected in my glass with tart and mysterious moisture,

Like me, humbled and stunned.

The motif of intoxication is repeated several times: “drunkards with rabbit eyes” shout: “Invinoveritas!” - “The truth is in wine!” (lat.). The stranger walks “among the drunken people”; the lyrical hero himself speaks about the “tart and mysterious moisture”. But intoxication is also a immersion in the world of dreams.

This disgusting world is contrasted with the Stranger, who appears “every evening at the appointed hour” in the second part of the poem. Alliterations - repetition, a rough accumulation of consonant sounds in the description of a dirty street - are replaced by repetition of vowel sounds - assonances (Breathing with perfume and mists, / She sits by the window. / And the ancient beliefs blow / Her elastic silks). The hissing ones convey the rustle of silk. Assonances and alliterations create a feeling of airiness of the female image.

The stranger is devoid of realistic features; she is entirely shrouded in mystery. This image is fenced off from the dirt and vulgarity of reality by the sublime perception of the lyrical hero. The stranger is the ideal of femininity and beauty, a symbol of what the lyrical hero lacks - love, beauty, spirituality.

The Mysterious Stranger is “always without companions, alone.” The loneliness of the heroes not only sets them apart from the general crowd, but also attracts them to each other:

And chained by a strange intimacy,

I look behind the dark veil,

And I see the enchanted shore and the enchanted distance.

“The Enchanted Shore” is a symbol of a harmonious, but unattainable world. It seems that he is nearby, but if you stretch out your hand, he disappears.

And bowed ostrich feathers sway in my brain,

And bottomless blue eyes bloom on the far shore.

The poet uses the word ochi, which has fallen out of widespread use, giving sublimity to the image of the Stranger. Her blue bottomless eyes (blue color means starry, high, unattainable in Blok) are contrasted with the rabbit eyes of drunkards.

The Stranger is a transformed image of a Beautiful Lady. This is an ordinary visitor to a country restaurant or a “vague vision” of a lyrical hero. This image symbolizes the duality of consciousness of the lyrical hero. He really wants to get away from the reality he hates, but it does not disappear anywhere - and it is into this world that the Stranger comes. This introduces tragic notes into the image of the lyrical hero. Spirits and mists, bottomless blue eyes Strangers and the distant shore are just dreams, momentary intoxication, but true meaning life is revealed to the lyrical hero precisely in these moments.

Symbolist poetry was a philosophy of intuitive creativity, the expression of unclear feelings and subtle ideas through incoherent, unsystematic symbols. The so-called secret writing of the unspoken. The second most important symbolist category was the obligatory musicality of the verse.

The reader must independently decipher the poetry of Alexander Blok's allusions and take part in creativity, complementing the picture of fantasy or conventional reality of the poetic landscape, worldview or ineffable experience of the creator.

One of Blok’s hobbies was the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov, from the ideal of unity of which the symbol of the eternal feminine principle, or femininity, came into his work. The surrounding world of the beginning of the century, with its tragic contradictions and social catastrophes, seemed terrible to the poet, and this was even the name of the central poetic cycle of this period.

Block. "Stranger" (analysis)

As a result of leaving the “terrible” existence, the lyrical hero of the poem forms his own, beautiful and poetic world. If we take the poem that Blok wrote during this period - “Stranger” - analysis will show that it can be conditionally divided into two parts. Moreover, in the first, consisting of six quatrains, for some reason there will be everything that he did not like: wild and dull hot air; dust and boredom, children's crying; noisy couples walking between ditches; creaking, squealing; lackeys and drunkards with red eyes.

A. Blok “Stranger” (analysis of the 1st part)

The poem was created in 1906. This period of life was difficult for Blok, starting with family troubles and ending with a break with the Symbolist poets. The time was also turbulent in terms of social upheaval. The poet was haunted by the feeling of trouble, the contradictory tragedy of life, which gave rise to “deaf darkness.”

It was born as a result of aimless wanderings around the St. Petersburg environs and trips to Ozerki to the dacha. Sublimely solemn quatrains, where the heroine is beautiful in her mystery, are interspersed with quatrains-statements of a hero disappointed with life, who has unconscious anxiety in his soul. He believes that the world is dying, is sliding into darkness, into the abyss, and needs to be saved. Lawlessness and unbelief reign in it.

The lyrical hero of the poem, in search of a way out, goes into revelry and drunkenness. Now he is his own friend and drinking companion. The wine “humbles” and “stuns” him. The real world, where ditches, dust, wits and their screeching ladies, the meaninglessly curved disk of the moon, fades into the background when She enters the room at the “appointed” hour.

Block. “Stranger” (analysis of part 2)

The hero doubts the reality of what is happening. There are symbols of ambiguity: sleep and fog (“dreaming”, the window is foggy). The hero is not able to capture the whole image of her; details appear in his mind (the girl’s figure covered in silks, a hat with a veil and feathers, a hand in rings. The second part also consists of six quatrains. The last is the result, the conclusion.

The secret of this poem is that it is impossible to say for sure whether the Stranger is real or imaginary. Block analysis of your creation, decomposition into components of your wonderful magical world, probably would not approve. Yes, this will not give anything! Each reader must decide for himself.

Do a more detailed analysis? “The Stranger”, Blok, as well as his other poems are unlikely to need it. It is better to read, feel, follow the poet’s imagination and receive unspeakable pleasure from the beauty and musicality of his fantasies!

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educational: to consolidate basic knowledge, skills, and skills in analyzing a work of art; teach a holistic perception of a work of art through integration with subjects such as history, music, linguistics, art; teach students to analyze text, draw conclusions and generalizations.

developmental: develop oral speech and emotional-imaginative, analytical thinking;

educational: to cultivate interest and love for Blok’s poetry, the study of his poems should become a discovery for students, a school of high feelings, and comprehension of higher spirituality.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard.

The lesson is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Announcing the topic of the lesson. (1 slide).

Teacher's opening speech. (2 slide).

Blok is a symbolist poet, and among symbolists, creativity is focused mainly on the expression of intuitively comprehended ideas and vague feelings through symbols. According to the greatest theoretician among the Symbolists, Vyacheslav Ivanov, poetry is “the secret writing of the ineffable.” The second most important category of Symbolist poets is Musicality. The poetry of A. Blok is the poetry of hints that the reader must understand, decipher independently and, in accordance with them, complete the picture of reality, or fantasy, or, relatively speaking, the “mental landscape” - the poet’s experiences or worldview. And in order to understand the secrets of poetry, let us remember Blok’s passion for Solovyov’s philosophy about the ideal of All-Unity - Eternal Femininity. Let us not forget the time of the poet’s life and work. True life, with its acute social contradictions, gradually enters Blok’s work. “A terrible world”... This is the name of the central cycle (second book) of Blok’s poems. This is what Blok called the world he came to at the beginning of the 20th century. The feeling of the troubles of life, its tragic contradictions, and the “deep darkness” generated by them is a prerequisite for all of Blok’s work.

Today we turn to a poem inspired by all kinds of images - symbols, “Stranger”. Analyzing the poem, you should see behind the outer row of images a second row that cannot be unambiguously interpreted. Hear the music of a poem, comprehend its deep essence, its invisible secret. And if possible, we will try to create a model of Blok’s work “The Stranger”.

II. Expressive reading of a poem. (2–9 slides).

III. Goal setting. (10 slide).

The task before us is to create a model of the work based on the text of the poem. To do this you need to define:

  • time of writing the poem;
  • Key words – images – symbols (associations);
  • composition;
  • theme, (micro-themes);
  • How means of expression help to reveal the theme (microthemes) (be sure to pay attention to the sound design and color symbolism of the poem);
  • lyrical hero;
  • connect this verse. with all the poet’s creativity, to reveal the idea of ​​the work to understand the worldview;
  • collect the material together: theme, symbol, keywords, associations, means of expression, add imagination, create a model that would reveal the main theme of the poem.

Individual task at the board: Color symbolism of the poem . (Student works with interactive whiteboard)

Individual task on the spot: one student purposefully follows the sound recording of the poem and inserts his comments during the commented reading.

IV. Step-by-step commented reading of the poem. The work is collective, with leading, guiding questions from the teacher, leading to certain reflections by the students.

As they work, students fill out the table. (Annex 1)

1. Describe the time the poem was written. (Slide 11. The slide opens after the students answer, then the table is filled in).

Student answers: 1906. During this period, the poet breaks with his Symbolist friends. His first love, LD Mendeleev, left him and went to his close friend, the poet Andrei Bely. Time of wars and revolutions. This is a verse. belongs to the period when “The Scary World” was written.

Generalizations from the teacher: It was born from wanderings around the St. Petersburg suburbs, from the impressions of a trip to the holiday village of Ozerki. The solemnly elevated mood after the poems about the Beautiful Lady is replaced by disappointment in reality, a feeling of anxiety for the world that needs saving.

2. Keywords– images – symbols of stanza 1. Associations.(12, 13 slides. Revealed as students answer. In a weak class, slides can be opened before answering, in order to guide reasoning).

Student answers: Hot air, restaurant, evening, pernicious spirit. Paintings " scary world" Oxymoron – spring and pernicious. Blok’s setting is not just a restaurant, but a restaurant, as if all the dirt and vulgarity of the big city were concentrated in one place. Here we speak about the atmosphere of the city, about the scorching emptiness and hopelessness: “wild and deaf” - the city. The poet’s field of vision comes into view of the everyday life of city life, which makes his soul painful.

Generalizations and additions from the teacher: The absence of music meant for Blok a lack of life, deadness. The dissonance, which in many of Blok’s poems is at war with the music of life, is a reflection of the anti-musicality of the “terrible world.” Expanded metaphor:

it's not just about the air, but about life, the wild and deaf crowd, about human soul, deaf to beauty, truth, to life itself. For Blok's early lyrics it would have been absolutely impossible to combine evenings with restaurants; there it would have been an ugly confusion of lexical series. In “The Stranger,” this turned out to be possible, since life itself mixes the beautiful and the ugly.

3. Key words – images – symbols of stanza 2. Associations.(14 slide.)

Student answers: over the dust of the alley, over the boredom of country dachas, the pretzel of the bakery. The theme of gray everyday life continues, into which the “bakery pretzel is slightly golden” intrudes.

Student answer on color symbolism (slide 15) Gray and black colors are the personification of some kind of mental crisis, stagnation, routine, they instill feelings of hopelessness, death of the soul. The pretzel turns golden - perhaps some kind of clearing in the distance, hope, yellow changes to golden. Although for Blok the color yellow represents tragedy.

4. Key words – images – symbols of stanza 3. Associations. (16 slide)

Student answers: Among the ditches, tried-and-tested wits, oarlocks creaking, a woman’s squeal. Vulgar everyday life is depicted ironically. A barrier is a symbol of an obstacle. By blocking the way for people, he does not let them out of this vulgar circle of restaurant amusements. The repetitions convey the constancy of the depressing monotony, the suffocating boredom of bourgeois existence.

Student answer on sound writing (17 slide): In the paired lines of the third stanza, only two sounds are given in a strong position: a-y, i-y. In these same lines, multi-syllable words make reading difficult, and this well reflects the vulgar, painful situation that is described here. Alliteration in the description of a dirty street, a pile of rough consonant sounds.

Generalizations and additions from the teacher: Squealing was deeply consciously and painfully perceived by Blok as an anti-aesthetic sound - cutting, tearing the nerves, capable of killing the sensitive soul of an artist and a person.

5. How does the image of the lyrical hero appear before us? (18, 19 slides)

And in the sky, accustomed to everything, the disk is senselessly bent... The moon as an eternal symbol of love, a companion of mystery, a romantic image becomes flat, like the jokes of “tested wits, it grimaces, amazed by their intolerable vulgarity. The author calls the moon a disk.

Sleepy lackeys stick around, drunkards with rabbit eyes - the same theme of vulgarity continues, which the lyrical hero rejects.

Generalizations and additions from the teacher: The motive of these two stanzas is the despair of the loneliness of the lyrical hero. It sounds in a humble and bitter confession:

And every evening my only friend
Reflected in my glass
And tart and mysterious moisture,
Like me, humbled and stunned.

The lyrical hero is alone, surrounded by drunkards, he rejects this world that horrifies his soul, like a booth, in which there is no place for anything beautiful and holy.

6. Composition. How many parts can a poem be divided into? (20 slide)

Student answers: 2 parts. The first half of the poem paints a picture of smug and unbridled vulgarity; in the second part, a contrasting image of the Stranger appears.

Generalizations and additions from the teacher: The poem has two parts, and the main literary device is antithesis, opposition. In the first part - the dirt and vulgarity of the surrounding world, and in the second - a beautiful stranger; This composition allows us to convey Blok’s main idea: the image of a stranger transforms the poet, his poems and thoughts change.

(21 slides). Blok also explained where he saw the Stranger - it turns out, in Vrubel’s paintings: “Finally, what I (personally) call the “Stranger” appeared before me: a beautiful doll, a blue ghost, an earthly miracle... The Stranger is absolutely not just a lady in a black dress with ostrich feathers on her hat. This is a devilish alloy from many worlds, mainly blue and purple. If I had Vrubel’s means, I would have created a Demon, but everyone does what is assigned to him...” For Blok, the blue color means starry, high, unattainable; purple - alarming.

7. Images are symbols of the second part of the poem. (22 slide)

Student answers: every evening (anaphora), sleep, girlish figure, in a foggy window. The image of fog further enhances the mystery of the Stranger’s appearance. The vocabulary is sublime. The transition to another picture is in direct contrast to the surrounding vulgarity.

Generalizations and additions of the teacher: Everything here is fragile, based on mystery, the soul is freed from the vulgar pressure of everyday life, flies away to other worlds, revealing treasures unknown to the world in its depths. The important thing is that the human soul came into contact for a moment with the world of beauty. We feel the sublime poetic perception of the lyrical hero, the charm and beauty of the mysterious heroine. This is not a real Stranger, but only a vision of the poet, an image created by his imagination.

8. Let’s compare the sound design of the second part with the first. (23 slide)

Student answers: The appearance of the Stranger (Lady from Space) is accompanied by rustling sounds. Logically, this can be explained by the fact that she is either wearing black silk (“black silk is noisy”) or with a train, but it can be compared to the arrival of something mysterious, inexplicable.

Assonances on A create a feeling of airiness of the image: “And every evening, at the appointed hour...”; “The girl’s figure, captured by silks, // In the fog (A) m moves (A) about (A) the sea...” and further. Assonances on “U” add sophistication to the image of the Stranger: “And I blow (U)t ancient beliefs // Her elastic silks, // And a hat with mourning feathers, // And in the rings of a narrow hand.”

9. Compare the vocabulary of the two parts. (24 slide)

Student answers: The vocabulary of the first stanza (“And every evening my only friend...”) is high, similar to the vocabulary of the second part of the poem. The vocabulary of the second stanza (“And next to the neighboring tables...”) is low (“lackeys”, “sticking out”, “drunkards”, “screaming”), gravitates towards the vocabulary of the first part. Thus, these two stanzas seem to hold together the parts of the poem, penetrating into the fabric of the lyrical narrative. The everyday vocabulary of the first part is replaced by spiritual lines that are striking in their musicality.

10. Find opposite images.

“The hot air is wild and deaf” - “Breathing with spirits and mists”; “female squeal” - “girlish figure”; “meaningless... disk” of the moon - “sun”; “the boredom of country dachas” - “the enchanted distance”; “ditches” - “bends” of the soul; “meaningless... disk” - “true”.

Generalizations and additions from the teacher: The image of the Stranger is filled with poetic charm, fenced off from the dirt of reality by the sublime perception of the lyrical hero.

She sits by the window.
And they breathe ancient beliefs
Her elastic silks
And a hat with mourning feathers,
And in the rings there is a narrow hand.

The dirt of the surrounding vulgar environment does not touch her, it seems to float above her, separated by silent loneliness, with its “mourning feathers.” She is like a messenger of another world, alien to everyone and everything, like Poetry and Femininity embodied.

11. What does the lyrical hero see and feel? (25 slide)

Student answers: Bottomless blue eyes, an enchanted shore, and an enchanted distance.

These are real female eyes, full of mystery and charm, this is also a symbol of the eternal beauty of the world, spring and blooming, which still exists, despite the universal power of the stuffy city, exists even if only in a dream. The loneliness of the heroes sets them apart from the crowd, attracts them to each other: And chained by a strange closeness...

Behind this real or imaginary appearance, the lyrical hero sees “an enchanted shore and an enchanted distance.” Shore is a symbol of Blok, the meaning of which is new life, new discoveries, new understanding of life and poetry. This association takes on the meaning of a real-life opportunity to sail to the other shore of life, to go into the “enchanted distance” from vulgarity, which a minute ago seemed invincible.

Silent secrets have been entrusted to me,
Someone's sun was handed to me...
The sun is a symbol of Femininity, a symbol of happiness, love.

Generalizations and additions of the teacher: The last stanza completes the revolution in the soul of the lyrical hero, is built on the understanding of the revolution that has taken place in the soul and the rethinking of the established, familiar, speaks of his chosenness, of the imperishability of the beautiful ideal:

There is a treasure in my soul,
And the key is entrusted only to me!
You're right, drunken monster!
I know: the truth is in the wine.

The discovery of poetry, initiation into the secrets of the charm of another world, albeit in the imagination, is established as truth. Thus, beauty, truth and poetry are linked in an inseparable unity.

12. The connection of the poem with other works of Blok.

V. Conclusion of the lesson.

As the conversation progressed and the poem was analyzed, a table was filled out, in which all the important details for a complete understanding of the poem were noted.

Modeling is only one of the techniques for analyzing a poem. The order of work is very similar to the order of interpretation of a poem. By paying attention to details, penetrating into the subtext of the work, describing our feelings, we create a model, based on which we can write an essay based on the poem.

Let's highlight these key points:

What is the theme of the poem?

Basic principle of construction? (Antithesis - opposition)

What are the symbols - images in verse?

How do expressive means help reveal the theme of a poem?

What is the place of the lyrical hero in the work?

How is this poem connected to the poet’s entire work?

VI. The result of the lesson is a model of a poem - a video. (Video based on Blok’s poem “Stranger”).

VII. Homework.

Option 1. Essay-interpretation of Blok’s poem “Stranger”.

Option 2. Model of the poem.


1. Blok A.A. Selected works. - L., 1970.

2. V.V. Agenosov. Russian literature of the 20th century. Grade 11. M.: Bustard, 2000.

3. Literature lessons in 11th grade. Book for teachers. Lyrics by A.A. Blok. M.: Education, 2005.

Analysis lyrical work A. Blok “Stranger”

poet Zabolotsky block stranger lyrical

In the evenings above the restaurants

The hot air is wild and deaf,

And rules with drunken shouts

Spring and pernicious spirit.

Far above the dust of the alley,

Above the boredom of country dachas,

The bakery's pretzel is slightly golden,

And a child's cry is heard.

And every evening, behind the barriers,

Breaking the pots,

Walking with the ladies among the ditches

Tested wits.

Oarlocks creak over the lake

And a woman's squeal is heard,

And in the sky, accustomed to everything

The disk is bent senselessly.

And every evening my only friend

Reflected in my glass

And tart and mysterious moisture

Like me, humbled and stunned.

And next to the neighboring tables

Sleepy lackeys hang around,

And drunkards with rabbit eyes

“In vino veritas!” they scream.

And every evening, at the appointed hour

(Or am I just dreaming?),

The girl's figure, captured by silks,

A window moves through a foggy window.

And slowly, walking between the drunken,

Always without companions, alone

Breathing spirits and mists,

She sits by the window.

And they breathe ancient beliefs

Her elastic silks

And a hat with mourning feathers,

And in the rings there is a narrow hand.

And chained by a strange intimacy,

I'm looking for dark veil,

And I see the enchanted shore

And the enchanted distance.

Silent secrets have been entrusted to me,

Someone's sun was handed to me,

And all the souls of my bend

Tart wine pierced.

And bowed ostrich feathers

My brain is swinging,

And blue bottomless eyes

They bloom on the far shore.

There's a treasure in my soul

And the key is entrusted only to me!

You're right, drunken monster!

I know: the truth is in the wine.

“The Stranger” was written on April 24, 1906 in Ozerki. This poem is not only one of the poet's best, but also one of the most perfect creations of all Russian poetry.

“The Stranger” by Alexander Blok belongs to the period of writing “A Scary World”, when the main things in the poet’s perception of the world were feelings of melancholy, despair and disbelief.

Having created in his youth “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” delightful in its ideological integrity, where everything is enveloped in an atmosphere of mystical mystery and a miracle occurring, Blok captivated readers with the depth and sincerity of feeling that his lyrical hero told about. The world of the Beautiful Lady will be for that poet the highest standard, to which, in his opinion, a person should strive. But in his desire to feel the fullness of life, A. Blok’s lyrical hero will descend from the heights of lonely happiness and beauty. He will find himself in the real, earthly world, which he will call the “terrible world.” The lyrical hero will live in this world, subordinating his fate to the laws of his life.

The gloomy motifs of many poems of this period expressed Blok’s protest against the cruelty of a terrible world that turns everything that is most lofty and valuable into bargaining items. It is not beauty that reigns here, but cruelty, lies and suffering, and there is no way out of this impasse. The lyrical hero surrenders to the poison of hops and riotous revelry:

And every evening my only friend

Reflected in my glass

And tart and mysterious moisture,

Like me, humbled and stunned.

During this period, the poet breaks with his Symbolist friends. His first love left him - Lyubov Dmitrievna, the granddaughter of the famous chemist Mendeleev, went to his close friend - the poet Andrei Bely. It seemed that Blok was drowning his despair in wine. But despite this, main theme poems from the “Terrible World” period, love still remains. But the one about whom the poet writes his magnificent poems is no longer the same Beautiful lady, but fatal passion, temptress, destroyer. She tortures and burns the poet, but he cannot escape from her power.

Even about the vulgarity and rudeness of the terrible world, Blok writes spiritually and beautifully. Although he no longer believes in love, does not believe in anything, the image of the stranger in the poems of this period still remains beautiful. The poet hated cynicism and vulgarity; they are not in his poems.

“The Stranger” is one of the most characteristic and beautiful poems of this period. Blok describes the real world in it - a dirty street with gutters, prostitutes, a kingdom of deceit and vulgarity, where “tested wits” walk with the ladies among the pouring slops.

In the evenings above the restaurants

The hot air is wild and deaf,

And rules with drunken shouts

Spring and pernicious spirit.

The lyrical hero is alone, surrounded by drunkards, he rejects this world that horrifies his soul, like a booth, in which there is no place for anything beautiful and holy. The world poisons him, but in the midst of this drunken stupor a stranger appears, and her image awakens bright feelings; it seems she believes in beauty. Her image is surprisingly romantic and alluring, and it is clear that the poet’s faith in goodness is still alive.

The contrast between the Stranger and the situation at the restaurant counter is so striking that the poet doubts the reality of what is happening: “Or am I just dreaming?”

It seems that the signs of the Stranger are real, but we do not see her face, the woman’s figure is beautiful, but mysterious and enigmatic. Her silhouette is only outlined, symbolically conditional. With light strokes (with the help of epithets), the poet draws a woman-vision: her “girlish figure”, “elastic silks”, “mourning feathers” of the hat, “dark veil”, “narrow hand in rings”.

One cannot help but pay attention to the beautiful assonance: “Breathing with perfume and mists, she sits at the window” (y-a-u-a-i-i-u-a-a-i...), “and her elastic silk" (ee-u-e-i-a-a-a-i....), he conveys the element of femininity that has overshadowed this country restaurant, making the lines musical, light, weightless. The poet minimizes unpronounceable consonants, turning to sonorous consonants, which he emphasizes with hissing and whistling sounds, reminiscent of the rustling of silk.

Vulgarity and dirt cannot tarnish the image of a stranger, reflecting Blok’s dreams of pure, selfless love. And although the poem ends with the words “In vino veritas” (“Truth is in wine”), the image of a beautiful stranger inspires faith in a bright beginning of life.

The poem has two parts, and the main literary device is antithesis, opposition. In the first part there is the dirt and vulgarity of the surrounding world, and in the second there is a beautiful stranger; This composition allows us to convey Blok’s main idea. The image of a stranger transforms the poet, his poems and thoughts change. In place everyday vocabulary The first part comes with spiritual lines that are striking in their musicality. Artistic forms are subordinated to the content of the poem, allowing you to penetrate it deeper. Alliterations in the description of a dirty street, heaps of coarse consonant sounds are further replaced by assonances and alliterations of sonorant sounds - [r], [l], [n]. Thanks to this, the most beautiful melody of the sounding verse is created.

This poem leaves no one indifferent, it cannot be forgotten once read, and the beautiful image excites us. These poems touch to the depths of the soul with their melody; they are like pure, magnificent music flowing from the heart.

This poem by Alexander Blok belongs to the period of writing “A Terrible World,” when the main things in the poet’s perception of the world were feelings of melancholy, despair and disbelief. The gloomy motifs of many poems of this period expressed Blok’s protest against the cruelty of a terrible world that turns everything that is most lofty and valuable into bargaining items. It is not beauty that reigns here, but cruelty, lies and suffering, and there is no way out of this impasse. The lyrical hero surrenders to the poison of hops and riotous revelry

And every evening my only friend
IN reflected in my glass
And tart and mysterious moisture,
Like me, humbled and stunned.

During this period, the poet breaks with his Symbolist friends. His first love left him - Lyubochka, the granddaughter of the famous chemist Mendeleev, went to his close friend - the poet Andrei Bely. It seemed that Blok was drowning his despair in wine. But, despite this, the main theme of the poems of the “Terrible World” period still remains love. But the one about whom the poet writes his magnificent poems is no longer the former Beautiful Lady, but a fatal passion, a temptress, a destroyer. She tortures and burns the poet, but he cannot escape from her power.
Even about the vulgarity and rudeness of the terrible world, Blok writes spiritually and beautifully. Although he no longer believes in love, does not believe in anything, the image of the stranger in the poems of this period still remains beautiful. The poet hated cynicism and vulgarity; they are not in his poems.
“The Stranger” is one of the most characteristic and beautiful poems of this period. Blok describes the real world in it - a dirty street with gutters, prostitutes, a kingdom of deceit and vulgarity, where “tested wits” walk with the ladies among the pouring slops.

In the evenings above the restaurants
The hot air is wild and deaf,
And rules with drunken shouts
Spring and pernicious spirit.

The lyrical hero is alone, surrounded by drunkards, he rejects this world that horrifies his soul, like a booth, in which there is no place for anything beautiful and holy. The world poisons him, but in the midst of this drunken stupor a stranger appears, and her image awakens bright feelings; it seems she believes in beauty. Her image is surprisingly romantic and alluring, and it is clear that the poet’s faith in goodness is still alive. Vulgarity and dirt cannot tarnish the image of a stranger, reflecting Blok’s dreams of pure, selfless love. And although the poem ends with the words “In vino veritas,” the image of a beautiful stranger inspires faith in a bright beginning in life.
The poem has two parts, and the main literary device is antithesis, opposition. In the first part - the dirt and vulgarity of the surrounding world, and in the second - a beautiful stranger; This composition allows us to convey Blok’s main idea. The image of a stranger transforms the poet, his poems and thoughts change. The everyday vocabulary of the first part is replaced by spiritual lines that are striking in their musicality. Artistic forms are subordinated to the content of the poem, allowing you to penetrate it deeper. Alliterations in the description of a dirty street, piles of rough consonant sounds are further replaced by assonances and alliterations of sonorant sounds - [r], [l], [n]. Thanks to this, the most beautiful melody of the sounding verse is created.
This poem leaves no one indifferent, it cannot be forgotten once read, and the beautiful image excites us. These poems touch to the depths of the soul with their melody; they are like pure, magnificent music flowing from the heart. After all, it cannot be that there is no love, there is no beauty, if there are such beautiful poems.
