You often want to take a deep breath of reason. Constant yawning and lack of air are tormented - what could it be? Is your chest pain cardiac

psychiatrist3 17:29

Most likely these are psychosomatic manifestations of the neurotic circle. You can use SSRI antidepressants, it is better to start psychotherapy.

Why there is not enough air when breathing and yawning begins

Dangerous symptoms

Sometimes difficulty breathing occurs when physiological reasons, which are quite easily removable. But if you constantly want to yawn and breathe deeply, then this could be a symptom of a serious illness. It is even worse when, against this background, shortness of breath (dyspnea) often occurs, which appears even with minimal physical exertion. This is already a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

It is necessary to immediately go to the hospital if the difficulty in breathing is accompanied by:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • severe bouts of coughing;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • swelling and cramps in the limbs;
  • a feeling of fear and inner tension.

These symptoms usually clearly signal pathologies in the body, which need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Causes of lack of air

All the reasons why a person can go to a doctor with a complaint: "I can't breathe completely and I constantly yawn" can be conditionally divided into psychological, physiological and pathological. Conditionally - because everything in our body is closely interconnected, and the failure of one system entails a violation normal work other organs.

So, prolonged stress, which is attributed to psychological reasons, can provoke hormonal imbalance and cardiovascular problems.


The most harmless are the physiological reasons that can cause shortness of breath:

  1. Lack of oxygen. Strongly felt in the mountains, where the air is thin. So if you recently changed your geographical position and now you are much higher than sea level, then it is normal that at first you find it difficult to breathe. Well, ventilate the apartment more often.
  2. A stuffy room. Two factors play a role here at once - a lack of oxygen and an excess carbon dioxide especially if there are a lot of people in the room.
  3. Tight clothing. Many do not even think about it, but in the pursuit of beauty, sacrificing convenience, they deprive themselves of a significant portion of oxygen. Clothes that strongly compress the chest and diaphragm are especially dangerous: corsets, tight bras, tight-fitting bodysuits.
  4. Poor physical condition. Lack of air and shortness of breath at the slightest exertion are experienced by those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have spent a lot of time in bed due to illness.
  5. Overweight. It causes a whole bunch of problems, in which yawning and shortness of breath are not yet the most serious. But be careful - with a significant excess of normal weight, cardiac pathologies develop rapidly.

It is difficult to breathe in the heat, especially when you are severely dehydrated. The blood becomes thicker, and it is harder for the heart to push it through the vessels. As a result, the body receives less oxygen. The person begins to yawn and try to breathe deeper.


Shortness of breath, yawning and regularly felt shortness of breath can provoke serious illness... Moreover, often these signs are among the first symptoms that make it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

Therefore, if you constantly find it difficult to breathe, be sure to go to the doctor. Among the possible diagnoses, the most common are the following:

  • VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is the scourge of our time, and it is usually triggered by severe or chronic nervous overstrain. A person feels constant anxiety, fears, panic attacks develop, fear of a closed space arises. Difficulty breathing and yawning are harbingers of these attacks.
  • Anemia. Acute iron deficiency in the body. It is needed to carry oxygen. When there is not enough air, even with normal breathing it seems that there is not enough air. The person begins to constantly yawn and take deep breaths.
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis. All of them, one way or another, lead to the fact that it becomes almost impossible to take a full breath.
  • Respiratory diseases, acute and chronic. Due to the swelling and dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, it becomes difficult to breathe. Often the nose and throat are clogged with mucus. When yawning, the larynx opens as much as possible, so with flu and SARS, we not only cough, but also yawn.
  • Heart disease: ischemia, acute heart failure, cardiac asthma. They are difficult to diagnose early on. Shortness of breath, coupled with shortness of breath and chest pain, is often a sign of a heart attack. If this condition came suddenly, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism. People with thrombophlebitis are at serious risk. A torn off blood clot can block pulmonary artery and cause the death of part of the lung. But at first it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a constant yawning and a feeling of acute lack of air.

As you can see, most diseases are not just serious - they pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, if you often feel a lack of air, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor.


And again, one cannot help but recall stress, which today is one of the main reasons for the development of many diseases.

Yawning under stress - unconditioned reflex inherent in us by nature. If you observe the animals, you will notice that when they are nervous, they constantly yawn. And in this sense we are no different from them.

Under stress, capillary spasm occurs, and the heart begins to beat faster through the release of adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure rises. In this case, a deep breath and yawning perform a compensatory function and protect the brain from destruction.

With severe fright, it often happens muscle spasm, due to which it becomes impossible to take a full breath. It is not for nothing that the expression “caught my breath” exists.

What to do

If you find yourself in a situation in which there was frequent yawning and lack of air, do not try to panic - this will only exacerbate the problem. The first thing to do is to provide an additional flow of oxygen: open a window or window, if possible, go outside.

Try to loosen as much as possible the clothing that interferes with full inhalation: take off your tie, open your collar, corset or bra. To avoid dizziness, it is better to take a sitting or lying position. Now you need to take a very deep breath through the nose and an extended exhalation through the mouth.

After several such breaths, the condition usually improves markedly. If this did not happen, and the listed above were added to the lack of air dangerous symptoms- call an ambulance immediately.

Before the arrival of health workers, do not take medications on your own, unless they are prescribed by the attending physician - they can distort the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis.


Emergency doctors usually quickly determine the cause of the severe difficulty in breathing and the need for hospitalization. If there are no serious fears, and the attack is caused by physiological reasons or severe stress and does not recur, then you can sleep peacefully.

But if you suspect heart or lung disease, it is better to undergo an examination, which may include:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • computer tomogram.

What types of research are needed in your case, the doctor will determine at the initial examination.

If the lack of air and constant yawning are caused by stress, then you may need to consult a psychologist or neuropathologist who will tell you how to relieve nervous tension or prescribe medications: sedatives or antidepressants.

Treatment and prevention

When a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “I can't breathe completely, I yawn, what should I do?”, He first of all collects a detailed anamnesis. This eliminates the physiological causes of oxygen deficiency.

In the case of overweight, treatment is obvious - the patient should be referred to a dietitian. Without controlled weight loss, the problem cannot be solved.

If, according to the results of the examination, acute or chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory tract are revealed, treatment is prescribed according to the protocol. Here it is already necessary to take medications and, possibly, physiotherapy procedures.

Respiratory gymnastics is a good prevention and even treatment. But in case of broncho-pulmonary diseases, it can be done only with the permission of the attending physician. Improperly selected or performed exercises in this case can provoke an attack of severe coughing and deterioration of the general condition.

It is very important to keep yourself good physical form... Even with heart disease, there are special sets of exercises to help you recover faster and return to a normal lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is especially useful - they train the heart and develop the lungs.

Active outdoor games (badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.), cycling, walking at a fast pace, swimming - will not only help get rid of shortness of breath and provide additional oxygen, but also tighten muscles, making you slimmer. And then, even high in the mountains, you will feel great and enjoy the journey, and not suffer from constant shortness of breath and yawning.

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Doctor, for some reason I am constantly tormented by lucid dreams.

This is not for me. Exit the door, along the corridor to the left and into the next dream.

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Any use of materials from the site is allowed only with the consent of the editorial staff of the portal and the installation of an active link to the source.

The information published on the site is intended solely for information and in no way calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions on treatment and taking medications, it is imperative to consult a qualified doctor. The information posted on the site was obtained from open sources. The editorial staff of the portal is not responsible for its accuracy.

I constantly want to take a deep breath

noticed a deterioration in stress, anxiety

recently there was the same aggravation as yours

this condition pissed me off

I'm like a fish without water

I seem to breathe in air, but in the area of ​​the heart and chest, as if something is missing

I thought I was so alone!

what he treated - nothing

somehow it passed by itself, sometimes I could drink valerian, motherwort, everything

Well, I also started drinking Novopassit. Hope to improve in a couple of days. Yes, that's the catch, now I'm not worried at all (I think so). Although it turns out that I'm worried

In general, you are not the only one!

these are not always the consequences of stress and sedatives do not always help, no need to write what you don’t know! if it helped you it doesn’t mean it will help everyone

I have the right to write what I think is necessary, and your opinion does not interest me at all!

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Consulting: Natalia Stankevich

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

You really did a lot, visited different specialists. Let's try to look for possible psychological roots of YOUR illness.

I have not been working for 4 years.

I'm dating a man, or rather we live together, but not scheduled.

There are no children yet, but I really want

I don't want anything at all, I completely went into my illness.

why do I sigh so often, all people are calm, and every minute I sigh, eat, but I’m short of air, I’m breathless, I brush my teeth, I want to breathe again and it’s not working, because of this pain in my chest.

What do you think about when it starts? Can your thoughts, moods provoke him?

It all started a year ago, a friend had a birthday, alcohol, dancing, noisy company, etc., the next day, the state is naturally unimportant,

Berlin (Germany)

then a feeling of discomfort, doubt, confusion arises, as a result, fear arises from nowhere.

Feelings of doubt - what are you doubting?

Fear - what are you afraid of?

My husband is very the strong man, he has no fears at all

Sometimes I even feel ashamed to tell him that I have an attack, I have to be silent and cope alone.

He certainly knows about my condition, that I have everything, and that I can handle it myself.

Berlin (Germany)

something needs to be done, but I don't want to, but I have to do it because I need to

I remember my loved ones who are far away, whom I really miss

Before I could cheer myself up with an elementary shopping trip or meeting with my friends,

he told me that they also live with more serious illnesses and laughed

Somehow we had a fight with him and I was left at home alone, and he went to the dacha. In the evening I felt scared to be alone and I went to him, halfway through I felt incredibly bad, tears rolled in a stream,

Are you addicted to your husband? I mean psychologically?

of course he came, for some reason it became easier for me,

And what were you afraid of in childhood?

Did you have a daddy?

Berlin (Germany)

on the last day of departure, I felt bad, shaking, dizziness, lack of air, etc. began again. from the very morning no one went, even with relatives could not really say goodbye

And before you described the episode, how you quarreled with your husband, he left and you felt bad.

Are you afraid of parting, Sasha?

I don’t want to cook, I do it every day, my husband doesn’t like going to restaurants, he only eats everything that is homemade,

Are you afraid that your husband will leave you?

Berlin (Germany)

what kind of relationship did you have with him?

Berlin (Germany)

he says it will never happen.

And I'm really afraid of losing my husband

Isn't this fear "choking" you during your attacks?

Berlin (Germany)

And household chores are women's responsibilities,

but cleanliness should be in the house, my mother taught me to cook from childhood, taught me to order and cleanliness.

mmmm, somehow there are a lot of "must", "must", "must". And what do you want? So, for the soul.

Berlin (Germany)

Do you think a lot?

sometimes it seems to me that I'm driving myself into a corner

what do you suggest?

I want to be happy, loved.

Berlin (Germany)

The only thing I want now is to get rid of these constant sighs.

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

Berlin (Germany)

what do you think the reason may be in these experiences?

Perhaps I know what is the reason for my condition, for me this topic is very unpleasant, it is discussed only in the family circle. Two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, they turned up late, so the operation cannot be done, they prescribed drug treatment, and they said, everything is in the hands of God. It was a shock for me. ...

No one can know the reason better than yourself.

VSD symptoms - respiratory discomfort

Respiratory discomfort is a condition that is often described and felt by patients as shortness of breath, but in reality it is not.

Usually it is felt as dissatisfaction with the inhalation, "as if it is hard to inhale", "I want to take a deep breath, but it doesn’t work out", "I sometimes want to take a deep breath and have to take a deep breath." In fact, as paradoxical as it may sound, the body does not experience a lack of oxygen at this time, and everything is quite the opposite - there is a lot of oxygen.

This is the so-called hyperventilation syndrome, but an imbalance in the nervous system does not allow the respiratory center of the brain to adequately assess the situation.

It is generally accepted that the cause of the development of respiratory discomfort is an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood. I must say that u healthy person at times, exactly the same symptoms are possible, especially under stress, however, in a patient with neurocirculatory dystonia, respiratory discomfort occurs regardless of any provoking factors.

In the treatment of attacks of rapid breathing with VSD, you can use a simple recommendation. Breathe into the bag, the air will become poor in oxygen, respectively, the excess blood oxygen will be immediately consumed by the body and the balance will be restored. The rest of the treatment is the same as for treatment of VSD: sedatives, tranquilizers and beta-blockers.

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1 Comment

Interesting opinion! I just have it! It is necessary to remove the cause of violations - everything will be restored!

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Constant yawning and lack of air are tormented - what could it be?

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Heart and headaches, pressure surges are symptoms of an early onset. Add to your diet.

Yawning represents the physiological reaction of the body, trying to make up for the lack of oxygen, which, with an active and sufficiently deep breath, is forced into the blood stream, thereby ensuring saturation of the brain tissues. The feeling of lack of air can have many reasons that contribute to its formation, and it is to get out of this state that the body reacts with the desire to yawn.

Links of the physiological chain

The regulation of maintaining a constant level of oxygen in the blood stream, and its stable content with an increase in the level of load on the body, is carried out by the following functional parameters:

  • The work of the respiratory muscles and the brain center for controlling the frequency and depth of inspiration;
  • Ensuring the permeability of the air stream, its humidification and heating;
  • Alveolar ability to absorb oxygen molecules and diffuse it into the blood stream;
  • Muscular readiness of the heart to pump blood, transporting it to all internal structures of the body;
  • Maintaining a sufficient balance of red blood cells, which are agents for the transfer of molecules to tissues;
  • The fluidity of the blood stream;
  • The susceptibility of cellular level membranes to absorb oxygen;

The occurrence of constant yawning and lack of air indicates a current internal violation of any of the listed links in the reaction chain, which requires timely implementation therapeutic action... The development of a trait may be based on the presence of the following diseases.

Pathologies of the heart and vascular system

A feeling of insufficient air with the development of yawning can occur with any damage to the heart, especially affecting its pumping function. The appearance of a fleeting and rapidly disappearing shortage can form with the development of a crisis state against the background of hypertension, an attack of arrhythmia or neurocirculatory dystonia. In the most common cases, it is not accompanied by a cough syndrome.

Heart failure

With regular violations of cardiac functionality, which forms the development of insufficient heart activity, a feeling of lack of air begins to arise naturally, and it intensifies with increasing physical activity and manifests itself in the night sleep interval in the form of cardiac asthma.

The lack of air is felt precisely on inhalation, forming wheezing in the lungs with the release of foamy sputum. To alleviate the condition, a forced position of the body is adopted. After taking nitroglycerin, everything warning signs disappear.


The formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vessels of the pulmonary arterial trunk leads to the appearance of constant yawning and lack of air, being the initial sign pathological disorder... The mechanism of development of the disease includes the formation of blood clots in the venous network of the vessels of the extremities, which, breaking off, move with the flow of blood to the pulmonary trunk, causing overlap of the arterial lumen. This leads to the formation of a lung infarction.

The condition is life-threatening, accompanied by an intense lack of air, almost resembling suffocation with the appearance of a cough and the discharge of sputum containing impurities of blood structures. The covers of the upper half of the torso in this condition acquire a shade of blue.

Pathology forms a decrease in the tone of the vascular network of the whole organism, including the tissues of the lungs, brain, heart. Against the background of this process, the functionality of the heart is disrupted, which does not provide the lungs with a sufficient amount of blood. The flow, in turn, with a low oxygen saturation enters the tissues of the heart, without providing it with the necessary amount of nutrients.

The body's response is a voluntary attempt to increase the pressure of the blood flow by increasing the heart rate. As a result of a closed pathological circulation, constant yawning appears with VSD. In this way, the autonomic sphere of the nervous network regulates the intensity of the respiratory function, providing oxygen replenishment and neutralization of hunger. Such a defense reaction avoids the development of ischemic lesion in the tissues.

Respiratory diseases

The appearance of yawning with a shortage of inhaled air can be provoked by severe disturbances in the functionality of the respiratory structures. These include the following diseases:

  1. Asthma of the bronchial type.
  2. Tumor process in the lungs.
  3. Bronchiectasis.
  4. Infectious lesion of the bronchi.
  5. Pulmonary edema.

In addition, rheumatism, lack of mobility and overweight, as well as psychosomatic causes... This spectrum of diseases with the presence of the trait in question includes the most common and frequently detected pathological disorders.

And a little about SECRETS.

Have you ever suffered from HEART PAIN? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you are still looking for a good way to get your heart back to normal.

Then read what Elena MALYSHEVA says about this in her interview about natural methods of treating the heart and cleaning blood vessels.

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The information provided on the site is not a guide to action. Only the attending physician should be involved in the diagnosis and prescription of drugs.

Tell me what is happening and what to do? I've been for a week already. sigh.….…

In the lungs (I think that in the lungs) there is always such a feeling of lack of air. I don't know what else to call it. I want to breathe deeply. Often for some reason I can't breathe, a very unpleasant feeling arises, I sigh again and again. Sometimes yawning helps. After I manage to "successfully" breathe, I do not sigh for several minutes, then I want to breathe again.

And what to do with it?

Not only is this probably some kind of violation in the body, but also terribly annoying. Although there is no pain, the feeling of unsaturation of the lungs is the most unpleasant.

sounds like bronchospasm

it can arise from nerves, allergies, inflammation

I should see a pulmonologist

Allergies did not seem to be observed. Could it have arisen?

Probably this is actually the problem.

allergies can come on suddenly, yes

bronchospasm is dangerous for health, yes

I do not frighten you, I just have a colossal experience of asthmatic diseases. lack of air is not good for well-being. look at the state - if it is, God forbid, worse, then run to the doctor.

Here they also advised to rest.

I'll try to do at least this. At least it's probably the easiest. Although not a fact.

You start with an 8-hour sleep, glycine and valerian

look there

Can you tell us more about treatment options and doctors?

lung specialist

you need to rest and relax, drink motherwort for a week, in the morning and in the evening, sleep more, walk on the street before bedtime.

If chest tightness persists, go to the doctor.

Relax. What a nice word!

Perhaps this is actually due to global nerves. The last couple of weeks of nerves were a fig and more.

I twice in my life had a state similar to what you describe. went to the therapist, listened, heard nothing, recommended to drink ACC (did not help). Then I checked my thyroid gland, which is also normal. I went to a neurologist. He offered to take Glycine, and something mild sedative. Because of laziness, I took only a little glycine.

It happens. Probably, the reasons can be different. I immediately go away completely from even a little physical exertion.

I had it and also could not, what is the problem. It turned out that when I tried to quit smoking and switch to the lightest cigarettes, I just started to choke. I just didn't have enough air ((((

Damn, I don’t smoke.

maybe it's time for me to start?

I'll just relax.

then you don't have to start. this is me kaza such)))))

I had this in my childhood, I lived in the north and thought that there was a lack of oxygen. It passed by itself.

a similar symptom in the composition of others is observed with vegetative vascular dystonia.

right now I am being treated for her, including your symptom I am experiencing.

stabilizers of the autonomic nervous system - grandaxin for example.

and if suddenly an attack - then a sedative, for example phenozepam

vegetative-vascular dystonia in its pure form. I had this lack of air to blue lips and cramps in my hands. panic attacks began, it seemed that now my life would end ... the main thing is not to focus on breathing at this moment. and naturally, treatment is indispensable. but if you do not have a neglected form, then it is enough to simply reconsider your lifestyle: nutrition, exercise, walks, sports, contrast shower. in general, look for something in Yandex about vegetative-vascular dystonia, read the recommendations. in my case, there was an ambulance and fainting, as a result, the neuropathologist prescribed injections, tranquilizers, stimulants cerebral circulation.

yes, and forgot to add that I have bronchial asthma. so bronchial spasms are a completely different feeling, although an ambulance came to me and injected me with asthma injections into a vein, from which I fainted, and nothing helped. it helped only when they began to put sedative droppers. so as an expert on both asthma and dystonia, I can tell you with confidence that you have the second option.

I had this in my student years after severe stress and lasted for several months. I visited a neurologist - I advised auto-training, which was then in vogue, but I did not go, and in the end it went by itself. But not soon. Since then, it has manifested itself a couple more times - always against the backdrop of stress.

So I think the advice about calming the nervous system is correct.

I had a similar one from a nervous strain. They took off with motherwort.

You do not smoke, and as I understand it, you are not allergic. Accordingly, it can be assumed that this is a psychosomatics, post-stress (if after) somatosis. Often such symptoms are "given out" by people during psychotherapy. According to insufficient data, we can safely recommend only one thing: in order to be able to inhale, first you always need to exhale - this is such a perdimonocle. Exhale is essentially for you and you will relax. Those. relax physically while sitting / lying down if possible and begin to exhale to the end and even slightly better with your mouth. Then hold your breath for 1-3 seconds. and you begin to inhale slowly and mentally make sure that the air begins to fill, as if from the bottom up (from the abdomen to the throat), again hold your breath and exhale slowly again. For at least three cycles, watch only your breathing: how the air touches your nostrils, passes through the respiratory tract, goes down, etc. in detail. You can imagine the air inhaled in blue and exhaled in red. Generally breathing exercises by themselves help to relax. From a sedative, you can put a bag of mint in tea, drink a spoonful of honey with half a glass of water at night and sleep more. :)))

You do not smoke and, as I understand it, you are not allergic. Accordingly, it can be assumed that this is a psychosomatics, post-stress (if after) somatosis. Often such symptoms are "given out" by people during psychotherapy. According to insufficient data, we can safely recommend only one thing: in order to be able to inhale, first you always need to exhale - this is such a perdimonocle. Exhale is essentially for you and you will relax. Those. relax physically while sitting / lying down if possible and begin to exhale to the end and even slightly better with your mouth. Then hold your breath for 1-3 seconds. and you begin to inhale slowly and mentally make sure that the air begins to fill, as it were, from the bottom up (from the abdomen to the throat), again hold your breath and exhale slowly again. For at least three cycles, observe only the breath: how the air touches your nostrils, passes through the airways, goes down, etc. in detail. You can imagine the air inhaled in blue and exhaled in red. In general, breathing exercises by themselves help to relax.

From a sedative, you can put a bag of mint in tea, wash down a spoonful of honey with half a glass of water overnight and get enough sleep if possible. Sleep is the best cure for all kinds of stress, distress and suppressed aggression, often it is the containment of this thing that leads to such shortages. :))) And, if, after all, there is something that you are holding back and cannot throw it out in any way, such a thing “how to dig in an open field” can help, I think how to do it is clear. :)))

and from langospasms there is no such thing? feeling of suffocation, inability to swallow, etc.

I understand longospasm correctly - is it laryngospasm?

Relatively speaking, the reasons for the occurrence of this thing can be divided into somatic and physiological. Those. in the first case, we can talk about respiratory distress as the main manifestation of neurosis, it can be a syndrome of breathing disorders and laryngospasm, hiccups, too. But at the same time, they again can be of varying degrees of severity.

In the second, consider as a consequence of some kind of chronicle, for example, bronchial asthma.

For me, and secondly, in more complex cases, a person somehow "reached" this, also by means of his unresolved psychological problems... And here, if there is a desire not only to eat pills, inject injections and carry this chronicity through life (the desire may be unconscious), long-term psychotherapy and / or a lot of work on oneself is needed (but in mandatory under the supervision of a sane medical specialist). In the first one, you can use the same techniques of deep breathing, conscious breathing, relaxation. There is such a thing that you need to try. Everything is very individual.

But to put it bluntly, the throat is a means of expression, a TV-va channel. And catching the throat can be interpreted as indecision in the desire to move forward, restraining oneself, feeling the impossibility of expressing oneself, holding back angry words, indignation. Breathing is, as it were, the personification of the ability to recognize and accept life in all its manifestations without losing its value. When breathing problems, respectively, you can talk about fear / anxiety or even refusal to recognize and accept life. Do not give yourself the right to “occupy space in the surrounding world”. Perhaps anger and thoughts of revenge, resentment. But this is all very generalized. I repeat, you always need to consider everything individually. The same symptoms can have completely different intrapersonal causes. Psychosamotoses are always continuous nuances.

Anyone can be useful breathing techniques, below are the methods of Strelnikov, Frolov, Buteyko are mentioned. There is even a Frolov apparatus / simulator (if memory serves. Previously, they were sold in pharmacies and were inexpensive).

Learning to breathe and control your breathing without deep self-dripping can also bring great results. After all, acting on "physics" we thereby undoubtedly correct the psyche and vice versa. Here, as in the eternal question of the chicken and the egg, it is not known what is primary, but it is quite clear that one is from the other.

In, bastard, I wanted to finish writing one sentence, threw the same post + sentence, How to rub the first one?

I had this before myocarditis was discovered. I ought to check my heart. Take care of yourself!

Consider breathing exercises along with your doctor's appointment.

The easiest and most effective breathing exercises for Strelnikova to master (I have been doing it almost every day for many years) And, of course, yoga pranayamas, but they are more difficult to master.

Breathing exercises helped me get rid of bronchial asthma. The drugs that I took at first, at best, relieved another attack. Health to you.

Thank you, and where can I find the rules for this breathing exercises Strelnikova (by the way, I have already heard it many times, but I don’t remember why)?

True, I do not know where you live. I'm in Kiev.

A former Muscovite, now I live in Israel. Many books on health issues are now being published in Russia. I order them on the Internet or buy them in “Russian” stores in Israel.

Here is a good book: D. Preobrazhensky "Breathing according to Strelnikova, Buteyko and Frolov". Izd. Peter. Moscow. Kiev. 2005

I myself studied with Strelnikova herself, when I was overcome by asthma.

The general principle is to inhale through the nose at the moment of compression of the chest with hands, as if hugging oneself, exhale through the mouth, freeing the chest (moving hands to the sides). If you do not find it in stores, I can explain in more detail and even send the material in my own interpretation, but by E-mail.

It's hard to breathe, you want to yawn, but it's unrealistic - what could it be?

Nothing else bothers me, no pains, although due to lack of air, there is a heaviness in the head. There is no asthma, there is osteochondrosis and overwork.

I had a similar problem. Only I really wanted to yawn and I yawned. Just like crazy every minute I yawned-yawned-yawned. And the yawning turned out to be some kind of half, I could not breathe deeply. My grandmother told me that these are heart problems, so. I checked with a doctor, they made a cardiogram, measured my pulse, etc. procedures but found nothing. Then it went away by itself, it did not last long - a few days. Now it happens to me when I'm really nervous. Apparently, there is some kind of connection with the heart. I advise you to see a doctor too, you can see a therapist, he himself will refer you to the right doctor. Well, be less nervous, because it's true, all diseases are from nerves. I wish a speedy recovery!

This is most likely pulmonary hyperventilation. When the body tries to get more oxygen than it needs. I had this: I gasp for air like a fish, I can't breathe deeply, they immediately check the level of blood oxygen saturation - the device gives out 100 percent. This condition can be caused by neurosis, it can be one of the signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The most important thing during an attack is not to panic, try to calm down. I also found on the Internet a slightly unusual way to eliminate the symptom of hyperventilation - to breathe in a bag to reduce the amount of oxygen in the inhaled air. Oddly enough, it helps.

It happened to me too often. I noticed that such symptoms are usually when the heart is naughty due to fatigue or something else. When I went for a routine check-up, the cardiologist said that I rarely go out into the open air and because of this I do not have enough air, oxygen, I cannot yawn, etc. In general, everything that you describe. They also told me that the thyroid gland often gives it. I began to be outdoors more often, treated my thyroid gland, it seemed like it had passed. It's been a long time since. But you may have for another reason. Better still visit a specialist. But it certainly won't hurt you to be in the fresh air)

If not pain, do not rush to the doctors, selections for tests will begin, and other diagnostic tricks, in the course of which everything will disappear and you will stop walking on your own, or even better, they will prescribe a treatment that you do not need. Look for a set of physical exercises that stimulates blood circulation, do it diligently in the morning and forget about your ailments. These are common winter symptoms associated with low mobility.

Most often, this condition is called "yawning" This is due to a banal lack of air, possibly poor blood supply to the brain, stress on the work of the heart muscle. Do not hesitate to consult a therapist, cardiologist. removal of a cardiogram, dopplerography of the vessels of the brain. and more walks in the fresh air, take a break from monotonous work, a computer and TV. Be healthy)

I had the same thing and several times, I went to the doctor - they said some kind of absurdity - something like it was necessary to drink some kind of pill, I don't really like pills, so I did not pay attention to it, I did only one thing and accidentally I began to lose weight - lost weight and you imagine "learned to yawn" the air began to suffice, after that he got better again and again such a problem - he lost weight and is gone.

Most likely, these are some kind of problems with cardiovascular affairs. It is imperative to check with a doctor, heart first. If nothing is found, the doctor himself will redirect to another doctor, to whom he considers necessary and competent in this matter. Or another option - nerves. In any case, you should immediately seek help from doctors, health is no joke.

Here Uncle Ostik plays such evil things, because of improper blood circulation, lack of oxygen, so you want to yawn, but it is difficult to breathe for the same reason visiting Uncle Ostik, deformation of internal organs, curvature of the vertebrae, the further the worse, until it's too late, although would go in for swimming, or better to a specialist. Spend more time outdoors.

I share my results! Maybe someone will help in the future, although I hope that no one will get sick. I took Afobazol and Persen at night, the difficulty in breathing almost disappeared, at least it became much easier! This helps in the event that the problems are precisely from the nervous system: overwork, stress! All be healthy!

Breathing is a natural physiological act that occurs constantly and to which most of us do not pay attention, because the body itself regulates the depth and frequency of respiratory movements depending on the situation. The feeling that there is not enough air is perhaps familiar to everyone. It may appear after a quick run, climbing stairs to a high floor, with strong excitement, but healthy body quickly copes with such shortness of breath, bringing breathing back to normal.

If short-term dyspnea after exertion does not cause serious concern, quickly disappearing during rest, then prolonged or sudden a sharp difficulty in breathing can signal a serious pathology, often requiring immediate treatment. Acute shortage of air when the airway is closed by a foreign body, pulmonary edema, asthmatic attack can cost life, therefore, any respiratory disorder requires clarification of its cause and timely treatment.

In the process of breathing and providing tissues with oxygen, not only the respiratory system is involved, although its role, of course, is paramount. It is impossible to imagine breathing without the correct functioning of the muscular frame of the chest and diaphragm, heart and blood vessels, and the brain. Respiration is influenced by the composition of the blood, hormonal status, the activity of the nerve centers of the brain and many external causes - sports training, plentiful food, emotions.

The body successfully adjusts to fluctuations in the concentration of gases in the blood and tissues, increasing, if necessary, the frequency of respiratory movements. With a lack of oxygen or increased needs for it, breathing becomes more frequent. Acidosis, accompanying a number of infectious diseases, fever, and tumors, provokes increased respiration to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood and normalize its composition. These mechanisms turn on by themselves, without our will and efforts, but in some cases they acquire the character of pathological.

Any respiratory disorder, even if its cause seems obvious and harmless, requires examination and a differentiated approach to treatment, therefore, if you feel that there is not enough air, it is better to immediately go to a doctor - therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, psychotherapist.

Causes and types of breathing disorders

When a person has difficulty breathing and does not have enough air, they talk about shortness of breath. This sign is considered an adaptive act in response to an existing pathology or reflects a natural physiological process adaptation to changing external conditions. In some cases, it becomes difficult to breathe, but an unpleasant feeling of lack of air does not arise, since hypoxia is eliminated by the increased frequency of respiratory movements - in case of poisoning carbon monoxide, work in breathing apparatus, a sharp rise to height.

Shortness of breath is inspiratory and expiratory. In the first case, there is not enough air during inhalation, in the second - on exhalation, but it is also possible mixed type when it is difficult to inhale and exhale.

Shortness of breath is not always accompanied by illness, it is physiological, and this is a completely natural condition. The causes of physiological shortness of breath are:

  • Physical exercise;
  • Excitement, strong emotional experiences;
  • Being in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room, in the highlands.

Physiological increased respiration occurs reflexively and passes after a short time. People with poor physical condition who have sedentary "office" work suffer from shortness of breath in response to physical exertion more often than those who regularly visit the gym, pool, or just take daily walks. As general physical development improves, shortness of breath occurs less frequently.

Pathological shortness of breath can develop acutely or disturb constantly, even at rest, significantly aggravated with the slightest physical effort. A person suffocates with the rapid closure of the airways by a foreign body, edema of the tissues of the larynx, lungs and other serious conditions. When breathing, in this case, the body does not receive the required even minimal amount of oxygen, and other severe disorders are added to the shortness of breath.

The main pathological causes which are difficult to breathe are:

  • Diseases respiratory system- pulmonary dyspnea;
  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels - cardiac dyspnea;
  • Violations nervous regulation the act of breathing - dyspnea of ​​the central type;
  • Violation of the gas composition of the blood - hematogenous dyspnea.

Heart causes

Heart disease is one of the most common reasons why it becomes difficult to breathe. The patient complains that he does not have enough air and, notes the appearance of edema on the legs, rapid fatigability etc. Usually, patients who, against the background of changes in the heart, have impaired breathing, have already been examined and even take appropriate medications, but shortness of breath can not only persist, but in some cases is aggravated.

With pathology of the heart, there is not enough air when inhaling, that is, inspiratory dyspnea. It accompanies, it can persist even at rest in its severe stages, it is aggravated at night when the patient is lying.

The most common reasons are:

  1. Arrhythmias;
  2. and myocardial dystrophy;
  3. Defects - congenital leads to shortness of breath in childhood and even the neonatal period;
  4. Inflammatory processes in the myocardium, pericarditis;
  5. Heart failure.

The occurrence of breathing difficulties in cardiac pathology is most often associated with the progression of heart failure, in which either there is no adequate cardiac output and tissues suffer from hypoxia, or congestion occurs in the lungs due to the failure of the left ventricular myocardium ().

In addition to shortness of breath, often combined with dry painful, in persons with cardiac pathology, there are other characteristic complaints that somewhat facilitate the diagnosis - pain in the region of the heart, "evening" edema, cyanosis of the skin, interruptions in the heart. It becomes more difficult to breathe while lying down, so most patients even sleep half-sitting, thus reducing the flow of venous blood from the legs to the heart and the manifestations of shortness of breath.

symptoms of heart failure

With an attack of cardiac asthma, which can quickly turn into alveolar pulmonary edema, the patient literally suffocates - the respiratory rate exceeds 20 per minute, the face turns blue, swells cervical veins, the sputum becomes foamy. Pulmonary edema is a medical emergency.

Treatment for cardiac dyspnea depends on original cause that caused it. An adult patient with heart failure is prescribed diuretics (furosemide, veroshpiron, diacarb), ACE inhibitors(lisinopril, enalapril, etc.), beta-blockers and antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides, oxygen therapy.

Children are shown diuretics (diacarb), and drugs of other groups are strictly dosed due to possible side effects and contraindications in childhood. Congenital malformations, in which the child begins to suffocate from the very first months of life, may require urgent surgical correction and even heart transplantation.

Pulmonary causes

Lung pathology is the second reason leading to difficulty breathing, and both difficulty in inhaling and exhaling is possible. Pulmonary pathology with respiratory failure is:

  • Chronic obstructive diseases - asthma, bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary emphysema;
  • Pneumo- and hydrothorax;
  • Tumors;
  • Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract;
  • in the branches of the pulmonary arteries.

Chronic inflammatory and sclerotic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma greatly contribute to respiratory failure. They are aggravated by smoking, poor environmental conditions, recurrent infections of the respiratory system. Shortness of breath at first disturbs during physical exertion, gradually acquiring a constant character, as the disease progresses to a more severe and irreversible stage of the course.

With pathology of the lungs, the gas composition of the blood is disturbed, there is a lack of oxygen, which, first of all, is not enough for the head and brain. Strong hypoxia provokes metabolic disorders in the nervous tissue and the development of encephalopathy.

Patients with bronchial asthma know well how breathing is impaired during an attack:
it becomes very difficult to exhale, discomfort and even pain in the chest appears, arrhythmia is possible, phlegm when coughing is difficult and extremely scarce, the cervical veins swell. Patients with such shortness of breath sit with their hands on their knees - this position reduces venous return and stress on the heart, making the condition easier. Most often, it is difficult to breathe and there is not enough air for such patients at night or in the early morning hours.

In a severe asthmatic attack, the patient suffocates, the skin becomes bluish, panic and some disorientation are possible, and asthmatic status may be accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

In case of breathing disorders due to chronic pulmonary pathology, the patient's appearance changes: the chest becomes barrel-shaped, the gaps between the ribs increase, the cervical veins are large and dilated, as are the peripheral veins of the extremities. The expansion of the right half of the heart against the background of sclerotic processes in the lungs leads to its failure, and shortness of breath becomes mixed and more severe, that is, not only the lungs cannot cope with breathing, but the heart cannot provide adequate blood flow, filling the venous part of the systemic circulation with blood.

There is not enough air also in the case pneumonia, pneumothorax, hemothorax... With inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, it becomes not only difficult to breathe, the temperature also rises, on the face clear signs intoxication, and cough is accompanied by sputum production.

An extremely serious cause of sudden respiratory failure is the ingestion of a foreign body into the airway. It can be a piece of food or a small part of a toy that your baby accidentally inhales while playing. The victim with a foreign body begins to choke, turns blue, quickly loses consciousness, cardiac arrest is possible if help does not arrive in time.

Pulmonary embolism can also lead to sudden and rapidly increasing shortness of breath, cough. It occurs more often than a person suffering from pathology of the vessels of the legs, heart, destructive processes in the pancreas. With thromboembolism, the condition can be extremely severe with an increase in asphyxia, blue skin, rapid cessation of breathing and heartbeat.

In children, shortness of breath is most often associated with the ingress of a foreign body during play, pneumonia, and edema of the tissues of the larynx. Croup- edema with stenosis of the larynx, which can accompany a wide variety inflammatory processes, ranging from banal laryngitis and ending with diphtheria. If the mother noticed that the baby is breathing often, turns pale or turns blue, shows obvious anxiety or breathing is completely interrupted, then you should immediately seek help. Severe breathing disorders in children are fraught with asphyxia and death.

In some cases, severe shortness of breath is due to allergy and Quincke's edema, which are also accompanied by stenosis of the lumen of the larynx. The reason may be food allergen, wasp sting, inhalation of plant pollen, drug. In these cases, both the child and the adult require emergency health care to stop an allergic reaction, and in case of asphyxia, a tracheostomy and artificial ventilation of the lungs may be required.

Treatment for pulmonary dyspnea should be differentiated. If the cause of everything is a foreign body, then it must be removed as soon as possible; in case of allergic edema, the administration of antihistamines, glucocorticoid hormones, adrenaline is shown to a child and an adult. In case of asphyxia, a tracheo- or conicotomy is performed.

In bronchial asthma, multistage treatment, including beta-adrenomimetics (salbutamol) in sprays, anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide), methylxanthines (aminophylline), glucocorticosteroids (triamcinolone, prednisolone).

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes require antibacterial and detoxification therapy, and compression of the lungs with pneumo- or hydrothorax, impaired airway patency by a tumor is an indication for surgery (puncture pleural cavity, thoracotomy, removal of part of the lung, etc.).

Cerebral causes

In some cases, breathing difficulties are associated with brain damage, because there are located the most important nerve centers that regulate the activity of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart. Dyspnea of ​​this type is characteristic of structural damage to the brain tissue - trauma, neoplasm, stroke, edema, encephalitis, etc.

Respiratory dysfunctions in brain pathology are very diverse: it is possible both a decrease in breathing and its increase in frequency, the appearance different types pathological breathing. Many patients with severe cerebral pathology are on artificial ventilation, as they themselves simply cannot breathe.

The toxic effect of the waste products of microbes, fever leads to an increase in hypoxia and acidification internal environment organism, which causes shortness of breath - the patient breathes often and noisily. Thus, the body seeks to quickly get rid of excess carbon dioxide and provide tissues with oxygen.

A relatively harmless cause of cerebral dyspnea can be considered functional disorders in the activity of the brain and peripheral nervous system - neurosis, hysteria. In these cases, shortness of breath is "nervous" in nature, and in some cases this is noticeable to the naked eye, even to a non-specialist.

With intercostal neuralgia, the patient feels severe pain in the half of the chest, aggravated by movement and inhalation, and impressionable patients may panic, breathe frequently and shallowly. With osteochondrosis, it is difficult to inhale, and constant pain in the spine can provoke chronic shortness of breath, which can be difficult to distinguish from shortness of breath in pulmonary or cardiac pathology.

Treatment of breathing difficulties in diseases of the musculoskeletal system includes physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage, medication support in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.

Many expectant mothers complain that breathing becomes harder for them to breathe as the pregnancy progresses. This sign may well fit into the norm, because the growing uterus and fetus raise the diaphragm and reduce the expansion of the lungs, hormonal changes and the formation of the placenta contribute to an increase in the number of respiratory movements to provide the tissues of both organisms with oxygen.

However, during pregnancy, breathing should be carefully assessed so as not to miss a serious pathology due to its seemingly natural increase, which may be anemia, thromboembolic syndrome, progression of heart failure in a woman's defect, etc.

Pulmonary thromboembolism is considered one of the most dangerous reasons why a woman can begin to choke during pregnancy. This condition is life threatening, accompanied by a sharp increase in respiration rate, which becomes noisy and ineffective. Asphyxiation and death are possible without emergency assistance.

Thus, having considered only the most common causes of shortness of breath, it becomes clear that this symptom can speak of dysfunction of almost all organs or systems of the body, and in some cases it is difficult to isolate the main pathogenic factor. Patients who find it difficult to breathe need a thorough examination, and if the patient suffocates, urgently qualified help is needed.

Any case of shortness of breath requires a trip to the doctor to find out its cause, self-medication in this case is unacceptable and can lead to very serious consequences... This is especially true for breathing disorders in children, pregnant women and sudden attacks of shortness of breath in people of any age.

Video: what prevents breathing? The program "Life is great!"

In many cases, air shortage situations can be an indicator of serious illness. Therefore, one cannot ignore such a deviation and wait until the next attack passes in the hope that a new one will not be repeated soon.

Almost always, if there is not enough air when inhaling, the reason lies in hypoxia - a drop in the oxygen content in cells and tissues. It may also be due to hypoxemia, when oxygen falls in the blood itself.

Each of these deviations becomes the main factor why activation begins in the cerebral respiratory center, heart rate and respiration increase. In this case, gas exchange in the blood with atmospheric air becomes more intense and oxygen starvation decreases.

Almost every person has a feeling of lack of oxygen while running or other physical activity, but if this happens even with a calm step or at rest, then the situation is serious. Any indicators such as a change in the rhythm of breathing, shortness of breath, the duration of inspiration and expiration should not be ignored.

Varieties of shortness of breath and other data on the disease

Dyspnea, or non-medical language - shortness of breath, is a disease that is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. In the case of heart problems, the onset of shortness of breath begins during physical exertion in the early stages, and if the situation gradually worsens without treatment, even in a relative state of rest.

This is especially evident in a horizontal position, which forces the patient to constantly sit.

Manifesting attacks of severe shortness of breath most often at night, the deviation may be a manifestation of cardiac asthma. In this case, breathing becomes difficult and this is an indicator of inspiratory dyspnea. An expiratory type of shortness of breath is when, on the contrary, it is difficult to exhale air.

This happens due to the narrowing of the lumen in the small bronchi or in the case of loss of elasticity in the tissues of the lungs. Directly cerebral dyspnea is manifested due to irritation of the respiratory center, which can occur as a result of tumors and hemorrhages.

Difficulty or rapid breathing

Depending on what the respiratory rate is, there can be 2 types of shortness of breath:

  1. bradypnea - respiratory movements per minute 12 or less, occurs due to damage to the brain or its membranes, when hypoxia continues for a long time, which may be accompanied by diabetes mellitus and diabetic coma;

The main criterion that shortness of breath is pathological is that it occurs during a normal situation and light loads, when it was previously absent.

Respiratory physiology and why there may be problems

When it is difficult to breathe and there is not enough air, the reasons may be in violation complex processes at the physiological level. Oxygen in ours enters our body, lungs and spreads to all cells thanks to the surfactant.

This is a complex of various active substances (polysaccharides, proteins, phospholipids, etc.) lining the inside of the lung alveoli. Responsible for the fact that the pulmonary vesicles do not stick together and oxygen enters the lungs without hindrance.

The value of the surfactant is very significant - with its help, the spread of air through the membrane of the alveoli is accelerated at once. That is, we can say that we can breathe thanks to the surfactant.

The less surfactant, the more difficult it will be for the body to provide a normal respiratory process.

The surfactant helps the lungs absorb and assimilate oxygen, prevents the walls of the lungs from sticking together, improves immunity, protects the epithelium and prevents edema from appearing. Therefore, if the feeling of oxygen starvation is constantly present, it is quite possible that the body cannot provide healthy breathing due to disruptions in the production of surfactant.

Possible causes of the disease

Often a person can feel - "I am suffocating, as if a stone on my lungs." At good health such a situation should not be in a normal state of rest or in the case of light exertion. The reasons for the lack of oxygen can be very diverse:

  • strong feelings and stress;
  • allergic reaction;

Despite such a long list of possible reasons why it can be difficult to inhale, surfactant is almost always at the heart of the problem. If we consider from the point of view of physiology, this is the fatty membrane of the inner walls of the alveoli.

The alveolus is a vesicular cavity in the parts of the lungs and is involved in the respiratory act. Thus, if everything is in order with the surfactant, any diseases on the lungs and respiration will be reflected in a minimal way.

Therefore, if we see people in transport, pale and in a light-headed state, most likely, the whole thing is also in the surfactant. When a person notices - "I yawn too often", it means that the substance is being produced incorrectly.

How to avoid surfactant problems

It has already been noted that the basis of the surfactant is fats, of which it consists of almost 90%. The rest is supplemented by polysaccharides and proteins. The key function of fats in our body is precisely the synthesis of this substance.

Therefore, a common reason why surfactant problems arise is to follow the low-fat food trend. People who have eliminated fats from their diet (which can be useful, not just harmful) soon begin to suffer from hypoxia.

Unsaturated fats, which are found in fish, nuts, olive and vegetable oils, are beneficial. Among the plant products, avocado is an excellent product in this regard.

A lack of healthy fats in the diet leads to hypoxia, which subsequently develops into ischemic heart disease, which is one of the most common causes of premature death. It is especially important for women to form their diet correctly during pregnancy, so that both her and her child produce all the necessary substances in the right amount.

How can you take care of your lungs and alveoli?

Since we breathe with the help of our lungs through our mouth, and oxygen enters the body only through the alveolar link, in case of breathing problems, you need to take care of the health of the respiratory system. You may also have to pay special attention to the heart, since with a lack of oxygen, it can begin different problems requiring prompt treatment.

In addition to proper nutrition and including healthy fatty foods in the diet, you can do other effective preventive measures. In a good way to improve health is a visit to the salt rooms and caves. Now they can be easily found in almost any city.

VSD and feeling of lack of air

The feeling when it is difficult to breathe is a frequent accompaniment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why are people with VSD sometimes unable to take a full breath? Hyperventilation syndrome is one of the common causes.

This problem is not related to the lungs, heart, or bronchi.

Also, don't forget to thank the doctors.

cardiologist4 21:26

cardiologist3 15:45

cardiologist5 23:21

I am a resident of eastern Ukraine - I came to the northern capital of Russia Saint Petersburg, already like a year. The first week of my stay I began to feel not important (ODORA, VISIBLE HEARTBIT WITH INHALATION, HEAVY IN THE HEART REGION, FATIGUE OF THE LEFT FORUM MUSCLES, CHEST MUSCLES ON THE LEFT SIDE - you told me nothing, then, my fellow countrymen, you’ve told me nothing, but then, my fellow countrymen, you’re used to it.) will pass, I thought it was acclimatization. But as it turned out, it became more difficult further (the SYMPTOMS INCREASED AND PARTICIPATED, THE EXTREME PHALANGES ON THE HANDS AND LIPS STARTED. MORE A MONTH HAS PASSED), I forced myself to quit smoking. that this is all an erroneous diagnosis, and decided that maybe I have chondrosis somewhere on the spine or chest. After a while, the symptoms disappeared, the reason is unknown to me, either exercise, or time, or the weather. Or maybe quit smoking. I was happy that I felt normal and that I was not worried about anything. But I was not happy for long. After a long day at work and heavy physical exertion, in the evening after eating, the symptoms appeared again, but much more unpleasant about the aggravation. Later, the numbness of the hands turned into a convulsion, I felt that something was wrong with the blood and gave an injection.

He began to take vitamins SUPRADIN. Two courses, seven in seven, the specifics of the work did not change - physical activity. Before going to bed, 80 grams of warm red wine. In the morning, a hearty breakfast after the Tibetan exercise. Well, until this relapse has passed.

The night before, in the evening I had a big fight with my wife. I was very nervous and got drunk on vodka, I ate not a lot, I ate well and went to bed very drunk. I woke up, an ordinary hangover, a slight one.

The first hour robots, symptoms: BREATHING, SEVERE FATIGUE.


Took VALIDOL. Symptoms after another 30 minutes: I MOVE-EASIER, STOP-SYMPTOMS INCREASE.

I took time off from work, took NITROGLYCYRIN with me, came to the house, did not come in until it passed, I moved with an easy step, VALIDOL was still under the tongue, about half. Well, it seems to be allowed. I went home and brewed chamomile, St. John's wort, agave and Crimean thyme. I made a strong broth, drank it. After about 30-40 minutes, it became easier - he could be in a calm state, all the symptoms were gone, there was a slight pressure on the temples and, with a sharp movement, the region of the heart. I found peppermint, added it to the teapot, I only drink this, I'm afraid of other medicines, without the advice of a specialist!


I ask you to advise me on prevention or treatment based on these symptoms.

I would be very grateful for your attention. I am 32 years old, 63/172 AB (4) Rh +

Why there is not enough air when breathing and yawning begins

Dangerous symptoms

Sometimes shortness of breath occurs for physiological reasons that can be easily eliminated. But if you constantly want to yawn and breathe deeply, then this could be a symptom of a serious illness. It is even worse when, against this background, shortness of breath (dyspnea) often occurs, which appears even with minimal physical exertion. This is already a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

It is necessary to immediately go to the hospital if the difficulty in breathing is accompanied by:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • severe bouts of coughing;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • swelling and cramps in the limbs;
  • a feeling of fear and inner tension.

These symptoms usually clearly signal pathologies in the body, which need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Causes of lack of air

All the reasons why a person can go to a doctor with a complaint: "I can't breathe completely and I constantly yawn" can be conditionally divided into psychological, physiological and pathological. Conditionally - because everything in our body is closely interconnected, and the failure of one system entails a disruption in the normal functioning of other organs.

So, prolonged stress, which is attributed to psychological reasons, can provoke hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular problems.


The most harmless are the physiological reasons that can cause shortness of breath:

  1. Lack of oxygen. Strongly felt in the mountains, where the air is thin. So if you have recently changed your geographic location and are now significantly above sea level, then it is normal that you find it difficult to breathe at first. Well, ventilate the apartment more often.
  2. A stuffy room. Two factors play a role here at once - a lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide, especially if there are a lot of people in the room.
  3. Tight clothing. Many do not even think about it, but in the pursuit of beauty, sacrificing convenience, they deprive themselves of a significant portion of oxygen. Clothes that strongly compress the chest and diaphragm are especially dangerous: corsets, tight bras, tight-fitting bodysuits.
  4. Poor physical condition. Lack of air and shortness of breath at the slightest exertion are experienced by those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have spent a lot of time in bed due to illness.
  5. Overweight. It causes a whole bunch of problems, in which yawning and shortness of breath are not yet the most serious. But be careful - with a significant excess of normal weight, cardiac pathologies develop rapidly.

It is difficult to breathe in the heat, especially when you are severely dehydrated. The blood becomes thicker, and it is harder for the heart to push it through the vessels. As a result, the body receives less oxygen. The person begins to yawn and try to breathe deeper.


Shortness of breath, yawning and regularly felt shortness of breath can provoke serious illness. Moreover, often these signs are among the first symptoms that make it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

Therefore, if you constantly find it difficult to breathe, be sure to go to the doctor. Among the possible diagnoses, the most common are the following:

  • VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is the scourge of our time, and it is usually triggered by severe or chronic nervous overstrain. A person feels constant anxiety, fears, panic attacks develop, fear of a closed space arises. Difficulty breathing and yawning are harbingers of these attacks.
  • Anemia. Acute iron deficiency in the body. It is needed to carry oxygen. When there is not enough air, even with normal breathing it seems that there is not enough air. The person begins to constantly yawn and take deep breaths.
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis. All of them, one way or another, lead to the fact that it becomes almost impossible to take a full breath.
  • Respiratory diseases, acute and chronic. Due to the swelling and dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, it becomes difficult to breathe. Often the nose and throat are clogged with mucus. When yawning, the larynx opens as much as possible, so with flu and SARS, we not only cough, but also yawn.
  • Heart disease: ischemia, acute heart failure, cardiac asthma. They are difficult to diagnose early on. Shortness of breath, coupled with shortness of breath and chest pain, is often a sign of a heart attack. If this condition came suddenly, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism. People with thrombophlebitis are at serious risk. A broken blood clot can block the pulmonary artery and cause part of the lung to die. But at first it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a constant yawning and a feeling of acute lack of air.

As you can see, most diseases are not just serious - they pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, if you often feel a lack of air, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor.


And again, one cannot help but recall stress, which today is one of the main reasons for the development of many diseases.

Yawning under stress is an unconditioned reflex inherent in us by nature. If you observe the animals, you will notice that when they are nervous, they constantly yawn. And in this sense we are no different from them.

Under stress, capillary spasm occurs, and the heart begins to beat faster through the release of adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure rises. In this case, a deep breath and yawning perform a compensatory function and protect the brain from destruction.

With severe fright, there is often muscle spasm, which makes it impossible to take a full breath. It is not for nothing that the expression “caught my breath” exists.

What to do

If you find yourself in a situation in which there was frequent yawning and lack of air, do not try to panic - this will only exacerbate the problem. The first thing to do is to provide an additional flow of oxygen: open a window or window, if possible, go outside.

Try to loosen as much as possible the clothing that interferes with full inhalation: take off your tie, open your collar, corset or bra. To avoid dizziness, it is better to take a sitting or lying position. Now you need to take a very deep breath through the nose and an extended exhalation through the mouth.

After several such breaths, the condition usually improves markedly. If this does not happen, and the above-mentioned dangerous symptoms are added to the lack of air, call an ambulance immediately.

Before the arrival of health workers, do not take medications on your own, unless they are prescribed by the attending physician - they can distort the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis.


Emergency doctors usually quickly determine the cause of the severe difficulty in breathing and the need for hospitalization. If there are no serious fears, and the attack is caused by physiological reasons or severe stress and does not recur, then you can sleep peacefully.

But if you suspect heart or lung disease, it is better to undergo an examination, which may include:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • computer tomogram.

What types of research are needed in your case, the doctor will determine at the initial examination.

If the lack of air and constant yawning are caused by stress, then you may need to consult a psychologist or neuropathologist who will tell you how to relieve nervous tension or prescribe medications: sedatives or antidepressants.

Treatment and prevention

When a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “I can't breathe completely, I yawn, what should I do?”, He first of all collects a detailed anamnesis. This eliminates the physiological causes of oxygen deficiency.

In the case of overweight, treatment is obvious - the patient should be referred to a dietitian. Without controlled weight loss, the problem cannot be solved.

If, according to the results of the examination, acute or chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory tract are revealed, treatment is prescribed according to the protocol. Here it is already necessary to take medications and, possibly, physiotherapy procedures.

Respiratory gymnastics is a good prevention and even treatment. But in case of broncho-pulmonary diseases, it can be done only with the permission of the attending physician. Improperly selected or performed exercises in this case can provoke an attack of severe coughing and deterioration of the general condition.

It is very important to keep yourself in good physical shape. Even with heart disease, there are special sets of exercises to help you recover faster and return to a normal lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is especially useful - they train the heart and develop the lungs.

Active outdoor games (badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.), cycling, walking at a fast pace, swimming - will not only help get rid of shortness of breath and provide additional oxygen, but also tighten muscles, making you slimmer. And then, even high in the mountains, you will feel great and enjoy the journey, and not suffer from constant shortness of breath and yawning.

It is difficult to take a full breath - what does this mean?

When it is difficult to take a full breath, lung pathology is suspected first. But such a symptom may indicate a complicated course of osteochondrosis. Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of difficulty breathing with osteochondrosis

Shortness of breath, inability to take a full breath are characteristic signs of cervical and breast osteochondrosis... Pathology in the spine occurs for various reasons. But most often the development of degenerative processes is provoked by: a sedentary lifestyle, performing work related to increased load on the back, poor posture. The impact of these factors over the years has a negative effect on the condition of the intervertebral discs: they become less elastic and strong (the vertebrae move towards the paravertebral structures).

If osteochondrosis progresses, destructive processes are involved bone tissue(osteophytes appear on the vertebrae), muscles and ligaments. Over time, protrusion or herniated disc develops. With the localization of pathology in cervical spine the spine is compressed by the nerve roots, the vertebral artery (through it blood and oxygen enters the brain): there is a pain in the neck, a feeling of lack of air, tachycardia.

With the destruction of the intervertebral discs and the displacement of the vertebrae in the thoracic spine, the structure of the chest changes, the phrenic nerve is irritated, the roots, which are responsible for the innervation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, are infringed. The external manifestation of such processes is pain, which increases when trying to take a deep breath, disruption of the lungs and heart.

Features of the manifestation of osteochondrosis

The clinical manifestation of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is different. In the early stages of development, it may be asymptomatic. Lack of air and chest pain with deep breathing occur as the disease progresses. Shortness of breath can be disturbing both during the day and at night. During sleep, it is accompanied by snoring. The patient's sleep becomes intermittent, as a result of which he wakes up tired and overwhelmed.

In addition to respiratory disorders, with osteochondrosis appear:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • stiffness in hand movements;
  • headaches (most often in the occipital region);
  • numbness, swelling of the neck;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • blue tips of the fingers.

Often, such signs of osteochondrosis are perceived as a pathology of the lungs or heart. However, it is possible to distinguish true disturbances in the work of these systems from diseases of the spine by the presence of other symptoms.

It is difficult to understand why you can't take a deep breath on your own. But at home, you can do the following:

  • take a sitting position, hold your breath for 40 seconds;
  • try to blow out the candle at a distance of 80 cm.

If the tests fail, this indicates a problem with the respiratory system. For ruling accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor.

Breathing problems: diagnosis, treatment

To find out why it is difficult to take a full breath can only be a doctor, after the patient has passed comprehensive examination... It includes:

Examination of the chest organs. Assign:

Spine diagnostics. It includes:

  • radiography;
  • contrasting discography;
  • myelography;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

If the survey did not reveal serious pathologies internal organs, but signs of osteochondrosis were found, the spine should be treated. Therapy should be comprehensive and include drug and non-drug treatment.

When treating with medications, the following are prescribed:

Pain relievers and vasodilators. Their principle of operation:

  • accelerate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, tissues of the affected spine;
  • reduce vascular spasms, pain syndrome;
  • improve metabolism.

Chondroprotectors - are taken in order to:

  • restore the elasticity of the intervertebral discs;
  • prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Application effect:

  • pains decrease;
  • inflammation disappears, tissue edema at the site of compression blood vessels and roots of the spinal cord;

In addition, the intake of vitamins is prescribed. In difficult situations, it is recommended to wear a Shants collar: it supports the neck, thereby reducing the pressure on the roots and blood vessels (the feeling of lack of air does not occur so often).

An integral part of the complex treatment of the spine is the use of auxiliary medical procedures. The main goals of this therapy are:

  • reduce the severity of pain syndrome;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • eliminate breathing problems;
  • stimulate metabolic processes in the affected tissues;
  • prevent aggravation of pain.

Non-drug treatment of osteochondrosis includes:

  • acupuncture - improves blood flow, blocks pathological impulses of the peripheral nervous system;
  • electrophoresis - relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, has a calming effect;
  • magnetotherapy. It helps to improve cerebral circulation, saturation of the myocardium with oxygen (the activity of the chest organs is normalized, shortness of breath disappears);
  • Exercise therapy and breathing exercises. The effect of the exercise: strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • massage - accelerates the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and chest organs, relaxes muscles, and normalizes metabolism.

A constant lack of air in osteochondrosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma, inflammation of the heart muscle. In severe cases, the pathology of the cervical or thoracic spine becomes the cause of the complete loss of respiratory functions, disability and even death. Therefore, after confirming the diagnosis, you must immediately begin to take therapeutic measures.

If the recommendations for treatment are followed, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Exceptions are cases of late treatment to a doctor: when a prolonged lack of air has led to irreversible changes in the tissues of the brain.

For the prevention of shortness of breath in osteochondrosis, exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended:

  1. Exercise regularly.
  2. Be in the fresh air as often as possible: this will reduce the likelihood of hypoxia.
  3. Eat properly.
  4. Quit smoking, minimize alcohol consumption.
  5. Monitor your posture.
  6. Jogging, swimming, rollerblading and skiing.
  7. Do inhalations with essential oils, citrus fruits (if you are not allergic to fruits).
  8. Get plenty of rest.
  9. Change the soft bed to an orthopedic one.
  10. Avoid putting excessive stress on the spine.
  11. Strengthen immunity with folk remedies or medications (as recommended by a doctor).

Lack of air, shortness of breath, pain with a deep breath - can be signs of heart disease and respiratory system, or a manifestation of complicated osteochondrosis. To prevent the occurrence of consequences that are dangerous to health and life, you must consult a doctor: he will identify the cause of the disruption of the respiratory system and select the correct treatment.

It is hard to breathe, there is not enough air: reasons for what to do

How dangerous are attacks of shortness of breath in a person, shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, why does this happen, and how to deal with it?

Most often, there is not enough air, it becomes difficult to breathe, shortness of breath occurs against the background of heart or lung diseases, and you can read about this in great detail in the article on our website "Shortness of breath - causes, symptoms, treatment, first aid".

This article is about those cases when everything is in order with the heart and lungs, no pathologies were found, and a person who suffocates from time to time has already been checked by a neurologist, a pulmonologist, a therapist, and nothing serious was found.

This is exactly the situation that discourages and frightens, because a specific reason has not been identified, why there was a feeling of lack of air, there are no organic pathologies, and shortness of breath and heaviness in the chest still occur, and usually at the most inopportune moment.

When a person cannot explain the reason, his own interpretations and arguments arise that cause anxiety, fear that does not improve the situation, even exacerbates it.

Causes of Difficulty Breathing

Probably every person has ever experienced a sudden feeling of pressure in the chest, lack of air, when it is hard to breathe deeply ... Why is this happening?

The reason is not in the lungs, not in the bronchi, but in the muscles of the chest, namely in the intercostal muscles and in the muscles that are involved in the act of breathing. You need to figure out what happens in this case.

  • First, there is a tension of this very intercostal muscles, muscles of the chest, which is why there are sensations of stiffness and difficulty breathing. In fact, inhalation is not difficult, but there is a feeling that there is not enough air, it seems to a person that he cannot breathe.
  • When there is a feeling that it is impossible to take a deep breath, fears appear, panic attacks occur, an additional portion of adrenaline is released.
  • From this, the intercostal muscles, the muscles of the chest are further reduced, and this leads to even more difficult breathing. Naturally, at the same time, the person tries to breathe in deeper and inhales too much air, more than necessary.

That is, there is a feeling that there is not enough air, but at the same time enough oxygen enters through the bronchi, and due to the fact that a person suffering from shortness of breath breathes quickly and deeply or shallowly, it turns out that too much oxygen is inhaled.

There is, on the one hand, the stiffness of the pectoral muscles and difficulty breathing and, on the other hand, due to a feeling of lack of oxygen, rapid deep or rapid breathing, which leads to blood oxygen saturation.

Thus, it is formed vicious circle, in the center of which is a conscious focus on the feeling of pressure in the chest, on the lack of air for a full inhalation, which leads to muscle reaction and contraction respiratory organs and is interpreted as a feeling of inadequate breathing.

It is worth noting that as a result of such a behavioral reaction, which seems to be understandable, logical, but far from functional, the blood is oversaturated with oxygen, acidosis occurs, the acid-base balance in the blood changes, and this further aggravates the contraction of the respiratory muscles, leads to expansion vessels in the heart and brain, the very feeling of "derealization" arises when a person loses a sense of reality, the reality of what is happening.

Difficulty breathing

It is also worth mentioning that there are 2 types of shortness of breath:

  • Type 1 - when a person cannot inhale to the end (feeling of incomplete inhalation), and inhalation lasts a long time (inspiratory state, that is, respiratory shortness of breath). This occurs when there is difficulty in breathing through the upper airway.
  • Type 2 - when it is impossible to exhale to the end, and exhalation lasts a long time, without bringing satisfaction (expiratory situation). Usually occurs with asthma.

There is also a mixed state of breathing problems, when it is difficult to inhale and exhale. But these types are usually due to organ pathologies.

With shortness of breath on nervous soil the patient cannot say for sure whether it is hard for him to inhale or exhale, he simply says "it is difficult to breathe", there is a feeling that there is not enough air. Moreover, if you start to breathe more often or deeper, relief does not come.

How to get rid of shortness of breath, shortness of breath

  • First, you need to identify the reason why, as they say, "the soul and heart hurts." Someone has this situation in the country, someone has a lack of money or family troubles, some kind of unpleasant diagnosis. You need to ask yourself the question - is this problem worth such experiences? This is the beginning of healing, if you answer your question honestly, then breathing will become easier.
  • Excessive compassion should be removed from thoughts. It is a virus in disguise. People are often told: "Be compassionate!" chest, rapid breathing and heartbeat, to moral anxiety and despondency. There is a correct program - mercy. Compassion is much wiser to replace mercy.
  • You should not dwell on failures, you need to solve your problems or let them go, especially if they are more far-fetched. It will become much easier to breathe, it will feel better in the chest. One should think positively, keep dark thoughts away from oneself.
  • Together with the above, breathing techniques must be used (information about each method is in free access on the Internet), for example:

    Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova;

    Hatha Yoga - controlling one's condition through Indian practice;

  • Of course, the correct regime of the day and nutrition is important, a sufficiently long sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air, then panic attacks will not bother.

The most important thing is to deal with stress

Any prolonged stress - troubles at work or lack of it, a difficult physical period after a long illness, surgical intervention, divorce, retirement and even expecting a child can slowly drain the body. And the body, as we are not inclined to ignore it, needs care and attention.

And then the organism, exhausted by tension and stress, has no other way to draw attention to itself, except to "disrupt" a kind of internal "stop-tap" and provoke a panic attack, thereby forcing its "owner" to take care of itself.

Psychiatrists do not like to treat this condition, nor do psychotherapists. As a rule, this issue is dealt with by neurologists. Usually prescribed drugs for neuroses, antidepressants and tranquilizers, they call it vegetative-vascular dystonia, or asthenic syndrome.

In American films, patients with shortness of breath are often advised to breathe in a bag to restrict oxygen access, although this method is not very effective.

Summing up, it is safe to say that there is no pathology behind the attacks of panic attacks and suffocation. If the cardiovascular system is normal, and the cardiologist did not find anything, if the lungs are examined and healthy, then shortness of breath is not associated with organic diseases.

The feeling of suffocation that occurs from time to time is nothing more than a programmed automatic reaction of the nervous system. Most importantly, it is harmless and harmless, it arises as a result of expectation or fear of suffocation.

This reaction is absolutely reversible. It is clear that the feeling of fear about the lack of oxygen is very unpleasant in itself, and you need to get rid of it.

In order to avoid these seizures, it is imperative to train the nervous system (autonomic), to be more precise, the sympathetic department, so that it does not overstimulate and overstrain so quickly. For this, there are special exercises, meditations for relaxation and a calmer perception of life's problems.

The first step in getting rid of shortness of breath is to understand the origins of the origin, why it occurs, to realize the fact that the reason for this is not the heart or pulmonary disease, and make sure from your own experience that this is a controlled, reversible reaction that does not carry any harm. This is not self-hypnosis, indeed, the respiratory and intercostal muscles contract under the action of nerve impulses.

PEOPLE WHO CANNOT YAWN. How to deal with it

This, of course, sounds a little strange, but two weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I could not yawn. First, you habitually stretch, gain air, and it hangs somewhere in the palate. And it hangs there, doesn't move. You stand like a fool, with your mouth open, and at this time the back of your head itches. It's crazy.

Out of habit, I asked Yandex what to do. The Internet responded to the request "I can't yawn" with numerous calls for help, hanging around without a response. Hundreds of people cannot yawn and are looking for the reasons for this in everything that surrounds them, and no one can help them, because no one really knows why this is happening.

Tatiana from Vologda writes on the Zdravushka forum of traditional medicine: “Sometimes I want to take a deep breath or yawn - but I can't! This is dangerous?" The user of Villi addresses the regulars of the Medkanal: "I have problems falling asleep, this is due to the fact that it is difficult for me to breathe in air, and for some reason I cannot yawn." Girl Dauzhas on the LikarInfo portal: “I open my mouth like a fish and cannot yawn, as if there is not enough air. Feeling that I will suffocate now. And so often, very, a hundred times a day, sometimes the muscles of the larynx begin to ache. "

Service [email protected] witnessed a heartbreaking chronicle: Aizulin says that for two days she has not been able to yawn: she breathes normally, deeply, does not go to workouts, because it’s scary, she can forget about the problem on the street, but she doesn’t yawn. “I open my mouth very wide, but the yawning function seems to have been turned off. Help me please!" And Rainy replies, “I can't either. This has been going on for eight years. It must have started at thirteen. I have never smoked. It also happens that you have to strain to take a deep breath. On the street, I don't think about it either, but when I go to bed or just sit at home, this is how it begins. And now too. "

The fact is that everyone who is faced with non-yawning cannot find a way out, because there are no recipes or understanding of the nature of this phenomenon. People assume dozens of different options. Nervous spasm. Respiratory neurosis. Neurocircular dystonia. Thyroid gland. Physical inactivity. Vegeto-vascular dystonia. Spine. Heart. Emotions. Nervous strain. Smoking. Self-hypnosis. Allergy. Asthma. Rudiments from primates. A lot of coffee.

How to get rid of this? The Internet, as usual, knows all the answers. Here is just a small list folk remedies... Stretch your arms and jerk them. Inhale, release your hands, exhale. Breathing exercises. Drink a sedative. Half-sit down, rest your elbows on your knees, relax your back. Thirty drops of Corvalol. Noshpa and inhalation of diphenhydramine. Get a job as a loader, work a couple of shifts, sit awake all night in front of a computer. Go swimming. Take a walk and get some air. Drink more water. Go to the doctor. And don't think about it. Not to think. Not to think. Not to think. And drink antidepressants. Breathe deeply. Sign up for lectures on art history.

I propose a radically opposite approach to the matter. You need to look at any of the four paintings of the Scream series by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch every day. It is reported that Munch wanted to depict the cry of nature and a creature trying to escape from this deafening shout, but if you look closely, you can see that the canvases depict a tired, tortured and twitched person who stands with his mouth open and tries to take a full chest of air and yawn , but he has not been able to do this for many years, and no one, not even the Internet, can help him.

If Norwegian art doesn't work, you can look at these dudes yawning so much they start sneezing.

It's hard to take a deep breath

You know, on the Internet I come across a similar question quite often, but nowhere did I find a question for it. I decided to ask you, dear doctors and members of the forum.

The problem is this: there is a wild desire to take a deep breath, but it does not work out fully: as if the chest is missing, something rests there, and that's all, such an unpleasant feeling in the chest and again a wild desire to inhale. After 7-10 attempts, it turns out to breathe, but then all over again. If you try to suppress this feeling, and breathe calmly, then it turns out somehow artificially, your head starts to spin a little and such a deep yawning begins. And I have it with adolescence, now I'm 26.

I did not find the reasons for this sensation. May not bother for a couple of months. Now "comes" every day. Always manifests itself after overeating, in the heat, from mints (maybe a coincidence?), Etc. Just. I began to sin on vasoconstrictor drops: I can not completely refuse them, I drip for children 0.5 - 0.25%, only at night, and into one nostril. I have a long-standing dependence on drops, I could not drip for a week, but then no, no, I drip. However, this also happens during the non-drip period. On the contrary, if my nose is blocked and I try to breathe through my mouth, I just start to choke

Neither therapists nor cardiologists have found an answer. At the age of 16 they gave me tachecardia, but then it seemed to go away with age.

I would be very grateful to hear your opinion! Thanks in advance to everyone who responded!

What if there is not enough air during VSD?

Complaints of the sufferers vegetative dystonia the fact that there is a lack of air is often heard. The pseudo-disease, which most doctors consider dystonia, is often accompanied by an unexpectedly surging panic, fear for life.

VSD - there is a problem, there is no illness

  • sudden onset of shortness of breath;
  • headaches;
  • meteosensitivity;
  • pressure drops.

There are other symptoms of autonomic nervous system disorder. Often found:

  • tightness or pressure in the chest, in the area of ​​the heart;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • difficulty inhaling-exhaling;
  • tachycardia;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • dizziness.

These manifestations are characteristic of a common form of autonomic dysfunction - hyperventilation syndrome, accompanying a panic attack with a lack of air. It is known that 15% of adults on the planet are familiar with this condition.

Lack of air is often mistaken for a manifestation of diseases of the respiratory system. This is not surprising, because something similar happens in asthma, bronchitis. But it is not so easy to distinguish the feeling of lack of oxygen in VSD from a life-threatening condition - acute respiratory failure.

Of all the unconscious functions of the body (heartbeat, bile secretion, peristalsis), only breathing is controlled by the will of a person. Each of us is capable of holding it for a while, slowing it down, or starting to breathe very often. This is due to the fact that the work of the lungs and bronchi is coordinated simultaneously by two parts of the nervous system:

Singing, playing wind instruments, inflating balloons, trying to get rid of hiccups, everyone independently commands the breathing process. Unconsciously, the respiratory function is regulated when a person falls asleep or, while relaxing, thinking. Breathing becomes automatic and there is no danger of suffocation.

V medical literature described a rare hereditary disease - Undine's curse syndrome (congenital central hypoventilation syndrome). It is characterized by a lack of autonomous control over the breathing process, decreased sensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia. The patient cannot breathe autonomously and may die from suffocation during sleep. Currently, medicine is making great strides even in the treatment of this pathology.

The special innervation of breathing makes it hypersensitive to the influence of external factors - the provocateurs of the VSD:

The feeling that there is not enough air is closely related to autonomic dysfunction and is reversible.

Recognizing an ailment is not an easy task

How correctly metabolic reactions occur depends on correct gas exchange. Inhaling air, people receive a portion of oxygen, while exhaling, they return carbon dioxide to the external environment. A small amount of it is retained in the blood, affecting the acid-base balance.

  • With an excess of this substance, which appears along with an attack of VSD, respiratory movements become more frequent.
  • Lack of carbon dioxide (hypocapnia) leads to infrequent breathing.

A distinctive feature of the VSD is that asthma attacks appear with a certain frequency, as a result of the influence on the psyche of a very active stimulus. A combination of symptoms is common:

  • Feeling as if it is impossible to breathe in deeply. It becomes stronger when a person finds himself in a crowded place, an enclosed space. Sometimes experiences before an exam, a performance, an important conversation reinforce the so-called empty breath.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat, as if there was an obstacle to the passage of oxygen to the respiratory organs.
  • Stiffness in chest preventing full inhalation.
  • Intermittent breathing (with short stops), accompanied by obsessive fear of death.
  • Soreness, turning into a dry cough that does not stop for a long time.

Attacks of yawning in the middle of the day, frequent deep sighs are also considered symptoms of a respiratory disorder of neurotic origin. Simultaneously with them, discomfort in the region of the heart, short-term surges in blood pressure may occur.

How to rule out a dangerous condition

From time to time, sufferers of VSD have dyspeptic symptoms that make them think about various diseases gastrointestinal tract... The following symptoms of autonomic imbalance lead to this:

  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • unreasonable abdominal pain;
  • increased gas production, flatulence.

At times, with VSD, along with a lack of air, the feeling that what is happening around is unreal is disturbing, the head is often dizzy, and pre-fainting occurs. The growing temperature (37-37.5 degrees), stuffiness of the nose is even more confusing.

Similar symptoms are characteristic of other diseases. People suffering from asthma and bronchitis often complain about the lack of oxygen. In the list of diseases similar to VVD, there are also problems of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive systems.

Because of this, it is difficult to establish what is the reason feeling unwell is vegetative dystonia. To exclude the presence of a serious pathology, manifested by a feeling of lack of air, it is required to undergo a thorough examination, including consultations:

Only by excluding life-threatening pathological conditions it is possible to establish that the true cause of lack of air is vegetative dystonia.

However, patients who are accustomed to the idea of ​​having a "serious illness" do not always agree with the objective results of the examination. They refuse to understand, to accept the idea that despite their shortness of breath, they are physically practically healthy. After all, the lack of air arising as a result of the VSD is safe.

How to restore breathing - emergency help

If symptoms of hyperventilation appear, another method other than breathing into a paper or plastic bag will help.

  • To soothe shortness of breath, wrap your palms tightly around your chest (bottom) with your hands in front and behind.
  • Press on the ribs in such a way as to bring them closer to the spine.
  • Keep your chest compressed for 3 minutes.

Performance special exercises- an obligatory part of therapy for lack of air. It implies switching on, a gradual transition to breathing through the diaphragm instead of the usual chest. These exercises normalize blood gas and reduce the hyperoxia associated with panic attacks.

It is believed that the diaphragmatic inhalation is made unconsciously, air enters easily when a person experiences positive emotions. Thoracic - on the contrary, is accompanied by a lack of air during stress.

It is important to adhere to the correct ratio between the duration of inhalation and exhalation (1: 2), while it is possible to relax the muscles of the body. Negative emotions shorten the exhalation, the ratio of the movements of the diaphragm becomes 1: 1.

A rare deep breath is preferable to a frequent shallow breath. It helps to avoid hyperventilation. When exercising to eliminate shortness of breath, observe the following conditions:

  • The room must be pre-ventilated, the air temperature must be in degrees.
  • Play soft music or exercise in silence.
  • Let your clothes be loose, comfortable for exercise.
  • Conduct classes, adhering to a clear schedule (morning, evening).
  • Exercise 2 hours after eating.
  • Visit the toilet in advance, emptying the intestines, bladder.
  • It is allowed to drink a glass of water before performing the wellness complex.

After prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as being in a state severe fatigue, you should refrain from gymnastics. You can start it no earlier than after 8 hours.

It is forbidden to exercise for serious health problems affecting:

  • heart, blood vessels (cerebral atherosclerosis, severe form of arterial hypertension);
  • lungs;
  • hematopoietic organs.

You can not use this method for women during menstruation, pregnancy, glaucoma.

How to learn to breathe correctly

When starting to perform breathing exercises that eliminate the lack of air, focus on well-being. Monitor the frequency carefully heart rate... Sometimes nasal congestion occurs, yawning, dizziness begins. You do not need to be afraid, the body gradually adapts.

Difficulty breathing with VSD is corrected by a simple exercise:

  • Lie on your back after darkening the room.
  • With your eyes closed, try to relax your torso muscles for 5 minutes.
  • Using self-hypnosis, induce a feeling of warmth spreading throughout the body.
  • Inhale slowly with a full chest, protruding the abdominal wall. In this case, air fills the lower lobe of the lungs, and the chest expands with a delay.
  • The inhalation is longer than the exhalation, the air is pushed out by the abdomen (involving the muscles of the peritoneum), and then by the chest. The air comes out smoothly, without jerking.

An alternative option is to use the Frolov simulator, which is a plastic glass (filled with water) with a tube through which inhalation and exhalation are made. This normalizes the ratio of oxygen, carbon dioxide, stops an attack of VSD, which is manifested by an acute lack of air. The main point of the simulator is to saturate the inhaled air with carbon dioxide and reduce the amount of oxygen in it. This gradually leads to an increase in the adaptive capabilities of a person.

Treatment of VSD, accompanied by attacks of shortness of breath, is ineffective if you do not know the true cause of the problem.

Only an experienced psychotherapist can help to find out what psycho-traumatic factor causes an attack. The doctor will explain how to get rid of such a legacy, not to panic, in which there is a problem with air intake. It is better to calm down immediately, because with VSD, suffocation can be cured without medication, but only with the participation of the patient.

When it is easy to breathe, we do not even notice this process. This is normal because breathing is a reflex act that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Nature is not conceived so in vain. Thanks to this, we can breathe even in an unconscious state. This ability in some cases keeps us alive. But if even the slightest difficulty appears with breathing, we feel it immediately. Why is there constant yawning and shortness of breath, and what to do about it? Here's what the doctors told us.

Dangerous symptoms

Sometimes shortness of breath occurs for physiological reasons that can be easily eliminated. But if you constantly want to yawn and breathe deeply, then this could be a symptom of a serious illness. It is even worse when, against this background, shortness of breath (dyspnea) often occurs, which appears even with minimal physical exertion. This is already a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

It is necessary to immediately go to the hospital if the difficulty in breathing is accompanied by:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • severe bouts of coughing;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • swelling and cramps in the limbs;
  • a feeling of fear and inner tension.

These symptoms usually clearly signal pathologies in the body, which need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Causes of lack of air

All the reasons why a person can go to a doctor with a complaint: "I can't breathe completely and I constantly yawn" can be conditionally divided into psychological, physiological and pathological. Conditionally - because everything in our body is closely interconnected, and the failure of one system entails a disruption in the normal functioning of other organs.

So, prolonged stress, which is attributed to psychological reasons, can provoke hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular problems.


The most harmless are the physiological reasons that can cause shortness of breath:

It is difficult to breathe in the heat, especially when you are severely dehydrated. The blood becomes thicker, and it is harder for the heart to push it through the vessels. As a result, the body receives less oxygen. The person begins to yawn and try to breathe deeper.


Shortness of breath, yawning and regularly felt shortness of breath can provoke serious illness. Moreover, often these signs are among the first symptoms that make it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

Therefore, if you constantly find it difficult to breathe, be sure to go to the doctor. Among the possible diagnoses, the most common are the following:

As you can see, most diseases are not just serious - they pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, if you often feel a lack of air, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor.


And again, one cannot help but recall stress, which today is one of the main reasons for the development of many diseases.

Yawning under stress is an unconditioned reflex inherent in us by nature. If you observe the animals, you will notice that when they are nervous, they constantly yawn. And in this sense we are no different from them.

Under stress, capillary spasm occurs, and the heart begins to beat faster through the release of adrenaline. Because of this, blood pressure rises. In this case, a deep breath and yawning perform a compensatory function and protect the brain from destruction.

With severe fright, there is often muscle spasm, which makes it impossible to take a full breath. It is not for nothing that the expression “caught my breath” exists.

What to do

If you find yourself in a situation in which there was frequent yawning and lack of air, do not try to panic - this will only exacerbate the problem. The first thing to do is to provide an additional flow of oxygen: open a window or window, if possible, go outside.

Try to loosen as much as possible the clothing that interferes with full inhalation: take off your tie, open your collar, corset or bra. To avoid dizziness, it is better to take a sitting or lying position. Now you need to take a very deep breath through the nose and an extended exhalation through the mouth.

After several such breaths, the condition usually improves markedly. If this does not happen, and the above dangerous symptoms are added to the lack of air, call an ambulance immediately.

Before the arrival of health workers, do not take medications on your own, unless they are prescribed by the attending physician - they can distort the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis.


Emergency doctors usually quickly determine the cause of the severe difficulty in breathing and the need for hospitalization. If there are no serious fears, and the attack is caused by physiological reasons or severe stress and does not recur, then you can sleep peacefully.

But if you suspect heart or lung disease, it is better to undergo an examination, which may include:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • computer tomogram.

What types of research are needed in your case, the doctor will determine at the initial examination.

If the lack of air and constant yawning are caused by stress, then you may need to consult a psychologist or neuropathologist who will tell you how to relieve nervous tension or prescribe medications: sedatives or antidepressants.

Treatment and prevention

When a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “I can't breathe completely, I yawn, what should I do?”, He first of all collects a detailed anamnesis. This eliminates the physiological causes of oxygen deficiency.

In the case of overweight, treatment is obvious - the patient should be referred to a dietitian. Without controlled weight loss, the problem cannot be solved.

If, according to the results of the examination, acute or chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory tract are revealed, treatment is prescribed according to the protocol. Here it is already necessary to take medications and, possibly, physiotherapy procedures.

Respiratory gymnastics is a good prevention and even treatment. But in case of broncho-pulmonary diseases, it can be done only with the permission of the attending physician. Improperly selected or performed exercises in this case can provoke an attack of severe coughing and deterioration of the general condition.

It is very important to keep yourself in good physical shape. Even with heart disease, there are special sets of exercises to help you recover faster and return to a normal lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is especially useful - they train the heart and develop the lungs.

Active outdoor games (badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.), cycling, walking at a fast pace, swimming - will not only help get rid of shortness of breath and provide additional oxygen, but also tighten muscles, making you slimmer. And then, even high in the mountains, you will feel great and enjoy the journey, and not suffer from constant shortness of breath and yawning.

Such a simple reflex as yawning has not yet been fully explained by scientists. However, there are many speculations about why a person yawns. Moreover, this process is often the first signal of the presence or development of various internal diseases, exacerbations and relapses of chronic pathologies.

Why do you want to yawn?

The main guesses are as follows.

This is the phase in which the so-called migraine headlines appear. He warns that the next step is headache... This can last from several hours to several days. Prodromal symptoms vary from patient to patient, and this is the case. the most common.

“Food” - we have a terrible desire for concrete, often in migraines that are not recommended, for example, chocolate, or vice versa - loss of appetite. ~ tiredness, tiredness, tired feeling, often. yawning, drowsiness, or vice versa - energy consumption, increased. activity, euphoria.

Calming effect

It is noticed that often people yawn on the eve of any exciting events: competitions, exams, performances. In this way, the body adjusts itself to a favorable result.

Restoring carbon dioxide balance

It is believed that during yawning, the supply of oxygen is replenished in the blood, but experiments have shown that even with its deficiency, the frequency of the reflex in question does not increase.

Mood changes - there may be a feeling of cholera. or depression, irritability, anger, anger, etc. ~ Concentration disorders, difficulty articulating the mind. memory impairment. ~ hypersensitivity to light, smell, sound, touch, taste.

The aura is called various disorders, hallucinations. They are mostly visual, but they can also be olfactory. other. Visual disturbances are most common: ~ flashes, zigzags, waves in the field of view - bright or dark spots moving or stationary in the field of view. Partial or complete loss of vision in one or both eyes. ~ hallucinations, such as waving objects in reality. Blurry, blurry image.

Regulation of pressure in the middle ear

During a yawn, the Eustachian tubes and canals of the maxillary sinuses are straightened, which relieves of short-term congestion of the ears.

Awakening the body

Yawning in the morning invigorates, promotes oxygenation of the blood, helps to wake up, and improves blood circulation. The same factors provoke yawning with fatigue and fatigue.

Aroma disorders: ~ the smell of cigarettes in which there is no cigarette smoke. nobody smoked. Hearing impairment: noise, ringing in the ears, sounds of hearing that really are. we have no music at the moment, the noise of the car, the conversation. Most often on the side of the spinal paralysis, usually the claws covering the face and tongue or only. certain parts of the body - difficulty in formulating words and their pronunciation. ~ Difficulty understanding what we are talking about. ~ Increased sensitivity to the sensation of touch. ~ hearing loss or complete loss. "Locomotive" disorders such as dropping objects, difficulty walking, immobility ~ violation of the sense of time.

Keeping active

It has been noticed more than once that the described reflex occurs when a person is bored. Long-term muscular passivity and mental overload leads to the fact that people tend to sleep. Yawning helps to get rid of this sensation, as in the process the muscles of the neck, face, and mouth are tense.

Regulation of brain temperature

Aura migraine occurs in about 20% of all migraines. The most common is migraine without aura - 70%. The rest are different forms, such as migraine without headache, migraine. abdominal and others. The bolt phase, as the name suggests, is where we start. feel the pain until it is relieved. The pain is most often in the head. In rare cases, the pin may not be in abdominal cavity or, for example, in the ear and ear area. Again, the most common pain is in the head and precisely in the temple area, usually on one side.

Other types of pain can be: eye irritation, at the tip of the head. in the vicinity of the occipital region, in the sinuses, on the sides or throughout the head. At the moment, the pain starts to get worse and finally stops. ~ pain in the head, neck, neck area ~ feeling that we have bruises on the head. depression, decreased concentration, mental "stupid" ~ reduced ability to feel ~ anxiety ~ or vice versa, energy flow, joy of life, euphoria.

There is an assumption that when the body overheats, it is necessary to cool the brain tissue by enriching the blood with air. The yawning process contributes to this mechanism.


The reflex in question is also universal, because in the morning it helps to cheer up, and before bedtime - to relax. Yawning prepares a person for restful sleep, relieves stress.

The postdromatic phase, such as the prodromal, can last from several. from several hours to several days. Be careful at this stage because sometimes it's too fast. Taking or increasing activity may cause a second headache.

As you can see from the above, migraine has many different symptoms. Some can be repeated in different phases. Not every migraine experiences them all or like others. In each phase of a migraine, there may be other symptoms that may occur. not mentioned here.

Is excessive narcolepsy felt in daytime? What are the symptoms and causes of narcolepsy? Sleeping on a date or having a conversation with your boss seems unlikely, but it is possible. The day after the unfortunate or bad sleep each of us is faced with a dream. We have a hard time waking up and yawning early in the morning. But there are those who fight sleepiness throughout their lives. Although they get out of bed, full of energy, rested, they cut off their naps. What Causes Drowsiness?

Why does a person yawn very often and a lot?

If this phenomenon occurs infrequently, perhaps you are simply overworked, stressed and worried, or do not get enough sleep. But periodic repetition should cause concern and be a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Here's why you constantly want to yawn:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • light-headedness;
  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • burnout syndrome.

As you can see, the reasons for frequent yawning are quite serious and this reflex can indicate a number of serious illnesses. Therefore, if you noticed a recurrence of such a phenomenon, do not postpone your visit to the therapist and be sure to go through the examination.

Daytime sleepiness can be caused by insomnia, fatigue, too little sunlight during the November or December days, or low blood pressure. It is also a symptom of a disease such as hypothyroidism. But we can control this sleepiness. We might take a nap during a boring meeting, lecture, or movie, but not on a date, discussing a new project, or talking to a boss. And those with narcolepsy do happen. If they have a mild form of the disease, it remains unrecognized and environment considered sleep, indulgence, irresponsible people.

Why does a person yawn when another yawned?

Probably everyone noticed how contagious yawning is. As a rule, if someone yawned nearby, those around them sooner or later also succumb to this reflex.

During interesting medical experiences and psychological research scientists still figured out why people yawn one after another. For this, the subjects were connected to a special apparatus that reflects the activity of various brain zones in the color spectrum. It turns out that during the described process, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for empathy and empathy is activated. Thus, we can conclude that a person who yawns when someone else yawns next to him is a delicate and vulnerable, responsive person. This statement confirms the fact that people with autistic syndrome are not susceptible to this condition.

What are the causes of narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder. It can affect us at every stage of life, but its symptoms most often appear in the second decade of life, that is, when we study, we start a career. It is caused by a deficiency in hypocretin, a protein that plays an important role in regulating the daily sleep-wake cycle. The reduction in the production of this protein is due to damage to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain, which is likely due to an abnormal immune response.

Common symptoms of narcolepsy

It depends on the degree of damage to the cells that produce hypocretin. The first and sometimes the only symptom of narcolepsy is drowsiness during the day, but it is special. A person with narcolepsy falls asleep in a very short time and, moreover, in situations where we are active. Can sleep on standby, while talking, on a bike, at a gala dinner. Drowsiness occurs about 1.5 hours after waking up and disappears after short nap... Unfortunately, he returns after a while.

Have you ever wondered why it happens that you often yawn a lot? This article is an attempt to explain what's going on and give you an idea of ​​where the frequent yawning comes from. Curiously, frequent yawning is our body's involuntary response to fatigue as well as boredom. When you yawn, your mouth opens wide and your lungs fill with air. The yawning can be short or long, sometimes tears appear along with the yawning, and sometimes a runny nose. It's okay to yawn, but it happens that a person yawns too often. Below you will find an explanation of the reasons for frequent yawning.

The other three symptoms of narcolepsy are less common: cataplexy, sleep hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. In mild narcolepsy, only the facial muscles are thirsty. When severely damaged, the hypothalamus softens to the ground. Sleep hallucinations are another symptom. Immediately into the world are very realistic dream dreams, and that they are not completely sleepy, treat them like a dream. Sleeping hallucinations are unpleasant and disturbing.

Physiological causes of frequent yawning

Physiological causes of frequent yawning include:

  • tiredness or drowsiness;
  • changes related to sleep patterns: change of work schedule, lack of sleep, travel associated with the crossing of several time zones;
  • a disorder such as narcolepsy, which can lead to daytime sleepiness;
  • sleep apnea - a disorder that restricts breathing for short periods of time;
  • side effects of drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are used to treat depression and anxiety;
  • functioning problems vagus nerve which can be caused by bleeding in or around the aorta, and in severe cases due to a heart attack.

In some cases, frequent or excessive yawning can be an indicator of:

Maybe he doesn't know about narcolepsy. Is it the middle of the day and you most want to go to bed and sleep?

The last symptom is paralysis, which lasts for several, several seconds, which occurs when falling asleep or waking up. Capalexia and sleep hallucinations are treated with antidepressants, and sleepiness is a stimulant that prevents snoring during the day. Thanks to them, patients remain active throughout the day. The milder form of narcolepsy is most often unrecognized and therefore untreated. Perhaps we should be more tolerant of people who fall asleep at the table during the day, take a short nap during their lunch break, or immediately after returning from work.

  • epilepsy;
  • stroke or brain tumor;
  • liver failure;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's thyroiditis (leading to hypothyroidism and low level hormones thyroid gland);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Psychological and emotional causes of excessive yawning

Excessive yawning can be caused by emotional or psychological reasons... These include:

  • stress,
  • depression,
  • anxiety.

Yawning can occur when a person experiences anxiety or anxiety attacks. Typically, during these episodes, the body requires hyperventilation of the lungs, which causes bouts of yawning. Hyperventilation makes you feel as if there is not enough air to breathe, in response, the body sends a command to the brain what needs to be done to get more oxygen, so involuntary excessive yawning occurs. Through this process, the brain tries to saturate the lungs with oxygen.

Serious and life-threatening causes of excessive yawning

Excessive yawning can sometimes be a sign that a person's condition is life-threatening. Such symptoms should be equated with emergency... This happens with a sudden deterioration in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as in chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

What to do to control yawning

Here are some tips on what to do to control yawning and avoid excessive yawning.

Get enough sleep

The advice is pretty obvious. However, when a person receives enough sleep, he rests better, and therefore can control yawning. If you do not get enough sleep, you will yawn, as you will not be able to overcome sleepiness.

Try to control yawning like this:

  • inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • When you realize that you are about to yawn, try drinking a cool or chilled drink (if you have one at hand);
  • eat vegetables with high content water, such as cucumbers or watermelons, if you want to avoid excessive yawning;
  • If you have the urge to yawn, go to a cool place or thoroughly ventilate the room to lower the temperature and add oxygen to the room;
  • if you have an important meeting ahead of you, during which you should never yawn, put it on your head wet compress for a few minutes before going to such a meeting. This measure will prevent yawning until you finish your negotiations.

How to treat excessive yawning

If medications such as SSRIs are found to be causing your frequent yawning, your doctor may prescribe lower doses for you. Research shows that lowering the dosage can eliminate excessive yawning, but retain the desired effects of these drugs. In any case, the doctor must decide.

If you have a sleep disorder that has led to excessive yawning, your doctor may advise you on what medications to take to improve your sleep and what methods to use to help you sleep better. One example of such diseases that cause excessive yawning is sleep apnea, which is associated with constant airway pressure. This means that it will be necessary to normalize breathing and make sure that the airways are open.

If you have other conditions that cause frequent yawning, such as tumors, kidney failure, liver or heart problems, or stroke, you should see your doctor right away.

When to see your doctor for frequent yawning

It makes sense to consult a doctor with a complaint of frequent yawning if:

  • there is no explanation as to why you often yawn,
  • your frequent yawning is associated with daytime sleepiness.

The author of the article : Christina Sumarokova, "Moscow Medicine" ©
Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article on why you often yawn is for guidance only. However, it cannot be a substitute for consulting a professional doctor.

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