How to cure green thick snot. Why is snot green and how to cure green snot. What does green snot mean and how to treat it?

Every adult catches a cold at least once a year and experiences symptoms of influenza, ARVI or acute respiratory infections. One of these symptoms is a runny nose with green nasal mucus, which indicates either last stage runny nose and quick recovery, or about the addition of a bacterial infection and the possibility of its transition to chronic form with various complications.

Causes of a runny nose and green snot

Before green nasal mucus appears, a runny nose goes through several stages:

  • At the first stage, as a result of a virus or hypothermia of the body, the nasal mucosa responds with expansion blood vessels. But there is no discharge yet, the nose becomes dry and burning, and the patient begins to sneeze frequently. The duration of this state is several hours.
  • At the second stage, transparent discharge already appears, the nasal mucosa becomes bright red. The patient's voice changes due to severe congestion nose, disturbed nasal breathing. The duration of this stage is several days.
  • The third stage ends with the nasal discharge becoming thick, yellow or green color. Decomposition products pathogenic microorganisms- pathogens, as well as the neutrophil cells that destroy them, give the snot such a green or yellow-green color. Typically, this stage ends with recovery, the color of nasal discharge becomes normal, breathing improves, nasal congestion goes away, and the ability to perceive smells normally is restored.

All three stages are usually completed in 7-10, sometimes 14 days in case good outcome diseases. But if the human body is weakened or there is no proper treatment, then a runny nose can last a month, while giving various complications, such as sinusitis (sinusitis), otitis. Prolonged green snot in an adult may indicate such complications colds like bronchitis or pneumonia. Therefore, this symptom must be treated with close attention and it is imperative to treat a runny nose from the first days of its appearance.

Treatment of a runny nose with green snot

Green snot in an adult begins treatment by restoring normal nasal breathing. For this, vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays are used (vibrocil, dlyanos, glazolin, xylene, etc.), which should not be used for a long time due to the quick habituation to them. Rinofluimucil is also often prescribed to thin thick mucus.

Rinsing the nose with saline solutions such as Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dolphin, etc. is very effective. due to the fact that under their influence the thick green slime liquefies and is easily removed from the nasal cavity during the process of blowing your nose. You can buy a saline solution ready-made, for example, from the ones mentioned above, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of sea salt and dissolve it in two glasses of boiled water. You can prepare a solution from table salt, dissolving it in the amount of 1 teaspoon in 500 ml of water. When treating a disease, you should rinse your nose at least 4 times a day.

In advanced cases of runny nose with green snot, the doctor may prescribe topical antibacterial drops into the nose, such as Polydexa, Biparox, Isofra, etc. In cases accompanied by serious complications, the doctor prescribes antibiotics for oral administration.

They are very effective in treating a runny nose with green snot in the initial stages and as a complementary therapy to medication, folk methods. They promote faster recovery and prevent complications.

The most popular and effective folk methods for getting rid of green snot:

  • Rinsing the nasal passages with saline solutions, aloe, onions, Kalanchoe.
  • Inhalation of steamed boiled jacket potatoes, chamomile, oregano or eucalyptus 3 times a day. Inhalation should be carried out carefully so as not to burn the respiratory tract.
  • It is very effective to steam your feet at the beginning of the disease. To do this, you need to pour hot water into a basin so that it completely covers your shins (almost to your knees), then put on warm socks, having first poured mustard into them. This method can stop the development of a runny nose at the initial stage.
  • Instillation of the nose with brewed yarrow herb with oregano flowers. To do this, mix a tablespoon of each herb, pour one glass of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes, cool and drop it into the nose several times a day.
  • A mixture of beets, carrots and potatoes helps with green snot. Mix the juice of these ingredients and drop them into the nose, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane in a few hours.
  • Honey is instilled into the nasal passages, first diluting it with saline solution or parsley juice.
  • Drink plenty of warm fluids. It is better if it is tea with lemon or black currant, or brewed rose hips.
  • In order for the body to successfully cope with the disease, it is necessary to help it, and for this you need to increase immunity, for example, with a diet enriched with vitamins.

All of the above methods will help you successfully cope with the disease. But it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. And for this you should not neglect preventive measures:

  • Eat healthy and healthy food, rich in vitamins and minerals. If this is not possible, then take courses of multivitamins during the seasons. viral diseases and flu.
  • Don't get too cold!
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day.
  • Proper hardening.
  • Regular physical activity.

Green snot in a child is often accompanied by other symptoms and symbolizes the spread of infectious process. The nose does not breathe, the child becomes capricious, and conventional medications may not help. To alleviate the condition and cure the disease, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Cleansing the nasal mucosa from viruses and bacteria when runny nose will go away in 7-10 days. What does green snot mean? If the snot does not go away after 2 weeks, changes color and smells bad, this means that a lot of pathogens have accumulated. An inflammatory focus has formed in the nasopharynx.

The main reason for what green snot means may be bacteria and viruses. As the infection spreads, not only the color of the mucus changes, but also the consistency. They become thicker.

At the beginning of ARVI, clear, profuse, liquid snot flows, an additional sore throat, a bothersome cough, and a rise in body temperature. It is better to start treatment immediately. If it was not done correctly, a bacterial infection may occur. The snot acquires a viscous consistency and changes color.

The reason that green discharge does not go away for a long time is due to diseases such as sinusitis, frequent nasopharyngitis or otitis media. Bacterial rhinitis with green snot develops due to bacteria or becomes a complication after ARVI. The causes of green snot in a child in this case are the following diseases:

  • a prolonged runny nose can lead to ethmoiditis, which is accompanied by pain in the bridge of the nose, nasal congestion, increased body temperature, and the appearance of viscous, greenish-brown mucus;
  • spread of infection to the area maxillary sinuses causes sinusitis, accompanied by pain in the eyebrow area, in the upper part of the jaw, wings of the nose, purulent discharge appears;
  • a green runny nose can cause frontal sinusitis, which affects frontal sinuses, the secreted snot smells bad, the baby becomes capricious, refuses milk and sleeps poorly.

During the onset of a cold the immune system begins to actively fight bacteria and viruses, mucus and pus begin to be released. Such nasal discharge contains dead leukocytes and bacteria, which is why the snot smells. If a small number of bacteria are present, the discharge may be light green in color. As they multiply viscous snot become rich in color.

When asked whether green snot in a child is contagious, the answer is yes.

Especially if there is a lot of mucus, their color is yellow-green and the body temperature is elevated. In this case, the reviews are as follows: “There is a high probability that the whole family will become infected and we will get sick together with the children.” If a child at 2 years of age is not fully cured and sent to kindergarten, then he will be constantly sick.

How can you treat green snot in a child?

Greens thick snot should be treated correctly from the first days so that the disease does not take over chronic course and did not cause complications. The use of vasoconstrictor drops is not recommended, especially in infants. If, nevertheless, the doctor decides to prescribe the medicine, then it should be instilled in the recommended dosage and no longer than three days.

If green snot appears in children, swelling and inflammation are noted in the nasal cavity, which interferes with normal breathing, the following medications may be prescribed.

  • Protargol drops help a lot. They include silver ions, which relieve inflammation and disinfect the surface. A child at 3 weeks is allowed to instill the drug, but the duration of treatment is much shorter.
  • Vibrocil helps cure green snot in a child. It simultaneously reduces inflammation and eliminates symptoms allergic reaction. The swelling goes away, nasal breathing improves. Do not use in the treatment of runny nose in children under 5 years of age.
  • Saline solutions help get rid of green snot, relieve nasal congestion, clear the passages of accumulated mucus, and eliminate dryness. You can use the medicine Aquamaris, Aqualor Baby.
  • In cases where green discharge leads to the formation of crusts in the nose, Pinosol drops are indicated. They are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  • Thick snot in a 3-year-old child should be treated with drugs such as Sinupret, Sinuforte. They thin the mucus and promote its rapid release.
  • Derinat drops help cope with viral and bacterial rhinitis in adults and children. They increase immunity, stop reproduction pathogenic microbes and are allowed from birth.

A suitable antibiotic is prescribed for the child.

What drops can you use?

From one year of age you can use drugs such as Isofra spray, Polydexa, eye drops Sulfacyl.

The antibiotic Polydexa contains additional vasoconstrictor and hormonal components. Therefore, during treatment, the development of bacteria stops, inflammation and swelling are eliminated, and nasal breathing is restored.

In some cases, thick green mucus is treated with systemic antibacterial drugs. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic for a child is Amoxicillin (Flemoclav, Amoxiclav). But other antibiotics may be prescribed, for example, Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin.

To get rid of the symptoms of a runny nose in a 3-year-old child, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: UVF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis. In the absence of purulent discharge, heating is allowed.

All these medications are very helpful in coping with a runny nose in an adult when there is green snot. Only the duration of treatment and dosage increase.

How to quickly cure a disease in children under one year old

Treating a 5 or 6 year old child will not be difficult. Most procedures and medicines by this age are allowed for use. It is difficult to treat snot in infant, must be taken into account age restrictions prescribed in the instructions and strictly follow the dosage.

Treatment of a newborn must be started only after consultation with the treating otolaryngologist. Infection in infants quickly spreads to other organs and contributes to the development of otitis media, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and even meningitis.

A newborn baby may experience a physiological runny nose in the first 2 months of life. Therefore, if a runny nose without fever appears in a 3-month-old child, you need to consult a doctor. It will help distinguish the bacterial course of the disease from physiological rhinitis. If the baby is not in pain, has no fever, and eats well, then no treatment is required. It is enough to moisten the baby’s nose with saline solutions, ventilate the room, and do wet cleaning.

If you have snot one month old baby, then treatment with saline solutions is indicated. We must not allow the nasal mucosa to dry out, so we get rid of the symptom with vitamin A or E, or you can use sea buckthorn oil.

If a child develops green snot at 3 months, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nazivin 0.01%, DlyaNos 0.05%, Otrivin Baby). When a runny nose with green discharge begins, a cough may develop. At three months, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

From 4-5 months you can use an aspirator to clear mucus from the nose. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to instill a solution with sea ​​water 3 drops in each nostril.

If the disease is 6 months old, you can get rid of mucus with the help of the drug Grippferon. The dosage is 1 drop in each nostril three times a day. Another approved remedy for treating green snot is Phenylephrine vasoconstrictor drops.

At 7-8 months, green snot can be treated folk remedies. You just need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components used. You can use beet juice or aloe. It is allowed to anoint the wings of the nose with Zvezdochka balm.

Treatment of green snot in babies from 9-10 months is allowed to be combined with acupressure. It helps relieve inflammation, thins thick mucus, bring it out and make breathing easier. It is useful to massage the superciliary area, bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, and the area under the eyes in a 10-month-old child.

At 1 year of age, a runny nose can be treated with inhalations. If you use a nebulizer, it is useful to breathe with regular saline solution. Into the bowl steam inhaler you can pour the decoction from medicinal herbs, bay leaf. It is enough to breathe for 4-5 minutes. Snot one year old child can be treated by rinsing the nose antiseptic drugs(Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt).

Clearing the nasal cavity of mucus should be done at any age, especially after sleep. Mucus accumulating in the sinuses and nasopharynx can increase the risk of complications.

How to get rid of illness using folk remedies

What to do if green snot appears in a child, folk remedies will help. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out with caution.

  • Frequent rinsing of the nose with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow will help cope with a lingering runny nose.
  • Folk remedies cannot do without aloe or Kalanchoe juice. They help kill germs and speed up recovery. Just before instillation, be sure to dilute the juice with water. 3-4 drops are dripped into each nostril.
  • Inhalations using sage, chamomile, linden, and mint will help cure a cold. If you have a runny nose that lasts two weeks, you can breathe in the steam of boiled potatoes.
  • Helps with green snot in children effective remedy based on garlic. The cleaned cloves are poured with oil and left to infuse for 10 hours. The resulting garlic oil is dropped into the nose.

Children over two years old can soak their feet in water with mustard before going to bed at home, and sprinkle dry water at night. mustard powder You can wear warm socks.

Such discharge can appear either from one nostril or from both. Green, thick snot can haunt the patient for a long time, and if the runny nose is not treated, it can develop into a chronic one. Therefore, at the first signs of such rhinitis, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of green snot

The appearance of green secretion from the nose is caused by leukocytes, which perform their main function - they fight the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. In this case, infectious agents die along with leukocytes. Their increased content in mucus explains the green color of snot.

In what cases is green nasal discharge observed?

  1. Bacterial runny nose. With this disease, yellow-green snot appears, the nasal mucosa swells and becomes inflamed. The patient may complain of nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, headaches, fever and chills.
  2. Sinusitis. For inflammation paranasal sinuses green snot does not go away long time, they are complemented by pain in the bridge of the nose, fever, headaches, lethargy, breathing problems, and sleep disturbances.
  3. ARVI. Green snot and fever, coughing and sneezing accompany respiratory viral infections with a prolonged course.
  4. Bronchitis. The main symptoms of bronchitis are green snot and cough - initially dry, then wet. Associated symptoms: heat, muscle aches and chills, indicating serious inflammatory process in organism.
  5. Meningitis. This disease is accompanied by vomiting, chills, high fever, severe headaches, fear of bright lights, weakness of the neck muscles, cramps and green nasal discharge.
  6. Pharyngitis. Symptoms of pharyngitis include green snot, sore throat, Ear ache, general weakness.

There are many diseases that have green snot as a symptom, so diagnosis is often difficult. But the main reason for the appearance of discharge of this color is a bacterial infection, which can be primary or secondary. Therefore, the treatment of green snot has general principles therapeutic effects.

Drug treatment

The question of how to treat green snot can only be answered by a specialist. For treatment to be successful, the cause of this type of discharge must be determined in the laboratory. The results of the study and examination of the patient will provide the doctor with a complete clinical picture diseases and determine the further course of therapy.

Treatment of green snot in adults and children should begin with rinsing the nasal passages with antiseptic moisturizers. With this procedure, the mucus is liquefied and removed from the nasal cavity, so that the mucous membrane is prepared for the local effects of drugs.

You can rinse your nose with ready-made solutions that are sold in pharmacies:

  • drugs based on sea ​​water- Aqua Maris and Aqualor sprays;
  • antimicrobial solution Furacillin;
  • complex remedy Dolphin.

Drops from green snot should have a vasoconstrictor effect. These include:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin.

With their help, swelling of the nose is relieved, nasal breathing improves, but vasoconstrictor drops should not be used for a long time to avoid addiction.

In combination with vasoconstrictor drops, a bacterial infection should be treated with drugs with an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic spectrum of action.

This could be Protargol, a drug based on silver molecules that neutralizes the development of pathogenic microflora.

Albucid drops are universal. They can be used not only for treatment infectious diseases eyes, but also from green snot. It is believed that Albucid may be more effective and safe compared to other potent drugs.

Green snot in an adult can also be treated local antibiotics type Isofra and Bioparox.

Polydexa is often prescribed; in addition to the antibiotic, it contains vasoconstrictor substances and hormones. Polydexa, in addition to its antibacterial effect, additionally reduces the volume of mucous secretions and improves nasal breathing.

If green snot is caused viral infection, reception is recommended antiviral drugs: Amiksin, Arbidol, Grippferon.

Green snot: treatment with traditional methods

How to cure green snot with alternative medicine? Only by combining it with drug treatment. ethnoscience offers three types medical procedures: rinsing, inhalation and instillation.

Wash solutions

  1. Saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water, rinse your nose with this solution 3 times a day. The temperature of any medicinal solution during rinsing should not be lower than body temperature.
  2. Propolis tincture. Add 10 drops to a glass of warm water alcohol tincture propolis and a teaspoon of salt. Rinse your nose 3 times a day.
  3. Calendula decoction. Not a large number of Pour a glass of boiling water over the calendula flowers and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your nose up to 4 times a day. Calendula can be replaced with yarrow, chamomile or sage.

Nasal drops

Take parsley, aloe and Kalanchoe juice in equal proportions. Apply 3 drops 4 times a day into each nasal passage. If it is difficult to obtain any ingredient, Kalanchoe and aloe can be used as nasal drops on their own. Between instillation procedures to enhance therapeutic effect Cotton turundas moistened with aloe juice, sage decoction or a solution of honey and water can be inserted into the nasal passages. Turundas are placed in the nasal cavity for 10-15 minutes; they can be inserted an unlimited number of times during the day.


With absence elevated temperature body can be connected to the treatment of green snot inhalation. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves and inhale its vapors for 20 minutes, covered with a towel.

Temperature before the procedure medicinal decoction should be 80 degrees.

For inhalation, you can prepare a mixture of onion, horseradish and garlic. Vegetables are chopped using a meat grinder, brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, the vapors of the broth should be inhaled under a towel.

Features of treatment for pregnant women

Bacterial infection as the root cause of green snot is dangerous during pregnancy. It may affect normal development fetus The most unfavorable in this regard are the 1st and 3rd trimesters.

Treatment of green snot in expectant mother the doctor is doing. It takes into account not only the fact of pregnancy, but also general state women and features of gestational age. Most drugs that are suitable for the treatment of complicated rhinitis are contraindicated for pregnant women.

You cannot use nasal sprays and drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, as they affect the general blood flow in the placenta, thereby disrupting the nutrition of the fetus. Vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed only if a woman stops breathing through her nose, then there is a risk of developing fetal hypoxia.

Nasal agents with an antibacterial effect are prescribed to expectant mothers, since they do not enter the general bloodstream of the body and do not penetrate to the fetus. However, their use should be supervised by a doctor.

Nasal rinsing in pregnant women can be done with Miramistin and solutions based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor). It is prohibited to use products containing iodine.


To prevent a runny nose, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  • avoid hypothermia, dress appropriately for the weather;
  • exercise, swim, walk more in the fresh air;
  • in the off-season, take a course of multivitamin complexes;
  • Treat the first symptoms of a cold in a timely manner.

Green snot is a sign of a bacterial infection. Regardless of the age and well-being of a person, they need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

At mild form The disease can be cured by rinsing the nose and using antiseptic drops and sprays. In more difficult situation The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drugs. Traditional medicine can complement drug treatment, but cannot replace it completely.

Useful video about the nature of nasal discharge

Runny nose is the most common disease respiratory tract. Accompanied by watery and colorless nasal discharge. If rhinitis is complicated by a bacterial infection, green mucus appears. The pathology occurs in both children and adults and requires immediate treatment. With strong immunity, the problem disappears on its own within 7 days, but when exposed to provoking factors, purulent runny nose becomes chronic and develops. serious complications. Used to treat green snot medications, allowing you to destroy the pathogen and alleviate the condition of the body. How to treat green snot? Let's figure it out.

Causes of green snot, what does it mean?

Nasal mucus secretion is natural physiological process, necessary for cleansing the mucous membrane, removing dust, allergens and pathogens. Normally, nasal secretions are watery, colorless and odorless. With a runny nose, the volume of discharge increases many times, and if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, green snot appears. The characteristic shade appears due to the presence of traces of the vital activity of microorganisms and the remains of dead lymphocytes.

There are many diseases causing the appearance thick green discharge. Most often thispurulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ARVI or bronchitis. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, pneumococci, and are often found in children. Staphylococcus aureus. Among the provoking factors are hypothermia, weakened immunity and chronic diseases ENT organs.

You can familiarize yourself with the list of anti-congestion drops.

The color of the discharge depends on the severity and duration of the disease. When infected and until the peak of the disease, they have green tint, then become yellow-green.

Treatment of pathology of purulent discharge

Before prescribing how to treat green snot, carry out a complex diagnostic studies to identify the causative agent of the pathology, its nature and severity. After this they appoint medications, aimed at both eliminating the pathogen and relieving symptoms. Treatment is prescribed in a limited course for up to 10 days, after which the drug or treatment regimen is changed.


For a purulent runny nose, several drugs are always prescribed at once, having different effects. As a rule, these are antibiotics and antiseptics to destroy infection, as well as vasoconstrictors and irrigants to ease breathing and nasal congestion.

Nasal rinsing

The irrigation or rinsing procedure helps remove secretions mechanically. There is active hydration of the mucous membrane, its protective functions. Rinsing is suitable even for small children; some preparations contain only natural ingredients and are also recommended for prevention and hygiene of the nasal cavity. The following remedies are used to treat green snot:

  • Dolphin– mineral-plant complex, the kit includes powder for creating a solution, a device for washing;
  • Aqua Maris– isotonic solution for rinsing based on sea water;
  • Aqualor– a mixture of purified and sea water for irrigation and nasal rinsing for children and adults;
  • Furacilinantimicrobial agent, available in tablet form;
  • Dioxidine– solution and ointment for external and internal use, the drug has an antibacterial effect and is rarely used.

When choosing an irrigation product, it is advisable to give preference to sprays that are easy to use and economical. If the drug is produced in the form of tablets, powder or solution, it is most convenient to use a kettle with a long spout or a syringe.

You can read the instructions for use of Aqualor.

Isotonic solutions for nasal irrigation are also used for hygiene and infection prevention during the spring-autumn period.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Aimed at reducing swelling caused by dysfunction vascular system against the background of a runny nose. Facilitates nasal breathing and relieves congestion. They are used in a strictly limited course and may cause addiction and side effects. Most drugs have a similar effect, differing only in composition, concentration and duration of effect. Popular vasoconstrictors:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Sanorin;

  • Galazolin;
  • Tizin.

Anticongestants are not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age; they should be used with caution during pregnancy. When treating chronic purulent runny nose, it is advisable to replace the drug after 7 days of therapy or take a break of 2 weeks.

Preparations with silver

To treat green snot, I actively use preparations based on colloidal silver. The drug is a powerful antiseptic, destroys pathogenic agents and forms a protective film on the surface of the mucosa. This reduces the risk of spreading infection and developing complications. Drugs in this group:

  • Protargol;
  • Sialor;
  • Collargol.

Properties active ingredients drugs.

The drugs are usually prepared in a pharmacy laboratory and are sold in finished form in separate components that must be mixed before direct use. Products containing colloidal silver can be used by young children; it is advisable to avoid such drugs during pregnancy.

You can read the instructions for using Corizalium.

Sulfonamide drugs

Before the advent of the first antibiotics, sulfonamide was the key substance to combat bacterial infections. Today similar drugs almost never used, since they have many contraindications and can cause side effects. Sulfur-based products should absolutely not be used during pregnancy, if chronic diseases liver and kidneys. The following sulfonamide medications are used to treat purulent rhinitis:

  • Streptocide;
  • Norsulfazole;
  • Albucid.

Have a powerful antibacterial actions, but are used in limited dosages for a short course. Depending on the form of release, they are used as part of a tamponade, for rinsing or instillation into the nose.

Until the opening of stronger ones chemical substances in pharmacology, it was sulfonamide that was used as part of chemotherapy for many systemic diseases. Today, drugs with this substance are prescribed only in extreme cases.


Antimicrobials are a key part drug treatment purulent rhinitis. They act directly on the pathogen and are taken in a short course of up to 10 days. For a runny nose, antibiotics are given local means, due to which they act on a specific area, have a stronger effect. Antibacterial sprays:

  • Bioparox;
  • Hexoral.

Despite the widespread use of Biaparox, it is practically impossible to find on sale. Like other products based on the antibiotic fusafungin, it was recalled from sale in Russia and European countries, as it causes serious allergic reactions.

Will combination medications help quickly get rid of green snot?

Since purulent rhinitis causes a number of symptoms, so as not to use several medicines, often used combination drugs, for example, Polydex. Available in the form of a nasal spray, it contains neomycin, phenylephride and dexamethasone.

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects. Suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic nasopharyngitis with abundant purulent discharge. It will help to quickly cure and get rid of green snot with pus and fever. Prescribed for children over 2.5 years old, contraindicated during pregnancy.

Phenylephrine is included in the list of drugs prohibited for sports; if detected in the blood, it is considered doping.

Will a bacterial vaccine (IRS-19) help treat green snot with fever?

An American-made drug that is aimed not at treatment, but at strengthening the body. The vaccine is available in the form of a 20 ml nasal spray. It is an immunomodulatory drug for the common cold based on bacterial lysates. Suitable for use in children over 3 months old, but only with the recommendation of a doctor.

IRS-19 causes a large number side effects. If the dosage is not followed, there is a risk of complications and a more severe infection. In case of overdose, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions.

How to cure with essential oil drops for adults

Oil drops for the nose soften the nasal mucosa and have a mild antibacterial effect, relieve breathing and congestion. The composition contains natural ingredients, so there is a possibility of allergies when hypersensitivity body. Prescribed for the treatment of purulent runny nose in children. Effective drops with essential oils

  • Pinosol;
  • Cameton.

These drugs are extremely effective in the presence of green snot, since the essential oil helps thin the mucus and reduces the viscosity of nasal secretions. The duration of treatment should be no more than 7 days.

Read more about Pinosol drops.

How to get rid of discharge with pus using traditional methods at home

If acute purulent rhinitis appears in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the disease cannot be tolerated on your feet. Despite the opportunity to continue labor activity, you definitely need to take sick leave and be in comfortable conditions.


It can be completely avoided if you follow a number of simple preventive measures. Basic preventive measures:

  • maintain nasal hygiene, carry out preventive rinsing with sea water;
  • strengthen the immune system during periods of exacerbation respiratory diseases increase vitamin intake;
  • avoid prolonged hypothermia;
  • adjust your diet so that your diet is complete and balanced;
  • promptly treat infectious diseases;
  • get enough sleep, follow a work and rest schedule.

If one of the family members develops an infectious runny nose, it is advisable to protect him from the rest to avoid infection. Also, during pregnancy and during seasonal illnesses, it is recommended to wear a respiratory mask when visiting a hospital or public place.


This video will tell you about the causes of green snot and how to treat it.


  1. Green snot is a sign of an infectious runny nose, caused by infection of the respiratory tract with pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Medications are used for treatment local action. The most effective are rinsing agents, vasoconstrictors and oil drops, antibiotics in spray form.
  3. Folk remedies can only be additional way treatment of rhinitis. The most effective home methods are rinsing saline solution, instilling juice , acupressure faces.
  4. A runny nose with characteristic green snot can be avoided. To do this, you need to limit contact with the pathogen, strengthen the immune system, promptly treat all infections and prevent hypothermia.

Snot is a mucous accumulation secreted from the nasal cavity, which is produced by the mucous membrane. They consist of secretion mixed with protein and salt.

The color and thickness may vary; from time to time, inclusions of pus and blood are noticed. Small accumulations of mucus are in no way considered a pathology, but thick green snot indicates the development of the disease.


Why does pathology appear? The formation of green mucus in the nasal cavity is associated with the presence of leukocytes, which have the ability to combat the development of pathogenic microflora.

Agents of infection die along with leukocytes. At high level the presence of leukocytes in the mucus, the secretion takes on a green tint.

Diseases that are accompanied by the presence of green mucous discharge:

  • Bacterial persistent runny nose. During illness, yellow-green ones are released. The patient suffers from difficulty in nasal breathing, regular migraines, elevated body temperature with chills.
  • Sinusitis and sinusitis. During the process of inflammation, green snot appears in the sinuses, which cannot be eliminated with lightning speed. Symptoms get worse an unpleasant feeling in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, high fever, weakness, nasal congestion and difficulty sleeping.
  • ARVI. Green discharge accompanied by high fever, coughing, the urge to sneeze - long-term companions of respiratory diseases.
  • Bronchitis. The main signs of bronchitis are green snot and coughing. At first the cough will be dry, then it will become wet and sputum will come out. Other symptoms: increased body temperature, aching muscles, chills. A strong process of inflammation develops.
  • Meningitis. Accompanying the disease are vomiting, chills, very high fever, powerful headache, aversion to bright light, weak neck muscles, nasal discharge, convulsions.
  • Pharyngitis. Symptoms: green snot, pain in the throat, sore ears, weakness.

There are many diseases that are accompanied by green discharge. It is important to get diagnosed medical institution to determine the root cause.

Most often, the cause of the problem lies in the entry of infections into the human body.


In many cases treatment persistent runny nose with green discharge comes down to eliminating bacterial forms rhinitis

A set of procedures is prescribed: the use of nasal drops, rinses, inhalations. Combine techniques traditional treatment medicines with folk remedies.

Treatment with medications

There is a universal conservative method of dealing with green snot - the nose is washed using compositions with cleansing and rinsing. Rinsing the nose allows the secretions to become thinner, making it easier to natural process removal of mucus.

After rinsing the nose, you can use other means: drops, sprays - and their effectiveness will increase. Antiseptic solutions, used to clear the nose, can eliminate bacteria.

Washings are divided into groups depending on the age of the patient:

  1. Children under two years of age. The antiseptic is administered using a pipette. Next, suck out the liquid secretion with a syringe or nasal aspirator.
  2. Older children and adult patients. Drawing in liquid through the palm.
  3. You can rinse your nose with a syringe or a syringe that does not have a needle. The pharmacy buys a special teapot for these purposes.

Common preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity, which are used in medical practice, in order to get rid of pathology:

  • Medicines in the form of a spray or nasal drops based on sea water. There are Aqualor, Sialor, AquaMaris, saline solution.
  • Dolphin is a drug with complex effects. The composition contains salts and useful elements. Additional components: rose hips and licorice root. The medicine does not allow the secretions to thicken, and a natural outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity occurs.
  • Furacilin solution. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from tablets.
  • A solution of iodine tincture in alcohol - two drops of the product in a full glass of water.
  • Dioxidin is a drug with effective action against germs.

In addition to rinsing the nose for diseases that are accompanied by the presence of green discharge, nasal sprays or nasal drops are prescribed:

  • Constricting blood vessels - makes it easier to breathe through the nose, eliminates swelling, and does not dry out the mucous membrane. They have a huge list side effects, are addictive, cannot be used for a long time. They are distinguished: Naphthyzin, Dlyanos, Tizin.
  • Protargol - contains silver, has an antimicrobial effect, and an astringent consistency. Used to treat bacterial rhinitis. Prescribed with extreme caution, as it is harmful to accumulate in human body silver.
  • Albucid – sulfa drug, which is more often used as eye drops. However, it is also used to treat a runny nose with green discharge. It has a powerful effect comparable to antibiotics.
  • Antibiotics in the form of nasal drops quickly cope with the problem. There are Isofra and Bioparox.
  • IRS-19 is a bacterial type vaccine with local influence. Allows immunoglobulins to be actively produced.
  • Polydexa and analogues – combined agents, which contain antibacterial drugs, components that reduce inflammation and constrict blood vessels.
  • Funds based essential oils. Possess antiseptic properties, make breathing through the nose easier. There are Pinosol and Kameton.

In order to enhance the effect of therapy, first use agents to constrict blood vessels or preparations for rinsing the nose, then irrigate nasal cavity spray or drops that fight bacteria. This will make it possible to eliminate mucus and swelling so that the product penetrates deeper.

Traditional methods

You can also treat green snot in an adult using home medicine methods. Best to do complex therapy: take medications in combination with home medicine. All measures are coordinated with the doctor.

Unconventional treatment of green snot consists of several types therapeutic measures: rinsing, instillation, inhalation.

Nasal rinsing

Brine. Take a glass clean water and add a small spoon of salt, mix thoroughly. Washing is done three times a day. The water should be heated, but not hot.

Propolis. Setting on this product is added to the water, add a spoonful of salt.

Calendula. Take the leaves of this plant and add a glass to them hot water. Let it brew for thirty minutes.

Homemade nasal drops

Take Kalanchoe or aloe juice and dilute it with water in a one to one ratio. Place three drops in each nostril. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

Sometimes solutions are made in which both plants will be present at the same time - this will allow you to cure the disease faster.

Some use the introduction of cotton turundas (gauze swabs), which are moistened in the juice of Kalanchoe, sage or honey with water. Turundas are immersed in the nasal cavity for fifteen minutes, then removed. The used tampon must be disposed of. The procedure can be repeated many times, there are no restrictions.


If the body temperature does not exceed the norm, then inhalations can be used.

A solution of chamomile or eucalyptus is poured into the nebulizer. You can purchase ready-made solutions for inhalation at the pharmacy. If there is no device (nebulizer), you can traditionally breathe over a bowl of boiling broth, covered with a blanket. Be careful not to burn your face with the steam.

Therapy during pregnancy

When pregnant women are exposed to bacteria that cause green snot, there is a risk to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. Infection may affect the process proper development fetus

Treatment of pathology can only be carried out by a doctor; self-therapy is prohibited. The doctor should pay attention not only to the progress of pregnancy, but also to the condition of the expectant mother as a whole, taking into account the gestational age. Many drugs that fight complex rhinitis are not suitable for women during pregnancy.

Drugs that constrict blood vessels are strictly contraindicated, as they affect the blood flow of the placental circle and disrupt the feeding process of the fetus. These drugs can be prescribed only in a situation where a woman’s nasal breathing stops completely - in order to avoid the possibility of fetal hypoxia.

Antibacterial agents for irrigating the nasal cavity can be prescribed to pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the components of the drug will not penetrate the blood circulation, and therefore will not reach the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs. Independent use in this situation is dangerous.

Nasal rinsing with drugs containing sea ​​salt. Iodized preparations should not be used.

Prevention measures

In order to protect yourself from the appearance or recurrence of complicated rhinitis, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • Don't get too cold. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
  • Play sports.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Balance your diet.
  • Flu and colds should be treated with early stages without causing complications.

Based on these rules, we can conclude that the basis healthy body– maintaining a correct lifestyle. Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco.
