Thistle - magical properties. The magical properties of thistle: how to use this prickly herb against the evil eye

The magical properties of thistle have been known for a long time. Thanks to its sharp needles, it has always been considered a universal protective talisman, which protects against vampires, devils, poltergeists and various types of energy attacks. Nowadays, those who are interested in magic continue to use it in various ways.

The magical properties of thorny thistle

The word “thistle” has ancient Slavic roots, and literally means “to alarm the devil”, “to scare the devil”. This name clearly reflects its magical purpose. In Scottish culture, this plant occupies absolutely special place– it was even placed on the coat of arms. This is believed to reflect the misanthropy, defiance and vindictiveness of the state.

It is believed that a herb such as thistle is used in magic primarily as a talisman for homes against evil spirits. To do this, a stem with a flower was hung above the entrance to the house - it was believed that this would prevent one person from entering the room. evil spirit.

In ancient times, when people were afraid of witches and sorcerers even after their death, it was customary to plant thistles on their graves, which protected both the world of the living and the afterlife from negative influence dead magician. Moreover, this action prevented the devils from dragging the soul of the unfortunate person to Hell.

It is believed that thistle can not only cause wounds, but also accelerate their healing. Therefore, thistle was also used in magic as a healing potion.

In ancient times, many people carried thistles with them as a talisman: after all, neither a vampire, nor a witch, nor a ghoul could get close to such a person. Thistle was also used in the rites of exorcism - expelling a demon that has taken possession of a person. It, along with other ingredients, was added to a special potion that helped the priest cope with evil spirits.

Thistle for the evil eye and damage

This plant provides universal protection to those who have been hit by an energy blow of varying strength - the evil eye or damage. There were several ways to fight.

If the residents of a house believed that an evil spirit had settled in the house, or that someone in the household was damaged, it was customary to fumigate the room with smoke from the dried flowers of this plant set on fire. It is worth noting that this is quite unpleasant procedure: Acrid smoke has a very specific smell and for a long time persists in the room, even if it is thoroughly ventilated.

Another way to combat damage is quite simple: if you take dried flower thistle and wrap the hair of the person on whom the energy impact was applied, the evil eye or damage will return to the one who caused it. However, here it is important to follow the smallest instructions for carrying out the ritual: the flower must be cut personally by the person who needs the amulet and strictly on the hot afternoon before the new moon. This must be done alone. One flower is worn for a whole year, then a new one is cut, and until the next year and the beginning of the lunar cycle, you need to have both copies with you. When will it come new Moon, the old flower should be burned, but before that it should be thanked for its help. Every year you need to burn one old flower and add one new one in its place. Each flower absorbs the power of its predecessors, which is why such a talisman becomes more powerful over the years.

A herb like thistle not only relieves the evil eye and damage, but is also a preventive measure. In other words, you can get yourself a thistle color as a quality without waiting for a bad situation to occur.

Remember that thistle is a powerful plant and should only be used for simple self-defense by a beginner in magical matters.

Do you know that nature (or the Higher Powers) has provided remedies for humans from any ailment, energy remedies are no exception?

People who have fallen under, painfully seek help in magical rites, turn to the Church, not suspecting that every day they literally trample underfoot something that can cure them instantly.

We are talking about herbs that sometimes grow stoically in the most inappropriate places.

They break through the shackles of asphalt and slabs, trying to catch the eye of the suffering, to suggest a simple answer to their “complex” question.

Naturally, the herb against the evil eye is far from a panacea. Internal work is needed, getting rid of one’s own negative ideological postulates.

But the medicinal leaves and stems themselves will help in restoring normal energy balance.

For the most curious, let’s say right away that magically, protective herbs reveal themselves. They have a very distinct little spicy aroma(not everyone).

But any herb with a pleasant smell, even not mentioned in the article, has a certain effect on human energy. And now about each in more detail.

Shot-grass familiar to many from legend.

She talks about how Archangel Michael delivered the world from the evil spirits hidden in the thickets of this wondrous plant.

He saw the scoundrels and put them to flight. Demons and other creatures fell straight into Hell. They remembered their shame for all time.

And now they shun the arrow grass as if it were pure fire.

This wonderful plant is dried and kept in the house. It drives away negativity. It is also used to treat cattle. Yes, and it helps with wounds.

But how to distinguish it from other representatives of vegetation? Most likely, in different areas completely different herbs have a similar name.

So, a real shoot - the grass looks like it was shot through with a fiery sword. According to this sign they are looking for her.

St. John's wort, according to sorcerers of all nations, has incredible power.

It helps against the evil eye and damage, and cures many diseases.

It should be collected on Ivan Kupala. If you hang a bouquet at home, you won’t have to think about the evil eye.

Sun Grass– Elecampane is strong with its roots.

It, if dug up and dried correctly, helps break any spell.

They sewed a piece of root into a shirt. It was believed (and it is true) that elecampane helps protect relationships from the bad influences.

Helps a lot of people thyme.

This herb is used against an angry brownie, to protect one’s nest from anger and envy.

Thyme works well together with its plant relatives. A bouquet of this herb with yarrow and fern is made to protect against aggression.

If you have rowdy neighbors living nearby, then be sure to get such a natural ikebana.

For a long time in Rus' people have been using wormwood.

She not only harmful insects drives away, but also evil spirits.

Just one branch needs to be hung above the front door or placed in a beautiful vase. This way the house will be protected from unkind people and other entities.

It is customary to highlight separately Chernobyl.

Although it is a species of wormwood.

This grass is collected on Midsummer's Day. It will help maintain health spoiled by the evil eye or envy from the outside.

Herb against the evil eye - thistle

When studying the topic “Herbs from the evil eye”, one cannot ignore the plant, in the name of which the name of the evil eye is clearly heard. This is a special herb.

And she stands out in appearance. Attracts everyone's attention.

Some people think thistle is beautiful and put it in bouquets, while others find it disgusting. Only his main advantage is not at all in his appearance.

Another name for the herb more reflects the essence of its effects. They call it a palace.

Chertogon was a must to take with you on a long journey. He helped avoid many misfortunes.

And for a personal talisman they used its juice. They soaked a handkerchief with it, and then secured the result with wax and incense.

The ritual is secret. It is carried out only by knowledgeable, strong people.

And the future is invited to pick some thistles, place them under the pillow and not take them out for seven days. Only after this do they begin the ritual.

Sometimes the palace is called grandfather. This is a special honor, the dedication of the plant to the Powerful and Wise Perun.

It is clear that the power hidden within him is irresistible to the evil spirits.

If you keep thistles at home, there will be fewer scandals, the brownie will be more docile, people who are unfriendly or simply ogling will begin to avoid your yard (apartment).

If nightmares interfere with normal life, then you need to collect a bouquet of this herb and place it at the head of the bed. You will sleep peacefully.

How to use grass to remove negativity

The plants themselves, placed or hung at home, work as amulets. They drive away evil spirits.

And in order to clean the field from the evil eye caught on the street or in another place, special rituals are needed.

Some of them will relieve you of nervousness or suspicion, worries, others will help restore your health, and others will harmonize relationships.

If the evil eye has affected your thoughts. They became pessimistic, nervous, panicky.

  1. St. John's wort is required. You can collect it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy.
  2. Make a powder from the dried herb.
  3. Place a little in a canvas bag under your pillow. (Sometimes they buy a special roller filled with herbs). The rest must be added to drinks (tea, coffee).

The grass is added with the words:

“I am collecting the power of the earth! I drive away the evil one! St. John's wort will defeat any devil and return me happiness!”

These same words must be said before going to bed. Treatment lasts up to seven days.

Usually a person immediately understands that he has gotten rid of the evil eye. Returns to him good mood, dreams become bright.

To remove the malaise caused by the evil eye, you need to collect a bouquet of twigs of thistle, fern, and spruce.

They hit themselves on the head (crown) with the words:

“I drive out the crows with a black fight. Crows of black, angry, dissatisfied! Go for a walk and don’t remember the Servant of God (name)! Amen!"

Repeat three times.

If envy affects relationships loving people, then remember the root of elecampane.

It must be washed thoroughly and sewn into a canvas bag.

Then it is worn near the heart for three days. After that, he should be next to the couple.

It is necessary that both people step over the spine at least thirteen times a day.

For example, it can be placed under the threshold.

People have long known about the magical properties of some plants. One such plant is the thistle, whose flowers are believed to have special power- do not allow evil spirits into your home. For magical protection grass was placed under the threshold, secured around front door and on the shutters. According to our ancestors, it could protect against various slander, protect against damage and people who could be jinxed. It is not for nothing that people gave it the name thistle - “scaring devils”, “thistle”.

Botanical description

Thistle belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a herbaceous perennial with a thick stem, strong rhizome and spiny leaves. Grows as a weed in meadows and roadsides in Europe, Asia, North Africa. Some species reach two meters or more.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. Thistle flower is small, it looks very impressive in dry bouquets. The colors are very bright - mostly crimson, purple and pink shades, sometimes blue. The unusual beautiful color of this plant even gave the name to one of the shades in the color scale; it is called the color of thistle.

In total, about 120 species of this herb are found in nature. Some of them are so decorative that they are used in landscape design:

  • lactic;
  • curly;
  • drooping.

Because of the way thistles look, they can be planted as a solitary plant in flower beds. The only drawback- it grows quickly and is difficult to eradicate, so you need to constantly monitor the growth of the plant.

In addition, thistle has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine

Medicinal properties

Thistle is afraid not only of evil spirits, but also various diseases. For treatment, flowers and leaves are used, which are successfully used for the following diseases:

  • viral and colds;
  • asthma and spasms in the bronchi;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • cirrhosis and hepatitis.

In winter and spring period When the body is in a weakened state and suffers from a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to use a decoction of thistle herb. Medicinal properties plants allow it to be used even for pregnant women and infants. For example, tea is prepared from it, which helps with shortages breast milk, enhances lactation.

Since ancient times, this herb has been known as a plant that helps with liver diseases; poultices from the herb have been used to get rid of skin diseases, rash, psoriasis.

Use in magic

Our ancestors believed that the plant has enormous magical properties. Thistle was used as a ritual plant; amulets and herbal dolls were made from it - it was believed that they had enormous protective power. The simplest amulet- a plant branch tied with hair. To do this, the plant had to be cut at noon during the waxing moon. This amulet protects against negative impact, damage, returns evil to the offender.

Previously, a mantle was always planted on the grave of the deceased; people believed that its roots would protect the deceased, or rather, his soul, and would not allow devils to enter the coffin and drag the soul of the deceased to hell for the sins that he had committed during his lifetime.

When changing your place of residence or church holidays it was necessary to carry out a ritual to cleanse the house of evil spirits, negativity, and anger. To do this, the grass was collected and dried, then it was set on fire and the smoking grass was passed around all the rooms. After that, it was left outside the house so that it could smolder until the end.

If damage or the evil eye was suspected, a person was put to sleep on a pillow stuffed with dry thistle and St. John's wort. Church candles were placed near the head of the bed and lit every night for seven days.

It is also believed that the flower helps to see prophetic dreams . To do this, you need to prepare a decoction by mixing equal quantities of lavender and thistle flowers with mimosa and fern rhizomes. The collection is boiled for 20 minutes; you can stir it only with a silver spoon. If you take such a decoction before bed for three days, then on the last night you will definitely have a prophetic dream that will tell you in detail about the future.

Having planted the prickly beauty on personal plot, you can get not only a decorative garden decoration, but also a useful medicinal plant, which also protects the house and its residents from negative influences.

The magical properties of thistle have been known for a long time. Thanks to its sharp needles, it has always been considered a universal protective talisman that protects against vampires, devils, poltergeists and various types of energy attacks. Nowadays, those who are interested in magic continue to use it in various rituals.

The word “thistle” has ancient Slavic roots, and literally means “to alarm the devil”, “to scare the devil”. This name clearly reflects its magical purpose.

In Scottish culture, this plant occupies a very special place - it was even placed on the coat of arms. This is believed to reflect the misanthropy, defiance and vindictiveness of the state.

It is believed that a herb such as thistle is used in magic primarily as a talisman for homes against evil spirits. To do this, a stem with a flower was hung above the entrance to the house - it was believed that this would prevent one evil spirit from entering the room.

In ancient times, when people were afraid of witches and sorcerers even after their death, it was customary to plant thistles on their graves, which protected both the world of the living and the afterlife from the negative influence of the deceased magician. Moreover, this action prevented the devils from dragging the soul of the unfortunate person to Hell. It is believed that thistle is capable of not only inflicting wounds, but also accelerating their healing. Therefore, thistle was also used in magic as a healing potion. Many in ancient times carried thistle with them as a talisman: after all, neither a vampire, nor a witch, nor a ghoul could get close to such a person. It was also used in exorcism rituals - expelling a demon that has taken possession of a person. thistle. It, along with other ingredients, was added to a special potion that helped the priest cope with evil spirits.

Thistle for the evil eye and damage

This plant provides universal protection to those who have been hit by an energy blow of varying strength - the evil eye or damage. There were several ways to fight. If the residents of a house believed that an evil spirit had settled in the house, or someone in the household was damaged, it was customary to fumigate the room with smoke from the dried flowers of this plant set on fire. It is worth noting that this is a rather unpleasant procedure: the acrid smoke has a very specific smell and remains in the room for a long time, even if it is thoroughly ventilated. Another way to combat damage is quite simple: if you take a dried thistle flower and wrap the hair of the person on it around it. an energy impact was caused, the evil eye or damage will return to the one who caused it. However, here it is important to follow the smallest instructions for carrying out the ritual: the flower must be cut personally by the person who needs the amulet and strictly on the hot afternoon before the new moon. This must be done alone.

One flower is worn for a whole year, then a new one is cut, and until the next year and the beginning of the lunar cycle, you need to have both copies with you. When the new moon comes, the old flower should be burned, but before that it should be thanked for its help. Every year you need to burn one old flower and add one new one in its place. Each flower absorbs the power of its predecessors, which is why such a talisman becomes more powerful over the years.

A herb like thistle not only relieves the evil eye and damage, but is also a preventive measure. In other words, you can have the thistle color as a talisman without waiting for a bad situation to occur.

Remember that thistle is a powerful plant and should only be used for simple self-defense by a beginner in magical matters.

Video: The magical properties of mirrors

Video: The magical properties of a broom

Video: Magical properties of a broom, signs and conspiracies To get rid of negativity and failures

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The herbaceous plant milk thistle, or as it is also called - marin thistle, is found almost throughout the entire territory of the CIS countries. About him beneficial properties has long been known among traditional medicine healers, and it is officially recognized by traditional medicine as unique remedy for the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of milk thistle is truly unique. Especially, it is necessary to highlight the presence of flavolignans in its seeds. These substances are hepatoprotectors that can improve metabolic processes in the liver, protect against irritating factors and promote rapid restoration of functions in case of damage, including after diseases of various etiologies.

Silybin is isolated from the flavolignans present in milk thistle. It is the one that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps the rapid processing of protein in the liver, prevents cell destruction and removes heavy metals and radionuclides.

Another isolated flavolignan is silymarin. It is extremely rare in nature. Research has proven its effectiveness against the occurrence and spread of cancer cells. It is capable of inhibiting and even eliminating the penetration of heavy poisons into cells.

The seed oil of this plant contains a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These include oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. After squeezing milk thistle oil, what remains is cake, or in other words, meal, which is very important for the production of medicines, as it contains vitamins B, E, K and carotenoids. Contains macro and micro elements, including almost the entire periodic table, and flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, resins, histamine, thiamine, fiber, essential oils and resins.

Application of milk thistle in various forms recommended by specialists of both traditional and alternative medicine, since the components included in the plant have a beneficial effect on the body and help with serious illnesses.

Milk thistle oil is used for mechanical and allergic damage to the skin. It is prescribed for severe external purulent infections and for bedsores. It is recommended to take it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

In composition, milk thistle oil is close to chemical composition sunflower oil. Creams and other products are produced on its basis. cosmetical tools with a moisturizing, healing and regenerative effect.

Plant meal contains great amount fiber. It is used as a cleanser for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for problems with cardiovascular system, because exactly high concentration polyunsaturated fatty acids affects lipid metabolism. Meal removes toxins and “bad” cholesterol. Has a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes.

Milk thistle in any dosage form used is capable of:

  • Improve metabolism;
  • Help in the restoration and regeneration of liver cells;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, facilitates the outflow of bile;
  • Improve digestive system and eliminate gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and;
  • Remove radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • Prevent development and spread oncological diseases;
  • Improve digestion and help fight overweight;
  • Normalize sugar levels and other manifestations of diabetes;
  • and strengthen blood vessels;
  • Eliminate skin diseases.

Traditional medicine recognized milk thistle as an effective medicinal plant in the 1970s. Extensive research has been carried out, which has led to the creation of several preparations based on milk thistle. Mostly official drugs are aimed at treating pathologies of the liver, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract. Popular drugs include: “Legalon”, “Leprotek”, “Geparsil”, “Silibor”, “Siliverin”, “Silimarol” and others - they are used for diseases, both chronic and infectious. They are included in complex therapy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions.

In 2002, WHO included milk thistle meal in the list of official hepatoprotective drugs.

Thanks to choleretic effect, milk thistle products are recommended for cholecystitis, stones gallbladder and inflammation in the spleen. Also used for problems genitourinary system- eliminates inflammation, infections, removes stones and sand from the kidneys.

Milk thistle preparation in the form of injections it is used as an antidote. It is capable of deadly destruction dangerous poisons and neutralize the toxic effects or consequences of poisoning. Based on these properties, the plant is recommended for patients with oncological problems and, in particular, those who have undergone chemotherapy to eliminate it negative effects.

Dermatologists prescribe ointments and creams based on milk thistle, for dermatoses of various etiologies, acne and lichen. Reduces the manifestations of vitiligo and helps with allergic rashes. Eliminates inflammation, itching, softens and promotes skin regeneration.

Milk thistle is available in different forms. In the form of tablets and capsules, phyto-collection, powder (meal), tea, tincture, syrup, injections. May be included in other medications. Seeds are sold separately.

ethnoscience uses this plant much more widely. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, teas, etc. are made from it. All parts of the plant are used, including leaves and roots.

The plant is used for such ailments as:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and salt deposition;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system (for example, anemia);
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • Problems of the liver, gall bladder and spleen;
  • Convulsions;
  • Infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fractures and injuries (as a quickly healing and regenerative agent);
  • Varicose veins;
  • Diseases oral cavity(stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

Milk thistle meal is a yellow-brown husk remaining after processing the seeds and cake when extracting the oil by extraction. That is, to process the remaining cake, they use high temperatures and organic solvents, after which meal remains. It contains a huge amount of fiber, flavolignans, oil residues (up to 3%), macro and microelements.

The release form is a bag of powder, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is used in the treatment of diseases as a dietary supplement, as well as in cooking as a food additive, and in cosmetology as a peeling.


Milk thistle oil is extracted by cold pressing and the resulting products are used for production capsulated drugs, and the extraction method during the secondary processing of cake. The oil obtained in this way is already sent to pharmacies and stores in the form we are familiar with.

As already mentioned, milk thistle oil has a strengthening and regenerating effect on liver cells. Eliminates toxic elements and substances entering the body. Activates metabolic processes, helps in the fight against excess weight, has a positive effect on reproductive function etc.

The oil has the following properties:

  • Hemostatic;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antitoxic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic.


Medicines are made from dry extract of milk thistle. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant, extracting with 80% ethyl alcohol. Then it is evaporated to a thick mass, fatty oils are removed using a chemical solution of carbon tetrachloride, evaporated to a dry residue and an extract is obtained. At home, it can be consumed in the form of tea, decoction, juice, tincture and powder.

To prepare milk thistle tea, you need 1 tsp. seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Tea can be mixed with any other medicinal herbs.

For alcohol tincture You will need a freshly harvested plant. It should be crushed and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse and store in a cool, dark place. closed. For each specific disease Prescriptions usually indicate the number of days for the medicine to infuse. It can vary from several days to several months. After the medicine has infused, it is filtered.

To obtain juice, take fresh leaves plants and passed through a juicer. If this is not possible, then grind it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender and squeeze it through several layers of gauze. The juice should be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Some recipes recommend adding 25 ml of alcohol per 500 ml of juice.

Decoctions prepared from seeds and rhizomes. To make a decoction of seeds, grind 30 grams of seeds into powder and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. In a water bath, evaporate the water by half and strain.

For a decoction of rhizomes, take 1 tbsp. raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Evaporate half the water in a water bath and filter. Then add water to the initial volume.

Powder obtained by grinding the seeds of the plant in a blender or any other way. Also, they are consumed without processing. Usually no more than 2 tbsp. in a day.

Milk thistle recipes

Milk thistle is not only used to treat diseases, but is also applicable in other areas. It is used in cooking, flour is made from it and meal is used to prepare various dishes. They also make very tasty honey from milk thistle. In cosmetology, various cosmetics are produced on its basis and used in aromatherapy.

There are a huge number of recipes for using milk thistle, but, of course, they are all associated with its unique medicinal properties. The list of diseases for which the plant is used in various forms is incredibly large. Can be used both externally and internally. There are several interesting and simple recipes that everyone can use:

  • If you are going to a party where you will drink alcohol, then before going out you can drink 1 tbsp. milk thistle meal, which will eliminate Negative consequences alcohol;
  • To improve metabolism, take 1 tsp of meal half an hour before breakfast;
  • To improve liver function and cleanse the blood, take 1 tsp of meal before bed;
  • You can eat salads with the addition of fresh milk thistle leaves, previously treated to remove thorns. This salad will improve the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the pancreas;
  • Baths with the addition of a decoction of the plant improve the quality of the skin, relieve inflammation and vitaminize the dermis.

In case of intoxication

Milk thistle helps well with intoxications of various etiologies. She is appointed to complex therapy for alcohol and drug addiction, for poisoning with medicines or food. Acts as an antidote even for severe poisoning, for example, toadstool. With caution, the doctor may prescribe it to a pregnant woman with severe toxicosis. As a preventive measure, milk thistle is drunk by people involved in chemical and radioactive production, as well as those living in environmentally contaminated areas.

For preventive cleansing the body of toxins apply next recipe: by 0.5 tbsp. kefir dissolve 1 tbsp. meal and drink in the morning every day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month.

For mushroom poisoning you need to take powder from crushed seeds in a coffee grinder or meal, 1 tsp. 5 times a day until full recovery. If the poisoning is severe, then you should take 1 des.l. 7-8 times.

For liver diseases

Milk thistle is currently the most effective natural preparation to cleanse and restore liver function. Moreover, it is used for serious serious illnesses such as cirrhosis, hepatitis of any degree, as well as chronic pathologies.

Recipe for liver restoration simple: you need to take milk thistle powder from crushed seeds, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals 3 p. in a day. The fourth dose should be taken between 1 and 3 am and washed down with burdock decoction, since at this time the liver works most actively. The result will be noticeable within a few days.

You can refer to the recipe from milk thistle and pumpkin seed oils: for this you will need to mix 200 ml of plant oil, 100 ml of oil pumpkin seeds and 5 drops of essential peppermint oil. Drink 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts 1 month.

For diabetes

Milk thistle contains some trace elements that can regulate the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, which is involved in the breakdown and regulation of blood sugar. Studies have proven that this plant affects not only the functioning of the pancreas, but also the liver, helping with diabetes mellitus early stages.

The fact is that the liver produces leukogen - the substance is converted into glucose, and milk thistle regulates the balance between the work of insulin, the production of leukogen and the energy exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The oil of this plant is used for diabetes as a natural sweetener. When consumed, blood sugar levels drop significantly. Of course, milk thistle is not a panacea for diabetes, but it can significantly make life easier for patients or prevent this disease.

For the prevention of diabetes mellitus you will need: 2 tbsp. Grind the seeds of the plant into flour and take 1 des.l. four times a day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month. After completing it, a break of two weeks is required and then another course follows.

For skin diseases

Externally, milk thistle is used for a number of skin diseases, including allergic rashes, acne, burns and frostbite, wounds and other damage to the dermis. Moreover, the plant perfectly fights infections and eliminates inflammatory processes, including purulent ones.

For burns and purulent wounds Compresses are usually used. To do this, treat the area where the skin is damaged. antiseptic drug and then apply a gauze compress soaked in milk thistle oil. Keep the compress under a bandage for 1-2 days. Carry out treatment until complete healing.

For lungs mechanical damage skin Use fresh leaves of the plant. To do this, you need to cut off the thorns from the leaves, grind them into pulp, roll them into a gauze compress and apply them to the wound. Usually, wounds heal on the second or third day.

At allergic rash helps next medicine from milk thistle:

  • 3 tbsp. l. crushed plant seeds;
  • 3 glasses hot water;
  • Pour in and cook until the water boils by 50%;
  • Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. each hour.

For weight loss

Problems excess weight arise for many reasons. Among them are accumulated toxins in the liver, diabetes, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle life, which leads to metabolic disorders, etc.

Milk thistle is used as a multi-purpose weight loss remedy. Its advantages are that it acts as an enterosorbent, cleansing the body of toxins, improves and accelerates metabolism, and does not cause allergic reactions, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

IN integrated approach in the fight against excess weight, use milk thistle meal and oil. Meal, cleansing the kidneys and liver of radionuclides and heavy metals and having a diuretic and laxative effect, it perfectly helps to get rid of extra pounds. The result can be observed both after two weeks of taking the meal and after several months. It all depends on body weight and individual characteristics of the absorption of this product. Usually take 1 tsp. powder 3 times a day.

Milk thistle oil removes cholesterol plaques, stimulates fat metabolism processes, which gives positive effect when losing weight. Take 1 tbsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals and wash down with 150 ml warm water. You can replace oil in salads with it, which is also effective.

You can also turn to milk thistle tea. For this you need 1 tsp. seeds pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. Drink hot in small sips of half a glass twice a day. You can add mint or linden to this tea.

Application in cosmetology

Milk thistle is widely used in cosmetology. Based on its oil extract, skin and hair care products are made, as it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Such funds can act as follows:

  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Accelerate the wound healing process;
  • Moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Improve complexion and get rid of age spots;
  • Reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Milk thistle remedies for cosmetic purposes Suitable for any skin type and have no allergic reactions, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Milk thistle oil is rich in “beauty vitamins” E, A, D, F, K:

  • A - improves the quality of the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity;
  • E - moisturizes skin;
  • F - promotes cell regeneration and tightens pores;
  • D - accelerates the absorption of calcium and magnesium, improves complexion;
  • K - normalizes blood circulation and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Nowadays, many cosmetic products based on milk thistle are produced, and it is quite affordable. But, you can use the oil extract yourself at home, either in its pure form or by mixing it with any other oils. It is used to make homemade cosmetics, creams, tonics, lotions, masks and applications.

To prepare face mask you should mix 2 tbsp. milk thistle oil and 1 tbsp. black cumin oil extract. Moisten a gauze pad and apply it to your face for half an hour. This mask eliminates inflammation, irritation and rashes. Helps well with acne. Can be used twice a day.

Milk thistle to get rid of age spots used like this: follow 4 tbsp. milk thistle oil extract mixed with 1 tsp. oils tea tree. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas 2 times a day. The result will be visible in two weeks. During this period, it is not advisable to be in the sun.

Milk thistle oil extract is very effective for hair, as it moisturizes, nourishes and gives a healthy shine. Strengthens hair follicles and prevents premature hair loss.

The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy and used in its pure form or prepared from it universal firming mask. For this you need 3 tbsp. mix base oil with 0.5 tsp. tea tree oil extract. Heat in a water bath and apply for half an hour along the entire length of the hair, including the scalp. Wash off with shampoo.

Contraindications and harm

Milk thistle, like any medicinal plant and everything derived from it dosage forms, have their own contraindications. In any case, you should always consult your doctor.

Contraindications include:
